#Project Nekro
orangesavannah · 1 month
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...So it took me only like 8 years to be dragged into warframe stuff. Sigh. Thanks @alopex26.
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cutthroatglitterati · 2 years
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get in loser it's 2013. we're gonna be making some plushies
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naruto-fantasy-zine · 5 months
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☀️ Please join us as The Naruto Fantasy AU Zine welcomes OUR CONTRIBUTORS!!! 🌒
These amazing artists, authors, and poets are going to blow you away with their sheer, unbridled creativity! The amount of talent and skill in this project is out of this world, and we’re all so happy to be able to share our love of fantasy with you in such a big way.   (Follow the page break below to check out their socials!)
Akihikotaru- Twitter: akiihiko_kun | Tumblr: @tarutaruga Astray- AO3: astray | Tumblr: @geniusporcupine AtlassArts- Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr: @atlassarts AWintersRose- AO3: awintersrose | Twitter: awintersrosered | Tumblr, Pillowfort: @awintersrose Azuzel23-  Twitter: Azuzel23 | Tumblr: @azuzeldraws Banbansparkly- Tumblr: @banbansparkly Beemo- Tumblr: @beemosketches Beluageist-  Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr: @beluageist Birdiepuh- Twitter: birdiepuh | Tumblr: @birdiepuh c.art-  AO3: c_art Codedredalert- AO3: codedredalert | Tumblr: @codedredalert Cynni- Twitter: Cynniminnii | Tumblr: @cynniminni Eliddz- Twitter: eliddz; Tumblr: @eliddz Firefly- Twitter: art_of_firefly | Instagram: art_of_firefly  | Tumblr: @art-of-firefly Good_Grief-  AO3: Good_Grief | Tumblr: @good-grievance Hkzv- Instagram: hkzvarts | Tumblr: @hkzv Honks- Tumblr: @hashiramashonkers Jade- Tumblr: @silicate-draws Ji- Twitter: Mirarasol | Tumblr: @mirarasol Kalira- AO3: Kalira | Tumblr: @kalira | Dreamwidth: Kalira Kanekolinkk-  Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr: @kanekolinkk   Kinomiakai- AO3: Kinomiakai | Twitter: Kinomiakai | Tumblr: @kinomiakai Kokodraws- Twitter: kokodraws01 | Instagram: kokodraws01  | Tumblr: @kokodrawings Laïka- Tumblr: @laiikastears   Leilyprince- Twitter: Headlessfox | Tumblr: @leilyprince Loonelybird- Twitter, Tumblr: @loonelybird Malignedaffairs-  AO3, Twitter, and Tumblr: @malignedaffairs Maphel- AO3: maphel | Tumblr: @maphel-n-doodles Marosar- Twitter: Marosar_art | Instagram: Marosar_art  | Tumblr: @marosar97​ Miabobriha- Twitter: Mia_bobriha | Tumblr: @miaabobriha Milkcee- Twitter: Milkcee12 | Instagram: Milkcee12  Morita- Twitter: _Morita_art_ | Tumblr: @fire-eyed-raven NMA_nekro- Twitter: nma_nekronauta | Instagram: nma_nekronauta  | Tumblr: @nma-nekro Nurinuri- Twitter: nuri1000na  Octodraws- Tumblr: @octodraws OfficerJamie- AO3: Officer_Jennie | Tumblr: @officerjennie Ofredandgold- AO3: ofredandgold | Tumblr: @ofredandgold Paperglazenet- Twitter: paperglazenet | Instagram: paperglaze_net  Quirkred- Twitter: Quirkred | Instagram: Quirkred RaeGunBlast-  Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr: @raegunblastart Saz- Twitter: sazhimii Shiaroo- Twitter: shiaroo_ | Instagram: shiaroo SilverUtahraptor- AO3: SilverUtahraptor | Tumblr: @silverutahraptor Swiftfrost- Twitter: Swiftfrost542 |  Instagram, Tumblr: @swiftfrost Tbh_logic-  Twitter: Cuninvited | Tumblr: @tbh-logic​ Twitchi-  AO3: dahtwitchi | Tumblr: @twitchi2​ Uintuva- Twitter: uintuva | Tumblr: @uintuva​ WBY- AO3: Writhingbeneathyou and Tumblr: @writhingbeneathyou
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nekropsii · 1 year
First update is fast approaching and it’s been awesome working with you on this project :}
Aww, thank you!! It’s been a delight working with you, too!!
Publishing starts SOON (one week!!) get READY!!!!
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dorokora · 1 year
The story continues..
We start with that strange dream of the past again. Narration talks about the project of the crystallization of the human mind. It goes even further, it’s able to self-replicate and repair without network assistance within a moderate extent of damage. Even in the event of a fatal loss of function, it is possible to reconfigure from the stored blueprints if there is support via the network. The first was “black” and the second was “white” both together created something alive, a new element. This element made it possible to interfere with the multiverse (LW multiverse?). It can be said that this element freed not only the mind but also the body of mankind from space and time. And the definition of life and death in this world lost meaning. Beauty and ugliness, health, and longevity have all been solved by using this element. By connecting to the network and obtaining the necessary information, it became possible to modify and repair the body in any way. Thanks to this project they found discovered a “parallel world”. A body composed of this new elements can withstand both super acceleration and super gravity making it possible to go to this parallel world. And this discovery binds together the threads of parallel worlds. It leads to the discovery of the fourth dimension.
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Yuuji wakes up and overhears Sol and Gordon talking. If they keep going the way they’re doing two more people will have to be sacrifice. Gordon thinks this deliberate. First they separate the group, next they sent Ahriman as a messenger to tell Yuuji what to do. It’s almost like they are steadily cut the group forces one by one. If they wanted to take them, they could’ve just sent all five demon lord at them at once. Gordon can’t figure out what the Meteo’s intentions are. The next day the group hear a roar from the distance. It’s Fafnir and Klaus fighting against Ahriman. Yuuji, Sol, and Gordon showed up to give Ahriman the slip and fall and escape.
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Yuuji meets up with Klaus and Fafnir. But Gordon tell them to hold off the happy reunion for later. They need to interrogate the fallen Ahriman. Gordon tells Ahriman he won’t go easy on him just because he looks like a kid. Even humans can be cruel. Yuuji ask Gordon to go easy on Ahriman. Gordon tells Yuuji they can’t afford to show mercy to demon lords after they killed so many people. Yuuji tells him that Ahriman is different, he hasn’t killed a single human. Gordon ask if Yuuji is cooperating with the enemy. Yuuji decided that in order to talk to Ahriman they need a demon lord. So Yuuji transform into Nekros and lent his body to him for a moment. Ahriman is overjoyed to see Nekros. Ahriman tells him he can’t hear the voice of the mastermind. Nekros said it’s likely that he’s defective just like him. All demon lords will meet the same end and rest in peace. Ahriman tells him that there are still things he needs to do. He has to find and to protect someone. Nekros closes his eye so he can talk to Yuuji inside. Nekros tells Ahriman memories are mixed up. He’s even more broken than Nekros is. Outside, Gordon and Sol discuss about Ahriman. Klaus wants to go talk to him for a minute. Klaus tells him that he’s the brother he’s looking for. Ahriman viciously denies and run off to the pillar, clearly upset.
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The group arrives at the fourth pillar. Seems that only Yuuji and Klaus can go inside. Inside they found Ahriman. Ahriman ask Klaus if he really is his brother then he should know what he gave him on his eight birthday. Klaus said it was a large snake shell found in the castle's backyard it was a secret between brothers. Ahriman ask long has it been since he died. Klaus said it’s been fifty years. Ahriman ask why is Klaus the hero’s friend. He thought if he found his brother he would have no regret. He’s a demon lord, he’s suppose to defeat the hero. Why is it that fifty years went by and he’s still a child while his little brother is a old man. Ahriman ask what he is. Klaus tells him simply that he’s his brother. Klaus said he’ll stay in his brother’s place and ask Yuuji to put his brother to rest. Yuuji ask Ahriman if he’s okay with that. Ahriman tells him it’s fine he’s not scared anymore. Ahriman said if he were to be reborn as a human he hopes he sees Yuuji again. Yuuji uses the spear and Ahriman smiled one last time. Yuuji and Klaus have their goodbyes. All that’s left is the final pillar and Tiamat.
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deafmangoes · 1 year
"It used to be said 'you can sleep when you're dead', but we ask, why wait? At NeKrO we offer you an unrivalled opportunity: seven years competitive salary, no strings attached, to enjoy in the prime of your life. In return? Seven years employment with NeKrO after your natural passing."
The advert was projected over Price Square on repeat every quarter hour. Once per hour with audio. They targeted day-workers who lived hand-to-mouth, for whom the promise of seven years salary in a lump sum was too good to pass up. Each day, Jun saw fewer and fewer people on the street corners or doorways. The noodle bars emptied, and the restaurants filled.
"NeKrO uses pioneering synapsogenesis to keep your body going after you've gone. Let your soul rest easy while the rest of you puts in the work."
The newscasts heralded the meteoric rise of NeKrO's stock and its CEO, whose beguiling smile beamed out from every screen and billboard. Daytime streamers interviewed company representatives, plugged sponsorships. Money saturated the downtown and it seemed every apartment was either selling up for wealthier neighbourhoods or sporting the latest tech kitchens and furniture.
"NeKrO operatives already fulfil many vital functions in today's busy society, from maintenance and retail service to computational wetware and synthories."
No one enjoyed this much success without controversy. Jun glimpsed the whistleblowers' reports before they were scrubbed from the feeds. Saw the takedowns from embittered once-celebs whose fifteen minutes were up long ago. Yet the line kept going up. Shop staff were replaced by masked, uniformed, straight-backed bodies that differed only in height and build. Their voices, digital and identical, spoke in carefully calculated tones designed to soothe, reassure, and let the customer know they were important. Only the slight scent of decay, lingering in the filtered air, reminded you that these were corpses.
"Chat with one our team today to learn how much you could earn with us. NeKrO: your time, your way."
It wasn't just the high-end shops. Even the repair bars and vendors were soon more dead than living. At Jun's favourite late-night haunt, the talented chef had been swapped for robotic, stiff-armed line cooks. The food had lost its spark. Strips of fly paper hung discreetly near the doors to the kitchen.
Then came the inevitable call. A pre-recorded message from a sharp-suited, smooth-faced executive delivered a pre-determined verdict.
"We're letting you go."
Who could compete with the dead? They didn't ask for raises. They didn't need breaks. They could be hired from NeKrO's vast 'mausoleums' for a fraction of Jun's wages. The severance pay was pitiful, besides.
Reluctantly, Jun dialled the number that everyone had memorised. A voice like syrup on the other end of the line talked her through the process and mailed over the appropriate papers. Seven years, up-front. A bottle of gin later, she had signed, stamped and ratified every last one. Digits followed by an alarming amount of zeroes appeared in her account the very same moment.
Now she sat at a fancy table in a fancy restaurant with the rest of them, picking at food she could barely pronounce with the wrong utensil and listening to the excited conversations around her. Holidays of a lifetime, plans to start a family, excited entrepreneurs who could finally afford their own place. The energy would be infectious, if Jun had any plans of her own.
After paying a bill she didn't need to look at, she leant against the outside wall and chewed on a tablet. A little down the street she saw one of her fellow diners who'd signed the dotted line a month prior. He was stumbling and swaying, leaning on the lamppost and loudly crowing his success between nearly losing his seven course meal. A grey and green van pulled up silently alongside him and four masked, uniformed, straight-backed bodies exited. Two of them grabbed the man's arms, and before could protest, the third jabbed him in the throat with a thick needle. He quickly went limp in their grip and was ushered into the waiting vehicle.
The fourth stood by observing the proceedings and taking notes on a pad. As the others disappeared into the van with their new 'colleague', it looked down the street directly at Jun. She felt a shiver crawl down her spine, like someone had just stepped on her grave.
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penworthy · 2 years
“The rise of commercial space travel has not just revolutionized the practicalities of space flight; it has also shaped the way we view space itself. Historically, black holes, hurtling comets, and solar flares have haunted our cultural imagination. The darkness of space has provided a vehicle for our thanatophobic anxieties—eliciting the endlessness, loneliness, and detachment of death—while dying astronauts have been reified in pop culture as symbols of human corporeality and fragility.
Watching films like Gravity or 2001: A Space Odyssey, we see these terrors concretized as our heroes float, umbilical cords severed, toward a silent yet violent demise. Though in fact only three people have ever died in space—Georgy Dobrovolsky, Viktor Patsayev, and Vladislav Volkov—our hyperbolized idea of its danger speaks to a primal desire for control over the chaos of the universe and a need to find meaning within our comparatively small lives.
But as technologist and designer Neilson Koerner-Safrata explains in his research project KOSMOS/NEKROS, the popular understanding of death in space has changed. As he writes, “the cosmologies of the past sacralize space as the site where the divine epilogue of life takes place. Today, space is now being framed on our behalf as a moratorium on EXIT or NO EXIT, where what is at stake for life must be decided up there or down here.”
Put differently, space once seemed to be the ultimate reminder of human mortality and insignificance, but now it seems to represent the opposite—yet another domain for human domination. Koerner-Safrata identifies one reason for the change as the “techno-libertarians and champions of space settlement [who] sermonize on behalf of space: ‘humans need a frontier,’ ‘space is human destiny.’”
Space is no longer the terrain of martyrs and deities but rather that of hubristic billionaires who hope to prolong human life by expanding the landscape of human habitation. The dawn of space tourism and the images it evokes—cruise liners, cut-offs, and caipirinhas—has had a normalizing effect, making even the most inhospitable atmosphere for humans seem approachable.”
-Heavenly Bodies by Olivia Church
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eliasdrid · 6 years
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Another piece for the WFbuttonproject (over Twitter!) 
This time’s Nekros Prime
< Zephyr Prime > < Banshee Prime & Jackal >
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scalematez · 2 years
Hey what's up, I'm Scales
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(Art on the fridge: X, X, X, X, X, X, & the Vriska Vote stickers by X)
You may see posts and characters here tagged as "Sovereignstuck", it's a currently-in-progress fanventure that takes place after the events of Homestuck with a cast of both new characters and reborn versions of old ones. I'm the lead amateur musician, creature designer and asset designer, among other things.
The public information about the characters I'm writing is under reconstruction, but you can still ask questions. Sovereignstuck is a group project, so don’t be afraid to ask my friends (Nekro and Santos) about the characters they’re writing as well! 
Check out my about page for more information!
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karuframe · 3 years
Which female Warframe do you think Nekros would be a couple with
nyx. one controls the body, one controls the mind also in my beforeframe project they have a shared story so it was an easy choice for me :D
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Hello. The title is really cool. Here are my ideas for gacha video: 1. Bad ending "Mune: Guardian of the Moon" 2. Sohone meets his dark side in the world of dreams (I'll text you about it ff) 3. Phospho tells Sohone how he was almost corrupted by the 9mies as a child and how he had to see the corruption of Nekros 4. Crossover Mune: Guardian of the Moon with another project 5. Sohone's childhood and his relationship with his parents and others, his childhood traumas, etc. 6. Sohone feels like a third wheel amid Mune and Glim's relationship 5. Sohone sees cracks in his body and feels terrible unbearable pain. Serpents make cracks in him, climbing into his soul 6. Fanfiction video: "One Who Forgot How to Shine". I really liked this ff and I would like to see it in the gacha 7. The characters of "Mune: Guardian of the Moon" enter the world of people and become people (I would like to see them humanized) 8. The new generation of "Mune: Guardian of the Moon" And those are all the ideas I could think of. I still have a lot. I understand that it will be impossible for you to realize them, but you can at least a couple. What do you think? By the way, I found a fan art humanization of the characters. How is he to you? I'm waiting for an answer (Привет. Название действительно классное. Вот мои идеи для гача видео: 1. Плохая концовка "Мьюн: Страж Луны" 2. Сохон встречает свою тёмную сторону в мире снов (я напишу тебе об этом фф) 3. Фосфо рассказывает Сохону, как его чуть не испортили 9меи в детстве и как ему пришлось видеть развращение Некроса 4. Кроссовер Мьюн: Страж Луны с другим проектом 5. Детство Сохона и его отношение с родителями и другими людьми, его детские травмы и т.д. 6. Сохон чувствует себя третьим лишним на фоне отношений Мьюна и Глим 5. Сохон видит трещины на своем теле и чувствует ужасную невыносимую боль. Змеи проделывают в нем трещины, залазая в его душу 6. Видео по фанфику: "One Who Forgot How to Shine". Мне этот фф очень понравился и я бы хотела увидеть его в гаче 7. Персонажи "Мьюн: Страж Луны" попадают в мир людей и становятся людьми (Я бы хотела увидеть их хуманизацию) 8. Новое поколение "Мьюн: Страж Луны" И это все идеи, которые я смогла вспомить. У меня ещё дохуя много. Я понимаю, что тебе их воплотить будет невозможно, но можно хотя бы парочку. Как тебе? Кстати, я нашла фан арт хуманизацию персонажей. Как он тебе? Жду ответ)
That's a lot of great ideas and yes this might take a while for me to do, one at a time, also I fricking love the art style this creator did, it's adorable! How is who to me?
Hope this answers your questions
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nek-ros · 3 years
nekros scrimblo and the power of projection
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thecrofttomb · 3 years
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TR25 | Community Reimagined Covers: The Angel of Darkness #2
Back in February, Crystal Dynamics debuted a special project that aimed to reimagine the box art of the mainline entries in the series. Each one features a different artist and their unique take on the game they were assigned with and is set to be released monthly throughout 2021.
For Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (2003), however, the team changed things up in order to give their originally hand-picked artist some more time to finish their piece and, as such, they reached out to four incredibly talented community artists to illustrate their vision of Core Design's last Tomb Raider title.
The second one is a stunning gothic-inspired render designed by João Correa, also known as Jho Correa, a graphic designer and long-time Tomb Raider fan from Brazil known for his beautiful 3D depictions of our favourite adventurer.
Below you can find what the artist had to say on the making of this piece and download it in various sizes so you can customize all of your devices.
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“For this piece I wanted to focus on the gothic aesthetic present in the game. Instead of doing something completely new, I decided to go back to what made the original cover so striking to me. The iconic blue fire, the iron gates opening behind her, the European panorama at the bottom and Lara’s striking figure standing ever so heroic right in the middle of the scene.
I was heavily inspired by the arts of Nekro, Bill Elis and Kilian Eng. I also took inspiration from other videogames such as Bloodborne, Castlevania and Blasphemous, and I made sure to make these inspirations obvious. I love to make game crossovers using their aesthetic elements.
The baroque-like carvings on the sides are supposed to tell a story. On the left side we have Eckhardt being banned by the Lux Veritatis, while on the right we have a sort of resurrection through the dark arts. He is ascending! Out of the depths of his imprisonment, into the 21st century. The black alchemist lives in a world of today. At the bottom I tried to use sculptures that represent despair and chaos. Having Lara almost walking over it, it’s supposed to represent her journey to clean her name and put things right (and remove the thorn in her side in the process, am I right?). The blood covered hands were... a choice. I was unsure if it was a good idea to cover her iconic duals in blood, but decided to go for it anyway because it adds to the whole story.
It was an absolute joy to work on this! Turned out to be one of my favorite pieces I have ever done, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that everyone else enjoys it just as much as I do.”
The team has released a neat fan kit with the artwork packed with wallpapers, social assets and even a printable file for those who wish to revamp their classic cases. If you do so, please share them with us on social media by tagging @thecrofttomb and @tombraider in your posts along with #TR25!
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» Previous Covers «
Tomb Raider by Brenoch Adams Tomb Raider II by Babs Tarr Tomb Raider III by Paul Kwon Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation by Andy Park Tomb Raider V: Chronicles by Megan Lara Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness by Stephanie Rew | Community: #1
Explore the TR25 web portal where the Tomb Raider community team will be posting some fun articles and exciting announcements along the year. For all the news regarding the 25th anniversary of the franchise, be sure to visit our dedicated TombRaider25 tag.
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nekropsii · 2 years
NEKRO!!! important (read: stupid) question. Do Annomi, Tomiei, and Kankri have rantsonas? Do they get into pointless Earth C discourse? Like debating whether or not Dersite Carapacians should be allowed to choose Space as part of their classpect, since the Genesis Frog associated with Space? I wanna know your thoughts
This is incredibly funny. Reading this ask felt like getting shot. Help.
Most likely character here to have a genuine rantsona is Annomi. He’s inspired by CinemaSins, as well as a couple other bullshit media critics, so he’s pretty likely to have a YouTube. It is a scholarly-looking anthropomorphic turtle partially inspired by his own Lusus. It looks absolutely nothing like him. He projects himself as being cooler and smarter than he actually is. You know, usual Prince of Heart shenanigans. He’s pretty likely to try and deconstruct discourse he doesn’t know jack shit about, all while pretending he knows what he’s saying. His attempts at a rational approach are very flawed because his understanding of the topics are flawed and so is his worldview.
Kankri isn’t the rantsona type. He’d have his own avatar, sure, but I doubt he’d take the time and money to commission sprites from someone. Doesn’t seem very within his nature. His online presence doesn’t predominantly consist of video essays, either, unlike Annomi- though he does like to hear himself talk, filming and editing are quite time consuming and he’s found that it’s not very viable to only contain his thoughts on video format. Regularly engages in the most pointless discourse you’ve ever seen, whether it’s in agreement or disagreement. He’s a surprisingly angry person, and is quite known for his hypocrisy. He tends to function under the rules of “it’s okay if I like it and problematic if I don’t,” and also refuses to admit to the fact that he has definitely sent people anon hate before.
The closest Tomiei gets to a rantsona is engaging in serious discourse in anime clowngirl cosplays. She does not take discourse seriously. At all. She tends to hit serious talks about serious subjects with total nonsense and completely derail the direction of the conversation. Sometimes the discourse is bullshit. Sometimes it isn’t. She doesn’t really care what the gravity of the topic is either way, as long as chaos is ensued. She strives to be the living, troll equivalent to getting Rickrolled, but, like, worse. Doesn’t actually have many strong opinions of her own, except for ones that don’t particularly matter, and this is on purpose. She thinks people should be able to do what they want, especially her, and what she wants to do is fuck with people.
BONUS DISCOURSE ROUND: Meulin posts fandom discourse on main at random and can get surprisingly heated about it, Ajax uses his scalesona as a rantsona ironically on Twitter Dot Com, Horuss only uses Facebook and is deaf to the sins of this world, and Tintin thinks people should “FUCKING GO OUTSIDE. NOW.”
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dailylifeoflin · 7 years
Lin: ok let me get this straight (unlike me)- Due to Lilith's influence in my body/soul in addiction to being part NightTerror now I can travel through several different timelines as long as they are not a direct variation of this one?
Liu: Apparently? I mean, at least that's what I managed to understand..
Lin: ...
Lin: I'm gonna go change the plot of Danny Phantom
Liu: Elina no.
Liu: That sounds more like you
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Also Nekrotefeyo was criminally underused for the legendary Eridian homeworld like I was expecting like a big abandoned city or a completely decimated apocalyptic place, not a dried up ocean bed (Are they maybe more crustaceans instead (?) of bugs???) with like 2 Eridian buildings on it and also Maliwan for... Some... Reason. Seriously. Dark Maliwan was so clearly cut content and I wanna know wtf that was all about. Also we got Promethea so it isn't like they weren't capable of making a big city area, like the restrictions of the engine wouldn't allow it, they just didn't... Feel like it? Maybe didn't have time to flesh it out given how late nekro is in the game? Seriously it feels empty as fuck, I love exploring the planets, but even as a certified lore lover I just can't bring myself to explore that place more than I have to for quests. It's really empty and boring
Also, I am bet that the big glowing thing we see coming out of the planet as it fragments is related either to the Machine and the souls sacrificed to make it work, or the Guardian soul main storage thingie. Mainly because ghosts and such are real in the bl universe and they're all that same glowing green sort of deal. It also reminds me of Krieg's mind planet projection thing which does add credence to that. That is potentially why Minos Prime 'hatched', it could have been a storage place for other, maybe reject(?) Guardian souls and that's where all the Eridian and Guardian stuff randomly came from that Tannis keeps goddamn repeating every time u play the takedown. FE Minos Prime was a testing site for prototype Guardians and the souls (I don't want to call them mind cores because the mind core we got from the Vault of the Destroyer was solid and not green and don't even get me STARTED on that whole situation because there was cut Overseer dialogue from when you take that thing out of the Vault and why WAS it even in the VAULT OF THE DESTROYER and Hhhhh) were stored in Minos Prime until whoops they got out. And I'm guessing they sacrificed the people of Minos Prime to the Machine (we literally left nobody guarding it sooo) bc Tannis says they just vanished without a trace. Which ALSO adds bonus points to my theory that the Eridians aren't dead and are just chilling elsewhere laughing at us right now.
I still think Lilith brought Elpis to the Eridian Rift on the map Typhon and Leda wrote all over and she's vibing there, too. Maybe it's a sort of stasis place where time doesn't pass so the people of Elpis don't die. Idk how Lilith would know about that but then again given the chest in her room I would honestly not bet against my whole 'Lilith had help from the Watcher and/or the Eridians during/before Bl3 and refused to tell us' which is why she just vanishes at the end of the game and takes Elpis with her.
And also why Sanctuary-III randomly exists when we have never heard of the company that made it before (seriously what is supamax mfg), it's somehow in good enough condition that Moxxi and Ellie could fix it up with their scarce resources, and they found it before any other people did (can probably chalk this one up to Tannis if there were cameras or it was hooked up to the ECHOnet of Pandora, but the other two points stand). I would've been okay with it if it were an Atlas ship Rhys sent over or smth, if it were an old Hyperion ship, if the branding of supamax mfg was Moxxi and Ellie's team effort of making a spaceship company in honor of Scooter- literally if any of these things were explained in-game, but they're NOT. So I am left to go 'what the hell where did this come from what is Supamax MFG' and like, a random company we've never heard of existing is totally fine, we're introduced to the Obsidian Black Block and Hephestus United as well, but it just feels weird that this random supply (?) ship just happened to go to Pandora for some reason and then also crash or was abandoned for some reason. If we could just get a scrap of info on Supamax MFG and why this ship was on Pandora I'd be happy. Their branding is Ships Made Quick so clearly they build ships which is fine.
Did Lilith contact them? If so, cool, could we get an ECHO log of that? Where did she get the money after Sanctuary-II blew tf up? Did she or Moxxi or Ellie have connections that allowed them to get the ship made for cheap or free? Why did they decide to make the ship out in the open when they knew about the rising CoV threat?? Was the ship stolen? Did the Crimson Raiders just kill a bunch of people to get their hands on it? I doubt it, but this shit isn't explained! So yeah when I write theories like 'Hm well maybe this ship was planted here by the Watcher' its not because I'm driven insane by the Eridians it is because we literally have no other reason to go 'maybe not' and with what little information we do get during the game, it could be fuckin possible!!!
Lilith apparently knew more than she was letting on, she was contacted personally by the Watcher during the end of TPS (brick specially had to ASK what the Watcher said to Lilith), so yeah fuck it the ship and everything that wasn't explicitly explained was given to Lilith by the Watcher to help her in her quest for whatever the Big One is in bl4. Bc you KNOW that Bl3 was just the lead up to get the Destroyer to slip out of its chains thru Tyreen's meddling (literally in nyriads log right before the final boss and its not like ty absorbed an entire planet sized monster and was the size of, like, a shortish tree so you know the Destroyer is still in there as it's further confirmed by Scourge when he says shit like you don't even know what you just did blah blah shut up loser- the only thing pointing to the Destroyer ACTUALLY being dead is that the Vault (????) of the Destroyer (???????????????) opened after Tyreen died but then we can make the Vault of the Architects argument that maybe it considered her part of the Destroyer and her dying confused the Vault into opened, iunno. I don't even know why that Vault was there in the first place wtf was its purpose I thought the Vault of the Destroyer was either the other Pandora one (emergency human feeding port to a monster that doesn't need sustenance) or literally Pandora itself in which case killing Tyreen should have destroyed the whole planet by opening it soooooo I guess that Vault exists to circumvent that extremely specific problem only the Eridians would have guessed could happen idk) and to set the Guardians up as villains cuz fuck them that's why (>:( please gearbox don't, make the Eridians the bad guys if someone has to be evil pretty please the Guardians aren't the bad guys they are literally gaining sentience right now give them a chance they gotta figure themselves out and the Eridians fit the whole 'corporations exploiting their workers' vibe with the Guardians being forced to work even after the Eridians are gone so don't let those parallels slip away with shortsighted storytelling) but then it hurts even worse cuz the story could've been so much simpler and just... Sweeter and better than what we got if that's all they had to do was set those two things up. Bro I hate how every time I go to ask questions abt the game it leads me back here. Because it's true!! And it hurts I just wanna sit down with the lore manager of the game and ask them all these questions because I'm genuinely curious, but I'm afraid of the answers or non-answers I'll get. Again, I get the whole 'things have to happen for plot, not everything should be questioned, give the writers some slack to write a story' argument but when EVERYTHING falls under that category and the story didn't even end up being that great, it gets really frustrating because HONESTLY? if we had gotten good lore and explanations to things and actual world building and details and all that? I wouldn't have minded the main story so much. But unfortunately we got neither good lore (I wanna tell Nyriad she was lied to very badly because it's either the Eridians are evil and liars about a lot, or nobody thought twice the implications of giving the Destroyer a feeding port that explicitly calls humans to it) nor good main story (you know.) and it just. Is annoying. That's all.
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