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scienza-magia · 8 months ago
Maiali geneticamente modificati virus resistenti
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Questi maiali potrebbero essere i primi animali geneticamente modificati sulle nostre tavole. Sono resistenti a una malattia che provoca danni miliardari all’industria suinicola e secondo Science potrebbero invadere il mercato alimentare. In agricoltura il dibattito sugli organismi geneticamente modificati è ormai vecchio, per quanto sempre attuale. Se parliamo di animali, invece, inizia ad entrare nel vivo solo in questi anni. Fino a poco tempo fa, infatti, non esistevano animali geneticamente modificati (gm) approvati per il consumo umano. Le cose però stanno cambiando velocemente (almeno in America), e grazie alle nuove possibilità messe in campo da Crispr-Cas9, i tempi sembrano ormai maturi per l’arrivo della prima specie gm di rilevanza zootecnica destinata ad una diffusione mondiale: una razza di maiali modificata per resistere al virus della sindrome respiratoria e riproduttiva dei suini, sviluppata dall’azienda inglese Genus con l’ambizione di eliminare nel giro di qualche decennio questa malattia, che provoca ogni anno danni miliardari all’industria del maiale. Vediamo meglio di cosa si tratta. La malattia La sindrome respiratoria e riproduttiva dei suini (o Prrsv) è una malattia virale che colpisce i maiali ed affini, e provoca due sintomatologie principali: infertilità e problemi riproduttivi, e disturbi respiratori che possono colpire animali di tutte le età, ma che risultano particolarmente gravi (e spesso letali) nei cuccioli. È stata identificata negli anni ‘80, e nei decenni seguenti ha raggiunto praticamente ogni angolo del globo, fino a rappresentare il principale pericolo infettivo per gli allevatori di maiali, con danni per il comparto stimati intorno ai 2,7 miliardi di dollari l’anno. A causarla sono due virus, Prrsv-1 e Prrsv-2 appartenenti al gruppo degli Arteriviridae. Le strategie di prevenzione farmacologica attualmente consistono principalmente nell’utilizzo della vaccinazione, che però non risultano particolarmente efficaci, perché i due virus hanno un’elevata capacità di mutare, riducendo velocemente l’utilità dei vaccini. Ad oggi, quindi, un’epidemia di Prrsv in un allevamento procura quasi certamente grosse perdite, che richiedono tempi lunghi e il sacrificio di molti capi di bestiame per essere controllate. È per questo, che il mercato per una razza di maiali immuni alla malattia è considerato dagli esperti particolarmente promettente. Prevenzione genetica I due artesivirus che causano la Prrsv utilizzano un recettore chiamato CD 163 come porta d’ingresso per infettare le cellule dei maiali. E un esperimento dell’università del Missouri di qualche anno fa ha dimostrato che è possibile rendere immuni i maiali eliminando artificialmente il recettore in questione: fortunatamente, per farlo è sufficiente colpire un singolo gene, e questo rende quindi possibile effettuare facilmente la modifica (o più correttamente il knockout del gene, visto che basta silenziarlo) utilizzando Crispr-Cas9. Partendo da queste ricerche, Genus, un’azienda inglese specializzata nella selezione genetica di animali da allevamento, ha testato la fattibilità della tecnica sperimentata dai ricercatori dell’università del Missouri, su scala commerciale.
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Le modifiche genetiche sono state effettuate su quattro animali, e dopo le verifiche del caso, necessarie per accertarsi che la procedura fosse andata a buon fine e non avesse causato la comparsa di tratti indesiderati, questi sono stati fatti incrociare per ottenere un popolazione di partenza con cui produrre una nuova razza di suini adatti all’allevamento, e immuni alla sindrome respiratoria e riproduttiva dei suini. Le loro fatiche sono descritte in un articolo pubblicato sul Crispr Journal, e stando agli esami effettuati dagli scienziati dell’azienda avrebbero prodotto esemplari perfettamente sani e indistinguibili da animali non geneticamente modificati, che presentano tutti il knockout (cioè l’inattivazione) di entrambe le copie di CD 163. A detta dei suoi creatori, i nuovi maiali gm hanno ottime chance di trasformarsi nei primi animali modificati geneticamente con ampia diffusione nel mercato zootecnico. Tutti gli allevatori – ragionano alla Genus – vorranno probabilmente mettersi al riparo dai rischi economici legati alla malattia, e le modifiche apportate potrebbero essere più “digeribili” per i consumatori rispetto ad altre viste in passato, perché in qualche modo mimano processi che possono avvenire naturalmente (il silenziamento di un gene) e non prevedono la creazione di organismi transgenici (cioè l’aggiunta di geni prelevati da altre specie). Resta da vedere quale opinione esprimerà al riguardo l’Fda, principale interlocutore dell’azienda in questa fase, che dovrebbe presentare la richiesta di approvazione per i suoi maiali nell’arco dei prossimi mesi. Altri esempi In Europa, per ora, non esistono ancora animali geneticamente modificati approvati per il mercato alimentare. Diversa invece la situazione negli Stati Uniti, dove i precedenti sono già due. Il primo è stato un salmone transgenico approvato nel 2015 per il consumo umano (primo animale al mondo) e sviluppato per incrementarne taglia e velocità di crescita, in modo da ridurre i costi di produzione e l’impatto ambientale degli impianti di acquacoltura. Il pesce è un salmone atlantico, modificato inserendo nel suo Dna un gene che regola la produzione dell’ormone della crescita prelevato da un’altra specie imparentata, il salmone reale, e un gene promotore proveniente da un pesce della famiglia delle Zoarcidae. Il risultato, è un salmone atlantico che raggiunge in metà del tempo la taglia utile per la vendita, e che però dal 2021, quando è iniziata effettivamente la produzione, non ha ancora ottenuto risultati apprezzabili sul mercato americano e canadese (i due paesi in cui è attualmente disponibile). Il secondo animale è un maiale conosciuto con il nome commerciale di Galsafe, approvato nel 2020 per il consumo umano e l’utilizzo nel campo degli xenotrapianti. I maiali Galsafe sono ingegnerizzati per bloccare la produzione di uno zucchero conosciuto come galattosio-alfa-1,3-galattosio (o alfa-gal) sulla membrana delle loro cellule, che può provocare reazioni allergiche anche gravi in persone che soffrono della cosiddetta allergia alla carne, o sindrome alfa-gal, associata alla puntura di alcuni tipi di zecche. Per ora, i maiali in questione sono stati utilizzati unicamente per il prelievo di organi indirizzati agli xenotrapianti (che spesso nel caso di organi di maiale provocano rigetto proprio per la reazione dell’organismo allo zucchero alfa-gal). Ma nel corso del 2024 dovrebbe iniziare anche la commercializzazione alimentare, indirizzata al mercato degli allergici alla carne. A fianco si due già approvati, la lista di quelli in attesa o in procinto di arrivare alla meta è relativamente affollata. Ci sono maiali modificati per essere sterili, in modo da potervi impiantare cellule staminali prelevate da un altro esemplare maschio con cui fargli produrre sperma (e quindi cuccioli) dalle caratteristiche genetiche desiderate (questa tecnologia sviluppata dalla Washington State University ha incassato per ora un’autorizzazione “investigazionale”). Una specie di vacche modificate per avere un pelo corto e un’elevata resistenza al caldo, in modo da prosperare anche con le temperature sempre più elevate dei prossimi decenni. Maiali che non hanno bisogno di essere castrati. Vacche che producono solo cuccioli di sesso maschile. E molti altri. La ricerca, al pari dell’industria, sembra pronta a sfruttare le nuove opportunità offerte da Crispr per rivoluzionare l’allevamento del bestiame, con la speranza di renderlo più economico, meno inquinante, e più resistente ai cambiamenti climatici e alle malattie. Non sempre, soprattutto in occidente, l’opinione pubblica condivide tanto ottimismo. Uno scetticismo che per ora si riflette nelle normative con cui sono regolati. In Europa, lo dicevamo, le leggi Ue, piuttosto stringenti, non hanno ancora permesso la commercializzazione di alcun animale modificato geneticamente. In America sono lievemente meno restrittive, ma prevedono comunque gli stessi step di approvazione richiesti ai farmaci. E questo allunga, e rende molto costosa, la strada da percorrere per giungere ad un’approvazione. Altri grandi mercati, come quello cinese o quelli di molte nazioni sudamericane, non si fanno gli stessi scrupoli, e potrebbero dare una spinta decisiva nei prossimi allo sviluppo di queste nuove tecnologie. Read the full article
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rnomics · 2 years ago
Viruses, Vol. 15, Pages 258: A Conserved Stem-Loop Structure within ORF5 Is a Frequent Recombination Hotspot for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus 1 (PRRSV-1) with a Particular Modified Live Virus (MLV) Strain
The emergence of recombinant PRRSV strains has been observed for more than a decade. These recombinant viruses are characterized by a genome that contains genetic material from at least two different parental strains. Due to the advanced sequencing techniques and a growing number of data bank entries, the role of PRRSV recombinants has become increasingly important since they are sometimes associated with clinical outbreaks. Chimeric viruses observed more recently are products of PRRSV wild-type and vaccine strains. Here, we report on three PRRSV-1 isolates from geographically distant farms with differing clinical manifestations. A sequencing and recombination analysis revealed that these strains are crossovers between different wild-type strains and the same modified live virus vaccine strain. Interestingly, the recombination breakpoint of all analyzed isolates appears at the beginning of open reading frame 5 (ORF5). #RNA structure predictions indicate a conserved stem loop in close proximity to the recombination hotspot, which is a plausible cause of a polymerase template switch during #RNA replication. Further research into the mechanisms of the stem loop is needed to help understand the PRRSV recombination process and the role of MLVs as parental strains. https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/15/1/258?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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1librarynet · 4 years ago
Crystal Structure of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Leader Protease Nsp1α
(1)JOURNAL OFVIROLOGY, Nov. 2009, p. 10931–10940 Vol. 83, No. 21 0022-538X/09/$12.00 doi:10.1128/JVI.02579-08 Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Crystal Structure of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Leader Protease Nsp1␣䌤 Yuna Sun,1† Fei Xue,2† Yu Guo,3Ming Ma,1 Ning Hao,1 Xuejun C. Zhang,1 Zhiyong Lou,2* Xuemei Li,1* and Zihe Rao1,2,3 National Laboratory of Macromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100101, China1; Structural Biology Laboratory, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China2; and College of Life Sciences and Tianjin State Laboratory of Protein Science, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China3 Received 15 December 2008/Accepted 4 August 2009 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus (PRRSV), a positive-strand RNA virus that belongs to theArteriviridaefamily ofNidovirales, has been identified as the causative agent of PRRS. Nsp1␣is the amino (N)-terminal protein in a polyprotein encoded by the PRRSV genome and is reported to be crucial for subgenomic mRNA synthesis, presumably by serving as a transcription factor. Before functioning in transcription, nsp1␣proteolytically releases itself from nsp1␤. However, the structural basis for the self-releasing and biological functions of nsp1␣remains elusive. Here we report the crystal structure of nsp1␣of PRRSV (strain XH-GD) in its naturally self-processed form. Nsp1␣contains a ZF domain (which may be required for its biological function), a papain-like cysteine protease (PCP) domain with a zinc ion unexpectedly bound at the active site (which is essential for proteolytic self-release of nsp1␣), and a carboxyl-terminal extension (which occupies the substrate binding site of the PCP domain). Furthermore, we determined the exact location of the nsp1␣ self-processing site at Cys-Ala-Met1802Ala-Asp-Val by use of crystallographic data and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. The crystal structure also suggested an in cisself-processing mechanism for nsp1␣. Furthermore, nsp1␣appears to have a dimeric architecture both in solution and as a crystal, with a hydrophilic groove on the molecular surface that may be related to nsp1␣’s biological function. Compared with existing structure and function data, our results suggest that PRRSV nsp1␣functions differ-ently from other reported viral leader proteases, such as that of foot-and-mouth disease. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is the pathogenic agent of the swine disease bearing the corresponding name (PRRS), also known as blue-ear pig disease. This economically devastating, pandemic disease causes reproductive failure in breeding stock and respiratory tract illness in young pigs. Initially referred to as a “mystery swine disease” and a “mystery reproductive syndrome,” it was first reported in 1987 in North America (VR-2332 strain) (1) and central Europe (Lelystad Virus/LV strain) (26). Although the European and North American PRRSV strains cause sim-ilar clinical symptoms, they represent two distinct major viral genotypes, with their genomes diverging by approximately 40% (30). The simultaneous emergence of two very different geno-types on different continents created a veil of mystery around the origin of the virus (15, 24) and presents a challenge to developing vaccines against PRRSV. Perhaps because PRRS does not appear to pose an immediate, direct threat to human health (22), it has not received sufficient attention worldwide. Nevertheless, since it was first reported in China in 2006, it has affected 22 of the 33 Chinese provinces and has had far-reach-ing effects on the Chinese swine industry and related economy. The PRRS disease similarly poses a real threat to the world-wide swine industry. PRRSV, a small enveloped RNA virus, is a positive-strand RNA virus and belongs to the genusArterivirus, family Arteri-viridae, and order Nidovirales. Three other members of the Arterivirusgenus have been reported, namelyEquine arteritis virus(EAV),Simian hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV), and Lac-tate dehydrogenase-elevating virus(LDV). The single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome of PRRSV is about 15 kb in size and encodes
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myabhijitr · 6 years ago
Porcine Vaccines Market Insights, Trends, Growth, Outlook and Analysis 2018-2026
Vaccines are the most imperative mediations for disease control among animals and humans. Under veterinary pharmaceuticals, vaccination is considered as a windfall for maintaining animal health by preventing spread of several endemic diseases. Such diseases which can be endemic are porcine reproductive and respiratory virus (PRRSV), swine influenza, diarrhea, porcine circovirus associated disease (PCVAD). Furthermore, cholera, high fever, foot and mouth diseases in swine have been significantly eliminated in North America through immunization.
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Some commercially available (non-autogenous) porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) vaccines are:
Current Name
Virus Strain Origin
Hipra Laboratorios
Fort Dodge Veterinaria SA
Ingelvac PRRS MLV3
North American
Boehringer Ingelheim
Ingelvac PRRS ATP
North American
Boehringer Ingelheim
Porcilis PRRS
North American
Laboratories Syva
Suipravac- PRRS
Hipra Laboratories
Source: Journal of Swine Health and Production
Porcine Vaccines Market – Driver
Increasing demand for gelatin is projected to support the growth of the market, as porcine gelatin is used as a stabilizer to ensure safety and efficacy of vaccine during storage. Furthermore, rising demand for meat, milk, eggs, & animal protein and concerns regarding the increasing incidences of zoonotic diseases are expected to propel the growth of the porcine vaccines market during the forecast period. For instance, Vietnam is the third country in the world by per-capita pig meat consumption, with an average of 29.14 kilos of meat consumed in 2015.
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Researchers are also engaged in developing vaccines for major disease such as African swine flu (ASF), which is augmenting growth of the market. This disease is present in sub-Saharan Africa, Sardinia, the Russian Federation, and number of Eastern European countries. To date, there is no vaccine for this economically devastating disease however, in 2017, Researchers in Australia and the U.S. uncovered genetic data that may help in developing a vaccine for African swine fever, in turn boosting growth of the porcine vaccines in near future. However, the high cost of maintaining, handling, and storage of vaccines is one of the major factor restraining growth of the porcine vaccine market to some extent.
Porcine Vaccines Market - Regional Analysis
On the basis of geography, the global porcine vaccines market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. North America holds the largest market share in the global porcine vaccines market, attributable to highly organized farming structure, increased demand for animal protein, and rising expenditure on animal health by farm owners. Moreover, export and import permits among contract manufacturers or distributer firms and low estimated cost of products are expected to make the porcine vaccine market more popular in Europe. For instance, in 2016, a UK-based Cranswick Foods company initiated a project to set up pork processing plant in Punjab, which would act as a catalyst to hasten the process of value addition in animal husbandry sector and give boost to the farm diversification, providing high quality pork to the consumers across the state. The market in Asia Pacific (including Vietnam, the Philippines, etc.) is estimated to grow at a significant CAGR during the forecast period as this countries have large consumption of pig meat, which in turn is fostering growth of the market.
Porcine Vaccines Market – Competitive Landscape
Key players are introducing porcine vaccines with new features such as such as DNA vaccines, recombinant vaccines, and conjugate vaccines. This advanced vaccines are expected to improve the efficiency and effectively of swine production practices with reduction in overall vaccination cost.
Major players operating in porcine vaccines market include Bayer AG, Bimeda Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Ceva Sante Animale, Eli Lilly and Company, Merck & Co., Inc., Sanofi S.A, and Vetoquinol, Zoetis, Inc.
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jesse-pinkman123 · 3 years ago
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Vaccine Market Analysis-2027
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Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Vaccine Market, By Product Type (Modified Live Virus Vaccine, Inactivated Vaccine, and Subunit Vaccines), By Route of Administration (Intramuscular and Intradermal), By Virus Genotype (Type I and Type II), By Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa) - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlooks, and Opportunity Analysis, 2019-2027
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a viral disease which causes various reproductive problems such as late term abortions, infertility, weak and still born piglets in sows and respiratory problems like labored breathing, fever and pneumonia in pigs of all age group. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is contagious which can be transmitted by infectious aerosols or direct contact.
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome vaccines prevent the pigs from acquiring this syndrome. The vaccine is developed on the basis of two genotypes of the virus; Type I (European) and Type II (North American) and can be administered through intramuscular route or intradermal route.
* The sample copy includes: Report Summary, Table of Contents, Segmentation, Competitive Landscape, Report Structure, Methodology.
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Global Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Vaccine Market Dynamics
An increasing demand for pork meat is expected to propel the market growth over the forecast period. According to the U.S Department of Agriculture - Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA – FAS), 2017, among the total meat consumption nearly 40.4% of pork meat is consumed globally.
Moreover, significant economic losses to swine producers caused by the porcine reproductive and respiratory virus is expected to propel the market growth. For instance, according to the statistics presented in the North American PRRS Symposium held in November 2019, an around 62% out of total economic loss was reported in the pork meat production market, which is US$ 581 million, has occurred in the growing period of the pigs due to the porcine reproductive and respiratory virus.
Global Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Vaccine Market - Regional Insights
North America accounted for the largest market share in 2018 owing to launch and approval of new vaccines for the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in the region. For instance, in June 2018, Elanco Animal Health, a division of Eli Lily and Company, introduced a modified live respiratory vaccine, Prevacent PRRS to reduce the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), respiratory form, in two weeks or older piglets. Similarly, in 2018, MSD Animal Health launched a needle free device, IDAL 3G, with two injector heads for intradermal vaccination.
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1The device makes the vaccine administration a safer and less stressful procedure for the pigs and more efficient and convenient for farmers. The device is used to administer vaccines like PORCILIS PRRS, for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and PORCILIS PCV ID, for porcine circovirus type 2 simultaneously.
Global Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Vaccine Market - Competitive Landscape
Key players operating in the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome vaccine market include Boehringer-Ingelheim GmbH, Zoetis, MSD Animal Health, Bioveta, Phibro Animal Health, Ceva , Ascent Corporation, Agrovet, Winsun Bio, Konipharm, Merck & Co., Inc., Elanco (Eli Lily and Company), and Ringpu (Tianjin) Bio-Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
Moreover, key players in the market are focused on developing new products in order to enhance their market share. For instance, in October 2019, Boehringer-Ingelheim launched Reprocyc ParvoFLEX, a subunit vaccine for the swine fetuses to protect them from the transplacental infections caused by porcine parovirus.
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rnomics · 6 years ago
Viruses, Vol. 10, Pages 657: Platycodin D Suppresses Type 2 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus In Primary and Established Cell Lines
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a continuous threat to the pork industry as it continues to cause significant economic loss worldwide. Currently, vaccination strategies provide very limited protection against PRRSV transmission. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop new antiviral strategies. Platycodin D (PD) is one of the major bioactive triterpenoid saponins derived from Platycodon grandiflorum, a traditional Chinese medicine used as an expectorant for pulmonary diseases and a remedy for respiratory disorders. Here, we demonstrate that PD exhibits potent activity against PRRSV infection in Marc-145 cells and primary porcine alveolar macrophages. PD exhibited broad-spectrum inhibitory activities in vitro against high pathogenic type 2 PRRSV GD-HD strain and GD-XH strain as well as classical CH-1a and VR2332 strains. PD at concentrations ranging 1–4 μM significantly inhibited PRRSV #RNA synthesis, viral protein expression and progeny virus production in a dose-dependent manner. EC50 values of PD against four tested PRRSV strains infection in Marc-145 cells ranged from 0.74 to 1.76 μM. Mechanistically, PD inhibited PRRSV replication by directly interacting with virions therefore affecting multiple stages of the virus life cycle, including viral entry and progeny virus release. In addition, PD decreased PRRSV- and LPS-induced cytokine (IFN-α, IFN-β, IL-1α, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α) production in PAMs. Altogether, our findings suggested that PD is a potent inhibitor of PPRSV infection in vitro. However, further in vivo studies are necessary to confirm PD as a potential novel and effective PPRSV inhibitor in swine. http://bit.ly/2DwD4E5
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soufianeelmsioui · 5 years ago
Viruses of Animals and coronavirus Welcome to health corona today we speak about;  Viruses of Animals and coronavirus Causes of infection in many diseases of financial importance in creatures and winged animals Infections cause various financially significant ailments in creatures and winged animals. Some infections of creatures can cause human disease or can transform to offer ascent to human contamination. The SARS infection, which originated from a creature source, prompted a flare-up of human disease and features the noteworthiness of infections that are harbored in creatures. Flu infections, which persevere in their normal winged creature have, can some of the time taint people. The investigation of creature infections adds to our comprehension of viral contamination as a rule. (Reference: Animal Viruses: Molecular Biology ISBN: 978-1-904455-22-6)  Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus  Foot-and-mouth sickness infection (FMDV) is a picornavirus and is the reason for an intense fundamental vesicular illness that influences dairy cattle around the world. It is an exceptional factor and a transmissible infection. The viral genome comprises of a solitary abandoned positive RNA. ↚ Pestiviruses  Pestiviruses cause sicknesses in creatures, for example, Classical pig fever (CSF) and Bovine viral looseness of the bowels/Mucosal ailment (BVD/MD). These are notifiable sicknesses and destruction programs are set up in different nations around the globe. Creature pestiviruses share numerous similitudes with the human hepaciviruses. Pestiviruses can set up determined contamination which frequently goes unnoticed. Arteriviruses  These infections are characterized by the request of Nidovirales. Arteriviruses are little, encompassed, infections with an icosahedral center containing a positive-sense RNA genome. Equine arteritis infection (EAV), porcine conceptive and respiratory disorder infection (PRRSV), lactate dehydrogenase elevating infection (LDV) of mice, and simian hemorrhagic fever infection (SHFV) all have a place with this group of infections. The arteriviruses are very species explicit despite the fact that they share different natural properties, for example, morphology, basic proteins, genome association, replication procedure, and the capacity to build up drawn out or constant contamination.
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healthtimetaylor · 5 years ago
Curcumin is a promising inhibitor of genotype 2 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection
PMID:  BMC Vet Res. 2017 Oct 10 ;13(1):298. Epub 2017 Oct 10. PMID: 29017487 Abstract Title:  Curcumin is a promising inhibitor of genotype 2 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) could lead to pandemic diseases and huge financial losses to the swine industry worldwide. Curcumin, a natural compound, has been reported to serve as an entry inhibitor of hepatitis C virus, chikungunya virus and vesicular stomatitis virus. In this study, we investigated the potential effect of curcumin on early stages of PRRSV infection.RESULTS: Curcumin inhibited infection of Marc-145 cells and porcine alveolar macrophages (PAMs) by four different genotype 2 PRRSV strains, but had no effect on the levels of major PRRSV receptor proteins on Marc-145 cells and PAMs or on PRRSV binding to Marc-145 cells. However, curcumin did block two steps of the PRRSV infection process: virus internalization and virus-mediated cell fusion.CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggested that an inhibition of genotype 2 PRRSV infection by curcumin is virus strain-independent, and mainly inhibited by virus internalization and cell fusion mediated by virus. Collectively, these results demonstrate that curcumin holds promise as a new anti-PRRSV drug.
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sumit76652-blog · 6 years ago
Porcine Vaccines Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis 2018-2026
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Vaccines are the most imperative mediations for disease control among animals and humans. Under veterinary pharmaceuticals, vaccination is considered as a windfall for maintaining animal health by preventing spread of several endemic diseases. Such diseases which can be endemic are porcine reproductive and respiratory virus (PRRSV), swine influenza, diarrhea, porcine circovirus associated disease (PCVAD). Furthermore, cholera, high fever, foot and mouth diseases in swine have been significantly eliminated in North America through immunization.
Infection of swine with porcine parvovirus (PPV) is reported worldwide, which may lead to reproductive failure in swine or cutaneous lesions in piglets. The first vaccine to aid in the prevention of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) was registered for use in Spain in 1994, since then a number of additional vaccines (comprising either attenuated or inactivated PRRSV) have been developed in the U.S. and Europe. Each includes a different strain of the virus of either the North American or European genotype. According to an article published in NCBI, 2017, around 70% of producers of pig farming are small farmers with farms fewer than 50 pigs each, and hygienic measures and feed of the pigs is not controlled, which is propelling demand of porcine vaccines market.
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Porcine Vaccines Market – Driver
Increasing demand for gelatin is projected to support the growth of the market, as porcine gelatin is used as a stabilizer to ensure safety and efficacy of vaccine during storage. Furthermore, rising demand for meat, milk, eggs, & animal protein and concerns regarding the increasing incidences of zoonotic diseases are expected to propel the growth of the porcine vaccines market during the forecast period. For instance, Vietnam is the third country in the world by per-capita pig meat consumption, with an average of 29.14 kilos of meat consumed in 2015.
Moreover, increasing number of biotechnology companies, research institutes engaged in research and development of porcine vaccines, and government initiatives for funding agriculture and animal husbandry sector are some of the factors fueling growth of the global porcine vaccines market. For instance, in 2014, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) initiated a program to raise pig farming more efficiently. These program highlighted three factors to support pig farming, which include improving feeding through public-private partnerships, improving the breeding and housing of village pigs, and controlling classical swine fever, a highly contagious and potentially fatal disease of pigs. Thus, all these initiatives are expected to augment growth of the market over the forecast period.
Researchers are also engaged in developing vaccines for major disease such as African swine flu (ASF), which is augmenting growth of the market. This disease is present in sub-Saharan Africa, Sardinia, the Russian Federation, and number of Eastern European countries. To date, there is no vaccine for this economically devastating disease however, in 2017, Researchers in Australia and the U.S. uncovered genetic data that may help in developing a vaccine for African swine fever, in turn boosting growth of the porcine vaccines in near future. However, the high cost of maintaining, handling, and storage of vaccines is one of the major factor restraining growth of the porcine vaccine market to some extent.
Porcine Vaccines Market - Regional Analysis
On the basis of geography, the global porcine vaccines market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. North America holds the largest market share in the global porcine vaccines market, attributable to highly organized farming structure, increased demand for animal protein, and rising expenditure on animal health by farm owners. Moreover, export and import permits among contract manufacturers or distributer firms and low estimated cost of products are expected to make the porcine vaccine market more popular in Europe. For instance, in 2016, a UK-based Cranswick Foods company initiated a project to set up pork processing plant in Punjab, which would act as a catalyst to hasten the process of value addition in animal husbandry sector and give boost to the farm diversification, providing high quality pork to the consumers across the state. The market in Asia Pacific (including Vietnam, the Philippines, etc.) is estimated to grow at a significant CAGR during the forecast period as this countries have large consumption of pig meat, which in turn is fostering growth of the market.
Porcine Vaccines Market – Competitive Landscape
Key players are introducing porcine vaccines with new features such as such as DNA vaccines, recombinant vaccines, and conjugate vaccines. This advanced vaccines are expected to improve the efficiency and effectively of swine production practices with reduction in overall vaccination cost.
Major players operating in porcine vaccines market include Bayer AG, Bimeda Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Ceva Sante Animale, Eli Lilly and Company, Merck & Co., Inc., Sanofi S.A, and Vetoquinol, Zoetis, Inc.
Porcine Vaccines Market – Taxonomy
By Technology
Inactivated Vaccines
Live Attenuated Vaccines
Toxoid Vaccines
Recombinant Vaccines
Conjugate Vaccines
DNA Vaccines
By Disease Indication
Swine Influenza
Bordatella Rhinitis
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus (PRRSV)
Porcine Circovirus Associated Disease (PCVAD)
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years ago
Identification of Nonstructural Protein 8 as the N-Terminus of the RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a member within the family Arteriviridae of the order Nidovirales. Replication of this positive-stranded RNA virus within the host cell involves expression of viral replicase proteins encoded by two ORFs, namely ORF1a and ORF1b. In particular, translation of ORF1b depends on a -1-ribosomal frameshift strategy. Thus, nonstructural protein 9 (nsp9), the first protein within ORF1b that specifies the function of the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, is expressed as the C-terminal extension of nsp8, a small nsp that is encoded by ORF1a. However, it has remained unclear whether the mature form of nsp9 in virus-infected cells still retains nsp8, addressing which is clearly critical to understand the biological function of nsp9. By taking advantage of specific antibodies to both nsp8 and nsp9, we report the following findings. (1) In infected cells, PRRSV nsp9 was identified as a major product with a size between 72 and 95 kDa (72–95 KDa form), which exhibited the similar mobility on the gel to the in vitro expressed nsp8–9ORF1b, but not the ORF1b-coded portion (nsp9ORF1b). (2) The antibodies to nsp8, but not to nsp7 or nsp10, could detect a major product that had the similar mobility to the 72–95 KDa form of nsp9. Moreover, nsp9 could be co-immunoprecipitated by antibodies to nsp8, and vice versa. (3) Neither nsp4 nor nsp2 PLP2 was able to cleave nsp8–nsp9 in vitro. Together, our studies provide experimental evidence to suggest that nsp8 is an N-terminal extension of nsp9. Our findings here paves way for further charactering the biological function of PRRSV nsp9.
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itsmedicinesfakianakis · 7 years ago
In vitro and in vivo studies of deglycosylated chimeric porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus as a vaccine candidate and its realistic revenue impact at commercial pig production level.
Authors: Kim JJ, Lee JA, Choi HY, Han JH, Huh W, Pi JH, Lee JK, Park S, Cho KH, Lee JB Abstract Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) causes major economic losses in the swine industry worldwide. Vaccination is the most effective method to control the disease. In a previous study, a chimeric PRRSV named as K418 which had a genome composed of ORF 1 from the FL12 strain and ORF 2-7 from the Korean representative LMY strain was created. We constructed K418DM, K418 with deglycosylated glycoprotein 5 (GP5), to improve its humoral immunity. In the follow-up on in vivo and in vitro virological and serological tests, no back mutation in amino acids of GP5 associated with deglycosylation was shown after 9 passages on MARC-145 cells, whereas only one case of back mutati… from # All Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via alkiviadis.1961 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2x2TKfT
from OtoRhinoLaryngology - Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2x3hIaK
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healthy-insights · 8 years ago
Porcine Vaccine Market: Latest Trends,Analysis & Insights 2024
North America Porcine Vaccine Market: Scope of the Report
This report on the porcine vaccine market analyzes the current and future scenario of the North America market. Increase in disease indication among swine, technological advancement of RNA strand methodology, and cultivation of pig for growth in standard of living is accounted to form growth in porcine vaccine segment.   Increase trading facilities of live hogs/pigs, demand of pork meat and innovation through clinical research activities are some of the drivers expected to drive the North America porcine vaccine market during the forecast period.
The North America porcine vaccine market report comprises an elaborate executive summary, which includes market snapshot that provides information about various segments. It also provides information and data analysis of the country’s market with respect to the segments based on disease indication, technology, end-user, and country. A detailed qualitative analysis of drivers and restraints, and opportunities has been provided in the market overview section. Additionally, the section comprises Porters Five Forces Analysis to help understand the competitive landscape in the market. This section also provides market attractiveness analysis in terms of country and market share analysis by key players, thus presenting a thorough analysis of the overall competitive scenario in the North America porcine vaccine market.
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North America Porcine Vaccine Market: Segmentation
Based on disease indication, the market has been segmented into diarrhoea, swine influenza, porcine reproductive and respiratory virus (PRRSV), porcine circovirus associated disease (PCVAD) and others. Diarrhoea is the most widely spread disease across the North America; porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) hit the United States in 2013 and spread to Canada in 2014 which infected piglets and has 80%-100% mortality rate. The market segments have been analyzed based on available approved products, cost-effectiveness, and preference from veterans for treating the swine with various disease indications. The market size and forecast for each of these segments have been provided for the period from 2014 to 2024, along with their respective CAGRs for the forecast period from 2016 to 2024, considering 2015 as the base year.
Based on technology, the North America porcine vaccine market has been segmented into inactivated vaccines, live attenuated vaccines, toxoid vaccines, recombinant vaccines, conjugate vaccines, and DNA vaccines. The market segments have been extensively analyzed based on increase in demand for disease treatment such as PEDv, PRRSv, and PCVAD. Demand of disease free pork meat, and increasing awareness for treating the cultivated pigs are driving the market share of technological segment. Different types of end-user utilize porcine vaccines to treat swine diseases either. Under the end-user segment, hog/pig production farms plays a major role followed by veterinary hospitals. The market size and forecast in terms of US$ Mn for each segment have been provided for the period from 2014 to 2024. The report also provides the compound annual growth rate (CAGR %) for each market segment for the forecast period from 2016 to 2024, considering 2015 as the base year.
North America Porcine Vaccine Market: Geographical and Competitive Dynamics
Geographically, the North America porcine vaccine market has been categorized into key countries: North America (the U.S. and Canada). The market size and forecast for each of these regions and the mentioned countries have been provided for the period from 2014 to 2024, along with their respective CAGRs for the forecast period from 2016 to 2024, considering 2015 as the base year.
The report also profiles major players in the North America porcine vaccine market based on various attributes such as company overview, financial overview, product portfolio, business strategies, SWOT analysis, and recent developments. Major players profiled in this report include Bayer AG., Bimeda Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Ceva Santé Animale, Elanco (Eli Lilly and Company), Merck & Co., Inc., Merial (Sanofi), Vetoquinol, Zoetis Inc. and others.
Browse Global Strategic Business Report:
The North America porcine vaccine market has been segmented as follows:
North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by Disease Indication
Swine Influenza
Bordatella Rhinitis
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus (PRRSV)
Porcine Circovirus Associated Disease (PCVAD)
North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by Technology
Inactivated Vaccines
Live Attenuated Vaccines
Toxoid Vaccines
Recombinant Vaccines
Conjugate Vaccines
DNA Vaccines
North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by End-user
Veterinary Hospitals
Hog/Pig Production Farm
North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by Country
North America
About Us
Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMR’s experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.
Each TMR syndicated research report covers a different sector - such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, TMR’s syndicated reports strive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.
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healthy-insights · 8 years ago
North America Porcine Vaccine Market: High Cost of Maintaining Cold Chains to Hinder Growth, says TMR
The North America porcine vaccines market for features an essentially fragmented marketplace, with the presence of a large number of small and large players. The market, however, is dominated by few; the top four players, namely Merial Animal Health, Zoetis, Inc., Elanco Animal Health, and Merck Animal Health, for instance, collectively held nearly 74% of the overall market in 2015, observes a recent report by Transparency Market Research.
Factors such as diverse product portfolios, extensive geographical presence, and perceptive acquisitions, as well as intensive research and development and the timely introduction of new vaccines have kept these players ahead of the intense competition. Instances are: The launch of two new swine vaccines by Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health in 2015: Ingelvac and ReproCyc. The vaccines have been launched to fight against the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus. Zoetis’ November 2016 launch of Fostera PCV Metastim, a monovalent killed vaccine that protects against porcine circovirus associated diseases (PCVAD).
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Transparency Market Research estimates that the North America Porcine Vaccine market will exhibit a 5.3% CAGR from 2016 to 2024 and rise from a valuation of US$540.9 mn in 2015 to US$926.2 mn by 2024.
In terms of disease indication, the diarrhea vaccines segment dominates the North America porcine vaccine market and is expected to account for nearly 55% of the market by 2016. The segment is expected to exhibit a healthy 7.3% CAGR over the period between 2016 and 2024 and gain a much larger, nearly 60% of the overall market, by 2024. In terms of geography, the North America porcine vaccines market is dominated by the U.S., which accounted for over 63% of the overall market in 2015 and is expected to remain the dominant market over the forecast period as well.
Rising Consumption of Meat and Gelatin to Remain Key to Market Growth
The market for porcine vaccines in North America is chiefly driven due to factors such as the rising prevalence of swine diseases and the continuously increasing demand for meat and gelatin in the global market. Owing to globalization and rapid climate changes, the rate of outbreak of various animal diseases, some of which are also transmissible to humans, has picked up pace. Swine being a highly popular source of meat, consumed in increasingly high volumes worldwide, the impact of zoonotic diseases emanating from this class of livestock can be highly devastating for livestock as well as human lives.
North America is the third largest consumer of pork globally. As a result, concerns regarding the spread of zoonotic diseases from swine and related products are well-founded and are rising. These concerns will be key to the increased focus on the health and wellness of swines from livestock farmers and will drive the overall North America porcine vaccine market.
High and Rising Cost of Storing Vaccines to Obstruct Growth
Appropriate storage and handling of vaccines play a key role in ensuring high success rate of a vaccine against any vaccine-preventable disease. The need to strictly adhere to proper storage and handling procedures, lest incur losses worth thousands of dollars in revaccination and wasted vaccine, requires maintaining proper cold chains.
Such cold chains are required to be maintained across all nodes of the supply chain, starting from the manufacturers to the healthcare providers. The high costs of maintaining these storage and handling conditions, which continue to rise with every passing day, are one of the key challenges faced by the North America porcine vaccine market and are expected to restrain the market’s growth to a certain extent over the forecast period.
This review of the market is based on a recent market research report published by TMR, titled “Porcine Vaccine Market - North America Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast  2016 - 2024.”
Browse Global Strategic Business Report:
For the study, the North America porcine vaccine market is segmented into:
North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by Disease Indication
Swine Influenza
Bordatella Rhinitis
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus (PRRSV)
Porcine Circovirus Associated Disease (PCVAD)
North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by Technology
Nuclear Reactors
North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by End-user
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Diagnostic Centers
North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by Region
About Us
Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMR’s experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.
Each TMR syndicated research report covers a different sector - such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, TMR’s syndicated reports strive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.
US Office Contact
90 State Street, Suite 700 Albany, NY 12207 Tel: +1-518-618-1030 USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com
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healthy-insights · 8 years ago
North America Porcine Vaccine Market: High Cost of Maintaining Cold Chains to Hinder Growth, says TMR
The North America porcine vaccines market for features an essentially fragmented marketplace, with the presence of a large number of small and large players. The market, however, is dominated by few; the top four players, namely Merial Animal Health, Zoetis, Inc., Elanco Animal Health, and Merck Animal Health, for instance, collectively held nearly 74% of the overall market in 2015, observes a recent report by Transparency Market Research. Factors such as diverse product portfolios, extensive geographical presence, and perceptive acquisitions, as well as intensive research and development and the timely introduction of new vaccines have kept these players ahead of the intense competition. Instances are: The launch of two new swine vaccines by Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health in 2015: Ingelvac and ReproCyc. The vaccines have been launched to fight against the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus. Zoetis’ November 2016 launch of Fostera PCV Metastim, a monovalent killed vaccine that protects against porcine circovirus associated diseases (PCVAD). Browse Global Strategic Business Report:http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/north-america-porcine-vaccine-market.html Transparency Market Research estimates that the North America Porcine Vaccine market will exhibit a 5.3% CAGR from 2016 to 2024 and rise from a valuation of US$540.9 mn in 2015 to US$926.2 mn by 2024. In terms of disease indication, the diarrhea vaccines segment dominates the North America porcine vaccine market and is expected to account for nearly 55% of the market by 2016. The segment is expected to exhibit a healthy 7.3% CAGR over the period between 2016 and 2024 and gain a much larger, nearly 60% of the overall market, by 2024. In terms of geography, the North America porcine vaccines market is dominated by the U.S., which accounted for over 63% of the overall market in 2015 and is expected to remain the dominant market over the forecast period as well. Rising Consumption of Meat and Gelatin to Remain Key to Market Growth The market for porcine vaccines in North America is chiefly driven due to factors such as the rising prevalence of swine diseases and the continuously increasing demand for meat and gelatin in the global market. Owing to globalization and rapid climate changes, the rate of outbreak of various animal diseases, some of which are also transmissible to humans, has picked up pace. Swine being a highly popular source of meat, consumed in increasingly high volumes worldwide, the impact of zoonotic diseases emanating from this class of livestock can be highly devastating for livestock as well as human lives. North America is the third largest consumer of pork globally. As a result, concerns regarding the spread of zoonotic diseases from swine and related products are well-founded and are rising. These concerns will be key to the increased focus on the health and wellness of swines from livestock farmers and will drive the overall North America porcine vaccine market. High and Rising Cost of Storing Vaccines to Obstruct Growth Appropriate storage and handling of vaccines play a key role in ensuring high success rate of a vaccine against any vaccine-preventable disease. The need to strictly adhere to proper storage and handling procedures, lest incur losses worth thousands of dollars in revaccination and wasted vaccine, requires maintaining proper cold chains. Such cold chains are required to be maintained across all nodes of the supply chain, starting from the manufacturers to the healthcare providers. The high costs of maintaining these storage and handling conditions, which continue to rise with every passing day, are one of the key challenges faced by the North America porcine vaccine market and are expected to restrain the market’s growth to a certain extent over the forecast period. This review of the market is based on a recent market research report published by TMR, titled “Porcine Vaccine Market - North America Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2024.” For the study, the North America porcine vaccine market is segmented into: North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by Disease Indication Diarrhoea Swine Influenza Arthritis Bordatella Rhinitis Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus (PRRSV) Porcine Circovirus Associated Disease (PCVAD) Others North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by Technology Nuclear Reactors Cyclotrons North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by End-user Hospitals Ambulatory Surgical Centers Diagnostic Centers Others North America Porcine Vaccine Market, by Region U.S. Canada Download Exclusive Sample of This Report : http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=16976 About Us Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMR’s experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge. Each TMR syndicated research report covers a different sector - such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, TMR’s syndicated reports strive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement. US Office Contact 90 State Street, Suite 700 Albany, NY 12207 Tel: +1-518-618-1030 USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453 Email: [email protected] Website: www.transparencymarketresearch.com
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