#Queen Trigel
galraluver · 1 year
This fic is the fourth part of this request. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope you all love it 💕
{ (F/c/b) = Favorite camping breakfast}
The first chance she got to have a little vacation (Y/n) made a reservation at her favorite campground so she could go on a solo camping trip for the weekend. (Y/n) loved going camping whenever she could, unfortunately her job kept her busy most of the time which didn't give her the chance to actually go camping very often. She was lucky enough to live a few hours away from her favorite campground, so the drive to her destination wouldn't take too long. On the day before her camping trip (Y/n) made sure to put the supplies she needed in her living room so that taking everything out to her car/pickup would be easier, her supplies including a bag of clothes and other basic supplies she would need. The day started nice and sunny, otherwise the perfect day to begin her camping trip, although on the way to the campground the sky became increasingly cloudy; (Y/n) was thankful that she packed the protective cover for her tent in case it rained, it was better to be prepared for anything.
(Y/n) could barely wait to get checked in and set up at her tent and foldable chair so she could sit in front of a nice campfire and eat the dinner she brought with her, as well as make some s'mores. During the trip to the park she would be camping at (Y/n's) mind wandered to Trigel, her favorite character from Voltron Legendary Defender; from the first moment she first saw the original green paladin she was entranced and the young woman wished that Trigel had gotten more screen time. (Y/n) was single, painfully so, but if she could have a significant other then she would want someone like Trigel; it seemed like almost all of her friends were either dating someone or getting married, leaving her as the painfully single friend who could never manage to attract a romantic partner. She didn't need a boyfriend or girlfriend to be happy, she was capable of being happy on her own, but she still got lonely and wanted to have someone who loved her specifically. By the time (Y/n) arrived at the park, found her camping spot and got everything set up there was still enough time for her to go on a short hike; the camping spots were spaced out with plenty of foliage surrounding them, she would have more than enough privacy.
With the sky still looking cloudy (Y/n) wouldn't go too far in case it started raining because her jacket wasn't water proof, thankfully her tent would be because she brought the cover for it. She knew that she probably shouldn't walk towards where the clouds were gathering in a circle in the sky, especially since the wind speed seemed to be picking up, but she was in the mood for an adventure and nothing short of a natural disaster was going to stop her. The wind speed became higher the longer she walked while the clouds formed a purplish color in the middle, a truly strange sight that had (Y/n) entranced by its unique beauty; she wondered if the circle of clouds was some kind of wonder of nature, although she'd never heard of such a thing happening before. Lightning streaked across the sky and thunder boomed loudly in the clouds, (Y/n) had to carefully walk over to a large boulder next to the trail where she could press herself against it for safety, covering her ears to protect her hearing and closing her eyes because the strange storm was kind of frightening. The wind whipped her hair around and nearly caused her to fall a couple of times, whatever kind of storm that came out of nowhere was definitely very unnatural.
(Y/n) failed to notice that a person fell from the portal and landed on the ground about twenty feet away, that person being the one and only original green paladin. Trigel had been fighting against Zarkon and Haggar when she was sent through a portal to another reality, falling unconscious as soon as she hit the ground; her helmet and armor protected her from dying, unfortunately they had been cracked from the force of the impact. The wind kept blowing for a while longer, although the thunder and lightning quieted down which meant (Y/n) could uncover her ears and open her eyes. It was beginning to get dark by the time the wind settled down and she would have gone back to her campsite, but then she spotted someone laying flat on the ground. (Y/n) didn't remember seeing anyone else hiking while she was out and seeing someone just randomly laying on the ground was highly unusual; she couldn't just leave someone in need, so her first instinct was to go see if she was alright.
Usually approaching an unconscious stranger would be nerve-wracking, although (Y/n) couldn't help but feel curious when she saw the mysterious person was wearing the same armor as Trigel. It shouldn't have been possible because characters from any tv show weren't real, it couldn't have been possible, and yet after carefully removing the green paladin helmet (Y/n) was given the surprise of a lifetime; Trigel was laying on the ground, right in front of her, and for a moment she thought that she might have been going crazy or something. (Y/n) knelt down and reached forward, placing two fingers in the center of the base of Trigel's neck in hopes of finding a pulse. She smiled when she found a pulse, Trigel was still alive and she was going to save her before someone with bad intentions found the original green paladin. (Y/n) came to the conclusion that the mysterious storm had something to do with Trigel's sudden appearance in the real world, she just hoped that Trigel wouldn't wake up until she had her in the safety of her tent.
"I know that you don't know what's going on because you're unconscious, but I'm going to take you somewhere safe." (Y/n) said while gazing at Trigel's face, still hardly able to believe her favorite paladin was really there.
Trigel didn't crack her eyes open or respond when (Y/n) spoke to her, the dalterion queen was completely unaware about what was going on and she needed help. (Y/n) stood up and walked towards where Trigel's head was, getting her back to her campsite wouldn't be easy but she had to do it, otherwise the government would take Trigel away and dissect her. She bent down and hooked her arms under Trigel's armpits, lifting with her legs before slowly walking backwards towards the campground. (Y/n) had enough self control so that she wouldn't fangirl when Trigel eventually woke up, although explaining where she was would be something completely different and she hoped Trigel didn't lose her memory when she fell. She could easily keep Trigel hidden thanks to there being plenty of shrubbery around and there weren't too many people nearby, all (Y/n) had to do was get her into her tent and make dinner.
All throughout dinner Trigel didn't wake up and (Y/n) had to check her pulse again just to make sure that she was still alive; she was, of course, but she was still unconscious. (Y/n) took the extra blanket and pillow she kept in her car/pickup and brought them to her tent after she laid Trigel in it, that way Trigel wouldn't be completely uncomfortable. By early morning Trigel finally regained consciousness; at first her vision was blurry, although when she saw that she was in a tent she felt confused, even more so when she noticed (Y/n) laying on a cot. She naturally didn't know who (Y/n) was nor could she properly see her since she woke up before the sun was up all the way, so all she could do was wait for (Y/n) to wake up. The last thing Trigel remembered was her final battle against Zarkon and Haggar, the next thing she knew she'd been pushed through a portal made by Haggar.
Trigel could hear the sound of birds singing their morning songs outside, although none of them sounded familiar to her which meant she had been sent to another reality. She spent the next hour or so listening to the birds and wondering where she'd been sent to; her armor was cracked and so was her helmet, but it was to be expected after the battle she had previously been a part of. A few hours later (Y/n) woke up and saw that Trigel had woken up; they just stared at each other for a moment, neither of them knowing what to say to each other. (Y/n) was excited that Trigel woke up and Trigel felt even more confused about where she was and how she ended up in a tent with another woman. Honestly, (Y/n) wasn't sure what to say when Trigel eventually woke up, so she remained quiet despite wanting to break the silence.
"Where am I? Who are you?" Trigel eventually asked (Y/n) with curiosity, no longer able to handle the awkward silence.
"You're in my tent, I brought you here yesterday evening when I found you laying on a hiking trail. My name is (Y/n)." (Y/n) replied calmly, feeling kind of shy all of a sudden when their eyes met and she introduced herself.
"Thank you for saving me. My name is Trigel." Trigel responded gratefully, introducing herself as well so that she wouldn't seem rude.
"I'm glad that I could help you. Would you like to join me for breakfast?" (Y/n) inquired curiously, feeling hungry for the food she brought for breakfast; not only did she get to meet her favorite paladin but she had the opportunity to eat something with her, too.
"That sounds wonderful, thank you." Trigel answered kindly, she couldn't remember when the last time she ate was and the offering of food sounded wonderful.
(Y/n) grabbed her keys and got up so she could put her shoes on, opening her tent and leading Trigel out into the morning air. She breathed in deeply, feeling refreshed after having a good night's sleep; camping always left her refreshed, that's why she liked it so much. Trigel rezipped the tent once she and (Y/n) were outside, admiring her new surroundings while she helped (Y/n) get the food and the skillet out of the human woman's vehicle, it wasn't long before they were able to cook breakfast over an open fire. (Y/n) never expected that she would make breakfast with Trigel; heck, she didn't even expect to actually find Trigel laying on the ground after she apparently fell out of a mysterious portal, but it was truly a dream come true for her. By the time they were eating breakfast at the picnic table near (Y/n's) tent the birds were singing and chirping happily, as though they were greeting a brand new day.
"This tastes amazing, what do you call it again?" Trigel thanked (Y/n) after she took the first bite of the food, surprised by how delicious it tasted.
"(F/c/b), and I'm glad that you like it." (Y/n) replied gratefully, happy that Trigel, a paladin of Voltron, liked the breakfast food she brought.
Breakfast was only the first thing they were going to do that day, (Y/n) was thankful that she'd decided to sleep in her clothes during the previous night. Since there was no way for Trigel to return to her previous reality (Y/n) was going to let her live with her, it was the least she could do for the former green paladin. Trigel graciously accepted (Y/n's) kind offer, feeling a sense of admiration for the woman who saved her; there was a lot they talked about during breakfast, mostly about what their homes were like and about the battle against Zarkon. It was only natural for Trigel to be mind-blown about being an animated character in (Y/n's) reality, (Y/n) promised her that she could watch Voltron Legendary Defender when they went to (Y/n's) home, it wasn't like anything bad could happen if Trigel watched it. Until then, Trigel and (Y/n) were perfectly happy getting to know each other a little better; (Y/n) would help Trigel adjust to life in her reality as much as she could, it would just take a while.
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acids-and-basses · 2 years
Dombiar Tarot Masterlist
Major Arcana: The Fool: Koh Magician: Duni High Priestess: Broma Empress: Henna Emperor: Dacan Hierophant: Faemish Lovers: Daimien and Elden Chariot: Karnaca Strength: Chops Hermit: Aceol Wheel of Fortune: Grygan Justice: Rashim Hanged Man: Novi Death: Restless Temperance: Trigel Devil: Orcus Tower: Duni’s Tower Star: Melenor Moon: The three Moon Sisters Sun: Bazil Judgment: Dryke World: The Trinity
Minor Arcana: Wands: Ace: Restless’ Family Two: Restless’ Mother, Mary Three: Himo, who stole Restless’ revival spell Four: Elden, Novi, and Restless being away from Orcus Five: Argument in the Medbay Six: Dice Seven: Unicorn Eight: Aceol and Rashim Nine: Oogway Ten: Rashim’s weight of the world Page: Damien Knight: Moxtir Queen: Feather Friend King: Elden/Faemish’s God Form
Cups: Ace: Feather Friend and Moxtir Two: Novi proposing to Restless Three: Novi, Damien, and Elden’s Heist Four: Rashim Praying Five: The Fall of Elvendon Six: Koh playing with children in Voric Seven: Confused Rashim Eight: Damien and Elden leaving the party Nine: Damien’s broken curse Ten: Damien and Elden’s marriage Page: Lanceti Knight: Soxin Queen: Hilda King: Kethren
Swords: Ace: Restless’ familar, Wilbur in both Crow and Owl form Two: Novi debating between killing Damien and the prince Three: Novi’s Nightmare of killing Restless Four: Khaos Krew sleeping Five: Broma and Himo trying to Stab each other in the back Six: Sakura when fighting Seven: Is it Novi or Restless? Eight: Restless’ voices Nine: Rashim’s dreams Ten: Jaymin Page: Rif Knight: Sakura and the bell Queen: Ice King: Hide
Pentacles: Ace: All of the Saints Two: Timothy, Restless’ Father Three: Koh, Restless, and the tomato pranks Four: Dragon Damien and Elden Five: Restless’ Spell of Revival Six: Dante, Dash’s Nightmare Horse Seven: Dash and Resnoa Eight: Party on the Bloody Riot Nine: Morax Ten: Aimer Page: Scout Knight: Monk Queen: Naomi King: Roc
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bravepaladinsedits · 5 years
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Paladin Vlogs feat the Paladins of Old
From our Instagram @/bravepaladins
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pukotort · 5 years
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////ko-fi commission info///
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Season 3 Episode 7, “The Legend Begins”
[2/7] [3/7] [4/7] [5/7] [6/7] [7/7]
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This ask is for "As Endymion Sleeps"
Here's a snippet from what I consider to be a romantic AU that puts the timeline of Voltron in a blender and lets me tell a story
“I don’t mean to be a negative nuckloff,” said Blaytz, “but we haven’t been Voltron in a long time.”
Alfor couldn’t say he disagreed. The war had left deep scars on all of them. Gyrgan’s homeworld had been desolated, Trigel had lost a husband to the Galra, and Alfor still needed to talk to Blaytz about the man’s need to unquestioningly adopt every orphan the war had made. But Zarkon…Alfor had to wonder if the man the war started and ended with wasn’t now the most pitiable creature in the universe because of it.
Zarkon remained holed up on Nevazaal since the Galra had fallen short of its vaulting ambitions for empire. A resistance movement, the Blades of Marmora, and the inevitable infighting among the upper ranks splintered the Galra high command, in spite of their Emperor’s best efforts. And even with only four lions, the remaining Paladins were able to route their former leader and de-throne him before the masses. Now, the Galra were a shadow of their former might, ruled by an unseen monarch and an Altean queen. Many of Zarkon’s supporters dared not show their loyalty in public the way they once had. Surely there was peace, but not co-existence. Zarkon himself was now only seen in person by his own family or Alfor’s. The Black Lion stood solemnly inside the Castle of Lions, no longer used for anything. Or by anyone.
WIP Challenge. Send the Title that most intrigues you and I’ll tell you about it or post a snippet.
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godestof3worlds · 4 years
On The 5th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me... FIVE GOLDEN RINGS
Ah, so it’s going to be one of those days, I guess. My brain is running around with so many thoughts I can’t shut it off. I sigh before I get out bed and look in the mirror to fix my moustache. Once my moustache is acceptable enough for a walk around the castle, I leave my room.
My room was near the princess, so I went to go check hers out first. I typed in the code, and checked on her. Since the battle, she’s been having trouble sleeping, especially with the fight with Haggar and realizing she was Altean. She's also having the pressure of trying to be the perfect diplomat and try to widen the coalition. She reminds me of her mother, someone who was strong willed and did many amazing things for her people.
I smile a little at the thought of the queen. I walk out her room and move to the nearest paladin’s room. They’re not that far from the princess’ and my own chambers, just a couple of turns and you are in the same hallway as the humans.
Hunk is closest, and that is the first paladin I check in. I type out the code, and see the yellow paladin as the door swishes open. He's tangled in his blankets as usual as he snores. He reminds me of Gyrgan. He was the kindest paladin, a leg that kept everybody up. He was somebody who preferred to eat than fight, someone who only fought if there was no peaceful resolution, similar to the current yellow paladin.
I leave his room and cross the room to the green paladin’s room, Pidge’s. I again type the code and it opens. It seems to be one of those nights where number five was actually sleeping in her bed. Her room was a mess, a contrast from the original’s room, Trigel. She was always organized, saying that we weren’t some type of savage who lived in a dumpster. She was very intelligent, just like Pidge, except she always loved nature, found it comforting even. I smirk at the contrast between the two.
I leave her room and move to the next one, Lance’s. I repeated the same code as I did for the other’s room before the door swished open and I found Lance sleeping with his sleep mask placed on his skin. He seemed to be replica of the last blue paladin, Blaytz. He was a ladies man, someone who charmed any female that had a heartbeat. He always tried to look his best and had a similar routine as Lance. I laugh softly with the thought if those two actually met.
I leave his room and move to the last paladin, Keith. I entered the code and saw the red paladin asleep. Usually, ever since Shiro disappeared, he’s either awake searching for him, or training non-stop. It's a little concerning, but it wasn’t something I haven’t seen. Alfor was the same way if any paladin was missing or injured. Shiro told me his plan he had on number four, wanting him to lead Voltron if anything happened to him. I'll think Keith will be a great leader once he learns to talk with his team more, and stops running into things headfirst all the time.
I back out the room and start to make my way back to my room as my mind starts to drift off to Zarkon before he was corrupted. He was a great leader, always listening to others and making sure that everybody survived, just like Shiro. I hope he doesn’t turn corrupted like Zarkon and starts trying to kill everybody. It's a horrible thought process to be thinking about before bed, but that may just happen.
I walk into my room and hope that I can quiet my mind so I can sleep. Instead, I am left awake for about a varga thinking about the paladins of old before sleeping a dreamless sleep.
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the-blaze-empress · 5 years
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The Rules were Made to be Broken
AU: The Selection
Pairings: Klance, Romellura, Veraxca, Zethzor, Adashi, Hunay
Rating: General
Archive warnings: None
Chapters: 6/?
Updated: Every month, as close to the 11th as I can manage
Lance is a Prince. Not just any Prince, but the Crown Prince of Illéa. That means one day he’s going to be King. That means he needs a Queen. And that means a Selection.
36 beautiful women, one headstrong new guard, and a very confused Prince. Not to mention the constant threat from both the Northern and Southern rebels, war in New Asia, and trying to appease both the public and his parents as Prince Leandro Álvarez Serrano McClain tries to find someone to be with for the rest of his life.
And sometimes that person is someone you’re not allowed to love…
This is a Klance Selection AU, and for those of you who don’t know what the Selection is, I recommend looking it up because I SUCK at explanations. But hey, I’ll try anyway. The Selection is the competition where 35 girls (One for each province in the country of Illéa) between the ages of 16-20 are randomly selected and taken to the palace to compete for the Prince’s hand. This competition can last weeks or months, and basically consists of the Prince dating all the girls at the same time, and eliminating the ones he doesn’t like as much.
Chapter One - In which Lance really doesn’t want to do this, but pastry makes everything better
Chapter Two - In which Pidge is mad, and envelopes seem a lot more than just paper
Chapter Three - In which Pidge makes a compromise and an aeroplane lands
Chapter Four - In which cyan is a beautiful colour for a beautiful girl and Trigel has a favourite
Chapter Five - In which someone is yelling and the movie is bland
Chapter Six - In which Lance is late and there are some changes to the guard
Chapter Seven - In which Ezor is smug and someone is peeking 
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wireslide · 5 years
📂📂📂📂 tell me about Tribal you know you want to
I know you mean Trigel and your phone autocorrected.
We’ll start with the basics on Deltarians. The Deltarian people are like cordyceps in space; they’re a fungal life form that infects host bodies to survive and spread, and Trigel is the Big Scary Mushroom Queen who literally lit the last one on fire and her whole species is terrified of her because she fearlessly carried the torch in the only host she had at the time. She can occupy multiple hosts at once, a cluster of Deltarian-hosting bodies is probably all being piloted by the same base entity, which is often a large fungal stalk settled safely in the depths of a cave somewhere.
Trigel herself prefers one of the other species native to the asteroid belt as hosts, but tend towards much larger species as sporing grounds, such as Galra. The ‘antlers’ we see on her head are actually cordyceps growths, and therefor the only actual part of Trigel The Mushroom Queen that we see. She constantly makes terrible jokes with Zarkon about using his corpse as a spawning ground when he dies, and he actually agreed to leave it to her.
She doesn’t feel things the way that most species would understand--part of her nature as a sentient fungus--but as she understands the way love is described, she loves Zarkon as much as she is able. She and Alfor have a complicated relationship because of this, and Trigel relishes the drama. Her greatest enjoyment comes from watching the overwrought emotions of what she considers host races, and she is absolutely the first paladin to start drama and the last one anyone would suspect.
Deltarians used to keep Galra as slaves, but after her first meeting with Alfor and Zarkon, Trigel ordered that all the Galra be released and sent her favorite host from cluster to cluster in the Deltarian Belt assuring that her word had been carried through. Any of her people that didn’t comply were burned  to the last spore. She tried her best to hide that she was freeing the Galra from Alfor and Zarkon while the two were trying to negotiate the Deltarians’ entrance into the (pre-Voltron) coalition, because she didn’t want Zarkon to think it was a tactic.
Most Deltarian host bodies aren’t capable of reproduction, but Trigel was trying to find a way to circumvent that in an attempt to forcibly evolve her species into something less dependent on other races.
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kallura-icedcoffee · 6 years
A/N: This is for valentinaaray who messaged me a while back with an idea that I could use for a post s8 fic and it was a damn good idea I think so here we are! I had been on the fence as to whether I even wanted to do a “fix-it” tbh and then this request fell in my lap and gave me the kick in the pants I needed.
Rating: Mature
Chapter: 1 of ?
Summary: Allura is given a second chance at life in another reality and is ready to settle down there. Meanwhile Keith hasn’t stopped looking for her, hoping she’s still out there somewhere in the stars. When he finally finds her he can’t wait to bring her home, but does she even want to go?
Allura looked back at the paladins one last time, an ache in her chest so deep it swelled and radiated throughout her body. Her mouth curled into a tight lipped weak smile. Don’t show them how much this hurts, don’t show them how scared you actually are. That can’t be their last memory.
She turned and walked until the light drowned them out, until she couldn’t see them anymore, until their faces faded and Alfor and the others came into view. She thought it would be an eternity before she saw her father again, thought she would be old and gray, thought she would be a queen, holding the small hands of her grandbabies one last time.
Not this soon.
Alfor held out a hand.
“Come daughter. You’re done fighting. You’ve given all you can. Rest now.”
Rest. That word stuck and clung and she realized just how tired she actually was all this time. The strain of holding the weight of the universe finally caught up and the idea of letting it all go actually sounded nice, but…she would have carried that burden just a little bit longer if that meant she could stay with them. She just needed more time.
Allura reached for her father, fingertips grazing his when she suddenly heard the lions roar so loud it was almost deafening. Her hands clamped over her ears as they roared again, each distinct but in unison, calling out to her in one voice.
Your journey is not done…
She sank to her knees as the sound intensified. Alfor lowered his hand and took a deep breath with a smile. He made no move to go to her but instead turned and headed toward Blaytz, Trigel and Gyrgan to join them.
“Is she coming?” Blaytz asked.
“One day, but today is not that day old friend.” He put a hand on the Nalquod’s shoulder as they walked away from her.
She curled up, her whole body vibrating.
A silent scream fell from her mouth before everything faded to white…
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galraluver · 11 months
Hello again, I hope your well or at least better than you have been lately.
I'd like to request a platonic reader x Alfor scenario at the juniberry festival. Idk if you or anyone else remembers it but it was briefly talked about in episode 9 I believe of season 1, when Allura is talking with hologram Alfor
I'll try my best. I wish that DreamWorks gave us a little more info about the Juniberry festival because it honestly sounds fascinating
With the juniberry festival coming up Alfor had been busy seeing to the preparations; the juniberry festival was the biggest celebration on Altea and every year everyone looked forward to it. (Y/n) couldn't wait to see Alfor, her childhood best friend, at the festival since they couldn't hang out while he was busy. The young altean woman got to see Alfor's fiance, Melenor, a couple of times and they had the chance to hang out together at one of the little cafés near the palace. Melenor didn't mind Alfor being friends with (Y/n) since the other altean woman wasn't attracted to Alfor, Melenor knew Alfor only had eyes for her. The juniberry festival was everyone's favorite event of the year, adults and children alike looked forward to it all year.
On the day of the festival (Y/n) put her favorite outfit and shoes on, styled her long silky hair by curling and made sure she was ready before leaving her house which was located near the palace where the festivities would be held. The juniberry fields were in full bloom which made the area nearby smell absolutely heavenly, not to mention it was finally juniberry berry season. Juniberry berries had a particularly sweet flavor that everyone on Altea loved, not to mention they could be used for all kinds of baked goods, drinks and so much more. (Y/n) had a look around the festival grounds before she went to go look for Alfor and Melenor so they could go get some juniberry berry cookies at one of the food stands. After searching around for a while (Y/n) was confused because she couldn't find her best friend and his wife, thankfully the altean king and queen saw her before she saw them.
"(Y/n)! We're over here!" Alfor called out when he and Melenor quickly walked over to the young altean woman, happy to see his friend.
(Y/n) waved to her friends before she began weaving through the crowd, politely excusing herself each time she accidentally bumped into someone. Sometimes people from neighboring planets would come to the juniberry festival because of how popular it was and everyone always had a good time. Blaytz, Gyrgan and Trigel were somewhere, although they were at different parts of the festival during that particular moment; Zarkon was usually a killjoy and didn't come to the festival, although Sendak and a few of his buddies did. By the time (Y/n) made it to Alfor and Melenor the back of her hair was a little messy; she reached back so she could smooth it down so that it hopefully wouldn't get too tangled. Alfor and Melenor held each other's hands while they waited for (Y/n) to make her way through the sea of people; that year's festival was particularly crowded, they weren't expecting so many guests.
"I don't remember last year's juniberry festival being this crowded. Anyway, I'm starving after looking for you two, shall we go get some juniberry cookies before they run out." (Y/n) commented before she suggested they go get some cookies; there were a lot of people, which meant the bakery might actually run out before the end of the day.
"That sounds wonderful." Alfor agreed wholeheartedly, since the festival officially started he and Melenor could finally just enjoy themselves for a while.
(Y/n) beamed and the three of them headed to the local bakery in hopes of buying some freshly made juniberry cookies; the soon-to-be married couple were exhausted after everything they'd done and they could barely wait to have a normal day at the festival. On the way to their destination the three young adults crossed paths with Coran and invited him to tag along, it was only proper for the king of Altea to have his royal advisor nearby. The sound of people chatting and the scent of food in the air was certainly different compared to the usually calmness near the castle, the juniberry festival was fun for everyone. Thankfully the bakery hadn't run out of juniberry cookies by the time they arrived and there was even a table available for the four of them to sit at, although it helped that Alfor was the king and Melenor would soon be his wife. Later they would go play some of the carnival games together, but until then they enjoyed eating the juniberry cookies they bought.
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ladyandherbooks · 6 years
Lotura AU Idea Part 1 - Story
It's the early Renaissance when King Alfor, King Blaytz, King Gurgan, Queen Trigel and Emperor Zarkon come together to forge an alliance to protect their people and make the world a better, safer place. Then one day Zarkon uncovers a mysterious book written in an unknown language and when the empire's greatest minds cannot decipher it he sends for Alfor and his scholars.
Alfor arrives with his team of scholars, including an alchemist named Honerva who deciphers the first part of the book and discovers that it is the true recipe for the mythical Philosopher's Stone. Everyone is excited and they begin working on it's creation straight away. Alfor believes that it could help better the lives of people all over the world as they would have access to unlimited resources and could also maybe one day cure any disease, while Zarkon thinks that with stone he could ensure that the Galra would be safe as he would have infinite wealth to pour into the army and it's defenses.
Years pass and Zarkon and Honerva's experiments and focus on the stone have decimated the Galra home country, Daibazal, now making it nearly uninhabitable. Their focus and obsession with the stone also damages their friendships and while the alliance remains unchanged they have not seen or personally corresponded to their friends in years. One day Honerva finally makes a Philosopher's Stone, excited she sends for Zarkon who rushes to her laboratory. However, while the stone is complete it is unstable and when the stone is accidentallt knocked to the ground it explodes, releasing some of its incredible power. Zarkon and Honerva are believed to be dead but after their funeral they shock everyone by coming back to life.
Now, forever altered by the Stone's alchemic properties Zarkon and Honerva are not only corrupted but are also almost invincible. Zarkon, hearing that his friends evacuated Daibazal and destroyed his homeland in order to stop the spread of the dangerously high levels of alchemic energy/power as Alfor believed it could spread and harm the rest of the world decides to get revenge.
Zarkon then declares war on the rest of the world and eventually destroys Altaea and it's people. Alfor, using the last of his alchemic magic puts Allura and Coran into a deep slumber, sending them off in a ship powered by alchemy to hide away. Over 200 years pass and Allura and Coran wake up, face to face with a group of students from a military academy who stumble across them after they are ship wrecked on the island. Allura and Coran learn of Zarkon's tyrannical rule and with her new friends she leaves the island in order to raise an army to defeat him and the Galra empire.
Months pass and after a brutal battle with Zarkon Allura and her friends meet Lotor, prince and sole heir to the empire. While antagonistic at the beginning and unsure of what his true motives are they eventually form an alliance with him after his father declares him to be a traitor. It is then that Allura learns that Lotor wishes to destroy the Philosopher's Stone and steal the now infamous alchemic text, now in the hands of the witch Haggar and to use it's knowledge to heal the world and bring peace to the world once more. However, he believes that Allura and her alchemic gifts are the key to this victory and that if they work together then they can rewrite the wrongs of the generation before them, all she needs to do is to trust him.
Thus begins a crazy, action packed adventure across the world as they search for the answers and tools that will help them bring down Lotor's parents. What starts out as a tentative alliance soon begins to change and before either of the young royals know it they have begun to fall in love with one another. However, with danger around every corner and with the world's greatest army and most dangerous alchemist as their enemies will their love thrive and be strong enough to overcome every obstacle or are they just doomed to be star crossed lovers, cursed with tragedy and unbelievable heart break?
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None of the Original Paladins were the Central Leader of their race, at least at first. Alfor’s wife was Queen, Blaytz’s Brother was Emperor, Trigel was a High-Ranked Senator, Gyrgan was son of the Elder, and Zarkon was the military leader. He killed the Civilian leader before taking Voltron through the rift.
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khellamendrawrites · 6 years
Want You By My Side
Blaytz finds Daibazaal to be so boring except for a particular servant that’s caught his eye. Now if only he could find him before the new deca-phoeb starts.
Pairing: Blaytz x Galra Servant 
It was all so unbelievably monotone. Purple and red decorated nearly every part of Daibazaal including the very planet itself. The whole place was so uniform and so militaristic. Sometimes Blaytz wanted to throw random color capsules everywhere just to see what would happen. Probably cause a riot or something knowing these people, they wouldn’t know how to handle that much fun. Sure Zarkon was nice but even he had a certain controlled mannerism to him as if he was afraid to let go or didn’t know how to. He seemed the most animated around Honerva. The Nalquodian only hoped she brought out a real personality in the guy. Alfor was so different that he didn’t know how his friend did it other than having the patience of a Weblum.
Looking across the room, he watched the servants as they moved about their various tasks. Eyes watched one in particular, the same one he remembered from his first visit to Daizabaal after becoming a Paladin.
Eyes met his own and Blaytz was about to wink at him before Alfor decided to lean forward, right in his line of sight, the biggest smile on his face. “What do you think Blaytz?” Glancing around the table, everyone was staring at him now, waiting for an answer to a question he hadn’t even heard. Eyes flitted to where the servant had been but there was nothing but empty space now.
“Uh yeah, I think it’s a great idea.” Shrugging, he caught that knowing look from Trigel that he ignored. The king had already turned back to Zarkon, crossing his arms with a look of satisfaction.
“You see? Everyone wants you to be there. You cannot miss the annual Capho Festival." He said firmly. "We shall welcome the new deca-phoeb together. As Paladins-in-arms and as friends. You cannot possibly say no.” Blaytz put an arm over his chair, slouching as he tuned the conversation out again.
When he caught movement out of his peripheral again he followed the arm up to see the same servant he had been watching a moment ago. Eyes meeting again, Blaytz smiled and tipped his head in a silent thanks. The blush was almost invisible against pale violet skin but he still caught it along with the smile before the servant walked away.
As soon as the meeting ended, they all separated with a promise to meet up in a couple of quintant for the Festival. It would be going on for an entire movement as per tradition. The new deca-phoeb would be starting at the end of the first quintant of it.
Blaytz lingered, telling himself it was only because Alfor was and he liked to watch his friend’s back. They all knew it wasn’t because of a lack of trust in the Galra. Alfor had done it for Blaytz when it had mattered the most. Blaytz had spent his life doing the same until it became something of a habit.
Leaning on the balcony he watched his friend visit with Honerva.  Zarkon walking ahead to give them time to themselves.
“Is everything alright?” Trigel joined him, watching Alfor gestured animatedly about something while Honerva laughed. “You seemed distracted during the meeting.”
“Hey you know me, I find those meetings boring more often than not. The atmosphere does that to me. It’s so dry here.” Shrugging, he turned around and leaned against the railing. “You know me, I love excitement this is-” He gestured with a hand. “So not it.”
“It is different from home, I must admit though I do find it fascinating. I believe there is one in particular that you also find fascinating.” She said, gesturing with her head again. Glancing back, he smiled without meaning to. The soft laugh signaled he had was caught and he gave her a sour look. “I overheard Alfor ask if it would be alright to have some of the servant class assist with preparation and service for the Capho festival. I may have mentioned to the Staff Captain that we want only the best and that there is a particular set of servants that have more than proven themselves.”
Trigel didn’t believe in the Galran’s hierarchy either but unlike him, she was better at playing the system. Looking back at the servant, he grinned. “Thanks Tri.”
Everything was a flurry of activity but Blaytz loved it. Altea was a planet he could spend all of his time on, it was so full of color and life. Throw everything underwater and it might have been almost exactly like Nalquod. Granted he had long since grown to enjoy the warmth of the sun against skin.
Dodging children he wrapped an arm around Coran without stopping, watching him check things off a list. “Yo Coran the gorgeous man don’t suppose the rest of the Pirate Polychoral are going to show up to the festival? I haven’t gotten to hear you guys in ages.” Twirling a mustache, Coran pretended to think it over as if he hadn’t known the answer phoebs ago.
“The gang is rather busy these days but.” He looked from side to side, leaning into Blaytz. “We might be able to get everyone together for a show or two.” He hinted. Patting the Altean heartily on the back blue paladin laughed.
“Well, I’ll make sure to keep an ear out then. Wouldn’t want to miss that for anything. To the new deca-phoeb friend!” Strolling down the street, he didn’t even hesitate to walk into the castle. Even more, people were working diligently to get everything ready. They would be getting guests within a few varga and everyone was excited.
The galra servants were the ones that stood out like sore thumbs and not just because of their looks. They seemed almost perplexed by the relaxed nature of everything. He didn’t see who he was really interested in but Trigel had assured him the man was here somewhere.
“Blaytz!” He turned just in time to be pulled into a crushing hug by the overly friendly Rygnirathian.
“ Gyrgan! Good to see you too. Kinda crushing my chest though, do you mind?” He said with a slight wheeze. Even if he didn’t quite need the air, the yellow paladin always seemed to forget his own strength. Thankfully he didn’t have as squishy of an anatomy like Alteans did.
Speaking of Alteans, he waved at Alfor as he joined them with the rest of their party. Opening his arms to give another hug, Zarkon was quick to extend a hand. Accepting the gesture without question, they clasped arms before he put a hand on Trigel’s shoulder as she bowed slightly to him. Alfor tried to do what Zarkon had but Gyrgan didn’t give him the chance to get out of the hug. At least this one didn’t sound too painful.
“Always a great pleasure to see you too Gyrgan. Truly your heart is as strong as your muscles.” Alfor said, not without the same slight wheeze Blaytz had. The Nalquodian noted with some amusement that Alfor was actually more so out of breath as he straightened clothing out once back on the ground.
“Getting old are we?” He teased as Alfor cleared his throat.
“Looking for someone before we arrived, dear friend?” Alfor asked casually as he fixed his sleeve. It turned into a smug grin at the look of shock on a blue face.
“Quiznack does everyone know?” He asked, rubbing his head.
“I don’t know. Are we waiting for someone else?” Gyrgan asked and Zarkon looked just as confused.
“I am afraid I too do not know. What are you talking about Alfor?” He asked as Blaytz desperately make gestures behind him to shut it. Alfor for his part laughed it off.
“It is nothing, I am merely teasing him and he knows it. Come let us leave these people to their work. I must show you some things I have been working on while I still can. Once the festival starts Melenor will never forgive me if I try to work during it.”
They only managed to escape because the queen came into the hanger and dragged Alfor away. They all knew that was their signal to disperse and enjoy what Altea had to offer.
If it was lively before it was even more so now with music and laughter both in and outside of the palace. As much as he wanted to stay in the palace, Blaytz had always been a paladin of the people. He wasn’t royalty like Alfor or Zarkon nor a  leader like Gyrgan was for his tribe. Even Trigel was a royal researcher. He was just a regular guy that had accidentally saved and befriended a then prince turned king. Out in the square and down the side streets with the kids and commoners, that was where he felt the most comfortable.
As the suns set lower in the sky, he knew he needed to find the person he wanted to see the most. Considering he hadn’t seen any of the Galran servants around they most likely had been stuck at the palace. That was probably a big improvement from what they had to deal with so that gave him some comfort.
The mood inside the palace was far more formal, filled with the higher-ups from various allied planets. At least Zarkon was dancing. From the look on his face, he wasn’t sure how he felt about the activity. Every time he looked at Honerva’s smiling face, his own would soften and he’d keep going. Maybe she was bringing out a personality in him after all.
Continuing he walked into the kitchen which confused the Galra staff who didn’t expect anyone but other servants or staff to be in there. Hys smacked his hand with a spoon when he reached for one of the desserts. “Oh no you don’t, you know the rules. Not until the new deca-phoeb starts are you getting one of those. Shoo before I smack you again.” She said as he rubbed his poor hand.
“Man I can’t believe at your age you still have reflexes like that. Woah!” Dodge the spoon, he made a break for it before she could make good on her promise. He hadn’t seen the person he wanted in there anyway. In fact, he couldn’t seem to find him anywhere. The more time that passed the more disappointed he was until he had to give up.
Slipping away from the party he found a balcony to sulk on. Looking down at the lights, he could hear the sounds of the celebration. It brought a slight smile to his face to see the people so happy and knowing he was helping to protect that.
“E-excuse me.”
The voice was so soft he almost missed it but it caught his attention all the same. Standing shyly was the one person he had wanted to see this entire time. “I apologize but Ms. Trigel asked me to bring these to you. I’m will leave it for you and your guest.”
“Guest?” Looking at the tray, he realized it had two glasses on it. Trigel was a smart one and he owed her so much. Taking the glasses, he set one down on the railing before gently catching the man’s arm. “Actually, I….what’s your name?” Surprised, the man hesitated on if he should answer and Blaytz was almost afraid he wouldn’t.
“Bakki. My name is Bakki.”
“Bakki.  I like it. Bakki I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind being my guest?” He asked, holding out the glass to the man. “Honestly I have been all over this place looking for you. I know this might seem weird and all but-”
“I would love to.”
“-but I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while and...what?” A hand gently took the glass from his hand as a tray was set aside.
“You were the first person to talk to me, to notice me. To continue to notice me.” He said, that blush back on violet cheeks. “I know I’m here because you asked for me to be and I’m grateful for that. It’s so nice here. Not at all like back home. There it’s so-”
“Dry?” Blatyz asked, feeling a warmth in his chest at the soft laugh that earned.
“Yes, dry.”
The sudden cheer of the people caught both of their attention as they looked over the balcony at the set up below. Alfor and Melenor had appeared, both of them smiling and waving to the adoring citizens.
“To those who come from beyond our planet, we thank you for joining us in bringing in a new deca-phoeb. It has not been without its troubles and its pains but it has also brought much to be happy and thankful for. We mourn those that could not be with us this night and take comfort in those we can. We will never forget them, but we will move forward as we always do and continue to bring peace and prosperity. Through unity and through friendship, we will achieve this goal. We are all very different and yet similar beings in a universe much bigger than ourselves. Beings trying to do our best. May this deca-phoeb be even better than the last and may we never lose sight of who we are!”
“He’s an impressive leader,” Bakki said with a small smile.
“He sure is. Looks like the new deca-phoeb will be here soon.” Blaytz said, noticing Gyrgan and Trigel below them, sitting beside one another. He knew she liked him but Gyrgan wasn’t ready for another relationship, not as he still mourned the one he had lost. “What do you hope to see in the coming one?”
“Honesty, I would like freedom for my people. Being here, it makes me want that even more. Emperor Zarkon is a good man but the classism is something that needs to be removed. My people deserve to be as happy as the Alteans and your own. I admit I don’t know anything about your people. Still, from watching you, seeing you among the citizens here, I have a feeling they are very happy people. Oh, the countdown is starting.”The both of them looked at the large clock counting down the ticks.
As it was about to hit the last number, Blaytz leaned in and pressed a kiss to Bakki’s cheek, catching the man off guard. The crowd cheers as Alfor did the same to Melenor though she wasn’t so quick to let him get away. “Run away with me then. Change doesn’t come overnight but it’s like he said, we achieve it through unity. Let me help you.”
Looking out at the crowd as the sky lit up with lights, Bakki didn't need to think about it for long before he nodded. “To the new deca-phoeb, whatever it may bring I’ll face it with you.”
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The Rules Were Made To Be Broken
read it on the AO3 at The Rules Were Made To Be Broken
by KlanceAndSwords
Lance is a Prince. Not just any Prince, but the Crown Prince of Illéa. That means one day he's going to be King. That means he needs a Queen. And that means a Selection.
36 beautiful women, one headstrong new guard, and a very confused Prince. Not to mention the constant threat from both the Northern and Southern rebels, war in New Asia, and trying to appease both the public and his parents as Prince Leandro Álvarez Serrano McClain tries to find someone to be with for the rest of his life.
And sometimes that person is someone you're not allowed to love...
Words: 4574, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Coran (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Nyma (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Ina Leifsdottir, Nadia Rizavi, Gyrgan (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt's Family, Matt Holt, Ryner (Voltron), Alfor (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), honerva, James Griffin (Voltron), Ryan Kinkade, Iverson (Voltron), Kova (Voltron), Luxia (Voltron), Florona (Voltron), Swirn (Voltron), Plaxum (Voltron), Blumfump (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Trigel (Voltron), Blaytz (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Romelle (Voltron), Acxa/Veronica (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Selection AU, AU, Slow Burn, Fluff, Angst, Minor Violence, Slow Burn Keith/Lance (Voltron), Prince Lance (Voltron), Guard Keith (Voltron), Illéa, Friends to Lovers, Rivals to Friends to Lovers
read it on the AO3 at The Rules Were Made To Be Broken
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ao3feed-adashi · 5 years
The Rules Were Made To Be Broken
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2X4YvSX
by KlanceAndSwords
Lance is a Prince. Not just any Prince, but the Crown Prince of Illéa. That means one day he's going to be King. That means he needs a Queen. And that means a Selection.
36 beautiful women, one headstrong new guard, and a very confused Prince. Not to mention the constant threat from both the Northern and Southern rebels, war in New Asia, and trying to appease both the public and his parents as Prince Leandro Álvarez Serrano McClain tries to find someone to be with for the rest of his life.
And sometimes that person is someone you're not allowed to love...
Words: 4574, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Coran (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Nyma (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Ina Leifsdottir, Nadia Rizavi, Gyrgan (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt's Family, Matt Holt, Ryner (Voltron), Alfor (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), honerva, James Griffin (Voltron), Ryan Kinkade, Iverson (Voltron), Kova (Voltron), Luxia (Voltron), Florona (Voltron), Swirn (Voltron), Plaxum (Voltron), Blumfump (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Trigel (Voltron), Blaytz (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Romelle (Voltron), Acxa/Veronica (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Selection AU, AU, Slow Burn, Fluff, Angst, Minor Violence, Slow Burn Keith/Lance (Voltron), Prince Lance (Voltron), Guard Keith (Voltron), Illéa, Friends to Lovers, Rivals to Friends to Lovers
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2X4YvSX
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