#Pros & cons
avonmom · 2 years
My top pros & cons of selling Avon as an independent sales representative. #JenAntunesBeauty #SellAvon #ProsandCons #AvonRep
Pros & Cons of Selling Avon Over the last few years, direct sales & network marketing businesses have developed a bad reputation. Personally, I am someone who prides herself in being honest & up front, especially when it comes to sharing the Avon opportunity. Just like with any job or business, there are positives & negatives and it’s not for everyone. Personally for me, my Avon business has…
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jonahyawi · 3 months
WordPress.com vs WordPress.org: Which Is Better For Startups?
Do you want to learn the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org? Yeah. Continue reading. Nah. Jump the queue and read ‘How to Get the Most Out of the Free WordPress App on the App Store’ WordPress.com and WordPress.org are actually two different platforms. So, here’s what you need to know as a start up enterprise if you are starting up an online business website with…
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digitaltechpro · 6 months
Exploring the benefits of owning a mortgage
When it comes to personal finance, few decisions carry as much weight and importance as the decision to buy a home. For many individuals and families, obtaining a mortgage represents a pivotal moment in their financial journey, and while renting offers flexibility and short-term convenience, homeownership involves more than just a home. There are many long-term benefits. This article explores the…
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companyindianwebsite · 9 months
Which Site Does SEO Work Better for, Dynamic or Static?
Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of digital presence, businesses grapple with the decision of choosing between dynamic and static websites. One crucial factor in this decision-making process is the impact on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Understanding the nuances of SEO for dynamic and static websites is imperative for making an informed choice that aligns with the overarching…
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ebestlaptop · 2 years
Pros & Cons of Laptop Computers
Pros & Cons of Laptop Computers
Today, laptops are an essential part of many people’s lives, whether they are students, professionals, or just general users. Even though they have many advantages, there are also some disadvantages that you should be aware of before you purchase a laptop. Pros: 1. Portability One of the main advantages of laptop computers is their portability. They are much smaller and lighter than desktop…
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Recombinants x Medic!Reader
Summary: An unlikely group of people find a home in their cute little human doctor.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of wounds/death/hurting animals
Word count: 1.6k
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“Sorry! I did tell you it would burn” ___ swiped the alcohol wipe across Lopez’s blue arm, cleaning the deep wound from dirt and bacteria. She grabbed a needle and thread out of the medkit on the floor and carefully stitched him up.
“Don’t be a pussy Lp” Brown stuck his tongue out, tail flicking every which way, hitting Mansk behind him who swatted at the appendage and rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see them under the shades.
“Hey! This is a crazy ass gash on my arm! Let me cry dickface” Lopez stuck up the middle finger of the hand that wasn’t getting treated and ___ slapped it, instructing him not to get into petty fights until after she’s done.
“Will you lot stop pulling each others cocks for one minute?” their colonel strolled into the med bay with Wainfleet right behind him, both ducking under the small doorway to get into the room. “How’s it looking doc?”
“He’ll be ok, it shouldn’t get infected if treated correctly, just make sure to change the bandages every once in a while” ___ finished the last of the stitches she sewed, putting away her equipment. Being a doctor on Pandora had its pros, her income was higher than any other job on Earth, she got to be the first of the human race to live on another planet, she also got to have free roam of Bridgehead since she was highly ranked which was cool.
The cons however, were that she had to be apart of Project Phoenix. Assisting the recombinant squad, ‘deja blu’ was not what she signed up for and at first she was very reluctant, until she actually spent time with them. They were sweet and gentle with her, knowing that she was physically much weaker than them, they took care of her and also each other. Somewhat, they were a family.
Also the soldiers were fucking hot.
“Good. Lopez that was some stupid shit you pulled back there. Could’ve gotten us killed” Quaritch’s heavy steps stomped over to the two and flicked the mans pointed ear, Lopez winced and ___ huffed a laugh.
“Sorry colonel, just got too excited”
“If you want to be excited again, you have the opportunity to get out once you’re done here” General Ardmore made herself known, glaring at every person in the room “I need you on the front lines, take on those big ass animals that are blocking our train lines, they haven’t moved for days so we’re gonna amp up the pressure”
Some of the squad quietly sighed, they just came back from a mission, one that almost got them eaten by a giant black cat, not to mention one of them is injured enough as is.
“General, Lopez here needs to rest, he’s hurt enough as is” ___ intervened, holding the man’s massive hand and squeezing it in reassurance, she knew by the way his ears pointed down that he didn’t want to go out so soon, especially after almost getting his arm hacked off. Ardmore only directed her glare to the woman, making her freeze and look down.
She was one intimidating lady.
“General, we’ll be out there as soon as my guys are rested, it shouldn’t take long” Quaritch piped up, not wanting their doctor to face the older ladies rath of judgement.
Ardmore nodded sharply and sighed heavily, not liking the delay but this wasn’t her team to command… well it was…but Quaritch was a man that she didn’t want to get on the bad side of. Recom or human. She briskly turned and marched out but not before giving them three days rest to recover and gather supplies. She’d just have to send some Bulldogs instead.
Lopez sighed and squeezed ___’s hand in thanks for sticking up for him, he released it and stood up from his chair, Brown coming over and clapping him on the back “you guys wanna go to the rec room? Ja and Zhang are waiting for us”, many agreed and followed suit, Wainfleet and Quaritch sticking behind for ___.
The doctor packed her equipment away and took off her lab coat off, nodding to the two as they filed out. “So.. what exactly happened out there?” she usually was on these missions with them, but she had to tend to some paperwork with the bio scientists.
“We ran into one of those.. what are they called, thanators? Nasty fuckers” Wainfleet strolled up next to her, tail flicking and sending her hair up a little, he grinned and messed with her more, using his tail to flick more of her neatly kept hair.
___ turned and slapped his leg, smoothing her hair down and jogged a little further to get away from him. “Yeah, they’re not very nice. You must’ve been in their hunting zone - stop that!” she grinned as Lyle followed her around “just because I have hair and you don’t!”
Quaritch snorted “docs got a point corporal, but that burn runs deeper than Lp’s kitty scratches, how you gonna take that?” he was a few ways back from them, ears pointed up and grin on his face at their silliness. He could hear more of his team in one of the rooms further up laughing and chatting, Prager had a secret lover? Now that is something he’d need to find out.
“Well for one, sleep with both eyes open and a nightlight, for two-” The soldier grabbed ___ by the waist and hoisted her up over his shoulder, slapping her ass and barging into the recom’s rec room shouting “this little lady has been bullying me about my hair! We needa teach her a lesson”
Zdinarsk sharply turned at the loud noise and saw the predicament the two were in, ___ was dangling with her face barely reaching Lyle’s lower back, her tiny fists hitting the muscle as she shouted for mercy. The soldier hollered “what hair?!” and the rest followed with shouts of their own, oh the agony.
Wainfleet pointed his middle finger at every single one of them, including Quaritch behind him who was chuckling loudly. He placed the human in his arms onto one of the couches and forced her onto her back, easily pinning her with just one hand. His yellow eyes met hers and she instantly tensed up “no! NO! Lyle please don’t!” the man only grinned devilishly and raised his other hand slowly “Lyle I promise I’ll do anything!”
“Yes anything! I’ll bake you those brownies you like!” Man did he love those brownies.
“Hmm, what do you think people?” Lyle glanced at everyone in the room to see their opinions.
Zhang twisted around and raised his brows “I dunno corp, she disrespected you and your lack of hair, she deserved what’s coming to her”
“Yea give it to her!” Fike pumped a fist into the air and Mansk nodded cooly.
“The people have spoken darlin’ you could still make me those sweets anyway” ___ screeched as the solder brought the hand down and tickled at her skin, going across the stomach, under the pits, under her chin. Her greatest weakness is that she’s ticklish, ever since they found that out she’s been exploited to the harsh fingers of the recombinants.
The doctor had tears going out of her eyes as she laughed at the feeling “I-I’m sorry! ahaha! I did- I didn’t mean to!” she felt Wainfleet slow down to a stop, nodding and patting her head as she breathed heavily. A flicker appeared in his eyes and she instantly put her hands up, knowing he would probably do it again.
Prager strolled by and rugby tackled Lyle to the floor, taking him down and wrestling him. All ___ could see from her position was tails swinging and legs flailing, she breathed heavily and sat up, carefully avoiding the almost ten foot men.
She strolled over to Quaritch who engaged himself in a game of cards with Ja, Zdinarsk and Fike. She examined the A4 cards he held then the ones on the table and plucked one from his fingers, placing it down. “Fuck” Zdinarsk swore, cursing whatever god was out there for this treachery, she was losing. Z-Dog never loses. “You know, I thought I liked you sweetness” ___ just stuck her tongue out in retaliation. Fike urged the doctor to help him out too, only to get a card thrown at him by Zdinarsk.
“How are you doing Lopez?” ___ strolled over to the man who was watching T.V with Zhang and Brown, he grabbed the little lady and perched her onto his lap.
“Good mami. It’s gonna take more than a fat cat to tear me down”
___ glanced over the man’s shoulder at Wainfleet who agreed and flexed his muscles, marines will be marines, she laughed.
“Don’t act like you weren’t crying earlier because of the pain” Brown chimed in, eyes glancing at the two next to him, he reached a hand over to rest it on ___’s calf, rubbing circles on it.
“I didn’t cry”
“Yes you did, whining like Prager when he got dumped by his secret lover”
‘Prager had a secret lover?’ ___ wondered. Tea is brewing, she had a feeling it was gonna be good.
“I’ll stick my tail in your ass if you don’t shut your fucking mouth”
“I’m counting on it”
“Cut it out!”
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fangbangerghoul · 5 months
OKAY I'M COMIN IN UNDER THE WIRE Sensory prompt: The coppery scent of blood in the air Emotion: Adrenaline - Is that an emotion? Amped? Object: Chair Lets go with Astarion and a character of your choice that you've been wanting to write!
For you?
I'll give you the best!
wc: 799 (cause i got carried away as usual)
Today is the last day I am accepting prompts for my 100 follower celebration! Please feel free to submit one!
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            The dilapidated building was unsavory as they all sat in it for a short rest. Gale used to be able to count the number of deaths he caused on his fingers before he decided to travel with Tav. Now it seemed every day there was a new blood stain on his hands, his clothes, even his face. Tav was wrapping their leg from a battle wound and Astarion and Shadowheart seemed preoccupied with their own needs. He felt his calf burn with an intensity that was unexpected and the coppery scent washed over his as he lifted his robe to see the brutal gash in his leg. The adrenaline left in his veins was pounding in his temples and his breathing still didn’t feel quite right. His eyes were focused on the wound and he was debating if traditional methods of healing would be best or if he should succumb to a quick fix with magic. The pros and cons weren’t particularly swaying him in either direction and the weight his body felt from exhaustion he wondered how much longer he could let it freely bleed.
“What do we have here?” The cool and charming tone came from Astarion who had crept up to Gale as he sat in the only viable chair. He felt a dull pressure in his knees and opted to be selfish for once and take a seat before offering it to Tav. Astarion’s presence caused a bit of caution in Gale. He was entirely comfortable around the man but there was always something that made Gale extremely curious about the red eyed charmer.
“It is nothing.” Gale said abruptly, not wanting the half elf to see his weakness. Who knows what influence he really had on Tav. They were not to pressed when Astarion confessed to be the vampire spawn he was even though he obviously was going to fed on Tav without permission. Something Gale thought that was extremely rude and dubious.
“Ah, don’t be coy now.” Astarion had a toothy grin and he swayed a bit side to side. The vampire spawn always seemed big on body language. Gale caught the tiniest of flares from Astarion’s nostrils. He knew then Astarion smelt the blood and perhaps considered only coming over to sneak a bite. Maybe just to lick his leg? Gale wasn’t entirely sure but he now he knew for certainty to not let his guard down.
“Let me take a look.” Astarion said gently his hand body and hand starting to near Gale but Gale flinched for a moment and gave an astute glare. He had hoped the vampire would heed his warning but his smirk had only lessened a fraction. “What? I’m not going to drain you dry if that’s what you think. There are tastier things out there than you wizard.”
Gale’s felt his pride hurt for a moment and his glare softened into a more offended look. He knew it was silly of him to take offense to that and perhaps instead he should be feeling more of a relief from that statement.
“I didn’t say that you were.” Gale started as he tried to relax his body to allow Astarion to get closer. He did not want to make a scene because the others were busy resting themselves. “Who knew someone like you would have something against older gentlemen.”
“You shouldn’t put words into others mouth, Gale.” Astarion’s tone seemed full of an array of emotions from teasing, flirting, even threatening and a mix of disappointment. Gale was not sure what to say to his response but hissed when Astarion poked at his flesh wound.
“Don’t be a baby.” Astrarion’s voice was like a soft gruff and before Gale realized it the dazzling companion in front of him was stitching up his wound. The closeness between the two of them was more intimate than he would have preferred but he accepted his fate as he closed his eyes. The wizard was not trying to be too mindful of the pain and after a few seconds it had stopped. He felt Astarion’s cool fingers trace up his calf where the wound was and when Gale peeked Astarion’s eyes were looking right into his. The companion had his finger covered in Gale’s blood and it held just before his lips. Astarion dipped the finger into his own mouth and Gale could hear the light pop come from his lips and the sound of his tongue move around inside his mouth. Gale was about to say something in exasperation but the vampire just smiled and pulled out his finger. “Maybe I was wrong about their being tastier companions.” He said in a thoughtful tone. Gale looked dismayed as the vampire spawn stood and walked away as if nothing ever happened.
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real-life-senshi · 1 year
10 (Mostly) Spoiler-Free Reasons to Watch Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 2003 Live Action
A countdown to the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Reason 5: The captivating story!
Ultimately, I would say the live-action stayed true to the essence and intention of the original source material when concerning the Dark Kingdom arc.
I’m choosing to use the word “essence” though, because it is also factual that in multiple aspects, the story does diverge from its source material, but with the intention of further amping up the stakes and angst for drama, and possibly even pulling in elements from story arcs beyond the manga’s Dark Kingdom arc into the one season we (sadly) only have.
Sometimes those differences could be due to limitations of CGI and execution methods in real-life filming, while others could be due to updating the content to appeal to the newer generations of viewers in the early 2000s.
Regardless of what's faithful or not faithful to original source material, I think PGSM did really well striking a balance of making it a kid’s show, and also adding some complexities to appeal to viewers who were kids or teenagers that grew up reading the manga or watching the '90s anime, who would be in their late teens or adulthood or even parenthood by the time the live-action aired.
Warning: Going forward these series of posts will contain minor spoilers to introduce some live-action only elements. It will only be at the introductory level though!
Staying true and delving deeper into source materials
Personally, I can’t speak much to the ’90s anime, but I can confirm the live-action pulls many elements from the manga source material where possible. Here are just a few:
Introducing the Sailor Senshi!
The story of how Usagi and Ami discovered their Senshi power largely follows the same story, while Rei and Makoto's intro episodes heavily reference the original manga chapter and use the same theme behind the attacks that lead to them accessing their transformation. There's no magic bus to whisk victims away in Rei's case, and there's no wedding dress ghost story in Makoto's, probably due to the feasibility of recreating those scenes.
The Forbidden Love & the Past Life lore
The live-action definitely deep-dived into the 'forbidden love' concept when it came to Usagi and Mamoru, and further created a whole complexity of the storyline to justify WHY it's forbidden. In the manga/anime, it felt like the idea of their forbidden love was purely political and mostly glossed over since the past life kingdoms were dead, but in the live-action, there were actual stakes and consequences to consider even for the present.
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And the ABSOLUTE MOST AMAZING THING and by far my favourite twist to the live-action storyline is they actually ventured into exploring the impact of making teenagers soldiers of war! There is actually ample screen time and dialogues AND monologues dedicated for us to see individual Senshi AND the team together grappling with the pros and cons and exploring both extreme sides of the need to follow the past life mission to avert tragedy regardless of the sacrifices made, versus the necessity of making one's choice and finding ways to live in the present in spite of the past life lore! Do they support Usagi's and Mamoru's love for each other or not???? Do they know for sure whether their love WILL cause misfortune again or not or can they trust Usagi to know what she's doing????? FASCINATING AND ANGSTY STUFF RIGHT THERE!
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Rei’s Personality
More as an FYI, but Rei’s personality is much more similar to the manga Rei’s personality, instead of ‘90s anime Rei. More cool beauty and calm, less aggressively hotheaded and abrasive. And very importantly, NOT boy-crazy.
New, original dramatic elements
On the other hand, here are some live-action exclusive dramatic elements that I'd like to highlight:
Aino Minako the idol
Even many who haven't watched the series would have heard about how Minako's character is drastically changed in the live-action. Indeed, Minako is an acclaimed teenage idol and singer with best-selling songs in the show!
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It's basically as if the live-action screenwriter pulled in the Outer Senshi elements from the Mugen arc into Minako's character: she's famous, experienced, and serious. Minako has full access to past life knowledge and is ultimately mission-driven like Haruka and Michiru are in the Mugen arc, which causes some of her decisions to maybe not be as morally white as we'd expect her to be (I think her costume style of white and black is a nice nod to the idea of her double life and her sense of moral).
Now, that's not to say live-action Minako is completely a new character, you can certainly see manga/anime Minako's character traits here and there if you pay attention - pun-loving, prank-loving, mischievous. For god's sake, the girl named her album Venus, and one of her most iconic songs is called C'est La Vie, which sounds exactly like "Sailor V" pronounced in Japanese. Just imagine this girl playing a vigilante life, and having a chuckle every time she sings her best-selling song that basically announces her identity to the world and no one realizes. lmao
Basically, Minako's character embodies the extreme result of what happens if a teenager is burdened with all the knowledge of the Past Life war and has the weight on her shoulders while working alone.
If you can get past Minako's changed character setting in the live-action, you'll find there are still plenty of Dark Kingdom arc manga/anime Minako elements in there, just some more exaggerated while others are more subtle. (Coz to be fair, Minako didn't start becoming Usagi's twin until after the Dark Kingdom arc.) And her relationship with Artemis is absolutely heartwarming to see in the live-action.
Who's in the wrong? Who's an ally, and who's not?
While our Senshi team is clearly the heroine, and the Dark Kingdom the villains, the live-action takes a more interesting take on what's considered "good" versus "evil", and more importantly, who's in the wrong on how things ended badly in the past life. Who is actually the person the Senshi needs to protect the world from? And that drives the story into a direction that is more complex than what you'll ever find in manga or anime, and certain characters react accordingly and act more grey than black or white - from both the heroine side and the villain side!
Shitennou & Endymion
Something we didn't really get to see as much in the manga and anime, while we know who the Shitennou are, we don't really see the Shitennou and Mamoru interacting until after they... became their name-sake rocks (okay, technically, GEMS). And we don't get many hints on what their past live relationships were, so for many years fans have taken to pen/paper/tablets/keyboard and filled the gaps with their amazing imagination and creative work instead.
In the live-action, we get a much more expansive and interesting take in seeing the Shitennou - technically still under the Dark Kingdom's influence, interact with Mamoru as they all grapple with what happened in the past life.
How would the prince's ex-guardians act seeing their master again? How would Mamoru react? Choosing to accept his responsibility for his past life or not? After all, they had such fond memories of arm-wrestling each other! (Spoiler alert: Nephrite won.) :P
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I must once again emphasize that I love what they did with the Shitennou's characters and gave each of them a different story trajectory. They are written so well they pull at your heartstrings!
If you want some canon-material for writing the Shitennou in the age of Elysion Kingdom, definitely give the live-action a go!
Power up! The Senshi Needs Training
Because the live-action only gets one arc, there's no room for us to see the Senshi team (conveniently) get upgraded transformation like they do in each arc in manga or anime. Instead, the live-action takes a different, and I dare say, a more realistic approach, where the Senshi learns that their initial access to their transformation isn't the full access to their powers as they expected. They are put through some legit, and some questionable training of the body, mind and spirit, and each of them has to overcome something within themselves across the series to access their power!
This approach highlights and solidifies each Senshi's strengths AND ties in really well into the girls' character development throughout the series. As well, it makes it feel like the Senshi did have to put in work to get strong and gain access to their power, instead of relying on the plot to get them new powers at the right opportune time, seemingly out of the blue.
Yep, sometimes in the manga and in the anime, it's so easy for us to forget that the Senshi are kids in school when they are in the thick of a crisis or fighting evil. Somehow, it always seems quite clean and convenient that the Senshi could separate their school life and their heroine life, doesn't it? How the responsible adults in the world may wonder... "Gosh, where did that kid go in the middle of [insert context]????" Or for a fellow peer in school to wonder - "How the hell did this random group of girls come together like an odd band?"
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The live-action takes time to make room for some reality checks in their episodic storylines to explore all the different repercussions our heroine's double (or triple) life has on their normal life, and with that ties in personable and relevant topics and themes into their episodic plots:
Family relationship
Peer relationship
Romantic relationships
Moments that remind everyone how awkward and tough it is to be a teenager.
The toll of lying through your teeth to keep a secret, etc
I cannot emphasize enough that the screenwriting is superb in the series! Not one thing is referenced only once and left out the window, everything that happened builds up into a moment of learning or lasting impact for our characters!
To people who've not watched the live-action, PLEASE GIVE IT A CHANCE! At least give it 6 episodes, and you'll probably be hooked!
You can watch the subbed versions of the series at:
Miss Dream Fansubs
Sea of Serenity Fansubs
The series is also on other online streaming sites, but be cautious to only visit them with good adware and firewall installed.
6 days till the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
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cantstayawaycani · 1 year
Trigger warning for casual racism, sexual content and violence. Most of the content is in Spanish though.
Yes the international community is missing a lot of details and hopefully will be more supportive of thr victims afterwards.
(golden showers/watersports and scat/dirty rimming )
Comparing a politician to a gorilla/monkey via reblog
Other accusations :
There is rumors he sleeps with some fans and is generally a womanizer (also why his dms were open and thirst traps) . Mexicans citizens might have more local details.
He sleeps with light women and hides his internalised racism and classism (other Mexican tweets will appear). Self interested performative activism.
11 women die a day in Mexico, the world has a huge problem with feminicide and misogyny sadly.
I'm also disappointed and hurt that such a man became an inspiration for so many woc/poc.
You seem a lovely human being. I'm sorry for the details. Support anti colorist and anti racism women 🙏🏾
I need to work my way through this, but thanks for sending.
The internet is a cesspool so I truly hope these are credible sources.
Also, apologies, but I do not consider Twitter a source of factual information when it comes to stuff like this, unless by an accredited journalist who has done SOME investigation work.
But I will read through this as objectively as possible.
It may not seem like it, but I am extremely pro woman, especially irl.
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iamblue15 · 4 months
Calamity Kids VS Kaiju (Kat Elliot)
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(Kat will be at 50% power in this fight, but will go to 100% to even the playing field if needed.)
(She has a limited amount of time to defeat her opponent.)
Kat vs Camazotz
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*Camazotz commands a whole army of smaller bat-like creatures to swarm and overwhelm his opponent(s).
*Can fly at high speeds rivaling that of fighter jets.
*His Sonic Screech can shatter entire buildings and cause great pain to equally powerful enemies like Kong.
*Has a tough durable hide that can resist some attacks.
*Has an advantage in dark caverns and uses echolocation.
-Can't stand bright light and loud sounds which can greatly disorient him.
*Kat can summon and command an army of demon roadies to counter Camazotz's Hellswarm. (Band of Hell-Raisers)
*Fires projectile lighting at long range with guitar. (Wicked Riffs)
*Can use said guitar(s) for close-range slicing and smashing attacks. (Battle Axis)
*Has her own form of Sonic Screech by generating a mic with amps. (Chaotic Vocals)
*Grows a pair of demon wings for a boost in speed and agility. (Damned Wings)
*If she harnesses enough energy, she can summon her giant inner monster to aid her in this fight. (Monster from Within)
*With her future vision, she can see and predict her opponent's next moves, but she can't completely control it thus making it unpredictable.
-Though it won't kill her, Camazotz's Sonic Screech can still badly disorient Kat if she's in range.
-Using Monster from Within costs her a great deal of energy and becomes fatigued after use.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 3 months
pros & cons & tea
by elipheleh rizcriz prompt: Alex and Henry are roommates who have established their love language is touch so they cuddle all the time. They’re watching a TikTok on Henry’s phone and Alex turns to look at him and accidentally kisses him. And then they just? Keep kissing... -- because it's me, theres a lot more feelings discussion than kissing, but it is a happy ending. this isn't canon - i'm not sure what it is, but there is at least a divergence from before henry kisses alex at new years. Words: 3699, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Accidental Kissing, Getting Together, Rizcriz Prompt (Red White & Royal Blue), Autistic Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, in so much as my autism reflects in henrys existential crises via https://ift.tt/XbjiPqz
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
Scabies Book. Pro KCIII? - Con P&PoWs? by u/booksy200
Scabies Book. Pro KCIII? - Con P&PoWs? With the latest pieces I'm seeing here and X (I don't look at the Tabloids directly if I can help it), it's starting to feel like it'll be about H&M being victims of mean Prince William and family. (We did it better, they are SOOO jealous of us).It might even be complimentary to KCIII with the H&Ms/Scabies intent of driving a (wider?) gap between King and Heir.Honestly, if KCIII does anything to give major support to Hazbeen and the Harpy, I'll have no interest in the BRF except P&PoWs + family. H&M returning to the RF in almost any capacity it kill so much respect. post link: https://ift.tt/gEZDWRL author: booksy200 submitted: November 16, 2023 at 02:31PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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russell-63 · 2 years
Accidentally read this article released two years ago. Marko said that George had a ten-year contract with Wolff, which I have never heard of before. Guess the contract was signed at the age of 15/16? Why so long? It’s an insanely long contract with a junior.😥 Feel that Wolff has had every saying in his career, making it impossible for George to jump out of Merc-powered teams. I mean before he joined Merc, maybe no other team than Williams would accept him because of that contract. I might be a bit pessimistic, I just couldn’t see some advantage of this insane 10-year-long contract.
It's a managing contract with Toto, not a contract to drive for Mercedes, so not very unusual I'd say. Not even for a junior, because if you want to have him for your team in the future, it's a long-term investment and you don't want him to run after three years, having benefitted from your resources. Pro's and con's as one might say :)
Besides, if other seats had been open in 2018 for George, even with Toto's managing, George could have got a spot at another merc powered team. But that wasn't the case, so Williams it was. You also have to take into consideration that George going to a non-merc powered team would have been a very stupid move...
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cr0w-fr · 2 years
for the pros/cons thing: Abyss and/or Tama
Alright! I have two dergs named Abyss, but I'm assuming you meant the Tundra one; Abyss
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Pros - if you're hot-natured, Abyss is surprisingly cool to lean against despite being very fluffy - has a soothing and rumbling voice that is very good to calm someone down or help fall asleep
Cons - that chill around him is permanent. they always have a cool air about them, so be prepared to bundle up if you're one to get cold easily - has a certain unsettling nature about him. therefore, can amp any paranoia or fears up without actually consciously meaning to do so.
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Pros - smells sweet, like flowers and tea, but not in an overwhelming way. She nearly always has bundles of herbs and dried flowers with her that contribute to her scent - loves to dote on her partners, can and will bake or cook whatever they may want. she'll gladly look up and learn new recipes if needed.
Cons - frequently travels to get some of the plants and flowers for her teas, so she can be gone for extended bits of time - comes off as a bit much at times, and doesn't realize it, but if her partner tells her she's being somewhat overwhelming, she'll work it out with them and do her best to tone down a bit
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
@tempestflames​​​​ asked for a starter for shinsou from jirou!! --- 2022 spotify wrapped starters: #32 -  con calma remix by daddy yankee + katy perry ft. snow !  - ( let me just tell you all i died with this one trying to make it work I HAD TO TRANSLATE THE SPANISH LMFAO )
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it wasn’t something that her classmates were ever supposed to find out about. when she went and did open mics on saturday nights, it was just a way to let loose and have a great time. being on stage was kyouka’s way of just letting go all the stresses of being a student in the hero course, especially with everything they’d been through lately. song after song, kyouka would engage herself with the crowd: they’d clap along, or even come dance in front of the small stage, kyouka loved the reactions, and the pure adrenaline she got from their cheers after her songs was just the icing on the cake. if she wasn’t following her dream to be a pro hero, this would have been her career.
tonight had been another great set at the local coffee shop downtown. the crowd was small, but generous! and they’d been a great vibe the entire set. kyouka checked her case once she’d just begun cleaning up and smirked seeing some yen inside. well -- more money to get that new amp! 
she’d just finished packing up her things to head back to the dorms-- and that’s when dark eyes met shinsou’s across the coffee shop. shit. had he followed her? did.. he think she’d been good?! wait-- .. was he, smirking?!?!
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panic seeped into kyouka’s veins like wildfire and kyouka was sure her heart was going to leave her body. sure, she’d sang in front of him and their class before but-- this was.. different! she latched her case and made it easier on the both of them as she headed towards his table, thrusting her case down beside the open chair hastily. “ ... w-what’re you doing here, shinsou?! ”
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carbo-ships · 2 years
Your very own demon body guard. A con(aka pro) would be he's MUCH more aggressive about flustering you and amps up his tricks to a different level. You would literally faint 1 minute in
"seduce you until you caved" did make me black out for a sec ngl
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