#Professor snape x yn
simp-pluto · 3 months
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Favorite trope in fica
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dixonsgirl93 · 11 months
Looking for Severus Snape content!
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babydollangelica · 3 years
Hey guys! It has been a while, I have an imagine of Severus snape x reader and how their normal lives would have been. So for all you lovelies out there who has their heart broken with professor's death. (Including mine) I hope this... soothes your pain. I hope I'm not too late.🥲
You will also find this and similar oneshots at the following link.
May this warm your soul.
Warning : NSFW, mentions of foreplay Pairing : severus snape x Femreader
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It was a long and a tiring day. The noisy banter and chit chat at his workplace never seemed to stop. Infact he could still hear the annoying ringing in his ears that was caused due to high chirped noises of his hormonal raged students. He was feared and known for his harsh biting words, but it is getting more and more difficult to deal with kids these days. Although they do not act up in his class, he sometimes questions his occupational choices. Grumbling, he fights the lock of his door with the key and it opens with a defeated creak. And as soon as he steps in, the dim lights guide his way, the warmth of the fire place seeping in his chilled bones, aroma of chicken pie filled his lungs and a soft hum coming from his kitchen. He quietly closes the door and hangs his black coat, takes off his shoes and makes his way to the kitchen, with his bag in his hands, where he sees the love of his life humming a melody he played over the radio two days ago and pouring her self a glass of wine. He smiles to himself and leans against the frame as he watches her shake her hips to the tune, her short silk dress leaving no room for imagination as he ravishes her behind with his dark eyes. She gives off a happy sigh when her chicken pie is ready and turns around to gather the plates when she sees him. And with sparkle in her deep brown eyes, she squeals and throws herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and softly pecking his amused lips over and over until he gave into fully commiting his lips to hers and wrapped his arms around her waist while feeling her warm skin seep into his body as he holds her close kisses her senseless. "I missed you" was all she said. And those three words was all it took for him to drop his bag and swoop her up in his arms and drown her in a passionate kiss while crossing the kitchen in quick big strides, she wraps her legs around his firm torso and plays with his soft silky hair as he nips her lower lip softly. She could feel her self getting aroused with just his kisses and the feel of him against her body. He smirked when he felt her shiver, for he knew how sensitive she is. He softly squeezes her butt cheek and runs his right hand up her silk covered lower back and she moans lustily in his mouth and arches slightly. No doubt her voice will always be music to his ears, for he always enjoys hearing her humming, or singing and even gracing him with her beautiful voice whenever he ask her to sing him to sleep when nightmares of his past evade his peace of mind. But when it comes to love making, Her moans of pleasure are one of his most favourite sounds. He still remembers their very first makeout session on his couch, how it started with an innocent massage session when she complained about a kink in her shoulder. And being a gentleman he was, he offered to have a look at it, and she moaned the minute his fingers smoothen away those painful knots. He freezes when he heard her moan and looks at her through the mirror with awe. She blushes and feeling embarrassed she utters "I'm sor-" when his fingers dug into her shoulders again, and she moans, her eyes shut as pleasure consorts on her face. He gazes at her through the mirror except, this time lust clouding his dark eyes, as he inches slowly closer to her, his eyes not leaving hers and she was paralysed in anticipation on what he was going to do to her. She swallowed as she hears his deep baritone voice whispers in her ears "sensitive...I love it" and kisses her neck, she throws her head back, eyes shut and moans. From that day onwards, he made sure to know every kinds and types of sounds she makes. And he would repeatedly encourage her to call out his name during their lovemaking sessions. He sometimes wonders if his only reason for sex is just to hear her mewl, purr, gasp and moan in his ears while he touches, kisses and loves every inch and depths of her exquisitely soft body. He would prolong, or even delay his own orgasm just to please her and hear her moans and her cries of bliss reverberate in their
bedroom. He kisses trail down from her lips and she giggles when it reaches her neck. And pushes her self to look at him "the chicken pie.." He smirks and drops her on the big low couch, his dark eyes lustily trailing up her beautiful legs and now exposed stomach as her silk dress hitched up while he carried her to the living room. She looks at him looking down at her, her arms, thrown to to her sides, her long brown hair spread around her as her soft pink lips parted and slightly swollen, her eyes dewy and clouded with lust as a soft blush spreads from her cheeks, to her neck and the swell of her breast. The soft glow of the fireplace illuminated her beautiful features as his eyes drank in her sight. He could see her nipples taut against the thin fabric, begging to be touched, caressed and sucked on, his eyes raked down to the black lace panties she was wearing. He brushes his knuckles over her cloth covered mons and she gasp softly and bites her lips. He kneels between her legs and her chest heaves rapidly. He looks at her in the eye and says "the pie can wait". And ravishes her, making sure to embed himself deep in her, so that she won't miss him anytime soon, while she drowns her self in ecstacy, her soft mewls singing in his ears, as both of them come together, composing their very own love song, the chorus being
"Severus" .........
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
Pansy’s Plot // Draco Malfoy
Request: hi there!! I just wanted to say i absolutely adore your writing, and was wondering if you could write something where the reader and draco are dating but pansy is jealous so she lies and makes draco think you cheated on him but in actual fact you didnt and it’s just super angsty and then fluffy. The prompts i chose were 94, 85, 55, 14, 1 and 34 of course i don’t mind at all if you don’t want to use them or leave a few out :)
A/N: Hello! Sorry this took so long to get written, but I wanted to make sure it was good so I took my time. Also, my arthritis was making writing a very painful process, with that being said, I likely won’t post anything else this week until the weekend because I need to rest my hand. But I hope you enjoy this and to the person who requested, I hope it’s everything you wanted! Side note, I did change some of the prompts to fit the story and I didn’t use 55.
Summary: Pansy tricks Draco into believing his girlfriend (Y/N) cheated on him with Blaise. Angst and fluff follow.
Warning(s): Swearing, physical beating up/hitting, non-consensual kissing/touching
Word Count: 4.6k
Prompts (list): 1, 14, 34, 85, 99
Y/N trudged into the Great Hall, looking miserable. She’d just had the worst potions class of her life. Snape had been teaching them how to make a memory potion, but she had mistakenly added the powdered sage before the stewed mandrake, causing the brew to bubble violently and splatter her Slytherin robes with putrid yellow liquid. It didn’t help that along with having unflattering stains, she now smelled like rotten roses. 
As she dragged herself to the Slytherin table, she felt stares on the back of her head. She rolled her eyes and positioned her chin over her shoulder, instantly zeroing in on the Ravenclaw boy who was pointing his thumb at her and laughing with his mates. With a discreet flick of her fir wood wand, Y/N sent the boy’s noodles flying onto his face with a loud splat. She smirked to herself while tucking her wand back into her pocket. She continued walking and took her place at the table next to her boyfriend. 
“Hello, Draco,” she said sweetly as she plopped down onto the bench. Her boyfriend looked up from his meal.
“Bloody hell, Y/N. Where have you been? And what happened to you?” he asked, his face scrunching up in disgust. It took everything in his willpower not to slide away from his potion covered girlfriend.
“Sorry, I’m a bit late. I fucked up in potions. Don’t worry, though, I’ll get cleaned up after I have my lunch. Besides, I hardly see you anymore with O.W.Ls coming up. I didn’t want to skip out on you,” she explained, shifting her gaze from the food in front of her to Draco's distasteful looking face. 
“What, Malfoy? You don’t like the smell of a failed memory potion?” she questioned while playfully leaning closer to him. Draco couldn’t take it anymore; he scrambled to scoot away from her. This made Y/N begin to giggle. She pushed her head behind her ear and batted her eyelids mockingly. 
“Why won’t you give me a kiss, love?” she asked with pouty lips, her hands making grabbing motions at the blonde boy. He opened his mouth to speak but was promptly interrupted by a snooty voice from across the table. 
“Perhaps it’s because you smell worse than a dirty house-elf, Y/N,” sneered Pansy Parkinson, a dark-haired Slytherin girl who was particularly nasty. Draco watched as Y/N’s back straightened, and her angry eyes flickered to the hard-faced girl. He knew this look well, considering she’d given it to him quite a few times throughout their two-year relationship. If it had been anyone else receiving Y/N’s glare, he might’ve felt a bit scared for them. But this was Pansy, and not many were fond of her.
“I don’t remember asking for your opinion, Parkinson. But please, by all means, let’s hear your thoughts. Frankly, I didn’t think you had any up in that empty head of yours,” Y/N retorted, her voice calm and collected. Pansy’s face went redder than a tomato. She angrily stood up from her seat, leaving her untouched sandwich sitting on the table as she stormed out of the hall, her hair swishing behind her.
Y/N scoffed. “What a wanker. Honestly, hasn’t she got anything better to do?” she questioned, voicing her irritation. Draco slid close to his girlfriend and gently put his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them firmly. He felt the tension begin to leave her muscles.
“Don’t let her get to you, love. It’s only Parkinson. Since when did you get so worked up over what she says?” Draco asked. 
Y/N remained silent. Truth be told, Pansy had been tormenting her for nearly a month now. Her usual snide remarks had never caused much of a ruse within Y/N before, but that was until she’d started attacking her and Draco’s relationship. Whenever Y/N would say goodnight to Draco and head up to the girls’ dormitory, she would be greeted by Pansy sitting next to her snotty friends. They’d sit on their beds and snicker when Y/N walked in. They’d always say things like, “You know, Draco only likes you because you’re easy,” or “He pities you, Y/N.” Not to mention all the times they'd called her a slag. At first, she was able to ignore it. But after numerous weeks of hearing such degrading and hurtful words, she’d begun to believe them. 
Telling Draco wasn’t an option. Y/N was ashamed; she didn’t want Draco to be disappointed in her for letting Pansy get to her. The look on his face if she told him would be too much to stomach.
“Y/N? What’s wrong, babydoll?” Draco asked. His girlfriend’s silence was concerning him. Y/N turned to him and forced a smile onto her lips. “Nothing,” she assured him, “I’m fine.”
Draco looked skeptical but dismissed his worry and leaned in for a quick kiss. Y/N kissed him back, but after a few moments, she pulled away. “I’d better go get cleaned up before Transfiguration. McGonagall wouldn’t be pleased if I came in like this,” she laughed while gesturing to her soiled uniform. Draco smiled and nodded. 
“I’ll see you in the common room after dinner, yeah?” he asked as Y/N stood up from the table and pushed her hair out of her face. She willed herself to look up and shake her head, yes. Her boyfriend still looked apprehensive. “See you then,” she choked out as she spun on her foot and made haste to leave the Great Hall. 
Later in the school day, Y/N was leaving her last class, Herbology, and was walking through the mysteriously empty corridors, the thought of a relaxing bath filling her head, when she ran smack into someone. She nearly toppled over from the impact, but the person she’d bumped into quickly seized her arm and pulled her close to their chest. Y/N instantly felt uncomfortable and pushed herself off of the tall figure. Upon looking up, she saw that Blaise Zabini had been the one to save her ass from hitting the floor. She’d never been one to forgo manners as many other Slytherins did, so she nodded her head and said, “Thanks, Zabini.”
He smirked down at her, his white teeth showing. “No problem, sweetheart,” he purred. A cold shudder ran down Y/N’s spine. She didn’t like this situation one bit; however, when she tried to distance herself and Blaise, he grabbed her upper arm and tugged her towards him. She found herself once again pressed up against the boy’s chest. 
“Where you going, babydoll?” he asked. Bile rose up from Y/N’s stomach. When Draco called her babydoll, it was cute, but when the word fell from Blaise’s lips, she felt thoroughly sick. She wiggled her arm, trying desperately to remove it from his grasp. But it was to no avail. His fingers were wrapped around her bicep so firmly she could practically feel the bruises beginning to form.
Y/N continued to struggle against him. “Let go of me, you prat,” she grunted. Blaise didn't heed her words; instead, he stared at something behind her. Y/N looked over her shoulder, but before she had the chance to register who was there, Blaise took her chin in his fingers and forced his lips onto hers. Y/N squealed in shock and tried to use her free arm to push Blaise off. She felt fear overtake her entire body as she fought hard to get out of his clutches. But the boy was too powerful. Luckily for Y/N, she remembered what her father had always told her to do if a male ever tried to violate her. Hit him where it hurts. Without a moment's hesitation, she lifted her foot and rammed her knee into Blaise’s crotch with as much force as she could muster. 
He grunted painfully and instantly let go of her, his hands flying to protect his private parts from any further harm. “Fucking bitch!” he yelled. Y/N backed away from him in fear. She was about to run away when she remembered that he had been staring behind her. Y/N turned around to see Pansy holding a camera in one hand and fresh pictures in the other. Her heart raced when she put two and two together. She’d been set up, and she was angry. Y/N whipped out her wand and pointed it at Pansy's head. Wordlessly, she sent the camera and pictures flying from her grasp and into her own. This didn’t please the Slytherin, who took out her own wand and angrily shouted, “Flipendo!” Before Y/N could react, she was sent flying backward, letting the camera and pictures fall from her hands. 
When she fell, her head hit the floor hard enough that it bounced. She stayed still as pain pulsed through her entire skull. As she was recovering from the intense blow, Pansy strutted over to her. She laughed as she stood over her and glared down. “Look at you—what a pathetic excuse for a Slytherin. Can’t even properly defend yourself,” she sneered. Y/N, fueled by anger, jumped to her feet and shouted the first spell that came to mind without thinking. “Incarcerous!” Ropes shot from the tip of her wand and wrapped around Pansy’s chest and arms, rendering her defenseless and immobile. Adrenaline was still rushing in her bloodstream when a deep voice called out to her.
“Miss Y/L/N,” it bellowed. Y/N’s heart sank; she recognized that voice to be Severus Snape’s. Sighing, she tucked her wand into her robe and glanced to her left to see the greasy-haired professor. His robe was flowing behind him as he walked rapidly towards her. “Detention,” he declared. Y/N knew better than to argue; the last time she tried, she’d only earned herself another week of writing lines in Snape’s office. After nodding to her potions professor, she turned to go but then spotted the camera. It was in Blaise’s hands. He simply smirked at her and sauntered away. 
No, no, no, Y/N thought as her heart sank. She felt as though she was rooted to the stone floor. It was obvious what Pansy and Blaise were planning to do with those photos. They had thought this out; they were going to show them to Draco. After she realized the shit she was in, Y/N knew there was only one thing she could do at this point. Get to Draco before they did. 
She bent her knees and took off sprinting through the hallway, determination pumping through her body. But she was stopped short by the sound of her name coming from Snape. Reluctantly and defeatedly, she willed her feet to slow down. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?” Snape called out to her. Y/N spun around slowly, a grimace plastered to her face. “My dorm,” she said uncertainly; her statement sounded more like a question.
Snape raised an eyebrow. “You’ll be coming with me to my office to serve your detention.” Y/N grumbled to herself angrily. She still couldn’t understand why Snape was never as nice to her as he was towards the rest of the Slytherin house. Y/N watched as Snape freed Pansy from her restraints. She got to her feet and thanked her head of house before strolling down the corridor, making sure to leer at Y/N when she passed. The urge to sock her in the jaw was strong, but Y/N refrained and followed after Snape, hoping to get detention over with as soon as possible.
Draco was fiddling with a stray thread on his sweater when Pansy sat down next to him. He gave her a look. Pansy had a devilish smirk on her face. “Hello, Draco,” she cooed. The blonde shifted his weight so that he was farther away from Pansy. “What do you want?” he questioned. “I’m waiting for Y/N.”
Pansy’s head fell back as she let out a shrill laugh. “You won’t give a damn about her once you see this,” she declared cheerfully. Draco looked at her quizzically. “See what?” he hesitantly asked. Pansy wiggled her eyebrows and reached into her pocket. Slowly, she pulled out two pictures and passed one to Draco. His eyes studied her face before they downshifted to the photo in his lap. Draco’s confusion only grew when he saw what the picture was showing. Y/N and Blaise were pressed up against one another. Her hand was touching his chest, and he was caressing her cheek. 
“What the fuck is this, Parkinson?” Draco spat violently. Pansy said nothing; she only handed him the second photo. Draco snatched it from her; his breathing stopped when he looked at it. It was a photo of them kissing. Blaise and Y/N had kissed. Draco felt betrayed, deceived, hoodwinked, you name it, he felt it. Questions began to flood his brain. How could she do this? How long had she been seeing Blaise? Was he not good enough for her? Had he done something to upset her? Panic began to rise within Draco.
“She’s been cheating on you for quite some time, Draco. I was going to tell you sooner, but I knew you wouldn’t believe me without proof,” Pansy said sweetly. She tentatively put her hand on Draco’s shoulder and began to rub up and down soothingly. He barely registered her touch as his world began to crumble. His heart was totally and utterly broken. He couldn’t think he couldn’t breathe. Nothing made sense to him at that moment. 
“This must be so hard for you, Draco. I’m so sorry. But look on the bright side, now you can get rid of her. You have proof that she cheated. There’s no way she can deny what she did,” Pansy said a little too excitedly. But Draco paid her no mind; his eyes still hadn’t moved from the photographs in his palms. 
“Where is she?” he asked through gritted teeth. Pansy sighed dejectedly. “Well, she attacked me in the hallway, but Snape caught her. I suspect she’s still in detention, but—” Pansy was cut off by Draco springing to his feet, the photos in his tight grip. “Where are you going?” she asked him; he was at the door. Without looking back, he said, “To find her.”
“Draco! Wait!” Pansy exclaimed, but Draco was already gone. 
Snape’s office wasn’t far; it was in the dungeons along with the Slytherin common room and potions classroom. Draco’s heart was racing as he stormed through the hallways. He had no plan of action; he just knew he had to find her. Millions of possibilities ran through his head, but he didn't stop to ponder any of them. He rounded a corner and felt his breath catch in his throat. There she was. She looked distraught. When her eyes found Draco, she walked towards him immediately. Draco didn’t move from his spot. He let her come to him. When she reached him, she stared at him intently. A few moments of heavy silence passed before she decided to test the waters. “Draco?” she asked hesitantly.
“How long?” he retorted.
“How long? What do you mean?”
“Don’t play fucking dumb, Y/N. How long have you and Blaise been together, huh?”
Y/N’s face paled. “Draco, it is not what it looks like. Whatever Pansy told you isn’t true.”
Draco laughed. “She didn’t tell me. She showed me,” he replied in a strangely calm voice. Y/N felt tears spring to her eyes as Draco harshly shoved the photographs into her hands. She reluctantly looked down at the images of her and Blaise. She knew it looked terrible, but she was determined to make Draco believe her. 
“What do you have to say for yourself? I mean, seriously, was I not good enough for you? Is that it?” Draco asked. Hurt was audible in his voice.
Y/N felt her heart shatter. “Draco, don’t talk like that, of course, you’re good enough for me. You’re more than enough. Please, you have to trust me, you have to believe me. I would never cheat on you; they set me up.” Y/N pleaded. Her eyes were wide with fear.
Draco scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. “Don’t lie to me, don’t make up stories. You cheated, and you didn’t care about the repercussions. Did you ever care? Was I just a game, just a toy for you?” He asked, his voice cracking.
“Of course I cared about you, Draco, I still do. I never fucking stopped caring about you... About us. Draco, I love you, please believe me, please let me explain,” she begged. But Draco wasn’t having it. He took a step backward; she took one forward. Draco clenched his fists. “Get away from me. We’re done.”
Y/N began to panic. “No, no, Draco, listen to me. Please don’t leave, please—”
“Shut up. Shut the fuck up! I don’t give a damn what you have to say. I don’t want to hear from you again, I don’t want to look at you. Do you understand me? Stay the fuck away from me,” Draco commanded. He continued backing up. This time, Y/N stayed put. Tears fell from her cheeks as she watched her lover leave. She felt her legs begin to tremble. She couldn't believe this was happening. It had only been a few hours ago that she had given him a good morning kiss. How had they ended up in this situation so fast? Her legs continued to shake, and eventually, she collapsed onto the cold floor. Sobs racked her body. 
A few weeks later, Draco was sitting in his usual spot in the Great Hall. In Y/N’s place, however, sat Pansy. She was leaning on her hand and gazing at Draco mindlessly. Truth be told, it made Draco a bit uncomfortable. But he did his best to ignore her as he finished up his supper. The past week had been extremely hard for him. He’d hardly gotten any sleep due to the fact all he could think about was Y/N. The look on her face when he’d ended things was burned into his mind. She’d looked so heartbroken, almost as if she was the one who was hurting. Draco knew better than that; he knew he was the one who’d been deceived. He was the one who’d been cheated on, for crying out loud. If anyone was hurting, it was him. 
Every time he saw an orange, her favorite fruit, he’d feel his heart clench. Whenever he’d pass the astronomy tower, he’d be reminded of all their time spent up there. The worst, however, was seeing her in the hallways. It hurt beyond belief to see her with Blaise. It just so happened that every time Draco saw them, Blaise's arm was around her waist. It made him sick to his stomach.
“You feeling alright, Dray?” Pansy inquired, pulling Draco out of his thoughts. He nodded and continued to pick at his shepherd's pie. “You don’t look, alright,” Pansy pushed further. Draco slammed his fist onto the table, making some fellow Slytherins irritated. He ignored them and glared at the girl next to him. “I found out a week ago that my girlfriend of two years has been cheating on me. Sorry, I’m not my usual fucking self,” he snapped. Pansy looked disturbed by his angry outburst and decided to remain silent for the rest of their meal.
Draco remained quiet as well; he didn’t like talking anymore. Hell, he didn’t like doing anything anymore. He felt so empty without her. She gave his life joy. Bullying first years and Harry Potter wasn’t the most fulfilling activity, neither was burying himself in his studies. But when Y/N was present, he was happy; he was important. Without her, he felt worthless. 
Just then, Draco noticed the couple themselves walking towards the doors of the Great Hall. Blaise’s hand was wrapped around Y/N's arm. She looked a bit disgruntled. When the pair passed Draco and Pansy, Y/N made eye contact with the blonde boy. Her eyes seemed sad, pleading almost. This intrigued Draco more than he cared to admit. He watched them leave, waited a few seconds, then stood up from his seat.
“Draco, where are you going? You haven’t finished your dinner,” Pansy whined. He chose to ignore her and follow after his former lover instead. 
When he walked through the doors, he headed for the stairs to the dungeons. He knew Y/N would always go straight to the common room after dinner; he could only hope that was still true. Draco could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he raced down the stone steps. He wasn’t quite sure what had possessed him to follow after the girl who cheated on him, but there he was running after her.
When he got to the bottom of the staircase, he became acutely aware of the lack of people in the Hogwarts basement. Usually, Slytherins would be lurking around every corner, but not tonight. It was too quiet for Draco's liking. He willed himself to calm down. Once he did, he heard the sound of hushed voices coming from his right. He quietly hastened down the dark corridor until he came to the end of it. “Leave me alone,” a familiar voice said. Draco knew it was Y/N, he felt his heart jump upon hearing her, but He stayed hidden behind a wall and urged himself to open his ears to the conversation around the corner.
“You and Parkinson have already ruined my relationship. Can’t you just leave me be now? I thought you were just helping her get those photos; why are you still bothering me?” Y/N asked. She sounded exasperated.
“Pansy did pay me well for those pictures, but I’m afraid I’ve taken a liking to you, sweetheart. You’re just too pretty to pass up.”
After a few beats, Y/N replied with a quiet, “Don’t touch me.” Anger began to boil within Draco, but he didn’t let his presence be known just yet. He wanted to continue eavesdropping on their conversation. 
“What’s wrong, babydoll? Don’t like me?” Blaise asked tauntingly. Draco clenched his fists in an attempt to control his anger. But he knew it was only a matter of time before he lost his temper. 
“Well, no shit Zabini. You fucking assaulted me and—” Y/N was cut off by a loud slap. This set Draco off; he launched himself off the wall and rounded the corner, wand out, and raised. Y/N and Blaise were shocked to see him here, but Blaise quickly masked his surprise and put his hands behind his back.
“Ah, Malfoy. Fancy seeing you here,” he said. Draco stormed up to him and pressed the tip of his wand to Blaise’s throat. He withdrew his hands slowly while staring at the wand, fear in his eyes. “Hey man, what the fuck are you doing?” he asked in a wavery voice.
“Did you hit her?” Draco asked. His voice was dark, his pupils were tiny as he glared at Blaise. The tall boy didn’t reply. Draco pressed his wand further into his neck. “Look at her, Zabini. Her cheek is burning red; I know you see it. So let me ask you again, did you fucking hit her? And don’t lie to me, you piece of shit.” Draco seethed. Y/N watched the exchange between the boys with terror on her face. She felt anything but safe.
Blaise gulped. “She was acting like a bitch,” he shrugged. Draco didn’t hesitate. “Petrificus Totalus!” Blaise fell backward onto the floor with a loud thud; he was now frozen. Draco stood over him, steaming as he tucked his wand into his pocket and reeled back his fist. “Draco, no!” Y/N yelled. But Draco was blind with rage. He rammed his fist into Blaise’s cheek. Y/N cried out for him to stop, but he hit him again and again. Blaise didn't make a peep as he was forced to endure Draco's brutal punches. Y/N looked on with tears streaming down her face. She didn’t try to stop him for fear he would turn on her. 
Once Draco was satisfied with the pulp he had beat Balise into, he released him from his invisible bonds. The boy scrambled to his feet and ran off to the Slytherin common room, not wanting to test Draco’s patience any further. Draco watched him go as he examined the blood on his knuckles. At last, he and Y/N were alone. The blonde boy turned to Y/N. His stomach dropped when he saw her tear stricken face. Her eyes were filled with fear as she peered up at him from her spot on the floor. Draco hesitantly crouched down. 
“Y/N… it’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said softly. Y/N began to cry even more. Draco felt his stomach churn with regret, and he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Y/N.
“I didn’t cheat o-on you. Parkinson pu-put Zabini up to it. I didn’t kiss him willingly,” she stuttered, her body still rocking with sobs. Draco felt like a complete arsehole. He should've just let her explain that night. If he would've only heard her out, they could've avoided all of this.
 Draco gently reached out his hand and waited until Y/N placed hers on top of it. He intertwined his fingers with hers. The warmth from her touch was a stark contrast to the icy feeling of his. He pulled her hand close and softly kissed it. “I believe you, love. I’m sorry I didn’t before, but I do now. Please forgive me.”
Y/N rubbed her nose and gradually opened her arms. Draco pulled her into a much-needed hug. He pressed his face into her shoulder and relished in the feeling of her arms around his. Even though it had only been a week, it had felt much longer. So to finally be back in each other’s embrace was like a breath of fresh air.
When they pulled away, Draco caressed her face and, with his thumb, began to wipe the tears from her soft cheeks. He noticed the fading red mark from Blaise’s slap, and he felt his fury begin to return. But Y/N saw this right away. She put her own hands on Draco’s face, forcing him to look her in the eyes. “I’m okay, just a little spooked is all,” she assured him. Draco saw right through her just like she’d seen through him. He knew she was terrified.
“You don’t have to put on a brave face for me, love. You’ve been hurt in so many ways, and I am so sorry. But I’m here now, and I promise you, nobody is going to lay another hand on you, okay? I’ve got you if you'll have me,” Draco said. Y/N smiled and pressed her forehead to his. They remained that way for a few moments before Draco pulled her into his lap. He stroked her hair comfortingly and began to rock her back and forth, calming her remaining tears. 
After a few minutes of this, Y/N turned around in Draco’s grasp. She smiled and reached up to push his hair out of his face. Usually, it would be clean-cut and uniform, but that night’s events had turned it into a messy mop. She chuckled to herself, causing Draco to look at her quizzically. “What?” he asked. Y/N tilted her head and pursed her lips. “You’re just too cute, is all.”
Draco felt blush rush to his cheeks; he buried his face in Y/N’s shoulder yet again. She simply hummed contentedly and pressed a kiss to his head. “I missed you,” she mumbled. Draco lifted his head and placed a tender kiss on her lips. “I missed you too, my lovely.”
“Please don’t break up with me again. I was so sad,” Y/N said with pouty lips. Oh, how Draco had missed those. He leaned in for another kiss. “Don’t worry, I was really lonely without you. You’re stuck with me for the foreseeable future,” Draco declared. Y/N giggled. “Good,” she replied. 
And suddenly...everything was okay again. 
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henqtic · 3 years
Hi, I love your writing so much! :) Could I request a dracoxreader where the reader is having a really bad day and he ends up comforting & cuddling her until she stops crying and eventually falls asleep in his arms. He just admires her while she's sleeping and is really sweet to her when she wakes up
𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘺
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
word count: 1.0k (1064)
authors note: thank you so much,, I’m glad you like my writing !! also sorry for this thing so long, i actually started it around when you sent it but then my brain just shut down and i couldn’t really figure out how exactly i wanted to write everything but here it is— with the end sort of changed up :)
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masterlist. // taglist form. // request works. // picture creds.
you were having a horrible day and there was no other way to describe it. really, you searched, high and low for a way to see it in a brighter light but you just couldn’t. from start to middle and to now, what you would call the end, there was no positive connotation for how you felt.
first, you’d woken up late from none of your dorm mates taking the time to get you up. they left some note on the dresser saying that they tried but every time you’d raise your head, you’d just bury yourself amongst the blankets again. and that shouldn’t have been a big deal nor should it have made a huge dent in your day, but once you checked the clock which the paper was stuck to, you cringed at the fact that you had missed the entirety of breakfast.
so then you were late to transfigurations for the fourth time that week, earning a very passive aggressive lecture from professor mcgonagall on why it was imperative to be on time and not to be off ‘dilly dallying’ when you were supposed to be learning.
and that would've also been okay because you completely understood where her frustration was coming from, even though the idea of why you’d been late in the first place was totally off and completely wrong—
you were just a heavy sleeper who needed to set more alarms that would wake you up rather than everyone else except you.
but no, it wasn’t that simple, she had to do it in front of the whole class, one filled with some of the most obnoxious gryffindors who you’d ever met. some threw disgusted looks while others went as far as whistling and howling because malfoy’s girlfriend showed up looking like she’d just rolled out of his bed.
everything had gone well— until your third lesson when you accidentally knocked over a jar of a very hard to obtain ingredient on your way out to lunch. and snape was quick to blame it on you, not the fact that if it was so hard to harvest, maybe the best place to store it wasn’t in glass on the edge of a table.
nevertheless, he made you stay back to clean the mess by hand when the same job with magic with less time wasted— by the time you did get there, nearly all of the good foods were gone and so was your boyfriend who you were ready to vent to about the whole thing.
“he had to go to the library to tutor that first year, he made me save you this piece of cake though,” daphne explained, handing you a piece of lemon cake wrapped up in a brown napkin, your favorite.
“thanks daph,” you smiled, feeling that your day was improving and that you could save your little rant for the end of the day.
“no problem.”
but it didn’t. no, your day didn’t improve in the slightest. because now your stomach was tightening, glancing down at the big red T staining the charms exam that you'd spent a bunch of time studying for.
it was staring right back at you, like a taunt that all of your hard work had gone to waste, and professor flitwick's look of disappointment didn’t help at all.
so you knew by the time you’d got out of the illuminated room and to the gloomy dungeons you were crying, taking advantage of the dark lighting as your shoes pattered against the stone floor.
and once you made it to the entrance of the slytherin common room, muttering the three syllable password that draco had given you earlier that week and walking up the long staircase, you made sure you looked presentable. not a tear in sight like you’d had the best day in the world. but still, for safe measure, your eyes were wiped once more before knocking on the door.
“come in!” you heard a comforting voice call out from the other side of the wooden door.
you slowly turned the knob and walked in, putting your bag down and untying the fabric around your neck without making a single piece of eye contact with him in hope that he wouldn’t notice your current state.
“oh love it’s just you, you know you don’t have to knock,” he said before not fully relaxing into the bed, concerned at how long it was taking you to undo a tie.
“are you alright?”
“course i am,” you lied, turning around and mustering up the best smile you could still causing him to look at you skeptically.
“that’s good, how was your day then?” he asked, trying to go at the situation in the best way, not expecting your face to fall at the question.
he was being genuine and it was something you should've expected since he asked it every time you’d go through this routine but no, no, no, he should've asked something different because it’s just what pushed you over the edge. 
your lip quivered as that gut wrenching feeling that you hadn't felt in a long time came, a pit forming in your stomach until it traveled up to your throat and there was no way to swallow it back down. your eyes started to water as you shook your head, trying to tell him no without talking because you knew if you did, it wouldn't end up well for you. and he already knew that because immediately after he saw the signs, he enveloped you in his arms.
you weren’t a person who cried often, not even that time you fell off your quidditch broom, you refused to do it because it ‘hadn't hurt that bad’ and it would seriously concern him sometimes, on why you were so intent on not doing it. but he hadn’t asked any questions knowing how you’d like to be treated in these times, you didn't want to be bombarded with solutions or asks or told that you would get and feel better, but just to be held until it passed.
so that’s what he did, let you cry it out until his shirt was wet with salty tears, knowing that when you did wake up, he'd figure out the mess on his own and make you feel better over whatever happened throughout the oh so terrible day.
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general// draco malfoy taglist- @harmqnia  @eunoniaa @dracosaccount @ambi-doo12 @mypainistemporary @ang9lic @daltonacademia @inglourious-imagines @willowmores @fjorelaant @slutfordracoluciusmalfoy @axgelre @beforeoursunsets @helleli @o-rion-sta-r @alexavolturisblog @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts @myalupinblack @l0vely-lupin @turn-to-page-394-please @clownybrit @callmesasha @aguamvnti @dracosathenaeum @maybanksslut @dracomalfoys-wh0re @lovecroftreads @sfdlm @marrymetheonott @becgggg @gwlvr @oh-my-ronron-mphfpc-fanfic-heart  @draco-malfoys-significant-other  @bella-lxhp @trashyvicks @Imtryingbutithurts @potterheadtwilighter @galimalfoyweasley @tomandjaebae @mrsmaifoy @riddleswh0r3crux @drachoesimp @elevatorsdoor @dlmmdl @hogwarts-boys @akaaaaashiiii @writeandtranslate @fleursbabe @desiredmalfoy @badass-yn @ilygw @elevatorsdoor @redheaded-hobbit @belladaises @yandere-marvel @angelxnaa @lovelymalfoyy 
if I couldn't tag you, you may need to check your privacy settings and if you want to be tagged in my future draco works or for any of the other characters I write for fill out this form :) 
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Pairing: young!Severus Snape x reader
Requested by: anon ‘Hi, I love your writing! I was wondering if you could write an obscenity with young Snape, that Y\N is James' sister, he and Sirius through the Marauders' map discovered and caught them together. Thank you very much in advance!’
Notes: I feel like I haven’t written HP in AGES
Warnings: making out, threatening, fist fight, blood
Gif creds to owner
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“Oi, Prongs,” Sirius beckoned his best friend and your brother over to his bed where he was poring over the marauders map. “What’s YN doing in the dungeons? Has she got detention with Slughorn?”
James looked over his shoulder, and sure enough the little dot labelled ‘YN Potter’ was pacing in one of the dungeon classrooms. “Impressive,” he shrugged. “Ah, mum will have a heart attack when she finds out little YN gets detentions too,” the pair laughed, discussing what odious crime you must have committed in order to earn yourself a detention off Professor Slughorn of all people.
“What’s funny?” Remus said, closely followed by Peter as they entered the dorm room.
“Sweet YN Potter had landed herself in detention with old Sluggy. We’re trying to figure out how to break the dreadful news to James’s parents,” Sirius said in a somber voice as James snorted with laughter.
“I’ve just seen Slughorn on his way to the staff room,” remus said nonchalantly, rooting through his bedside drawer for a bar of chocolate.
“And Slughorn isn’t on detentions this week,” Peter added. “It’s Flitwick’s turn. And he just makes you sit and read for an hour, he wouldn’t send anyone to the dungeons,”
James and Sirius looked at one another and shrugged. “Maybe she’s planting dung bombs,” Sirius suggested, and James feigned wiping away a tear.
“I’m so proud of her- wait, look,” James pointed to the dungeon classroom. Your dot had stopped pacing as another dot came down the corridor and into the classroom.
It was labelled ‘Severus Snape’.
“I’ll kill him!” James said suddenly. “I bet he knows all sorts of dark magic, and he’s gonna use it on YN!”
“James, don’t jump to conclusions,” remus said, trying to reason. “It’s not like YN can’t defend herself. You had to get Mcgonagall to undo her octopus foot hex remember?”
But James wasn’t listening; he and Sirius hurried out of the Gryffindor tower, making their way to the dungeon.
“Sev!” You giggled, pressing your forehead against your (secret) boyfriend’s as he lifted you onto the desk. “What if someone-“
“I’ve locked the door,” Severus smirked, nudging your chin up so he could press gentle kisses to your neck. You shivered as his low voice rumbled against the sensitive skin of your neck, sending bolts of electricity down your body. You adored his voice, much deeper than his peers, and the way it rumbled and vibrated from his chest and against your skin…
You parted your legs, grasping onto Severus’s belt loops, tugging him nearer to you, and he grabbed your thighs, pulling them around him so that you were flush against one another. You let out a tiny moan, which was quickly shushed by Severus sealing his lips over yours, kissing you firmly. You sighed into his mouth as you kissed, tongue and teeth clashing, fingertips scrabbling for anything to hold onto, so long as it was the other person. Severus groaned, one hand splayed over your back, the other inching up your shirt as you arched your back to him; it had been ages since you had time alone…
The door banged open and before you could fully register what was happening, there was a shout of “levicorpus!”
In James’s rage, the spell narrowly missed the your boyfriend. It screamed past your ear, hitting the wall before the light dissipated.
“James!” You gasped, pushing Severus away from you and jumping down from the desk. “What the f-“
“What the fuck am I doing? What the fuck are you doing! What did you do to her? Have you cursed her? I’ll kill you for this, Snivellous- how dare you even look at my little sister!”
“James!” You shouted, putting yourself between your brother and your boyfriend.
“No, YN, it’s okay. We’ll take you to Madame pomfrey. I bet he’s used one of his stupid little potions on YN,” he said to Sirius. “You’ll pay for this, Snape, taking advantage of my little sister like that,”
“YN has no such potion in her system,” Severus finely spoke up, his voice cold and hard. “I would never do that to any woman. Ever. Especially not to my own girlfriend,”
You cursed mentally, preparing yourself for the onslaught of shouting that would surely ensue. James and Sirius stood blinking, mouths opening and shutting as if they were goldfish, before what Severus had said registered on James. His eyes darkened and he flew towards the Slytherin, knocking him to the ground, landing a firm punch to Severus’s nose, surely breaking it. “James, get off him!” You shouted, trying to haul him off. Severus managed to scramble to his feet, blood dripping down his face, which he quickly swiped away.
“James, you utter dickhead! You have no right to go around punching people!” You hissed, your wand now grasped in you hand.
“I do when slimy gits like him start touching up my baby sister!” James retorted, brows tugged together as he glared at severus over your shoulder. Sirius nodded his agreement, eyes firmly on the slytherin.
“Oh, grow up,” you said sharply, rolling your eyes. “I’m going out with him, James, I’ve been seeing him for months!”
James glared at you. “Oh, wait until mum find out about this. I bet you’ve been shagging in classrooms,”
“So what if I have? I’m old enough to consent, and I’m not gonna get pregnant,” you retorted. “And besides, mum already knows,” you turned your back to your brother and took Severus’s arm, ready to take him to the hospital wing. “And if any of you lot raise your fists or your wands towards Severus, I will castrate you, James, and I will never, ever speak to you again,”
Tags: @liliputbahn @lilymurphy03 @pinkandblueblurbs @wholebigboxofyikes @remus-lupin-simp @dailyalanrickman @cremedelabrulee @simpforsnape @imareallygrumpyme @ithinkweallsing @lizlil @whizzbeesdukes @sassicaismysupreme @acciosiriusblack @highfunctioningfangirl19 @sociallyawkward-princess @mypainistemporary @pandaxnienke @agalandhermarvelobsession @once-upon-an-imagine @lazyotakujen @lilypad-55449 @rogertaylorismycar @lxoxtxtxi @wh0reforthemarauders
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dracoxgeorge · 3 years
Idiot- Draco Malfoy
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(not my gif)
Warnings: Just fluff lmk if I missed smtg!!
Draco x fem reader
Word Count:1.1k
Summary: You and Draco say I love you for the first time 
A/n: not proof read so sorry if this sucks, requests are open! Have a good day/night!!
You and the one and only Draco Malfoy began dating a little over a month ago, he had kindly asked you to go to Hogsmead with him after school and like many of the other girls at Hogwarts, you fancied him, but the again how could you not.
So you said yes, and the night ended with a kiss once he had returned you to your house common room. You guys went on three more dates and decided to make it official. 
It was a regular Thursday afternoon and you just happened to be stuck in detention for tripping and landing on Snape's cape, taking him down with you. 
“Miss Yln, I have a meeting to go to, Mr. Malfoy here will be supervising you until you finish your assignment. I trust that you two will behave as though I’m still here.” 
You and Draco nodded at his demands, reading over your apology letter that had been your assignment until he had left the room. 
Professor Snape,
I truly want to apologize for stumbling onto your cape. I had no intentions of toppling over, I simply tripped on someone's foot. In no means would I have ever wanted to take you down with me. 
Though you may not believe me, the fall was not at all my fault, some Ravenclaw in the halls had tripped me and ran once he found that you and I had fallen. 
I know now to work on my balance but personally, I think that you should shorten your cape, as it is a huge safety hazard to anyone walking down the crowded corridors of Hogwarts while you are too. 
I’m actually overjoyed at the fact that you too fell, because now we both know what there is for us to work on, although I am still very sorry that you did.
Have a wonderful evening,  Yn Yln
“Would you like me to take a look at that for you Miss Yln?” Draco’s voice made you jump slightly while handing over your parchment. 
“Go for it.” You answered, fumbling with your rings while he read it. 
Draco’s eyes caught your attention, they were so entrancing. The mix of silver and blue never failed to pull you into a daze. You found that his icy blue orbs were now glancing back up at you.
“Miss, I would appreciate it if you didn’t stare at me while I’m trying to read.” He said looking back down at your paper. You watched his eyebrows scrunch in confusion and a smug smile creep onto his lips,
“You’re overjoyed that you fell on top of him? Never thought I’d be hearing that.” 
Draco watched a light pink cover your soft cheeks in awe. 
“I mean yeah, we would’ve never had the opportunity to learn from this if it weren't to happen.” 
You watched a sigh escape his plump lips while he placed your paper onto Snape’s desk. 
“So, whatcha wanna do?” You asked, in a playful manner, while hoisting yourself onto the desk you were seated at. You adjusted yourself so you were sitting at the end of the desk while your legs hung off. 
Draco made his way back to you, standing in between your legs. Your hands made their way up from his collar bones, into the silk that was his hair, pushing it back and watching it fall right back onto his forehead. 
“Well I have an idea, but I don’t think you’ll like it so much.” He answered with a suggestive smirk, while raising his eyebrows. 
You pulled him into an enchanting kiss, before abruptly pulling away. 
“Yeah, probably not.” You laughed, standing up on the desk.
“How about something fun?” You suggested, looking down at his flushed face. 
“Are you implying that my ideas aren’t fun Miss Yln?” He sobbed, holding his hand to his heart, pouting.
“Yes, Mr. Malfoy, do something about it.” You challenged, bracing yourself before jumping onto the desk in front of you. 
“Careful my girl, don't want you to mess up that pretty face of yours,” Draco joked.
He watched closely as you jumped from desk to desk, getting more careless every time you landed safely. 
As you were about to jump to the desk Draco was standing behind (on the end closest to you) your right foot slipped too early and you began to fall. You scrunched your eyes closed in hopes it would brace you for the fall. 
Just as you would’ve hit the ground, you felt yourself being encased in your boyfriend's embrace. He set you gently on the floor and you immediately wrapped him in your arms.
“Darling, I was only joking, please be more careful.” He whispered, hugging you back gently, letting out a breathy laugh.
“That was… Exhilarating, I could’ve sworn I saw my life flash before my eyes.” You claimed, laughing into his chest, inhaling his expensive cologne. 
“I hope that doesn’t mean you’re gonna do it again.”
It was Saturday night, you and Draco had just spent the day relaxing with a bubble bath, massaging each other and having many meaningful conversations throughout the day.
You two had ended the day cuddling while watching 2 movies in dim candle light. 
You felt Draco shift from your spot on his chest, and looked up to see him yawning.
“You tired, Dray?” You watched him shake his head no, which was obviously a lie. You in turn, shook your head in adoration.
“Well I think we should get going to bed, it's getting pretty late. I’m just gonna head to the bathroom first, alright?” 
“Of course my girl.” He answered. 
You headed to the bathroom and did your business. While washing your hands, you reminded yourself to go blow out the candles.
You opened the bathroom door to see Draco laying in bed playing with the hem of his hoodie waiting for you. You smiled to yourself, wondering how you got so lucky.
You walked up to the bed, getting under the covers, snuggling into Draco’s side.
Once you got comfortable, you saw that you didn’t blow out the candles, which you had previously reminded yourself to do. 
“What's wrong, lovely?” He asked, looking down at you.
“I literally just reminded myself to blow out the candles like two seconds ago-” You paused, getting up to actually blow out the candles that time. You blew out the candles and got back in bed.
“You know Draco, you're dating an Idiot.”
A clumsy one at that.
“No, I’m in love with an idiot” He murmured. It felt like your heart was trying to leap out of your chest, yet if felt like you’d just let out a breath that you’d been holding in for the entirety of your relationship.
“You love me?” He chuckled, 
“Took you long enough to realize,” He answered, kissing the top of your forehead. You felt your heart flutter and began straddling him.
You placed kisses upon kisses all over his face,
 “I love you too, Draco”
Quick thank you to kool-aid for giving me the energy to finish writing this. 
Thank you guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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account-archived · 3 years
(Student y/n x snape) she is snapes fav student and they have friend like bond yns family forces her to marry and snape gives advice. Don't feel yourself presured just an idea
This literally took me way too long to get to and you probably won't see this anon but I love you thank you for your request.
Y/N had always been an attentive and obedient student in class, earning the favor of one Professor Snape.
During her younger years, he watched over her like a father, always making sure she never got herself into trouble.
That proved harder to accomplish as she got older and boys began to complicate things.
As any good father figure, Severus had always secretly wished her well when it came to her personal life, he always hoped she would find someone who would appreciate her and take care of her and be present for her.
During her seventh year, their bond became less familial and more friendly and Severus went out of his way to treat her like an equal in class.
When she graduated, he didn't expect to see her again, but he hoped she would be well off.
Over the summer that year, Severus received a letter from Y/N saying her parents were forcing her to marry one of their friend's sons, a union that would secure she would be financially well off but never happy.
Severus hated inviting people to his home, but he did so for her.
When she arrived he offered her tea and a warm blanket, opening all the curtains and windows to let sun in.
He even offered to brew her a calming draught.
Y/N cried on his sofa for what felt like hours and he very patiently listened and watched until he deemed it his turn to speak.
"Perhaps there is a way out of this. There is nothing legally binding you to obey your parents, if it's money you need I will help."
Severus didn't have much. He had grown up in poverty and a teacher's salary barely covered his own living expenses, but he would help her no matter what it cost.
"And perhaps if you need a place to stay, I can help you search for a new home."
When Y/N told him she didn't even have a dime to her name, his heart broke.
"Then perhaps you could stay here with me, just until you get on your feet and away from your current situation."
If you liked this blurb please follow my new account @empressofalderaan
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itsthewritergal · 4 years
Beautiful Friendship - F.W x reader
Y/N Huffed into her textbook as the laughs filled the library. The Weasley twins were showing off some of their new products to the younger kids who should be studying, but had now become distracted by the selection of sweets laid out in front of them. She had never been the biggest fan of the twins, it was nothing against them expect their constant targeting of her for their pranks. Last year she had ended up in the hospital wing twice, once with hair that would stay green and the second time with a rather tasty broken ankle from where she had slipped on some of the slime in the hallways. Other than that, they had charmed her books to disappear or her robes to be far to big or far too small.
Pushing the thoughts of the twins out of her head and With a scowl directed towards them she attempted to turn back to her Charms essay, one which she should have finished a few days ago, yet still lay blank in front of her.
Finally getting rather fed up with her lack of being able to concentrate she stood up and made her way over to the loud table
“There are many other places for you two to do that, please can you just leave the library in piece. Some people are stressed with actual study” She snapped, her tone much more harsh than she had meant it to be
“Yeah sorry, let’s go Fred” George said with an apologetic smile. With that Y/N turned around and sat herself back on her table.
It was late, Y/N had completely lost track of time, her stomach growled at her. She was so wrapped up with finishing her homework that she ended up working through dinner. Remembering that she had some left over chocolate frogs from her last trip to Hogsmede she quickly made her way to the common room.
Ducking through the portrait hole she could hear the commotion from the Twins before she saw them. They were shouting excitedly to a group of innocent first years about their snackboxes. Y/N did her best to sneak past without being seen, but Fred caught sight of her.
“Hello hello, did you finish your actual study” He smirked, Y/N rolled her eyes in an attempt to get up to her dorm unscathed
“Fred leave it out” George said noticing the way Y/N shoulders slumped sadly
“I want to know what was so important, let’s see it” He continued ignoring his brother, with a flick of his wand , Y/N’s essay was out of her bag and now in his hand
“Give it back Fred” She huffed with a tired look
“Was this it?” He laughed “That’s hardly going to get you a decent grade is it now little Y/N” He teased
“I’m really not in the mood for this, give it back” She snapped leaping forward to grab it off of him
“Ooh someone’s got a grump on” He teased holding it out of her reach, not noticing how her tired mind was now filling her eyes with tears, she just wanted to go to bed.
“Please” She said dropping her arms, knowing she wouldn’t be able to reach it
“Here” George snatched the essay off of his brother with a smack to the back of his head, passing the paper back down to y with yet another small smile.
As Y/N made her way up to the dorms, essay clutched firmly in her hand she could hear Fred moaning at his brother for ruining the fun.
Y/N walked with a few of her friends towards breakfast. She had woken up with a rather awful headache, and a growling stomach. Sitting herself down, she began piling her plate with all kinds of food. But as soon as she went to eat them they floated back to their original places. She could hear the snickering of the twins a few seats away
“Not feeling hungry?” One of them laughed. One of her friends passed her a bread roll, which she began eating quickly before it floated away
“You know they’re only harsh on you because you don’t see the fun in it” One of her friends commented
“Yeah it’s really funny taking away someone’s food” She said dryly,
“You know perhaps you’re just a bit up tight sometimes” She said, with a shrug. her other friends looked between them waiting for something to happen.
“Get lost” Y/N snapped, standing up and making her way out of the hall.
As she stood in the corridor, a first year made it’s way up to her.
“Snape asked me to give this to you” He said passing her a note then hurrying off.
Unfolding it careful, she read it with a sigh.
She shoved the note in her bag, debating whether to lie and say she never got it or to turn up and say she didn’t want to tutor anyone.
The morning couldn’t have gone worse. The lack of food from this morning had made her stomach growl the entire way through charms, her headache was progressively getting worse, and now none of her friends were talking to her because she was ‘rude’ at breakfast. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. She walked towards the dungeons slowly, half hoping that Snape would forget all about the tutoring.
Knocking on the door, she heard a quiet come in.
As she opened a door instantly she was covered in something green and sticky. The bucket which clearly had been hovering over the door was now lying at the feet of the twins who were laughing hard. Looking down at herself, Y/N felt the tears threatening to fall.
“You’re looking a little green there y” Fred laughed along with George
“You two think you’re so funny don’t you” She snapped, her voice much louder than either of them had anticipated “This isn’t funny, it’s annoying and tedious, and I’m done with being on the receiving end of your pranks. Find someone else”
“Why would we find someone else when your reactions are so great” George laughed
“You just don't think do you. I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday thanks to you two. I’ve had a pounding headache all day, I failed my charms essay and now I’m covered in whatever the hell this is” She screamed, the tears finally falling. Their laughs stopped almost immediately
“Y/N” Fred said softly making his way over to the shivering girl
“Just stay away from me” She snapped turning on her heel and running back to the dorm rooms to find some spare robes.
“Do you think we went a little to far?” George asked his brother as they watched her run away
“I think so Georgie, I think so” Fred sighed.
YN made her way hurriedly to transfiguration, her hair was still wet. She still hadn’t eaten, but at least she was wearing dry robes. Pushing the door open she hoped to see McGonagall with her back turned so that she could sneak in. Yet there she stood with a pursed lip smile
“Thank you for joining us. Miss Y/L/N, stay after class, please” She said turning herself back to the board.
YN slipped herself into a seat at the back, pulling out her quill and quickly attempting to catch up. When a piece of paper floated into her desk, with messy writing  she read
u ok? :) F x
Crumpling it up she ignored it. She didn’t see the frown that fell upon Fred’s face. The guilt was eating him up.
The class was over quickly, YN made her way towards McGonagall with heavy shoulders.
“Professor I’m really sorry about being late, I had an accident in charms and had to go have a shower” She lied, despite disliking the twins she didn’t want to drop them in it
“Don’t let it happen again, I’ll let it slide this time, but next time I will be taking house points and you will be expected to attend a detention” She said, y nodded and made her way out the classroom. Only to be greeted with Fred standing in front of her.
“You got a free period?” He asked
“Yes, and I’m going to have a nap” She said in hopes that he would get the idea that she didn’t want to talk to him
“Walk with me, I’m going down to the lake. Please” He said, “You can have a nap later”
“Fine” she agreed sensing that he wouldn’t leave her alone.
They walked in silence towards the lake. Fred settled himself down next to a tree, patting the spot next to him, Y/N sat a little way away from him with a wary look, she waited for something to fall on her, or for something to happen. Fred moved closer to her and with a flick of his wand produced a picnic blanket and basket filled to the brim with sweet treats which made Y/N’s mouth water.
“What’s going on?” She asked
“I’ve been awful to you. I’m not normally good at sensing when people have had enough, George is better than me at that. But neither of us noticed and I’m sorry” he said pushing the basket towards her “You said you hadn’t eaten, this was all I could take from the kitchens without them noticing. Also I had a word with Flitwick, said you weren’t too well when you did that essay, so you’ve got another week to write another one” He said shyly
“This isn’t another prank?” She asked picking up one of the pastries and studying it closely
“No!” he assured her, “No more pranks”
Taking a small bite she relaxed a little.
“Thanks for all this” She said
“I’m hoping this could be the start to a beautiful friendship” He grinned
“Only if I get to pick who you prank next” She laughed.
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kiuyaaa · 3 years
why did you go so early?
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cedric diggory x slytherin!!fem y/n black
atw:there is a lot of anguish where au!!cedric is alive but yn is not but and fluff at the end
little summary: cedric after the war between the death eaters and voldemort,he goes to hogwarts and meets someone
cedric pov
now i don't know if to die i have someone killing me, i have nobody anymore and nobody cared about me from the beginning i was so stupid, love life everything went to hell
nothing went right when she left, i did nothing but like a baby without his mommy, i wish it never came that year and that fucking date 1997 august 1st, i wanted to be happy with her but everything it sucks nothing was cool, she sacrificed for everyone for hogwarts for me for her family
I wanted to give her the world
marry her
have a family
but look you really thought she was going to happen because that fucking war HAS RUINED EVERYTHING !!
I feel like dying to live to die without my life. no one loved me like she did, no one will never never never never never and THEN NEVER
I have a high school diploma and I am 27 years old
i am a lawyer today i was free so i decided to go to hogwarts i know i will hurt but i wanted to stop this pain,
i went to the garden where i was 11 years and there was yn who was the same age as me where we always talk on saturday or after potions lessons with the snape professor when we finished those terrible lessons
comes the flashback <3
"don't tell me you don't understand anything cedric .." yn said with her face emo lol "I didn't understand shit" I said
"you are stupid, and then you should be the son of amos diggory"
"yn I am" I said that a do like what girl
"you know you have a nice bond" she said a bit between sad and happy idk I didn't understand
"hey yn!!" I said "tell me"
"but why don't you ever talk about your father? sorry if the question bothers you if you want you can't answer you don't have to!!" I said for a comforting question to make her comfort her
"he is not at home with me .. hes in azkaban" he said lowering his head "oh I'm sorry...so yn" I said sad for her situation I felt sorry for her that her father was sirius black, and she didn't know him Well
"Don't worry, I'm fine thanks to you," she said with a half smile
end of flashback >:)
"are you still here?" said a voice between a ghost and a girl with a cold voice I knew this voice
I turned and floated into the garden entrance
"I'm sorry for the pain" she start to say and finish "yn what are you doing here..you pursue me" I said ironically with a half smile "I haven't seen you for a long time and here it's boring you know, it was a bit bizarre to meet helga hufflepuff" she said with a little chuckle "really cool" I said "after all cedric you look alike but you are my second mum more" she said and with this answer I am reminded of where in the muggle school as a child, she was bullied by the bully and she continued to challenge him and once they beat each other and yn had won against that bully I hadn't seen her so happy well some wounds but I healed them, what a nice memory we two were troublemakers
"Do you want to dance with me my handsome boy?" he said he gave me his ghost hand "we can't yn don't you remember?" I said a little sad about what I said "you are dead you are a ghost, I am alive" I said "so now to give us another chance in our lost love" she said in a voice full of love "I have not had a chance to give you the my love but I would also like to dance eternity with you "I said sincerely without fear myself" let's go "he said and carried me to a dance floor but only the two of us and the song started
I don't know how but we were finally able to dance together
"I liked you a lot and I missed you so much" she said and approached me she is blushing "of course I liked it" I said as I smiled happily her lips were on mine I return the passionate kiss that is so hard she tries 10 minutes or more after kissing we start to save for the kiss that lasted so long "I love you love don't think I don't" he said I kiss again his lips were almost human and we kissed again "I can't beat kissing you "I said speaking in the kiss to start kissing again
"you are beautiful as always even as a ghost, you know?" I said after kissing us millions of times "you never get old eh?" she said she ironically confused "yn I'm only 27 I'm not that old!" I said jokingly irritated "I was joking anyway I'm sorry that you suffered in my absence .. really" she said sorry "I just kiss you and all the pain disappears at least that,my ghost wife"
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snapefiction · 4 years
#2. Christmas Card - Snapemas Challenge
A/N: Day 2 of #Snapemas! I hope you’ll like it! :)
Idea from @deepperplexity ´s Writing Challenge !
❤️ Please remember that English isn’t my native language and that my Writings will include Mistakes and maybe weird formed sentences. ❤️
Pairing: Student!Severus Snape x Student!Reader (kind of?)
Warnings: Bullying, Mentions of a wrecked Home
Word count: 2273
Y/N - Your Name
#2. Christmas Card
Cautious to not make a sound the young raven head boy made his way through the corridors that seemed to be endless. Hoping he wouldn’t meet Potter and his pack of idiots on his way to his Potions Class with Professor Slughorn. His life wasn’t doing him well and to be honest he was more than just sick of it. Every day became an endless torture and drained every drop of energy out of him. The Fact that he was still getting out of his bed everyday was a wonder. He felt like - he knew- he was a dead man walking. Not because he did something sinful, no, but because Potter and Sirius in particular decided to turn his life into hell. As if it wasn’t enough that his Parents were treating him as badly as imaginably possible he got bullied almost every moment of his school day. Thinking about all of this made him clutch his books closer to his chest.
He really wished for an friend or at least someone to talk to. But there was no one. Yes, he got quiet well along with Professor Slughorn. But that was different. He taught him Things he really found interest in and was the first person ever who was showing any kind of positive interest in him. But he still was a Professor.
Merlin had some Mercy with the sad boy and he gladly didn’t meet his bullies on his way to class. The cold temperature at the dungeons remembered him that Christmas was coming soon. As he prepared his materials for class he couldn’t get his mind of having to go back home. His Father was even worse than the Marauders and would try everything to make Severus regret that he was born. If he only knew that he wasn’t quiet happy about being alive as well he probably would be mad at him for that as well. Potions, which was his last class for the day, went by quickly and so Severus could finally make his way towards the Libary to grab some new books before heading to the dinner. This Time he wasn’t as lucky as earlier. Potter already awaited him before he could slip into the great hall and just grab a Toast and maybe a Muffin.
,, Aww Snivellus, I heard you are going back home over the Holidays? Not even Dumbledore wants you around on Christmas.“ The Head of the Gang, the arrogant Swine Potter spat those words towards Severus before he almost choked on his Laughter.
,,I bet that not even your Mother wants you around.” Black now added and just hit a Nerve Severus wasn’t aware of he still owned. ,,Shut up you idiot!“ Quickly he laid his Hand on his wand just in case that Potter was up to something again or if his attack would remain just vocal this time.
You felt the tension from afar. Something was wrong and you knew you had to do something against it. Looking around your table you couldn’t spot any type of issue happening. Fast you pushed yourself up from the table just so you could get out of the great hall and finally spot what caused you your unease. It were Sirius Black, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew and your Brother Remus Lupin. Again they picked up on Severus Snape the Young Slytherin. Oh, you hated it whenever someone got treated badly.
- Flashback -
You knew who Severus was because you often heard Remus and his ,,Friends” gossiping about him. Once, back at home when everyone of his friends went back home you dared to ask Remus some questions about Snape. ,,Remus?“ Quickly he looked up. You loved your Brother unconditionally but this topic laid like concrete on your chest. ,,Yes, yn?” His usual dreamy smile invited you to the seat next to him on his bed.
,,Can I ask you something? You got to be completely honest, okay?“ Nervous you watched him tense up a bit before nodding shyly in agreement.
,,You can ask me any-"
,,Why do you bully this Slytherin boy so much? What did he do?” The words rushed out of your mouth so fast that you feared he didn’t catch up everything you said. His following silence filled the room with empty assumptions. Watching his hands fidgeting around with a Thread from his trousers.
,,I don’t have many friends, you know.“ He then breathed shaky. ,,I tried to talk to James and Padfoot but… I don’t know. I don’t like it either but they’re the only friends I got. And Severus was just.. there.. kind of.” Remus voice was trembling and you knew he felt sorry for Severus and like his hands were tied.
,,That’s not okay. He’s always alone, does he even have friends? And you worry about losing Potter and-“
,,I’m not proud of it either, YN.” ,,It’s such a pity that you choose to be selfish when it comes to other people’s wellbeing. I really wished you’d be better than .. them.“ Leaving his room you couldn’t stop but feel pity for Severus and anger about your Brothers little Boyband. From this day on you told yourself you won’t ever let this behaviour slide again. If Remus wouldn’t stand up for whats right, ethical right, then you’d do it. Periodt.
Watching how Potter used his wand to let Severus fly around made you angry. He treated him like a gummy figure. But it was even worse that your beloved brother again did nothing.
,,Expelliarmus!” You shouted towards Potter who was more than just surprised about this sudden attack. ,,Remus, what the hell is wrong with your Sister? Is she out of her mind?“ Out of the corner of your eye you could see how Severus quickly grabbed his belongings and rushed into the great hall.
,,Shut up, Potter. Your behaviour is more than just disgusting. If you want to fight, fight against me, you wimp.” Your voice rose and instantly made James shit up. ,,Y/N, just leave, okay? Merlin, that’s non of your business!“ Remus tried to shove you back into the great hall but you just turned around to face him and whispered: ,,Don’t Make me use Silencio on you, idiot.” Tearing away your arm you just shook your head towards the rest of them and walked back to your seat. Knowing this won’t have any type of revenge following because that’s the one thing Remus would never allow them to and they would never hurt someone this close to them. As you looked over to the Slytherin Table you saw Severus sitting alone in front of an empty plate. He was rubbing his head, probably out of pain from his downfall, before he drank something from his cup and picked up his fork. Wondering what’s on his mind you just copied his movements. First taking a sip from your water and then starting to eat some broccoli and potatoe slices.
As the Christmas break neared and you received multiple cards from your close friends, housemates and even one from your Head of House(which just wanted to let you know that your courage was truly admireable and wished you a merry Christmas) you couldn’t deny but admit that those little cards made you feel loved. Slowly you slid the colorful cards into your suitcase before looking through your cupboard again. Your Christmas Shopping Spree from early November made you buy an additional Christmas Card for someone special this year.
It wasn’t a secret that Severus never got Mail or Presents and this, besides all the other sad truths about this boy, made your heart tear apart for just another few millimetres. Over the last few Months or maybe even year you couldn’t deny that there weren’t some sort of butterflies in your belly whenever you saw him. Yes, you felt Pity because Potter was more than just a pain in the ass but you also liked him for .. for everything he was. He was really smart, a rare gift that People Potter sadly didn’t own. He was gifted in Potions and knew ways of brewing you didn’t even considered plus he was, if you got past his hard shell, a really nice Boy. You were too shy to ask him to be friends or something but sometimes, when courage hit you, you sat down across of him in the library to just let him know that there was someone not hating his pure existence but appreciating it to the fullest. Even though you never talked to him you knew it was your time to make the first step of introducing yourself. He hasn’t rejected you until now so why would he after receiving something like a Christmas card? Closing your cupboard you quickly went over to your desk with the spare Christmas card in one and your feather in the other hand.
It was the last meal before the train would arrive and he’d have to go back home. It felt like a hangman’s meal. Every bite made him want to choke on it. He could feel how the chicken laid like stones painfully in his stomach. Some Students weren’t even attending at the Breakfast before the Train arrived. He hear them in the common room saying how nervous they were and how they couldn’t eat anything out of pure excitement. How that must feel like? Would he ever know? Laying down the fork he thought it would never come a time for him to feel safe and happy. He sighed and let his head hang low.
As something in front of him moved he quickly looked up. The last thing he needed was Peeves or some students bothering him now. He just wanted to sulk in sorrow until he had to catch the Train back to London. Confused he had to notice how an young owl landed right in front of him. He had never seen it before so his skeptics was appropriate. Scanning the Envelope he almost didn’t believed his eyes. It was addressed to him! Taking the Envelope still being curious and cautiously he traded an piece of his dinner with the Owl as an payment. As it flew away he carefully watched around. Was it a prank? Was someone watching him? No one even seemed to take any notice of him. So who would write him a letter? Shoving it in his robe he quickly made his way to his room so he could read it in the safety of some privacy. Almost running to his room he couldn’t stop thinking about who’d write him a letter. His feet couldn’t run any faster but he still tried to speed up so he could finally discover his new possession.
Reaching his room, falling onto his bed and closing the drapes with a small spell he tried to open it. The Envelope seemed to be stuck and as he grew more and more impatient he notice a small sentence on the back of the envelope. ,Do not open until it’s Christmas Day.“ A deep sigh left his throat. It was casted with an spell. Torture! Making him all tensed up and then making him wait another 48 hours! How would he even be able to wait until then? Unsatisfied he closed his eyes.
To his surprise the time until Christmas went by fast. He couldn’t stop thinking about the Envelope he got. The whole Train ride long, the whole time he had to spent with his parents while eating dinner together or just in general he could get his mind to think of something positive. It was exciting. He had no doubt anymore that anyone would prank him. A tingle spread through his whole body as he finally sat down on his bed, laying his book aside, and finally carefully tearing open the envelope. He was slightly shaking as his eyes carefully watched the Christmas card. It was draped in glitter and colourful pictures. The card was as cheesy as could be- but he loved it. He never had gotten a Christmas card himself before. Also it was rare to receive anything at all. So this was better than anything he had ever gotten. He was sure about that. Almost forgetting that there was a Text inside of the Card he eased his eyes from the glittery pictures and finally got to read the writing.
,,Dear Severus, from the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope you’ll get the best presents this year and have the best holidays as possible. This Card is a reminder that there’s someone appreciating you. Don’t care about that Potter Dunderhead and his idiot friends they’re not worth it and just jealous of you. Sometimes I am too because I’ve never met someone intelligent as you are. Maybe, I really hope so, next year on Christmas I can call you a friend of mine. Again, Merry Christmas, Severus. And a happy new year.
He admired the beautiful handwriting before realising what all those words meant. All that made his teeny tiny heart flatter. There was someone he didn’t knew that was liking him? Someone who cared? A smile formed on his face. Banning his sorrow and just leaving a shimmer of hope. He couldn’t hear his parents shout to each other anymore, he couldn’t feel the cold of his room creeping into his skin, the darkness from the outside didn’t bother him anymore and he forgot anything bad that had happened this school year. It all didn’t matter because there was someone thinking about him.
Merlin, This was the best Christmas ever.
Click here to read Part #3. Smiles of the Snapemas Challenge!
Taglist: @deepperplexity
Let me know if you want to be added to my Taglist. :)
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hops-hunny · 4 years
Miscommunicated Love
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Pairing: Pansy Parkinson x Black Ravenclaw! Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.3k
Request: N/A
Summary: After a long feud between two girls with confused feelings, a resolution is finally made.
A/N: there’s not enough love for Pansy out there so decided to make this!
Pansy Parkinson hated most people, but especially (Y/n) (L/n). Just something about the snarky Ravenclaw made her skin crawl. Unlike what she did when she disliked people from other houses, she couldn’t do the same for (Y/n). They had about just every class together except for two. Whenever they were in a five foot radius of one another, the fighting was on sight no matter what. Neither one of them were entirely innocent considering it wasn’t just one who’d start the fights. Sometimes it was Pansy, sometimes it was (Y/n), and sometimes they both came at each other at the same time. The tension was so thick, so dense that not even Merlin could part that sea. The professors tried to separate them, putting them on opposite sides of the room but as expected, that didn’t stop them. Which led to some disastrous times.
It was potions class, both girls’ potion partners had sent them to get the required ingredients not even thinking of what could potentially happen. As (Y/n) was coming up from the bottom shelf and Pansy was getting down from the top shelf they both collided sending them both to the floor. (Y/n) was the first to get up, Pansy still sat on the ground dusting herself off.
“Oh I’m so sorry! Let me he-”
“It’s quite alright, just be more car-”
They shot daggers into each other as they realized who had bumped into them. Some bystanders tried rushing out of the way of the disaster zone while others got closer, curious as to what would happen this time. (Y/n) quickly drew her hand back from the helping position. Pansy stood up straight with her shoulders pushed back as an attempt to intimidate the shorter girl.
“I should’ve known it was you, Parkinson. As a mole it must be awfully hard for you to see things that are clearly visible. Why don’t you go ‘head and make sure you actually grabbed the right things? Better yet get your eyes checked as well because, well, look at you. You walked out of your dorm this morning and decided that,” she made an up and down motion with her hand “That was okay? Hmph, couldn’t be me.” She said, tossing her freshly done box braids over her shoulder. Whispers slowly crescendoed around them. (Y/n) knew she had her stumped as she began to check out her freshly manicured hand. Her victory was very short-lived as next thing she knew, she had unicorn snot dripping down her head. She gasped along with many others, wiping the gooey substance off her face as she looked up at Pansy who wore a smirk.
“Whoops! You know what, maybe you were right (L/n). I do need to get my eyes checked. That was a complete accident, I couldn’t see a single thing when I threw that on you! My apologies darling!” She said, not even bothering to contain her laughter as sarcasm dripped from her words like venom. Bottles of liquids, gels, and everything else soon went flying as the two girls through things at each other. Professor Snape had to end the lesson early in fear one of the girls would throw something harmful at another student. The aftermath in the room was awful, looking like a war zone with a hodgepodge of disastrous smells. In turn, the two girls both got a month's detention and their Hogsmeade’s privileges revoked until their head of houses deemed it appropriate to have them back. 
When they got sent to Dumbledore though, he said something that made (Y/n) rethink her actions. As she made her way back to her dorm that night the words “I expected more from you Miss (L/n). I never expected someone capable of such great things to stoop this low.” and even as her roommates badgered her for the details, she simply shut the lights off. She decided she could only do one thing. Be the bigger person.
After the ‘Great Potion’s Incident’, (Yn) had made it her mission to avoid Pansy as much as possible. At first, she tried taking different routes to class but Pansy always found a way to her. So she did the next thing she could think of: switch her courses. She got permission from Dumbledore and he agreed to let her choose whatever courses she’d like as long as she continued on with the splendid behavior she had been exhibiting. And she did that, making some of the best marks in her class. She had even made some new friends such as Neville from herbology and Luna from care of magical creatures. Although she couldn’t lie, not seeing Pansy left a feeling in her chest that she couldn’t quite place.
 She was currently discussing how excited she was for the upcoming holiday with the two as they exited the great hall. “And yall two should come visit! My momma stays in America so I go back to my auntie’s during the holidays. She makes the most bomb ass mac and cheese. And oh, Nev! You would love her garden, it’s full of some stuff you probably ain’t ever even seen before.” she exclaimed, as she tied her faux locs up into a ponytail. Her friends nodded in agreement expressing how much they’d enjoy giving her a visit during the holiday and encouraging her to do the same.
“Ah, do my eyes deceive me? Well if it isn’t (L/n) in all her...well I’m not sure glory would be the right word to use for the likes of you. What an interesting little sweater! Did you dig it from the trash at the bottom of the lake?” Pansy voiced loudly, making sure her comments reached others. A few Slytherins snickered as they passed but (Y/n) had had enough at this point. She stormed over to the girl, a few centimeters away from her face.
Pansy stood there, still happy about what had happened, lips tingling from the kiss they had shared. (Y/n) turned around one last time to glance at the girl she liked only to be met with a wink and a cocky grin. Maybe a little hate was good for the soul sometimes.
“What the hell is your problem Parkinson? I ain’t done nothin’ to yo’ ass for the past few months and you’re still carrying this shit on?” she spoke through gritted teeth as she poked the girl in the chest, moving closer as Pansy tripped over her own heels. “So, what is it? Do you hate Ravenclaws, maybe it's cause I’m American. Or maybe, maybe you just don’t like me!” she said, raising her tone. She sighed, placing a hand on her forehead as she stormed off in the opposite direction. Pansy stood there silently, she had never meant to take it this far. Sure she liked to get a rise out of the girl, finding her to be quite attractive when angry. Eyebrows furrowed, glossed lips articulating her response so elegantly.
Pansy chased after the girl, yanking her by the wrist when she got close. (Y/n) opened her mouth to say something but was quickly cut off by Pansy’s lips on her own. At first, she was shocked. And that’s when she realized. That feeling she got from not seeing Pansy from a while was longing. Her heart always knew what it wanted before her head caught up. Pansy began to grow hopeless, beginning to pull away but before she could, something unexpected happened. (Y/n) reciprocated the kiss. She brought a perfectly manicured umber hand up to Pany’s smooth face, stroking her skin as the other gripped her shirt. Pansy wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist bringing her impossibly close to her. She was the first to pull away, green eyes staring into brown. “My dorm in an hour?” she said smugly. (Y/n) began shaking her head as she smiled, walking off in the direction of the Ravenclaw dorms. Pansy had a feeling she’d be there.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Dance with me?
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A/N: @obxmermaid​  this is day 15 omg thank you for the opportunity to make christmas stories this year. im honored that i can expand my writing fandoms. today we find that its before owls, before christmas feast, before their relationship was out in the open. this is the formal, this is the hogwarts winter formal. draco and Yn are not yet a public couple but this night Draco takes the courage to ask YN to dance and no one asks questions cause all cards and rivalry’s are off the table during the dance and for that day. so this is what looks like a friendly dance between a guy and a girl. but it is so much more than that.
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
prompt: snowball fight/ winter formal
mentioning @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
the yule ball, or in some cases what would be known as a winter formal is one of the most sacred events hogwarts has the honor of throwing every 2 years. its a grand event some people have their gowns and tuxes picked out months or years ahead of the event. 
but you had no gown yet for the gown you wanted was in london at a shop you had passed by so many times and the last time you did you saw a halter peacock teal floor length gown. it took your breath away. 
this was the gown you wanted but alas you had no time at that moment to get it. a few days before the ball you were watching the entire dorm obsess over their gowns, choosing hair and makeup. but you and draco hadnt even discussed going to the ball. 
or at least what would happen at the ball. but meeting draco for your session a few days before the formal, you were distracted and draco could tell.
Draco: something on your mind love.
YN: the formal is in 2 days and well we cant go as a couple no one outside of our friends know, and what if people ask questions. 
Draco: so we wont show up together but the formal is a chance for everyone to forget the rivalry’s and grudges and hard feelings are off the table. no one will ask questions if i ask you to dance. and whats better is this will be the first of many dances to come i hope. 
yn: i just wish i could walk in with you on my arm and not have to worry about a thing. 
Draco: i know what you mean but it will hopefully show the professors that even our rivalry can be put aside when it matters. 
YN: i hope so. i need a dress though. 
Draco scribbles out a quick fire message and sends it off... 
YN: what was that about...
Draco: trust me you will thank me later... just promise me you will have the time of your life at the formal besides we will dance and no one will say anything... besides i look forward to the end of the party, where you and i meet in the courtyard to just watch the stars and hide away for a kiss, all before returning to the charade and our dorms.
YN: so basically you have the entire night planned out. 
Draco: more or less yes... now go you need to have energy for tomorrow. get some rest my love. go before you fall asleep on my lap. 
YN: i guess your right, i will see you tomorrow in class... 
you walked out of the tower and back to your dorm. where you collapsed on the bed as hermione walked in. 
Hermione: so how was your tutoring tonight cuz? 
YN: it was fine... we talked about the formal... he has the entire night planned out but then i told him that i didnt have anything to wear. and before you say it cuz, its fine i mean im sure he will dance with me whether im in a pretty dress or my uniform. 
Hermione: i know we are gonna look killer at the formal or we are gonna fail trying to have a fun night. now what about your wardr... Oh My God! cuz get over here a box with a bow on it just showed up at the entrance.
you get up off the bed and run over to the entrance where Hermione was gawking at the box. 
YN: OMG what could be in such a large box... 
Hermione: well lets get it inside and happily look at this mystery package. 
YN: i think i might know who this is from... but yes lets get it inside before we do anything else with this. 
it was your own mind putting draco’s mysterious fire message with the sudden appearance of this box. the timing of it all was far too coincidential, but never the less you looked forward to whatever lay inside this box. 
You set it on your bed, you ran your fingers over the box, tracing the bow, tracing the box outline. this was when your cousin noticed an envelope on top of the box tucked under the ribbon. 
Hermione: maybe that envelope will explain better as to whats inside and possibly who its from... 
you grab the envelope and open it, its a list of what is inside the box as well as instructions. 
“this box contains the following items: - A-Line Scoop Neck Floor-Length Chiffon Prom Dresses With Beading Sequins in Ink Blue, - navy blue  Faux Fur Fashion Wrap, -a custom bracelet in rose gold, -a gold  Beautiful Rhinestone/Alloy Headband & -  Black Women's Leather Suede Heels Latin With Ankle Strap. do not open this box until the day of the formal. you will look beautiful. save me a dance or several.. love always Draco”
you sat back on the bed and smiled lightly as you tucked the box under your cousin’s bed and hid the note in your dresser, you giggled yourself to sleep that night. for you knew the next 2 days would be torture till the day of the formal anyway. 
you were the one person in this entire school who would ever take the dance not seriously. you were the only one whose heart would not allow you to fall in love with a person who did not share your heart. 
you woke the next morning to the sound of your alarm. you went to the closet and pulled out your uniform putting it on and grabbing your cloak before heading out of the room with your wand in your sock. 
YN (to self): i hope this doesnt mess up anything, tomorrow is gonna be a happy day. the next day is the formal, and I have the opportunity to show this school that even those who are rivals can become chill even in the midst of the old laws. i need to get to class so that way no one suspects anything. 
you made it to potions and smiled slightly as hermione was sitting beside your seat. draco had followed you inside. you knew that hermione could feel the happiness flowing out from you. 
You were the one person that Hermione could trust and likewise her for you. But it was now to your surprise that she passed you her notebook with a few simple words on it.
"Draco won't stop glancing at you. His pupils dilate when he stares at you. It's like he is mentally undressing you or something..."
You reply back with a simple phrase.
"he I'm sure is just removing a few layers, back to when we were in london and we went swimming in a private pool. We made out for hours. Now we will discuss this later."
you slid her back her notebook and both of you paid attention as snape decided to begin his lesson with a pop quiz type thing, you and hermione being the 2 smartest witches in the room decided to let the other students have a chance to answer the questions. 
Snape: yn tell me what is the common use of wolfsbane?
YN: wolfbane used to sedate or subdue a werewolf. it is also known as acanite or commonly found in the form of a blue flower, it is in some cases a rare find. 
Snape: and how exactly does one give wolfsbane to the werewolf?
YN: it has to be while its human, most times wolfsbane is used to snuff out the werewolves in human form before its too late. 
snape: i would like each of you to take one of these flowers and for the next class prepare to brew me some wolfsbane if you wish to pass. now before the end of class today copy down the board, we will be studying wolfsbane for the next week. 
you went to your notebook and copied down the board. it was very distracting when you knew your boyfriend was stealing glances at you...  this made it very hard to concentrate. 
you wrote a note on your notebook and slid it to your cousin... 
“im getting antsy, cuz i am really anxious...”
she replied with the typical responce.
“dont worry girl, im sure you both will have your alone time later... think about it this way, in 2 years you will be able to marry and there will be nothing anyone can say to stop you.”
you had to internally laugh...
“me married can you imagine that... god if i know much more about that than you do... by the way i am so nervous to see what is in that box... like what if it doesnt bring the correct appeal...”
you sighed as your cousin wrote her responce.
“chill girl, your gonna rock that formal... now finish your notes so you can get out of here and be with your man.”
You smiled as you finish your notes and wait for Snape to dismiss the class. You stared at the ceiling for a few moments trying to keep a cool head.
Snape: alright those who finished the notes can leave a few moments early, those who haven't you have 5 minutes to finish those notes.
You and Hermione got up and walked out of the class, you walked by where Draco was sitting you had used a slight of hand to slip him a note.
You knew he would read it after class, you also knew he would thank you for it later. But you and Hermione took off and walked back to the court yard.
Where you both parted ways you both had picked a random slot for your separate ways. You were off to the quidditch tent to prep for the upcoming Christmas match, Hermione headed to divination.
You were one of those few captains who would take half a period out of your entire day to spend it preparing for a match that was a week and a bit away.
You had to come up with a strategy that would knock your match out of the water. you could feel something strange something abnormal as you stood in the tent. 
the earth began to quake, the tent came down on your head before you could move out of the way.... you were covered in tent, and one of the tent pole was on you too heavy to move. 
you held your wand up... 
YN: periculum!
you sent the sparks and then passed out. you knew someone would possibly come find you. you had to have faith, you had too believe that one person above all others would see it. 
meanwhile, hermione had bumped into draco in the hall on the way to divination, she told draco that she last saw you in the courtyard... draco and hermione then saw the sparks. both of them went to find any professor they could cause that was the rules. 
they ended up spying mcgonigal, running up to her in a hurry they approach her with the news of the sparks. 
mcgonigal: miss granger, mr malfoy come with me we will investigate this immediately. 
the 3 of them hastely rushed toward the sparks, seeing the collapsed tent on arrival, mcgonigal waves her wand and sets the tent right, they all went inside and foudn you there after. 
mcgonigal transported herself plus you draco and hermione to the hospital wing. madame pomfry immediately got involved, she was pushing everyone back... but the only person who had to leave was minerva. 
hermione and draco now remained in the room to wait whether and when you would wake. your body had gone into a state of shock, the pole had bruised you a bit and thanks to the miracle potion that madame pomfry had administered to you, you were healing nicely. 
hermione: come on girl, come on we still have to rock this formal, come on please wake up come on cuz... we both need you to wake up. 
draco: don't you dare leave me, you can't, we haven't had any time. Come on YN wake up, open your eyes. We need to have our day in the sun! I need you to open your eyes so we can live our future together our way.
Madame pomfry heard what Draco said deciding not to say anything she just came back round to your bed side and administered a second dose of medicine.
Madame pomfry: take a bed each of you. Get some sleep, you both will be alerted first when she wakes. Try not to worry she will pull through she is a extraordinary girl.
Draco took a bed near you, Hermione took one on the other side of you. They wanted to be the first people's you saw when you woke up.
They tossed and turned but eventually both fell asleep. it was 8 hours later that an announcement rang through the school...
Minerva: attention students the quidditch field is off limits due to an investigation of recent events. someone brought the tent down on ravenclaw Yn. note that the perpetrator who is responsible if a student will be immediately expelled and sent to the ministry to await trial. we take this seriously. please be sure to make good notes for your fellow classmate as she is soon recovered in the hospital wing thanks to madame pomfry, classes go on as scheduled and the formal is still happening, thank you for your attention. 
both draco and hermione sat up a few moments after at the sound of your groans. they both looked at you in time for you to open your eyes. 
hermione: YN...
Draco: YN... your ok!
madame pomfry walked in at that moment as well to see you sit up. 
Madame Pomfry: YN your awake wonderful how are you feeling. 
YN: like i was hit by a unexpected brick wall what happened?
madame pomfry: you were found under the collapsed quidditch tent, you were brought to me bruised and unconcious. these 2 were among those who found you. you are pretty lucky you werent seriously injured. your bruising has gone down, you will stay in here for a few more hours then you can go back to your dorm. it is my recommendation that you get plenty of rest and then you go to the formal tomorrow and take it easy... your cousin will be allowed to stay with you tonight so she can make sure you get the rest you need. 
now that madame pomfry had come to see you hermione got off the cot she slept on and came to hug you... you flinched a bit but returned her embrace, Draco approached from the other side and touched your shoulder. 
hermione let go of you as she went to madame pomfry and began asking her for a written report for hermione to deliver to professor McGonagall. while both hermione and madame pomfry werent looking Draco came to sit on the edge of your bed, he smiled lightly... 
Draco: you are awake. i was so worried about you. 
 YN: strange thing is i dont recall the tent coming down. i remember being in there working on my strategy for the christmas exhibition match, when the earth shook and thats when everything went dark. i wasnt even done when everything happened. i am so sorry i worried you. 
Draco: you are such a brave girl, im very lucky to have you on my arm and by my side. i love you YN. 
YN: i love you too. now go do me a favor and take a shower and change your robes. no offense my love but you need to take a shower. 
Draco: i will take your advice... ill see you in a while. and ill have your homework... 
Draco took his leave to go take a shower and change his robes before class. he went to class but his mind was not completely there. the professors had already gathered a stack of notes for you, so while draco attended the classes he couldnt focus. that was not a good thing, especially for his grades. 
but the professors understood, for they all knew he clearly had other things going on, for at this time you and draco were out to the school. no one questioned why draco wasnt fully paying attention, they just hoped you would be okay. 
a few hours passed, hermione brought you your casual dress to get you back to the dorm. as your fellow students watched you and hermione walk back to the dorms. you smiled slightly at draco who just watched you in passing like any normal rivalry. 
the next few hours were spent with different people coming in to do different shifts of watching you, helping you, taking care of you. finally it was the tutoring time. you were told to be on bed rest, but when hermione didnt return to the dorm you figured she had arranged something. 
Draco knocked at the door before he entered. once he came into view he was entranced by how stunning you looked sitting there, with your pet cat in your lap. (*yes okay yes i realize that this is the first time i mention the reader’s pet... sue me i forgot about that part till just now.*) 
YN: hey.
Draco: i brought you the notes and stuff from classes. YN i feel so awful about what you went through i....
thats when you placed your finger to his lips this shut him up immediately.
YN: its not your fault, there was nothing you could have done. i went to the tent it was my choice. please i dont want you to blame yourself for what happened. lets just focus on the formal. now i want to thank you for the box... and before you say that it isnt from you or that you have no idea what im talking about. the magic signature on the card on the box belonged to you love.  i havent looked inside, but i know that when i show up at the formal im gonna look absolutely smashing. 
Draco: i have to use the money my father sends me somehow, so i went to the shop, and i picked everything out with the measurements that i got from hermione of course. plus it matches us a bit... anyway, here are the notes i had a few questions i knew you could help me solve. snape wants me and you to be among the first to brew the wolfsbane. he says it will be a easy task or at least for you it will be. he also said that you need to submit your formula on wolfsbane by fire message before the end of the day. 
You quickly did that as Draco said it, he looked at you with curious concern in his eyes. he stayed with you for a few hours explaining what happened in the classes you missed. handing you the assignments, letting you explain what he didnt understand. 
*TIME SKIP: the rest of that evening went by pretty quick, you spent time tutoring Draco, who left when your cousin walked back into the room. you were now spending time chattering with her over the hair styles for the formal the next day. well you and hermione got an early sleep for the next day would sure be a busy one. now we go to the showers where you have just arrived to stretch out and begin your day.*
you were in your stall, mulling things over under the hot water. your brain swimming with thousands of thoughts, ones that made you begin humming, something you do quite often and in different situations you hum different songs. in this case it was something celtic something haunting some sort of ancient melody that haunts your very soul.
your hum echoed through the castle. no one could figure out where the sound was coming from except your cousin. for she had heard you hum that tune many numerous times before. 
Hermione: so you thinking again?
you snapped out of your hum, for you had not realized that another person could have walked into the room, never mind your own cousin. 
YN: just got some butterflies about tonight... H what if this doesnt go the way we think it will... 
Hermione: well cuz if you think about it this way, people will expect the rivalry to still take place during the event no one will expect the rivalry to be non existant during the event. to see 2 people who arent normally friends acting like friends even if for one night will do us all proud. now hurry up so we can go open the box to see what your man gave you... 
YN: ah yes thank you for reminding me cuz, thank you for giving draco the information he needed to get these things for me.. i appreciate it a ton. 
Hermione: no to worry cuz you are gonna look beautiful. now hurry up or you will look like a prune... 
 you finished cleaning up, you dryed off and wrapped up in your housecoat to go back to your dorm. twas the only way you were comfortable. your cousin right beside you both of you discussing your hair and what the hell you would do with it. 
Hermione  and you now sat in your dorm and just stared at the box between you both, the blue box that had tormented you for 2 days now sat between you ready for the unveiling of what lay inside. 
you removed the note and slowly undid the ribbon binding the box shut. you reached down to ope the lid, the first thing you saw was the dress, picking it up you stood spinning around holding the dress against your form.
YN: remind me to thank him for this...
hermione: oh im sure just wearing this tonight will thank him enough for this. now come on lets see what else is in here… 
you lay the dress over your cousins lap as you reach into the box and pull out a fashion wrap…
YN: isnt this basically just a cape?
Hermione: yes it is but we dont speak of that… lol it is nice and it looks like it goes in matching with the dress. 
you lay that as well over your cousins lap and pull out a small bag.
YN: wnder what this is…
Hermone: well it must be valuable in order to require its own packaging inside of packaging, 
you ope the baggie to reveal a custom bracelet. 
Hermione: ive seen those before, you can get it engraved with whatevr you want particularly used for couples. 
you flip it over and look at the enraving, “Yn & Draco always and forever 08-22”
you smiled ear to ear, little giggles left your lips, happily of course as you attached the bracelet to your wrist. once it was attached you reached into the box to pull out the next item again another baggie a bit bigger than the last. you opened it to reveal a gold headband. 
YN: so he is gona treat me like a queen
Hermione: at least i dont have to worry about you. 
YN: but you still will anyway cause thats just how you are cuz!
hermione: come on girl whats the last thing in the box.
You reach into the box and pull out a pair of leather strap short heals and smile. 
Hermione: lets become fabulous. cause we all know thats a crime in itself but we have 5 hours before we have to be there for presentations and plus the rivals have the first dance as is in the announcement this year. 
you had forgotten that the ministry had made that announcement… since fudge was supposed to make an appearance at the dance. He wanted to see the rivals of the school have the honor of first dance. It was a new tradition and would remain so for generations to come. 
First was to get dressed. You went behind the change cover, you put on your strapless and a nice pair of seamless bottoms. You were now ready for the dress, but you realized that there was a bra built into the dress already. Well at least into one part of it. ****A/N: yes i know that this wasnt mentioned but the dress that im describing is a two piece, it was one i had done my research on and liked the way it looked in the color scheme i was using for this story. Okay back to the story.****
You removed your strapless as now you knew you didnt need it. You pulled on the skirt fiestas to make sure that you were good in that department. You kinda did a half twirl and then put on the top, well you couldnt do it up as the zipper was at the back. 
YN: hey cuz, can you zip me up?
Hermione: a zipper… how does it look 
YN: its a 2 piece… its in my house color, its soft fabric it feels soft against my skin. 
Hermione: well come out and hold yourself in place. 
You stepped out from behind the shield and watched your cousin turn around in her dress. You both squealed in happiness for it made you both happy to know that you both looked amazing! Hermione did your top up and both of you stood side by side in the mirror.  
Hermione: cuz we need to photo shoot this in the mirror, we are still sure of this plan, we are so certain that this is the night the school will accept the possibility of a union between you and draco. I mean when are you guys planning to tell everyone about your relationship anyway. 
YN: no idea, it hasnt been discussed to much, we know we need to tell everyone we just dont know when or how. But when we do it will be a big event. Alright on a different note ive set the mirror to do the photo shoot of us its taking 5 very precisely timed shots. So lets wing it. Nice one first so we can duplicate it and send it to our folks then we go from there. 
Pose 1: normal, side by side and looking your best. 
Pose 2: charlies angels, missing an angel but smiling anyway
Pose 3: the shocked first look in outfit (hermione shocked at seeing you)
Pose 4: parting the sea, back to back looking away
Pose 5: and finally the hug it out moment
You went round to the window to stare down at the world, the school looked all decorated for the formal and the sound of people gathering around the grounds, the concorse full of people and visitors. You strapped on your shoes and your cousin finished your hair and applied your wrap. 
you wondered how the night would look, you wondered if anyone would question the less amounts of tension between you and Draco.
You wondered alot of things but a knock at the door brought you back to earth. You turned to see Harry and Ron standing at the door. 
Harry: wow, ladies you both look amazing! 
You and Hermione smile as Harry hands you something from minerva
Yn: it's professor McGonagall she wants to see me, says it's of great importance. 
Hermione: that's okay I'll walk down with the boys. Go go… 
You walk out of the room and go as fast as possible without tripping and falling to where you knew the professor would be. 
Minerva: ah YN you look lovely..  
Yn: thank you professor, I got your note you wanted to see me. 
Minerva: yes as you may have heard by now this year the Minister of magic is attending the formal as a honored guest, he has requested that you and Mr malfoy be honored guests as your rivalry is legendary as well as you and Mr malfoy will be receiving something special from the minister. He wants to commend you both on jobs well done this year. Your main task for the dance is to start the dancing off, now i know that you are a little sensitive YN so if you need a minute to process this before we make the announcement and before your fellow classmates begin to gather. 
YN: ya could i actually have a minute… where do i enter from?
Minerva: you will enter from the right side of the staircase, mr malfoy will enter from the left, just be there and ready for the announcement. 
You went round to the right side of the staircase and began pacing, letting your brain sort itself out to be able to go out there and not kiss Draco in front of everyone. 
To not run straight into his arms, to be able to just be a boy and a girl with no connection other than their rivalry for one night. 
That Un be known to you would be the case on this night you would be just a girl, and Draco would just be a boy who would be spending time together during the formal. 
Draco (to self): OK tonight can not go wrong, it's just one night to be just a boy and just a girl. I know she is probably nervous but she will be her normal brilliant self, i will be charming and pleasant and this evening will take the rivalship between me and YN to an 11. I hope she isnt overthinking things. 
You on the other side of things were overthinking everything that could go right and everything that could go wrong. You were also talking to yourself and pacing and borderline freak out. 
YN(to self): i cant do this, i can do this… what am i saying tonight is gonna go horrible… something is gonna mess this night up and screw up the entire eco system that is a almost 2 year secret… i wonder what it would be like if draco and i were out to the school and the public eye as a couple… what am i saying that would be a disaster. The ministry, the school, my parents, his parents, our friends, everyone would reject us… we would end up living as muggles for the rest of our lives, we would be exiled from the wizard records, we would have our legacy dragged through the dirt or worse. 
That's when you heard Dracos voice in the wind. 
Draco: don't stress babe, I'll be right by your side the entire time, trust me babe… Then we will happily go outside for some air later. Now let's get ready… and don't worry about a thing love. 
Thats when you had calmed down a bit more, and listened to mcgonigal speak.
Minerva: settle down everyone, before we all enter the great hall, it gives me great pleasure to introduce 2 people who im sure need no introduction, their rivalry is legendary amongst the entire student body. The minister himself asked that these 2 be given a very special entrance, ladies and gentlemen to kick off tonights winter formal i proudly present YN and Draco.
That was yours and Dracos cues to walk out from cover and down the stairs. All eyes were on the 2 of you as you both united in the center between the 2 staircases. 
Draco: in all my years at hogwarts never have I ever been so lucky in all I do, for my rival and I we know that we will make hogwarts proud in all we do and one day who knows maybe we will end up teaching here as well one day. But our rivalry won't end with graduation or parting for one final time. You all shall hear of our rivalry far and wide as we continue the rivalry even outside of hogwarts. Sorry for the speech slur but I figured on behalf of all of us we should make a statement. 
Draco then held his arm for you to take. That you did and both of you walked the rest of the steps together, the only person who you both stopped to acknowledge was the minister. 
Fudge: in all my time as minister for magic, i have never seen 2 people who just go from rivals one minute to just pleasant normal students, almost like the bond of your rivalry has brought you both closer together. Tell me YN did you ever see yourself and mr malfoy here being friends maybe. 
YN: i honestly can say no i have not seen that possibility but there is an ever changing future and i look forward to seeing what it may hold, if per chance one day this rivalry of ours becomes obsolete we will im sure become the best of friends, as long as that would be viewed as a good thing in the eyes of the ministry of course. 
Fudge: friendship is never an issue… now let the formal commence, music… 
You and draco walk onto the dancefloor, you both had not danced outside of the astronomy tower before you both were unsure of how to act. 
Draco placed one hand on your waist and one hand on your hand. The music started and you both began to move with the music, but no one would be able to hear your conversation….
Draco: you look wonderful tonight…
YN: thank you, i mean it wasnt hard to figure out who sent these wonderful items, but that was also a given considering we talk one minute about the formal and the fact i didnt have anything to wear and the next minute there is a mysterious box with a note saying that the dress and stuff was in the box made me smile. I figured it out when i saw the box, before i read the note. 
Draco: was it that obvious?
YN: yes it was but thats ok, cause i know that tonight we arent rivals, we are just 2 people who happen to be a big part of the school and its events. I honestly didnt know that this was what we had to do till i got mcgonigals note. 
Draco: well tonight will be special i promise. 
YN: ill hold you to it. 
Draco just smiled as more people joined you on the dancefloor, after a few songs you and Draco went to get something to drink. You both picked a table and sat down beside eachother, so as to have a civizled conversation. 
Draco: any plans to go home for break?
YN: nope, as far as my parents are concerned i am staying at the school and just helping minerva… its not like i have much at home anyway. I mean sure my parents are there and they love me but i dont want to go home, see my parents start getting back into my home life routine and then have to come back to hogwarts… its just too hard. Thats why i stopped going home for break, thats why i stay here and help the professors keep the school over break. 
Draco: well what would you say if i stay here as well over break… think of it as we are on one continuous date for 2 weeks. 
YN: now that i would enjoy. But i think we should tell the school… somehow… someway… but we shouldnt wait too much longer, we dont know what the consequences will be… 
Draco: i know you are right… i…
Just as he was about to speak again the minister came up to both of you pulling up a seat beside you… 
Cornielious: having a good time tonight…
YN: yes we are minister thank you… we were just discussing what the tutoring schedule will look like over the next bit before our owls and winter break. 
Draco: are you having a good time minister?
Cornielious: its like nothing has changed at hogwarts, this party is fantastic, it is a good time, it also gives me a break from my work at the ministry.. Oh YN your mom and dad said to say hi… i have them checking into a few strange occurrences for magic bursts. 
YN: well you certainly picked the right people for the job, i know my parents well enough to know that they wont quit a case if there are no leads… as my mom always the hardest case is the easiest case for the answer is staring you in the face. 
All 3 of you start laughing as the music changes again and one student exclaims…
Student A: its snowing!!!
All the students  continued to dance as the music changed to more slow songs, you and draco decided to try to slow dance again. But no one would have predicted the scene that would happen about quarter way into the dance. 
You were having a small convo with draco and he decided to kiss you on the cheek. No one else noticed, your cousin however smart and brilliant for she non vocally slowed time a bit to the point of you and draco could recover and pretend that it didnt happen.
But a few students and teachers noticed… this made you go bright red, you backed away from Draco and turned to run through the crowd, grabbing your cape and going out the doors down the stairs and into the rose garden. 
Time resumed but no one said anything, all they saw was you running out of the great hall and draco standing in the center of the dance floor. Hermione started to move toward the door but saw draco run after you… he realized he made a mistake. She went to explain to the professors what happened and the dance was resumed. 
Draco followed your footprints and got into the maze… he located you in the center of the maze, he was very careful to approach. But you were already aware that he had followed you. 
YN: no need to be cautious, i know you are there…
Draco came fully round the corner and became visible as he appeared in front of you. 
Draco: im so sorry about that in there love. It was… well i just…. I mean… 
YN: its okay i understand what happened… heat of the moment and all. But as my cousin has told me telepathically of course is that she has spoken to those who saw this happen and she told them that it was nothing special. It was just a simple slip of the moment. But she harry ron and crab and goyle all know the truth… one day we will tell the rest of the students and the professors but for now…
Thats when he threw a snowball at you… well now he had started something, this fight went on for a few moments before you realized that he was close enough to you & that you guys were still alone and that no one would know if you shared a moment under the falling snow… 
YN: tonight just being normal was amazing! Thank you so much for this… 
Draco: there is one more thing i feel like we should do… one thing that we are gonna do to remember this moment, how we looked on the floor and for anyone that wants a memory of tonight, i know i will and i know our friends will but we also need to start making memories for our children to see one day… so here is one for the history books...
You didnt have time to respond before he kissed you. the snow falling on your faces and the calm night air made this night even better to just be there together. 
~to be continued~
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
Oblivious Part 2 // Draco Malfoy
A/N: Hey guys, PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ THIS!!! I feel like I’ve taken on a series too early, I wrote Part 2 a long time ago but never got around to finishing it, so it didn’t end with what I wanted it to, but it’ll all work out in the end. But please be open-minded, I know it’s not my best work by any means, but I think it’s quite sweet in some moments. The juicy bits are yet to come. I’m sorry for such a long wait. Truth be told, I’ve been experiencing some writer’s block and I really just wanted to get SOMETHING out to you guys. Thank you for your patience!
Summary: Draco and Y/N talk about what happened at Hogsmeade and after a tragic event, Draco finally comes clean.
Warning(s): SPOILERS! Violence, swearing(I can’t remember if there is or not tbh)
Word Count: 4k
Part 1
Draco exhaled heavily as he gently stroked his girlfriend’s temple. He was trying to get her to fall asleep after the long day she’d just had. However, he knew first hand how uncomfortable the Hospital Wing’s beds were. He didn’t expect her to find slumber easily. Besides, he could practically see the gears turning in her head as she gazed up at him. Her expression was one of befuddlement.
Madam Pomfrey had already fixed her up, but she had requested for Y/N to stay the night so that she’d be able to reassess her ankle the next morning. Draco knew he should’ve taken this valuable time where Y/N would be, essentially, out of commission, to work on the cabinet. Alas, he couldn’t bring himself to leave the chair Madam Pomfrey had provided him with.
Draco fought a smile from creeping onto his lips as he ran his eyes over Y/N’s frame. He loved her all the time, but it was always a special treat whenever he got to see her in between consciousness and sleep. She’d curl up into a ball, make herself appear small. Every time she talked, it was as if she were drunk; her words would come out muffled or slurred, and none of her sentences would make sense. It was a rather endearing sight to behold. But Y/N wasn’t her usual sleepy self tonight; she was wide awake and studying Draco’s face intently. 
“Why didn’t you take me over there to help?” she asked him, point-blank.
Draco let out another sigh and ran his hand through his hair. Boy, oh boy, was his girlfriend quite the stubborn young woman. Although, perhaps that made sense as she was a Gryffindor after all. Part of him wanted to spill his guts to her. How good would it feel to finally tell someone what he’s been going through? He parted his lips to spill his guts but thought better of it at the last moment.
Draco opened his mouth again. “I thought it was dangerous; I didn’t want you to get hurt any further than you already were. That’s all,” he said, providing her with yet another false answer. The unimpressed look on her face signaled to Draco that she didn’t buy it.
“Why were you in such a rush to leave? Maybe we could’ve helped her, Draco.”
Draco clenched his fists. He really needed to get better at lying. But perhaps he was performing poorly due to the fact he was lying to Y/N, the girl he loved so dearly. Nevertheless, anger began to swell in his chest. “I already told you, it looked dangerous,” he snapped. Y/N didn’t move a muscle; she was used to Draco’s sudden mood swings. Instead, she just stared at him, seemingly awaiting what he would do next.
Draco contemplated his next words heavily. Would mentioning Voldemort be too much? Maybe it would frighten Y/N. He certainly didn’t want to keep the girl awake any longer than she’d already been, but perhaps it would convince her that Draco had genuinely been scared earlier that day. He indeed had been afraid… afraid of his secret being revealed.
“Look, The Dark Lord is back, we can’t be-”
“Oh, so now you believe, Harry?” Y/N asked condescendingly.
“Would you shut it? Bloody hell, this isn’t about Potter,” Draco said while throwing his hands into the air. “This is about your safety. Our safety. Why don’t you understand that?” Irritation was visible in his eyes.
“You’re a liar,” Y/N said while sitting up in her bed, “A liar. Get out. I don’t want to see you anymore.”
Draco’s frustration dissipated instantly. “Love, I’m sorry I—”
“Get. Out,” Y/N said firmly. Her teeth were gritted, and her nostrils were flared. She was sick and tired of her boyfriend lying to her face. She gave him so many chances to come clean, and yet he didn’t; this hurt her deeply. He studied her face for a few moments, then realized she was dead serious. So he reluctantly got to his feet and gave her one last look before turning on his heel and walking away. When he left the room, he began to pace back and forth outside the doors. He didn’t want to leave. He was stroking his chin in deep thoughts when his strides were interrupted by a deep, slow voice calling his name.
 “Draco. Don’t you have... better things... to be doing at this hour?”
He looked up from his feet to see Professor Snape glaring at him. Draco scowled at him. He knew what the greasy-haired man was implying. “I’m taking care of it,” he replied.
“Is that so? Then you must have successfully repaired it, yes?”
Draco averted his eyes. Truthfully, he’d made progress on the vanishing cabinet, but nothing too promising. He’d been able to get an apple to and from the Room of Requirement and Borgin and Burkes. But when he sent a bird through it, it hadn’t come back alive. “Not quite, but I’m getting closer. I just need more time.”
Snape’s frowning expression remained the same. “Well, I suggest you focus more on fixing it rather than wasting time on such silly attempts. The Headmaster isn’t a fool, unlike you. He would never have been stupid enough to touch that necklace.”
Draco turned his head slightly away from Snape. He knew he was right. Dumbledore was an intelligent wizard; he likely wouldn’t have been fooled by the cursed necklace. But Draco thought it had been worth a shot. It was clear now that it had most certainly not been worth it.
“Focus on the task at hand. Fix the cabinet. If you don’t, I’ll be stepping in,” Snape said in a stern tone. Draco still couldn’t bring himself to look at him, so the professor walked away, leaving the blonde boy to his jumbled thoughts.
After a long couple of minutes, Draco decided that Snape was right. He needed to concentrate on the cabinet. There was no time to spend worrying about what lie to tell his girlfriend next; The Dark Lord had chosen him. And he could not fail him.
Draco straightened his spine and readjusted his suit jacket. And then he was off to the Room of Requirement.
Y/N didn’t make an effort to find Draco the next morning. Although, she had expected him to be outside the Hospital Wing when she exited. But he was nowhere to be seen. Her first thought was that she was too harsh with him. Then she remembered that he’d been blatantly lying to her for weeks now. She needed to be blunt with him last night. He needed to understand that she was upset and wouldn’t give him the benefit of the doubt anymore.
Y/N had hardly gotten any sleep. Her mind was too cluttered with thoughts of Katie Bell. What the hell had cursed her yesterday? And why was Draco so eager to flee the scene once he saw her shoot into the sky? Y/N didn’t want to believe her own suspicions, but perhaps Draco had had something to do with it. It was the only logical answer she could think of. And while she didn’t doubt Draco cared for her safety, she knew that wasn’t the real reason he ran off with her in his arms.
Suddenly, she missed being in those arms. Draco hadn’t been the same boy she fell in love with in a long time. He was so gloomy, the bags under his eyes were still prominent. And as of late, he’d been becoming more and more secretive. None of this sat well with Y/N. Not at all.
When she arrived at the Great Hall for breakfast, she located her boyfriend straight away. He was at their usual spot, picking at some scrambled eggs. She sighed and walked over to him and sat down gently. Not a single word flew from his chapped lips.
“I thought you would’ve been waiting for me outside the Hospital Wing,” Y/N stated while she cut into a loaf of bread. “Did something happen?” she questioned, keeping her tone light and nonaccusatory. Draco scoffed. “Figured you wouldn’t want to see me,” he said in a passive-aggressive tone.
“Don’t start that shit, Draco. I’m trying to be nice even though you’ve been lying to my face for how long now? Too long. We’re in a relationship, and relationships don’t work when someone consistently lies. So unless you want to lose me,” Draco’s head whipped towards her like lightning, her words struck fear into his heart, “I’d come clean.”
Draco masked his fear with a hearty laugh. “Yeah, right. You wouldn’t.”
“Honestly, Draco, at this point, I would. I’m sick of this rubbish. Why are you suddenly so afraid to tell me stuff? You were never apprehensive about confiding in me until now. I know something has happened, Draco. It’s so blatantly bothering you. Let me take some of the weight off your shoulders—”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing has happened. I’m fine, alright? Can we just stop talking about all this nonsense?” Draco asked. His fists were clenched tightly on top of the table. He was desperately trying to control his raging emotions. 
Y/N couldn’t believe he was still trying to keep secrets, but she decided to give him one more chance. “What is going on?” she asked while reaching out to put her hand on his left arm, trying to comfort him. But once her fingertips had brushed his sleeve, he yanked himself away from her aggressively.
“Don’t touch me,” he said quickly, getting to his feet. Y/N felt her heart clench. She knew she’d struck some kind of nerve. But she made no move to stand up; she only watched as Draco turned to leave. Except, he didn’t. He was frozen in place. Y/N curiously followed his gaze to see Harry talking to Katie Bell. She threw one leg over the bench, wanting to see if she could join the conversation. However, her plans were interrupted when suddenly, Draco stumbled backward and began to flee the Great Hall. Harry didn’t wait a beat; he chased after the Slytherin.
Y/N stuffed a piece of toast in her mouth, quickly clambered to her feet, and rushed after the boys. She momentarily got caught in a hoard of people who were flowing into the Great Hall, but when she was able to weave through them, she caught sight of Harry running up the stairs. The Gryffindor knew it would be best to keep a distance behind Harry, as to remain undetected. 
She waited until Harry had reached the top step, then she climbed up after him. At the peak of the concrete stairs, Y/N saw Harry turn a corner. So she followed after him, but when she too rounded the corner, she pressed herself against the wall and watched silently as Harry nearly ran down the hallway. Why the hell was Harry even chasing Draco anyway?
Y/N knew there was no time to waste. When Harry was out of sight, she scurried off after him. However, while she was running, Peeves, the naughty school poltergeist, appeared in front of her, a mischievous smile plastered to his face.
“Where you off to?” he asked in a playful tone as he floated in front of her.
“Peeves, not now,” Y/N said irritatedly and out of breath. Harry was getting farther and farther away by the second.
“I have a riddle, I do. I have a riddle for you,” he said. His voice was high pitched and squeaky. It sounded a bit like nails on a chalkboard to Y/N. She ran her hand through her hair and said, “Peeves, fuck off,” as she walked straight through the ghost. He was not happy about this, and he let that be known to the entire school by letting out an ear-splitting screech. Y/N groaned and whipped out her wand. “Silencio!” she said while forcefully waving her wand towards the poltergeist. He was instantly rendered speechless by her spell. Y/N smiled and ran off; she knew she’d pay for that one later.
When she caught up to where she’d last seen Harry, all she found was an empty hallway. She took a moment to calm her erratic breathing and stood still. After a few moments, she heard a loud crack and then little clangs. They sounded like glass crashing to the floor. Her stomach churned at the thought of what could be going on. She ran down the corridor, trying to listen for more noises that would lead her to where the boys were. Upon hearing another crash, she realized they were in the bathroom. Y/N felt adrenaline rush through her body. Her head was pulsing as her heart was working diligently to pump blood. “Please let him be okay,” she muttered.
“Sectumsempra!” a voice yelled. It was followed by a loud thump that seemed to echo through the hall. Y/N didn’t recognize the spell, but she did know that voice. She burst into the flooding bathroom and looked around, panicked. Tears sprang to her eyes when she saw him. Draco was lying on the bathroom tiles, blood seeping through his white shirt. Harry stood nearby; he was frozen in place. He looked frightened by his own actions.
Y/N didn’t wait a moment more; she ran to Draco’s side and fell to her knees. She took his face into her shaky hands. “You’re okay, you’re gonna be okay. I’m here,” she said softly. Draco didn’t reply; he just continued to sob. Y/N turned to Harry. “What did you do to him?” she asked angrily. Harry didn’t respond. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM, HARRY?!” she screamed. But Harry remained silent, so she turned back to her boyfriend, his head still in her hands.
“I’m sorry, Draco. I’m so sorry, I should’ve just trusted you, I should have just forgiven you,” Y/N said through her tears and hiccups. She knew that any adult who could heal Draco was likely too far away. She didn’t want to risk leaving him and coming back to find him dead. So she slid down onto her side and laid next to him. Slowly and gently, she nestled her head into the crook of his neck. Her clothes were now drenched, but that didn’t bother her in the slightest. She wanted to be near to Draco. She wanted to hold him. 
Her attention was stolen when she heard footsteps splash in the pool of water on the bathroom floor. She looked over her shoulder to see Professor Snape. Her heart skipped a beat. “Professor, please, he’s bleeding out!” she called to him as she sat up. Snape silently rushed to Draco’s side but stopped to give Harry a long and knowing look. Harry gulped and fled the scene. This piqued Y/N’s interest, but now was not the time to wonder why Snape had glared at Harry that way. “Professor…” she pleaded.
Snape’s head whipped towards her, “Move,” he commanded. Y/N jumped to her feet and scooted away from Draco. Snape knelt over Draco’s body and took out his wand. Slowly, he held it above Draco’s body and murmured a healing spell while moving his wand left and right. The bloodstains began to fade as Draco’s lacerations started to close. Y/N let out an enormous breath of relief when she saw color return to her lover’s pale face. 
Snape finished healing and tucked away his wand. He then reached underneath Draco to lift him up. Once the boy was settled in his arms, he strode out of the bathroom without a word to Y/N. Despite Snape making no indication she should follow, Y/N ran through the water to catch up with her potions professor. 
After rushing through the corridors, they arrived at the Hospital Wing, where Madam Pomfrey was surprised to see Snape carrying a student. He laid Draco on an empty bed and told the matron in a hushed voice what had happened to the blonde boy. Draco’s eyes were closed, and his chest was rising and falling slowly as his body started to recover. Y/N took a seat next to his bed, just as he had done for her less than twenty-four hours ago. Her tears hadn’t stopped falling since the moment she saw him on the washroom floor. The skin around her eyes was red and raw from her repeated rubbing. Y/N grabbed his hand and held it firmly in both her palms. She rubbed her thumb over his skin and slowly raised it to her lips, pressing a delicate kiss to his fingers. 
Even though Y/N was looking at Draco and could see he was breathing, she still felt panicked. “He’s okay now, right? You’ve saved him?” she asked the two adults who were still whispering to one another. The pair shifted their eyes to her. Madam Pomfrey smiled and nodded while Snape's expression remained stoic. He gave his thanks to Madam Pomfrey and left the room. The matron walked over to Y/N. 
“I need to tend to his wounds Miss Y/L/N if you could step away for just a moment,” she said. Y/N stood up from her chair and moved out of Madam Pomfrey’s way. She closed the curtain around the hospital bed, shielding Y/N’s view of her boyfriend. Y/N nervously began to pace back and forth, finally having time to process what just happened. Why did Harry use such a violent spell? If Snape hadn’t shown up, Draco would’ve likely died on that bathroom floor. Had that been Harry’s intent? What were they even fighting for? Y/N thought to herself. After rapidly theorizing different answers to her questions, she concluded she wouldn’t be able to figure out this puzzle until Draco recovered. Perhaps he’d finally come clean. She’d make him come clean, she decided.
Just then, the curtain was pulled back, and there was Draco, awake. Y/N slowly approached his bedside; tears welled up in her eyes all over again. He offered her a soft smile and slightly raised his hand to say hello. She let out a strangled sob and reached out her hands to cradle his face. Gently, she pulled him close and gave him a tender kiss. Draco kissed her back and rested his hand on her waist. When they pulled away, he gazed into her sad eyes. “I’m here, love. I’m okay. There’s no need to cry.” This only caused more teardrops to fall. Y/N tried to stifle her sobs, not wanting to wake up any other patients. “Draco, you almost d..died. You almost died on the floor, I…I was lying next to you, and if Snape hadn’t come in when he did, y-you would’ve d-died in my arms.”
Draco didn't utter a word. He merely scooted over in his bed and patted the new spot next to him. Y/N rubbed her eyes and climbed up onto the hospital cot. She buried herself into his side and gently wrapped her arms around his lower torso, trying not to irritate his cuts. He laughed softly. “I’m healed, darling. Pomfrey said I’m staying the night, so Potter doesn’t come back to finish me off,” Draco said, a hint of anger laced in his tone. “Why did he do this to you, Draco? Is he what’s been bothering you? Do I need to talk to him?” Y/N asked. She was incredibly angry at Harry, and Draco had just reminded her of this. 
Draco stared at her. He could see the anguish and inner turmoil she was going through. He felt guilt pang in his chest when he realized he was the cause of it. He never wanted her to be hurting because of him; he only wanted to keep her safe. Keep her oblivious. But it seemed as though that was no longer an option. He couldn’t bear to lie to her again. He had to come clean.
“Potter did this to me because... he knows I cursed Katie Bell,” Draco said flat out. Y/N’s eyes widened to twice their original size. “You what?! Draco, what do you mean you cursed—”
Draco hurriedly put his hand over his girlfriend’s mouth. “Shh! Someone could hear you,” he whispered. “We can talk about this more in the morning, alright? We can’t discuss this here, but I promise you, Y/N. I promise you I’ll tell you what’s been going on. Just not here,” he said firmly.
“You’ll tell me everything?” she asked, her eyes shined with newfound hope. 
Draco nodded. “Everything.”
The couple sat across from each other, each on top of random objects within the Room of Requirement. Y/N’s hands rested, overtop her lips as she took in everything Draco had just told her. Several minutes of silence passed. “Love...please say something,” Draco pleaded. Y/N straightened her back and inhaled sharply. Her eyes flickered to Draco’s. “So you mean to tell me that you’re a death eater because of your dad and you inadvertently cursed Katie because you were actually trying to kill Dumbledore because you-know-who told you to? And you’ve also been sneaking off so you can fix a cabinet that’ll allow other death eaters to get inside Hogwarts?” she asked, the words flying out of her mouth at lightning speed.
Draco rubbed his neck and stared at his feet. He waited a few beats before replying, “Yes.” Stillness overtook the vast room. Neither teenager uttered a word. Y/N was too deep in her thoughts, and Draco was anxiously awaiting her next sentence. He was so worried that his confession would drive Y/N away from him for good. Even though that would be a good thing for her safety, Draco knew it would break him in the long run. 
“Can I see it?” Y/N asked quietly. Draco recognized the fear in her voice almost instantaneously. But regardless, he nodded and stood up. Y/N paused but stood up as well. Apprehensively, Draco grasped the end of his sleeve and slowly rolled it up to reveal his dark mark. He felt his entire body clench with fear. Draco's eyes were glued to his girlfriend’s face, searching for some kind of indication as to what she was feeling. But her eyes were empty as she gazed at the permanent image on his arm. Slowly, she outstretched her hand and placed her fingertips on the skull embedded in his skin. Her touch caused a shudder to run up Draco’s spine. He felt uncomfortable that a soul as pure as Y/N’s was touching something so inherently dark and evil. 
“Does it hurt?” she asked while removing her hand and shifting her gaze to Draco’s face. He began to roll his sleeve back down. “Sometimes,” he mumbled.
Y/N could see the nervousness on her boyfriend’s face. She knew he was scared of how she’d react to his confession, so she decided to give him some reassurance. “Draco, look at me,” she ordered gently. He tilted his head up to make eye contact with Y/N. She continued, “I love you. I love you so much. I know you, and I know you’ve just dug yourself in too deep. You didn’t realize what you were getting into. I mean, how could you?” she asked. 
Draco nodded, a tear escaping his eye. “I only wanted to impress him. I wanted to make him proud of me. Hell, I wanted to make The Dark Lord proud. But I can’t do it, Y/N, I can’t.” Draco was full-on crying now. His shoulders rose and fell violently as sobs overtook him. “Wanted to impress who, love?” Y/N asked softly as she took her lover into her arms. “My father, he—” Draco couldn’t finish his sentence; his tears were too uncontrollable.
Y/N felt her eyes begin to well up with her own tears as she placed her hand on his nape. She gently stroked him, trying to soothe him. Draco removed his hands from his face and wrapped them around Y/N tightly, wanting to hold her. She was providing him comfort, but he knew that this couldn’t be easy for Y/N either. So he hugged her. And for a long time... that was all they did. They held one another and cried with one another. Neither knew what to say or what to think. Neither knew what the next step should be, but at that moment, they knew they would take that step together. And for now, that was enough.
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fallatyourfeet · 5 years
Forbidden Trouble - Part 4
(Draco Malfoy x Reader) Mini-Series
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Summary: It’s almost the end of the school year and Draco looks forward to stealing a few more days with (YN), but something strange is going on and Draco is feeling uneasy about it. 
Word Count: 1883
Warnings: Angst.
Find the other parts to this story in my Masterlist :)
If you like this, please feel free to visit my blog and take a look around, via my Masterlist in my bio!
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A/N: Hope you enjoy it and please, feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.
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It had been a strange day, well... it had been a strange year... a long year and now it was drawing to a close. After Draco had failed at two attempts on Dumbledore's life, nearly killing two students in the process, Dumbledore himself had confronted Draco in the hopes it would stop more innocent people from getting hurt. At first, Draco didn't know how to react, because Dumbledore seemed to know or sense how he was struggling with his task... how he struggled with everything that was expected of him. But Draco also felt as though Dumbledore knew more, what..? he wasn’t sure and the fact that the old professor held no ill will towards him had Draco astounded. And when Draco came clean about the plan to smuggle the death eaters into Hogwarts, Dumbledore shocked him even more, telling him he needed to stick to the plan and not draw attention to himself. Draco could still hear his words, replaying over in his head, “Draco, you must let them in... we don't want Voldemort thinking you have betrayed him... Let them in... and Professor Snape and I will take care of the rest.”
Draco was at a loss as to why Dumbledore trusted him to not run to his mother, or worse, Voldemort and tell them, but he did and surprisingly Draco found himself warming to the old wizard. Though, he wasn't sure where Snape fitted into all of this. Who's side was he on, Dumbledore’s or Voldemort’s? Draco had no idea. All he knew, was how grateful and relieved he felt that Dumbledore had taken all the heavy burden from his hands, leaving him feeling as if he could breathe again. If he was being completely honest with himself, his attempts to kill Dumbledore were purposely flawed from the very beginning, he didn't want to kill the wizard from the moment it was asked of him. And since meeting (YN) everything had changed, he just wasn't the same person anymore and the constant guilt he felt knowing his failed attempts had hurt both Katie Bell and Ron Weasley had kept him up at nights.
Draco shook his head to himself, he felt like a completely different person. Gone was his bitter anger and misinformed hatred... and he didn't miss it one little bit. But as he made his way through the great stone hallways of Hogwarts, no one would have guessed from his dull expression. Every day was just a boring string of seemingly endless days. The only thing making them bearable was knowing that each sunset and rise of the moon brought him one day closer to another term break. One day closer to that smile he missed so much... one day closer to the sound of her sweet voice... and that laugh... and another day closer to the touch of her hand in his. And it was those few precious days he spent with (YN) at the end of each break, that kept him going until the next. And all he needed was those sweet moments to keep him afloat for one more year... one more year and his school life was done.
Pushing on the door of the Slytherin dormitory, Draco took a deep breath, it had been a strange year, but today had been really strange. In fact, since yesterday things had only gotten stranger and stranger and he was beginning to feel uneasy about it.  At first, it was just a few weird looks from Slytherin students as they feasted upon their evening meal in the hall. Then the following morning he thought his imagination was getting the better of him when he heard the same students whispering, only to fall quiet and look away when he turned to glare at them. But as the day progressed it got much worse and before long they were openly sneering and talking behind his back, as students from other houses began to stare too. Releasing a long slow breath, he walked into the common room, his eyes automatically falling upon Goyle sitting by himself on a couch, the room all but empty but for a couple of first year students studying over in the corner. Goyle was sitting there, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees biting his nails and if Draco didn't know any better he thought Goyle seemed nervous. When he looked up to see Draco, he shuffled nervously in his seat, bringing heavy feelings of dread into the hollow of Draco's stomach.
Before speaking, Draco gave another quick scan of the common room, “Where's Crabbe? I've hardly seen the pair of you all day”
Goyle cleared his throat, the sound was a nervous one and it had the dread in Draco's stomach swimming. “Ahhh... Not sure, he... he left to get somethin' to eat, but he should be back by now.” Goyle could barely look Draco in the eyes as he cleared his throat again and stood up, “Ummm... I'm not feelin' so good, I might go lie down for a bit.”
Turning on his heels, Goyle tried to make a quick escape, but Draco spoke, stopping him in his tracks. “Goyle...? What’s going on..? Why is everyone being weird around me and why are you and Crabbe trying to avoid me?”
Slowly Goyle turned to face him, his lip caught between his teeth, his eyes unable to hold Draco's, “I... I may have accidentally let slip to Crabbe that... that you have been... you know.”
Goyle couldn’t or wouldn't finish his sentence and this alone sent the heavy dread in Draco's stomach rising up through his chest, spreading its way throughout his entire body. His intuition telling him this was about (YN). Through gritted teeth, Draco asked again, “What Goyle... that I have been... What?”
Dropping his gaze to the floor, Goyle mumbled, “That you've been seein' my muggle neighbour.” Snapping his head back up, he added in a panic, “But... but I told him it's nothin’ that you don't like her, that you're only usin’ her.”
If it was even possible Draco's already pale face drained of all its colour, his cold eyes almost burning a hole in Goyle's stupid face. Feeling his breaths grow shallow he inhaled deeply, trying to calm the excessive thumping of his heart. “You fool Goyle, do you realise what you’ve done. You know Crabbe can't keep his mouth shut.” Draco turned and took a quick step towards the wall, before quickly pivoting back, running both his hands through his hair. “No wonder everyone is sniggering behind my back, everyone knows.”
Goyle stuttered an apology, as the students in the corner lifted their heads at the commotion, but Draco was too distracted to notice, his distress evident across every feature upon his face. And even Goyle who would barely notice such a thing could clearly see his friends panic, “D.. Draco... I'm sure you're parents won't find out.”
Draco snorted, “If you believe that, you truly are a fool...” Running a hand over his face, he placed them both on his hips, “My mother probably already knows... or worse...” Draco couldn't even utter the name from his lips if ‘The Dark Lord’ found out that he, the boy who he had entrusted to kill Dumbledore was seeing or even associating with a muggle... well... he couldn't even bring himself to think about it.
Standing there a silent moment with his mouth hanging uselessly open, Goyle finally spoke, not that it was helpful, “I'm... I'm sure your mother will forgive you... and your father... he... he isn’t going to hear about it, you know... in Azkaban.”
Taking a step forward, Draco shoved him in the chest, “You don’t get it... I don't give a shit about any of that... I only care about her.. nothing can happen to her... not her...” Draco fell silent, kicking himself for letting his mouth run away from him, watching as Goyle's mouth fell open again, this time not from a lack of words but from shock, his brain unable to fathom what was spilling from his friend’s mouth.
Draco's gaze travelled to the ceiling, slowly releasing a breath he didn't even realise he was holding, this was bad... really bad, what was he going to do? Looking back to his dumbfounded friend, Draco shook his head, pushing his way past him as he uttered, “Just get out of my way, you don't realise what you've done.”
Opening the dormitory door, Draco was confronted by a handful of Slytherin students making their way back from the hall. When their eyes fell upon him, their expressions were a mix between arrogant smirks and looks of disgust, whispering and sniggering as he pushed his way through them. Draco dropped his gaze to the ground, the action making them snigger even more, but he did it not out of shame or embarrassment, he barely even noticed them. He did it because he was consumed by distressing thoughts... Did his mother already know..? Did The Dark Lord know...? If he didn't, how long would the news take to reach him?” All these thoughts ran through his mind, sending his heart thumping hard in his chest, his feet taking step after step as anxious thoughts took over. Was (YN) okay..? How long did he have before they came knocking at her door..? Were they already on their way..?
Down the great stone hallways he went with absolutely no idea of where he was going, too caught up in his own thoughts to notice or care about the curious glares from students and teachers alike... didn't notice as his breaths grew shallow, his chest restricting the flow of air to his lungs when his thoughts took him to the worse place imaginable... “What if it was already too late..? Draco stopped dead in his tracks, the very thought that she could be harmed because of him, tortured or... or murdered, almost had his knees collapsing beneath him... Lifting his gaze from the ground his eyes looked listlessly around him, unsure and at a loss of what to do... he needed to get out of here and get to her... That was the moment his eyes settled upon the phoenix statue at the end of the hall, somehow his feet had unknowing brought him all the way to the Headmaster's Tower. ‘Professor Dumbledore’ he thought, suddenly Draco found himself able to breathe again, ‘Dumbledore... I need to speak to Dumbledore.’ Taking the few remaining steps down the hall, he thanked Merlin that he knew Dumbledore's password. After everything that had happened during the year, the old wizard had kindly shared it with him as a means of refuge should he come under any threat or danger from, well... death eaters or the Dark Lord. Stopping before the large stone statue Draco looked to the ground taking a moment to breathe, trying desperately to collect his thoughts, praying he would make his way up the staircase to find Dumbledore sitting at his desk. With another deep breath, he looked back up but before he could utter a single sound the great stone phoenix slowly began turning, grinding loudly against the stone floor to reveal it’s staircase and Draco wasted no time, grabbing it's handrail and leaping up its steps.
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 @drawlfoy @kaibie @sj-thefan @5sos-harrypotter-spencerried  @ricky-666s-blog​ @aactuaaltraash​  @2-glam @jessicas-underground
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Idiots Like Lockhart
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Requested by: anon (mix of two requests as they were VERY similar)
Summary: Lockhart’s shameless flirting is getting to you.
AN: so the first of the kinktober fics is queued up! Things are getting busy w school (and I also recently got animal crossing new horizons and Tom Nook do be keeping me in debt) so things may be slow or erratic in terms of uploads.
Warning: unwanted flirting
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“Good morning, YN!”
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you plastered a strained smile on your face as you turned to your colleague.
“Morning, Gilderoy,” you said politely, before turning back to your porridge. You didn’t need to look to your other side to know that Severus was tensing up.
“I trust you got my owl?”
Sighing, you set your spoon down. “I did, Gilderoy. The answer is still no, no matter how many autographed pictures you put in the envelope. I’m not going to the Three Broomsticks with you,” with a huff, you abandoned your breakfast and made your way to your classroom, really not in the mood for Lockhart’s pathetic flirting today. If Severus would just come out and say that you were together, you wouldn’t have this issue. Everyone on the staff already knew you had been a couple for two years now, so you didn’t see the point in hiding it from Lockhart. Perhaps Severus merely wanted to wait for the right opportunity (he was a bit of a drama queen with his sweeping black robes and low drawling voice) but still.
In an increasingly foul mood, you groaned when you spotted a lilac envelope on your desk, your name written in swirly purple handwriting. Pursing your lips, you swept it aside, soon letting your first class in. The lesson went without a hitch until a giggling group of third year girls saw your envelope.
“Oooo, is that from Professor Lockhart?” One girl asked, her friends squealing slightly when you nodded. “Oh! Open it professor! I bet he fancies you! Imagine that, a real life celebrity sending our teacher love notes!”
You sighed and kept a level head. “Miss Beckett, my correspondence with my colleagues is none of your concern, do remember that,” you said, gently but firmly, before holding up the note. You read it quickly to yourself and rolled your eyes, before tapping it smartly with your wand and muttering ‘incendio’. Several of the girls gasped as the pretty paper burst into flames, but a few of the boys grinned.
You swept the ashes into your waste paper bin, before turning to the chalkboard, the chalk magically beginning to write as you explained the basics of the new topic you were covering with your class. All was going fine until there was a burst of knocking on your door. You flicked your wand at it to open it, half expecting a student on a message from another professor.
Instead, you were met with the sight of someone who was quickly moving up your list of least favourite people. “Professor Lockhart,” you said through gritted teeth. “Is there a problem? Surely not another one of your practical lessons have descended into chaos? I’d expect better from such an... accomplished wizard,” your backhanded comment did not go unnoticed- someone muttered from the back of the class ‘I thought that vampire seemed a bit stupid!’
Lockhart’s boyish grin fell slightly, but he stepped into the room. “YN-”
“Professor YLN, if you don’t mind,” you said cooly, turning back to your chalkboard. There was a snort of laughter from the left of the room which was quickly covered up by a fake cough. “Now, class, it’s a common misconception that the-”
“YN, please, just listen to me! I understand your worries, but a little drink at the three broomsticks will do no harm. We won’t get hounded by paparazzi, darling. If you’re that worried about a public scandal, I can put a concealment charm on you,” he said, smirking as he winked at a few of the students. His arrogance caused anger to finally flare up inside you. The chalk clattered to the floor as your focus was torn away from teaching.
“Professor Lockhart, I suggest you leave my classroom this instant before I hex you into next month,” you said, eyes flashing with rage. “And for the record, I would never go anywhere with an arrogant, self-centred, immature fool like you, no matter how many pathetic love notes and inappropriate interruptions to my lessons you make. As a matter of fact, I’ll be reporting the harassment to Professor Dumbledore, so tread very carefully, Gilderoy, or so help me god,” you glared at him, your wand clutched tightly in your hand. “Now get out and leave my class in peace. We have important content to learn,” you had slowly been backing him out of the room and slammed the door in his face, before storming back to your desk. “Books out. Answer the questions on the board,” you instructed your class.
“That was brilliant, Professor!” Someone commented and you couldn’t help the small smile that twitched on your lips.
“Thank you, Benjamin,” you said bashfully, before burying yourself in your work. You dismissed the class when the bell went, and sighed. You wanted nothing more than to curl up with Severus, but you still had a few more classes to teach.
Later that day, you and the majority of the staff were sat around in the staff room, drinking tea and chatting, although you kept to yourself. Most had heard about your rant at Lockhart, but you still hadn’t seen Severus- what if he was angry? What if all this was simply too much for him?
When he swept into the room with Lockhart on his coat tails, jabbering on about a duelling club, you tossed your book aside. Without really thinking, you flung yourself into sev’s arms, burying your face in his neck. Minerva and Albus smiled at one another, knowing how much comfort you sought in each other’s arms as Severus rubbed your back, frowning. “Are you alright, my love?” He murmured, kissing your temple.
“Much better now I’m with you,” you replied, pulling back and pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth. Without another word, you walked back to your shared chambers in the dungeons as you explained what had you so tense that day.
Lockhart was left gaping, his mouth opening and closing but no sound coming out, rather like a goldfish. “She... what... HIM?” He said incredulously looking around the staffroom.
“Oh yes,” Dumbledore said cheerfully. “Severus and YN... such a strong love they have for one another...” he hummed, popping a sherbet lemon into his mouth and looking off dreamily.
“You’re very welcome to place your bet, Gilderoy,” said Professor Sprout grinning. “So far ive got 10 galleons on it happening by easter, Filius bets 15 by Valentines Day, and we’ve got Minerva betting 50 by the New Year half term! Should I put you in the book?”
“Betting? What for?” Lockhart demanded.
“On when Severus will propose to YN,” Flitwick said brightly.
“Speaking of which, Pomona, I want to change my bet to October half term. Something tells me Severus isn’t likely to leave it any longer...”
Tags: @a-hopeless-fan @lotsoffandomrecs @justanotherwildstar @rai-strangebr @zodiyack @haphazardhufflepuff @dumbfuckinslytherin @severuslovebot @darkthought15 @strawberriesonsummer @rabeccablake @sambucky8 @eleven-times-lively @talksoprettyjjx @extra-trash77 @rangerelik @dracosbbygorl @simonsbluee
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