coffeenuts · 28 days
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blake447 · 10 months
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So I've been playing Monster Hunter with my SO and have made perhaps the most cursed colorblind shader I can think of. Basically, they have blue-yellow blindness, so what I've done here is isolate those colors (well, the best I know how to) and replace them with plaid. Blue is now red plaid, yellow is now green plaid lmao.
Some parts of the game are absolutely gorgeous this way
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Some parts are functional if not a little obnoxious
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Some parts are downright hilarious.
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Poison is typically a blue-purple color, so in this shader it turns into a hot pink plaid lmao. Idk I just find something so hilarious about plaid poison hurtling towards me. I think the raw contrast needs to be boosted in some areas of the game, and they haven't plaid with it quite yet but uh, this was fun nonetheless! My eariler attempt had both of them red / green plaid, but that looked especially ugly underwater, so I started using monochrome plaids, but still here's the general principle
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Future plans include other dithering effects instead of plaid but for now, we got plaid.
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chaekawa · 1 year
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woosoem · 1 year
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Proper Modeling and Material Setup
The starting point for architectural visualization work is modeling and material setup. Using 3D Max, you need to accurately model the building and its surrounding environment and precisely configure the properties of each surface using V-Ray's material editor. In particular, the materials and lighting settings of the building have a significant impact on the final result.
Lighting and Camera Setup
V-Ray allows you to create lighting effects that resemble the real world. Configure natural light, interior lighting, shadows, and other elements precisely to bring realism to your visualization. Also, adjust camera settings to achieve your desired perspective and angles. Consider the camera's focal length and lens type to enhance the visual effects.
Rendering and Post-Processing
During the rendering phase, use V-Ray to generate high-quality images. Rendering time directly affects the quality, so you need to optimize your computer's performance and rendering settings. In the post-processing stage, use software like Photoshop or other image editing tools to fine-tune the image and add necessary effects.
Continuous Practice and Learning
Finally, architectural visualization work requires ongoing practice and learning. Stay updated on new technologies and tools, analyze the work of other artists, and improve your skills. Developing artistic sensibility is essential, and understanding design principles and color theory can be helpful.
Creating architectural visualizations using 3D Max and V-Ray demands effort and practice, but the results can be astonishingly realistic and beautiful. I encourage you to use these software tools to create your own creative works. Thank you.
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den123 · 2 years
A well
The well on a city yard
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thingsdavidlikes · 1 month
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New Presets out NOW! by Trey Ratcliff
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wipro-3d · 5 months
Metal 3d printing post Processing - Wipro 3D
Wipro 3D's expertise in metal 3D printing post-processing includes surface smoothing, heat treatment, machining, inspection, and other specialized techniques to meet the most demanding industry requirements.
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amiwilsonph · 1 year
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We provide photo editing and photo retouching services at amazingly low prices with 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our prices are at-least 30%-40% cheaper compared to other companies.
Our starting price Per images $ 0.35 USD.
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We provide all kind of photo editing services . Do you have any upcoming projects. Please contact me.
Photo Retouching services at low prices | Photo Editor Ph
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beardoesdrugs · 1 year
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barmosphere I | x100v
bar photography over time has become my favourite niche, guess that’s cause i like the endlessly warm & cozy atmosphere those dull yellow lights create or whatever.
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coffeenuts · 28 days
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maskingaid · 1 year
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Want to save time on image editing and focus on other aspects of your business? Our image masking service can help you streamline your image editing process and free up your time.
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chaekawa · 1 year
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aiwealthboost · 2 years
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As you wander through the forest, the twinkling fairy lights illuminate your path, leading you deeper and deeper into a world of whimsy and enchantment. The ground is covered in a blanket of soft, vibrant moss, and towering trees loom overhead, their branches stretching towards the sky.
In the distance, you can hear the gentle rush of a waterfall, and as you draw closer, you see it cascading down into a glittering pool of crystal clear water. But what catches your eye the most are the glowing mushrooms, casting an otherworldly light that seems to dance and shimmer around you.
And as you take it all in, you realize that you're not alone in this mystical forest. There's a tribe of magical beings, flitting about in the shadows, watching you with curious eyes. They beckon you closer, inviting you to explore their world of wonder and awe.
Come get lost in the magic of this enchanting forest, and let your imagination run wild. Who knows what secrets and mysteries you might uncover?
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perspectivelens · 2 years
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den123 · 2 years
Ayalon Canada park
A watercolor picture from the photo image
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joembpro · 2 years
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You know! It's just a Sunday night on Cape Cod. It just took me a minute to get my #photoshop layers just right. I chuckle when I go to art festivals and I hear people talk about how there's no "Photoshop" in their images. I know they probably mean that they don't composite or add blur to look like a time lapse. Still, its funny to leverage people's misunderstanding of what you can do to restore the full range of light that a camera cannot capture. It's how to say you don't know how to use a tool without saying it. Its how I feel about using Luminar to automatically post produce your work. I don't eat frozen vegetables or box cake by choice either. Using #Lightroom only is right for many pictures, but it's cooking with salt and pepper. Photoshop is when you need garlic, onion, maybe some red pepper, or even curry. I wonder what @flakphoto thinks about this. He knows tons more than I. What do you guys think? Am I just being judgy? Are you also amused by the anti-Photoshop stance? How about yiur thoughts on auto-cooking your images with Luminar? #deepthoughts #photography #postprocessing #snobbery #purist #editing #retouching #luminositymask #colorrange #photographerstoolbox #nausetlight #lighthouse #sunset #bluehour #capecodnationalseashore #ccnps #clouds #capecod #capecodinsta #capecodinstagram #capelife #capecodphotographer #capecodphotography #visitcapecod #visitma (at Nauset Lighthouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck9XYw0vX9U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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