#Prince of Egypt lullaby vibes
mochalottie · 2 years
More Headcanons!
Because I'm writing fluff (again) and had a big brain moments. Enjoy if you'd like!
Spider is an observational learner. He has to see the action or the thing being done, and then he will try to copy it as best as he can.
He's used this for everything, from how to shoot a bow, to how to speak Na'vi (with Professor Norm's help of course), how to climb trees.
Even how to walk. He would just sit in one of the labs in Hell's Gate, with his big brown eyes staring as the scientists wandered past, most of them wiggling their fingers at him to get him to giggle
Also, Spider as a baby has the cutest yet insane giggles. Like I'm talking back of the throat, red faced cackles that could be heard from the other side of the base.
He is also very smart. He only has to see the action a couple times before he tries to copy it almost near perfectly. It's why he can keep up with most of the Na'vi kids until they outgrow him physically.
it also counts for stuff like music. He hears it twice? That melody is now an earworm and will be stuck with him for the rest of his life. Or until another one comes along to take its place.
Catch him unironically humming something from the early 21st century like a Queen Bey song and every single person in the lab turns annoyed knowing eyes to Norm. Who looks very sheepishly proud in the corner.
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ask-alf-oddworld · 2 months
How do you think/would you like for Abe and Sam’s Nolybab reunion to go down? I agree it needs to be gut wrenching, but still with a sprinkle of wholesomeness if that makes sense? I always associate the two of them with the song Deliver Us and the river lullaby from prince of Egypt because it fits them so tragically well imo, and I NEED to feel those vibes if we ever do get that scene lol. Anyways I’d love to hear your thoughts on their future meeting :)
It will definitely be sad, but I hope whatever happens with them will have a happy ending. @petal-guts reminded me Lorne said he was inspired by Gilbert Grape, which has me worried.
What do you guys think? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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poorlittleyaoyao · 6 months
You know that bit in The Prince of Egypt when Moses encounters Miriam and Aaron as an adult and Miriam quietly reprises the lullaby portion of “Deliver Us” a cappella, and it’s haunting and impactful in its simplicity?
That’s the vibe Wangji singing Wangxian.mp3 in the cave SHOULD have had, but unfortunately CQL is allergic to ever having the song be diegetic!
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cookiecrumbles52 · 4 months
Welcome to Palace
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About the Artist . . .
Name: Madison Riley (aka CookieCrumbles52 or Fale “Fae”)
Current Age: 23
Fav Color: Blue
Fav Food: Pasta 🍝
Current Fav Animal: Siberian Sable
Years of Experience (Art/Writing): 12yrs
Status: "The Grandma Friend" & "Just an Anxious Little Bean"
Main Fandoms:
TMNT, Pokémon, DC Comics, Minecraft, FNaF's, Undertale, Wakfu, Voltron, The Arcana, Zelda BotW/TotK, The Octonauts, Poppy Playtime, Moomin
Current Fav Illustration(s): “ Cult of the Lost ” ( 9hrs 8m ) and “ Fale_Tsuyoshi has joined the game. ” (Over 12hrs, half of the project was lost) “ Assessing the Damage ” ( 8hrs 37min )
Tools of the Trade:
Pencil, Paper, Tablet — Procreate, my brains
Other Interests:
Writing, Video Games, Lore Theories, Cosplay
(Aka a massive nerd)
Want to see more of my works? Here are my socials (I don’t post art on my main account just reblogs)
[ No DM's unless you're a Mutual, please. I've had way too many people follow me just to DM requests for art. I'm not doing any requests or trades (unless stated otherwise), my comms are closed, please don't DM just so I draw something for you. I'm an adult with a very busy life/work schedule, I'll only warn you once. If it keeps up I'll have to block you. ]
More interests if you care for my ramblings . . .
(This is the point of no return so if you actually want to get to know me then you gotta commit!!)
Favorite Visual Artists:
flowerygarrland, fdevitart, Lackadaisy, Froustious, Jerome-K-Moore, Don Bluth, Earthsong9405, Neytirix, Sadist Animations. Suzukiwee1357, Richard Chen (Insta), Burrotello, Van Gogh, Hayao Miyazaki, Cartoon Saloon
Favorite Movies:
(All) DragonHeart Movies, (All) TMNT Movies, First Knight, King Arthur, Narnia, (All) Jurassic Movies, Quest for Camelot, Stardust, Ophelia, Oliver & Company, FNaF's, Sahara, The Christmas Dragon, Justin and the Knights of Valour, Monster in Paris, Song of the Sea, (All) Studio Ghibli (Except Grave of the Fireflies . . .😭)
Favorite TV Shows:
TMNT, The Octonauts/Above and Beyond, Moomin, BBC Merlin/Sherlock, HeMan, SheRa, ThunderCats, Rainbow Brite, Voltron, The Gummi Bears, Jane and the Dragon
Fairy Tail, BlackButler, Inuyasha, OHSHC, Free: Iwatobi Swim Club, Life of a Househusband, BNHA
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists:
The Oh Hellos, Kalandra, Rag'n'Bone Man, Jason Graves, Cody Fry, Cosmo Sheldrake, CG5, Dzivia, Sail North, Natewantsbattle, PEGGY, Billy Joel, Yaelokre, ABBA, Michael Jackson
Fav Genre of Music:
Singer Songwriter, Musicals, Whimsical Fae Vibes, Folk, Cultural Folk
Favorite Songs: (Changes may very)
"Mother to a Savior and King" - Journey to Bethlehem, "Still" by Hunter Hayes, "Top of the World" by Shawn Mendes, TWRP - "Starlight Brigade", "Harpy Hare" by Yaelokre, "Euclid" by Sleep Spoken, "What Makes Me Tick" by JT Music, “Ruined Lullaby” - CG5, "False Idol" by Ivycomb, Octonauts Theme Song & Creature Report
Fav Musicals:
Anastasia, Wicked, Dear Evan Hansen, School of Rock, Shrek, Alice in Wonderland, Newsies, Phantom of the Opera, The Prince of Egypt, In Strange Woods, EPIC, Jane Eyre, The Lion King
Favorite Books:
The Secret Garden, Treasure Island, Six of Crows, Alice in Wonderland, King Arthur, Beauty & the Beast, Sherlock Holmes, Rise of the Guardians (GoC), Outsiders, Number the Stars, The Hobbit, Narnia
Favorite Writers:
C.S.Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jane Austen, Frances Hodgson Burnett
Favorite Games:
Jinx & Minx’s Tower, Minecraft, Undertale, FNaF's, Zelda: BotW/ToTK, Prop Hunt, Sims 4, Lay, Mario: Galaxy/Kart/Super Mario Bros, Untitled Goose Game, Animal Crossing, Cult of the Lamb, Harold Halibut
Favorite Gaming Platform:
Nintendo, Steam Powered
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk :)
[ Updated: Sept. 2024 ]
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hellzabeth · 3 years
i have opinions about The Prince of Egypt musical adaption and you’re going to listen to them: An Essay
So, quick disclaimer: The Prince of Egypt is one of my favourite movies of all time. The casting, the music, the animation, I think it’s one of the top-tier movies that have ever been made. I went into seeing the London West End production of PoE with a full expectation that nothing I saw on stage would ever live up to how much I love the movie. I was fully aware there are plenty of limitations to what can be shown live on a stage with human actors and props.
That being said, I was enormously disappointed with how the whole thing was handled.
The Good
Now before I launch into a whole tirade of what I didn’t like about the production, it does behoove me to say what I think they did do well. 

The casting of the role of Moses was done fantastically, as was Miriam, Tzipporah, and Yocheved. The swings and the ensemble were really engaged and well placed, going through lots of quick changes to go from Hebrews to Egyptians to Midianites and back.

The two Egyptian queens, wifes of Seti and Ramses, are actually given names, lines, and character beyond being simply tacked onto their respective kings. We get to see how they feel about the events happening around them, and there’s even a scene where Ramses meets his wife and courts her, whereas in the movie, she stands in the background and says nothing. This is one of the areas I was hoping the musical, which would naturally have a longer run-time, would expand on, and I was pleased to see the opportunity was taken.
Light projections on enormous curtains were used to very good effect, taking us instantly inside the walls of the palace and then out to the desert. 

Over all, the work was really put in to be engaging and emotional, and the orchestra really worked to deliver the right musical beats.

One of two stand out scenes as being done very well was the opening “Deliver Us”, which included a bone-chilling moment of Egyptians separating a mother and her baby, with her screams as she’s dragged off-stage, and the blood on the guard’s sword. It really brings home the fear as Yocheved tries to lead Aaron and Miriam to the river with her, not to mention Yocheved’s actress nailed the lullaby. 

The second was at the other end of the show, “When You Believe” was beautifully performed by the whole cast, though it was somewhat stunted by what came before...
The Bad
Oh boy.
So the main problem with this show is not the music, not the staging, not even that sometimes the ensemble was a little off-beat (the lai-lai-lai section in Though Heaven’s Eyes comes to mind). Any mistakes there can all be forgiven, since sometimes things just happen in live performance, someone’s a bit off or something’s just not possible to do on the budget allotted. 

The problem is in the script.
The Prince of Egypt movie is a story that stands not only on the shoulders of its fantastic music and visuals, but also on its emotive retelling and portrayal of the characters within - mainly Moses and Ramses. And while the stage musical does spend a lot of time with the two mains, it neglects two other, incredibly important characters.
Pharaoh Seti, and God. 

In the movie, Seti strikes an intimidating figure. He is old, hardened, and wise in the ways of ruling his kingdom - and is voiced by Patrick Stewart, who brings his A-game to the role. Both Moses and Ramses admire him and look up to him immensely as young men, and the relationship he has with both of them deeply informs their characters as the story progresses. It’s from Seti that Moses learns that taking responsibility for your actions is the respectable thing to do (and later, the true horror of having your idol turn out to be not what you think), and it’s from Seti that Ramses takes a huge inferiority complex.
There are two lines that Seti gets in the movie, one spoken to Moses, and one to Ramses. These two lines define Moses and Ramses’ actions later on in the story:
To Ramses - “One weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty!” To Moses - “Oh my son... they were only slaves.”
Guess which two lines are absent from the musical?
One Weak Link is turned into an upbeat song, rather than shouted at a terrified and cowed young Ramses. Instead of being openly a traumatic, internalised moment of negative character development for Ramses, it’s treated as a general philosophy that Seti passes down to his son. Instead of a judgement that is hung over Ramses’ head like a sword of Damocles, lingering in his mind through the whole story and coming up in a shouted argument with Moses later, it’s said and then moved on from. 

The “they were only slaves” comment, on the other hand, is absent entirely. This changes Moses’ relationship with Seti enormously, as well as his relationship with the Hebrew people. Upon finding the mural depicting the killing of the slave children, Moses is appropriately horrified, and Seti shows up to comfort him and defend his terrible actions. Moses leaves this interaction... and then sings about how this is indeed all he ever wanted! He has no moment of horrific realisation that his father thinks of the slaves as lesser, as lives that can be thrown away. This means that the scene where he kills the guard doesn’t lead into a discussion of morality with Ramses as he runs away, but rather Moses breaking down about his heritage as though it’s a negative, instead of something he’s realised is just as valuable as his life as an Egyptian. Instead of Moses being shown as having a strong moral core that protests against the idea of any life being lesser, he bemoans his Hebrew blood loudly, and makes little mention of the man he killed. His issue that causes him to run away is being adopted, rather than his guilt that he’s a murderer, and nothing Ramses can say will change it.
Later on, we don’t see Ramses express this opinion either (in the movie - M:”Seti’s hands bore the blood of thousands of children!” R:“Hah, slaves!” M:“My people!”) so it seems the core reasoning for the necessity of the extremes God had to go to in order to convince Ramses to let the Hebrews go is completely gone.
Which leads us into God Himself, as a character. 

God is a tricky topic in general. He is hard to talk about as a concept and as a character, and even harder to depict in a way that won’t offend someone. The Prince of Egypt movie always struck me as a very good depiction of the Old Testament God - vengeful and strong-willed, commanding and yet nurturing, capable of great mercy and great cruelty in one fell swoop. God is incredibly present in the story, a character in and of Himself, speaking with Moses rather than simply commanding him. The conversation at the Burning Bush is bone-chillingly beautiful. Moses is allowed to question, he’s allowed to enquire, he’s allowed to express how he feels about God’s choice, and God is given the chance to respond (and reprimand, and comfort).
In the musical, the Burning Bush scene lasts all of two minutes, during which God (the ensemble cast, acting as one moving flame, speaking in unison) monologues to Moses, and Moses is not given room to question, talk to, or build a relationship with God. Later on, once some of the plagues have gotten underway, Moses rails against God, flinches in his resolve, and tries to back out... and God says nothing. It’s Miriam and the spirit of Yocheved that convince Moses to keep going. As a character, God is nearly absent. Even when it comes to calling upon the Plagues, or parting the Red Sea, God’s voice is absent. Moses does not pray. He does not even use the staff that God encouraged him to pick up as a symbol of his becoming a shepherd of the Hebrews out of Egypt. 

It’s these little changes, these little absences of such vital lines and presences, that ends up changing the whole vibe of the show. Seti is more like a dad than an emotionally distant authority figure, and God is more like an emotionally distant authority figure than a character at all. Ultimately, the whole feeling that one is left with at the end…
The Ugly
… is that the script doesn’t like God, or religion in general.
A bold statement to make, considering the source material is one of the central biblical stories in EVERY Abrahamic religion. Moses as a figure is considered so important and close to god, that The Prince of Egypt, even with its sensitive portrayal, cannot be aired in a number of Islamic states, because it’s considered disrespectful to depict any of the prophets, especially an important one like Moses. Moses is arguably the MOST important prophet in the Jewish canon.
However, I haven’t highlighted one of the most noticeable script changes - the elevation of Hotep, the high priest, to main antagonist.
In the original movie, Hotep is a secondary villain, a crony to the Pharaohs, bumbling and snide and two-faced. He and his fellow priest Hoy are there primarily to juxtapose how charlatans can control power through flattery and slight of hand, reassuring Ramses that Moses’ miracles are merely magic the same as what they can do. They even get a whole villain song, “Playing With The Big Boys” which is a lovely deconstruction of lyrics vs visuals, where while the priests boast that their gods and magic are much more powerful, in the background the staff, transformed into a snake by god, devours and defeats the priests’ snake handily. The takeaway from the song is that God’s power is true, and doesn’t need theatrics.
It’s a good little nugget of wordless world building. And it is completely absent from the stage musical, with only a vague reference to the chant of all the gods names.
Hoy is gone, and Hotep is the only priest. He actively speaks out against the Pharaoh, boasts about having all the power, and is played as bombastic and proud. He’s a wildly different character, even threatening Ramses at one point. In the end, it’s shown that Ramses won’t let the Hebrews go not because he has inherited his father Seti’s cruel attitude towards the lives he considers beneath him, but because he is being actively bullied by the priest, and will lose his power and credibility if he doesn’t do as he’s told. Ramses is even given a whole song about how little power he really has. The script desperately wants us to feel sorry for Ramses’ position and hate the unrepentantly, cartoonishly evil priest.
That’s another matter as well - a LOT of time is dedicated to making the Egyptians more human and sympathetic, portraying them as largely ignorant of the suffering beneath them, rather than actively participating in slavery. Characters speak out of turn without regard for formality and class, even to the royal family. They are casual, chummy even. And this would be fine - in fact, it’s good to have that sort of third dimension to characters, even ones who are doing reprehensible things, to show the total normalcy and banality of evil - if it were not for the fact they still include a completely open-and-shut case of evil right next to them.
Hotep has no redeeming features. And on the other side, God is barely present, certainly not in a relatable context. Moses has several lines about how cruel and unnecessary God’s plagues are - and you know what, in this version, they are unnecessary! Ramses is not the stone-hearted ruler that his movie counterpart is, he has no baggage over being a potential failure, because it was never really given to him in the same way! By taking away Ramses’ threatening nature, numbers like the Plagues lose half their appeal, as the back-and-forth ‘you who I called brother’ lines between Moses and Ramses are completely absent. Moses is faithless, and is less torn between the horror of what he’s doing and the necessity of it for the freedom of his people, and more left scrabbling for meaning that he doesn’t find. And the only thing hanging over Ramses is Hotep nit-picking everything he does and threatening him, which is considerably less compelling than the script seems to think it is.
This is best exemplified at the end, when all the issues come to a head. The angel of Death comes and takes the Egyptian first borns (which was actually a well done scene), and the Hebrews leave to a rousing rendition of When You Believe. But then we cut to Ramses and Hotep, with Hotep openly threatening to revolt against the Pharaoh - whom was believed, especially by the priesthood, to be a living god! Hotep is so devoid of redeeming features he cannot even be trusted to stand by his beliefs! - unless Ramses agrees to chase after the Hebrews. Reluctantly, Ramses is badgered into the attempt.
Back with the Hebrews, Moses parts the Red Sea… not with his faith, not by praying to God for another miracle, not even by using his staff as in the most famous scene of the movie… but by holding out his hand and demanding the ‘magic’ work. Setting aside the disrespect of Abrahamic religions to call one of the most famous miracles “magic” (and my oh my, if there was a fundamentalist of any religion in the audience they might have gasped to hear it), it again belittles the work of God, and puts all the onus on Moses, not as a conduit for God’s work, but as the worker himself. Then, the Egyptians arrive in pursuit, lead by Hotep, not Ramses. Moses sends the Hebrews through first, lead by Miriam, and stays behind with Tzipporah… to offer his life in penance to Ramses! The script has completely stripped both Ramses and Moses of their convictions towards their causes, and Moses cannot even stand by his decision to lead his people.
Then, in a moment of jarring melodrama, Moses has a sudden vision that Ramses, his brother, will one day be called Ramses the Great (an actual historical Pharaoh who reigned 1279-1213 BCE). There is no historical evidence that this was the Ramses that ruled over the Hebrews (there are 11 Pharaohs called Ramses through the history of Ancient Egypt), and maybe if the scene was acted a little better, it wouldn’t have been so sudden or jarring. Even more jarring, is that then Hotep arrives with the rest of the army, and Ramses refuses to lead the charge into the parted sea. Hotep does so himself, and is the one to have the final dramatic moment, being crushed under the water.
The Takeaway
After watching the show, I’m afraid I could never recommend it as either a play, an adaption, or even as a faithful retelling of a bible story. Its character drama isn’t compelling enough to be good as a standalone play, with it two main characters declawed and their core motivations reduced to a squabble between brothers rather than a grand interplay between two cultures and ideas and trauma handed down from their father. As an adaption of the movie it’s upsettingly bad, with grand numbers like the Plagues rendered piecemeal and fan favourites like Playing With The Big Boys missing entirely. As a retelling of the bible story, it’s insulting, completely cutting God out of the equation, taking no opportunity to reintroduce Aaron as an important character (which he was, in the bible, as Moses was a notoriously bad public speaker, with a stutter, and Aaron often interpreted for him) and more importantly, completely erasing God’s influence from the narrative.
I don’t know who this show was… for, in that case. If it wasn’t for drama lovers, movie fans, or people of the faith, then who the hell was it for? Why change such a critically acclaimed and well-beloved story? Why take away all these defining moments? If you wanted to tell a story about how religion is the true evil, how God can command people to do terrible things, and how those who uphold organised religion like Hotep are unrepentant, one-dimensional monsters… why would you tell that through the Prince of Egypt?
Underwhelming at best, infuriating at worst… just watch the movie. Or read Exodus. At least the Bible’s free.
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andromedaceline · 3 years
Daevabad Similarities (Spoilers)
While I was reading, I couldn’t help thinking of other stories/movies that have similarities to the Daevabad Trilogy characters and plots. These are just SIMILARITIES, not exact, obviously. Here are a few:
Gladiator: Dara’s life as a soldier/rebel general gave me mad Maximus vibes. Family/sister’s death and the drive for vengeance from that. Not to mention, he was enslaved. Also, Dara’s desire for a peaceful life, free of having to fight/be a weapon.
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The Lion King: Betrayal/Conflict between siblings, Rustam and Manizheh for sure. Daevabad “dying” under her occupation. Nahri coming to face her at the end, total Simba/Scar battle for Pride Rock vibes.
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Anastasia: Nahri not having memory of her past and being an orphan in Cairo, only to find out she’s somewhat of a princess. Her “Journey to the Past” with Dara to Daevabad and them falling in love in process. 
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V for Vendetta (movie): Dara is a “weapon” similar to V, and in the end, destroys those who used him to gain power. Unfortunately like V, since he’s a product of that old, destructive system of the past, for Daevabad to heal, he cannot be apart of it’s prosperous future.
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The Prince of Egypt: The River Lullaby scene in the beginning makes me think of Duriya and Nahri’s last moments. 😭 Also, Muntadhir and Ali’s relationship reminds me a lot of Ramses and Moses.
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Notorious (1946): This is a very old Hitchcock film, so I don’t expect many people to know this one (still very good film!), BUT mostly why it reminds me of Daevabad Trilogy is the forbidden love vs duty aspects in the film. Devlin is a US agent assigned as the contact for Alicia, who is being tapped by the US to spy on a German sympathizer/terrorist in Brazil. Early in the film they meet and fall in love, however, once it’s confirmed what the US Gov is planning to use her for, they realize they can’t be together. Devlin is torn between his duty/pride and his love for her, so throughout the film there’s a lot of this lovesick “I can’t have you, but I want you and it’s killing me” tension that is sooo Dara and Nahri in Act II of CoB.
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The Bodyguard: Come on now. How can you listen to “I Will Always Love You” and NOT think of Dara and Nahri at the end of EOG? 😭
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Did anyone else find other movies/stories that you found similar to as well?
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River's Radio 7/6/2022: Romanticizing The Mississippi River
I have and always will be a river child. The water swirls around you wade into it, the air that smells like history, rotting and brown, swirling around you with death and life, all mixed together in a soup that smells like mud and fish.
I've never been the type of girl who runs from dirty things, and maybe that's why the river has always called to me.
I love everything about it, from the ugly to the beautiful, from spider webs to poison ivy to the flies to the deer to the way the water rushes around rocks and how it grows beyond its banks every year like clockwork.
So, here are my songs to romanticize living along a river, full of life and history.
Bottom Of The River, by Delta Rae.
From the very beginning, you can hear the bugs humming in the background. That's how you know it's an absolute bop. It's dramatic, acoustic, mostly acapella, and it's absolutely amazing. I love this song so much. It's got the vibe you just want to sing to. It's dark, brooding, full of noise and excitement, and it makes you want to run somewhere at night, get to somewhere where you can see the sky and the trees, and breathe mosquito-scented, humidity-thick air, watch moths flutter about the beam of your flashlight, and run until you can't think anymore. If you're moving, nothing is as dangerous as it is while you are still.
Carolina, by Taylor Swift.
This is a brand new Taylor Swift song that upon listening to once I completely fell in love with and dream of living somewhere better than where I am to. It's from that new movie, Where The Crawdads Sing, and while I haven't seen the movie, I want to, just because of this song. It is so poetical, so well written, and the flow of the song drags you deep into water you've never been into and makes you feel nostalgic for a place you've been. Somewhere muddy, rainy, green and gray, all at once, where the river meets the ocean, and the trees are hung with the thick kind of moss that hangs in strange clumps.
River Lullaby, cover by JADA.
This song. HHHH. If you've ever watched Prince of Egypt, you'll know this song, at least vaguely, like a dream you once had. But this cover is absolutely amazing. This woman knows exactly what she's doing, and it shows. The echo effect of the actual building makes the halls of your heart echo with the noise, and it's a definite goosebump raiser. The best kind of song is the kind that is so beautiful that you kind of just close your eyes and listen to, with every piece of your being. This is that kind of song.
Along For The Ride, by The Okey Dokey Brothers.
Vibe check. Indie bluegrass-sorta-sounding bands singing about childhood romance and what friendship is? Yes. Definitely. If you've read Peter Pan, The Odyssey, or Tom Sawyer, you'll love the references to each romance in this song. It's really wholesome, and even though it's technically written for kids, it's such a fun, simple, sweetheart sound to it that you'll really like it. I promise. Besides, I need someone to write a fluffy found family fanfic with this for the title someday. Why not you?
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 years
((Question! Do you think 2D Dreamworks films (The Prince of Egypt, The Road to El Dorado) influence your work? I sometimes get a Tulio/Miguel vibe from the younger men in the crew.))
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With Prince of Egypt, I am especially inspired by how the researchers of the film combined Jewish, Christian, and Muslim tradition of the Exodus story in ways that complimented the tale rather than obstruct it, all while still taking liberties for the story to be more palatable to a modern audience (notably how Moses killed the slave driver, and how Ramses is characterized). Its music, set pieces, and atmosphere is especially a major influence in how to take on the story as a grand epic without bloating it beyond what it needed to be. Ofra Haza's Jochebed is particularly a major influence on how I imagine Phoebus and Guy's mother to be, as a Jewish mother hiding from persecution. I definitely would have loved to see if she can do some Sephardi lullabies for the Twins while they were hiding their true heritages while living in Avignon.
As for The Road of El Dorado, this one is a mixed bag. Miguel and Tulio are DEFINITELY a major influence on the Himbos, and Tulio is even a partial inspiration for Phoebus! Not to mention Kevin Kline is what I use as my voice claim for Phoebus and Guy. The dynamics they have is very much strong Ruixiong/Guy/Phoebus/Giovanni energy, where they are just comedic rogueish sidekicks rather than your outright heroes or villains.
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The only thing I'm rather mixed about, however, is its depiction of the natives of El Dorado itself, and how it sidelined the otherwise unavoidable topic of colonization. Dreamworks tried its best with making the society rounded out and to give the Dorado natives more depth than just unga-bunga-primitives, and I appreciate that they avoided having Cortez find El Dorado in the end. But I sympathize with South Americans feeling squeamish with seeing themselves depicted this way--it's how I responded to Raya and the Last Dragon as a Filipino. It's definitely better than "Elcano & Magellan: The First Voyage Around the World". Ugggh. That film still makes me so mad.
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opal-owl-flight · 3 years
Okay, challenge thing(?) I guess
Choose both your most & least favourite characters in Sky and try to find a song for each that represent them well.
Is this a stupid & convoluted idea? Obviously. I came up with it.
NOT a stupid idea, my guy. I actually have been thinking abt this for a while!!
Fav character…oh boy. That is tough. Ill just list the ones that come to the top of my head-
Alef: Grow, Soap, Glowing, Like the Dawn, On the Mountain Tall by The Oh Hellos. You Were There from Ico also catches his vibe. Theres Through Heaven’s Eyes from The Prince of Egypt, Once Upon a December from Anastasia… I also gave him this song specifically when thinking about how he fights. (Its Iris’s battle theme from Pokemon, but its a remix) and okay, ik this is kinda cheating, but Overture from the official Sky ost really makes me think of him.
Resh (theyre the same as above but a different time) : The Fall, by Christopher Tin. Boreas, Soldier Poet King, Second Child Restless Child, by the Oh Hellos. This dude is just Oh Hellos apparently. Oh and Lacrimosa, (its a classical piece), In the Dark of the Night, from Anastasia. And surprise! Twisted, from the Starkid musical of the same name.
Moss: Passerine, by The Oh Hellos, Ashes, Heres a Health to the Company, specifically the cover by The Longest Johns, Dear Fellow Traveller by Sea Wolf, The Moss, Wriggle, and Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake. Moss was named after one of these songs! Cosmo Sheldrake in general just catches his vibe tbh.
Talib: Constellations, New River, Heiroglyphs by the Oh Hellos, Waloyo Yamoni by Christopher Tin, Ol Shoshone, from Firewatch. I just realized I havent done much to characterize him WHOOPS
Id put more characters but its spoilers for the comic…and I just havent thought of songs for the others.
But heres a list that catches their vibe:
Lapis Lazuli, O Sleeper, The Valley (+ Reprise), I have made Mistakes, The Cave, In Memoriam, Rose, Rounds, by the Oh Hellos (I KNOW, JUST PUT ALL THE OH HELLOS ALBUMS IN HERE BC DAMN)
Kia Hora te Marino, Sogni di Volare, Hamsafar by Christopher Tin
On my Way from Brother Bear
Where I Belong from Hercules
Into Yesterday by Sugar Ray
The Wolves and The Ravens by Rogue Valley
Such Perfect Peace from Owlboy
I cannot mention characters I hate by name as it is again, spoilers. But heres a “Sky bastards” list of songs
Mother Knows Best, (and reprise) from Tangled
Be Prepared, from Lion King
Zira’s Lullaby, from Lion King 2
Poor Unfortunate Souls, from The Little Mermaid
Torches, Bitter Water, Eurus, Wishing Well by The Oh Hellos
I know you said song. I gave a fuckin playlist. Theres probably more but I dont remember-
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runawaymun · 3 years
No no no please keep going I want to here what you think about the Disney songs and lotr characters please lmao
Okay if you insist!
He Is Not One of Us (Lion King 2) - again my poor babie Maeglin 
At Last I See the Light (Tangled) - just gives me BIG Elrond/Celebrian vibes idk why I can’t explain it 
Someone’s Waiting for You (Rescuers Down Under) - teeny tiny Elrond and Elros 
God Help the Outcasts (Hunchback of Notre Dame) - big ol post Oath Nerdanel vibes. I just imagine her being pissed at Feanor, sure, but I also imagine how much she just hoped against hope that everything might come out okay in the end, and that she and her sons and husband might be reunited at the end of all things. 
Mother Knows Best (Tangled) - Manwe @the Noldor (I’m sorry)
Through Heaven’s Eyes (Prince of Egypt) is a big ol’ Elrond mood 
Poor Unfortunate Souls (Little Mermaid) - Annatar
My Lullaby (Lion King 2) - post oath!Feanor @literally all of his sons
Trust in Me (Jungle Book) - Annatar again!
More than You Take (Joseph: King of Dreams) - gives me BIG Elros vibes!
Rewrite the Stars (The Greatest Showman) - Aragorn/Arwen
Speechless (Live action Aladdin) - Eowyn
Playing with the Big Boys (The Prince of Egypt) - Silvergifting
Bloom (Joseph: King of Dreams) - Nerdanel and Maglor 
Aloha O`e (Lilo and Stitch) - Maglor and Maedhros, post recapture of the Silmarils and Maedhros’ death. 
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sunshinesteves · 4 years
some prince of egypt things:
the cast is incredible. especially ralph fiennes as ramses, jeff goldblum as aaron, and of course, steve martin and martin short as hotep and huy
not only did dreamworks acknowledge at the beginning of the movie that they took some artistic liberties, but the things they changed made sense. they added more to the story - especially with making ramses moses’s brother instead of his father.
music!!!! every single song is such a goddamn bop
ofra haza (an israeli singer) played yocheved. the hebrew she sings in deliver us translates to “my good and tender son, do not be frightened and do not be scared”
when yocheved sings her lullaby to moses, she sheds two tears - one from the inner corner of each eye - and her hair blows in front of her mouth. later, when miriam sings the lullaby (also to moses) the exact same thing happens. kills me every time
music motifs!!! off the top of my head - yocheved’s lullaby plays during some significant moments when moses is still in egypt (no i don’t remember which specific moments just take my word for it), all i ever wanted plays while moses is shepherding right before the burning bush scene, deliver us plays when moses tells tzipporah about his people wanting their freedom, and the plague song is basically an all i ever wanted reprise
ok so cool thing about colors - moses is always red, ramses is blue. the accents on mose’s egypt-wear are red, so are the plumes on his horses, and the huge-ass robe thing he got from jethro. when he’s younger, ramses’s clothes are accented with blue, his horses’s plumes are blue, and so is his armor in the red sea scene. in the plague song, when half of each of their faces join to make one face, moses’s face is lit up red, ramses’s is blue. at night the palace is lit blue. the one blue thing moses owns is ramses’s ring - which he ends up giving back.
what they did with tzipporah! in the actual torah they don’t meet until moses saves her and her sisters (i’m pretty sure the whole “moses falling in” thing doesn’t happen in the torah either...stellar scene. truly) the way she’s handled in the movie just adds a lot of history and background to her and moses rather than it being out of the blue. obviously it doesn’t get off to a...great start...but i just think it’s cool that moses helping her escape leads to him finding out who he really is, which leads to him running away, which leads to them falling in love, etc. good job prince of egypt writers!!
not that it matters but making moses stupidly hot and not like 80 (which he canonically is) was. galaxy brain. thank you for making me horny for the leader of my people dreamworks
i don’t know jackshit about animation but that red sea water looked fucking real. WHAT– 
also! the fact that the bottom of the red sea isn’t just straight up flat sand cause that is literally just. not how a sea floor works? it’s like it’s own mini mountain range! and it takes them a while to cross!! FANTASTIC
when moses turns the nile to blood and there’s a little circle of water around him!! true to the source material!! (in the torah it says that it was still water for the israelites)
it’s so cleverly done, especially when the moses!fam is running from the egyptians and they run on the ceiling or on the pillar in front of all the drawings. the MUSIC. the COLORS. and according to my art history mother, all those trees were literally everywhere in Egyptian art. THEY👏🏼DID👏🏼THEIR👏🏼RESEARCH👏🏼 
how they tried to show just. how many people there were. like there were around 600,000 israelites!! and that’s just the men over 20!! and you could tell that it was a TON of people (especially when you see them leaving and on mount sinai)
fun fact! the voices of god are a man’s voice and a woman’s voice layered on top of each other!! 
fun fact part two! the male god voice is the same guy who voices moses! oh the metaphors
the “who made the blind, the deaf, etc.” line is a direct quote from exodus
obviously that’s like. a very difficult scene to do (maybe even more difficult than the bush scene??) without pissing off a lot of people and they did. a good fucking job.
moses’s hair is just. really important. you know what? zuko vibes. moses is zuko, zuko is moses, they are the same.
the kids singing in hebrew as they leave egypt are singing the song of the sea! in the torah, it’s sung as they cross the red sea. also it’s sung by a children’s choir how CUTE
it’s little but in the actual torah moses doesn’t spend much time with kids because he’s busy leading a bunch of whiny bitches (i’m jewish i’m allowed to make the joke lol) through the desert for forty years, so just that little moment where those two kids jump on his staff..he really was a leader of the people, yknow?
how when old!pharoah (no i don’t remember his name) stands in the throne room in profile and it perfectly lines up with his bigass statue of himself right outside. and then ramses does the same exact thing except his statue is like. much bigger. i think he’s overcompensating for something lol
the movie ending on the ten commandments is obviously v good but i’m just laughing because we’re just gonna. gloss over the tablet smashing lol. it’s ok i’ll let it slide
and at the very end, three quotes about moses - one from the torah, one from the new testament, one from the quran!! 
there are lots more lol i could go on about this movie for a very long time
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halloweennut · 3 years
Tumblr media
Mara (OC Playlist)
anyway here’s the vibe y’all 
List under the readmore!
Fleetwood Mac - The Chain (lyrics) Heart - "Barracuda" (1977) ♡ Lotta True Crime - Penelope Scott - Lyrics ♡ Sir Chloe - Michelle (Lyrics) Murders (slowed + reverb / tiktok edition) Miracle Musical "All for nothing at all" Alice Merton – No Roots (Lyrics) Florence & the Machine - Cosmic Love (Lyrics) David Bowie Space Oddity  Lyrics Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz - Silvester-Tanzparty 1974/75 31.12.1974 (OFFICIAL) Mitski - Nobody (Lyrics) My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay (I Promise) [Dialogue/MTV Version] Cancer x As The World Caves In (Guy Mclachlan full mashup) River Lullaby - The Prince of Egypt Britney Spears - Toxic But It's Power by Kanye West Rico Nasty - Smack A Bitch (Prod By Kenny Beats) [Official Music Video] That Handsome Devil - Standing Room in Heaven BROWN BIRD: "Blood of Angels" Animated Lyrics twenty one pilots: Car Radio [OFFICIAL VIDEO] Johnny Cash- God's Gonna Cut You Down (lyrics) GANK - Resurrection Homestuck: [S] Collide Track 4 - Heir of Grief My Chemical Romance - Na Na Na [Official Lyric Video] moremoney - hate I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski (lyrics) Undertale OST: 014 - Heartache Moulin Rouge - Your Song Instrumental (After the storm scene) Florence + the Machine - Jenny of Oldstones (Lyric Video) | Season 8 | Game of Thrones (HBO) Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. (Official Video) 2WEI feat. Edda Hayes - Warriors (Official Imagine Dragons cover from League of Legends trailer) K/DA - POP/STARS (ft. Madison Beer, (G)I-DLE, Jaira Burns) | Music Video - League of Legends Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: Black Sheep - FULL music video Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water (Audio) Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild Pat Benatar - Heartbreaker (Lyrics) Miley Cyrus - Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High (Lyrics)Main Character challenge [Tiktok Song] The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress) (Official Audio) The Animals - The House of the Rising Sun - Lyrics The Front Bottoms - Be Nice To Me Frances Forever - Space Girl (Official Video)
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marlinspirkhall · 4 years
Hey, I'm gonna film a video of me singing so I can work out what I need to do to play Chekov, besides learning how to do a Russian accent, anyway, what musical songs are similar to "that was inwented in russia" so I can sing one of those?
I'm not sure how similar any of these are, but they all have a similar energy if not the same key signatures. Everything in blue is stuff I'd prioritise over the others and definitely listen to because they're g r e a t, the others are optional.
"If I was a rich man"- Fiddler On The Roof
"Rich Girl"- Gwen Stefani
"Ochi Chernye" (English version)- trad., Yuri Vedanyapin
"River Lullaby"- The Prince Of Egypt
"I Wanna Be (A Starship Ranger)"- Starship
"Kick It Up A Notch"- Starship
["Starship" is a Trek/sci fi parody musical, really excellent, has a similar vibe to Song Trek!, but probably a better budget]
"Luck Be A Lady"- Guys And Dolls
"Gee, Officer Krupke"- West Side Story
[This one's probably more similar to Bachelor Boys, but Chekhov sings a little in that too]
"Far From The Home I Love"- Fiddler On The Roof
"Tradition"- Fiddler On The Roof
"He's Arnold Rimmer"- Red Dwarf, "Blue"
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rcris123 · 5 years
whooop i got tagged by @sean--macguire to share 10 songs im vibing with rn! first of!!!!!!! THANK YOU, Second of all, I’M LOVE YOU, third of all if you see this consider yourself tagged!
Isaac - Bear’s Den
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sean Wolf
In Maidjan - Heilung
Arsonist’s Lullaby - Hozier
Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney
The Golden Age - Woodkid
Deliver Us - Prince of Egypt Soundtrack
In the Face of Evil - Magic Sword Soundtrack
Brothers under the sun - Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron soundtrack
this entire mix
also tagging: @samwrittenbysam @yeterah @inquisitorcastellanos @eddesceulla @kampfhomo @sancta-silje @sararyder
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gerudospiriit · 5 years
[I love Prince of Egypt A LOT esp. its soundtrack. This came on spotify and mmmmm Gerudo lullaby vibes]
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