#Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020
ffxvficrec · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020 Round Up
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Hello everyone! We have another exciting holiday exchange round up for you. You can also check out the collection on AO3. 
As always, reminder to mind the tags! We have only listed title, author, and summary.
On the Winding Road by saisei
Prompto comes down with chocobo pox and nearly misses an assignment for his photography course. Fortunately, Ignis comes up with a plan. 
Meant to Be His by Alina0
Ignis had never imagined confessing to Prompto after some little (happy) incident, but here we are. Gods bless Prompto's soul for helping him out himself.  
The Candle is Lit by Talliya
Ignis and Prompto have been together for a while, and Prompto finally asks a question that’s been bugging him. Only Ignis doesn’t give him an answer at all. It takes the formally lazy Prince’s return to finally fix things. 
Snowflakes in the Rain by roshytsunami
Prompto is a hot mess of anxiety and pining for one Ignis Scientia a nearly perfect specimen of man. He can't get the man out of his head! He'll bury this seven year crush with him when he dies because there is no way Ignis will see him as anything other than the 'silly sidekick' of the once quartet. Unfortunately mother nature, and the fact Eos is in complete utter darkness decides to wreck that plan to smithereens on a cold winter night. 
Snow Day Date by RikuKingdomHearts3
On a beautiful snowy day, Prompto expected to spend it alone. He would just be by himself as he admired the wonders of the winter season. What he didn't expect though was for Ignis to show up at his doorstep asking him out.
Eyes Sparkling & Full of Stars by denilmo
When Prompto showed enthusiasm for helping Ignis with his preparations for the holidays, he was thrilled. It was usually an endeavor he took on alone, along with all the requests from his prince (and even Gladiolus). Prompto had always been a welcome presence; he was vibrant and warm and inviting - touching and hugging and generally being close - that Ignis was looking forward to employing him, to having a bit more fun this year, and maybe finally getting something off his chest.
A Door in the Dark by Dark_Ruby_Regalia
It’s All Hallows’ Eve, and everything goes awry. Lost and alone, Prompto wishes desperately that someone cared about him enough to come and find him. And then... Ignis does. 
The Tail of the Deer and the Rabbit by katerleegrand
The Bros are sent on a mission to deal with a new breed of naga. Things do not go to plan, and two of the men are forced to deal with some...adverse effects, along with their growing feelings for each other.
Light the Night by EzraTheBlue 
As the dawn has returned and the seasons begin to change again, Prompto and Ignis decide to liven up their peaceful existence in the aftermath of their journey by bringing back an autumn tradition in a new way.
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020 Sign-ups!
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I will be sending out a list of participants before I assign people, so if anyone has an issue with someone else participating… LET ME KNOW. That way you will not be assigned them and they will not be assigned you. The point of this event is to be fun for all participants and grant someone’s Promnis wish. I don’t care what the drama is/was, just let me know there is/was some and I’ll be sure this event avoids it.
You can do any holiday you wish, or avoid holidays entirely. It is simply a time of year filled with many on-going holidays, so ‘Holiday Exchange’ is what I call it.
Click this link to sign up! https://forms.gle/2G1pVezKygcWDAJH6
Please remember to read all of the FINE PRINT on the form. It tells you what you need to do (and why), as well as gives examples. However, if anything is confusing please, please, please let @helmistress​ know! I will clear it up for you. ^_^
All information for this event can be found on our page as well as this post: https://promnisofficialer.tumblr.com/post/628472045405143041/promnis-holiday-exchange-2020
Sign-ups are open from Sept. 6, 2020 to Sept. 30, 2020. So you’ve plenty of time to think it over and decide if you can or can’t commit. (If you send in a form and find out you won’t be able to do it before sign-ups are over, just let me know and I’ll take your form out of the group.)
~Mod Hel
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clairefiredragon · 4 years
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New little one shot for the Promnis Holiday Exchange made by @promnisofficialer
This gift is for @niscuit-gravy but I hope you all check it out if you are curious!
Read here!
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020
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A reminder to all you folks out there! Sign-ups close on the 30th!
So please get yourselves signed up if you’d like to participate: https://promnisofficialer.tumblr.com/post/628494699619024896/promnis-holiday-exchange-2020-sign-ups
Here is all the information for the event: https://promnisofficialer.tumblr.com/post/628472045405143041/promnis-holiday-exchange-2020
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Alright Promnis fans, posting for the PromnisHolidayExchange2020 has begun!
Participants using the AO3 collection, if you can't find the collection, simply put "PromIgExchange" into the section for it. Make sure to have the capitols. It'll add it regardless.
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020
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It’s nearly posting time everyone!
Posting will be the whole week of January 10th - 16th! Information for tagging your giftee has been sent to you!
Hope you’ve all had a wonderful season!
~Mod Hel
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
2nd Check-in Sent
Alright Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020 participants!
The second round check-in has been sent out! Be sure to check your email/discord/twitters for the link and fill it out before the 10th!
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
1st Check-in’s are now closed. I’m still missing two people... I mostly just need to know if y’all are still participating. >_> So if everyone (who hasn’t already) could let me know that info, over discord or to the email, whatever, I’d appreciate it.
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Mistakes were made. I forgot to have the check-in, y’know, tell me who you are, so I’m missing two people (You’ve still got until the 10th so no rush) who haven’t done it yet.
So here’s a reminder to please fill out your check-in form if you haven’t yet! It will be in whatever you chose as your ‘best contact’ so be sure to check your email, discord, or twitter (none of you use this place, I don’t blame you)!
I’ve fixed this issue for the second check-in next month.
~Mod Hel
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020 Check-in 1
Links have been sent! Please be sure to fill them out by November 10th, 2020, by 11pm UTC-8/PST.
~Mod Hel
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange Check-in 1 Notice
Hello lovelies!
So, the check-in will be nice and simple, I will send you each a link to the form you need to fill out. It’s only 5 basic questions. It will be sent to you via your previously mentioned “best contact”. So be on the lookout for it via your chosen option!
They will be sent out on the 3rd of November, please have it filled out by the 10th at the latest! (Because the first question is whether you’re dropping or not... and if you are I need that info asap.)
~Mod Hel
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020
Hello Promnis fans!
Assignments have been sent out! Please do remember that this IS a Promnis event, your pairing does in fact have to be Prompto/Ignis... even if you or your giftee say other pairings are alright, Prom/Ig is the focus here. <_<
If you have any questions about your giftee’s requests, please send Mod Hel a message!
Remember, assignments were sent by EMAIL, they will be coming from [email protected], so look for that in your spam folder if needed! All of them are titled ‘Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020 Assignment!’.
Schedule/Rules/Criteria can all be found here: https://promnisofficialer.tumblr.com/PromnisHolidayExchange and here: https://promnisofficialer.tumblr.com/post/628472045405143041/promnis-holiday-exchange-2020
~Mod Hel/Talliya
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
A reminder to all Promnis Holiday Exchange participants!
As I’m finalizing who you’ll be giving a gift to...
Please let me know if there is anyone on the list that you are not comfortable making a gift for, or receiving a gift from! List is here.
Assignments will be sent out by EMAIL on the 10th! (Please be sure to answer the email with something (a “got it” will suffice) so that I know you received it.)
~Mod Hel/Talliya
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020
Sign-ups are now closed! Here is our lovely list of participants!
Remember, if you’ve an issue making or receiving a gift from anyone on this list, just dm(direct message) Mod Hel. tumblr: @helmistress, twitter: @SaviorOfEos or over discord to Talliya#0958.
Niki Roshy Nero/Milo Sei Crab Dawn Claire Rae Deni August Izu Alina Blue Kate Beau
These are our 15 lovely participants! (Just using the names given for communicating with you all, as it makes my life simpler.) I hope you all have a fun creating for this event!
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promnisofficialer · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020!
Welcome to our first Holiday Exchange! All of this information can also be found here: https://promnisofficialer.tumblr.com/PromnisHolidayExchange 
Welcome our first Promnis Holiday Gift Exchange!
As the ‘Holiday Season’ draws near, we get excited over possible snow, hot chocolate, hoodies, gaudy Christmas sweaters, pumpkin spice everything, large amounts of food, spending time with family, getting out of school for a few weeks, changing gears for the coming of the new year, and simply having fun.
Let’s put your imaginations to the test, and see how you fair creating someone else’s idea of what the Prompto and Ignis do during these wonderful holidays!
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Participants will be asked to fill out a form listing the types of things they are okay with creating and receiving as creations.
It will work much like a Secret Santa, where we will gather up the forms, figure out who can do what, and who wants what, and then we’ll divvy out the assignments!
Adult themes can be asked for, I’m sure there will be people out there willing to write or draw it for you! That being said, this exchange is going to include both writers and artists, so be sure that your ‘Wishes’ can be granted by either medium, you won’t know which one you’re getting after all!
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6 September 2020: Sign-ups Open!
30 September 2020: Sign-ups Closed!
1 October 2020: Participant list goes live!
10 October 2020: Assignments sent out!
3 November 2020: Check-in 1
3 December 2020: Check-in 2
10-16 January 2021: Post your Gifts!
20 January 2021: Full list of gifts goes live!
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To maintain an element of surprise and avoid premature gift reveals, please do not share your gift or the identity of your recipient until January 9th!
You will have over two months to finish your gift (October 10, 2020 - January 9, 2021). Please plan accordingly!
Please do your best to work with what your giftee has requested.
If you find you are having trouble or need clarification, please contact Mod Hel for help and I will contact the giftee to resolve the problem.
You will NOT contact your giftee yourself! Bring questions to Mod Hel, and I will get you an answer.
Fan Art must be at least 3x5 inches.
Both traditional or digital work is welcome!
Digital work should be at least 200dpi.
(If you want your digital work to be printable, do 300dpi.)
For traditional art, please provide a high-quality image via scan or photograph of your gift.
(If you would like to send the hard copy of traditional art to your giftee, you will need to discuss it with them after the event is over.)
Fan Fiction must be at least 800 words.
You can of course make it longer should you so choose (or the story gets away from you).
Please be considerate and do your best to edit for spelling and grammar. You may have a beta reader/editor if you feel the need, provided they are not also participating in the event.
There will be slots open for those willing to beta read and/or be pinch-hitters should someone participating drop the bat.
However! ALL works must be COMPLETED WORKS. So if it winds up being a chapter story, you need to have ALL of the chapters completed before the due date.
Please put forth the effort in your gift that you would like to see someone put into yours. It’s not about skill level, but about sharing a piece that you’re proud of and would be happy to receive yourself!
There will be two (2) check-ins for this event. Mostly just to gauge if participants will be done on time. If you finish early, simply let me know you are done during these check-ins. These will also be good times to ask any questions you may have about your gift if you are unsure of any of your giftee’s likes or dislikes.
Please be sure to have at least one element from your giftee’s suggestions in your creation.
Please get in contact as soon as possible if you need to drop out so your intended recipient can be reassigned. Life happens and there will be no questions asked.
If a check-in is posted, and you do not answer within a week of being sent the email, I will assume you are dropping from the event. So if something comes up, please be sure to get word to Mod Hel about what is going on!
Pinch-hitter assignments will be addressed on an as needed basis. If you feel, for any reason, that you can not create the gift you were assigned - please let me know and I’ll see about switching you with someone else. (I’ve never had it be an issue, but the opportunity is there should it be needed.)
On January 9th (whatever your timezone) you may begin posting your gifts! Please be sure to at us @promnisofficialer​​ and have “Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020” in your tags so that we can put all of the gifts into a comprehensive roundup on January 20th!
If you have not received a gift by January 15th, a pinch-hitter will step in to provide you with one.
Please feel free to contact Mod Hel at any time with questions! Messages to
@helmistress or @promnisofficialer​ on Tumblr; @SaviorOfEos or @PromnisO on Twitter; HelMistress or via the Promnis Official community on Pillowfort; or Talliya#0958 (Or just @advisor or @promnisofficial in the Promnis Official Discord Server) on Discord will get you answers!
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