#Purton C. Purton
glitch-the-artist · 11 months
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My swap for Spamton! Or basically my take on scampton.
they are a incarnation of a anime tape in the old classroom, they are basically reference mad mew mew and all the fun stuff.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"ROB CITY BANK OF $12,500, SHOT FIRED BY ROBBER," Toronto Star. September 1, 1943. Page 1. --- Three Men, One With Rifle, Loot Bank of Montreal Branch ---- HIT POLE IN FLIGHT ---- "We got enough. alone! Let's go!" eave them With these words, one of three armed men, who robbed the Bank of Montreal branch at Royce and Symington Aves. of $12,549 today, stopped one of his companions from shooting Lewis Cameron, the teller. The man had already fired one shot before his companion stopped him. It had narrowly missed D'Arcy Richardson, the accountant, and R. C. Purton, the relieving manager. One man carried a rifle, the others revolvers.
An intensive police hunt was started in the district, with police cruisers and detective cars from all divisions being ordered to concentrate on the bank area.
Police believed one of the robbers suffered a severely cut hand when he broke a pane of heavy glass, either over the cashier's grille or in the bank's front door.
Mrs. Lewis Cameron, wife of the bank teller, gave the alarm when she heard a shot as she was doing her housework in the apartment above the bank.
As the speeding car in which the trio made their getaway swung north on Symington Ave. from Royce it sideswiped a pole, was damaged, but kept on going.
Police were given a license number by Mrs Cameron, and were checking a car with a similar number reported stolen a few days ago.
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"ARMED TRIO ESCAPE WITH $8,000 IN DAYLIGHT BANK ROBBERY," Toronto Star. September 1, 1943. Page 2. --- SAW ROBBERS Alex Stuart, 18, of Jane St., saw the three men enter and later flee the bank.
SCENE OF ROBBERY ON ROYCE AVE. Three armed men walked into this Bank of Montreal branch, Royce and Symington Aves., and escaped with more than $8.000 after herding the bank staff and several customers behind the counters.
CUSTOMER THREATENED Miss Jennie Copithorn, a depositor, was forced, with the bank staff, to lie on the floor.
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"BANK MANAGER DEFIES THUG WON'T OPEN DOOR OF VAULT," Toronto Star. September 1, 1943. Page 2. --- Threats Fail to Move Him Robbers Flee With Cash ---- AT ROYCE AVE. BANK ---- Scores of police squad cars combed a wide area in West Toronto today for a stolen car carrying three men who robbed the Bank of Montreal's Royce and Symington branch of $8.000 to $10.000 shortly before noon today.
The three men, whom witnesses described as well-dressed and in their mid-twenties, herded the staff behind the counter and forced them to lie on the floor.
Besides the relieving manager, R. A. Purton, and the accountant, T. G. Richardson, there were in the bank. Miss M. Stitt and the teller, Lewis Cameron. Another woman employee. Miss F. L. Price, was down- stairs in the vault at the time. A third girl employee was out to lunch.
Refused to Open Vault An official of the bank's Toronto head office, said one robber told Mr. Purton: "Go open that vault."
"I won't," the bank official quoted the manager as saying.
"You'd better or it will be too bad you," the robber said.
"I don't care what you do. I won't open the vault. If you shoot me you'll hang for it anyway."
The bank official said the shot was fired following this conversation, the bullet going above the manager's head. The man then rushed to the teller's cage and scoop ed the money from there.
Miss Jennie Copithorn, Antler St., was the only customer in the bank at the time. She, too, was herded with the staff behind the counter and forced, with threats, to lie on the floor.
"It was about five minutes to 12. I was standing at the counter by the window with my back to the manager's office signing a cheque. I heard loud rough voices and turned to see three men, Miss Copithorn said.
"I heard one of them say, 'Stick up your hands, I mean business. They then got everybody to lie on the floor, but first they fired a shot over the head of the accountant into the door of the vault.
"The three men were about 25 or 26, I guess, and all pretty well dressed. One was dressed in gray trousers with a gray checked coat. He was about 27. He was carrying a gun. I think it was a rifle. Another was shorter and very dark, and dressed in a brown suit. His hand was badly cut. I think it was from the glass on the manager's door. The third man, whom I did not see closely, was dressed in gray also.
"The dark one, that is the one in the brown suit, appeared very nervous. His gun kept waving around. A couple of them went behind the counter and one went through the teller's wicket and scooped up all the cash he could. Another went into the vault. Then they all ran out and jumped in a car and drove away. I could not see the car because I could not get to the door in time, but I do not think the whole thing took more than three or four minutes."
All Trying to Get in Car Mrs. Lewis Cameron, wife of the teller, who lives in the apartment above, was the first to 'phone the police after she heard a shot.
"I was working in the kitchen when I heard a great deal of shouting and then a shot," she said. "I knew it was in the bank downstairs and I rushed to the front of the apartment and looked out. I saw three men trying to clamber into a car at the curb. They were all trying to get in at the same time. One finally got at the wheel and shouted to the others to close the door. The car started off in such a rush that the open door was banged against a light standard and smashed."
Mrs. Cameron said "the men appeared drunk, or highly nervous, as they were wobbling when they ran to the car." She said one man appeared to throw a leather pouch on the sidewalk as he ran.
"I did not see a gun," she said, "but I remembered to get the license number of the car as it went away. Then I went to the phone and called the police right away. I gave them the license number of the car."
Mrs. Cameron said she was alarmed after hearing the shot that the men might try to get up to her apartment. The stairs leading to the apartment are right inside the bank," she said.
In Bank Only Few Minutes Alex Stuart, 18, witness, said: "They came along Royce Ave, in a dark green 1941 sedan and turned sharply at Campbell Ave, and came back to the bank. They stopped right in front of the bank door. They jumped out of the car and walked into the bank fast. They were in only about five minutes. When the first one came out he had a brown paper bag in his hand. The last one had something in his hand but my vision was blocked and I couldn't see what it was. They pulled away up Symington without closing the car door."
The license number given police was that of a man living in Napanee. Police said the description of the robber's car does not tally with that registered under the name of the Napanee resident. Instead, they suggested, the license number was likely one similar, that of a car reported stolen several days ago.
The man with the rifle was described at 24 or 25 years, five feet 10 inches, slim build, dark hair, pale complexion, gray suit. The second man was between 22 and 23, about five feet eight, dark hair, round full face, dark trousers and a tan shirt. The third man was described as being only about five feet, between 24 and 25, wearing a brown suit and no hat.
The robbers took a bank revolver with them when they fled.
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keibadrive · 2 years
2022年 ナショナルデイカップ(G3) レース結果と動画
ナショナルデイカップThe National Day Cup G3 2022/10/01 シャティン競馬場 7R 芝1000 7頭立て 馬場状態:Good 3歳以上 2022年 ナショナルデイC(G3) レース結果 着順 枠番 馬番 馬名 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 オッズ 人気 タイム着差 1 7 4 スーパーウェルシーSuper Wealthy セ7 59 Z.パートンZachary Purton D.ヘイズDavid A Hayes 4.0 2 56.05 2 1 6 コルディセプスシックスCordyceps Six セ4 55.5 A.バデルAlexis Badel R.ギブソンRichard Gibson 1.9 1 クビ 3 5 1 スカイフィールドSky Field セ6 61 L.カリーLuke Currie C.ファウンズC…
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xtruss · 3 years
Historic Photographer of the Year Awards 2021 – In Pictures
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Whiteford Lighthouse, Gower, Wales by Steve Liddiard.
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Shah-i-Zinda, Uzbekistan by Julian Elliott.
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St Michael’s Tower, Glastonbury Tor by Adam Burton.
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1973 US Navy C-117D, Vik, Iceland by Yevhen Samuchenko.
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Esztergom Basilica, Hungary by Elizabeth Hak.
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Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol by Sam Binding.
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The 1935 MV Western Belle, off Ullswater, Cumbria by Andrew McCaren.
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Reculver Towers, Kent by Michael Marsh.
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Purton Hulks, Gloucestershire by Iain McCallum.
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Temple of Hera II, Paestum, ancient Greece (now Italy) by Alfredo Corrao.
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parkergregoryfan · 7 years
▶️  Parker Gregory for K-Boxing Fall/Winter 2016 Campaign | Fall B | Directed by Rankin.
Client:  劲霸男装(K-Boxing China) Brand:  2016 F/W Collection - FALL A Products: Fashion
Agency: M&C Saatchi Shanghai Executive Creative Director: Tony Liu Ke Je Account Director: Ben Wang Executive Producer: Sam Iwata (38pro) Creative Producer: Lara Wang (38pro) Line Producer: Lukeys Shi (38pro)
Production: Rankin Films Executive Producer: Storr Nick Redman Producer: Jordan Rossi
Director: Rankin
Post Production: Rushes Post Producer: Jon Purton Color Grade Artist: Simona Cristea
Composer: OLI JULIAN MAV: 750mph
Model: Parker Gregory
OA: 2016.08.05
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nwfafooty · 7 years
NWFA Results - Round 2 (April 8)
Motton Preston              2.4        6.4        8.8        12.9   (81)
Rosebery Toorak           2.5        6.12      9.13      10.18 (78)
Goals – Motton Preston: J. Rockliff 6, L. Clark, B. Cole, A. Rockliff, D. Stephens, A. Waasdorp, M. Reyenga. Rosebery Toorak: J. Williams 3, R. Phillips 2, C. Goodson, Y. Mansell, S, Mawer, B. Poulter, L. Turley.
Best – Motton Preston: J. Reyenga, A. Rockliff, T. Shadbolt, J. Rockliff, S. Aldridge, B. Cole. Rosebery Toorak: S. Mawer, R. Phillips, L. Turley, B. Poulter, L. Pedder, J. Williams.
 Forth                10.4      13.11    24.16    31.22 (208)
Sheffield           0.0        0.0        0.1        0.1     (1)
Goals – Forth: Z. Ivory, N. Veal 8, D. Vanderfeen 5, A. Flannery, N. Morgan 3, G. Llewelyn, C. Temby 2.
Best – Forth: D. Hardy, D. Vanderfeen, N. Veal, J. Green, C. Symmons, C. Temby. Sheffield – D. Spillane, R. Braid, D. Hibble, L. Davies, R. Dunlop, N.T. Applebee.
 Wesley Vale                  12.2      19.9      29.15    39.20 (254)
West Ulverstone           0.0        0.1        0.1        1.1     (7)
Goals – Wesley Vale: C. Plumbridge 7, C. Bissett, T. Weekes 6, B. Holland, J. Walton 4, S. Jaffray, Z. Webb 3, A. MacIntosh 2, D. Bantick, B. Hefford, J. Horne, Z. Weekes. West Ulverstone: H. Elliott.
Best -  Wesley Vale: B. Donald, L. Rockliff, C. Conners, C. Plumbridge, M. King, T. Weekes. West Ulverstone: H. Elliott, C. Brian, J. Collins, M. Collins, H. Thompson, D. Hall.          
Turners Beach              2.6        5.7        11.16    14.15 (99)
East Ulverstone            2.3        5.7        10.8      12.10 (82)
Goals – Turners Beach: P. Enright 6, N. Gregson 3, J. Howard 2, K. Brazendale, B. Horton, A. Hewitt. East Ulverstone: J. Burton 3, C. Guest, Z. Talbot, S. Mansfield, T. Purton 2, D. Carew.
Best – Turners Beach: N. Gregson, P. Enright, J. Howard, T. Stephens, K. Brazendale, S. Laing. East Ulverstone: Z. Munro, M. Thompson – Purton, C. Smith, S. Mansfield, A. Clarke, S. Vucetic.
 Motton Preston             4.2        7.12      9.14      15.17 (107)
Rosebery Toorak           0.0        1.0        2.2        2.6     (18)
Goals – Motton Preston: G. Williams 5, M. Cosgrove, S. King 3, J. Evans 2, J. Hamilton, J. Stephens. Rosebery Toorak: M. Hicks, J. Sucic.
Best – Motton Preston: T. Moore, J. Morris, J. King, D. Constance, G. Williams, T. Tyrrell. Rosebery Toorak: S. Baxter, N. Thwaites, P. Martin, K. Weller, D. Kube, C. McGuire.
 Forth                13.4      20.10    31.16    42.20 (272)
Sheffield           0.0        1.0        1.1        1.1     (7)
Goals – Forth: D. Oates 12, A. Garwwod 8, L. Brazier 5, A. Mundy 4, 
M. Howard, A. Mapley, T. Preece 3, B. Oliver 2, J. Donnelly, S. Parker. Sheffield: B. Allan.
Best – Forth: D. Oates, D. Applebee, R. Nelson, A. Mundy, L. Brazier, S. Parker. Sheffield: B. Corbett, A. Norris, M. Knight, T. Hardwicke, D. Heyward, W. McBeth.
 Wesley Vale                  9.4        19.9      32.11    43.16 (274)
West Ulverstone           0.0        0.1        0.1        0.1     (1)
Goals – Wesley Vale: S. Howard 11, D. Connelly 9, G. Sheen 4, C. Lamprey, S. Poole, G. Woods 3, A. Barton, A. McDermott 2, Z. Bissett, A. Brown, P. Daw, J. Dunn, Jeremy Richardson, D. Townsend.
Best – Wesley Vale: L. Lockwood, R. Bramich, L. Winwood, S. Howard, A. McDermott, C. Lamprey. West Ulverstone: D. McCarthy, K. Menzies, I. De Bruyn, A. Curtain, K. Wall, J. Brimfield.
 Turners Beach              4.1        7.3        11.7      14.11 (95)
East Ulverstone            5.5        5.13      7.16      8.20   (68)
Goals – Turners Beach: D. McCrossen 7, D. Smith 2, J. Browne, B. Smith, A. Edwards, J. Somers, R. Bellchambers. East Ulverstone: M. Talbot, J. Pearson 3, L. Bowden, T. Brown.
Best – Turners Beach: D. Smith, B. Smith, D. McCrossen, A. Allison, C. Boag, J. Browne. East Ulverstone: M. Vucetic, M. Hall, C. Purton, J. Pearson, S. Dyson, T. Brown.
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glitch-the-artist · 10 months
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have this remake of purton I haven’t posted yet.
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glitch-the-artist · 11 months
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glitch-the-artist · 11 months
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his staff turns into a tommy gun. this is literally something purton can do, this isn’t a joke.
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keibadrive · 2 years
2022年 セレブレーションカップ(G3) レース結果と動画
セレブレーションカップThe Celebration Cup G3 2022/09/25 シャティン競馬場 3R 芝1400 6頭立て 馬場状態:GoodToFirm 3歳以上 2022年 セレブレーションC(G3) レース結果 着順 枠番 馬番 馬名 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 オッズ 人気 タイム着差 1 5 2 カリフォルニアスパングルCalifornia Spangle セ4 57.5 Z.パートンZachary Purton A.S.クルーズA S Cruz 1.1 1 1:20.49 2 2 4 ヘルシーハッピーHealthy Happy セ6 55.5 S.デソウサSilvestre De Sousa F.C.ローF C Lor 12.0 3 2 3 1 3 デュークワイDuke Wai セ7 56.5 M.チャドウィックMatthew Chadwick P C…
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keibadrive · 2 years
2022年 プレミアカップ(G3) レース結果と動画
プレミアカップThe Premier Cup G3 2022/06/19 シャティン競馬場 7R 芝1400 9頭立て 馬場状態:Good 3歳以上 2022年 プレミアC(G3) レース結果 着順 枠番 馬番 馬名 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 オッズ 人気 タイム着差 1 5 3 ビューティージョイBeauty Joy セ5 55.5 Z.パートンZachary Purton A.S.クルーズA S Cruz 4.0 1 1:21.55 2 8 4 ラッキーエクスプレスLucky Express セ5 55.5 A.アムランAntoine Hamelin J.サイズJ Size 16.0 6 1 3 9 5 ヘルシーハッピーHealthy Happy セ5 55 K.ティータンKaris Teetan F.C.ローF C…
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keibadrive · 2 years
2022年 プレミアプレート(G3) レース結果と動画
プレミアプレートThe Premier Plate G3 2022/06/19 シャティン競馬場 7R 芝1800 11頭立て 馬場状態:Good 3歳以上 2022年 プレミアプレート(G3) レース結果 着順 枠番 馬番 馬名 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 オッズ 人気 タイム着差 1 7 2 トゥールビヨンダイヤモンドTourbillon Diamond セ5 60 A.バデルAlexis Badel C.S.シャムC S Shum 9.9 5 1:48.27 2 3 10 テュリンレッドサンTurin Redsun セ4 51.5 M.プーンMatthew Poon D.ホワイトDouglas Whyte 2.6 1 短頭 3 11 9 バターフィールドButterfield セ6 55 Z.パートンZachary Purton C.S.シャムC S…
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keibadrive · 2 years
2022年 プレミアプレート(G3) レース結果と動画
プレミアプレートThe Premier Plate G3 2022/06/19 シャティン競馬場 5R 芝1800 11頭立て 馬場状態:Good 3歳以上 2022年 プレミアプレート(G3) レース結果 着順 枠番 馬番 馬名 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 オッズ 人気 タイム着差 1 7 2 トゥールビヨンダイヤモンドTourbillon Diamond セ5 60 A.バデルAlexis Badel C.S.シャムC S Shum 9.9 5 1:48.27 2 3 10 テュリンレッドサンTurin Redsun セ4 51.5 M.プーンMatthew Poon D.ホワイトDouglas Whyte 2.6 1 短頭 3 11 9 バターフィールドButterfield セ6 55 Z.パートンZachary Purton C.S.シャムC S…
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keibadrive · 2 years
2022年 ライオンロックトロフィー(G3) レース結果と動画
ライオンロックトロフィーThe Lion Rock Trophy G3 2022/05/29 シャティン競馬場 7R 芝1600 9頭立て 馬場状態:Good 3歳以上 2022年 ライオンロックT(G3) レース結果 着順 枠番 馬番 馬名 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 オッズ 人気 タイム着差 1 2 6 ビューティージョイBeauty Joy セ5 55 Z.パートンZachary Purton A.S.クルーズA S Cruz 1.6 1 1:34.71 2 8 7 チアフルデイズCheerful Days セ5 55 A.バデルAlexis Badel K.ルイK W Lui 16.0 5 1.1/4 3 6 9 my sugar セ5 52.5 C.チャウC L Chau J.ティンJimmy…
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keibadrive · 2 years
2022年 クイーンマザー・メモリアルカップ(G3) レース結果と動画
クイーンマザー・メモリアルカップQueen Mother Memorial Cup G3 2022/05/01 シャティン競馬場 3R 芝2400 5頭立て 馬場状態:GoodToYielding 3歳以上 2022年 クイーンマザー・メモリアルC(G3) レース結果 着順 枠番 馬番 馬名 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 オッズ 人気 タイム着差 1 1 2 セニョールトーバSenor Toba セ4 54.5 J.モレイラJoao Moreira C.ファウンズC Fownes 1.6 1 2:33.16 2 5 1 バターフィールドButterfield セ6 60 Z.パートンZachary Purton C.S.シャムC S Shum 5.1 2 2 3 2 3 エンジョイングEnjoying セ6 53.5 M.チャドウィックMatthew…
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keibadrive · 2 years
2022年 チャンピオンズマイル(G1) レース結果と動画
チャンピオンズマイルChampions Mile G1 2022/04/24 シャティン競馬場 8R 芝1600 8頭立て 馬場状態:Good 3歳以上 2022年 チャンピオンズマイル(G1) レース結果 着順 枠番 馬番 馬名 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 オッズ 人気 タイム着差 1 2 1 ゴールデンシックスティGolden Sixty セ6 57 C.ホーC Y Ho K.ルイK W Lui 1.4 1 1:32.81 2 5 8 カリフォルニアスパングルCalifornia Spangle セ4 57 Z.パートンZachary Purton A.S.クルーズA S Cruz 2.6 2 2 3 7 7 エクセレントプロポーザルExcellent Proposal セ5 57 J.モレイラJoao Moreira J.サイズJ…
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