#Power of Sale Jamaica
jamaicahomescom · 2 months
Understanding Mortgages and Land Ownership in Jamaica: A Comprehensive Guide
In the context of Jamaica, land ownership and real estate development are pivotal for economic growth and individual wealth accumulation. Mortgages play a crucial role in facilitating this process by providing the necessary financial support for purchasing land and property. This article delves into the intricacies of mortgages in relation to land, focusing on the Jamaican real estate market. It…
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fatehbaz · 8 months
[D]omesticated attack dogs [...] hunted those who defied the profitable Caribbean sugar regimes and North America’s later Cotton Kingdom, [...] enforced plantation regimens [...], and closed off fugitive landscapes with acute adaptability to the varied [...] terrains of sugar, cotton, coffee or tobacco plantations that they patrolled. [...] [I]n the Age of Revolutions the Cuban bloodhound spread across imperial boundaries to protect white power and suppress black ambitions in Haiti and Jamaica. [...] [Then] dog violence in the Caribbean spurred planters in the American South to import and breed slave dogs [...].
Spanish landowners often used dogs to execute indigenous labourers simply for disobedience. [...] Bartolomé de las Casas [...] documented attacks against Taino populations, telling of Spaniards who ‘hunted them with their hounds [...]. These dogs shed much human blood’. Many later abolitionists made comparisons with these brutal [Spanish] precedents to criticize canine violence against slaves on these same Caribbean islands. [...] Spanish officials in Santo Domingo were licensing packs of dogs to comb the forests for [...] fugitives [...]. Dogs in Panama, for instance, tracked, attacked, captured and publicly executed maroons. [...] In the 1650s [...] [o]ne [English] observer noted, ‘There is nothing in [Barbados] so useful as … Liam Hounds, to find out these Thieves’. The term ‘liam’ likely came from the French limier, meaning ‘bloodhound’. [...] In 1659 English planters in Jamaica ‘procured some blood-hounds, and hunted these blacks like wild-beasts’ [...]. By the mid eighteenth century, French planters in Martinique were also relying upon dogs to hunt fugitive slaves. [...] In French Saint-Domingue [Haiti] dogs were used against the maroon Macandal [...] and he was burned alive in 1758. [...]
Although slave hounds existed throughout the Caribbean, it was common knowledge that Cuba bred and trained the best attack dogs, and when insurrections began to challenge plantocratic interests across the Americas, two rival empires, Britain and France, begged Spain to sell these notorious Cuban bloodhounds to suppress black ambitions and protect shared white power. [...] [I]n the 1790s and early 1800s [...] [i]n the Age of Revolutions a new canine breed gained widespread popularity in suppressing black populations across the Caribbean and eventually North America. Slave hounds were usually descended from more typical mastiffs or bloodhounds [...].
Spanish and Cuban slave hunters not only bred the Cuban bloodhound, but were midwives to an era of international anti-black co-ordination as the breed’s reputation spread rapidly among enslavers during the seven decades between the beginning of the Haitian Revolution in 1791 and the conclusion of the American Civil War in 1865. [...]
Despite the legends of Spanish cruelty, British officials bought Cuban bloodhounds when unrest erupted in Jamaica in 1795 after learning that Spanish officials in Cuba had recently sent dogs to hunt runaways and the indigenous Miskitos in Central America. [...] The island’s governor, Balcarres, later wrote that ‘Soon after the maroon rebellion broke out’ he had sent representatives ‘to Cuba in order to procure a number of large dogs of the bloodhound breed which are used to hunt down runaway negroes’ [...]. In 1803, during the final independence struggle of the Haitian Revolution, Cuban breeders again sold hundreds of hounds to the French to aid their fight against the black revolutionaries. [...] In 1819 Henri Christophe, a later leader of Haiti, told Tsar Alexander that hounds were a hallmark of French cruelty. [...]
The most extensively documented deployment of slave hounds [...] occurred in the antebellum American South and built upon Caribbean foundations. [...] The use of dogs increased during that decade [1830s], especially with the Second Seminole War in Florida (1835–42). The first recorded sale of Cuban dogs into the United States came with this conflict, when the US military apparently purchased three such dogs for $151.72 each [...]. [F]ierce bloodhounds reputed to be from Cuba appeared in the Mississippi valley as early as 1841 [...].
The importation of these dogs changed the business of slave catching in the region, as their deployment and reputation grew rapidly throughout the 1840s and, as in Cuba, specialized dog handlers became professionalized. Newspapers advertised slave hunters who claimed to possess the ‘Finest dogs for catching negroes’ [...]. [S]lave hunting intensified [from the 1840s until the Civil War] [...]. Indeed, tactics in the American South closely mirrored those of their Cuban predecessors as local slave catchers became suppliers of biopower indispensable to slavery’s profitability. [...] [P]rice [...] was left largely to the discretion of slave hunters, who, ‘Charging by the day and mile [...] could earn what was for them a sizeable amount - ten to fifty dollars [...]'. William Craft added that the ‘business’ of slave catching was ‘openly carried on, assisted by advertisements’. [...] The Louisiana slave owner [B.B.] portrayed his own pursuits as if he were hunting wild game [...]. The relationship between trackers and slaves became intricately systematized [...]. The short-lived republic of Texas (1836–46) even enacted specific compensation and laws for slave trackers, provisions that persisted after annexation by the United States.
All text above by: Tyler D. Parry and Charlton W. Yingling. "Slave Hounds and Abolition in the Americas". Past & Present, Volume 246, Issue 1, February 2020, pages 69-108. Published February 2020. At: doi dot org/10.1093/pastj/gtz020. February 2020. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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reasoningdaily · 25 days
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Artist rendition of Cudjoe left, sketch of Cudjoe on right.
Articles of Pacification with the Maroons of Trelawney Town, Concluded March the first, 1738
In the name of God, Amen, Whereas Captain Cudjoe, Captain, Acompong, Captain Johnny, Captain Cuffee, Captain Quaco, and several other Negroes, their dependents and adherents, have been in a state of ware and hostility, for several years past, against our sovereign lord the King, and the inhabitants of this island; and whereas peace and friendship among mankind, and the preventing of effusion of blood, is agreeable to God, consonant to reason, and desired by every good man; and whereas his Majesty George the Second, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and of Jamaica Lord, Defender of the Faith, &c. has by his letters patent, dated February the twenty-fourth, one thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight, in the twelfth year of his reign, granted full power and authority to John Guthrie and Francis Sadler, Esquires, to negotiate and finally conclude a treaty of peace and friendship with the aforesaid Captain Cudjoe, and the rest of his captains, adherents, and others his men; they mutually, sincerely, and amicably, have agreed to the following articles:
Articles of Pacification with the Maroons of Trelawney Town, Concluded March the first, 1738
In the name of God, Amen, Whereas Captain Cudjoe, Captain, Acompong, Captain Johnny, Captain Cuffee, Captain Quaco, and several other Negroes, their dependents and adherents, have been in a state of ware and hostility, for several years past, against our sovereign lord the King, and the inhabitants of this island; and whereas peace and friendship among mankind, and the preventing of effusion of blood, is agreeable to God, consonant to reason, and desired by every good man; and whereas his Majesty George the Second, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and of Jamaica Lord, Defender of the Faith,. has by his letters patent, dated February the twenty-fourth, one thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight, in the twelfth year of his reign, granted full power and authority to John Guthrie and Francis Sadler, Esquires, to negotiate and finally conclude a treaty of peace and friendship with the aforesaid Captain Cudjoe, and the rest of his captains, adherents, and others his men; they mutually, sincerely, and amicably, have agreed to the following articles:
First, That all hostilities shall cease on both sides for ever.
Secondly, That the said Captain Cudjoe, the rest of his captains, adherents, and men shall for ever hereafter in a perfect state of freedom and liberty, excepting those who have been taken by them, or fled to them, within two years last past, if such are willing to return to their said masters and owners, with full pardon and indemnity from their said masters or owners for what is past; provided always that, if they are not willing to return, they shall remain in subjection to Captain Cudjoe and in friendship with us, according to the form an tenor of this treaty.
Thirdly, That they shall enjoy and posses, for themselves and posterity for ever, all the lands situate and lying between Trelawney Town and the Cockpits, to the amount of fifteen hundred acres, bearing northwest from the said Trelawney Town.
Fourthly, That they shall have liberty to plant the said lands with coffee, cocoa, ginger, tobacco, and cotton, and to breed cattle, hogs, goats, or any other flock, and dispose of the produce or increase of the said commodities to the inhabitants of this island; provided always, that when they bring the said commodities to market, they shall apply fist to the customs, or any other magistrate of the respective parishes where they expose their goods to sale, for a license to vend the same.
Fifthly, That Captain Cudjoe, and all the Captain’s adherents, and people now in subjection to him, shall all live together within the bounds of Trelawney Town, and that they have liberty to hunt where they shall think fit, except within three miles of any settlement, crawl, or pen; provided always, that in case the hunters of Captain Cudjoe and those of other settlements meet, then the hogs to be equally divided between both parties.
Sixthly, That the said Captain Cudjoe, and his successors, do use their best endeavors to take, kill, suppress, or destroy, either by themselves, or jointly with any other number of men, commanded on that service by his excellency the Governor, or Commander in Chief for the time being, all rebels wheresoever they be, throughout this island, unless they submit to the same terms of accommodation granted to Captain Cudjoe, and his successors.
Seventhly, That in case this island be invaded by any foreign enemy, the said Captain Cudjoe, and his successors hereinafter named or to be appointed, shall then, upon notice given, immediately repair to any place the Governor for the time being shall appoint, in order to repel the said invaders with his or their utmost force, and to submit to the orders of the Commander in Chief on that occasion.
Eighthly, That if any white man shall do any manner of injury to Captain Cudjoe, his successor, or any of his or their people, they shall apply to any commanding officer or magistrate in the neighbourhood for justice; and in case Captain Cudjoe, or any of his people, shall do any injury to any whiter person, he shall submit himself, or deliver up such offenders to justice.
Ninthly, That if any negroes shall hereafter run away from their masters or owners, and shall fall into Captain Cudjoe’s hands, they shall immediately be sent back to the chief magistrate of the next parish where they are taken; and these that bring them are to be satisfied for their trouble, as the legislature shall appoint. [The assembly granted a premium of thirty shillings for each fugitive slave returned to his owner by the Maroons, besides expenses.]
Tenthly, That all negroes taken, since the raising of this party by Captain Cudjoe’s people, shall immediately be returned.
Eleventhly, That Captain Cudjoe, and his successors, shall wait on his Excellency, or the Commander in Chief for the time being, every year, if thereunto required.
Twelfth, That Captain Cudjoe, during his life, and the captains succeeding him, shall have full power to inflict any punishment they think proper for crimes committed by their men among themselves, death only excepted; in which case, if the Captain thinks they deserve death, he shall be obliged to bring them before any justice of the peace, who shall order proceedings on their trial equal to those of other free negroes.
Thirteenth, That Captain Cudjoe with his people, (Repeat: subjects, peoples.) shall cut, clear, and keep open, large and convenient roads from Trelawney Town to Westmorland and St. James’s, and if possible to St. Elizabeth’s.
Fourteenth, That two white men, to be nominated by his Excellency, or the Commander and Chief for the time being, shall constantly live and reside with Captain Cudjoe and his successors, in order to maintain a friendly correspondence (Not dominance, correspondence — see “waiting”. These are ambassadors, not governors) with the inhabitants of this island.
Fifteenth, That Captain Cudjoe shall, during his life, be Chief Commander in Trelawney Town; after his decease the command to devolve on his brother, Captain Accompong; and in case of his decease, on his next brother Captain Johnny; and, failing him, Captain Cuffee shall succeed; who is to be succeeded by Captain Quaco; and after all their demises, the Governor, or Commander in Chief for the time being, shall appoint, from time to time, whom he thinks fit for that command.
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finishinglinepress · 9 months
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: Questions in Jamaican Patois by Yasmin Morais
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/questions-in-jamaican-patois-by-yasmin-morais/
Questions in Jamaican Patois presents the perspective of a #Jamaican Canadian American woman as she ponders her past, present and the pasts of the strong #women who preceded her. Her poems provide a window into the everyday human experience as she grapples with the meaning of love, loss, heartbreak, nostalgia, adjustment, and survival. It is through her questions that the answers are ultimately found. #poetry
Yasmin Morais was born in Jamaica and later lived in Canada and now the United States. Her poems have been published in Nursing Science Quarterly, The Potomac, and Pen and Prosper. Yasmin also self-published her first poetry collection, From Cane Field to the Sea. Her short story, Rashida’s Letter, placed third in the Tallahassee Writer’s Association competition and was published in the Seven Hills Review. See link: https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Review-Tallahassee-Writers-Association/dp/1481148818 To showcase the works of Caribbean poets, she created the blog, Poets of the Caribbean: poetsofthecaribbean.blogspot.com She enjoys traveling, badminton and running in her spare time.
PRAISE FOR Questions in Jamaican Patois by Yasmin Morais Questions in Jamaican Patois by Yasmin Morais
Yasmin’s poetry is powerful, purposeful, poised! In her new collection, “Questions in Jamaican Patois”, she connects with audiences through clever word choices, timely topics, and great emotional range. Readers will become fast fans! From page one, until it’s done, this eclectic collection captivates the mind and captures the heart. Yasmin Morais is an immense talent, and “Questions in Jamaican Patois” is a must-read.
In Questions in Jamaican Patois, poet Yasmin Morais calls us to walk with her along many roads. They’re pavers made of her words. On this journey, we walk along with Morais while seeing and feeling what she sees and feels. Each poem acts as a door to a residence. She walks us to the knob to turn it and look inside the building. Her construction of moments and memories creates a foundation of rich and strong imagery. She takes us there. Her poems introduce us to meaningful topics such as racial issues, health, morality, identity and history. Whether it’s a welcomed piece said in patois, we don’t want to leave. Her reflections of breast cancer feeds us well to sit by her and just listen to her journey. We’re there. We feel drawn and motivated to comfort the warrior. Though she provides the real healing power from her words. Poem after poem there’s a desire to read and see more. Her voice of poignant patois resonates directness and wisdom. Her spirit seems ancient with clarity. She brings a sharp focus and understanding of life experiences which translates well. Morais doesn’t let go as we continue the journey to her last poem. In the end, we’re full like eating a delicious meal. At our table, those questions of life are a part of us. We have some answers and more questions but that’s okay. That’s the meaning of life. She let’s us know with this unforgettable depth as long as we walk together we’ll reach an understanding between each other.
–Henry L. Jones, Inaugural Poet Laureate, of Hendersonville, Tennessee
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𝗧𝗢𝗪𝗡𝗦𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗦 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 Review by Phil Wood
There are many definitions of a good day out, but one must surely be the experience of turning up to something which, on the face of it, seems incongruent and yet – after only a few minutes – feels entirely natural, like slipping on a well-loved shoe.
I needn’t have worried. Mandeep Samra and her Let's Go Yorkshire team already have a track record of doing surprising things in unexpected places, and this #TOWNSOUNDS Street Party took that tradition to a new level. Huddersfield Open Market was taken over and transformed into a music venue, art gallery, food and drinks hall and gigantic bass bin for a deep, rumbling dub reggae party.
Whilst there needn’t be any excuse for throwing a good party, the pretext here was the annual national celebration of Heritage Open Days. Mandeep has already demonstrated in Sound System Culture, Celebrating Huddersfield's Sound Systems - her 2014 book collaboration with Paul Huxtable - that the town has heritage here to rival anywhere outside Jamaica. Whilst the soaring iron trusses and elaborate foliate capitals of the Grade II* listed 1888 market, exude Victorian Huddersfield at the height of its powers.
But what might have seemed a jarring juxtaposition quickly found a close, almost organic harmony. This Victorian functional structure and dub reggae both, in their own ways, have drawn on the latest technologies and materials of their day to produce something timeless and natural. They have taken established forms, stripped them backed to their basics and reassembled them in ways which resonate across the ages and speak to us now in profound and emotional ways. There is nothing inherently organic about a cast iron pillar, a valve amplifier or a stack of elegantly carpentered woofers and tweeters, but in combination they exuded a warmth that drew people in.
And then there’s the music itself: conscious but easy-swaying, reviving mental and muscle memories and – in recognition of the heritage theme – taking us through the progression of ska, rocksteady, reggae, roots and dancehall of the last 60 years. Zion Inna-Vision Sound System furnished the equipment, Marshall D Luvjah Harriott, Positive and Dee Bo General selected the vinyl and Ras Sis Highness MC’ed.
And the crowd were part of the spectacle too. There were sistren and bredren of the Rastafarian community, ex rudeboys, suedeheads, lovers rockers and punks – born again for one night only, alongside freshly arrived international students checking out what their new home town had to offer. And the timing of the event – from 4.00 until 7.00 – encouraged families of all ages to attend, from toddlers to seniors, although I’m sure many would have loved it to have gone on much longer into the night.
Curry goat, plantain, jerk chicken, rice ‘n’ pea served up by OliveMae's Kitchen alongside Danya’s Vegan Kitchen (vegan Jamaican food) plus rum punch from Arcade Beers pop-up bar also considerably enhanced the good vibes of this lovely afternoon.
Being a market with fixed stalls, there was limited but adequate space for the dancers to do their thing, but the organisers made a virtue of the commercial infrastructure too. There were interesting specialist goods on sale, but also a creative flair which transformed many of the stalls into a pop-up art gallery. Let’s Go Yorkshire’s principal activity this year has been the creation of a heart-warming and historically important exhibition, charting the story of Huddersfield’s most important music scenes and genres, through the voices and imagery of their leading protagonists. It was great to see people who might not have encountered the #TOWNSOUNDS exhibition when it was on show in Huddersfield Art Gallery, checking out the photographs. I saw several folks walking past, idly scanning them from a distance, and then drawn into one where they might have seen a 40-year-old image of a friend or even themselves.
I was pleased with the flexibility of the space and multiple uses to which it could be put. It’s openness and permeability worked a treat too. One minute you could be in the throng, close enough to the speaker stack to feel one’s rib cage vibrate. But, on seeing an old friend for the first time in years, you could slip out to the edge or onto pedestrianised Byram Street for an intimate catch-up.
All-in-all, a match between venue, usage and message that seemed made in heaven and left one with the question why no-one had thought of doing this before.
Of course, when two mighty juggernauts as a sound system and cast-iron market come clashing together, there are always likely to be unforeseen consequences. So, when Zion Inna Vision were sound-checking and cranked up the volume, the iron framework began to vibrate so much that decades of dust and desiccated pigeon poo came showering down on the ground. Hopefully market officials will consider this a small price to pay for such a successful event, and that Huddersfield Open Market will be open to more of its ilk in the future.
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kcrabb88 · 2 years
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I posted 1,927 times in 2022
That's 165 more posts than 2021!
382 posts created (20%)
1,545 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
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#obi-wan kenobi - 198 posts
#pirates tag - 188 posts
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#the constellation trilogy - 139 posts
#black sails - 131 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#god i remember casual fans being like oh dominic west was good in this and i'm like he couldn't be because the script did valjean no justice
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Les Mis meets Black Sails + Robin Hood in Sailing by Orion’s Star (The Constellation Trilogy, #1), out TODAY! 
In the 18th century West Indies, stories hold the ultimate power. Sailors spin yarns about pirates. Newspapers tell tales full of half-truths. Myths spread like whispered wildfire.
East India Company sailor Nicholas Jerome has no patience for pirates, determined to leave his father's thieving past behind. After a convict and an enslaved woman escape his grasp with the aid of an aristocrat's mysterious wife, he faces one last chance to save his career. Finding an unexpected home with a new crew, he gains a chosen younger brother in René Delacroix, the son of his wealthy captain and the grandson of Jamaica's cruel governor.
But there's a storm brewing in the Delacroix household. For René and his best friend Frantz, the Robin Hood tales about legendary pirate Ajani Danso and his famed female quartermaster are a lifeline amidst the governor's abuse. Danso robs greedy merchants, frees slaves, and shelters queer sailors, inspiring the downtrodden across the New World.
When death and betrayal shatter the lives they knew, René and Jerome each face a choice: obey, or rebel.
A war for history's favor begins, and as an uprising against colonialism erupts on the ocean, everyone must choose a story to believe in.
You can order here (paperback or e-book from several retailers) or here (for readers outside the US who want to order a paperback from a non-Amazon retailer).
135 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Sailing by Orion’s Star Cover Reveal!
I am so EXTREMELY excited to reveal the cover for Sailing by Orion’s Star! This gorgeous artwork was done by the wonderful Abby Gavit, whose work you can check out here. @prosodi​
I’ve spent a long time thinking about what this cover would look like, and I honestly could not be more pleased with this. Truly, it is a dream cover. I want to give a special shout out to the Les Mis fandom, who have been with me on this project since its very early days, when I didn’t know what it would be. <3 
Sailing by Orion’s Star will release on April 26th! 
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Also, check out the full wrap cover (and the blurb!) for the print edition. Don’t miss the skull in the clouds!
See the full post
150 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
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Do you like Les Mis, Black Sails, Robin Hood tales, queer pirates, found families and epics? Paperback pre-orders for Sailing by Orion’s Star (The Constellation Trilogy, #1) are live! Release is set for 4/26. 
Barnes & Noble 
Book Depository (Sometimes if you’re using Chrome the cover doesn’t pop up, so if you don’t see it, it is the right listing and you can still pre-order! The cover has popped up on all other browsers)
Bookshop (US friends, if you haven’t used this website before, you can choose a digital “storefront” for participating indie bookstores, and they will profit off the sale. If you’re near the DC area, I tend to choose Kramer’s or East City Books. And hey, if enough folks buy from particular indies, maybe they’ll consider stocking it in store!)
International friends: you should be able to buy paperbacks from Amazon if it’s available in your country, and Book Depository (above) ships to something like 160 countries (The UK, pretty much all of Europe, some parts of Asia and South America, etc.) 
Interested in e-books? I have those too! You can get it on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and others. (Kobo is easy for international folks!) 
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Book trailer!
240 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
The 2012 Les Mis movie surely has its issues, but god, that transition from Stars to Look Down (Paris) is just *chef’s kiss*
344 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay so here’s the thing. If I see one more “who cares about historical accuracy in a historical piece of media” I am truly going to lose my entire mind. I’m not asking for TOTAL accuracy down to the detail (I don’t strive for that, and things should connect with a modern reader) but I AM asking that books and shows and movies ENGAGE WITH THE PERIOD THEY’RE SUPPOSEDLY SET IN. The new Persuasion is just the newest (and one of the most egregious) instances of this, but I’ve seen this sentiment a lot, recently. If you don’t care about historical stuff, then why create or engage with historical media? The goal should not be to “modernize” historical fiction, but to create and engage with more diverse historical media. Different settings and periods! More stories about queer and BIPOC folks! Historical fiction has so so much to offer without stripping it of all historical context. I’m tired. 
1,793 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
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djchrisjamaica · 2 years
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DJ CHRIS in association with Swagg Satdayz Drink-Out presents.. UNDER THE INFLUENCE!!! TODAY (Friday, January 13th, 2023) @ T'S SPOT — Hillside / Knock-Patrick, Manchester. Music By: DJ POSEY (@djposey2), DR. DRAE (@dr._drae_di_mafia) & DJ PRINS (@1st_djprins). Powered By: EXSOLLENCE ENTERTAINMENT (@mraj101). Food & Refreshments On Sale! Drink Responsibly!! ・・・ #UnderTheInfluence #Party #Dance #Club #Event #Food #Liquor #Entertainment #Lifestyle #Nightlife #Dancehall #Reggae #HipHop #Rap #Soca #EDM #Fun #Mandeville #Manchester #Jamaica #Jamaican #Jamaicans #Caribbean #Island #TeamJamaica #TeamJamaican #TeamJamaicans #Trending #Verified #Viral (at Knockpatrick, Manchester, Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWtbpxuLfi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scotianostra · 2 years
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 On 20th November 1863 James Bruce, 8th Lord Elgin, the Scottish Liberal statesman and diplomat, died.
James Bruce was born in London, his father, the 7th Earl was a  controversial figure due to his involvement in the “procurement/theft” of  the Parthenon Marbles, to give them their traditional name, you might know them as The Elgin Marbles, anyway I digress again, back to the 8th Earl.
In 1840, following the death of his elder brother, he became the heir to the earldom and in 1841, on the death of his father, succeeded to the title, becoming the eighth earl of Elgin. That same year he was elected Southampton's representative in the House of Commons, but his new earldom brought an end to his parliamentary career. In 1842, he accepted the nomination for governor of Jamaica. During an administration of four years he succeeded in winning the respect of all[. He improved the condition of the Afro-Caribbean workers, and conciliated the white planters by working through them. He remained in this post until 1847. His successful administration led to him being offered the role of governor general in British North America, which he fulfilled between 1847 and 1854. During his time there, Elgin took the first steps in establishing a “responsible government” in Canada. 
This led to him becoming the first Canadian governor to distance himself from legislative affairs, leaving the real power of government to the elected representatives of the people and paving the way for the Canadian general governorship's essentially symbolic role today.
In 1857 as High Commissioner to China. While visiting China and Japan in 1858 and 1859, he oversaw the end of the Second Opium War but in doing so he ordered the destruction of the Old Summer Palace (the ruling Qing dynasty's residence and seat of government), near Peking (today Beijing),destroying thousands of priceless works of art, in order to intimidate the emperor and force him to sign an unratified treaty. Troops hurriedly looted the imperial collections in the palace, before the Old Summer Palace finished burning. The treaty ended up with China being forced to cede what became Hong Kong, to Britain  in “perpetuity“  
According to historian Olive Checkland, Lord Elgin "was ambivalent about the British imperial policy of forcing trade on the peoples in China and Japan. He deplored what he called the 'commercial ruffianism' which effectively determined British policy responses."
In a letter to his wife, in regard to the bombing of Canton, he wrote, "I never felt so ashamed of myself in my life."
It all leaves a bad taste in my mouth I deplore the British Empire and all it’s sins it inflicted on the world.
He subsequently became postmaster-general in the Palmerston cabinet and in 1862 was made viceroy of India. He died in He subsequently became postmaster-general in the Palmerston cabinet and in 1862 was made viceroy of India. 
He died in Dharmsalas, Punjab of a heart attack while crossing a swinging rope on this day 1863, while still in office, he is buried in the churchyard of St. John in the Wilderness in Dharamshala. Bruce's legacy is several areas of Canada and India have the names Elgin or Bruce, he also has a bridge ion Singapore and a street in Victoria, Australia, and Hong Kong named after him.
While China has opened up to French relations, the sale of Chinese art and artifacts in British auctions remains a point of tension between London and Beijing. All zodiac animal heads from the Summer Palace that have been found have returned to Chinese museums, however.
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When it comes to building a successful business, one thing is clear—connections matter. In today’s competitive global market, it’s not just what you know, but who you know. For black-owned businesses, finding strategic partnerships, securing investment, and gaining visibility in international markets can often feel like an uphill battle. That’s where GBE Fellowship comes in, offering a game-changing platform to connect, collaborate, and conquer challenges.
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3. Visibility and Market Entry: Establishing a foothold in international markets is often a daunting process. Without the right exposure, even the most innovative businesses struggle to get noticed by global audiences.
The Solution: How GBE Fellowship is Redefining Business Success
This is where **GBE Fellowship**, a new Facebook group and global business alliance, becomes a powerful tool for businesses. With its focus on empowering black-owned businesses, fostering job creation, and cultivating new business relationships, GBE Fellowship has created a thriving community of professionals who are dedicated to success.
Here’s how GBE Fellowship is helping entrepreneurs overcome these challenges:
1. Strategic Networking: Through exclusive networking events, GBE Fellowship connects entrepreneurs, importers, exporters, and investors from Africa, the Caribbean, and beyond. These events open doors to collaborative business ventures and long-lasting partnerships.
2. Business Promotion: Members of GBE Fellowship can promote their businesses and advertise their products to a global audience, gaining the visibility necessary to compete in international markets.
3. Access to Investment Opportunities: Whether you’re seeking funding or strategic partnerships, GBE Fellowship provides access to investors and business leaders who are passionate about supporting black-owned enterprises.
4. Collaboration and Growth: By participating in our online community, businesses gain insights and opportunities to collaborate with entrepreneurs who share the same vision of elevating black-owned businesses worldwide.
Real-Life Success Stories from GBE Fellowship Events
The power of networking cannot be underestimated, and GBE Fellowship has already changed the game for many of its members. Here are just a few real-life examples of how entrepreneurs have benefited from our dynamic community:
- Building Global Bridges: A tech startup from Nigeria connected with investors in the UK through a GBE Fellowship event, securing funding to expand their operations to Europe. This partnership also introduced them to new tech ecosystems, further boosting their visibility and innovation.
- Exporting African Goods to the Caribbean: A fashion entrepreneur from Ghana met a distribution partner from Jamaica at a GBE Fellowship event. Through this new connection, they were able to export their African clothing line to the Caribbean market, significantly increasing their sales and exposure.
- From Local to Global: A South African SME in agriculture connected with importers in Brazil during one of our networking events. This resulted in a new export deal, expanding their reach and promoting African-grown products in Latin America.
Join the Movement: GBE Fellowship Awaits
Success in business is often about who you know, and with GBE Fellowship, you’ll be connected to the right people who can help elevate your business to the next level. Our community is built on shared goals of economic empowerment, business growth, and meaningful connections. Joining GBE Fellowship means being part of a powerful network that’s committed to helping black-owned businesses thrive on the global stage.
The next success story could be yours—don’t miss out on the chance to connect, grow, and succeed with GBE Fellowship.
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lboogie1906 · 19 days
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Malcolm Gladwell (September 3, 1963) was born in Fareham, Hampshire in southern England, the second son of Graham Gladwell, a British mathematics professor, and Joyce Nation, a psychotherapist from Jamaica. At age six he moved with his parents and two brothers to the rural farming community of Elmira in Ontario, Canada. In high school, he was a standout on the track team. While at the University of Toronto, where he earned a degree in history, he interned at the National Journalism Center, a corporate-funded operation founded to counteract alleged liberal, anti-business bias in new media.
He found employment as a writer for The American Spectator and Insight on the News. He began reporting on science and business for The Washington Post. He joined The New Yorker. “The Tipping Point” and “The Coolhunt,” established him as a formidable intellectual and helped to attract a major publisher with a lucrative advance for his first book, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.
In his second book, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, he explored intuition and the process of making snap judgments at the unconscious level that can be more accurate than carefully considered decisions. In his third book, Outliers: The Story of Success, he offered simple, plausible, yet compelling explanations as to why some people—outliers—succeed spectacularly in their professions and pursuits while others struggle. What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures, a collection of essays first published in The New Yorker, was less well-received, but interest in his writing rebounded with the publication of David and Goliath: Underdog, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants, in which he challenged notions of how social advantages and disadvantages play out.
His books have been international bestsellers with total sales approaching five million copies. He has evolved from being a Ronald Reagan conservative to being a pro-choice, gay rights supporter who has revived his Christian faith. He candidly acknowledges his conflicted Caucasian and West Indian heritage. Though proudly Canadian, he never married. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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animalemaleaustralia · 2 months
Animale Male Enhancement Australia (AU): Is It Ideal for More Established Men and Women?
➥ Product Name — Animale Male Enhancement Australia 
➥ Country — Australia
➥ Main Benefits — Male Enhancement
➥ Rating — 5.0/5.0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➥ Results — In 1-3 Months
➥ Availability — Online
➥ Side Effects — No Major Side Effects
➥ Official Website (Sale Is Live) — Click Here To Order Animale Male Enhancement Australia
From cutting-edge supplements to innovative training methods, we will cover everything you need to know to take your performance to the next level. So, if you're ready to up your game, read on to discover this best performance enhancers to try in 2023.
➢➢ Visit The Official Website To Get Your Male Enhancement Now ➢➢
➢➢ Visit The Official Website To Get Your Male Enhancement Now ➢➢
➢➢ Visit The Official Website To Get Your Male Enhancement Now ➢➢
The Animale Male Enhancement Australia  contains a blend of ingredients that work synergistically to increase nitric oxide levels in the body. The supplement also contains other ingredients that are known to have performance-enhancing properties. These in return helps to increase endurance and reduce fatigue by buffering the build-up of lactic acid in the muscles. 
The Animale Male Enhancement Australia  is designed to be taken before workouts, and it is recommended to take two capsules per day.  
One of the biggest advantages of the Animale Male Enhancement Australia is that it is a natural supplement, meaning that it does not contain any artificial ingredients or harmful chemicals. It is also free from caffeine and other stimulants, making it a great option for those who are sensitive to these substances. 
In addition to its performance-enhancing properties, the Animale Muscle Building Formula is also believed to have a number of health benefits. Studies have shown that increasing nitric oxide levels in the body can help to lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, and boost cognitive function. The Animale Muscle Building supplement available for sale in the , Australia, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Israel, Philippines, Jamaica, Barbados, Malaysia, Belize, Japan, Türkiye etc. 
➢ MUST SEE: (SPECIAL SAVINGS) Click Here to Get Animale Male Enhancement Australia For an Exclusive Discounted Price!!
Benefits of taking Animale Male Enhancement Australia Supplement: 
Animale Male Enhancement Australia is a dietary supplement designed to enhance athletic performance by boosting nitric oxide production in the body. Here are six benefits of taking Animale Male Enhancement Australia 
Increased Endurance and Stamina:  
Animale Male Enhancement Australia NZ can help increase your endurance and stamina by improving blood flow to your muscles. This helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, allowing you to work out harder and for longer periods of time. 
Faster Recovery:  
The increased blood flow and nutrient delivery provided by Animale Male Enhancement Australia can also help speed up your recovery time after intense exercise. This means you can get back to your workouts sooner and make more progress in less time. 
Improved Muscle Growth:  
Animale Male Enhancement Australia supplement can help stimulate muscle growth by improving nutrient uptake and oxygen delivery to your muscles. This means you can build muscle more efficiently and see results faster. 
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Increased Strength:  
By improving blood flow and nutrient delivery to your muscles, Animale Muscle Building supplement can help increase your strength and power. This can translate to better performance in sports and other physical activities. 
Enhanced Mental Focus:  
“Animale Male Enhancement Australia” can also help improve your mental focus and clarity. This can help you stay motivated and focused during your workouts, which can lead to better results. 
Cardiovascular Health:  
Nitric oxide has been shown to have a positive impact on cardiovascular health. By improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to the heart and other organs, Animale Male Enhancement Australia may help reduce the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. 
Conditions take place due to low testosterone: 
Low testosterone levels, also known as hypogonadism, can lead to a variety of physical and psychological symptoms in men. Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for the development of male physical characteristics, such as the growth of facial and body hair, muscle mass, and a deeper voice. It also plays a role in regulating mood, energy levels, and cognitive function. Here are seven conditions that can take place due to low testosterone: 
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Fatigue and low energy levels:  
Testosterone plays a role in regulating energy levels and fatigue. Men with low testosterone levels may experience a lack of energy, increased fatigue, and decreased motivation. 
Decreased muscle mass and strength:  
Testosterone is important for building and maintaining muscle mass and strength. Men with low testosterone levels may experience a decrease in muscle mass and strength. 
Increased body fat:  
Testosterone helps regulate fat distribution in the body. Men with low testosterone levels may experience an increase in body fat, particularly in the abdominal area. 
Mood changes:  
Testosterone plays a role in regulating mood and emotional well-being. Men with low testosterone levels may experience mood swings, irritability, and depression. 
Decreased bone density:  
Testosterone helps maintain bone density, so men with low testosterone levels may experience a decrease in bone density and an increased risk of osteoporosis. 
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Animale Male Enhancement Australia Prices 
The cost of Animale Male Enhancement Australia is low in compare of other Male Enhancement supplements. Check the price list below: 
Buy 3 Get 2 Free* - $39.95 per bottle 
Buy 2 Get 1 Free* - $49.95 per bottle 
Buy 1 Bottle - $69.95 per bottle 
* at retail price 
This Animale Male Enhancement Australia available for sale in the Belize, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Türkiye, Mexico, Israel, Philippines, Jamaica, Barbados, Malaysia, , Australia, UK etc. 
Is taking performance enhancers safe for men? 
Taking performance enhancers can be unsafe if not taken responsibly and under the guidance of a medical professional. It is important to be aware of any health concerns that could be associated with taking any such supplements. 
What are the benefits of taking performance enhancers for men? 
The potential benefits of taking performance enhancers include increased muscle mass, strength and power, improved performance, improved recovery, and enhanced endurance. 
Are there any side effects associated with taking performance enhancers? 
Yes, there can be certain side effects associated with taking performance enhancers such as increased blood pressure and cholesterol, liver damage, and potential interference with natural hormone production. 
➢ MUST SEE: (SPECIAL SAVINGS) Click Here to Get Animale Male Enhancement Australia For an Exclusive Discounted Price!!
Are there any long-term risks associated with the use of performance enhancers? 
Yes, there can be potential long-term health risks associated with taking performance enhancers, including increased risk of developing certain types of cancer. 
Can performance enhancers increase a man’s risk of injury? 
Yes, taking performance enhancers can increase a man’s risk of injury, as well as increase their risk of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease and stroke. 
Where to Buy Animale Male Enhancement Australia? 
The Male Enhancement is available for sale on the Official Website of Animale Male Enhancement Australia. This Animale Male Enhancement Australia available for sale in the Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Israel, Philippines, Jamaica, Barbados, Malaysia, , Australia, UK, Belize, Japan, Türkiye etc. 
In conclusion, the Animale Male Enhancement Australia is a safe and effective supplement that can help to enhance physical performance, promote cardiovascular health, and improve overall well-being. If you're looking for a natural way to boost your workouts and take your fitness to the next level in 2023, this supplement is definitely worth trying. 
➢ (HUGE SAVINGS TODAY) Click Here to Buy Animale Male Enhancement Australia For The Current Most Discounted Price Today!!
It is advisable that have a clear conversation with the doctor so that you can integrate it in your schedule without facing any problem. This Animale Male Enhancement Australia available for sale in the Türkiye, Mexico, Israel, Philippines, Jamaica, Barbados, Malaysia, Australia, UK, Belize, Australia, New Zealand, Japan etc. 
Affiliate Disclosure : The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.  
Disclaimer : Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Australia. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Australia approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices. 
➢ (LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEED) Click Here to Avail Special Discount Deal on Animale Male Enhancement Australia Now!
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newstfionline · 6 months
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies (NYT) Kenn Dahl says he has always been a careful driver. The owner of a software company near Seattle, he drives a leased Chevrolet Bolt. He’s never been responsible for an accident. So Mr. Dahl, 65, was surprised in 2022 when the cost of his car insurance jumped by 21 percent. One insurance agent told him his LexisNexis report was a factor. LexisNexis is a New York-based global data broker with a “Risk Solutions” division that caters to the auto insurance industry and has traditionally kept tabs on car accidents and tickets. Upon Mr. Dahl’s request, LexisNexis sent him a 258-page “consumer disclosure report,” which it must provide per the Fair Credit Reporting Act. What it contained stunned him: more than 130 pages detailing each time he or his wife had driven the Bolt over the previous six months. It included the dates of 640 trips, their start and end times, the distance driven and an accounting of any speeding, hard braking or sharp accelerations. The only thing it didn’t have is where they had driven the car. According to the report, the trip details had been provided by General Motors—the manufacturer of the Chevy Bolt. LexisNexis analyzed that driving data to create a risk score “for insurers to use as one factor of many to create more personalized insurance coverage,” according to a LexisNexis spokesman.
Biden has huge leverage on Israel. He hasn’t really used it yet. (Washington Post) President Biden has become a vocal critic of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership of the Israeli war in Gaza. But there is one key area where the United States has not yet exerted its leverage on Netanyahu: Military aid. Throughout the war in Gaza, the United States has remained a vital military supplier to Israel. Bader Al-Saif, a professor of history at Kuwait University, told The Washington Post last week that the United States shouldn’t have to ask Israel to allow more aid to Gaza. “It should be a command,” Al-Saif said, as the United States was “financing the war” with its arms deliveries to Israel. The United States has quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to Israel since Oct. 7. The number is in addition to the $106 million worth of tank ammunition and $147.5 million of artillery shell components that were publicly announced, even as the Biden administration bypassed Congress with an emergency authority. The United States has long had a deep military relationship with Israel, which has received about $300 billion in combined economic and military assistance, adjusted for inflation, since its founding, according to the Council on Foreign Relations. Even as Israel’s economy boomed and its need for economic assistance tapered off, military aid stayed at least $3 billion a year.
Haitian prime minister says he’ll resign, clearing way for new government (Washington Post) Ariel Henry, Haiti’s embattled prime minister, will resign once a transitional presidential council is established and an interim leader is selected, he said late Monday. The arrangement, announced by Caribbean Community (Caricom) leaders after an hours-long meeting in Jamaica that included Biden administration officials and representatives of the United Nations, will clear the way “for a peaceful transition of power, continuity of governance, an action plan for near-term security and the road to free and fair elections,” according to Guyanese President Irfaan Ali, the chairman of the regional bloc. In a video address Monday night, Henry said he would step down “immediately after the installation of this council.” Haiti, which lacks both a president and a legislature, is suffering its worst violence and instability in decades. Armed gangs have tightened their grip on the country’s capital, attacked the international airport and main seaport, and threatened a civil war unless the prime minister stepped down.
Photoshop Can’t Erase Royals’ Latest P.R. Blemish (NYT) If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a digitally altered picture of an absent British princess is apparently worth a million. That seemed to be the lesson after another day of internet-breaking rumors and conspiracy theories swirling around Catherine, Princess of Wales, who apologized on Monday for having doctored a photograph of herself with her three children that circulated on news sites and social media on Sunday. It was the first official photo of Catherine since before she underwent abdominal surgery two months ago—a cheerful Mother’s Day snapshot, taken by her husband, Prince William, at home. But if it was meant to douse weeks of speculation about Catherine’s well-being, it had precisely the opposite effect. Now the British royal family faces a storm of questions about how it communicates with the press and public, whether Catherine manipulated other family photos she released in previous years, and whether she felt driven to retouch this photo to disguise the impact of her illness.
Wood (Bloomberg) Paris is hosting the Olympic Games this summer, and the city has taken the unique step of not squandering a fortune on a bunch of buildings that will never be used again and will languish into rust for decades following the Games. Indeed, 95 percent of the venues either already exist or are being built specifically so they can be dismantled for reuse after the event. The rest they’re building with wood, which is more sustainable than concrete or steel. The wood construction market in France is up 14 percent since 2020, and the number of new nonresidential buildings that have been built with wood is up to 18.3 percent.
As Putin orchestrates his reelection, a resilient Russian economy is a key selling point (AP) Russians are finding a few imported staples, like fruit, coffee and olive oil, have shot way up in price. Most global brands have disappeared—or been reincarnated as Russian equivalents under new, Kremlin-friendly ownership. Other than that, not much has changed economically for most people in President Vladimir Putin’s Russia, more than two years after he sent troops into Ukraine. That’s despite the sweeping sanctions that have cut off much of Russia’s trade with Europe, the U.S. and their allies. That sense of stability is a key asset for Putin as he orchestrates his foreordained victory in the March 15-17 presidential election for a fifth, six-year term. Inflation is higher than most people would like, at over 7. But unemployment is low, and the economy is expected to grow 2.6% this year, according to the International Monetary Fund, double the previous forecast. That’s far above the 0.9% expansion predicted for Europe.
India’s new citizenship law that excludes Muslims has them worried (AP) India has implemented a controversial citizenship law that has been widely criticized for excluding Muslims, a minority community whose concerns have heightened under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist government. The rules for the law were announced Monday. It establishes a religious test for migrants from every major South Asian faith other than Islam. Critics argue that the law is further evidence that Modi’s government is trying to reshape the country into a Hindu state and marginalize its 200 million Muslims. The Citizenship Amendment Act provides a fast track to naturalization for Hindus, Parsis, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Christians who fled to Hindu-majority India from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan before Dec. 31, 2014. The law excludes Muslims, who are a majority in all three nations. It marks the first time that India—an officially secular state with a religiously diverse population—has set religious criteria for citizenship.
China Leads the US, Russia in Hypersonics, Pentagon Analyst Says (Bloomberg) China leads the world in developing, testing and deploying hypersonic weapons, beating out Russia while the US, having already spent $12 billion, has yet to field even one. The weapons can travel five times the speed of sound, making interception by existing defensive systems difficult at best. China, senior US defense intelligence analyst Jeffery McCormick told Congress Tuesday, has the world’s “leading hypersonic arsenal” thanks to Beijing’s two-decade long effort “to dramatically advance its development of conventional and nuclear-armed technologies and capabilities through intense and focused investment, development, testing and deployments.”
At least 50 hurt as LATAM’s Boeing 787 to Auckland ‘just dropped’ mid-flight (NYT) About 50 people were treated by emergency medical workers on Monday after a Latam Airlines flight bound for Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, experienced what the airline called “strong movement” caused by a “technical problem.” Twelve people, one of whom was in serious condition, were taken to three hospitals, Auckland’s ambulance service said. Latam, a Chilean airline, provided no specifics about the technical problem that it said had caused the disturbance. The plane made a “violent drop” for just a second or two, said Brian Jokat, who was on board Latam Airlines Flight 800. “The plane just dropped,” Mr. Jokat, 61, said. “It felt like coming over the top of a roller coaster and heading down—and then it straightened up immediately.” A jolt roused Mr. Jokat, who was wearing his seatbelt, from a nap, and in the next instant the plane was in what felt like free-fall. He saw the passenger next to him being thrown up to the ceiling of the plane, and then come crashing back down. “Anyone who wasn’t in a seatbelt was thrown,” he said. “You could not have not been thrown.”
Navigating Israeli Restrictions, Many Palestinians Find It Hard to Reach Al Aqsa (NYT) As the sermon about the Muslim holy month of Ramadan sounded over the speakers from Al Aqsa Mosque, 13-year-old Yousef al-Sideeq sat on a bench outside the compound’s gates. “Most Fridays they prevent me from getting in, for no reason,” the young Jerusalem resident said, referring to the Israeli police. Every Friday, Yousef visits Jerusalem’s Old City to pray at Al Aqsa, the third holiest site for Muslims and part of the compound sacred to Jewish people, who call it the Temple Mount. But since the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attacks and Israel’s ensuing bombardment of Gaza, heavily armed Israeli police forces who guard many of the Old City’s gates have stopped him from entering the compound, he said. Muslim access to the mosque has long been a point of contention as Israel has exerted tighter control in recent years over the compound, one of many restrictions Palestinians living under decades of Israeli occupation have had to endure.
The Daily Hunt for Food in Gaza (NYT) For two million hungry Gazans, most days bring a difficult search for something to eat. Amany Mteir, 52, scours the streets north of Gaza City, where people sell or trade what food they have. Farther north, in Beit Lahia, Aseel Mutair, 21, said she and her family of four split one pot of soup from an aid kitchen twice last week. One day they had nothing but tea. Nizar Hammad, 30, is sheltering in a tent in Rafah with seven other adults and four children. They have not gotten aid in two weeks, and Nizar worked two days at a market to earn enough money to buy some small bags of rice from a street vendor. The war, including Israel’s bombardment and siege, has choked food imports and destroyed agriculture, and nearly the entire population of Gaza relies on scant humanitarian aid to eat. The problems are especially worrisome in the north, where aid has been almost nonexistent. U.N. agencies have mostly suspended their aid operations there, citing Israeli restrictions on convoys, security issues and poor conditions of roads.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
When Dr Harold Young [...] takes visitors on a journey around Belize City, the first stop is an unremarkable building, whose basement entrance is partly shrouded by creeping pink bougainvillea. Its padlocked gates and broken windows back on to a parking lot in the city’s historic centre. Most passersby ignore the innocuous plaque outside. Belize, a country of 400,000 citizens, is [...] a part of the English-speaking Caribbean. A former British settlement and then colony, it is one of the region’s eight remaining Commonwealth realms – independent countries where the monarch remains the head of state.
Belize is the only Commonwealth realm King Charles has never visited.
The building is blocked from public entry but is known locally as the former headquarters of a TV station [...] once owned by the Conservative peer Lord Michael Ashcroft, who has sprawling business investments around Belize. But for those who are aware, the building serves as a horrifying reminder of the brutality of British rule here. “It’s the last remnants of a holding dungeon for slaves,” Young says. “Before they were put out for sale.” 
Unlike the island states in the Caribbean, where plantation slavery underpinned the colonial economy, enslaved labour in Belize revolved around the logging of mahogany at camps in the country’s interior. [...] [T]he remnants of violent enslavement are now mostly absent from public view. The building’s story has been passed down for generations, and is noted in certain tourist literature. But the historic plaque outside, while acknowledging its use in the mahogany trade, presents its connections to slavery merely as “local folklore”. “When you live in a colonial environment, the colonialists don’t want you to prove what they were doing was a horrendous trade, right?” says Young, who is Belizean Creole, meaning of mixed African heritage. [...]
History is still not fully told. Crimes remain unacknowledged. [...]
But as the United Kingdom prepares to crown its new king, the citizens of Belize are laying the groundwork for a similarly historic event: they could be the first nation to remove Charles as head of state. [...] The process, the prime minister [...] acknowledged in an interview [...] means it is “quite likely” that Belize will be the next country to leave the Commonwealth realm, following Barbados’s seismic decision to become a republic in 2021. [...] Belize is not alone [...].
[D]iscussions over the future of the British monarchy have accelerated throughout the region.
Now, officials in seven of the remaining realm countries in the Caribbean have indicated they will seek to follow the same path [...]. In Jamaica, [...] the government has committed to a vote before the next general election in 2025. In Antigua and Barbuda, the prime minister [...] said shortly after the death of Queen Elizabeth that he would hold a referendum within three years. [...]
Such debate is far from new to the English-speaking Caribbean and did not begin with Barbados’s decision in 2021, nor the death of Queen Elizabeth last year. Carried by a wave of Black nationalism and socialism, three former British colonies, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and the newly independent Dominica, removed the monarch as head of state throughout the 1970s. Alternatives to the crown had been debated in popular circles long before even then. [...]
Still, symbolism and imagery of the current moment [...] matter, particularly as relations between the English-speaking Caribbean and the UK fall to new lows in the aftermath of the Windrush scandal and both the government and the monarchy’s recent refusals to go beyond passive expressions of regret and offer a formal apology for the atrocities of slavery.
In March last year, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s visit to the Caribbean marking the Queen’s jubilee was punctuated by a series of protests that cast a long shadow over the exercise in soft power. In Jamaica, photographs of the pair shaking hands with children through a chainlink fence and later parading in white clothing in an open-top Land Rover were decried as a throwback to colonialism.
In Belize, the couple were forced to abandon plans to visit a Mayan village in the country’s south, following protest. [...] “There’s only so much the fig leaf of public relations and exercises in ‘soft power’ can cover,” [...]. “These images and videos were widely shared on social media [...].” Outside St John’s Cathedral in Belize City, the remains of a semicircular brick wall mark the boundary from where, it is said, enslaved people were permitted to listen to services inside. The building itself was built by enslaved labour, but colonial authorities banned enslaved people from entering.
Text by: Oliver Laughland. “‘Colonialism lingers’: Belize shrugs off coronation amid calls for repatriations.” The Guardian. 4 May 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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centuryjm21 · 9 months
Top 05 Jamaica Luxury Real Estate Listings for Sale
Jamaica, with its beautiful landscape, vibrant culture, and welcoming hospitality, is increasing in popularity as a luxury Jamaican real estate destination. Century 21 Jamaica is one of the region's best real estate agents in Jamaica, recognized by its commitment to excellence and unparalleled listings. In this piece, we will look at Century 21 Jamaica's top five luxury real estate listings, providing insight into the beautiful living experiences that await potential buyers.
Top 05 Jamaica Luxury Real Estate Listings
JMD $323,211
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The Sovereign Centre Shopping Mall is easily accessible by foot from this relatively new apartment. With porcelain tiles throughout, contemporary bathroom fixtures and fittings, in-unit laundry, and a stunning view of a small section of the city, the unit has two bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Quartz worktops and hardwood cabinets with views of the living room and dining area can be found in the kitchen. Additional features include underground parking, a swimming pool, elevators, water tanks, water heaters, ceiling fans in every room, and security. The rental apartment is not furnished. For discriminating locals or foreigners alike, this is the perfect house. Give us a call to schedule a viewing today!
JMD $35,000,000
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This place could almost be referred to as a "Old school classic." Bring back memories of Sunday afternoon family get-togethers when your uncle would set up big speakers and play classic music that, of course, only the elderly knew. Dominoes would be played under the mango tree, ludo would be played under the breadfruit! While mommy cooks three meats, the aunts fight over who makes the best rice and peas and who is incapable of baking. Although there is a strong sense of family, the history needs to be updated. Are you the one? Who is the visionary that can transform this two-family home with two bedrooms and one bathroom, with a kitchen on each side and a dining/living room combination on the larger side, along with a sizable verandah and a single car garage with additional space for parking outside? This house, with its perfect placement on the lot, allows you to park and drive in the back? This house has two bathrooms, two kitchens, four bedrooms, and a partially completed addition that could add two more bedrooms. 
JMD $29,500,000
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A beacon of beauty, practicality, modern sophistication, and secure apartments emerges in the fabled cool Mandeville hills. These apartments feature a really amazing floor plan, lots of windows, and a roof terrace with views of the hillside for entertainment. Belair, West Indies College Preparatory School, which has an outdoor pool and plenty of parking, is three minutes away from NCU. An engineer constructed the 2 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom apartment with great care and attention to detail, making it very durable. For those who prefer to live in a gated community and experience the charms of a centrally located mandeville, this is an excellent investment. It is near banks, eateries, and entertainment venues.
JMD $35,000,000
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IN HOLD...In an exclusive gated community in the heart of New Kingston, this well-kept townhouse is close to both commercial and recreational areas. The complex is family-friendly and prepared to give a small family, whose main source of income is the KSA metropolitan area, a place to live.
JMD $303,972
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In a gated community in Kingston 6, an elegantly furnished two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment is available for rent. The complex features underground parking, a generator that powers all common areas and apartment units, a pool, a gym, elevators, and round-the-clock security. This unit is situated in the middle as well. Every room, including the living room, has air conditioning. Give your agent a call right now!
Century 21 Jamaica's collection of outstanding properties aims to change the luxury real estate landscape in Jamaica. Whether you're looking for an oceanfront retreat, an urban oasis, or a golfer's paradise, these top five properties represent the pinnacle of Jamaican luxury living. With Century 21 Jamaica, you can explore the luxury, appreciate the lifestyle, and make your goal of owning a piece of Jamaican paradise a reality.
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finishinglinepress · 5 months
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: The Lord Balfour Hotel by Suzanne Jones Weisberg
On SALE now: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/the-lord-balfour-hotel-by-suzanne-jones-weisberg/
Suzanne Jones Weisberg grew up on the southern tip of #Miami Beach, #Florida in the 1940’s and 50’s. Her family had business interests in the #Caribbean and as a child she spent time in Nassau, Jamaica, Haiti , Mexico, Panama, and Cuba. She has been variously, an attorney, a painter, and a poet. The Lord Balfour Hotel is her first collection of #poems. #chapbook
PRAISE FOR The Lord Balfour Hotel by NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: The Lord Balfour Hotel by Suzanne Jones Weisberg
Suzanne Jones Weisberg takes us on a grand journey of lost innocence and reclaimed glamour with The Lord Balfour Hotel. Cuban beauties, bullfighters, gamblers and gangsters, Latin music and sugar cane slices all dazzle in the balmy shtetl that was the Miami Beach of an earlier era. Along the way we learn how handsome men are like cakes and the shape of her chocolate truffle dreams. While bringing vivid life to every line, Weisberg captures the longing and wonder of her well-spent youth, with poems to be both celebrated and savored.
–Nancy Spiller, author of the novel Entertaining Disasters and memoir Compromise Cake: Lessons Learned from My Mother’s Recipe Box.
There’s more, much more, than mahjong tables and stuffed marlins and zoot suits in this nostalgic collection. Crime bosses and bullfighters and philosophers and neurotic relatives parade through these pages, and we end up on the shores of the Pacific enjoying the pleasures of ice cream and a modicum of contentment, but always hearing the powerful echoes of jazz and flamenco and artists’ young chatter in rooms that burned down long ago.
–Alex M. Frankel, author of So Many Mouths at the End of All Beauty.
There is something elegant and wise about a premier collection of poems composed late in life. In language well-seasoned, a reader finds a peppering of weariness, a salting of irony, some nuttiness and bitter humor, all ingredients in aging’s recipe. The narrator in Suzanne Jones Weisberg‘s debut chapbook, “The Lord Balfour Hotel,” is a kind of “wise guy” little girl who, like Eloise in The Plaza, grows up living in a hotel. Not just any hotel, but a “good fella” world in Miami Beach, where mobsters and Cuban dictators and their sultry mistresses check in and out. In Jones Weisberg’s capable hands, her poems soar in mystery, sorrow and loss that accompany long memory. The strange atonal cry of a pelican haunts her, leaving a sound in her mind like “a clanging of the suitcase room, where vipers go to expire.” Jones Weisberg’s language surprises. Her images are original and playful: “Cherries on top red as a diaper rash” … “the stuffed marlin pinned above the front desk smiles at me, as always.” Her writing is confident and taut. Her subjects range wide from the dark, possibly fatal allure of chocolate, to a dragon mother to lost love, bizarre hotel guests and the terror of a hurricane. In one poem she evokes Havana in the early 1950s — a lone cornet in the night, sugary humidity, other little girls peeking out of “sordid … curtains.” A love lyric resonates with the fact of death. “All we love means nothing without you laughing at the moon beside me,” she writes. She is so good at titles that the table of contents reads like a poem. The Lord Balfour Hotel is a wonderful debut, a truffle both sweet and dark, a bright moon over Miami.
–Georgia Jones-Davis, author of Blue Poodle and Night School.
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remaxelitejm · 10 months
Real Estate and Technology: Property Transactions in the Future
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The Jamaican real estate industry is undergoing an unprecedented shift powered by technology and innovation. Every sector aspect changes, from property search and transactions to building designs and sustainability. The combination of real estate and technology promises to speed up procedures, improve transparency, and create a more efficient environment for buyers, sellers, and industry professionals as we move forward. Embracing these changes is not a choice; it is a need for anybody wishing to prosper in the real estate industry. Let's look into the future of real estate to discover how technology and innovation are transforming this constantly shifting industry.
1.Smart Properties
Imagine a house that knows your preferences and adjusts the lighting, temperature, and security to meet them. Innovative properties using Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming more prevalent. These linked houses provide purchasers with convenience, energy efficiency, and security, which are immensely appealing. Innovative properties will become the new standard as time goes on.
2.Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts
Blockchain technology has emerged as a game changer in the real estate industry. Blockchain's decentralized and secure nature provides a transparent and tamper-proof database for property transfers. Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement put directly into code, eliminate the need for intermediaries, and provide a safe and automated method of transferring ownership. Not only does this lessen the chance of fraud, but it also speeds up the transaction process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
3.Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual and augmented reality technology is transforming how properties are presented and experienced. Potential buyers may view properties from the comfort of their own homes, creating a more immersive and realistic experience. Augmented reality may be used to overlay information on a property's history, area, or planned repairs, which can help purchasers make better decisions.
Read More: Renting vs. Buying Property in Jamaica: Which Makes More Sense?
4.Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Real Estate Valuation
AI significantly contributes to property appraisal by offering more accurate and data-driven assessments. For providing correct property assessments, machine learning algorithms examine massive volumes of data, including market trends, similar property transactions, and economic factors. This helps sellers establish competitive pricing and allows buyers to make educated judgments based on credible value data.
5. Customer Information
The ability to collect and store client data is another significant influence of technology on real estate. Real estate developers acquire, store, and analyze consumer data using current software tools and customer relationship management (CRM) systems to obtain insights into their preferences, purchasing behavior, and feedback. This data may be utilized to improve sales methods and the entire customer experience.
The future of real estate transactions is closely linked to technology. The increasing integration of blockchain, virtual reality, AI, digital currencies, and data analytics is altering the industry, making it more efficient, transparent, and accessible. As these advancements progress, industry experts must keep up with the newest trends and embrace technology to remain competitive in an ever-changing world. The convergence of real estate and technology promises everyone involved a smoother and more dynamic property transaction experience. Real estate jamaica, previously seen as a traditional business, is now at the forefront of innovation, and it's a thrilling time to be a part of it.
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