#Queens dry cleaners
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acourtofquestions · 4 months ago
Kingdom of Ash Chapter 58
Chapter; Highlights
Not that there was much Elide could do.
Despite the generous gift of power that ran through the Lochan bloodline, she possessed no magic, no gifts beyond reading people and lying.
Rushed to get bandages, hot water, and whatever salves or herbs the healers calmly requested. None of them shouted. They only raised their voices, magic glowing bright around them, if a soldier was shrieking too loudly for their words to be heard.
The sun was barely over the horizon, judging by the light at the windows set high in the Great Hall, and so many already lay injured. So many. Still they kept coming, and Elide kept moving, her limp becoming a dull, then a sharp ache. A minor pain, compared to what the soldiers endured. Compared to what they faced on the battlements.
She didn't let herself think of her friends.
Didn't let herself think of Lorcan, who had not come to the chamber last night and had not sought them out this morning. As if he didn't want to be near her. As if he'd taken every hateful word she'd spoken to heart.
So Elide aided—and did not stop.
No, that magnificent horse trampled them, fearless and wicked, just as Chaol had predicted. A horse whose name meant butterfly
—stomping all over Valg foot soldiers.
Had his breath not been a rasp in his chest, Chaol might have smiled. Had men not been cut down around him, he might have laughed a bit, too.
But Morath was launching itself at the walls and gates with a furor they had not yet witnessed. Perhaps they knew who had come to Anielle and now hewed them down. Aelin and Rowan fought back-to-back, and Fenrys had plowed his way down the battlements to join Chaol by the second siege tower.
Morath, it seemed, did not think to surrender. Only to inflict destruction, to break into the keep and slaughter as many as they could before meeting their end.
His shield bloodied and dented, his horse a raging demon herself beneath him, Chaol kept swinging his sword. His wife lay within the keep behind him. He would not fail her.
Soon now. They'd win the field soon, and the song in his blood would quiet.
Part of him didn't want it to end, even as his body began to scream to rest.
Yet when the battle was done, what would remain?
Nothing. Elide had made that clear enough.
She loved him, but she hated herself for it.
He hadn't deserved her anyway.
She deserved a life of peace, of happiness.
He didn't know such things. Had thought he'd glimpsed them during the months they'd traveled together, before everything went to hell, but now he knew he was not meant for anything like it.
But this battlefield, this death-song around him ... This, he could do. This, he could savor.
The golden helmets of the khagan's army became clear, their fiery horses unfaltering.
Finer than any host he'd fought beside in a mortal kingdom. In many immortal kingdoms, too.
Obeying the death-song in his blood, Lorcan let his shields drop. He did not wish it to be easy. He wanted to feel each blow, see his enemy's life drain out beneath his sword.
The earth shook beneath thundering hooves, and arrows screamed overhead. Then there was roaring. And then blackness.
#Chapter 58#Kingdom of Ash#Sarah J. Maas#Elide Lochan#Yrene Towers#Nesryn Faliq#Salkhi#I love Salkhi#Sartaq#Chaol Westfall#Lorcan Salvaterre#First Read along with me NO SPOILERS PLEASE though warning for post & tags up to KoA 58 & more reacts/notes/quotes in tags below#No power; um Reading & lying is a skill though she’s brilliant she doesn’t need power-I love that they don’t shout-waiting for Sunrise —#—Okay where’s elide?there she is?what was with the ending?What??Where?Go!Eretia aww she came too! —smart children for Mala#The heart-realizing it-DID NOT STOP-Farasha lol Hellas Butterfly-YESROWAELIN literally have each others backs-the color scheme—#—of this cinematically with the dark colors against gold in the rising sun *chefs kiss* would be perfection-please don’t bring in spiders?#so how did that work btw with Falkan & the age & not recognized?Hope!!! DAMNThe dam!Water AND fire Noooo! YAS NESRYN&SALKHI! My bbs!#Just turn it to steam Aelin! Iron all the clothes lol she’d make a great dry cleaner! Whitethorn & the Queen inch by inch the land is their#song of war-then quiet-What would remain?She loved him she hated herself for it and he didn’t deserve it-You2can have peace too Lorcy#Fiery horses?better but still bad…LORCAN DONT U DARE!lion & death roaringNo armorNo prisonersjust war echoesold woundsThe#aftermath of forgotten thingsWhite banners-Next next time-She’s a good learner-The tower Westfall#The would not fail Celaena paralell along with then it is not the end THATS MY WIFE#Lorcan and the lion them all working together Fenrys and chaol or Sartaq signs to Nesryn#get back in line hold the line she held the line#told him not to run but to fight. — I don’t think we can trust the so called gods of these books anymore
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opus-ny · 26 days ago
Dry Cleaners Pick Up and Delivery in Queens
Get hassle-free dry cleaners pick-up and delivery in Queens with our reliable service. We handle everything from stain removal to fresh pressing, ensuring your clothes look their best. Enjoy convenience, quality, and quick turnaround—all from the comfort of your home. Schedule your pick-up today for expert garment care at your doorstep!
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lchufflepuffcorn · 12 days ago
Nesting head canon
Requested here by the 🥰anon!
Note : I've changed computer and now I don't know how this thing works. I'm so sorry if anything happens, I'll try to correct any mistake as soon as possible! Keep in mind that English is not my first language, so be kind if you want to correct me (or else😶‍🌫️).
Dragon!Hybrid masterlist
Warning : Minor DNI. Spicy content ahead, consider yourselves warned. Aemond : Mention of penetration (reader receiving) Laenor : Mention of penetration (Character receiving). Fingering (Baela Recieving). Dry-humping (Jacaerys doing it). Sub-ish Laenor cuz I can. No official gender references for the reader.
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Nesting™ for Aemond is not something that will change his way of acting toward you, not to the outsiders eyes, anyway. He’s pretty minimalistic in his approach. He’ll spend more time with you, touching your shoulders or the small of your back more often. Fleeting touches of his fingers brushing yours as you walk before wrapping your arms to his. If he even thinks that he saw you shiver from the cold, he will give you his jacket/cape/scarf/etc menacingly. He’s clingier, in the way that before, he could manage to have you roam all of the King’s Landing castle with only people at his booth giving him notes on your whereabouts. When he’s nesting, he has to have you next to him, or if he really cannot be with you, with Helaena. He doesn’t trust anyone else with you but his sister, his sister’s guards (because she’s the princess, and then the queen) and himself. 
He will rearrange the chambers and keep it cleaner than it already is during that period of time. The cushions would be comfortable, soft, the linens clean and fresh at all times. The room (especially the bedchamber) would smell of your favourite scent, the bed itself would have draps covering it from unwanted eyes, but shear enough so that the room outside would be visible if any kind of lights are lit. Aemond would also make sure that you are fed enough, going as far as to have snacks readily prepared for you next to the bed. 
I also see Aemond being softer with you when he’s nesting. 
Kisses shared as he moved inside of you, hands caressing your face, you chest, hips then legs, as if Aemond doesn’t know where to place his hands the most. The candlelights make his eyes shine with more adoration that you’ve seen from him than he’s had for weeks now. His hair, stuck in a braid you’ve treaded falling over his shoulder swinging with each wave made by the movements of your bodies intermingled together. His patch still ornating his face, he shivers and sighs when your lips leave his and trail all over his face. His hips still when you reach the dark patch over his maimed eye. 
“Qelos…” He breathes his pleas softly, one of his hands reaching for your face, putting a bit of distance between the two of you to examine your face. 
“I want to see you.” Your voice nearly makes him whine (weak, Vhagar growls at the voice in his mind). Aemond’s breath hitches when you make the two of you roll over to sit on his lap. He can feel himself piercing deeper into the warmth of your body, and the prince let his face fall in the crook of your neck, a soft moan of your name escaping him. 
Using his moment of inattention, you slip the patch covering his eye off of his head, leaving it on the pillow behind him. You kiss his scar, the corner of his eye, words of praise mingling with sighes of pleasure. Aemond could never imagine a more perfect being as you. 
To Baela, nesting is the way to confirm and end a courtship. She knows that it will come back multiple times in her life and that it’s also used to achieve the catch of future hatchling within her. She could become pregnant outside of nesting season, but it’s easier when she is then when she’s not. And it’s a big deal to her. Everything needs to be perfect, she has to show you how good she would be to your hatchlings. Hence, she’ll pull all the stops. 
Baela would learn to crochet if you shivered, she’d hunt for a fur to add to your collection. Banquets would only serve food you like, your room would be cleaned and redecorated to fit the latest interest you’ve shone toward anything really. You would only find the softest material on the bed, and she would have upped the security of it with guards posting at the door and down the hall. She probably will also have hidden dagguers in many places, just in case. She's not clingy in public, but she cannot take her hands off of you in private, and she gets scary angry when someone interrupts your private session. 
You could never had been prepared to the dichotomy of Baela’s character as you were busying your fingers inside of her, pumping softly, kissing her shoulders as she writhed under you, moaning praises to you wantonly, and the snarl that echoed throught your bed chambers, freezing you in your position when her father (whom you hadn’t heard knock, if he had done so) entered your space. 
He didn’t seem bothered by the lack of cloathing he found you in, nor did he seem impressed by his eldest daughte’s fury. He spoke in valeryan, which you couldn’t understand, and promptly covered baela and yourself with the furs scattered on the bed. Baela spat something back to her father, dragon wings popping into existence, shielding you from further sight. Daemon rolled his eyes, added something that made your lover huff before he left, giving you a proud(?) look. 
“What was that about?” You asked once the door of the room was closed once more. Baela only sighed, plopping down on the soft pillows, her leathery wings sprawled on each side of her. 
“Father had been searching for us, the servants didn’t want to bother entering our room, they had an invitation to a banquet to announce. He thought he would be best if he told the news instead.” You nodded at her explanation. 
“And was it? Best, I mean.” 
Baela’s gaze fell on you, her eyes roaming over your naked body for a second before she shook her head. 
“Don’t worry your pretty head over it, my brave Rider. Dragons have respect for other dragons, and their mates.”
She rose from her lying position, trapping your face with her hands and kissing you, not letting you wonder about the meaning of her words much longer before starting your previous activities once more. 
To Jace, nesting is all about your comfort. He becomes much more overbearing and worried about your wellbeing, even in moments that aren’t warranting it. If you didn’t spend much time apart to begin with, say goodbye to your alone time altogether at this point. 
He doesn’t let anyone else touch you, even your help, he’ll wash you. Hell, he’d spoon-feed if you’d let him (you’re not). And if he could justify it, you wouldn’t leave the bedchambers at all. There is no reason why Luke and/or Rhaena would need your attention more than he does!  
Jace’s nest would be one of the more chaotic ones, however. Sure, it’s made out of the nicest materials he could find, and all of your favourite things surrounding it, but it’s not in your bed, rather in the room that contains all of your clothes, behind the bed, where it’s more protected. It’s on the ground (but he’s made a soft surface so that it’s comfortable, he’s not an animal!!) and he freaks out everytime a servant tries to go inside the small space during his nesting period. 
“I still don’t understand why the bed is not acceptable.” You were muttering, neck thrown back as he placed a multitude of kisses on the skin of your neck, careful not to leave any (visible) marks there. A grumble left his chest, his dragon’s tail swapping the air around you 
“Safe.” He (or maybe it was Vermax) muttered against the skin of your neck, not even bothering to look up at you. You hummed, letting your hands tangle with his hair, eliciting a purr from him. 
“I know it’s safe, but from what? There’s about a thousand knights sworn to your mother present on the castle’s ground alone.” You teased. 
Unpleased by your words, Jace nipped at your shoulder, purring at the small sound of pleasure that made past your lips. He pressed his clothed body against yours, letting you feel his hardness as he rubbed himself on one of your legs. “Jewels need to be protected.” He breathed softly, teeth playing with the lobe of your ear. You hummed, contracting your leg to tease him. 
“Of course, darling.” It was no use to try and have him make sense right now.  
With Laenor it changed after the fiasco of his first nesting with you. But he always was very present and protective with you, making sure you were comfortable and had everything you would need at any point in reach. When he’s younger, he would muddle the courting rituals and the nesting instincts. 
Laenor was quite proud of this year’s nesting. He’d rearrange your shared bedroom so that the pile of comfortable and plushie material that usually served as a nest was in the corner, with  good sight on the door and an easy acces to the hidden door. He’d even had you scent (unknowingly) his favourite dress shirt. And now, he had you pounding into him, dripping sweat and puffing warm air into his neck and he purred incessantly. 
You’d willingly meet him inside of the nest, without asking questions and without having him coaxing you inside of it either. It was the first time it happened. You were becoming quite knowledgeable in dragonkin tendancies as time passed. A far cry from the child you were, unsure and hesitant about every action you did. 
“Ah… How come it’s with me you spent that time?” You asked, breath coming out short, his back arching as he felt your appendage hit his prostate repeatedly, a string of moans cutting his answering short. 
“You want to know now?” Laenor’s not sure if he should be insulted or preening at your curiosity. 
Your hands placed on his hips, you made him meet your mouvement sharply, and another pathetic endaring sound made it out of his lips. “Maybe not.” You chuckled, capturing his lips again with your own. 
As her nesting instinct developed later in lifeshe might have been surprised by it. She is also pretty minimalistic with it, not understanding why she would do it anywhere else but in the bed (Jace does NOT give good advice.) She’s very conscious of your confort, and loves having your scents intermingle with eachother inside the nest. So be prepared to find clothes under the covers of your bed during this time period. 
I don’t think she’ll be very assertive or protective of you, per se, more so of the nest itself. It’s also not a reflex she has to protect it from the three little ones she’s taking care of for her aunt. Aegon III, Viserys and Joffrey have free passes when it comes to your nest, as she sees them as her own. 
Your grumbled echoed in the darkened bedroom of the essos manor you were currently invited to occupy,trying to wake the limp form cuddled at your back with an arm thrown haphazardly in her direction. The back of your hand hit something once, twice… three times before a groan answered your call. “What?” 
She nuzzled into your neck, both of you naked from your previous night, and with eyes groggily looking at the sad juvenile face pouting at you from outside the warm barrier of the bed, you tugged the covers closer to you. 
“There’s a child here.” 
Rhaena’s quick to raise her head from her pillow, looking over you to the white-haired little boy with fat tears threatening to fall from his eyes. She curse underher breath, exiting your bed and searching the ground for something -anything- to cover herself with. Rummaging throught the mess of linens you offert her a long shirt, unsure if it’s hers or yours, and uncaring at this point. You let her deal with Aegon, searching yourself for something that would make you more presentable before lying back down in your bed. 
It’s a good while after that Rhaena comes back in the bed, followed by the child, who settles between the two of you, content. She smile apologetically and you shrug. They might not be yours by blood, but they act like your children, so what if they spent time cuddling with you to find comfort? 
Taglist: @lady-dragon-rider or @lady-dragon-rider-2 (I don't know which one now..)
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leupagus · 2 years ago
Still working on the "No Seriously, If Crowley and Aziraphale Ever Did Have Sex, They'd Have So Many Weird Conversations About It First" fic
"You already have a penis?" Aziraphale demanded, his hands on his hips. "Since when?"
Crowley tried to recall. "Turn of the nineteenth, I think?" he ventured. There'd been a fountain, and a lot of wine, and Jane challenging him to see which of them could hit the fish statue in the middle.* Afterwards he'd kept it — it was fun, being able to take a piss if you felt like it. Not to mention you could stir up a lot of trouble in public toilets if you were in a mood.**
"Really?" Aziraphale looked halfway between surprised and intrigued. "Don't you find it a bit — floppy?"
"Eh, a bit," Crowley admitted. "But they do amazing things with underpants these days."
Aziraphale laughed, the startled hiccough he gave sometimes when he wasn't quite ready to be out of his sulk. It was one of Crowley's favorite noises. "Very well," he said, adjusting his waistcoat. "Let's have a look."
"What? No," said Crowley. He'd been looking forward to showing off his cock at some point, but Aziraphale was eyeing him like the Queen about to inspect the troops.
"Why not?" Aziraphale whinged, his lower lip puckering dangerously near a pout. "We're going to have to take our clothes off when we have sex. Unless — actually, I think that's on the list of kinks, you know, sex with your clothes on, but it seems terribly awkward, not to mention you'd have to get everything cleaned afterward. Although I do have a rather good 'dry cleaner,'" he made the inverted commas with his fingers and everything, "Who's an absolute miracle worker." He paused. "Well, not a real one. At any rate, come along." And he gestured at Crowley's crotch.
Crowley, who'd had millennia of practice with Aziraphale's careening monologues, was still halfway through unbuckling his belt before his brain caught up. "I'm not pulling my cock out in the middle of your bookshop," he said — with absolutely perfect timing, since Muriel chose that moment to come bustling in.
They stood frozen for a moment, blinking at both of them as they clutched at the doorframe. "I think I, erm, heard a… noise?" They smiled, and backed out slowly. "I should go. And check, on the noise, because noises are sometimes indicators of—" Whatever else they were saying was lost with the slamming of the door.
"Small mercies," Aziraphale huffed, and wriggled his fingers; the sign on the door flipped to "CLOSED" and the door locked with a pointed flourish. "Now then!"
*Neither of them had, and it had nearly gotten them arrested, all the moreso since they'd been in Spain at the time.
**With or without an anus.
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georgeweasleyslostearhq · 11 months ago
Pairings: Knight!Eddie x Princess!Fem Summary: the war in your Kingdom was over, so as a celebration, your father, the king, invites all of the surviving Knights to a party; a ball, of sorts. but one Knight catches your eyes. Sir Edward Munson. Warnings: slight mention of war and blood
A/N - i'm testing out multiple Eddie's for Princess!reader. there will be a Guard!Eddie as well, seeing which one we like best
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The men all stood in a line in front of you, all wearing the armor that they fought in as each name of the Knights were announced, one by one as they were called stepped up, taking off their helmet as they bowed to the King, to the queen, and you before going back in line
"Sir Francis Clarke" the presenter called out from the scroll.
the 7th man in the line took his helmet off before stepping up towards your father. then moving to your mother as she held her hand out for Francis to take, to which he did, placing a kiss to her hand before moving to you
you internally sighed as he looked at you briefly, bowing down and taking your hand in his, pressing a gentle, hasty kiss before going back to the line, every man had done this, barely kissing your hand with no eye contact.
there were much less men standing before you then you expected. when you were told the war was over and that the surviving knights would come over and present themselves, you expecting at least more than 30, but to have only 8 men standing there had shocked you. how could there only be that many men left?
as Francis went back to his place, keeping his helmet off, the announcer called to the last soldier. the one that stood tall and confident.
his armor was smudged with the dry blood of the fallen knights from the opposing kingdom, but his helmet remained polished, not a spec of dirt decorating the shiny silver as the presenter called his name
"Sir Edward Munson"
he lifted his hands before taking his helmet off, his long frizzy hair falling down to just reaching his shoulders, looking knotted as his fringe stuck to his forehead, probably from the sweat from being underneath the helmet.
as much as he looked tired, he seemed fine, his dark brown eyes wandering around and meeting yours as you stared at him, shifting in your throne.
he put the helmet between his armored arm and side as he stepped forward, bowing down to your father, moving to your mother, and then to you.
he knelt down, making it look easy in the heavy metal he was clothed in as he looked up at you gently, a small smile planted on his face as you brought your left hand up for him to take.
his gloved hand took yours, bringing it up to meet his plump lips as he gazed up at you, placing a lingering kiss to your knuckles, his mouth hovering over your hand as you looked down at him, blushing furiously.
he smiled, his dimples seeping into his cheeks before letting your hand go and standing.
you hand was still raised as you admired him walk back to the line before your father began to speak
"we all thank you for your service to protect this Kingdom" he started.
you stood in the ballroom, crowded by people of the upper class dancing with their partners to the music.
you smiled in content watching as the men all twirled their ladies in sinc.
you looked down and had a ran your hand down the skirt of your overly large ball gown, feeling the silk and lace against your fingers
you looked up, noticing the tall figure of brown locks making his way toward you, his eyes furrowed, but he had a small smile on his face.
he was in a suit now, a white ruffled button on shirt underneath an aristocrat, dark blue and silver vest with a beautiful tapestry design and black suit pants with dress shoes.
his long hair was tied up in a neat bun, seeming to be freshly washed and brushed from when you last saw him a few days prior.
he looked even more handsome as before, cleaner.
as he reached you, he smiled brightly, his dimples seeping into his cheeks again. making you look away before you could blush
he bowed, offering his hand, to which you gave, still not looking at him
he kissed your knuckles again, his soft lips lingering before letting go, his hot breath on your hand making your heart flutter before he let go, standing up straight.
"your highness, you look very...beautiful, tonight" he spoke carefully, wondering if he was allowed to say that
Eddie watched you as you looked away, the heat rising to your cheeks not going unnoticed by him as he admired you, ever since the other day he felt drawn to you.
he knew he couldn't, he mustn't, he was a knight, and you were the princess, heir to the throne, but he couldn't help but feel an overpowering need to protect you, cherish you, love you.
"thank you..." you bit your tongue, trying to suppress the smile making its way onto your lips.
as he stood beside you, he looked out to the crowd
"would you like to dance?" he asked, holding his hand out for you to take
you looked up at him and down to his hand before beaming
"I would love to" you took his hand, letting him lead you to the floor.
he looked into your eyes as he took a gentle hold of your waist, grinning when you lifted your hand to grab his shoulder.
he then raised your hands together and swayed you to the music.
he twirled you and spun you, lifted and guided you as you danced to the songs that echoed through the hall, a big smile on your face as you stared up at him in awe.
the more you danced, the messier his hair got, slowly falling out of the bun he had tied it up in, the loose strands of curly brown hair flowing as he spun you around.
his grip on you was so gentle you could barely tell he was touching you, but the way his rough calloused hands rubbed against yours made your heart pound in your chest, the cold silver rings on his fingers sending shivers down your spine.
everything he did, every move, every glance every word he spoke, made you swoon as he pulled you closer to his frame by your waist.
when the song came to an end, a slow melody began to play, ringing in your ears as he looked at you carefully, slowly bringing you closer to him.
his hands softly snaked around your waist, drawing you in as you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, leaning your head against his chest.
you tuned out the slow music as you listened to his heartbeat, smiling as it got quicker and louder in his chest.
you let yourself relax in his muscular arms as he moved you both back and forth, too in the moment to speak
you found yourself feeling too comfortable as he held you, your eyes had closed and your breathing had slowed. you were too vulnerable with him and you barely knew the guy.
you pulled away and looked up at him, clearing your throat, coming up with a reason to excuse yourself
"it is getting late, I should head off to get some slumber" you sighed.
you noticed the way his face fell when you excused yourself, but he smiled and let you leave, wishing you have a good night.
"Your Highness" a deep voice said from beside you as you walked down the endless corridor.
you looked to your right to see one of the Knights, William by your side.
you mustn't've noticed him creeping up behind you as you wandered the halls.
but you did notice the cocky smirk on his face as he looked at you, the hairs on your arm stand, feeling unsettled under his gaze.
"Hello, Sir Bennet" you gulped, feeling his hand brush yours daringly
you swatted your hand away, subtly moving away from him to create space between the two of you, but space clearly wasn't something he understood, stepping closer, his arm pressing up against yours now, making you clear your throat and step away again, picking up your pace.
"you cannot follow me to bed, Bennet" you sighed, feeling overwhelmingly uncomfortable as he followed after you, not getting the hint
"oh? but I thought i deserve an award for my acts in the war" he said lowly, making your skin crawl, feeling sick from his twisted thoughts
"i beg your pardon" you stopped in your tracks, looking up at him with pure shock and disgust
"are you not going to give me anything worth while?" he asked selfishly
you took a deep breath before glaring at him
"i am not going to give you anything and suggest that i owe you what you think i owe you is absolutely disgusting and inappropriate and i would rather chew off my own foot than touch any part of you that you have to offer" you spat, wrapping your arms around yourself for some sort of protection, because at this time, there were no guards in this hallway.
"oh don't be like that, your Highness" he reached out, trying to touch your arm
"leave me alone or you will regret it" you moved away from him before he could touch you
"your Highness-"
"it sounded to me like she said to leave her alone" another voice called from behind you, to your left, making you turn around anxiously, only to see him
"Munson" William growled, seeming to be a warning
Edward looked over at you after glaring at William and frowned
"are you alright, your highness?" he stepped closer to you, feeling the need to protect you, and god did you want him to.
"I am now" you smiled gently as you stepped closer to him, the daggers William was sending the two of you not going unnoticed
Edward smiled back at you kindly, covering your frame with his own when you got near enough, letting him know you need him
"I would suggest you go now, Bennet, or would you like me to inform the King of your antics" he spoke deeply
Sir Bennet rolled his eyes and stormed off, shaking his head before Edward looked at you again, frowning
"are you alright, Your Highness?" he asked "did he hurt you?"
you shook your head in relief "no, no he did not, he might of though.."
he half smiled, gazing down at you softly
"well, you are lucky i came when i did then" he chuckled
you beamed at his words and nodded, looking down at the blue carpeted floor
"would you like me to walk you to your room just to be safe or...?" he questioned, his voice calm, soft, warm.
"yes please..." you mumbled, still looking down.
"well, lead the way, Princess" he grinned, letting you lead him.
you began to walk, keeping your pace slow, just so you could spend more time with this Knight.
"I must thank you, Edward" you began as he walked beside you, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
"please, your highness, call me Eddie" he chuckled, showing off his dimpled yet again
"Eddie, I really must thank you" you repeated
"whatever for?"
"who knows what he might of done had you not shown up, and I am in no shape to protect myself against a Knight" you replied, picking up the skirt of your gown as you led him up the stairs
"there is no need for you to thank me, I only did what i do best.. protect" he stated with a shrug
"is fighting not what you do best?" you questioned
"well.. if you think about it, your Highness, I fight to protect. and If i am good at one of them, it means I am good at the other, they connect, you see.." he informed with a confident smile
"well..Eddie, I think you make a great protector" you giggled softly, making him bow in amusement
"why thank you, your Highness, anything for you...r kingdom! anything for your kingdom.. gotta make sure they have a future queen to look up to!" he corrected himself before looking down sheepishly.
"oh, of course" you blushed
you looked over at him and smiled when he looked back at you, a pinky red hue making its way to his cheeks as you stare up at him for the millionth time tonight.
"you have got to stop looking at me like that, Your Highness" he broke eye contact as you both walked down another hall
"just call me Y/n.." you murmured, leading him to your bedroom door
he looked deep in thought for a second, tilting his head, scrunching his nose.
"goodnight, sweetheart" he smirked, slowly backing away from you.
internally, Eddie cursed at himself for being so stupid, calling the heir to the throne sweetheart? what got into him? but the look on your flushed face made it worth it.
your eyes widened in surprise, a furious blush painted on your cheeks, your hands intertwined with one another, your mouth slightly agape.
you were absolutely beautiful to him, but he knew it couldn't go any further than that.
I like this a lot better than Stableboy!Eddie..
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newtonsheffield · 10 months ago
It always cracks me up when historical shows are like shes pregnant so she's not drinking like..... y'all I have some bad news for you about when pregnant people started being encouraged not to drink
I 100% think the exact same thing. When you study healthcare let me tell you, you learn some horrific truths about advice given to expectant mothers. (Alcohol and cigarettes to reduce birth weight for an easier birth for example. Like yeah bro it’s called FASD)
I think the same about women wearing white to their wedding. Bro if Queen Victoria hasn’t gotten married yet, statistically very unlikely. Especially because they would have been expected to wear that dress again. And imagine trying to keep a dress white without a dry cleaner and a tide pen.
No but I choose to believe that shows now don’t want to encourage drinking during pregnancy for a modern audience. So they don’t.
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onyourhyuck · 2 years ago
His Healer. | S.JH
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— Prologue: “Maybe in my next life I can see you and the world in all the seven colours.”
— Summary: Prince Johnny has an eye condition allowing him to only see black and white. You’re the new maid arrange to clean his chambers you found out his secret illness.
— Genre: Prince!johnny. Royal romance + smut. Maid + prince trope. Super angsty to be honest, this is kinda sad and depressing story.
— Notes:
The news of a new job becoming open spread fast in your village which made you act on your time. Everyone would die to have a job in the palace where the people work there in luxury. It felt like the best work offer there.
Lucky for you, you ended up becoming recruited fitting to the palace description and the needs they were looking for in a young woman like you. To become a Maid.
Not just any maid however, a maid for the prince. Every royalty has their own section of the palace that belongs to them; they have their own court, where nobles who are friends with those royalties will attend to play games, chat away about god knows what gossip and get self made tea from the maids. For you it was the prince. You were assigned under his name even though he hasn’t quite picked you, the king and the queen thought of you suitable.
They trusted a young girl like you who’s had a pretty face but also a determined outlook to be loyal to your job only. So they set you out to have your very first job to clean the Prince’s chambers where he sleeps. You didn’t think much of it because you heard the prince was out so it’s not like you’re going to get caught cleaning up the living hell’s mess he has on the freaking floor; the clothes were not even his some of them were bunch of dresses belonging to noble ladies. It was an unsatisfying experience picking up the clothes folding them under your hands and then proceeding to grab the hem of the many duvet layers they had on the giant king size bed. You swore this bed was bigger in real life than you could imagine.
Lifting the duvet’s embroidered on the bed puffing them out you crawl on the bed on all fours to go get the pillows. You begin fixing them puffing the material out making them bounce and thick once more. You wouldn’t want the prince to get a stiff neck by having the pillows be uneven and disturbing. Your hands crawl to the front hem of the duvet pushing them into the mattress making it look neater and cleaner giving it a slick texture. Later you came to the night stands were your eyes glimpse of two folded papers revealing names to the assuaged colours you couldn’t help but wonder why did the prince have that? But the minute you’d turn around you saw the door to the left open wide revealing the prince coming out of the bath chamber where a singular large bathtub was with foaming smoke behind him, it was a hot bath because the minute you saw him coming out while you’re on his bed on all fours — he was a smoking silhouette.
Your jaw came undone gaping at the bottom sight of the pelvis growing out into the many abs he has. The only thing covering him was a robe underneath the waist making sure it doesn’t slip out while the other towel was gently ruffling out the hair side to side to dry it quicker. Johnny’s stare went from being there to staring you down on the bed watching your maid dress guessing who you could be, it wasn’t hard to guess, you were doing maid duties. But the position you were in while on his bed made him snicker thinking otherwise.
He definitely came out at the wrong time.
Johnny saw you quickly get off the bed and look down bowing at him to pay a respectful image and apology to the noble man in front of you.
“Your highness. I’m sorry I was just… cleaning your chambers. I wasn’t aware you were here.” You bite your lips together sealing them tight like they were an envelope.
Johnny raised his eyes coming forward chuckling he found you surprisingly amusing and he hasn’t met you yet. He knows every maid of his but you must be new because if you weren’t he’d remember your pretty face that’s for sure.
“It’s quite alright I’d think you were doing your absolute best to make my bed tonight comfortable and war.” He boosts playfully catching you off guard. He was nothing like they said him out to be. He was handsome in person, actually more handsome than words could capture and describe. He was rather sweet and playful something that you found to be interesting considering his parents were strict and stern. They terrified you.
But not their son, he didn’t scare you once. Johnny slips out the blouse putting it on and then seeing you turn around letting him change. Johnny fully knows you wouldn’t peak and even if you did, no harm it in because he has nothing to hide. He’s fit and probably the fittest in the palace. He changed while you weren’t eyeing him, you only faced the wall in front of you so seriously that by the time Johnny was finished long time ago changing he was standing behind you.
You slowly turn around saying. “My prince are you done—“ and while you saw him standing there so close you could feel his chest hit your face nearly, you flinch up staring at how close you were.
Johnny’s twisting smile makes you fold because you’ve never seen someone as beautiful as him so close you could never forget this moment of time. Your memory will be definitely photo-snapping this.
You hush your words down. “I will continue to my duties my prince.” He grins nodding. “Don’t let me keep you from your work miss…?” He said watching you curiously.
You look back at him. “Y/n is my name.”
He smiles. “Miss Y/n. Beautiful name you have there. Tell me when we’re you assigned to my chambers?”
You were busy fixing the shelves that held so many books, brushing them away from the dust growing on them. Johnny was sitting on the bed’s edge watching you reach from the books each and one of them were dust without mercy. You couldn’t allow the prince to have any dust in the sleeping chambers god knows what that could do to him.
“I’ve been assigned today.” You reply with a strained sigh as you push the books in the shelves when they were all done and dusted. You’re turning around walking to the night stands where you saw the dust boiling on there, you sweep with your hands. Johnny hums turning around because his eyes were glued on to you, following you run around to clean. It was nerve wrecking to say the least.
Being watched while you clean wasn’t your favourite activity but he’s the prince you cannot say other wise. Maybe it was nerve wrecking because it’s him watching you.
You pause as you lift out papers with all colours of the rainbow. The seven colours you couldn’t help but wonder why the prince had that there. You turn around with your hands gripping it and the prince turns around fully seeing what you had fun.
“My prince why do you have the colours on the paper?” You couldn’t help but file your curiosity.
His smirk goes down and he slowly stands up but very softly brings the hand to grab it. You let him take it and Johnny stares at you murmuring as if it was something to be ashamed of. But nonetheless he can’t keep a secret from the maids. They always find out but there was a good feeling you would be different if he just told you. You wouldn’t gossip, you know you wouldn’t.
Johnny replies croaking like a broken bookcase. “I cannot see in colour. I have an eye condition that lets me see only in black and white.” Your curiosity dims down when hearing this terrible thing Johnny has. You look down apologetically again, feeling sorry for him. “Oh I’m so… sorry… I was prying on your shoulders.”
He shakes his head smiling. “Oh don’t be. You were bound to find out one way or another Y/n. If only someone taught me honestly. These colours. It’s not like I can go and ask anyone in the castle what they are.” He smiles sitting on the bed again watching the paper intensely.
The people would look down on him if he were to ask anyone what the colours are because this was children knowledge but the truth couldn’t get out anyways. The prince’s parents King and Queen told him to keep it a secret forever. The maids weren’t allowed to gossip and he somehow had a feeling you’d be different from the rest of them. It was a good stomach bug he had about you.
You could tell he was dreaming to be normal but in your eyes there was nothing wrong with him. He was perfect in your eyes even though he couldn’t see in colours. You sit down next to him murmuring, a suggestion that brought his heart to grow warm.
“I can teach you if you’d like.” You say to him.
Johnny smiles suddenly with eyes widen watching you like you were day. “You know how to read?” He was amazed when you nodded. He couldn’t believe it when you said you were self taught. It was rare to know a maid who’s well literate; only the rich could afford to do so. But you’re self taught and it made his respect for you grow ten times more.
You grin. “It’s the least I can offer to do for you my prince.” You were right about him being the most kind soul you’ve met. Maybe he was a little unserious but apart from that he was probably the sweetest soul you’ve encountered.
Johnny nudged you softly eyeing you with practically heart eyes for you. He couldn’t believe you were offering and he didn’t even thought you’d consider it as much as it caught him by surprise, he was glad today he met you.
“You can call me Johnny when we are alone like this. You don’t have to keep up with the honourifics Y/n.”
You never felt so exposed unlike the time he calls your name through his lips so casually, like you could speak to a friend, it somehow felt more natural when Johnny said it but when you try to call him by his name it was such a foreign concept your brain couldn’t handle.’
But he was right. If he wasn’t a prince he would just be Johnny. If he wasn’t who he was right now he’d still be Johnny and by the end of the time he will only be Johnny. It was only a matter of time till you get used to it.
Your eyes follow the prince’s round orbs like they were the sun and you were just a mere small planet following them close. “Okay…Johnny— I mean my prince— i—!” You pause catching your breathe.
To see you lose your head for a whole minute trying to pick an identity what you could call him was an amazing and interesting sight to see you fumble. It’s like seeing two people at war together trying to see who is right and who is wrong.
He chucked at you, finding this relatively amusing. “Y/n I have a feeling we’ll be able to get along very well.”
You smile hearing the prince think so too.
When no one was around it was your and Johnny’s world no one else’s. No one coifed to the world you and Johnny made when you were together being yourselves absolutely no one. Although it took some time for you to open up to Johnny only seeing as Johnny and no one else when you finally loosen down you and Johnny were able to communicate with one another more than you would with other people. For once the prince felt like he has a friend who isn’t someone who cares for the image, or the status like many other people do. You were there because you enjoyed the company as much as he did and that’s what made Johnny like you.
“Red is this one. It’s like a bright colour. It’s warm and our blood is red.” You explained, knowing Johnny loved you describe the colours.
He could listen for days.
“And this one?” He points at the paper on the rainbow diagram. Your face looks at it softly explaining with a serious face.
“That’s blue. The colour of the ocean.”
He enjoyed seeing you become serious too.
He liked how you’re intellectually speaking. You have your views not many would agree upon you speaking but with him you can say anything and he’d be an unbiased judgement. You think it’s ridiculous that nowadays people are treated differently based on from working classes and what you do for work. Johnny agreed because it’s the exact similar thing with him. People don’t treat him like he was human they treat him like he was a god they worship.
It was both intense different scenarios but from yours it was depriving and from Johnny’s it was enforcing titles.
You’re both very opinionated but you’re always speaking the truth to one another where you’re never hiding anything.
When you aren’t near Johnny because the head of Maid’s who assigned the work to the other maids like yourself were told to help clean the gardens or the different rooms that weren’t in Johnny’s section of the palace he found himself longing to see you and missing you gravely — at one point Johnny was looking for you and saw you cleaning out the kitchens.
He made himself comfortable watching you in the corner which the other workers in the palace, like the chef and the cooks who you were helping would eye him suspiciously wondering why he was here. And then when you left he’d follow you like a lost puppy. You enjoyed his presence so it never weirded you out if anything it made your life better.
The people around the prince would question why he looks way happier than before to you, he found himself wondering why but all that came to his mind that was an answer was: you.
Now you’re both laying on the open field outside the palace where you both escaped to. It was middle of the daylight and the young prince was not feeling doing prince-royal-stuck up duties in the palace so he found you working on the second floor of the palace and dragged you when no one could notice you leaving the group of maids. You were about to clean the carpet today but not anymore because the next minute you knew Johnny said he wants to leave the palace grounds and you’re coming with him.
That’s how you’re now laying on the grassy field with the most handsome man alive next to you laughing and throwing flowers at you that he prickled off the ground. You would turn around and smack the flowers he’s throwing at you away and then you would straddle his arms away but he was far too stronger than your body.
“What if they find out we are here Hm? Will you take responsibility for me losing my job?”
You were teasing him while asking a true and real question that’s been on your head.
“I’ll just make it impossible for them to fire you, you know that.”
The prince responds to your liking but something he was so passionate about as he pulls you down grabbing your legs and sliding you underneath him where he straddles you. The grassy field poofs out some flowers flying out of your way as he was pulled on top of you.
You smile at his words that always creep into your heart making a home in them. Your smile widens on your beautiful face mesmerising Johnny as he looks down at you while being on top where your bodies — especially your chests were touching one another. Through the maid outfit you were everyday when working made your cleavage visible when you lie down thanks to the corset underneath. While his prince royal outfits made him standout-ish. Even though he hates flashy outfit he made them look ten times more better when he wore it.
It’s been a month since the day you both became friends behind everyone in the palace’s backs. You were sneaking off doing all sorts of things so you could chat away from your problems. You both were using one another as an escapism to your loneliness. To Johnny’s loneliness actually. You were the best thing that’s happened when the palace hired you. He couldn’t get enough of you, and only you he was seeking everyday.
If without you there was a moment in space and time where you were not with him he swore that he would be a different person, a different man that he wouldn’t know; he doesn’t want to be that person who doesn’t have you. He needs you to the point he’s trying to never let you go. Whenever you’re needed somewhere else he wants to go there with you, he wants to come and be with your presence even if it was through a little while. It could really make a difference to how he’s been clinging onto you.
Your cheeks grow out when you smile, you were the happiest with him around. You’ve came to an conclusion about it a few nights ago.
Johnny seeing how your happy wide smile was there he slowly leans downwards capturing your smile into a loving soft pecking kiss.
It was only three seconds. Three seconds it was when he gave a small kiss on your lips catching you off guard. He pulled away to see your reflection wondering how your reaction was like but to his face you were watching him so blindly.
Your voice comes out like the softest of sounds. “Please kiss me again.”
Johnny leans closer capturing another kiss to your command. Your mouths were softly press on one another rolling on the ground as you were in your tangled bodies in the meadow fields, kissing outside the palace like your absolute time depended on it. Your hearts were in synch like your own hands were in your each other’s hairs.
The prince pulled away first to solely undress himself taking off the blazer and the trousers instead of you undressing him. He was far too impatient and knowing your lack of time he was going to make this happen, you on the other hand took your dress off and the corset away from your body.
You and the prince roll your naked bodies on another again in which you felt his mouth latch to your neck sucking on it with kissing motions as he grabbed your hips strongly pushing them on his lap where your voice came out as a striking moan loud enough to attract the animals nearby. But thankfully the river down below if you walk for another two minutes was heard rocking against your soft noises he was so wanting to play on repeat. You sounded heavenly.
The way his name rolls off your tongue with your accent it made it so much better when he was going to be inside you. His mouth felt like scorching embers burning your skin from the inside to the outside. He marked you so much but enough that wouldn’t get you caught, further the point he stretched out out with his tongue. Going down giving you kitten licks to your pussy that’s been craving him from day one.
The taste of you on his tongue was indescribable to even think about he was addicted, physically he couldn’t stop sucking on your folds between your pussy making you arch your back on the field or the way you were twisting when he purposely digs his head deeper on your clit rubbing his tongue side to side in another zig zagging motion causing you to feel your fullest muscles work together to contradict your soft moans you were trying to bury down. Johnny made it impossible to be quiet because he didn’t want you to be. He wanted to hear you like it’s your last time.
“Johnny…! I’m going to slip…!” You murmur into nothing stopping you anymore as you shriek. Johnny practically moans against your pussy watching you now come undone on his mouth. He swore you tasted so much better than he could ever imagine and hope.
“You taste so much better than the palace foods.” He mentions boosting, something within you will forever remember that.
You felt yourself pant heavily as the sight of the prince lifting himself up slinging your hips with him where you could feel the growing manhood now push inside your wet hole. You slip in so nicely he lets out a string of long sleeves grunts and you wrap your arms on his chest.
Your breathing became unstable as you rut your hips on his lower body pushing him in fully, Johnny stares at you with half eyelids open filling him with pleasure and lust, but also the need for you.
You were both panting in the next minute when your pussy was stretched out by Johnny’s large cock inside you moving like a canon in and out constantly having you under the pressure of wanting to orgasm once again. Your highs were coming in fast and letting you rot on his cock Johnny couldn’t even remember how many times you came because next thing you know you’re here squirming out your biggest orgasm yet after the other. You’ve been hit on high with his cock pushing up your womb. Johnny’s hands roams your stomach surface like he was so proud of seeing him imprint on your stomach seeing you through him you couldn’t believe your eyes knowing that he was this far inside you.
“How’d you like the prince to finish inside you, my love.” He quotes into your ears and your eyes widen dilating on the pupils, he knew you liked it when he saw that crazy look on your face. Something screams you love getting bred and Johnny would gladly breed a hole like yours for days.
“My prince… please! Finish inside me. Use me to your advantage.” You achingly let out and Johnny couldn’t believe his ears how well you were doing with squeezing his cock. You really wanted him to finish inside you and you’re making it harder for Johnny to last longer than anticipated.
It was unending for you and him. Johnny only seeing him once in your stomach skinned out he came instantly in you filling your hole out with only his name, with only his load something you were screaming for to have and now you have it working inside you.
You could feel the way his warmth cock left its territory in on you and Johnny capturing a few more kisses with your sweet lips groaning out.
“We should do this more often, Y/n.”
Your cheeks grew warm when your eyes met Johnny as he said this. You’re both naked in middle of a field where anyone could see you but you both didn’t care at this point.
You smile kissing his forehead. “I agree.”
The minute you split apart was the time where you were both scolded for not being around for your duties. Your order was to go to the chambers and clean up the mess the prince made. You knew he made a mess purposely to have you keep coming there because otherwise you wouldn’t be inside his chambers when he needs you.
That explains while you’re in his king size bed laying on the right side with your legs wrapped around and your arms on the side watching you guys stare at your eyes like they were a million stars in them. You smile cheesing when Johnny plays with your hairs twirling them around his fingers or sometimes putting them behind your ears, and occasionally he strokes it back so he could see your eyes.
You were in trouble but that’s all because of the prince you knew it. But you couldn’t care anymore because he made every worry melt away like it was nothing but a bunch of smoke.
He whispers. “Did you get shouted at alot?” He says worrying that you may of gotten punished.
You shake your head humming. “I was only shouted at. I didn’t get the capital punishment.” You joked and Johnny held you tight lowering his eyes. Something definitely wasn’t right.
Your eyebrows furrow seeing the worrying expression on Johnny’s face you couldn’t help but slowly wonder what’s happening to him. Usually he would be the one who’s lighting up the mood but now you’re the one left in the light and he was in the unusual dark cloud mood that’s what makes him standout now so weirdly.
Your voice came out as a surprise, spouting off at him. “Hey, is something wrong?”
Johnny didn’t answer for a whole minute until he pulls his arms away staring up at you. He was in this whole overthinking mess and you don’t know what could be making the young prince so much more absent minded.
This wasn’t the prince you know. The prince you know was the life of the party. In fact he we’re beginning to be bigger than life itself and you seeing him down on energy right now made it even worse because now you’re worried for him.
“My parents said they found a match for me.” He said lowering himself into multiple pieces where your heart sank.
You look away suddenly about to leave because you had the biggest reality check of your life happen to you right now. The man you love was getting married, the man you fell for was never going to be yours because people will talk and people love to talk about things that aren’t following the norm. You and Johnny were doomed from the start and somehow you had lingering hope that he would he yours but he’s ever going to be that.
Johnny grabbed your wrist so you couldn’t leave his bed. He pulled your wrist in his grip and when you turned around with tears in your eyes wanting to snatch it away.
You huff out breaking down. “Let me go Johnny.”
He didn’t let go.
You bit your bottom lip now begging. “Your highness let me go please.”
The unfamiliar name you’ve been calling him now wasn’t for Johnny. It wasn’t for the guy who fell for you it was the prince you work for in his own palace. Johnny looks at you unconvincingly he was struggling to want to let you go.
But the way you were watching him sternly made him pause and let you go. You left the chambers with the door shutting tight. The lingering footsteps dim down and he never wanted to scream so much in his life. It felt like the happiness leaving his life forever, because you were leaving.
The minute he knew when you both returned from outside his parents calling him to the meeting with him to tell him about the upcoming engagement of his to some princess from the east of Korea.
He never wanted marriage. He never intended on marrying ever but that was until he met you.
“You’re my only heir you need to get married and successful claim your lineage to the throne.” His mother tapped on the throne seeing Johnny.
Her son looks away scowling. “I don’t want to get married, Mother, I don’t know the princess either.”
Johnny could remember the moment from the afternoon like it was happening right now. It haunted him.
His father stood up glaring at Johnny for speaking back to his own mother, it was shameful to his father to have a rebelling son.
But for you he’d rebel the entire throne.
“You will marry the princess and you will be meeting her tomorrow. That is end of discussion.”
Johnny never plans to let you go. Even if you’re the first one to do so.
You’re preparing decorations for the welcoming of the new royal family coming over to the palace, you however weren’t looking as happy as the other maids next to you who gossip about the new princess coming over. It fills your empty stomach with rage and nothing else knowing the man you love so dearly is about to be sweeping off his feet when a nice looking princess comes over.
You were basically feeding the lion in the den by working away. You clench your eyes into a glare fixing the flower bouquet with the ribbon.
One of the maids watch you roughly handle it. “Uhm Y/n you’re supposed to be gently tying the ribbon.”
You look over snapping out of your thoughts and your feelings were disappearing the moment one of your maid colleagues came over.
“Oh…right sorry.” You couldn’t believe you were nearly killing a bunch of flowers knowing damn well she will have Johnny fall for her.
I mean who wouldn’t of? You heard she’s the most beautiful princess in whole of Korea and you know that Johnny was a player in the past. It was clear the first day you came to clean his chamber’s he slept with plenty of women. But some deep part of you hoped he picks you, despite knowing well it’s a slim chance of you ever ending up with Johnny.
You felt betrayed almost. But you knew he can’t go against the throne or his parents because if he did it would be going against the world.
“Ladies the prince is coming!” The head of the maid said making everyone of the girls line up straight to greet the prince who was trotting his way to us.
You were pushed into a line straight up your shoulders and your head low. The minute the prince arrives walking past the maid line he saw each and one of them bow down paying respects to him this early morning on a new brand day.
He stops facing you suddenly and your gaze looks up at him. It was rather cold from you and you felt awkward when the rest of the maids stayed bowed down because they can’t get up until he leaves.
But he was facing you, speaking to you.
“Y/n.” He whispers almost and you widen your eyes looking away avoiding your eye contact.
Your hands push him when they couldn’t see. “Leave.” You say to him and Johnny bites his bottom lip in frustration as you pushed him away, once again. You’re so stubborn sometimes, he can understand why you’re being like this but is it too hard for you to stop and listen to him?
When he had no choice but to walk away with another heartbreak down his sleeve made by you the maids watch him strut away and they go back doing their work. They have to work faster because they will be arriving soon.
But you couldn’t work much when all you’re filled with is envious betrayal on your heart.
It’s like setting up your own lover to be with another. Johnny wasn’t even your lover but it definitely felt like it was that.
The next thing you know the whole palace was decorated in many fine refining decorations and designs. The walls were repainted into a pastel colour to suit fitting for the princesses arrival. It annoyed you at the same time, the idea of the princess coming and staying at the palace. You had no choice but to fake a smile and go along with it. Everyone was pleased by the outcome results and if anything they were happy for the prince who might finally settle down with someone, have children with, carry on the monarchy and lead the country into greatness once more.
But all you saw was heartbreak.
The royal family made their way into the throne room where they were greeted by many palace guards on stand watch patrolling the walls within the palace securing their grounds till they leave to further the work. The maids were pouring the warm tea on the cups resting by the table, the minute you saw the beautiful puff out dress on the young woman you swear you were never starstruck until now. She looked beautiful, beyond anything you’d imagine any else.
The queen and King welcome the princess’ and her family in like they were there own family members. It was cheerful greeting enough to make your thoughts flood back to negativity. You look away when the king turns his sweet attention to his son.
“Johnny what do you say to the princess?” The king saw an opportunity to introduce the two young people, with a sheepish smile.
Johnny couldn’t believe his father was trying to set him up with someone he could care less about. The prince looks at the woman bowing his head. “Hello Princess Haewon.” The young woman smiles bowing her head in return.
“Hello prince Johnny. It’s good to finally see you in person.” She smiles sweetly you could vomit into the teacup and serve it to her, god you try to stay less petty but you cannot help it.
‘I’d like to say likewise but it’s not.’ Johnny’s thoughts mourns in his death knowing that it was meant to be a blessing. But it’s not because this woman wasn’t who he seeks.
You were right there and Johnny felt the tension rise until the parents were soon to discuss dinner plans. Heck they were discussing all sorts of plans at first; starting with horse riding activities, maybe even attending Johnny to hunting which Haewon seemed more than merry to go about.
“Oh you must be tired. How about my servants lead you into your chambers for tonight?” The king encourages chipping the fingers at the servants and few maids to come forward.
“Oh Y/n, you can be assigned to the princess chambers instead.”
You stand by the side when the king called you specifically. Johnny’s eyes widen as he stood up suddenly making everyone in the throne room look at him with their eyes glued in confusion wonder. His voice strikes at the king and protectively coming to Y/n holding the side where he stares at his father in the eyes.
“Father Y/n is my chamber’s maid.” He remarks, the king was stunned looking at his son. “I’m aware but you have many maids who clean for you. Give Y/n to Princess Haewon.”
“She can have any other maid but Y/n.” He stated firmly and the King was left in confusion. “Why is that?”
Johnny looks down at you. “Y/n is the only one who knows the temperature i like my bed at. I will not stand in giving Y/n to anyone.”
Haewon’s eyes were watching you dreadfully. It caught everyone in surprise enough to give the impression that Johnny was possessive of you. You could feel everyone’s eyes simply eating you alive until the king gives up.
“Fine. Haewon you may have another maid assigned to you.” The princess nods at the king’s approval.
Johnny looks away. “If so i’ll be taking my leave.” Without saying anything else the prince leaves and grabs you along with him. The people in the palace room were deeply bizarre about this announcement as soon as you both left the room fell into awkward silence.
Just what on earth was that? They all had this expression that couldn’t possibly be processing the impression of the Prince.
The minute you found yourself running away with Johnny you were pinned by the wall nearing a corridor that’s been empty. No sign of palace guards patrolling leaving only you and a very self conscious prince pinning you by with a heavy pant. You found yourself arching your eyebrows at him huffing out and slapping his shoulders in annoyance. “What the hell was that back there huh?” You couldn’t believe he was there arguing about who you were working for and who you were not. Johnny stares down at you momentarily. “I’m not giving you up.”
He said sternly catching your attention into a prancing contest between staying in or staying out. You watch him in disbelief. “Your highness we can’t be together.” You whisper yelled, trying to get a point across to the stubborn man but he couldn’t budge and listen to your reasoning.
“Oh I’m your highness now?—” He suddenly bursts pulling away with a confused expression and the eyebrows arching at your words leaving the soft lips. You never call him highness, it’s always been Johnny. Always when it was just you two.
You held your breath in and the eye contact. “Yes you are and that is the problem here Johnny! You’re a prince and we will never be together.” — it broke to hear you say this to him when it was in fact a massive reality check to the prince who loves you dearly. But you were right and he couldn’t accept such a realm without you in it.
He lowers his gaze suddenly the legs felt weak like they were melting on the top of the ice berg where you were standing there holding back your tears. “Give me up don’t make this harder than it already is. We have no future together. If they knew — you would’ve been punished. And I would be dead.” You blunt out looking away. “I would be dead in a prison cell and your parents would have punished you.”
There was a sharing silence that kills the both of you quietly like a gas poisoning your insides turning them rotten just like how your love was breaking apart. Johnny can’t handle this breakup, this heartbreak from you he cannot be without you. It physically tore him apart like he was nothing but a piece of paper ready to be scrunched up and thrown into a trash can midway through the air. Your conflicted self was in a war between wanting Johnny but a large part of you self restraining knowing you weren’t able to; the best and better option is for you to run away from your lover, let him have a life he could thrive in unlike the life he would suffer with you.
The prince standing there no longer blocking the way he was just staying there watching your cold and broken eyes crying because he knew, he knew you loved him so why couldn’t you accept him? Johnny could always convince his parents. He could. He’s the heir and no one would say anything about him being with you, at least that’s what he will do no matter what it takes. But you’re being far too realistic in your own head. You had your own take vision on what will happen which left his dream to be crushed, just like how you were crushing his heart in your hand into miniature pieces resembling a broken mirror.
Johnny’s sullen face dimmers like the life leaving him. “Y/n there must be another way… I promise I can protect you from the public—“
“Johnny Suh!” You clench your jaw at him, instantly shutting the prince up watching you get an outburst for the first time at him. “Get it into your head. I don’t want you. Go be with your rightful wife.”’
He balls the fingers into his fist looking down. Your fingers pull themselves rubbing away the tears streaming down your cheeks.
“She’s no wife of mine.” He faintly told. “She’s not the woman I want. The woman I want, breathe, seek and dream claims to not want to be with me. But I find that hard to believe when you were screaming my name few days ago in the field.” He eyes you darkly and you hated how far your cheeks went red. You look away not finding this amusing.
Johnny never wants to let you go because you’re the only thing in his life that matters to him. Matters to him more than the throne itself, he could never replace you with his duty. The duty only hurts him but you, you don’t. You made him feel loved unconditionally and you made life worth while when he found it meek and cruel to survive in. But now instead of being his healer, you’re becoming the one thing that’s making him hurt with unimaginable force and consequences he didn’t sign up for.
You’re His Healer.
Johnny’s breath comes out weakly as he walks back to you making you take your footing back pushing you into the wall softly and your faces leaning together. You tried your best to fight the sudden urge to pull and kiss him right there and then, but you remind yourself it’s not your place to do those things. You told yourself to not give him any false hope. The prince couldn’t get enough of you, so much he caressed your hair behind your ears so he can look you in your eyes. “At least prove to me you don’t want me, Y/n, please.” You knew what he meant. You knew it by the moment he leans closer towards you slowly.
You await the kiss to happen and when it did Johnny felt the same way about kissing you the moment he did it the first time. It felt like the first but it was far by it being your first ever shared kiss, but this time it was much more desperate and filled with despair than the other times you’ve been kissing. You stay there pressed on the wall kissing him harshly enough to leave his lips becoming bright red and swollen like he was hit. Johnny was indeed hit, hit by your undesirable love, you’re kissing him like it’s your last.
He wanted to scream your name and tell you to marry him. He wants you to be by his side as he rules this country because he knows what you’re capable of no matter your status; he doesn’t need you to be wealthy and well respected. He just needs you.
You break away hearing Johnny struggle to pull away from the kiss as if he didn’t want it to end knowing this will be the last thing he will remember with you. You weep gently with your sadness showing currently becoming existing it was getting harder to stay strong.
The kiss broke you down more than you’d ever thought it would.
“Maybe in my next life I can see you and the world in all the seven colours.” Johnny said to you caressing your face, especially the tears rolling down them were caught between his soft nails. His words brought something within you alive as you close your eyes pressing your forehead against his.
“Goodbye Johnny.” Your last words trail to him.
Johnny will find you in this life or the next, you’ll become his and he will see you in all colours. He will witness the colour of your tears, the colour of your soft longing lips he wishes to always remember. Your first reaction when becoming shy or flustered, he wants to look into your eyes as the light reflects the colour in them. He wants to be the first one to see you in your wedding gown down the aisle.
All because you’re the one thing that saved him when no one wanted to. You’re His Healer.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu! Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out! <33
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niiwa-angel · 3 months ago
Helluva Boss as Most Popular Girls In School Quotes.
Stella: My apologies plebians, but the realm of hell can be rather cut throat. And it appears I have the shortest knife.
Blitz: Wait realty?
Blitz, pulling a knife
Blitz: Because I thought this was the sharpest knife
Loona: you think you can bitch me out?
Loona: I am the queen of bitch!
Loona: You look up bitch in the dictionary, you're gonna see my fucking face!
Moxxie: Can I help you?
Octavia: Probably not.
Moxxie: The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Octavia: It means whatever the fuck you want it to mean.
Stolas, at the dry cleaner
Stolas: You specifically told me you could get out blood and semen.
Pointing at a suspicious stain.
Stolas: What the fuck do you call this?
Andrealphus to Stella: Oh my God! Your outfit
Andrealphus: I swear, if I was into girls, I'd be elbow deep in your right now!
The rest of the Goetias: 🤮
Stolas, crashing on Blitz and Loona's couch.
Stolas: wait, who the fuck is Amberlynn Wagner's?
Loona: Stolas, there are three thousand Imps in these five blocks of Imp City. You've been here two weeks, you're not going to know everybody.
Stolas: oh right.
The I.M.P team discussing a positive pregnancy test.
Millie: well it can't be me. I'm halfway through shark week right now.
Millie: yes, I know what you call my period when I'm not around.
Moxxie: Alright well, I'm gonna go now.
Blitz: I'm sorry, was I not just in the middle of a fucking story?
Moxxie: Yeah, but I wasn't really that into it.
Loona: Yeah, you know, you've got a real Ke$ha vibe!
Beelzebub: oh, well fuck you too! Fuck.
Millie: You bitches better watch the way you're talking!
Blitz: Yeah! Because I got nooooo problem fucking your dad's and breaking up your families!
Octavia, not looking up from her phone: It's true, he will.
Loona: Hey Moxxie! I didn't smell you there, hows your Chlamydia circus?
Moxxie: It's fucking gone but that's for asking. How's your cockeyed nipple?
Loona: It's looking both ways. I heard you farted in front of a client and it smelled like your dad's dick.
Moxxie: I heard your fourth abortion was free! Gotta love those free punch cards!
Millie to Stella.
Millie: Oh my God are you single?
Millie: shocker.
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foxalade · 11 months ago
Things I saw/heard on my 2 week holiday that reminded me of the Marauders
in a diner a little thing where you could pick Music and there was 30 Bowie songs
a street called "Grant"
Grant Grove Village & General Grant Tree
a shaggy black dog (x3)
forever 21 (x3)
Sirius.xm (radio)
A t-shirt with [something] McKinnon
2 gay ppl were talking to us in McDonald's and they said they were the Black sheep of their families and that's how they found each other
deer warnings + deer lego sets
an old man (cleaner) who told us his tragic life story when we said he was doing a great job at cleaning, his name was James
a deck of cards with various constellations (my mother was gonna buy it for me but didn't 💔(I don't own Dollars so I couldn't buy it myself))
the radio guy who's name was Grant
Man on the Moon (song by R.E.M.)
James Road
Dune 2 posters, Wonka dvds
they both die at the end (book)
T-Shirts: I'm not gay, but 20$ is 20$ I ❤️ sluts Accepting sugar daddy applications Daddy's little slut
Wolf statue
Sirius, Regulus & Arcturus (the stars)
Alaric Saltzman from TVD (he's so Remus to me idk???) (I love him (I'm beginning of S3 don't spoiler me please it's already breaking my heart))
Vampire Diaries in general
Deer (alive and dead (roadkill and on the walls))
Song: C'est la vie (always 21)
the words "Sunseeker" on the back of a caravan (idk if it was the make or what it was but my heart stopped for a second)
the words "seriously", "regularly", "oh dear"
one of those 2016 Wolf T-Shirts
the full moon
a woman asked where we were from (she wanted to compliment our accent (Northern British)) and said she's been to England too and then when asked where she said Wales and Scotland. And I think that would have made Remus go mad
misread "Porters" as "Potters" (x2)
Matt Chapman (baseball player I saw on Telly)
Yellow (Coldplay) is so Jegulus. "For you I'd bleed myself dry" James Potter would. James Potter absolutely would.
A boy out running, who looked like James (I nearly walked into him)
multiple ppl that looked like Remus or James
a girl sat behind me on the plane with a "Have you seen this wizard" top on with Sirius Blacks face on it (very handsome boy, prettiest mugshot I've ever seen)
a tik tok about funny bird names (Marlene would have cackled)
tik tok in general
I was reading a book for school and the father was doing experiments and died bc of and explosion (sorry Pandora)
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lostfirefly · 6 months ago
Bugust. Day 30. Dress Up. Buggy x Catherine (dear god, @rorywritesjunk, sorry for the similar vibe! haha). Sorry, I don't know how it all came down to nsfw, mdni.
"Well, his coat looks clean. And his bandana looks clean too." Catherine ran her hand over Buggy's coat, which she had given him for his birthday.
"I wonder if this coat suits me?" Catherine looked out of the bedroom. "He hasn't come back." She threw Buggy's coat over herself and twirled in front of the mirror. "I look pretty good. Oh, and I'll try on the bandana too." She looked out of the bedroom again. "He hasn't come back yet." Catherine quickly wrapped the bandana around her head and looked at herself in the mirror. "I look like a pirate queen."
"Hey!" Buggy called out to her as he walked into the bedroom. "What are you doing, cotton candy?"
"Fuck!" Catherine jumped up, "You scared me!" She noticed Buggy's questioning look at her. "Shit! Sorry! I'm so sorry! I know you don't like it when I take your stuff. It's just... your coat had been brought from the dry cleaners, and I checked it, and I don't even know how I put it on." She started to take the coat off her shoulders.
"Wait, wait!" Buggy clicked his tongue a few times. "Don't take it off. I mean, the coat and bandana"
"Don't take it off?" Catherine narrowed her eyes as he began to slowly walk towards her.
"Yeah!" Buggy scanned her from head to toe. "Fuck, I have to admit, this is really hot, Catherine Mitchell. Sure, you're practically drowning in my coat. But look at you. So small and sexy. And you're wearing my bandana too. Are you trying to finish me off?"
"Do you like it?" She smiled and fixed her hair, sticking out from under the bandana.
"Oh, yeah!"
Captivated, Buggy moved in closer, unable to resist the magnetic pull, his heart racing with anticipation as he prepared to make his move, to close the distance between them and surrender to the intoxicating chemistry that hung thick in the air.
"Just damn you, Cathie-pie." Buggy ran his fingers through her hair. "You're so beautiful."
"Stop looking at me like that, fucking clown." Catherine began to blush. "Or I'll think you love me. Go away, please."
"Okay." Buggy shrugged and sat down on the bed, not taking his eyes off her.
"Hey! What are you doing?" Catherine narrowed her eyes.
"You said to go away, but you didn't say to leave the bedroom, right? So here I'm, on the bed." Buggy bowed his head. "Fuck! I never thought I'd live to see the day I see you in my coat. It's really, really hot. Just fuck, fuck, fuck!"
"Watch out, clown." Catherine slowly walked over to the bed.
As she stood there before Buggy, his coat only served to accentuate her alluring figure. Catherine's movements were deliberate, almost feline in their grace, as she extended her leg to gently rest it against his own, the warmth of her skin sending a shiver through Buggy.
"Koalas on pants?" Buggy found his gaze drawn to the exposed expanse of Catherine's leg, unable to tear his eyes away as his fingers began to trace delicate patterns along the smooth fabric. "And my t-shirt. Again."
"I love wearing your t-shirts." Catherine bite her bottom lip and tapped his leg gently with her foot a few times.
"Look at you." Buggy grinned and ran his hand under his shirt. "Just wow..."
"Someone is gonna die soon." Catherine laughed.
With each passing moment, Buggy could feel his pulse quickening, a familiar heat building within him as his body responded to her intoxicating presence. The air seemed thick with an electric tension, every brush of skin igniting sparks that threatened to consume him. In that moment, all Buggy could think about was the overwhelming desire to pull her close, to feel the press of her body against his own as he lost himself in her embrace. Catherine had a power over him, a captivating allure that made it impossible for him to think of anything else but satisfying the growing hunger that burned within.
"Can you greet me like this every time I come home?" Buggy chuckled, placing his hand on her waist and pulling her closer.
"No, pervert. This is a one-time thing. In honor of your birthday month." Catherine slowly began to pull her coat off her shoulder. "Damn! You've completely ruined me, Buggy the Clown."
"Someone had to do it, Cathie-pie. Apparently your ex-boyfriends didn't have the guts for it." Buggy grabbed her hand. "No, no, don't take off your coat."
"You're a bad boy, Buggy the Clown!" Catherine giggled.
"Yes, I am."
"I guess I should punish you."
Filled with a passionate desire, Catherine hastily removed her loose, comfortable pajama pants, leaving herself clad only in the coat that belonged to him. The soft fabric draped alluringly over her curves as she began undressing him as well, her nimble fingers quickly unfastening his trousers. Buggy grinned in anticipation, relishing the growing intimacy between them. As the final barriers of clothing were shed, she adjusted the collar of the coat, wrapping it snugly around herself.
"Well, Buggy-sama," Catherine winked, "I think I want you."
"First, I asked you not to call me that, little shit!" Buggy started stroking her back. "Second, I see no reason to refuse you."
"Buggy?" Catherine asked quietly, sitting on his feet.
"What?" He answered and started slowly stroking her back.
"Will you make love to me?"
Buggy nodded.
Catherine sank down slowly onto his length, her muscles gently parting to accommodate his impressive girth. She let out a soft, guttural moan as she felt Buggy fill her up, stretching her deliciously. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Catherine began to rock her hips in a sensual, undulating rhythm, grinding herself against him. The familiar heat and pressure built within her core, sending tingles of pleasure radiating outward.
Their bodies intertwined, moving in a sensual rhythm as Buggy pulled her closer, his lips crashing against hers in a passionate kiss. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of Catherine's thigh, desperate to feel every inch of her, to savor the heat and pressure of her movements.
"What have you done to me, Catherine Mitchell?" Buggy asked, his lips barely leaving hers.
"I didn't do anything to you. It's your fault."
"I just got home and didn’t have time to do anything. Stop blaming me for everything, cotton candy!"
Each deliberate, rolling motion of Catherine's hips elicited a new gasp or groan from deep within her throat. She reveled in the feeling of being so intimately connected, of having Buggy sheathed so perfectly inside her. With every movement of her hips, Buggy whispered Catherine's name reverently against her mouth.
"I love you so much, my silly clown." Catherine moaned, picking up the pace gradually, her movements becoming more urgent and erratic as the pleasure mounted.
"Fuck, I love you too." Buggy moaned near her lips.
Sweat glistened on Catherine's skin and her hair clung to her face in damp tendrils as she chased her release, her body coiling tighter and tighter like a spring about to snap. With a final, shuddering cry, the tension finally broke and waves of ecstasy crashed over Catherine, leaving her trembling and breathless in the aftermath. Buggy came after her, he immediately rested his head on her shoulder.
"You okay? With me?" Catherine asked softly, stroking his back.
"Yes." Buggy started giggling. "You are a very dirty girl, Catherine Elizabeth Mitchell."
"Screw you, clown." She gently slapped his back. "I don't know how it happened."
"I know how it happened. It's hard to say no to a sex god, huh?" Buggy asked, still hugging her.
"Oh my God," Catherine rolled her eyes, "I knew that phrase would stick in your head."
"Sorry, I can't forget such a high appreciation of my talents." Buggy exhaled sadly, hugging her tighter. "Cathie-pie. Can I ask a question?"
"Sure." Catherine hugged him tighter, allowing Buggy to feel safe and comfortable for a couple of minutes.
"Don't.. Don't you still regret staying with me?"
"Of course no. I didn't regret it, I don't regret it, and I never will." Catherine kissed him on the head. "Hey! By the way! Happy Bugust, my blue-haired love."
"Bugust?" Buggy chuckled. "I like that. Let's celebrate this every year?"
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omnomnomdomcaps · 2 years ago
Upstream - Remastered - Pt. II
Finally reposting here, featuring the work of Bubblybuns, who you can find on JFF.
Chapter Two: The Fall
“So, anything new on the rumor from State?” Vanessa asked, a hint of nervousness under her voice. 
“Nothing,” Cassie shrugged, “some frat boy who used to go here thought he saw you, didn’t give a lot of details, admitted he was drunk when he did.”
“And he stopped talking about it?”
“V, it’s been three weeks. It’s over. Nothing to worry about.”
Vanessa exhaled. “Okay, thanks.”
“You okay, V?” Amber chimed in. 
“I’m… I’m fine. Just been weird. Feels like someone’s trying to s-, sab-, ugh, what’s the word?”
“Sabotage you?” Cassie offered.
“Yeah… yeah, that’s it,” Vanessa nodded, rubbing her tired head. 
“The wannabes are always trying to take down the queen!” Amber declared. 
“I’ll look into it,” Cassie said softly, “and if we find anyone, we’ll get ‘em.”
“Okay, cool,” Vanessa sighed, “now, ummm, could you guys give me a bit of privacy? Sorry.” 
The two other girls gave slight looks of confusion at the request, but away they went down the hallway. Vanessa, meanwhile, slid into the nearby bathroom, checked and double-checked that no one else was in it, and finally slid down her jean shorts to examine herself in the mirror.
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Her pullup was wet. She couldn’t recall when she had used it, - during history class, during math class, while talking to her friends, or all of the above - but from the looks of it it was on the verge of leaking now. It was her third pair since morning, and the school day wasn’t even over. 
The girl sighed. These things had been such a good failsafe early on. They spared her from embarrassment when she felt the urge to go come on suddenly during an important test, or when a small leak came out during a stressful moment. As her classes seemed to ratchet up in difficulty, and her paranoid sense that something was wrong grew, they gave her at least one thing she didn’t have to worry about. 
Lately, though, she was having far more misses than makes, and the frequency and size of her accidents was clearly becoming too much for the thin garments. Trying to use the bathroom preemptively did little to help, as the girl was struggling to go on cue, and it seemed the pullups were always damp - at least - by the time she slid her pants down. A few had leaked already, and the fact that she was losing track of when she was wetting them in the first place was especially concerning. 
Vanessa slipped into one of the stalls and changed herself into the last pullup in her backpack. She needed only to get through one more class and a short bus ride before she would be home, and the trainer proved to be enough for that duration… barely.
The girl knew what was coming when she sat down at the dinner table that evening. Her mother never had let up her bizarre behavior, pelting Vanessa with patronizing sweet-talk ever since the day of the college tour. More recently, she had bought a pack of thick diapers adorned with juvenile designs, and had begun insisting repeatedly that the girl wear them, ‘just in case’. And now, Vanessa was running out of pullups and excuses. 
“Fine, mom. Fine,” she finally acquiesced, “I’ll try them.”
Try them Vanessa did, powdering and padding herself before she went to bed. And when she woke up soaked and sagging - no dream required - she knew it was time for their daytime debut. 
The girl changed out of her nighttime clothes and put on a fresh diaper before turning to her wardrobe to find something that would suit it. Shorts seemed to make it completely obvious, and jeans didn’t fit at all. To make matters worse, all of her longer skirts and dresses were in the wash or at the dry cleaners, victims of leaking pullups, leaving the girl with limited options. 
“Oh, no...”
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Vanessa did her best to fix her pleated skirt over her diaper. Eventually, she managed to cover up the crinkling plastic, but only barely, and she knew that the slightest bit of carelessness could spell utter humiliation. 
The girl clenched the bottom of the skirt with her hands through most of the morning, walking awkwardly through the halls and trying to ward off anyone she saw staring with her patented mean glares. For her classes, she tried to sit as far back as she could, striking back-row seats in physics and history, but only a spot in the middle section in English - where she was so consumed with keeping herself covered up that she lost track completely of what the teacher was saying. 
In math class, her last of the day, the girl secured a spot in the fourth of five rows, and sat down as slowly as she could to avoid making any crinkling noise. She shuffled obsessively in her seat as the teacher began handing out the last week’s tests, but found her attention turning quickly to the pile of papers tossed in front of her. 
In her entire academic life, Vanessa had never received such a low score. It was one thing for her grades to slip as they had been doing throughout the year so far - something she chalked up to stress and senioritis. But this was on a far different level - this could prevent her from graduating on time altogether. Vanessa gulped nervously, and then leaned forward to better examine the result. 
Leaning forward, as it turned out, was a terrible mistake. 
The girl was still trying to make sense of the first page of the test when she heard a snickering behind her. As it dawned on her what the noise meant, her face went briefly pale and her head turned up slowly. 
Then, gathering up a burst of energy, Vanessa swerved her head around and gave the meanest glare she could to the boy seated behind her. Quickly, he stopped laughing and softly put both hands up as he turned from her gaze. 
With that momentarily under control, Vanessa turned once again to the other crisis of the day, trying her hardest to make sense of what went wrong on her test. She had hoped there had been a mistake in grading, or at least some sort of simple misunderstanding on her part that she could point to as cause for the result, but no. 
For page after page, the girl was left completely baffled by what had been asked, unable to make any sense at all of what she should have put down in the answers, or what she did - even when it was marked correct. Frustrated, she shoved the test into her backpack and tried her best to focus on the rest of the class, though the vast majority of it flew over her head. 
When the bell finally rang, Vanessa knew there was one more thing she needed to do. Patiently, she waited in her seat for the other students to pack their bags and get up, making special note of the boy who sat behind her. When he rose, she followed, tailing him until he was out in the hallway, where she finally grabbed his shoulder to confront him. 
“Hey,” she said harshly, sticking a finger against the boy’s chest, “I don’t know what you thought you saw back there, but if you say a word, I will ruin you. I will fucking ruin you. Got that?” 
“Yeah, yeah…” the boy mumbled, trying to turn away. He was a head taller than Vanessa, and he knew her secret now, but still her reputation had a way of making people nervous.  
“I said, got that!?” Vanessa’s voice was even angrier now, her face a bright red. 
“Got it.” The boy said timidly, again making a surrendering motion with his hands before backing away.
“Good.” Vanessa exhaled and lowered her hands back down to her skirt, where she would hold them tightly until the end of her bus ride home. 
That evening, Vanessa did some shopping, buying as many long skirts and loose-fitting dresses as she could find, desperate to avoid another incident like the one in math class.
For the next several weeks, the girl fell into an uneasy rhythm. Classes and homework continued to be a struggle, but at least she felt she could focus on them rather than her personal troubles. She used every tool at her disposal to try to get by, from paying off school nerds to do her homework for her (with kisses - they really were a pathetic bunch) to cheating off classmates when time came to take tests. And each day, she would return from school in a sopping wet diaper, desperately in need of a change. It was embarrassing, certainly, but at least it meant she wouldn’t have to worry about making it to the bathroom - well, most of the time. 
It was during a history test in the middle of October that a sharp cramp suddenly struck Vanessa, and the girl recoiled, pressing a hand against her uncomfortable stomach. With barely over ten minutes remaining in the class period, she held on hope for some time that she might be able to wait it out, but the need to go was growing faster than she had ever felt it. With beads of sweat forming on her forehead, finally, she decided to make a run. 
“Sorry, it’s an e- gotta go!” She blurted towards her confused teacher, before shooting down the hallways. With the rest of the students mostly in their classrooms, Vanessa ran as quickly as her long skirt allowed, desperately trying to fight off the growing pressure inside her. 
She made it to the bathroom and flung it open, just as a powerful new cramp arrived. 
Vanessa froze in place. In front of her was another girl, who had just finished washing her hands, and whose eyes had turned towards the noise of the door being thrown open. And inside of her… it was too late. As much as she tried not to push, it was coming out, filling the seat of her diaper as she just stood there, momentarily dumbfounded.
She needed to act fast. 
“What are you looking at!?” she yelled, with as much authority as she could, and the other girl turned her head away. 
Vanessa gulped and took a few steps quietly sideways towards the nearest stall, before sliding in and closing the door. Once inside, she waited to hear the other girl leave before breathing a sigh of relief and removing her skirt.
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Vanessa sat on the toilet seat with her head in her hands. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing there - her full diaper had already taken care of all her business - and she wondered if it was even worth having gone there at all. After all, the girl she just ran into didn’t seem to notice what was happening right in front of her, and her diaper was equipped to handle the accident. Maybe, she wondered, this was just another case of an unnecessary distraction. 
She sighed. There were only a few weeks left until the end of the midterm season and the school’s traditional fall break. She was close, she assured herself. She would make it there, and then she could deal with whatever was happening to her. 
With a new goal in mind, Vanessa returned to her history class, gathered her things, and skipped math, taking the opportunity to recuperate - and more importantly, to change into a clean diaper. 
The next few days wore on slowly. Vanessa’s classes, it seemed, had gone from hard to impossible, and the girl could scarcely understand a word her teachers said. Midterm season was in swing, and peering at others’ answers seemed to be her only way of earning any points at all. 
A physics test early the next week proved particularly brutal, as it seemed that even looking at her classmates’ papers gave Vanessa no idea of what answers to write. Every symbol looked foreign, and every question read like gibberish. 
Painfully bored, the girl stared out of the classroom window and towards a busy playground in front of the neighboring elementary school. It looked… pleasant, peaceful, and exactly like where Vanessa wanted to be. Longingly, she sighed. 
At lunch, she gave in to her temptation, sneaking from the high school campus and onto the elementary one. The children were all inside, giving her the entire playground to herself. For the first time in weeks, she felt at ease. 
Vanessa slid on the slide, swung on the swing, and finally made her way to the jungle gym, her favorite of them all. There, she climbed and swung and jumped and flipped, while the crisp autumn air hugged her skin. 
But as she was hanging upside-down on her knees from the monkey bars, with her skirt flipped nearly over her head, Vanessa caught sight of what looked to be a first grade class that had just made their way out for recess. And as she looked around at the shocked faces of the students and teachers, the girl knew she had done something very, very wrong. 
They saw.
Panic began to set in, and the girl dropped to the playground turf below, landing on her hands before scrambling back up to her feet and fixing her skirt. Breathing heavily as her situation set in, she gave a nervous look around before breaking for her high school.
Vanessa ran as quickly as she could, nearly tripping over herself several times along the way, but she made it to the entrance intact. Then, taking no time to recover, she jolted down the hallways, desperately pushing several students out of her way as she tried awkwardly to maintain both her speed and dignity.
She finally did trip, landing on her knees only a few feet in front of her friends, but she got up almost instantly, brushing dirt and off of her skirt as she launched into a nervous ramble:
“I think they mighta catched me!” she blurted. 
“They… what?” Cassie raised an eyebrow. 
“They catched me!” Vanessa repeated, frustrated that her friend wasn’t hearing her. “Or they mighta. I don’t know I was playing at the playground and I know I shouldn’ta and I’m sorry but it looked fun and I wanted to so I did but some people saw me and I don’t know what they saw but now I’m scared what they’re gonna say an-”
“Okay, okay,” Cassie said calmly, holding a hand out to calm her friend, “we’ll take care of it. If anyone says anything, we’ll make sure people know it’s a lie.”
“Okay okay thank you thank you.” Vanessa leaned back towards her locker, finally beginning to catch her breath.
“You… you alright, V?” Amber asked, concerned.
“Uhhh, I think so,” the girl lied, “just been kinda hard lately.”
“Well, it’s Friday, and at least break is only a week away,” Amber offered.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.”
One more week, she told herself. One more week, and she could finally get away. 
The weekend did bring Vanessa some reprieve. Afraid of what she would do if she went out, the girl spent the time resting at home. The week that followed, however, quickly became torturous. 
The overwhelming sense of confusion that the girl already felt in her classes seemed now to extend well beyond. She struggled to read DMs and texts, couldn’t figure out how much to pay for lunch, and found herself lost at all the complicated words her friends used when they gossipped. It was all just stress, she reminded herself, but she had never experienced stress quite like this.
When her long-dreaded math midterm arrived, she found herself stuck… trying to remember which way the V pointed in her name. She scribbled it facing in every direction, but nothing felt right. When she finally gave up, not even wanting to attempt whatever math she was expected to know, she turned to staring at the classroom clock, but found that she had no idea what it read. 
Finally, mercifully, the bell rang, and the girl went home, her test pages still blank. 
That night, she found herself again on the river, underneath a clear, blue sky. This time, she could see the wreckage of her old rowboat in front of her, being carried away by the current, while Vanessa herself seemed to be in a basket of some sort. 
She wasn’t moving backwards, at least, but it seemed she wasn’t moving much at all. Her basket was rocking steadily back and forth, staying bizarrely in its place as the stream rushed past. And behind her, the girl could see a waterfall, and make out the faint sounds of a baby’s cry. 
Vanessa woke up and exhaled. It was the last day before break, and it was Halloween. Midterms were over, and the mood at school would be festive and friendly. She had managed to keep her diapers - now on the verge of leaking after a long night of sleep - a secret from everyone who mattered, and, finally, she could say it was almost over. The break would allow her to recuperate, relax, and come back to school in full form, back on her way to being queen. 
Shortly after lunch, however, the girl began to get the creeping sensation that she was being laughed at. All around her, she could hear snickering and derisive whispers, and she felt, somehow, that it was pointing at her. 
By history class, she realized it was real. 
The girl stormed into the hallway as soon as the bell rang, finding her friends chatting in front of an empty classroom. 
“What’s going on?” She demanded, “Did someone say something?”
“No, no,” Cassie assured her, “no one said anything.” 
“Then why is everyone laughing at me!?” the girl fired back, “Something’s happening, an’ I wanna know what it is!”
Cassie and Amber gave each other a nervous look, gulping before looking back at their longtime leader. After a short pause, Amber broke the silence.
“I think… um, they might be laughing because you… uh… you kinda smell. Sorry, V.” 
“I sm-” Vanessa stopped in the middle of her question as the odor, and the revelation, hit her. Her diaper was messy - filled to the brim, as it probably had been for hours - and she had had no idea at all. The laughing around her suddenly made perfect sense, and it was growing louder and louder. 
The girl fought back a shriek and left without a word, her face crimson from trying to contain the riot of emotion inside. But when she marched to her locker, she found a familiar, unwelcome sight in front of it. 
“Well, if it isn’t the talk of the town. Cupcake?” 
It was the new girl, still dressed in black from head to toe, this time with a pointy hat on top, offering what looked to be a dark chocolate cupcake with orange frosting. 
“What the-”
“Well, it’s Halloween. And it’s my birthday! So I figured I’d offer everyone some cupcakes. Or were you just surprised I could talk?”
“I-” Vanessa had no time for this, and she was ready to burst, “I don’t want your cupcake, you, you…” she stammered, face reddening, looking desperately for any word to use, “you poopypants!”
“Really?” the girl in black chuckled, pulling back her cupcake and taking a bite, “That’s what you’re going with?”
Vanessa had no response, and she simply stormed off in a huff, shaking impotent fists as she stomped away. 
Had she put two and two together, she might have been more suspicious of this strange girl in the pointy hat, but putting two and two together was getting to be well beyond her grasp.
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davos-allyrion · 29 days ago
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(Starter with @black-queen-rising)
Davos had never left Dorne. Not for a coronation, not for a war, not even for a funeral. The thought of stepping beyond the sands of his homeland made his skin crawl. But the crown had given him no choice. Prince Daemon had summoned him personally, backed by that insufferable Gulltown woman—Lady Cissy Grafton—whose persistence was so relentless that Davos suspected she might have marched south herself to drag him to King’s Landing by his hair.
So he boarded the ship, feeling like a man on his way to the block.
The voyage was a torment. How did sailors endure this? Lucky bastards. Of course, they didn’t believe in the Seven. Father, Mother, Stranger, none of them could make a man’s stomach hold down food. The rocking of the waves unsettled him, his head pounded with exhaustion, and he wrote to his sisters every day, as if his letters alone could hold Godsgrace together in his absence. He imagined Nymeria laughing at his misery and Larra teasing him for his dramatics. They loved to travel, always telling him he should involve himself more in court.
When he said he’d rather die, he hadn’t meant it literally.
Davos spent most of the journey curled in his cabin, loathing the damp, the salt, and the way the ship creaked as if whispering threats only he could hear. Sleep came in snatches, riddled with half-dreams and shifting shadows at the edges of his vision. More than once, he woke gasping, convinced someone was standing over him, only to find himself alone.
When they reached King’s Landing, he stumbled onto dry land and spat into the filthy streets, muttering a curse in Lyseni under his breath. The city reeked—rot, unwashed bodies, something worse lurking beneath. He hated it already.
The Red Keep was no better. The air might be cleaner, but the people were either too afraid to meet his eyes or too curious for their own good. Everywhere he walked, whispers followed.
The Butcher. That sinister boy. Lord Vulture.
A septa crossed her heart and whispered a prayer as she passed by him. A couple tried to coax him into their bed. A lady, eyes bright with morbid curiosity, wondered aloud if he was a eunuch; apparently, that rumor had traveled on the same ship. He’d heard it all before, but here, it grated on already fraying nerves.
So Davos focused on his two tasks: assisting the queen in her birth preparations and delivering poisons, perfumes, and medicines to his most assiduous clients. Kierra had insisted he put a face to his name, as it was good for business.
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But when the moon rose, things got worse.
Davos had known sleep deprivation for years. He could tell when his mind was playing tricks on him. But this was different.
The knocks, the footsteps… those were real. Books tumbled from shelves without a gust of wind to stir them. Aborted noises reached his ears when he was alone. Perhaps he should have taken the couple up on their offer after all.
Then came the paralysis.
It always happened in the blackest hours of the night. It was the third time he had woken up to find himself trapped in his own body, breath coming in short, panicked gasps. And she would be there.
A woman, her hair white as bone, perched at his bedside. Her eyes were colorless voids, something neither living nor dead. Her hand, ice-cold, caressed his face, and her voice was a whisper that sliced through him like a blade.
"My son," she murmured, tilting her head. "When will you join me?"
He wanted to scream. To move. To tear himself away from her touch. But he could only stare as she smiled—soft, sweet, wrong.
Then, just as suddenly, she was gone.
Davos sat up, drenched in sweat, pulse hammering against his ribs. He ran a trembling hand through his hair, forcing himself to breathe.
He was losing his mind.
Away from home.
No, no, he didn’t have time for this.
Restless and desperate for something to steady himself, Davos ventured into the city. He found what he needed on the docks: a Dornish ship, the scent of home clinging to its crew. He bought the ingredients himself, tucked them away, and waited until the castle slept.
Slipping into the kitchens was easy. He stole nothing, if anything went missing, the servants would be blamed, and he would not allow that. The dough came together in silence, his hands steady as he shaped the pastries. Stuffed shortbreads—just like the ones he and his sisters had fought over as children.
He was nearly finished when he heard the soft rustle of skirts behind him.
“Well, I never.”
Davos turned, caught like a cat with its paw in the aquarium.
The woman watching him was old, her cheeks round and rosy, her face worn by years of work and laughter. She should have scolded him, but there was only bemusement in her gaze.
“I must be losing my senses,” she said. “A lord in my kitchens, cooking like he’s done it a hundred times.”
Davos wiped his hands on a cloth. She looked like Frynne, one of the old maids in Godsgrace, who had rocked him to sleep when he was small. He barely resisted the urge to beg her for the same comfort. “A hundred times and more, madam…” He hesitated, suddenly afraid that if he looked away, she’d vanish like all the rest. “I swear I haven’t taken anything from the castle stores. No one will be blamed.”
She folded her arms. “You think I’m worried about the flour, milord? I’m wondering why a Dornish lord is standing in front of me looking like a kitchenhand.”
“If you must know, I was trying to keep myself from losing what’s left of my mind.” He drizzled honey over the shortbreads, the heat making them gleam. The motion was methodical, calming. He could almost hear Larra muttering, we won’t be able to taste the almonds if you put that much honey. Oh, how he missed home.
“Would you like one, madam…?”
“Olene,” she said. “No need for madam.”
She hesitated, then took a seat across from him. Good. One of the only people who didn’t want to dissect, fuck, or run from him.
“Well, if you’re offering, milord.”
Davos knew better than to frame it as an order. He plated a pastry and slid it across. She bit in, hummed in satisfaction, and wiped her fingers on her dress.
“Dornish baking,” she sighed. “My husband’s from Dorne, you know. Been in King’s Landing so long I almost forgot how sweet it tastes.”
“Where in Dorne?”
“Near the Tor. What about you, milord?”
“I like the Tor… I’m from Godsgrace. Ever been there?”
“No, but my husband used to tell stories about it.”
Davos swallowed his bread like it was a shard of glass. Here it comes—
“Oh,” Olene mused, “are you Lord Mors?”
His breath caught. He squeezed the jar of honey so tightly his knuckles turned white.
No. He was not Mors.
He was what was left.
“No.” His voice was quiet. Best to answer before she thought she’d offended him. “Mors has… left us, madam. I apologize. My name is Davos. I’m…”
A bad omen? A stain? Everything you’ll hear about me?
“…his brother. The new lord of Godsgrace.”
The words hung in the air, his tone ambiguous enough to leave her wondering.
She reached out and patted his hand with fingers as warm as his aunt’s had been, once upon a time.
“I’m sorry, dear.”
Davos blinked.
Not milord. Not butcher. Not any of the shadows that followed him.
Just dear.
Olene must have realized her slip, because she started to correct herself, but Davos shook his head. “I prefer dear,” he admitted, softer than he meant to. “And thank you.”
They sat together in the quiet kitchen, eating shortbread, the scent of Dorne filling the cold stone walls of the Red Keep.
“You’re a good cook, dear,” Olene said.
Davos slid the tray toward her. “Please don’t tell anyone,” he chuckled. “They might make me stay.”
“I’ll need another to be convinced.”
“It’s all yours, madam Olene.”
For the first time since he’d arrived, Davos felt something close to peace.
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His peace was fleeting. Davos stood at the threshold of a room he had no desire to enter, the air heavy with the weight of history. The chamber was grand, its walls steeped in centuries of power and blood. And there she was—the Queen.
Rhaenyra Targaryen.
His father had always insisted that Dorne would one day wither under the Targaryens, their poisonous bloodline the cause of the kingdom’s fall. Cruel, cursed, and destined to bring ruin. Had his father known he was about to bend the knee, as their ancestors had, Davos knew the old man would have disowned him in a heartbeat.
“Your Grace,” he managed, his voice betraying his unease as it rasped from a suddenly dry throat. Every step forward felt heavier than the last until he stood before the steps of the Iron Throne. He had heard legends of the seat, an epitome of conquest and a dream forged in molten steel. Yet here it stood, cold and menacing.
“I am Davos Allyrion, lord of Godsgrace.” He bowed, though his eyes could not resist the pull upward, lingering on Rhaenyra. And there it was. Her hand, held out to him, as though offering mercy, or a new fate. But the question burned in his chest like a fire: What part did he play in her plans? Why had she summoned him? She had the finest healers and midwives at her disposal. What use could she possibly have for him?
As his mind raced, Davos realized with a sinking certainty: he was about to find out.
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opus-ny · 2 months ago
Dry Cleaners Pick Up and Delivery in Queens
Experience hassle-free laundry with our Dry Cleaners offering convenient pick-up and delivery in Queens. Save time and enjoy pristine garments without leaving home—schedule your service today!
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aleielle-of-roshar · 2 months ago
The Rotten Underneath: Prologue
Nobody asked for this 💀, buuut I found this in my drafts so just for a writing refresher I’m freshening this up, changing names to fit current ocs and RoR, and making it moderately readable since I kinda like the plot lol.
Warning in advance I’m literally such a trash writer lol, this is for fun
The floor beneath their talons was polished to such a near mirror that they couldn’t help but grimace at the reflection that gazed back at them- eyes wide, brows furrowed, and antennae twitching like reeds in a storm. It would have been perfect if not for the scuff marks that had been formed by their endless pacing to-and-fro, garnering an annoyed glare by the hivewing cleaner mopping further down the hall.
     Saturnia smiled awkwardly at them, before turning back towards the golden bejeweled double doors before them, gliting softly under the gentle light of glowbugs- and the two hivewing guards sitting before it, their twisting spiked chitin made even more intimidating by the darkened steel armour that sat upon them, their ever serious expressions not exactly the most calming.
     And behind those doors, sat Queen Sawfly of the Hivewings. Fiercesome, enigmatic, and apparently… rather confusing.
     Why me? Was the thought that that circled through their head again again and again, but each idea that popped in their mind only garnered a shake of their head, and of course the occasional gulp. 
     It had been weeks since they’d been sitting under a lamp weaved from their own flamesilk, mixing herbs, when everything had fallen apart- the usual calm silence of their home suddenly destroyed by loud roars and the horrible crunch of shattering wood as dozens of hivewing soldiers had forced themselves into their home with their spears and swords… and.. and-
     They paused their pacing and flexed her claws, letting in a shuddering breath as they tried to center themself- but even the scent of the hive was overwhelming: exotic flowers, cinnamon, honey and resin… with an undercurrent of something metallic and sour that only made them want to retch. The hivewings had told them this was an honour, and that they wouldn’t be hurt- after of course beating them half to a pulp they winced as their aching muscles flared back up as they were acknowledged. Despite their obvious distress the guards didn’t even as much glance their way, dark eyes fixed forward, and razor sharp mandibles gleaming.
     They stared at them for a few moments, hoping to gleen some sort of reassurance or even acknowledgement, but it was like staring at statues- imposing and perfect.
     Their wings fluttered slightly, brushing against the edge of her abdomen- feeling incomprehensibly tiny next to them than they truly was- weak, fragile, and useless. Maybe with armour like theirs they wouldn’t be in this mess- they would be impenetrable! And well, back home.
     They took another step, then stopped- what were they even supposed to do in such a situation? Should they knock or would that be rude? Should they wait or would that only bring about their annoyance? Had they already missed the chance to make an okay impressions.
     So they stared at their palms as they wrung them together- the hands of a doctor not some courtier- trying to recall any of their mentors’ many lessons that could help them in this moment. The hands of a healer should always be steady was all that came, a phrase drilled into them every day for years one must be steady, precise, calm, and overall encouraging. Easier said than done, mixing tonics was one thing- but this?
     So they forced their mind to the meadow they called home- the golden sun warming the grasses and the scent of drying herbs, the village’s dragonets’ laughter filling the air, and the far off sounds of waves gently lapping against the shore. The life of a healer was a life of order- sick dragons had symptoms, symptoms had solutions… But this wasn’t order, this was as orderly as charging face first into one of the western storms’ gusts!
     The silence of the corrodor was broken by a faint click as one of the guards finally inclined his head towards them, unblinking eyes causing their breath to catch in their throat.
     “The Queen will see you now.” He said simply, his voice gruff yet formal.
     They considered fleeing- bolting as fast as they could south- yet somehow they forced themself to gulp and nod, voice hoarsh and shaky “I… Thank you.”
     He nodded wordlessly and pushed open the heavy door- its hinges groaning as it let loose golden lights, bathing the dark corridor in rays of splendor- and so they squared their shoulders, raised their chin, and faced whatever was to come. 
     The throne room was… bigger then anything they’d ever seen- marble pillars twisted with gold held up a domed roof painted with murals of hivewing history, sunlight poured in from amber windows and at the end of it all… Queen Sawfly of the Hivewings, on her dias.
     Their breath hitched- the queen was as terrifying as they’d imagined, yet somehow more. Her golden tinged chitin seemed to glow as six obsidian faceted eyes gazed down at them with such intensity that they began to tremble- and her mantibles, pratically jagged greatswords twitched as she tasted the air. But most striking was her spiraling, branching horns, that reached for the skies like some great ancient tree.
     “Come foward.” She ordered in a tone that was both smooth and commanding, yet glistening with underlying malice. It was obvious she was used to being obeyed.
     So of course, Saturnia did as soon as they could break from their frozen state, crouching into a bow. Steps slow and deliberate- yet their breathes felt much too loud compared to the otherwise nothingness of the room.
     “You must be wondering why I’ve brought you here…” the Queen stated, her tone now completely unreadable.
     They simply nodded, throat too dry to speak.
     “I have a… proposal for you…” Sawfly started, frowning as she leaned forward towards the petrified silkwing “An opportunity to use those… skills of yours for more than some common cold… and save so, so many more than you could even imagine…”
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 years ago
Big Cat AU, also water related.
All four need an actual bath with soap and scrubbing, not just a dip or a jump in the water. Any of them being particularly difficult about it and do any of them get all floofy after getting towel dried?
Blake & Yang: (wearing bathing suits in a giant tub with T!Y and P!B)
Tiger!Yang: (absolutely loving the water and lathering)
Panther!Blake: (groaning in content)
Yang: How are things going, guys?
Ruby: (trying to spray a prickly SL!W with water) I-It's been better...
Snow Leopard!Weiss: (snarling and roaring at Ruby every time she brings water even remotely close)
Weiss: (spraying Cheetah!Ruby every time she sprints passed) I wish there was a more efficient way to do this.
Panther!Blake: (enjoying Yang toweling her off)
Cheetah!Ruby: (Trying to run the water out of her fur)
Blake & Ruby: (blow drying T!Y and SL!W like the fluff queens they are)
Cheetah!Ruby: (barely any cleaner than before)
Panther!Blake: (sleek and shiny)
Tiger!Yang: (giant tousled ball of floof)
Snow Leopard!Weiss: (primped, polished, perfumed, majestically fluffed fur wisps in the breeze)
Yang: Wow, Ruby. I am so sorry you have to deal with that.
Ruby: (collapses in exhaustion)
Weiss: I don't know what your problem is. I barely broke a sweat.
Blake: You barely even cleaned your cat.
Weiss: I'm sorry that I don't have a water loving, hair dryer hogging, floof mitten to care for.
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evolution-ofa-geek · 1 year ago
31 Days of Horror
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Favorite Horror Movie Filmed in Black and White
Psycho - 1960
A Phoenix secretary embezzles $40,000 from her employer's client, goes on the run and checks into a remote motel run by a young man under the domination of his mother.
Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock
Anthony Perkins
Janet Leigh
Hitchcock, we meet again. A special shout out to Night of the Living Dead, but this one is my favorite. Upon viewing it for the very first time after I had just watched The Birds, I wanted to see what Hitchcock would offer me if I saw another one of his movies. Thus… edge of your seat dramatic style. With Anthony Perkins as psycho killer Norman Bates and the late great Janet Leigh who is the mother of another scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis (Halloween).
Three sequels later, a horrible remake from Gus Van Sant that nobody should ever see, and a tv show later. Psycho is a classic masterpiece horror that everyone should watch over and over again. If anything, just for that shower scene alone.
Kill Count: 3
Memorable Scene: The Shower Scene
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Director Sir Alfred Hitchcock was so pleased with the score written by Bernard Herrmann that he doubled the composer's salary to $34,501. Hitchcock later said, "Thirty-three percent of the effect of Psycho was due to the music." Ironically, he was originally adamant that there should be no music in the shower scene but he was persuaded by his wife to give it a try. The screeching violins and dire strings (which would inspire the music for Jaws (1975)) ending up selling the scene and driving theatrical audiences beyond anything they had ever experienced.
After this movie's release, Sir Alfred Hitchcock received an angry letter from the father of a girl who refused to have a bath after seeing Diabolique (1955), and now refused to shower after seeing this movie. Hitchcock sent a note back simply saying, "Send her to the dry cleaners."
What was your favorite horror movie filmed in black and white?
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