#Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss
南無阿彌陀佛 Namo Amitabha 12小時 憶佛念佛 長時薰修
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Just imagining Price's reaction the first time you pull him close, guiding him into yourself, wrapping your legs around his hips to hold him still.... then *squeeze* around him. The look on his face when he groans and tries to roll his hips, only to realize your thick thighs aren't just plush softness, and you're not going to let him move. The way his eyes roll back at the tight clench and release of your pussy around his cock....
see?? this. like, in my personal hc of price, he loves a strong girl with big, thick thighs. he loves feeling her smooth muscles working inside of her to pleasure him, reacting to the sensations he's giving to her. he loves it when he can feel her come, when she bears down on him uncontrollably, wrenching her inner walls around him as tight as she can, her orgasm in full control of her movements. and for him to feel like he can't escape? ugh. pure joy. i can just see those pretty blue eyes rolling back into his head like a hungry shark, his hands touching her everywhere, not knowing where to land, grunting like an animal, overstimulating himself inside of her until he's past the point of no return. for me, he's the ultimate hedonist. he's willing to chase the high of a feeling or a sensation farther than anyone else, and when she rolls her hips against him, delivering that joy to him? bliss.
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bloodlust-1 · 6 months
The Consort ₊⁺જ⁀➴
NSWF | Explicit 18+ | Angst | Blood | Ascended Astarion | Spawn Tav | Dark | Smut | Trauma | Stockholm Syndrome | Violence
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Ascended Astarion x fem Tav
Chapter: 7 | White Fox
Summary: In a tumultuous tale of love, power, and betrayal, Tav finds herself entangled in a complex relationship with Astarion, a heartless vampire lord who will stop at nothing to maintain control over his newfound spawn. As Tav witnesses Astarion’s transformation and descent into darkness, their love is put to the ultimate test amidst love triangles, drama, and the pursuit of world domination. Redemption seems like an elusive goal while Tav grapples with the realization of who her lover has truly become.
Notes: I love posting these chapters, it makes me so excited like I'm hiding the world's biggest secret x')
Lovely photo by @astarionposting
The sound of Baldur’s Gate bustle fading into the distance. Tav was silent, her fingers absentmindedly playing with one of her locs as they strolled along the rugged path.
Ross peaked his eyes to the side from time to time - studying Tav's demeanor and body language. She seemed...anxious.
“Why did you come to Baldur’s Gate?” Ross broke the silence. He was both curious and intrigued.
Tav looked up, a half smile crossing her features, “Well...I was forced against my will to be mentally pregnant with a tadpole and I had no choice but to come to Baldur's Gate, of course."
Ross rolled his eyes with a breathy chuckle. He shook his head with a smile, "Yeah, yeah, of course. I mean - I would love to hear your alternative story."
Getting vulnerable with Ross was already a line Tav crossed, "I came to the city to escape some personal things back home…" She paused, a tree's shadow passing over her face as she continued, “That’s when I got captured by the illithids.”
"Well it sounds like you have really good luck." Ross chuckled sarcastically and Tav joined him, shrugging at his jokes.
Tav folded her arms and stared down at her feet, cursing herself in her head.
Stop trauma dumping, don't be stupid.
Tav collected herself, carefully reevaluating her words with Ross, “I just needed to be on my own.”
An outcast who desperately wanted security. It all made sense to Ross now.
The way Tav completely acted on her emotions and confided in him; not even knowing each other for long.
He listened carefully to her words, nodding his head ever so often. And he noticed the way she'd hesitate between words as if she was debating on holding back or not.
She didn't know whether this was okay or not.
To be open and honest after Astarion.
"I know the feeling. So, you're not alone." With a shrug, Ross's eyes trailed up to the canopy of trees above their heads, admiring the scenery. Glimmers of moonlight peeked threw the trees and landed perfectly on them.
Tav hugged herself and swayed side to side drunkenly, pure bliss on her face, "Ahh - I've missed this. Nature is so peaceful and calming, unlike this noisy city." She twirled herself, basking in the moonlight.
"Oh, look at you, being one with nature and all. Next thing you know, you’ll be hugging a tree and telling me all about your newfound friends, the squirrels." With a sarcastic tone, his eyes twinkled mischievously.
Tav tilted her head in confusion for a moment before Ross’s joke finally registered in her mind. She shot him a playful glare and mustered an upside-down smile. “Ha, ha - very funny,” she mocked his laugh, nudging him softly with her elbow.
Who knew my night would turn so interesting.
Ross’s smirk widened as he continued to tease Tav. “You know, Tav, I think I should just bring the forest to you next time. Maybe plant a few trees in your backyard.”
Tav rolled her eyes at Ross’s antics. “Suuure, because that’s exactly the same as being surrounded by the real thing.” 
Ha. Cute.
Wait -
No, not cute.
Do not think like that.
Before he could open his mouth for another teasing comment, Tav halted, tilting her ear out with narrow eyes, "Shhh."
He stood still. listening.
The faint noise of rustling.
Ross reached for his back pocket knife, clutching the handle tightly with a strong stance.
Tav carefully stepped out of her shoes and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath.
Ross stared at her with confusion, squinting his eyes and whispering at her, "What are you doing?" He was completely bewildered by her actions.
Who in their right mind would go barefoot on a wooded trail? Maybe she was some kind of forest hippie.
Tav gently shushed Ross again, opening her eyes to reveal the soft glow of magic. She hunched over before being smothered in a yellow glow, undergoing her wild shape right before Ross's eyes. The sight of her metamorphosis left him in complete awe and shock.
Ross stepped back with hesitation, his pupils dilating to the bright yellow light against the darkness.
His mouth practically hung open, dumbfounded.
No fucking way...
Tav took the form of a beautiful white fox with pale albino eyes, blinking silently in the stillness right at him. His heart sank. It's like those eyes pierced into his soul and he couldn't believe Tav was a druid.
Ross gazed down at the fox in admiration, unable to contain his excitement, “Holy shit...You’re a druid!”
Ross kneeled down slowly, reaching out his hand to touch the white fox. Her fur felt silky and thick, prickly at the ends. With a gentle nuzzle and a single nod, Tav gently brushed her muzzle against his fingers.
Ross smiled at Tav with a glint of amazement in his eyes.
“Amazing,” he murmured under his breath.
“I’ll let you hunt.” He stepped back, watching as the white fox darted off into the bushes, completely taken back from the sudden magic. Ross watch the silver fox rustle in the bushes.
Ross reached down, picked up her shoes, and walked along the trail, searching for Tav. It went silent for some time, and he had wondered where she ran off to.
His mind drifted off. He thought of his sister, Rosaline and her searing revenge on Astarion. Their younger brother was taken so long ago by this pale elf with white hair. Rosaline swore she'd never forget that face, and well - she didn't.
He recalled all those years of Rosaline studying their kind, vampires. He'd never seen his sister so invested with hatred, and she stopped at nothing.
Death always felt like a cruel joke to me
Losing his younger brother shattered his family in ways he couldn’t even begin to describe. The emptiness that consumed them was suffocating. Rosaline was so full of hate and remorse. Even till this day, she would never move on from their lost; she couldn’t accept his death.
Growing up as part of the Gur tribe of monster hunters, Ross knew him and his sister needed to protect their true identity. He could never be honest with Tav, even if he wanted to. He didn't want to betray his sister. His only family.
I need to be careful around Tav.
A deep inhale
and a soft exhale.
Ross’s heart pounded in his chest as a faint squeak echoed in his ears. His eyes darted to the direction of rustling in the woods.
He saw the fox, her piercing gaze locked onto him. In her mouth, she clutched a freshly caught brown hare, its blood staining the silver fur around her mouth. 
Tav dropped the hare As she slowly morphed back into her elf form, the animalistic features slowly melted away. Her hands, once clawed and rough, were now bare and soft against the dirt.
The straps of her shirt had fallen loose around her shoulders, revealing her bare skin. The moonlight glowed against her dark licorice skin, twinkling in all her high points. The once neatly style locs of hair was now slightly tousled over her face, leaving Ross in awe.
unable to look away from the softness of her skin, his mind raced faster than his heart and the breath caught in his Adam's apple. The sight of her was almost surreal, like something out of a dream.
Suddenly, Tav’s eyes fluttered open, meeting his gaze. Her eyes was filled with a gentleness that took Ross’s breath away. Her lips stained in the blood of the hare, leaving a trail of red that ran down her chin.
Those eerie pearl eyes with parted lips to catch her breath.
It was both terrifying and mesmerizing.
This was a side of her that he had never seen before, and yet it was one that he couldn’t help but be drawn to.
Despite the gruesome scene before him, there was a sense of peace and contentment. And as he watched her lay there, gently catching her breath and coming back to herself, he knew he was fucked.
Her lips moved, but the air went silent for him. He couldn't hear, not when his mind was so loud. She's so...pretty.
Tav tilted her head, "Ross...?"
He blinked aimlessly and shook his head softly, “Huh?”
His cheeks flushed slightly as he averted his gaze, not wanting Tav to even get a glance of him caught off guard.
Feeling a sudden warmth in his cheeks, Ross cleared his throat and gently pointed out, “Your straps… they’re falling a bit.”
He tried to keep his tone casual in attempt to mask the slight embarrassment he felt at noticing such a detail. His heart raced, waiting for her response.
Tav gasped to herself out of embarrassment "Shit..", she reached up and adjusted her straps, pulling them back over her shoulders.
"Sorry about that,” she said apologetically, “You’re okay to look now.”
He didn't anticipate this, to be caught off guard by...Shoulders? Of all things.
I feel like one of those stupid little royal boys whose never seen a piece of skin.
What the fuck is wrong with me.
Stop it.
Ross silently cursed himself for being so simple minded, kicking the rocks between his feet on the ground. Hoping Tav hadn't noticed the fever in his cheeks.
"This isn't going to be very pretty." Tav picked up the lifeless hare and brought it to her lips, "Im going to apologize now." She glanced at him with a slight sadness in her eyes before closing them.
Her fangs pierced into the hare, swallowing the fresh slick as Ross watched in silence. He noticed the way she hunched over, desperately drinking as if she was starving.
The survival instincts kicked in and Ross marveled at how truthful Tav was in her vampirism and animal nature.
Not everyone can accept what they've become.
Especially so openly.
The metallic tang of the blood filled her cheeks, sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine. With hunger gnawing at her insides, Tav savored the bittersweetness mixed with an earthy flavor.
The emptiness in her stomach was replaced by a comforting fullness. Tav then pulled away the drained hare, and she began to dig a shallow grave in the soft dirt beside her.
Gently, Tav placed the lifeless body into the shallow grave, covered it with dirt, and whispered a soft prayer to Silvanus.
Ross neatly placed her shoes in front of her and rubbed the top of her messy hair, "You forgot these back there earlier." He tried his best to uplift her mood.
She chuckled and smiled at him. Tav stood up, and wiped the remnants of blood from her lips with her forearm, smudging the blood across her cheek, "Thanks." She said, barely above a whisper while stepping back into her shoes.
A sigh escaped her lips as she gazed down at the makeshift grave and the smallest of what felt like ant bites started to prick her skin.
"Tav.." Ross stared at the sky, the light glimpse of orange painted on the horizon, "You need to get out of here." a small cold sweat ran down his back.
His expression faded into concern, "I'll find you another night."
Another night?
Not so sure about that.
I don't think that'd be a good idea. I've already done too much today.
Tav somberly shook her head no, the smell of metallic still potent on her lips, "Thank you for your company...I - appreciate it."
And with that, she wild-shaped back into the silver fox. Only then she would be fast enough to make it back home before the day broke again.
Ross watched the fox run out of the woods, leaving him completely lonely in his own silence. The sad look in her eyes made his stomach turn and he just didn't trust what would happen next.
For better or for worse, Ross wanted nothing more than peace.
But at what cost?
Ross got home, they lived in a small apartment attached to many others. Though the siblings seemed very well put together and clean, they were pretty middle class.
A couple of coin would be nice though.
Not like Tav or Astarion, they lived in a beautiful palace. Dark and depressing looking but still beautiful nonetheless.
Ross settled a small pouch of coins onto an unstable wooden table, it made a jingle noise that got the attention of Rosaline.
She sat in the corner of the room, jotting down profusely in an old leather journal. Her head jolted up by the noise and she recoiled back, “That’s all you got tonight?”
Ross shrugged, “Stealing isn’t always as easy as you think.” He took off his shirt and tossed it to the side of the room, “Besides this should be enough to cover the rent for the next 2 months.”
Rosaline's eyes traveled to the thrown shirt, glaring back at him in disapproval, “You better pick that up. Unlike you, I actually have manners for my roommate.”
“Oh, then I’ll be glad to add that I prefer a roommate who isn’t obsessed with vampires.” Ross leaned over, picking up the tossed shirt.
Rosaline narrowed her eyes at her brother, clearly irritated, “You know it’s more than that. Don’t fucking make me sound crazy.”
Nonchalantly, “Whatever.”
Ross opened a wooden drawer, dug for a shirt, and put it over his head. A small smile crept on his lips at the thought of recent events, unknowingly the flush in his cheeks warmed his face.
She lowered her journal and placed it beside the armrest of the chair. Rosaline glanced over at Ross, a faint smile playing on her lips. “What’s the stupid smile for?” she teased, raising an eyebrow.
“What?” he replied, slightly puzzled.
“You’re smiling. It’s weird,” Rosaline pointed out with amusement in her face.
Ross chuckled softly. “I didn’t notice,” he admitted with a hint of sheepishness in his voice.
He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to tame those mental images of Tav's loosened shirt.
Rosaline leaned back in her chair, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Met someone at that disgusting pub you keep going to?” She teased, taking a jab at his choice of hangout spot. “You know I hope they’re classier than that place, but considering they go there, they can’t be that fantastic.”
Ross quipped to her jab, “Beggars can’t be choosers.”
She rolled her eyes, “Just stay focused, I’m so close to getting his attention.”
The memory of Tav still lingered in his head. From her teary eyes to the bite marks on her neck. Ross's gaze simply landed on Rosaline, uneasy with information she probably would want to know.
In a soft voice, he questioned her, “How’s that going?”
“Decent, I think,” Rosaline replied thoughtfully. “I tried to proposition him to work together as business partners. I could bribe the writers for The Gazette, and get his name out there to the people.” She paused, a flicker of frustration crossing her features. “It’s so annoying that I have to play this role when I just want to stab him right in the heart every time I see him.”
Plainly with furrowed brows, "Mhm."
She snapped at him, hurt and anger in her eyes, “Can you act like you give a damn?”
His and Tav's interactions gnawed at him. And just as he tried to bite his tongue, the words came spilling out, “I may have seen someone...tonight.”
His sister paused, a glimmer of light reflected in her eyes, and there was a moment of fleeting silence.
Ross hesitated, glancing around aimlessly. Guilt and anxiousness knotted his stomach...
“Remember that girl we saw Astarion with?” He raised an eyebrow, waiting for Rosaline to connect the dots.
She scuffed dismissively, “She's just an accessory, a mere shadow trailing behind him wherever he goes.”
A sense of urgency tainted his words as his voice dropped to a whisper, "…I saw her tonight."
"You're downplaying their relationship. It's deeper than we thought."
Rosaline simply nodded slowly. Ross avoided eye contact with her by averting his gaze. Her hands clenched tightly into fists and with glossed-over eyes, Rosaline glared at her brother with a burning intensity.
The tension was palpable as she took a deep breath and whispered softly to herself, “Interesting.”
"Tell me everything."
Next part here
Any thoughts? Comment 👇🏼 I love to engage!
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Hi, hi 🫶🏼 hope everyone enjoyed their Easter!
Fun Fact: Any animal that Tav wild forms into is going to be albino :] It's a little quark since she has very pale eyes in elf form.
Following Tav and Ross (the TENTION) and ahhhh it's such a nail-biter because you KNOW shit is ganna get stickyyy! >-<
See ya next week to follow up Astarion and Tav after their big argument!
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nekomacheercaptain · 2 years
Day 3: Dracule Mihawk x fem! reader
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This literally turned into just pure praise kink 🧍‍♀️ I'm sorry
You and your husband, Mihawk, love each other a lot <3 and he loves to show it
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Word count: 1,6K
Content: Fingering, female reader, praise kink / dirty talk, body worship, established relationship and marriage, a very lovey-dovey Mihawk
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Wine and dinner; a sure recipe for a long, passionate evening leading to the both of you falling asleep in complete euphoric bliss embraced in each other’s arms. After a heavy, lustful makeout session on the dinner table, your lovely husband carried you to bed, an old habit of his.
Don’t bother your precious parts, my dear, I don’t want to see them bruised.
Your husband always had such a way with words, and loved spoiling you. If he could, he would not have you walking ever again, as you fit so perfectly in his arms, not weighing more than a fine feather in his grasp.
Carefully placing you down on your soft bed, a pillow tucked behind your head, your husband stroked the hair from your face to behind your ears, his yellow eyes softening as they found yours, “Are you comfortable, my love?”, his hand fell to stroke your cheek softly with his thumb.
How such a feared man could be so soft and gentle always made you smile as your heart melted, falling into his comforting touch, “I always am with you, darling,” and delighted with your answer, his soft lips pressed against yours, those same old lightning bolts always coming back to make you feel alive whenever he alighted them.
He lowered himself to deepen the kiss, his patient tongue swiping against your lower lip asking for entrance, he let himself fall against you, bodies flushed together. And his deep, delicious groan as his hips rolled into yours lit your core aflame, warmth spreading through your body.
“Darling, would you leave me the pleasure of touching you tonight?” his smooth voice asked through heavy pants as he refused to leave your lips, tongue entering your mouth after feeling your nod of approval. His eager hips rut against yours, making you moan as his bulge pressed against your crotch.
“Yes, my love, don’t hold back, let me hear your beautiful voice,” he breathed against your lips before dragging them to plant a sweet kiss your cheek, ultimately landing on your neck as he sucked softly against your sensitive skin, your hands finding his hair. Oh and how they belonged there. He loved how your hands told him so much; how much you loved him by wrapping your hand in his while walking down your shared path, how cold you were by covering your knuckles with his warm hands, and how his tongue was worshipping your precious cunt just like you deserved by your hands tugging desperately at his hair.
But this position didn’t allow him to do what he wanted, as much as he loved worshipping your neck, hearing you mewl as he sucked your skin, his tongue massaging your newly created love marks while rutting his hips into yours. No, he had to have access to all of you. He parted with your neck to lay on his side, flush against your left side with your left leg thrown over the side of his thighs.
His left hand groped your breast through your dress as his right arm was beneath your neck, able to play with your hair on your right side, as his head was in the crook of your neck, licking your salty skin.
“You always look so beautiful by my side,” he muffled into your skin, and his hand traveled down your body, pulling at the dress to expose your underwear. With a tilted head he groaned when he saw you wearing the panties he loved, “and spoil me greatly, whatever did I do to deserve you, my dear?”. His lips returned to your neck and sucked fervently on your skin as his curious fingers slid down your clothed cunt, feeling the moistness that had accumulated, and he reveled in the deep sigh escaping your mouth.
His fingers made themselves at home against the dampened cloth between your folds, feeling your juices soak through at his touch, and he couldn’t restrain himself from biting your neck in deep affection.
“Yes, dear? Tell me what you want,” his teeth let go of your skin as his hot breath lingered just above, teasing the area he had just irritated with his teeth.
“I-I want more, baby, I need your fingers,” you mewled, feeling his hand lift the band of your panties before delving inside, his fingers feeling just how aroused your session in the kitchen had gotten you.
“Oh, my love, you’re soaking,”
You chuckled through a breathy moan at his comment, “How can I not be when I’m married to you?” and your left hand managed to reach his hair, twirling his short locks between your fingers, a content sigh leaving his throat.
“You’re too kind to me, dear,” he muttered with a low groan before his warm tongue traced just beneath your jawline, sending shivers down your body. His experienced fingers massaged your slick folds, and the sound of squelching met his ears, making him hum against your skin. 
“Always so good for me,” his low, deep voice met your ears, and he heard your small groan at his praise; a weakness of yours he had the pleasure of discovering early in your relationship. Oh how he loved feeling you tighten around him, whether it was his fingers or cock he did not mind, when he allowed his desire for you to slip from his lips. 
Your velvety, slick folds welcomed his fingers, feeling how his digits easily slipped down to your entrance, before dragging up again, his palm applying pressure to your clit, getting drunk off the high-pitched moan that you erupted. Along with his fingers massaging your slick cunt, his palm rubbed the sensitive bundle of nerves in the most delicious way possible, causing your hand to tighten in his hair while moaning your husband’s name, making him roll his eyes. His name never sounded so good until it rolled off your tongue.
“Are you ready for my fingers, sweetheart?” he breathed against your neck, awaiting your response by massaging your skin with his wet muscle, never getting enough of your small whimpers.
“God, yes, baby, please,” and not even before ending your sentence, his middle and index finger circled your entrance before pushing inside to stretch your walls. With his intrusion, you threw your head back against the pillow, inhaling sharply before releasing a guttural moan of his name. And you sounded absolutely divine.
“Your cunt always takes me so well,” Mihawk praised into your neck while his fingers scissored inside of you, before rubbing against your ribbed walls, seeking the spot he knew would have you writhing beside him, “my beautiful girl, you're doing so good,” small kisses were pestered down your neck to your collarbones before you turned your head to look at him. And he was breathless at the sight of you; glazed eyes, scrunched eyebrows, and a small smile, just because of the pleasure he adored giving you.
His lips reached yours, hearing you groan satisfied at the connection, as his fingers started a small rhythm fucking in and out of you, your hips grinding against his palm, and you moaned at all the stimulation, feeling a familiar string tightening inside of your core. Leaving your husband just slightly disappointed, you had to part his eager lips to breathe, all the moans, groans, and whimpers making you gasp for air.
“Mihawk - fuck -I’m close already,” you managed to moan out, encouraging your husband to push a third finger into you, feeling how your slick walls accommodated him so well.
“Then I’ll give you what you want, my love,” he said with a small smile on his lips, before kissing beneath your jawline while his fingers pumped fervently into you, and his palm eagerly rubbing your clit, the sound of squelching from your pussy along with you calling his name filling the room.
“You sound and feel divine, sweetheart, always so perfect,” Mihawk praised beneath your jaw, and felt you tighten at his words, “I could spend eternity between your legs, my love, hearing you moan shamelessly for me, and feel you squeeze so tight around me,” as his words got dirtier, your vision grew more blurry. His fingers knew exactly how to hit your sweet spot, and he felt himself twitch when you cried out for him, throwing your head against the pillows, your hand almost ripping out his hair. And God he couldn’t help but groan, feeling your walls convulsing around him, a sensation he knew very well.
“Let me hear you cum, darling,” he groaned against your neck, fingers pressing harder into your sweet spot with eager thrusts, and more pressure on your clit, “let me feel it”.
Your orgasm came crashing over you as the string inside of your body snapped, causing you to writhe against his body while he felt your walls hug and squeeze his digits uncontrollably, and he slowed his pace down, reveling in the breathless moans that escaped your throat along with small calls of his name as you were on cloud nine. Your husband pulled you against his chest, leaving small kisses on your head.
“I can never get enough of you, my dear”
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Okay so this got kinda long, and I'm so sorry if this is too OOC, I'm still trying to get to know his character, so I might have gone too deep into the Gomez Addams in him in this heh... but anyways, thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed!
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 years
Tags: @shoxji @tian-monique @omgsuperstarg @angel-bi666 @sunfairyy @sunkissedebony97
Request by @dino-fart :I would like a fic of namor x reader in the bathtub, reader has had A DAY at work and is exhausted. Namor massages her shoulders and feet and gives her kisses uwu
A/N: ANYTHING FOR YOU MY GODDESS AHHHH 😍😍😍😍 Also not proof read 😭
WARNINGS: Naked Body Idk what else to add 😭😭
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You first meet Namor visiting your family in Yucatán, Mexico. For starters, you have encountered crazy events within your lifetime. Watching invaders demolish New York, a city fall from the sky, and half the population vanished right in front of your eyes. So when a half-naked man dressed in fancy trunks and golden jewelry walked out of the ocean. Well you didn't turn for one.
It's been a year since then. His enemies called him Namor but his people, and you called him K'uk'ulkan. At first, the man and you had many arguments. However, it entertained him that you gave no fucks how strong he was or that he was a god. Namor found it hard for himself not to go a day without seeing you. You pulled him further and further onto the surface land he so hated. Ultimately you moved back to the Yucatán for Namor.
There was a school nearby that needed an English teacher, you were fluent in a few different languages so you agreed. Despite loving your job the workload is endless. Grading, parent-teacher conferences, planning, and oh the list could go on. Friday finally hit and this week had been extra stressful. Right now you soaked your body in a well-deserved hot bath.
Namor had come to your shared home and instantly knew where you were upon smelling the scent of your fancy bath soap he loved. "In reina (my queen)~" He called walking into the bathroom he instantly noticed how tense your body is. "Ba'ax ku yúuchul? (What's wrong?)." He asked walking towards the bath.
"Ah...Just, In meyaj. Toop in Ajaw. (My work. It's hard my king). One thing after another. It never ends." You took a deep breath trying not to get overwhelmed by the load of work awaiting for her.
"Can I help ease your pain?" He asked softly. You wait a moment before nodding. Namor leaned down and gripped your shoulder gently massaging the sore muscle. He instantly felt the tension and stiffness in your neck. On your end it felt like a massive weight being lifted off your shoulders and back. A gentle groan of pleasure escape your lips. "Thank you so much."
"Anything for you, in reina (queen). I want to take you away. You can live in the caves. And come visit Talokan when you want."
You sighed knowing how amazing it would be not to do anything but live as a queen. You visited Talokan many times in that suit Namor obtained but never explained how. He even taught you his native language which really hadn't been hard to learn. You already knew part of the old dialect that is still much alive today. "I would love to. Really but I belong here too, K'uk'ulkan. You know this." You sighed deeply as his hands move up and down your shoulders. "But your hands are very convincing."
Namor chuckled deeply before moving down to the end of the tub. Your eyes followed his movement. "Baby you don't have to."
"But I love to make you feel nice. I know you talk about how much your feet ache after a long hard day of work." He dips his hand into the water. Gently rubbing your feel. You sighed deeply laying your head back and feeling pure bliss. His skillful fingers gently rubbed your foot. The left one first. Up your leg. Making sure to give every part a nice over. Then your right leg. You rambled on about your day. Pros, cons, and how your co workers are.
"You should be the Queen of this place." He grumbled causing you to giggle.
"Honey it's called a Principal. And no, it would be worse." You glance down to Namor. He leaned up and kissed you deeply.
"I love you."
"I love you more." You whisper.
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dustedmagazine · 3 months
Neutrals — New Town Dream (Slumberland/Static Shock)
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Photo by Kelly Sullivan
Neutrals are a San Francisco-based band but you wouldn’t know it by listening. The singer, Allan McNaughton, has a knotty Scottish burr, even now, years on from relocating to the Bay Area. Musically, he and his bandmates — Lauren Matsui on bass and Phillip Lantz on drums — favors a kicky, catchy, bash-and-pop variety of post-punk that has more than a whiff of the Television Personalities in it.
New Town Dream is a bit of a concept album, referring in multiple places to the Pollok Free State protests of the early 1990s, where residents banded together to stop the construction of a highway through their beloved park in the suburbs of Glasgow. For two years, people lived in makeshift shelters in the park, cooking communally, making music and developing strong bonds with one another.  Some even took up residence in the trees themselves. The protests were ultimately unsuccessful, and the highway was built.  “Stop the Bypass,” one of the disc’s most raucous tunes, includes a chant from the protests; “The Iron that Never Swung” seems related, too, mourning a golf course promised but never delivered. Sings McNaughton, “All the effort was in vain/we lost our land to eminent domain/where there should be a fairway, the council put a new motorway.”
Indeed, if there’s a running thread through New Town Dream, it’s the gap between idealism and what actually happens once money and politics and other real-world factors come into play. “New Town Dream (Version)” is an altered version of a song from the Bus Stop Nights EP in 2022. Dusted’s Jonathan singled it out, writing, “Musically the guitar tone takes on a razoring, quixotic quality, most urgently on “New Town Dream” and its 107 seconds of keening post punk. A little more dissonant and it could be a Swell Maps tune, tucked in among that run of short songs that opens A Trip to Marineville.”  Here it runs closer to Gang of Four with its melodica and dub bass, but it slips in some extended retro-futurist spoken word about planned communities. An educational voice making the case for planned communities outside of city centers, including shops, banks, homes and, critically, green space, as an antidote to what, “people rightly deplore in this country [which] could be called a yob culture.”  The kicker is, of course, that the minute city planners need that land for something else, poof, it’s gone.
Not all the songs stick to this broad topic, and indeed, a couple of the best are less didactic. “That’s Him on the Daft Stuff Again” is pure C-86-ish bliss, full of joy and melancholy in equal measure. McNaughton sings in a half-chant, a twist of melody under a rain of mordant words and very like the Television Personalities’ Dan Treacy. The resembles continues through the instruments, all a bounding bass and chiming, rainbow-splintering guitar chords and bumptious, disruptive drumming.
“Substitute Teacher,” slashes a little more sharply, its jutting, off-kilter guitar work sharing near equal billing with the growl of bass. The “s-s-substitute” stutter nods to the Who, the lyrics are closer to the Kinks’ lyrical wordplay. The kids may have written him off before he finishes writing his name on the board, but a distinct, individual person comes to life in a few lines: “He’s got a passion for mathematics/after work he’s into amateur dramatics/you may have seen him in a Death of a Salesman, you may have seen him in Pirates of Penzance/he was a triumph in the Scottish play/he’s only here for a day.”
All of which put Neutrals in the very top tier of jangling, hyper-articulate pop-punk bands, alongside Ducks Ltd., Reds, Pinks and Purples and the Infinites. There’s really nothing neutral about them.
Jennifer Kelly
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sweetmisery-me · 2 years
Fire to fire, ashes to ashes
Chapter one of Aemond targaryen x fem! Targaryen reader multichapter fic. The reader is the daughter of Daemon Targaryen.
English in not my first language so I am aware there may be many mistakes. Advices and recommendations are always welcomed but  impoliteness is not ! 
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A vision of fire and blood.
The night breeze of Kings Landing felt uncharacteristically cold on your body, eliciting goosebumps on your naked arms and robbing you of all the remaining sleep. Fully awake, you shivered and sighted. You hated the cold. You were a dragon after all and, if  heath felt like pure bliss to you, the cold made you feel extremely uncomfortable and powerless. Some people may call your behaviour odd and exaggerated, even, but  during the winter, when it was just too unberable, you often traded your bed in the Red Keep with the never ending warmth and company provided by your dragon. 
Siberion, a magnificent beast with dark blue scales and silver wings was your love and pride and the being you had been connected with since you were three, when you egg had hatched in your bed while you were sleeping. You had woken up to the joyful shrieks of a little blue lizard and, immediately aware of what had happened, you had rushed to the fireplace, to make sure the little dragon did not feel cold. Your maids had found you both there the next morning,  snuggled up in the ashes of the dead fire, sleeping peacefully and dirty. Obviously when your father had been told of this by the alarmed women, he had dismissed the with a delighted chuckle. The rogue prince couldn’t bother less for a bit of dirt, his daughter was a true targaryen and her dragon was the ultimate proof of her heritage, despite all the malevolent voices about her nameless mother. 
Suddenly you were snapped out of your first memory with siberion. You had remembered it, the real reason why you had woken up in the first place. The dream was now clearer than a memory and you started shaking uncontrollably.. 
You could still see the dragon falling from the sky and collapsing to the ground, opening a hole in the centre of the earth where you helplessly started falling in. The dragon was roaring in agony, his once beautiful wings torn , his own fire  devouring him. You were screaming and crying in pain as well, his torment one with yours. You remember despairing and thinking “ he won’t be able to fly anymore, he won’t see the sun rising at dawn nor the lonely moon during starless nights, he won’t dance between the clouds, he won’t be ... free anymore” 
“Not for another 200 years, little flame, not until the stormborn, but it will still be too late..” a voice answered you.
Old valyrian chants echoed all around you and suddenly you were in a dark hallway, surrounded by stranger voices and whispers. When you were alble to see again, a black statue in the shape of a dragon stood in front of you. You started getting close, inexplicably  drawn to it but when you were just about to touch its polished obsydian wings, it started bleeding. You jumped back but an ancient distorted voice came from the blood and started screaming old valyrian words, which still burned in your mind 
“ you managed to avoid the doom once but it is coming for you and it wont stop unless you take all the power: all or nothing !  
blood to blood, ash to ash. claws will kiss  fangs and fire will dance with death; the god’s cruel eye will laugh beneath blind men drowning in fire and blood; the dragons grave will be covered in snow ..” 
you got up, breathless and sweating, as if you had just woken up from the hypnotic and terrible vision again. The anguish brought by the dream could not be described with rational thoughts- You felt your head burn and hurt and in that moment you knew you were achingly craving for the comfort of one person only.
The cold and stoney walls of the castle were as familiar to your touch as were Siberion’s scales and the path you were following was well known to your bare feet, having travelled it endless times. Even now that you were walking almost mindlessly, there you were.
You felt a shiver run down your spine when you stopped in front of the door, his door, but you soon realised it was not due to the coolness of the night but  anticipation. 
You almost dind’t have time to knock and wonder if he would have opened in a reasonable amount of time or left you no choice but to reach the window on dragonback when the door opened slowly.
Your eyes were met with the sight of a pale face framed by a cascade of silver locks and a single violet eye shining in the moon light. His inquisitive half raised eyebrow immediately dropped when he met your tired and pleading eyes.
Without saying a word, Aemond  moved to the side and let you into his room.
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blaiddfailcam · 7 months
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Marika's involvement in the Land of Shadow
In interview with Hidetaka Miyazaki, he posits that while the player arrives in the Land of Shadow in Miquella's footsteps, another aspect of the story will pertain to Marika, and the mystery of her actions in this world apart. Knowing her to have been a ruthless conqueror of the Lands Between, might the Land of Shadow been another battleground on which she tested her faith?
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To bring Order to chaos
"They were never saints. They just happened to be on the losing side of a war."
This particular quote from the trailer, spoken by a yet unknown character, stuck out to me. It isn't clear to whom the speaker is referring, but thematically, it resonates with a theme throughout Elden Ring of the enduring power of faith and fragility. Clearly, the Land of Shadow is a deeply hostile world, and with Messmer the Impaler seemingly at the heart of this suffering, it's certainly not a welcome world for the Erdtree faithful.
Given the heavy focus on fire—in particular, "the embrace of Messmer's flame"—I'm reminded of another quote from the base game, included in the Erdtree's Protection incantation:
"In the beginning, everything was in opposition to the Erdtree. But through countless victories in war, it became the embodiment of Order."
Prior to the establishment of the Age of the Erdtree, two battles were fought: first with the Gloam-Eyed Queen and her Blackflame, and the second against the Fire Giants to seal the Flame of Ruin. Fire is naturally regarded a sin in the Erdtree faith, so it's no wonder Marika was challenged with disposing of these two volatile forces before her age could truly flourish. Might Messmer's flame have been another beast in need of taming?
While Marika eventually won her war, a key component of the Golden Order is its adaptability. Marika never truly defeated the Godskins, as we find several Apostles and Nobles wandering the world, possibly even in service to Maliketh in Farum Azula; though Godfrey slaughtered countless Fire Giants, Marika realized she could never truly eliminate the Fell God, and so cursed the last of their race to protect the secret for eternity. The Golden Order is powerful, but it cannot erase an ideology. It conquers through absorption and appropriation, enslaving all unto its will. This is once again illustrated through Radagon's marriage to Rennala after failing to defeat her in battle, a union that ultimately fettered the fate of the stars to that of the Golden Order.
Curiously, this concept arises yet again with Miquella.
"Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying."
Similarly to Malenia's quote in her gear descriptions, Miquella is described paradoxically as both loving and terrifying, wielding power over all with his ability to manipulate those who adore him. As the Bewitching Branch illustrates, he even possesses an eerie ability to inspire love in enemies to compel them to his aid. I suppose the apple didn't fall far from the tree... uh, no pun intended.
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To search the depths
At the Minor Erdtree Church in the Capital Outskirts, Melina recites spoken echoes of Queen Marika:
"I declare mine intent, to search the depths of the Golden Order. Through understanding of the proper way, our faith, our grace, is increased. Those blissful early days of blind belief are long past. My comrades, why must ye faulter?"
Originally, I assumed this quote was literally referring to the region beneath the Erdtree, Deeproot Depths. After all, it is there that the heart of the Greattree resides, and where the golden star that would become the Elden Beast first landed, drawing matter from the Crucible to form the sapling that would in time become the Erdtree. However, it never quite sat right with me, as there would likely be no reason to explore the ruins of an Eternal City to better comprehend the Golden Order.
With the new knowledge that Marika also set foot in the Land of Shadow, I now wonder if this other realm is actually what she was referring to? She designates a shift from "blind belief" toward an era of reason, which almost sounds as if she sought to test her faith, as well as that of her comrades, through yet another war. It's not at all clear when she set her heart upon this introspection, but given that it's never quite explained why she divested Godfrey and his warriors of their grace, might some discovery during her exploration of the Land of Shadow have inspired this unusual plot...?
This could even mark the first instance in which Marika failed to achieve victory, even through absorption. It appears that whatever road carries us to the Land of Shadow, Messmer retains much of his power, possibly explaining why this region was somehow cloven from the Lands Between. In any case, it seems as though Messmer recognizes the Tarnished as Marika's true chosen successors, not just mere outcasts. (Might then she and her Erdtree faithful have been the alleged "saints" on the losing side of the war...?)
• • •
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There's plenty left to ponder, and perhaps none of this is even close to hitting the mark, but it'll be fun to mull over and see what surprises are left in store for us. I'm not even going to begin attempting to decipher Messmer's alleged relationship to Marika, lol.
Just a few months... We can do this.
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mymiraclebox · 2 years
what would be the consequences of the canon kwamis?
Consequences as in if they used their powers without a holder?
Ladybug - We've seen Tikki using her powers in canon, summoning a macaron bigger than earth. In general I think we'd get either giant Lucky Charms or hundreds of them, Miraculous Ladybug would probably turn everything into a lush and wild land, and Purification would turn the target into pure energy.
Black Cat - This we've seen in canon too-- just a huge amount of unrestrained Destruction (and this was with Plagg being careful!). Cataclysm I think could easily wipe out a city if not more, Black Storm would summon a world-wide disaster, and Corruption would completely consume the target and turn them into energy.
Dragon - Probably a giant hurricane-sized storm coming straight your way. Or too late you're right in the middle of it.
Cobra - Another we've seen in canon, basically time gets set back to Sass's chosen point, but a lot of other moments and people from different times appear in the modern timeline.
Rabbit - I'd imagine it would be a lot like Sass', with different times appearing at once, but like a hundred times worse. Maybe Burrows popping up everywhere that whisk people to other eras.
Bee - Pollen gets complete control of everyone and everything. Or everyone gets frozen. Either way, bow to your new queen. Ooo! Or everyone becomes part of a hivemind!
Butterfly - You would not believe your eyes if ten million butterflies--
Dog - Maybe everyone could summon anything they want? Nothing could be hidden, and one could seek out whatever they're looking for.
Eagle - Nothing is holding anyone back, everyone is acting on impulse, and nothing can be restrained. No door is locked, nothing secured, no limits. Things would probably quickly descend into anarchy.
Fox - Another from canon, a bunch of uncontrolled illusions appear everywhere, including the one Trixx wants. I think these would effect all the senses as well, not just sight.
Goat - Whatever anyone's Imagining just appearing around them with just a thought.
Horse - We've seen a lot more canon kwamis' powers than I realized. Kaalki creates her desired portals which have a very strong pull, and things across the world get teleported around.
Monkey - Chaos.
Mouse - Everything gets multiplied. Like there is no escape there's now a dozen of you and everything you own and there's way too many spiders now for anyone to be calm.
Ox - Ultimate bumper cars time, everyone and everything is invincible. But nothing can be moved by anyone else. Or eaten. Nothing can be disturbed or harmed at all.
Peacock - You get a magical creature, you get a magical creature, you get a magical creature-- either that or giant Avatar that is a collective of everyone's Psyche that no one can truly control.
Pig - Everyone would be sucked into dream-like state, one that would not be easily snapped out of. I think they'd all be connected as well, but there's no hostility. Just understanding and a unnatural bliss.
Rooster - No one's sleeping, no one can stop moving, and everyone has enhanced abilities. This includes spiders. Run.
Turtle - Shell-ters covering everything. One around each person, each building, each object. Everyone gets a bright green dome around them, including the whole city.
Tiger - So there may or may not be a giant crater in the ground now. And its on fire.
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mahayanapilgrim · 8 months
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Who is Amitabha?
According to Mahayana Buddhist sutras he was a king in the remote period of time. Renouncing his kingdom, he became a monk and was named Dharmakara, which means 'Treasury of Dharma'. Inspired by the teachings of the then Buddha of that time, Lokesvaraja Buddha, who taught him the way to supreme enlightenment many aeons ago, he made forty eight great vows for the saving of the sentient beings. The Eighteenth Vow, which is the basis of the Pure Land, ran like this: 'If upon the attainment of Buddhahood all sentient beings in the ten quarters who aspire in sincerity and faith to be reborn in my land, recite my name up to ten times and fail to be born there, then may I not attain the Perfect Enlightenment...'
Since then, the Bodhisattva Dharmakara, after five aeons of self-cultivation, finally attained the Supreme Enlightenment and became the Buddha Amitabha. This means that his grand and infinitely compassionate vow is now a reality, the paradise known as Pure Land or Sukhavati has been established, suffering beings must and will be delivered if only they will have the full faith to call upon his name.
Calling the Buddha's name with full faith is known to the Chinese as
NIEN-FWO' meaning 'Prayer-recitation'. The Japanese term for this practice is known as 'Nembutsu'. In this practice three important qualities must be present in the mind: Sincerity, Faith and Aspiration to be reborn in the Pure Land. The simple prayer or formula that one needs to repeat is:
Om Amideva Hrih
Om ami dewa hri
which literally mans 'Homage to the Amitabha Buddha' or 'I seek refuge in the Amitabha Buddha'.
Some believe that by reciting these mantras 100,000 times, one will be able to meet Amitabha Buddha in person, and be reborn in the World of Ultimate Bliss at the end of one's life.
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praeyrp · 9 months
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Plot Update:
As well as our main plot, we will be reopening with fresh new plot points, which you get to help steer. It is the perfect time for you to help get involved with the plot as a whole. To help shape the world in which your characters live in. 
Bookmark us, keep an eye on our tumblr, for further upcoming teases when it comes to our newer plot points, but for now, why don’t you take a look at our main plot, and the various things that have, and are still currently affecting the way of the world. 
500 years ago:
The supernaturals emerged from the shadows. The fae, the sempiternals, the immortals and the eternals, one after another at varied points throughout the years, forcing humanity to adjust. Although the years following were predictably full of cries calling for an eradication of these creatures, humanity would soon realize it had never truly been alone. The subsequent decades slowly evened out back into the quiet lull that had been before, almost. Segregation, discrimination, and inter-species waring for power still took place behind the scenes, but the lands were relatively peaceful overall. With peace comes comfort; allowing the species to mingle while dwindling the population of ‘pure’ humans enough that in truth, their numbers are reaching near extinction, a quiet thought at the back of everyone’s mind, but on the forefront of very few. With this peace also came new laws. A new world order slowly set in, and in many cities territories appeared, as well as the governing rule: do not mess with each other.
March 2020:  
One incident on Feb 29th, 2020 was all it took for the world to break; when a famously outspoken TV personality, most noted for sowing chaos and hate-speech, was mauled by a rogue shifter on air, all Hell broke loose. The actions only proved the bestial savagery of the species,  a species that have always been more beast than man. All eyes turned to the shifters. Fear broke out among the mortal population, calling for justice - ignorance is bliss however, and what no one knew was that shifters have always been allowed to handle their species issues, on their own. The world cried wolf. Hate, fear, and discrimination ran rampant, businesses shut their doors to shifters, civil & city jobs were forced to lay off their shifter employees or be overrun with hate; the people called for the city to reinforce their need of segregation while the shifters pulled back among themselves and reinforced their borders. The other species were pushed to make a decision; would they maintain a neutral stance? It was only a question of time before even they are dragged into the ultimate war: for San Francisco herself.
September 2020:
The world has been waiting for an answer from the rest of the the species, the hate that bred itself in the heart of San Francisco has bled out to touch most major cities across the world. Unperturbed by the frivolities of the mortals, the fae forged ahead with their annual solstice festival, the mayor declaring the weekend before the 22nd, one of peace. Things began peacefully enough, though it took only twelve hours before the world forced another hand into the fire; this time the fae. Outed publicly during the mayoral speech, as harboring the same privilege as the shifters in policing their own, the crowd broke into riot. This out of the fae took some time to settle, and even now it’s not fully settled into the cracks, though they’re slowly sliding down the same rabbit hole the shifters have; businesses have begun turning them away and letting them go from their jobs.
Old world factions have snuck their toes into the sand and gained footing, most notably the hunters; a secret society dragged up from the depths off the back of the spreading hatred. The shifters continue to reinforce, war and strengthen among themselves as the world continues to push against them. The clear want after justice has long since mutated and been lost in the message as the discrimination has spread to the fae; one thing is for certain, there’s no going back and there will be no peace until a resolution is found, or until one side comes out on top.
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7. How often do they say “I love you”? 💜
Oh Thank you! I'll get the main ships from my canon! Others are under the cut for some spoilers! I did try to not include too many or left it vauge
x: lover you are pure light (Siberite x Thancred)
These two rarely say I love you to one another. Its not that they don't feel that way about the other but they're much more action based and saying it different ways, like saying "Be safe", "Don't do too much stupid without me there", or "Let me handle this". Had the whole Lahabrea thing not happened it would have been different between them, but that Ascian kind of ruined it for them (told Sib while in Thancred's body and while it was true Thancred denied it and said Lahabrea only said it to keep her from getting suspicious and away from him). It is also rare for them to say it in front of others, it truly is a private and intimate thing for the two of them, but you can see it no matter what and that's more important honestly.
x: of the land and sea (Demos x Yugiri)
Demos is quiet and isn't the best with words at all so saying I love you is much easier to convey his emotions in words, but he would much rather draw, paint, sculpt, or some other kind of craft his feelings for people. They don't get much of a chance to say it when they start to see one another (travels to the first and saving the world makes one busy) but afterwards it is said often and much more casually.
x: the battle you pine for (Carly x Zenos)
If you ask Carly how she feels about Zenos, she will answer with that she loves him. He will not say the words that he loves her and never tells her himself. Carly is much more in tune with her emotions and can more easily put names to them unlike Zenos who did not have that opportunity growing up. There is a love there but it presents more as action based on his end. He does include her in decisions, lets her take the lead in his stead, acknowledges her by name, and most importantly makes sure that anything he has she also has. Even unto the end when he goes to the edge of the universe he knows he's going to die and is fine with it on many levels that include him knowing and acknowledging that he does love her, because he lied and said he would return so that they can travel the world and find her ultimate battle. However in putting everything together he knew she would never have it in the same manner as him like he wants so long as he lives, for her to achieve the same exhilaration and bliss he feels when going up against the WoL, he cannot be around.
x: as long as you exist (Hythlodaeus x Anthea)
God these two say it so often once its said and its not just the phrase "I love you" but they call each other beloved and my love primarily. These two are just much more open about expressing their love and care for one another its a no brainer for them. The only time they both hesitate to say it was on the moon. Hyth could have easily told that the Watcher that Sib met was Anthea but he didn't and asked for the flower to be shown, and just the same Anthea knew it was Hyth and still didn't say anything about their love for him. Like these two are just so damn lovey dovey its bound near to give you a cavity.
x: moonlight serenade (Conner x Elidibus)
These two don't say it unless it is only them in the room. Given Elidibus' role on the Convocation it was already hard enough to be in a relationship of some kind, because the biggest fear was if found out people may no longer see Elidibus as capable of making unbiased decisions and keeping feelings at bay helped quite a bit with keeping up public appearances. Conner waited a fairly long time for Elidibus to say it first and he was going to let the man know whenever they had the chance to do so.
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ivytheenbyfae · 1 year
is it just my ag lesbian ass, or do other wlw have a drive to just leave and live on 200+ acres of land of rolling hills in an Appalachian valley, just outside of a quaint, home-y town, with nothing but themselves, their partner, cows, chickens, a calico kitty, a garden of native plants, plus fruits and veggies, and a small pond of ducks. it would be a small, modest white house, with sage green accents, (a little speck of white in rolling green fields), and a dainty picket fence. the house would only be partially renovated, (and that's what ultimately sold us on the house) because then it meant that we could make it our own, and it would have so many open windows, and we would wake up every morning in pure bliss and happiness just wrapped around each other, just content..... anyway.......just me?
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kagrina · 2 months
TheShoreStory 2nd Mission
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Beach is rightfully the best metaphor for leisure and relaxation. We get that mountains are cool, but they just don’t cut it. Nothing can compare to the fun you can have in the sun, some sand, and sea. Beach vibes are the ultimate bliss. You don’t know what you are missing out on unless you have a lovely little beach holiday for yourself and we’re here to wash your worries away by giving you a list of the best Bahamas beaches for a dreamy Caribbean holiday! This place is pure heaven on earth, and even that is an understatement. So, we have curated an exclusive list of all the beautiful beaches in the Bahamas for you to plan your next international holiday. Have a look!
Tahiti Beach, Abacos
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The Tahiti Beach situated in Elbow Cay resembles a distant tropical isle. It has a very well protected bay and gives the feel of a lagoon island. The Tahiti is beautiful at all times, but if you want to have the maximum amount of fun and relaxation, visit this beach on a low tide day. However, there are no bars on the beach, but you can always go to the Thirsty Cuda Bar & Grill. It is a floating barge that sells some good alcohol-based drinks. Specialty: Top honeymoon destination Area: 1045 kilometer square
Treasure Cay Beach, Abacos
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The glorious Treasure Cay Beach is three and a half miles long and is one of the best beaches in the Bahamas. The view of the Treasure Cay Beach can easily be compared to that of heaven. The golden-white appeal of this beach fills the tourists with sheer amazement. The water is the perfect shade of blue, and the soft sand shimmers beautifully under the sun and the moon as well. This beach is preferably loaded with visitors throughout the year, but the area is big enough to embrace everyone. The Treasure Cay Beach is one of those places where you can plan afternoons of solitude and evenings of romance on the day. This beach is wealthy in resorts and clubs. Specialty: Boating Area: More than 3 miles
Pink Sands Beach, Harbour Island
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In Eleuthera, you will find a ton of beaches with pink blush sand, and it will be the most satisfying thing you will have ever looked at. It’s hard to say which pink sand beach in the Bahamas is the best, but the Pink Sands Beach is slightly more popular, probably because of its location. You can easily find beautiful restaurants, homestays and resorts on this beach like oceanside dining options. Specialty: Snorkeling and diving Area: NA
Stocking Island Beaches, Exumas
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Beach hopping is a popular activity on Stocking Island. While one of the beaches will show you how wild nature can get, the other one will assure you of the stability of its power. Visiting the Stocking Island Beaches is a humbling experience. With numerous wild trails leading to the oceanside and beautiful red starfishes, you will find yourself having the fun you deserve in the Exumas. Specialty: Chat N Chill Area: 4 miles
Shelling Beach, Berry Islands
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Have you ever had that feeling that urges you to quit your job, run away from your family, and wander off into the wild? Well, Shelling Beach is the kind of wild you can afford to go to. It will fill you with positivity, energy, and inspiration to have a break. That’s exactly what it is famous for. It’s near the Great Harbour Cay, and the low tides are the best time for you to come here. Specialty: Serenity Area: NA
Fernandez Bay, Cat Island
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If you move to the north of New Bright, on Cat Island, you can see that the Fernandez Bay is centrally located. This gorgeous bay gives out the best holiday vibes. You can relax in the sun while sipping on a cocktail. You can even have a look at the Green Flash from this spot. This needs to be noted because it is not a common sight from the lands of the Bahamas. Swimming, partying, kayak excursions are an everyday activity here. Specialty: Food Area: NA
Tropic of Cancer Beach, Exumas
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The Tropic of Cancer Beach is a beautiful holiday destination apart from its geographical significance. It is also less popularly known as Pelican Beach. People come here all the time, especially during the June solstice, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. It might not matter for a lot of tourists, but the movie Pirates of the Carribean series was shot here. Specialty : Cool and clear water Area: 187-kilometer square
The Bahamas is a dreamy destination enough to hold your eyes captive for all your life. There are plenty of hidden beaches in the Bahamas and we have listed out the best Bahamas beaches to make experience pure bliss on your holiday to the Bahamas! It’s one of those places that is popular but still hasn’t lost its authenticity. That is probably the best thing about this place, you can’t ignore the serenity in its air.
Refresh yourself after spending some time away on the calm beaches in the Bahamas. The serene beaches in the Bahamas await you. So, pay a visit before it’s too late and make sure you go through this extensive list of the best Bahamas beaches before you plan an international holiday .
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hoteldreamland1111 · 6 months
Mahabaleshwar Luxury Resorts for Honeymoon : Hotel Dreamland
Just married?  Looking for a romantic getaway to start your happily ever after?  Look no further than Hotel Dreamland in Mahabaleshwar!  This luxurious resort is the perfect place to relax, reconnect, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Escape to Paradise:
Imagine leaving the stress behind and soaking up the beauty of Mahabaleshwar!  Hotel Dreamland is spread out over 23 acres of lush green land, so it's super peaceful and private.  They have luxurious rooms and cabins for you to relax in, with everything you need to feel pampered and comfortable.  Wake up to fresh mountain air and birds singing – the perfect start to a romantic day!
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Reconnect and Relax:
Spend quality time with your new spouse!  Hold hands while strolling through the beautiful gardens, or take a dip in the pool with amazing mountain views.  The resort also has fun activities like badminton and carrom boards, so you can have some playful moments together.  In the evenings, cuddle up by the fireplace under a sky full of stars and share stories – pure romance!
Delicious Food for Two:
Get ready for some amazing food!  Hotel Dreamland's restaurants have special menus just for honeymooners, with delicious vegetarian food made with fresh local ingredients.  Enjoy romantic candlelit dinners with stunning views, or have a cozy in-room meal for an extra special touch.
Explore Together:
Hold hands and explore the beauty of Mahabaleshwar!  Take a romantic boat ride on Venna Lake, or go for an exciting ride on the Echo Point ropeway and enjoy breathtaking views.  Visit historical places like Arthur's Seat and Pratapgad Fort, or simply relax and take in the majestic mountains.  The hotel's location makes it easy to get around and see everything.
Unforgettable Service:
The staff at Hotel Dreamland is amazing!  They'll take care of everything you need to make your honeymoon perfect.  They can even arrange special touches like spa treatments in your room or romantic flower arrangements.
Honeymoon Bliss Awaits!
Experience the ultimate honeymoon getaway at Mahabaleshwar Luxury Resorts! With luxurious rooms, a peaceful setting, delicious food, and amazing things to see and do, it's the ideal place to start your happily ever after.  Book your stay today and get ready for a honeymoon you'll never forget!
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myrtles664 · 9 months
North Myrtle Beach News
Exclusive: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Eats in North Myrtle Beach - Ranked!
North Myrtle Beach is more than just sun and sand – it's a foodie paradise waiting to be devoured! But with so many tempting options, where do you start? Fear not, fellow gastronomes, for I'm here to drop some culinary knowledge bombs. Brace yourselves for the ultimate guide to the best eats in North Myrtle Beach, ranked from finger-lickin' good to oh-my-god-divine:
Casual Kings & Queens:
1. Ocean View Bar & Grill: Watch the waves crash while you devour juicy burgers, piled-high nachos, and fresh seafood platters. Bonus points for the unbeatable happy hour and friendly vibes.
2. Barefoot Landing's Food Trucks: Embark on a culinary adventure around the globe, one bite at a time. From Mexican tacos to Caribbean jerk chicken, these gourmet food trucks dish up flavor explosions on wheels.
3. Dino's House of Pancakes: Fuel your beach adventures with fluffy pancakes, sizzling bacon, and bottomless coffee. Don't miss their signature blueberry pancakes – they're legendary!
Seafood Sensations:
1. Hook & Barrel: Get your fill of ocean-fresh delights like succulent lobster rolls, pan-seared scallops, and daily specials that'll make your taste buds sing. The waterfront views and nautical atmosphere add to the charm.
2. SeaBlue Restaurant & Wine Bar: Indulge in upscale seafood with a twist. Think crab cakes with mango salsa, grilled mahi-mahi with chimichurri, and oysters Rockefeller that'll transport you to New Orleans.
3. Boardwalk Billys: Live music, ocean breezes, and buckets of peel-and-eat shrimp – Boardwalk Billys is a quintessential North Myrtle Beach experience. Don't forget to try their famous "Shag City Shrimp" for a spicy kick.
Hidden Gems:
1. Benny's Trattoria: Step into a taste of Italy in this cozy bistro. Homemade pasta dishes, wood-fired pizzas, and melt-in-your-mouth tiramisu will leave you feeling like you're strolling the streets of Rome.
2. Heirloom Bistro: Fine dining without the stuffy atmosphere. This contemporary bistro offers creative culinary delights like pork belly confit, pan-roasted duck breast, and desserts that are works of art. Reservations recommended.
3. Wicked Whisk Dessert Bar: Ditch the diet and dive into ooey-gooey brownies, decadent milkshakes, and towering sundaes that are pure sugar-coated bliss. Their salted caramel pretzel pie is a must-try for any sweet tooth.
Bonus Tip: Don't be afraid to venture beyond the tourist traps! North Myrtle Beach boasts a thriving culinary scene with local cafes, hidden gems, and food trucks offering unique and delicious bites.
So, grab your appetite and start exploring! North Myrtle Beach has a delicious adventure waiting around every corner. Remember, this is just a starting point, and the best way to discover your own culinary heaven is to get out there and taste it all!
And hey, if you find a hidden gem that deserves a spot on this list, shoot me a message! I'm always on the hunt for the next best bite.
Now go forth, eat well, and let your taste buds guide you!
5 Jaw-Dropping Seafront Events Bringing Waves of Excitement to North Myrtle Beach
North Myrtle Beach isn't just about soaking up the sun and building sandcastles. No, sir! This vibrant coastal haven pulsates with electrifying events that'll have you dancing on the sand, cheering from the shore, and gasping in awe under the Carolina sky. So, ditch the beach chair and dive into these 5 jaw-dropping waterfront events that'll leave you with memories that'll last a lifetime:
1. Carolina Opry Christmas Special (November - December): Witness the magic of Christmas come alive at the iconic Carolina Opry. This dazzling holiday extravaganza features dazzling costumes, toe-tapping music, and heartwarming stories that celebrate the season. Prepare to be mesmerized by acrobatic elves, tap-dancing reindeer, and a Santa Claus guaranteed to melt even the frostiest of hearts. Grab your hot cocoa and get ready for a Christmas miracle in Myrtle Beach!
2. Shag Fest Weekend (May): Put on your dancing shoes and prepare to shag the night away! This iconic festival celebrates the sultry Carolina shag dance, with live music, dance lessons, and competitions that'll have you twirling until dawn. Dress in your 50s best, hit the shag floor, and soak up the infectious energy of this nostalgic seaside bash. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself hooked on the shag bug after this!
3. Sculpture by the Sea (October - November): Witness art meet nature in a breathtaking seaside exhibition. International artists transform the sandy shores into a captivating open-air gallery, showcasing incredible sculptures that interact with the ocean waves, wind, and sunlight. Stroll along the beach, marvel at the creativity, and let the art inspire you as the waves lap against the masterpieces.
4. Carolina Cup Regatta (June): Feel the adrenaline pump as world-class yachts race across the ocean waters in the prestigious Carolina Cup Regatta. Witness the sleek vessels slicing through the waves, catch a glimpse of Olympic champions in action, and soak up the electric atmosphere of this thrilling competition. Grab a drink at a waterfront bar, cheer on your favorites, and revel in the spectacle of sailing at its finest.
5. Beach House Music Week (August): Let loose and dance under the stars at Beach House Music Week. This week-long celebration features renowned DJs, live music performances on the beach, and poolside parties that'll keep you grooving until sunrise. Grab your swimsuit, your dancing shoes, and your festival spirit for an unforgettable week of sun, sand, and non-stop beats.
These are just a taste of the incredible beachfront events that await you in North Myrtle Beach. So, mark your calendars, pack your swimsuits, and get ready to experience the electrifying heart of this seaside paradise! Remember, with its sun-soaked shores and vibrant events, North Myrtle Beach is where excitement washes over you in waves.
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