leafy-ocean · 7 months
Idk what the hell is going on
Want to see me transition?
Too late i already did ha
Today is my 5 years testosterone anniversary and for all yall wondering, it legitimately saved my life. Being trans saved my life. If i didn't get top surgery in 2021 i would have had to get it anyway because i had the predecessor to cancer in my breasts which was not discovered until the tissue i donated to science was examined. So like, those of yall who use god as an excuse, take that because if god hated trans people why would being trans save me?
Anyways heres some pre + post pics
June 12, 2018 ⬇️
(i started testosterone march 5th, 2019)
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March 5th, 2024 ⬇️
(sorry for the red eyes - i am stoned out of my mind as of typing this)
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Idc what anyone says, i'm so happy being myself. I want people like me to have access to the opportunities I had, the proper medical care and education access that I had. I want other trans people like me to be able to transition safely with support in their life like I have now. I believe in you, but you don't need my word for it, because you know who you truly are deep inside too. You are beautiful for being you, as am I, whoever you be.
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katmajik · 4 months
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it’s ᴡʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠɪʙᴇ?’s 1st birthday week (bc it published on different dates depending on the retailer, ayyy)!! 🥳 we’re commemorating the occasion with tie-dye, stevie’s ‘bangers’ playlist, and milo’s emotional support breakfast pepsi
☎️ workplace comedy based on true events
⛈️ mental health rep
😍 love at first sight (and the resultant panic)
💟 demisexual/bisexual romance
🌈 queer supporting cast
🥤 comically large beverages as a love language
(blurb under the cut)
What’s love at first sight without a little crisis of sexual identity?
Milo Lamoree is livin’ the glamorous life of a sex shop sales rep, forever explaining to grown adults what they should and should not be sticking inside of themselves and/or others. He’s not doing any sticking himself—his demisexuality hasn’t exactly enticed any “hot young singles in your area.” But considering his clientele’s whackadoo misconceptions about anatomy, etc., it’s not like Milo has the leftover energy to fall in love, anyway.
…Well, too bad.
Stevie Hart has heard it said that being bisexual means you have more options, meanwhile she has experienced that not at all. Her love life is all unsolicited—ahem—pics (you know the ones) and straight couples looking for an experimental third. No thanks. When you’re already managing your own debilitating agoraphobia, who has time to deal with whatever’s going on with those people? Falling in love isn’t worth the mess.
…Until it is.
Along with their meddling mutual friends, Possibly The Worst Ex In The World, and a totally bangin’ soundtrack, Stevie and Milo hit every major identity crisis (sexual, spiritual, existential, you get it) on their way to finding each other—and themselves.
(And if they happen to also find the best title of an adult film while they’re at it? That’s just the rainbow sprinkles on top.)
Inspired by the author’s time working at an adult boutique, this slice-of-life romantic comedy contains explicit language, frank discussion of sex toy maintenance/operation and similar topics, and only slightly fictionalized customer stories—because you really can’t make this stuff up.
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ckret2 · 11 months
Ayyy I have the same "every configuration is it's own gender class" headcanon, but I love the extra curveball modifier of "non Euclidean" (plus "I am very secure in my gender but it would take more time and patience than my immediate acquaintance or I can spare at a convenient moment so you get the rundown" is what goes through my noggin when there is pronoun shenaniganry afoot. You may call me miss if there's snow because I become Miss Chief and that's it)
... Wait, how does gender transition work for shapes? Do you paint your sides and call it a Day... OH MY GOD WAS THE CROMATIST MOVEMENT FLATLAND STONEWALL???
I saw a post a few days ago that boiled down to "queer people will tell cishet people 'I'm trans' or 'I'm a lesbian' or whatever but will tell other queer people 'I'm an aromantic bisexual butch demi girl' in the same way that people from small towns tell people from other states that they're actually from the nearest big city: because unless you also live in that area, nobody's gonna know the name of the small town you're actually from."
And that's how shapes explaining Shape Genders to aliens works: just give 'em the simple version, they wouldn't understand the rest. (And also how shapes explaining Shape Genders to extremely cis shapes works; but like, for billions of years Bill has been hanging out with less than two dozen shapes, they know everything there is to know about each other, this isn't relevant to him anymore.)
In the worldbuilding I'm doing, colors were never illegal, so there was never a chromatist movement. In Flatland colors were illegal because the author was writing a satire about Victorian-era social classes and public panic about the visible markers of class becoming muddled; and I'm not writing satire about the Victorian era, so that's not an element I've kept in. But yeah, careful contouring with colors is like using makeup to make your face's bone structure look different and is an option they could have used to alter their appearances, in a post some months ago I compared it to drag king/queen makeup.
I don't know what else would have been involved in transition because frankly that's just not an aspect of the worldbuilding that's interesting to me lmao. For the story I'm telling, the important questions are "what beliefs about gender does Bill (the only shape we'll see much of in the story) still carry in his head a trillion years later" and "how does our main character Bill conceptualize his own identity & how does that affect how he interacts with the world?" I'm not terribly interested in developing the exact mechanics of transitioning available in an eons-extinct civilization we'll only see in dreams and flashbacks.
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cadavercorvus · 3 months
Hey You!
Yes you! Do you like voice acting? Do you like Vocaloid? Do you like thinly veiled allegories about healing from PTSD and trauma? Well, have I got the audio drama for you!
Divine Rights is an audio drama musical series about the effects of traumatic events on people, and how individuals change in such conditions, as well as the importance of change. It also contains queer allegories (AYYY YIPPEEEE)
As previously stated, this is a fully VA'd series (by me), with character designs for each character, and music to go along with it! Each song utilizes Vocaloid, and has a style befitting of each character it represents!
Please check it out! I worked super hard on it.
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trashbag-baby666 · 8 months
Don’t Mess With His Man-Buck/Bucky/Curt
Summary: Little Drabble in my head of Curt getting defensive of Bucky!!
WC: 590
C/W: period typical homophobia/smoking/drinking.
MOTA Masterlist!
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It was another drunken night of a weekend pass at the bar.
Curt was playing darts with Bucky, Buck and some of the English sliders. They weren’t Curt’s favorites at all. They seemed to always start some sort of trouble. Sometimes trouble followed them.
“Ayyy!” Curt cheered as Bucky hit the bullseye, “Give it here boys.” Curt stumbled into Bucky slinging an arm around the man. He liked the feeling of his touch. Firm and warm. Buck's touch was always gentle, silk like almost.
Curt held out his hand as the other soldiers fussed and handed over their cigarettes and some money to them.
“Always a pleasure boys,” Buck shook one’s hand as he eyed Curt and Bucky. Both were swaying and singing off key to a song that began playing. A group of more English soldiers walked by and Buck accidentally ran into one as he tried to sing the high note raising his glass up.
“Watch where you’re going, queer.” The soldier spat. Bucky barely seemed to notice but Curt wiped his head around and stood up straight.
“What did you say to him?” Curt barked at the other man causing him to stop and turn his friends, taking notice and doing the same.
“You heard me, what are you his fairy boyfriend?” He rolled his eyes.
Curt didn’t hesitate before he stepped up to him and without warning swung on him knocking him back.
“Hey! Hey!” Buck grabbed Curt quickly and pulled him away.
Curt scrambled against Buck as he basically picked him up carrying him away and outside. Bucky followed his glass still in his hand as he was barely able to stay up right.
“What was that?” Buck asked as they went into the alley grabbing Curt’s wrist.
“Nothin’” Curt dropped his head shrugging. He hated people like that. Ignorant but it was more because he was scared. Curt had done the same growing up in New York there were times where others almost caught them.
He’d fight guys at his work for saying shit like that too.
“What did they say to you?” Buck asked again, this time an edge in his voice. He knew Curt wasn’t like that, sure he’d fuck with them. But he wouldn’t just flat out punch them.
“Nothing, just drop it.” Curt pulled his wrist from Buck's hand and grabbed out a cigarette.
As Curt lit it and brought it up to his lips Bucky hung on his shoulder.
“Can I borrow that he took his slender fingers and tried to grab the cigarette from him.
“Bucky get off,” Curt shoved the tall guy off of him. Bucky stumbled back and Buck caught him.
“Hey, what is going on? Just because something’s going on you don’t get to be mean.” Buck grabbed his wrist tight again, holding Bucky’s waist with his other arm.
“They just called Bucky a queer. Bothered me, That's all.” Curt shrugged as he lit another cigarette.
“I wanna go inside!” Bucky crossed his arms, his glass broken somewhere on the ground.
“Let’s go,” Curt sighed, throwing an arm around Bucky's waist. Ignoring the angry feeling in his stomach still as they came back in. He felt like he needed to protect Bucky.
Bucky seemed to just always be blissfully unaware when he was in a drunken haze.
Buck knew he’d have to shake down Curt later. He knew how offended he’d get with people using any kind of slur. He had a big heart whether he would admit it or not.
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weatherbane · 1 year
I am feral for your Force user oc designs- please share their names and some facts?
(I am very curious about the pale sith looking friend w/ multiple arms. Full armor bud is also awesome and mysterious looking.)
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AYYY thank you sm!!!! :3c i love all these lil weirdos, but I'll start with spilling some deets on Lotak and Yillan first! Lotak never had a chance to be a jedi; they were abducted in their youthTM by a force-sensitive cult/hivemind collective and grew up as a part of that. When the hivemind was broken, Lotak suddenly found themselves adrift in the galaxy-- most other members were able to return to their homes and families, but Lotak had been part of the hivemind/under its control for so long that they didnt remember anything about where they came from. Since then, they've been putting their skills at infiltration, general sneakiness, and tech smarts to good use by acting as a data thief/saboteur. (they considered being a bounty hunter but quickly discovered they dont really have a taste for wet work)
Yillan doesnt really have a back story to me yet (i have to be honest; i made her mostly for Queer Gaze reasons...), but she tends to occupy a sort of boogeyman role in whatever setting I put her in. She's a high-ranking inquisitor, and loves her job. Not because she really cares about the empire or its ideals, but rather that she's good at hunting down rebels and jedi and likes the thrill of the chase, and the freedom the empire gives her to do that. She's always accompanied by her little toadie, Zlythe, but you might not see him bc he's busy being a living footstool.
i dont want this to get too long so the rest are under the cut! :>
Brusan spends most of his time outside of the main temple, choosing to travel mostly around the outer and mid rims. In his younger days he was a fierce warrior; inclined towards hunting down slavers, crime syndicates, and people too strong for others to bring to justice. But as he's gotten older and seen more of the galaxy, his heart has put him more towards finding and helping lost force sensitives, protecting the innocent, and collecting lost jedi artifacts. When he returns to the temple it's mostly just to deposit the latest child he accidentally found, give Jocasta his latest flea market finds, and sit down for a nice cup of tea and ask Mace Windu about his latest opera.
Vauh and Yuen-Yuen actually grew up as childhood friends, thick as thieves, and that hasn't changed as they've gotten older. Before the clone war, Vauh spent most of her time helping around the temple, especially in the gardens where it was quiet. She's highly sensitive; her intuition and uncanny levels of sensitivity made her perfect for following the tiny lil breadcrumbs that spec ops often requires. She worked closely with a small squad during the war, whom she came to consider family. <3 Yuen-Yuen worked as a swim instructor/minder for aquatic initiates before the war, and after the opening battle at Geonosis realized that she could never be a general. She doesn't have the mentality or skills for making violence a part of her everyday life, and chose to remain in the temple and take more of an active role in raising the younglings, as more jedi left to join the war. She was always up to some kind of practical joke/mischief in her youth, and that hasn't changed much either.
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faggotmox · 2 years
think some of it is tumblr but a little is your page helping me get more comfortable with the word faggot. hear it in bad ways usually and its nice seeing people mean it more affectionately instead.
ayyy! im glad it's helping! getting away from the negatively on the word faggot is hard, but its just such a great word. my little queer family polycule uses it as a term of endearment. its also a great way to describe my personal view on my own sexuality & gender.
<3 just remember to go at your own pace & that even if you become comfortable with the word, if you dont like using it you dont have to either!
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mooneyedmermaid · 3 months
i am literally so pissed at the world that like.
i was definitely gay from 13-18. i had a whole ass suicide attempt bc i was so scared my friend was going to tell her older sister that i had a crush on her. people used to yell dyke at me in the hallway. all my first romantic relationships were with women and gnc people.
and then i just hit 18 and my brain was like ayyy! all your identity crises were for Naught because you are straight now!
but if i call myself straight it makes no fuckdamn sense because my entire childhood and creation of identity revolved around my queerness??????????? so i keep calling myself bi even though i'm probably not? and what if i do start calling myself straight only to swing back around and start liking girls again??? what then?????!!!!!
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p-s-geeks · 4 months
Hey, just wanted to make sure you're aware: no on "forced" Misha Collins to come out as straight. What happened was at a con, he asked the room "How many of you are introverts, how many of you are extroverts, and how many of you are bisexual?" People in the audience asked him which he was and he flippantly said "I'm all three!" So people naturally assumed he just came out as bi. It was a pretty big deal. iirc PinkNews and a couple of other queer publications wrote articles/stubs on it. Then, like, three days later he came out with this gem of a tweet
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I, as a bi, just want to make it REALLY clear no one "made" Misha come out as straight besides himself because he cannot keep his foot out of his mouth to save his life. (also sorry if this sent twice. I went to send it the first time and the editor glitched then crashed)
Hahaha it's alright, thanks for clarifying! I have actually been on tumblr for a while but never on the destiel side of things; in fact i heard about them only a while back on a YT video, so I dont know much, but the person bragging out "basically forced the actor to come out as straight" as some sort of W against the fandom really rubbed me the wrong way yanno?
and ayyy I'm bi too! i feel like that's why it hit me too, i wouldnt want to- nor want anyone else to- come out forcefully :(
[also dw about it even if it did, though it only sent once! websites are glitchy these days unfortunately]
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cookinguptales · 7 years
kranskaktus said: oh man gf and i walked out of thelma like "i enjoyed that but i don't want to know what tumblr has to say about it" ... alas
RIGHT? I loved Thelma, it was my favorite film of the film festival,  but tumblr is a dumpster fire full of bad takes and I don’t even want to get in a fight about it. I’m in this weird place where I love f/f and hate gross stereotypes about lesbians… but I also love really dark relationships. So I loved Thelma and all the questionable aspects of that relationship. Like. I get why a lot of people only want the fluffiest f/f at all times, but I need my weird shit sometimes. And tumblr is not always great at, y’know, complicated discussions.
plus, like. y’know. the whole rest of the movie.
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DNI if you about drama I want none of it tyvm!
This podfic is not mine but is so amazing!!!! It’s such a fix it fic while literally just being an entire rewrite of the whole story of them but much better imho. I’ve binged this podfic a few times and just needed to share!!!
Please check it out and share!!!(just noticed this doesn’t link you to the series that this is pls seek it out, well worth it!!! There’s 13ch and they get longer!) that’s what it looks like for ref) the original fic is linked if you would rather read it but the narrator does such an amazing job with effects and voices!!!!
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It’s not sexual just so y’all know it’s plot heavy and like you’re watching them beautifully mash up movie with the book and their own ideas it’s amazing and Reddie heavy! Ugh it made the movie hurt a lot better/less. The writing and voice acting is so good got me wanting to start up both, legit. I really enjoyed this so much ima start makin podfics yall (narrator: “and he did”)
Sorry but in order to keep getting this fanfic of mine the love it deserves I must keep it pinned. I will start posting them as I work through them. I have a lot of fics to finish Harringrove(will post through my side acct), Boreo, Byler and even a Reddie(maybe more icr), I’m working on atm but my dms and asks are always open to suggestions and to just chatting out any concepts.
🤷🏻hope ya like! 🏳️‍🌈👏🏻(⚠️trigger warning⚠️of internalized homophobia feels for my fanfic) unrequited love?.. not really)
My first Byler oneshot and it’s almost 5000 words ayyy look at meee:
Also I’m pushing myself past my more younger self who would be too scared/embarrassed/shy to share something like this. Lol I’m working on saying yolo more these days and having so much fun sharing my heart through works with others out there like me/who can relate to my content, and to, hopefully feel less alone. It’s such healing work! I’m def gonna be trying my hand at more podfics in the future since I’ve utilized them so many times when too depressed and unmotivated with things to even read content for fandoms to make myself feel better/less alone.
Big hug of a side note, if you’re a queer kid or where one and are an adult dealing and healing with your past/experiences/struggles/trauma/etc, or if you are or where in the closet, no matter what your situation.. if you’re seeing this know that you’re not alone. Nothings wrong with you! You’re lovely, you will be happy and healthy one day surrounded by people who know the real you and love that person and accept you for you! If you don’t feel that way, you’re not at the end of your story yet! Keep going! Keep fighting! It gets better and that comes from a sad queer case such as myself who makes stuff like this to cope with my own childhood (queer) traumas lol. I love you and you’re amaziiing sweety! KEEP SLAYING, FUCK THE HATERS (and stay safe!) 🤗🥰)
Finally made my Byler playlist public even tho I haven’t proof relistened and added nearly all the songs I want but we need what we can get for this ship content so just ignore any songs that don’t go. The Will playlist is done I went thru it all again. Checks out well
Fanfic context;
Other writing bits:
Ch2 of my Genderqueer Five fic is out! <3
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hi, this might sound silly at first, but i hope you could help me out with something.
i want to cut my hair short and dye it blue, i want to wear rainbow bracelets, i want to have pins on my bag that say "any neopronouns", i want to be as queer as i can.
but i cant shake the feeling that people will judge me for making being queer my "whole personality". that people will call me a "blue hair type". im so afraid of what other people might say, and even worse, what other lgbt+ peole might say. they might think im hurting the community.
i just want to live my true life, i just want to live happily. do you have any ideas for this?
It doesn’t sound silly at all, and I’m always happy to help out! /gen
Ayyy fuck yeah, that sounds awesome, you should totally go for it my friend!! Would be very iconic of you tbh
I’m not going to lie—there are going to be people who will judge you for being yourself. Even other LGBTQ+ people. 
And I want you to remember you don’t owe them jack shit and their opinions are worthless, be yourself.
But I also want you to know one thing—there are always going to be people who will accept you. The queer community is here for you and we love you and support you no matter who you are and you are welcome to be happy and be yourself. 
Try finding accepting communities, online or irl, maybe a GSA, pride parades, queer friends irl, etc, where you can be yourself without being judged.
No matter what some dumbass exclu says, you’re not hurting the community by being yourself. Hell, being queer, being trans, is about being yourself. It’s about being the version of yourself that makes you happy. So do exactly that. Be happy. Die your hair blue and wear rainbow bracelets and get pronoun pins and be visibly queer. Ily.
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moyurukoda · 5 years
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(tw for christianity in this ask)
ayyy religious queers!! but also…. now i’m thinking about xianity neopronouns and wondering if it’s heresy/blasphemy/sacrilegious to think je/sus/jesuself pronouns would be so pog
but now i’m thinking of more pronouns for that ahhhhh
also?? the jewish pronouns are so cool????? i’d never even thought of that before and the concept is so cool and just. neopronouns rock
Aeeeeeeeee, nice! I mean, honestly, je/sus pronouns sound kinda neat. Not something I'd ever use for myself, but hell yeah go for it if you like. I've seen like god/godself pronouns and dei/deity and stuff so it isn't like unprecedented or anything.
The synagogue I grew up in was pretty careful about using G-d's name outside of prayer (as you can see from the dash lmao), but I think that's just kind of a how observant are you, what customs do you have, etc. than a hard rule for the religion. Some Jews keep kosher, some keep Shabbat, some put a lot of effort into respecting G-d's name. There's a spectrum.
A lot of people think of G-d as using He/Him pronouns (I have Thoughts on divine gender but that is a whole other conversation) and they don't seem to have a problem on humans using he/him pronouns, so generally I don't think using godly or otherwise religious pronouns would be too big a deal.
I prefer to think of religion as less super strict rules you have to follow or burn in hell, more tradition and community and just doing what makes you happy. A little after coming out to myself as a lesbian I decided I refused to believe in a god that would hate what made me happy and try to police my life, so I stand by that.
I feel like this is super long but I have thoughts okay. And yeah jewnouns are just 🧡🧡🧡. Ref and I came up with chai/chaim a while ago and then it escalated and they're so fun. Neopronouns do rock I love them sm fjdlskafjkdls-
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socksnstuff00 · 2 years
Okay totally random, but does anyone here follow bodybydaddy on tiktok?
She's a queer fitness trainer for queer people. She shares tips on how to get a flatter chest or how to get a more feminine figure. The vibes are always on point 👌
Now she's showing excercises to improve your strap game. Just an fyi in case someone wanted to make a happy pride month even happier 😏
ayyy Annie lmao
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morsobaby · 3 years
this is my bestie, eric/elvis :3. he uses he/it pronouns, which is pretty epic! ik it likes brokenstar alot, i wonder if eric wants to share its hcs about him? also, elvis has really good art and ocs! i like them alot :3
Ayyy bestiee ty :] glad you like my creations! Your art style is so arty I like the colors and textures of it. This took longer to reply to bc nobody's asked me headcanons before so I got pumped about it and had to think carefully but here! (It's long sorry shdhf)
He always had a booming and sorta raspy voice but it became alot quieter and scratchier once he ended up in the dark forest. I actually took some of this from @morningmask27 but I like the idea that his voice is quiet and sore bc of the deathberry incident. Back alive he made his presence very known through his volume but after death he makes others listen carefully and only raises his voice when needed
This is apparent from my fan drabble I wrote for him but I imagine since he was always an abnormally strong kit and didn't get the nurture and care he needed, that he believes kits are just like that. Like "I was raised like that and turned out great and powerful! Any kits complaining are just stupid wussies". Deep inside he craves validation but he justifies cruelty by viewing nurture as weakness. He was deeply affected by the bullying he faced as a kit and to cope with the rejection he took it as a part of himself, to "rise above it" so to speak. Can't be hurt by the lack of friendliness if you don't actually need it!
Clumsier socially, he's skilled at manipulation and deceit because people aside from Yellowfang were never very genuine to him. He wasn't taught emotional regulation and proper communication so abusive behaviour comes easier to him. He never bothered to learn anything aside from lashing out and stomping everything and everyone down. I also think Raggedstar and Foxhearts spoiling and putting him on a pedestal was part of the cause for this. He had to be the greatest
For a short time in his kithood he seriously considered and hoped to become a med cat to train with Yellowfang but it quickly changed. To compensate he was vocally very "un-medic" like and criticised them all the time. Although, through battle he got pretty skilled at cat anatomy and how to use that knowledge for his benefit. Don't ask him tho, that's medicine cat business!
For me it's hard to imagine anything romantic for him, as far as I remember the books he was never interested in any relationships at all. I think he probably wouldn't have been able to navigate relationships where he'd have to be vulnerable anyway, so either he never focused on dating or took very shallow, surface level interest in some cats whom he thought were strong and better than others. Of course, Tiger/Broken would make for a neat ship in my opinion, but I view them as allies more. Also He/Grr Brokenstar u_u
Honestly hard to say many sexuality/romantic headcanons for him bc he tends to be a less popular villain and less "queer" feeling to most of the Fandom. So I'm kinda scared to get people on my ass about it. But ykno what. He could very well be trans. His narrative of being rejected and making himself into something stronger to compensate, I think it'd work for either being a closeted trans cat for the majority of his life or for openly becoming queer to embrace his identity after being bullied about it earlier. He could also be a closeted gay or bisexual very easily
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