#Pretend you're surprised okay mon?
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“Pretty sure you’re not supposed to snog against these trees, Simon. They’re a national treasure.” Baz attempts to sound witty and unaffected, but he’s too out-of-breath. “Do you want to be reprimanded by the park rangers?”
-From The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch, by @monbons
There's this gorgeous scene in chapter 8 with kisses and cherry blossoms, and I just had to draw it. If you haven't checked out this fic yet, you maybe should get on that. XD
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russellsppttemplates · 10 months
first father day for our boys!
Note: it's dad!driver, which we all love!
Charles Leclerc
"We don't want to wake up papa, right, my love?", you asked your son as you took him out of his bed, changing his diaper in the changing table, "and now you're going to tuck into mama's chest while I make us some breakfast", you wrapped him in the sling, grabbing your utensils and starting your baking.
When you had everything ready, you put it in a tray, balancing the tray and your son, "see? Papa drives really fast cars, but can he do what mama's doing? I don't think so, mon ange", you kissed the top of his head, walking inside the bedroom and seeing your shirtless husband resting his back against the headboard, "seems papa is not going to be surprised as he is up already", you scrunched your nose, setting the tray down on the bed so you could unwrap Hervé so he could go to Charles, "happy father's day, my love", you said as Hervé snuggled on his chest.
"Aren't you happy today?", Charles cooed as his son smiled up at him, "I really want to spend the day in bed with my two favourite people, if that's okay", your husband suggested, "and I smell some delicious pancakes, which is more the reason to stay inside", he smiled.
Sitting next to him, you snuggled to his side, the both of you looking at your baby boy, "you're the best papa, Charles, and we are both so lucky to have you in our lives", you whispered, rubbing your nose on his bicep, "I'm the lucky one, Y/N".
George Russell
"Hey, little love", George croaked out as Olivia crawled up to him, her hands going up to his face as she tapped his stubbly cheek, "isn't this a great morning greeting, hm? Seeing your gorgeous face right in the morning", your husband straightened up, propping himself against the pillows so he could sit Olivia on his lap.
"Mummy is doing something downstairs, isn't she? She always goes all out for these celebrations, and we love that very much, but she also loves to do those things alone, she likes having control over it", he smiled as his daughter grabbed his cheeks, "they're not as squishy as yours, buy they'll do apparently", he managed to say as Olivia pulled and pushed.
After waiting a little bit, George out on a t-shirt and walked downstairs with Olivia on his hip, finding his wife in her pyjamas, writing a card, "hello, handsome. Me and Liv are you a card", you smiled as you showed him the abstract drawing, "very artsy, that's for sure. So we are having breakfast and then going to my parents'?", he recalled, "yes. Your mother just texted me saying the surprise for your father if going in full swing, he doesn't suspect a thing", you smiled.
"Sounds like grandpa is going to love his surprise then", George cheered to Olivia, "all of the kids and grandkids in the same place".
Mick Schumacher
"When mama said she was surprising papa, she didn't account for you walking me up, did she?", Mick said as Aurora fussed in her cot beside the bed, making him pick her up so he coiled changed her diaper and grab her bottle, "she forgets that your our alarm clock these days", he chuckled as he walked downstairs, wanting to make it easier for you and not having you carry anything upstairs.
Pierre Gasly
"She's baking that cake I really like, isn't she? I bet you told her I was craving it, and that was our secret, miss Rora", he chuckled, crossing the corner and seeing Angie greet him excitedly before he heard your voice, "I knew you were up the minute Angie left me in the kitchen. This little bug was supposed to keep sleeping so you would be surprised", you pouted, hugging your husband's torso and kissing your daughter's cheek.
"I can go back upstairs if you want me to act surprised", Mick pointed to the stairs, "I'll just jump and pretend I didn't know you were baking my favourite, I'll even let out a small scr-", he chuckled out as you started tickling his stomach, "I'm perfectly fine with eating here. I have my girls, all three of them", he said as Angie laid by his feet, "best father's day ever".
"This is where papa used to race", Pierre spoke to Alexandre as he looked curiously around the track. Since his brothers also wanted to spend a fun father's day wirh their kids, who were a good bit older than your son, he rented out the karting track so they could spend their day together.
Lance Stroll
"And you will too one day, if that's something you'd like to do, join your cousins for races and battle for the first place", Pierre continued, "we might have to wait a while, I'm sure mama will wrap you in bubble wrap the minute you say something about karting and I'm going to be the one to hear about it the first time you have so much of a scratch".
"They're the duo you always imagined they would be, hm?", your sister in-law Charlotte said as you sat down at the tables, sipping on your coffees, "he's my son, and I know he loves me as I love him, but as soon as Pierre gets back or as soon as he sees him, it's gars competing with my husband for his attention", you smiled, "the fact that they're lookalikes also helps the whole thing, it's Pierre and his mini him, and he loves every second of it".
"I don't know if I ever told you, but when you were pregnant, he was so worried he wasn't going to be a good father because of his schedule, that you and Alexandre would resent him sooner rather than later. We told him he was so wrong, there was no way that would happen", Charlotte noted, "and it's true, look at him", you pointed at your husband who was adjusting Alexandre in a go kart with him as the baby sat on his lap, "the best papa".
"When mummy and I found out we were expecting you, I think that was one of the best days of my life", Lance told the little baby resting in his arms, big brown eyes looking up at his own and hanging on to every word he was saying, "the other ones are probably when I won my first race, when mummy and I started dating, and when we got married. The day you were born, though, that was another level of happiness and a bunch of other emotions", Lance gulped, "you made me a father, Addy, and I hope I'm doing my best because you and mummy deserve the world, the moon and the stars, and I'm trying to get them for you", he said as he snuggled her further into the blanket and on his chest.
The night was beautiful, nice temperature and clear sky so you could see the stars, shining beautifully. The plans weren't big, but neither of you liked big plans. A cabin for the weekend and the perfect environment to just chill out and enjoy family time.
"Here's your mug", you called, holding the two steaming mugs with tea and setting your husband's in the arm of the big garden sofa, "we're you two having a chat?", you asked, kissing Lance's lips and Addalynn's head, "is it a chat if it's just me doing the talking? Little miss is not very keen on sharing her opinion", he chuckled.
"She loves listening to you, I think she's fine with just that", you smiled, taking a sip from your mug and snuggling up to him, "did you like your first father's day, love?", you wondered, "I loved it, I spent it with my favourite girls, doing my favourite things", he smiled back, "there's nowhere o would rather be", he said before kissing your forehead.
Daniel Ricciardo
Daniel had been the one to make the plans for his first father's days: a picnic in the garden with his wife and daughter. They ate croissants they had baked in the morning and shared giggles and silly faces whilst enjoying the sun.
"I'm going to make a flower bracelet for you, little one", he explained as he gathered the flowers, "this is going to be a present for you, even though it will never come close to the best present I ever got from mummy, which is you, by the way, in case daddy wasn't clear", he chuckled, "so we begin with this one here, and we thread it through here", he kept showing her as you took in the sight.
Daniel was the best father to your little girl. There wasn't a moment where he didn't give his all for her, always there at her every need and encouraging her whenever she braved through in her explorer adventures, "That's right, that goes in your wrist. Clever girl!", he cooed, kissing her chubby cheeks.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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chrisredfield73 · 10 months
Could you do a reader who accidentally tells the tf2 mercs they're gay/queer in sexuality? With some angst from the reader because they're worried it'll affect how the mercs see them. And depending on the merc, some comfort?
This is a bit self-indulgent as I am a girl who likes girls, but it can be written for anyone
The reader is meant to be a teen so it's strictly platonic!
A/N: As a gay trans guy, I understand the angst and fear! Thank you for requesting!!
For Spy's part-
Mon chou means 'my cabbage' (weird term of endearment for kids but it's really sweet)
You let it slip, accidentally, but it immediately made you panic. You mentioned liking the same gender as you. The fear of not being accepted hit you like a tidal wave, as you stare wide eyed at the merc in front of you..
He's surprised, to say the least.
He definitely makes a snarky and sarcastic joke, but he quickly shuts up when he notices your fear.
"Hey now.. Don't get all nervous on me."
He's pretty supportive overall, giving you some reassuring comments and a pat on the back.
"Listen.. I don't know how all the other guys would react, but I'm okay with it. Don't worry, I won't say anything."
He may make some hints about it to the others, but he doesn't go too far.
He also definitely would help you find a s/o and he would beg to hear who you like.
Now for this big himbo, it's a 50/50.
He either doesn't hear or get what you've said, or he heard it and he's judging you.
"What was that, maggot?"
If he didn't hear you or understand you, you could definitely play it off as a joke. He'd probably laugh it off with you, not even noticing how nervous you are.
If he heard you and is now judging you, he's staring at you through narrowed eyes. "You're queer?"
He's definitely not supportive... At first. You could probably, eventually, get him to come around and be supportive.
He has that mentality of, "I was raised thinking it was wrong so it's wrong."
When he heard you say that, it's completely obvious he supports you.
He gives you a thumbs up and a hug for reassurance.
"Mff mff mm mmff."
You're not sure what he just said, but you can tell it was something supportive by how he just acted.
He helps make sure you're comfortable, even giving you gifts that are discreet pride flag colors.
If any of the other guys catch wind about it, you can bet that Pyro will be there to stand up for you.
Another one of the guys that's 50/50 about it.
If he's drunk, he's either not going to act supportive, when he actually is, or he's not going to be paying attention to anything you just said. "What..?"
In the rare occasion that he's not drunk, he's very supportive and will give you a hug.
"Ey there, lass/lad, no need to worry. It's alright with me."
He is one of the supportive ones, despite being an idiot when he's drunk. He's proud of you for being yourself, even if you're not out to everyone.
He's shocked, looking over at you with wide eyes.
He doesn't say anything for a moment, before noticing your anxiousness.
He's not super supportive, but he's not going to judge you about your preferences.
"Heavy is not mad. Heavy is happy you're happy."
He gives you a pat and maybe even rubs your back, trying to help you feel better.
He won't tell anyone about it, he's the second best secret keeper on the team.
"Heavy won't tell anyone, Heavy pretends he never heard it."
He's caught off-guard, but he's supportive 100%.
"Oh? I never would've thought..."
He gives you a reassuring smile and hugs you gently.
"Don't worry, kid. I won't tell nobody. You have my word."
He's the first best secret keeper, and he's basically the supportive dad of the team.
He'll, much like Pyro, also get you discreet pride gifts to show he supports you and to make you feel better.
All in all, Engineer is the best to share things with, he's a calm and gentle soul who just wants to see you happy.
He had his suspicions, he suspects a lot of things about a lot of people.
"Oh? You like women/men?"
He's pretty supportive, but he's not a very touchy person. He'd prefer to not have a ton of physical contact.
He gives you a quick rub on the back before pulling away.
"I'm not going to judge you, there are things far worse than not being straight."
He's not the best for comfort but he is, at least, mostly supportive.
He stops what he's doing and turns to look at you, his expression and emotion unreadable.
"You... You're what now?"
He notices you panicking and steps over to you, offering you a small smile.
He gently ruffles your hair and chuckles, "Easy now, roo. Calm down. I'm not judgin' ya, I'm just confused."
He's okay with you elaborating on your sexuality, and he's okay with you not talking about it anymore.
He's also good at not telling anyone about your sexuality, he prefers to keep to himself anyway.
He let's out a low hum, raising a brow. He definitely didn't expect that.
He's polite, not teasing you or making fun of you.
He doesn't really understand but he's not going to go out of his way to judge you or make fun of you.
"Don't worry, mon chou. I'm not going to judge you."
He sets down his cigarette in his ashtray and pulls you in for a hug.
He's one that doesn't like physical affection very much, but seeing you in slight distress makes him want to comfort you.
He almost thinks of you like his child, and he just wants to see you happy.
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sonicblueartist · 11 months
is bullfrog date headcannons okay?
A/N: Of course~ And sorry if this is short. I couldn't think anything else to add lol
Bullfrog x h!reader
Word Count: 894
Taglist: @blorbostation
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
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Two things can definitely happen in this scenario. Either Bullfrog dates with you or stays away, he doesn't want to hurt you because of his job.
But right now, with your request we are going with a scenario where he chooses to date you and has close contact, so...
He is already a sweet and kind guy (and wise too). But when it comes to you it just doubles up. He is the dictionary meaning gentleman.
He could do anything for you to see you smile. It includes being silly. Avoiding his jokes isn't even an option.
"Knock knock"
"Not a door joke. God...Who’s there?"
"French who?"
"French frise!"
He is as honest with you as possible. He doesn't mind anything at all. He is comfortable with you and hoping you are with him too. He just wants you to be yourself with him.
Very affectionate and physical. You don't like PDA? He will drown you with his compliments.
"You look stunning as always, mon amour."
He loves to see your cheeks turn pink. He loves to fluster you. He will flirt if it means he could see that all the time.
"When you're around, I don't need anything else, mi chéri."
You are feeling bad? Exhausted? Sick? He will take care of you. There are no excuses.
You are in danger? Hurt? Oh god. I think for the first time in your life you might have the chance to feel sorry for those kinds of people. You know what I mean?
Bullfrog doesn't get angry very much. But what if he hears that you are being used or harmed? He will then go into fast rescue/kill mode. (I believe he still wouldn't be mad mad but you know)
I don't know why but I feel like killing or getting harmed isn't his breaking point to go mad about it. We need something else (Hopefully I can figure that out one day lol)
He likes to kiss your hands and if possible (because of his height) on your forehead too. You probably need to lay down or kneel for that and he doesn't want to force you. But if you lie down on his lap? Damn, he will melt and donate your face all over with kisses.
He is not someone to get jealous. He trusts you with his whole heart. But that doesn't mean he is not protective over you. If he sees someone bothering you and going too far? He will step in and warn them kindly. If that doesn't work? Oh, well. Have fun watching him give them some senses. What? No, of course he is not gonna beat them up. No, no. That's not his still. Not in public.
He could stare lovingly at you for hours. Tracing your lines. Observing your features. If undisturbed he can do this all day and night.
He can and will be brutally honest when the time is right (not specifically towards you), and sometimes that scares you.
"We are immortal spiritual beings that are embodied in mortal flesh to experience emotions and develop our own destiny, designed by ourselves in our pre-natal life."
He is just joking.
He wears casual clothes when he is around you. Like a hoodie and shorts. Something comfortable.
He likes to cuddle with you while you both sit comfortably on your couch, watching something and a blanket around both of you. He LOVES your warmth. So he is gonna steal your hand whenever he gets the chance. Or lean his body on you.
He is very understanding and expects the same from you.
If you prepare breakfast and bring it to him in bed before he wakes up in the morning (which is a bit difficult, I'm sure he will always wake up before you), he may or may not start crying in happiness.
You can't sneak up behind him so no surprise attacks. It's not always end up like you planned it would be. He always somehow sensed it even before you had the idea.
"Agh, come on! At least can't you pretend you didn't know? It's impossible to surprise you!"
"Well, sorry, mi chérie, but you are a bit too obvious."
"That's not true!"
"Okay, okay, I'll pretend next time."
He couldn't. He just acts on instinct; you can't blame him for it. It happens unintentionally
"I just wanted to surprise you for your birthday, damn it!"
"Oh?" He is in tears from happiness.
He is not playing around when he told you that he loves you. You are his one and only.
Dates are either on rooftops or in your house.
He will never let you disrupt your sleep routine for him.
You are having trouble with something? Always having nightmares or you just can't sleep? Or having trouble eating? He will be there every second of it to help you.
He is not innocent. Of course you know that. He knows his place and he respects your boundaries and thoughts.
He feels intimate with you.
He loves any kind of fruit. I can see him sitting on the couch eating apple slices with you.
He becomes really awkward when he doesn't know what to do about something or gets really flustered.
He will support you with anything you will and can do.
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seaweedcolored · 9 months
Five Times Heavenly Idol MK's Head Bodyguard Got On His Case For Leaving... and that's it. That's all it takes to break Wukong's heart.
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These fleeting hopes we bury deep The signals mixed, pretend we cannot see I just wish I just wish that we could stay like this
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(fic under cut)
"You- you- you're the Monkey King?!" MK squawked.
The monkey demon crossed his arms, capelet and multicolored skirt fluttering from a mysteriously present explosion behind him. "The one and only! Now, where's my--"
"But there's no way!"
"I mean, you're the Heavenly Idol MK! You're my idol! I literally got the same nickname as you! You can't be the Monkey King!"
Honestly, it had more to do about all the fan letters he'd sent the Heavenly Idol and how MK felt about said idol also being his hero, and he'd rather not think about the very real possibility that that a diety like Monkey King had gone and seen all the blabber MK had to say about him. Gosh, that would be beyond embarrassing. Maybe MK should've just let the Demon Bull King stomp on him if he knew that this is where he would've ended up.
MK's blabber continued on as Monkey King-- and that was definitely, undeniably the Monkey King. Heck, MK even stepped on him in bug form! What kind of person was he?!-- watched in something akin to resignation. It was probably embarrassing to him too!! He was even checking his phon eto see how much longer he had before it was time to ditch MK!
"Hey, uh, kid? I'm going to come clean here--" Monkey King chuckled, putting away his phone. "I need to check back in with my bodyguards in like, five minutes, so jig's up. I've been watching you--"
Before MK could even begin to process what that meant, Monkey King bulldozed on.
"And I already, sorta know about the whole staff thing--can't really be a hundred percent sure because I've been kinda busy this whole time with all the photoshoots and rehearsals, but I know that you're perfect!"
"To what?"
"Be my... SUCCESSOR!"
A few hours later, while MK was having some victory noodles with his family, Mei pulled up the live feed of Heavenly Idol MK's current world tour. MK promptly choked on his noodles and wondered briefly how the Monkey King, for all his abilities, made it back to the other side of the globe within five minutes.
(Wukong didn't-- he got a scolding from the head bodyguard for it, but it was always a treat to get any form of attention, if he was going to be honest.)
"Okay, bud, let's make this quick. I gotta get back to set before my bodyguards notice," Monkey King said, hopping down from his nimbus and starting on a few warm up stretches. As per usual, he was dressed in his performance outfit, and MK would be more bothered about it if Monkey King wasn't consistently able to reintroduce him to Flower Fruit Mountain soil in the inconvenience of it.
"We don't have to do this everyday if it's inconvenient for you, Mr. Monkey King!" MK spluttered.
"Nah, don't worry about it, bud! Happy to be here!" The Monkey King stretched one more time before hiding his hands behind his back. "Let's get started, shall we?"
MK successfully lasted six minutes-- a new record.
(Wukong's head bodyguard also noticed him within a new record of ten minutes since his "bathroom break".)
"I can't believe you just up and two-timed me for Macaque! Macaque! Of everyone you could've chosen, you chose HIM!"
"I'm sorry, Monkey King. I just... I just wanted to make you proud. You're always so busy with show business and you obviously love it, so I figured that if I could learn some things on my own, you'd be proud of me."
Monkey King sighed. MK expected him to walk away then a then, bu twas instead surprised when Monkey King took a seat next to him, going so far as the wrap an arm around his shoulders and giving him a few awkward pats.
"I'm already proud of you, MK. What you've got? It's not something just anyone could have."
"That I can lift the staff?"
"Well, there's that, but I'm talking about your heart kiddo," Monkey King chuckled playfully. "Your heart is one of a kind, and it's in the right place. Everything else you're worried about? We can work on it another time."
"...Thanks, Monkey King."
At that moment, Monkey King's phone pinged with a text. He looked sheepish about it, but MK knew better than to butt further into Monkey King's idol busine--
"THAT GUY--" Monkey King jumped to his feet, growling at his screen. "He think he can just go and tell me to come back? AFTER WHAT HE DID????"
"...your bodyguard?" MK asked.
"YEAH! He's so dead to me when I get there!"
"I don't think you can go around killing your staff, Monkey King."
"Can't I? I already did it once--" MK doesn't think he wants to know the scandal behind that story. "--and he was asking me to give it my all earlier, so why can't I zip back there and show him my 'true power'. STUPID MONKEY! HMPH!"
Monkey King got on his nimbus and promptly zoomed away, probably to make good on the threat. MK didn't hear any scandals about dead Heavenly Idol staff, so MK wasn't going to think too deeply into it.
(Except, it was kinda weird that Macaque was not only a monkey, but also asked Monkey King to give it his all that day, right? Maybe not. MK was probably overthinking things. There was no way, right?)
"Hey, Monkey King, are you sure you want to be spending time here, with me, when you're still technically on tour?" MK asked, trying to distract himself from the fact that he just ate Monkey King's hair for New Year. If he promptly didn't think about it hard enough, maybe he'd delude himself into thinking that he just directly consumed good fortune or something.
Monkey King laughed. "It's no big deal, bud, really! It's my day off. No one going to be bothering us today-- THE FIREWORKS!"
"You had one job, MK, one job," Zhanshi chastised, pointedly shutting his laptop, and along it the clip of Heavenly Idol MK, dressed in full New Year Special stage outfit, flying around in a nimbus that was unmistakably the Monkey King's. The general public could be fooled into believing whatever lie the PR team comes up with, but there would be a select few who lived a touch too long or knew a bit too much who could put two on two together.
(Much like Zhanshi did, but unlike Zhanshi, would probably have less noble intentions.
But who was he kidding, his own intentions were far from noble.)
"Don't end up in public eye. We left you for one day."
"Hey, you don't get to say that!" Heavenly Idol retorted. "You did the exact same thing when you were on day-off, remember?"
Zhanshi whistled innocently and turned away from his charge on his wheelie chair.
"Hey! Don't ignore me!"
"I can and I will."
Heavenly Idol sighed in frustration. "Whatever. You need me to stay on the downlow for a bit anyway, right?"
"...That's the usual protocol, yes."
"Then I'll be off. I need to do something anyway."
"Like training your successor?"
Heavenly Idol heard the swivel of the office chair and looked back, but instead of white fur and a pair of lilac eyes, he was met with midnight locks and golden eyes, complete with three pairs of glowing ears.
If this were a conversation between the Heavenly Idol and his head bodyguard Zhanshi, then it'd be one of banter with negligible consequences. This, however, had just turned into a conversation between Monkey King and his warrior.
Wukong scoffed. "It's none of your business. Stay out of my way."
"Why couldn't you just be satisfied with what you had?! You had everything you could've ever wanted. You're stronger than anyone would ever need to be. You were happy with just the monkeys on the mountain, you were happy with just me. What happened to all that?"
Wukong watched the distorted image of his past replay in front of him for the hundred, maybe thousandth time. Maybe, of all the memories he'd gone and shattered beyond recognition, then maybe this one was probably the one he wouldn't regret breaking on purpose.
And yet...
"What happened to all your promises?! What happened to living a lazy life under the sun?! WHAT HAPPENED TO NOT HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING OR ANYONE EVER AGAIN?
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kaylaz-world-00 · 10 months
Anon: is bullfrog date headcannons okay?
A/N: Of course~ And sorry if this is short. I couldn't think anything else to add lol
Bullfrog x h!reader
Word Count: 894
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa @shiroisotto64
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Two things can definitely happen in this scenario. Either Bullfrog dates with you or stays away, he doesn't want to hurt you because of his job.
But right now, with your request we are going with a scenario where he chooses to date you and has close contact, so...
He is already a sweet and kind guy (and wise too). But when it comes to you it just doubles up. He is the dictionary meaning gentleman.
He could do anything for you to see you smile. It includes being silly. Avoiding his jokes isn't even an option.
"Knock knock"
"Not a door joke. God...Who’s there?"
"French who?"
"French frise!"
He is as honest with you as possible. He doesn't mind anything at all. He is comfortable with you and hoping you are with him too. He just wants you to be yourself with him.
Very affectionate and physical. You don't like PDA? He will drown you with his compliments.
"You look stunning as always, mon amour."
He loves to see your cheeks turn pink. He loves to fluster you. He will flirt if it means he could see that all the time.
"When you're around, I don't need anything else, mi chéri."
You are feeling bad? Exhausted? Sick? He will take care of you. There are no excuses.
You are in danger? Hurt? Oh god. I think for the first time in your life you might have the chance to feel sorry for those kinds of people. You know what I mean?
Bullfrog doesn't get angry very much. But what if he hears that you are being used or harmed? He will then go into fast rescue/kill mode. (I believe he still wouldn't be mad mad but you know)
I don't know why but I feel like killing or getting harmed isn't his breaking point to go mad about it. We need something else (Hopefully I can figure that out one day lol)
He likes to kiss your hands and if possible (because of his height) on your forehead too. You probably need to lay down or kneel for that and he doesn't want to force you. But if you lie down on his lap? Damn, he will melt and donate your face all over with kisses.
He is not someone to get jealous. He trusts you with his whole heart. But that doesn't mean he is not protective over you. If he sees someone bothering you and going too far? He will step in and warn them kindly. If that doesn't work? Oh, well. Have fun watching him give them some senses. What? No, of course he is not gonna beat them up. No, no. That's not his still. Not in public.
He could stare lovingly at you for hours. Tracing your lines. Observing your features. If undisturbed he can do this all day and night.
He can and will be brutally honest when the time is right (not specifically towards you), and sometimes that scares you.
"We are immortal spiritual beings that are embodied in mortal flesh to experience emotions and develop our own destiny, designed by ourselves in our pre-natal life."
He is just joking.
He wears casual clothes when he is around you. Like a hoodie and shorts. Something comfortable.
He likes to cuddle with you while you both sit comfortably on your couch, watching something and a blanket around both of you. He LOVES your warmth. So he is gonna steal your hand whenever he gets the chance. Or lean his body on you.
He is very understanding and expects the same from you.
If you prepare breakfast and bring it to him in bed before he wakes up in the morning (which is a bit difficult, I'm sure he will always wake up before you), he may or may not start crying in happiness.
You can't sneak up behind him so no surprise attacks. It's not always end up like you planned it would be. He always somehow sensed it even before you had the idea.
"Agh, come on! At least can't you pretend you didn't know? It's impossible to surprise you!"
"Well, sorry, mi chérie, but you are a bit too obvious."
"That's not true!"
"Okay, okay, I'll pretend next time."
He couldn't. He just acts on instinct; you can't blame him for it. It happens unintentionally
"I just wanted to surprise you for your birthday, damn it!"
"Oh?" He is in tears from happiness.
He is not playing around when he told you that he loves you. You are his one and only.
Dates are either on rooftops or in your house.
He will never let you disrupt your sleep routine for him.
You are having trouble with something? Always having nightmares or you just can't sleep? Or having trouble eating? He will be there every second of it to help you.
He is not innocent. Of course you know that. He knows his place and he respects your boundaries and thoughts.
He feels intimate with you.
He loves any kind of fruit. I can see him sitting on the couch eating apple slices with you.
He becomes really awkward when he doesn't know what to do about something or gets really flustered.
He will support you with anything you will and can do.
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wanderingjedi77 · 1 year
Mon Mothma x Fem!Reader (Spies)
Summary: You and your long-time friend Mon Mothma must pose as a couple to gain info on Admiral Yularan of the ISB. But you didn't expect to fall in love along the way.
You hadn't been surprised when Mon had asked for your help with this mission. You were good with people and had a way of figuring things out between the lines that Mon admired. Even envied at times. But you were surprised at the way you would have to appear.
Married. To you're best friend Mon.
You had felt nervous at the thought of pretending to be her wife. You had never really thought much about your crush on her before. She was married after all, until she wasn't. But Mon had never really shown anything overly affection in her manner towards you.
Until tonight, when you had met nearby and were set to arrive at Admiral Yularans Gala. It wasn't that extravagant, but he liked to draw attention to himself and his exploits, and this was the best way to do it.
You sighed, your dress feeling a little too tight as you walked next to Mon, eying the other couples and the soon to be couples. It felt awkward. Mon was only recently divorced, though she had heard rumors that someone had caught her eye.
You wondered it she had ever considered you and smiled at the thought of her turning down every other suitor knocking at her door.
"What's wrong?" Mon asks, frowning a little at your smile. "What are you up to?"
"I'm surprised you haven't gotten remarried." You quip.
Mon smirked. "Yes, because suitors are lining up at my door since I divorced my husband."
"Oh, you don't need to worry about that anymore, Mon." You wiggle your fingers at her to show your ring. "We're married now remember?"
Mon rolled her eyes with a smile and took your hand, lacing your fingers together. She started to walk down the steps into the entrance way, keeping a firm hold on you.
"I think you're cutting off the circulation in my hand." You joke, and Mon squeezes it gently.
"I'll make it up to you later, dear." Mon leaned over and purred in your ear. You blush and look away, but hope that she means what she says.
"Okay. Later. When we were alone." You reply quickly, trying not to jump away. Why was she acting like this? You didn't want Mon to overdo it just for show.
You move closer to Mon as you stop to look at the ISB officers nearby. You had an in, you're mother had worked for the ISB for years but could never figure out her daughter had turned Rebel. Being with Mon was a risk, but not something you were worried about.
"You don't actually believe he will give up information that simply do you?" Mon asks you softly.
"No. Not at all. It's his reactions I'm looking for." You answer with a smirk.
"You never change do you." Mon says, but there's a fondness to her voice that makes you shiver.
"No. Not even for you." You answer, and you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Mon watches you, and you hesitate from the look of fire in her eyes before you look away.
"Let's go." You tell her firmly and walk over to the group of ISB agents and their partners. You smiled your way in, and stand near Yularan, not close enough to where he can see you, but close enough to listen.
"Project stardust is well on its way. The Empire is more then capable of keeping its citizens safe."
"But what is it?"
"Top secret. Not even Lord Vader knows. Or so he has said."
"But the Rebels-"
"Will be dealt with swiftly. They will fear the Empire like never before."
You pull Mon away from the conversation, heart hammering and wanting to leave. The whole situation felt wrong, not just the way he had been speaking to the crowd. You waited until you could get Mon into a darkened alcove near the entrance and pulled her in tightly, no one paying you any mind.
"What's wrong? You look sick y/n." Mon reached out and cupped your cheek, the other wrapping around your waist.
"Whatever that project is, it sounds like it's strong enough to take us out." You whisper, feeling awful and leaning into her touch. Mon searches your gaze and nods.
"Then we need to do some more digging." Mon answers quietly. "But first, we need to get you home."
"We need to get more info-"
"Do not argue with me." Mon whispers fiercely. "You're not well, y/n." You sigh and nod against her.
"It's more of a feeling." You admit.
"I trust you." Mon answers softly, and you meet her gaze. She shifts closer, and her hand moves to the back of your neck.
"I know, Mon. I trust you, too." You admit. "I wouldn't have agreed to this mission, or our rendezvous with a fake marriage if I didn't." You wrap your arms around her and settle them around her waist.
"Good. I don't need to lose you." Mon leans closer, and you feel her warm breath on your lips.
"No." You reply. "You'd be too bored." You try to grin, and try to ignore the fact that your heart is going a million miles an hour. "Mon-"
She kisses you, and you feel her push you back into the wall, further enclosed by darkness. It's quiet, and her heart beats in your ears even after she pulls away.
"That was -" You blush, and look at her shyly as she leans in again.
"Home. Now." Mon orders against your lips.
You didn't dare disobey a direct order.
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wearethekat · 2 years
Okay maximum spice🙄🤢🤧But also 🥺
🙄 what's a popular book that you dislike, but you'll get crucified if you say it?
hmm I think I've mentioned this one before but I absolutely despised TJ Klune's House in the Cerulean Sea, which a lot of people seem to like. it was just so saccharine. it was weirdly stylized. you could picture the disney animation going as you read. everyone held hands with the bad guys at the end and sung kumbaya because it was all a big misunderstanding and now the village understands. Well, not quite, but you get the idea. The romance was sickeningly sticky-sweet. I don't really think of myself as a cynic, but I'm far too cynical for that.
🤢 what's a popular ship you despise, and why?
now usually I don't have very strong opinions about ships. it's more like. well that seems implausible. or, hmm. no.
but the one ship I absolutely despise is anyone shipping Cam Lockedtomb. I don't talk about this much because I know I'm being a little unreasonable about it. BUT. get your paws OFF my aroace Cam! SHE WOULDN'T DATE YOU AND SHE WOULDN'T DATE ANYONE IN CANON EITHER. she just has aro vibes, okay! I've hit her with the aspecification beam and she's MINE now. luckily the big one was Cam/Corona and that one's not really popular anymore post As Yet Unsent.
🤧 An overrated book/character trope you're tired of?
Rivals to lovers. You're just making fools of yourselves. Either commit to being enemies or stop pretending that you don't like each other, you're going to look ridiculous when you have to eat your words in the third-act love scene.
🥺 what's a truly underrated book/series you recommend and wish the whole world would read?
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold! Starting with Warrior's Apprentice. it's flawless. it's perfect. it's literally the best book series ever, overall. No one has such an excellent hand with characters and dialogue like Bujold does. Or with writing believable, interesting cultures. There's a reason she was nominated for nine Hugos for this series alone and won four. And no character is so maniacally competent as Miles Vorkosigan, who's also my very favorite character.
Alas this series was burdened with the worst covers that have ever seen the light of day by Baen Books (damn their name), so I have the hardest time convincing people to read them. In lieu of a cover (seriously, please don't look at them), I leave you all with a randomly selected passage beneath the cut.
(ask game here)
Miles sank into his seat with a groan. “Some bodyguard you are,” he said to Elli. “Why didn’t you protect me from that interviewer?”
“She wasn’t trying to shoot you. Besides, I’d just got there. I couldn’t tell her what had been going on.”
“But you’re far more photogenic. It would have improved the image of the Dendarii Fleet.”
“Holovids make me tongue-tied. But you sounded calm enough.”
“I was trying to downplay it all. ‘Boys will be boys,’ chuckles Admiral Naismith, while in the background his troops burn down London . . .”
Elli grinned. “’Sides, they weren’t interested I me. I wasn’t the hero who’d dashed into a burning building – by the gods, when you came rolling out all on fire –”
“You saw that?” Miles was vaguely cheered. “Did it look good in the long shots? Maybe it’ll make up for Danio and his jolly crew, in the minds of our host city.”
“It looked properly terrifying.” She shuddered appreciation. “I’m surprised you’re not more badly burned.”
Miles twitched singed eyebrows and tucked his blistered left hand unobtrusively under his right arm. “It was nothing. Protective clothing. I’m glad not all our equipment design is faulty.”
“I don’t know. To tell you the truth, I’ve been shy of fire ever since . . .” her hand touched her face.
actually no, wait, I lie. I can't pick just one have another:
"Mon Dieu, it’s the little admiral,” she said cheerfully. “What are you doing here?”
Ignoring the anguished scream inside his skull, Miles schooled his features to an—exquisitely—polite blankness. “I beg your pardon, ma’am?”
“Admiral Naismith. Or . . .” She took in his uniform, her eyes lighting with interest. “Is this some mercenary covert operation, Admiral?”
A beat passed. Miles allowed his eyes to widen, his hand to stray to his weaponless trouser seam and twitch there. “My God,” he choked in a voice of horror—not hard, that—“Do you mean to tell me Admiral Naismith has been seen on Earth?”
Her chin lifted, and her lips parted in a little half-smile of disbelief. “In your mirror, surely.”
Were his eyebrows visibly singed? His right hand was still bandaged. Not a burn, ma’am, Miles thought wildly. I cut it shaving . . . Miles came to full attention, snapping his polished boot heels together, and favored her with a small, formal bow. In a proud, hard, and thickly Barrayaran-accented voice, he said, “You are mistaken, ma’am. I am Lord Miles Vorkosigan of Barrayar. Lieutenant in the Imperial Service. Not that I don’t aspire to the rank you name, but it’s a trifle premature.”
She smiled sweetly. “Are you entirely recovered from your burns, sir?”
Miles’s eyebrows rose—no, he shouldn’t have drawn attention to them—“Naismith’s been burned? You have seen him? When? Can we speak of this? The man you name is of the greatest interest to Barrayaran Imperial Security.”
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torikaku · 4 years
Okay, so Idk if this is oddly specific, but can I request Leona, Cater, Vil, and Rook with an s/o who has quite the experience in dating like they have a lot of exes and doesn’t even count how many exes she/they (I don’t mind gender neutral) has, so says stuff like “are we supposed to count?” In a headcanon format. You of course don’t have to do it, with that being said I really do hope you will. I hope I didn’t break any rules, have a good day!
...Oh, anon, I believe you want some angst, because that's all I can offer to you :^(
“Are we supposed to count?”
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 He says absolutely nothing. He closes his eyes and falls asleep, or pretends to do so. Is it how you see the relationship with him? Leona can't say that he's surprised. He expected something like this coming.
 Do you use him to achieve something or is it sort of a game for you? Well, he'd be a hypocrite if he begins to lecture you about your actions, since Leona himself used people for his own profit. At least, now he can be more emotionally distant from you, and when you two break up he won't be overthinking it much.
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 For a second you can't read his expression, there's a shadow covering his eyes. Then, Cater returns to his usual self. Now-now, what cruel things you're saying. Of course, it counts. You two are dating because you love each other, aren't you?
 Later, Cater scrolls through the photos where two of you are depicted. With an unreadable face, he thinks about your words. He should have believed his intuition which told him not to attach to people. Soon or later, they will either betray him or leave him; he experienced it many times.
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He grinds his teeth and clenches his fists. His ears don't betray him, don't they? You two were so close. Vil even opened up to you, showed his insecurities and concerns, he was vulnerable with you. Nobody has ever seen his weak sides. And after everything you two went through you don't even care about your relationship with him, since you're so careless with your words?
Vil blames himself. He should have been more attentive and noticed your games. Is this some hobby of yours to play with people's hearts? He's livid. He never thought that someone would start a relationship with him and dare to discard his feelings as if they value nothing.
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He's hurt. It clearly can be seen on his face. Why should you have said such cruel words, mon amour? Rook remembers how you tell him that you love him, and now you don't even count your relationship with him as a true one? Was it all an act? How unkind of you to play with the hunter's heart.
Your dating history never bothered him; he thinks it's great that you're so experienced in such things. But now, Rook begins to understand that experience does not always guarantee a good relationship. Is the whole dating thing a game to you? What a vicious way to play with human feelings. Rook can't look at you the way he did before. He even doesn't know what he should feel when there's an emptiness in his heart.
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mandelene · 3 years
If you're still taking requests, can I have ℧ with Arthur please 👀
You sure can! 💕
The Tea Party and the Promise-Breaker
Word Count: 1690
“But you said you were gonna play tea party with us!”
“I know, darling, but I’m quite tired and—”
“You promised!” Amelia screeches.
Arthur swears he feels something in his skull rattle. He did promise, but that was before he worked three 16-hour shifts at the hospital and started to feel unwell. He woke up yesterday morning to a sore throat, but he refused to call out sick over something so trivial. Now, the sore throat is worse, his head hurts, his sinuses burn, and he can feel his nose beginning to run.
This is his first day off all week, and although he’d love to play with Amelia and Madeline, he simply doesn’t have the energy to entertain them. He wishes he could have a two-hour nap, but that won’t be possible since Francis is working until the early evening, which means Arthur is in charge of supervising their two six-year-olds for the day.
“You never want to play with us,” Amelia accuses him, sounding genuinely broken-hearted.
He knows it isn’t easy for the girls when he’s not home very often, and the last thing he wants is for them to think he doesn’t love or care about them—nothing could be farther from the truth.
“Okay, I’ll join the tea party,” he surrenders, overwhelmed by guilt. “Would you girls like me to set the kettle?”
“We’re gonna have imaginary tea, Dad,” Amelia explains, a little exasperated by how out of the loop he is. “But you can bring your own tea if you want…And bring cookies, too!”
“All right. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
“Yaaaaay!” Amelia cheers, jumping up and down several times before grabbing Madeline’s hand and dragging her toward her room. “Let’s get all of the toys, Maddie!”
When the girls are out of sight, Arthur releases a cough he’s been suppressing and buries it into the crook of his arm. A tea party won’t be too labor-intensive at least. He’d rather sit down and drink tea with the girls than have to run around with them in the yard.
He makes himself a large mug of tea with honey and lemon. Then, he grabs whatever leftover pastries are in the fridge—Francis is always baking something for the girls, it seems like. Thankfully, he finds some chocolate chip cookies as well as financiers. He sets them on a plate, gathers extra silverware and napkins for the girls, and makes his way back up the stairs, clearing his aching throat along the way.
When he arrives at Amelia’s room, the little children’s activity table that she normally keeps against the wall has been moved to the center of the room, along with two children’s chairs and two beanbag chairs.
Arthur doesn’t particularly like the seating arrangement, but he knows better than to complain. He places the treats, napkins, and his tea on the table and makes himself as comfortable as he can in one of the beanbag chairs, letting his weight sink into it with a sigh.
Amelia and Madeline have lined up their teddy bears and dolls around the room, and Madeline seems to have drawn a sign on a poster board that proudly says, “MADDIE AND AMELIA’S TEA PARTY.” The text is surrounded by doodles of flowers, teacups, and stars.
“What a beautiful sign, Madeline,” Arthur compliments her.
She sheepishly smiles and hugs her favorite teddy bear, Kumajirou, against her chest. “Thank you…Daddy, you didn’t wear your tie. You were suppose’ta dress up for the tea party.”
He looks down at his attire and frowns. Yes, perhaps flannel pajama bottoms, a black t-shirt, slippers, and his gray bathrobe weren’t a great stylistic choice. Both of the girls are wearing dresses and tights. “My apologies, ladies. I can change, if you’d like?”
“It’s okay. You just havta act like a gentleman,” Madeline instructs, and Arthur can’t help but smile at how endearing all of this is.
He should enjoy it while it lasts—the girls won’t be interested in having tea parties with him when they’re older. Although he’d rather be in bed, he’s glad he agreed to this.
“I’ll try to be on my best behavior,” he assures them before taking a sip of his tea.
“You havta stick your pinkie finger out,” Amelia reminds before pretending to pour tea for herself and Madeline from their children’s tea kettle and into plastic teacups.
Arthur puts his pinkie out and nods. “Ahh, how could I forget? So, tell me, has anything interesting been happening at school?”
Amelia immediately begins to talk about how some other girl in their class recently got a new bike, and how she feels awful that she’s six and a half years old and can’t ride a bike yet. “Will you teach me, Dad?”
“Of course, love. When summer comes we can think about it.”
He’s learned his lesson about making promises. “We’ll see,” he says instead, ignoring the expression of disappointment on Amelia’s face. He takes a napkin from the table, excuses himself, and blows his nose softly, wincing at the ache in his sinuses…He’s feeling a bit feverish as well.
“Are you okay?” Madeline asks him, concerned.
“I’m just a bit under the weather,” he admits. “So, no hugging or kissing—I don’t watch you girls to catch this.”
Madeline doesn’t seem to be willing to let the subject go just yet. “Did you take medicine?”
“I will in a little while. Thank you, poppet.”
Amelia stands up and comes over to him to yank on his arm. “You havta go to bed, you’re sick. You always say we can’t play when we’re sick and havta rest, remember?”
Arthur feels his patience thinning, but having an excuse to lie down for a moment could be worth it.
“I can’t go to bed. I have to take care of you girls. It’ll be lunchtime soon, and I have to—”
“No, mister.”
“But I—”
“No buts!” Amelia scolds him, and for a second, he forgets who the adult in the room is.
He picks up his mug of tea and begrudgingly follows Amelia back to the master bedroom, where he obediently lies down on his and Francis’s bed, groaning when his sore muscles meet the memory foam mattress.
“We’ll take good care of you!” Amelia exclaims, exuberant.
Arthur’s not too sure he’s looking forward to this, but as the girls go and conspire out in the hallway, he allows himself to close his eyes for just a moment…Only a moment…He has to stay up to watch the girls…
The next time he opens his eyes, Amelia is poking a thermometer against his mouth, waking him from a very brief snooze.
“You’ve gotta take your temperature, Dad.”
Now that his body has had a taste of sleep, he feels absolutely exhausted. He takes the thermometer from her and puts it under his tongue, curious to see what the reading will be. When it beeps, he grimaces at the number taunting him. A hundred and two point seven. That’s thirty-nine degrees Celsius—enough to signal to him that this is probably more than a mere cold.
“Do you have a fever?” Madeline asks from the end of the bed, eyes shimmering.
“No,” he lies. “I’m fine, girls. It’s nothing to worry about…You should both return to the tea party. I’m going to rest here for a moment and—”
Amelia touches his forehead with her cold hand, and he shivers. “You need medicine.”
“I’m all right for now, girls. Really. Go back and play.”
To his surprise, the girls do leave, and he lets out a sigh of relief…That is, until he hears Amelia talking to someone over the house phone in the distance.
He jolts out of bed and dashes over to her, but it’s too late…
“Papa wants to talk to you,” she says, matter-of-fact.
He takes the phone from her, feeling a growing pit of dread in his stomach. “Hello?”
“Arthur, why didn’t you tell me before I left the house this morning that you were feeling ill?”
“I’m fine, Francis.”
“I’ll be home in an hour.”
“You don’t—”
“See you then.”
And just like that, Francis hangs up.
Arthur puts the phone down and prepares his most intimidating scowl, ready to direct it at Amelia, but then she pulls on his arm again and says, “We can play tea party next time. Don’t worry. You’ll be all better soon.”
The scowl disappears and is replaced by a wistful smile. “Thank you, love. I’m sorry our plans have to be put on hold. I’ll make it up to you both, all right?”
The girls nod, and Arthur sends them off to finish the pastries that are still waiting for them in Amelia’s room. In the meantime, he finishes his tea and blows his nose again. He sucks on a cough drop and grits his teeth against the immense pressure in his sinuses. After seeing the color of his mucus, he’s willing to bet he has a sinus infection.
He leans against the headboard of the bed and falls asleep against his will.
“Come, mon amour—you’re going to have a sore neck and back if you stay like this. Lie down properly,” Francis coaxes him, bracing his head for him.
Arthur’s not sure how long he’s been asleep, but he lowers his head so that it’s on his pillow and lies flat on his back. “…You didn’t have to come home early.”
“I’m glad I did—you have a fever, and a high one at that,” Francis says, setting a damp hand towel on his feverish brow. “Did you really think you’d be able to tend to the girls when you’re like this? It’s dangerous. You should have told me.”
“…'m sorry,” Arthur mumbles, still incredibly tired. The towel on his head feels nice.
“You just wanted a reason to leave the tea party, didn’t you?” Francis jokes, brushing his hand against his warm cheek. “The girls told me about it.”
“Oh, of course. The next time I’m asked to play dress-up or ‘hair salon’ with them, I just may have to give myself bronchitis.”
Francis laughs and kisses the side of his head. “Conniving man.”
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chrwrites · 4 years
SOFTober day 30: Blanket
This is my first attempt at writing dad Luka and family fluff, I hope you like it!
Also, there's a reference to someone else's beautiful fic in this one and I hope you guess what it is 👀 (if not don't worry, I linked it at the end of the work!)
And if you want to read the story on ao3 along with my silly notes here's the link! I hope you like it 💖
Luka was welcomed by the sound of tiny footsteps tapping on the hardwood floor as soon as he entered the house, “Papa!” Harmony called, running towards him and hugging his legs. Luka chuckled, lowering himself to hug his little daughter and greet her, “Hello, mon cœur”, he ruffled her hair when he got up, and let her ramble about her day as he took his jacket and shoes off.
He could hear the sound of the TV coming from the living room, and not seeing Marinette greet him along with their daughter made him suspicious, she had probably gotten lost working on a new project and made Harmony come greet him instead.
“Where's Maman?”, he asked after he picked his daughter up in his arms.
“We were watching Elsa and now she’s sleeping”, she said as he walked towards the living room. The TV was on, showing Harmony’s favourite movie, and Luka found his wife sitting on the couch, head tilted on one side and eyes closed. Her tablet was dangerously balanced on her bump, one hand resting by her side and still holding the digital pen she had been using, there were papers and crayons scattered on the coffee table in front of her and Harmony’s toys were out of their chest and all over the carpet.
“I gave Maman my blankie”, Harmony whispered pointing at her. The small blue and pink blanket Marinette had knitted during her first pregnancy was falling from her shoulders, and he smiled fondly thinking about his daughter climbing on the couch to put it on her mother while she was asleep.
“Well done, little one”, Luka cooed, “We should take Maman to bed, do you want to help me?”.
His question made Harmony nod vigorously, the big blue eyes that resembled her mother’s were sparkling with enthusiasm, showing her eagerness to help her Papa. He instructed her to put her toys in the chest before he carefully picked Marinette up and walked to their bedroom. She nuzzled her head on his chest, garbling some incoherent words when he tucked her into the covers and turned around, her bump sticking out under the covers. He couldn't control the soft expression that appeared on his face as he admired her figure.
This pregnancy was rougher than the first one, and it almost being at the end meant that she always felt tired and drowsy. He wasn't surprised to find her asleep among her projects, it was something she did even before they got together, but he still wanted her to take care of herself and be there for her as much as he could. He pressed a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room and he smiled when he heard her hum softly at his touch.
After he left the room, he found Harmony sitting with her legs crossed in front of the TV, some of her toys were still scattered around the room and she was holding her ice queen doll to her chest. He put away Harmony’s toys before collecting Marinette’s papers and supplies from the coffee table. Some very colourful drawings were topping Marinette’s work, and Luka found himself grinning widely as he looked through his daughter’s works, his heart filling with warmth and pride at the smiling figures that represented their family.
He stashed her drawings on the top of Marinette’s sketches and put them away before walking to Harmony, "Do you want to help Papa make dinner?". The little girl quickly got up to her feet, and giggled when he picked her up and settled her on the kitchen counter.
She accepted the peeled carrot Luka offered, and they waited for the water to boil before he helped her pour the pasta in the pot. When it was done, he allowed Harmony to add the sauce to the pasta and smiled proudly after hearing her say that she did it just like Maman.
They left some pasta for Marinette in case she woke up and craved some, and sat on the table to eat quietly. Harmony later helped him load the dishwasher and they shared a high five for getting their chores done for the day. The little girl cheered when he suggested for her to have a bath and ran towards the bathroom, Luka he couldn't help but laugh as he followed her and pretended not to be able to catch her, "You're too fast!", he said faking a breathless sigh when he caught her and started tickling her. Harmony giggled, squirming in his arms so she could free herself. She walked off to grab her pink bottle of soap when he let her go, and poured it in the tub as soon as Luka had the water running. He watched over his daughter creating scenarios with her mermaids and rubber toys and happily singing the songs from her favourite movies. She laughed as she blew the bubbles in her hands to his direction, and when Luka finally managed to get her out of the water his t-shirt was soaked, Harmony's eyes twinkling with mischief as she changed into clean pyjamas and Luka grabbed a clean t-shirt before he blow dried her dark hair.
"Papa, can you tell me the story about the prince and the lady that in reality is the princess?", Harmony asked when he tucked her to bed.
"Sure", he said, and he launched into the enthralling tale of a prince who had never seen the ocean and his betrothed princess, their fake identities, and the long journey that brought him and the princess' lady-in-waiting together. Harmony listened attentively, cheering when he enacted the scene where the protagonists fought against a group of brigants, and eyes twinkling when the prince and the princess confessed their real identities and got married.
By the time Luka reached the end of the story and the prince and the princess became king and queen, Harmony's eyelids were dropping and she yawned. Luka got up from her bed, adjusting the covers and pressing a small kiss on her forehead. He turned off the lights, and heard Harmony shift before he left the room, "Papa", she called, her voice low, "Will you stay tomorrow?". She was holding onto her pink and blue blanket close as if it would have protected her from a negative answer.
Luka felt his heart tighten in his chest, and tried to hide the flinch in his face with a soft smile. He hated being away for long as much as he hated hearing Harmony cry over the phone and say how much he missed her dad.
Now that he could take a break from touring to help Marinette with the future newborn and enjoy the time with his family he was determined to do so, but despite having been home for several weeks, Harmony would still look at him with sad eyes when she asked him the question, afraid he might answer that he would leave again and be away for a long time.
"Of course I will, ma petite fleur", he reassured. Harmony smiled, and raised her arms in order to hug him. Luka shuffled closer to her, sitting back on the bed and hugging her tight. She mumbled a “Love you, Papa” as she nuzzled to his side that made him feel as happy as the day she was born, and she fell asleep to a sweet lullaby he sang to her.
After making sure that Harmony was asleep, Luka finally got to bed, and Marinette shifted as he got inside the covers. It didn’t take long for her to realize where she was and let out a loud gasp as she stood up, “Oh my god, Harmony!” she screeched, worry clear in her voice. Luka put a hand on her shoulder to steady her, and he felt her relax a little under his touch, “Darling, if you scream any louder you'll wake her up”, he said softly, and Marinette sighed as she moved closer to him, “I-I fell asleep…”, she mumbled as Luka wrapped his arm around her, drawing small patterns on her sides.
“I got distracted! That shouldn't have happened! What if she got hurt?”, she sighed helplessly, and Luka kissed her forehead, “Love, it’s okay. She’s old enough to come to you if she needs anything”.
Marinette shook her head, "But... It shouldn't happen... I’m so tired, Lu… and that makes me be a bad mom and-"
“Shhh…", Luka interrupted her, pressing a gentle kiss on her lips to stop the bitter words that were about to come out of her mouth, "You know that’s not true”, he whispered, pulling her close and running his hand on her back slowly.
“It’s the last month, you were this tired with Harm as well. You’re not a bad mom, you’re doing an amazing job and Harmony loves you, and I’m sure she’ll love you too”, he reassured, putting his hand on her bump and rubbing gently. Marinette sighed, and took a deep breath before finally allowing herself to relax.
“And I’ll be here for all of it, I told you. I’m not leaving my favourite girls alone”, Luka reassured. His words made Marinette chuckle, and she shifted closer to rest her head on his shoulder, “You better, Rockstar”.
He kissed her head, and closed his eyes, “You can sleep in tomorrow, I’ll take care of Harmony and you won’t have to worry about anything”, he said, and Marinette’s protests died down in a soft hum when he kissed her. He fixed the blankets on them and smiled at her wife, “I love you”, she whispered before drifting to sleep again.
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Did you guess where the tale Luka told Harmony comes from? You can read Adamaris by @livrever here 💖
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
“I know, I am not the one to usually ask questions, I mostly get asked them given who I am. Plus, I feel that if there is anything you want me to know about you, you eventually talk about it. I like the sudden discoveries between us rather than knowing everything about you up front Mon amour. However, I am always wanting to know more about you, even though I feel I know you fairly well given what all we have shared with one another.”
 Tamryn maintained a fond smile as she searched the beautiful features of her lovers face before meeting the kiss with a sense of eagerness. Leaning her head back against the headboard she exhaled softly as she let her fingertips run through Elidi’s hair aimlessly as her lover rested in the crook of her neck, letting out a soft huff like laugh she commented back,
 “Are you really so quick to get back to Tabula Rasa? Relax Mon amour, that is all we have to do for the next three days.”
 Thinking over some ideas of what they could do beyond being in the hotel and the beach the she wolf was mentally lost in thought and was not expecting the nip against the skin above her collar bone. Her fingers gripped Elidi’s hair and let out a playful growl as her eyes shifted yellow against her control for a moment before she recovered with a sly smirk as she locked eyes with the her lover,
 “Mmm, I would only abuse it in the right ways darling.”
 Tamryn arched a brow as she teased back, but became somewhat serious again as she wanted to still be clear,
 “I would never intentionally do anything to abuse you in any sort of way, and I intend to ensure that others are incapable of abusing you as well. No one will hurt you as long as you are with me and I can prevent it.”
  Hearing the whine she tilted her head thoughtfully and let Elidi sit up to get her drink, Tamryn looked over to her own glass which was near empty and decided to fill it only to nearly empty it in another long drink. Her gazed drifted to the screen as Elidi mentioned how she hadn’t been focused on the movie. The she wolf bit her lip for a moment before sitting up a bit more against the headboard,
“It’s fairly hard to focus on a romance movie when you have set this room up like one of our own. That and I honestly find it hard to focus on anything other than you as of late...”
 Her focus shifted as she looked over the witch’s legs and arms seeing the slight tint to her skin, her own seemingly unphased by the sun despite how fair skinned she was, with a almost prideful grin she moved to be closer to her love, leaning in towards her ear some as she added,
 “The beauty of being the beast. Tanning, and sunburns are in a sense skin damage, we recover even from that fairly quick. We can tan, and get burned eventually, we would have to sit in direct sunlight for a prolonged period of time to tan and, I don’t have that much free time really. I like my fair skin, it’s divine to a degree.”
 Sitting up now she crossed her legs and sat facing Elidi as she gathered a few of the chocolates onto her own pillow, aimlessly arranging them in the shape of a small heart before taking one and opening it to eat. Arching a brow as Elidi suggested the aquarium she smiled but then gave her a look as she mentioned not wanting to control the trip,
 “Eli, stop being so modest with me, at this point, you don’t have to be. I don’t see anything you do when taking the lead or taking charge as being controlling, which says a lot coming from me. I don’t often like letting other have control. I like that you are not shy to take control with me, I want you to be selfish with me and our relationship because I am doing the same. When I want to do something with you, we do it, even if you protest a bit at first. I want you to feel the same way. If you want something or want to do something simply mention it and it is yours, or ours. I see you as my Queen, not just my girlfriend or lover. So let me treat you as such, and by all means start to feel like such, specially when its just us here.”
 With a faint smile she picked up one of the chocolate and unwrapped it while she spoke. Moving over the bed she straddled Elidi’s lap, being aware to hold herself up with her thighs so she didn’t touch the potential sunburns her lover had. Leaning down she held out the chocolate close to Elidi’s lips with a fond smile,
 “I want to do the things you want to do. If that means sitting on the beach all day just so you can be near the ocean, then we by all means will do that. Or if you want to go to the Aquarium then we will do that as well. Even just sitting here, pretending to watch a movie while we enjoy this new territory together is enough. I know I seem very complexed to the public, but when it comes to you I am not. I just want to be near you, and do whatever it takes to maintain this happiness we have together.”
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Elidi listened intently as Tamryn spoke, her hues while attentive, soft as she gazed at the redhead. Her head shook slightly once Tamryn finished speaking, "You can know whatever it is you want about me, whenever you feel like knowing. I'll tell you anything." There was a small pause, as the witch pondered her words with deliberate consideration, "... From my childhood, teen years, all the way up to adulthood. Maybe we could make a night of that, hm?" Though when the duo tended to talk about their past, the tone always descended into a darker territory, but the end result brought them all the closer together. Elidi found solace in that.
Elidi's eyes slip shut as her lovers fingers comb through her hair, relishing in her touch, stirring only at the sound of her voice. Looking up at Tamryn's accusation, she's quick to shake her head to dismiss the comment, no matter if said in jest, "Of course not darling. Tabula can't hold a candle to you. We could be... just out and about on the streets and I'd still prefer it over Tabula. When I am with you, there is no greater place to be." She spoke matter pf factly, a wide grin on her lips before she scatters a trail of kisses along the Alpha's skin available to her. "I am plenty relaxed."
The grip on her hair, once placid, now firmly gripped darkened locks, Elidi's brows raising in surprise. Bright eyes take notice of the yellow hue in her lovers gaze, a side of Tamryn she wasn't all too familiar with, but enraptured with none the less. Only abuse it in the right way, huh? A smile covers her lips, adjusting quickly to press the tip of her nose against Tamryns, amused. "How cheeky." Though upon noticing the change in Tamryn's demeanour, she's quick to alter her own, "I know Red... and I hope you know the same. I never want to hurt you, and I would never intentionally do so. I want to be someone you can always rely on and come too with whatever you may need. I don't have a pack or as much authority as you in mattera of protection, but only the very best of my abilities to assure no harm will find its way to you."
Elidi rubbed the back of her head, sheepish and embarassed, she hadn't decorated the room entirely up to her standards, but if Tamryn liked it she supposed it was okay. She wanted nothing but the best for her amor. Listening as Tamryn explained her slight tolerance to the sun, Elidi let out a hum in thought, "I see... though I do agree completely. Your skin is divine. Heavenly. It makes it all the more tempting to mark." She faltered, "Not that it would stay."
Watchful hues observed as Tamryn sorted the little candies into a heart, a faint chuckle leaving her as she found the small act adorable. "Well... I know, I know. I just, want to make sure it is something you want to do too. Just off an assumption here, but I doubt you come to the beach much, so it is a rare occurence. I want to make the most of it, with as much as you're comfortable with."
Accepting the piece of chocolate, she grinned as she chewed, finding Tamryn much sweeter than the little treat. Her hands found their way around the redhead's waist, guiding her hips down to sit upon her thighs. "It won't kill me." Elidi teased, although entirely swooned at Tamryn's consideration of her burn. "Besides that is all I want to do, be near you." Digits idly toyed with the ends of her fiery red hair, brushing stray hairs from Tamryn's palid visage. "Maybe we can sit on the beach like you suggested earlier." Elidi turned her head to look out the balcony window, "Seeing as I dozed off once or twice there, by the time we get everything prepared, the sun should be setting."
She sat up partially, holding Tamryn securely in her lap as she pressed a lingering kiss to her lips, a small grin evident on her lips.
"Oh! We can even go for a walk on the beach, that's romantic. Isn't it?" The suggestion, albeit her own, seemed to perk her up significantly. "Then we can drink. See, I have now planned a proper evening. The aquarium can wait."
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sunkissedchild5 · 4 years
Helpless {Lams} Part 3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Summary: [Lams High School & College AU] Alex, a mute high school student, finishes his senior year at Lin-Manuel Miranda High School. He ends up meeting John Laurens, a sweet boy who manages to make Alex feel safe. But love doesn't always come easily. It becomes clear to them very soon that Helpless has more than one definition.
Alex's POV
John and Laff were standing in class, introducing Alex to Hercules and Peggy. Mr. Lin, their theater teacher, was giving them a free day because they had already finished their last play of the year.
"These fools are Peggy and Herc," Laff said, taking a seat next to Alex. A short girl with curly brown hair and a tall muscular boy stood in front of them.
"I'm Peggy," the girl clarified.
"He never would have guessed," said the boy sarcastically, taking a seat next to his boyfriend.
Peggy placed a hand over her heart dramatically and gave Herc a hurt look. "Well forgive me, Mr. Sassy Pants," she said. Alex could already tell he was going to like her. (Not that way. We can't have Alex cheating on our cinnamon roll)
"Ouch, Pegs. I worked hard on these pants," he said, wiping away a non-existent tear.
Laff patted him on the arm, playing along. "Its okay, mon amour," he said gently, "I think your pants look hot."
John looked to Alex, pretending to be sick. By this point, Alex was working extremely hard to hold in his laugh. I'm Alex, he signed to Herc and Peggy.
They all talked for the remainder of the class period up until the bell rang, then Alex waved goodbye to his friends and headed in the direction of law class.
He was very satisfied with his day so far. That was until Lee stopped him in the hall, pulling him off to the side with a friend of his. "Look, Hamilton," said Lee, "you wouldn't want your little secret getting out, would you?" Alex tensed up, remembering what Lee had told him the week before, which he had tried so hard to forget.
"Did it make you happy to see your cousin hanging from the ceiling? It could have been avoided, you know? You should have just spoken to him, Alex. Your a murderer. Are you going to kill the Washington's next?"
He shook his head desperately, tears gathering in his eyes. Lee smirked, having gotten the reaction he'd hoped for. "This is my friend, Aaron Burr," he said with a smile, "And here's the thing: Aaron really likes you. Do you like him?"
Alex shook his head slowly, trying to make sense of the situation. Lee's smile dropped and his eye went dark. "Let's try this one more time," he said threateningly, "Do you like him?" A few more tears escaped Alex's eyes as he reluctantly nodded. Lee had him backed into a corner. He had nowhere to go.
Lee smiled widely and clapped Burr on the back. "You've got yourself quite the catch, Aaron," he said before walking off.
Burr grabbed Alex's hand in his own and started walking him down the hall. It felt wrong. "There's this movie theater down by city hall that we should go to this weekend," he said confidently, "What do you say?"
Alex's breath caught in his throat as Burr squeezed his hand in a painful grip. He nodded hurriedly, wishing to be anywhere else in the world right then.
You're a murderer, he told himself, You deserve this.
Throughout the rest of the day, Aaron walked Alex to all of his classes. The worst part was when they passed John in the hall. He looked so heartbroken.
John's POV
John could tell that there was something wrong with Alex. He looked scared and nervous, not to mention the fact that he was holding hands with Aaron Burr. Burr has a reputation here at Lin-Manuel Miranda High School as a player. He's broken the hearts of many boys and girls here. Now it seems his new target's Alex.
Just the sight of the two of them together caused John pain. He knew he liked Alex from the moment he first saw him and seeing him with another boy felt like a betrayal.
We never even started dating so quit being dramatic, he told himself. Still though, he couldn't help but wish that it was him that Alex was holding hands with.
The worst part was how scared he looked. His free hand was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and his gaze was fixed firmly on the ground as if he couldn't bear to look anybody in the eye. His brow was furrowed and his lips were pursed in the same way they always were when he was worrying over something.
Burr noticed John staring and smirked, turning Alex's face toward him and placing his lips on his. Alex's eyes were wide with surprise while Burrs were closed. Alex never kissed back.
John's heart stopped and he held back tears. He felt sick to his stomach as if somebody had punched him in the gut. In a way, Burr had done exactly that.
Alex's POV
No, no, no. This can't be happening, thought Alex. Burr's chapped lips felt gross and dirty against his own. Finally, he let go of Alex's face giving him the chance to look around in shock. But then he saw John and tears pooled in his eyes.
"I love you, Lexi," said Burr, letting go of his hand to allow him to sign. Alex kept his hands firmly at his side, not wanting to sign those words to the sick person at his side. Then Burr gave him a dark look and Alex felt the tears spill from his eyes.
I love you, too, he signed, looking to John and pleading with his eyes for him to understand. John visibly deflated and looked at Alex with pain in his eyes before running off into the bathroom.
Alex wanted to run after him and tell him everything, but he couldn't. He was trapped and he had no way to escape.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 83)
"Snoozing Through Sayreville"
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In Sam's room, Luna wastes no time. Popping two bars herself, she hands two to her friend. They've spent many early mornings like this. Coming back to homebase and rounding down from an AllNighter together.
Luna showers first. She feels like hot horse shit. Still catching trails in the bathroom, she washes the grit from last night off of her.
Leaning under the water, she wishes her skin could absorb it's hydration. They've only been on tour for 10 days but Luna's exhausted. Her body physically hurts, her brain feels like mush and she's emotionally wiped out. The constant fighting, traveling, drinking and drug use starting to take it's toll.
Once out of the shower, she tosses on panties, a tank and a hotel robe. Climbing into the queen sized bed, she rolls up a handful of joints as Sam showers.
Curling up together, Luna fires up a joint as Sam finds something for them to watch. Looking at her friend, she asks if She's Okay.
Exhaling out a cloud of smoke, Luna says "Yeah. I just need a hard reset." To Sam's nod of understanding.
Mrs. Doubtfire is own. It's one of their favorite movies. Getting high, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Luna's thankful for Sam's companionship as the two girls snuggle into bed. Quickly falling asleep. Knocking out for the rest of the day.
Colson does no such thing. Still pissed and now even more confused by Luna, he can't sleep. He's out of coke and doesn't know what to do with himself. Not thinking to grab any Xanax off of his bitchy girlfriend.
With everyone checked into their rooms, Colson heads back to The Bus. Cracking a beer at 9A instead of sleeping, he plays NBA2K19 until he passes out with the controller in his hands.
Ashleigh finds him around 430P. Waking him up, he's miserable.
"Leave me the fuck alone. Unless it's 7P, don't fucking bother me." He grumbles, walking to the back of The Bus.
Dropping face first into the bed, all he smells is Luna. His dick twitches and heart hurts as he reaches his arm out, over her empty space.
"What the fuck are we doin', Loons..." He thinks, wishing she wasn't so stubborn and him not an Asshole. Wanting her next to him more than anything in this world.
For once his brain refuses to slide down the 16 million different hallways of Hotel Diablo. Falling back asleep as he holds a pillow. Pretending it's smell is Luna.
Ashleigh knocks on Sam's door next. Knowing its more likely for her than Sam, Luna gets up. Sam snoozing away.
She's groggy and unhappy but isn't nearly as intolerable as Colson. Probably because she believes in sleep. Greeting Ashleigh, Luna yawns, asking What Time Is It.
It's around 5-530P.
Stretching long, Luna motions Ashleigh to sit with her on the couch. Wrapped in a blanket, she lights a joint and asks her What's Up.
"Couple things...." Ashleigh begins. "You okay?" She asks to Luna's nod.
Luna takes a deep hit. Appreciating Ashleigh's concern.
Exhaling, she says "Yeah, I just need a minute to myself.... Sorry you got left with that nonsense last night." Luna apologizes as she hits the joint again.
Ashleigh grins. "You'd be proud of me. I'm pretty sure I got anyone who saw anything to sign a NDA. Even Bleta. I was gonna contact Monica on your behalf but wanted to talk to you first."
There's a lot of things said in that one sentence. It takes Luna's fuzzy mind a second to understand them all.
"OH WOW!! You did that for me?" She grins back at Ashleigh, touched by her actions. "Look at you go, Girl! Thank you!" Luna reaches to hug her friend.
That's when it hits her.
"Wait... What do you mean Bleta?" She asks as her whole facial expression changes.
Not realizing Luna doesn't know who BeBe Rexha is personally, she panics at her words.
"Yeah, Loons. That's who you hit last night..." She says cautiously.
"He had Bleta at the fucking show!?" The Ring of Fire is wild in Luna's eyes.
"No.. No.. No.. SHE told ME, he didn't know she was there until he seen her..." Ashleigh's trying not to make things worse.
Sighing before she hits the joint again. Luna shakes her head with a Whatever. Her and Ashleigh sit quietly for a moment.
"He didn't know, Loons." Ashleigh tries to comfort her.
"I know...." Luna closes her eyes as she exhales another cloud of smoke. "Fuck her. I'll call Mon and let her know what I did. She'll probably want the NDA's..." Luna looks at Ashleigh. "Thank you, Ash. Really. You didn't have to stick your neck out for me like that. It means a lot." Reaching to hug her again.
"It's no problem, Loons. You're family." She hugs her back, pulling away, she laughs. "Besides, I learned it from you."
This makes Luna smile. Hitting the last of the joint, she puts it out.
"Tell me about Diddy and Massachusetts." Luna says, changing the subject.
Ashleigh goes on to explain how it's seeming to be a domestic dispute. Some guy tossed a Moltav cocktail because his Ex was there with someone else.
"Fucking seriously?" Luna asks in disbielf.
Shaking her head, she reaches for another joint. Ashleigh noticing for the first time that Luna smokes just as much as Colson. If not more.
Luna goes on to ask about casualties. Ashleigh replying that about a hundred people received smoke inhalation. In a building with over 4K people in it, That's Amazing, they agree. Luna thinks for a minute as she hits the joint.
"All fans?" She asks to Ashleigh's nod. "You know what I'd do?" Luna exhales again.
"Nope, but I want to!" She replies, making them both laugh.
"Find out exactly who the victims are, collect enough merch and have him sign it. Along with a personalized Get Well note.." Luna says as she continues to hit the joint.
"How are you so fucking business savvy??" Ashleigh asks her in awe.
Smiling, Luna acknowledges how she has a collective village of teachers. From all different ranges and walks of life.
Finishing up, Luna walks Ashleigh to the door. She's gonna see what she can get started on with this merch idea.
"So, we won't see you tonight?" Ashleigh asks her.
"Nah... Probably not. I'm taking the day." Luna says as she hugs Ashleigh before shutting the door.
"Who's Bleta?" Sam groans from under the covers.
"She has so many freaking questions..." Luna thinks, rolling her eyes.
Colson's still frustrated before the show. Trying not to take his shit out on anyone else, he finds a cinderblock outside. With it resting on his thighs, he does backwards pushes ups off the seat of a chair.
"I can't believe she's not fucking coming..." He thinks to himself, irritated. He misses Luna and wants to stop fighting with her. "I gotta talk to her after the show.... I still wanna know why the Fuck she was with Tommy." He feels the jealousy rise again as he pumps his upper body off the edge of the chair.
Sam and Luna are sitting on the balcony of her room. Luna smoking a cigarette.
Trying to relax, enjoying the light air as she sketches. It's an interpretation of what she feels from last night.
Sam playing around on her phone. Falling down an internet wormhole as she lights a joint.
Once Ashleigh left, Luna and Sam had sat together talking about her and Colson and getting high. For the first time ever, Luna told someone other than Colson about Tommy. If Sam is going to form an opinion on Colson, Luna wants it to be based on all the facts. Sam was only slightly surprised at the news of Luna's affair. Looking back, certain things making sense to her about Luna at certain times that didn't before. They talked about Bleta and how Luna didn't realize it was her. Sam asking if it made any difference. Looking down, Luna had touched her homemade ring before stating No. She's not worried about any other girls. Especially THAT one.
"Oh Fuck, Loons... You're gonna be pissed...." Sam says handing Luna her phone.
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"Musician Machine Gunn Kelly, also known as MGK, is kicking his latest tour off with a bang! Last night in his girlfriend, That Brooklyn Bitch's hometown of NY, MGK surprised his fans after performing their hit single Bad Things together at the PlayStation Theatre. Revealing that he would be marrying the songstress this summer. Some considering this announcement shockingly quick. The couple have only been spotted together since late April. The New York native first appearing on The Dirt star's SnapStories and Instagram during his birthday party in LA. Surprisingly, that doesn't seem to be the biggest bang of the night. One source reporting that, the beef between That Brooklyn Bitch and BeBe Rexha is alive and well. The two Brooklyn residents having come for each other on the charts already, over what is assumed to be their relationships with the heavily tattooed, rapper turned actor. Reportedly, the fued spilled out into a scene BackStage after the concert last night. "It wasn't in BeBe's favor." The source from the performance stating."
"THIS. Is what I was talking about last night in the cab." Luna sighs. She hands Sam her phone. "I'm going back to bed."
Is almost eight o'clock at night.
Tonight, they're playing the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
For the most part, Colson can put his shit on the back burner and do his job. That's what he does tonight.
Letting Slim and Sex Drive hype the crowd, Colson stops being Colson, or Kells or even Dad. Becoming Machine Gun Kelly.
"WHAT'S GOOD, YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!" He screams walking out on to the stage to his adoring fans.
Starting off with the normal formula of Habits, Breaking News 2 and El Diablo. Colson jumps, dances and kicks around the stage as him and The Band tear through Loco, GTS, and Wild Boy. Skipping Let You Go and Bad Things.
Trap Paris and The Break Up replace them. Followed by I'm Think I'm Okay, Hollywood Whore and Candy. Choosing to keep all the original lyrics.
Rook shines as always during Shout At The Devil. The crowd going wild for him.
They still have another eleven songs left to the set. MGK keeps pushing.
Luna wakes back up around 930P. Sam's up, diddling around. Missing Colson, Luna asks her if she wants to hit the show.
Grinning, Sam nods Yes.
Looking at the clock, they move fast and get dressed. Sam ordering an uber. Luna throwing on a back, lace crop top, cutoffs, Docs, and a flannel around her waist with blazing red lips.
Grabbing her leather and bag, Luna and Sam are out the door. Luna's golden hair loosley floating behind them as Sam's brunette locks weave along with it.
As the room cheers and lights explode around them, The Band continues on. See Through My Tears, Rap Devil, Till I Die, Golden God, Alpha Omega, and Lately come next.
With this leg's setlist pretty secure, they round out with Bad Motherfucker, Wake&Bake, Rehab, 27 and Sail.
The Band thinks they're done as Colson stands alone on stage with only his guitar. Everyone quiets as he begins to pick out unknown chords.
"I don't know if you guys'll know this but, I'm... You know what, Fuck it. I just wanna sing this shit right now." He says to the audience. Turning to The Band, he says "Imma do this on my own." To their confused nods.
He starts to play the base melody of a song he's been featured on. It's original tone is poppy with a lot of studio tech. To figure it out raw, OnStage alone, is pretty intimidating.
Colson takes his time. He's in no rush. Feeling like he's got it, he begins. Opening at the end of the chorus by The Vamps, Colson voice is deep and melodic. It carries a hint of vulnerability.
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
He closes his eyes as he thinks of Luna and where he wants to start.
🎶I don't go to church🎶
🎶Cuz your my religion🎶
🎶I'm hung on your words🎶
🎶Given' me something🎶
🎶To believe in🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
The feeling of the song is showcased against only his guitar and demeanour. He mixes and changes the lyrics to fit how he feelings. Voice crawling over the words.
🎶Kitten, I know you don't lie🎶
🎶When you say🎶
🎶That you mine🎶
🎶I can't look in those eyes🎶
🎶Without fallen'🎶
🎶A thousand times🎶
🎶Just wanna hear you testify🎶
🎶Kitten, tell me you don't lie🎶
🎶When you say🎶
🎶That you'll be mine🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
Wishing Luna was where she should be. Sitting next to him. His voice slightly breaking through the chorus.
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
His guitar humming his pain.
Thinking of how hollow his lyrics were when he wrote them, he kicks them out now. Thoughts drifting to their new meaning.
🎶I shut down for you//I go in//I dove in//And drown in you//They should be crowning you//Cuz//You're way to good to be true//Hold up, hold up//Ay//Please don't hesitate//Take me//While there's still something//Left to take//Kitty you're all that I crave//Tell me how many days//Do I have to chase you//Do I have to chase//Before you let me//Let me taste you//Before I can say//All I wanna say//To you//Is//I can't escape//I cannot escape from you🎶
Looking over SideStage, he sees her. Doing a double take. "Holy Fuck, she came." He can't help but feel his eyes begin to sting with tiny tears. That first cosmic boner appearing again.
🎶Kitten...You are way too good to be true🎶
He says as grins at her as they make eye contact.
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
Colson finishes serenading Luna to the crowds sweet Awws.
Colson and Luna head back to the hotel. Holding hands in the uber the whole ride. Grabbing her things from Sam's room, he guides her to theirs. They need to talk.
"Sit with me, please." She directs him, patting the bed.
Sitting next to her, he sighs. Colson knows Luna is about to rip into him. They've been fighting on and off over bullshit for the last few days. She turns to him, lacing her fingers in his. Always choosing her words wisely.
"I went to see Tommy yesterday because I own properties that he's invested in. It's something Monica ran between us for a long time until I seen him a couple weeks ago. Like I told you, he started texting me. I took being in The City as an opportunity to let him know that if things can't go back to strictly business, then there will be NO business...." Luna explains.
Colson's quiet for a moment. He wants to ask what she does for Tommy but Luna's a lot calmer then he had expected. He's pretty sure he knows the answer and doesn't wanna push fighting with her.
"As for Em..." Luna continues, she's hitting everything. "We were friends. And I say were because I'm pretty we're not anymore, which, it is what it is...." Luna looks Colson in his beautiful blue eyes. "I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about YOU.... Why are you still so hellbent that I'm out here doggen' you?" She asks.
Colson lays back on the bed. Sighing, he rubs his face. Luna lays next to him on her back. They stare at the ceiling together.
"I'm sorry about Bleta." He finally speaks. "I swear I didn't know she would be there. I should've told her to leave. I wasn't gonna do anything. I was jealous though and wanted to piss you off." He turns his head to look at her.
"I know...." Luna sighs, running her fingers through his blonde hair.
He rolls over to her, placing his arm around her waist. She can see remorse all over his face.
"I should've never shoved you either. I don't know what I was thinking..." He looks down with shame.
Colson doesn't believe in putting his hands on women. Never wanting to hurt Luna in any way. Especially physically.
"That was some dick shit..." She agrees as he looks up at her.
"I know... I'm fucked up. I just, sometimes I feel like you're gonna figure out that I'm not good enough for you..." He trails off, Luna watching his eyes well.
Luna pushes him onto his back as she climbs on top of him. Random blonde hairs dangling down and brushing his face. She kisses him sweetly on both cheeks.
Looking into his eyes, she reminds him how only his actions can make him lose her. He tells her, that's his biggest fear. Fucking shit up as usual.
"Bunny... We're both two fucked up souls living in a fish bowl... stuck on your counter in LA." She winks to his smirk. "We're always gonna be crazy. We're always gonna be jealous. It's because we're stupid in love with each other. I don't care that we fight. As long as we come back to this." She flicks her fingers between them.
Colson lifts up to run his hands alongside Luna's head, pulling her in for a kiss. His touch is electric. Making a flash of warmth run through her. She kisses him back as her hands roam down his body.
Taking each other's shirts off, Colson flips Luna onto her back. Kissing her all over her neck, she has on no bra. Moving down her chest, to her breasts and nipples, he slides a hand down Luna's shorts. Running his fingers along her bare pussy. Slowly dipping them inside of her to her moans.
"I missed you." He tells her as he sucks on her neck.
"Me too. So much." She agrees as she moves his mouth to hers.
Wiggling out of her shorts. He unbuttons and steps out of his. Gazing down at Luna's naked, tattooed body.
Climbing on top of her, he slowly guides himself inside her pussy. They rarely fuck missionary style. Letting the touch of each other consume them, Luna and Colson are delicate with each other. Another rarity.
"God, you feel so fucking good." He moans.
Taking slow, deep strokes inside of her. Luna's leg is wrapped around his waist, the other around his calf as she lifts her hips. Pulling him deeper into her.
Feeling close, their pace picks up. Kisses sloppier. Moans loader.
Gripping his skin as he kisses her mouth, Colson asks if she's ready. Luna pants out Yes as he places his hand on her throat.
Bucking hard against him, Luna's eyes roll back in her head as Colson slides into Home. Both of them cumming all over the other.
Breathing heavily, Colson lays on her chest, wrapping his himself around her tiny body. Happy to have her back in his bed and in his arms.
"I love you." He tells her, kissing her collarbone. She hums a satisfied Me Too.
Lifting off of her, he asks if Luna's hunger. Realizing she hasn't eaten all day, she responds with a Starving.
They order room service. Burgers, fries, pineapples and champagne.
Sipping on champagne after they've eaten. They snuggle up together. Enjoying the quiet moment away from the tour.
"I'm sorry I'm so fucked up." Colson turns to Luna apologizing again. He spins his finger around the top of his head like a halo. "Hotel Diablo..." He says.
"You should get that tatted on there." Luna laughs, slightly mocking him.
Eyes lighting up, he runs with it. "Yeah?" He asks.
Luna shrugs and asks "Why not?"
Nodding his head, the doors begin to unlock inside Hotel Diablo. Pulling her close for an amused kiss, he calls her a genius.
"An evil one." She laughs, kissing him back.
"Even better!" He beams while tickling her.
They spend the rest of the night in bed together. Getting high as they giggle. Making out as they watch Talladega Nights.
"She really is mine." Colson thinks as Luna lays on his chest. He can see his ring on her finger and feel his lock around her neck touching his skin. A wave of relief washes over him. Never being in love before and always feeling abandoned, Colson holds Luna a little tighter. He knows in his heart that she'd never willingly leave him without a fierce fight.
Colson sweetly makes love to Luna again before they fall asleep tangled in each other. Both relieved to be back with the other. Each hating when they're apart.
To be continued....
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hildagirl99 · 5 years
Volume 4, Chapter 11: The traitor
Warning: violent scenes in this chapter
After Oswald regains his senses, he returns to the castle. He entered the council room, Fio was there, alone, facing the window.
"Well, Oswald, what a head do you have, have you seen a dead person?" Said Fio with amusement.
"Uh ... no no ... I ... I meditated a little." Oswald responds, whispering.
"A little rest will do you the greatest good."
"That's nice, Highness, but in truth, I have a bad feeling, someone wants you bad, pay attention to who you are talking to!" Said Oswald.
"I don't know what you smoke for your meditations, but stop, hehe." Said Fio shrugging his shoulders, laughing.
"Highness, I'm serious ..." Oswald said trying to be convincing.
Fio stops in his walk.
"Tell me then who could blame me?"
"You don't find that Lord Eustache is very strange, these last days? Finally ... at the beginning of the week, rumors circulate, things disappear ..."
"Assert that there is something for it?"
"No, I see, don't deny that you find it strange ..."
"Mmmh, I have to admit yes, he had asked me strange questions about Linda, as if he knew in advance that it was my aunt ... as if he had tried to warn me, but I do not see not the harm he did! He tried to warn me. "
"But open your eyes!" He turns around your mother, he has a strange attitude! He writes with his right hand while he's left-handed! And the D-mons seem terrified when we talk about him.
Fio is silent for a moment, then says:
"All right ... keep an eye on him, I'm starting to have doubts."
"Okay ..." Oswald said as he left the boardroom.
A little further, Cagney was sitting on the terrace, thinking about what happened last night with Fluffy, after discovering the truth that his parents were dead. He thinks he will never forgive him, he started to cling to him, not wanting to leave him alone, he needed a family. Until one of the three D-mons comes to interrupt his thoughts, it was Boom.
"What are you doing here alone?" He asked shyly.
"I need no help ... please leave me." Cagney snapped.
He notices that Boom was also alone.
"Where is your band?" He asks.
"They went elsewhere to watch someone and then I noticed you and I separated from them." Boom answers, putting himself next to him.
"I see, you're the wise man of the band, that's it, who tells me you're not going to trap me yet." Said Cagney.
"No, I don't want you, you know, I saw it all last night, for Fluffy."
At this moment, it passes under the balcony and hearing his name, he hides to listen.
"I tried to give him hope to find his parents alive, but I was sure of nothing ... I can understand that he wants me, I started to become attached to him and now, I do not know where he is, what he does, he needs someone, a family ... "
Hearing these words, Fluffy smiled.
"Would you like to adopt him?" Boom application.
"I ... I don't know, maybe, but I have to talk to my wife about it."
Suddenly, Fluffy had the feeling that he would find a good family! He wants to forgive Cagney until the conversation changes.
"I'm sure she'd agree, talking about your wife, you need to stay close to her."
"Why do you say that ?"
"Actually, Tic and Tac went to watch Lord Eustache, it's true that we were accomplices with him at first, but he holds us back as his hostages to get rid of you, we decided not to let ourselves go, but we have been on mission since the beginning, I can not tell you more, we are sure that Lord Eustache is not the one he pretends to be! He wants your wife! You must go find her! "
"Are you sure of that? Where is he?" Exclaims Cagney, widening his eyes.
"Yes ... I think he's going to the guest dormitory!"
At this, Cagney gets up and rushes to find Hilda.
"Be careful, sir Carnation!" Prevents Boom.
Fluffy, having heard everything, decides to follow him discreetly.
Meanwhile, Hilda runs along the dark corridors of the rooms, she wants to enjoy his last days on her homeland.
"Are we looking for directions?" Said a voice.
"Lord Eustache, I know it's you ..." Hilda said.
He appears at her side.
"What is your delirium to appear in the dark ..."
"I always preferred the shade to the light, that's what makes my charm." Eustache said getting closer to her.
She slowly departs and continues to walk.
"And to answer your question, I'm enjoying my last days, where I was born."
"Exactly, why not take advantage with me, from the beginning, you seem to avoid me while I hands you gently." Eustache said, bringing his hand to her face. At this gesture, Hilda pushes his hand violently.
"Sir, I am not interested, and I will not deceive my husband!" Said Hilda.
"You should let go a little more often, all the couples do it, you have to get bored in bed, with me you can free yourself." This one is positioned in front of her.
"Never, leave me, poor fool!" She said nervously.
"But you're looking for me, little tease, hehe, at 50, you're still fresh, ready to fuck." He grabs her arm and blocks her against the wall.
"No, let me go!" Hurts Hilda, she's scared. She tries to struggle but he has a big hold on her. She focuses to use her magic but nothing happens, she remains speechless.
"How sad it is, without powers to defend yourself, you are mine now!" Eustache said in a Machiavellian laugh and approached his face as he touched her body.
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"Take off your dirty hands from my wife! Shouted a voice in the corridor and a huge liana struck Eustache in the face and fell unconscious. Cagney appears, eyes full of anger. Hilda runs towards him.
"Cagney ... he ... has"
"Don't worry I'm here, luckily I arrived in time, I knew it was not clear! It's one of the D-mons who warned me."
"Thanks honey ... but my powers, they do not seem to work anymore!"
"What do you mean ?"
"Look ..." she tries to make a star appear but nothing works.
"That's why I could not defend myself."
"Strange ... you have to warn Fio right now!" His right hand is not a trusted man, telling him what he's been trying to do to you. Said Cagney taking Hilda in his arms, he was very worried, and they rushed to warn Fio.
"What is it possible?" Said Fio, completely stunned.
"It's the truth, otherwise I will not be shocked or ruffled!" Said Hilda, still in shock.
"I know he's a little crazy, but from there, make sexual touching, it's not his style ..."
"Fio, you have to stop him and right now, if not, he'll do it again!"
"I'll take care of it, we'll have it by surprise, I need to be sure, you're not the first to complain about his behavior, Oswald said, and the D-mons too. "
"Highness, I'm going to confront him, stay behind me." Oswald said as he opened the door. Meanwhile, Eustache becomes nervous, his liquor in which he drank was empty and he begins to tremble.
"And shit ... and that jerk who's dead, his blood is no longer good ... I must quickly find someone else, the leader would not be bad ... haha ​​... I'll take his place and I'll take my revenge on the mountain."
He begins to limp and is soon to face Oswald.
"Here, my dear, what a good wind today?" He said trying to hide his tremors
"Please follow me." Answer Oswald.
"And why that?"
"You have assaulted Miss Berg in this hallway, His Highness will take care of your punishment."
"Assaulted ... pfff, right now the big words, hehe ... She warmed me too!" A woman like her, we can not resist. "
He does not know that in the shadows, Cagney, Hilda and Fio had heard everything.
"But who are you, damn it, it does not look like you!" Fio pops up.
"Oooh, Highness, I did not see you!" He said arrogantly.
"Enough, you've hurt my mother, your punishment will have serious consequences!" Fio said, frowning.
Suddenly, Eustache holds his head, and half of his face turns black. Everyone goes back to this scary appearance. Seeing a good opportunity, as a brute force, he throws himself on Fio, hands around his neck.
"Aaah !! Fio!" Hurts Hilda completely frightened.
"Arhhgg, let me go!" Said Fio pushing Eustache violently, Oswald catches him and slams him to the floor. A dozen guards meet the corridor and hold him by the arms. Eustache now had red eyes, seeming to drool as if he was furious.
Fio gets up quickly.
"You are not Eustache ... who are you? And where is he?" He yells.
He replies with a sneer.
"If you want to follow me, I'll show you something ..."
"I will not be alone, so what do you have to show me?"
He leads the rest of the group into a basement.
"I'm sure you hold the real Eustache! He's here?" Oswald asks.
"For once, you look less stupid than you look ..." responds the individual.
"Shut up and show us where he is!" Fio application.
Suddenly, a strong nauseating odor comes to the nose.
"My God, but it stinks here!" Said Fio, plugging his nose.
"It looks like the smell that bothered the staff, remember, I told you about it." Said Oswald
"Mashed ... there is a dead man or what?" Said Cagney.
"That's what you believe." Answer the false Eustachian.
He opens a door, next to the pipes, their hearts miss a beat when they see with horror, a body lying on the ground. He seems to be a corpse in a state of advanced decomposition.
"My God no !!"
The fake Eustache approaches the body, seizing it by the collar of the shirt and throwing it to the ground in front of them. This corpse was the TRUE Eustache!
"What did you do to him!" Fio screams.
"I was just taking his blood to keep his appearance and fool you! It is true that I mistreated him, but I would never have cut his veins if I needed him!" Replied the false Eustace, still in his madness and disfigured appearance.
Hilda hides in Cagney's arms not to look. Cagney was disgusted at the sight of the corpse and the fake Eustache who wanted to hurt his wife. Fio had lost his second adviser, his faithful right hand.
"Put it behind bars, you have better tell us your identity before your judgment!"
"You can always try, I will not speak." Said the individual by taunting him.
"All night, do you hear me? Crit Fio.
And the guards take him to the strongest prison, to prevent him from escaping without revealing his identity.
"And ... take Eustache ... we'll make him a funeral worthy of him." Fio said, lowering his head.
"Highness, I'm sorry for it ... you have to be strong now, I think he wanted to end his days to prevent this intruder from continuing to fool us with his appearance." To save us, if not, who knows what he could have done you. " Oswald said trying to comfort his boss. Fio could not help but drop a tear. His parents are coming closer to comfort him.
After the burial of Eustache, the night falls and promises to be long for the guards and Fio who try somehow to make the individual talk about his identity, which is content to release some laughter while remaining silent to questions .
"He is tough." Said Fio, exhausted.
"Yes ... he will eventually give in." Replies Oswald.
"Dad, mom, go to sleep, it's best for you."
"Yes ... but Fio, be careful." Said Cagney.
"Don't worry, if in an hour he did not answer, I'll go to bed."
"All right, let's sleep now."
"His judgment will be tomorrow night, we'll see."
At this point, Oswald thinks what the devil told him. "Tomorrow night at midnight on the royal square" These words resonate in his head, he immediately thinks he might try to convince Hilda and Linda to follow him to this place during the judgment. It hurt a lot inside him, but he has no choice.
To be continued
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matildasdoingwhat · 3 years
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wattpad link : https://www.wattpad.com/830032417-strange-family-values-chapter-3-the-fairy-eater
The Strange Family Values Chapter 3 The Fairy Eater
Artist name: Matilda Sparrow
Disclaimer: This Chapter is an FF for the world of Hp. It is like an extension. you'll find out why in the later stories. but the stories and characters so far are mine.
I love the HP stories so much I just wanted to live it through at least one chapter,
I love Hp so hard, and I am in no way near the level of greatness obviously, but when we love stuff so much we want to be part of it as well. I hope you like this FF.
Norway, Bergen, Mystik Kyster, August, Present Day.
Scene 1
It was a beautiful cloudy day, the trees were bowing and some of the vines were trying to drink the water from a tiny stream as it quietly made its murmur in the forest. It was one of those days where you can feel the coolness of the air in your skin and a day where you can also hear the rustling foliage as the wind passed by.
We see a girl's feet entering the forest.
Next, we see a little bear with patches, being held by the little girl.
Then, we see a woman's feet join the little girl.
It holds her hand.
The woman's dress was peachy cream and sheer it had a few flowers, leaves, moss, and vines as if she rolled around them and it got stuck there for good.
They both skip happily and their laughter rings as they go further and further away... deeper into the forest.
Scene 2
Four children were running in the forest.
They were swift and seemed to defy time.
Lupus jumped over a tree branch and seemed to lead. Matilda sucked her teeth out of irritation. She noticed Lupus wanting to transform, His pupils pitch black and the veins around his eyes are becoming darker.
"No cheating Lupus!" Matilda exclaimed.
She tried to outrun him, but Lupus was quick and dashed using all four of his arms and legs. They reached a hill and continued to outpace each other. The twins followed and they hastened as fast as they could until they reached the edge of the cliff, It was steep and Lupus charging at an unbelievable pace, almost fell, but Matilda caught him, spreading her regal magnificent black wings.
"Good Catch D." Lupus said.
"What?" Matilda was confused.
"D for Death. Coz you look so dead..." He snickered then ordered, "Can you put me down now?"
Matilda looked at him mischievously and replied "Down there?" referring to the precipitous space between the cliff and the rocky shores below.
"If I was Death, I wonder what would happen if I let go of you."
"You dare?," Lupus paused then continued. "Meh. I'll live." Lupus sneered proudly.
Then she let him go.
"shiiiiiiiiiit!!!!". He screamed as he slowly fell but Matilda dove quickly and caught him on his sleeve.
And then she laughed at him mockingly. It was a fruity laugh, She was completely elated.
Lupus scowled and was angry. "You're dead Matilda!"
He tried to hit her on the head, but she evaded and kept laughing.
Then she threw him off the hill.
Lupus sneered at her while he cleaned himself off.
small little laughter was also heard in the background, The twins were cackling.
Scene 3
Mr. Strange was lounging in his luxurious wine bathrobe, it had accents of gold and his soft hair was flowing freely as the wind kissed it, he looked like he smelled really good, even though he just woke up. He was holding a book titled, "How to catch a prey" while he had a scrutinizing look on his face and murmured, "pfff...stupid." referring to the book, but continued to read it anyway, after which he changed his attention to Caedmon and Waldron, he smiled then coyly asked the babies. "Did you guys enjoy your first meal last time?"
Mr. Strange was a serious man, but when it comes to the twins he is not shy to show his affections.
The family was all sitting in the dining room, having their breakfast. It was a cloudy morning, It was always cloudy lately, Morgana made it so. The adults were having steak. Raw steak for Sullivan of course and Mr. Strange was the only one having coffee with blood, or blood with coffee. or blood with rum or vodka. I'm not so sure. while the kids enjoyed bacon pancakes, sausages, and sweet honey syrup.
"Yes, Poppa!" said Caedmon
"When will we eat human again?" says Waldron
"Aw did you enjoy it that much Waldron?" asked Mrs. Strange.
"Yes, it made me stronger lately, see." Waldron showed off his muscles by making a strong man pose.
"Me too!" Caedmon excitingly shared and showed a strong man pose as well.
"Ahhh, let me check!?" Mr. Strange playfully replied, then he carried the babies using both his hands while pretending to fall because of how heavy they were. "Oh my goodness! you're so heavy! agh! you guys are so strong!"
The twins giggled as they squeezed Mr. Strange's face.
Scene 4
Later that afternoon.
"What are you guys wearing?" Matilda referred to what Caedmon and Waldron have decided to put on their heads.
"We found it there..." Caedmon pointing at the forest.
"Hmmm." Lupus sniffed. "I smell blood."
Lupus looked at Matilda, "It's tainted."
Matilda surprised, "Did you guys eat someone?" she suspiciously asked.
"No... not without Mums and fathers permission," defended Waldron.
"Let's throw these things away..." Matilda hurriedly threw it off the cliff.
"Hey?!" Caedmon said.
"Those are tainted Caedmon, someone died in them, be careful next time okay?"
"Ok.." the twins replied conjoinedly.
"Did you eat someone Lupus?" she asked.
"No... maybe mum or father did, let's ask
Lupus got out a small smartphone and texted.
Lupus: Mum did you guys eat some kid in the forest?
Scene 5
At home:
"Sullivan, have you eaten someone recently?"
"No, Madame. I actually have lots of stocks in my home fridge. Mostly Deer brains Ma'am, nothing tainted. Not without telling."
Mr. Strange looked up from what he was reading and looked at his wife.
"Lupus is asking me if we ate some people, did you eat someone?" Morgana asked Mr. Strange.
"Not here, outside of Bergen, somewhere in Trondheim, but not in this town." Replied Mr. Strange
"Agh, that is why I told you to pick somewhere where there are not too many people..." Morgana complained.
"Well, our house is isolated." Mr. Strange defended.
"But there are too many people in Bergen, too much trouble. we should've just moved to Iceland." Morgana confided.
"Ah, but what will we eat there? there are already too many magical creatures there. We cannot eat them that would be like cannibalism, There is even that school for wizards there. If they find out we ate people, they would probably hunt us."
"We don't know that. I heard their laws are much looser compared to the ones in that American wizarding school." Morgana defended.
"You are not thinking of making our children study there?" Mr. Strange ranted.
"Well just a thought, maybe for a change?" Morgana asked.
"No! Morgana, we have talked about this." Mr. Strange had a firm and concerned tone. "It is too dangerous, we shall not be bounded by their laws. We come from bloodlines of Gods and dragons, Amongst many other things. I refuse for my children to be exploited and experimented by other Lowly pathetic creatures."
"Hush now, Mortimer Strange, then we shan't. No need to be aggravated. Besides, I prefer that British wizarding school." Morgana jested lightly.
"Morgana!" Mr. Strange jeered impatiently.
"Just kidding love, why too serious?." Morgana smiling coyly at her husband, touching his arm, calming him with a spell.
"I apologize for raising my tone. but you know how I feel about these things." Mr. Strange starting to calm down.
"It's quite ok love. I actually find it quite adoring, rawr." Mrs. Strange flirting and making a cat paw.
"Oooh well, in that case, Mon Cherie. Let me ravage you violently, *roar*" Mr. Strange making lion noises to please her wife. No, not those lion noises that people make, its literally real lion noises like a hungry beast. The Savageness pleased Morgana so. Then she took her wife in his arms and nuzzled her neck.
Morgana giggled then Motioned Mr. Strange to wait."Oooh, hold that thought."
"Hmmm, better text them." Morgana raised her phone.
"Tell them to stay away from the place where someone was eaten." Mr. Strange implicated in a concerned tone, looking up from Morganas Neck.
"Mmm, kay," said Morgana and proceeded to text.
Morgana: Lupus, no we haven't eaten anyone. Also, your Father strictly said not to go to where the human was eaten.
Lupus: k. Mum.
Then Morgana smiled at Mr. Strange. "You were saying?"
"Ah yes!" Mr. Strange giggled and agreed, then continued to ravage her wife.
Scene 6
In the forest:
"Mum said not to go to where those children got eaten?" Lupus informed everyone.
"Not now, maybe tomorrow. If it ate now. It won't eat again. until tomorrow. " Matilda paused then continued "Depending on what it is. "
"It can eat tomorrow or maybe next week." Lupus added.
They started walking home on an unbeaten path through the forest, Matilda and Lupus had a small conversation while the twins played while following them.
"The 2nd blood moon is pretty near. If it's going to eat it's going to be soon. I know coz I've been growing strong recently." Lupus announced.
"Oh, thats why you're being bitchy lately." Matilda ripped, then the twins giggled.
"Hahaha Omged, I'm Manyilda I'm so funny!" then continued "And if you must know I am not bitchy but angry the sun rose at four am today, It wakes me up too early and I can only run around for a few hours at night
and then its morning already."
"Yes, us too." the twins eerily replied.
" Ugh you don't have to tell me about it," Matilda replied.
"But don't worry babies, come fall it will be pretty normal, I'm guessing, we just moved here so I don't know, but in winter I read that there will be darkness, its called the winter darkness..." Matilda informed them.
The twins and Lupus eyes widened.
"That means, the sun doesn't come up at all in the middle of winter" Matilda explained.
"ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh" The twins and Lupus replied.
"By the way don't forget to tell Mum about the 2nd blood moon, you lose control on that day, you have to be chained up, like a dog." Matilda quipped. "Remember the last time?, hahaha, You ate the neighbor, your friends family, hahaha" Matilda laughed heartily unable to control it, while she spoke.
The twins giggled with her like an echo.
Lupus sneered at Matilda.
"I'm not the only one you know, Father goes crazy on that day, and who knows maybe you will go crazy too."
"Not yet, I'm still partly human. It's disgusting. but I'm not looking forward to my first death either.
"You know what I am looking forward to?" Matilda mischievously voiced.
"Ha!" they both gasped. They remembered something.
"The blood harvest!." they spoke together.
"As much as I don't like, mingling, I'm looking forward to the sacrifice, plus the light of the moon will make us stronger, and... it's finally the day that I will ask our uncles to give us their blood."
"I don't think they'll give us their blood yet Matilda.? I don't think they will give you their blood ever." Lupus stating that what she said was ridiculous.
The twins were now confused."What's a blood harvest.?"
The kids reached their house.
"It is what it says it is Waldron. We will harvest blood and bask in the light of the moon so we can grow stronger." Answered their Mother as they arrive on the porch of their house.
"Aaaah" the twins replied together.
"Also there's a ball, with lots of Vampires, Witches, and otherworldly creatures."
"Aaaaaaaaah. party!" the twins eerily said together.
Scene 7
A woman with curly red hair, in her mid-thirties, wearing a grey plaid dress was looking for her child.
"Augustus?!" the sound of her voice rang loudly in the air as she called out to him, we zoom out of her house and zoom in to where Augustus is, he was eating berries in the forest. He was fat, and plump, with red hair, he had freckles on his face and his cheeks and his mouth were covered with blue and red juice, from the berries that he was engulfing.
He ate and enjoyed what he was eating and he put some of it on his shirt pocket and he wiped some of the juice on his pants and shirt, it was messy, but he kept chewing full and delightfully enjoying the berries, then he looked up, a woman was looking down on him, It was the woman with the flower dress.
The boy smiled an awkward smile, and the woman reached out her hand.
Scene 8
WTFS station.
A woman was looking at her reflection in a vanity Mirror.
Pulling the skin on her face, to see her younger self, hoping her wrinkles would vanish.
She walks into a booth to go to use the toilet.
Two women and a child entered the powder room, A woman with wild red hair, named Melena wore a simple gray dress and talked to a woman with short blonde hair and bangs named Lise, she was wearing a sheer black lingerie top, a short black skirt and high heels.
"Ugh can you believe how she treated us yesterday, I said hi and she didn't even notice me. She's too proud". Melena ranted.
"I know right". The woman with the blonde hair fiddled with her makeup, placing lipstick on her lips, and checked how she looked like in the mirror, then responded, "She still thinks she's all that but she's spent, that's what old age gets you."
"How long has she been an actress?" the red-haired woman asked.
"I don't know for a long time I guess."
"Her skin is wonderful though I'll give her that." The woman with the red hair confessed.
"Pff," The woman with a blonde hair objected. "That's science for you...but pretty soon you know, all that sciencey stuff will stop working and inevitably they will end up looking weird."
"Ah, you're too harsh Lise."
"And you are too nice, Melena."
Lise bobs her head from side to side as a sign of disapproval. "Myrka
Drummond does not deserve your kindness, she has been nothing but been rude to us, she is just a passed off diva."
The woman in the bathroom booth fumed, her left eye squinted every so slightly, It was Myrka Drummond.
She looked out secretly and stopped herself from arguing with these women, and told herself that she had class and was not beneath these pitiful creatures.
"Trine lets go." Lise motioned to a child that she is with.
Scene 9
"Please, he has been gone for more than a whole day. I have a bad feeling about it."
"Maam, are you sure he's not just playing at his friend's house."
"Noh, Augustus doesn't have lots of friends, he goes to the forests and collects berries and comes home dirty, at exactly four, five or six give or take, that is his routine, and he has not come back yet for a few hours now."
Detective Alexander sits on his desk and overhears a red-haired woman complaining to his colleague. They were in the Police station, with pale white lights and white walls with accents of gray. There were also simple tables and chairs. It was a depressing small office, with people all busy with their office job, slaving away like zombies, some walking here and there to get coffee or to go in or to go out to do their duties, its where time slowly passed and nobody seemed to care.
"Hello Ma'am, My name is Detective James Alexander, and you are Miss?"
"Mrs. Melena Hansen."
"What's happening here?" Detective Alexander looked at Melena and the officer interviewing her.
"Mrs. Hansen said her child has been missing for a few hours now."
Melena worried, interjected "He has been missing for hours! Augustus has a routine, he always comes back, at this hour!."
While the woman was talking, the chief came out of his office.
"Alexander, Sandvik, Aadberg..." The chief called three names, "Christiansen called in a Homicide in the Myrkviðr forest, in Mystik Kyster. Go now Chop chop..."
The chief had a grey suit on and had grey hair and had a friendly face but even though it was friendly, he looked tired as if he had gone through a lot through the years.
The detective looked at the woman, and the woman covered her mouth, upset, and was about to cry.
"Where did you say you live Ma'am."
"In Mystik Kyster." The woman started to tear up.
"Ma'am there's no reason to be upset, wait here. "
Alexander shortly entered the chief's office, "Chief did Christiansen happen to give a profile, of the victim? "
"Yes, It's ah, very unfortunate, it was a young girl. aged about four to six. Go there now Alexander, let's catch this sonno' of a bitch."
Detective Alexander went back to the lady, who was much calmer because of the information, "Ma'am this is officer Bohle.." Detective Alexander referring to the middle-aged man, with thinning yellow hair, pale skin and had a white uniform and blue vest on, sitting at the desk.
"He will help you." He reassured the woman.
"Bohle check out the Madames area," Alexander asked Bohle.
"Sandvik, Aadberg, let's go..." Detective Alexander motioned to his colleagues, and they left the station.
Scene 10
A big wooden door was left open, sun shone inside the wooden house, the cool wind crept inside which can be felt on the wooden floor, it was a big cabin, the smell of flowers and the thick forest with different color of greens in the surrounding emanated the house, Nissa was playing with her doll, she was wearing a turquoise tutu skirt and a matching shirt, she saw something outside, was it a firefly? she asked herself. She went outside, there was laughter.
Then she saw it just above their pool.
Its eyes blinked.
what was it?. It looked like a flower with eyes. It was a pixie.
It had a long body but no smaller or bigger than a flower. It's olive arms and legs seemed like flower stems.
It had a long slim lithesome body and fingers. It smiled at her, It had scary pointy teeth but its face was friendly, it had cute black orb-like eyes and its head was purple and white that looked like petals and it had wings,
It beckoned Nissa to come.
Nissa looked back at their house and it flew around her and then she motioned for Nissa again, inviting her as if to play.
It went inside the thick forest and Nissa followed It.
Scene 11
Kalen screamed and called out to his sister. Kalen was looking for his sister.
He had noticed something strange, normally there would be the noise of a girl jumping up and down, running around and making cute noises, but while he was playing his pocket game after a while he had noticed it was incredibly quiet in their house.
"Nissa!" he called once more.
she saw Nissa's doll on the floor near the pool.
"Where did she go.?" He asked himself with a confused look on his face.
Scene 12
Detective Alexander looked at the scene with disgust and a heavy heart. He kept silent and was pensive, he asked himself who would do such a monstrous act.
CSI units Aadberg and Saandvik collected physical evidence from the site, He saw the body being covered while Police Officer Christiansen was explaining the situation to the Detective.
Medical examiners and forensic units were already in the area as well.
"She's abot four or six, a female child, poor kid. she didn't deserve this, her guts were all out. What kind of Monster has done this, I heard this done in the city a few weeks ago. do you reckon it would be a bear?" Christiansen asked but was not hoping for a reply.
"I dunno but this gives me the hibbee jibees," Aadberg replied.
Detective Alexander started to look around while Officer Christiansen was talking then he noticed something out of the bushes.
It was a brown object with patches, It had blood on it.
he wore his gloves and picked it up and murmured.
"Aadberg send this to forensics."
Scene 13
Philomena Opened the door, It was Detective Alexander.
"Hello, Detective. How may I help you?"
"We just wanted to ask. If you've seen any fat boy roaming around or if your nephews maybe know him..." The Detective inquired.
"Not that I know off, wait lemme call them," Philomena replied.
"Matilda! Lupus!, Detective Alexander is here to ask some questions, can you guys come for a second, like normal people coz were normal."
The detective had a confused look on his face.
"Coming!" Lupus can be heard from afar.
Lupus and Matilda appeared slowly behind Philomena.
"Hey, wazzup?!" Lupus greeted Detective Alexander.
While Matilda just stared blankly.
"Hey, what's up buddy.?" Detective Alexander greeted them and made a fist bump to Lupus to make the mood lighter. which Lupus gladly accepted and then pretended it exploded afterward.
Matilda rolled her eyes and moved her head from side to side as a sign of disapproval.
Detective Alexander was easily entertained and smirked but continued "I was wondering if you know this boy," The detective showed a picture of the boy.
"His name is Augustus Hansen, He's been missing. He..." He stopped himself because he did not want to scare the kids.
"No, we don't know him," Matilda replied.
"No, bruh, we haven't seen him." Lupus remarked.
"C'mon Lupus..." Matilda motioned to Lupus because they were going out. Today was the day that they were going to look for the murderer.
"Aaah I wouldn't do that If I were you..." Detective Alexander warned, "I'd like to warn you guys, as well," The Detective now averting his eyes to Philomena, "There has been m-u-r-d-e-r in the area, it was unfortunate but some creep has been kidnapping kids in the area.
"We can spell you know." Matilda scrunching her face as she was slightly insulted. "ugh."
"Uhm.. yah, so it's best if you make your niece and nephew stay home. Uhm. Ms.?" The Detective was unsure of what to call her even though the Detective knew her name. Philomena took her glasses off for a second to wipe it with her shirt and For the first time The Detective saw her up close in broad daylight, and he noticed how beautiful she was, her skin was so soft and her lips so plump and pink, her eyes were big and blue, and her cheeks were blushing pink, its almost as if she came out of a painting, her hair was unruly but even this looked beautiful to him, she was enchanting, he never noticed this because of her shabby clothes and huge glasses. He was overwhelmed a bit, Then when she wore the glasses again, he realized he was staring. when he brought himself back together, he started to say his goodbyes.
"Mena..." She looked at the picture and said "I will try to remember his face and well let you know if anything comes up" then finally smiled.
The detective started to think to himself. "Shit. You have to go."
"Well thank you for your time Ms. and nice seeing you again." he handed out his hand for a handshake.
"It was nice seeing you too, Detect..."
She held his hands, then stopped, a vision came, one that she didn't expect to see, something that made her blush which made her pull her hand away from the detective.
It made her google-eyed, and she laughed incoherently and then started to talk nervously.
"Ahah sorry, vertigo.." She reasoned
"Are you okay?" the Detective asked out of concern.
"Yes, yes, yes I just get vertigo sometimes." There was a silent stare that seemed like forever and Matilda stared at Lupus mischievously and he snickered quietly...
"Let's go" he motioned to Matilda, as they quietly tiptoed away...
but their Aunt noticed. "Ah Matilda, Lupus... come inside.!"
"Uuh, Noooooooh?!" Matilda sarcastically replied, then Matilda and Lupus ran.
"We won't go, Far Mena!" Lupus assured her aunt as they ran away.
"Uh, I'm not sure thats a good idea.? " Detective Alexander asked Philomena.
"Do you want me to come after them.?"
"Uh, no! no! it's okay, I'm sure they'll be fine. I'll just run after them." Mena replied knowing full well that they can handle themselves.
The Detective felt a little nervous because he didn't want another dead body, but he thought he was just being paranoid, so he just said." Just look for them ok? the situations sorta serious..."
"Sure... sure..." Philomena reassured.
Then the Detective made his way to his car.
and murmured "Get your shit together Alexander. " while entering his car.
Scene 14
"Start sniffing dog." Matilda mocked her brother playfully.
he glowered at her for a few seconds but continued to do it anyway. He started to smell the air then,
"This way.." Lupus Motioned.
It was mid-afternoon and they ran and ran until they ran deep into the forest, the color of the trees was warm, Some of the trees were so old that their trunks were so wide, most of the trees and rocks were even covered with moss, some trees were like skyscrapers of the glade, high, mighty and proud, and some were young and looked friendly, and the leaves rustled as the wind danced around them. You could barely see the sky because of the shady glades and leafy canopies. They could hear singing jays, scampering hares, and scurrying squirrels. There were mushrooms of different colors growing on some of the tree trunks, some were vegetating on the ground, there were different berries in the bushes and the grass floor was almost covered with brown, green and red leaves and you can see nuts scattered here and there. It smelled of green grass and leaves, the peace of the forest was soothing and comforting. The twigs crunched under their feet as they walked and then they heard someone.
"Nissa! Where are you?!"
It was Kalen Maurelle.
"Psst," Matilda called him.
Kalen Maurelle was surprised, a shot of arrow flew past Matilda's face directly puncturing a tree.
"Woah!" Lupus grinning wildly. " Nice shot bruh!"
Matilda glowered at his brother and then to Kalen.
"Wtf was that man.?" Matilda
"Sorry, I was startled..." Kalen replied.
"Pfff, Oh please you wanted to show off..." Matilda exclaimed.
"No..." He soundly confessed, then followed with..." well, yes, actually I was." then half smiled.
"What are you doing here?" Kalen asked.
"Prolly the same as you, were you looking for your sister, we heard you call her name out?" Lupus inquired.
"Yeah, mum, and dad are in the hospital, and I'm in charge of Nissa. and she's been missing since this afternoon"
"Do you have some clothes of her.?" Matilda asked.
"Well no, it's in the house. but I do have this?" Kalen showed Nissa's doll then Kalen handed the doll to them.
Matilda and Lupus looked at each other for a few seconds.
can you turn around please? Lupus asked.
Matilda could've easily stopped time but they already realized Kalen was also magical so she didn't bother.
"Why?" Kalen replied in confusion.
"Never mind." Lupus smelled the doll.
Kalen laughed, "What are you guys, some sort of dogs?."
"None of your business actually, " paused and continued "But he is." Matilda referring to Lupus.
"This way," Lupus said as Matilda and Lupus walked further ahead of him.
Kalen laughed and thought it was a joke.
Then slowly came to a realization the way little red riding hood had found out about the wolf, as he watched the children in front of him, It's as if he came to see them clearly for the first time. Everything about them was off. They just evaded an arrow that almost no one would normally miss, Their black clothes and ashy white skin. Their super dark hair was in contrast to the trees. They did not look normal at all. He had his hunch before but the warmth of the forest compared to their skin was like a revelation, There was a faint whisper of "careful. careful. careful." as
if the trees were talking and whispering something to him.
"Wait... you're the family of hybrids* the Huldufólk* and Maskas* have been murmuring about.?" Kalen began to raise his arrows and pointed it at them.
*Huldufólk - Hidden People. (usually elves, dwarves etc.,)
*Maskas - short for Magiske Skapninger which means Magical creatures including Wizards, Sorcerers, Witches, Magis, Healers, Warriors, Dragon riders etc., they used creatures instead of beings because the European school is much more accepting of equality between creatures and beings.
*Hybrids - Mixed Race, of any kind.
Matilda and Lupus both stopped as they heard the string of the bow, being stretched.
They both looked back and Kalen's arrow was pointed right at them.
"You wouldn't wanna do that?" Lupus grinned and warned.
"Did you eat my sister?!"Kalen beseeched.
"You're not very smart are you?" Matilda calmly replied.
"Would we be helping you, if we ate her?" She knocked some sense into him.
"I dunno, maybe you are just luring me and want to eat me too," Kalen replied.
"Enough of this," Matilda said as she stopped time and took the bow from Kalen. She was surprised at how heavy it was. She looked at Kalen, Mildly impressed then looked at the bow for a few seconds, it had an intricate pattern carved beautifully on the bow. It was too heavy so,
she dropped it on the floor when she came back to her position, after which she unfroze time.
Kalen was surprised and looked at his bow beside her. Thinking if there was time to grab it and fight, but Matilda spoke,
"If we wanted to eat you, it would have been done by now."
"Best we move along if you want to save your sister." Lupus confided.
"What do you mean?" Kalen picked up his bow and realized they were right.
"Someones been murdering in this area," Lupus retorted as they continue to walk.
"So what are you?" Matilda coaxed.
"I asked first." Kalen shot back. Kalen was 16 and towered over them, he had long blonde hair, he looked a bit different today since he had his hair in a ponytail and braids and the sides of his head was shaved.
He wore something different today, A cottony moss green shirt inside, dark green coat, dark shorts, and Chuck Taylors sneakers.
"We're many things," Matilda replied mysteriously.
"So your Elves? I reckon with your pointy ears, Plus you said Hulderfolks" Lupus asked.
Kalen touched his ear forgetting his hair was tied up. "I guess we are," Kalen answered.
"Has your family been here long?" Matilda Interested in how old their magic was.
"Mother and father wander for a few years to different towns so we can, help people."
"We've never been in trouble before, this is the first time, well the second time, I hope Nissa is alright."
"I didn't mean in this town," Matilda replied.
"Oh. that's pretty personal. but I will say they have been here long, but my sister and I are new. and you?."
"Same as you," Matilda answered.
"You said the second time, what happened to the first time?" Lupus asked.
"Ah some trouble with trolls, but I managed it." Kalen confided.
"By managed, does that mean ran away?" Lupus jested.
Kalen smirked and replied, "Yes, that and many other things."
"So, you guys are hybrids? how does that work? I'd Imagine that you know, you'd come out as some sort of monsters, no offense. I'm just basing on what I hear."
"Actually we are," Matilda replied.
"No, I mean like physically..." Kalen paused and thought before he spoke: " wait, are you?" Kalen was curious.
Matilda and Lupus looked at each other and smirked.
"Since you're that curious, I'm a werewolf. She's... how can I say this without getting hit in the head?"
Matilda rolled her eyes.
"She's a witch I guess, but as you've said were hybrids, she also has wings. so maybe she's some sort of other thing." Lupus confessed.
"Enough Lupus. TMI." Matilda chided.
"How does that work?" Kalen confused.
"Our Family said we have Dragons blood and God blood, long long time ago, which makes an abomination unlikely, even though we also have some Fallen angel blood, angel blood, fairy blood, demon blood, witch
blood, wolf blood and a bunch of other things, Dragon Blood resists any kind of Bad Magic towards them and well God blood has too much magic in it, instead of our DNA binding and making abominations, It
chooses the most dominant DNA and thats what we come out of as. My Grandpa's a soldier but he's also a scientist, he also found that out through our DNA and a bunch of other things that and I mostly don't understand, but were still monsters, just not the kind you were thinking of."
"Lupus! have you had your fun? will you please shut up!" Matilda commanded.
"I imagine you are grandpas favorite..." Kalen told Lupus.
"You know it..." Lupus retorted as he laughed with Kalen, while Matilda scowled at them.
They wandered deeper and deeper into the forest, The trees became thicker and thicker, Matilda noticed it became more mystical, They saw vines that hung from the trees, they were thick and lush like majestic
beautiful goddess hair, there were also different kinds of flower that grew even though they were out of season, it grew on the ground, the trees, and the bushes.
There were pink, purple and white peonies, snapdragons, hyacinths that looked liked nosy neighbors growing everywhere. A little up ahead there were thin white trees covered in moss, that were linked together as if it was friends up in arms and served as a fence in an average-sized arena. In the middle of the circle, there was an archway of green and plum-colored vines linked together, as well as pink, purple and white wisterias falling like rain from the archway and a pathway of leaves and fallen petals.
Suddenly everything felt weird Matilda felt sleepy, Lupus and Kalen were also rubbing they're eyes and yawning, she came back to herself when she realized what was happening.
She looked just a little far right the trees linked together, she thought that they were just bushes and flowers but now she had a closer look there was a bunch of Lavenders, Valerian, Gardenias, Jasmine, Sages, California poppies, Golden pothos, Tahoe OG Kush, Grandaddy Purple, Skywalker, Gods gift, Afghan kush, Northern lights, Ogre, Querkle, Big bud and 9-pound hammer growing around the trees and was emitting some sort of mist.
Her eyes grew wide. "cover your nose." Matilda warned,
"Why?" Kalen replied.
"Those flowers and bushes are enchanted, and it'll make you fall asleep."
Matilda knew those flowers because she has been studying it with Aunt Philomena, she is particularly fond of these plants because she likes the fact that you can make sleeping potions out of them or brownies,
sleeping brownies were the best.
They covered their nose with their shirts. Kalen covered his nose with a handkerchief.
Matilda pulled out a black wand while making swirls. "Ne protejeaza"
"What was that?" Kalen asked.
"Protection spell, against those flowers. If the mist sinks in our skin, the handkerchief won't do any good, just think of it as a preventative measure. but you can remove it now."
"Oh!" Kalen replied.
"Sssh!" Lupus motioned everyone to be quiet, "were near." Lupus huddled them behind a tree.
"If we come across a monster, You shoot it and I'll rip it apart. ok?" Lupus commanded.
"OK.?" Kalen replied, although he was confused, he was more concerned about getting his sister because if they missed his arrow, he trusted that these two kids will be able to help him.
Matilda gave them a condescending look.
"If we see Nissa, she is the priority?. we grab her, and then all of you come near me and hold on to me, we'll fly, out of here."
"Oh my God, Matilda! you're such a pussy!" whispered Lupus patronizingly.
"I say we kill that monster!" Lupus whispered in excitement.
"You idiot! by this time it ate a lot of humans already?" Matilda argued.
"So?" Lupus looked confused and Kalen looked worried.
"If it ate a lot, then, it'll probably be super powerful by now," Matilda explained.
"Will you two idiots stop fighting! my sister might be in danger." Kalen protested.
They hear subdued eating sounds.
Subsequently, while they were talking they hear a buzzing sound in their ear, It was the sound of pixie wings flapping. Small lithesome creatures were listening to them and two was incredibly near them
huddled as if they were also friends, and a dozen were flying around them.
As Kalen turned around,
one was looking straight at him, suddenly, It punched him in the eye.
"Oww!" Kalen exclaimed.
The Pixies grabbed on to Lupus hair and bit Lupus arms and feet. "ow!"ow! ow!" Lupus bellowed in pain.
"Shit!" Matilda muttered in surprise but before she could nab her wand or freeze them, a few Pixies
grabbed both her feet which quickly knocked her off while the Pixies grappled onto her hands, she fell
headfirst and slammed on an old tree trunk so she passed out for a few seconds.
Kalen tried to use his arrow, but to no avail, since the other pixies were biting him, grabbing his hair,
and he was only using one of his eyes. As he tried to shoot one of the Pixies, the pixie saw the arrow catapulted to it in slow motion and was able to evade quickly. It saw the arrow puncture the tree, and its eyes became googly-eyed out of fear, then it glared at Kalen as it felt anger, after which a small faint sound of scream can be heard "aaaaaaaaaah!" as it charged against Kalen, which made Kalen slowly fall on his back.
"Ouch," Kalen groaned.
"Damnit.!" Lupus was now scowling out of rage, his eyes blackened and small black veins started to appear next to his eyes and his hands slowly turned black as if it was watercolor paint spreading on paper, crawling in his skin. His fingers darkened as claws started to erupt in each one.
Suddenly he was faster and grabbed one of the pixies that were grappling his hair, he threw it and it slammed in one of the trees, Green blood splattered all over. He snatched another one that was biting his arms, then he grabbed another and another, and one by one they were flung across the trees and on the ground, with such force that as they slammed, It chipped the tree trunks and made a faint snapping sound and their green bluish blood splattered everywhere, as they hit the trees and the floor, soon enough he got so pissed that he bit one pixie which cut it in half.
"Huh!!!!!!" a faint conjoined gasp from the pixies can be heard, as they looked at the remaining half of the pixie that Lupus was holding on to his hand.
Lupus bellowed in his demon voice "Ugh vegetables! ew!" and threw half of what's left of the pixie on the ground.
"Matilda!" Lupus boomed with his demon voice to wake up Matilda.
The pixie started to panic and fly in different directions and started to fly away, but by this time Matilda woke up from passing out, she was clutching her head because it was in pain and was still half asleep but she grabbed her black wand from inside her coat pocket and pointed upwards in the air.
*The immobilus charm in another language. if you are not learned from school, the language of magic is different from school versus passed down magic, or the same if it came from the same source. and of course preference.
The pixies floated in the air immobile, their eyes were still blinking
and everything seemed to slow down.
Then she used her hands to cast another spell "Somno!"
and then all the pixies fell on the ground sleeping.
Lupus was breathing heavily and was calming himself down.
His eyes were still all black but the black veins and his claws started to disappear as he calmed himself down.
While Kalen was just looking at them sitting on the ground and
said, "what the fuuuuuuuucccck.?"
Scene 15
Myrka was eating what's left of the man that she had captured.
And was so engulfed with devouring the man, that she didn't notice the noise around her, but it was barely audible from where she was.
Nissa was asleep under a huge old Myrkwood tree. There were big and small vines, Several which looked like they were hairs that kissed the ground.
There were white trees linked together that surrounded the place, everything was covered in moss and flowers and the huge Myrkwood tree looked as if it was a natural altar, she heard a faint noise from behind her but saw nothing. So she came back to what she was doing.
It was Kalen, Matilda, and Lupus that made the noise; they were not too near but not too far from Myrka. Kalen saw what she was doing to the human and saw her sister. He was worried and jumped in anger and was about to storm the place, but Matilda stopped him.
"Kalen. look..." They were whispering
She pointed at medium-sized rocks surrounding the place, They were rocks that had runes written on them.
"What does it say?" Lupus asked.
"It's not witches rune, so I don't know?" Matilda replied.
"It's High elven..." Kalen replied, my elfen is not good.
but if I'm right it says." Kalen tries to read it slowly " None shall pass. lest blood of kings and queens be lost, thine shield will yield when the runes are cast."
"There are four High elven runes that are not transliterated I am not good with mixed runes. I don't know what it says." Kalen said.
Then Matilda looked closely. " There is a protection spell cast here. I can see the thin film. It might alert her if we just storm in."
"So?" Lupus remarked
"So we don't know what she can do. If it alerts her she might take Nissa away quickly, and she's too far, we also don't know if it will let us in. If she sees us and were not able to come in, Nissa will be in trouble."
"I also can't fly because we don't know how high the protection spell is."
"We need Elders," Matilda replied.
"Someone needs to stay here with Nissa."
"If we text them, It will take time before they find us, better I Go." Lupus volunteered.
"No. you're too slow."
"Where are your parents again.?" Matilda asked Kalen.
" If I find them will they be able to help us?"
"Yes! they are at the Alston hospital" Kalen replied.
"You guys stay here, I'll fly to mum and dad and your parents."
"she'll see you if you fly you, idiot! its broad fucking daylight."
"Wait." Matilda saw some flowers moving inside. She tried to stop time for a few seconds and it worked.
"Okay. I can stop the time for a few seconds if she tries to hurt Nissa."
Matilda stated.
"I knew you guys were hybrids but not to this extent," Kalen mentioned in amazement.
"Says the boy who is probably pureblood, which means incest right?." Lupus remarked.
"Were not incest!. why do people always say that! we just don't marry off other kinds, because it's not allowed." Kalen defended.
" Ugh, you elves are weird. Ya'll look alike." Lupus mentioned.
"Omg! will you guys shut up!" Matilda exclaimed "Can we please focus on to more important things. Okay, New Plan, Lupus I'll pm Mum and Dad, meet them at the forest entrance. Kalen, PM and find your Mom and your dad, then meet Lupus on the forest entrance. understood?"
The two nodded their head twice.
"Now, Go!" Matilda said.
Before he left, Kalen looked back, "Matilda... Guard her with your life."
"Sure, but you owe me." Matilda declared.
Kalen nodded and then left with Lupus.
Lupus and Kalen silently walked away and as soon as they were far enough, Lupus ran as fast as he could,
and Kalen headed to meet his parents.
Matilda sent her Mum a message.
Matilda: Mum, Nissa is in Danger, meet Lupus at the Forest entrance.
Scene 16
We then zoom into Myrka, she was preoccupied with eating the man. As she was eating, her hollow back started closing, slowly, first the blood and muscles melded with each other then the flesh started to bond, after which her skin started to look younger, then the wrinkles on her skin seemed to fade. Her skin was firmer, tighter and her breast lifted as if it were pulled up by an imaginary string, her face and hands were filled with blood and looked softer and warmer, she licked her lips of the remaining blood, it was not enough. Slowly She felt the skin on her back detaching, not as hollow as before but there were still hollows that can be seen and a few of her wrinkles came back, she touched her face and felt it and was extremely unsatisfied, the man was not enough she grew angry and she screamed!
Frustrated, She threw the already flailing body against the trees. "Pesky human!"
she looked up to where the child was.
she stood up.
She started smirking.
She reached out for Nissa. She touched her cheeks,
"You'll make me very pretty, honey, boop!" while she touched Nissa's nose with her forefinger, and then she opened her mouth and it became bigger, It was so big, a watermelon can fit right in and her teeth grew fangs, a hundred pointy things all to devour one little child, but just as she was about to reach and bite Nissa...
"Oh! No, You don't" Matilda stopped time.
Matilda breathed heavily she knew she was not supposed to yet, because there were no elders, but she had no choice.
She held Myrka on her left hands.
and tried to slam her palms forcefully and angrily on the barrier using her right hand just trying to destroy it.
but it did nothing. They stayed like that for a few minutes, but her hand was getting tired of staying in that same position. Holding on to time was also heavy, it felt as if you were carrying something, the longer it went.
She breathed heavily, she couldn't hold on to time that much longer.
Scene 17
Kalen and Lupus were already at the forest entrance.
"My parents aren't responding..." Lupus informed Kalen.
At home.
Morganas Phone and Mr. Strange Phone were both in silent mode in the table and a little off ahead, you can see movement and giggling on the bed.
*Narrator winks*
They were both very very very busy.
"I have to go get them..." Lupus said
"I understand, Mine as well, I have to find them too." Kalen disclosed, "Let's just meet there, at whatever that place is.
"Okay." Lupus replied
"And Hurry," Kalen asked.
They both ran.
Lupus tried to call Aunt Philomena on her Phone.
"Yoohoo!" Mena answered.
"Oh my god!' where are you guys? I've been trying to call you so hard!"
"Why?" Mena asked.
"Look, remember Nissa, the neighbors' daughter? She's in danger. She's about to be eaten by a creature, I'm coming, look for Mum and pops."
"Oh my, okay." Philomena worried then ran upstairs.
Mena heard giggling sounds and rolled her eyes, then knocked very loudly.
"Uh, guys!"
Morgana heard the knock "What?"
"Ugh! I thought you might want to know, your children along with the neighbor's children are in danger."
"Oh." Morgana sighed as she was being nuzzled by Mr. Strange. " We best get dressed then.
"Well be right down."
Morgana called to her Husband...
Scene 18
Myrka was freed from being frozen
she stretched a little bit and smiled at Matilda.
"Well, well, well if it isn't little Matilda Strange. So what are you?" Myrka was pensive for a few seconds.
"That's really none of your business." Matilda snatched back.
"Oooh... You know what, you look a little freakier than I am, I bet you want a little taste of this child as well..." Myrka tried to reach out and touch the child's cheek, but before she could.
*Slam!* The sound of Myrka's body, slamming into one of the elder trees resounded as she was flung by an unseen force, this made the trees shake, It made the leaves of the trees rustle which made the birds fly.
Myrka quickly fell on her butt and was discombobulated for a few seconds.
"Ugh! what is your problem!" Myrka screamed and fumed.
"Best stay the fuck away from her," Matilda warned.
"Oooh you and your potty mouth, but how long can you do that to me really, you can't even get inside. especially when you're busy."
Matilda confused.
"Viens mekare," Myrka whispered.
As she said this, white tree looking creatures same as the color of the trees with long thick spear-like branches materialized out of the trees as if they were melded there for a long time and just came out from a long sleep, some were shaped like men and some were shaped like women they moved slowly but violently.
Matilda tried to evade them but some had vines and tried to catch her feet until she can no longer move.
four tree creature seemed to enclose on her.
Their vines wrapped around her tiny hands ...then it crawled on her tiny legs quickly wrapping itself tightly, squeezing her tiny body. Everything happened so quickly.
Then *rip!,* with its thick needle-like branch one of three creatures stabbed Matilda on her shoulder with so much force, that it created a hole over her shoulder.
She saw the wounds with her eyes and felt it quickly.
she screamed out of pain. *AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!* she bled profusely and then she started breathing heavily.
It had struck her so hard that her eyes were enveloped by darkness immediately.
her forehead wrinkled, out of anguish and exasperation she moved her head from left to right and it emitted so much force that the tree person that stabbed her snapped its head instantly and was hurled away from her and as its needle-like hand was removed from matildas shoulder...
and it seared so she shrieked out of distress! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" and with her scream, a force so strong came out of her that everyone around her was propelled away from her; the tree creature were all hurled on the invisible wall including Myrka, she was lobbed against the wall so intensely that she had to get a hold of herself, otherwise she would've fallen asleep with the blow.
She scowled at the girl in front of her, Matilda was worn out.
but she was more than anything, worried, the girl in front of her was not to be taken lightly.
Matilda knelt on the ground, she was exhausted and bleeding, she was bleeding heavily but more than anything pissed beyond belief at how exhausted she was, she palmed the ground for support, she rested for a few seconds.
Myrka felt elated for a few seconds as she has not seen anything like this in a long time, she wanted to fight her, but she wanted to live more, so she made her way to the child, again.
"Don't you touch her bitch!" Matilda warned with her demon-like voice, aggravated.
She raised her hand as if cupping Myrkas neck and raised her from the ground to strangle her using only dark magic, Myrka couldn't breathe, she kept coughing and gasping for air.
Myrka's hand was free and was able to move it and with just a flick of the finger, a tree creature materialized out of the tree, his hands formed a sharp needle looking branch it was suspended in the air for a few seconds then like a bullet, with force it accelerated towards Matilda's direction and stabbed her, puncturing her left shoulder again and it grabbed hold of her, which set Myrka free from the invisible force holding her.
And from outside Matilda got agitated out of pain, and acted swiftly, she used her hands in the air in front of the tree creature, as if mangling something and her dark magic shredded it apart.
Then when she was done she pounded on the invisible wall, using her hands as she wailed out of rage.
but it was to no avail.
Myrka just almost gasping was laughing realizing she cannot get in.
Now this time she pounded it with dark magic and the walls shook and everything around it shook.
She pounded and pounded and everything shook as if she was a wolf blowing the little piggies house down.
But the wall was strong, it was bound by runes.
When she got so agitated she howled and then stared at the wall for a few seconds and then made a decision.
She started chanting a spell.
And was whispering words.
She cupped her hand together and it was dark electricity first and then it was black fire and smoke and it formed a black orb, at first it was just as small as an apple but as she started chanting it became bigger
and bigger.
It was dark old magic.
And it consumed her already black eyes and spread black ink across her face.
and the darkness in her hands spread until her hands was black, it spread like black watercolor and water spilled on paper, crawling in her arms and clothes and the orb got bigger...
nox atra
quod sanguis ac tenebras
ignis inferis
formam mearum
Conteret me
quos superposuit basibus
et stellarum lapsus
Sol ardentior
and bigger ...
nox atra
quod sanguis ac tenebras
ignis inferis
exitio mundos
unde non stabit
And bigger...
She was calling on the power of the Lord of Nightmares, it was some, old magic, that she came upon reading, but one that requires too much. That if you cannot handle it, it will devour you, this was a sacrifice.
It was not about saving the girl anymore, her ego was bruised and she was pissed.
As she chanted the black orb got bigger and bigger and heavier and heavier, and every time she chanted the wind blew harder, every time it grew bigger it emitted a force so heavy It was destroying the ground beneath her, the ground shook, and surface of the earth around her started detaching in small portions and the wind pushed back everything that surrounded her, the strong wind encircled her and dark cloud formed above the sky and loud thunder started to ring.
And every time she chanted It seemed a little bit of her disappeared
until she was no longer there, but something older in her was chanting,,,
Exitio mundos
Unde non stabit
Something more ancient.
When suddenly someone called her.
Morgana had called her.
The wind blew strongly and it seemed as if there was a storm in the forest.
Behind Morgana was Mortimer, Lupus, Kalen and his family.
Mena fortunately was able to get a hold of Kalens parents.
Kalen was pointing an arrow at Myrka. His Bow was shining through the darkness.
"Don't you dare move!" Kalen warned Myrka.
"That won't pull through" Myrka proudly voiced out.
"Would you like to bet?" Kalen asserted, his hair blowing in the wind,
Kalen's Father calmly worded, "Skogsvänner
innehålla henne."
Four Tree creatures then materialized out of the trees, but this time they had leaf hair and its human-like features were more defined.
They surrounded Myrka, Myrka tried to fight but before she could do anything, they had covered her mouth and its branch and vines wrapped around her face, while two held her hands and suddenly vines and branches with leaves came out of the earth and wrapped around her feet.
And two tree creatures came to guard Nissa.
Kalen's mother cut her hands and bled it in the runes and she read the runes.
"Edr- hi ambar edr- hi fen edr- hi coe edr- hi fen -iya tari can ldë..."
As the blood dripped on the runes, it glowed an illuminating blue and the invisible walls were no more.
Kalen came to her sister and his Father carried her away.
Mathilda was not her self anymore and was not responding to her mother.
"Dear, would you be so kind as to hand me that ball."
Morgana was reaching her hand out to Mathilda.
But by that time the black orb was so big, that it was bigger than a car, its force was so powerful that violent hot winds surrounded it.
She was staring blankly at Morgana.
Her father said "Dear give your mother the ball.
"Come now be a nice little girl." Her Mother told her warmly,
Her mother's smile was nice and welcoming.
"Should we help them?" Kalen asked
"No, it is dangerous..." Mortimer signaled The Maurelles to move back.
"Mathilda," Lupus called her, " Give mom the ball,"
She tilted her head to the side, curious as to what was happening.
"Why would I do that?" with a demon voice.
"We'll, let you eat that Pretty little woman at the back if you give us the ball." Her mother bribed.
She looked back and saw the woman and It angered her more and the orb seemed to grow bigger.
"Mathilda! Mathilda! come now?," Morgana distracting her, Then she looked at her husband for a few seconds to signal him to catch her.
"Tu lassus, somnolentus tu non es.." Morgana reached out her hand then there were small orbs that flew to Matilda and as it reached her skin it made her sleepy.
"You are tired, You are sleepy. Love..." her Mother told her.
"Tu lassus, somnolentus estis vos...."
Matilda felt sleepy, she was closing her eyes but was still holding the orb.
Morganna called a chant, and Golden lit words enveloped her face, hands, and arms.
"ut terra alliges duplicia vos
et vestra essentia dispergat in tenues caeli"
Then a big golden bubble of gold orbs enveloped the black orb.
Matildas eyes already closed because of the spell, then she fell, she let go of the orb but thankfully they all have inhuman speed, Mortimer Caught her, while Morgana caught the orb, she held it in her hands but it was too heavy, a small lacerations started to form on her face and her hands and clothes,
something her husband has not seen in a long time
"Morgana?!" he uttered in concern as if to ask if she's okay.
"Leave me be." She commanded.
She grabbed a black wand inside her coat pocket, this was the first time in a few hundred years, he saw her use it.
Mortimer was worried but trusted her well enough to know that this was just a hiccup.
she pointed it to the black orb.
The black orb exploded violently into small tiny black flecks but luckily it was contained in the golden orb that Morgana used to bind it but there was still force and impact, it had wounded her and made some fresh wounds and scratches ripping the flesh on her face and hand, and her wounds bled, and it also catapulted everyone and everything from afar.
Except for Mr. Strange, that was able to turn his back but, he felt the impact on his back, Lupus was thrown into a three but had quick reflexes and was able to hold on to the three, and hid behind it, luckily the Maurelles were far back and were hiding behind an old tree, but they felt the force like strong hot wind passing through them, some of the trees were shaken and wounding its trunks, burning some of the leaves, shaking everything even the rocks that were perfectly still rolled around as if it was as light as a pebble.
Slowly the tiny orbs disappeared.
Morgana was gasping for breath, it made her tired, but her wounds started to heal but the blood dried up, Mortimer checked Matilda and laid her on the ground and seeing she was breathing and her eyes started to open, smiled and scratched her cheek, then made a faint grin chuckle "You'll do fine."
Although Matilda was bleeding profusely it didn't bother, Mr. Strange since it was family blood, family blood gave off a different smell, it was like smelling his own blood, which did not hunger him, he looked back and her wife was tired but smiling, and then he came to her aid.
He was slightly worried, but she trusted that she was okay, his action showed more of a sweet gesture for her "Are you okay?" he asked, and touched his cheek,
"Of course." Morgana Smiled. "Always."
"Your hair." Some of Morgana's hair specifically the front sides changed into white.
"Oh look at that, new hairstyle." Morgana retorted.
Then he hugged her.
"Ew, disgusting... get a room" Matilda cracked.
Lupus also making a gross face.
Then making a painful groan, as her wounds started closing slowly.
It was healing slowly, so Mr. Strange made her way to Matilda and He bit his wrist, and it punctured his skin, blood was on his mouth, and now gushing from his wrist, he let the blood drip on Matildas shoulders where the punctured wound was, and it started healing faster, until there was only dried blood left.
Her body wasn't fully recovered, not from the wounds from the tree creatures, but the from the fire of the lord of nightmares, it was a different kind of magic, old magic, it stayed on your skin for a long time, and it was searing, had they been ordinary people, the wound would've stayed for months, or even caused death, but since they were not ordinary at all, It only left pain, the kind of body ache that you get from fever. Matilda had it all over, her body, Morgana felt it more so, and Mortimer, felt it in his back.
It left a very dark feeling for everyone.
They heard a muffled sound, it was Myrka Drummond scarred and wounded from the impact, was trying to fidget her way out of the tree people, the tree people had empty wooden faces but even they were annoyed and tried to restrain her.
The look of annoyance in her eyes was so evident.
"What should we do with her?" Mortimer asked Morgana.
"We will deal with her in our council, "Alfrigg Maurelle declared.
tagging along with his family behind him.
"I say we kill her..."Lupus voiced out.
"Lupus... mind your manners..." Mortimer instructed.
Then lupus made a sad face and hugged her mum from behind.
"Are you okay, mummy?"
"Yes, I am love.." Morgana replied cupping his chin.
Elga Maurelle kneeled, next to Matilda, teary-eyed, "You, our family, owes you a huge debt of gratitude, you have saved our daughter, I would not have known what I would have done if anything were to happen to her. Thank you, she planted a kiss on Matildas, forehead.
Although annoyed she made a weird face, but when Elga looked at her she just smiled awkwardly, as if to say, no problem.
Then she looked back at Kalen. "Oy, you heard that you owe me, making a mischievous face. hehehe."
Then everyone smiled.
"Yeah, yeah..."
Then Alfrigg spoke," Your family is always welcome in our house if you need shelter, it is yours. If you need any help, then we will aid you. This is our oath to you."
"Are you sure? we take oaths very seriously, It may not always be of a friendly favor?." Morgana quipped, but deep inside everyone knew she was serious, The Strange, always takes oaths and agreement seriously, it is because they know that allies are important, they know that in the art of war, you cannot win things on your own. They knew that although they are a strong family, there is always strength in numbers, but most importantly honest connections are very important.
Allies that can be trusted, are people that can save your life, this was not a war, but they have been through many things, that they understood the power of one oath and that there is power in a loving coven, strength in a clan of vampires that treated each other like family, and that a pack of wolves can accomplish many things if they trusted each other.
Alfrigg noticed the weight of the question and looked back at her wife. and her wife agreed without question.
"Yes, this is a promise. No, a pact." He handed out his hand.
And Mortimer Strange shook it and looked at Alfrigg in agreement.
"We would also be grateful if you would not mention us in whatever council, your going to." Mortimer asserted.
"Of course... your family will be kept a secret if you wish."
"Thank you," Mortimer replied.
"No, Thank you..." Elga uttered while looking at Mr. Strange and Mrs. Strange. Elga hugged, Mrs. Strange.
There was a brief silence then Nissa woke up.
"Mummy, where are we?"
Scene 19
Mr. Strange and Mrs. Strange were seated at the dining table, Mr. Strange reading a newspaper while Mrs. strange was reading a book.
Lupus was eating his steak and Sullivan was serving more food. Footsteps were heard going down the stairs.
It was Matilda, she was still feeling a bit weak,
"Took you long enough.."
"How long was I sleeping?" Matilda asked.
"3 days you idiot hahahaha" Lupus quipped.
Lupus and the twins laughed.
"Why are you laughing?" Matilda asked this is when her mother looked up, "You seem to have something on your face dear."
Matilda disappeared for a few seconds to look at her face in the mirror and found that there were things drawn on her face, one of them was a mustache.
"Lupuuuus! You're dead!!!!!!"
Then ran after Lupus and tried to strangle Lupus, Mrs. Strange then waved her finger.
"Ah, ah, ah." as if to say no.
Matilda was now floating immobile in the air, as if there were no gravity while she tried to reach for Lupus, "Mum, ah!?" she violently opposed.
"Take your crystal baths first, to cleanse yourself of magic, its already prepared for you in your tub," Morgana was now controlling her and she was now floating back upstairs."
To which Lupus teased her more, "See you later Matilda.. if you can fiiiind meee hahahahaha" Lupus laughed.
Matilda grew angrier "Argh!!!!!"
"Lupus! stop it," Morgana ordered.
Then lupus made a face.
Then Matilda stopped moving mid-air
"Morgana walked in front of the stairs removed her glasses and Matilda now floating, and was upside down, playing with her positions.
"Yes, mum.?"
"You must not do that again.?" And she looked at her sternly waiting for an answer.
"I'm sorry."
"Good, now take your bath."
"What happened to Myrka.?" Matilda asked in a serious tone.
"According to Elga, She will be put to death.
"Because she ate people?."
"That and she was not too careful, that it risked the community being discovered."
"I reckon her family is pissed, but they don't know it was us. if they found out..."
Mortimer raised his eyes from his newspaper.
"Take your bath Matilda, your mother already took care of that,"
Morgana made an I told you face.
and Matilda continued floating upstairs.
Scene 20
Matilda was now taking her bath, and playing with bubbles, glowing crystals were submerged in the water, she had her headset on and was listening to metal music but was pensive.
a vinyl record was playing in the background.
The family hung out at the dining table and then after eating, Lupus declared "Going out..."
The twins started to crawl out of their chairs and play.
Sullivan was in his room, bobbing his head to the vinyl record.
Mena, was brushing her hair and looking in the mirror.
Scene 21
An extremely large hall made of grey walls, huge stained glass windows with colorful designs of elves and their history surrounded the place, it looked ethereal and the light was passing through the windows and reflecting on everything, gold accents can be seen on each of the corners supporting the high court table for the council. In each corners, there were trees, old trees, and butterflies thats seem to support the corners of the hall. This council was not the end-all and be-all, it was only the council for elves and fairies and forest creatures.
There were four very serious people sitting there, they did not look young or old, they looked wise beyond their years, they had white-bluish hair because of the reflection of the window very soft and delicate features for the ladies and strong sharp handsome features for the men, one of them was wearing a gold crown.
"Myrka Drummond...-o in huldra lie"
/*Myrka Drummond of the huldra race*/
Myrka sitting in the middle, hands bound by leaves and vines as well as feet, she was heavily guarded by tree creatures. however something was different about her, her mouth was stitched together and she tried to speak but she couldn't.
Alfriggs and Elga Maurelle a little bit far off behind her.
The head council started speaking.
"-lda crumguru -o matië firya a yo raxe -Ima mar -o návë túvima
*be na i sanyë carina bui mín núr a exa onna cin indo n- manda vanda host ennin. "
You are guilty of eating humans
and risk our world being discovered,
In accordance to the laws made by our race and other creatures you will be imprisoned for 100 years.*
Myrkas muffled screamed can be heard, as she tried to escape from her restraints.
While the Maurelles looked at each other in shock.
"The Strange will not like, this..."
The Maurelles, although pained, by what had happened were extremely forgiving creatures.
"Just by judging from the boy, we have to tell them differently, or they will hunt her..." Alfrigg informed his wife.
"nányë brigol na rac -ita estel.*" Elga confessed
/I am afraid to break their trust*/
"nalmë ala rac qe estel, rather it is a concern that they will be in danger, in case they tried to find her." Alfrigg disclosed.
/*we are not breaking any trust*/
"hanya*" Elga agreed.
Scene 22
He heard someone, a woman was calling her.
How strange, there was no one there.
Marius has just come out of the pub and finished a session of the night drinking, very heavy drinking.
He smelt of vodka and cigarette.
He already put out his keys and was on his way to his car, struggling to keep his balance, he was fidgeting with his keys and wanted to put it in the cars lock to open it, when a night patrol, appeared out of nowhere crossed his hands across his chest and menacingly looked at Marius, and said: "Are you really gonna do that you alkiz?"
So he put his keys back in his pants pocket, made an awkward smile, and continued walking.
Marius continued walking in the stony pathway that led to the forest, he thought, "Well there is a short cut, here..."
There was a short cut in a beaten-down path that he always takes in the morning when he comes home from work.
It's was a little bit darker today, but he was sure that he can find his way.
He was halfway through when someone started calling his name.
Her voice was gentle and sweet, he looked for it.
It was enthralling and heavenly....
He started to walk deeper and deeper into the forest,
It was a beautiful woman, her skin was translucent rather glowing under the light of the moon ...
Her voice was like butter sliding down his skin, he couldn't help but close his eyes, whenever she called on him.
She was beautiful.
That's all that he could think about.
gently she traced her fingers on his face.
she cupped his face and kissed his neck and by now Marius was just dying of euphoria, and then she bit his neck and ravaged it, until all the blood spurt and gushing vehemently out of his neck and then she punctured his stomach with her hands like knife cutting butter, gripping his guts and forcing it out of his body and right then, he lost his consciousness until he no longer can stand up on his own and was just bleeding profusely. He laid pallid and lifeless on the ground, her long brown hair gently falling on his skin as she continued to eat what was left of him. The hallow on her back started to close.
*We can hear subdued eating sounds in the background*
*mischievous rock music playing*
Scene 23
Matilda found her mother in the library, looking at a mirror and her right hand was glowing, yellow.
She watched, Myrka being judged.
"They aren't going to kill her?" Matilda asked.
"No. I don't think so."
"You implanted a tracking spell on Elga."
flashback to Elga hugging Morgana. Morgana has placed a very light tracking spell, her hands glowed yellow on Elgas back.
"Mother, you got to the forest real quick by teleporting.
how does one get that power again?"
Morgana felt the gravity of the question and looked down, for a few seconds, and then answered it.
"By birth or by sacrificing, something powerful."
She had understood, that it was not often that they can have this kind of opportunity, and that Matilda was going to try to do it on her own, and she would rather be there to guide her properly.
Myrka was trying to scream in her cell, her hands and feet were bounded, but it was all muffled since her mouth was stitched. She was crying and pissed and planning of all the bad things she was going to do to the Strange Family.
One grown-up feet showed out of nowhere.
There was some glowing blue light in the background.
Then another set of feet, much smaller settled on the floor.
"Hello, Myrka. The Elves have been nice to you.
Much too nice." Morgana muttered, she took a step back.
Myrka tried to scream and kneeled and begged as if to say no.
"Do it quickly."
Matilda circled around Myrka, and she followed her with her eyes, asking what are you doing? but she couldn't be heard nor understood.
she used her wand to form a Magic circle.
she whispered a chant.
"Gud ef gáttir
styrk ég
ég gef þér þetta tilboð"
Myrka kept crying. She was kneeling, and Matilda pulled her hair to make her kneel upright.
"Ssshh, Myrka, Everythings gonna be okay."
Then Matilda Slit Myrka's throat with an Athame.
She convulsed as the blood gushed out of her throat it spilled all over her clothes and she fell on the floor and the blood poured out even more as it made its way through the lines of the magic circle, it glowed blue and showed the sign of the sun, and moon a dodekagram with different symbols.
It glowed bright and summoned twelve portals.
She looked at Morgana.
"Close the portals," Morgana ordered.
As she waved her hands. It became much smaller ane became light blue orbs that went to her arms and then became symbols that lit up in light blue as it sunk on her skin and then disappeared.
Until each one is closed.
"Let's go home."
There was a blue portal, they both stepped inside.
Myrka's eyes were wide open, she was no longer convulsing, nor in pain.
There was only silence.
Preview for the next Chapter.
We see Mena brushing her hair, in front of an old victorian vanity mirror in her room.
Her room was designed like she was living in the 1970s, mustard, navy colors and old rose in her bed pillows and cushions, and her furniture casings were of old antique brown wood.
Her eyes were empty, She seems different, strange, she wasn't herself, she was all made up, and brushing and brushing and brushing her hair and when she was done she placed her brush on the table and we pan in on her face and her eyes widened and she tried, to force a smile, a big eery demon smile, uncomfortable, big, and empty, it looks untrustworthy but most of all hungry.
* Mischievous rock music continues to play in the background*
*End Scene*
Artist Name Matilda Sparrow
All rights reserved. Sy 2020.
<br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">The Strange Family Values The Fairy Eater</span> by is licensed under a .<br />Based on a work at .<br />Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at .
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