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depressocafe · 1 year ago
Galra Genetics
Basically just a list of unique Galra only genetics I've seen within the show.
1. Hair line/Markings:
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The Galra seem to have a very specific hair line within the show that can be seen even on scalier Galra, such as Zarkon. This Hair line isn't as straight as others we've seen in the show and appears to point down closer to the Galrans' face (much like a widow's peak) in comparison to other races. Galra with markings instead of large quantities of fur tend to also have this as their markings end up pointing towards their face as seen with Ezor, Narti, and Ranveig. This is seen in only Galra and Galra half breeds, such as Lotor's generals.
2. Mohawk/head point:
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Mammalian Galra typically have a Mohawk on the top of their heads and reptilian Galra tend to have the scales end at a point as seen above. Though there are some Galra that don't quite have this such as ranveig, I haven't seen the specific type of hair growth on any other races. And while one could dress their hair up like a Mohawk, the Galrans tend to be more naturally occurring. Possibly due to skull shape? Or maybe some genetic evolution not told to us in show.
3. Detached ears/predators ears:
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This refers to the loose skin and tissue at the bottom of the ear. This is the area where you'd typically attach earrings to. Detached ears are when that skin and tissue is not attached to the side of the head where the jawbone meets the skull. Having detached or attached ears will not affect your hearing in any way. Galra tend to have detached ears or Animal ears genetically closer to that of predators. I tried to see if there were any types of classifications to animal ears and couldn't find squat.
4. Elongated arms:
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While human arms are typically long enough to be a hip length or a tad lower the Galran arms are a tad closer to the knee than other limbs shown in show. This also indicates that unlike humans, when Galrans' stretch their arms away from their bodies, the length from one arm to the other may not match the length of the individual's body like it does for Humans.
5: Sharp pupils/overall eyes:
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Just as said, the Galra typically have sharper more predatory like pupils compared to other races. Though some Galra seem to lack any distinct factors to their eyes compared to other Galra, my personal theory is that when a Galran undergoes large amounts of quintessence treatment, the quintessence in the body begins to take over and seemingly hide the pupil, iris, or other parts of the eye. We can see this happen first hand with Haggar/Honerva and Zarkon. As well as Sendak when we see an alternate version of him in season 8. Other factors of the Galran eye, the Sclera is yellow in color instead of white and the iris is usually red in coloration. I've also noticed that in terms of eye shape, eyes lacking in an iris or pupil, tend to have a more exhausted expression to them (dipping downwards and having eye bags). This could also be attributed to larger amounts of quintessence within the body.
Like I've said in previous posts, I'm not an expert in any of this stuff regarding, psychology, genetics, ect. While I have studied with ambition into these topics I'm not a viable source for information regarding anything in relation to science and at most may know more than the average individual but that's about it.
Post Made: 3/12/24
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dragonfoxstardesigns · 2 months ago
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💜 2024 Summary of Art!
This year has been probably the most art I've drawn all year round including July where I did 21 fully colored illustrations for Art Fight!
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isshi69nikkei · 2 months ago
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Po ostatnich rozdziałach Tsevu-22 potrzebowałam z nimi czego bardziej pozytywnego:)
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galraluver · 7 months ago
Hey, Hey <3 I’m always reading your VoltronxReader scenarios/headcanons and I love your work, thank you for everything! Could you write a headcanon for Kolivan/Sendak/Ranveig/Prorok with a Dom!GalraReader (you can add some spiceee if you want ;))??? I really love seeing those big strong guys as a bottom with a female (or male) person who loves them more than everything and wants them to feel safe and secure in her arms!
And I ’m thinking that Sendak and Kolivan are secretly both bottoms (wait, let me explain!!!)
Because more often than not, people in leadership positions [Kolivan as the leader of the BoM who probably lost everything in his life at some point and needs some rest from practically everything. And Sendak as zarkons commander who would do EVERYTHING for his kings attention, because it’s the only kind of affection/attention that he gets. (…but what will happen if another person finds a way through his heart and replaces Zarkon?)] need someone in their life to take away the burden of taking care of being in charge. And Yup, that’s my personal fan-theory
Love your work!<3
I can try my best. I can definitely see that though, especially with poor Kolivan who's always overworked. These four big guys definitely need more love 💜
~ Kolivan ~
~ Because of his position as the leader of the Blades Kolivan feels as though he's carrying the weight of the universe on his shoulders and if he does anything wrong then everyone in the whole universe will suffer more than they already have
~ When he began courting you Kolivan has a hard time being vulnerable around you, even when the two of you are in private, because he's afraid of losing you
~ You definitely notice Kolivan's hesitation and you simply want him to know that you're always going to be there for him, no matter what
~ You're also kind of a dom and you have a natural drive to take care of and protect your significant other
~ One evening while you and Kolivan are fooling around in bed you discover that he can get a bit submissive when you gently bite down on one of his bonding glands
~ Kolivan's horrified at first when he unintentionally lets out a particularly loud moan, although with the discovery that you, his petite girlfriend, is a dom, he finally allows himself to lay back and let you take control
~ Whenever the two of you are alone in your private quarters Kolivan can finally rest and have someone take care of him for once
~ You love Kolivan more than anything and you want him to feel safe and relaxed during his downtime, so you pamper him nearly every evening
~ Kolivan still pampers you because you're his lover, but whenever he's particularly stressed you take care of him
~ You often have dinner waiting for him and afterwards you either give him a massage or the two of you take a warm bath or shower together
~ One of your favorite things to do with Kolivan is slowly unbraid his hair and delicately run your fingers through whilst whispering sweet nothings to him until he falls asleep
~ While you're pampering Kolivan he feels as though you're taking away all of his burdens, at least for a short amount of time
~ He's also submissive in bed and lets you take take care of him whilst also making sure to satisfy you
~ Imagine big, strong and usually stoic Kolivan writhing and moaning while he lays on the bed as you're going down on him
~ You're a soft dom though, bc Kolivan is literally the most precious lover a woman can ask for and you just want him to take a break from reality
~ Sendak ~
~ Back on Daibazaal Sendak and Zarkon had a casual situationship kind of deal before Zarkon met Honerva, then everything changed; The more distant Zarkon became, the more desperate Sendak was for his attention
~ Sendak might seem like a ruthless killer, and he definitely is during certain situations, but in his personal life he's very submissive
~ He'll do anything, and I mean ANYTHING for Zarkon's attention and affection as the years pass
~ That is until you come into his life; you're supposed to be one of Sendak's crew members, but you're very attracted to him and you don't think he would even consider pursuing a relationship with you simply because you're petite for a galran woman
~ However, as more time passes you become closer to Sendak and he starts to get attached to you; he doesn't recognize it at first, then one day when he's having a mental breakdown alone in the training room you comfort him
~ After that day Sendak gets attached to you and slowly begins to let go of his attachment to Zarkon
~ At some point you begin courting him and he lets you take the lead in the relationship, for him it's nice to have someone to take care of him for once
~ It isn't until mating season that he learns how much of a dom you are whether it be during sex or during daily life
~ Sendak actually prefers you to top him during sexy times regardless of if it's during his rut or not
~ You don't mind topping him bc it's super hot to have him writhing and moaning either above or beneath you
~ After life gets back to normal once your heat and his rut ends you formally begin courting Sendak, the only catch is that you both have to make it look like he's the one courting you when the two of you are our in public
~ Haxus thinks you and Sendak make a good couple and he keeps your secret
~ Sometimes life can get really stressful for Sendak and during those times you practically drag him to bed where you snuggle with him
~ This man practically turns into a purring kitten if you touch him in just the right way (mainly when you massage the bonding glands on either side of his neck, in case you all were wondering)
~ Ultimately Sendak doesn't abandon the empire because he has a sense of duty, but eventually the two of you get married and you receive a higher rank in order to be a better match for him in the empire's eyes
~ Prorok ~
~ Prorok isn't necessarily one of the highest ranking commanders, but he's earned a place at the main hub which is still an honor
~ It's actually where he met you, his petite significant other
~ Everyone who sees you and Prorok together always assume that he's the dominant one in your relationship, especially since he has a higher rank than you
~ The one thing no one else knows is that he's very much the submissive one in your relationship
~ Because you're a dom you don't mind taking care of your big fluffy lover, it's endearing how he can be submissive
~ In fact, you're the one courting him
~ But to avoid suspicion you both act like he's courting you when the two of you are out and about
~ You absolutely love taking care of Prorok and he feels special to have such a loving mate
~ After a long day of your duties you and Prorok pamper each other and then rest for a while
~ He does all the cooking though; not because you can't, but because he loves cooking meals for the two of you to share
~ Prorok's pretty submissive in the bedroom, too ;)
~ He prefers to bottom while you top him, nevertheless if you want him to top you then he will
~ All in all, Prorok is the sweetest lover you could have asked for
~ Ranveig ~
~ Ranveig is one of the biggest, toughest commanders in the galra empire, but he doesn't want anyone to know that he's secretly submissive
~ When he begins courting you he keeps up his tough facade; honestly, he's just afraid that you'll change your mind about him if you find out that he's not as strong and dominant as he acts
~ You might be smol for a galran woman, but you can be quite the dom and it sometimes interferes with your relationship with Ranveig
~ In fact, it took the two of you a long time to become physically intimate with each other
~ Ultimately it's your cuteness that gets to Ranveig and he can't help but be vulnerable around you
~ Being one of the highest ranking commanders is a hard job, so naturally you don't mind taking care of your significant other the way he deserves
~ Usually the bigger partner is supposed to take the lead in the relationship, but when the two of you are alone Ranveig lets you take the lead
~ He's huge compared to you, and yet you manage to snuggle with him just fine in bed
~ Although when it comes to *other* bedroom activities Ranveig occasionally lets you take the lead, otherwise he's pretty dominant during sex
~ If he feels like being submissive during sex then he likes receiving a bit of pain since he had a little bit of a pain fetish
~ As much as you like being the dominant one during sex, just one look at his thick cock and large, rounded knot makes you weak in the knees
~ Will melt if you massage the bases of his ears, there's no faster way to get this man purring like a kitten quicker than delicately massaging the bases of his ears
~ Ultimately, as long as the two of you are in private Ranveig enjoys it when you take care of him in every way imaginable
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victorianitt · 1 year ago
Jakiś czas temu znalazłam na ao3 wspaniałą autorkę fanfiction — @isshi69nikkei. Przeczytałam od niej kilka fanfików z Sherlocka i Harry'ego Pottera, które baardzo mi się spodobały.
Wielokrotnie do nich wracałam, ale ile razy można robić reready? Wiedziałam, że Isshi ma jeszcze kilka fanfików z fandomów których nie znałam, w tym z Voltrona (o którym słyszałam już wcześniej i wisiał na liście do obejrzenia od bardzo dawna). Postanowiłam obejrzeć Voltrona i baaardzo mi się spodobał :3.
Potem zaczęłam czytać ów Voltronowego fanfika Isshi „Tsevu-22” i... Cóż, wystarczy powiedzieć, że nie śpię po nocach, bo go czytam.
(Isshi, obiecuję napisać Ci komentarz, jak tylko nadrobię do końca 😇).
Głównym shipem jest Prorok/Thace, co swoją drogą bardzo mnie ucieszyło i rozbawiło, bo podczas oglądania Voltrona zwróciłam uwagę na te dwójkę i oczywiście, z moim szczęściem do zakochiwania się w niepopularnych paringach, zaczęli mi do siebie pasować.
Przełożony i podwładny, do tego szpieg? To jest to, co tygryski lubią najbardziej.
Ale już nie przedłużając, wczoraj, rozmawiając z przyjaciółką przez telefon, zaczęłam rysować. Kogo? Thace'a i Proroka 🥰. Co prawda osobno, ale mam wrażenie, że wspólny obrazek jeszcze powstanie...
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Fanfiction Isshi:
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father-daniel-blog · 3 hours ago
W imię Prawdy! C. D. 491
12 sierpnia 2024 roku W tym dniu przeczytałem ważne dla mnie treści w książce kardynała Jana Bona pt. ,,O rozpoznawaniu duchów”: ,,Prawdziwi prorocy tylko to ogłaszają, co im Bóg raczy objawić, i nie zwykli inaczej uzasadniać i utwierdzać swych przepowiedni, jak tylko tymi słowy: ,,Bo usta Pańskie mówiły” (Iz 1, 20). Fałszywi zaś przywłaszczają sobie tę łaskę niesłusznie i w każdej chwili…
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lamolinastreetart · 7 months ago
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Art by Czech Prorok (@prorok_____) & JW17 (@jwmindstrike) for Project CTRL+V in Poděbrady, Czech Republic (2024) #prorok #jw17 #jwmindstrike #streetart #lamolinastreetart | photo via artists mysl.nl/JhEms
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astroeznext · 8 months ago
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thebandcampdiaries · 14 days ago
David Prorok presents: You Are The Music (Step Into the Infinite)
An uplifting electronic music experience where AI efficiency and human creativity converge
February 2025 - David Prorok, also known as DJ Prorok, is releasing a new EP titled You Are The Music (Step Into the Infinite). This project is a continuous mix created for an ecstatic dance event. The EP blends EDM, rap, cinematic, and experimental music into a unique listening experience. All the tracks were made using Suno, an AI music tool, as part of David’s goal to create timeless, high-quality music with the help of artificial intelligence.
AI is bringing about a true revolution, enabling artists and DJs like David to share music and create experiences like never before. Gone are the limitations of technicalities, tools, studios or gear, and in are the boundless opportunities to create something quite meaningful and special, curating an experience and making up that perfect marriage of AI efficiency and human warmth and creativity. "You Are The Music (Step Into the Infinite)” is a perfect example of this dichotomy and the unique balance we can achieve with technology and instinct. To add to that, the sound is fresh, articulate, and remarkably well-produced, especially considering that there are so many different styles and elements converging into this unique release.
This set was designed as a cinematic and futuristic journey. The music aims to awaken listeners, challenge limiting beliefs, and inspire self-liberation through movement and sound. The inspiration behind the set came from Valentine’s Day and the theme "You Can Do It Without Him." The message is clear: you don't need anyone's validation to be happy or to follow your dreams. Through these tracks, David encourages people to trust themselves, take risks, and create in their own way.
The EP is a fresh and raw creation. Almost all the songs were made within the week leading up to the event. These tracks are not yet available on streaming services, making this mix the first opportunity for fans to hear them. The immediacy of the production process adds to the energy of the set, capturing a spontaneous and authentic creative flow.
The original plan was to perform the set at Rhythm Sanctuary Ecstatic Dance in Chicago. However, a snowstorm made travel impossible. David quickly adapted and hosted his own event online instead. The mix premiered on YouTube at the same time the in-person event was scheduled to begin. Through Zoom, people were able to dance, connect, and share the experience together despite the weather disruption. David sees this release as more than just music. His goal is to be one of the first artists to create lasting, meaningful music using AI. He believes Suno provides a new frontier for music creation and hopes this EP contributes to culture in a positive and inspiring way. The music invites listeners to move beyond fear, to create, and to take action toward their dreams.
The production quality of the EP stands out immediately. The instrumental mix is clear and well-balanced. The low end is deep and powerful, driving the rhythm and movement. The mid-range adds grit and excitement, while the treble remains smooth and bright. This balance allows the vocals to sit naturally in the mix, making the messages in the lyrics more impactful. "You Are The Music (Step Into the Infinite)" is more than just a soundtrack for an ecstatic dance event. It is a statement about the possibilities of AI-generated music and the power of creativity in the face of challenges. David Prorok’s innovative approach demonstrates that AI tools like Suno can produce music that resonates with people on a deep level. Listeners are invited to share their thoughts after experiencing the mix. David is curious about what stands out, what moves people, and how the music feels outside the context of the dance floor. The EP is available to stream on YouTube, providing a glimpse into the future of AI-powered music while delivering a present-day experience of connection, movement, and self-expression.
"With You Are The Music (Step Into the Infinite)", David Prorok takes a bold step into new creative territory. His passion for ecstatic dance, combined with his vision for AI music, results in an engaging, empowering mix that invites listeners to step into the infinite possibilities of sound, movement, and personal growth. This release, as the title may suggest, serves as a powerful reminder. Music is within us.
We don’t need to look elsewhere for a special spark or energy. The creativity, rhythm, and inspiration we seek are already present inside. We just need to remember how to tap into it—through movement, sound, and the willingness to trust our inner power.
Find out more about DJ Prorok, and check out “You Are The Music (Step Into the Infinite).”
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depressocafe · 2 months ago
Galran Genetics Headcannon
I've been trying to figure out how to articulate this post for months but fuck it im just gonna roll with it
I believe the arch at the top of a Galran's head is what's known as a Sagital Crest.
Let me introduce you to one of our most esteemed human ancestors, Paranthropus Robustus.
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You may be familiar with him if you have good knowledge of human history or happen to watch MiniMinuteMan.
Paranthropus Robustus (name meaning "Beside Man") lived between 2.27 and 0.87 million years ago. They were discovered in 1938 by a school boy in Kromdraai cave in south africa as scattered skull fragments. Robert Broom, a Scottish doctor and scientist working for the Trasvaal museum, then purchased the fragments and proceeded to collect more bone fragments and teeth from the discovery site.
Paranthropus Robustus most notable genes are his large premolar and molar teeth, strongly built lower jaw, and the crest of bone at the top of his head. That, is the Sagital Crest.
Now, where am I going with this. Well, I mentioned in a previous post that briefly goes over galran genetics, how the galra all have some type of point to their head
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It is my belief that the galra all inherently have a Sagital Crest.
What's interesting about the Sagital Crest is that its purpose was to give the Paranthropus Robustus a stronger jaw. This Crest would be attached to a collection of muscles that stemmed from the jaw, giving them one of their most notable features. This, in turn, is believed to have given the hominins a considerably strong bite force.
That said, I'm not going to gaslight any of you and say, "All galra have this arch" and blah blah blah, because they don't. (Ignore the olkari)
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Some do, some don't, some have completely different head shapings altogether. That's why in my previous Genetics post I stated that all galra seem to have some sort of arch or head point, those who don't usually have a marking on the head that goes along the same pathing.
Now the galra are a very diverse race so the Sagital Crest could be true for only some or one subspecies of galra. Which is why it's not on all of them. But since I literally have no evidence to support my claims, this will all have to remain as a Head cannon.
Writing this was really fun, though. I have quite a few headcanons on galra genetics, biology, evolution, ect. I think I'll start posting some of them because I love Anthropology and archeology and I'd love make stuff crossing with one of my favorite shows ever.
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swiatogorcy · 4 months ago
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Uroczyste wniesienie trzech ikon podczas święta św. Ap. i Ew. Łukasza w Podbielu
31 października to liturgiczne wspomnienie św. Apostoła i Ewangelisty Łukasza. Jest ono bardzo uroczyście obchodzone w cerkwi p.w. św. Proroka Eliasza we wsi Podbiele na Podlasiu.
W tym świątecznym dniu do cerkwi wniesiono 3 ikony: 2 mniejsze przedstawiające Ap. i Ew. Łukasza i św. Proroka Eliasza oraz jedną większą przedstawiającą Trzech Św. Starców Góry Atos – św. Porfiriusza, św. Paisjusza i św. Jakuba. 
Ikona Trzech Starców jest kopią ikony wniesionej do katedry we Wrocławiu we wrześniu 2023 r. Została napisana przez ucznia św. Paisjusza Hagioryty – o. Paisjusza. Jest także identyczną ikoną, jaką przyjęła cerkwie w Bielsku Podlaskim.
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Świętej Liturgii wraz z duchownymi z innych parafii przewodniczył o. Jarosław Dmitruk, proboszcz parafii p.w. Zaśnięcia Najświętszej Bogarodzicy w Bielsku Podlaskim. W kazaniu podkreślił ważność wydarzenie zarówno dla wiernych tej parafii, jak i ich rodzin. Nazwał tę ważność „nicią” łącząca ich ze Świętą Górą Atos.
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Proboszcz cerkwi w Podbielu o. Mirosław Czurak podziękował wszystkim uczestniczącym w tym świątecznym wydarzeniu. Podziękował Bractwu Światogorców za trud i poświęcenie w realizacji przedsięwzięcia i zaprosił na uroczysty obiad.
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ziobrowski · 1 year ago
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famousharmonyluminary · 1 year ago
Szczęśliwy człowiek który ufa Panu…bo oto nadchodzi dzień palący jak piec…
Szczęśliwy człowiek który ufa Panu…bo oto nadchodzi dzień palący jak piec… Szczęśliwy człowiek, który nie idzie za radą występnych,nie wchodzi na drogę grzeszników i nie zasiada w gronie szyderców, lecz w Prawie Pańskim upodobał sobie i rozmyśla nad nim dniem i nocą. Szczęśliwy człowiek, który ufa Panu, bo On jest jak drzewo zasadzone nad płynącą wodą, które wydaje owoc w swoim czasie. Liście…
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smimon · 2 years ago
A gdy to nie pomoże, trzeba walnąć głową w ścianę!
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father-daniel-blog · 1 month ago
W imię Prawdy! C. D. 464
1 sierpnia 2024 roku ciąg dalszy W tym dniu przeczytałem ważne dla mnie treści w książce kardynała Jana Bona pt. ,,O rozpoznawaniu duchów”: ,,Po takim wyjaśnieniu musimy według naszej metody podać pewne znaki, czyli reguły, według których można by odróżnić światło Boże od naturalnego oraz prawdziwych proroków i prawdziwe proroctwa od fałszywych. 1.Pierwszym i szczególniejszym znamieniem…
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lamolinastreetart · 8 months ago
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Art by Czech Prorok (@prorok_____) in Otrokovice, Czech Republic (2024) #prorok #streetart #lamolinastreetart | photo via artist mysl.nl/DmCRV
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