#Pwani University
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farmerstrend · 1 month ago
From Shark Meat to Fish Cookies: Success Story on how Frank Thoya Revolutionized Nutrition in Kilifi County
Things looked bad for Frank Thoya when the event planner lost his income and became a shark meat seller. But that led to an ‘aha’ moment that has since become a win-win for him and his community. Frank Thoya, founder of Samaki Biscuits (left) and Ngumbao Kazungu, pastry chef (right), preparing ingredients for making fish cookies. Photo: Velma Pamela, bird story agency A delicious smell of baking

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remotetrove · 2 years ago
Mike Sonko assists stranded Pwani University students after bus accident.
Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko recently assisted stranded Pwani University students who survived a bus accident on March 30. The students were reportedly stranded at the Standard Gauge Railway terminus in Nairobi County, and Sonko quickly provided an additional Ksh100,000 to cover their meals and snacks during their journey to Mombasa. He also wished all the survivors who were admitted to

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jobskenyaplace · 13 days ago
PWANI UNIVERSITY TENDER JANUARY 2025  INVITATION TO TENDER PROVISION OF SECURITY GUARDING SERVICES  TENDER NO:PU/OT /05/2024 – 2025  1. Pwani University invites sealed tenders for the provision of services, i.e. Provision of security guarding services . 2. Tendering will be conducted under Open Tendering Procurement method using a standardized tender document. Tendering is open to Selected,

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emunenen · 4 months ago
14 killed in a road accident involving Pwani University bus and matatu on Naivasha-Nakuru highway
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umarfarooqzahoor · 8 months ago
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Meeting leaders and building a trustworthy network has always been advantageous for the human race. Considering this fact Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor has shown his wisdom by continuously investing his time in meeting popular, inspiring &
influential leaders of nations across the globe. Instead of being a very occupied person has decided to meet such personalities who are inspiring, holding visions of brotherhood, compassion & harmony.
Taking this belief a step further and proceeding towards his long-term vision aligned with the welfare of the nations across the globe, he recently met the former president of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho. The fourth president of Tanzania is a very well-known personality and talking about his presidency, his citizens were very satisfied when he was appointed as a president of a republic nation between the office tenure of 2005 to 2015.
Let’s discuss this in detail to get further insights of the meeting and growth-oriented conclusions that were highlighted while strengthening the bilateral relations.
Umar Farooq Zahoor: A Popular Business Tycoon
Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is one of the most popular and influential personalities in the present world. He has won millions of hearts in his personal and professional aspects. In addition, he has won many awards over the years as one of the best
Norwegian-Pakistani businessmen. Presently he resides in Dubai with ample luxury. He was also the former director of AMERI Group, presently successfully handling business, investors in many companies, and entrepreneurs.
Not only this he is a role model for many youngsters residing in Dubai and other nations of the world. Apart from these achievements, he has always been a generous man who gets involved in helping needy people. During hardships like global pandemic he courageously helped businesses and people in need.
The Big COVID Real Estate Downfall & Umar Farooq Zahoor’s Concerns
Two years back the trend of the property industry lowering real estate prices was created. And this trend was expected to worsen soon. It is a well-evaluated fact that 30% of housing supplies are made solely by Villas. The lowering of rental prices of Villas & Houses continues to fall due to the cutting of jobs because of COVID. Still, the Housing market in Abu Dhabi had performed well in compassion to the other neighbouring states around Dubai. In those nations, the fluctuating demands had hampered prices.
Furthermore, in successive years many economists claimed that it would probably take two years to recover. But, in such a situation also influential & wise people like Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor considered it as an opportunity to evaluate and reassess. This reassessment and reevaluation contributed to global reluctance for investing in a volatile economic situation.
Further, this led to a change in the work model, i.e. hybrid model. Everyone currently is quite familiar with this model. The majority of staff chose to work remotely for at least two days as per the survey when it was initially introduced, later many switched it as a permanent work model.
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete: Fourth President of Tanzania
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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was born on Oct. 7th, 1950. He was a Tanzanian Politician before being appointed as the fourth president of Tanzania. His office period was from 2005 to 2015.
When he was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2005, he also served as Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community. The tenure was 2008–2009. Along with this, he served as a chairperson of the Southern African Development Community Troika on Defence, Peace, & Security during 2012–2013.
Putting light on his life, he is from Kwere heritage. He was born and raised in Chalinze District’s place called Msoga, in Pwani Region. His education is from the University of Dar es Salaam. Not only academic love, but Kikwete also shares his devotion to sports. That’s why he competitively played basketball during his school days.
In addition to this, Kikwete continued to play for ten years as a patron of the Tanzania Basketball Federation. He later married Salma and currently, they have five
children. In 2013 he was ranked the sixth most followed African leader on Twitter as he had 57,626 followers.
Kikwete’s Awards & Honours
Due to his outstanding and excellence-oriented inputs in nation-building through his contributions, he has been honoured several times in his lifetime. Some of his recognitions are:
1. Sullivan Honor
2. The AAI African National Achievement Award in 2007
3. US Doctor for Africa Award
4. Social Good Award from UN Foundation
5. South-South Award for Global Health, Technology, & Development.
6. Africa’s Most Impactful Leader of the Year by the African Leadership Magazine in 2013
7. Icon of Democracy Award from The Voice Magazine in 2014
8. Leadership Excellence Award by Pan-African Youth Union, African Statesman of the Year by the African Sun Times, and African Achievers Award by the Institute of Good Governance in Africa in 2015.
These were some of the honours awarded to Kikwete to recognize his outstanding contributions in multiple spheres.
Meeting to Strengthen Bonds and Economic Ties
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The meeting of the leaders of two big nations Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor & Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete emphasised strengthening bilateral relationships. As it is an undeniable truth that coming together multiplies the efforts and accelerates the process of accomplishing success. The two intellectual minds further tried to nourish their bonds by empowering economic ties.
These will further help devise bilateral strategies for growth and development in successive months or years. Thereby, it would be helpful in swiftly achieving success collateral for both Tanzania & UAE.
Concluding Phrases,
These meet-ups are very constructive in developing bilateral strategies to support the growth and development visions of both nations. Cooperation and collective efforts had been proven to be beneficial since ancient times. These meetings generate healthier relationships tying the nations together in one string who dedicatedly work together. This meeting was also oriented towards these objectives & soon the objectives will be determined when milestones get accomplished.
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patricbensen · 9 months ago
How to Download Pwani University TVET Admission Letters
https://wp.me/pfjobt-1ip Pwani University is one of the public universities in Kenya based in Kilifi county. The institution of higher learning offers training across the board, it offers certificate and diploma courses ...
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wamuzimedia · 1 year ago
13 New University Vice Chancellors appointed by cs education and below is the list.
In the declaration made by the education ministry .on Friday, Prof Benedict Mwavu Mutua was delegated as the new VC for the Specialized College of Kenya (TUK) as Prof Nathan Oyori Ogechi assumes control over the reins at Kisii College.Prof James H. P. Kahindi then again was named as the new college manager of Pwani College. Alupe College will presently be going by Prof Barasa Lwagula in the new

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atikaschool · 3 years ago
Assistant Laboratory Technician (Physics) Jobs at Pwani University
Assistant Laboratory Technician (Physics) Jobs at Pwani University
Assistant Laboratory Technician (Physics) Jobs at Pwani University, Assistant Laboratory Technician (Physics) Jobs, Overview Academic Qualifications Applicants must have a Diploma preferably in Electronics and Instrumentation, Electronics and Telecommunication, Mechanical Engineering or related fields. Experience Candidates must have a minimum of two (2) years relevant practical working

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barbarafuhrer · 3 years ago
Januar 26, 2022: Pamoja ist mein wichtigstes Wort
Ich kenne inzwischen ganz viele Swahili Wörter aber ich sage immer wieder, dass Pamoja=Zusammen eines meiner wichtigsten ist. Besonders hier in Kenia aber auf der ganzen Welt. Und wenn ich ein Attribut sehr mag, das mir zugesprochen wird, dann ist es, dass ich eine gute Netzwerkerin bin. Ich liebe es, Leute zusammenzubringen, bei denen ich denke, dass sie zusammenpassen (und das nicht auf einem Dating Level
) eher geschĂ€ftlich, ideologisch oder unterstĂŒtzend und fördernd. Dass ich jetzt auch einmal von diesem Netzwerk profitieren kann freut mich daher auch umso mehr!
Wie es ganz genau begann musste ich grad selber rekonstruieren. Es war meine Studien-Kollegin aus dem CAS in African Affairs & Intercultural Competence an der Uni Basel, die alles initiiert hat. Es hatte damit zu tun, dass sie zwar in Tanzania aktiv war aber nicht an einer Primarschule und Tanzania war zu dem Zeitpunkt (im Februar 2020) zu unsicher mit dem damaligen PrĂ€sidenten. Die Frau ist ĂŒbrigens die Tante von Sam Himself und daher ist auch meine Connection zu ihm entstanden - it‘s a small world
 (wer Sam Himself noch nicht kennt: unbedingt reinhören
Ich wurde im Februar 2020 von der PH der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz kontaktiert und dann begann ein langer Prozess. Nicht wegen der FHNW aber definitiv zeitlich verlangsamt durch Corona und ein sehr langsam reagierendes Ministry of Health in Kenia. Manchmal treiben sie mich fast zur Weissglut in Kenia: du willst ihnen etwas Gutes bringen aber sie zieren sich, sie wollen dies und das (und zwischendurch will einer noch dies und das in Form von Schillingen
) und alles geht sehr pole pole vor sich hin. Aber wir sind drangeblieben, ich habe mich ĂŒber das Projekt und die HintergrĂŒnde informiert, Peter und ich haben uns mit der engagierten Organisatorin physisch in Olten getroffen vorletzten Sommer, wir haben an Webex Austauschen teilgenommen, uns ĂŒber Intermobil, Movetia erkundigt und einfach nicht aufgegeben. 
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Und auf der Seite von der FHNW blieben sie ebenfalls dran und hatten ganz am Schluss - und gleich um Weihnachten rum - noch so viele Probleme, weil einige Destinationen geschlossen waren, andere von sich aus annullierten und Student:innen, die plötzlich kalte FĂŒssen kriegten. Wir haben fast tĂ€glich noch umorganisiert und es zog sich ja dann noch durch, weil selbst der Flug von 2 Studentinnen am Tag vorher annulliert wurde nachdem sie endlich ihr Visum fĂŒr Kenia gekriegt hatte. Es wurde etwas wie ein Nervenkrieg - aber wir haben ihn gewonnen!
Das Resultat: seit Mitte Januar sind 3 mutige Studentinnen bei uns im Community Center und machen ihre Internship in 2 Primarschulen in Jaribuni.
Und noch besser: eine ReprĂ€sentantin des Programms hat sich fĂŒr einen Besuch vor Ort angemeldet. Unsere anfĂ€ngliche Kommunikation war etwas stockend und hatte einige MissverstĂ€ndnisse ĂŒber die lokalen Begebenheiten drin (Houda: ich nehme ein Taxi nach Marere
. Ich: sage: Ah ok (denke: nimmt mich wunder was fĂŒr ein Taxi
) und dann Houda: „Au, die wollen im Hotel aber fast CHF 100 um mich dorthin zu bringen Ich: (um 22.30 h am Vorabend) Peter: was machen wir? Und Peter: wir holen und bringen sie wieder fĂŒr die HĂ€lfte). Als wir Houda und ihren Partner Khalid im schönen Silver Palms in Kilifi abholen und darĂŒber diskutieren können wir auch schon herzhaft lachen darĂŒber, dass sie nicht wusste, dass sie wirklich abseits der Zivilisation gebracht wird.
Am ersten Tag besuchen wir die beiden Primarschulen und zeigen voller Stolz unser Community Center. In den Schulen werden alle drei Studentinnen gelobt, dass sie interessante Aspekte einbringen und bereits schon so viel geleistet hÀtten (ist bei den beiden in Marere fast nicht möglich, da sie erst am Montag angefangen haben - aber egal: wenn der Eindruck so ist, dann ist es ja perfekt).
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Am zweiten Tag wird es etwas „offizieller“: wir haben Audienz bei der Pwani University in Kilifi, die sich auf Education spezialisiert hat. Peter hat da natĂŒrlich die notwendigen Connections und ich glaube, wir sind wirklich bei den richtigen Personen gelandet. Houda erklĂ€rt gekonnt und souverĂ€n den Zusammenhang der verschiedenen Organisationen (Movetia = Bund, Intermobil, PH FHNW etc.) und lĂ€sst einen Vorschlag fĂŒr ein MOU (memorandum of understanding) da. Sie ist versiert und man spĂŒrt, dass sie das nicht zum ersten Mal macht. Sie hat definitiv interkulturelle Kompetenz! SpĂ€testens als sie hören, dass auch Austauschprogramme mit der Schweiz möglich werden in der Zukunft werden sie sehr hellhörig und interessiert
 Das wĂ€re natĂŒrlich der allergrösste Anreiz. Aus dem kleinen KĂŒstenstĂ€dtchen Kilifi in die Schweiz reisen zu können: ein riesengrosser Traum wĂŒrde da in ErfĂŒllung gehen. Ich pushe sie noch ein bisschen, was das Thema Kommunikation anbelangt: ich „warne“ sie quasi davor, dass sie immer schnell antworten sollen, da das Programm sonst auch an eine andere UNI gehen könnte. Sie versichern uns, dass das nicht passieren wird und dass sie stolz sind, dass wir sie ausgewĂ€hlt haben. Und wir schreiben unseren Namen in weitere GĂ€stebĂŒcher. Wir begegnen in der Uni noch 2 ehemaligen Schulkollegen von Peter, die ihn sehr herzlich willkommen heissen. (Wenn ich so vergleiche denke ich: ich habe den „Richtigen“ gewĂ€hlt
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Danach besuchen wir 2 Sekundarschulen in Jaribuni: die in Vyambani (wo auch die von unserem Kassier gesponserte Frau zur Schule geht) und die Jaribuni Secondary (wo die von mir gesponsorte Claris ihren Sek-Abschluss gemacht hatte). Die Jaribuni Secondary ist seit einem Jahr ausschliesslich eine Boys School. Versprochen wurde vom MP, dass eine separate Girls School gebaut wird aber darauf wartet Jaribuni wohl noch lange, denn das Versprechen wurde einfach nicht eingehalten und die Girls mĂŒssen sich irgendwo eine Schule suchen. Die politischen Gegner von Peter versuchen, ihm ĂŒberall Knebel zwischen die Beine zu schmeissen und sie merken nicht, das sie ihre eigenen Leute damit am meisten bestrafen!
WĂ€hrend ich von Vyambani masslos enttĂ€uscht bin: halb motivierte Schulleiterin, ein Board in dem der lokale MCA und MP sitzen und nichts dagegen unternehmen, dass es einigermassen besser aussieht! Eine echte Schande. Alles ist staubig und sehr sehr minimalistisch! Aber es ist der Ort, an dem Peter geboren ist und es ist seine Vision, aus dieser Schule eine bessere zu machen. In Jaribuni Boys ist ihm das schon sehr gut gelungen: wir treffen eine hĂŒbsche, aufgerĂ€umte und gut eingerichtete Sekundarschule an. Der Schulleiter ist motiviert, bindet sofort seine 2 Lehrer ein und heisst uns richtig herzlich willkommen. Ich habe eine Riesenfreude, denn zusammen mit Onkel Peter haben wir hier die ersten PC Schulungen durchgefĂŒhrt vor einigen Jahren. Wir erhalten noch eine FĂŒhrung durch die Schule und fahren ganz erfreut retour nach Kilifi. Es war total spannend mit Houda, die algerische Wurzeln hat und Khalid, der ursprĂŒnglich aus Marokko stammt und in Strasbourg lebt, zu diskutieren. Über Politik, Entwicklung, interkulturelle Kompetenzen, Korruption, Motivation und alle möglichen Themen, die wir auf dem holprigen Weg zusammengebracht haben.
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Das Leben ist noch spannender mit Menschen, die so offen und vielgereist sind. Auch wenn der Weg holprig begonnen hat - danach war er wie eine Autobahn und ich vermisse die beiden bereits schon ein bisschen wenn ich diese Zeilen schreibe. Aber dank der Sozialen Medien kann ich jetzt auch noch auf ihrer Safari optisch mit dabei sein.
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Das Schönste an diesen beiden Tagen: Peter und ich gehen mit einem wahnsinnig guten GefĂŒhl ins Bett: diese Beziehungen haben gezeigt, was wir alles schon erreicht haben. Das wird uns wieder motivieren, wenn wir mal stecken bleiben und uns fragen: bringt es das ĂŒberhaupt? Ja die kleinen Schritte bringen manchmal richtig viel in Bewegung. Danke an alle, die daran beteiligt waren!!! Pamoja!!!
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emunenen · 10 months ago
14 killed in a road accident involving Pwani University bus and matatu on Naivasha-Nakuru highway
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umarfarooqzahoor · 2 years ago
Umar Farooq Zahoor Proceeding, A Step Further To Win Hearts
Meeting leaders and building a trustworthy network has always been advantageous for the human race. Considering this fact Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor has demonstrated his wisdom by continuously investing his time in meeting popular, inspiring & influential leaders of nations across the globe.
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Instead of being a very occupied person has decided to meet such personalities who are inspiring, holding visions of brotherhood, nourished with compassion & harmony.
Taking this belief a step further and proceeding towards his long-term vision aligned with the welfare of the nations across the globe, he recently met the former president of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho. The fourth president of Tanzania is a very well-known personality and talking about his presidency, his citizens were very satisfied when he was appointed as a president of a republic nation between the office tenure of 2005 to 2015.
Let’s discuss this in detail to get further insights of the meeting and growth-oriented conclusions that were highlighted while strengthening the bilateral relations.
Umar Farooq Zahoor: A Popular Business Tycoon
Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is one of the most popular and influential personalities in the present world. He has won millions of hearts in his personal and professional aspects. In addition, he has won many awards over the years as one of the best Norwegian-Pakistani businessmen. Presently he resides in Dubai with ample luxury. He was also the former director of AMERIGroup, presently successfully handling numerous business, an investor in many companies, and supports various entrepreneurs.
Not only this he is a role model for many youngsters residing in Dubai and other nations of the world. Apart from these achievements, he has always been a generous man who gets involved in helping needy people. During hardships like global pandemic he courageously helped businesses and people in need.
The Big COVID Real Estate Downfall & Umar Farooq Zahoor’s Concerns
Two years back the trend of the property industry lowering real estate prices was created. And this trend was expected to worsen soon. It is a well-evaluated fact that 30% of housing supplies are made solely by Villas. The lowering of rental prices of Villas & Houses continues to fall due to the cutting of jobs because of COVID. Still, the Housing market in Abu Dhabi had performed well in compassion to the other neighbouring states around Dubai. In those nations, the fluctuating demands had hampered prices.
Furthermore, in successive years many economists claimed that it would probably take two years to recover. But, in such a situation also influential & wise people like Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor considered it as an opportunity to evaluate and reassess. This reassessment and reevaluation contributed to global reluctance for investing in a volatile economic situation.
Further, this led to a change in the work model, i.e. hybrid model. Everyone currently is quite familiar with this model. The majority of staff chose to work remotely for at least two days as per the survey when it was initially introduced, later many switched it as a permanent work model.
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete: Fourth President of Tanzania
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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was born on Oct., 7th, 1950. He was a Tanzanian Politician before being appointed as the fourth president of Tanzania. His office period was from 2005 to 2015.
When he was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2005, he also served as Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community. The tenure was 2008–2009. Along with this, he served as a chairperson of the Southern African Development Community Troika on Defence, Peace, & Security during 2012–2013.
Putting light on his life, he is from Kwere heritage. He was born and raised in Chalinze District’s place called Msoga, in Pwani Region. His education is from the University of Dar es Salaam. Not only academic love, but Kikwete also shares his devotion to sports. That’s why he competitively played basketball during his school days.
In addition to this, Kikwete continued to play for ten years as a patron of the Tanzania Basketball Federation. He later married Salma and currently, they have five children. In 2013 he was ranked the sixth most followed African leader on Twitter as he had 57,626 followers.
Kikwete’s Awards & Honours
Due to his outstanding and excellence-oriented inputs in nation-building through his contributions, he has been honoured several times in his lifetime. Some of his recognitions are:
Sullivan Honor
The AAI African National Achievement Award in 2007
US Doctor for Africa Award
Social Good Award from UN Foundation
South-South Award for Global Health, Technology, & Development.
Africa’s Most Impactful Leader of the Year by the African Leadership Magazine in 2013
Icon of Democracy Award from The Voice Magazine in 2014
Leadership Excellence Award by Pan-African Youth Union, African Statesman of the Year by the African Sun Times, and African Achievers Award by the Institute of Good Governance in Africa in 2015.
These were some of the honours awarded to Kikwete to recognize his outstanding contributions in multiple spheres.
Meeting to Strengthen Bonds and Economic Ties
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The meeting of the leaders of two big nations Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor & Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete emphasised strengthening bilateral relationships. As it is an undeniable truth that coming together multiplies the efforts and accelerates the process of accomplishing success. The two intellectual minds further tried to nourish their bonds by empowering economic ties.
These will further help devise bilateral strategies for growth and development in successive months or years. Thereby, it would be helpful in swiftly achieving success collateral for both Tanzania & UAE.
Concluding Phrases,
These meet-ups are very constructive in developing bilateral strategies to support the growth and development visions of both nations. Cooperation and collective efforts had been proven to be beneficial since ancient times. These meetings generate healthier relationships tying the nations together in one string who dedicatedly work together. This meeting was also oriented towards these objectives & soon the objectives will be determined when milestones get accomplished.
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mwanachuoforum · 4 years ago
KIBITI JKT, PWANI Form six selection, 2021
KIBITI JKT, PWANI Form six selection, 2021
KIBITI JKT, PWANI Form six selection, 2021. National service is a system of either compulsory or voluntary government service, usually military service. Many young people spent one or more years in such programmes. Compulsory military service typically requires all male citizens to enroll for one or two years, usually at age 18 (later for university-level students), while voluntary national

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wamuzimedia · 2 years ago
14 people die in grisly accident Nakuru-Naivasha highway
According to the statements given by reporters, the bus ferrying pwani university students got head on collusion with a 14 passenger Matatu. The bus was ferrying pwani university students to the sports competition. However the the injured ones have been taken to near by hospital.
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logicpublishers · 4 years ago
Pwani University Recruitment 2021/2022 Application Form Portal
Pwani University Recruitment 2021/2022 Application Form Portal
This page will guide you on the latest information about how to apply for the Pwani University (PU) job offers in Kenya for graduate and undergraduate. In this article, you will learn about the company description, online application, requirements and qualifications. Interested applicants should follow the lead outline below for a successful application. Pwani University has been undergoing

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atikaschool · 3 years ago
Messenger Jobs at Pwani University
Messenger Jobs at Pwani University
Messenger Jobs at Pwani University, Messenger Jobs, Overview Requirements for the position messenger grade i This is an entry position to this cadre and appointment is on temporary or permanent terms; or on a two (2) year renewable performance–based contract depending on age, citizenship and any other reason. Academic Qualification Applicants must have a minimum of KCSE Mean Grade D+

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janerschaeffer · 4 years ago
Most Biodiverse Native Tree planting Event in East African History
As East African countries marked Labour Day on May 1st, communities living around the Kenyan coastal region were making history. Through a partnership with local communities, The LEAF Charity, Kivukoni Indigenous Tree Nursery, Pwani University, and Botanical Gardens Conservation International (BGCI, based out of Kew in London)engaged in the most biodiverse native tree planting event in East African History.
The record breaking tree planting event saw 1,000 trees planted from 127 native species. Out of these, thirty percent of the species are threatened or are coastal forest endemics (only found there!), 7 of them are vulnerable, 3 are endangered and one is a critically endangered species for  which only a handful of individuals left in the wild. To ensure the survival of species, The LEAF is using modern techniques to clone such exceptionally rare individuals and ensure their survival ex situ, with the eventual hope of restoring this species in situ.
Terming the event as a significant milestone in addressing the biodiversity crisis and the conservation of indigenous trees, BGCI and KEFRI (Kenya Forestry Research Institute) officials hailed the exercise as historical. “This is a record for the number of species planted on a single day in East Africa’s history,”.
Dr Harry Fonseca Williams, The LEAF Chair, noted that the event will have a big impact. “In 20 years, this will have grown to be a small but incredibly biodiverse forest, supporting an array of wildlife we can’t even imagine, compared to the desert wasteland we had previously, "said the LEAF Chair.
The First Project is at Pwani University in Kilifi Countyin the Kenyan coastal region. The region is a biodiversity hotspot with 100% of its endemic (i.e., species restricted to the region) predicted to go extinct by 2050 without intervention. Pwani University has a population of approximately 8,000, most of whom are Kenyan students. The project, aims at restoring the habitat to make a native forest and sequester carbon. It also serves as an entry point for most of the students, allowing them to join the planting area, get involved in biodiversity conservation, and become embedded in the conservation community that the organization is fostering in the area. The project also brings in local schools to teach them about conservation issues the world is facing and the part they can play in improving our situation.
While gracing the occasion, Norbert Rottcher, the Director Kivukoni Indigenous Tree Nursery, observed that they have created the beginnings of a protected and restored coastal forest inside the university's grounds. “We hope that the Pwani Forest will continue to be planted and be allowed to expand, so that future generations of students will be inspired and get research opportunities from it as well as providing a safe repository of species for the future restoration of Kenya's coastal forest heritage, "explained Nobert.
David Bartholomew, the Director of Science for LEAF, observed that the inclusion of native and threatened tree species in reforestation programs is important to restore fully functioning forests. “By including a wide range of tree species in our work, we will be able to recover the important functions that forests provide to local communities and the wider planet,” said David while appreciating the diverse nature and significance of the event.
The event, which was meant to draw the attention of tree planters away from the sheer numbers of trees and aimed instead at sensitizing the communities on the importance of diverse native forests.  The diversity of native trees that were planted and the inclusion of threatened tree species are important steps towards habitat restoration. LEAF also describes diverse forests as much more resilient and stand a far better chance of surviving in the face of climate change. The organization observed that planting non-native tree species brings virtually no benefits to local fauna, fungi, and other flora.
Oscar Mwaura, LEAF Project Lead, acknowledged the participation of various parties including the university community, adding that this shows the enthusiasm of fraternity in the restoration of the habitat. “It was a great event with over 50 volunteers, students, casual workers, and university staff members joining whole heartedly with their great love for trees, "explained Oscar, terming the event as historical not only in Kenya but also in East Africa at large.
About The LEAF Charity
The LEAF Charity works with local communities around the world to protect habitats and promote reforestation. With expertise in botany, zoology, marine biology, finance, conservation and sustainability, The LEAF Charity uses its diverse knowledge to make changes to the planet for the better.
Media Contact info
Dr Harry Williams
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