#Praetorian Golem
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angelicapocalypse · 2 months ago
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• All My Fave NPC Enemies & Bosses 🫣💖💕 •
• *Coughs* Also My Hear Me Outs *Coughs* 🙈 •
• I Know I'm Probably Gonna Get Some Reactions Out Of This- “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WHY DO YOU LIKE THEM?! YOU'RE CRAZY!” Yeah I Know I Am And I Know I Have A Problem For Liking These Hot Enemies, Okay 🤣 •
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rastoaster · 10 months ago
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Finally able to download the update and Im so happy genshin made these enemies, They're all so handsome and cute and i want to kiss all of them.
Also the music is so good, I could listen to it all day
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genshinimpactresources · 10 months ago
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Genshin Impact | Monster Icons
Legatus Golem
Praetorian Golem
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ottisbuns · 1 year ago
whos ur fav boss and/or ally/summon from ebf4 :3c
Ok so for context, I am currently doing an Epic difficulty playthrough, which colors my opinion on things a bit
I think my favorite boss is... either Crystal Golem or Rafflesia? The way Crystal Golem interacts with Elemental stuff is really interesting, but Rafflesia has very interesting minions in my opinion. Design wise I am not immune to the Praetorian though, and the Glitch is really fucking funny
Summon wise I like ??.@'?]-?e??255 because filling up the Limit Break bar is extremely powerful, especially if you just apply auto-revive beforehand, but I also really like the Slime Bunny because giving Matt Regenerate makes him basically fucking invincible with zero upkeep
My favorite character personality wise is Anna, but on a mechanical level Matt is currently hardcarrying me so I can't exactly talk ill about him. (He is strong enough that I can semi-reliably do Full Revenge Strats where I just let everyone else die and then solo things if it comes down to it. On Epic. It is insane.)
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emanation-aura · 3 months ago
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Oh my god, just kill me already, I can't take it anymore.
Sethos should use Statue of Marble and Brass, really. If we're already going to use a non-Sumeru boss that's vaguely nontopical, at least the Praetorian Golem thing parallels Deshret's dream and how the Temple of Silence formed to preserve the realms of his knowledge. This, again, ignoring release dates.
Other boss sins, speed round:
Chasca uses Tenebrous Papilla despite the fact a Qucusaurus boss is right there (Holawaqa Ngoubou), and also it literally has the Flamelord's Blessing of uncontrollable power and rampaging ferocity, which dovetails perfectly with Chasca's growth as a character. I mean, I guess her Ancient Name "Vuka" for 'Transcend' works with the Tenebrous Papilla as a being from beyond this world, or her ability to use 'multiple elements' by Anemo gun swirl, but only as a loose connection.
Actually, speaking of that, swap Chasca and Ororon (who uses Holawaqa Ngoubou). Whatever is going with Ororon's soul loosely fits with the Flamelord's Blessing/curse motif but fits better with the Tenebrous Papilla as a dark and mysterious (and possiblly misunderstood, just like Ororon) entity.
Rip Mualani, she deserves better theming then also being forced to use Holawaqa Ngoubou.
Wouldn't it be funny if Kachina used Tenebrous Papilla to represent how she had to fight the Abyss and die/come back to life in order to grow? hahahahahaha
Every day I wake up on this forsaken earth and remember that Baizhu and Kirara use Iniquitous Baptist boss drops and despair.
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Yes, 3.6, we needed a new abyss boss for plot reasons, I understand. Let's assign it to the doctor from Liyue and the Inazuman courier cat nekomata and never look at it again.
This is nearly as sinful as Alhaitham and Mika using Setekh Wenut materials, but I digress.
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thefirstknife · 2 years ago
In regards to whole uluran/cabal thing I would suggest reading the post by @allonsyjeni in regards to their thoughts on the matter
Thanks for sending this! Here's the link. I'm glad to hear another perspective!
I want to say that my involvement in this is because my Jewish friends have been incredibly uncomfortable with Destiny ever since the stuff from Chosen and when things were put together + combined with the name "Cabal." A lot of the times when they wanted to speak about it, they would get harassed online for it so I offered to speak in their stead since antisemitic harassment doesn't affect me. I'm glad to take the punch instead of them.
Most of these things separately would not be as strange to see, but together it raises eyebrows. I wanna leave the majority of the discussion to people who are actually Jewish, but I do already know that a lot of Jewish people are unhappy about this naming so ultimately, it would not affect anyone outside of people who would be made less upset if the word was dropped.
I'd like to point out a few things from the lore perspective. First, what the "Cabal" describes. So far we have not seen any indication that it just describes their ruling style. All Cabal rulers, some of which differ wildly, have called their people "Cabal." Calus largely abandoned conquest and war but still calls himself and his people "Cabal." The word is also used to refer to individuals of the species. If it were just a ruling style, then we would reasonably see a difference.
This COULD be just a thing to make in-game stuff more uniformed but even outside of gameplay elements, all Cabal regardless of affiliation or status or rank are called the same. The name of the military leaders ruling prior to Calus was the Praetorate. Calus overthrew them to take reign as the Emperor. Despite all of these disagreements and differences in ruling, they all call themselves "Cabal."
OP also pointed out that they are heavily based on Ancient Rome. Which is true! It's something I am very familiar with, having a master's degree on this topic. It's also why it's extra strange to me that they are called "Cabal." Everything else they have has Ancient Roman terminology; centurions, legions, phalanxes, praetorians, gladiators. Their whole culture is based on Ancient Rome with conquest and war and integrating conquered species into the Empire, assimilating them and giving them citizenships... It's all a very clear reference.
So why "Cabal"? It is not in any way related to Ancient Rome or anything from antiquity. There's also other influences from other cultures for them as well! But never anything Jewish. Naming them "Cabal" makes literally zero sense. Which is exactly why it raises eyebrows for me and others, when paired with other stuff. Nothing else about them is Jewish, so why that name and random bits and pieces? Why "golem" out of nowhere? The guy is called Basilius! It originated from Greek and was adapted by the Romans! It's always been very strange to me, even outside of the context of antisemitism.
I also want to touch on "shadows" because that only works in context of Calus. Calus was exiled and brought with him his loyalists, aka people who still believe he is the one true Emperor. Calus has also always been preparing to one day return and rule the Cabal again. The "shadows" in this context absolutely evoke an idea that Calus is the real ruler, ruling in secrecy from the sides, like a "shadow government" until he is put back into his rightful place again. Which is an antisemitic conspiracy.
The association of the two words, "shadow" and "cabal" is directly linked to antisemitism. His Shadows are explicitly here to help Calus re-establish his reign again and they're all a part of his elite council. The imagery involved here is not subtle. Furthermore, the Shadows are all parts of other species, which evokes another troubling imagery of "the elite members of every group are in on this." The idea is that there are members of every species that believe in the true Emperor Calus, who want to help him become the ruler again. Similarly, the problem with "Shadow Legion" is the "Shadow" part.
Obviously, this may have been just a coincidence. It's really hard to prove what was the thought process behind this, as that is the whole point of dogwhistles. It can easily be explained with something else, leaving only those "in on it" to understand what it truly means. It definitely doesn't remove the fact that some people see it and have a visceral reaction to the implications.
Other details mentioned are all stuff that can be easily explained otherwise, as OP pointed out. I definitely agree on that which is also why I don't want to assume malice on Bungie's part. Unfortunately, the word "cabal" is pretty clear. Obviously it has a more benign possible meaning, but as we both said, it's why it's a dogwhistle. The origin of the word and the most common usage is very explicitly antisemitic, even when people don't know where it came from. And the situation irl currently is such that I cannot see that word and not flinch. It's incredibly difficult to remove the association and think of "cabal" as just my silly little space rhinos.
But I do want to show this perspective as well and ask others to see that as well. And I especially invite other Jewish people to weigh in on it because it primarily affects them. My personal opinion is always that if there's a group that is upset by something and the rest of us are indifferent to it, we should act on the behalf those who are upset.
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nemesisadrastia · 8 years ago
This is a list of 800+ character titles I’ll be continuously updating. The current number of titles will be below the cut, so I don’t have to chase after different version of this. This list is going to be one of unusual titles that you won’t really find in any other masterlist (at least, not any that I’ve seen around), so if you need something more descriptive and unique to use for your characters or your RPG, I’m sure this is a good list for you.
CURRENT TITLE COUNT: 908 [since 09/08/18]
The Abdicator
The Abhorrent
The Abomination
The Abrasive
The Accommodator
The Ace
The Achiever
The Acidic
The Acolyte
The Acrobat
The Activist
The Adherent
The Admiral
The Adventurer
The Adviser
The Advocate
The Afflicted
The Ageless
The Agent
The Aggressor
The Agitator
The Alchemist
The Almighty
The Alpha Wolf
The Altruist
The Amateur
The Ambassador
The Ambitious
The Ambulatory
The Analyser
The Analyst
The Anarchist
The Angel
The Annihilator
The Anointed
The Anointer
The Antagonist
The Anti-Hero
The Apollo
The Apothecary
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The Architect
The Archivist
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The Artful
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The Ascendant
The Ascended
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The Avenger
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The Baron
The Bastion
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The Beast
The Beastly
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The Beneficiary
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The Blazing Light
The Blessing
The Blight
The Blighted
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The Charmer
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The Chef
The Chief
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The Chosen
The Cipher
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The Classifier
The Cleaner
The Clear-Sighted
The Cleric
The Clever
The Clumsy
The Cold-Blooded
The Collaborator
The Collector
The Colossus
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The Commando
The Committed
The Companion
The Competent
The Competitor
The Compiler
The Composer
The Comprehended
The Condemned
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The Confounder
The Confused
The Connoisseur
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The Conscience
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The Corrupted
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The Defiled
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The Demon
The Dependable
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The Despot
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The Determined
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The Developer
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The Distractor
The Doctor
The Dominator
The Dragon
The Drake
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The Drifter
The Druid
The Drunkard
The Duelist
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The Dutiful
The Dynamo
The Eager
The Eagle
The Earl
The Eccentric
The Economist
The Efficient
The Effigy
The Ego
The Elder
The Elitist
The Elusive
The Emissary
The Emotionless
The Empath
The Emperor
The Enchantress
The Encyclopedia
The Enduring
The Enemy
The Enforcer
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The Enterprising
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The Envoy
The Epicure
The Equaliser
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The Erratic
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The Exalted
The Examiner
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The Executor
The Exile
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The Extinguisher
The Facilitator
The Faithful
The Fallen
The Familiar
The Famous
The Fanatic
The Fashionista
The Fatebreaker
The Fearless
The Femme Fatale
The Fencer
The Fever
The Fiend
The Fierce
The Fighter
The Firebird
The Firebrand
The Firefly
The Firehawk
The Fist
The Fixer
The Flameseeker
The Flawless
The Fleet-Footed
The Fool
The Footpad
The Forger
The Forgotten
The Founder
The Fox
The Fraud
The Freelancer
The Frozen
The Furious
The Fury
The Gargoyle
The Gatecrasher
The Gatekeeper
The General
The Generous
The Genius
The Gentry
The Genuine
The Ghost
The Gifted
The Giver
The Gladiator
The Gladiatrix
The Glitch
The Glutton
The Godlike
The Golden Child
The Golem
The Good Samaritan
The Gouger
The Governor
The Great
The Grenadier
The Grifter
The Grunt
The Guardian
The Gullible
The Gunfighter
The Gunner
The Gunslinger
The Hacker
The Halcyon
The Hallowed
The Hammer
The Harbinger
The Hard-Boiled
The Hard-Hearted
The Harlequin
The Healer
The Heart
The Heartless
The Heir
The Hellequin
The Hellhound
The Hellion
The Helmsman
The Helper
The Herald
The Herbalist
The Herder
The Hermit
The Hessian
The Highlander
The Hiker
The Hipster
The Hired Gun
The Hoarder
The Hologram
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The Honourable
The Honoured
The Hopeful
The Howitzer
The Humane
The Hunter
The Huntsman
The Hurricane
The Hypocrite
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The Illusion
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The Instrument
The Intelligent
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The Intrepid
The Intriguing
The Inventive
The Inventor
The Investigator
The Invisible
The Irrational
The Jackal
The Jaguar
The Jester
The Judge
The Justiciar
The Keeper
The Killer
The Killing Machine
The Kin
The Kind-Hearted
The King
The Kingmaker
The Knife Thrower
The Knight
The Known
The Landowner
The Landsman
The Lawbringer
The Lawful
The Leader
The Leech
The Legate
The Legend
The Legendary
The Legionnaire
The Leviathan
The Liability
The Liar
The Liberator
The Librarian
The Liege
The Lieutenant
The Lifeguard
The Linguist
The Living Myth
The Logician
The Logistician
The Lone Wolf
The Lonesome
The Loose Cannon
The Lost
The Loyal
The Loyalist
The Lucky
The Luminous
The Lurker
The Lustful
The Machine
The Magician
The Magnanimous
The Magnate
The Magnificent
The Magus
The Maiden
The Majestic
The Malevolent
The Manipulator
The Marathoner
The Marauder
The Marine
The Marksman
The Marquis
The Mass Murderer
The Master
The Masterful
The Mastermind
The Matriarch
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The Mauler
The Maverick
The Maxim
The Meat
The Mech
The Mechanic
The Mediator
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The Medium
The Megalomaniac
The Menace
The Mentor
The Mercenary
The Merchant
The Merciless
The Mermaid
The Mimic
The Mindless
The Miscreant
The Mistral
The Mistress
The Misunderstood
The Mobiliser
The Mole
The Moneymaker
The Monk
The Monster
The Monstrosity
The Mooch
The Mote
The Motivator
The Mountebank
The Muddled
The Naturalist
The Navigator
The Neutral
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The Newcomer
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The Ninja
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The Notorious
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The Nuisance
The Nurturer
The Obliterator
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The Occultist
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The Offworlder
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The Omnipotent
The One
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The Orator
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The Silent Shadow
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yes-i-really · 9 months ago
yeah there's. a lot going on back there
Surtalogi's identity is a lot more vague, I have a few ideas but nothing strong yet
but his powers are slightly easier
Surtalogi is the name of a sword (and also a fire?) from Norse mythology. it means "Surtr's flame", Surtr being the weapon's owner and a fire giant, who's own name means 'black', cause his skin is the color of ash
so Surtalogi essentially means "flame of the ash skinned", which is what Arlecchino's curse is. I therefore believe he has the same (or at least a similar) curse
once again in the 4.7 trailer, we see some purple smoke transforming a room to look different, then becoming a Praetorian Golem (Remurian soldier)
had the smoke been red, it would basically identical to the after-images created by Arlecchino's curse (as seen in her demo). so I wouldn't be surprised if The Foul himself killed that Golem the first time around
there is like. one in game poem book that claims someone connected to the Crimson Moon killed Remus. absolutely no evidence for this, it probably didn't happen
but enough people thought it did for it to still be in Fontaine's cultural memory today so some form of Crimson Moon involvement can be assumed
I think Clorinde's master might be Skirk
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