#Port of Tangier-Med
megaspeedcargo · 18 days
Major Sea Ports in Morocco
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Morocco, strategically located at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, boasts a rich maritime history and a prominent position in international trade.
Its major sea ports play a crucial role in facilitating global commerce, supporting the nation's economic growth, and enhancing its connectivity with other regions.
This blog will explore the major sea ports in Morocco, their significance, and how companies like Megaspeed Cargo are leveraging these ports to enhance global shipping services, including car shipping companies in Dubai.
1. Port of Casablanca
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The Port of Casablanca, located on the Atlantic coast, is Morocco’s largest and busiest port. It serves as a major commercial hub and a gateway for international trade. With a deep-water harbor, it is capable of accommodating large vessels, including container ships, bulk carriers, and tankers.
Economic Impact: As the primary port for Morocco’s industrial and commercial activities, Casablanca handles a substantial portion of the country’s imports and exports. It supports various industries, including textiles, automotive, and food processing.
Infrastructure: The port is equipped with modern facilities, including container terminals, bulk handling systems, and advanced logistics services. Its strategic location makes it a preferred choice for shipping companies and traders.
2. Port of Tangier-Med
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The Port of Tangier-Med, situated on the northern coast of Morocco, is one of the most significant ports in the Mediterranean region. It is a key player in connecting Europe and Africa, serving as a vital transit hub for cargo and passengers.
Strategic Location: Tangier-Med is strategically positioned near the Strait of Gibraltar, making it an essential link between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
Expansion and Growth: The port has undergone significant expansion, with the addition of new terminals and facilities. It is now one of the largest and most advanced ports in Africa, capable of handling a high volume of container traffic.
Economic Benefits: The port has spurred economic development in the region, creating jobs and supporting various industries, including manufacturing and logistics.
3. Port of Agadir
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Located on the Atlantic coast, the Port of Agadir is an important regional port that primarily serves the southern part of Morocco. It plays a crucial role in the local economy, supporting various industries and facilitating trade.
Agricultural Exports: Agadir is known for handling significant quantities of agricultural products, including fish, citrus fruits, and vegetables. It supports Morocco’s export-oriented agricultural sector.
Tourism and Trade: The port also contributes to the tourism sector, with cruise ships docking at its facilities. Its strategic location benefits both trade and tourism.
4. Port of Safi
The Port of Safi, located on the Atlantic coast, is a significant port for Morocco’s phosphate industry. It plays a key role in exporting phosphates, which are essential for agriculture and industrial applications.
Phosphate Exports: Safi is a critical port for the export of phosphates, a major export product for Morocco. The port supports the mining and chemical industries, contributing to the nation’s economic growth.
Industrial Facilities: The port is equipped with specialized facilities for handling and processing phosphate products, enhancing its efficiency in supporting the industry.
5. Port of Nador
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Situated on the Mediterranean coast, the Port of Nador is a key port for the northeastern region of Morocco. It serves as a vital link between Morocco and Europe, supporting regional trade and commerce.
Regional Trade: Nador plays a crucial role in facilitating trade between Morocco and Europe, particularly in the import and export of goods such as textiles, electronics, and food products.
Economic Development: The port supports regional economic development by creating jobs and promoting industrial growth in the area.
The Role of Megaspeed Cargo and Car Shipping Companies in Dubai
As a leading logistics and shipping company, Megaspeed Cargo plays a crucial role in leveraging Morocco’s major sea ports to enhance global trade and shipping services. With its extensive network and expertise, Megaspeed Cargo facilitates efficient transportation and logistics solutions for businesses and individuals alike.
Car Shipping Companies in Dubai:
Car shipping companies in Dubai, including Megaspeed Cargo, benefit significantly from Morocco’s strategic sea ports. The ports provide crucial links for car shipping companies to transport vehicles between Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
Benefits for Car Shipping Companies:
Efficient Transportation: Morocco’s modern ports enable efficient loading and unloading of vehicles, ensuring timely delivery to destinations across the globe.
Strategic Connections: The proximity of Moroccan ports to Europe and the Middle East enhances connectivity for car shipping companies, streamlining the transportation of vehicles.
Enhanced Services: Companies like Megaspeed Cargo offer specialized services for car shipping, including handling, documentation, and customs clearance, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for customers.
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Morocco’s major sea ports, including Casablanca, Tangier-Med, Agadir, Safi, and Nador, are vital components of the country’s maritime infrastructure.
They play a crucial role in facilitating global trade, supporting various industries, and driving economic growth. As a prominent logistics provider, Megaspeed Cargo leverages these ports to offer efficient shipping solutions, including car shipping services for clients in Dubai and beyond.
The strategic location and advanced facilities of Morocco’s ports enhance connectivity and support the growing demands of international trade and transportation.
By understanding the significance of Morocco’s sea ports and the role of companies like Megaspeed Cargo, businesses and individuals can better navigate the complexities of global shipping and logistics, ensuring successful and efficient operations in the international market.
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This is it. The drive from Salé to Tangier Med port.
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bbcviral · 6 months
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Tangier Med Port joins elite list of top 20 container ports worldwide http://dlvr.it/T4m56V
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orientalgroupposts · 9 months
Producteur d'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie biologique pure en vrac
Utilisations de l'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie et avantages pour la santé
Histoire de l'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie La graine de figue de Barbarie est originaire du Mexique et d'Amérique du Sud. Elle est riche en nutriments et en cactus. Cependant, sa production à grande échelle se fait principalement en Afrique, en Australie et dans certaines parties du sud de l'Europe. L'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie a été transférée et importée des Amériques vers d'autres parties du monde au début du XVIe siècle.
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En plus de ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé générale des êtres humains, elle est bénéfique pour le bétail et utile pour ceux qui se trouvent en situation de sécheresse ou de famine. De même, son utilisation pour aider les victimes de la famine en Éthiopie du Nord est saluée. Selon des études de recherche, elle est louée pour son extraction à partir de toutes petites graines présentes dans la figue de Barbarie, qui possèdent une résistance énorme aux effets du vieillissement. Surtout, elle est largement utilisée en laboratoire pour la fabrication de médicaments contre divers types de troubles.
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Voici la composition de l'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie :
Acide Myristique C14:0 ≈ 0,1 Acide Palmitique C16:0 ≈ 11,8 - 12,5 Acide Palmitoléique C16:1 ≈ 0,5 - 0,7 Acide stéarique C18:0 ≈ 3,1 - 3,4 Acide Oléique C18:1 ≈ 16,5 - 18 Acide Linoléique C18:2 ≈ 64,6 - 66,1 Acide Linolénique C18:3 ≈ 0,2 Acide Arachidique C20:0 ≈ 0,2 - 0,4 Acide Gadoléique C20:1 ≈ 0,1 - 0,3 Acide Béhénique C22:0 ≈ 0,2 Acide Docosénoique C22:1 ≈ 0,2 TOCOPHEROL POURCENTAGE RELATIF
Alpha – Tocophérol ≈ 1,3 Gamma - Tocophérol ≈ 97,8 Delta - Tocophérol ≈ 0,8 STEROL POURCENTAGE RELATIF
Campestérol ≈ 9,1 Beta - Sitostérol ≈ 79,0 Delta 5 – Avénastérol ≈ 5,0 Delta 7 - Stigmastérol ≈ 0,7 Delta 7 - Avénastérol ≈ 1,6
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Utilisations :
Il favorise la souplesse de la peau et est utilisé comme hydratant. Il répare la peau endommagée et traite l'acné. Il réduit les taches sous les yeux. Il apporte douceur et traite le psoriasis et l'eczéma. Il éclaircit le teint de la peau et favorise le rajeunissement. Avantages : En plus des impacts bénéfiques sur la santé en général, les avantages les plus remarquables de l'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie sont les suivants :
Anti-inflammatoire : Elle apaise naturellement et aide à éliminer l'inflammation. Élimination des radicaux : En raison de sa teneur élevée en vitamine E, elle lutte efficacement contre les radicaux libres. Réduction des signes de vieillissement : Elle contient une grande quantité de Betacaine, des antioxydants efficaces contre les signes de vieillissement. Amélioration de la luminosité de la peau : Elle réduit les taches sombres et améliore la luminosité de la peau. Nourriture globale de la peau : Grâce à ses propriétés hydratantes, elle nourrit la peau mature et améliore son aspect. Grande capacité d'absorption : Les acides gras essentiels qu'elle contient sont facilement absorbés par la peau. Non comédogène : Elle ne provoque pas de comédons ni de boutons. Conclusion : L'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie a de nombreux avantages pour la santé et la peau, sans effets secondaires. Elle représente donc un excellent rapport qualité-prix. L'Oriental Group est le meilleur fournisseur de cette huile sous toutes ses formes.
Détails d'emballage :
40 ml, 60 ml, 100 ml, 125 ml en bouteille en plastique PET avec pompe 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre, 10 litres, 20 litres, 25 litres, 33 litres en fût avec bouchon Peut être conditionnée en bouteille en verre ambré ou transparente de 30 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml, 60 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml avec bouchon/ compte-gouttes Quantité minimale de commande d'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie : 1 litre Capacité d'approvisionnement d'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie : 1000 litres par mois Port : FOB Casablanca /Tangier MED / Agadir Modalités de paiement : L/C, T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram/PayPal
Services :
Marquage et conception d'emballage pour les producteurs d'huile de graine de figue de Barbarie en vrac Embouteillage Étiquetage Conditionnement
N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem
Route de Safi
40 000 Marrakech
Tel:+212 524 335 449
MOB :+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber)
Fax:+212 524 457 961
Website : https://www.bioprogreen.com/
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marketsizereports · 9 months
Investing in Morocco's Construction Market: Opportunities and Challenges
Infrastructure Development:
Morocco is undergoing significant infrastructure development, presenting opportunities for investors in areas such as roads, bridges, airports, and ports. Mega-projects like the Tangier-Med Port and high-speed rail offer long-term investment potential.
Real Estate Growth:
The growing demand for modern housing and commercial spaces provides opportunities for real estate development. Investors can explore residential and commercial projects in response to population growth and urbanization.
Tourism-Related Projects:
Morocco's focus on tourism creates opportunities for investors in hotel construction, resorts, and infrastructure to support the tourism industry. As the country attracts more visitors, there's potential for returns on investments in this sector.
Renewable Energy Initiatives:
Morocco is a leader in renewable energy projects, offering opportunities for investors in solar and wind energy. Investments in the development of solar farms and wind parks align with the country's commitment to sustainable energy.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs):
The government's promotion of PPPs encourages private sector involvement in major projects. Investors can explore partnerships with the government to fund and execute infrastructure projects, ensuring shared risks and returns.
Affordable Housing Initiatives:
The government's initiatives to address the demand for affordable housing create opportunities for investors in residential construction. Supporting projects that cater to middle and lower-income segments aligns with social and economic development goals.
Green Construction and Sustainability:
Investments in green construction practices and sustainable technologies are likely to be well-received. There's growing interest in eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient designs, and environmentally conscious construction methods.
Urban Redevelopment Projects:
Urban redevelopment projects present opportunities for investors looking to contribute to the modernization of city centers. Investments in upgrading infrastructure and public spaces align with the trend of improving urban living conditions.
Regulatory Complexity:
Morocco's construction market may involve navigating a complex regulatory environment. Understanding and complying with local regulations, obtaining permits, and adhering to legal requirements can pose challenges for investors.
Political and Economic Risks:
Like any investment, the construction sector in Morocco is exposed to political and economic risks. Changes in government policies, economic instability, or geopolitical factors can impact the investment climate.
Skills Shortages:
The construction industry in Morocco may face challenges related to skilled labor shortages. Investors should be prepared to address workforce issues and ensure the availability of skilled professionals for their projects.
Financing and Funding:
Securing financing for large-scale construction projects may be a challenge. Investors need to explore funding options, engage with financial institutions, and manage financial risks associated with construction investments.
Infrastructure Gaps:
Despite ongoing development, there may still be infrastructure gaps in certain regions. Investors should carefully assess the accessibility and availability of necessary infrastructure before committing to projects.
Competition in the Market:
The construction market in Morocco may be competitive, especially for high-profile projects. Investors need to conduct thorough market research, identify niche opportunities, and differentiate themselves to stand out in a crowded market.
Currency Fluctuations:
Currency fluctuations can impact the returns on investments, especially for foreign investors. Implementing risk mitigation strategies and staying informed about economic trends can help manage currency-related risks.
Investing in Morocco's construction market offers exciting opportunities, but investors need to conduct thorough due diligence, understand the local landscape, and proactively address potential challenges to ensure successful and sustainable investments.
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drogba-prospect · 9 months
Casablanca - Wikipedia
Casablanca is Morocco's chief port, with the Port of Casablanca being one of the largest artificial ports in the world,[3] and the second largest port in North Africa, after Tanger-Med (40 km (25 mi) east of Tangier).[4] Casablanca also hosts the primary naval base for the Royal Moroccan Navy.
Casablanca is considered a Global Financial Centre, ranking 54th globally in the Global Financial Centres Index rankings for the year 2022, outperforming cities such as New Delhi, Jakarta, Istanbul, and Mexico City. Casablanca is ranked among the Emerging International contenders, and it is considered the largest financial center in Africa. The leading Moroccan companies and many of the larger American and European corporations doing business in the country have their headquarters and main industrial facilities in Casablanca. Recent industrial statistics show Casablanca is the primary industrial zone of the nation.
Hailey Van Lith
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bioprogreenmorocco · 1 year
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Argan oil for companies
As a company, argan oil is an interesting product to include in your product range. This natural oil is extracted from the nuts of the argan tree, native to Morocco, and is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants. It is known for its nourishing and protective properties for the skin, hair, and digestion. In order to offer high-quality argan oil, Bioprogreen, as a supplier, uses traditional extraction methods to guarantee the purity of the oil. In addition, the products are certified organic to ensure the sustainability of the production. You can then offer argan oil in pure form or mixed with other ingredients to create unique cosmetic or food products. For example, you can develop body lotions, hand creams, shampoos, or soaps based on argan oil. You can also sell pure argan oil in bottles for customers to use as needed. How to use argan oil? Argan oil is a popular natural ingredient in skin and hair care, offering many beauty and health benefits. For hydrated, youthful skin, simply massage a few drops of argan oil onto the face and neck, avoiding the eyes. It can also be applied to dry areas of the body, such as the hands and feet, for soft, smooth skin. For strong, healthy hair, argan oil can be applied to the ends to prevent split ends, or to the entire hair to strengthen and moisturize. It can be used as a pre-shampoo treatment, massaging the oil into the scalp and hair, and leaving it on for 30 minutes before rinsing. Argan oil is also an excellent addition to personal care products such as moisturizers and hair oils, enhancing their effectiveness for optimal results. All in all, Argan Oil is a versatile and easy-to-use ingredient for superior skin and hair care, providing natural and long-lasting benefits for beauty and health. Additional information INCI name: Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil Type of processing: Cold pressed Type of cultivation: Organic
All our Argan Oils have been certified organic by CCPB/ and to this end meet the regulatory standards of: (EC) No. 834/2007, No889/2008 and USDA/US NOP of the highest quality natural Argan Oil 100% & Premium.
Minimum quantity: 5 litres Supply capacity: 20,000 litres/litres per week Port: Casablanca / Tangier MED / Agadir Payment terms: L/C, T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram, PAYPAL
Packaging and delivery Delivery time: 15 days after confirmation of all details and deposit Argan oil can be in 40ml, 60ml, 100ml,125ml, in PET plastic with a pump250ml, 500 ml, 1Liter, 10 Liters, 20 liters, 25 liters,33 Liters in plastic with a cap, Argan oil can be in 40ml, 60ml, 100ml,250ml, 500 ml in a transparent or tinted glass bottle
Quick Details Place of origin: Morocco Type of processing: cold pressed Form: Oil Use: Body, face, and hair (use in a hair salon) Type of supply: OBM (Original Brand Manufacturing) Brand: BioProGreen or private label Price: ex works Certification: MSDS, CCPB / NOP USDA Program Type of cultivation: Organic Main ingredient: Argania Spinosa kernel FOB Price: Contact us Product available in private labeling contact us for more information: Oriental Group
Informations about BioProGreen BioPro Green N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem, Route de Safi, 40 000 Marrakech , MOROCCO Tel:+212 524 335 449 MOB:+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber) Fax:+212 524 457 961 Website: www.bioprogreen.com E-mail : [email protected]
Follow US: http://facebook.com/bioprogreen https://www.instagram.com/bioprogreenmorocco https://www.youtube.com/@bioprogreenmorocco4708
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nextpostnews-blog · 6 years
Tangier-Med Port Welcomes 33K to Morocco July 29
Tangier-Med Port Welcomes 33K to Morocco July 29
Rabat – Moroccan Minister Delegate Abdelkarim Benatiq’s prediction was right: Tangier-Med port received 33,091 travelers on July 29 alone.
The minister delegate in charge of Moroccans residing abroad expected the number of Moroccans returning home for the summer to peak in the last two weeks of July before Eid Al Adha (Festival of Sacrifice), the second of two Islamic holidays celebrated…
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adventure-travel · 4 years
This is Tangier, a Morrocan port on the Strait of Gibraltar , a narrow strait that connects the atlanticocean to the mediterranian sea and separates Europe from Africa. We decided to pass the strait and visit spanisch Algeciras and Seville.
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How to get to Spain from Tangier?
There are two ports nearby Tanger which have ferries to Tarifa (a small town in Spain) and Algeciras : Tanger Ville and Tanger Med. The last ferry from Tanger ville departs about 7 pm, so if you arrive late and don't want to spend a night in Tanger, you have to go to Tanger Med.
The driving distance between Tanger Ville and Tanger Med is 51km, so locals will try to earn something by offering taxi services. The cheapest way to get there from Tanger is to use the public bus Alsa I-3 (check the timetable alsa.ma). The bus stop is near the railway station, just 150-200 meters from the main entrance. It's difficult to find it at night, so we asked local people to show us the bus stop: 90% told us that the bus goes till 6/7/8 pm and there's no bus at 10 pm and offered us their services. Eventually, we found this bus stop with the help of Policeman and used this bus. The ticket fee was 7 diharms per person.
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amadeuslong · 4 years
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#beautifuldestinations #tangier #tangermed #morocco #port #capturedonhuawei #creativecontentbuilders #mobilephotography #urbanromantix #agameoftones #moodygrams #fatalframes #createcommune #createexploretakeover #justgoshoot #exclusive_mobile #lifeframer #icapturemobile #life_is_scene #mobilemag #harmonyoflight #visualsoflife #peoplescreatives #exploretocreate #exklusive_shot #weekly_feature #theimaged #shotzdelight #illgrammers (at Tanger Med) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7o0OXBuM_/?igshid=gggxgj8yrj9k
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arganoilwholesale · 5 years
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EXTRA VIRGIN CULINARY ARGAN OIL CERTIFIED CCPB Extra Virgin Culinary argan oil is the miracle oil, liquid gold, the treasure of the desert, the treasured oil very rich in vitamin E, which allows it to neutralize free radicals and preserve the elasticity of the skin by promoting cell oxygenation and improving the quality certified CCPB Organic of intercellular cement. It is rich in other antioxidants that are very beneficial to health, such as vitamins A and C, polyphenols, carotenes, tocopherols, and sterols. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COSMETICS AND CULINARY ARGAN OIL The only difference in the roasting operation of argan seeds for food argan oil and oil for cosmetic use is not grilled, hence its more neutral odor and lighter color. USAGE FOR COOKING Culinary argan oil is widely used in Moroccan recipes. You can use it without fear in tajines and another couscous. It combines well with spices, such as paprika, coriander, turmeric, cumin, saffron.... If you like to cook spicy, make Argan oil your best ally! Argan oil also goes very well with fish. You can use it on your vegetables, as you would usually do with olive oil or a knob of butter. Minimum quantity: 5 liters/liter Supply capacity: 20000 liters/liters per week Port: Casablanca / Tangier MED / Agadir Payment Terms: L / C, T / T, Western Union, MoneyGram, PAYPAL Quick details Place of origin: Morocco Type of treatment: cold-pressed Form: oil Use: Cooking Type of supply: OBM (Original Brand Manufacturing) Brand: Moroccan Organica or Private Labeling Using base price Certification: MSDS, CCPB / NOP USDA Program Type of culture: Organic Main ingredient: Argania Spinosa kernel oil Shipping :UPS,DHL,FedEx,TNT,EMS,etc or as per customer request FOB Price: contact us Note : Product available in private label contact us for more information. (à Gueliz, Marrakech, Morocco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vHWYDFA2T/?igshid=zv43g7jqhpom
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emploimaroc30 · 3 years
APM Terminals lance une Campagne de Recrutement (38 Postes)
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APM Terminals Campagne de Recrutement pour les profils suivants: -Accounting to Reporting Process Lead (Spanish Speaker). -Accounts Payable – RTP Accounting Associate.. -ATR Accountant – English Speaker. -ATR Accountant – Spanish Speaker. -Buyer (English Speaker). -Buyer (Spanish speaker). -Head of Asset & Maintenance. -Internship – Operations Planners. -IT/OT Engineer. -Maintenance Technician. -Operations Planner (Yard & Vessel). -Operations Planner. -Operations Supervisor. -Order To Cach – OTC Accountant. -OTC Accounting Associate (English Speaker). -OTC Accounting Associate (Spanish Speaker). -OTC Process Lead (Spanish Speaker). -RTP Accountant – Spanish Speaker. -RTP Process Lead (Spanish Speaker). -Store Keeper. APM Terminals, Filiale du Groupe A.P. Moller-Maersk, leader mondial du transport maritime, est aujourd’hui n°1 mondial dans la gestion de Ports et l’exploitation de Terminaux avec une présence dans plus de 72 ports et 20600 collaborateurs à travers le monde. Rejoindre APM Terminals Tangier, c’est œuvrer à la réalisation et au développement d’un Terminal à Conteneurs de classe mondiale, leader sur le bassin Méditerranéen. Nous choisir, c’est travailler dans un Groupe respectueux de la diversité et du respect des cultures mais aussi la possibilité d’évoluer dans une structure à dimension internationale, implantée sur tous les continents, et qui propose une grande diversité de métiers.
APM Terminals lance une Campagne de Recrutement (38 Postes)
APM Terminals organise une Campagne de Recrutement pour recrute les 38 postes suivant sur Tanger: OTC Accounting Associate (English Speaker) | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 2 - Expérience requise: De 1 à 3 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIOTC Accounting Associate (Spanish Speaker) | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 2 - Expérience requise: De 1 à 3 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIRTP Accountant – Spanish Speaker | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: De 3 à 5 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIOTC Process Lead (Spanish Speaker) | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: De 10 à 20 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIRTP Process Lead (Spanish Speaker) | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: De 10 à 20 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIAccounting to Reporting Process Lead (Spanish Speaker) | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: De 10 à 20 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIBuyer (Spanish speaker) | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 2 - Expérience requise: De 1 à 3 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: AutreIT/OT Engineer | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 2 - Expérience requise: De 5 à 10 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: AutreBuyer (English Speaker) | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 2 - Expérience requise: De 1 à 3 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDDATR Accountant – English Speaker | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: De 3 à 5 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIOperations Supervisor – Tanger Med II | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: De 3 à 5 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIHead of Asset & Maintenance – Tanger Med II | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: De 5 à 10 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIOperations Planner (Yard & Vessel) – Tanger Med II | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: Débutant - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIStore Keeper – Tanger Med II | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 2 - Expérience requise: De 3 à 5 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +3 - Type de contrat proposé: CDIInternship – Operations Planners | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 6 li - Expérience requise: Débutant - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDI
Order To Cach – OTC Accountant | Tanger (Maroc)
- Postes proposés: 3 - Expérience requise: De 3 à 5 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIATR Accountant – Spanish Speaker | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: De 3 à 5 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIAccounts Payable – RTP Accounting Associate. | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 2 - Expérience requise: De 1 à 3 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIOperations Planner | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 5 - Expérience requise: Débutant - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +5 et plus - Type de contrat proposé: CDIMaintenance Technician – Tanger Med II | Tanger (Maroc) - Postes proposés: 1 - Expérience requise: De 3 à 5 ans - Niveau d’étude demandé: Bac +3 - Type de contrat proposé: CDI Previous articleAkka Technologies recrute des stagiaires en informatique (20 postes)Next articleRésultats du Concours IRAT 2022 (200 Postes) Read the full article
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orientalgroupposts · 1 year
Argan oil for private label
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As a private label supplier, you can offer your customers high-quality argan oil, extracted from the nuts of the argan tree, which is native to Morocco. This natural oil is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants, giving it nourishing and protective properties for the skin, hair and digestion.
At Bioprogreen, we use traditional extraction methods to ensure the purity of the oil, and our products are certified organic to guarantee the sustainability of the production. You can offer argan oil pure or blended with other ingredients to create unique cosmetic or food products, such as body lotions, hand creams, shampoos or soaps made with argan oil. You can also sell pure argan oil in bottles for customers to use as they wish.
Benefits of Argan Oil
Improves skin elasticity with its moisturising and antioxidant properties
Soothes irritated skin and reduces inflammation for sensitive and problem skin
Strengthens nails and prevents breakage due to its nourishing and protective properties
Versatile use as an ingredient in personal care products such as moisturizers, hair oils, soaps and lotions
Ability to improve skin texture by reducing blemishes and dark spots
Scalp health benefits, helping to prevent dandruff and stimulate hair growth
UV protection: Argan oil contains natural antioxidants that can help protect the skin from damage caused by the sun's UV rays.
Additional information
INCI name: Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil
Type of processing: Cold pressed
Type of cultivation: Organic
All our Argan Oils have been certified organic by CCPB/ and to this end meet the regulatory standards of: (EC) No. 834/2007, No889/2008 and USDA/US NOP of the highest quality natural Argan Oil 100% & Premium.
Minimum quantity: 5 litres
Supply capacity: 20,000 litres/litres per week
Port: Casablanca / Tangier MED / Agadir
Payment terms: L/C, T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram, PAYPAL
Packaging and delivery
Delivery time: 15 days after confirmation of all details and deposit
Argan oil can be in 40ml, 60ml, 100ml ,125ml, in PET plastic with pump250ml, 500 ml, 1Liter, 10 Liters, 20 liters, 25 liters ,33 Liters in plastic with cap ,Argan oil can be in 40ml, 60ml, 100ml ,250ml, 500 ml in transprent or tinted glass bottle
Quick details
Place of origin: Morocco
Type of processing: cold pressed
Form: Oil
Use: Body, face and hair (use in a hair salon)
Type of supply: OBM (Original Brand Manufacturing)
Brand: BioProGreen or private label
Price: ex works
Certification: MSDS, CCPB / NOP USDA Program
Type of cultivation: Organic
Main ingredient: Argania Spinosa kernel
FOB price: Contact us
Product available in private labeling contact us for more information: Oriental Group
Informations de l’entreprise:
BioProGreen N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem Route de Safi 40 000 Marrakech MOROCCO Tel:+212 524 335 449 MOB :+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber) Fax:+212 524 457 961 Website : https://www.bioprogreen.com/ E-mail : [email protected] Follow US:  https://www.facebook.com/bioprogreenMorocco  https://www.instagram.com/bioprogreenmorocco  https://www.youtube.com/@bioprogreenmorocco4708
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bowlofdust · 6 years
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Ok! Final #autostop masters class: #hitchhike the #ferry from Tangier Med, Morocco to Algeciras, Spain. Already got some good juju from @johnnycthonic who sent a lovely #Ganesha #mantra. Let's see what happens! (at Port Tanger Med ميناء طنجة المتوسطي)
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bioprogreenmorocco · 1 year
Argan oil for private label
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As a private label supplier, you can offer your customers high-quality argan oil, extracted from the nuts of the argan tree, which is native to Morocco. This natural oil is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants, giving it nourishing and protective properties for the skin, hair and digestion.
At Bioprogreen, we use traditional extraction methods to ensure the purity of the oil, and our products are certified organic to guarantee the sustainability of the production. You can offer argan oil pure or blended with other ingredients to create unique cosmetic or food products, such as body lotions, hand creams, shampoos or soaps made with argan oil. You can also sell pure argan oil in bottles for customers to use as they wish.
Benefits of Argan Oil
Improves skin elasticity with its moisturising and antioxidant properties
Soothes irritated skin and reduces inflammation for sensitive and problem skin
Strengthens nails and prevents breakage due to its nourishing and protective properties
Versatile use as an ingredient in personal care products such as moisturizers, hair oils, soaps and lotions
Ability to improve skin texture by reducing blemishes and dark spots
Scalp health benefits, helping to prevent dandruff and stimulate hair growth
UV protection: Argan oil contains natural antioxidants that can help protect the skin from damage caused by the sun's UV rays.
Additional information
INCI name: Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil
Type of processing: Cold pressed
Type of cultivation: Organic
All our Argan Oils have been certified organic by CCPB/ and to this end meet the regulatory standards of: (EC) No. 834/2007, No889/2008 and USDA/US NOP of the highest quality natural Argan Oil 100% & Premium.
Minimum quantity: 5 litres
Supply capacity: 20,000 litres/litres per week
Port: Casablanca / Tangier MED / Agadir
Payment terms: L/C, T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram, PAYPAL
Packaging and delivery
Delivery time: 15 days after confirmation of all details and deposit
Argan oil can be in 40ml, 60ml, 100ml ,125ml, in PET plastic with pump250ml, 500 ml, 1Liter, 10 Liters, 20 liters, 25 liters ,33 Liters in plastic with cap ,Argan oil can be in 40ml, 60ml, 100ml ,250ml, 500 ml in transprent or tinted glass bottle
Quick details
Place of origin: Morocco
Type of processing: cold pressed
Form: Oil
Use: Body, face and hair (use in a hair salon)
Type of supply: OBM (Original Brand Manufacturing)
Brand: BioProGreen or private label
Price: ex works
Certification: MSDS, CCPB / NOP USDA Program
Type of cultivation: Organic
Main ingredient: Argania Spinosa kernel
FOB price: Contact us
Product available in private labeling contact us for more information: Oriental Group
Informations de l’entreprise:
BioProGreen N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem Route de Safi 40 000 Marrakech MOROCCO Tel:+212 524 335 449 MOB :+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber) Fax:+212 524 457 961 Website : https://www.bioprogreen.com/ E-mail : [email protected] Follow US:  https://www.facebook.com/bioprogreenMorocco  https://www.instagram.com/bioprogreenmorocco  https://www.youtube.com/@bioprogreenmorocco4708
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edumidou · 5 years
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Tangier med Port (à Port Tanger Med) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4OC9RjgOiR/?igshid=14472xt1fybp4
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