#Prototype Wally
azraelcreates · 1 year
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Drawn 6 Wally’s on my Twitter!!!
I’ll make a separate post for each of them^^💞✨
Wally AU Creators!!:
Crawlie Wally Belongs to @__Day_Dream__
TalkBox Wally Belongs to @kandavers
Prototype Wally Belongs to @_ShyPuppet_
Delinquent Wally Belongs to @WALLYDARLYNE
Black Swan Wally Belongs to @NIrrcFO0i85639
Corpse Puppet Wally Belongs to @QuillSketch
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pancake404 · 7 months
Trapped Kid, Trapped Experiment, and a Trapped Puppet
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I think they'd be friends since Catnap and Amanda were actual kids but are just put in a terrible environment and cooperation. Wally Darling would be more of a parent role.
I picked those three as they all share the similarity of having corrupted shows, tending to stare at the screen, and having dead best friends (Wally and Barnaby, Amanda and Wooly, and Catnap and Dogday).
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supraxstcllas · 12 hours
// since im only really hoping to save my art and photos, and maybe my documents, im redownloading the shows i had that i used to icon.
first on the list: Justice League / Unlimited
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cherrysnax · 1 year
oh ppl are so silly… do they think Gwen is running around with her government name?? ofc she’s spider-woman.. do they think Miguel calls himself 2099?? he’s spider-man, patvir is spider-man, the jesses are spider-women, hobie is spider-man
and miles morales is spider-man
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hehe :3
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giftcardgaveway · 1 year
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🎁🎀Congratulations,,🛵🛵 you will get your offer Limited Time Quickly Register Here Fast
Click Here
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gachagon · 1 year
Frank is the "Question-Answerer"?
I've wanted to talk about this for a while but I've only ever spoke about it in Welcome Home theory discords lol. But anyways, this update we actually had two pieces of art from Clown's portfolio website separate from the main Welcome Home site be added to the main site, and I do remember Clown saying any art found on the main site is "canon" to some extent to the main story. Here they are:
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These two images can be found on the Staff Only page! The reason I find these two pieces of art to be really cool is because they show a side to the puppets that we haven't really been seen on the website yet, which is that they're literally puppets being controlled by actual people. And not just that, but the implications of the Frank picture being that they can be easily replaced if they "break" or that their were other versions of themselves before that they've never even met before.
And with the newest update really shining a light on Wally's newfound sentience, the possible dissociation that comes with experiencing a new thing with no one to relate to about it, and the loneliness that someone can feel amongst their friends when they're "different" in a way the others aren't, I think these two art pieces really show a new kind of horror that the story has just begun to explore!
I've always been really suspicious of Frank as a character because I personally theorize that he might be the Question-Answerer that the WHRP got into contact with. And that red box that his hands are holding look eerily similar to the envelopes that Eddie delivers (and also the envelopes that can be seen in some of the photos in the new update) I also think Frank might have also been one of the first Puppets who "gained" sentience in a way, and became aware that he is alive and that the world around him is fake etc.
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Frank's little bio here says he's the smartest neighbor in the neighborhood, and that the other neighbors would often come to him for advice on things. But also "Answers" to a lot of questions that would just be played off as a joke in the end.
And seeing as this is a piece of horror media about the experience of gaining sentience for the first time, I do find the one character who's whole thing is knowing more than the others to be kind of side-eye worthy lol. I've always personally interpreted that art of him with the red envelope as him discovering there were "prototypes" of other Franks. Perhaps the Playfellow company couldn't quite get his head to spin angrily in the right way, or it would do it to fast and he would "break" resulting in them having to make a new one each time.
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Some prototype pics I found while cleaning some files! Enjoy!
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Prototype Teen Sector V
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Prototype Penny (yes, she was blonde)
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Prototype Sector V 2.0 (I cut the two sisters after Penny because they never worked for me)
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Prototype Wally and Nega Wally
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Prototype adult Wally and Joey
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Prototype Sector Ʌ comic.
That's all for now!
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
I’m currently obsessed and thought of this :3 enjoy! Should I make a part 2?
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You are a well-known, local doll maker and oftentimes you get calls from toy companies to make prototypes of the most popular character kids were obsessed about. That’s just how unique and comforting your talent is. You also get calls from previous clients for repairs on your dolls.
So it wasn’t a surprise that you got a call for a repair. What was surprising is getting a call from a kid’s show director asking you to come fix one of the puppets they have.
You never worked on puppets, but it’s an opportunity to get out of your artistic comfort zone so why not?
The building was intimidating. How many floors do you need to film a kid’s show? But then again, you’re not really sure how much effort it takes.
Inside is just as cruel. So many hallways and doors! But after admitting to a passing worker, who saw you wandering around frantically that you were indeed lost, they were happy to show you to the main studio set for Welcome Home.
it’s an amazing set! Everything that looks big is small. Grass so green it looks fake—cause it is. Colors of any bright hue were present and shine almost dangerously bright for any human capacity.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for the director?” You ask softly, afraid to interrupt whatever they were doing. It did seem like they were in the middle of something, they had other puppets with them.
After meeting the director, who knew really well of your work. You don’t let the fact that a multi-billion dollar company has requested your assistance. You do this for the kids not for fame or money, but let’s be realistic, you need money to start any business, big or small.
Now in a meeting room—more like a regular storage room. The director was informing you of the show as well as the puppets they used to make it.
“The main one is what we want you to fix, just clean it up and make it look presentable again.” The director orders without looking at you then leaves. How rude.
‘It’. You know objects can’t feel but this is a puppet that kids believe they have. So why not just address them as living? They are created with a name, personality, likes, dislikes. You can have debates over this for ages but it’ll never go anywhere.
Are you supposed to just sit here? It felt like forever when the director walked back in with someone else carrying a wooden box. The box is old, small and looks like it could fall apart.
“Sorry, I had to get it packed and ready.” Again with the ‘it’. How hard is it to call them by their name?
You look at the box suspiciously then raise an eyebrow. “They’re in the box?”
The director miserly shrugs and takes the box from the other worker before sliding it over to you, dismissing the worker. “The only box we could find to fit it.”
You hum with curiosity, thinking it was a small puppet you had high hopes this repair would be simple and easy. How wrong you were.
Upon opening the box, keeping clear of the splitters and chipping wood you gasp softly under your breath at the sight.
There was the puppet, dark yellow and blue, crammed into the box, tangled in string? You carefully jammed them out and looked in horror at their condition. Their clothes unravel and tear, shoes more worn down than an energetic toddler and the string is from their dirty cardigan basically coming apart. It saddens you to the core. How can people be so neglectful?
“We have a special next week so you have until then to fix this. Good luck!”
“Wait, hold on—and he left. Unbelievable.” You scoff. Turning back to the poor puppet you look inside the wooden box to see a name faintly on the top. “Wally?”
You gently sit Wally up and hold his felt hand in yours. “Well, nice to meet you, Wally. I hope we can be friends in this journey of making you look like how you deserve.”
You get no response back but you didn’t expect one. Giving Wally a smile you take his arms and wrap them around your neck as you pull him closer to you body and hold him up. You take the wooden box and throw it in the trash. You’ll make a new one.
You felt the loose grip of Wally’s arms tighten.
But that could be your imagination,
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hoshi-neko-hikari · 1 year
Bully EK (open rp)
Hikari was playing at school when the older bully kid, EK, showed up. He was known for being mean to the little kids, pulling their hair, taking their stuff, and making them cry. But this time, his target was Hikari.
“Hey, kitty cat. Come over here! I got something to show you!” He smirked maliciously.
Hikari climbed up out of the sandbox and went over to EK. He then grabbed her bunny and pulled out a pair of scissors from his pocket.
“Looks like your bunny needs a haircut!” He laughed and proceeded to cut tears into Usami.
“Stop! Stop! You’we huwting hew!” She tried to get EK to stop, but he slashed at her in retaliation, giving her a bad cut on her arm.
When she saw it start to bleed, she immediately started crying at the top of her lungs.
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Tagging: @weirdgayenby @prototype-case-01345 @suburb140v3rtur3 @12applestall @wally-darlings-neighborhood @gorefieldsworld and anyone else who wants to join
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funyiipp · 3 months
SugarFiend!Wally (Also known as WAL-70)'s newest reference sheet is now finished!
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And with that comes new lore! (Of course)
MARLO is a biological science company that—under the pseudonym "Playfellow"—sells a line of lifelong, organic puppet companions called 'Loving Neighbours'. The original intent of their creations was to provide daycares and nursing homes with permanent assistants to either help daycare staff with entertaining children or make the elderly feel less lonely. However, over time (due to popular demand), MARLO decided to make 'Loving Neighbours' available to all members of the public.
WAL-70 (Often simplified to just 'Wally' or '70'), is the "father" of all Loving Neighbours. He comes from a long line of attempts MARLO made, however was the only surviving prototype that didn't suddenly die or rot away because of a specific gene within his DNA. However, while MARLO was happy to have found a successful prototype, this success had some… Drawbacks.
70 not only had an irrational craving for any type of confectionary (But he had a particular fondness for anything apple-flavored) he also became erratic and violent. Especially so if not provided with a suitable amount of sugar every day. Although they wanted to, MARLO never disposed of 70, specifically because they feared they'd never be able to create a "perfect" prototype like him again. So, instead, they put a sedation/shock collar on him so he was easy to transport and clone.
While they were never able to make a successful clone that looked like the Wally seen in the 'Welcome Home' cartoon released as a sort of "promotion" for Loving Neighbours, they WERE able to create genetically modified clones of him that looked like the other characters without the defects WAL-70 had.
—As stated before; you are more than welcome to drop whatever you want about the AU in my ask box (questions, comments, etc.) and you are welcome to tag me in any art/OC content relating to the Sugarfiend!AU, I'd love to see it!
(I was going to post this yesterday, but we got a new dog, so I was busy with that, lol)
That's all for now, g'bye!
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azraelcreates · 1 year
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Prototype Wally Belongs to @_ShyPuppet_ (On Twitter)
He’s a interesting one, I love how the Neighbor is a cute butterfly! >^< 🦋✨
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lemoncherrpie · 1 year
Hello Everybody! Im having some trouble having ideias to do Hanazuki Wally comic (but mostly it's procastination lol) But to solve some of that and let this post empty,i brought some drawings to show y'all! I hope you guys like some drawings and prototypes/references to Hanazuki Wally AU!
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i brought some of tehse to give Hanazuki Wally more of a fresh look. And for finish,i made a drawing of him and Hanazuki!Barnaby having a sweet moment. Hope y'all like em
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Have a wonderfull Day/night to you! And thanks for cheking out!
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Oh my gosh guys look its yet another poppy playtime oc!! How original !!
he may or may not have stolen Flurry’s arm,, but thats a story for another day,, this guy is also really into the prototype’s whole shpeal so uh- take that as you will
lore dump: he was actually originally made to be more of a secondary attendee to children, which is why he’s so large. (A wopping 14 feet) my boy makes the wax not only as a bodily function but because it was an error in the experiment, some of his body was meant to be covered in wax to hide his scent and make his flimsy body more durable but now he just uses the wax like glue traps. Along with being a “faulty” experiment, he is a beliver of the prototype and is EXTREMELY ignorant to the situation at hand when it comes to the smaller lil guys that get stuck to roam. He and Wally Wolfheart (another oc for those who don’t know) used to be buddies, but Wally retaliated against the cult, and so did Honey towards him in return, Honey didn’t wanna lose his place in the “higher up” part of the gruesome food chain, so he decided to side against him.
what a jerk!
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puzzlingrubberknife · 5 months
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My name is Spoon, (20, any pronouns) and this is my selfship positivity blog! I'll mostly be reblogging posts and sharing my own occasional drabbles (and art!)
Here's a list of my current f/os!
📺 Mr Puzzles (SMG4) (Puzzlespoon)
🔪 Ghostface (Scream) (Silverware)
🖥 Vox (Hazbin Hotel) (Spoontek) (I do not fw Vivziepop btw)
🫧 V (Murder Drones) (Lead Rain)
🔨 Marsha (Fortnite) (Rubber Hammer) (NOTE I DO NOT PLAY FORTNITE I'm just a Marshmello fan and I rlly like her)
👁 Folly (Regretevator) (Heaven Says)
🎤 Vee (Dandy's World) (Bass Boost) (I do not fw BlushCrunch)
🦄 Deadpool (Marvel) (Deadspoon)
✂️ Wolverine (specifically from Deadpool and Wolverine) (Spork)
🎨 Painter (Pressure) (Spainter)
Prototype (Regretevator)
Scag (Regretevator)
Monty (FNaF)
Wally (Welcome Home)
N (Murder Drones)
Gangle (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Napstablook (Undertale)
Martlet (Undertale Yellow)
Poob (Regretevator)
Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)
Astro (Dandy's World)
Jack Skellington (TNBC)
Sally (TNBC)
Uzi (Murder Drones)
Sun, Moon, and Eclipse (FNaF)
Glamrock Freddy (FNaF)
Meggy/Leggy (SMG4)
SIDE NOTE I am completely ok with sharing f/os! I'm polyam after all so it doesn't bug me much anyway (hell I'm a Vuzi shipper and a Ghostmyers shipper so-)
Also my main is @liverinthemailbox0-0
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agakikama · 5 months
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Chcąc jakoś rozpocząć ten Majowy miesiąc, postanowiłam że dam kolejną postać OC z Welcome Hope, jak widzicie, dałam na swój profil swój własny odpowiednik Pani Beagle, Mamy Barnaby'ego. Zauważcie iż moja postać OC jest nieco bardziej szczuplejsza niż jej oryginalny pierwowzór, posiada piaskowo-białe pióra, ozdobionymi kolorowymi plamkami, jeśli się dobrze przyjrzycie, to jedna niebieska plamka jest w kształcie serca, jej pióra na głowie jak i ogonie są w 3 odcieniach czerwieni, posiada tęczowy fartuch z dużą kieszenią na środku, a jej nogi są typowo ptasie, Pani Beagle mierzy jakieś 5 stóp wzrostu, choć jest mniejsza od swojego syna Barnaby'ego to wcale jej nie zraża do innych, Pani Beagle jest niezwykle matczyna, troskliwa i opiekuńcza, choć nie mieszka w The Neigborhood to ma ona stały, listowny kontakt ze swoim synem, czasem też do niego zadzwoni aby dowiedzieć się czy nic złego się nie dzieje i jak się miewają inni sąsiedzi, nie kiedy przyjeżdża do syna w odwiedziny, ma ona dobry kontakt z innymi mieszkańcami The Neigborhood, a już w szczególności z Poppy, Wally'm, Frank'iem i Eddie'm.
Co sądzicie o mojej postaci OC jaką jest Pani Beagle? Chętnie się poznam wasze opinie w komentarzach, serduszka też są mile widziane.
UWAGA: Wszelki Hejt czy Trolling na temat mojej osoby czy też moich prac, będzie zgłaszany i usuwany!
Welcome Hope jest stworzone przez: Agakikama
"Welcome Home jest stworzone przez Clown @_PartyCoffin_"
Wanting to start this May month somehow, I decided to add another OC character from Welcome Hope. As you can see, I added my own counterpart of Miss. Beagle, Barnaby's Mom, to my profile. Notice that my OC character is a bit slimmer than her original prototype, she has sandy-white feathers, decorated with colorful spots, if you look closely, one blue spot is in the shape of a heart, her head and tail feathers are 3 shades of red, has a rainbow apron with a large pocket in the middle and her legs are typically birdlike, Miss. Beagle is about 5 feet tall, although she is smaller than her son Barnaby, it does not alienate her from others, Miss. Beagle is extremely motherly, caring and caring, although she does not live in The Neigborhood, she has constant contact with her son by letter, sometimes she also calls him to find out if nothing is wrong and how other neighbors are doing, not when she comes to visit her son, she has good contact with other residents of The Neigborhood, especially with Poppy, Wally, Frank and Eddie.
What do you think about my OC character Mrs. Beagle? I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments, hearts are also welcome.
ATTENTION: Any hate or trolling about me or my works will be reported and deleted!
Welcome Hope is created by: Agakikama
"Welcome Home is created by Clown @_PartyCoffin_"
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