#Proceso Automation App
saxonai · 4 months
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espemicr · 6 months
Power Platform, Power Pages, Power BI, Power Automate … ¿Cuál es la diferencia?
Power Platform, Power Pages, Power BI, Power Automate … ¿Cuál es la diferencia?
Los Expertos Microsoft Power Platform son la plataforma central desde la que puede crear aplicaciones, sitios web, automatizar, analizar datos y mucho más. Con una única licencia, tendrá acceso a todas las herramientas de Power Platform.
¿Qué es Power Apps? Permite a cualquiera crear aplicaciones de bajo código de forma rápida y sencilla.
Power-BI-logo ¿Qué es Power BI? Cree una "única fuente de verdad" con esta plataforma de BI integral y obtenga valiosos conocimientos empresariales mediante una visualización de datos intuitiva.
Power-Automate-logo ¿Qué es Power Automate? Aumente la eficiencia y reduzca los costes automatizando tareas repetitivas y procesos sencillos. Consulte el episodio de nuestra serie Techsplained sobre RPA (automatización robótica de procesos) para descubrir las posibilidades de Power Automate.
Power-Virtual-Agents-logo ¿Qué es Power Virtual Agent? Cree chatbots eficientes basados en inteligencia artificial y totalmente personalizados según las necesidades de su empresa con una sencilla interfaz de arrastrar y soltar. Vea nuestro episodio de Techsplained sobre Power Virtual Agents.
Power-Pages-logo ¿Qué es Power Pages? Power Pages permite a todos los empleados crear rápidamente sitios web profesionales.
El entorno ERP y Power Platform ¿Sabía que puede aprovechar Power Platform para llevar su sistema ERP al siguiente nivel? Al crear soluciones ERP personalizadas en Power Platform, las empresas pueden desarrollar rápidamente soluciones intuitivas y eficientes, dejando intacto el corazón del ERP. Esto les permite optimizar procesos ERP complejos y lentos, minimizar errores -ahorrando tiempo y dinero- y garantizar la calidad de los datos.
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procesoapp · 7 months
myths about Visual Merchandising is an essential aspect of retail strategy, but like any field, it's subject to myths and misconceptions.While aesthetics are important, visual merchandising goes beyond mere decoration. It's about creating an immersive environment that enhances the overall shopping experience and drives sales through strategic placement, storytelling, and brand reinforcement.While it's true that some aspects of visual merchandising, like elaborate displays or high-end fixtures, can be costly, effective visual merchandising doesn't always require a hefty budget. Creativity, resourcefulness, and a deep understanding of your target audience can go a long way in creating impactful displays without breaking the bank.Visual merchandising is often associated with large chain stores or luxury brands, but businesses of all sizes can benefit from effective visual merchandising strategies. Even small boutiques or pop-up shops can leverage clever displays and strategic product placement to attract customers and boost sales.
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procesoapp · 8 months
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procesoapp · 8 months
Facility management (FM) refers to the comprehensive management of a physical environment to ensure the functionality, safety, and efficiency of the built environment. This discipline encompasses various activities, services, and processes that support and enhance the operations of an organization or facility. The primary goal of facility management is to optimize the use of resources while providing a conducive and well-maintained environment for occupants.Effective facility management contributes to the overall success of an organization by creating a productive and pleasant working environment, reducing operational costs, and enhancing the lifespan and performance of facilities and assets. It is a multidisciplinary field that requires coordination and integration of various services to meet the diverse needs of an organization.
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procesoapp · 8 months
Business automation refers to the use of technology and software to streamline and automate various business processes, tasks, and functions. The primary goal is to improve efficiency, reduce manual effort, minimize errors, and enhance overall productivity. Automation can be applied to a wide range of business activities, from simple repetitive tasks to complex workflows.
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