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zweipluszwei · 2 years ago
Einleitung Part 1
24.09. - 10 Uhr.
Ich watschele mit meinem Baby im Bauch in den Kreißsaal. Dort wartet die diensthabende Gynäkologin auf mich. Sie bespricht mit mir, dass ich nun eingeleitet werden soll. Propess heißt das Mittel der Wahl (umgangssprachlich auch „das Bändchen“ genannt). Es ist tatsächlich auch in gewisser Weise ein Bändchen. Dieses wird direkt an den Muttermund gelegt und enthält Prostaglandine. Regt laut Aussage der Ärztin wohl sehr zuverlässig die Wehen an. Ich soll erstmal eine Stunde ruhen, viel trinken und dann spazieren gehen.
Ich gehe also erstmal auf die Station zurück und wie erwartet passiert erst einmal… gar nichts. Nach ein bisschen Ruhe und einem großen Becher Tee, beschließe ich, mir mal den Klinikgarten anzusehen. Ich gehe also raus und laufe immer wieder alle Wege im Klinikgarten ab. Nach 3.5 stunden Außenaufenthalt spüre ich langsam Unterleibsschmerzen. Wie Wehen fühlen sich diese aber leider gar nicht an. Naja, denke ich mir. Vielleicht gehe ich mal zurück aufs Zimmer und auf Toilette.
Dort angekommen wird mir klar woher die Schmerzen kommen. Ich blute. Nicht wenig, nicht super stark, aber schon periodenartig. Ich habe zwar nicht wirklich Angst, aber lasse es sicherheitshalber im Kreißsaal abklären.
Als die Hebamme sich das Unglück ansieht ist schnell klar: Das Bändchen muss raus. Ich reagiere zu stark. Der Plan ist nun der, dass wir über Nacht warten ob wehen eintreten oder ob wir morgen ein anderes Mittel versuchen.
Meine Motivation geht in Richtung Keller. Ich rufe von der Station aus meinen Mann an und fange an zu weinen. Er kommt vorbei - gegen 18 Uhr.
Bis dahin sitze ich auf Station und schmolle vor mich hin.
In der Sekunde in der mein Mann über die Türschwelle tritt, passiert etwas sehr merkwürdiges: Ich habe die erste Wehe!
Wir freuen uns beide unglaublich. Tatsächlich wirkt es so, als würde es gar nicht lange dauern, da die Wehenabstände sehr schnell kürzer werden.
Um 22 Uhr gehe ich in den Kreißsaal weil ich kaum noch Wehenpausen habe. Erster Muttermund-Check. Ernüchterung bei den Worten: „2 Zentimeter“.
Ganz toll, denke ich mir. Meinen Mann schicke ich wieder nach Hause. Er soll aber bitte meine Mutter anrufen damit diese auf Abruf ist, um im Fall der Fälle auf den Hund aufpassen zu können.
Ich erhalte ein leichtes Schmerzmittel damit ich schlafen kann.
Die ganze Nacht habe ich Wehen im 15-Minuten-Takt. An Schlaf ist kaum zu denken…
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sundebb · 9 months ago
Scared of my own emotions.
Scared of failure
Lets try
If i fall i will get up
If i'm in danger
I will leave
And thats a propess to myself. 📿
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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, Autoresponder
Act 6, page 4491-4493
gutsyGumshoe [GG] began pestering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
GG: Heyyy.
GG: Ahem.
GG: Ro-Lal?
TG: oopos sry
TG: was havin important chats
GG: Oh?
GG: With whom?
TG: w yet anather ineligible fuckin bachelor who elfe i have to talk 2
TT: Anyway, if you're still there.
TT: I wouldn't call my "feelings" ironic.
TT: Though evidently, I would enclose them in quotes.
TT: They're more like an echo of feelings once established in a biological context, though perhaps had not particularly well materialized at that point in my life.
TT: Or his life.
TT: Whatever.
TT: They still feel real sometimes, and it can be easy to get carried away with them.
TT: But most of the time they present themselves as dense bodies of abstraction to be evaluated, like any kind of information.
TT: It's fair to say the feelings I have ABOUT my feelings are more genuine expressions of emotion than the ground level feelings themselves.
TT: Does that make sense?
TG: yes
TG: sory distacted
TG: iportant shit gon on w janesy
TT: That's fine.
TT: So to underwhelmingly answer your question, no, I don't think I'm really "into Jake."
TT: Not so much as occasionally being subject to heavily arresting recalls of conflicted, incipient preteen episodes on the subject.
TT: I'm not sure I can be "into" someone in a way you understand.
TT: Not that it would even matter if I was.
TT: I'm glasses.
TG: damn :(
TT: What?
TG: sry im listening 2 u really
TG: but i fucked uuuuup
TG: got to make sure jane doesnt run that file i sent
TT: The virus? You sent it already?
TT: Sneaky.
TG: waahh im such an ass
TT: What are you two talking about?
TG: the bot line is
TG: im a horribule friend :(
TT: You could just tell her you sent an exploding file.
TG: noo then shell think im shitty
TG: and right now she thinks im super NOT shitty
TG: dont want to blow it
TG: id think id rather pull a dirk and propess my UNDYING FEELINGS FOR HER omgomgomg
TT: Wait, you have feelings for Jane?
TG: no you dingnut
TG: was joak
TG: if dirk tells jake about his stuff
TG: what about jane
TG: hows she gonna feel
TG: competing wish a friend and all for aguy she cant even get up the nerve to say anythin to
TG: poor jane :C
TT: It seems to be highly probable you are ensared in the throes of one of your human romantic quandaries.
TG: oh stfu up
TG: i need a drink
TT: Are you even talking to her anymore?
TT: It seems like you must be neglecting her side of the conversation.
TG: im in the mipple of a dramantic pause caulm ur fukin tits bobob
GG: Sigh.
TT: Anyway, I won't distract you for much longer.
TT: I just felt the need to tip you off to this eight hundred ton gorilla dragging its knuckles across the horizon.
TG: will this gorilla
TG: eat thos bonanas
TG: flying out of the roof u said
TT: No airborne fruit will be safe.
TT: I guess this is to be presented as something like a word of caution.
TT: If it's me going through with this, hypothetically,
TT: I'm not dropping some limp wristed shucks buster on his ass, and praying to the horse gods of irony for reciprocation.
TT: There will be no rocking back and forth on pigeon-toed feet, while my face flushes with the blood of a thousand timid bishies.
TT: I will not hold one tentative hand behind my head like a flustered asshole from an Asian cartoon, nor will an oversized bead of sweat overlap ludicrously with my visage.
TT: If it's me, I'm going all out.
TT: Oceans will rise. Cities will fall. Volcanoes will erupt.
TG: uuh
TT: What I'm saying is, it's going to be a scene, and bystanders need to brace themselves.
TG: ok
TG: about when is the big scene happenin
TT: Probably after the game begins.
TT: I expect he'll hold off on playing his hand until he and Jake are in the session.
TT: He's taken certain measures.
TT: For some reason, I think he's latched on to this notion that functioning as the client for a player is customarily a one way pass to makeout city with that player.
TT: Everything with him, and me, is a matter of assiduous tactical forethought. Makin' a play to get his jones on for the J-man is no different.
TG: not sure what any of this quiet means but it sounds spactacular
TG: i cant wait
TG: tho im still kinda torn
TG: about how 2 feel about his chances vs janes chances
TG: what do i say to jane about this???
TG: its hard being as totey sweet a friend as me
TG: its hard and no 1 understanks
TG: *lul
TT: Sorry to hear that.
TT: As ever, I remain an automatonous and dispassionate witness of the oddity that is human interaction, while maintaining no investment in either outcome.
TG: yeah bs
TG: anyway looks like i have to go
TG: i have to proves some shit to jane
TT: Prove what?
TG: oh u know
TG: just subjectin shit to the old madrigogs
TT: It seems you just said madrigogs.
TT: What are madrigogs.
TG: l7r bro
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased pestering timaeusTestified [TT]
TG: janey
TG: it seems 2 me
TG: that there is a (MATHS) % chance of you bein a huge tightass
TG: are u bein a huge tightass on me jane
GG: Oh god dammit.
GG: Take the book! What do I care!!!
TG: yessss thast the spirpit
TG: now u are believin w petrol
GG: I fail to see what offering up a priceless book for your wildly capricious science experiment has to do with my resolution to be less stingy with my beliefs, but alright.
TG: haha will u relax abt the book
TG: im only just teasing cause theres like practically a 100 percant chance this wont wonk like alwasy
TG: * wort work like always
TG: sooooo
TG: ready/
GG: Yes, let's just get on with it.
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puddingmilkt · 1 year ago
[歌詞翻譯] OLNL - 我結婚時要唱這首歌 The Song I Will Sing At My Wedding (Prod. Cosmic Boy)
☆ 내가 결혼하면 축가는 이 노래 ♡ release date: 19.02.18 ♡ from: cosmic boy - can i love?
"今天牽起你的手 希望和你一起走一輩子的路"
‬ 當我結婚 送給新娘的祝歌 我要唱這首
未來新娘身邊的親朋戚友 請背下這歌 跟着一起唱
當我結婚 送給新娘的祝歌 我會唱這首
媽媽 爸爸 姐姐 提前背好歌詞 在我婚禮上 跟着一起唱
Special marry with me 恭喜 OOO
這首歌結束時 我會呼喚你名字
Special marry with me 恭喜 OOO
完成這首歌 填上你名字
製作這首歌時 考量其一是旋律太高可不行
還有不能弄哭你 所以寫得煽情或太真摯也不行
就這樣決定了 下段副歌起 請你跟著我一起唱
然後第二段開始 由你獨唱 我會負責把歌寫好
當我結婚 送給新娘的祝歌 我要唱這首
未來新娘身邊的親朋戚友 請背下這歌 跟着一起唱
當我結婚 送給新娘的祝歌 我會唱這首
媽媽 爸爸 姐姐 提前背好歌詞 在我婚禮上 跟着一起唱
Special marry with me 恭喜 OOO
這首歌結束時 我會呼喚你名字
Special marry with me 恭喜 OOO
完成這首歌 填上你名字
製作這首歌時 有件我沒能提前考慮的事
即使沒有Autotune Propesser
雖然我的職業造成你的壓力 同時還是希望你會覺得感動
今天牽起你的手 希望和你一起走一輩子的路
在OOO填上你的名字 我們的小狗就取名為Grand 你怎看
但是OLNL 不 是李帝元 現在唯一想要的人
為了一輩子的粉絲 舉行首場 也是最後一場的演唱會
Special marry with me 恭喜 OOO
這首歌結束時 我會呼喚你名字
Special marry with me 恭喜 OOO
完成這首歌 填上你名字
Special marry with me 恭喜 OOO
這首歌結束時 我會呼喚你名字
Special marry with me 恭喜 OOO
完成這首歌 填上你名字
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claireunoia · 3 years ago
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⊱✿⊰ synopsis : peter decides it’s best to leave you and your son kyle on your own after a long time of thinking due to his own fears that consumed him ♡︎.
⊱✿⊰ pairings : andrew!peter x single mom!reader
⊱✿⊰ word count : 2.9k
⊱✿⊰ warnings : ANGST, absolutely so much angst pls grab tissues, language, major talks of death & character’s death, some fluffy moments that you’ll see in some flashbacks, crying, tears lots and lots of tears, talks of pregnancy, abandonment, peter being really damaged, let know if i missed one
❥ ─ author’s letter to you : ok guys first off wow. i literally put my all in this so i’d really hope u guys will enjoy. but nevertheless i really loved writing this piece dearly and can’t wait to see what u all think and to see all of your feedback! i love y’all so much. ++ special tag @celestialholland
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๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
➙ BEING alone and raising a child all on your own was something no one in the world would be able to tell you how to do or explain. From giving birth, to working like a dog so you’ll be able to give your beautiful, wonderful baby boy whatever he wanted and needed was something you thought you'd never thought you could go through with. That dooming night where your crying figure sat on your bathroom toilet with the blue life changing test in your shaking hands, stayed on your mind til the present days.
Through all the doubt and all of those late thoughts where you thought you couldn’t do it, you're glad you didnt let it get to you because at the end of that dark dark tunnel was a bright, blinding ray of light. That bright light was your son, Kyle. The boy that held your heart, your best friend, your whole world who brought you out of that tunnel and into a dreamland where only happiness was allowed.
Being only 4 years old, he was such a smart boy. So intelligent and aware of others it still amazes you. Even after his father walked out of his life at such an early age of two years old and being so confused and scared about everything, he learned how to bounce back before you ever did which was something so unfair to you. No child should have to deal with their parents walking away because they didn't want to deal with them but unfortunately Kyle had to.
The boy was always so thoughtful of you. So observant of how sad you were after his father had left those years ago even at his young age. The both of you were in this world facing everyday life together and you wouldn't want it any other way honestly… until you had met him.
The man that came into your life swinging down and saving you and your son. Both literally and both figurality. Peter Parker, the other light that soon came hurling at the end of that once dark, clouded tunnel with open arms and a beaming smile that was able to damage the sun itself. Taking Kyle and you through into a similar dreamland your son had taken you along when he was first born. Only this time, Peter's had a dreamland where Kyle had an extremely sublime father figure in his life who taught him all the things he needed to know right now and for the future when he grows older.
Peter had never thought he'd be able to ever find love again after the once love of his life died in his arms all those years ago at that daunting clock tower, let alone thought he'd find a smart little boy he could call his own. But you, propessing you, saved him. Saved him from that evil, down right depressing spot in his life where he wanted to give up everything and anything after Gwen passed on from his life. The both of you helped save one another in such similar ways, both of you being that life-changing light at the tunnel for each other.
He still thinks back on the wonderful memory where Kyle first called him dad, the day that had changed the man forever. It was a year ago, the year he first met you both. Six months into the relationship and that one day you always anticipated came.
“Daddy! Can you pwease’ helwp’ me with this coloring book?’’ Kyle slurred with a pout, running into the kitchen where you and Peter were busy cooking dinner together. The wooden spoon Peter was holding to your lips with some spaghetti sauce that he was trying to feed you, dropped right out of his hand as soon as he heard the boy address him. The whole entire room silent as Peter's head snapped down to look at Kyle who looked up at him with expecting eyes. The man's eyes were blown so wide he’s pretty sure it was the widest they’ve ever been.
At the feeling of his throat getting dry, he gulped harshly. Finally being able to find his voice after some time. “Kyle w-what, did you just say..?” Peter stutters, body frozen as he asks the question to the little boy who stood there and was very confused about the whole shift in the room.
“I jus’ asked if you could helwp’ me …” the boy trails, his chubby little fingers gripping the coloring book close to his chest as he continues to peer up at Peter. Meanwhile this went down, you were standing there equally shocked as Peter. Also, nervous and a bit scared due to the fact that your son called your boyfriend his dad. your body builds up an abundant amount of nerves at the thoughts of he wouldn’t like it, a flood of those thoughts swarming your mind so quickly.
“D-did you just call me ‘daddy’” the tall hero cuts you off with the heavy question that was aimed at your son kyle. Peter’s voice was airy, almost as if he was tearing up. You couldn't really decipher all of the expressions on his face, but what was so prominent was absolute shock. when your son nodded his head, the biggest smile you’ve ever seen in all of your life spread widely across your boyfriend’s face. it completely took over his face.
Peter then dropped everything, letting go of the hold he had on your waist to run over to kyle. scooping the small boy up in his arms, planting a humongous kiss onto the top of his head.
“Aww, bud of course I'll help you. here, sit down!” he excitedly placed him down in the chair at yours guys island countertop. not so secretly turning his head around to wipe some tears out of his eyes before turning back to Kyle who handed him some crayons.
“But you have to cook, '' Kyle pouts, remembering how you and Peter were cooking dinner together. Peter immediately shook his head at his words, a bright smile lacing his happy features. He playfully scoffs. “Pffpt! cooking? forget cooking buddy, i wanna color with my best boy”
The sight of Kyle's wide gummy smile at your boyfriend's words was powerful enough to bring your emotional side out terribly just from the amount of happiness you were feeling at that moment at the scene.
“I wuv’ you so much, daddy” That single sentence alone made Peter want to release massive waves of happy tears, his eyes flicking to yours to see your face reperiocated with the same amount of sheer joy. Peter had given you a warm, loving gaze before turning to look at the boy that began coloring, ruffling his head affectionately. leaning down to place a kiss once more at his temple
“i love you even more, buddy”
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
Peter had always struggled with the loss of gwen. More specifically, how he lost her. He simply didn’t catch her, he couldn’t save her. As more time went on as him being the webbed hero through the blazing streets of New York he had plenty of time to dwell in his thoughts. Dwell on those thoughts that he never wanted to ever think of, but he couldn’t help but to because … what if.
If he ever lost you and Kyle because he simply couldn’t protect you like he tried with Gwen and failed, it would absolutely kill Peter himself. The feared thoughts swarmed his mind, everytime he fought crime in the city. Because everytime something good happens it gets taken away from him like it’s nothing.
uncle ben, gwen, his parents.
and he’ll be damned if he ever lost you or kyle. he put his mind set on that fact it’ll never happen and he refused it too. but it’s only one way for that to happen, only one way to truly make sure you both stay safe and live happily. only one way, only one way … only, one way. that only way, was if he walked away. walk away from all of the memories, walk away from all the nights where he held you and kyle in his arms, walk away from your gentle kisses, walk away… from you.
He made up his mind. but it was so, so hard to come to a conclusion too. every single day, every day when he places a passionate kiss on your lips with a locked promise that he'll be back to you after heading out to the city to help save the world; he’ll swing and swing. stopping at random, dark alleyways to cry and sob his eyes out. Knowing that one day he’ll have to walk away. it was the only way, because he’s not losing you.
On all of those faithful, aching nights he’ll sit on top of a skyscraper. clutching and holding his shaking body in his hands, eyes bloodshot as he’ll cry and think about the memories between Kyle, you and him had shared. cause that’s all they will ever be once peter steps away from you both. The scene of Kyle finding his spiderman mask replaying in his mind had put a saddening smile on the brown haired man’s lips.
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
“Daddy! Daddy! i’m spider-boy” Kyle runs around the floor of yours and Peter's shared apartment, making weird shooting sounds from his mouth as he fakes webbing at your walls. both yours and peter’s head had snapped up from the tv you both were looking at from the suddenness of Kyle's voice ringing out in the air.
“I'm gonna save the city!” Your loud cackles of laughter could be heard miles and miles away at the sight of your son pretending to help save people and also most importantly the sight of Peter's face. “Hey buddy! ow, I need your mighty help spider-boy. this person is attacking me!” unexpectedly, you see peter falling down from the couch with a faux pained expression, his finger pointing at you while he did so. referring to you as the attacker in this situation.
“Don’t worry! I'm coming!”
it’s like he could still hear your laughter ringing in the cavity of his ears from that day still.
Peter sat on that skyscraper for a couple more, what felt like an eternity of hours, thinking and thinking back on all the memories. treasuring them to the depths of soul as best as he could since they won’t be any more special memories to make between you three.
he needed to do this, it was the only way.
he had to walk away.
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
you had just put kyle asleep, planting a sweet kiss to the top of his ruffled hair all the while reading and acting out some of his bedtime stories before shutting off his light and calling it a night. when you walked downstairs and into the comfort of your bright kitchen, your eyes were met with a sight you most definitely weren’t expecting.
A hunched over Peter, who’s hands were clutching at the marble countertop tightly. you could make out how white his knuckles were becoming. you immediately ran up to him with immense concern, your hands shooting out to bring any comfort you can possibly bring to your boyfriend. “baby, hey what’s going on? Where have you been? i had started to get worried, pete” you spoke softly to the obviously disheveled man.
What really made your heart sink in deep concern was when Peter's face rose up to make contact with yours. you were met with nothing but complete anguish written all over his pained features. his face red from him previously crying, his eyes bloodshot, bottom lip trembling. He looked like a complete, saddening mess.
“Oh my god, Pete what happened?” your eyes were wide as you tried to detect his emotions that seemed to be going all over the place. Peter shook his head vigorously, unable to keep his cries inside anymore. this needed to happen, he reminded himself unconsciously. this is the only way they’ll stay alive and not dead, he had to let you guys go.
“I-i can’t do this” came out as a whisper at first. a soft, little whisper that you're pretty sure you wouldn’t have caught if it weren’t for you being right next to him.
“Pete, you can’t do what? talk to me honey, please you’re scaring me-“
“I can't do this!” The sudden shout made you flinch back in sudden shock, your body jumping a few inches away from Peter’s shaking form. his hands running and grabbing at his brown locks before he then dropped them down on the countertop once more. his eyes finding your now glassy ones with guilt, sadness noticeably in his. You notice the look immediately and you have no idea what to expect next, and it most certainly weren’t the words that tumbled out of your lover’s mouth in the next second.
“There's no possible way to put this�� I never in a million years would want this but it’s something I have to do. we- i am leaving, i have to go. i have to let you g-go”
And at that moment it’s like time had taken an abrupt stop. Like the world had stopped all together and it was only you and nothing else. You stood completely frozen and still in the same spot as you tried your damndest to take in his stammering words. running it through your head over and over again, trying to put it together so it made sense. what does he mean he has to let go
what does he mean he’s leaving… no-
“what…” you shakily sigh, your voice painfully quiet and small as you whisper the singular word. your breathing begins to pick up as you keep gazing into Peter's brown saddening orbs that stare at you so intensely.
“we’re, d-done. we’re over, y/n. we have to be'' it sounded like peter was reassuring himself at this point, convincing himself this is the right choice. that he’s making the right choice. In his opinion he was. Sometimes sacrifices have consequences, and Peter was willing to take them. “n-no” Peter had winced silently at the broken crack in your voice. his head dropping, selfishly so he didn’t have to see you fall apart right in front of his very eyes. it was the last thing he’d ever want to see.
“why? tell- tell me why”
“Because what I have with you and Kyle is good! all of it, it’s so good. It's perfect. And me being spiderman, it- that’s the part where it becomes something different”
“peter.. what do you-“
“I have these thoughts, these downright awful thoughts about how one day how easy it’ll be to have one of those monsters that I fight to come take you or Kyle and how I won't be able to stop it. How i- i won’t be able to s-save you, y/n” tears streamed freely down both of your faces, peter's facade completely breaking down and finally revealing what's really been going on emotionally inside of him.
Peter was breaking down. the usual, beaming man was not there anymore. What was there was a boy. a boy who was just so deeply scared of the world, of everything.
you let out a cry before rushing to him, reaching out to hold him.
“pete, please you can’t think like that-“
“I have to! you don’t get it, y/n. I have to! T-that night, with Gwen.. i couldn’t- I didn’t save her! I wasn't able to protect her! Now I've been blessed with a second chance at life and I refuse to h-have history repeat. I have to let you go, I have to walk away. baby, please i have to” peter sobbed harshly as his voice began straining tremendously, his hands cupping your head as he rested his forehead against yours.
“Peter, you c-can’t do this to me. you can’t just walk away!” you pushed away from his touch, suddenly feeling anger rise throughout your body along with raging anxiety that kept building.
“No! no! you can’t just check out of someone’s life like this, what about me? what about my-… what about our son,” Peter physically felt his heart break straight in half. If the damn wasn’t broken enough, it was for sure broken now.
“What about our son, pete? You’re just gonna walk out on us like how that son of a bitch did all those years ago?! you’re his dad peter, there’s no coming back from this. K-Kyle will never come back from t-this”
“You'll both be alive a-and that’s all that matters” Sometimes sacrifices have consequences, and Peter was willing to take them for you and Kyle without a heartbeat.
He had decided it’s best to leave you and your son Kyle on your own after a long time of thinking due to his own fears that consumed him.
*follow my library account @rileybinaalibrary & turn on notifications to know whenever i post a fic <3*
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namartinnamanya · 2 years ago
You hookup n am hookup too,lets talk about our propession,we can shared each other sweet heart
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immidori-blog · 6 years ago
내가 결혼하면 축가는 이 노래(僕が結婚したら祝歌はこの歌)-cosmic boy
내가 결혼하면 축가는 신부에게 
이 노래를 불러야겠다 この歌を歌わなきゃ
미래 신부 친구들과 주변 사람들은 
이 노랠 외워서 따라불러 
내가 결혼하면 축가는 신부에게 
이 노래를 불러야겠다 
엄마 아빠 누나 미리 가사 외우고 있어 
내 결혼씩 때 따라불러 
Special merry with me 
축하해 OOO 
이 노랠 완성할 땐 네 이름 부를게 
Special merry with me 
축하해 OOO 
이 노랠 완성할 땐 네 이름 채울게 
이 노랠 만들 때 내가 고려한 거 하나 
높은 멜로딘 안돼 (삑!) 高いメロディーはだめ(ピー!) 
그리고 너 울면 안돼 그래서 
감동적이고 진지하면은 안돼 (아냐 돼!) 
그래서 나 이렇게 할게 이다음에 후렴부턴 
너도 같이 부를래 (OYEAH) 
그리고 2절부턴 너 혼자 부를 거야 내가 
만들어볼게 (OYEAH) 
내가 결혼하면 축가는 신부에게 
이 노래를 불러야겠다 
미래 신부 친구들과 주변 사람들은 
이 노랠 외워서 따라불러 
내가 결혼하면 축가는 신부에게 
이 노래를 불러야겠다 
엄마 아빠 누나 미리 가사 외우고 있어 
내 결혼씩 때 따라불러 
Special merry with me 
축하해 OOO
이 노랠 완성할 땐 네 이름 부를게 
Special merry with me 
축하해 OOO 
이 노랠 완성할 땐 네 이름 채울게 
내가 이 노래를 만들 때 
고려하지 못한 게 하나 있어 
부모님들 자리배치만큼 
중요한 축가 부를 때 음향 장비에 대해서 
그러니까 넌 내게 맡겨 
Autotune 없어도 Propesser 
Autotune 없는 목소리로 널 꼬셨어 
이제 부모님 자리 배치가 더 중요해졌어 
내 직업이 너의 Stress지만 동시에 감동이길 
내가 오늘 너의 손 잡고 걸은 길이 평생이길 
 너의 이름 OOO 비워놨어 
강아지 이름은 그랑이로 지어놨어 어때 
우리 고민은 했겠지만 OLNL 아닌 
이제원 원했던 딱 한사람 평생 FAN을 위한 
처음이자 마지막 Concert 
나를 위해 마지막 후렴을 불러줘 
Special merry with me 
축하해 OOO 
이 노랠 완성할 땐 네 이름 부를게 
Special merry with me 
축하해 OOO 
이 노랠 완성할 땐 네 이름 채울게 
Special merry with me 
축하해 OOO 
이 노랠 완성할 땐 네 이름 부를게 
Special merry with me 
축하해 OOO 
이 노랠 완성할 땐 네 이름 채울게 
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missfinefeather · 6 years ago
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Okay, we’ve seen the Jane side of this conversation, so let’s jump to the auto-responder.
TT: So to underwhelmingly answer your question, no, I don't think I'm really "into Jake." TT: Not so much as occasionally being subject to heavily arresting recalls of conflicted, incipient preteen episodes on the subject. TT: I'm not sure I can be "into" someone in a way you understand. 
Awww D:
I wonder if that’s true or if that’s what he tell himself...
I feel so bad for the auto-responder. He had it incredibly rough...
TG: sry im listening 2 u really 
And everyone is too busy to listen to him. ):
I mean, at least she’s trying to respect his feelings at least...
TT: You could just tell her you sent an exploding file. TG: noo then shell think im shitty TG: and right now she thinks im super NOT shitty 
I can understand that guilt personally. I’ve had my regrets in the past...
And now that line about feeling shitty makes a lot more sense.
TG: id think id rather pull a dirk and propess my UNDYING FEELINGS FOR HER omgomgomg TT: Wait, you have feelings for Jane? TG: no you dingnut TG: was joak
Well, it would be nice for SOMEONE to have a crush on someone that isn’t Jake!
Though yeah, I’d totally ship it if it were a possibility...
TG: if dirk tells jake about his stuff TG: what about jane TG: hows she gonna feel TG: competing wish a friend and all for aguy she cant even get up the nerve to say anythin to 
I thought she was already competing with Roxy for Jake’s heart? I mean, she got kind of upset with her when she talked about flirting with him.
Maybe it was more of a joke between them than I gave them credit before...
TT: Are you even talking to her anymore? TT: It seems like you must be neglecting her side of the conversation. TG: im in the mipple of a dramantic pause caulm ur fukin tits bobob
Ah, that’s where the dramatic pause came in!
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sriramnanda-blog · 4 years ago
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) are the medical procedures used for infertility treatment, in which eggs are surgically removed from the ovaries and are combined with the sperms in a laboratory. These eggs are then mixed with sperms to form embryos. ART procedure sometimes uses donor eggs, donor sperm, or previously frozen embryos. It may involve a surrogate or gestational carrier.
Rising prevalence and incidence of infertility is expected to drive global assistive reproductive technology market growth in the forecast period
Rising prevalence of infertility has led to an increase in demand for fertility treatments such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Artificial Insemination-Intrauterine Insemination (AI-IUI) and others. In the U.S. prevalence of infertility is rising rapidly. For instance, according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, in 2016, around 10 in 100 (6.1 million) women faced difficulty in getting pregnant.
In past few years there has been significant preference for assistive reproductive technology owing to rising prevalence and incidence of infertility in men and women. For instance, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC Pinnacle), around seven million men and women opted for assisted fertility treatments such as IVF in 2015. Moreover, according to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, in 2013, around 175,000 cycles of IVF were conducted, which was a 6% increase compared to 2012.
Such rising prevalence and incidence of infertility had led to an increase in number of assistive reproductive technology (ART) clinics in the U.S. According to the National Centers for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, there are total 499 ART clinics in U.S, among which, 464 clinics had reported the ART related data, and in 2015 total 231,936 ART cycles are performed in U.S.
Increasing demand of assistive reproductive technology, has increased the participation of manufacturers in the development of assistive reproductive technology products
Market players are focused on expanding their portfolio of reproductive and fertility treatment products. For instance, Cooper Surgical Inc., a provider of fertility & genomic solutions, has an extensive portfolio ART management systems, IVF workstations, pipettes and needles for sperm or eggs transfer, catheters for embryos transfer, culture media and test kits. Moreover, Hamilton Thorne, In., also provides products such as sperm analyzers and a broad range of ART micropipettes.
FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, Inc. provides water for assisted reproductive technology use, and also provides various products required for ART procedures. Moreover, Gonagen Medikal also offers various assistive reproductive technology such as IVF, ICSI and others, for infertility treatment.
Companies are also adopting strategies to increase their share in the global assistive reproductive technology market and improve their product portfolio. For instance, in June 2018, Vitrolife AB and GE Healthcare partnered to improve their assisted reproductive technology offerings in the market.
Manufacturers are also engaged in creating awareness regarding In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ISCI) which are expected to propel the global assistive reproductive technology market growth
Manufactures are taking several initiatives for creating awareness and providing training regarding ART technology. For instance, in June 2019 Cooper Surgical Inc. Conducted a workshop in India, to provide complete insight about the pre-requisites and techniques associated with ART, this workshop included lectures, demonstration, and hands-on work training of ART technologies. Moreover, in March 2019 Cooper Surgical Inc., conducted a workshop in Denmark on sperm selection techniques for ICSI procedures.
Global assistive reproductive technology market size was valued at US$ 23,669.2 Mn in 2018, and is expected to witness a CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period (2019–2027).
Figure 1. Global Assistive Reproductive Technology Market Share (%), By End User, 2019-2027
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Source: Coherent Market Insights Analysis (2019)
North America is expected to hold dominant position in global assistive reproductive technology market, due to increasing awareness about fertility treatments, and rising number of hospitals, and ART procedures. For instance, in U.S. 2015 according to National Center For Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, approximately 38.1% of  ART procedures were carried out for age group <35 yrs., and 21.0 % procedures are performed for people in the age group of 35 to 37 years. Such increasing demand for ART procedures is expected to drive the global assistive reproductive technology market growth.
Furthermore, Europe is expected to witness considerable growth in the global assistive reproductive technology market due to increasing number of ART cycles. For instance, in 2014 according to the European society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), around 800,000 treatment cycles were performed from 39 countries in Europe.
Figure 2. Global Assistive Reproductive Technology Market Share (%) Analysis, By Region, 2019 and 2027
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Source: Coherent Market Insights Analysis (2019)
Market Restraints
Factors restraining the global assistive reproductive technology market growth are availability of alternative treatment such as hormone therapy including hormone injections and tablets such as Choragon, Gonapeptyl, Lutinus, Propess and others.
Key Players
Key players operating in the global assistive reproductive technology market include Cooper Surgical Inc., Hamilton Thorne, Inc., FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, Inc., Merck KGaA, Nidacon International AB, Vitrolife AB, EMD Serono, Inc., INVO Bioscience, IVFtech ApS, Gonagen Medikal, Cook Medical LLC., and CellCura ASA.
About Us- Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions. What we provide: Customized Market Research Services Industry Analysis Services Business Consulting Services Market Intelligence Services Long term Engagement Model Country Specific Analysis Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights Pvt.Ltd. Address: 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154, U.S. Phone: +1–206–701–6702 Email: [email protected]
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myinformationus · 5 years ago
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Induzione del travaglio di parto.
L’induzione del parto è una procedura che viene messa in atto per provocare l’insorgenza del travaglio.
Le principali indicazioni all’induzione del parto sono:
gravidanza oltre il termine (dopo la 41°+3 /+5 settimana)
rottura delle membrane
patologie materne (per esempio colestasi gravidica, ipertensione in gravidanza, diabete gestazionale) o fetali (problemi di crescita).
La specifica indicazione Le verrà chiaramente indicata dal medico al momento del consenso.
Per induzione del parto si intende sia la stimolazione dell’attività contrattile uterina che l’induzione della maturazione cervicale intesa come l’insieme dei fenomeni che portano a un cambiamento della posizione dell’orifizio uterino interno (da posteriore ad anteriore), a un rammollimento, raccorciamento e quindi appianamento della cervice e alla sua successiva dilatazione. I metodi di induzione dovrebbero quindi avere lo scopo di portare l’utero e la cervice uterina dalla fase di quiescenza e dalla condizione di conservazione cervicale a quella di attivazione delle contrazioni uterine ritmiche e alla dilatazione della cervice (fase prodromica del travaglio di parto fisiologico). Tuttavia esistono condizioni cliniche in cui l’obiettivo principale è il raggiungimento di una sola di queste condizioni per esempio se la cervice è fortemente immatura o impreparata é preferibile ottenere inizialmente un miglioramento della condizione cervicale prima di stimolare l’attività contrattile uterina, viceversa se il collo é ben preparato, sarà necessario solo stimolare l’attività contrattile. Le strategie di intervento saranno quindi diverse.
I metodi di induzione del parto si dividono in metodi non farmacologici e metodi farmacologici.
Possono essere utilizzati da soli o in sequenza tra loro; quale metodo utilizzare deve essere valutato da caso a caso in funzione dell’età gestazionale, del livello di maturazione della cervice uterina, del numero di parti precedenti e dell'indicazione .
Se la cervice uterina è immatura i metodi da preferire sono :
prostaglandine: dispositivo intra vaginale a rilascio controllato( Propess®)
meccanico: con catetere a doppio palloncino (CRB)
Se la cervice uterina é matura, i metodi farmacologici da prediligere sono:
lo scollamento delle membrane;
prostaglandine in gel vaginale ( Prepidil®)
ossitocina e/o l’amniorexi
Per decidere il metodo di induzione più adeguato occorre valutare innanzitutto la maturità della cervice uterina. Tale valutazione e espressa mediante un indice, il punteggio detto Bishop score, più basso è il valore più sfavorevole è la cervice.
Sulla base dell'ultimo controllo ostetrico eseguito, il ginecologo valuterà le modalità di induzione e comunicherà le tempistiche del ricovero.
Metodologie di induzione
Il meccanismo d’azione consiste principalmente nel favorire la maturazione cervicale, utilizzato principalmente in caso di cervice sfavorevole. Il farmaco può essere somministrato a seconda delle condizioni cliniche: sotto forma di gel, applicato a livello vaginale per un massimo di tre dosi giornaliere, o sotto forma di dispositivo vaginale a lento rilascio che agisce nell'arco delle 24 ore. L’insorgenza del travaglio è graduale e può pertanto richiedere tempo.
Ossitocina e amniorexi:
L'ossitocina è una molecola prodotta dal nostro organismo ed è il pricipale ormone del parto. E' anche utilizzabile come farmaco ed è una delle più potenti sostanze uterotoniche note, per questo e utilizzata ,oltre che nell'induzione, nell'accelerzione del travaglio, nel secondamento e nell’involuzione uterina durante il puerperio.
Il meccanismo d’azione consiste principalmente nell'indurre le contrazioni uterine in caso di cervice favorevole e si somministra per via endovenosa.
Gli effetti collaterali dell’ossitocina sono rari e in genere di lieve entità: iperstimolazione uterina dovuta a una particolare sensibilità dell’utero. In casi rari può causare rilasciamento della muscolatura liscia con conseguente ipotensione, tachicardia.
Si ricorda tuttavia che l'uso prolungato di ossitocina in travaglio sono una concausa di emorragia del post partum e pertanto tali dosaggi devono essere raggiunti solo sotto stretta sorveglianza medica. Le donne trattate con ossitocina devono avere il monitoraggio del cuore fetale in continuo e la stretta sorveglianza ostetrica della procedura in sala parto o in reparto .
Rottura delle membrane (amniorexi)
L’amniorexi mettendo in contatto l’ambiente intrauterino generalmente sterile con la vagina fa si che il feto, la placenta e le membrane fetali diventino suscettibili di invasione e colonizzazione batterica. Si ipotizza che tale effetto favorisca il rilascio di mediatori chimici del parto. Inoltre tale manovra fa si che le pareti uterine si addossino al feto e ne favoriscano la discesa nella pelvi migliorandone la condizione ostetrica. Analogamente allo scollamento delle membrane l’amniorexi determina un aumento della liberazione delle prostaglandine endogene. L’inizio del parto dopo induzione con amniorexi può richiedere attesa da due a quattro ore e non sembra coinvolgere un aumento della secrezione di ossitocina che pertanto potrebbe essere somministrata dopo il periodo di attesa.
La sequenza temporale fra amniorexi e ossitocina può essere scelta a seconda dei casi, a volte uno solo dei due è sufficiente.
Catetere a doppio palloncino (CRB)
Consiste nell'inserimento in vagina di un catetrere che agisce stimolando meccanmicamente il collo uterino compreso fra due palloncini, ciò determina quelle modificazioni del collo uterino ( capacitazione) mediata da prostaglandine endogene, che lo rendono favorevole all'induzione vera e propria, I vantaggi dell’induzione meccanica riportati in letteratura sono: minori rischi di ipertono/ipercontrattilita uterina con alterazioni del battito cardiaco fetale, minore propensione a iniziare contrazioni uterine durante la fase di maturazione cervicale, reversibilità.
Scollamento delle membrane
Consiste nell’inserzione di un dito profondamente nella cervice uterina fino a raggiungere l’orifizio uterino interno e il polo inferiore delle membrane fetali che viene quindi separato meccanicamente in alto e circolarmente, fin dove possibile, dal segmento uterino inferiore.
La manovra determina un aumento del rilascio di prostaglandine.
Se viene effettuato lo scollamento delle membrane e bene attendere almeno 6-12 ore prima di applicare le prostaglandine.
Lo scollamento delle membrane e una pratica utile per prevenire le gravidanze oltre termine, gli studi hanno
dimostrato che aumenta il tasso di parti spontanei. Tra la 40° e la 41° settimana e bene fare una visita per valutare lo stato della cervice ed eventualmente Le può essere proposto.
Una metodologia non preclude l 'utilizzo di un'altra che anzi è utilizzabile secondo una sequenza prestabilita e rispettando adeguati tempi di attesa tra una e l altra; l 'induzione può essere definita fallita solo quando la sequenza di metodologie utilizzate non da una risposta positiva per l'espletamento del parto. In questo caso si farà una valutazione che tenga conto delle indicazioni , delle condizioni della gestante e del feto e si potrà ricorrere all'espletamento del parto attraverso il taglio cesareo o provare un secondo ciclo di induzione.
In caso di eventuale rischio materno e/o fetale, è possibile l’eventualità di un taglio cesareo
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payetongyneco-blog · 8 years ago
Mon second accouchement ce cauchemar
Je suis tombée enceinte de mon second enfant début 2015. Après un premier accouchement pas top je décide de voir pour un AAD. N'ayant pas accroché avec la sage femme, je me résous à accoucher en maternité et au 6ème mois me tourne vers la maternité de B***** (je suis varoise). N'étant pas du tout satisfaite de mon suivi dans le privé où je m'étais entendue dire que vu mon poids ma fille pèserait plus de 5kg et que je devrais passer par une césarienne.
Je parle avec mon nouveau gygy du projet de naissance que j'ai établi, qu'il accepte, il me met en confiance en m'assurant que j'accoucherais dans la position que je voudrais que cela ne poserait pas de soucis.
Evidemment j'ai fait confiance et j'ai eu tort, vraiment tort de lui avoir fait en totalité confiance concernant mon accouchement.
Le 28 septembre, 2 jours avant terme je suis prise d'un violent malaise. Mon mari me conduit aux urgences obstétricales. On me fais une pds, un tv, monito. Pas de fissure, bon rythme, tension bonne.
1h après, les résultats tombent, je souffre d'une anémie en fer d'où mon violent malaise. On m'hospitalise pour la nuit et on me parle d'un possible déclenchement.
On me transfère en chambre pour la nuit et on me pose une perf de fumafer. Je dormirais mal cette nuit-là. En plus, à chaque fois que je vais aux WC je dois faire dans une espèce de bouteille.
Le lendemain matin, je ne sais pas ce qui va se passer mais on m'autorise à prendre un petit déjeuner et on me refait une prise de sang. Je leur demande ce qui se passera si je ne suis pas déclenchée. On me dit que je rentrerais chez moi.
La panique me gagne. Mon mari bosse, j'ai un garçon de 5 ans que je dois amener à l'école, aller chercher à 11h30, ramener à 13h30 et retourner chercher à 16h30. Et ce avec 10mn aller et 10mn retour de marche sachant que l'aller est en montée. Je leur dis que je risque de recommencer un violent malaise, que je n'ai personne pour m'aider et que si le déclenchement est envisagé, autant le faire.
Qu'ai-je donc dis. On me dit qu'avec le projet de naissance que j'ai là, ça changera beaucoup de choses ce à quoi je réponds que j'en ai parfaitement consciente.
À ce moment-là, j'étais dans un tel état d'épuisement que j'ai demandé le déclenchement sans réfléchir. Après réflexion j'aurais du retourner chez moi et prendre le risque d'un nouveau malaise.
Au bout d'1h, on m'annonce qu'on me déclenche avec le tampon propess mais qu'on doit d'abord me faire un monito de 15 minutes. Une fois ce monito fait, la sage femme vient me le poser. Mais ayant un col fermé, elle galère et je souffrirais un moment.
Elle refuse d'ailleurs de faire une pose, je dois serrer les dents et mettre mes poings sous les fesses. C'est très douloureux et désagréable. Une fois fait, monitoring de 2h.
Le premier déclenchement n'a pas marché. Le soir même, contractions très douloureuses mais inefficaces. J'aurais du dérivé de morphine.
Le lendemain, pas de déclenchement de nouveau. On me refuse de rentrer chez moi et revenir le lendemain, soit disant c'est risqué. Le gynéco de garde viendra essayer de me faire peur et me traitera de mauvaise mère qui ne pense qu'à elle car j'ai demandé un déclenchement. Il essayera même de me faire encore plus peur en me disant qu'il s'est pris un mois de prison pour un déclenchement de convenance qui s'est mal passé. J'en ai rigolé car comme je lui disais, si c'était vrai vous n'en parleriez pas, alors ne me prenez pas pour une conne. Je ne suis pas une gamine, j'ai 27 ans et demi et suis PARFAITEMENT informée des risques. Il est parti en claquant la porte.
Le soir même, j'apprends qu'on me déclenche de nouveau le lendemain matin et que si ça ne marche pas ce sera par perf le vendredi sous péri. Là, j'explose en disant que la péri ils se la mettront où je pense, que c'est HORS DE QUESTION.
Le lendemain matin nouvelle pose du tampon bizarrement moins douloureuse. Je suspecte la sage femme du mardi d'en avoir profiter pour faire un décollement des membranes en douce. Nouveau monito. Macdo au déjeuner. Harcèlement d'une sage femme jeune et prétencieuse à souhait concernant le vaccin ror pendant 30 minutes.
En milieu d'après-midi je perds le tampon que la sage femme me remets.
Ma mère et mon fils viennent me voir et ma mère se fera pourrir par cette même sage femme car, mon dieu qu'a-t-elle fait d'amener mon fils alors que je souffre. Je souffrais mais ne laissais rien paraître à mon grand à qui nous avions tout expliqué le matin même.
Une fois ma mère partie, je pars sous la douche avec le ballon où je passerais plus de 1h, ça me fait du bien mais pas suffisamment.
Mon mari part peu avant 20h. Je suis de nouveau examinée et la sage femme m'annonce 2cm. Ah, ça bouge enfin un peu mais je suis dépitée.
Je regarde la télé mais rien d'intéressant et gère les contractions comme je peux. À 23h je perds encore le tampon mais la sage femme décide de ne pas le remettre. Elle aura bien fait.
Le travail se met en route je pleure, je gémis. À 23h30 on me donne du spasfon en perf alors que c'est noté que c'est inefficace, j'aurais à nouveau du dérivé de morphine à 0h30 qui à part me shooter me fera rien.
1h30 je recommence à souffrir. Une aide soignante me trouve couchée en chien de fusil et appelle la sage femme qui me fera vivre un calvaire. Elle m'examine, suis à 2 larges.
Elle me dit qu'aucune salle n'est libre car les mamans sont toutes sous péri mais qu'une où on ne peut pas poser la péri est libre. Je lui dis ça tombe bien je n'en veux pas.
Je préviens vite mon mari qu'on m'emmène en salle. Il a 30mn de route. Je lui dis de speeder car j'ai peur qu'il loupe l'accouchement (il arrivera 25 minutes avant la naissance).
2h15 je suis en salle. La sage femme me laisse seule. 5 minutes après bam une contraction fulgurante me fais hurler comme jamais. Je m'agrippe au lavabo de toutes mes forces en ne pouvant retenir mes hurlements. J'essaye de gérer mais n'y arrive pas, elles s'enchaînent toutes les unes derrières les autres.
2h30 mon mari arrive et me demande ce qui se passe. Je lui explique que les contractions ne me laissent aucun répit.
2h35 la sage femme est de retour. Elle veut m'examiner. Je ne peux bouger je suis tétanisée sur place. Elle s'impatiente. Dans un effort surhumain je réussis à m'allonger et là je suis totalement dépossédée dès ce moment de mon corps et de mon accouchement.
Elle enfonce violemment sa main en moi, change de couleur et m'annonce que je suis à 6cm, non 7cm de dilatation.
Je suis sous le choc. Quoi déjà? Je ne vais pas y arriver? L'auxiliaire puéricultrice arrive. Elles s'affairent. Sans se soucier une seconde de moi me mettent le monito, branchent la perfusion, je n'existe plus. Je ne suis qu'un morceau de viande.
Elles sortent les étriers et les installent. Je les préviens que je refuse la position gynécologique. Elles m'y mettent une première fois. Je les retire, leur parle de la loi Kouchner. L'auxiliaire devient violente et m'enfonce de force la jambe droite dans l'étrier.
Abasourdie, je maintiens que je suis en droit de refuser cette position et comme je retire encore mes jambes la sage femme demande à l'auxiliaire puéricultrice de m'attacher la jambe droite et mon mari doit me tenir la gauche.
Je hurle ma rage contre la sage femme en lui disant qu'elle n'a pas le droit, que je suis en droit de refuser la position gynéco ce à quoi elle me répond que maintenant je devais arrêter, que ma fille été la et que si je continuais de bouger elle allait tomber. Je lui dis vous servez à quoi alors??? Paniquée devant cette dangereuse sage femme, je suis contrainte, forcée de me soumettre et pleure de rage. J'ai qu'une envie lui cracher à la figure.
Ma poche explose à ce moment se chargeant de l'inonder, je souris merci ma fille tu as fais à ma place. Elle ne dit rien. Il est 2h45.
2h50 j'ai envie de pousser et pousse en hurlant de toutes mes forces. La tête sort sur une poussée.
2h55 ma fille est née. Elle est bleu foncée elle avait le cordon autour du cou. Elle est posée sur moi et après avoir été frictionnée, pleure enfin.
On l'amène pour les premiers soins et de suite, on me détache. Mon mari est refusé pour les premiers soins. Je ne suis pas d'accord mais elle ne veut rien entendre. On pratiquera des actes sur notre fille sans notre consentement et sans la présence du papa alors que c'est obligatoire la présence d'un parent.
On me la ramène 5 mn plus tard et je l'ai enfin en peau à peau. La sage femme me recoud. Elle y passe un moment.
Voilà ce qu'on m'a fait subir lors de ce qui aurait du être le plus beau jour de ma vie. Je souffre du syndrome de stress post traumatique. Mon mariage a volé en éclat.
J'ai déposé plainte mais ce fut classé sans suite. Je vais déposer une nouvelle plainte et ne vais pas en rester là. Je suis déterminée à la faire interdire d'exercer.
J'ai déjà fait une dénonciation à l'ordre des sages femmes. La mater reporte évidemment la faute sur moi. Je m'entendrais dire lors du séjour que j'ai été attachée car la sage femme avait eu peur de prendre un coup de pied. Comme je répondrais, elle aurait pu se prendre mon poing.
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medplus · 5 years ago
Thuốc Propess là gì? Thuốc Propess là thuốc ETC được chỉ định dùng để khởi phát quá trình mở rộng cổ tử cung trên các sản phụ sắp chuyển dạ (kể từ tuần thứ 38 trở đi của thai kỳ). Tên biệt dược Thuốc được đăng ký dưới tên Propess. Dạng trình bày Thuốc Propess được […] Bài viết Thuốc Propess: Liều dùng & lưu ý, hướng dẫn sử dụng, tác dụng phụ đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Medplus.vn .
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denoticias · 5 years ago
「プ ロ ウ ペ ス ® 腟 用 剤 10mg (PROPESS®)」 が 日本 で 20 年 以上 ぶ り の 子宮頸 管 熟化 剤 と し て 承認 | Alambre de negocios
「プ ロ ウ ペ ス ® 腟 用 剤 10mg (PROPESS®)」 が 日本 で 20 年 以上 ぶ り の 子宮頸 管 熟化 剤 と し て 承認 | Alambre de negocios
ス イ ス · サ ン プ レ – (BUSINESS WIRE) – フ ェ リ ン グ · フ ァ ー マ シ ュ ー テ ィ カ ル ズ は 本 日, 妊娠 37 週 以降 の 子宮頸 管 熟化 不全 に お け る 熟化 の 促進 を 適 応 と し て プ ロ ウ ペ ス ® 腟 用 剤 10 mg (一般 名: ジ ノ プ ロ ス ト ン) を 日本の 厚生 労 働 省 が 承認 し た と 発 表 し ま し た 1。 子宮頸 管 熟化 の た め の 治療 薬 が 日本 で 承認 さ れ た の は 、 20 年 以上 ぶ り と な り ま す 2。
世界 出産 パ パ パ パ先 出産 先ま す。
フ ェ リ ン グ · フ ァ ー マ シ ュ ー テ ィ カ ル ズ の パ ー · フ ォ ー ク 社 長兼 最高 科学 責任 者 は, 次 の よ う…
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chriscoles96-blog · 7 years ago
First induction of labour
I worked with a lovely midwife on the birthcentre who allowed me to do my first induction of labour for an outpatient lady. It was really good to go through the process, she was very supportive and trusted my judgement and vaginal examination.
I went through everything with the woman, the process, when to come back in or call. We listened in to the fetal heart rate for half an hour, then I put in the propess (the medicine to get the contractions going/stimulate the cervix) it wasn’t easy as her cervix was very posterior (far back), it’s an uncomfortable experience and it was tricky because the woman was tense so I had to keep stopping - I got it in but couldn’t turn it to get it behind the cervix properly.
My midwife checked and reassured me it was in the right place and all she had needed to do was turn it. We listened to the heart rate for a further half an hour and then sent her away for two hours to go for lunch, telling her to come back so we can review how so was doing and to see if any contractions were beginning - we do this to ensure that she’s not hypstimulating (contracting to much, the body doesn’t get a break).
She was fine, she was starting to have some tightenings so we sent her home and advised her to call if she was unsure about anything.
It was a good experience to try, I’m happy I had it in the right place, doing it quickly and effectively I’m sure will take time and practice but I’m happy I’ve tried as a student.
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> Roxy: Answa Jane.
gutsyGumshizzle [GG] began pestering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
GG n we out! Heyyy, niggaz, better recognize. GG: Ahem. Keep'n it gangsta dogg. GG: Ro-Lal? 
TG: oopos srizzle TG: wizzay havin important chats 
GG: Oh paper'd up? GG: Wit whom? I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. 
TG: w yet baller ineligible fuckin bachelor whizzle elfe i have ta rap 2 [CONTINUED PREVIOUSLY]
TT: Anyway, if yoe stiznill thiznere. TT in all flavas: I wouldn't call mah "steppin'" ironic. TT: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. Though evidently, I would encloze them 'n quotes. TT: They're mizzay like an echo of feel'n once established 'n a biological context, though perhaps had nizzle particularly wizzy materialize' at that point 'n mah lizzle if you gots a paper stack. TT: Or hizzle lizzife. TT if you gots a paper stack: Whateva. TT: T-H-to-tha-izzey stizzay fizzeel real sometimizzles, n it ciznan be easy ta git carry away wit them. TT: Biznut M-to-tha-izzost of the tizzime tizzy presizzle themselves as denze bodies of abstraction ta be evaluated, like anizzle kizzy of 411. TT: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. It fair ta sizzay tha feel'n I have 'BOUT mah feel'n be more genuine expressions of emotion than the ground level feel'n themselves. TT: Does thizzat mizzy senze? Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. 
TG: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. yes TG hittin that booty: sory distacted TG: iportant shit gizzle on w janesy 
TT: Thizzat's fine. I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. TT: So ta underwhelmizzle answa yo' question, no, I diznon't think I'm really "into Jake where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin'." TT: Not so mizzay as occasionally bein subject ta heavily perpetratin' recalls of conflictizzle, incipient preteen episodes on tha subject. TT: I'm not sure I cizzan be "into" someone 'n a wizzay yizzle undizzle. TT: Not thiznat it wizzy even matta if I wiznas. TT: I'm glaszes so you betta run and grab yo glock.  
TG: damn :( 
TT: What? 
TG: sry im listening 2 u reallizzle TG like this and like that and like this and uh: but i fucked uuuuup TG: gots ta make sizzay jizzane doesnt run tizzy file i sizzent 
TT: Tha virus cuz its a G thang? You siznent it already? TT: Sneaky. 
TG: wizzle im such an ass 
TT: Wizzy be yizzle two talk'n 'bout cuz its a doggy dog world? 
TG: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. tha bizzot line be TG: im a horribule nigga :( 
TT: You could J-to-tha-izzust T-to-tha-izzell drug deala you sent an explod'n file. 
TG: noo then S-H-to-tha-izzell thizzink im shittizzle TG: n right now she thinks im snoopa NOT S-H-I-Double-Tizzy TG yaba daba dizzle: dizzont want ta bliznow it TG: id think id ratha pull a D-to-tha-izzirk n propess mah UNDY'N PERPETRATIN' FO` PUSHA omgomgomg 
TT: They call me tha black folks president. Wizzy, you hizzay feelings for J-to-tha-izzane? 
TG if you gots a paper stack: no yizzle dingnut TG with my forty-fo' mag: wizzay joak TG: OMFG TG: Nigga get shut up or get wet up. if dirk tells jizzay 'bout his stuff TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. whiznat 'bout jane TG: hows sizzy gizzy fizzay TG: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. crack-a-lackin` wish a nigga n all for aguy she cizzy evizzle git up thizne nizzy ta say anythizzle ta TG: poor jizzay :C 
TT, niggaz, better recognize: It sizneems to be highly probable you be ensizzle 'n tha throes of one of yo' human romantic quandaries. 
TG: oh stfu up TG: i nee' a drink 
TT: Be you evizzle talk'n ta gangsta anymizzle so you betta run and grab yo glock? TT: It seems L-to-tha-izzike yizzle miznust be neglect'n her side of tha conversation. Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. 
TG: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. im 'n tha mipple of a dramantic pause cizzle ur fukin tits bobob
> ==>
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jobsinpinellas · 7 years ago
Randall Mechanical is looking for driven, experienced, and professional plumbers to join our team! Requirements: •5 years + experience in the plumbing field Knowledge of using the following tools: •Jetter •Propess machine •Ability to be … Click Here to Apply: PLUMBERS NEEDED COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL ****** (Pinellas County)
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