#Psychic feeding
sangaverage · 29 days
personal Energy Syphon sigil
(for those of you who have trouble with energy absorption Especially ambient like I do!)
Peak chaos magick is drawing your energy symbols on your body with washable makeup pens!
The sigil itself:
"I absorb the ambient energy around me"
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and on my hand (left for absorbing energy, right for transferring energy)
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I like adding a little decoration
Yes you may use for energy workings!
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plutofae · 11 months
Arachne Web Method of Capturing Energy
Arachne Web Feeding Method. Arachne was an extremely haughty mortal who had such an enormous ego that she was transformed into a Spider by the Goddess Athena. For this form of Psychic Feeding, we will build energetic Cobwebs around a place that gets a lot of sun, using your preferred method of energetic construction and giving the command that this web should capture only solar ENERGY and not solar spirits. Tell the web that it should notify you whenever a new form of energy is captured by the web, and when it does, absorb the captured energy. You can also summon astral spiders to automatically capture the energy and share parts of it with you. But this seconde method have the consequence of bringig spider smell to the local, so do not use this in your house, if you don't want to attract spiders.
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s-aint-elmo · 5 months
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girl who has suffered more than alll-mer
(ID in alt text)
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morelikebaldursgay · 1 year
Every time I struggle to understand how Gale is so arrogant and so low-self esteem at the same time I just think back to myself in middle school. Like yes his character is well-developed and multidimensional but also it is fundamentally neurodivergent mentally ill gifted kid who thinks they are so much better and smarter than everyone and everything would work better if they were in charge but also thinks that they are the worst person alive.
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secretstone · 24 days
Saiki texting with anyone (Akechi used as example):
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Saiki texting with Kusuke pre cat tank arc:
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A bit more info below
I talked about it on my tt but bringing it over here n e ways!!! Of course this is inspired by volume zero but in my hc stuff similar to the Yumi incident keeps happening to Nendou and Saiki intervenes every time using the same method (if the victim were someone else he might’ve changed it up each time but since it’s nendou) but the thing is this is becoming his only texting experience so eventually whenever he gets his tablet he just naturally texts like this, whoever snags his number and texts him first gets jumpscared
Also some bonus info I haven’t posted to my tt yet!! But once everyone has seen Saiki’s texting style they wonder why it’s like that until they manage to find a satisfying answer which is
“Saiki’s texting style is so cutesy and sweet… Sweets… Saiki loves sweets!! So maybe that means Saiki secretly likes cute things too?!” Cue his friends starting to gift him plushies or other things they think Saiki would find cute
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marbearmarigold · 10 months
*clicks out of instagram*
*stares at phone home screen*
*slowly and shakily moves thumb over to the tumblr icon*
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herbgerblin · 7 months
new hell unlocked: tumblr is testing out a multiple feed layout with their latest tool "patio"
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thegreenwoodarcher · 8 days
Remember when I said that they’ll develop Tommy and create even more slow burn for Buddie? After that first episode, I feel like my prediction is starting to come true… (I hope it doesn’t)
The delusional part of me is saying that Buck accidentally killed Gerrard, which will lead to Tommy getting angry at Buck for killing his (complicated) father-figure. They’ll somehow break up and then it’ll be set up for Buddie.
The logical (and pessimistic) part of me is saying that this will only develop Tommy as character, (and maybe even make him likable)
idk which side to believe.
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dappertron · 3 months
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Peckube, Surrave, and Absird are a flock of Mandarin ducks who are also different styles of abstract art - namely Neoplasticism, Cubism, and Suprematism.
For abilities, they have Tangled Feet, Contrary, and Geometry (which widens the effect the user's single-target status moves to affect all adjacent targets and the user as long as the user's HP is at maximum, excepting moves that also affect the user like Trick, Skill Swap, or Strength Sap) Have a compositional Deviantart link that is independent from reality as well
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sangaverage · 2 months
So anyway, here's a mediocre rendition of how it feels for me to psychic feed that nobody asked for!
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Black swirls= tendrils
Red Fuzz= aura
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emeraldotter · 1 year
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hi, boss
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emerald-technologist · 6 months
I find myself curious, so - to my fellow vampires, whatever kind of vampire you may be, do you consider yourself-as-vampire to be human as well, or completely separate from humanity? Not in the sense of “I have a vampire kintype, but I’m also human,” but rather in the sense of “if I was physically my vampire self and not in my current body, I would/would not consider myself to be human”.
Please feel free to elaborate on your thoughts and feelings about this in tags/reblogs; I find it an interesting discussion in-source, and I’m curious if others have thoughts on the matter here.
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
you know it would be a lot easier to take raw feeders seriously if they didn't push pseudo sciences along with it.
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
i think that even if Miles gets a residual psychic ability bc of his mental link with The Spot, where he can see when really bad things happen and get some idea on how to stop it, nobody would be surprised or particularly affected by it? Bc being some level of psychic isn’t anything new for them. Sure, his friends will comfort him when he gets one that triggers him but it’s not like they’re running around not knowing what to do, it’s a normal Tuesday. I was picturing Pavitr specifically because i’m using his comic power origins since the movie didn’t say anything, and Miles tells him about his visions, to which Pavitr just moves on like he didn’t say anything. It probably goes like this:
Miles: sometimes i get visions of the future
Pavitr: cool look are you gonna feed these strays with me or not
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her-canine-teeth · 5 months
burn for you by barlow & bear
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elliebell77 · 4 months
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this is freshmare. to me.
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