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inspiritsafety · 1 month ago
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Education is the most powerful tool to change the world. On this International Day of Education, let’s celebrate the power of knowledge and strive for a brighter future for everyone! Happy International Day of Education! 📖🎓
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solidcadinstituite · 1 month ago
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Happy International Day of Education! 📖🎓 May we all continue to learn, grow, and make the world a better place through the gift of knowledge.
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kids-worldfun · 2 years ago
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Unleashing the Power of Education: Illuminating Pathways to Success. Education has always been a driving force behind personal growth and societal progress. It empowers individuals to unlock their full potential.
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steadystarlightcowboy · 5 months ago
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To Unlock the World Education is Key: Dr. Nowhera Shaik's Message on World Students' Day
As we celebrate World Students' Day, it's crucial to remember that education is the key to unlocking the world's potential. Dr. Nowhera Shaik, Founder and CEO of the Heera Group of Companies, emphasizes this powerful message: "To unlock the world, education is key." This blog post explores the significance of education as a "Passport to Freedom" and highlights the importance of World Students' Day. #studentsday #educationmatters #passporttofreedom #drnoweherashaik #heeragroup #learningisfun #knowledgeispower #studentempowerment #globalunderstanding #lifelonglearning #educationalopportunities #academicsuccess #inspiringstudents #powerofeducation #studentcelebration #worldofpossibilities #educationaltransformation #studentmotivation #educationaljourney #unlockingpotential
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parkshala · 1 year ago
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#InternationalLiteracyDay2023 !
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#LiteracyForAll #EducationMatters #Parkshala #ngo #ngosofindia #powerofeducation #literacyrate #indianeducationsystem #InternationalLiteracyDay2023
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tutorialbee · 2 years ago
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The Power of Education Must Never Be Underestimated. The Goodness of Education Must Never Be Ignored. A Very Happy National Education Day.
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marthauriarte · 4 years ago
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Participating in another marvelous webinar: Campus Well-Being During a Continuing Higher ed is in a seemingly constant state of flux--and along with it, the lives of students, faculty, and staff. Covid-19 outbreaks on college campuses reopened for classes this fall have led to a chaotic start to the semester, with some institutions returning to a fully virtual platform and others enacting new restrictions for student activities. Increasing uncertainty, abrupt changes, and the lasting effects of the unexpected shutdown last spring are causing concerns for the well-being of faculty and students alike. To examine this essential issue facing higher ed institutions, The Chronicle brings together a panel of experts to discuss what it will take to ensure that everyone on campus can thrive during these uncertain and incredibly challenging times. - How can college leaders respond to the uncertainty and sense of loss and isolation? - What resources and tools are campuses using to care for the well-being of their constituents? - What are the physical and psychological implications of the constant state of change? By registering for this forum, you agree to share the information below with The Chronicle and TimelyMD for marketing purposes. Our panel will include: - Stacia Alexander, Director, Paul Quinn College Mental Health Clinic - Monica Osburn, Executive Director, North Carolina State University Counseling Center - Corey Wallack, Executive Director, Health and Wellness, Syracuse University - Asia Wong, LCSW-BCAS, Director of Student Affairs, Student Health Services, Loyola University New Orleans View The Chronicle's privacy policy here: chronicle.com/privacypolicy #Opportunities2020 #jobmarkets #COVID19 #counseling #collegestudent #collegestudentsuccess #getinformed #Reeducate #powerofknowledge #powerofeducation https://www.instagram.com/p/CFz4lXfnXzsTgY2_aZ5MPf14ZR39G6jX_-IiLI0/?igshid=10y0ple2jy5r0
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sachhongesaresapne · 4 years ago
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#शिक्षा से बड़ा कोई धर्म नहीं! शिक्षा से हम अपने जीवन में हर कुछ पा सकते है जिसकी हमें चाह है,हमे अपने जीवन को शिक्षा से हर वक्त जोड़े रहना चाहिए।। #education #life #powerofeducation #motivation #inspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/CFAN7MgDJ65/?igshid=ml1eonyrjk5q
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Keep your standards high. #knowledgeispower #learnandgrow #selfrespect #powerofpositivity #powerofeducation #powerofmind #powerofthought #powerful #highstandards #selfdevelopment #personalgrowth #growthmindset #learnsomethingnew #keepyourstandardshigh #businesscoaching #businesstraining #businesscoach #mentorship #kavitharajeevkumar https://www.instagram.com/p/B60I2OUFJ7R/?igshid=95x2y53rsqwc
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malaariafilm · 6 years ago
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One of the things that always mesmerize me traveling #ghana is to see how communities decide to turn their own fade. This village had to built a new chapel but instead of just using it for services, the perish decided to offer the room for community activities. When the Muslim chief of the village learned about this decision he gave land to build the church. After they finished construction they recognized there are still many bricks left over, they built a school for all the children in the village. This community really sticks together, no matter what their differences might be. I wish the world would take this village as a role model. #malaariafilm #malaria #paludisme #paludismo #community #communitybuilding #onelove #togetherwearestronger #villagelife #village #selfempowerment #notimetowaste #rolemodel #peacefulworld #schoolbuilding #villagekids #betterfuture #africanchildren #powerofeducation #onlyafrica #faithhopelove #nomatterwhoyouare #handinhand #schoolphotos #pupil #nohatejustlove #betterworld #myownboss #madeinghana (hier: Volta Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz57mPVCz0g/?igshid=15jjuops2hqqs
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(original post)
As said by Malala Yousafzai, we should not underestimate the power of education. What if that child that just was taken out of school could have invented the cure for cancer? So many ideas that these children could have created will never be expressed if they remain illiterate. 
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peraltacolleges · 5 years ago
📗Take the first step - or click -🖱️towards the most personally empowering force in the world - an EDUCATION!🎓 ENROLL @laneycollege today at peralta.edu (Link in bio) .🤩 https://bit.ly/Peralta2020Enroll .✨ #PowerOfEducation 🦅Get some of that #LaneyBuilt 🦅 The #EagleVillage is behind YOU 🙌 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCrc88aBKmI/?igshid=9fn3ao4xzr4t
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parkshala · 2 years ago
#parkshala #ngo #ngosofindia #bookdistribution #books #educationmatters #educatethemyoung #powerofeducation #ngonoida #ngodelhi #inthistogether #usedbooks #notebooks
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quotes-positivelife-blog · 5 years ago
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This is our Quotes related page of Instagram. Here you can see Motivational Quotes, Quotes of people's, Deep Thinking and many more related posts. And you can also read our blog which includes a articles. Link in bio. https://readandthink11.blogspot.com So you can follow our page @quotes.positive_life @quotes.positive_life #instagram #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #inspirationdaily #inspirationquotesdaily #motivation #motivationalquotes #quotestagram #quotestolive #quotesforlifetime #quotesdaily #quotesforbusiness #quotes #quotestobetteryou #quotestobehappy #quotesforlife #successquotes #quotes🖋 #malalayusufzai #malalayusufzay #malalayousafzai #malalayousufzai #foundationmalaysia #malalafoundation #education #educational #powerofeducation #powerofeducation👍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPfl3pljfe/?igshid=2zb3y0hcx7bo
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runclaytonrun · 6 years ago
Congratulations to Michael David James II, a Port Towns Elementary School student with an interest in the field of #engineering. LEAP recognizes the importance of #mentorship in building future #leaders. Its involvement with the school is a great way to introduce students to what its LLC, Lawrence Executive Alliance of Professionals (LEAP), accomplishes, especially those who may be considering careers in #medicine and #STEM. #PortTownsElementary #BOLD #academicexcellence #collegebound #careerready #characterbuilding #success #futureleaders #goals #ambition #determination #leap4excellence #opportunities #missiondriven #servantleadership #LEAPFoundationDC #buildingbridges #powerofeducation #nostoppingthem #climbingtheladder #winning #leapllc   https://www.instagram.com/p/BzwEIdvhbXQ/?igshid=i0oh05i92ahj
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Read 1- 2 books a month. #entrepreneurlife #educationmatters #educateyourself #powerful #powerofeducation #readabook #readbooks #readbookseveryday #learnandgrow #learnnewthings #selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #entrepreneur #keytosuccess #entrepreneurship #businesstraining #buildyourconfidence #businesscoach #coursecreator #kavitharajeevkumar https://www.instagram.com/p/B6m2S4hl2LA/?igshid=bbtr6ougz2t5
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