#Pushkin Hills
gougerre · 3 months
Mutuals get-to-know-eachother-a-thon
tagged by @aardvarkfactory (thanks dude!) Last song I listened to: Maidenhead by Protomartyr
fav place: This is a hard one bc i love the earth and places but between Munising/Upper Michigan; The bar i go to, and around Missoula Montana. Fav book: Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
currently reading: Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzales (i like non fiction ok) fav tv show: I have my comfort shows like BCS, Frisky Dingo, King Of The Hill, The Wire, Oz, MST3K, Riff Trax, Joe Pera Talks With You, Seinfeld
fav food: God i love sushi and anything of the sort, next up would be Shi Zhu Yu (Water cooked fish)
tagging: @bish0ps @liveleaker @fartbong-rewritten @joeyclaire @fakesoup @catboycrucifixion @awkwardlyvanilla @sygol @seaswag @missmassacre @boag @nae-nae-supreme @b-0-ngripper @tussive @ass-pushkin @elderscrolls4 @smegmafactory2024 @alascene @pestinyy @swordwizard @dropkicktifff @zvaigzdelasas @ursine-sister @bongrip3000 @girlwhodoeskratom @dong-garage and any other mutuals who see this :))
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saax2 · 5 months
La Danza 2
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L’étoile, 1878 | Edgar Degas (1834-1917, France)
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Bal du moulin de la galette, 1876 | Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919, France)
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Untitled (dance), 1987 | Keith Haring (1958-1990, USA)
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Ballerines en bleu, 1899 ca. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow) | Edgar Degas (1834-1917, France)
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Anna Pavlova (1881-1931, Russia)
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Maïa Plissetskaïa (1925-2015, Russia)
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Pierre Grisot (1911-1995, France)
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Ballerina, 1930 | Lina Giugno (Italia)
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Alessandra Ferri (1963, Italia)
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Natalia Makarova (1940, Russia)
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Ballerines en rose, 1876 ca. (Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT, US) | Edgar Degas (1834-1917, France)
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Dancer at rest, 1914 | Lawton S. Parker (1868-1954, USA)
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Ballerina backstage | Katya Gridneva (1965, Ukraina)
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Spanish dancer (Anita de La Fer, Moulin Rouge), 1900 | Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931, Italia)
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Ostrakon della ballerina, 1292-1076 a.C./b.C. (Museo Egizio, Torino)
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Seated dancer | Jean-Louis Forain (1852-1931, France)
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liminalmemories21 · 1 year
Okie dokie, nice ask time! What's your favorite art history fact you haven't gotten a chance to use in knave verse?
Okay, let's talk about Priam's Gold, and why Heinrich Schliemann was a shitty shitty archaeologist (also about how archaeology in the 19th C was the wild west of disciplines).
So, Schliemann is a wealthy industrialist with a PhD in Classics, but the important part about this is that he has stupid amounts of money and a generalized interest in Greek history. He gets a dig permit from the Ottomans, and fucks around, and is about to give up when he gets a tip from another amateur archaeologist to go dig one hill over, so he does and finds this enormous cache of Bronze Age treasure - including the famous diadem. He - for reasons - declares that he's found Troy, and this is Priam's Treasure.
There's a really famous picture of his wife, draped in the gold of Troy.
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Anyway, he smuggles the gold out of the dig site and then out of the Ottoman Empire when the Ottomans start getting curious about what he's doing and what he's found.
The gold ends up in Berlin, and then in WWII gets 'rescued' from looting and 'handed over' to the Red Army for 'safe keeping' and disappears. Soviet Russia denies for decades that they have it, and the only evidence that it ever existed is the picture of Schliemann's wife wearing it. They didn't admit they had it until 1994 when the Pushkin Museum was like, so about that gold . . .
Schliemann's excavation technique was . . . sketchy to say the least, and then he basically up and ran away with all of it, and nobody knows exactly where he was digging. So there are a lot of questions about the authenticity of the find (most people speculate it's probably a composite of finds), doubts about the location being the historical Troy, and because he didn't really document it there's no way to date it by layer, or see where it was found, or what might have been near it.
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cordeliaflyte · 8 months
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Genius Loci
Sir Geoffrey Hill
1932 – 2016
i.m. D S C H
Music’s poltergeist among the grand spirits, can you now tell what such possession is                     or was saying: I know the woman who stands here in Pushkin’s clock-haunted house, shadowy figure nimbus’d by light’s mode amid the wan company thinning at dawn. The air sways, a lamp holds vigil with its smoky flame. The fiddle is in velvet, the cello has ceased to urge her proud commodious song.
The cello’s long since ceased to urge her proud commodious song. It is like a love story  that ends up tragic; or some common débâcle heroic by decree. There’s breach of custom that privileges laughter. In art we hazard so much void of compulsion.  The silence and down-turned thumb are not compulsion but luck, or the climate, being in the wrong place. The sublime wearies, so we have farting on brass like one of Stalin’s jokes. This is a sketched-in historical thesis. You will call it parody.
You will call this parody yet your own music is like a spectral dance more than a dance of spirits                     when it is not like a wide city under a bronze sky, when it is not the Neva or a high voicing of a passion-nocturne by Aleksandr Blok; the unheard-of threnos brought into hearing and, once heard, a presentiment from nature           no more to be wondered at but in the broad way of wonder and acceptance. Not parody precisely. It is true I think
that I have now confused you with Zhivago and Pushkin and my own ambition to write Onegin and fifteen string quartets and some sparely glittering poem about Christmas                     or Easter; to get the drum-raps right for cracking the spring ice: more fitful as a human testament than heart-murmur or tinnitus, or the way one’s jaw creaks when eating. Finally I declare homage to the late Frank O’Hara, intelligent, choosy lover of Russia and of Russian music.
Who is this woman who stands here in Pushkin’s  clock-haunted house? I do not know.                     I cannot tell presence from memory amid the wan company thinning at dawn. She is a muse of sorts, that much is certain. Her hand is nimbus’d in a gesture of rebuke or blessing, and the lamp holds vigil           with its well-trimmed flame. The house-door stands ajar. The cello has now long languished from her immemorable aubade. 
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dosartistas · 4 months
Henri Rousseau - View of the Bridge at Sevres and the Hills at Clamart, St. Cloud and Bellevue [1908]
Henri Rousseau - View of the Bridge at Sevres and the Hills at Clamart, St. Cloud and Bellevue [1908] por Gandalf's Gallery Por Flickr: [Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow - Oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm]
Henri Rousseau, 1908.
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misseyres · 8 months
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pmamtraveller · 9 months
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THE MERMAIDS (also known as Drowned Maidens, Russian: Русалки) portrays 19 RUSALKI. RUSALKI are river or lake spirits that appear at night as young women in SLAVIC mythology.
Some versions of the myths describe them as spirits who had died unbaptised or unmarried, or had drowned themselves following an unrequited love. They would come out of the water in the middle of the night, singing and dancing. They had a lot in common with sirens; they would seduce young men and then lure them under the water to their death.
The painting is inspired by the works of ALEKSANDR PUSHKIN and NIKOLAI GOGOL, who wrote the 1831 fantastic story “A MAY NIGHT” (or “DROWNED MAIDENS”) and shows that, despite the realist ideas of the newly established Peredvizheniki movement, the artist was still interested in more romantic fantasies and fairytale themes.
Set at night, the painting is almost entirely without colour. The women sit in the middle of the painting, and the moonlight illuminates them from above on the left-hand side of the canvas. The light illuminates the shadows unevenly.
The majority of the women are grouped in a line, with a few at the bank’s edge or to the right, lost in thought. On the left foreground, the last of KRAMSKOI’S rusalki emerges from the reeds, and in the background, a woman is wringing water out of her hair.
The water bank is located at the base of a steep hill surrounded by deep forest on the right. On the top of the little hill and against the right is a small cabin that appears to be vacant. The theme and style of the painting are most likely inspired by the work of Hans Makart, a HUNGARIAN painter and designer.
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safereturndoubtful · 1 year
Day 81 - at Mandailles
The heavy morning rain meant even Roja was happy to doze a bit longer and let me concentrate on reading. I’ve just started James Crawford’s The Edge of the Plain, subtitled ‘how borders make and break our world’. I have read books that approach this theme before, and generally been disappointed, but if the first chapter is anything to go by, this is good.
The first chapter concerns Sápmi, the Sámi homeland, ‘a land with no borders, an ancient land, yet still living, still subsisting, but within the confines of four modern nation states. ‘
Crawford considers whether a nation can survive without land or territory. 
For a good part of the chapter he interviews Hans Ragnar Mathisen, who in 1975, took a year to create a map of Sápmi, a simplified result is in the picture below. It’s clearer in an image in the previous post, which I needed to link to from my review.
Coincidentally, there was another interesting map I came across last night when watching the end credits of the last episode of Reservation Dogs, called Indian County. Both maps in images below.
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I watched a film last night that is worth mentioning also.
The Queen of Spades (1949) is an adaptation of Pushkin’s ghost story, that Tchaikovsky turned into an opera. The director is Torold Dickinson (also of Gaslight) and it is evident from the casting and the cinematography that their craft has been learnt in the silent era, the lighting, costumes, set design. Dame Edith Evans plays the Countess beautifully. The scene in which Suvorin desperately tries to get her to reveal the secret of the cards is magnificent.
What results is a gothic thriller of the highest order, yet strangely overlooked..
Anyway… Roja’s patience eventually ended and I donned the waterproofs and headed out, on the trail up the Jordanne valley towards the pass, Col de Cabre. But first, I called into the épicerie here in the village for some bread. It’s a good little shop, with lots of artisanal produce, which are expensive, but look very good; cheeses, jams, beers and wines. A bit like Askham Stores, but with a bigger alcohol choice..
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There is a group of athletes at the Gite just behind the campervan aire. I was trying to guess what sport they represented, as were young men and women, with France tracksuits, not particularly grand, but decent enough. I guessed track athletes, but was somewhat inaccurate, they are trail runners. I got talking to a guy in the store, and he said they were semi-professional and did several training camps like this each year. It did seems strange they had postponed their morning on the hill due to the weather, though there was lightning around. In the afternoon, just before they departed, a few of them did go out.
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Roja and I were out for three hours in the end, and avoided the heaviest of the rain, which set in again when we got back. So it was a laidback lunch, Lancashire cricket on the radio, rugby sevens stream from Toulouse, and a catch-up with some book reviews that I was behind on.
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Tomorrow’s weather pattern is similar, I doubt whether we will be as fortunate in avoiding a soaking as today.
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stocklivemarket · 2 years
If you are thinking of traveling to Maykop, Adygea, you are in the right place. Maykop is the capital of the Republic of Adygea, which is part of the Russian Federation. Founded by General Kozlovsky in 1857, the city has witnessed many invasions and wars throughout its history. Today, Russians make up 72 percent of its population and Adygeans 16 percent. Other minorities in the city are Armenians, Ukrainians, Tatars and Greeks. Maykop, one of the most beautiful cities of the North Caucasus, is famous for its wide streets, green trees and squares. Maykop, which means "apple tree valley" among the people of Adygea, is also a major transportation hub. Trolleybuses are the most used means of transportation in the city, which has local trains that carry passengers to the Black Sea coast. The city's economic resources are food, woodworking, paper and pulp, metalworking, and light industries. In addition to these, Maykop has become a center of spas and thermal facilities thanks to its mineral water resources. Where Is Maykop? Let us share with you some of the things you need to know when traveling to Maykop. Maykop is located in the center of the Republic of Adygea, in the southwest of Russia, in the northeast of the Black Sea. When To Go To Maykop? The best time to go to Maykop, which has a continental climate, is summer. The city, which has harsh and cold winters, has an average temperature of around 0°C in this season. The average temperature of the summer months is 20 degrees. Best Places To Visit In Maykop Maykop welcomes thousands of tourists every year with its fantastic nature and many views. This city, which is the cultural capital of the region, has theatres, parks and a national museum that sheds light on the city's past. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Adyge Republic Museum The museum, which sheds light on the history and culture of Adygea, is one of the places that visitors should definitely visit. The three-floor museum contains a rich collection of weapons and household items. In addition to many artifacts that reflect the lifestyle of the country and the city, you can also examine the findings obtained from historical excavations. Maykop Cathedral Mosque Maykop Cathedral Mosque is a magnificent work with four minarets and blue domes. This worship center, the largest mosque in Maykop, was built in 2001 in a record time of 18 months. The mosque, which was presented to Maykop as a gift by the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates, Khalid Bin Saqr Al Qassimi, has become the symbol of Maykop with its remarkable architecture. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); St. Michael's Monastery One of the historical buildings of Maykop, St. Michael's Convent celebrated its 130th anniversary in 2008. Located on the Fiziabgo hill, this chapel is the country's highest-altitude monastery. Surrounded by secret passages and caves, St. Michael has relics and underground painting workshops for priests. Pushkin State Drama Theater The state drama theater building, one of the few historical buildings of Maykop, was built in 1901. The artists who come here with tours organized periodically, stage the plays of famous writers. The theater building, where Anton Chekhov's play “The Willow Tree” was staged, was named after the famous Russian writer Alexander Pushkin. Other places to visit St. George St. Nicholas Monument Maykop Park Adyge Art Gallery Transportation In Maykop When you travel to Maykop, you should also know how to get there. Urban transport in Maykop is done by trolleybuses, buses, minibuses and commercial taxis. The most used means of transportation in the city is the trolleybus. You can easily reach the city with cars rented from car rental offices. Maykop Cuisine Your trip to Maykop continues, if you can't decide what to eat, then it's time to talk about what to eat in Maykop. The reflection of the Circassian culture on the dishes can be seen in Maykop cuisine.
Circassian chicken and Circassian ravioli are among the most popular dishes in Maykop cuisine, where red meat and pastry products are consumed quite often. “Sipsi paste”, which has great importance in Caucasian cuisine, is a kind of chicken dish. Another important food called “Velibah” is a type of pancake. You should also try the Circassian cheese, one of the most famous foods in the country. Circassian Cheese Festival is also held in Maykop. Popular restaurants Dodo Pizza: It is one of the most preferred places in the city. The most important feature of the place, which is frequently visited by families with children, is that it is cheap. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Restaurant 1882: This place, which is famous for its beers, is a bit more expensive than others, but is flooded by visitors to try their special beers. Minami: You can eat very delicious meals at an affordable price in this place, which offers Japanese and Brazilian cuisine. The most famous dish of the restaurant is sushi. Other restaurants Excelsior Aristocrat Grand Hall Restaurant Shopping In Maykop Wouldn't you like to beautify your Maykop trip with shopping? At the beginning of the products to be bought in Maykop, which is a Caucasian city, the goods belonging to the Caucasian culture come first. You can find rag dolls with local clothes of the Caucasus in boutique haberdashery and shops. Another product that visitors show the most interest in is the Caucasian Kalpak. There are also modern shopping centers in the city where you can shop. Maykop Nightlife Maykop does not have a vibrant nightlife due to its sparse population. Parties are held from time to time in bars and pubs in the city centre. If you want to relax as well as have fun with music and dance, the cozy places in Maykop can help you. When you travel to Maykop, do not leave without tasting the nightlife! Maykop Festivals Circassian Cheese Festival Kamil Pşine Festival Paint Festival (September) Maykop Public Holidays New Year's Day (January 1) Fatherland Defense Day (23 February) International Women's Day (8 March) Spring And Labor Day (May 1) Victory Day (May 9) Russia Day (12 June) Adygea Republic Day (October 5) National Unity Day (November 4) Useful Information For Maykop Emergency Assistance: 103 Fire: 101 Police: 102
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thedjmusic · 2 years
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Beatport Best New Hype Afro House 2022-10-23
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/beatport_best_new_hype_afro_house_2022_10_230
DATA: 2022-10-23 TOTAL: 65 GENRE: Afro House
2 Sides Of Soul - Down By The Ocean
Aaron Sevilla,Mijangos - Santeria
Adam 1st - Djambaland - The Zulu Tribe Electro Mix
Adi Dassler - Forest Shaker
Aero Manyelo - Zambezi - Dub Mix
Afrozin Gang,CeeyChris - Looking Away
AMÉMÉ,Mario Reyes - Power
Amour Propre,DSF - Wait For Me - DSF Remix
Avangart Tabldot - Kindness All Over
Aytiwan,Nes Mburu,Enoo Napa - Ilanga - Enoo Napa Remix
Beni-Fadi,Hyenah - Kumang (Don't Accept)
Calussa,Augusto Yepes - Amore
Carlos Francisco - One Day
Da Mike,Biishop,David Mayer - Left My Body - David Mayer Remix
Darksidevinyl - Esperanza
David Morales,Tiger Wilson - Heartbeat
Demayä,Bun Xapa - Clouds - Bun Xapa Remix
Desert Gomes,Jimstarshine - Inqola
Dino and Terry,Tina Ardor - Mwana Wakwa
Dj Roberto Da'Silva - Eksplisiete
DJ Tomer,Ricardo,Mei Tar,Drega - House on a Hill - Drega Remix
DrumsMaster,TiZ - Control
El Chino Dreadlion,Da Le (Havana) - Dancin - Da Le (Havana) Remix
El Deep - Substructure
Elisa Elisa,Emmanuel Jal,Enoo Napa - Amazigh - Enoo Napa Dub
Figo Da Dope,Canvas Musiq,Eddie Dee - Ghost Rider
Jabzz Dimitri,Lizwi - Ngiphatheni - Original Mix
Jerome Sydenham,Fatima Njai,Anthony Martin - Yam Groove feat. Anthony Martin
Josh Major,GhostZWE - Amabutho
Karol XVII & MB Valence,Lazarusman,Ucha - Whispers - Ucha Extended Remix
Kaudron,ΛRΛGON,KOBE (MX) - Africa
Kid Fonque,Miči - Fade Away - Hypaphonik Derived Mix
Kiko Navarro,Ayala (IT) - Mixing Cultures - Ayala (IT) Remix
King Sunny Ade - Synchro System - Complete Original Version
Knight Warriors - Amp Me - Unidentified Dub Mix
kōati - A Vida É Bonita
Kuumba,Sergey Pushkin - El Tercer Ojo Del Tigre - Sergey Pushkin Remix
Lenny Air,Aziz Ozouss,FNX OMAR - Child Of Lalla Zahra - FNX Omar Remix
Louie Vega - Breath Of Life - Circle Dance Mix
Margee,Joy Tyson,ARKADYAN,David Mayer - One Love - David Mayer Remix
Minörs - In Your Head
Mobi Dixon,Digital Sangoma,Kgzoo - Crossing Over
Moish,Vasilis,Bukeka - Andindendwa
Mr. Eclectic,Tina Ardor,Oscar P - Omwana - Oscar P Rework
MR.BLACK,Offer Nissim,Joezi - Mucho Bien - Joezi Extended Remix
Natema,Sugar Hill,Laura Rogalli - Empire feat Laura Rogalli (Natema Remix)
Nick Pappa - Balandra
Niko Schwind,Robbie Akbal,Ay Sarita,M.E.M.O. - Caminando de Noche - M.E.M.O. Remix
Pamoja - Amakhosi
Polo & Pan - Oasis
Raz & Afla - Kye Kye Kule
Re.You - Hands
Ricardo Criollo House - Soy Del Mar - Original Mix
Saliva Commandos - Disruption
Semidome - Beyond
Simone Vitullo,Emanuele Esposito,Aaron Sevilla - What We'll Be - Aaron Sevilla Remix
Skaiva,Paulla Paloma,House Villians - Baleka - House Villains Remix
Souldynamic,Alpha Baba - Matama - Main Mix
Soulis Sarris - Wepa
Stones & Bones,Dreamers Inc.,ThroDef - Inde Lendlela - Dreamers Inc & ThroDef Remix
Sun Love Peace,DJ Big Rob, Jr. - Dance Yass!! - DJ Big Rob, Jr. Main Mix
Tayo Wink,Ed Ramsey - The Way She Moves - Original Mix
The Realm,Atjazz,Manoo,Kelli Sae - On The Road - Manoo Abstrakt Dub Remix
TIMANTI,Nomvula SA - Warrior (feat. Nomvula SA)
Xinobi,Lazarusman - Energy. Power. Vibe.
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Cranko's Onegin (Stuttgart Ballet)
Friedemann Vogel as Onegin
Rejecting Tatiana
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averrois · 7 years
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Misyuk Artem
Watercolor on paper
“Homestead”    37x50 cm
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kaggsy59 · 4 years
#ReadIndies - some independent publishers from my shelves!
#ReadIndies – some independent publishers from my shelves!
As you might have noticed, we’re edging ever closer to February and Reading Independent Publishers Month! Hopefully you’ve all been trawling your TBRs to find suitable reads, or even purchasing the odd book or three to help support our smaller presses. However, I thought it might be nice to share a few images of some of my indie books – let’s face it, gratuitous pictures of books are always fun,…
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thelibraryiscool · 3 years
An Incomplete List of Wintry Reads (arranged by mood)
For that bright feeling you get on a crisp sunny day when the snow is reflecting sunlight and crunching underfoot:
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott 
Time and Again by Jack Finney
‘Snow Fight’ by Mecca Jamilah Sullivan
For a melancholy childhood nostalgia:
‘A Christmas Memory’ by Truman Capote
‘The Fir Tree’ by Hans Christian Andersen
For an outmoded feeling, or a nostalgia for something that’s lost, or a tragic inevitability:
The White Guard by Mikhail Bulgakov
Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
For wandering the city:
The Book of Salt by Monique Truong
Moscow Diary by Walter Benjamin
For adventure and shenanigans (if only for a time):
Golden Hill by Francis Spufford
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service by Ian Fleming
Orlando by Virginia Woolf
For mystery and a comforting familiarity:
The Virgin in the Ice by Ellis Peters
The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie (is it cheating to suggest a play?)
For a romance that may be tinged with something else:
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
‘The Blizzard’ by Alexander Pushkin
For something that’s got most of those thrown together in a vertiginous journey:
Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
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1942 07 25 Desperate stand near Kolkhoz No. 2 - Steve Noon
Wolf's desperate stand. Near Collective Farm No.2, 25 July, 1942
By late morning on 25 July 1942, the Germans had managed to occupy the village of Lozhki and the Collective Farm No.2 just north of the Kalach bridge over the Don river. Fuel shortages were all that stopped them pressing on and possibly capturing the bridge. Instead, all they could do was wait and shell Soviet traffic on the bridgeGeneral-major Efim G. Pushkin, Soviet deputy commander of the Stalingrad Front ordered the 13th Tank Corps to cross the bridge and drive the Germans out of Lozhki and away from Kalach. Quickly improvising an attack, by mid afternoon more than 80 tanks rushed the German positions.Unprepared for an attack by massed Soviet armour, the Germans were forced to retreat from Lozhki and the Collective Farm.However a second line of defence had been prepared with a pair of 88mm Flak guns and a platoon of PzKpfw III tanks.At least four Soviet tanks were destroyed by the 88mm guns before they were disabled by return fire. Just as it appeared the Soviet armour would break through the lead Soviet tank battalion began to receive accurate fire from it's flank, from Stabsfeldwebel Wolf's tank platoon, which was deployed in reverse slope positions.Here we see PzKpfw III's of Wolf's platoon engaging the advancing lead tanks of 56th Tank Brigade, with several already knocked out. On the hill behind the two destroyed 88mm Flak guns can be seen. The Don river is visible in the background while the smouldering buildings of Collective Farm No.2 and German vehicles can be seen in the right background.All Wolf's tanks were immobilized by lack of fuel but their gunnery was superb, knocking out one Soviet tank after another and forcing the Soviets to withdraw, with the loss of probably more than 20 tanks. Wolf had lost none of his platoon but by now they were almost out of armour piercing ammunition. Wolf had halted the counter attack of the Soviet 62nd Army by the narrowest of margins.
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bookishluna · 5 years
Book Haul | October 2019
Book Haul | October 2019
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Hello everyone and welcome! So, it has been a while since doing a “traditional” book haul in a few months since I have been doing my Read 5, Buy 1. I have decided to pause this for the remainder of the year due to the holidays coming up and such.
Even though I did not buy a ton of books this month, I still wanted to share the ones I did pick up. I am pretty surprised I didn’t buy even more since…
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