crying-fantasies · 2 months
Emergence burns
Related to energon burns, these specific kind of burns happens when an organic helps with the emergence of a new spark, having direct contact to the hotspot full of energon, electric pulses and melted sentio metallico, tangling their organic components with a willing spark, attracted by the organic's living mechanisms wave or radiation and following it.
So far, it appears once the new spark chooses an organic and latches to it, following, in case of humans, the heartbeat, sometimes it comes to the willing hands of the bearer (name used for organics in these cases) slowly, almost searching and shy, other times the new sparks literally launch themselves to the bearer that works as a holder, one that has to endure the contact for as long as it takes the new spark to start the condensation of sentio metallico, the bearer can't let go of the new spark before that or it'll be lost forever.
The influx of high electricity, harmful condensed energon and melting burning metal bring obvious pain for the organic, the first bearer suffered continued heart failures before the first terraformer was able to take a hold of their own protoform, holding it to their little chest while all medical officers in the place mentioned, apart from the obvious painful screams and the blood, the unusual pattern on the bearer's hands and upper arms, oddly similar to lighting strike related burns, but deeper, strange colored that indicated energon poisoning, highly painful but not letting go of the protoform, holding lovingly the smallest protoform in history with care only similar to the long lost carriers.
There is still some investigation around it once the first case came know, easily to do when it happened in broad daylight and in an open, public area.
The resulting uproar was, of course, to be expected, specially from Caminus.
Emergence burns never totally heal, just like other energon poisoning related cases or energon burns, just being different in the lighting like pattern in real cases of emergence, it's the best way to differentiate the two apart.
In order to prevent emergence burns most organics use specialized gloves but it stops the new spark from retrieving elements from the bearer, something that many don't want, nowadays the ones to use the gloves are the organic blacksmiths, trained organics to help others and new sparks to make them reach complete forging, helping them to reach their truest frames, of course, in case the main bearer isn't able to perform the extraction due to health problems then the blacksmith takes action, the bearer puts only a hand in the hotspot and before the new spark reaches totally the blacksmith holds it, moving the sentio metallico before putting it in the bearer's hold, electric charge low and energon inside the new protoform, less dangerous overall.
So far, only conjuxed organics are able to perform this and obtain emergence burns, Camiens call it the sigil of Solus, as for them it's by Solus Prime blessing that organics are able to do it, firsts to call these organics bearers.
So far new sparks called by humans are terraformers, name given by the Lost Light scientific crew, formally know as terramorphos due to their ability to terraform alien environments to one similar to earth, not to be confused with Terrans, elonians call galarions, know for their almost indestructibility hard plating similar to Ore-12, visionaries call prysmorians, which like their bearers are able to use prysmosian magic, dire wraiths call and calve nebulons, similar to infected cybertronians in all senses.
So far, only a few cybertronians "reproduced" with organics, mainly using hotspots, but there are being strange cases of live births that seem to be more and more as pairs of dire wraiths and cybertronians start to appear, and so does their progeny.
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Has any bot try to poison Unicron, as he eats a planet. If he is planet eater, why not feed him something he can not process…presumably something explosive/hazardous?
Dear Crafty Concoctor,
Alas, Unicron is more than just a mindless eating machine—he is an intelligent being capable of devising counter-stratagems against those who would impede his rampage. Some Cybertronians have tried this very tactic: the Shockwave of one universe went as far as poisoning Cybertron's energon with corrosive Prysmosian magic, but the planet-eater quickly saw through the gambit and simply ripped the planet in half with his bare hands.
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At least with the events of Transformers vs Visionaries, there is an actual habitable place to stay on Cybertron for the Elonian refugees now there:
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To clarify for those who have not read the series: after the planet of Prysmos was destroyed, a series of events lead to a number of the survivors establishing a city on Cybertron. “New Prysmos”. 
Rendered just about barely habitable by a mystic artiact of the mystic population known as the “Talisman”.
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But there was conflict between the residents of New Prysmos.
Some, namely most of the Spectral Knights, wanted to try make peace and establish relations with the locals, along with simply improve the conditions of the city they had.
But others, such as the Darkling Lords and the majority of the civillian population, were not happy with the arrangement.
They wanted the entire planet terraformed into a new world for them, not viewing Cybertronians as people and as such not caring that the process would kill them all.
Things escalated because of that.
Eventually however, the combined efforts of some Cybertronians and Spectral Knights detonating a counter bomb of sorts to prevent the terraforming, along with Galadria and her attempts to use magic to save Ironhide’s life- all of that reacting with the Talisman:
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Well, in the words of her and leader Leoric, this happened:
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It will be very cramped. 
It already was, even with just the Prysmosians residing in it, but we know the Knights will be willing to help the best they can, along with Cybertronian efforts to assist and it will be something habitable for the Elonians at least.
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thenamesblurrito · 3 years
Are there any aliens that have a non hostile view towards cybertronians?
i literally winced when i read this hahaaaaaaa um. none? not because Cybertron is particularly hated, but because there aren't any aliens around who they know/have relations with. to quote this post:
Cybertron is isolationist, which is a good thing because their society is wildly xenophobic and organiphobic. No other petty species could possibly compare to them and their grand function divinely ordained! It’s been many megavorns since Cybertron has had confirmed contact with alien life, and even longer since it’s had diplomatic relations. They don’t know of any other species around their space currently, and they don’t care to know. Anything taught about xenospecies or organics is always done with a heavily condescending bent.
so the list of friends and enemies on alien planets is just nonexistent, at least that they know of
they did have contact with other species in their history! that much is plain in their records. the functionist dream might be to claim Cybertron never had dirty organics come to visit (apart from the rare deposits of fossil fuels or myths about demons and Dire Wraiths), but that's just not true. according to longstanding records put down prior to the invention of functionism (which was ~4.347.865 vorns prior to the beginning of SNAP, which is 360.872.795 Earth years), Cybertron had positive diplomatic relations with Nebulans, Gorlamites and Voin; had encountered the Vok, Akalouthans, Elonians, and Eurythmans; and at least knew of Quintessons and Prysmosians. these were all at varying times, hundreds of millions or even billions of years ago, and contact across solar systems is harder than you might think, so it's perfectly likely all these species have just... gone extinct. they don't know, and with Cybertron's current cultural climate, few people care to know. spacers out in the black keep an optic out, though, but no one has seen anything from an alien species in a very long time
regardless, the records of aliens are well documented. in fact, Exhaust teaches an optional class on historical xenorelations. Skyfire teaches xenobiology, which is less about people groups and more about science, as there are nonsapient organic species native to and flourishing on Eukaris alongside the cyberflora and fauna, and a few scattered organic ecologies on Carcer and Caminus. there are some exotic menageries in big cities elsewhere that keep organic species. Iacon has an organic-only zoo with transplanted biomes from the colonies, along with some preserved Nebulan and Voinish species. (the zoos only keep plants and animals, not people, don't worry). as you might imagine, the domestication and hobby breeding projects when working with organic species over millions of years get quite convoluted and fascinating
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newsunbow · 4 years
Jem and the Holograms
Emmett Benton, a talented computer science engineer working for Symultech Industries, is one of many technological specialists invited to reverse-engineer the Roswell UFO – the combined wrecks of Solstar Order, Lunartrix Empire and Zargonian Pirate space crafts. From the wreck, Emmett Benton was able to gain insight into advanced artificial intelligence as well as Prysmosian holomatter technology, and from this he creates Silica, a super-computer capable of creating ultra-realistic holographic projections. However, Silica was also given experimental mind-control abilities by Symultech’s CEO, Adrien Lassiter, which Emmett knew would only lead to disaster, a fear when Silica’s behaviour caused the death of security guard Ramon Couto. He warned the Roswell project’s supervisor, General Joseph ‘G.I. Joe’ Colton, who ordered Silica to be shut down and destroyed. However, what no one realised was that Silica was able to upload her data and escape onto the world wide web.
Years later, Emmett Benton would marry singer Jacqui Benton and the pair would have two daughters, Jerrica and Kimber, and adopting two more, Aja and Shana. The four girls soon showed the same interest in music as their mother and even considered starting a band together. It was then Emmett decided to use what he used at Roswell to create the ultimate audio-visual entertainment synthesizer, Synergy, to help guide the girls in their ambitions. However, Emmett would take an extended break after the tragic death of Jacqui and would only just be able to complete Synergy before his own death. Synergy then revealed herself to the Benton sisters, just as Jerrica was struggling with the stage fright that was holding the girls back from their dreams of stardom, who used Synergy’s hologram projectors to create a new persona for herself – the truly outrageous Jem.
The Benton sisters, under the band name of the Holograms, quickly rise through the record charts and get plenty of attention, both good and bad. It is one thing dealing with the drama of their rivalry ‘bad girl’ Misfits or Jem’s love triangle between Stingers lead singer Riot and childhood friend Rio, but it’s another thing to deal with the ramifications of their father’s past. First off, Silica is still out in the wild, and the now online Synergy is blissfully unaware that she is vulnerable to a hack from her sister program. Then there is the Wyld Dawgz, a hip-hop duo consisting of the twin children of Ramon Couto, who have lingering questions over their father’s death. And there’s Symultech Industries CEO Adrian Lassiter, who sees the scrapping of the Silica project as a wasted potential and is determined to reclaim the source code, because giving an advanced AI mind-control powers isn’t that big of a deal, apparently. And of course, there are the mysterious origins of the Roswell UFO itself.
The Holograms always knew that being part of a world-famous band would be a big change, but the real question is whether they are going to be able to handle all the sci-fi shenanigans coming their way.
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Did the revolutionaries reunite after the end of IDW1?
Dear Revolutionary Reader,
That unlikely team of heroes did indeed have further adventures following Earth's close encounter with Unicron. In fact, recognizing the important role they had played in combating the Iron Ring, the group was formalized as the Special Threats Allied Response Team, an official collaboration between G.I. Joe and the Action Man Programme—although I gather the team themselves still prefer the name "Revolutionaries"!
Thanks to a wholly unlikely series of events, one of the team’s earliest escapades involved none other than their fallen comrade Kup! In Kalistan, the Count van Rani had begun experimenting upon the Talisman simulacrum that had been left in his Iron Castle by the late wizard Merklynn—or rather Garrison Kreiger, as he was known at the time. Seeking to learn more about the device, the “Iron Klaw” recruited a number of experts in the arcane—the Cobra mystic Crystal Ball, Lady Shazraella of Microspace, the stranded Prysmosian warlock Falkama, and the Dire Wraith sorcerer known as “Caleb Awan”—and tasked them with summoning Kup’s spirit from beyond the veil, believing the Autobot’s extensive adventures with the Talisman could provide unique insight. 
Using a mystical artefact known as a Ouija board, the group successfully dragged the elderly Autobot back into the world of the living, but Kup refused to cooperate, instead proceeding to cause gleeful ghostly havoc around the Iron Castle. This chaotic “haunting” drove his villainous hosts away from the fortress, which in turn drew the attention of the Revolutionaries, who infiltrated the castle only to find themselves in an unexpected reunion with their deceased friend. Believing their time with him to be short, Ian, Ayana and Garrison made ready to say their goodbyes, but—stubborn as ever!—the spectral Kup informed them he had no plans to go anywhere.
As it happened, Kup’s final remains had been transported to the Buenos Aires Onyx facility prior to Cybertron’s destruction—in particular his largely-intact head. With a renewed sense of purpose, Blackrock set about reconstituting Kup’s cranium, combining the late Wheeljack’s reverse frequency wave technique with the skills of another practitioner of the mystic arts: amateur magician Tankor. Kup’s spirit was able to inhabit and animate his restored head, although as you can imagine, becoming a talking head was not quite the new lease on life he was hoping for. Before long, however, Garrison would use his own body as a template to reengineer Kup into a pseudo Titan Master, able to transform from head into diminutive robot form. Kup would in fact be only the first of a whole new generation of Headmasters—but that, my friends, is a story for another day.
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Considering it's proximity to the Quintesson Pan Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere, are you worried that the Quintessons may make a move on Earth?
Dear Quintesson Questioner,
Many times have I wondered that same question myself! However, the Quintessons of this reality rarely go in for open warfare; generally, they acquire new “client worlds” through a combination of subterfuge, trickery, and economic destabilization. Only when a partially-annexed planet mounts a significant resistance do the Quintessons deploy their shock troopers—armies of highly trained Sharkticon troopers supported by ravenous Taxxons and Prysmosian warrior-monks—in coordinated surgical strikes.
Additionally, the Quintessons are no fools. They are quite aware that the Autobots have established a presence on Earth and taken up the duty of protecting it from extraterrestrial threats. Should the Quintessons attempt to annex Earth, I have no doubts that Optimus Prime would marshall the resources of the Autobot Commonwealth to fend off the invaders.
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Dear Mr Prime is there a universe where it's genderbent?
Dear Universal Usurper,
Some Prysmosian religions revere Heskedor, a primordial deity known as the “living universe.” Most versions of the creation myth use feminine pronouns, although I suppose that some radical philosophers might also attribute male or nonbinary characteristics to this ancient figure.
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Have you ever seen a reality where, instead of transformers coming/crashing on earth, humans came to cybertron?
Dear Arriving Astronaut,
Indeed so! For instance, G.B. Blackrock and the Neo-Knights played a vital role during the defense of Cybertron, then helped Hi-Q find the Last Prime and rescue that iteration of Cybertron from certain destruction. Sadly, not all such encounters have been positive; perhaps you remember Joe Colton’s infamous attack on Iacon, which ended with the introduction of the humanoid Prysmosians—and their own conflict—to a war-weary Cybertron.
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Dear Vector Prime, does the world of SSSSGridman fall somewhere within the Transformers universal cluster?
Dear Gridman Giddy,
I can’t help but feel troubled by your question—for although the universe you know as "SSSSGridman" is located on the very edge of the Megaverse and the wider Omniverse, I can see a subtle but clear Cybertronian influence. Indeed, I wonder if this is just the latest in a series of ominous patterns…
Perhaps I should begin with events in the universe the Transtech call "Primax 1005.19 Gamma". From a three-dimensional perspective, this event transpired several years ago—of course, from a vantage point such as the Realm of the Primes, this even has, is, and always will be occurring. The Decepticon Shockwave sought to revitalize his universe’s Cybertron by collapsing all of reality into a single point, intended to fuel Cybertron forever—although the Autobots and Decepticons of that world joined forces to foil this dire plan, Shockwave’s chronal drive had already begun shredding the local timestream by that point, threatening to shatter the entire stable axis; the nature of the damage was such that cracks in space-time briefly exposed this universe to the fabric of the wider Megaverse and Omniverse beyond.
Imagine, for a moment, dropping a stone into a pond, and picture the concentric pattern of ripples it creates. Now, imagine that in multiple dimensions, with each molecule of water an entire universe. I understand that while the Alternity intervened "behind-the-scenes"—so to speak—to prevent this crucial universe from collapsing completely, they were not able to fix "all" of the damage Shockwave inflicted to the timeline. Indeed, the local cracks in reality weren’t repaired fast enough to prevent long-term damage to that universe’s timestream. A three-dimensional observer in that universe would, of course, notice nothing amiss, for to them the universe had "always" been that way—but an observer disconnected from the chronological flow of time might notice… anomalies. Earth’s history had now been shaped not just by Shockwave’s long-term machinations, but by atomic men, G.I. Joes, and steam powered Cybertronians almost identical to those in Primax 706.05 Gamma. In the heavens, Cybertron now coexisted with Space Knights, Dire Wraiths, and Prysmosian wizards.
The ripples spread outwards from there, across other Primax universes. Not long afterwards, I became aware of another divergent universe in which Cybertronians coexisted with alien races I had never glimpsed in my travels: Klingons, Vulcans, Andorians. Even less time passed before I found another universe in which a frightful deity from beyond the multiverse assumed Starscream’s countenance to destroy Cybertron itself. Then, I became aware of a reality where a time-traveling android sought to terminate all Cybertronians. An adventurous Cybertronian who transforms into a crude time machine, and his voyages across history. And even, as I speak, I witness an ongoing dimensional breach between an obscure Primax reality and a magical land of tiny horses far to the edge of the Megaverse. The pattern is accelerating, and when I look into the history of this "Gridman" reality, I wonder if this is a very distant universe that has been struck by these same dimensional ripples—and if its inhabitants are even aware of Shockwave’s interference, many dimensions away.
The Shockwave of this universe is a twisted and treacherous foe indeed. Even one such as I cannot help but wonder if these dimensional ripples are accelerating, what happens if multiple ripple waves collide… and if, perhaps, this is all part of some long game even I cannot fathom.
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newsunbow · 4 years
Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light
On the distant planet of Prysmos, the line between magic and technology is blurred. The three suns of the planet provide unrivaled solar energy that allowed the Prysmosians access to technological advancement and innovation, as well as acting as the focus of their unique religion and culture. But now the, the suns will align in a great conjunction, and that can only mean one thing – the return of the power of the Visionaries.
The Visionaries are masters of the art of Holomatter manipulation, given magical totems that allow them to summon animal familiars composed of solid light. The great wizard Merklynn, guardian of the ancient art, arranges a great trial to test the people of Prysmos and choose those most worthy to wield the ancient art. Prysmosians thus flock far and wide to claim the title of Visionary for themselves, but in the end, only fourteen individuals are able to claim the prize.
Seven of these individuals, led by Prince Leoric of Valarak, swear an oath to use their new Visionary powers for the good of all Prysmos, protecting its people from harm and providing whatever aid they may need. These seven noble Visionaries are the Spectral Knights.
However, the other seven’s motives for obtaining the power of the Visionaries was entirely self-serving. This group are the Darkling Lords, and their leader Darkstorm is determined to bring the entirety of Prysmos under his control by whatever means he can.
It is only natural then that the two groups would come to oppose each other, with the Darkling Lords scheming to gain power, and the Spectral Knights thwarting them at every turn. The Darkling Lords grow increasingly frustrated with this seemingly never-ending stalemate, and soon start to seek new sources of power to tip the scales in their favor. The Darkling Lords thus begin investigating tales of ancient Prysmos. One such legend is of the legendary Sun Imps, a race of beings made of the same solid light as the Visionaries’ totem familiars. Another story is that is of the mysterious floating city of Airlandia, ruled by the Tyrants of Wind – the dogmatic Emperor Aerozar and his four Barons – who are opposed by the Air Raider rebels. And yet another tale tells of the ancient Visionary warriors, the first to ever wield the art over ten thousand years ago, and were divided into the armies of the heroic Ramak and the malevolent Dracluan, who faced off in a mighty battle for control of the planet.
The two rival Visionary factions battle for the fate of Prysmos will take many unexpected twists and turns. Who knows what sort of unique challenges await our heroes?
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This motivation actually explains another bit of motivation too.
Because this poisoning he’s referring too?
At least part of it’s because of the effects of these Prysmosians settling on Cybertron, after their own planet was destroyed:
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Their equipment and relics and general magic all being anathema to mechanical life and having to be careful with it because of that has been consistently established. 
They also had not expected Cybertron to be like it was when they first used the Talisman to arrive on an expected to be uninhabited planet:
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And guess where this Talisman came from?
This thing fully capable of destroying and terraforming anything mechanical and nearly actually doing so to Cybertron itself in the mini series?
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“The ancient artifact code designated "Talisman" is a maddeningly mysterious object. A fusion of several different alien technologies—incorporating Cybertronian science, control hardware scaled to Microspacial standards, and Dire Wraith biomatter—the Talisman also possesses ties to Onyx Prime and the Cybertronian colony of Eukaris.”- TF wiki
Meaning that not only do we know now that Shockwave evidently interfered with how things went down on Prysmos, but with the poisoning motive revealed we also now know why.
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askvectorprime · 3 years
Dear Vector Prime, What is the origin of the Junkions, Sharkticons, and Quintessons in the 2005 IDW continuity? They have sparks but are explicitly not cybertronians. What connection do the Quintessons have to the colony of LV-117 and the titan Quintessa?
Dear Quintesson Quizzer,
While not Cybertronians themselves, the Quintessons do owe their existence to one—in this case, that universe's incarnation (one might call them a "shadow") of my sibling Quintus Prime. During the wars of expansion and colonization, Quintus had become fascinated by the manifold forms of life that had emerged on worlds, without the involvement of hot spots or sparks. After the First Cybertronian Civil War, having witnessed the deceptions of Liege Maximo and his master, Quintus came to regard Cybertronian life as a mistake, fundamentally corrupted.
Quintus fled to a world they named Quintessa, after the titan who bore him there, and set about making replacements for Cybertronians. A tall, imperious species, with bulbous minds Quintus filled with philosophy, art, and culture. A harmonious transorganic hybrid of silicon and flesh. Unfortunately for Quintus, these new beings possessed all the cruelty and callousness he thought had corrupted the Cybertronians. They turned on their creator, seizing control of the titan Quintessa, and using the hot spot within to make their own slaves.
Thus the Quintessons emerged, creating their Sharkticon thralls, building their own civilization and altering themselves until they emerged as the combined Judge types that their species always seems to gravitate towards. From there, they expanded, creating their own empire that encompassed worlds such as Lenocinium Velnero 117 and 118, Dykayra, Junkion, Rotan, Prysmos, and many others. The inhabitants of these worlds were enslaved and altered into forms pleasing to their new masters.
Their enslavement of Prysmos proved their undoing, as the Quintessons had little to no comprehension of the Arcana Vast, and suppressed all research into it, imposing a technological regime over the natives. A secret revolution was begun by Merklynn, who sought out the ancient rites of magic, raising allies among the subjects of the Quintesson regime, even walking among his "masters" disguised as one of their own in his pursuit of power—all culminating in a ritual that would cause Prysmos's three suns to align. His plan paid off, with all technology on Prysmos ceasing to function, and thus began a new age of sorcery. The Quintessons' mechanical slaves died cursing Merklynn, while the hybrid Quintessons were twisted, their organic parts trying desperately to survive, their mutated mollusc remnants ending up mindless in the swamps of Prysmos.
While Merklynn was pleased by his ritual, he'd never considered the effects it would have beyond his home system. Through the Quintesson's space bridges the power of the grand conjunction spread. While weakened by the vast distances, it still caused havoc, destroying sensitive equipment throughout the empire, sundering the space bridges from one another. Bolstered by the Arcana Vast, those Prysmosians who had been taken to Quintessa revolted, slaying their weakened former masters, and creating a new age of organic life.
They renamed their world after the leader of their revolt, and it became known as Gorlam Prime.
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