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sherurose · 10 months ago
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Do you ever think about Zuko acting as a human shield for Sokka? Because I do. A lot. (x)
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yvainart · 2 years ago
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cw blood
the theory that sokka died protecting korra from red lotus (cover me in roses holden laurence starts playing in the background)
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gaybd1 · 1 year ago
I’ve been thinking about this for a couple days and the original ending of the show is great and perfect and it Had to Be That Way with Aang sparing Ozai’s life
But I really want Sokka to kill Ozai
I want him to one day find out exactly how bad he messed Zuko (and Azula) up and I want him not to be able to take it anymore and I want him to just snap and go to Ozai and kill him
And I want Zuko to see it and I want him to see the blood dripping from Sokka’s hands and I want him to smile and feel such intense relief that the man who’s always held so much power over him is finally gone but the I want him to be overwhelmed by a Terrible sense of Guilt that Sokka felt like he had to do that for him
And I want Sokka, King of Repression, to look up over Ozai’s corpse, soaked with the man’s blood, and smile. Because now Zuko is safe. And Sokka will never have a single regret.
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discordiansamba · 4 months ago
thinking about how they have small scale mechs in korra. hey would it be fucked up or what if the fire nation was secretly producing its own mechs in the jazz era atla au, but like. infinitely more fucked up. they're powered by a firebender's inner flame. the pilot is the battery. especially since ozai would be working together with long feng he would have access to the dai li's brainwashing techniques.
time to bring 'die for your country' to a whole new level.
(or, ozai runs a test by sending one to republic city. what a hell of a way for team avatar to learn that lee from the tea shop is actually part of the blue spirit.)
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zuko-always-lies · 4 months ago
People forget how mean Katara and Sokka are to each other. It's entirely normal sibling behavior of course but they're not really in character unless they're spending at least 30% of their time making sarcastic, mean comments about each other.
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witchering10123 · 1 year ago
nah fam cause I definitely thought that zhao would mistake yue and sokka for the moon and ocean spirits in the oasis
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mesapies · 6 months ago
Since we don't know exactly when sokka died, I'm gonna choose to believe that he lived long enough to meet jinora.
Even if he died when she was a baby/toddler and she doesn't remember him, I'd just like to think he met his great niece.
Him seeing the major resemblence between jinora and aang and joking that jinora might be the reincarnation of aang instead of korra
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sofigrace · 7 months ago
You know who Orym reminds me of?
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sulkybender · 11 months ago
Read a devastating and UNDERTAGGED post-pregnancy Zuko fic. Writing a soft epilogue to “wasn’t my body rescued” just to recover and be functional again.
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demaparbat-hp · 9 months ago
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Oh, Aang, you're really in it now...
This is Zu—I mean, Jian Li and Katara's second meeting in the Kyoshi Warriors AU. The first proper one, anyway.
Once they get through a minor difference of opinion or two (“I can carry my own basket!” “Never said you—” “I'm not weak!” “I didn't—” “Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean—” “Would you listen for once, woman?!” ) they'll become nearly inseparable.
For now Jian Li will carry Katara's basket all the way to the Kyoshi Warriors' dojo and, once there, they'll mercilessly tease Sokka when they see him in uniform.
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the-genius-az · 11 months ago
What do you think of Azula with the Gaang? And how would Azula get along with them? What things do they mutually share?
Thanks for the question, Amor!
With Aang.
I think they both share how they were child prodigies who suffered from loneliness when they were called the best, you know, the master of the blue flame and the avatar.
They also share how they both don't have parents, although Aang had his teacher (I forgot his name) as his father figure, but he wasn't really his father. meanwhile Azula didn't really have a parent/ mother figure, or at least they didn't act like that.
They are both nobody's children. And I feel like they would get along well, they would both teach each other how to improve as a person and control their elements better.
With Katara.
They both suffered the loss of their mothers from a very young age, although Azula never really had one.
They are also prodigies, the best in their fields, with annoying older brothers.
I like to imagine that they would get along and both would team up to annoy their brothers.
With Sokka.
They are geniuses, or at least Sokka is better than average.
I bet they'd both get along because they're nerds, and they both have a greater sense of loyalty than each other.
but I like the headcanon that it's an adopted older brother/adopted younger sister relationship.
With Suki.
They are born leaders, they both share the desire to fight for others and are very protective of their loved ones.
They would get along if there wasn't a war, or maybe they would be sparring partners after the war.
And finally with Toph.
They both share loneliness and abandonment by their parents, although neither of them would talk about their problems, at least until they are going through a difficult time.
And they would be the explosive dynamic duo, although obviously Azula would be the most responsible and think logically, but sometimes she forgets and becomes just as chaotic as Toph.
Without a doubt Toph is Azula's bad influence.
And I think the one who would get along best with Azula would be Aang, they both share many things in common.
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aloeverified · 11 months ago
i will never forgive atla fans for always talking about how katara is the mom friend and sokka is the adventurous one when. have you seen the first season. sokka refuses to try anything new whereas katara is curious about everything.
y'all just see a male character who's loud and a female character who's kind and put them in the same roles over and over again.
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zukosdualdao · 11 months ago
actually having a lot of feelings about sokka warily remarking that katara does mean it when she says she wants to fight in the waterbending master and how actually worried he seems during the fight, and katara's surprised "sokka!" when sokka volunteers for battle right after being told how dangerous it is.
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cobraonthecob · 11 months ago
rotating zutara motorsports au in my head...motogp zuko x formula e driver katara...now to draw fast
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goldenavenger02 · 8 months ago
for your ‘bad things happen’ bingo, i’d love to see maybe katara (atla) w the common cold? i never see katara sickfics around, and she seems like a character who’d be very prone to overworking herself into illness !! (any caretaker is okay ^^)
<3, sunny
As much as he wanted to believe his words, as much as he wanted to blindly hope that Aang knew exactly what Katara had been talking about and could find it easily, he couldn't allow himself to do so.
Not when there were Fire Nation soldiers still trying to find them
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Sokka knew that something was wrong when he woke up and the makeshift campsite was silent despite the fact that the sun was high enough to be nearing midday.
Katara and Aang had still been awake when he turned in the night before, eagerly using the full moon shining above them to train their strengthened waterbending, but the moonlight made his heart ache in a way that he wasn't comfortable with Aang witnessing; it didn't surprise Sokka that he was still asleep against Appa's soft leg.
What was surprising was the fact that Katara was still asleep; even if she had been awake until the early morning hours, she still would have gotten up before him in order to pack away her things and start on breakfast so they could continue their journey as soon as Appa was ready to go.
Sokka got out of his sleeping bag to investigate, not bothering to roll it up and walked the few steps to where his sister laid asleep; she looked peaceful to the eye, but it didn't take long for him to catch onto the slight shiver under the bedroll and the way her face was pinched even in sleep.
He knew she was feverish before he gently brushed a few strands of hair out of her face and rested his palm against her forehead, but he hated being right about this.
She wasn't overly feverish which was only a small relief as he stood back up; he wouldn't be able to do much until she was awake and could actually voice just how sick she was, but he could at least use the last of their arctic hen to make some soup.
Sokka quickly started a fire from the remnants of the one last night, grabbed the large soup pot and filled it with water and some salt before sending up a quick, "Tui and La, keep me from burning this" as he put the last of the hen in to boil.
Aang woke up twenty minutes later, probably from the smell of the soup that was now on a low simmer if Sokka had a guess, and immediately punctured the silence by asking, "why are you cooking?"
"Katara's got a fever."
"Is she okay?"
"I think so, but I'm letting her sleep," Sokka tried to reassure the very clear panic in Aang's eyes, even though his own heartbeat had filled with the same agonizing beats when he had woken up to the odd silence, "between the late night waterbending and doing stuff all day, I'm not surprised she got sick."
His quiet response was full of guilt, but before he could do anything to comfort the twelve year old, a series of hard coughs rang out that could only be from Katara.
Sokka didn't hesitate to scramble over and lift her by the armpits so she was sitting before firmly rubbing her back; he had memories of both his father and gran-gran doing the same to him in the midst of coughing fits, but as she let out the last few weak coughs and leaned heavily against his chest, he looked up to see Aang's gray eyes filled with concern.
"Katara? Are you okay?"
"Aang?" She whispered hoarsely, wincing as she made eye contact with Sokka, her blue eyes watery and red around the edges, "Sokka?"
"Yeah, it's us," Sokka assured her as he pressed his palm to her forehead, relieved that the heat plaguing her hadn't risen, "you're sick."
"I can tell," Katara said around a sniffle with a dryness in her tone that even had Sokka smiling for a brief moment before worry overtook him, "we aren't near any markets, right?"
"Yeah, we're pretty far out," Sokka confirmed, knowing that their plan for that day was to get to a village or town to restock on supplies, "I'm using the last of the hen and vegetables to make some soup, but we're really low on a lot of things."
"We should head out then, after we eat lun-" Katara started, only to be hit with another rough fit of coughing.
"Katara, I don't think the altitude is gonna help with this," Sokka explained while firmly rubbing her back again, "you need to rest and get better."
"I can see if I can find more frogs." Aang offered, but he shuddered at the memory of sucking on frozen frogs whilst in the midst of delirium and shook his head before providing an explanation as Katara's coughing died out again.
"This isn't the same virus, I don't think that'll work."
"What about echinacea?" Katara suggested, her voice growing more hoarse with every cough that fought its way out of her lungs.
"What about it?" Sokka pressed, not even sure if he was fully aware what she was pondering about and if her stuffy nose was causing her to sound different to the point where she was saying something else.
"That one plant that gran-gran has so many cans of, that she makes ointments out of," Katara stopped to pull in a deep sniffle before adding, "but it can also be made into tea to help sickness. We're in between the North Pole and Omashu, it should grow around here."
"Okay, but how are we gonna get-"
"I'll go find it," Aang cut him off as he stood, "Katara, what does it look like?"
"It's a pink flower with an orange center."
"Okay, I'll be back soon." Aang insisted and Sokka wanted to tell him to wait a second, that he shouldn't go alone, but at the same time, they needed to get those flowers for Katara and that unwavering look of guilt and worry in Aang's eyes had him staying silent as he pulled out his glider and flew off.
"It's gonna be okay, Katara." Sokka insisted as he gently helped her lay back down so he could get her a serving of the soup.
"I know. I trust Aang."
Sokka paused for a moment to swallow down his worry before walking back towards her with the steaming bowl, kneeling down beside her before pressing the bowl into her feverish palms, "I trust him too."
As much as he wanted to believe his words, as much as he wanted to blindly hope that Aang knew exactly what Katara had been talking about and could find it easily, he couldn't allow himself to do so.
Not when there were Fire Nation soldiers still trying to find them and definitely not when his sister was this sick., even if his only choice was to place his full trust in Aang, he still made sure that his boomerang was at the ready after Katara had fallen back into a fevered sleep.
Hours passed; Sokka dumped the soup after spoon feeding Katara two more bowls of broth, making sure Appa and Momo got enough and managing to stomach his own alongside the worry that had settled deeply in his gut, knowing that it wouldn't keep.
He was thankful that they had chosen a spot near a river so he could continue to wet the rag that was very slowly lowering Katara's fever.
When the sun began to dip and be replaced by Yue's soft glow, he could have sworn that he heard Katara mumble something about missing their mother but her eyes were shut when he turned to look at her and tried not to focus on her flushed cheeks so he just added, "I miss her too," before turning away again.
Every rustle under the setting sun had Sokka flinching and grabbing his boomerang, only for him to let out various sighs that ranged from relief to annoyance when Momo or some other creature would poke its head out of the bushes.
But as the last few rays of sunshine started to disappear and he knew that it was growing less likely for the Fire Nation to launch an attack, that was when he was met with the familiar woosh that could only belong to Aang's glider.
"There you are!" Sokka exclaimed as soon as Aang's feet touched the ground, only to notice the large satchel tossed over his shoulder that he knew for a fact didn't belong to any of them, "what is that?"
"I couldn't find any echinacea in the fields, so I flew to a nearby town. One of the healers there gave me a tin of tea along with some food," Aang stopped rambling to pass Sokka the tin of tea leaves, "where's the teapot?"
Sokka wordlessly passed over the teapot, allowing Aang to start brewing it before taking a look in the satchel that was full of various nuts, dried and fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and some bread.
"Did you have to pay this healer all of our money or something?"
"No, he just said that it's best for sick people to eat consistently and wanted to make sure we could do that."
Sokka swallowed; it had been awhile since they had been the recipient of that much unwavering kindness from strangers.
"Sokka?" A hoarse voice cut through his thoughts, forcing him to look up at Katara propping herself up on her wrist while coughing into her other elbow.
"Hey, I'm right here," he insisted, standing up and walking towards her before sitting beside her and resting his hand on top of hers, "Aang's back, he's working on that tea that's supposed to help you and the healer he found gave us enough food to last us a couple of weeks, so now you have to get better."
"Is that an order?" Despite the congestion in her voice, her tone still had that teasing nature to it that felt like a weight being removed from Sokka's chest.
"Yep, you don't get a choice," he insisted, pulling her into a quick hug, "that's my role as the team leader."
"Who made YOU the team leader?"
Despite the coughs interspersed with her laughter as the two of them argued the pros and cons of all five of them being the team leader, Sokka couldn't even find himself actually being angry at any of hers and Aang's good-natured insults, finding himself looking up at the moonlight and whispering quietly enough that neither of them could hear him over their giggles.
"Thank you, Yue."
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the-air-nomad · 2 years ago
Fire lily
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           You were the daughter of one of the world's most ruthless pirates. In his youth, your father had been Fire Lord Azulon's right-hand man and had led the fire nation's navy to victory. He had conquered the most important port cities of the Earth Kingdom. Following a political dispute and an Agni Kai that your father won with great difficulty, he chose to betray the Fire Nation. Many powerful men of the navy joined him and formed the Ruby Claw, a ruthless and greedy crew that generally preyed on fire navy ships and sometimes Earth Kingdom ships. 
          You inherited cunning, intelligence and hatred for the Fire Nation. This very hatred made you start a suicidal fight with more than 50 enemy ships. You led your men to victory but you were seriously wounded and taken prisoner. The 3 remaining ships immediately set off for the Capital to surrender you to the Fire Lord. On the way you lost consciousness due to blood loss. You woke up with a bad headache. You got up from the bed you were sitting on and laughed at the stupidity of those who captured you, what idiots! They didn't even tie your hands! Then you looked at the room you were in and froze. Furs and wood, blue and brown everywhere, those idiots lost you to a crew of water tribes! Now you understood why your father said that without his iron hand the fire nation's navy would not have been able to withstand even some wooden ships.You got out as easily as you could on the deck trying to beat the dizziness and the headache. You didn't get to analyze the ship and the crew very well because the captain appeared in front of you instantly. You got scared and almost hit him in the face but you calmed down quickly. The man was not much taller than you and he looked extremely worried. 
Hakoda: are you ok miss? You were unconscious for 2 days. You were captured by the Fire Nation, do you remember how or why? 
Y/N: 2 days? I feel like I haven't drunk anything in ages! I don't remember for sure how, I think an idiot managed to hit my head on the deck. They probably wanted to organize a beautiful public execution for me. You know, the presence of the Fire Lord, the sages and all that. It would have been a real honor to know that I will be executed by a coward who hides behind his 14-year-old daughter.
 Now both the captain and the crew members who heard your little speech looked at you terrified. You chuckled and grabbed the first bottle of alcohol you could find then drank it all in one gulp. 
Y/n: Oh! where are my manners, if it can be said that I ever had any. I'm Y/N, Y/F/N's daughter. Thank you for saving me from those coal heads. 
Hakoda: I am Hakoda, Chief of the Southern Water Tribe. There is no need to thank us, the enemies of our enemies are our friends. Also, I couldn't have sat and watched you die at the hands of those monsters.
 Y/N: how sweet of you.
 You notice another water tribe ship approaching you. A tall man steps down from the side of the ship and hugs Hakoda. You looked at his arm covered with burns, sighing. You hated the Fire Nation more every day, those bastards deserved every robbery and attack you led against them. Someone had to give them a taste of their own medicine. Your train of thought was interrupted by your new savior who introduced the man as Bato, his best friend. You were invited to dine with them and listen to Bato's stories. It seems that Hakoda had children and that they were traveling with the avatar. So goodbye chances to have a good time with the handsome man next to you. Why are all handsome men taken and you only attract idiots like Zhao?! If that tin head tries to offer you the honor of marrying him one more time, I swear that one of you will die in agony, and it won't be you.
Bato: I don't mean to be rude but are you a firebender? only that the style in which you tie your hair, your name and your clothes are common in the Fire Nation.
 Y/N: good observation, yes I am a firebender. I belong to a noble family but my father betrayed the Fire Nation before I was born. Now I fight the Fire Nation in a less traditional way.
 Bato: how do you mean less traditional? 
Y/N: I'm the captain of the Rubin Claw.
 The two men laughed heartily for a few moments then realized that you were as serious as possible. Hakoda looks at you in absolute terror.
 Hakoda: Don't you think it's a bit dangerous? You could die for La's name! The Fire Nation is ruthless! 
Y/N: oh! Seriously? I didn't know that at all! 
 You point at Bato's arm unimpressed. Hakoda sighs deeply and goes to his mattress to sleep. 
Y/N: not that I don't think he's cute, but what's the deal with him? Does he have a savior complex or am I too irresistible? 
Bato looks at his friend knowingly.You notice that the taller man is lost in his thoughts. You look at him with a raised eyebrow.
 Y/N: Listen Bato, I know I may seem rude and uncaring but I really like your friend. He is different from all the men I have known.
 Bato: why do I have the impression that you only knew pirates and captains of the Fire Nation Navy? 
Y/N: ok ok. You got me. But I was serious when I said that I like him. I want you to be honest, do you think I have a chance with him? I know he has children but you haven't mentioned anything about a wife or girlfriend. 
Bato: His wife died a few years ago in a raid, we don't like to talk about her because her death is still an open wound. 
Y/N: I'm really sorry, good people don't deserve to die or lose their loved ones like this. Please send your condolences to the children, I know what it's like to lose your mother at a young age.
 Bato: I will Y/N, I will. 
You went back to the cabin where you woke up and quickly fell asleep. You were woken shortly after sunrise by some urgent knocks on the door. You opened the door only to see Bato looking panicked. You went out on deck and noticed that the water tribe ships were surrounded by your own ships. You grinned dangerously when you saw Akain, your right hand and also your half brother, coming towards you. 
Y/N: what took you so long to find me son of a rattlesnake?
 Akain: I would have found you sooner if you had stayed on the fire nation ship and we have the same father little viper. 
Akain playfully hits you on the head and Hakoda immediately comes towards you. Your brother looks at the water tribe man amused. You roll your eyes and put the firebender back on his ship telling him to wait for you. You return to the watertribe ship and hug Bato. You notice that Hakoda is trying to convince you to give up being a pirate and you laugh briefly. You pull the captain into a passionate kiss. He is frozen for a few seconds and then he responds to your kiss. 
Akain: so when you told me that you befriended the watertribe captain, did you mean friendship with benefits? 
You break the kiss and pull away from Hakoda blushing furiously. 
Y/N: I'm ashamed that we have the same blood, you mentally retarded idiot! 
You return to your ship and kick your brother because he collapsed from laughing so much. While your ships are moving away you look at Hakoda who seemed to want to swim to you. 
Hakoda: You can't kiss me and walk away like that! 
Y/N: Then come and get me my love! 
You giggle at his disappointed look and at Bato who tries to hold him in place. You hope that you will see each other again someday and that maybe, just maybe, you will be able to continue what you started without your annoying brother bothering you.
Let's say you had a big surprise when you snuck into Boiling Rock to help your brother escape and that Hakoda will not lose you again. This world is far too dangerous for a fire lily like you.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it. please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see my next posts! Don’t forget that the request are open💖💖💨
You can buy me a coffe if you want to support my work :  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
this work is for : @mochminnie​  . I hope you like it!
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