#Pure Vanilla doesn't know
darkfluffydragon · 6 months
Cookie Run AU Ideas #1 (or 2? Does the Herb Archer one count?): Crispia Academy
A school AU where all the cookies are students! The ancients are the teachers, and the students start to notice something...odd, about them. Such as the Mr Cacao's slip-ups where he starts using old slang no one recognises! Or when Ms Hollyberry started a rant about royal politics during a class when a student mentioned it, one swears that Hollyberry had a real shield. Ms Cheese's jewellery seems a bit too luxurious and Angel once mentioned that they saw Ms Cheese fly! But surely not, right? Magic doesn't exist, and people with wings can glide at most. Gardener Pure Vanilla is rumoured to actually be the principal, who has a love for tending to the plants around the school. The stories he tells are weirdly consistent and too detailed to be just stories. He often speaks of the characters while looking sad, or wistful...not to mention his odd habit of referring to people as "cookie". It hasn't happened a lot, but, weirdly, it happened more than once. And the school is apparently haunted at night, with eyes that watch from all the shadows. No one has managed to prove that yet.
The new students are strange too. After a visit from a guest no one recognised, some guy named Wind-something started to attend the school. Followed shortly by another student, who was eccentric and hot-headed.
The school's conspiracy club is never quiet.
The Ancients are immortal, watching the cookies they knew succumb to time and the world change around them. Since there are few immortals around, they all end up meeting and become somewhat acquainted with each other. Cookies were no longer recognised as "Cookies", and magic was forgotten. It would never completely fade, though. Not with the elementals, who continued to watch the world. White Lily Cookie separated from them again, remaining by the Silver Tree as its new guardian. She needed to keep the remaining beasts contained, after all. They still keep in touch, whether it is through occasional tea or through the new electronics. Pure Vanilla Cookie eventually decided to open up a school, and his friends joined him as teachers. It was a surprise when centuries later, the reincarnations of the cookies they knew slowly started to attend. Millennial Tree Cookie even asked Wind Archer Cookie to disguise himself as a student! And with the wind, fire will always follow.
If there is one thing that has been created since the past that Pure Vanilla Cookie was thankful for, it is therapy. While they can't go to a therapist and just dump centuries worth of trauma onto some poor cooki- person, Pure Vanilla can most definitely take up the subject himself. He'd do anything to help his friends.
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b0nelessdoodles · 17 days
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some future bits of creme uni where sm grabs two of pv's patients and makes them start fighting for reasons that he does not explain to his husband beforehand and he will get his head ripped off about (literally)
as always more details in the tags
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(non-text version 'cause its fuckin' funny)
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aurora-ze-aquarius · 1 year
I found these on twitter (Cacao , PV & Lily)
Apparently the ancients exist in the CR Comicverse
I don't know where to find the full issue/comics, but I do wanna see how Dark Cacao and Dark Choco reconcile, considering Choco isn't part of the cookies of darkness in this universe, and is actually a part of the main cast of heroes.
(actually, I don't know if this takes before or after his redemption, but I'm going to assume after because from what I can remember, Dark Choco existed long before Kingdom was ever established.)
Also for legal reasons, I don't know wtf is happening.
(btw, these two panels aren't related (I think?) I found them on two separate posts.)
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Choco Cone Cookie AU
So I came up with a Cookie Run AU a few days ago, and... I’m gonna talk about it here, but the idea is- it’s not stupid, I think it’s very interesting (because I’m an AU nerd), but it might come across as dumb to others. I call it the Choco Cone AU.
So basically, the premise of this AU was a part of my “Dark Chocoverse” brainrot where I imagined Dark Choco Cookie in different roles for characters. One of these roles was him being in Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s place, where he’s associated with Wafflebots and is the initially unnamed Cookie the crew meets in the Vanilla Kingdom. And then I started building more onto this idea because I was hyperfixating on the theme of Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s character, which a cyborg-like character who does all these analysis things and techy stuff and yeah.
For the most part, the AU’s been kinda comical. I’ve been talking about it with friend, who I share just about all of my brainrot with, and there’s been more comical scenes than angsty ones, which is a new record for me I think. Like, the scene we just talked about today was a Licorice Oozling getting loose in the Black Citadel thanks to Dark Choco Cookie, and how he’s trying to track it down and catch it before the others find out.
I’m also trying to figure out the backstory/lore for this AU. Like how Dark Choco Cookie ended up in the Vanilla Kingdom and how he ended up fused with these Wafflebot parts, becoming a cyborg and all. The current thing I’m going with is that he suffered some kind of tragic accident and needed life-saving surgery, as he lost limbs. And, at least in this AU, not even Pure Vanilla Cookie’s miracle magic can reattach lost limbs. Maybe the accident in question, if I keep this plotline, could be related to the Dark Flour War with everything going on.
As a result of the accident in question and the spell that sealed away the Vanilla Kingdom, Dark Choco Cookie suffered total amnesia. He remembered basic knowledge and stuff, but he forgot everything about who he was, including his name and where he comes from. But he did still remember that he was a Cookie. There are moments where he can experience deja vu related to his past, such as the licorice smell coming from Licorice Cookie (and probably his name alone tbh) and Dark Enchantress Cookie. He doesn’t know WHY he gets this sense of deja vu and longing, but he does, and it can be pretty distracting at times.
Now, this AU doesn’t get rid of Strawberry Crepe Cookie entirely. The skrunkly still exists in this AU. I don’t really know how I’m going to implement them into the story/setting, but the idea I got not too long ago was that Strawberry Crepe Cookie found Dark Choco Cookie and they’re kinda like a little found family. Obviously this leads to some conflict come Cookie Odyssey and Dark Cacao Cookie finds out that his son is, in fact, still alive. Pretty much hasn’t aged a day and didn’t even know Dark Cacao Cookie or the Dark Cacao Kingdom existed prior to the Council of Heroes, but that’s a topic for another day!
Like, Dark Choco Cookie’s character here isn’t a carbon copy of Strawberry Crepe Cookie. That’s not what I want. Unlike Strawberry Crepe Cookie, who seems to have known how to navigate Wafflebots and data from the moment they gained awareness, Dark Choco Cookie has no idea what is going on. The kid even designed a similar headset for him, one based on the Choco Cone Lancers, and he’s just looking at the data stream like (:D)
At the same time, Dark Choco Cookie’s cluelessness when it comes to technology isn’t solely played for laughs and he’s not just additional comic relief in the AU. Here, he’d be a much stronger opponent than Strawberry Crepe Cookie, especially in terms of the lore and what the boss battle was like from a lore perspective. Because although his brain memory is gone, his muscle (dough?) memory is still there, and he’s an experienced fighter. In this AU’s storyline, Strawberry Crepe Cookie would run to Dark Choco Cookie and be a little tattletale on GingerBrave and friends, and then they’d fight for that reason. Like, what I’m picturing is Dark Choco Cookie holding like a laser cannon and aiming it at the main crew, despite 4/5 (4/6 if you count Healer Cookie) being literal children.
Btw, the name of the AU comes from Dark Choco Cookie’s amnesiac alias, which is literally “Choco Cone Cookie”. He and Strawberry Crepe Cookie could tell that he has a high chocolate count in his dough, and since Strawberry Crepe gave him the similar headset, he took the name “Choco Cone Cookie” after the Wafflebots.
I might write more about this AU and elaborate on it some, maybe even actually write something or draw something (I’d say you can count more on the writing part), and yeah. That’s about it for now.
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thegreatcrowdragon · 2 years
We’re going full theory mode now (SPOILERS)
Highly suggest checking out my earlier post about this, but basically Pure vanilla and Candy diver having the exact same eye colors = maybe related?
Candy is supposedly like, eons (a really long time) old, so there IS a possibility they're a direct descendant of Pure vanilla. Probably not like, straight up his kid, but maybe like grandkid or something? 
This also includes the possibility of Candy just missing out on a good chunk of history due to their death, and straight up not knowing what the hell happened while they were at the bottom of the ocean.
This could also explain why they're basically immortal. I’d have to check, but Onion is a ghost too and I'm pretty sure she can still be knocked out. Maybe Pure vanilla used some sort of magic on him to make sure they couldn't get injured during an attack, but oops it backfired and now they just can’t die at all.
“But Wisp,” I hear you say. “Candy diver is a ghost! They're already dead!” well, what if when their body crumbled, their soul jam (dust? Whatever) immediately took over the most humanoid (or... Cookie shaped idk) thing it could find? Yeah, it’s a flimsy theory but I don’t really have anything better rn 
Anyway, I imagine if anyone found out they’d immediately freak out, cause they’re basically royalty? (I mean, Dark choco is a prince so-) and they just wanna be treated like a normal person (cookie) so they just... Don’t tell people. Caviar knows, but Candy made him SWEAR to not tell anyone.
It could also explain why when you drop them, they float down slowly like they're underwater. They can hover!
Forgot to mention, but the teleporting. Warping, whatever. They just make random portals whenever? That’s very interesting (and also never brought up DEVSIS GIVE US THE LORE)
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yanderenightmare · 2 months
Gojo Satoru
TW: yandere, breakup, depression, schemes, manipulation, office au for some reason
can be read as a standalone, but also in compliment to this part 1
fem reader
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It’s a funny thing. You’re not really his type.
You dress right for the office—long pencil skirts and buttoned-up shirts—librarian hairstyles and modest makeup. Nothing brazen or flashy or anything at all that garners much attention.
And it’s not like you flirt with him or anything. No, you’re perfectly friendly—funny at times, and nice—covering for him when he runs late, bringing candy for you to share, dishing the new office gossip.
Yeah, you’re his coworker. His work-buddy. Desk-mate. And you don’t try to be anything more—never one to over-share or pry into his personal matters. Your relationship is professional. Nothing more and nothing less. 
But it’s only natural, though, right? For a guy to fantasize about a girl when he sees her as often as he sees you—sitting right next to each other during full office hours, bringing each other coffee and lunch, and talking shit about the boss together. It would be strange not to—to imagine what you’d look like on your back or on your knees, what you sound like, what kind of face you make. And your preferences—if you would make him wear a condom or let him cum inside. If you like it rough or would rather, he lay belly up and let you take charge.
Your face is the one constant thing in his life—of course, he thinks about you as often as he does, in more ways than he'd like.
The thoughts don't concern him much in the beginning. It’s just one of those things the mind humors without your consent—it doesn’t mean anything. And it doesn’t matter much, even if it does. You’d never do any of those things with him anyway—you’re too vanilla, and he’s too much of a player. And besides, you already have a boyfriend.
And it’s not like he doesn’t have girlfriends, too—of course, he does—a new one every other week or so. So it’s not like he’s lonely or in any dire need of you.
No, Gojo doesn’t need you. He could have anyone else, and you’re already taken. No, he doesn't need you... 
Oh, but he wants you.
It becomes one of those things he can’t ignore whether he wants to or not. Fuck, you’re making his bachelor life feel boring. He could be in bed with a model—sounds of her pleasure filling the room, and all he’d be able to think about is you and what type of coffee he should bring you in the morning.
You’re ruining his style. 
He doesn’t know if it’s a tactic to flush you out of his head or a vie to pique your interest or maybe just to spite you for making his life a living hell—but he starts bringing his personal life to work. And by personal life, he means his sexual conquests.
You don’t say much of anything at first. You compliment him on how pretty his girlfriend is, only to be confused once a different girl comes by the next day. You say even less about it, then.
When the third girl comes, you try and make a joke—it’s obvious you feel uncomfortable. But he isn’t sure it’s the reaction he wants. In a way, it seems almost as if you feel sorry for him, which only serves to make him feel even worse.
It’s when your boyfriend comes during your break to take you out to lunch that he feels absolutely worthless. You have this smile on your face he’s never seen before—this glow about you.
Gojo realizes he’s never made any girl look like that, even while making them cum and scream his name. This look is something pure.
It makes him want to strangle your boyfriend to death right in front of you. He can barely muster a smile when you apologize for leaving him to lunch alone.
But in your absence, he musters up a new plan.
Men are fickle things, especially men like your boyfriend—men who’ve been in the same relationship for so long that they’ve all but forgotten the beast within—a dormant beast that's now starved eager to jump at anything that bears its neck.
It’s all too easy. He doesn’t even need to pay the girl to help, she does it all just to please him. Girls are quite disgusting, too, once he comes to think about it—lecherous beings who’ll do anything he says if he promises them he'll stay. He can’t believe he’s had so many of them in his bed—it makes his skin crawl with mites.
You’re nothing like them. You’re genuine. There’s a substance to you—something those whores lack. No, he couldn’t approach you like he would them. You’d only take him for the predator he was. No, for a girl like you to like a guy like him, he’d need to go to insidious means.
The girl approaches your boyfriend on his command—flirts him up, flusters him, makes him dumb—makes him reckless enough to think he can get away with it. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her is probably what he’s thinking as he goes home with a slut that looks nothing like his loving girlfriend.
Oh, but you will know if Gojo wills it. He’s got the pictures to prove all the depraved things your boyfriend got up to behind your back, and he’ll just as easily show them to you.
But no, that won’t break you. Funny enough, if he were to tell you your boyfriend was cheating on you, the heartbreak would be clouded by rage, and you’d break up with him and get back to work. But if you were the one to get dumped. Yes, your poor heart would fall apart and right into his arms. Yes, for a girl like you to want a guy like him, he'd have to make you just as pathetic and desperate.
And so, through his pawn, he blackmails your crappy long-standing boyfriend into breaking up with you with the threat of showing you all the lewd pictures of him getting nasty with a skank in a shoddy motel room.
And it works like a charm.
Your boyfriend does his bidding, and you break.
And the heartache is so palpable it leaves you sick and bedridden. You don’t show up for work for days.
And though it hurts not to see you, Gojo sits well at his desk with a smile on his face, knowing everything is going perfectly according to plan.
Yes, he’ll be a rebound at first, a mistake you make in a drunken sorrow—but soon... you’ll be the cutest office couple in the entire building. He'll make sure of it.
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♡ GOJO SATORU masterlist ♡ JUJUTSU KAISEN masterlist
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seokka0o · 1 year
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Riize as boyfriends (-In bed)
CONTAIN: Smut; High sex; possessiveness; unprotected sex;
Author: ALRIGHT, its finally done. I took a long time on this, but I think it's good.
Please, English it's not my first language so may have be some grammatical error♡ feedbacks always appreciated, hope enjoy.
Song recommendation: Everything by Kehlani
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大崎将太郎 - Shotaro
Cute type of boyfriend
most of the time extremely needy, Shotaro provide attention
lots of affection and kisses, lots of kisses
You've known each other since you were kids
childhood best friends, so it's a relationship that grows from a lot of affection
you have secrets, years of friendship which makes the whole relationship very comfortable
even in moments of conflict you end up dealing very well with each other the other
Quiet boyfriend
he likes dates to ride his bike, walk to a park with you for ice cream
shotaro loves cuddles on the couch while you guys watch tv
short dialogues are usually just to make sure you're both still comfortable doing it.
but most of the time you stay there exchanging affection until you fall asleep he's a low maintenance guy so you wouldn't have a lot of issues, just some good quality of time and that's it
a very unique feeling that he conveys is pure summer
shotaro is someone who shines and that you feel, he loves you with all his strength
he likes to show and tell everyone how much he likes you, how ideal you are
"I love you, y/n my baby"
you are soulmates, he knows it, as do you
because you are childhood sweethearts and friends, consequently he was your first in everything,
first kiss, first love
And he was also the one who took your virginity, just like you took his
You're discovering yourselfs together so everything kind of becomes intuitive
the way you touch each other and whether it happens to be good or not.
With time shotaro will become more adept at a more delicate, more romantic type of sex
where you spend hours touching each other kissing, just to enjoy each other
Oral is something he really likes
being between your legs, feeling your heat, chipping you and hearing you make the most beautiful moans so it's definitely his favorite part
Enjoys tasting you
playing with your nipples while he do this, feeling you pulling his hair during intercourse, knowing your desperation for his tongue.
I see a relationship without power play a lot, shotaro doesn't like to exert any dominance on you
which makes him the ultimate vanilla connoisseur,
the kind to whisper sweets and cuddle while slow-fucking you
lazy sex in the morning or late at night because for some reason you woke up needy
he is one of the quietest when it comes to sexual relations in general
Shotaro is homely, not very dynamic, with good stamina, but he rarely puts up with extremely intense relations
everything for him is planned to be as delicate and romantic as possible, this all the time
Because of shotaro spending much more time on foreplay, especially preaching
French kisses, sometimes marking your skin with a few love bites, Shotaro is always sighing between kisses, dictating some sweetness still awkwardly
hands inside your clothes, he just wants to feel your skin while in contact with your mouths, that way he feels more connected to you.
송은석 - Eunseok
Typical protective boyfriend, likes to always be present and helpful
most likely you met him at your place of work or studies, he as someone not very popular but easy to get attention
I'm sure he would be interested first, because whatever Eunseok wants, he makes it his goal in life
meeting in libraries, cafes to pass the time
he would also like to spend time with you watching a movie at the cinema or going out to eat something you like together
He's not very affectionate, but he's great at words of affirmation, he always makes it clear what he likes and how much he likes you,
always presenting you with sweets and other things he buys around thinking how much it might please you.
always matching clothes because he likes to maintain this couple aesthetic that uses everything the same
from clothes to very specific objects
despite not being so good at expressing it he expects it from you, truly speaking
the kind that if you don't tell him you love him every day, he might feel really upset
as for relationships in bed, he's not the inexperienced or impartial type far from it.
He is a dom, without a doubt
Eunseok likes it when you ride him, he likes that feeling of your weight on him, the way you strain
moan so pleasurably, your sweaty, tired body, he appreciates that
He likes to have his fingers firm on your skin and mark you as his
because Eunseok's type of sex is more possessive, not in words but in actions
music playing in the background while he fucks you because he likes this “setting the mood” thing, he feels more immersed in it,
also because he always loves to spend a lot of time on foreplay
kissing you, caressing you, even talking a little, just to get you two more caught up in it, hours on end
Despite this hard and fast fuck, even when you're not above him,
He's fucking you with all the strength of his being, with his lips close to your ears so he can whisper the worst possible nasties to you, l
"You are so tight, but you always welcome me so well"
Pulling your hair to tip your head back and then biting and branding your neck like a madman,
turning you completely purple
Same thing on your legs, usually when he goes to suck you he always leaves his trail before making you lose your mind on his tongue.
Multiple orgasms, he enjoys watching you lose yourself and through it all you feel his gentleness touch
like him in everyday life he is not the type to show himself too much,
but in bed he tends to be much more expressive, moaning painfully, saying how much he likes it when you do him well,
when you have him around your mouth.
정성찬 - Sungchan
He's intense, not fickle at all, sungchan is like a bolt of lightning that will crash into your life out of nowhere and make you completely obsessed.
the ideal boyfriend type,
very charismatic and conversational,
where he likes to be in social circles and extremely friendly with everything and everyone
he would also be the one to be interested first,
even if it doesn't seem like it, he certainly noticed you even before you noticed him,
because the tactic from the moment he sees you is to get your attention at any cost
you will meet in some social environment, parties, meetings between friends and from then on the relationship will evolve very quickly
everything about him is authentic, sungchan wants to take you out, find common ground and connect with you
always very dynamic,
with him the encounters are the most diverse;
amusement parks, open-air cinemas, camping together, going to the beach and anything that might involve some good adventure
All sung chan wants is to be able to kiss you at sunset and be hugged talking the most diverse nonsense to make you laugh somehow.
He enjoys quality time, which builds up and makes the two of you more intimate with each encounter.
This man has structures that take a lot of effort to hold because he is big, VERY BIG and he knows it, and he will use it against you.
SungChan is very playful regardless of the type of relationship he has,
being between four walls with him I would say is an adventure, in the most diverse positions, you between his legs is where Sungchan knows paradise.
deep throat, its his favorite thing,
being able to grab your hair all over your head and fuck your mouth desperately, deep down your throat to make you choke on his dick
“yeah, get it all, baby”
The thick and subtle tone of his voice is capable of making the skin crawl,
makes you, Sung Chan's most faithful servant and the way he always seems to enjoy it when you suck him.
once he's inside you, his mouth is around your nipple, licking, sucking, nibbling,
being the worst kind of tease you'll ever meet, alternating slow and fast fucks to be able to control your orgasm at all times.
he can be very skilled, even though he can't always focus on more than three things,
when sungchan isn't making your nipple a bottle, one of his hands will be between your legs playing with your clit, rubbing it as he slides inside you
sungchan also likes sex in unusual places,
like inside cars, bathrooms, tents, anywhere he can be inside your clothes, he will be.
박원빈 - Wonbin
You'll like him first, definitely. wonbin is more like that neighbor of yours that you rarely see around,
but whenever you want to meet him he'll be right outside your house at the skate park with his friends and well, taming his man takes more than being good at people watching.
Once he's on your feet, he's all yours,he lives for you, wherever you go, whatever you'd do
He likes these meetings in more closed places, although he always takes you to the skate park, he also enjoys taking you to shopping
buy instruments, books, clothes, wonbin appreciates this thing with a more homely vibe
He's usually more willing to have a movie session at home, the two of you, fast food and of course, lots of kissing.
Because he likes it,
he always wants to be kissing you, taking your attention away from things to put it on his lap so you can kiss for a long time.
Wonbin is not the type to say I love you all the time, but he is the jealous one.
Anyone and everyone who tries to be too close to you doesn't make you very comfortable,
Even more so if you're not the type to have many friends, anyone beyond your bond doesn't like you, which makes you really clingy
He's jealous, sure, so he goes to bed too, when irritated by your friendly attitude towards other people,
even though he's visibly annoyed.
then he will fuck you, break you in two, fuck you hard ,
mark your skin in every space, hit you, be the sadist he hides inside
"are you dumb? I'm done saying I don't like this little game , y/n. you're mine and end of story!"
wonbin can vary a lot so I can see it switch easily
even so he's a constant headache,
wonbin usually doesn't have much inhibition, any situation is a situation for you to be fucking
whether it's in the bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, wonbin doesn't care
when he wants it and he's sure you want it too and he'll just take off all your clothes and fuck you with no pressure whatsoever
what makes him a natural provocateur,
hands on your ass, between your legs, this in public, he doesn't want to wait until you get home,
when home alone wonbin is occasionally touching you inappropriately, whenever in this condition showing to you how hard you make him with little.
“bin…but I'm busy”; “I promise not to take up so much of your time”
poor desperate boy he just wants you to deal with the consequences of being so hot
mutual masturbation it's just another tuesday,
this one where you're watching a movie in the living room and then wonbin has his hand between your legs,
touching your intimacy, inviting you to do the same with him, so finally having your fingers around him of his dick, doing magic
 This also happens in reverse,
WonBin feels like he could go crazy every time you let him watch you masturbate while he does the same with him,
the whole thing about not being able to touch you while you pleasure yourself is just the height of it.
sex with clothes, you on his lap desperately rubbing yourself while him receives all that stimulation,
keeping his eyes closed so he can focus on it as much as possible,
not being able to contain raising his own hips to try to fuck with your pussy covered, feeling all that difficulty of being inside you like a mega stimulus
those fingers work magic, great at playing instruments, great at sticking each one of them in you, wonbin knows how to hit the spot like a pro, like playing his own guitar he can make you squirt with such accuracy
홍승한 - Seunghan
At first glance he may seem very cold, the kind of shy person you normally have a hard time interacting with.
But he's the most affectionate kind of boyfriend you can have, the most dynamic too.
I would say that you both care at the same time, with him being the one to take the action
Within a setting such as college or with him being your friendly neighbor
Seunghan is kind, knows how to use words, knows when to be affectionate and careful with you
He likes to spend time hugging, kissing
not being the type to go out for extremely special occasions,
with him the tendency is for meetings to be more spontaneous,
which also leaves my thesis that he is also very adept at friends to lovers
Seunghan likes to have things in common with you, go hand in hand,
travel somewhere together and create memories
Photo walls of the two of you together, of each special moment, you can be sure that he is always calling or sending you a message to find out how you are, so he can miss you whenever you are not around.
and sometimes because he is not always there, he ends up becoming to needy
like that type of needy, he wants to touch you, he missed everything, especially your cute moans
Dom, no power play
seunghan likes to fuck you on top of his piano in the living room, that whole arty sex thing is what seems to captivate him
In general, he prefers it when you look for him,
when you are the one desperate for attention, so he can laugh in your face, say how needy you are and then give you what you want
sex under the covers because everything that sounds minimally forbidden excites him
which also leads him to fuck you a lot in semi-public places, sometimes in the presence of his friends without them noticing, seunghan likes this complicity
"shh..you don't want them to find out"
fuck you hand in hand, lips pressed together in a very heated kiss
because then he can make you lose complete control of the situation, kiss your earlobe and whisper in your ear.
When you're not in the mood for something deeper then that's fine, just sit back and relax, he'll suck you down,
put everything he knows into practice, make you come over and over again on his lips to show you how good he is at it.
dirty sex is totally his vibe too
dirtying you with his cum, face, body, his intimacy, whatever is within reach he will do, just to see you covered in his liquid
Seunghan's intention with it is totally sexual, he wants to use it to tease you,
make you desperate to be fucked, but without permission to move,
even feeling his dick tilting inside you, showing how desperate he is too
이소희 - Sohee
This kid, there's something about him that gives off incredible energy, and he's easy to get attention
But despite all that, he's still the first to fall in love.
Really annoying, sohee likes to always be there and know what he's doing,
he also likes to fill you with the most diverse gifts,
all handmade, whether it's a wish, a song, a poem, a bracelet, anything that he feels that he will make you happy at least
Sohee is very friendly and even though you are in a relationship he always likes to keep it light,
always joking, wanting to make you laugh and he also loves it when you do the same because it shows that he has chosen the right person to like
Parties, dates, picnics, everything that involves activities outside the home he supports at all costs, because he doesn't like to feel bored
Matching hats of all kinds, especially with cat ears, because that way he can have as many photos as he wants of the two of you matching
Horror movies but just because he's scared, even more than you are and for sure the experience will be the funniest possible
When you are exchanging affection, he likes to be between your legs, lying on your chest,
to be able to receive affection on his hair, while he himself caresses your back under your clothes, all this in the purest silence,
because in the next situation he will be sleeping.
He's great at listening to your frustrations and helping you work them out,
if by chance you don't want that, then he can just listen and welcome all your problems with open arms, with you among them for a cuddle.
Quite especific type of sex
The biggest unknown within this group is certainly Sohee and the absurd change of behavior that he shows in his energy.
but for me he is the kinkest (?) person that exists within the group, this could also be linked to his need to be ridiculed, or even ridiculed you in bed,
so we can say he is a switch
he also loves to be put in that state of being treated like the dumbest human being in existence,
dumbfication is certainly his thing
his pretty face? Feel free to give a few slaps, the thick neck, put your fingers around it, you will see the most beautiful smile fall from his lips,
from pure satisfaction of the pleasure of feeling you thwarting around him while they commit these atrocities.
but don't think he won't either, not least because he's great at making fun of your face while you roll your eyes so desperately for stimulation
in moments where he is more peaceful sohee likes more relaxed sex,
usually when you are in a more romantic vibe, so he tends to be more funny, more prone to provide jokes in order to make you laugh during the fuck. a cute
he has a certain fixation on coming in your mouth after every fuck,
filling you with his liquid and watching you swallow,
sohee feels like he's the happiest man in the world in moments like that.
he's not really into extremely long foreplay
but he loves pillow talks, aftercare, it's those moments where you tend to connect with,
sohee is great at acts of service, even more so after explosive fucks like you tend to have
이찬영 - Anton
He's cute, the type that falls in love first, from a very young age he already liked you and has been building this into adulthood
Even though his methods are not the most accurate, they work for you.
You always go out for a bike ride together, sometimes each on your bike, sometimes you on the back of his
River baths, pool, waterfall, Anton always enjoys contact with nature, it's where he feels he's having fun, even more so if he's with you.
He's the perfect summer romance,
it's usually just the two of you, rarely with more people in the cycle,
not least because he can be a little territorial because of the little insecurity he has, so he avoids being too jealous, soon ceasing to be too much among friends when he's with you.
Anton likes to share ice cream, soda bottles with you while you sunbathe after all day biking and swimming
Kisses that taste like citrus candy, or lemon, because he likes to provide that kind of experience
Much because he appreciates skin-to-skin contact more than anything,
feeling you at all costs in hugs, caresses, kisses, his fingers will always be roaming your body in search of contact,
squeezing your skin and bringing you to close to him as much as possible.
HIGH SEX YES the idea of stoner!Anton lives in my mind for free
he likes to get in nature, take you swimming, go camping, take you to fuck in the woods and then you're high losing all sense of what you're doing
This boy is a softie, show him some tricks and he'll be all yours
even if it's tied to you sucking his dick, while the inhibited head is hyperfocal into the surreal feeling that is
Anton likes to fuck slow, at his pace, as he can have a hard time holding back at times.
he loves pulling your hair, just like he loves feeling you pulling his, hips in sync the whole time, wherever you are, he'll make that place your nest
anton is like a white canvas, because before you he was a virgin, so he likes to be taught, how he can please you, he is ready for that
the sound of nature in the background to decorate the scene along with their mixed moans
kiss him, hug him, tell him you love him, and then he'll tell you back sweetly,
with his pretty smile expended, sweaty bodies, that's all he asked for, be it night or day
now you have your secret place for it
sex in the pool, especially fucking you from behind,
while your body is leaning against the pool ledge,
only your breasts protected by his hands that play with your nipples as he fucks you so desperately,
water noise, lots of mess, but nothing more of you two together in that mixture of pleasure
he learns well, you make him the ideal fuck partner 
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venusstorm · 1 year
𝘽𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙨
The time in which you gifted Bucky Barnes an adorable little keychain for his motorcycle.
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ෆ Warnings: 18+ – MINORS DNI, fluff, insecurity, Bucky can’t stop lifting you up
ෆ Bucky Barnes x Reader
ෆ w/c: 1.2k
̟ ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟
"Isn't this yours, honeybee?" Bucky questions, dangling the bright yellow bumblebee with a pastel pink heart in his hand. He inspects it carefully, turning it around before offering it back to you.
You shake your head, "It was, yea...but..."
Bucky stares at you expectantly and suddenly the entire idea sounded foolish. You couldn't help but envision him laughing at you, snorting at how ridiculous he'd look flying down the highway with your dumb keychain flapping in the wind. It'd stick out like a sore thumb against his jet-black bike, the rev of his engine alone probably sending the poor bee soaring into the clouds.
"I put it in there by accident," you laugh nervously, reaching out for the tiny bee. But his hands clenched tightly around the keychain before you could grab it.
Almost tauntingly he lets it hang in front of your face, staring at you with a half smile.
"On accident?" He hums. "So the keychain that's been on your backpack since the day I met you just somehow found its way into my birthday present?"
You shrug. "I took it off and must've misplaced it."
His eyes glimmer with question but instead of pushing further, he lets it go. He shrugs, "Okay."
Your face falls as he hands the keychain back to you. You squeeze the poor ball of fluff, trying your best not to belittle yourself for being so nervous.
It's for the best, you told yourself. I'm sure he doesn't want some weird form of "staking claim" on his bike. His buddies would make fun of him for it anyway. It's better if it stays with me. Yea. Better.
Hurriedly you try to direct your attention away from your thoughts, shoving the keychain into your pocket.
Your solemn expression brightens into excitement. "I have another surprise!"
You take Bucky's hand, leading him towards your living room which noticeably had a different ambiance than usual. He happily trails behind you, watching your joyous face with adoration.
Every time he's with you his brain goes fuzzy. You allow him to decompress, relax, and think about nothing besides the moment he's in. He craves getting off of work and coming straight to your apartment, still sweaty and dirty from working at the bar, and yet you run up and give him the biggest hug. "Hang on, let me take a shower, honeybee." But you'd ignore him, smashing your lips against his until he gives up rationalizing and allows you to strip him bare.
"I know it's kind of corny and if you'd rather go out and celebrate I completely understand. I just thought this would..."
He can't focus on your words. Not as he's looking at what you had done. Candles lit around the room, the whole place smelling of warm vanilla and cinnamon. Fairy lights twinkled around the ceiling, draping over the windows. The coffee table has been shoved to the side and in its place is a bundle of blankets and floor pillows. Balloons and streamers are scattered across the room, and finally, he zones in on the blue and white cake.
"Happy Birthday James!" it reads. He could tell that you made it because of the bright red heart dotting the i.
He whispers your name in pure disbelief.
"Yes?" You stare up at him with admiration. You truly love this man and want to do everything in your power to show it.
"C'mere, baby." Bucky scoops you up into a hug, hiking you up until your legs are wrapped around his waist. He holds you close against his chest, kissing you sweetly. "You did all this for me?"
You nod, eyes wide as he stares at your lips. A look of pure hunger ravishes you. Bucky presses his forehead against yours, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
He couldn't recall a time before you when his heart felt as if it would beat out of his chest. Nor a time when his eyes became so glazed over with pure adoration that he swore he'd cry right then and there. He was hesitant about this future, the new world that he found himself forced to live in. But the moment he saw your sweet smile for the first time, all that faded away.
"Thank you, Princess." You whimper as he whispers into your ear, his hands traveling up the Henley that you stole from his drawer. He didn't mind you stealing his clothes. The first time he caught you he handed you a pile of his shirts, begging you to take them and wear them as your own.
He kisses your shoulder softly. "Thank you for being here for me."
"For taking the time to know me and care for me."
His lips press against your neck, a soft groan rumbling within his throat. "I still remember the day we met...felt like the universe was finally giving me my happy ending."
You state his name breathlessly. "I'm supposed to be celebrating you, not the other way around."
He ignores your remark, his eyes narrowing as his brain begins to churn. "Do you trust me, sweetheart?"
You respond without hesitation. "With everything."
"And you'll always tell me the truth, right?"
You nod reassuringly.
He releases his grip on your legs, setting you back onto the ground. "So tell me what this is about." His hand shoots into your pocket, pulling out the black and yellow bee. He squeezes it in his hand before laying it out in his palm.
"I told you–"
He raises an eyebrow, "The truth."
You didn't want to come off as too clingy and you didn't want to hear Bucky reject your gift. Thank you baby but...it's a little childish. You could hear the words flowing from his lips perfectly. He'd hate it.
Bucky pulls you closer. His eyes flooded with warmth. "Please."
"It was for your bike," you whisper. "And before you say anything. I know it's dumb...that's why I took it back."
"My bike?"
You nod wordlessly. "I thought it'd be cute if you had a little piece of me wherever you go. But the more I thought about it the more I realized how stupid it'd probably look. I mean...none of the other guys have–"
Bucky cuts you off, lifting you off the ground and back into his arms. "Oh, baby...is this what you were hiding?"
You nod sheepishly. "It's stupid."
He shakes his head. "It's perfect. You're perfect. M'gonna tie this onto it right now, honeybee. The guys are going to be so fucking jealous when they see what you got me."
Your lips broaden into a smile. "Really?"
Bucky hugs you tightly, his hand caressing your head against his shoulder. "Gotta let the whole world know I've got the most thoughtful, gorgeous person by my side. M'never taking it off, baby. It goes where I go now."
You squeal as he races into the garage with you in his arms, flicking the lights on and heading towards his bike. He sets you down gently, making a show of the keychain in his hand before attaching it to his key ring. Happily, he throws his leg over the bike, twisting the ignition. The bike roars to life and the sight of your bright yellow bee against the black exterior makes you burst out into laughter.
Bucky grins. "See? It's perfect, baby. Told you."
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holybibly · 2 months
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As much as I love my sugar bunnies, I can't leave you empty-handed before my trip. So enjoy the preview of my new ff for Seonghwa. I love you, my darlings.
𝔙𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 𝔉𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔩
Mafia!au ​​Alpha Seonghwa x Omega reader
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"I think that you should take a little more time off from work, Hwa. If you go on like this, I'm very much in doubt that you'll be able to tie any Omegas with your knot. Aren't you worried that you're going to leave all those sweet, horny babies needy and unfulfilled, daddy?" Hongjoong soberly chuckled as he turned his amberish feline eyes to the gorgeous dark-haired Alpha beside him. There was a hint of mockery in his seductively purring voice.
"Oh, my sweet Joongie, you're so worried about that, I could think you're desperate to ride on my knot too. But you're working so hard too. Aren't you? When was the last time you tied a nice omega yourself?" Seonghwa said as he walked out of his office, which was located on the top floor of a luxurious, high-class brothel. 
It was an exquisite establishment for Seoul's chosen elite, full of the most beautiful and fertile Omegas with luscious, sexy bodies and submissive, soft dispositions. Seonghwa would never settle for anything less than the most beautiful and luxurious. 
Pulling a black glove made of soft Iberian leather over his long fingers, Seonghwa was walking down the dark corridor that led to the common room when a tantalising scent hit him in the face. It was barely perceptible—just a soft sensuality—but Seonghwa felt as if the scent had taken over his body, making every cell in it tingle and burn and sending goose bumps running up and down his smooth, golden skin. 
The Alpha stopped abruptly, practically bumping into Hongjoong, and let his nose wiggle a little, trying to find out where the delicious scent was coming from. All of his Alpha instincts flare up with a strong curiosity. The blood in his veins becomes more viscous and hotter by the second, and saliva starts to collect in his mouth. 
'Shit, Seonghwa, what are you...' Seonghwa doesn't let him finish and abruptly cuts him off in the middle of his sentence.
"Can you smell it, Joong? That aroma..." His voice is hoarse and deep, and there is a slight, velvety purr to be heard in between the letters. Seonghwa almost groans as a puff of air brings a new wave of the thick scent to him. A heavy, rich, almost maddening smell—there is something big in it—something sinful, decadent, depraved, but at the same time fresh, pure, and so innocent. 
"What's that, Hwa? What do you feel?" Hongjoong's voice is filled with genuine curiosity. He raises a well-groomed eyebrow in question and sinks his teeth into his plump lower lip to keep the grin from spreading across his demonically handsome features. He takes real pleasure in seeing Seonghwa, who is normally so cold and perfect in every way, turn into an excited puppy at the slightest whiff of an unfamiliar scent.
"We have a new Omega in the brothel, don't we?" Seonghwa's voice drops a few octaves, each sound enveloped in a thick, murky sexuality. His breathing becomes heavy and hot, as if he has a fever. Fuck.
"Oh, that..." Hongjoong nods in understanding and now grins openly, revealing the tips of his pointed fangs. "I think it's the new Omega that Yeosang told me about—the cute little thing has just been hired to work here, Hwa. She's probably still waiting in Yeo's office." 
Before Hongjoon could finish his sentence, Seonghwa was already halfway to Yeosang's office, the bare, luscious scent of vanilla wafting through the air and seducing him, and Hwa immediately wanted to know whose scent it was. 
Seonghwa quietly opens the heavy, oak  door leading to one of his assistants' offices and looks inside to finally see the owner of that intoxicating scent. 
"You know, you can just have this omega if you want to.'" Hongjoong whispers as he tries to peek over Seonghwa's shoulder to get a better look at the Omega, the scent of which has made his friend so excited. 
"Can you just shut your pretty mouth and stay out of my way, Joong?" Seonghwa hissed back irritably as he rolled his beautiful feline eyes on the other alpha before he focused all his attention on the unknown Omega.
Oh, what a little sugar baby you are. You look just too adorable dressed up like a doll in the fluffy pastel-coloured sweater with the open shoulders, the high socks with the satin bows, and the white lacquered Mary Jane shoes with the little gold buckle. You seem completely out of place in the gloomy atmosphere of the office, but you are seductive all the same. There is an inexplicable eroticism about you, like a fragile butterfly caught in the deadly web of a spider. Which was basically true because Seonghwa was the king of the world's dark side, and you fell right into his hands. 
Your hair is long and black and shiny like the silk sheets on his bed; he can't see your whole face from his seat, but the contours of your plump cheeks are seductively soft and pink, and your lips are childishly plump and overly sensual. Seonghwa would even call them kissable, but as far as he's concerned, he'd rather bite them bloody and lick them with his tongue than kiss them. 
You're clearly nervous; it's all too easy to tell by the way you fidget restlessly in your seat and the slightly bitter notes in your scent, which fills the entire office like fluffy candy floss, sticking to his tongue and leaving a moist, sweet trail on it. Seonghwa can't help but wonder: What could a candy thing like you be doing in a brothel in search of work? 
This is definitely not the kind of place he would have in mind for such a delicate Omega. You might look perfect between his legs, with a diamond collar around your swan-like neck and your sweet, glistening lips curled around his cock, but a brothel... 
Only the most desperate and needy Omegas seek work in a brothel. And even then, not all of them get the chance to find a place. It's necessary to comply with too many requirements to be able to be just an object of pleasure for the rich Alphas, Betas, and even other Omegas. 
His curiosity is aroused even more, as is his excitement. His hard cock tugs at the fabric of his leather trousers, and the knot at the base begins to press slightly, slowly swelling. Fuck, he's no puppy to be so shamefully turned on by your scent alone, but you smell heavenly and look like an angel, and Seonghwa just wants to spoil you in the most depraved and darkest way, and maybe this desire is too strong for his own good. 
Something catches your attention, and you turn your head sideways, allowing Seonghwa to finally get a full view of your angelic face. Involuntarily, a small sigh escapes from his throat, his feline eyes darken, his fangs ache to sink into the soft skin of yours, and thick saliva gathers in his mouth. 
You're beautiful, a real little angel from the heavens, an exquisite porcelain doll for his pleasure. With a face like that and a scent of pure innocence and sweetness, you could be a gold mine for a brothel. Seonghwa isn't surprised that Yeosang hired you. If even Seonghwa himself wants you so badly, he has no idea how long the queue for you will be. 
"Seonghwa, Mingi wants to talk to you." Hongjoong whispers in a low voice, hands a mobile phone to the dark-haired Alpha, and tries not to draw the attention of the Omega to them. Seonghwa closes the door carefully and takes the mobile phone out of the hands of the other Alpha. 
"I'm listening...' Seonghwa glances at the Omega for the last time before walking away. He leaves behind his back the rich scent of vanilla and a sweet, angelic face with sugar-sweet lips. There is no doubt that you will be the object of his wet dreams.
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Seonghwa had tossed and turned for hours in his luxurious royal bed, unable to sleep. The black silk of the expensive sheets flowed around his body like a surface of water, cooling the excited heat of his bare skin a little. But it did nothing to help him control his feelings and thoughts.
Even after all these hours, he can still clearly hear every seductively innocent note of your intoxicating scent, and he feels as if the bare, viscous sweetness of the vanilla has soaked into his skin and seeped deep into his bones. He almost chokes on it. 
With a heavy sigh, Seonghwa leans back against the soft, fluffy cushions, his dark, feline eyes meeting his own reflection in the mirrored ceiling. Even though Seonghwa was hellishly tired, his body categorically refused to relax; every nerve tingled, and his muscles tensed and trembled as if he were in heat. And it's all because of you. 
You're such a sweet, voluptuous omega, with a face like an angel, big innocent eyes that literally beg: "Fuck me, Alpha," and the most sinful lips he's ever seen. God, he just can't seem to get you out of his head. 
As soon as he covers his gorgeous eyes, the image of your sweet mouth stretching so beautifully around his thick cock appears in his mind and causes his whole body to react in an instant. Seonghwa can feel how his cock is straining once again; the massive velvet length is getting harder by the second, and drops of pre-cum are starting to appear on the dark pink, swollen head. 
The Alpha lazily runs his long fingers over his bare chest, hissing from his hypersensitivity, lust burning like poison under his skin. No other Omega in his life has ever been able to interest him in such a way that Seonghwa becomes hard just at the mere thought of her.
And he doesn't know if he hates it or if it just makes him more horny.
You are the very real Miss Pink Sugar, not at all his type, but still, Seonghwa longs to crumble you up between his teeth like a damn shiny lollipop and to devour you without a trace. 
The alpha in him purrs with approval at the thought of that. 
As he stares at his reflection in the mirror, Hwa can't help but wonder what you would look like if you were lying in his bed with his cock deep inside of you. Your pretty tiny pussy is stretched so deliciously around his thick knot, and your belly is swollen from the huge amount of cum that he is pouring into you. Fuck. Hwa would have marked every millimeter of your soft skin and would have left behind forever the inflamed marks of his teeth, which would have bloomed like bloody flowers on your body. 
Your pretty little brain can't even begin to imagine the horrible, dirty things that he would do to you if you were in his presence right now and how much he would teach you.
And he'll be doing that soon. 
For him, there is nothing more pleasurable than to corrupt someone's innocence, to turn divine purity into vice and sin—it is his natural instinct for his inner Alpha, one that has appealed to him since the very beginning of his kind. Hwa has never been a gentle Alpha; he has always been one to take what he wants, and you will be no exception. 
To be honest, he didn't know what he would do with you once you had stated his hunger and satisfied his Alpha's dark desire. But that was the least of his worries at the moment. 
Seonghwa wants to see your lovely, sweet face contorted in pure bliss as he ties you with his knot, your soft, plump cheeks all flushed with shame and wet with tears, and your beautiful mouth sticky and glistening with his cum. 
Damn, you're going to look divine. Seonghwa has no doubt about it. 
Hwa growls in irritation, turns over in the bed, throws off the silk sheets that are now only a nuisance to him, and reaches for his phone. 
"Seonghwa, is there something wrong?" Yeosang's voice is deep and sultry as he answers his call. Seonghwa lets out a grim chuckle, knowing exactly what the gorgeous Alpha is doing right now. 
"Why doesn't that surprise me, Sangie, that you're fucking around instead of concentrating on working? Sometimes I have the feeling that you all are an absolute waste of my time and my money, Sangie." Before Yeosang starts talking again, a muffled groan and rustling can be heard on the other side of the phone. 
"I can never deny myself the pleasure; you know me as I am, but why are you calling me at such a late hour?"
At such a late hour? Seonghwa looks absent-mindedly at the screen of the phone. It's almost three o'clock in the morning; yes, really late. He's been spending more time in his fantasies than he would like to. 
Fuck, he'll just go crazy if you're not in his bed, but he doesn't mind spreading you out on any available surface.
"Never mind. Hongjoong told me that you've hired a new Omega, right?" 
"You mean Y/N, don't you? The doll is so  gorgeous; it's not at all clear why she decided to work in a brothel, but let's just say it's our luck. I've already got some plans for her. In my opinion, she could be one of our star girls..." Seonghwa doesn't let him finish and rudely interrupts him. 
"Sangie, I want you to bring her to me first. Do you understand me?" 
"Oh, what do I see? Someone wants to play with the beautiful Omega, eh? Finally, our Seonghwa will have some time to himself. But I'll do whatever your wish is. Just don't break her, OK? She's real gold." 
Seonghwa doesn't answer him, but ends the call and throws the phone down on the bed before she leans back onto the silk sheets. 
As usual, Hwa will get what he so desperately wants very easily, he just has to wait a little longer.
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darkfluffydragon · 6 months
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cheonstapes · 10 months
Can we get nerdy!Miguel x reader who doesn't treat him badly? Cause I read you fics and know for a fact I could not be that mean to miggy! How submissive he is and then reader is so rude to him!!
miguel o’hara stars in… “SILK N’ SATIN” ʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ༄
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a/n ~ hi, i’m back!!!!! tysm for your request 🩷🩷 i love writing soft things so this was so cute🤗 it’s a little short but it’s sweet!
summary; soft lovin with your nerdy boyfie. 🩷
pairing; nerd!miguel o’hara x rich!fem!reader
wc; 400+
cw; SMUT!! FLUFF!!, soft sex, vanilla, breeding (hehehe), cute, they’re in love your honour!, aftercare, nawt proofread - this boy left me on delivered for like a week now im gonna kms.
(also, please lmk if putting the desc in superscript is hard to read! i will change it back for you.)
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“You doing ok, baby? Think you can keep going for me?”
Miguel’s body was decorated with sweat, tanned skin reddening from the heat between the two of you. His hips stuttered into your slick heat as he coated your walls with another bucketload of his thick cum. “Y-Yeah…yeah, ‘m fine — not done yet, mommy.”
Pulling back and slamming back into you again, stringing out whiny moans and grunts from his lips and breathy pants from your own. Your precious baby was always so persistent, so eager to please — even when he feels like he’s about to be shooting blanks, he still makes sure his gorgeous mommy is squirting and coating his cock.
“So, so good, baby — my pretty boy.” And you were just so sweet, he could do no wrong in your eyes. Your arms wrapped around his neck to have better access to his ear, kissing the skin around it softly as you whispered sweet praises to him. The soft hands that caressed the taut muscles of his back made him arch into your touch, forcing his leaky tip deeper into you.
The garbled noises coming from Miguel were uncontrollable, the words dripped from his lips as he fucked himself stupid — hands shyly making their way up to your soft hips, squeezing the fat as he felt your gummy walls clench tightly around him. “Fuuuckkk — I love you…love you so much!” Miguel’s hips were pulled tightly against yours, him cum spurting out in thick streams — a creamy ring forming at his base.
Your pretty eyes were rolled back, the feeling of being filled up sending flutters in your tummy. “Thank…fuck — Mm, thank you, Miggy.” Gently pulling him out of you, earning a soft hiss from his lips, you laid him down on his back. Miguel couldn’t move, his legs feeling like jelly as his spent cock twitched and jerked against his thighs. He was so cute like this. “You hungry? I’ll make you your favourite, sweetie.” You came back into the room with a warm rag and a glass of water, handing him the glass as you ran the damp cloth over his body.
Miguel’s body relaxed, letting out soft sighs as you cleaned him up. “Nah, I just… I just want you.” The cloth was left on the bedside table as you crawled back on top of him, pulling the covers over your sweaty bodies — wrapping yourself around him from behind. Pressing soft kisses along the back of his neck, hands playing with the matching rings you bought on his finger — “You have me then. Always.” Resting his head on your bare chest, you placed a soft kiss on his forehead.
The love you two felt for each other ascended the dynamic you shared in bed, the pure connection beyond comprehension for the ones around you. You loved your little nerd, and he loved you.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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-9024 kick that drum, MY EGOS IN THIS SHOW!! (hip thrust)
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paperdice · 3 months
Hi can I’m have a platonic request of the ancients cookies x child reader who posses the soul jam it called the light of innocence reader it a huge cheerful adorable ball of sunshine that see the all positive in earthbread reader cuteness it so much not even the monsters have courage to attack them istead they protect reader from the cookies of darkness and dark enchantress cookie too they smile bright anyone day anytime at all headcanons please
𝐀𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐣𝐚𝐦 (𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬)
"The impact this child has on everyone needs to seriously be studied.."
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⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• There was only five soul jams, the five that did more than enough to protect earthbread and the cookies that lived within it. Yet, the secret of another lying around in an unknown cookies possession was exposed.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• Pure vanilla was one of the few who was anxious at the thought of a cookie that they didn't know was holding a soul jam. The possibility of it being used for evil was the biggest worry, though the name "Light of Innocence" sounds heroic. If placed in the wrong hands, it could lead to terrifying dangers.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• Though that was the past, now pure vanilla is babysitting the soul jams holder. The Light of Innocence landed on the brightest child there is, pure vanilla was the first to be smittened by the ball of sunshine. You radiated this positivity around yourself that affected everyone near by, or at least that's what it felt like.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• The fact that nothing is willing to hurt you is very shocking. He gets it of course but even animals and cookies of darkness such as dark enchantress cookie herself wouldn't dare to touch you with any negative attachments in mind. His reaction to seeing you, a small wee child, hugging and petting a huge beast like it was a house pet for the first time. He almost had a heart attack
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• Pure vanilla would open his eyes often when around you due to knowing that you like his heterochromia eyes. He loves seeing you giggle at his pretty eyes, he doesn't understand why you laugh but as long as you're happy he doesn't mind. You're such a ray of hope in pure vanillas perspective, always looking in the good in times of fear and danger.
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⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• Loves to take you to his garden, he swears that every time you walk past the flowers, they begin to rise and glow at your presence. At times it looks like the flowers are trying to reach you with the way they lean towards the direction you're in. When you're in the garden the plants look their best, the most alive they've ever looked.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• As if pure vanilla didn't shine his own light, when the two of you are together its like a second sun on earth. It's even joked by other cookies that nobody can look directly at you both because it's too bright! Cookies know if the duo are making their way towards them because the infamous glow gradually gets larger. It's so cute!
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• He protects you with everything hes got, though pure vanilla is a healer and never fights, he still will use every bit of his dough to shield you from any risks. Which means check ups are fairly common, of course he knows you're okay every time since nothing ever wants to hurt you. But it's better to be safe than sorry!
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• Walks with pure vanilla are common too, he likes to do a quick stroll in the kingdom with you to lighten the air. The flowers stand at your attendance, the grass's green pops, clouds that hid the sun backs off and the wind refreshes all in a hitch. Pure vanillas walks are always made the better when having you by his side. You can also save the trouble of everyone dealing with your morning hyper by having the walk cooling you off.
⋆。˚♡•ᴗ• Pure vanilla cookie takes great care of you, he protects you, looks out for you plus spoils you in every way he can whilst teaching you important life lessons and morals. This grandpa's heart is big enough to fit you in it, but sometimes it feels as if you took up too much space with how worrisome he can be when he knows nothing happens. He's your main babysitter for a reason! He loves you!
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⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° Brace yourself for a hug cause it's coming in hot! Hollyberry cookie is very affectionate towards you, how could she not?? Just look at your cute lil face! The holder of the unseen soul jam was like family in holleyberrys eyes. Unlike pure vanilla cookie who was more in the role of your babysitter, she was like a mother figure to you. As she was to all cookies
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° Mother hollyberry cookie here laughed her head off when she saw a small lamb being a soul jam holder! Oh how the worries of it being in the wrong hands was nothing but a joke now, a frail fresh cookie was protecting the gem with their newly baked life. Hollyberry cookie applauses your bravery,, you've been under her protection ever since.
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° She likes to tell you her stories with extra exaggeration to see your reactions, she'll even give you sweets and a warm drink to go along with these tales. Of course she's a busy cookie herself so she can't always spend every moment with you, but that's why she always has to treat it with specialty being with you.
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° She tells wildberry cookie to keep an eye on you whenever he gets the chance, he too is as much as your guard as he is hollyberry cookies. He's an observer for your soul jam, making sure it's always in your possession in case you get too distracted with fun. Hollyberry cookie can't help but smile at the sight of "big scary wildberry" towering over the happy go lucky child for safety measures.
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⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° She thinks your wonderful for anyone to be around! You can be a shield yourself you know, with how loving everyone automatically gets when it comes to you, nothing can get passed you. Oh how she loves to pick you up and show your glimmer self to her kingdom, making any stops you wish to make then meeting all kinds of faces.
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° Hollyberry cookie likes to hand you popular children's drinks from her kingdom, if you like a specific type expect her to toss mountains of it on you to drink no not literally ouch. The same goes for sweet delights, she'll suggest her personal favorites when she was your age!
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° This queen can read you like a book! You think she's not paying attention when you're off picking some berries when she's conversating with another cookie, till one day she hands you a basket filled with berries. Remarking when she saw you trying to gather berries but due to your size you couldn't get many. Next time just ask her for some berries!
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° Being with hollyberry cookie is basically you doing whatever you want, she's so laid back and free spirited if anything she'd support your ideas and actions. However that doesn't stop how she can get protective of you. Yes she knows even the wildest of beast will roll over for your touch, but she will hold you back if you start feeling obliviously bold.
⋆˚ ౨ৎ ˙˖° She shields you from many things, always making sure you don't have your mind cluttered up with any negativity. Her words of encouragement are always smoothing, you don't understand it now due to age but soon you'll realize why she always wanted you to just be yourself.
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ His face never showed how truly worried he was to knowing there was a secret soul jam, as well as how shocked he was to know who you were. You were in the very last of his expectations, dark cacao sighed away whatever thoughts he had before meeting you and introduced himself along with his friends.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Seeing such an optimistic holder that felt nothing but positivity and was so free of doubt, to be fair yes you are a child but even children are aware of the evil creeping up on earthbread. He's not complaining, not anymore no.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Before all the ancient cookies decided to protect you, dark cacao had a heartwarming moment with you. Or that's what his heart felt like, he was watching you pick at the buttercup flowers since nobody was around to do it instead. Making sure your safe from any soul jam robbers.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ You called over to him and asked a question that made him show no reaction but he had little interest, "you know if you put a buttercup under your chin it'll glow? But,, it only works on some cookies!" No he didn't know, so when he saw you call him down to your level he followed. He knelt down and you hovered the flower under his chin, it didn't work, the small cookie laughed then showed him how it works on them not in a teasing way
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ While you were speaking he noticed how his soul jam started glowing, the purple illuminating in a way he's only seen once before. You noticed it too, so you went closer with curiosity til you noticed how bright it got when you did. Dark cacao cookie looked vaguely surprised, however when he saw you getting all giggly he finally noticed that you had this radiation of positivity, a glow. No wonder the soul jam beamed at your presence, he couldn't help but smile.
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Pure vanilla the babysitter, hollyberry the mother figure and now dark cacao the personal guard. He clearly has a soft spot for you, when the ancient cookies were thinking of protecting you instead, the others could tell you were already working on dark cacao. He was all agree than disagree which was not the way he was before.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ You seem to have grown an interest in what dark cacao thinks of things before you act upon it. You know how kids get when they look up to you and wanna see if you like something they like as a form of confirmation? Same with the new holder and dark cacao cookie, of course he knows this. He could be peacefully walking behind you then you point out how pretty the sky is later turning to him and ask what he thinks.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ He'll either agree with you or just quietly say whatever he thinks, he knows you care about what he thinks, even so, dark cacao is a humble man. He feels a bit idolized that you look up to him and in a way he sometimes cares about what you think too. He doesn't wanna scare you off or seem crude, he lays off his stoic face a bit and tries to be careful with his words to not sound harsh.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ If you take interest in his hair, wishing to play with it, he probably won't know what to do. Will he allow it? Just for a bit, if it gets too much he'll softly end hair play. If you take interest in his kingdoms snacks/foods he'll give you a warning to its bitterness or lack of taste before you choose to take a bite.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ He truly does care about you, you just need to be a bit patient with the old man, he's not good with showing emotions. He's a kind man at heart, we all know it, towards you he'll especially try his best to be more forward as well as safeguard you. Whether beasts protect you or not he's on standby for anything that comes your way.
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ִ ࣪𖤐 What could one of the things be missing.. Hmm.. Oh duh, the rich aunt! When she saw you she laughed alongside hollyberry cookie, the kinda laugh, if done to a child, couldn't tell if they were being made fun of or they really were just joking around. Rest assured you found out very quickly that's just how her radiance is.
ִ ࣪𖤐 When your tiny eyes followed up and down her appearance, you paid extra attention to her wings. Your eyes are in awe at its beauty that you hadn't realized you just grabbed it with no announcement! She turned a bit offended but mostly shocked with how brash you were. But when she saw you smiling in admiration, she knew, she was going to love you.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Have all the cheese your little heart desires, she'll give you finest she has in store. The face you made when you took your first bite fills golden cheese cookie with pride and joy, well of course she knows it good I mean cmon now, what really sold her was your eagerness for wanting more. You were so stuffy by the end, pure vanilla had to remind her that sometimes too much care can be, well,, too much..
ִ ࣪𖤐 Fancy her gold? If you stare too long wanting a closer look at the gleaming golds and treasures she holds, she'll let you take a closer look. Like the shining necklace in that shop? Well lets go in she'll let you observe and take in all the bling! Though she will keep an eye out if she spots any fakes around, your eyes deserve the finest, realest jewels there is! Greed is a good thing in her kingdom after all.
ִ ࣪𖤐 A secret that the both of you share, is one nobody can find out, not like she cares, she just doesn't wanna deal with defending herself in future disagreements. The secret being golden cheese cookie flights! It started off small for awhile, tosses in the air slowly getting higher and higher. Slowly beginning to fly off land a bit further, till of course cookies told her not to for safety reasons, that broke your little heart.
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ִ ࣪𖤐 But why would it be a secret if you guys stopped? Because you didn't, sure you were sad for like a second till you found good within it like always and yet she remembered how much you laughed. It's not like shes not careful no, your treasure to her, that's why she trusts both herself and you to keep flying, just keep it under wraps yeah?
ִ ࣪𖤐 She knows whenever it gets too hot out cookies feel discomfort, melting under the sun ain't exactly the most pleasant experience. That's why when she knows it's feeling a bit much out, she'll shade you using her wings, no way is some heat going to disrupt your enjoyment.
ִ ࣪𖤐 The cheesebirds love you too! Sometimes you find yourself carried away accompanying them rather than golden cheese cookie, they're just too cute not to talk to. Birds your size that can talk, bonus being that they love talking to you, sometimes golden cheese cookie has to remind you that you're hanging with your aunt today.
ִ ࣪𖤐 I have a sneaky feeling shes not as chill as the other ancients (aside from pv) when it comes to beasts getting close to you. Pure vanilla tries to avoid beast interactions, hollyberry cookie laughs knowing nothing will happen and dark cacao is always on standby. Golden cheese cookie,, she either does one or two things, tries to get your own beast army as a joke or tells you to stay away.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Golden cheese cookie loves your innocence, you have no idea how much power you hold in your mini hands, but she will teach you how to rule the cookies. How to be a monarch yourself in the future, till then, she has a lot of playtime with you before you reach that age.
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⋆˚✿˖° Her shock to you wasn't really much of a shock, it was more like a long pause. The repeated questioned flooded her head like a broken record, "how did you find the soul jam?". She also questioned if you ever knew how to use it, these thoughts were never her doubting you, okay but who wouldn't.. from what it seemed to look like, you knew what it could do.
⋆˚✿˖° The soul jam fitted you perfectly in her mind, the light of innocence held by the personification of light with a mind of innocence. It seemed like fate in her eyes, so if it was, she has nothing to worry about. Her body mellowed while she softy and ever so quietly laughs along with hollyberry cookie and golden cheese cookie.
⋆˚✿˖° You were just the cutest surprise, after the decision was made to look over you, white lily cookie was like an older sister. Shes always quiet and determined to find any peace left in earthbread. Because of this, in your childs mind, she's a little scary. Not in the intimidating way no, you looked up to her.
⋆˚✿˖° She was like your older sister in a way because of this if you ignore the sibling fights n all that stuff, you were the little sibling that wanted to have your big sis's attention and her love. Though she didn't push you away, she always caught you staring at her at times in a shy way. She really wanted to talk to you, the way the other ancients did.
⋆˚✿˖° Yes you're the cookie that sees good in everything, not a single negative trait was in your heart or dough. So why was it you felt shy towards her? Cause you loved her! The whole time while she was thinking of reasons for your actions, you were secretly planning the perfect first impression! No where near shy as she thought you were no, you were just hoping to make less appearances to make "the first meeting" perfect!
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⋆˚✿˖° You surprised her by having other cookies your age pretend to attack her, of course she didn't feel threatened, they were using toys as weapons and their acting was goofy. It didn't take long to find out why the cookies were messing around with her, you jumped in with dramatic flare, showing off your soul jam to the "evil cookies" and warning them to back off.
⋆˚✿˖° Ever since you "saved" white lily cookie the two of you have been the cutest duo! You love to try and braid her hair the way she does it, she taught you how to braid hair when you caught her doing her own hair. It was a bit tricky for your youthful brain, although, once you got a hang of it, you never let go. Always asking white lily to let you braid her hair when it's already been braided. It warms her heart.
⋆˚✿˖° If white lily cookie noticed you liked her staff, you can get the privilege of holding it for a bit. She admires your innocence, how was it not even once did you ponder knowing more? It was like you were living life on easy mode, no thought behind those eyes unless it's joyful thinking.
⋆˚✿˖° One day, a cookie taught you how to make flower crowns, so you asked white lily cookie to let you into her garden. You told her your plan of making her a white lily flower crown, it did hurt a little seeing the flowers getting picked but she was happy with the end result. She wore it for a bit after that.
⋆˚✿˖° White lily cookie can't do much but she tries to keep an eye out on you, her heart would break into millions of pieces if she were to ever find out something bad happened to you. She'll give you loads of words of wisdom so nothing like that can come of sort.
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I hope you enjoyed these, I think I passed out like two times while writing but I'm glad it turned out just fine. If you're thinking of rolling again you're welcomed back anytime!
422 notes · View notes
simpjaes · 6 months
what type of porn do you think hyung line send in the group chat👀
hyungline + sending porn in the groupchat
★ heeseung:
heeseung sends literally anything he finds hot and occasionally his own videos like "do you guys think i could get hella views if i post this?" that aside, i think heeseung would 100% be sending the nastiest shit. probably a lot of anal, double penetration, and really rough sex involving paddles, ropes, chains, sex swings, and lots of size queen/pussy training videos. on another note, he also would be into hentai and probably sends that the other 50% of the time like "look at this boruto hentai i found" which would, arguably, be the most vanilla, shortly followed by a link to another hentai called "SISTER SWAPS BODIES WITH STEP BRO AND FUCKS HERSELF, THEN GETS SENT OFF TO SPACE WHERE SPIDERS WITH DICKS START CLOSING IN!!! HD 4K WITH DUBS"....def also watches futa
☆ jay:
jay sends the stuff he actually gets off to while pretending he doesn't get off to it. like, "look at the pussy grip on this one" and "have you guys ever choked ur girl like this? *sends video of a girl's face turning blue*" idk, i think jay is probably a gooner and started with vanilla stuff only to dig deeper and deeper into the rough sex category + probably daddy kink stuff. lots of amateur porn where the guy is spanking tf out of his girl's ass before worshiping it, lots and lots of aggressive fingering videos, and just....over all a lot of the man being in full control, gagging his girl and seeing her smile around his fingers/cock etc through gags. he's def obsessed with pussy training too because he knows he's got a fat cock and wants to see other girls take dicks around the same size as him, hence the pussy grip comments. idk, i think jay sends very specific porn and almost all of them line up with what he expects in the bedroom (man in control not only spoiling the girl, but absolutely destroying her).
★ jake:
70% submissive man content 20% puppy/kitten roleplay 10% self-made videos when he wants to humiliate his girl. he'll send videos of girls reaching around and barely jerking their whining, tied up men off with comments of pure emojis like "🤤🤤🤤🤤". lots of dry humping videos, jerk off instructions from a dommy mommy, thigh fucking, cumming untouched, crying crying crying. basically ones where the dudes get tortured and/or all the attention is on them and the way their cocks are being restrained from cumming :( as for the roleplay, always butt plug tails, collars, little ear headbands, lots of whimpering, panting, and yapping like a dog or a cat. idk, his friends definitely know what he likes because he's sending videos like six times a day, the perv. anyway, occasionally he sends a super rare video of his own girl face down, ass up, near out of his mind bc he likes to give it rough after being edged for 3 hours lmfao, the only reason his friends know he got edged is bc mf is talker, and he makes it very clear that the roles switch sometimes.
☆ sunghoon:
vanilla vanilla vanilla, but in like, the best way possible??? super intimate videos where the faces are hidden but the bodies move together in a way you just know he yearns to fuck babies into someone he loves lmfao. lots of cuddling sex, finger fucking, body worship, slow and deep penetration, almost entirely focused on the woman's body and voice rather than the dick in the hole. idk, even heeseung with his dirty dirty bookmarks, he'll get a glimpse of one of sunghoon's video shares and end up watching it all the way through like "i wish i had love like that", mostly because no orgasms are faked, there's lots of squirting, pussy eating, and helllllaaa moaning. like real sex, amateur sex. idk, i think sunghoon provides the shit for when one of them gets ghosted and they need an emotional orgasm lmfao. sunghoon probably ends up sad after he jerks off because he has no one's eyes to look into when he's getting it good ://
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yandere-wishes · 4 months
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✮ Yandere! Boothill x Reader
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Plot: There's a slick black-clad little gal who's been messing with his bounties recently. Boothill's been dying to rustle her up and take a bite
⁀➷ Warnings: Yandere behavior, blood, and gore, war trauma, Genie trying to do a cowboy accent.
⁺₊𝄞₊⁺: Crimson and Clover by Joan Jett
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And I don't hardly know her,
But I think I can love her,
Ah, now when she comes walking over,
I've been waiting to show her,
My mind's such a sweet thing
I want to do everything
What a beautiful feeling
It's not like the movies, they fed us on little white lies.
The first time he sees you there's a tempest of bullets rattling off his chest. Metal singing metal, as shells vie for an opening. It's all very lethal,
like the center of a rabid dust storm. Kissing death and sucking in her poison. Boothill can't tell where the bullets are coming from only that there's a dozen at a time ringing over his head. He shields his face with the metal of his forearms peaking through the gap to catch a glimpse of black.
Pure black.
That's the first thing he notices as your frenzy yields, You're clad in black from head to toe, even going so far as to dawn an eerie familiar mask. He's seen this scene play out somewhere before, he just can't remember where. "Morning mister", he likes that voice, jejune and teeming with confidence. It reminds him of himself, back when the sunset used to mean something and he could still feel wheat stocks under his soft palms.
"Howdy lil'lady I reckon you're in my way. Mind stepping aside before you get yourself hurt?" Your answer comes in the form of an aimed pistol, spine straight, midnight serape caught on the wind. He thinks you look a little too much like the folks back home -back when there was a home- blood boiling over eager for a fight. His bounty is standing just over yonder, blocked partly by your stubborn shadow. Boothill doesn't think twice before firing two rounds.
He's met with four...
He's in a cheap motel on Penacony, screwing in bolts that came loose. In the end, you laid claim to his bounty. Dragging him away to the hills. He's left growling at the thought, bested by a muddle-fudging fox. Lil gal probably ain't never even been in a proper shoot-out. The screwdriver cracks under his metal fingers. Boothill ain't about to start letting some pretty little thing get in the way of him and his targets.
The TV screen flickers to a melancholy monochrome. The films are old, distorted, crippled in parts. But he keeps them around, much like everything else about him, it's a bygone thing refusing to die.
He still likes to play them from time to time, trying to elicit the tastes of home. Hearing Nick and Graey setting plates out for dinner as his siblings rush downstairs. The movies are older than the new universe in more ways than one.
They come from a simpler time.
He'd always wondered why someone would bother painting such precious things in black and white. Spilling melancholia into picture frames, leaving everything tasting of vodka and vanilla.
It doesn't matter though, not really. All that matters is the sound of hooves on sand and bullets shooting. So long as the cowboys live their stories, everything else can be forgiven.
But this time something's off. The bandit's black mask shines through, gleaming something awful making him grind his sharp teeth. That damn mask, sitting pretty over a sly smirk. it reminds him of you, little cutie with your slick attitude. What bandit goes around doing hero's work anyway? What kinda twisted little lady are you?
He's getting mighty sick of this. Do you think you own the universe or something? "Been seeing way too much of you lately." There's sand in his Synesthesia Beacon his voice coming out horse, brittle. He kicks the head of an IPC lackey trying to drive home a point. "You getting on my nerves cutie". The ground looks nothing short of a graveyard, bodies scattered some piled. The blood paints the sands in a deep maroon, reflecting the glint of the distant stars. The last soldier is cowering behind you, his whimpers singing in Boothill's ears, one more bullet, that's all it'll take. "This one's mine" you mutter, and he wonders for a moment if the dry weather is getting to you too. "Not a chance pumpkin" his gun's drawn, firing bullets before you can even feel for your holster. The smirking bullet impales your abdomen, aimed point blank at the officer's head. But before the last body can be claimed you kick the man out of the way.
"Damn it" Boothill's anger is tangible, he knows you can feel it between your teeth. He's going to kill you, tear off that star-saken mask, and riddle you with bullets. You're getting too confident.
He doesn't notice your bullets at first. Protostars trying to act all rough and mighty. There's a temporary cluster of dust, a fraction of a second where his eyes aren't pinning you down. That's all it takes and then you're off. Sinking into the darkness and swimming away, taking his target with you.
It's only after the initial anger wears off that Boothill notices a tear on his thigh. A letter scrawled on the frayed leather of his pants. So you've started leaving your own marks, ay cutie?
He almost wishes he could feel the sting of your blade on his flesh. Feel your nails scrapping along his shoulders as he pins you to the ground.
Boothill fires at the moon.
Next time.
Next time for sure....
He's been chasing you for some time now. But catching up with you isn't as easy as he first thought. Seems like you go wherever the wind takes you and he's too busy with revenge to be following your capricious whims. The IPC ain't going to kill itself you know. And Boothill damn well wishes you'd start sitting still. He's heard from a reliable source that the IPC soldiers are throwing a little get to together down in one of the bars. Just a happy birthday for a colleague, nothing fancy. The thought alone makes his mouth water, place will be crawling with pests just waiting to be gunned down. Maybe tomorrow he'll try looking for you again, but tonight? Tonight's his night.
The neons have dulled now, they never were terribly bright to begin with. Penacony may be the land of dreams but not even dreams can stop reality from seeping through. The bar's loud, some new pop singer's music blasting from every speaker. Boothill downs his drink, liking how the ice cubes chime like a bad omen. He shoots the speakers first, needing some peace to focus on what comes next. The peace corp's lackeys are drunk, they stumble over themselves trying to reach him. He shoots each one like a kid playing carnival games. It's almost too easy...
The door is stampeded over by a heard of reinforcements. Somehow even in his drunken daze one of those yella-bellied lapdogs called for help. They're swarming the place like panicked rats, pushing past tables and chairs. Firearms aimed at his head. And for the first time, in a long, long time, Boothill feels a sliver of panic run down his bionic spine.
Boothill hears the familiar tumult of bodies hitting the ground before he sees what's actually going on. He feels you before he actually sees you. You're pushed up against his back, guns drawn locked, and loaded. "Heard you needed some help" Even though you offer your usual bravado, Boothill still picks up the nervous lilt in your voice, despite everything he thinks he likes it. It almost tastes sweet. "Best get away before you get yourself hurt little fox." "And let you have all the fun? Never."
"Certe murmur pugnando" Boothill laughs, he remembers those very words coming from a buddy of his before a duel. 'At least we'll die fighting' Somethings never change, even if you've carved out every principle from your body with a rusted kitchen knife. You'll always have those pesky morals stuck inside. He hears you chuckle, wonders if you find it odd that a rowdy galaxy ranger such as himself knows a dead language.
Well, he knows a lot about the dead.
The shoot-out lasts longer than he'd have expected.
But the real surprise lies in how neither of you are dead. Boothill's half laid across the bar, looking at you from under his hat. You're making him a drink following his instruction like a good little wife, not contradiction dressed in ebony. Gunpowder withers on his tongue, the bullet smoke permeates the air mixing with the gleeful tang of spilled blood. "Your drinks sure are complicated" you mutter pushing him his cup before picking up a bottle and reading its labels. "What's so hard about it pumpkin? Little bit of white gem and gin. All's you need." He sips your drink slowly, savoring your flavor. He imagines he's gulping you down, holding you for ransom behind his teeth, feeling your delicate little fists pounding against him. "I don't drink" you mumble as you sit across from him, you look so damn elegant, like a little princess from a fairy tale he use to read to a certain someone. You drink deeply from your glass of ice and water. Boothill focuses on the gentle motion of your throat. He licks his lips, trying to push down the thought of ringing such a fragile thing between his palms.
"So little lady, s'about time you start answering some questions...The hell you doing? Running off with my targets?" You set your cup down, eyes locking on his, there's the deficiency he's missed all night. The trigger hair that's just waiting for the right push. "They're not your targets...not really. They're just people. People whose planet got muffed up. I've been trying to gather them all in one place." For a second Boothill thinks you're talking about his planet, his home, his people. But it only takes one more look at you to understand.
"So, how'd yours die?" There's shrapnel in his throat when he asks, open wounds bleeding once more, filling his throat with bitter memories.
You stiffen, and he knows he's thumbing a broken bone, letting his finger dig between the cracks and snapping their frail linings. "Don't know, wasn't there. All I ever got to see were a few limbs, nothing enough to make a full person." you squeeze the glass until your knuckles turn white.
There's vindication rooted in your veins.
He knows the feeling all too well.
"We ain't so different you and I, reckon we make a pretty good team." His metal fingers lace between your soft skin, tracing the lifelines like an old map.
There's a goldmine hidden behind your lips, he imagines he'll have to kiss you to find the little nuggets. Your lips part, eyes filled with an odd-looking sympathy. What he wouldn't give to feel your plump lips bleed between his jagged teeth. "So..." you ask as his mechanic heart skips a beat. "What about yours?"
You've been laughing for five whole minutes. Boothill shouldn't find the noise as ethereal as he does. His anger lays heavily on his bones, he should be even angrier, lounging a bullet through your thick skull. But he finds the noise a little too perfect to disturb its source. Even if it's only created at his expense. Instead, he has half a mind to slap you, hard enough to shut you u and another to kiss you so hard you forget to breathe. "Damn hell so funny, cutie"
You look at him with those luminous eyes. Filled with pain and riddles. Boothill never did like solving puzzles. He only likes tearing things into bits. He needs you spartan, easy to read and use, and kiss. Not something he needs to piece together first.
"Dear stars you have no freaking idea how ironic you are." You say between bursts of spiteful-rooted giggles.
Why do those words sound so haunting like a ghost kiss? they should open phantom pains, but they sure as hell don't. Why do you always leave his head spinning? Boothill rolls his eyes, then leans over to pull down your mask. You jerk back, rewarding him with a dark grimace. You're out the window before he can ask your name.
"See you next time, cowboy"
"Next time I'm drawing blood"
The moment's over.
That night, Boothill dreams of you. He's lying in a stiff musty bed. It's too dark, even the moon is scared of showing her face.
Boothill dreams of the old saloons back home. Of their cracked wooden floorboards and the worn-out plush of chairs. In the dreams, you're wearing a black lace gown, like the saloon girls used to. He finds it all too funny that even in his dreams you still haunt him in black. Only now you're smiling, really smiling. Not that sly smirk, or mirthless grin you gave him back in the bar on Penacony. No, this here is a genuine smile and he's damn sure he's the one who put it there. You reach out for his hand, he feels warmth.
The dream is thick and dense like swimming through molasses. In another scene he's dragging you through the old doors, laughing as bullets and card chips hit the floor. There's a horse waiting outside. His horse. At least he thinks it used to be his. He pulls you up roughly in front of him. He's high off the feeling of his fingers wrapped around the rugged reins. High off the steed he holds in a vice grip between his thighs.
He's riding faster than he's ever ridden before, clambering for the sunset trying to engulf the sun. You hold on tight, pressing your cheek to his chest. His heart is beating something fierce between his ribs. He feels like an Aeon watching the universe collapse under his galloping feet.
He feels alive.
With the sun's rays behind you, Boothill could almost mistake you for the star-dwelling angels Nick used to tell him about. There's something poetic in all of this. The cowboy standing off against the black fox.
Dare he call it cinematic?
Boothill creeps closer. Tilting his hat and watching you flash a nervous smile through his lashes. "Volo sentire te inter dentes meos" so you know that dead tongue too. "You will soon darling, that's what I'm hoping for" his reply only dwindles your smile.
He's missed the old duels. Missed staring into the eyes of the one who could kill you. It's all a matter of skill and luck. Whose faster, who the aeon will trust?
Somewhere in the distance, the tumble weeds begin to rattle.
His bullet glides through the air, piercing through the dust and sand. Your bullet reverberates from your gun a fraction too late and ricochets past his cheek. Leaving a juicy trail of blood.
But his bullet was aimed at your chest.
And Boothill never misses...
You want vengeance he won't deny you it.
So long as you stay by his side.
He'll tuck you away somewhere safe.
Somewhere you won't be leaving him again.
Boothill cradles your body to his chest. "I promised you blood little fox, and Boothill never goes back on his word." His cheeks hurt from smiling as he lays his hat atop your head. He's Picking you up and walking into the sunset. He knows a good ol'doc who'll patch you right up. And then it's a happy life together.
Well for him anyway.
The end
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Taglist: @hihellomy @salhanskkdbfkekfb @gasoline-eater @sp1cym0chi
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brittle-doughie · 5 months
Hello!! Im new to this blog and I really wanna interact ;3
So, I kinda remembering this request....
So I was thinking,
What if the (other) Ancients (and maybe even legendaries) also break/took off pieces of their body to make the desert and gave it to Y/N too?
You can do this if you want of course!! :3 (I hope Tumblr doesn't eat my request AGAIN)
Dessert Report (The Ancient Cookies)
Warning: Cookie Cannibalism
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Customer: Pure Vanilla Cookie
Treat Gift: A cake slice dabbled with vanilla frosting.
Result: Portions of hair missing, hat has to be angled to hide the missing parts.
Pure Vanilla entered the cake shop one afternoon after leaving with White Lily Cookie the other day. He talked about seeing White Lily’s gift to Y/N Cookie and thought it was a wonderful idea. Questions raised about his odd hat angled were dodged or given no answer, unusual for the Ancient.
What Y/N Cookie doesn’t know won’t hurt them, right? They would still be close to Pure Vanilla no matter what, right?
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Customer: Hollyberry Cookie
Treat Gift: Berry cluster cookies.
Result: Parts of the arms missing, outfit helps to obscure the cracks.
Hollyberry was among the first of the Ancients to give a tasty delight to her very good friend, Y/N Cookie. But just any dessert wouldn’t do for Hollyberry’s liking. It had to mean something, that it truly came from the bottom of her heart. She had an idea…
Y/N Cookie will surely love it…..
They would surely love her….
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Customer: Dark Cacao Cookie
Treat Gift: Box of chocolates made from pure cacao.
Result: Missing small extremities such as parts of the hands or legs. Like with Hollyberry, his outfit can cover up the missing portions.
Loyalty, something that is earned and deeply valued to Dark Cacao Cookie. Y/N Cookie’s loyalty to him as an ally means a lot to the king. Dark Cacao Cookie felt like he needed to return the favor to Y/N Cookie, to show how much he valued their relationship.
No length is too great for the sake of those you care about, as he entered the cake shop with the chocolates showed…
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Customer: Golden Cheese Cookie
Treat Gift: An array of cheeses with a cheesecake made by Golden Cheese herself.
Result: Portions of the arms and legs missing. Bandages are used to hide the missing parts, excused as just her protecting her dough from getting too stale.
Golden Cheese was never the same after the fall of her kingdom. She held onto anything she held dear, fearing they’ll crumble to dust before her eyes. Y/N Cookie was one major example, she treated them as if she’s known them all her life..and someone she wishes to know for the rest of her life.
She wants to live knowing that a part of her will always remain within Y/N Cookie forever when she floated through that cake shop door…
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Customer: White Lily Cookie
Treat Gift: Lily Cobbler.
Result: The loss of the lower arms, part of the waist, and small portions of the head and hair. The cobbler had traces of a powder-like substance emanating from it.
White Lily Cookie cared about Y/N Cookie. She cared about them very much. She feels like they understand her more the average cookie, it’s no surprise why she’ll often seek their company. When she spotted them enjoying a gifted treat one day, she had a wonderful idea on how she wanted to express her feelings to them.
It was quite the extensive process, but she was able to complete her gift. The loss of her parts can grow back, it would all be worth it when Y/N Cookie enjoyed the cobbler, with White Lily knowing that a part of her will always be with Y/N Cookie.
White Lily went further than Golden Cheese though. More than just physical pieces of dessert that will eventually disappear in time. White Lily placed a little more thought into her treat…
Life Powder, what makes up a cookie’s soul…
A part of her will always be with Y/N Cookie…
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elsa-fogen · 2 months
Why would you make something like this of Alastor and Rosie killing Velvette. This is such a sick minded thing to make. And the way that you drew it implied that Alastor and Rosie stripped her down?? what the actual fuck?? that is SO odd... I dont know, this entire comic is something that is just so off putting and I dont want to imagine what kind of things are going through your mind to make something like this. Poor Velvette. And why the fuck is valentino biting his lip seeing Velvette dead?? Overall this comic is so gross. Get a new hobby. Go touch some grass. Read a book. Do all that, but stay away from Velvette please. Biggie.
Oh no, i'm deeply senserely sorry! How could I even think of such a thing?!! I'm a monster, the most horrible creature on earth, and your words have opened my eyes! I'm now realising how horrible and fucked up of a person I am! All this time i lived in the darkness, pitch black pit of evil, but now I see the light and this light blinds me, burns me! I know now that me, such a disgusting offspring of the dark and unimaginable horror cannot live under the light of this world and therefore doesn't deserve it! I don't deserve to do art, i don't deserve to live! Thank you, moonyxshunsuke-forever, i have seen the light and now it's gone, and i can't live without it! Knowing that such light can never shine inside my corrupted and twisted soul! I should never draw again, delete my blog and kill myself! To stop the darkness of my soul poisoning this pure and perfect world! In 24 hours this blog will be deleted and you'll never see or hear from me ever again!
✨✨✨S A R C A S M ✨✨✨
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yeah nno buddy, that doesn't work this way. I draw what i want and i'm not gonna stop because some sensitive vanilla flower didn't like it. It's fictional characters, dude, I do what i want with them and i don't care if it's immoral. Novody's harmed in real life. Block the tag of the AU if you don't like it, block me if you hate my art in general and fucking move on
And fair warning, if you or anyone else keep sending me shit like this, i'll find more creative and horrible ways to torture your precious little Velvette, just to spite yall.
Masterpost of the most twisted and gross AU on Tumblr
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