#Proud To Be Napoli
thekitmanuk · 20 days
SSC Napoli Pre Match Shirt 2024-25 Released
Football kit news from Italy as the new SSC Napoli pre match shirt 2024-25 made by EA7 has been released. SSC Napoli Pre Match Shirt 2024-25 The new 2024-25 SSC Napoli pre match jersey is predominantly sky blue with a tonal and white pattern on the front. A black stripe runs down the sides of the front whilst the collar is also coloured black. The right sleeve is made up of a black and white…
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dmertens · 2 years
napoli what a sexy team.........
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anadiasmount · 10 months
just friends? or more? - jude bellingham x reader.
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quick sum: interviews and late night talks. but it’s always hard to see your best friend leave for his away games. no matter the distance or duration.
wc: 3k | masterlist | jude's masterlist
psa🗣️: happy new year everyone, hope everyone is doing okay! 🤍 mixed a request with my own imagination. this was supposed to be a small blurb but I ended up writing more. best friends to lover trope 🫂 🧟‍♀️ hope you enjoy! 🤍
“it must be an excitement to see him play at this level and talent?” the journalist asked you, to which you nodded and smiled. “it’s quite a pleasure honestly. it’s what he’s always wanted and we couldn’t be more proud,” you replied calmly not knowing where exactly to look at. 
your eyes glanced from her, to the camera and then jude who was walking back from the tunnels. “recalling all his goals from this current season, which one has been your favorite? could there be a sort of muse to inspire and motivate him to this level?” she asked curiously, leaving you thinking. 
“my favorite probably, okay wait actually i don’t know if i wanna say because i don’t want to get dragged, but it was special to see him win his debut here in the bernabeu, even if it was a tap in,” you laugh, “his goal against napoli and barcelona are one for the books as well.” you kept glancing behind her to see jude standing there cockily, arms crossed with a smirk plastered on his face. 
“as for a muse, i’d say himself and the people around him whether it’s friends or family even the fans. with the constant support and wins, seeing how the team reflects, how he can do more. overall i think it’s just him and the healthy mentality he has,” you say shyly, nodding your head as you spoke, jude then decided to intervene. 
“erm excuse me? this is my interview,” you say in a teasing manner, stepping on your tiptoes to reach his hug. “i apologize. just wanted to come over and say hi,” jude says playfully making everyone smile. “we were just asking y/n about if there could be a certain muse to make you perform at this level. is there anything you would like to say about that?” the journalist asks. 
jude scratches his brow and looks down smiling, “well to be honest there is someone…but for privacy reasons or maybe to not jinx it, i’ll keep it hidden… they’re truly wonderful and inspire me to do my best every time,” he says with a huge grin looking down to you where you stand. your eyes connected and for a second maybe he was dedicating this to you? you thought. 
as the journalist wrapped up her interview the two of you teased and joked around, answering her questions politely and respectfully, making sure to wish her the best of luck and a small be careful. the thoughts of him having a ‘muse’ still didn’t go away from your head.  if he was referring to you or if there was someone he had yet to tell you about. 
jude was always private with his life, but around you he couldn’t stop yapping, always with a smile in his face when he spoke about him. but this had you questioning just a bit, if there was more to your close friendship. to his longer and more intense stares towards you, his touch on your waist when out together, always asking to stay longer and cuddle. 
it wasn’t just you who had noticed it, his teammates as well, often teasing both of you especially jude as you would hear it when he called you after training. don't even get started on the media, replays, and many comments on the two of you when together, always asking if you were dating, or saying they lived for your friendship.
there was something different and you couldn’t avoid it any longer, being left confused with your feelings. it began to feel like love. you can’t love your best friend, you couldn’t take a risk like that.  
“you’re awfully quiet? something in your mind? i know something’s up so don’t say it’s anything,” jude remarked, squinting his eyes. you let a soft chuckle out and turned to face him, “i’m just tired… also i was reading some of the comments from our interview,” you lied offering a quick smile and showing him your open instagram page. he raised his brow and got out the car. 
you trailed behind him to where you were greeted to a quiet home. jude quickly slipped on some slides and dropped his bag in the mud room. you took of your shoes and walked into the kitchen to prepare some dinner for the two of you. as you glanced around you felt jude hug you from behind, his face leveled next to yours making you jump. “fridge is full?” he asked.
“oh yeah. i went grocery shopping and brought the necessities! refilled the fridge, got toothpaste, and i also got you those scooby doo cookies you love so much,” your hand interlocked with his that was around your waist as you pointed to the cabinet above you. just then you realized how close the two of you were. 
it felt like you had moved in, and shared a house together. you never ever had shared a bed, but for the past month you had, waking up with jude on top of you or your back next to his chest. having breakfast daily together and him waiting for you to come back from uni or work. hanging out more than usual, cuddling more than usual. the his and hers titles applying to the two of you, when brushing your teeth, your mugs, sharing clothes, having your shoes aligned by the door. 
jude felt you tense asking what was wrong but you shook your head, “after dinner, i might go home,” you tell him watching the smile disappear from his face. “what? why? do you want me to go with you? you should just stay it's already late, i want to you to stay” jude insisted, making up different reasons as to why you should stay the night. 
it’s not that you didn't want to be with jude tonight, you did, to feel him hold you and kiss your head at night. but the thought of acting like a couple, with no label, with your best friend made you freakout, because what if how you felt wasn't how he did? what if you read the cards wrong and it was only you who fell over heels for your best friend? what if he didn't love you like you did? 
“i’ll think about it, i said i might go, still debating, i haven't seen the roomies in a while and we want to have a girls night,” you said trying to calm the panic that overtook his body. “i don’t mind joining, you guys just do spa night, drink wine, and talk, i’ll be like one of the girls…” jude shrugged jokingly, making your eyes roll playfully. 
“okay decide what you want to eat so we can start cooking,” you recalled, grabbing a pan and heating up some oil. jude played his old songs playlist, singing along to the songs you remembered, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as he led you to dance in the middle of the kitchen, his soft brown eyes never leaving yours as he sang happily. would this be what it felt like to be a couple? 
the tv show played softly on the background, jude fast asleep on your chest letting out small snores. he refused to let you leave as the time you had finished eating and talking was super late, leaving with no choice but to stay once again. it felt like home, jude felt like your home, they way you fit perfectly in each other's arms. you turn the tv off, squinting your eyes in confusion as you saw his phone ping. 
thanks for the other day! hope we can see each other again, had so much fun! 
your heart sank looking back at jude who was still sound asleep on your chest, feeling your eyes burn with tears and your stomach sink further down. you controlled your breathing, feeling stupid and naive for actually believing and falling for him. it wasn't his fault, it was you for letting yourself believe there could be something. you would never be his, there was already someone else in his life to fill your spot. 
you were able to manage to sneak off the next morning without a word or budge from jude, feeling trapped and claustrophobic around him when he hugged you from behind. you couldn't stop thinking about his words from yesterday's interview and his ‘muse’, the way his touch still burned on your skin, the way he hid a girl from you. it felt like you were the other woman even though you had no clue who she was. 
you fiddled with your keys, opening the door to a silent home once again, darting straight to your room where you fell onto your beg with small whimpers and sobs, crying over a boy. you weren't able to sleep last night, so you didn't even feel when you fell asleep, forgetting about reality for the day. 
jude was left confused and curious as to why you weren't there, next to him. he called and called, texting you over and over again, becoming worried when there was no response from you. he was unable to focus during recovery and training session, thinking of how you suddenly left, and how distant and tense you were yesterday. he wondered if you had school, or if you something came up with your roommates. 
jude wanted to hang out before he had to travel away for the weekend. spend as much time with you. his head should be focused on winning and on the team to advance in the ‘copa del rey’ but he couldn't when he hadn't heard from you. 
jude was deep in. as every day went by his love for you grew more and more, knowing it could be risk for your friendship. he had the urge to just yell out how much he loved you, how badly he wanted to call you his, to finally stop playing around and put a label. it was hard to read you and that killed him more. feeling hopeless and desperate, he called again quickly listening to your voicemail. 
you had jude’s head spinning, heart skipping beats at the thought of you, and he was left with no choice but to show up the day before he left at your doorstep. your eyes frantically roamed jude who stood with a serious look on his face, almost shutting the door at him out of nervousness. jude let himself in, turning to you quickly brows drawn in. “is there a reason why you are not answering your phone?” he asked seriously, no taint of playing around. 
“i needed to catch up on some uni work. i have so much to do still, and i wanted to focus on getting the hard part out first,” you say unsure, as his brows draw in with bewilderment. 
“but yet couldn't answer one phone call from me?”
“i’ve been left worried, thinking if you were okay after you randomly left without saying anything? i don't like you shutting me out y/n, i understand you were busy but a text even would’ve taken me out of my misery,” jude huffed letting out a sign of disappointment, walking to the couch and staring at your study layout. books and books, open pages of your notes, and your laptop that sounded louder than usual. 
“i just wanted to give you space and time for yourself. i don't wanna seem clingy or attached because all we've done for the past month is be together at house. i just thought you might’ve wanted to do something else with your teammates or other people,” you say embarrassed, daring to spill the girls name from the other night. 
“well you thought wrong, the only person i want to be with is you. i wanted to see you before i left tomorrow,” jude said with a small frown, hands digging into his hands. ‘the only person i want to be with is you’ should have not stung like it did, the ache in your chest as you heard him say that, bitting your lip to hold back the tears that wanted to build up. though you were stronger than that. 
“what about jocelyn?” you asked carefully being met with a quiet jude, giving you a questioning look. “what about her?” maybe it was the way he had said it or the fact he was upset but you now regretted bringing her up knowing it had triggered something. “didn’t she mention-” you were cut off by jude.
“jocelyn is my stylist when i’m here in madrid. she invited me to have brunch with her and her girlfriend when you were taking a midterm this week. I didnt mention it because it was a fast meal, just food and talking,” jude said. you felt utterly stupid and left more embarrassed than before, wanting to punch yourself for quickly making up assumptions instead of asking for clarification. 
“wait.. how do you know about jocelyn? did you think something else?” jude asked, lifting his head from his hands. you rubbed your shoulder anxiously not knowing how exactly to respond, “you mentioned her the other day, i just assumed,” you lied quickly, “also i saw her message the other night i stayed over.” jude had caught you, and now he wasn't going to let the opportunity to go to waste. “
“so that's what this is about?” 
“i don't know what you're talking about…” you shrugged quickly, dismissing his tone. 
jude ushered you to come over, and like a puppet you quickly followed his request. you stood in the middle on his legs that were spread, shifting your weight from one foot to another, contemplating what to say or where to look. “you thought jocelyn meant something else to me didn't you…” jude asked to which you nodded slowly. 
“would have it bothered you if it did? if she did mean something to me?” he asked softly, watching as your eyes looked around and landed on his, you let out a small “yes” in a quiet tone, jude smirking. 
“well, it’s a good thing you don't have to worry about that. jocelyn doesn't mean anything, and the only person who does to me is you,” jude spoke softly, you shuddered a breath as you felt his fingertips trace from your calves all the way up behind your thighs, making you lose balance and grip his shoulder to regain it. “jude-” you warn again, but quickly gulp as he repeated his actions. 
“the way you smile, the way you hold my hand, the way your eyes glimmer when you let me rant about anything. i love it all. the only person who makes me feel like that is you… all i want is you, y/n. to have and to hold, to love and cherish, to protect and kept by my side forever,” jude gripped your thighs and pulled you onto his lap where you gasped. 
“can’t you see that? hmm? can't you see how much i love you? how badly i want to make you mine and call you my girlfriend officially? they say it's forbidden to fall for your best friend, but who cares about those rules when what we have is real. a genuine love.” 
your lips pursed open, letting out a shaky breath before speaking again. he had that effect, leaving you breathless even if it was a small action. “this whole time i thought i had it wrong, and that it was just me who saw the sudden shift in our friendship. who felt the feelings. i know it was wrong from me to have assumed that when i have no right, but i thought there was someone else,” you reply. 
jude’s hands roamed your thighs, making you relax to his touch, “it drove me crazy two nights ago as i rethought our whole friendship. it felt not weird but it felt like we were living a life with no label placed, acting like a couple because we just felt the need to or we had just gotten that close. not only did it confuse me but also scared me, and it made me distant,” you continued. 
“what you feel here,” you pointed and touched his heart, “is what i feel here,” you then pointed to your heart, which was beating like crazy not only at revealed feelings but also the proximity you two were. “i want you to know that i can't stop thinking about you no matter where i am or if i’m this close to you,” you reassured him and yourself. that this was reality.  
“you have no idea how long i’ve waited to hear you say that… to say that you love me. everyone could see it, everyone teased us for it, but we were scared. but i’m not scared to take this risk, because it means i get to have you here and forever. to love you,” jude said making your eyes go glossy. 
“is this actually happening?” you laughed and sniffled, “because if it's not and i’m dreaming i’m going to be mad,” you say. “it's all real, i could pinch you if you want, to make you believe it? or i could kiss you to seal our relationship?” jude offered with a huge grin, making you raise your eyebrow. “you haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend yet,” you remark. 
“my beautiful y/n… do you want to be my girlfriend?” instead of replying, you sealed your answer with a kiss. a kiss that sealed also promises and your love forever. jude’s lips molded into yours, tugging him closer by his broad shoulders as his hands delicately rubbed along your thighs. he tasted like honey, not having enough by how gentle and passionate he was being with you. “my jude. my jude forever,” you say still kissing his lips as he smiled into it.
“i love you princess.”
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tellmeallaboutit · 2 months
knock knock (Raphael x F!Player)
Chapter 13, In Which Your Father Hangs Himself
MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter deals with suicide and this is NOT the last time this work will feature suicide in graphic detail. Other warnings include: prostitution, sexual aggression / assault, xenophobia, toxic relationships.  
This is chapter from Raul's POV. This got too large for Tumblr so I will only leave the first scene here.
"Tell them to go to hell," your father said.
He wasn't even looking at you - he was looking at the fireplace, slumped in his chair, his hand rubbing Bella - his favourite cane corso, a beast of a dog, who lay at his feet with her heavy belly full of pups. She bared her teeth at you when you tried to approach, so you kept your distance. 
"Papa, I obviously cannot do that," you said.
He was in one of his moods, you could see that. 
One of those days he thought he had the holy right to make other people’s day hell. 
"Why not?"
You drew in a sharp breath before answering, "Because today is your eightieth birthday. Because everyone's here to celebrate. The house is more crowded than St Peter’s on Easter Sunday. Because the Prime Minister herself has just..."
He cut you off mid-sentence with a raised hand. "I'm not in the mood for a party. You deal with it, Raul".
Two months of preparation, in which you had to get personally involved because of the announcement he was hinting at. A public announcement he should damn well should make, because he clearly couldn't run Avernus anymore.
"Are you deliberately embarrassing me in front of all these people?" you said. 
"You're embarrassing yourself in front of these people, Raul”, he answered and made a grating initiation of somebody else’ voice, because you surely don’t sound like that. “Oh no, what if they don't like me, what if they think less of me, oh no, oh no. You always worried too much about what people thought of you. They should worry about what you think of them, if you ever wish to amount to anything”.
Merda! You should have known better than to return to Napoli for this farce.
"Ah, forget it. No matter what I do, you will find something to criticise."
Finally, your father looked at you. You took after him in appearance, or so they said; you barely remembered your mother anyway to cross-check. That’s what another thirty years will do to you; grey out your black hair, bloat your jawline, steal your muscles and mark your face with age spots.
There was not so much time left. For him, even less.
God willing.
"No matter what you do? You do nothing," he stated, a look of genuine surprise on his face. "What exactly do you do?"
Don’t answer. Don’t… you… bloody…
"I run an international law firm!”, you exploded. “I employ thirty thousand people worldwide... and I built it from scratch! I own estates EVERYWHERE! PRIVATE JETS! ALL WITHOUT YOUR HELP!" 
He scoffed and looked back at the flames. That was a special talent of his; reducing you to a raging mess while he remained an epitome of calmness.
"He has private jets, look at him. Without my help you'd be making pizzas for tourists, Raul."
This was pointless. It had always been pointless.
What had you ever hoped for? Did you truly think there would be something to make this man proud or happy?
"What did you expect from me?”, you asked. “What was I supposed to achieve to make you proud?!"
"Something that matters", your father shrugged. 
"And what's that supposed to mean? WHAT MATTERS TO YOU?"
"Legacy matters" he said, patting Bella's head. "Isn't that right, Bella? My sweet girl gives me at least five quality cubs every year. Did you know her last litter won Italy’s top prize? That's a good girl.” Then he turned his gaze back to you. "Not like those scrawny things you've been chasing since school. All this whoring, all this sin, and not even a single bastard to show for it".
Bella stuck her tongue out and panted, looking up at your father with sheer devotion. For a fleeting moment, you thought of putting a bullet in his head, and then in hers.
"You can't be serious. You know very well how hard I tried..."
"Obviously not hard enough," he said. "Here I am at eighty, and what legacy do I leave? For whom? Generations before you had given everything, sacrificed everything, everything, and for whom, for whose future? Who will inherit this country? The Muslims?"
He spat on the floor.
"I'll tell you who will inherit my fortune," he continued. "The Church. At least they have the decency to remember who we once were. What we fought for. What we dreamed of building. A nation of pride and ambition and honour. But you, Raul? You fled your home to where the money was and sold your soul to the golden calf”. 
What? No way. Not to the Church. The old man is getting dementia, he is incoherent. That's it, that's what's happening: your father is going senile.
"That's enough," you finally manage to say through clenched teeth. "I'm not going to stand here and listen to this madness any longer. I have too much dignity for that."
“You wouldn’t know dignity if it hit you in the face,” he said. "Maybe my mistake was loving you too much. Spoiling you rotten. Poor boy, he lost his mother so early."
You bristled at his words, but refused to let him have the satisfaction of a response. Instead, you turned on your heel to leave, only to collide with that damned bronze monstrosity.
That thing - the statue that haunted your childhood nightmares; always guarding the door, ensuring no one dared disturb the man who loathed disturbances - Mephistopheles as depicted by Jacques Louis Gautier.
"I swear to God," you seethed. "That damned statue... I've hated it my whole life. The minute you're in the ground, I'm smashing it into dust."
"It serves its purpose," he replied coolly. "Reminding me of my failures when your presence is not enough”.
You paused at the door, deciding that today was the last day you would ever try for him. 
Avernus Capital wasn't worth it. 
Nothing was worth it.
"You know what, Papa?" You asked, struggling to keep your voice as calm and composed as you father’s, "I hope it's your last birthday."
You were hoping for a reaction. But just like always, he failed to deliver what you hoped for. 
He offered none; even the shrug he gave was half-hearted. Bella fell asleep despite all the commotion; her head resting on your father’s shoe.
"Keep hoping," he said. "I plan on living until I'm a hundred and fifty, and then some."
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 3 months
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Diversity Win! This Capo who rules with an iron fist is a trans woman! i had a lot to say about Rametta so sorry for the small text, but the text for both is under the readmore. Celia/Muros bio, Tesoro/Conficcares Bio
Fifth child of seven, he grew up knowing his first priority was helping his older brother Conficcare support their family. Though resentful of his older brothers seeming failure to give him a better life, he still spent most of his time with his brother in the groups flat, all but sleeping there after Conficcare joined Passione when he was 10. 
Muro in particular looked out for him, and Rametto saw him as everything his brother failed to be, idolising the only 9 years older Muro and seeing him as a father/mentor figure, though it wouldn't end well. 
Despite his good grades, it was inevitable that he got involved in the younger groups to prove himself, and then join Passione. He soon found that while he shared his older brothers lack of overwhelming physical strength, his sharp mind and ability to find and pull peoples strings proved he was what Muro was hoping for, a leader of the younger groups, and eventually a successor and heir to Muros position of Capo.
Despite what everyone expected, Rametto did not end up working under Muro after his induction to Passione, and instead rumours place him as someone who monitors those rumours- a member of the Data Analysis Team- with access to the cutting edge of computer and surveillance technology at his fingertips, expanding his influence even as he was taken from his home.
With the blood still pooling from Capo Muros corpse, the teenager previously known as Rametto reinvented and then reintroduced herself as Rametto Conficcare, after her late brother, and quickly ascended to her mentors position of Capo, stabilising her faction of Passione, while most others were still reeling from the Bosses death. 
In vast contrast to the withdrawn and aloof teenager she used to be, she rules with true confidence and charisma, emerging from her trial by fire stronger than ever before. Extremely intelligent and able to pull peoples strings with a smile, those who cross her quickly come to regret it, and those who are loyal are rewarded well.
It’s unknown what negotiations happened between her and the new Don, but it is undeniable that her quick thinking and pre existing reputation, not to mention the clear line of succession for her were large incentives to let what was Muros faction remain running mostly the same way it was, with Rametta clearly losing very little at the negotiation table- while many of her and Muros longtime enemies lost everything in the cleanup following the old bosses death and the new Dons ascension and then stabilisation.
Ramettas rein differed surprisingly little from Muros, though she operated even less constrained by the rest of Passione. Regarded by many as the queen of the Napoli underworld during her reign, her reputation is one of overwhelming power, careful management, quick and brutal retaliation, and excellent fashion choices. 
Though early 2000s Naples mafia is not the most accepting of queer men, let alone an out and proud trans woman, her overwhelming stand power and the power of those who swore their undying loyalty to her ensures that she is feared enough for her gender to be respected, even as people curse her out behind closed doors.
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♡ Wicked Game
♡ Risotto Nero x Doppio
- Requested by @koriarchen !!
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If there was one thing that Doppio could admit, it was that what had happened to the Hitman Team was unfortunate. 
What was once nine had withered away to one, bit by bit, and what was left, the shallow husk of a herculean man, burnt with a need for vengeance.
He wouldn't come out during the day. He was a wanted killer. So he stalked the streets at night, hidden beneath the cool Italian sky. Mottled by cloud and smog, the moon could not shine and so he whisked his way through the darkness like some sort of feral beast.
The two had known of each other for a long while; One was well informed of the batch of traitorous assassins, and the other had studied well as to the whereabouts of the Don of Passione. And while he did not believe the young man stood before him was the Don, he had a sneaking suspicion that somewhere, somehow, the two were related. 
There wasn't much Doppio could recall from the first time they'd formally met. He'd been in a blurred state of consciousness, his Boss whispering words that rattled through his brain and sent him into a frenzy - after a ferocious fight on the cliffs of Sardinia, they were both left cowering like wounded animals. While he couldn't quite remember what had happened, he knew his Boss had been proud, and he thought that he'd scared Risotto Nero off for what would be a long while. 
Such is why he was so surprised to find himself the victim of a feral stalker deep into the night. Trotting down the severed streets of Venezia with a paper bag full of fresh fruits and vegetables. He'd been shopping, but had gotten caught up with a last minute mission. He thought he'd be safe. He typically was under the watchful eye of his beloved Boss. Doppio was not someone to be trifled with, and most creatures of the night knew that - But Risotto Nero was no ordinary night breed. He was a man of sheer, brute force. A man with prowess, strength and loyalty to his fallen Familia. 
The very fact that he had lived his last encounter with Doppio meant that some twisted God was on his side, and he would be damned if he did not try once more to squeeze the truth from his latest target. 
Doppio staggered to a halt when a chill ran down his spine. Paranoid, with a chill running down his spine at the feeling that he wasn't quite alone. A crimson glare pinned to his lithe figure; there was a long bout of silence as the dark man teetered out from the shadows. His long coat swaying behind him gently against the breeze, followed by the jingling of his strange coxcomb. 
"It's you." He mustered out, voice weak with light astonishment. He had not expected to cross paths quite so soon, and having hardly recovered from the last fight, Doppio was unsure if he could go through with yet another tousle. 
At the mere sight of Risotto, there was a dull pain at the back of Doppio's head. A throbbing pain, shooting through the base of his skull to behind his eyes, and he winced for only a moment before it went away.
"Are you here to try and kill me?"
His words were met with silence. Risotto stalked the shadows, as if her were bound to them by some curse of nature, his red gaze never once leaving Doppio's as he circled him. 
There was a bout of silence, encapsulated through unsure pants and steady footsteps, before Risotto finally halted. Standing firm a few feet before Doppio:
"Watch this." He spoke, and his voice had Doppio recoiling in fear. It was deep, a haunting curse woven into each syllable.  
He took a step out from the darkness of Napoli's backstreet, allowing his body to be bathed by the light of a flickering streetlamp; artificial lustre highlighted his firm body, splaying up from his striped trousers to his glinting chest harness - yet his face was shaded. Dipped in such a way so that it looked as if horns sprouted from the top of his head. 
For a moment, Doppio jerked backward, fearful of the herculean man stood before him. But a familiar voice rattled at the back of his head; "A cheap party trick, done to scare the paranoid."
"...Boss?" He lifted his head suddenly, looking around with a tight, furrowed expression. Though he could have sworn he had heard his Boss, a sweeping glance across the dark street showed no signs of life. Aside from Risotto, who now edged closer with a peculiar look to his stern face. 
"...This..." He took a few firm steps forward, allowing the fluorescent radiance of the streetlamp to showcase his face, and relishing in the way Doppio flinched as he watched through his peripheral gaze. He pointed toward Doppio accusingly. "...You did this last time."
Though his memory was fuzzy after having been littered with holes and lead, Risotto could distinctly remember Doppio's strange habits. He'd hold something random, perhaps a cigarette or a frog, and talk into it as if it were his phone. It was what had triggered Risotto's interest, what had made him realise that this strange pink man had a direct correlation to the Don of Passione. 
With Risotto slowly closing the bridge between them, Doppio stood firm. His expression turning serious. 
"I don't know what you're talking about." He feigned ignorance, eyeing Risotto closely, as if any twitch or sudden movement would be detrimental to his health.
Another step closer, and Doppio did not flinch this time. Though Risotto was taller and broader than him in many ways, Doppio felt a surge of strength. His head pounded with a dull pain and his fists curled, ready to fight. 
"I do not wish to have another altercation with you." He cautioned. After how badly beaten he had been since his last altercation with Risotto, there was a slither of hope within his chest that perhaps the other man would calm down and take a few steps backward. 
It was a fifty-fifty; two powerful stand users with both wit and strength, there was no telling who would win. A nagging voice at the back of Doppio's head told him to leave, that the odds weren't in his favour and that he would surely die at the hand of Risotto Nero - Passione's Bogeyman. 
There was a short chuckle. A thundering laugh from the depths of Risotto's chest, before a large, calloused hand was wrapped around Doppio's throat. He shoved the smaller man backward, pinning him tightly against another lamppost - his bag of groceries fell to the floor with a loud thunk. 
"I wouldn't call it an altercation." He spat, voice laced with a vengeful venom. "It's murder. Plain and simple." 
Doppio winced, a shooting pain now thundering through his skull as something dark and twisted tried to claw its way to the surface of his conscience. His mouth opened to gripe, but Risotto's grip on his windpipe only tightened, and as a result Doppio was left a wheezing mess. 
His head throbbed, vision blurring as someone else tried to take over, but Doppio pushed his way to the front, because despite the impending doom there was something so ethereal about Risotto in this state. Enigmatic as he was, stood beneath that glowing lamp, face mere inches away from his own; he had an inscrutable demeanour that had Doppio's eyes blowing wide as he stared in utter awe. 
Taking note of the light pink that dusted Doppio's cheeks, Risotto's grip on him loosened.
...Was he enjoying this?
Brushing off such a thought, Risotto continued.  
"Though you appear incompetent, I believe you are the one I am looking for." He decided to speak again, his hand still wrapped around Doppio's throat - yet looser this time so that he could still speak. 
Risotto's gaze was intense. Doppio looked down to evade it, but was instead met with the sturdy chest of a man who clearly worked out. His cheeks grew a darker shade of red. He cleared his throat, which for some reason had become unbelievably dry. 
"I'm not the Boss, if that's what you're trying to insinuate." His words were the truth. Though Doppio had never seen his Boss, he'd heard his voice plenty of times through phone calls and such.
His words had Risotto dazed, for neither of the two had concrete evidence to back up their claims. Risotto was hurdling across a hunch he'd developed when he'd first seen Doppio's stand, and Doppio was talking from the view of a man who had no idea his soul had been splintered. 
With a frustrated grunt, Risotto shoved himself away from Doppio. He placed a hand to his face in dismay, glowering sourly as he found himself right where he had started with this whole ordeal. For a moment, he considered throttling Doppio then and there - diving back atop of him and strangling the life out of his doe-like eyes, but the thought quickly passed and was soon replaced with something much, much more valuable. 
Risotto's lips twitched upward, a sinister smirk playing at his features. Doppio too was busy rubbing at his neck and catching his breath to notice such an evil look, and so Risotto silently encroached once again. He placed his hand atop of the others chest, relishing in the way he suddenly gasped and flushed in surprise - his heart hammered in his chest. 
"You will not die tonight." He murmured, leaning close to the other. His breath fanned over Doppio's freckled face, hot and heady, and Doppio wasn't quite sure what to do in this situation. "But you are not free, either. I will return, and you will answer to me: Doppio." 
It was with that, Risotto peeled himself away. Turning swiftly on his heel he sank back to the shadows from whence he came, his coat fluttering behind him like wings of gloom. And only once he was gone, Doppio let out a shuddering breath that he had not realised he was holding. 
His heart beat loudly, leaping in his throat in what he wanted to believe was terror. Though, he wasn't quite sure what was worse; the fact that he was disappointed at Risotto's leave or that he was excited by the prospect of seeing him again. 
He stood still for a few moments, his eyes slowly trailing down to the pavement where his groceries now lay splayed across cold brick. A frown settled across his lips; he'd just bought those and had been looking forward to a fresh stir-fry. 
Doppio's eyes widened, his head suddenly perking up as he fumbled about his jean pockets for his phone. To no avail, he could not find it anywhere. 
No, it wasn't on him. Doppio looked down to the ground, taking note that the ringing sounded as if it was coming from the floor. 
He let out a tut of realisation when he saw it on the floor. It must've fallen out when Risotto grabbed him! 
With urgency, Doppio bent down to the ground and picked up an empty bottle of beer. Half broken, shattered against the sidewalk by what was likely a drunk and senile man. 
"Hello? Who's there?" His entire demeanour changed as he held the bottle to his ear, not caring for the way it nicked at his ear. 
"My sweet Doppio... you rejected my help..." 
The voice that spoke to Doppio through his 'phone' seemed to echo around his head as it spoke. It was gritty, though there was a twinge of silk to it that was all too similar to that of Doppio's. 
"Boss? Is that you?" He perked up, growing joyous at the sound of his beloved Boss' voice. He'd hoped to talk to his Boss after the incident with Risotto, but he was shocked at how quickly the man had been able to contact him - his Boss was always good at these things though. 
"Yes. It is me. Doppio, you pushed me away. I had no idea you had such control." 
His brow furrowed. Contorted in confusion. Control? Push? He wasn't quite sure what his Boss was trying to say. Clearing his throat, Doppio chose to relay what had just happened: 
"Risotto Nero is active again. He seems to have recovered from the bullets Aerosmith shot at him! He's under the impression that I am you, which is crazy, isn't it?" Doppio let out an unsure laugh. "But he seems less hostile now. I believe almost getting killed has calmed him down!" 
"No... Doppio... there is so much you do not grasp. He is not hostile for he has ulterior motives. He wishes to harm me, and he will do so through you." 
Doppio nodded his head along with what his Boss was telling him. 
"When Risotto encroaches, you must let me help you. Do not push me away. Your disobedience puts me and my identity at risk." 
He frowned, realising that by 'help', his Boss likely meant that he would lend him a portion of his power just as he had done last time. Doppio had not realised he had been disobedient. 
"I'm sorry, Boss. I won't let this happen again. I won't!" If he were stood before his Boss, he would likely bow and beg for forgiveness, but for now pleading was all he could do. It seemed his superior was in a forgiving mood, however, when he brushed off Doppio's apology. 
"Do not fret, my dear. You were afraid." 
Doppio nodded his head, agreeing with his Boss wholeheartedly. He had been afraid, of course!
That's why his heart had thrummed loudly against his ribcage when Risotto pinned him against the lamppost. It's why his cheeks had felt so hot when he looked at the tall, muscular man. 
It's why when he thought about it, Risotto was actually very attractive. He always had been, really: When they'd first met on the cliffs of Sardinia Doppio had not been able to appreciate the strange ethereal beauty he held. How his barrelled body moved so eloquently with each move he made. How his eyes held such a strong, Hellish passion to them as he unleashed his wrath. The sweet smile he held when he finally thought he was going to win. 
And it's certainly why in the weeks following, Doppio had found himself staying out later and later. Walking through the streets of Venezia past sunset with no real purpose for the slim chance that he would bump into his shadowy stalker once again. 
He knew he was there. He could feel his eyes piercing his skin, staring from afar like some sort of monster ready to eat its prey - yet nothing came of it. There was no pounce. Nor was there any skirmish. Every so often Doppio would see him, his red eyes gleaming in the dark of the night, and a strange sense of hope would swell within his chest that maybe, just maybe he would come and talk. But he never did. He just watched. 
As this went on, Doppio's Boss became irrational. Panicked and paranoid - at first he had justified Doppio's behaviour as a form of fear, but he'd caught on quickly, and realised that Doppio had developed some sort of attraction to Risotto. As sickening as it was. 
"You are following the wrong path." 
He would growl, growing more and more frustrated with what was once his obedient alter. Doppio pressed the heel of a shoe closer to his ear, tired eyes lingering over a cup of steaming coffee. 
The bags beneath his eyes were respondent of a sleep schedule he'd ruined in the sake of finding Risotto Nero. And here he sat, alone in some strange café in the midst of the night. 
"I'm sorry, Boss." He slurred, a yawn being torn from his mouth as he spoke. He could hear his Boss growl from the other end of the line. "I'm trying to find him." 
"For the wrong reasons." 
His Boss then boomed, and Doppio winced. He hated disappointing his Boss, yet, he wasn't quite sure why he so desperately wanted to see Risotto again. 
It couldn't have been a crush. Risotto Nero was a cruel, conniving man who had hurt both him and his Boss, Doppio would never crush on such a cruel person. Perhaps it was limerence. Or maybe appreciation - it was impressive how determined he was, after all. 
"It's not what it seems to be." Was all the reasoning he could offer, because in truth, he wasn't quite sure what it was himself. 
There was a sigh. It thrummed through his head as if coming from the back of his very brain, and his Boss continued: 
"My dear Doppio, I know you better than you know yourself."
Doppio nodded along, for what his Boss said was true. More often than not, his Boss did know him better than he knew himself. 
"And I know you will be taken advantage of. Do not let him in. This is of upmost urgency, Doppio! He will harm both you and I. Don't you care for me, Doppio?" 
"Of course I care." Doppio plead with his Boss. "I promise, this will not get in the way! I will take him out."
There was a silence. Was his Boss mad? He hated to make his Boss upset, but he really did not understand the feelings that swirled within him. A few moments of tense silence passed, before a shadow in the peripherals of Doppio's vision twitched. 
He gasped, turning his head to gaze out the window - but his fretful stare was met with nothing but the wet streets of Venezia, dark under the glooming moonlight. He blinked, pausing for a moment before letting out a loud sigh. He was being paranoid, a trait he had perhaps picked up from the recent nights he had spent sleepless and longing. 
He hung up his phone, turning to hand the shoe back to his waiter who shook with fear. Evidently afraid of the man who had just yanked her shoe right off of her foot. 
"Thanks for letting me borrow your phone, ma'am." 
She took it and scurried away, hiding behind the café counter where she was safe from the small yet strong man. Doppio's head cocked to the side, wondering what had gotten her in such a spooked mood, when the sudden chiming of the door-charm rang out through the mostly silent room. It signalled the entrance of a new character, and the broad frame of the gothic man who entered caught Doppio's attention. 
His breath hitched once he had caught sight of Risotto, and his cheeks flushed to the very same colour of the blood that pumped through his veins. 
"So you did follow me." He gasped, eyes blowing wide - trained on Risotto's figure as he took to occupying the seat in front of him.
A bittersweet feeling of betrayal churned deep within his chest, for he knew the longing he felt for this lethargic man was wrong on so many levels. All the while, a pit of ferocious fire burnt at the back of his head, a voice that was not quite his screaming and shrieking to turn back, to stop, to kill Risotto right now. His head hurt. A pounding pain that grew stronger the longer he looked toward Risotto.
"You knew I would." Risotto cocked his head to the side peculiarly. "And yet you didn't once try to eliminate me." 
"You didn't try to kill me either." Doppio then argued, his tone critical. Risotto found himself at a loss for words.
And here they were at a standstill. 
Risotto took note of the way Doppio shyed back, his dark gaze narrowing in scrutiny as he watched the smaller man fumble about like a silly school-boy with a crush. He had not been unaware of the feelings that brewed within the heart of his enemy, like a wounded sheep limping behind the white wolf - ready for a slaughter it knew would come. 
He had been curious to see how far these feelings stewed. How much Risotto could twist and tug at them to get what he wanted. 
He was sure that Doppio was the man he had been searching for. The Boss. The wicked mastermind behind the continious spiral that had been Risotto's life. But while he believed this to be true, there was another part of him that denied such thoughts. 
There was something so vehemently wrong about Doppio. As if that body weren't his. As if his doe-like eyes would flicker with a sentience that was not his own. The longer he watched Doppio in silence, the more his point was proven, for the pink man had began to grit his teeth at the intense ache of a migraine thundering through his skull. His hair became tousled, uncoiling from the pristine bun he had held it in and tangling down beyond his shoulders. 
It was with this, watching Doppio become undone before him, that it finally clicked within Risotto's head. 
"You aren't the only one in there, are you?" 
He had never been good with medical research. He knew what he needed to know for Metallica to work, but other than that, he was useless - Melone and Ghiaccio had always been experts in the field of biology, but now they were dead and he was left pondering if it was even humanely possible for two souls to inhabit one body. 
He leant forward, and in turn Doppio startled back. A flash of hazel-green splayed across his usually chocolate gaze; a warning.
It was all Risotto needed to see - Doppio was not the Don, no... the Boss lived within Doppio. Dormant. Hiding. Waiting. To kill the Boss would mean to kill Doppio, and Risotto was a violent creature who should tear through their throats with no remorse or regret. 
So why did he hesitate? 
He could feel his blood pulsing beneath his own skin. Metallica burned hot in his blood, writhing and wriggling to be let out, to be turned to a blade and stabbed right into the heart of the man who killed his team.
Had he enjoyed this wicked game?
Had he found himself liking Doppio?
"What are you talking about?" Doppio inquired with an evident skepticism to his tone. His eyes widened, recoiling in fear when Risotto took to standing. 
For a brief moment, their eyes met and Doppio saw something in Risotto he had never quite seen before. A vulnerability. A falter in his stoic façade and it was beautiful. Risotto Nero was beautiful. 
"W-Wait-! Don't you want to drink anything? You just got here!" His words fell on deaf ears, for Risotto had already turned to leave the café. 
Doppio scrambled to his feet, gathering his belongings in a crumpled pile. He paused for a moment, fumbling about his pockets to slap a hefty wad of lira atop of what was once his table before swiftly moving to follow Risotto outside. 
"You will not follow him! You will obey me, Doppio!" 
The voice of his Boss seemed to echo in his head, and for a moment Doppio paused, a contorted expression of confusion etching deep into his features. There was no phone nearby. How could his Boss be talking to him? 
"Boss? Where are you?" 
He tried to look around, to no avail, all he could see was a quaking waitress. 
"Listen to me, my dear Doppio. Obey me like you always have." 
Doppio paused. It sounded as if his Boss were all around him, stood with a megaphone at the back of his skull and shouting - he was everywhere at once and it disoriented him greatly. Swallowing thickly, Doppio nodded: "I'm... listening...?" 
"If you follow Risotto Nero you become a traitor to me." 
"But..." His heart pounded in his chest, from both fear and fury. He feared dissapointing his Boss, yet fury blossomed within his chest at the control this singular man held over him. 
"He is a manipulative monster. He is using you. You will not follow him." 
But Doppio thought of the way the two had locked eyes, how vulnerable Risotto had seemed for just a brief moment. He had no doubt in his mind that this strange feeling of bliss was mutual. "...What I feel for him is genuine, and I believe he feels the same way."
"What you feel is senseless lust. It is pitiful. Utterly useless. Stave these feelings for the sake of our Kingdom!" 
"Your kingdom." He scowled. 
This whole organisation, the one he had been labelled as the consigliere for had been the idea of a selfish man he had never even met before. Doppio had followed his Boss with a blindfold his whole life - ever since the night he had blacked out and murdered his own foster father. He had thought that this odd man was a saving grace, that the Heavens had opened for him at a time of dear need. But now he knew that this 'kingdom' was the ideal of a man who had crawled out from the depths of Hell. 
Diavolo was the devil, and Doppio had followed him for far too long. His head ached, but he bit back the pain. Taking steps forward despite the screaming urge to turn around. 
"Do not." 
His Boss plead, a waver within his voice. He was used to his underlings disobeying, but direct disobedience from Doppio - his other half, was new. 
"You like him too." Doppio seethed, edging closer and closer toward the door. He fought with his own body, each limb heavy as something, someone, tried to pull them back. "I know you better than you know yourself." 
"...You do not." 
The door was thrown open. Cold air hit his face in a crisp breeze, a few autumnal leaves rattling past - carried along by the current. Diavolo seemed to loosen his hold by a bit once Doppio was outside, realising that the weaker of the two had more control than either had initially thought. 
As thoughts of the traitorous hitman filled the mind of Doppio, his other half was blearingly quiet, for it had been true; Risotto Nero had captured the heart of both the Don and the Consigliere. It was unfair, for though their souls were seperate their minds functioned in the same way - he had wormed himself inside there with his haunting presence and ethereal aura. 
It was with this silent confirmation that Doppio began to ran, his short legs carrying him as far as they would go as he caught up with Risotto, who took long lethargic strides. When he finally caught up, he grabbed at the back of his coxcomb, yanked him right around and planted a desperate kiss atop of his lips. 
It was messy. Sharp tongues and teeth clashing with what was pent up violence. The cut that bleeds, the kiss that stings; Risotto was a savage, violent man and Doppio found himself wondering if love could blossom within the scorching pit of vengeance. 
But that didn't matter. What mattered was that Risotto never shoved him away. Despite how wrong it felt to kiss the man who had indirectly taken the lives of your family, Risotto gripped at the collar of his shirt and yanked him closer in what was a display akin to that of a feral beast. 
What would come of this, the three did not know - for they were still enemies. As long as Diavolo lived, Risotto would hunt, and as long as Risotto hunted, Doppio would retaliate. 
Yet, in the moment these problems needn't matter. What mattered was that while stood in the dirtied alleys of Venezia, basking beneath a moon hidden behind clouds, they had each other. 
There will likely be another part to this, when I have more time to write :)
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
Hello ! Because you love Adrien as much as me, can you make one with him where he’s jealous of your man best friend ? Thank you so so much :)
I love Adrien so much 😭
Also I changed it a bit I hope you don’t mind😭❤️
Thank you for requesting this ❤️ I hope you like it ⭐️
Let’s pretend Juve didn’t just lost 5-1 to Napoli okay 🥲
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Are you jealous?
Adrien wasn’t the jealous type. He was calm, always, in every situation he never lose control. It happened a few times that some men made some comments but Adrien always let it slide because he was sure you wouldn’t lose your time with other men.
You, on the other hand, were very jealous. This was your first ever real relationship and you still had no idea how everything worked so yes, you were a jealous type. Especially now that your boyfriend is famous. Girls messaged him every single day on instagram, models tried to flirt with him and fans threw themselves at his feet. You were happy for him - of course - but sometimes you couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if one of the girls won over you. You were a very insecure person and even if Adrien tried to reassure you in so many ways you still let your thoughts have the best of you.
Tonight you were supposed to go to this club with some of his teammates to celebrate juventus winner last night and honestly you wished you could stay home.
But instead you were getting ready. You decided to wear a black short dress. Not too short of course, you still haven’t that much confidence and it wasn’t too revealing either but it fit you so good you were kinda proud of you. You opted for black heels and a very soft make up. It would be all dark so no one would see your face - you thought.
When you left Adrien wouldn’t leave your hand, not even when he was driving and you couldn’t ask for more. You were both very affectionate. He didn’t mind kissing you or hugging you in public and you loved it.
When you arrived at the club you got welcomed by loud music, people jumping and dancing and an awful smell of alcohol, all things that made you feel uneasy and uncomfortable.
You went straight to your group friends when you saw them and started talking with each other. At least you weren’t in a crowded part of the club.
“Mon amour do you want to dance?” Adrien asked you and you had no idea of what to answer. You weren’t a club fan. You hated loud music - only concerts were allowed - you hated people dancing on each other and jumping and this question made you speechless
“Mon amour?” he asked you again
“It’s fine…you go and have fun. I’ll get something to drink first…” you said
“But you don’t drink…” - fuck he knows you very good
“I think I’ll need it tonight” you smiled at him
“You don’t mind if me and the guys dance a bit?”
“Absolutely no! Go and have fun!” you said kissing him and he left for the dance floor.
In that moment you got up and went straight to the bar, sitting on a bar stool waiting for your order. You were kinda lucky that this part of the club wasn’t full of people so you could actually hear people talking.
The barman handed you your drink and you began to drink not before taking a deep breath.
“Not a fan ah?” a man asked you smiling sitting next to you
“Nope” you continued drinking your martini
“Me neither…but friends dragged me here”
“Same…” you said finishing your drink in two shorts
“Get me the same one she had! And…for her another one” the man next to you said to the barista “I’m Mark by the way” he introduced himself and you shook his hands
“So…y/n what are you doing here all alone? Drinking your problems away?” he joked a bit and honestly you laughed, he was funny and he had a positive energy
“Wishing to be home instead…so I drink”
“I feel you…I don’t know maybe it’s the loud music or the fact that people get so wasted with drinks and dances but I do really hate clubs…” he said trying to break the tension a bit
“Yes I know!” you said while the barista handed you both your drinks “I’m not even an alcohol drinker but I think desperation made me do it” you said holding up your drink and he laughed
“I wish I was at home watching some movies…”
“Harry Potter on Channel 5…that is what I was supposed to do instead of being here” you said drinking
“Or Deadpool on Channel 9” he said smirking and you couldn’t help but laugh
“Yes well…next friday I’m definitely staying at home”
“Watching Harry Potter?” he joked and you laughed so hard you were sure everyone in the club heard you.
In fact, Adrien heard you.
His eyes haven’t left you since the moment you started talking with that man.
He tried to be calm, thinking maybe you were only friends but he had no idea of who that man was and he knew that not even your friends could make you laugh so much.
He was jealous.
He was so jealous he wanted to take you away from the club and go home, only for him to be with.
But he also knew how much this kind of places made you uncomfortable so he was relieved to see you laughing a bit. But he couldn’t think straight because it was a man who was making you laugh.
He decided to go at the bar.
But stopped the moment he saw the man touching your arm. He waited for you to do something but you didn’t even moved.
“C’mon do something…” Adrien whispered to himself but truth was you were too drunk you didn’t even know he was touching you.
Instead you kept laughing and talking and Adrien was fuming.
“Hey” he said approaching you
“Adriiii!” you said grabbing his hand “have you met Mark? Mark this is Adrien, Adrien this is Mark” you introduced them, forgetting a little detail - he was your boyfriend
“A friend?” Mark asked
“Her boyfriend” Adrien stated with a strong voice
“Yes he’s pretty handsome don’t you think?” you asked Mark and in that moment Adrien realised you were too drunk to even comprehend what was going on
“Ohh y/n you didn’t told me you had a boyfriend” Mark smirked at you putting his hand on your thighs, right in front of Adrien’s look
“Yes she has a boyfriend and I wouldn’t touch her if I were you” Adri stated with a strong voice and a hard look, if he was jealous first, he was pissed now
“She doesn’t mind, right baby?” Mark said touching your thighs going up and up
“What?” you asked getting out of your trance. Yes you were too drunk even if you only had two drinks, but everyone knew you couldn’t handle alcohol.
“Get your fucking hands off of her now before I make you” Adrien shouted and a few people turned around. Adrien’s friend Dusan came to see what was going on and calm the situation down in case anything happened.
“Okay I won’t touch her, but man you need to take more care of her, poor baby was left alone all night don’t be surprised if she looks out for other man” Mark said and even if you were kinda drunk understood what he said
“You’re the one who approached me first jerk!” you shouted drunkly and Adrien couldn’t help but laugh a bit
“Because you looked like you needed a good fuck baby” Mark said to you and you felt sick, you thought he was actually a nice person and not dickhead
“Okay that’s enough. Don’t touch her, don’t talk to her, if I ever see you again next to her it won’t end up good for you!” Adrien shouted while you stood up and tried to get him out, with the help of Dusan.
You got him out of the club and he tried to calm down but he was so pissed at what that man did and said.
“Let’s go home y/n” Adrien said reaching for his car, you thanking Dusan for his help and following behind
“Adri…” you called him
“That man got you drunk! What a dick!”
“Adrien calm down please”
“I can’t! The way you were laughing at his jokes…I can’t get the imagine out of my head! The way he touched you!”
“Adri I’m sorry-wait! Are you jealous?” you asked him smirking
“Of course I am! That man couldn’t keep his hands off of you!”
“Yes I knew it!” you said laughing
“That under that calm presence of yours you needed to be a little bit jealous”
“A little bit? Y/n my love that if homicide would be legal that man wouldn’t have lived another day” he said seriously but you couldn’t contain your laugh
“I love you Adri”
“Moi aussi mon amour” he said taking your hand and kissing it.
You fell asleep in the car while he was driving back home.
You were too tired you didn’t even heard him picking you up and letting you in the house. He gently removed all of your clothes and dressed you in one of his hoodies, he proceeded to remove all of your make up and then he put you in bed.
“Je t’aime mon amour” he said to you while he wrapped his arms around your body and put you closer. That’s how he fell asleep, with you in his embrace and his head on top of yours.
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hellokittyhairclips · 8 months
prima che uscisse la trama della seconda stagione io mi ero fatta i viaggi mentali, quindi: pensavo che mimmo fosse già uscito di prigione e, dato che praticamente non aveva più nessuno a napoli, si va a trasferire a roma da dante!!!! quindi mimmo a scuola e in villa balestra!!!! sarebbe stata interessante la dinamica simone/manuel/mimmo sotto lo stesso tetto!!! inoltre mi ero inventata il fatto che mimmo fosse gay and proud! e che flirtava con simone shamelessly!!! ahhahahahh sto bene benissimo anzi
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queensknight87 · 1 year
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lanaparrilla Mangiare mangiare! Is literally all I want to do when in Napoli! All the smells of street food everywhere you go is so highly intoxicating and iniquitously tempting!
Universally, Napoli has some of the greatest food and I was literally put in a time machine back to my grandmother's dinner table yesterday tasting everything! A proud Sicilian! Yes, Neapolitans and Sicilians are the same!
Naples also happens to be the pizza capital of the world. So I HAD to come here to learn HOW to make their traditionally moist, perfectly thin dough pizza. And who better than Luigi Marra to guide me at his famous restaurant @san_carlo_17
What a blast! Btw, making pizza is much more challenging art than I thought. Not only do you have to get the measurements right, and how much to use when, you have to know temperatures, inside the oven and outside the oven. The temperature of the air, the water, my fingers and my palms all have an impact on the dough I felt like I was in a pizza chemistry class.
Chef Luigi is an excellent teacher with a wonderful sense of humour and an enormous amount of patience He's extremely knowledgeable, a professor of the craft and reminded me of how crappy my math skills were when he started adding up the amount of grams per ingredient.
It truly was such a pleasure to learn the secrets behind making a Neapolitan pizza by the master himself! Respect Grazie mille Luigi!
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thekitmanuk · 3 months
SSC Napoli 2024-25 EA7 Away Kit
Football kit news from Italy as the new SSC Napoli 2024-25 EA7 away kit has been released. SSC Napoli 2024-25 Away Shirt The new 2024-25 SSC Napoli away shirt is predominantly white with a subtle all over zigzag pattern with Napoli badges scattered throughout the jersey. Thin dark blue trim appears on the collar and cuffs as well as the underarms. Both the EA7 logo on the right breast and the…
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sl-res · 1 year
Instagram ha deciso di consigliarmi prodotti proud Italian style il sole il mare Napoli campione and I will not complain
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Bios: Viola Nye / Vi Lucifarian (2021)
The Family Pride Vi Lucifarian
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Same pic as Vi has not changed at all
The first of the seven sins, the always proud Vi isn't the sharpest woman in the world, but she knows enough to destroy anyone, including teams and stables by using the power of pride. Once she knows you're proud of yourself, she'll manipulate you into an egotistical monstrous version of your former self.
"Rise and shine, cupcake"
Full Legal Name: Viola Dorothea Nye (Née Lum)
First Name: Viola
Meaning: Means 'Violet' in Latin
Pronunciation: vi-O-la
Origin: English, Italian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak
Middle Name: Dorothea
Meaning: Feminine form of the Late Greek 'Dorotheos' which meant 'Gift of God' from Greek 'Doron' meaning 'Gift' and 'Theos' meaning 'God'
Pronunciation: door-o-THEE-a
Origin: German, Dutch, English, Late Greek
Surnae: Nye (Née Lum)
Meaning: Originally indicated a person who lived near a river, from Middle English 'Atten eye' meaning 'At the river' (Lum: From the name of towns in England called 'Lamb', probably from Old English 'Lum' 'Pool')
Pronunciation: NIE (LUH-mb)
Origin: English (English)
Alias: The Family Pride, Vi Lucifarian
Reason: Vi is the eldest of the seven and is her father's 'pride and joy'
Nicknames: Vi
Titles: Miss, Mrs, Ma'am
Age: 42
Gender: Female. She/Her pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: September 5th 1979
Symbols: Horeshoes, The Colour Purple
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, French, Spanish
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Theme Song: 'You Don't Own Me' - Lesley Gore (1999-2012), 'Little Lion Man' - Tonight Alive, Dave Petrovic (2012-)
Voice Actor: Rosamund Pike
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Blackpool, Lancashire, England
Current Location: Unknown
Hometown: Brigg, Lancashire, England
Height: 5'6" / 167 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: All exceptthe sides is dyed purple
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2021) 10
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Double, Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: ADHD
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: Vegetarian
Allies: (As of Jan 2021) Damien Lucifarian, Billie Lucifarian, Geia Lucifarian, Honey Lucifarian, Eli Lucifarian, Sara Lucifarian, Yeray Marino, Flo Marino, Bano Marino, Judi Marino, Rino Marino, Nat Marino, Mac Marino, Ros Marino, Zac Marino, 'Monster' Mike, Sakurako, Ash Thunder
Enemies: (As of Jan 2021) Kirby Kingston, Eddie Kingston, The Rhydderch Clan
Friends: Bienvenida Marino. Pelageya Winter, Honey Di Napoli, Elinor Herbert, Saraid Grady-Sullivan Giselle Herbert
Colleagues: The AEW locker rooms / Too many to list
Rivals: Evil Uno, Rey Fénix, Adam Page, Chris Jericho, Britt Baker
Closest Confidant: Quentin Nye
Mentor: Damian Lum
Significant Other: Quentin Nye (43, Husband)
Previous Partners: None of note
Parents: Damian Lum (62, Father), Marion Kay (63, Mother)
Parents-In-Law: Hari Nye (63, Father-In-Law), Zarina Nye (64, Mother-In-Law, Née Das)
Siblings: Ulysses May (39, Half-Brother), Wanda Ott (36, Half-Sister, Née Lum), Tristan Lum (33, Half-Brother), Xavia Aaron (30, Half-Sister), Sullivan Lum (27, Half-Brother), Yasmine Lum (24, Half-Sister), Roger Lum (21, Half-Brother), Zella Lum (18, Half-Sister), Astor Bush-Kay (39, Half-Brother), Zoe Case (36, Half-Sister, Née Bush-Kay), York Bush-Kay (33, Half-Brother), Xanthia Abbey (30, Half-Sister, Née Bush-Kay), Wystan Bush-Kay (27, Half-Brother), Vivian Bush-Kay (24, Half-Sister), Ulric Bush-Kay (21, Half-Brother), Twila Bush-Kay (18, Half-Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Raabi'a Keo (40, Quentin’s Sister, Née Nye), Dara Keo (41, Raabi'a’s Husband), Sixte Nye (37, Quentin’s Brother), Eun-Yeong Nye (38, Sixte’s Wife, Née Yun), Tri Gim (34, Quentin’s Sister, Née Nye), Gyeong Gim (35, Tri’s Husband), Uno Nye (31, Quentin’s Brother), Hyeon-Ju Nye (32, Uno’s Wife, Née Mun), Winona Nye (28, Quentin’s Sister), Xystos Nye (25, Quentin’s Brother), Amita Nye (22, Quentin’s Sister), Bragi Nye (19, Quentin’s Sister), Kestrel May (40, Ulysses’ Wife, Née Coy), Heath Ott (37, Wanda’s Husband), Gardenia Lum (34, Tristan’s Wife, Née Day), Titus Aaron (31, Xavia's Husband), Symphony Bush-Kay (40, Astor’s Wife, Née Clay), Ryland Case (37, Zoe’s Husband), Primrose Bush-Kay (34, York’s Wife, Née Cobb), Odin Abbey (31, Xanthia's Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Kolab Keo (20, Niece), Makara Keo (17, Nephew), Pich Keo (14, Niece), Sok Keo (11, Nephew), Yeong-Hui Nye (17, Niece), U-Jin Nye (14, Nephew) Chae-Won Nye (11, Niece), Byeong-Ho Gim (14, Nephew), Ji-Hye Gim (11, Niece), Earl May (19, Nephew), Jane May (16, Niece), Flint May (13, Nephew), Imogen May (10, Niece), Magnolia Ott (16, Niece), Laurence Ott (13, Nephew), Naomi Ott (10, Niece), Daisy Lum (13, Niece), Vance Lum (10, Nephew), Orinda Bush-Kay (19, Granddaughter), Noble Bush-Kay (16, Grandson), Montana Bush-Kay (13, Granddaughter), Lyric Bush-Kay (10, Grandson), Kyrie Case (16, Granddaughter), Justice Case (13, Grandson), Ivy Case (10, Granddaughter), Huxley Bush-Kay (13, Grandson), Gray Bush-Kay (10, Granddaughter)
Children: Adam Nye (22, Son), Paulette Nye (19, Daughter), Benjamin Nye (16, Son), Olivia Nye (13, Daughter), Charles Nye (10, Son)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: The Underworld
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Damien Lucifarian
Managers: Damien Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 1999
Debut Match: Aisling Rhydderch VS Vi Lucifarian. Vi won by pinfall
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Trickster
Stables: The Lucifarians (1999-)
Teams: Post
Regular Moves: Over The Shoulder Arm Drag, Forearm Smash, Leg Sweep, Chokehold STO, Keylock, Diving Somersault Evasion, Beheader (Neck Wrench), Lineage Ender (Standing Moonsault Double Knee Drop), Lion’s Den (Crucifix Pin), Family Pride (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Power Bomb)
Finishers: Wish For This (Shooting Star Knee Drop), Flowing DDT, DDT
Refers To Fans As: The Prideful, The Prideful Ones, The Vain, The Vainglorious Ones
Backstory: Viola is all too proud of her achievements in the ring and in her life, but as the saying goes 'Pride comes before the fall’, and given how prideful she is, everyone expects her to have the worst downfall of the Lucifarians. She met and married her husband, Quentin Nye, at eighteen and had her first of her five kids at twenty. Both she and her dad are from Blackpool, England and her dad brought her up to get back up after every fight.
Trivia: Nothing of note so far
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amelmajrii · 2 years
That’s the beauty of a World Cup. Everything becomes about flags and colors and songs, but not in a way that tears people apart. We dream of our homelands in a way that is positive. In my neighborhood, it was connected to the past and to family in a beautiful way. Sometimes, especially in an African family, it might be the only time you will ever see your father or your uncle cry.
Sometimes people ask me why I chose to play for Senegal instead of France.
“Kouli, if you went for France, you could have been a world champion.”
Maybe, but I believe in fate. I always say that I am the fruit of two cultures -- the French and the Senegalese. I am very proud to be French. But for me, representing Senegal has been God’s plan. There has been something inside of me since 2002, pulling me toward that fate. I remember back when Aliou took over the team in 2015, he called me and said, “Kouli, we’re going into a new cycle, and we need you. You must come with us.”
He took a chance on a 24-year-old who was still sitting on the bench for Napoli. He believed in me. So I had to believe in Senegal. When I called my parents to tell them my decision, it was the only time in my life that I have seen them excited about football. Normally, they act as if I am still playing a game out in the schoolyard. They are too familiar with the hardships of real life to be bothered by a game. But when I called my father on FaceTime and told him that I was going to represent Senegal, I could see the light in his eyes.
This is a man who worked nonstop as a skilled worker in a sawmill — seven days a week for five years — so that he could give his children a better life in France. It takes a lot to get The Boss excited. But that day, his eyes were shining. Me representing my country is not just about a football match. It is about my blood, and my history, and the dreams of my parents.
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anadiasmount · 11 months
all about us? - jude bellingham insta au.
continuation insta au post to ‘more of us?’ 🧟‍♀️
ynusername added to their stories!🔒
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judebellingham replied to your story:
stop being naïve and answer my texts
who’s this weston guy?
answer me y/n i swear
↪️ yourreply: i should be none of your concern anymore. move on like i am.
sent 30 minutes ago**
judebellingham posted on their feed!
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liked by: westonmckennie, gioreyna, jobebellingham, vinijr, camavinga, 3,563,909.
judebellingham: power trip indeed
gioreyna: baby, not even i would want you 🥲
↪️ judebellingham: good me neither. i’m taken.
jobebellingham: amazing bro ❤️
username58: he is so sexy.
user539: why is this man always posting about this girl 💀
ynusername posted on their feed! 🔒
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liked by: judebellingham, yourbsf, yourbsff, westonmckennie, jobebellingham, others.
yourusername: what brent said 👍
yourbsf: okay pics 😛😛
yourbsff: i genuinely haven’t recovered from this past weekend…
↪️ yourusername: me either, but YOLO! 🧟‍♀️
westonmckennie: woah 😍😍
liked by ynusername!
username71: ma’am how do you look so good in every pic??
yourfriend: who’s the guy… 🧍‍♀️
↪️ judebellingham: my exact question.
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ynusername added to their stories! 🔒
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judebellingham replied to your story:
i’m coming to see you.
we have to talk this out please.
i can’t lose you the way i am. how many times do i have to repeat how much i love you? i want you back y/n. please just listen to me.
↪️ yourreply: even if we do talk, we both can tell there’s trust issues involved. jude i want to do bad, but how many more times are we gonna continue doing this? it’s getting out of hand.
judebellingham: which is why i’m coming to talk to you… there’s still hope in both us, i know there is.
seen 54 minutes ago **
news/media and messages:
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judebellingham posted on their feed!
Tumblr media
liked by: gioreyna, jobebellingham, ynusername, vinijr, tobybishay, camavinga, vinijr, 4,345,790.
judebellingham: what brent said 👍
yourfriend: is that my queen?
yourbsf: dear lord… have the two of you learnt nothing?
gioreyna: happy for you lad! 🤍
jobebellingham: jesus now you won’t shut up about her fr 😂🤣❤️
↪️ judebellingham: no you won’t, you’ll hear very detail of how wonderful she is 👍👍
ynusername added to their story! 🔒
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judebellingham replied to your story:
great now my hand is cold 😒🙄
miss you so much
i love you. thank you for giving me a chance, as much as i don’t deserve it. words can’t describe how grateful i am for you and what you do to my daily life. thank you for trusting me again, for continuing to love me even at my worst.
↪️ yourreply: what did i tell you about blaming yourself? we were both at fault and i’ll admit that because i also did hurt you at one point. i wanted to you to feel how i felt, so please baby, don’t blame yourself. i love you unconditionally and i miss you like hell.
judebellingham: why are you so perfect? how did i get so lucky? 😩😩
↪️ yourreply: STOPPP
judebellingham: never. i won’t stop 🥴
judebellingham: come to my game against napoli?
seen a minute ago **
judebellingham posted on their feed!
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liked by: ynusername, jobebellingham, tobybishay, vinijr, tonikroos, camavinga, gioreyna.
judebellingham: 3pts and a goal, thank you for you the amount of support. in a happy state of mind with you! 🤍
ynusername: i love you handsome!! 🥹🤍
↪️ judebellingham: in love with you pretty girl 🤍
ynusername: so proud of you always!
vinijr: he does it again 📸📷
gioreyna: top player. and great bf ig 😵‍💫
jobebellingham: real. had to be you. ❤️
usernameee6128: AWW JUDEEEE
user123: if you’re happy i’m happy!
username405: hard launch!!!
645 notes · View notes
ironychan · 2 years
A Little Human (as a Treat)
Part 1/? - Un Volontario
Part 2/? - Un Escursione
Part 3/? - Una Complicazione
Part 4/? - Una Famiglia
Part 5/? - Un Aiutante
The underdogs find some possible help.  So does Flavia.  Ercole needs help, but there’s nothing to be done for him.
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Alberto, Luca, and Giulia had left the harbour and headed out into San Giuseppe Bay, looking for the sorts of places where sea monsters liked to live.  These would not be so shallow as to be subject to the weather, but also not so deep that their crops wouldn't grow.  No sooner had they spotted a likely-looking area – a gentle sandy slope, covered with seagrass and with sunlight flitting across it – than they started encountering people.
Back home in the waters off Portorosso, Luca was usually the first to talk to people, because everybody already knew him.  The sea monster community there had been aware of Alberto's father, but had considered him a very private herson and he'd kept his son the same, and they were still a bit wary of Giulia and Massimo.  In Napoli, it had been Alberto who'd started conversations, since just about everyone in the Gulf was related to the extensive Scorfano family somehow.  Here, it was Giulia who approached a man gathering sunken driftwood and cleared her throat.
“Ciao,” she said.  “Can you help us find somebody?  Our neighbour, uh...” she looked at Luca.
“Mario Macarello,” he supplied.
Giulia nodded.  “He has a cousin who lives near here.”
“Oh, yes, Antonio,” the man replied pleasantly.  “Him and Felicia live just on the other side of the rise there.”
“Thank you!  Come on, ragazzi!” Giulia swam off.
Alberto shook his head.  “Man, when did she get to be faster than us?”
“You were proud of her before,” Luca reminded him with a smile.
“I'm proud of her when she's faster than people who think she's not sea monster enough,” said Alberto, “not when she's leaving us behind.”
Beyond the sandbar was an extensive, shadowy orchard of tall seaweeds with colourful fish darting between the branches, and in a clearing in the middle was a little house.  Like most sea monster homes, this had been built up from boulders already on the bottom, and its distinguishing feature was the triangular doorway framed by the jawbone of a whale, which had colourful anemones growing on it. In front of the house was a carefully-tended garden of ornamental crinoids and sponges.  Another sea monster was there, trimming one of the sponges with an obsidian knife.  She looked up at them, then did a double-take when she noticed their human clothing.
“Buongiorno!” Giulia called out.
“Ah... hello,” said the woman.  “Can I help you?”
“Are you Signora Macarello?” Luca wanted to know.
“I am,” she said, still cautious.  “And you?”
“Luca Paguro.”
“Alberto Scorfano.”
“Giulia Marcovaldo.  We're neighbours of Mario Macarello, from Portorosso.”
Felicia Macarello nodded in recognition.  “Oh, yes, Tony's cousin Maria.  I've met him.”  She still looked rather unsure about these children, but the polite thing to do was be hospitable.  “Won't you come in?”
She led them through the whale jaw and into the house, where her husband was replacing a stone that had fallen from the edge of a window.  Signora Macarello was sky-blue and veyr thin, while her husband looked much like his cousin, being mustard-coloured and a bit pudgy, and prematurely losing the fins around the top of his head.
“Antonio, these three say they're Mario's neighbours,” Felicia said.  She started sorting through the cupboards, looking for something she could offer her guests to eat.
“Oh, yes?” Antonio asked.  He set aside what he was working on and floated over for a closer look – he, too, looked rather askance at what they were wearing.
Giulia took the lead again.  “My name is Giulia Marcovaldo,” she repeated, “and my friends are Luca Paguro and Albe...”
“Paguro?” Signor Macarello interrupted, as his wife gasped. “The one who goes to school with the humans?”
“Yes, Sir.  That's me,” said Luca.
“So you two must be...”  Antonio pointed at Alberto, then at Giulia, and licked his lips.  “You're the ones who are part human yourselves?”
“Yeah, that's us.”  Alberto puffed his chest out defiantly. “What about it?”
“Nothing, nothing,” said Antonio quickly.
“We were in town with a friend,” Luca said, “but the fountain at the zoo broke and we got wet, and we had to run for the river. Flavia got left behind, so we need somebody to show us the best place to get out of the water again without anyone seeing us.
Felicia had been in the process of filling a large clam shell with snacks. Now she nearly dropped it in horror.  “You left your friend behind in a city full of land monsters?  Why didn't she come with you?”
“Because she couldn't.”  Luca looked at his friends – this was a bit of a complicated situation.  How much could they leave out, and still have it make sense?  If they had to start with the magic books in the Library of the Deep, they'd be here all night.
“She's human,” said Giulia.  “She can't swim.”  It was probably true.  Flavia wouldn't know how to swim the way humans did.
That made Felicia relax a little.  “Ohhh,” she said.  “Well, in that case, I don't see what the problem is.  She's with her own kind.”
“No, she's...”  Luca thought about it, and decided not to elaborate.  “She doesn't know anybody in San Giuseppe.”
“She's one of my cousins from Napoli,” Alberto added.  “She's just visiting Portorosso with one of her Dads.”
“We promised him we'd have her home in time for supper,” said Giulia.
Antonio grimaced.  “Normally I'd say if you have to go up on land, you do it after dark when the land monsters won't be out and about,” he said, rubbing his temples.  “Going up there while the sun's still out?  I don't know.  I just don't know.”
“I would say don't go at all,” his wife declared.  “Land monsters are dangerous.  Even if you are all chummy with them out there on the edge of the open sea, it's not like that here.  If any of them spot you, that'll be it.”
“And then there's the sun,” Antonio agreed.  “If you stay up there too long it can burn you, like sticking your hand in a kitchen vent.  I knew a guy that happened to, and after a couple of days his scales started falling off...”
“We know,” said Alberto. “If you stay in human form your skin peels off instead.”
It seemed that neither of the Macarellos had known that.  Antonio's eyes bulged in horror, and Felicia covered her mouth as if the idea made her nauseous.
Alberto leaned back a little, hands behind his head.  “Well, guys,” he said to his friends, “I guess if they can't help us, we'll just have to find somewhere all by ourselves.  I hope we get it right on the first try.  It sounds like if we don't, we're gonna get harpooned.”
Signor Macarello sighed heavily.  “I know a spot where the kids go to watch the city,” he said.  “I used to do it until my parents caught me at it.  But I will not go there while the fishing boats are out,” he added firmly.  “We'll wait until the humans go back to land for their supper.  You'll have to settle for getting your friend back in time for bed.”
That was considerably better than no help at all.  “Thank you, Sir,” said Luca.
“Do you know where she'll be waiting for you?” Felicia asked.
“No... but we went to a few different places today, and she'll probably look for us at one of those,” Luca said.  He thought for a moment and added, “probably not the pirate museum.  The parrot didn't like us.”
“Maybe the pizzeria or the candy shop,” Giulia suggested. “Unless the pigeon lady took her home.  What was her name?”
“Signora Pepitone,” said Luca.  If they knew her name and had a few coins, they could telephone.
“We'll figure it out,” Alberto said confidently.
The house where the Donzella family now lived had once belonged to an elderly man named Terzo Cormorano, but had stood unoccupied since his death a couple of years earlier.  Cormorano had let it get pretty dilapidated, and the Donzellas had done a lot of fixing up, but the house was now livable and it was time to pay attention to the rest of the property.  The barn was in a particularly awful state, with the roof partially collapsed.  While Signor Donzella and Silvio had gone to the shallows around the Island to collect more stones, Signora Donzella and a couple of neighbours were cleaning up what had fallen.
“That's Signor Pianuzza,” said Giordana, pointing to a man who was bringing in curved pieces of wood that must have come from a shipwreck.  “And there's Signora Egelfino.”  She was helping Giorgia Donzella sort the rubble by size, tossing away stones that were too broken or covered with shellfish to be re-used.
“Hello, Giordana!” Signora Donzella called out, waving.  “Oh, is this that boyfriend we've been hearing about?”
“Yes!  This is Francesco.  His friends call him Ciccio,” Giordana replied.
“Ciao,” Ciccio said with a nervous smile.  He couldn't help noticing that nobody seemed to find his presence odd.  Certainly nobody said anything like, wait, wasn't Giordana's new boyfriend a human?
A little girl with red and orange fins, Alessia Pianuzza, swam up for a closer look.  “Have you got sponges growing on you?” she asked Ciccio.
“No.  I've got poison spines and I don't want to stick anybody,” he replied – especially now that he knew what they actually did. Which reminded him... what had happened to their tagalong?
He turned and saw motion in a line of tall purple seaweeds that had been planted to mark some kind of boundary.  Sound carried further underwater, and Ciccio could hear Ercole's voice shout, “give that back, you little thief!”
“Come and get it!” Silvio replied.  “Swim!”  The weeds parted and Silvio dashed out, holding Ercole's pink sweater. Ercole himself emerged a moment later, in hot pursuit.
Watching Ercole swim was something like seeing an inexperienced rider on an excitable horse, except that Ercole himself was both the rider – trying desperately to pretend he was in control of the situation when he was clearly not – and the horse – barrelling merrily along in whatever direction it pointed its nose.  Being bigger than Silvio meant he could produce more thrust, but he had no idea how to direct it.  He caught up with the boy, couldn't stop, and ran right into him, sending both of them into the stony seafloor. There they wrestled a moment before Ercole got Silvio pinned and sat up, the sweater triumphantly in his hand.
“Mine!” he declared.
Alessia saw this, and decided she wanted to play, too.  She swam over and snatched the garment.
“My turn!” she said, and darted away.
“Hey!  Aspetta!” Ercole protested, but the only response was Alessia's giggles echoing back.  He looked up at Silvio.
“Well?” Silvio said.  “You know what to do.”
Ercole growled.  He picked himself up off the bottom and tried to swim after Alessia.  First he hit a rock.  Then he plowed himself face-first into a bed of sponges.  Then he finally managed to get going, and followed the laughing seven-year-old.
Silvio beamed.  “He'll be swimming like an expert in no time!”
Ciccio and Giordana delivered their loads of stones to Signora Donzella, who thanked them and asked if they wouldn't mid helping Signora Egelfino while she got the rafters, made out of the old ship ribs, in place with Signor Pianuzza.  They got to work sorting stones, and were soon joined by Signora Egelfino's daughter Mia.
Ciccio knew Mia.  She was one of Giordana's friends and had been to town a couple of times to try the things they cooked up in the bakery – in human form she had short, light brown hair and freckles.  As a sea monster she was yellow and pink, and it took Ciccio a moment to pick out the telltale traits and recognize her, but once he had he was pretty confident of his identification.  It was gratifying to hear her familiar voice a moment later as she greeted Giordana.
Mia, of course, also knew him.  She looked him over and said, “you're Ciccio, huh?”
“Yeah, that's me,” he agreed, rather relieved that somebody knew he was out of place here.
“What's with the spines?” Mia wanted to know.
“We don't know,” Giordana told her.  “Apparently that's just what he looks like.”
“Huh,” said Mia.
Signora Egelfino was putting the smaller stones they couldn't use into a basket to carry away, but she was close enough to hear this conversation.  “Oh, that's right,” she said.  “Giordana's seeing a boy who lives in the human town, isn't she?  I hope we'll see you down here more often, young man.”
Ciccio looked at Giordana.  She had said if anyone asks, we're just going to tell them.  Now was a moment of truth.
Giordana blinked back at him, then realized Mia was also looking at her to explain.  She swallowed and shut her eyes for a moment.  “Um, no,” she said with an awkward smile.  “This is just for today. Ciccio is... he's a human.”
“Like Luca and Alberto's friend,” Mia agreed.
“Oh?” Signora Egelfino said.  She moved a little, putting the bulk of the stones in between her and the kids.  “So... this is just going to be something that happens now, is it?  I mean, humans coming down here, and...”
“Just for today,” Ciccio assured her.  “The kids had this magic scroll.”
“It was really for Alberto's cousin,” Giordana added.  “She doesn't do the Change, but they found this spell where she could go up on land if she had somebody to trade with.”
“So they asked me if I wanted to try,” Ciccio finished.
He and Giordana both held their breath, waiting for Signora Egelfino's reaction.  If this went badly, it wouldn't bode well for how Giordana's mother might react later.
Unfortunately, her first question was, “does your mother know?”
“We're gonna tell her tonight,” said Giordana, “when he changes back.  I thought she'd take it better if she had a chance to get to know him a little better first.”
“I... see,” said Signora Egelfino dubiously.  She didn't look at all comfortable with the idea, but she wasn't freaking out, either. That wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible.  Could they expect the same sort of reaction from Atinnia Trota?  Would she just be mildly disapproving like this, or would she be outright furious?  Ciccio was starting to get a very bad feeling about the whole project.
“What about him?” Mia asked, pointing.
Ciccio and Giordana exchanged another worried glance, then turned to see what she was looking at.
Ercole was now lying face-up on a boulder, clutching his sweater and panting from unaccustomed exertion, staring blankly at a point somewhere between the surface of the ocean and the edge of the universe.  Alessia and Silvio were hovering over him, concerned.
“Is he dead?” asked Alessia, sounding sincerely worried that he might be.  “Did we kill him?”
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“Nah,” Silvio said.  “His gills are moving.  He'll be fine.” He cupped his hands around his mouth and called, as if to somebody at a great distance, “you're doing really great!”
Ciccio turned back to Mia.  “It's pretty obvious, huh?”
She nodded.
“Don't say anything to him.  He thinks he's blending in.”  The last thing Ciccio wanted was Ercole having another screaming fit.
Mia's only response to that was a snort.
A few minutes later, more neighbours arrived.  The first one Giordana pointed out was Ginevra Tartaruga, bringing coils of seagrass rope.  Her young son Milo was following her, but when he noticed Silvio and Alessia dragging Ercole off his boulder, he went to see what was going on.
“Up and at 'em,” Silvio was saying.  “You gotta learn to steer.”
Ercole groaned loudly, but Alessia took his other hand and Milo grabbed him by the tail, and they hauled him into a sitting position.
Only moments behind Signora Tartaruga, Vittoria Aragosta swam up with a basket of barnacles and her five-year-old twins.  She saw the other children gathered around Ercole, and went to deposit her daughters among them.
“This is Gianna and this is Giola,” she said.  “Don't let them confuse you, Gianna is the one with the freckles on her gills.” She gave one a gentle tug so Ercole could see them.  “Now, you two behave yourselves for... sorry, what was your name?”
Ercole just stared at her, not sure what was happening.
“This is Ercole,” said Silvio helpfully.
“Behave yourselves for Ercole,” Signora Aragosta finished, “and I won't be far away.  Okay?”
“Si, Mama,” the twins chorused.  Their mother smiled and nodded, and went to join the rest of the adults.
A moment later, Ercole finally figured out that he'd been mistaken for the babysitter.  “Hey!” he protested, but Vittoria was already chatting with Signora Donzella, and didn't realize he was talking to her.
Using the rope and the pieces from the shipwreck, the adults and teenagers built a frame for the new barn roof.  Then they began building over it with stones, cementing these together with barnacle glue and filling the cracks with sponges that would trap silt and keep cold currents and annoying plankton from getting in to bother the livestock.
As they worked, Ciccio tried to be surreptitious about glancing over to see what Ercole and the kids were up to.  He would never have trusted Ercole to look after a child, and he wasn't sure these children were capable of looking after Ercole, either.  The first time he checked, they had dragged him back to the row of tall seaweed.  The kids were swimming through them, weaving in and out as if for a slalom, making it look very easy to do so without touching the stems.
The second time Ciccio looked, Ercole had tried it for himself and was now tangled in the weeds.  Silvio and Alessia were trying to extract him while the younger children giggled helplessly.
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As the adults decided to call it a day and began cleaning up, Ciccio took a third look.  He was just in time to see Ercole starting off towards the row of plants – some of which were significantly shorter than they had been.  Ercole managed to manoeuvre in between the first two, then back, brushing against the third stem but not getting stuck in it.  In and out, in and out, and then he was at the other end.
The children burst out cheering and hurried to give him high fours, which he returned with a grin.  “I knew I could do it,” he said smugly.  “After all, I won the Portorosso Cup race five years in a row!”  He held up his hand as he usually did for this boast, then paused, counted the fingers, and quickly added one from the other hand.
Giorgia Donzella approached Ciccio and Giordana.  “You two and your friend were a big help,” she said.  “I know Silvestro more or less kidnapped you for the afternoon, so can I offer you some supper?  As a thanks for staying?”
“No, thank you, Signora,” said Ciccio politely.  “I'm having dinner with the Trotas tonight, and then my father is expecting me home.”
“Some other time, then,” she said pleasantly.
One by one, the parents came to collect their children.  Signora Aragosta left with her twins, and Signora Tartaruga took Milo by the hand.
“Thank you for entertaining him,” she said to Ercole.  “He does tend to get into everything if he's left on his own.”
“It was nothing, Signora.  My pleasure,” said Ercole, giving her what he thought of as his most charming smile.  It had looked sleazy when he was human and sharper teeth had not improved it.
Signor Pianuzza let Alessia climb onto his back to be carried home, although he did grunt.  “You're getting a little big for that, Starfish,” he said.  “Did you have fun today?”
“Yeah.  We taught Ercole to swim!” she replied.
“Oh, did he forget?”  Signor Pianuzza chuckled, humouring her. “Good job.  Let's go see what Mom and Cosimo have been up to. Thanks, kiddo!”  He waved to Ercole, and headed for home.
Ercole turned to Ciccio and Giordana with a grin.  “Did you hear that?  They love me.  They've got more sense than I thought, these sea monsters.”
Ciccio tried to remember if he had ever heard anyone thank Ercole before.  It wasn't in his character to do useful things, even by accident... today was probably the first time in years.  No wonder he looked so pleased with himself.
“I wonder if they ever have races down here,” Ercole mused. “Imagine the look on those boys' fishy faces if I beat them in their own element!”  He rubbed his hands together.
“There are races at the festivals,” said Giordana, “but they're usually for livestock, not people.  The more important question is what we're going to do with you now.”  She nibbled on a cuticle as she thought about it.
Ciccio realized what she meant.  “We can't take him back to your Mom's place for dinner,” he said.
“Why not?” Ercole asked.  He pointed at Ciccio.  “You got me into this, number one, and number two,” he pointed at Giordana, “you said I can't get out of the water to get any real food.  I think that means it's your responsibility to feed me.”
“And Mom will do it, too,” Giordana groaned.  Hospitality was important to sea monsters, and Attinia Trota took social niceties very seriously.  “We can't sit around and think about it.  I'm surprised she hasn't already sent Arturo to come find us.  We'd better figured it out on the way.  What are we going to tell her?”
“The truth?” Ciccio tried.  He wasn't going to let her forget it.
“About you, sure, but him?” Giordana asked.
“Absolutely not!” said Ercole.  “I am blending in, remember?”
“If we lie about you, it's gonna make telling her about me way harder!” Ciccio protested.
“That's not my problem,” Ercole informed him.
“Yeah, but if we tell her you were an accident, then she'll be even more suspicious about the whole thing!” Giordana groaned, pulling on her own fins in distress.  She shook her head, and took a deep breath.  “Okay, so you can't meet my Mom, then.  You'll have to wait outside... we'll find you somewhere to hide, and I'll bring you something to eat, okay?”
“Fine,” Ercole decided.  “I wonder what sea monsters eat.  I hope it doesn't look as disgusting as you do.”
At Signora Pepitone's apartment, the adults drank coffee and talked about the sorts of things adults find interesting, while Perla took out a deck of cards and taught Flavia to play a game called Straccia Camicha.  The rules were easy to remember and who won was based on luck, with each player putting down a series of cards determined by the last card their opponent had played.  That was fine with Flavia, who was not good at strategy games like chess.
“If it does, you don't have to eat it,” Giordana informed him. “Come on – the kids said you can swim now, so do it.”
It was a fun distraction, but every few minutes Flavia would remember the pickle she was in, and would have to remind herself that Papa Leo was coming to get her and it would all be okay.  What about the others, though?  She still didn't know where Alberto, Luca, and Giulia had ended up or whether they would try to look for her.  They had plenty of experience around humans and their spaces so they would probably be okay, but how would they find out that they were supposed to meet her and Papa Leo back in Portorosso?  It would have been better to know.
A while later, Perla's mother arrived.  She knocked and then let herself in, gave Perla a quick kiss on the cheek and then went to sit with Roberto and Signora Pepitone.
“You weren't kidding, Dionisia,” she observed.  “The whole town really is talking about it.  It sounds dreadful.”
Signora Pepitone snorted.  “I told you,” she repeated, to her son.  “Some coffee, Lisa?”
“Yes, please,” Lisa replied.  “Do you remember Graziano?  The fellow who works at the Museum of Piracy?”
Flavia paused in laying down a card, listening.
“Oh, yes,” said Signora Pepitone.  “What about him?”
“He says he saw the same group of kids earlier in the day,” Lisa replied.  “One of the girls apparently had never seen a parrot before, so he offered to let them pet his.  As soon as they touched it, though, the bird started crying out about sea monsters!”
“They were on land when I saw them, but monsters they certainly were!”  Signora Pepitone shuddered.  “Horrid.”
Flavia felt her heart drop.  If the man from the Pirate Museum remembered them, then he knew what the others looked like in human form.  If he'd been telling everybody, then it wouldn't be safe for them to come back into town and find her.  Was there any way she could get them a message to tell them they didn't have to?
First, she would have to find them.  Flavia didn't know her way around San Giuseppe.  She needed someone to help her, but the humans would refuse once they found out the friends she was looking for were the terrifying sea monsters Signora Pepitone had told them about!
Then she realized that Perla was waiting for her to take her turn. She had totally forgotten about the game.  “How many cards did I put down?” Flavia asked nervously.
“One.  You need one more, because I played a Cavallo,” said Perla.  She looked at the adults, then lowered her voice and asked, “did your friends really turn into monsters?”
“Yeah,” said Flavia.
“Were you scared?” Perla asked.
Perla was the only person here who hadn't said sea monsters were scary, but that might just be because she hadn't yet said anything about them at all.  Could Flavia risk telling her?  Even if she did, could Perla help?  Flavia licked her lips, then said, “they're supposed to do that.  That's how sea monsters work.”
For a moment Perla frowned, and Flavia was afraid she'd just made a terrible mistake.  Then, however, she leaned closer.  “Really?” she whispered, intrigued.
“Yeah.  When we get out of the water, we turn into humans, and when we get wet we change back.”  And having already said we, Flavia realized, she now had to tell the rest.  “Except me.  I don't.  I don't know why not, I just don't.”  She could never escape that one exception, not even now.
Perla was fascinated.  She looked over at the adults, then inched even closer to be absolutely sure they couldn't hear.  “So... your parents were sea monsters, but you just turned out as human?”
“Um... not exactly.”  Flavia wasn't sure how to even begin explaining the situation.  “But if the man at the museum remembers us, then he knows what my friends look like...”
“... and he'll tell everyone.”  Perla understood right away. “What are you gonna do?”
“I have to find them before anybody else does,” said Flavia. How could she possibly do that when she couldn't get in the water? All her life she'd longed to get out of it, and now she would give anything to dive back in!  “I don't even know where the sea is from here.”
“I do,” Perla said.  She gathered up the playing cards, and stood.  “Nonna!  I'm gonna show Flavia your bird collection, okay?”
“Careful with them,” Signora Pepitone warned.  “They're not toys.”
“I know.  I'm not a baby anymore,” said Perla.  She took Flavia's hand and led her into the bedroom, explaining on the way. “The birds are ceramic.  When I was little I used to play with them.  I gave them all names and decided which ones were friends and relatives, and they would have adventures.  Then I broke one, and Nonna wouldn't let me touch them again for ages.”  She turned on the bedroom light, and gently shut the door behind them.
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
Thank you Dujour! alas neither of my wotr fic made the cut but one ffxiv sneaked its way among the jojos, and one non oc work snuck in among Muro n co as well as well. Oops went a bit ham on how i feel about them before realizing i should have been doing summaries, so my personal feelings for each under the cut<3
They Make Me Mad- JJBA- oc
Celia finally snaps after listening to Soverano chatting shit all night- but as she approaches to give him what the righteous anger inside of her thinks he deserves she is instead pushed to escort a drunk and high Tesoro home, distracting her and avoiding the fallout that would come from a fight between her and Soverano. But she easily sees through the ruse, angry at Soverano escaping justice, and after Tesoro is definitely made sober after being drenched with a bucket of water, they start arguing about the dangers of doing what's right in their world, which ends with Celia storming off home.
I am the softly falling snow - FFXIV- Post-Heavensward
The observations and musings of a soldier of Camp Dragonhead as he watches the warrior of light mourning, a while after the dragon song war is over, when Ishgard is rebuilding and the camps have new recruits.
old habits die hard, hope for a better future dies faster- JJBA
Conficcare is cornered, and is reminded of when he was younger. try and he might to win, he's not as strong as he thinks he is, and also distracted. ending up on his back with a boot pressing on his rib. during all hes thinking about how he and his friends have changed. His friend that's changed the most arrives and rescues him, but he spirals further into anger and grief and how much the Celia he knew has been warped into the Muro he knows today. Eventually Muro gets through to him, and carries him home, where he tries to comfort Conficcare, and Conficcare gets a glimpse of part of his old friend he though long dead.
A knife offered in friendship- JJBA
After his fight with the stand user Formaggio, and while Giorno, Abbachio and Fugo are in Pompeii, Narancia tries to help Trish feel more safe by offering her his knife in a gesture of friendship- although his way of gifting it to her was not the best in terms of stopping her panicking
Born to Run- JJBA
Chasing promises of power from a mysterious new figure in the Napoli underworld, the youths prepare to race, with Celia called as the mechanic, however carefully laid plans for victory go awry when their leader is attacked on the way to the starting line- and driven by Elena's ernest passion to win, Celia takes the wheel and leads them to victory, with Elena beside her, ensuring they get that far.
They Make Me Mad- JJBA- oc
maybe on here because of recency bias, but i do love it, being the second look at a teen Celia, and her complex relationship with Tesoro [its the foreshadowing, hypocrisy and tragedy- i am nothing if not a sucker for becoming the thing you hated<3]
I am the softly falling snow - FFXIV- Post-Heavensward an outlier in terms of fandom, and quite old actually, well in terms of my writing i still like, at about six months. games were i end up forming such strong emotional bonds with characters will always stick with me, and for the very linear story, ffxiv manages to get me every time<3 its short and bittersweet but im still very proud of it,
old habits die hard, hope for a better future dies faster- JJBA
Shaking them both. i still like You hurt them like they're nothing but Old habits really shows the complexity of their relationship, not just the effects.
A knife offered in friendship- JJBA
Not oc-centric! not even a single oc! Trish Una you will always been the main character of part five to me<3 i also think Narancia deserves better. Knife part isnpired by me thinking how tf did you make this 15 year old girl feel safe around you.
Born to Run- JJBA
again, i love everlasting kiss but born to run is very much a part two that builds on born to run, and i just love the rollercoaster of tension and action and stupid teenagers in love and grief
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