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provinzpoet · 6 days ago
To Be A Man
Boys don’t cry, they show no fear, emotions hidden deep. Then tell me, O society: If this is sown, then what’s to reap?
If tears are truly cleansing, Embalming to the soul, Then why deny this boy the balm And chain him to a role?
“Are you a Girl?”, I still recall the question He did ask. For crying was a girly thing - Man ought to wear a mask.
Just 12 years old - Yeah, thanks a lot. Great Job on shaping me. Took way too long to see the truth, until I could break free.
Can you imagine what it took? How long that held me back?
I had to learn to be a Man, In a world that’s taught "to be a Man, Is to keep yourself in check."
Society is wrong, my dear, Believe me, if you would.
I’ve been there, done that, made mistakes, But now - I’m doing good.
So if I may, I'd like this chance, to tell you what I’ve learned. I hope this finds you still in time, before that bridge is burned:
To wear emotions on your sleeve is strength - no cross to bear. To those to whom you’ll matter most, it shows them that you care.
So Cry for movies, Cry for poems, Cry for loved ones, Cry for songs.
Just trust me, I was your age too, To be a Man is to be
Just you.
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provinzpoet · 4 days ago
They say love isn’t grandeur, No 'big bang' here and there.
It’s daily, conscious effort, It’s showing that you care.
I used to hold that closer, still, Way closer to my heart.
In time I got complacent, though, That’s when we fell apart.
I know love isn’t grandeur, It’s effort, day by day.
In soft, in whispered 'I love you's, In actions that I take.
O, never take for granted, The love that you receive,
Now I implore: Appreciate, Before you're left to grieve.
As strong as true love may be, Not cracked by whip nor stone,
Complacency’s a poison, see, That in time takes its toll.
I used to tell you ‘I love you’, Near ev’ry single night;
My actions used to show quite more, My love in all its might.
For, see, love isn’t grandeur, It’s small acts day by day.
A rhythm of affection, A melody of care.
So do not take for granted, The love one shows to you.
Be mindful, conscious of their love, And show you love them, too.
I want a man who say i love you every night and proves it every day.
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provinzpoet · 7 days ago
Once, We Were Friends
I've heard you're getting married, a child's, too, on its way.
Each time I check your socials, a soft smile on my face.
"time flies", I say, as I think back: The nights we've talked away. Imagining the future - say, 10 years from today. "Would we be happy? Settled down? Would all our dreams come true?"
"Whatever comes, we'll still be friends!" you said as if you knew.
Oh, Time does fly - a decade now. A little more, in fact. "Are we still friends?" - I cannot tell, we both went separate ways.
Should I just be "the past" to you, I swear that I'll be fine, for people change and friendships fade, that's just the flow of time.
We barely talk, I'm 'busy' now - Last text? One year ago. But if I don't put effort in, why should you call me now?
That is my greatest problem, with friendships day by day, I barely get in contact, yet expect my friends to stay.
I've made this bed, now here I lie, there's no one else to blame. 'Cause if I were to text you now, would you even know my name?
I've heard you've gotten married, the nursery's complete. You just posted the crib, with some toys and a bib that's embroidered by hand with-
.... my name
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provinzpoet · 7 days ago
A Mother’s Love
She bears the weight of fleeting years, A silent guardian of your tears. Her arms, a fortress soft yet strong, Her voice, the stars - your guiding song. From breath’s first gasp to twilight’s close, She walks with you, through highs and lows. Though time may steal her form away, Her love remains - it will not sway. For in the air, in sky, in sea, Her love still hums eternally. Not bound by flesh, nor space, nor years It echoes on through joy and tears.
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provinzpoet · 2 days ago
Poison Wine
Intoxicated by your scent, Your eyes lock onto me. I wouldn’t - couldn’t - look away, Though had to, to break free. Your lips are poison, yet I drink, So fill my glass again, For I am weak, so very weak, So weak, I can’t abstain. This self-destructive way of mine, Will be the end of me, I will not - cannot - turn away, Though have to, to break free. So pour your poison wine again, Let no drop go to waste. I’ll quench my thirst like every night, I’m savoring the taste. Your love will be the death of me, This fact I know for sure. If death means dying in your arms, Then please, my love, do pour.
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provinzpoet · 3 days ago
A Playlist of the Past
Have you ever given much thought to your music library? I did, just recently…
Curated over years and years, Expanded patiently.
It’s Metal, Rock, and Ballads, too - no rhyme or reason there, Whatever got me through the days, though hard or nice they were.
Some songs I found quite randomly, by chance once swept ashore, And others then, like memories, I’d swear I’ve heard before.
Some songs had riffs that caught me — intricate and smart, With others there were lyrics, that touched my teenage heart.
I am quite older now, no longer even a tween, Yet those bands, they haven't left me:
“All Time Low”
Now when I’m far away, and the music does play, Every now and again I do pause.
‘Cause I’ll hear a faint beat, I used to have on repeat, I can’t place it, it just feels bittersweet.
Then it comes with a snap, All the mem’ries flood back, Of those days when you still kissed my neck.
Have you ever given much thought to your music library?
I did. Just recently…
And every single song, you see, To me? A memory.
About love, about fun, days with friends in the sun, About people I held very dear. …
Some songs do bring more pain, is the artist to blame?
No... It’s just…
When I pause and think back, Where I first heard that track, All that comes to my mind is Your name.
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provinzpoet · 15 hours ago
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provinzpoet · 6 days ago
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> Me posting anonymously on tumblr so I can be as cringe as I want.
I heard we're doing Intro-Posts?
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'Ello! Come say hi, if you'd like!
Are you in the market for any of these:
creative writing
Yes? Well, you've come to the right place. In time, you'll find all of that here.
All straight from the horse's mouth. Original and written by me, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
I mostly write introspective, deeply emotional stuff - some from personal experience, in part wishful "what-if's" and "could have been's". Trying to balance it out with some shitposting and memes here and there.
I tag all my original poetry with #ProvinzPoetry for Poems and #ProvinzWP for short stories & Writing Prompts - If you're looking to filter out all the rest.
Some posts inspire me to write a little poem. When I reblog those, I'll use the tag #A poem for your reblog
(Those are links, btw. If you want to check them out RIGHT now) :)
Some bits and pieces about me:
Cis Male (He / Him)
Musician, Writer & Certified Funny Man
Good with Computers ™
Sophisticated Anime Enjoyer (read: High-Functioning Weeb)
Learned English in School.
(Apologies for the secrecy and cryptic language - I'm just looking to make this blog more about my content than about me - I wouldn't want people from my social circle finding this... Or linking it to me, at least. 👀)
I hope you'll find stuff on here that makes you feel.
You are most welcome to lurk, interact or send a message. Stay a while, and enjoy the ride. -ProvinzPoet (but you can call me Poe)
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