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marvelousentrepreneurs · 4 years ago
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Earn Rs.3 lakhs plus ($5K to $10K) per month in less than 90 days doing what you love! The one program you need to turn your passion into a profitable online business. . . . . . . . . . Link in bio . . #kavitharajeevkumar #Womenmillionairemindset #womanceomindset #bossbabeceo #herincrediblemindset #femalemillionaire #igbusinesswomen #womanbosses #bossbusiness #womenhustlers #womenhustlers #bossbabemindset #bossbabelife #bossbabesquad #wifemomboss #girlbosshustle #girlbosstribe #thebossbabesociete #bossbabeiga #beyourownbossbabe #entrepreneurher #entrepreneurspirit #womenbusiness #womenwholead #womenbusiness #womeninspiration #womenentrepreneurship #womeninbusiness #womeninbiz #sucessfulwomen #savvybusinessowner (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGwcxFHjQ2J/?igshid=802rek9cmr9s
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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“Your daily habits determine if you will be rich, poor or stuck in the middle-class." The success habits will enable you to focus, every day, on pursuing success. Each good habit you add to your life will have a cumulative effect on your life. These habits are an investment in your individual success. Getting control of your habits is empowering. It gives you a sense of control over your life. Your new habits will not only put you on the path to success, they will also put you on the path to happiness. Your life will never be the same. #habits #changeyourhabits #changeyourmindset #changeyourfuture #changeisgood #changeyourperspective #changeyourlife #dailyhabits #positivehabits #goodhabits #businesstips #businesshabits #growyourbusiness #betteryourself #businesscoach #kavitharajeevkumar #training #coaching #businesstraining #businessinsights #freedomlifestyle #startonlinebusiness (at Kochi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_3mZ0rJGOc/?igshid=zoyue95jbwqq
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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In business, you're entangled in a web of stories that inadvertently affect all of your actions. In fact, you are constantly surrounded by stories. Stories needs humans, stories make us human. Stories are how ideas travel and how we form relationships and meaning. Are you telling your stories in your business? #entrepreneurlife #businessinsight #lifelessons #entrepreneur #businesscoach #successformula #businessstrategy #selling #sellyourskill #buildyourbusiness #freedomlifestyle #startonlinebusiness #onlinebusiness #businesstips #businesscoach #kavitharajeevkumar #training #coaching #community (at India, Kerala, Palakkad, Kollengode) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_w-gwRHgds/?igshid=gyalhclx5dk8
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Join us at Monday Mornings with Kavitha @ Marvelous Entrepreneurs Group! Link in the bio. #training #businesscoach #kavitharajeevkumar #solopreneur #entrepreneur #mentoring #coaching #entrepreneurlife #takemassiveaction #interviews #coaching #businessinsight #growyourbusiness #buildyourbusiness #incomestreams #freedomlifestyle #womenempowerment (at Ernakulam City, Kerala) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9of7iJFFAk/?igshid=5g9g5q0334rs
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Implementing fancy rules  does not drive away unequal pay gaps and the lack of job opportunities for women.  To help women actualize their entrepreneurial goals and promote them as leaders, mentoring programmes should adopt a more holistic approach wherein both personal and the professional aspects are taken care of. #entrepreneurlife #buildyourbusiness #businessinsight #businesscoach #womenhelpingwomen #womenempowerment #womanpreneur #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #workshop #kavitharajeevkumar #training https://www.instagram.com/p/B8vlBe0BAm7/?igshid=jieuu0jhn9g3
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Turn your Skill/Knowledge into Profitable Online Business Link in bio👆🏽 #buildyourbusiness #entrepreneur #launchyourbusiness #coursecreation #onlinebusiness #businesscoaching #businessinsight #businesscoach #kavitharajeevkumar #womenempowerment #womenhelpingwomen #womeninbusiness (at Kochi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8qbDpZlivo/?igshid=1vtv04gs3dbnf
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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High achievers understand the necessity of being intentional with every bit of the day. Having a clear and specific intention allows your energy to flow. I take time every morning to go over my goals because I truly believe that success is in your control. What habits do you practise everyday? #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #mindsetshift #businesscoaching #buildyourempire #businesstraining #coursecreation #coach #mentorship #kavitharajeevkumar (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8I29yalJQX/?igshid=1eaprrrgk4j36
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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The hurdles faced by women who have embraced entrepreneurship are vast and often very different than those experienced by their male counterparts. I made it to where I am through hard work and perseverance, but most importantly, I'm there. Don't conform yourself to a man's idea of what a leader should look like. #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #shepreneur #womanpreneur #challenges #femaleentrepreneur #growyourbusiness #perserverance #successtips #buildyourbusiness #iambadass #businesscoach #mentoring #kavitharajeevkumar #training https://www.instagram.com/p/B8BR1XXFQwj/?igshid=1i52lbailns0k
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Quite often we run into a problem that doesn’t seem to want to disappear. It sticks around longer than expected, and then manifests itself over and over again in a dozen different ways. How you choose to view a problem will directly influence how you deal with it. If you are able to search for the gift within that problem by looking within, you can use the problem to grow instead of being defeated by it. Sometimes our only problem is how we’re looking at the problem itself. Its easier said than done. How do you all see a recurring problem differently? #growthquotes #thinkpositive #growthmindset #thinkandgrowrich #powerofpositivity #learneveryday #mindfullness #goalsetting #elearningcompany #keytosuccess #kavitharajeevkumar #businesscoach (at Kochi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7C8YM2FpK6/?igshid=18yiws8t1yn90
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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When we want something, we can sometimes end up with a laser-like focus on that thing. Opportunities definitely fall into that category. It's important to remember that if one thing doesn't work out, we can get started on the next. If things aren't quite working out the way you'd hoped in one instance, just get ready for the next bus to come. A successful entrepreneur doesn’t invest in every opportunity that comes his way, but rather evaluates which one fits best with his business view and will eventually bring the best results. You don’t even have to wait for the next opportunity to just present itself; you can actually go out and make it happen. At Business Insight Trainings, we encourage you to take your boldness and initiative to a whole new level and try out as new business opportunities. There are many chances to come and you can even create some of them on your own. So keep dreaming, keep working, don’t be afraid to take risks, invest effort and passion, and success will be just around the corner. Create your own digital product and build your empire. We provide you all the guudance needed to launch your online business. Want to start your own profitable online business? #environment #workfromhome #earnmoneyonline #earnonline #workanywhere #workanytime #buildyourbusiness #buildyourempire #onlinebusiness #onlineecosystem #businessecosystem #businesscoaching #businesstraining #continuetogrow #coaching #training #keytosuccess #learning #kavitharajeevkumar (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7AuVRwFUJR/?igshid=1x8sochey496
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Stand out. You can do all kinds of things to be noticed, but many of them don't make a lasting impression. What if instead you could stand out in a crowded field of professionals and be noticed as the real entrepreneur, leader, talent that you are? Let people know that quality is a core value, that everything that you do you do with excellence. Leading with excellence prepares you to deliver high-quality work and makes you stand out as a professional. A passion for life attracts others to you. To stand out and inspire others, you first must be inspirational. I am grateful to learn that I keep inspiring people. I am travelling far beyond it. I am on a mission to help 100000 women follow the path to freedom lifestyle. What are you upto? #powerofthoughts #mindpower #attraction #buildyourbusiness #businesstraining #businesscoach #kavitharajeevkumar #truegrind #grind #unleashyourpotential (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B69p2rWl4b7/?igshid=1s64i5ihp7o99
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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At the end of the day, all that matters is love and memories. So, make sure you give it and make sure you make them.❤ Last year was a game changer for me. I know for sure that when I am going to look back at 2019 for the rest of my life, there had been moments of opportunities flowing to me. I am grateful for those life changing blessings that came to me. Looking forward to the next year with this new calling of my life, I can barely wait for the abundance coming to me! So grateful for this precious life and grateful for those who are part of it! When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears. #abundance #grateful #gratitude #family #support #love #kavitharajeevkumar https://www.instagram.com/p/B64kgk_l5I-/?igshid=q9mxe55j55zj
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Engaging learners in your online learning program is one of the keys to ensuring they learn effectively and get the most out of what they are doing. One of the most effective ways to make learners more engaged in what they are doing it to make it interactive. With interactive online learning experiences, learners have no option other than to get involved and take an active role in their learning process. I build my online courses to deliver high value, impacting them with longlasting changes, all the way making it highly interactive, stressfree and easy. Ready to learn how to create your content the interactive and effective way? Click the link in the bio. #coursecreation #businesstips #earnonline #sayyestosuccess #goalgetters #businesscoaching #businesscoach #marvelousentrepreneurs #freedomlifestyle #training #kavitharajeevkumar (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B61zYpqlyg7/?igshid=1xlqdsr13eh11
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Keep your standards high. #knowledgeispower #learnandgrow #selfrespect #powerofpositivity #powerofeducation #powerofmind #powerofthought #powerful #highstandards #selfdevelopment #personalgrowth #growthmindset #learnsomethingnew #keepyourstandardshigh #businesscoaching #businesstraining #businesscoach #mentorship #kavitharajeevkumar https://www.instagram.com/p/B60I2OUFJ7R/?igshid=95x2y53rsqwc
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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I just wanted you to know that what I teach is growing and impacting many people.  If you’re an individual with a skill, knowledge or experience that can bring an impact in somebody's life, then this virtual training will help you launch and grow your online business. Get moving on your profitable business journey and let us do it together! No more putting it off – now is the time to take action. Visit http://bit.ly/2rEBfkO #buildyourbusiness #infopreneur #businessinsight #launchyourbusiness #growyourbusiness #businesstraining #coaching #businesscoach #mentoring #kavitharajeevkumar (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uhq9jFcZ6/?igshid=t210yyj10r8b
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marvelousentrepreneurs · 5 years ago
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Many people want to change some aspect of their lives. Others wish to transform their lives by making significant and lasting changes. You have the Power to change your life at nay given point of time. Transforming your life involves going beyond the way you live now, co creating a better life for yourself. You can transform your life, if you truly desire to live differently. This ultimate checklist initiates a process that begins from within and results in significant changes in you and your life. Your better life can be your best life ever! Simply Follow the checklist day after day.... Transform to a life of your dreams. Grab this FREE Checklist - 52 Ways To Dramatically Transform Your Life http://bit.ly/2Q7xrSH #transform #transformation #change #freebie #freechecklist #checklist #liveyourbestlife #livebetter #transformyourlife #businesscoach #kavitharajeevkumar https://www.instagram.com/p/B6qKdywl-_8/?igshid=pusd15v4o7jm
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