#Probably could’ve done better
“I can come back too, your not special” a comment fan fic about Cassidy
Barely paying any attention to the old, familiar voice coming from the speakers, the rabbit just kept running, and running.
Every turn he took, he was met with dead-ends.
Every turn he took, he was greeted with no escape.
Scraptrap had already tried forcing one of the doors open. He had more plans. Yet, they wouldn’t budge.
Growling in frustration, and slamming his fist against the wall, he twisted himself around—only to quickly freeze.
Through the flames, he saw something up ahead. One of his creations... a yellow bear, slumped over.
In front of the yellow bear, stood a little spirit, wearing a mask of the same animatronic. There were tiny, white pupils in the eye holes.
“You...” The rabbit grumbled, ears twitching.
“Hello, Mr. Afton.” The spirit spoke quietly, and began to approach. The spirit’s voice was calm, very calm.
He knew this spirit. It belonged to the fifth. He’d seen the spirit when he got springlocked all those years ago.
He’d blamed this spirit for it. The spirit’s name started with a c, didn’t it? Scraptrap wasn’t quite sure.
“I’ve heard what you said...” The spirit crossed her arms, and continued to approach. Scraptrap looked around. “You ‘always come back’?”
“I’ve got news for you, Mr. Afton.” The spirit suddenly disappeared. Scraptrap would have forced a frown, but his grin remained permanent.
As he started to take a few steps forward, the spirit finally re-appeared—right in front of him. “I can come back, too! You’re not special!” Her eyes narrowed.
“At this point,” She lifted a hand, and started to tap at the bottom of the yellow bear mask, “Who has not? We all have. Most of us.”
“If you’re always going to come back, Mr. Afton...”
It almost felt as if everything was beginning to... shift around, in a way. At the same time, the flames were advancing.
As flames rushed towards him, almost as if they were alive, Scraptrap attempted to shield himself, and shut his eyes.
A few seconds passed, and when he hadn’t felt anything—except for something hard and cold, he opened them back up.
He was in an office.
He was not in the suit.
It was not of a location that he knew of.
He was sitting at a large desk, in a spinning chair.
In front of him, staring down at him, was Fredbear.
When the bear spoke, out came the spirit’s voice. “Let’s see how you enjoy doing so here! You will always come back... but you will never leave here.”
“You will not hurt anyone else.”
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babb1es · 1 year
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Digital study for funsies
additional colored version also for funsies
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knightforflowers · 8 days
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Drawing something for every episode of Ethersea - Episode 3 (prev - next)
comic practice that got wildly away from me LOL
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sleepytownzzz · 1 year
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so put me up on the board, owen.
(reference credit to @abbystanaccount. saw it on twitter and felt the immense urge to draw it.)
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dallasgallant · 1 month
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I talked before about potential reasons behind fighting and the difference in the ways they ‘Stay cool’, which will be linked here. But there’s something else I’ve noticed and I’m wondering if anyone else picked up on this…
The two who don’t like and want put an end to the fighting are socs.
Now one could argue that the greasers don’t want to fight all their lives either but that’s getting into semantics and a whole other topic. I’ll be touching on soon.
I am not saying either Cherry or Randy are wrong for having this opinion or invalid, both have very personal reasoning. Cherry knowing how her boyfriend was and just not understanding violence and Randy seeing the outcome of it being his best friend’s death. But there’s such a clear distinction to it, a luxury in being able step away and see the pain it’s caused and stop.
Soc’s can afford to stop fighting, for them life just goes on as usual. There was never a real reason for them to fight besides asserting power or some bid to feel something (something can be said about being rich and having everything, feeling little leads to ramping up and ramping up- danger, violence, wild stuff etc.)
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Soc’s fighting is like everything they do, clout, power, and being part of a whole… except there’s no closeness. There’s no bond and loyalty like what the Greasers have— friendships are thin and if you don’t go along with the pack you might as well… well, leave.
On the other side of the tracks you don’t get that choice; even if you don’t like to fight you will all your life. The bank, the cops, the soc’s, other greasers— whoever, whatever. Theres no easy exit, what money? Where would you go- would you even be welcome?
“Years of living on the east side teaches you how to shut off your emotions if you didn’t, you would explode. You learn to cool it.” (122)
Both groups learn to shut themselves off. Greasers are more selective; they tend to blow more often. Soc’s shut down almost completely and if they do break— it’s not around anyone they know (how Cherry and Randy let the mask slip to Pony).
Now, the struggles soc’s face shouldn’t be directly compared to Greasers — fake friends and social expectations vs the effects of poverty aren’t exactly the same level or a comparable thing. But the point isn’t comparison! It’s humanizing the “other side”. Realizing that how it may not look like it, Greasers and soc’s suffer under the same systems.
“Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human too.” (118)
Both sides tend to be individualistic, Greasers tend to look at it more on a personal level fight between gangs or groups- where as Soc’s will see things personally in a “all about me” manner. Focus on the self rather than the group, how you hurt, you feel— upset you can’t talk to anyone but never trying etc.
Cherry and Randy actively see and hate the system, explaining as much to pony. They want out rather than stopping cycles — which, is human and understandable as in all likelihood they couldn’t do a thing to stop in. Nobody can as much as they wish, that’s part of the point.
This is more a mini exploration of the broader, underlying reasons and not necessarily a concise, surface level thing. For individuals it all depends- everyone has their own reasons.
It is interesting to notice how traits are both shared but then come through in completely different forms (being ‘cool’, individualistic, etc.) how at the end of the day people aren’t too dissimilar, things are rough — you heard it a thousand times by now.
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mxviko · 1 year
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I did it
It’s a bit simple but i like it enough and I hope you do to. Excuse the shitty handwriting in some places
Based on this post I did a bit ago
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dontflirt · 1 year
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Stray Kids 5th Anniversary Event We’re Foive Day — MVs to Surpass 100M Views 🧭
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codgod-moved · 2 years
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puny god
i could work on this more but frankly i’m just sick of looking at it. sheriff girlboss moment. anyways hi taglist
@veryfoolishgamers @t4tcecilos @axe-of-ender @empiressmp @the3rddenialist @moonlight22oa @rockydrago @funkily @grimdogs @popcornsalty @suurrii @thatonesheep @cabbagegunk @treeofwhimsy @weaselmcdiesel @peskybirb @flyingfish1234 @viridian-artist @cobrawaifu @griancraft @c0nstantparanoia @yanyawnyan @f4rlands @hallowwolf @aquello-main @saiiboat @itsafangirlthing416 @booisghost @angiemelon @mxmallory @spooky-dyke-shit @aphotic-society @oakskull @galatoma @frootyloopy @sweetsweetemo
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ronnieroseart · 11 months
… weird lookin’ lamp. It’s probably nothing to worry about, though.
Day 13: In Plain Sight!
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bukiyubiur · 6 months
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I like how I drew her face
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version with blood below.. the more “canon” death of real Hinako. didnt really like how I drew the blood so I didn’t put it as the main drawing oops
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misiahasahardname · 1 year
uhhhh hi nemma community
*leaves this at your doorstep and runs*
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s0ftandonly · 1 year
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I <3 lighting effects
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blusandbirds · 1 year
i feel like with the way they set up the state of the jamie roy keeley situation at the beginning of this last episode, the Only satisfying way for it to end would’ve been in an ot3
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nadekofannumber1 · 1 year
I’m no professional writer but I hope y’all like the essay!
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This is going to be a bit long so get ready:
Okay so, I’m not someone that cares too much about Izzy dying, I mean I do, but like, he was a great character and all and his arc was great but he wasnt one of my favourites. But I am a little disappointed with the fact that he died after seeing what other people have said about it.
The guy had a lot more he could’ve done in this show, idk what but he had potential to do more in later seasons. But I personally didn’t think that his death was unnecessary, I was talking with my mum about it and she said that she saw it coming, I didn’t see it coming but I knew if any of them were going to die it would be Izzy, as none of the background characters had ‘I’m going to be killed off by the end of the show’ energy.
I’ve seen some people talking about this and I’ve seen them say that they’re leaving the fandom over this and that they’re so angry with David Jenkins for doing this to them. But like, don’t be angry with David I don’t think it’s his fault. Like the whole thing with Neil gaiman and the ending of good omens he did on purpose and it was also passed off as a joke (the threats and all that) but people are actually really mad at David because of a character being killed.
Also, if people start leaving the fandom because of this, there’s a chance we might not get season 3, and they worked hard for this show and I also don’t think I can survive if it just ends there, like I know it was a happy (sort of) ending but I need to know what happens next!!
Maybe izzy’ll come back to life through buttons bird magic or necromancy or something. I mean we’ve already seen sea witches in this show so I guess it’s could be possible (I doubt they’ll do that though)
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knowone08b · 1 year
QOTD: If you could erase one piece of media from existence as if it never existed in the first place, what would you pick and why?
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