#Provoking the Evildoing Cold Highness
mydramaproblems · 5 years
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Accidentally in Love
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josiejo04 · 4 years
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yum ;)
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wbywebseriesreviews · 5 years
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If this ain’t Situ Feng & QingQing 
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dramasauce · 6 years
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Accidentally in Love (2018)
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cantfoolajoker · 5 years
s.e.e.s. as dnd classes
after my last post on the thieves, i have now returned to talk more about using dnd classes and subclasses as character study opportunities with the focus now being on sees (plus hamuko bc she counts)
since the post is lengthy, its going under the read more
so, for starters, minato/makoto is a shadow magic sorcerer. sorcerers are based on the idea that rather than learned arcana or given magic, you inherently have it inside you and can produce said affects with your sheer force of will, or your charisma. shadow magic sorcerers are linked specifically to the shadowfell, which is the negative energy to the feywilds positive energy, and sorcerers uniquely display quirks depending on their lineage; two i’d propose for minato/makoto would be “when you asleep, you don’t appear to breathe (but you still do to survive)” and “always cold to the touch”, since they seem the most fitting in my opinion for him. they get things such as strength of the grave, which says that on a successful saving throw on an otherwise fatal hit, you’ll drop to just 1 hp due to your constant state of being between life and death, and you also get the umbral form at 18th level, which allows you to change your form to a shadowy state that is resistant to all damage except for force and radiant that also allows you to move through other objects or creatures (man does that remind you of a certain battle a bit). 
in comparison, minako/hamuko is a totem barbarian in my full honest opinion. the reason i say this is because one of her defining traits is her hot headedness and impulsiveness to jump into situations, making her a prime candidate for barbarian due to their rage state and ability to tank hits. they get martial weapons, allowing her to pick up some weapon similar enough to a naginata, and the main aspect of the class is the ability to pick a totem spirit, which provides buffs depending on which animal you pick for your totem. personally, i throw my vote in for the wolf totem because it functions as a leader with the ability to land advantage melee hits on any creature hostile to you, the ability to track certain enemies and move at a stealthier natural pace, and the ability to just knock a large or smaller enemy prone when you hit them with a melee attack, all of which benefits minako/hamuko very nicely and lines up with her fighting style in both p3p and pq2.
alright so i know yukari uses a bow and arrows, and i know ranger exists, but also rangers are kinda bad in dnd overall and also yukari isn’t really a scout in any way. luckily dnd has an answer to this in the form of arcane archer fighter. arcane archers fuse magic into their archery methods in order to protect and deliver damage, mixing both yukari’s magic usage with her weapon of choice. they get the ability to literally redirect their arrows once shot to new targets and second wind, which lets them regain hp as a bonus action once per short or long rest. arcane archers essentially get an arrow type for like every school of magic, which makes up for the fact this would mean yukari has lost most of her healing spells since arcane archer fighters focus on dps more than they do support, though its not like ranger wouldve made up for that anyway.
so since junpei wants to be the leader so badly, i decided a champion fighter was gonna be the best bet for him, both because in a meta sense it is usually the First Pick newcomers do due to its simplicity of hit and hit more, but also because the class focuses on dps and raw physical power pushed to perfection, which junpei does end up getting when he learns to use a bat rather than a sword with the way he swings. this class and subclass is super straightforward: you get More damage to do the more you try to hit, and you get a higher chance of critical hits along with a more flexible fighting style and the ability to regain hit points with the survivor feat. they also get remarkable athlete, which lets them use half their proficiency bonus for any checks made while using one of their physical stats (so strength, dexterity, and constitution, all of which junpei def has) to have a greater chance at passing said checks.
akihiko's a monk. i literally don’t know what anyone expected. he’s a way of the open hand monk. open hand monks generally focus on debuffing enemies, which is akihiko’s staple in the party next to his all around good stats, which monks possess too in form of natural armor, increased movement speed, and having a hit die for throwing punches rather than dishing out 1 point of damage per hit, which increases as they get stronger. they can also heal themselves which akihiko has with his dia and diarama spells, but that isn’t the focus of it as much as it’s just a neat add on. overall, the guy’s a boxer and needs to dish out punches and monk does literally exactly that.
so i made a joke with a friend about how mitsuru keeps using marin karin because the ai of p3 is bad, and that led into the idea that mitsuru is a college of swords bard. while bards can be very stereotypically flirty, it’s just based on the fact their casting stat is charisma, so really any charismatic character can be a bard, which mitsuru does have with her formal way of speaking and her way of holding herself to establish authority. swords bard use, if you couldn’t guess, swords to fight, typically finesse weapons that they use dex for to fight, which with mitsuru’s weapon being a rapier, an actual finesse weapon in dnd, it’s an elegant weapon pick for an elegant class. they also get jack of all trades so they’re good at pretty much everything, which reflects the sort of type of person mitsuru reflects herself to be, and as a big joke, they get countercharm which allows them to perform and their allies get advantage when someone attempts to charm them. yeah. anyway mitsuru’s a bard. next.
for fuuka, i took more inspiration from her persona and how it encloses around her while she does her work to come up with an abjuration wizard. the school of abjuration specializes in protection and banishment spells, with outsiders believing it to be a specialization in denial and negation but truly being about ending harm and protecting the weak, which represent fuuka’s character and her bullying arc well. this class is mostly just what it says on the tin; they specialize in closing portals and rifts to other worlds, performing exorcisms, and securing locations that are too important to allowed equally magical wandering eyes and ears from engaging with. it’s also a high intelligence based class, which fits fuuka well. since she’s also a wizard, which gets virtually no hp and also no armor, so she needs to be protected, which everyone should want to protect her lmao.
aigis, for one, is a warforged in terms of races in dnd since they’re the robot race that only act on the goal they are given, But that’s just a side point to the main point of classes, which way of the kensei monk is definitely her. kensei monks train so extensively with their weapons that they become an extension of themselves, with aigis’s without a doubt being firearms due to her robotic nature already making them a literal extension of herself. they’re speedy and precise, both of which fit aigis and her programming to be the best combat unit, as kensei focus almost exclusively on dps output and the ability to just deal as much damage in one hit. unerring accuracy is also a feat kensei monks get, which allows them to reroll any attack they miss and again, really hones in on the combat robot thing aigis has going on.
now i know some of you probably went ‘are they gonna class assign koromaru’ and let me tell you i’m not going to cause 1 you wouldn’t be able to play him anyway in the theoretical sense, but also he’s usually seen as a companion to either ken or shinjiro, so he fits more as a companion animal that you see some classes get like rangers or druids. usually these animals survive as long as their owners lifespan and get extra health and sometimes magic so koromaru is a-okay in fighting still.
now for someone who i’m very excited to talk about: ken. being hellbent on revenge is actually a class in dnd! it’s called the vengeance paladin, which is a paladin whose oath revolves around singlehandedly bringing “evildoers” to justice, though what this justice is would be defined by the individual paladin’s definition of morality and their own vendetta. even in their basic description, oath of vengeance defines anyone who takes it as someone who sees their purity not being as important as the concept of delivering justice where justice is due, which fits not only ken’s theme as the justice arcana, but overall his entire relationship with shinjiro (which. oh boy paladin shinjiro and paladin ken parallels?). paladins get martial weapons which means ken gets his lance he uses, and on their spell list they get hunter’s mark, letting them mark targets to deal more damage. one another thing i want to bring attention to is their 7th level class feature, relentless avenger, which essentially makes it so any enemy that provokes an attack of opportunity can’t truly escape because the vengeance paladin can immediately take half their movement speed to follow after said enemy as apart of their reaction, which i think pretty easily describes the october 4th scene if you know what i mean.
and finally i’m saving the best for last cause i wanna talk about shinjiro. picture this: shinjiro’s a big tanky knight meant to service the people and protect them but a stray spell one day kills an innocent woman and suddenly he’s failed the one thing he swore his life to. giving up his oath, shinjiro turns into an oathbreaker paladin, a paladin who in someway shape or form has broken their sacred oath and now walks a darker path. now oathbreakers, while being stereotypically written as “evil”, don’t have to be evil themselves; being an oathbreaker pretty much is what it says on the tin, with them having failed to fulfill their oath’s rules in some way shape or form. breaking his own moral code and also abandoning his affiliation with sees pretty much solidifies shinjiro as an oathbreaker with him not necessarily being a bad person cause we all know he’s not. oathbreakers get things such as channel divinity: dreadful aspect, which lets them channel their anger into an intense magical intimidation, and paladins themselves are the only class to get the find steed spell, which fits castor’s horse riding-ness. they also get martial weapons and heavy armor, making shinjiro a big tank with an even bigger axe just like he likes to be. as a bonus thing, shinjiro Definitely has the tavern brawler feat (which gives unarmed strikes a hit die rather than a flat 1 damage) so he can wrestle with akihiko
BONUS: chidori’s a life cleric. her entire fountain of life or whatever the thing her persona does right next to her white gothic lolita aesthetic fit her as a life cleric. Or she could be a grave cleric with an atypical aesthetic, but then again, theres been pastel goth grave clerics before too.
BONUS x2: my friend and i had 2 ideas for ryoji while throwing ideas for this whole list around: death cleric, which is yknow, pretty straight forward..... OR deathlock great old one. deathlocks are specifically enemy warlocks that have been brought back from the dead by their patron because they believe that the warlocks job hasnt been done yet, and well, nyx i think counts as a great old one patron.
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dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Wednesday, October 28 of 2020 with Proverbs 28 and Psalm 28 accompanied by Psalm 37 for the 37th day of Autumn and Psalm 2 for day 302 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 3rd revolution this year)
[Psalm 28]
My Strength and Shield
David’s poetic praise to God
I’m pleading with you, Lord, help me!
Don’t close your ears to my cry, for you’re my defender.
If you continue to remain aloof and refuse to answer me,
I might as well give up and die.
Can’t you see me turning toward your mercy seat
as I lift my hands in surrendered prayer?
Now, Lord, please listen to my cry.
Don’t allow me to be punished along with the wicked—
these hypocrites who speak sweetly to their neighbors’ faces
while holding evil against them in their hearts.
Go ahead and punish them as they deserve.
Let them be paid back for all their evil plans
in proportion to their wickedness.
Since they don’t care anything about you,
or about the great things you’ve done,
take them down like an old building being demolished,
never again to be rebuilt.
But may your name be blessed and built up!
For you have answered my passionate cry for mercy.
You are my strength and my shield from every danger.
When I fully trust in you, help is on the way.
I jump for joy and burst forth with ecstatic, passionate praise!
I will sing songs of what you mean to me!
You will be the inner strength of all your people,
the mighty protector of all,
the saving strength for all your anointed ones.
Keep protecting and cherishing your chosen ones;
in you they will never fall.
Like a shepherd going before us, keep leading us forward,
forever carrying us in your arms!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 28 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 37]
A Song of Wisdom
Poetic praise, by King David
Don’t be worried with evil workers
or envy the gains of people with all-wrong-upside-down ways.
Soon enough they will wither like grass,
like green herbs fading in summer’s heat.
Believe in the Eternal, and do what is good—
live in the land He provides; roam, and rest in God’s faithfulness.
Take great joy in the Eternal!
His gifts are coming, and they are all your heart desires!
Commit your path to the Eternal; let Him direct you.
Put your confidence in Him, and He will follow through with you.
He will spread out righteousness for you
as a sunrise spreads radiance over the land;
He will deliver justice for you into the light of the high sun.
Be still. Be patient. Expect the Eternal to arrive and set things right.
Don’t get upset when you see the worldly ones rising up the ladder.
Don’t be bothered by those who are anchored in wicked ways.
So turn from anger. Don’t rage,
and don’t worry—these ways frame the doorway to evil.
Besides, those who act from evil motives will be cut off from the land;
but those who wait, hoping in the Eternal, will enjoy its riches.
You’ll see . . . the wicked won’t know what hit them;
you’ll blink, and they’ll be gone;
you’ll go out looking for them, but you won’t find them.
But the humble-hearted will inherit the land;
they will take pleasure in its peace and enjoy its abundance.
How that wicked man devises evil against God’s righteous ones!
He grits his teeth, consumed by hate for the upright.
But oh, how the Lord laughs at him!
He knows the wicked man will get his; the day is coming.
The wicked unsheathe their swords, pull taut their bows;
the poor and needy are their victims,
and evil is on the prowl to kill those with integrity, God’s beloved.
But their swords will bend back to pierce their own hearts—
yes, their bows will snap in two.
The righteous are better off with the little God blessed them with
than living under the curse of the wealth of the wicked.
Their time is short, their arms will be broken,
but the Eternal will hold His righteous children high.
All their days are measured and known by the Eternal;
their inheritance is kept safe forever.
When calamity comes, they will escape with their dignity.
When famine invades the nations, they will be fed to their fill.
But immoral ones will find their lives cut short;
they’ll vanish as quickly as wildflowers in the fields.
Yes, enemies of the Eternal will vanish
like smoke into the cool night air.
Evil people borrow and never repay their debts,
while the good give generously from their hearts.
For God’s blessed children will inherit the land,
but those cursed by Him stand to gain nothing.
If you are right with God, He strengthens you for the journey;
the Eternal will be pleased with your life.
And even though you trip up, you will not fall on your face
because He holds you by the hand.
Through my whole life (young and old),
I have never witnessed God forsaking those who do right,
nor have I seen their children begging for crumbs,
Because they are always giving and sharing;
truly, their children are a joyful blessing.
Walk away from evil. Do good
so you, too, will enjoy never-ending life
Because the Eternal cherishes justice
and will not abandon those loyal to Him.
He will guard and care for them forever,
but any child born of evil will be rooted out, cut down, and destroyed.
Those leading God-pleasing lives will inherit His land
and settle there forever.
Wisdom fills the mouth of the right-living;
justice and truth roll from their tongues.
The True God’s law is imprinted upon their hearts,
and they do not stumble.
The wicked stalk God’s good ones,
looking to kill them,
But the Eternal will never leave them to the dogs of evil,
nor will they be found guilty when the verdict is read.
Wait for the Eternal. Keep to His path. Mind His will.
He will come for you, exalt you; you will inherit the land.
Before your very eyes you will see the end of the wicked.
I passed by a wicked man with a cold-blooded nature;
I looked, and he seemed as large as a cedar of Lebanon.
But then again, I passed that same way and there was nothing left of him.
I went out looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found.
Keep your eye on the innocent. Model your life after the blameless.
Everyone who loves peace has a future.
But sinners will be doomed.
The forecast for the wicked: utter destruction.
There will be none left, not one child of darkness.
The Eternal saves His faithful;
He lends His strength in hard times;
The Eternal comes and frees them—
frees them from evildoers and saves them for eternity—
simply because they seek shelter in Him.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 37 (The Voice)
[Psalm 2]
You are wondering: What has provoked the nations to embrace anger and chaos?
Why are the people making plans to pursue their own vacant and empty greatness?
Leaders of nations stand united;
rulers put their heads together,
plotting against the Eternal One and His Anointed King, trying to figure out
How they can throw off the gentle reign of God’s love,
step out from under the restrictions of His claims to advance their own schemes.
At first, the Power of heaven laughs at their silliness.
The Eternal mocks their ignorant selfishness.
But His laughter turns to rage, and He rebukes them.
As God displays His righteous anger, they begin to know the meaning of fear. He says,
“I am the One who appointed My king who reigns from Zion, My mount of holiness.
He is the one in charge.”
I am telling all of you the truth. I have heard the Eternal’s decree.
He said clearly to me, “You are My son.
Today I have become your Father.
The nations shall be yours for the asking,
and the entire earth will belong to you.
They are yours to crush with an iron scepter,
yours to shatter like fragile, clay pots.”
So leaders, kings, and judges,
be wise, and be warned.
There is only one God, the Eternal;
worship Him with respect and awe;
take delight in Him and tremble.
Bow down before God’s son.
If you don’t, you will face His anger and retribution,
And you won’t stand a chance.
For it doesn’t take long to kindle royal wrath,
But blessings await all who trust in Him.
They will find God a gentle refuge.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 2 (The Voice)
[Proverbs 28]
The wicked run away even when no one is chasing them;
the right-living, however, stand their ground as boldly as lions.
Where there is rebellion in a land,
there are many petty and contending rulers;
But where there is a wise and intelligent leader,
peace and order endure.
A poor person who oppresses others who are poor
is like a driving rain that destroys the crops and leaves no food.
Those who turn their backs on God’s teaching applaud the wicked,
while those who observe His instruction oppose them at every turn.
Evil people are not able to understand justice,
but those who pursue the Eternal understand it completely.
It is better to be a pauper walking in integrity
than a dishonest man, even if he is rich.
Whoever follows God’s teaching is a wise child,
but the one who spends time with gluttons and drunks disgraces his parents.
Anyone who increases his wealth by charging a high rate of interest
is only collecting it for another who will deal more liberally with the poor.
The one who turns his ear from hearing God’s instruction
will find that even his prayers are detestable to God.
Whoever tries to deceive a good person into taking the path of evil
will fall into the pit he himself made,
but the truly honest shall be the heirs of all that is good.
A rich man may be wise in his own sight,
but a perceptive pauper will see right through him.
There is much glory when just men celebrate;
but when the wicked gain power, people take cover.
Whoever tries to hide his sins will not succeed,
but the one who confesses his sins and leaves them behind will find mercy.
Happy is the one who always fears the Lord,
but the person who hardens his heart to God falls into misfortune.
Like a roaring lion or a charging bear,
so is a wicked man ruling over an impoverished people.
A leader who lacks intelligence cruelly oppresses the people,
but one who hates corruption will prosper and live a long life.
A man guilty of murder is a fugitive,
fleeing to the nearest hole in the ground but not escaping death’s cold pit.
Don’t do anything to save him.
Whoever walks in honesty will be safe,
but whoever travels the crooked path will suddenly fall.
Whoever cultivates his land will have plenty of food in the harvest,
but whoever cultivates worthless ventures will have poverty in abundance.
A reliable person will not escape blessings,
but one who wants to get rich quick will not escape trouble.
Showing favoritism is not good;
some will desert the truth for a measly crust of bread.
A greedy person is in a hurry to get rich,
but he is ignorant of the loss that is about to overtake him.
A person who offers constructive criticism will, in the end, be appreciated more
than a person who engages in empty flattery.
One who robs his father or his mother
and says, “There’s nothing wrong with that! I had it coming!”
walks in the company of murderers.
When the greedy want more, they stir up trouble;
but when a person trusts in the Eternal, he’s sure to prosper.
Anyone who puts confidence only in himself is a fool,
but the person who follows wisdom will be kept safe.
Whoever gives to the poor will have what he needs,
but the one who shuts his eyes to their plight will face curse after curse.
When the wicked have the upper hand, people go into hiding;
but when they perish, the good folk will begin to increase.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 2 (The Voice)
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mydramaproblems · 5 years
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Accidentally in Love
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mydramaproblems · 5 years
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We’ve all been there. Accidentally in Love
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mydramaproblems · 5 years
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I like everything about her. Accidentally in Love
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mydramaproblems · 5 years
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Accidentally in Love
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mydramaproblems · 5 years
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Accidentally in Love
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mydramaproblems · 5 years
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Open-minded Situ Feng... Accidentally in Love
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mydramaproblems · 5 years
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I’ve said it before, queen of the power move. Accidentally In Love
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mydramaproblems · 5 years
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Accidentally in Love
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mydramaproblems · 5 years
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Accidentally in Love
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