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gynecologistjhotwara · 15 days ago
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Dr Manisha Dadhich is the top gynecologist in Jaipur with hands-on experience and expertise in dealing with all types of obstetrics and gynecological cases. She is an expert laparoscopic surgeon in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. She diligently deals with intriguing, challenging and complex gynecologic and obstetric health issues of women with the utmost care and performs intricate laparoscopic surgeries and other complex surgical procedures with profound dexterity. Dr. Manisha is a renowned Gynecologist and Laparoscopic surgeon and strongly believes in Evidence-Based Practice. We provide comprehensive health care for women for all ages from adolescence, puberty, reproductive age group to menopause. # Fee- 300 Rs.
👨‍⚕️ Dr. Manisha Dadhich
Location:- Dr. Manisha Dadhich- Cosmo Gynecologist in Jaipur, Infertility Specialist, Hymenoplasty, Labiaplasty, vaginoplasty in Jaipur · A K Diagnostic, Kanha Plaza, Kalwar Rd, near Parshavnath Jain Mandir, Mansarover Colony, New Colony, Jhotwara, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302012, India
🌟 Infertility specialist in Jhotwara Jaipur
🌟 Best Pregnancy Specialist In Jhotwara Jaipur
🌟 Best Gynecologist in Jhotwara Jaipur
🌟 Best Cosmo Gynecology in jhotwara jaipur
#InfertilitySpecialist #PregnancyAfter35 #BestPregnancySpecialist #GynecologyCare #PregnancyRisks #AdvancedMaternalAge #PregnancyCare #BestGynecologist #Cosmetology #Femilift #VaginalHealth #Hymenoplasty #Labiaplasty #NonSurgicalTreatment #VaginalTightening #PregnancyDoctor #CosmoGynecology #InfertilityTreatment #PregnancySpecialist #PregnancyInducedHypertension #DownSyndrome #PrenatalCare #PregnancyCare #HighRiskPregnancy #PrenatalHealth #HealthyPregnancy #GestationalDiabetes #PregnancyComplications #PreeclampsiaAwareness #MomToBe #PregnancyWellness #BabyBump #MotherhoodJourney #MiscarriageAwareness #StillbirthSupport #MaternityCare #PregnancyHealth #PregnancyMonitoring #PrenatalCheckup #SafeMotherhood #PrematureBaby #EctopicPregnancy #PregnancyRisks #PregnancyProblems #HealthyMomHealthyBaby #PregnancySupport #BirthComplications #PregnancyAwareness #WomenHealth #ExpectingMoms #PregnancyTips #MotherAndBaby
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preponias · 2 years ago
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santoshhospitals · 1 month ago
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Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication that every expecting mother should be aware of. Recognizing who is at risk and identifying the symptoms early can make all the difference. Ensure a safe pregnancy by staying informed and consulting with your healthcare provider.
Book your appointment today! Call us at +91 78279 81588.
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pyarababy · 7 months ago
During a second pregnancy, women may face some unique challenges, which can include:
1. Increased Fatigue: Caring for the first child while being pregnant can be exhausting, leading to more fatigue than during the first pregnancy.
2. Physical Discomfort: The body may experience aches, pains, and more noticeable Braxton Hicks contractions earlier due to muscle memory from the first pregnancy.
3. Emotional Stress: Balancing the needs of the first child with the demands of pregnancy can lead to emotional strain.
4. Faster Showing: The belly may show earlier due to stretched abdominal muscles from the first pregnancy.
5. Complications: Some women may experience higher risks of conditions like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, particularly if they had these issues during the first pregnancy.
6. Less Time for Rest: Unlike the first pregnancy, where rest and relaxation were easier to find, managing a toddler or young child can reduce downtime.
It's important for women to get adequate support, prioritize self-care, and consult with their healthcare provider to manage these challenges.
Follow us for more tips
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genova2021 · 1 year ago
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Salud cardíaca después de la preeclampsia, el síndrome HELLP y la eclampsia.
Las mujeres que han tenido preeclampsia tienen de 3 a 4 veces más riesgo de presión arterial alta y el doble de riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca y accidente cerebrovascular. También tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes.
Para las mujeres que tuvieron preeclampsia y dieron a luz prematuramente, tuvieron bebés con bajo peso al nacer o sufrieron de preeclampsia grave más de una vez, el riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca puede ser aún mayor. Si bien aún se desconoce si el riesgo es causado por la preeclampsia o si la mujer ya estaba predispuesta, estos riesgos surgen por primera vez en los años posteriores a un embarazo complicado. Aunque esto puede parecer desalentador, una amplia investigación muestra que hay muchas maneras para que las mujeres protejan su salud cardíaca y la de sus familias.
Esta investigación no significa que definitivamente desarrollará problemas cardíacos si tuvo preeclampsia, pero para algunas mujeres, el embarazo puede servir como una señal de advertencia temprana para futuras enfermedades cardíacas.
Formas de reducir el riesgo:
-Hable con su proveedor sobre su historial de embarazo
-Realizar actividad física adecuada (por ejemplo, caminar 30 minutos cinco veces a la semana y hacer ejercicios de fortalecimiento muscular dos o más veces a la semana)
-Llevar una dieta saludable para el corazón
-Mantener/llegar a un peso saludable
-Si fuma, deje de hacerlo
-Conozca sus antecedentes de salud familiares (si tiene antecedentes de enfermedades cardíacas o presión arterial alta, es más probable que los tenga más adelante que aquellos que no los tienen)
-Conozca sus números (presión arterial, colesterol, niveles de azúcar en la sangre)
La relación entre la preeclampsia y la enfermedad cardíaca aún no se conoce bien entre la población general. Siéntase libre de compartir nuestros recursos y página web para comenzar la conversación con sus proveedores.
#preeclampsia #preeclampsiaawareness #preeclampsiafoundation #preeclampsiaresearch #hellpsyndrome #hellpsyndromeawareness #hellpsyndromesurvivor #eclampsia #eclampsiaawareness #eclampsiasurvivor #maternalhealth #pregnancy #postpartum #highriskpregnancy #postpartumpreeclampsia #postpartumpreeclampsiaawareness #postpartumpreeclampsiasurvivor #laboranddelivery #labornurse #maternalnurse #obgyn #hearthealth #HeartMonth #AmericanHearthMonth
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hipernikao · 1 year ago
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La preeclampsia y otros trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo pueden ser enfermedades devastadoras que empeoran por retrasos en el diagnóstico o el tratamiento, afectando gravemente o incluso matando tanto a las mujeres como a sus bebés antes, durante o después del parto.
Más información: https://lnkd.in/di5sfyuA
#preeclampsia #preeclampsiaawareness #preeclampsiafoundation #preeclampsiaresearch #hellpsyndrome #hellpsyndromeawareness #hellpsyndromesurvivor #eclampsia #eclampsiaawareness #eclampsiasurvivor #maternalhealth #pregnancy #postpartum #highriskpregnancy #postpartumpreeclampsia #postpartumpreeclampsiaawareness #postpartumpreeclampsiasurvivor
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irishprematurebabies · 3 years ago
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For those who don't know, this is Olympian Allyson Felix. As you can imagine she is an elite athlete in peak physical condition. When pregnant she developed pre eclampsia and delivered her baby at 32 weeks. There are so many variables in pregnancy that even an athlete can have a preterm birth. It's an interesting article and definitely worth a quick read. #preeclampsia #preeclampsiaawareness # https://www.thelist.com/971926/olympian-allyson-felix-gets-candid-about-the-traumatic-birth-of-her-daughter/ #allysonfelix #pretermbaby #nicu #preterm #pretermlabor #pretermbirth #nicubaby #newborn #prematurebaby #preemie #baby #nicumom #preemiebaby #love #premature #pregnancy #niculife #preemiestrong #pregnant #premmiepower #neonatology #mummyblogger #nicumum #preemiebabies #premmiebaby #insta (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chcz7YKKSXU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coffeewithmom · 3 years ago
No greater sound than the beat of my baby girls heart. No better way to end week 37 than checking in on my greatest gift. 💞💞💞 This week was hard. Having #gestationalhypertension makes this whole journey scary and this week was a test of my endurance and courage as my BP took a turn but hearing her little heartbeat I know its all worth it. We almost at the finish line!!!! #pregnancy #thirdtrimester #contentcreatorsofinstagram #motherhoodcommunity #womenshealthcare #lifestyleblogger #preeclampsiaawareness #mentalhealthbloggers #motherhoodthroughinstagram #rainbowbaby #BabyGoodmanLoading #smileeveryday https://www.instagram.com/reel/CVGFyF4grhg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cabin-crochet-creations · 7 years ago
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I became a granny on October 9, 2017 because my daughter developed preeclampsia since I rescued her from Kentucky. Her blood pressure was so high, it's only by Gods grace that my daughter is still alive. So grateful. So Katerina had to be delivered 8 weeks early at 3 pounds 15 inches long by emergency caesarian section. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Congratulations Kaelyn and Chris 👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻 #granddaughter #preemie #preemiegrandbaby #3pounds #3 #32weekspregnant #preeclampsia #preeclampsiaawareness #helpssyndrome (at Centegra)
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thedoula · 6 years ago
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#preeclampsiaawareness #doulalife #educatingtheworld #knowingishalfthebattle (at North Charleston, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2woyFBEXz/?igshid=vyrort5efzas
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emmyk90 · 8 years ago
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My walking buddy! ❤️ #Promisewalk #preeclampsiaawareness (at Meadowbrook Park)
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hipernikao · 2 years ago
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Es importante que todos los involucrados en la experiencia #pregnancy y #postpartum conozcan los signos y síntomas de #preeclampsia. ¡La educación y el empoderamiento salvan vidas! Comparta este gráfico con sus amigos y familiares para transmitir la información y ayudar a salvar las vidas de las mamás y los bebés.
#PreeclampsiaAwarenessMonth #preeclampsiafacts #preeclampsia #preeclampsiafoundation #preeclampsiaawareness #preeclampsiasurvivor #hellpsyndrome #hellpsyndromeawareness #hellpsyndromesurvivor #eclampsia #eclampsiasurvivor #eclampsiaawareness
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