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izabelferreiramelo · 3 months ago
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Queen Mary and her subjects
"This queen seldom went in progress except it were to the Cardinal's house at Croydon (for Cardinal Pole her kinsman was Archbishop of Canterbury) avoiding by all means to trouble and grieve her subjects in time of hay and corn harvest, when they had use of their horses and carts. And being at Croydon, for her recreation, with two or three of her ladies, she would visit the poor neighbours, they all seeming to be the maids of the Court: for then she would have no difference, and ever one of these was Jane (Dormer). She would sit down very familiarly in their poor houses, talk with the man and the wife, ask them of their manner of living, how they passed, if the officers of the Court did deal with them, as such whose carts and labours were pressed for the queen's carriages and provisions. And among others, being once in a collier's house, the queen sitting by while he did eat his supper, on her demanding the like of him, he answered, that they had pressed his cart from London, and had not paid him. The queen asked if he had called for his money. He said, yea, to them that set him awork, but they gave him neither his money nor good answer. She demanded ; "Friend," is this true, that you tell me ? "He said," Yea," and prayed her to be a mean to the comptroller, that he and other poor men might be paid. The queen told him she would, and willed that the next morning about nine or ten o'clock, he should come for his money. She came no sooner to the Court, but she called the comptroller, and gave him such a reproof for not satisfying poor men, as the ladies who were with her, when they heard it, much grieved. The queen said that he had ill officers who gave neither money nor good words to poor men, and that hereafter he should see it amended, for if she understood it again, he should hear it to his displeasure; and that the next morning the poor men would come for their money, and that they should be paid every penny. Mr. Comptroller wondered how this came to the queen, and the ladies told him what had passed that evening.
In the visiting of these poor neighbours, if she found them charged with children, she gave them good alms, comforted them, advising them to live thriftily and in the fear of God, and with that care to bring up their children; and if there were many children she took order they should be provided for, placing both boys and girls to be apprentices in London, where they might learn some honest trade, and be able to get their living. This did she in a poor carpenter's house, and the house of the widow of a husbandman. And in this sort did she pass some hours with the poor neighbours, with much plainness and affability; they supposing them all to be the queen's maids, for there seemed no differnce. And if any com plaints were made she commended the remem brance very particularly to Jane Dormer."
The life of Jane Dormer, Duchess of Feria
by Clifford, Henry, fl. 1610; Estcourt, Edgar Edmund, 1816-1884; Stevenson, Joseph, 1806-1895
Internet Archives pages 92-93 (or 64-66 in the printed book)
@queenmarytudor @marytudorqueenofengland @marianrevisionist
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artdecodude · 2 years ago
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On the Queen Mary, at the entrance to the Chowder House, there are several foot tall bas relief carvings that form an arch along the walls. Here's a few of them. I will post more later, but it's bedtime here on the West Coast. #LongBeach #ArtDeco #QueenMary
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edwintse-diary · 6 months ago
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September 22 2024 The Queen Mary
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cooltoursexperiencetravel · 10 months ago
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¡Explora la majestuosidad del Queen Mary en Long Beach! 🚢✨ Sumérgete en su rica historia y disfruta de una experiencia única a bordo de este icónico transatlántico. Reserva tu visita hoy mismo.
✉️ cooltours@gmail.com📞 +52-333-809-46-21
#QueenMary #LongBeach #HistoriaMarítima
#longbeach #tenessee #foryou #richgirlera #beyourownboss #international #bruclinewyork #foryoupage #losangeles #sustainablepackaging
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betsyloopswool · 1 year ago
Queen Mary by Nacho Cabellos Cano on 500px
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Indulge in the educational journey of Queen Mary, beautifully captured by photographer Nacho Cabellos Cano on 500px.
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tactile2 · 1 year ago
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cheesepuffmcgruff · 1 year ago
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Happy Hallow's Eve to all! And to all a spooky night~!!
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incorrect-royal-quotes · 7 months ago
I love your incorrect quotes 😂
Thank you that means a lot! -Molly
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kaiserrreich · 1 year ago
My take on recent events pt1
So recently, yesterday, my friend Claudia (@kkukolka, now @anastyaaaaa) was banned and left Tumblr. Due to the mass/false reporting and constant harassment from one blog, @kinggeorgev-queenmary (former windsormob, king-george-v-queen-mary, BelaDJ1 and other accounts)
She has harassed us through intimidating tactics such as malicious anonymous asks and DMS in excess, and in the case of Claudia, reporting. And after this, I will no longer sit in silence while you try to put down my friends over petty drama because we won't validate your obsession with a dead man.
False reporting:
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Why did you report this Windsormob? Is it because you were upset that you're being held accountable for your actions. Is it okay to falsely report until I do it? Then I'm a "stalker bully." Mhmm 'kay.
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Why are you dragging me, anonymously because of my interests? The first two, you went into @kkukolka 's inbox after blocking her to say all of that? Are you really that bothered and obsessed?
A recent one:
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DMs and other messages
Using her main account
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Part 2 will be coming soon since I've used up my image limit lol
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jamiemarsters · 8 months ago
Pic of the Day: Pretty smiley James in a *tux* at the James Marsters & Friends Queen Mary event 2006
@realjamesmarsters #JamesMarsters #QueenMary #TUX #ThatFirstPicThough #GLEEFUL #IDAREYouToBeInABadMoodAfterLookingAtThatPic #Impossible #InstantMoodImprover
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bruvph · 2 years ago
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austechandnature · 14 hours ago
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Queen Mary in Sydney Harbour on an overcast day. You can see the harbour Bridge in the background.
#queenmary #visitnsw #sydney #harbourbridge
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artdecodude · 6 months ago
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2 feet of an approximately 30 foot long relief that curves along the top of the center shop (it's had many names through the years. The theme of the relief is transportation. #ArtDeco #QueenMary #LBC 📸:me/2023 at an Art Deco Society of Los Angeles event.
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jamieroxxartist · 2 months ago
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👉 Not an Underground Art Show I did, but rather an Underwater one (technically)
A couple of pics from a #RockyHorror Convention from a few years ago that they had me at, Live Painting. I did a bunch of those. Those RHPS cons were always Fantastic and people always really liked the paintings and we always sold a ton of them.
This is actually in the lowest section of the #QueenMary ship Long Beach CA, 2006 (I think), underwater anyhow you can kind of see me there painting live on another Rocky Horror painting.
I remember the Bar (That I knew about) was on the top deck at the bow of the Ship and was about a 15 min jaunt to. So not many cocktails were being had, which was ok, because I was live Painting and I don't drink while I work.
Actually, the Truth was: that it was 'a thing' to get to the bar and it also included riding up in a creaky, cranky elevator. One full of metal creakings and unexplained ghostly moans etc. Now I have never been a big believer in ghosts... but I will tell you I only made that trip to the bar once! Not because the drinks were weak, they were not. They were great in fact. But I didn't like the other spirits!
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robertwebstercook54 · 4 months ago
FormerAGOFWA-DyaticFamily PlayingDiedRelativesInSeattle AndOtherPlacesWhoIDidntGet ToGrowupWith.QueenMary.
There playing relatives who I didn't get to grow up with.My father didn't want me knowing my immigrantfamily.Because it might be a threat to his income being that he was a Copier&FaxSalesman. They were leftwing and rich and if it didn't work out then.The immigrantfamily died of AIDS and also had alliances with the AG's-DyaticFamily.Some of my immigrantfamily is left.
QueenMary in Pinehurst&WallingfordSeattle,Shoreline-WA, LakeForrestPark-WA,Renton-WA and other places in Seattle.
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geekgyrl · 1 year ago
Paranormal Files RMS Queen Mary #trending #viral #ghost #queenmary #para...
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