#Port Sprints
fanaticsnail · 6 months
You're The Cure
Masterlist Here, Pollen Masterlist here
Word Count: 4,300+
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Synopsis: Law bought you a pretty flower from a port, wanting to impress you with it, and perhaps use it as a courting gift should you want him. As the Polar Tang's Herbalist, you know there is more to this flower than meets the eye. Trafalgar Law got more than what he bargained for with this little gift.
Themes: Pollen!Law x afab!reader, dubcon, desperate Law, Smut, mdni, NSFW, 18+ content, solo Law, edging, premature ejaculation, creampie, fluff
Notes: This little fic was brought to you by an incredibly recent ask that took control of my laptop. @sweetly-sicken, thank you for your ask - I hope you enjoy. @sordidmusings, @feral-artistry come get your man. He needs help (and thank you both for your help and your ears today while I wrote it).
Tag List: @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @feral-artistry @gingernut1314 @vespidphoenix @carrotsunshine @i-am-vita @mfreedomstuff @sexc-snail
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Hunched over the desk in the greenhouse aboard the Polar Tang, Trafalgar D Water-Law scrunched his eyes tightly shut and sucked his bottom lip into his mouth. His body was alight with a foreign passion he had never seen make it's equal. His clothes scratched and ignited his skin, the material of his heavy jacket weighing down his torso under the thick shroud of gray. 
Peeling his hat from his body and tearing at the iron zipper of his coat, his body began moving on instinct alone. His mind was screaming at him for his appalling behavior as his hands scorched hot trails along the glistening skin on his stomach. Sweat poured from his temples, his lips parting and huffing as his hands moved at a will of their own below the waistband of his pants. 
As his right hand gripped his achingly hard cock, he viciously began pistonning it within his fist, writhing and thrusting within it to match his brutal pace. His left hand snaked its way up his chest, pinching and circling the peaked bud of his right nipple as he mewled in desperation. He felt the approach of an impending orgasm stampede him towards release, the relief of the finish line almost within sight as he continued abusing his shiny knob and pummeling his shaft. 
Just as he felt his body begin to tip its way over the edge, it fell away just as hastily. Panic wrote itself over his face: his eyes wide, his mouth agape with a thin trail saliva trickling down his chin in stringy strands. 
“No, no, no, no,” he begged, pleading at his body to respond to the stimuli, picking up the pace and attempted to seek out his impending eruption for the second time, “No-... f-fuck-... Please.” 
Choking his shaft, a momentary clarity sifted in his mind as his eyes snapped to the single, innocent, pale flower poking out of an unsuspecting, ceramic pot. The top of the flowers danced within the aura of the puffs of breath he was panting, the yellow hue of pollen tinting the air with a tang on his tongue and a burn in his nose. 
“It’s that f-fucking flower, isn't i-it?” he chastised himself in a harsh whisper, laying his right hand flat over the desk as he thrust into his vice-like grip, “F-Fuck, it's the f-flower. Fuck.”
The sweetness of his release was once again in sight as he scrunched his eyes tightly shut. He released his nipple from his fingers, gripping the steel rim of the desk as he continued to writhe into his fist. 
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh sh-shit,” he choked on his words, desperately chasing an end that only rewarded him by sprinting away from within his reaching grasp. Again, the panic seared through his mind as he doubled down on his efforts, “No, no, no, no-o!” 
Without any further thoughts about his elusive orgasm, he immediately elevated his left hand and splayed out his fingers. He growled out a desperate roar, his ink-tainted digits shaking as he attempted to activate his devil-fruit ability to expel the pollen like a foul demon from claiming his soul. 
“R-Room- Ah fuck!” he exclaimed, his body immediately flopping over the desk as his body doubled its efforts against his iron-will. The intensity of the spouted dust increased it's crippling hold over his body, burrowing down deeper into every aspect of his body. 
“Sh-Sh-... Sh-...” he arched his back, his brows knit in a tight furrowed concentration. Glancing at the flower once more, a pool of saliva began spilling over his bottom lip as sweat poured from his temple, “Sh-Shambles- AH NO!” 
His cock danced with unresolved release, twitching within his fist as the intensity of his desire amplified. The devil-fruit abilities were doused by the fiery spray of the pollen in his respiratory system and blood stream. His body was not responding to his commands to expel it from himself by the supernatural means, nor the natural. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chanted, falling back into the chair behind him and gyrating his hips rhythmically upwards to continue to match the pace of his pistoning fist. 
As a final ditch effort to release himself from not only this spell, but to force himself to cum into his fist, he attempted to activate his Haki. Scrunching his eyes shut tightly before opening them once activated, the sparks of energy he intended on seeking fogged his mind with too frantic a stimuli. 
Suddenly, he was aware of every white-hot wave of lust coursing through his veins. Everything ignited into a bright wave of light, his eyes not able to adjust to the flashes of the augmented hue. He shook his head, immediately shaking off the use of Haki from his widening eyes. 
“H-Help,” he choked out a whimpered whisper, “I n-need help.” He mewled out a keening sob, desperately chasing his high within his right palm. He thrust his left hand into his hair, balling the sweat-damp strands into his fist and cried out for his release. 
The bob in his thigh, the lightning bliss within reach again within the coiling band in his abdomen, everything was right there. Right there, until it wasn't. 
“C’mon, Law!” He roared at himself, chasing his high. He focussed his ministrations on his frenulum, pinching and flicking his hand over the tight band of flesh, “You can do this. Gotta keep strong for the team. C-Can’t lettem’ know. You're better than th-this.” 
He whined as his left hand once again chased the channels of his inked art up his chest, swirling his nipples beneath his calloused fingertips. 
“F-fuck, fuck, fuck!” he cried in desperation, his cock refusing to spill over even the smallest amount of precum over the slit, no relief in his release being welcomed into his hand, “Why can't I do this? I-I need-... Shit-... I need-... Mmmfph-... I need help.”
“Anyone seen our captain?” You asked the crew gathered in the communal dining space. Downturned lips, shrugs and soft shakes of the heads from your crewmates unified in their puzzlement. 
“Why? What's going on?” Bepo asked, his pale fur reflecting the buzzing illumines of the artificial light. 
“Oh, he said he had something for me, is all,” you smiled at Bepo, clapping your hand over his shoulder with a polite smile, “Something about a flower he picked up from that strange port earlier today. Wanted me to have a look, see if I could extract anything of it.”
Bepo let out a small squeak of joy, stifling further joy from fleeing from his lips by clapping his paw over his muzzle. He sought out the corners of your face, gauging your emotions responding to a gift from the captain. You shook your head at the large, fuzzy bear with a small smirk. 
“That kinda makes sense,” Penguin smirked up at you, shoveling his food into his lips and chomping down on the crunchy texture, “Seeing as though you're the herbal remedy spooky witch, and all. He's likely in your office, maybe even the greenhouse.”
“Herbalist, Pen,” you corrected him with a soft smirk and the shake of your head, “I didn't go to study permaculture, horticulture, botanical remedies alongside my bloody medical degree for you to refer to me as ‘herbal remedy spooky witch'.” 
Cackles erupted from the table around you, your own chuckle joining with the crew as you rose to your feet. Discarding the contents from your tray, you then placed the empty tray atop the metal shelf for the cleaning crew to easily manage. 
“Alright, family,” you called to your crewmen with a smile, “I'm off to take a look at that flower. I'll see you all for dinner later.”
“Bye, spooky witch,” Penguin chuckled at you, “Don't forget your broom on the way out.”
“Penguin!” Bepo scolded your hat-wearing crewman, prompting you to laugh in response. Shaking your head, you approached Penguin from behind, leaning down to lean into his ear with utter seriousness. 
“Be sure not to test this witch’s patience,” you smirked, purring into his ear in a sultry whisper. Penguin's blood ran cold, feeling the warm heat cascading from your body as your cool breath met with the shell of his ear, “Or I may curse you with something as sinister as impotence.” 
You laughed to yourself, turning and exiting the dining room to make your way towards your office. Noticing a dim light beneath the door, you cocked your head to the side as you narrowed your eyes. 
A small wave of tinted dust swirled beneath the door, your eyes widening at the hue of the pollen particles. You immediately reached into your boiler suit, seeking out your personal mushi-shell and raising it to your lips. 
“Bepo, you there?” You called to your fuzz-covered crewmate, “Important, honey. You there?” your snail jumped, Bepo’s voice expelling from the box with a hasty confirmation of, “I'm here, what's going on?”
“I need you to open the vents in the greenhouse and pump the room with clean air,” you ordered him, reaching for the door of your office and knocking on the cloudy glass of the window. 
Rough panting, cursing and growling echoed from a masculine voice from within the room, your heartbeat increasing the longer you were standing outside the door. You had read about this pollen, recognised the hue immediately beneath the crack in the door, and you knew almost exactly what sight was going to meet with your eyes as soon as you turned the door handle. 
“Bepo, did you flush the room?” You hastily hissed into the shell, a curt, “yes!” was confirmed in response. 
“Good job, sweety,” you praised him, before knitting your brows up in concern with a very cautious question, “Bepo?”
“Yes, Herbalist?” Bepo asked into the shell, “Is there anything else I can do for you? You sound kinda panicked.”
“I just-... I don't know how to put it plainer than this at the moment…” You trailed off, unsure of how to pose this question without further questions being asked of yourself, “...You're the captain's closest confidant, Bepo. Do you know if he's taken a lover aboard the ship? Anyone he fancies that might reciprocate his-... Uhh-... Affections?” 
A lull in the crackle prompted your heart to skip a few beats, patiently waiting for Bepo to answer your question. You were likely certain there were a few, including yourself, that took a shine to the broody and serious captain that manned the Heart-Pirates. You were aware of the cure for this disease he'd likely inflicted on himself, truly desiring to give him the treatment he'd actually consent to adhere to. 
This was pollen from the pale-lust plant, a plant that only the smallest amount of dust could amplify and magnify the sexual experience of the person who inhales it. It was usually manufactured into perfumes and body oils for those who wanted to ‘spice up’ their love lives. And your Captain had likely doused himself in it. 
“I'm not sure if it's my place to say, but from your tone of panic…” the shell muttered in Bepo’s calming cadence after several moments of silence, “...H-He hasn't ever thought about buying anyone aside you a gift at port before. A-And he really thought you'd like that flower he brought back for you.”
“Okay, Bepo,” you managed to choke out a small squeaked order, “I need you to block off all access to the botanical bay for the rest of the day. Captain's orders, okay? You're in charge.”
“Is everything okay? Do you need help-?” He questioned over the shell, you halting his voice by speaking over him. 
“-The captain is likely experiencing some systemic shock at the moment,” you confessed, adjusting your uniform at your neck in an attempt to stifle your blush, “Judging from the hue of the dust, it's likely the plant he brought back had an effect that I doubt he would've prepared himself for.” You bit your lip, truly concerned for Law's wellbeing within your office, “I need you to take charge until either I, or Captain Law, tell you otherwise. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”
“Aye, sir,” Bepo’s practiced reply barked into the speaker, you could almost visualize the salute on the other side of the transponder. 
“Good boy,” you praised him, your hand moving down to the door handle and beginning to turn it, “I'm going to be out of contact for a while. I might still make it to dinner, but if I can't - please save me and the captain a plate!”
“Aye, sir!” he uttered again into the speaker, with a final, “Good luck with the captain!” Clicking aside the portable transponder, you thrust it into your pocket and shook aside your nerves. 
Hastily, you flung wide the door, turning immediately upon entering and facing the door as you clicked it locked behind you. As soon as you entered the space, the sounds of rough slapping of hands meeting skin, huffs of exasperated panting, groans and pleads falling from your captain's panicked lips alongside his panting mewls of pleasure flung themselves loudly and carelessly into the air. 
“Captain,” you whispered, your hands holding firm to the cloudy glass of your office door, “I know you're likely out of your own mind right now, but I'm going to tell you this anyway-.”
“-Fuck, what's happening to me? T-Tell me, please. Know I'm h-here. My h-head is here, I-I just-... ngmmh-...” he whined for you, the taste of your name tainting his tongue with desire and lust, “...don't judge me, please. I don't want this to change the image of myself in your head.”
Anticipation and a shameful wave of desire spread itself through your chest and ignited a throbbing need for your captain in your core. You knew this wouldn't be happening without this douse of pollen coursing through his veins, the raw need to chase his ecstacy within his fist behind you. 
“All th-this because I wanted t’get you a-... f-fucking gift t’ court you-...” Law confessed with a whispered hiss, his eyes raking over your body with lust and need, “...M’guessing this's from that f-fucking flower I got for you. Is-s there a cure?” 
A gasp flew from your lips at his confession, prompting you to almost glance over your shoulder at him. Deciding to give your captain a further shroud of decency, you halted your movement and chose your next words carefully. 
“There's no cure I can manufacture here, Sir,” you whisper over your shoulder, “But there is one that I know of-.”
“-F-Fuck, please get it. Whatever it is. Get the fucking cure before I lose the final bit of control I h-have,” he roared your name, barking his orders as the skid of the iron legs of the chair backwards, raking against the steel floor. You jumped in shock, the shifting of material scattering prompted you to become more aware of his feral urges further.  
Just as you began to turn your body to face your captain, two inked hands slammed against your own on the cloudy glass, prying them apart with a vice-like grip. Fingers laced between yours, his face fell in the crook of your shoulder as he deeply inhaled the scent of your perfume. He groaned at the feeling of his bare cock grinding in between the divet in your ass above your boiler suit, a shocked gasp fell from your lips in response. 
“Fuck you smell good,” he moaned, his lips latching on your pulse as his tongue swirled against you, “Taste even fucking better.” You whined as his teeth sunk into your neck, his rhythmic grinding not easing against your clothed flesh. 
His mind was hazy, his body was reacting to every subtle change in your voice and wavering breaths. As soon as you entered the room, it took all of his strength and will to not enter a state of frenzy and fuck into you with the deep ferocity of a wild beast. He owed you better than that. He wanted you to want him too, and if that meant holding onto his sanity by tooth and nail: so be it. 
“Captain-,” you gasped as his right hand left yours to paw at the front zipper of your jumpsuit. 
“-Law,” he growled his correction at you, “It’s Law, or anything other than my title or ‘sir’. Y-You-... fuck, sweetheart-... I n-need you. Please let me? Let me have you? Please?”
Slotting his hand over your chest, his fingers eagerly sought your left breast beneath the cup of your uniformed lingerie. He hastily rolled the peaked nub within his thumb, index and middle fingers; a cry of pleasure emanating from your throat as you threw your head back onto his shoulder. 
“We can talk about it later,” he whispered into your ear, pinching at your nipple as he bit your earlobe, “Know that I wanted you before all this-... F-fuck-...but I need you now.”
He hastily turned you in his arms, splitting the top part of your boiler suit back and shedding it from your body as he claimed your lips beneath his. Allowing his primal desires to take the reins, he continued breaking you out of your clothes to match his own nudity: pinning you against the door with his rutting hips. 
“What do I need to do? Tell me,” he moaned into your skin, his teeth catching on your own as you reciprocated his touch, “Guide me, my north star. Show me wh-what I gotta do.”
“Law,” you moaned for him, his body immediately pulling to you like iron to a magnet. Shedding the last of your clothes over your ankles, he used his feet to kick off your shoes. Cupping your thighs, he hoisted you into the air and hooked your knees over his hips. 
“My north star,” he moaned into your skin, his lips clinging to every amount of flesh exposed to him, “You're the cure. You're the cure, aren't you? My body is telling me you are.” You moaned for him as he carried you over to your desk, lying you on the cool surface and hovering over your body. 
“Anyone can be the cure for this, Law,” you confessed to him in a whimpering whisper, “It's the joining of bodies together that ends the torment. It's not me-.”
“-It is you,” he growled at you, hovering his lips just above yours and shaking from the amount of stress he placed himself under by holding back, “It's only ever been you. I need you. Better yet…” he lines his cock up with your glistening opening, the tip rubbing against your core prompting a small sob to exit from his lips. 
“...I crave you,” his arms shook beneath his weight, the sheen of sweat pooling from his temple beneath his only hair down to his whiskered chin, “Always wanted you. Let me have you. Please say you'll let me have you.”
“You have me,” you confessed, tracing your arms over his quivering forearms down to his hips, clawing him to draw him nearer. Guiding his cock within your entrance, you angle his hips as his brow sets deep within its furrow. 
“I feel like I'm gonna explode,” he confessed in a strangled whisper, “I-I’m sorry. I'm so, so sorry.” 
“It's okay, it's okay,” you soothed him with your calming voice, your thumbs pressing circular motions against his hip bones as he slid his cock to the hilt within you, “Use me, it's okay.”
As soon as the length of Law's cock slid to the back of your walls, he entered into a bliss he never would've imagined. His vision struck white, electricity sparking the flames of his encumbering lust as he shot you deep with spurts of his sticky cum. 
Barely having time to adjust to his size, he was already crying out for you. He immediately burst with his passionate release painting your gummy walls white, praising you for your gift to him while sobbing in deep pleas of anguish. 
“Fuck, I'm c-cumming. I'm f-fucking cumming. I'm already-...” He mewled your name, huffing as he barely began moving within you, “...I'm s-sorry, I'm so sorry. I-I-... hhah, fuck-... I'm sorry-... nngh- s-so good.”
You pawed at his ass, clutching onto his checks and held him deep within you, hips flush with your own. The twitches of his muscles all rippled with the expulsion of the final waves of his cum deep within you. 
“I'm sorry,” he repeated in a whisper, alongside chanting your name like a prayer, “I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay, love, I know,” you hushed him, his body collapsing atop your own and caging you beneath him on your desk. You drew your hands up to his damp hair, fingers brushing away the strands and cradling him close. 
Finally collecting his breath, his heartbeat slowing to a more forgiving beat, he refused to tear his face away from the crease of your neck and shoulder. Embarrassment at, not only, the hasty release of his cum within you had a red hue illuminating Law’s face. He was also appalled at the fact his surprise gift for you was a toxic aphrodisiac, one he fell within the snare of with no known cure. 
“Law, look at me,” you cooed down at him, prompting him to nuzzle his pouting face deeper into your skin. You tried your best to stifle your giggle to no avail - your laughter aimed at his utter childishness. 
“Law,” you chastised him, angling the heels of your palms down to collect his cheeks, “C’mon, love. Let me see those pretty eyes of yours. Look at me.”
He huffed out a breath of exasperation, finally tearing his face away from your shoulder and bringing his pouty face up to meet yours. His eyebrows were knit in a single point in the middle of his face, his eyes wide and filled with shame. 
“I'm sorry, herbalist,” he acknowledged your formal rank, his cock still deeply held within you, “I am better than this. I-I promise I'm better than this.” You arched a single brow up with your growing smirk. 
“Herbalist?” you parroted back at him, brushing your nose against his, “What happened to my name, or ‘my North Star’? I quite liked that one,” his blush deepened, the dark dusting of vibrant red cascading over his nose, cheeks and tips of his ears. 
“Well, what happened to ‘love’, huh? Where'd that go?” he quipped back at you, gliding his reducing cock out of your walls, releasing the floodgates of his excessive load of cum expelling from your pussy. He shifted himself away, glancing down at the expulsion of his cum dripping onto your office floor. 
“Fuck,” he shuddered out in a small whispered groan, “That was a bit more than I thought there would be. Room…” he extended his left hand upwards, the spatter on the floor and still within you vanishing with a further utterance of, “...Shambles.”
A small splash of water fell onto the floor, and a small spurt against your groin. You shot Law a quizzical look, prompting a smirk to rise on his cheeks. 
“I tried washing my face in your sink as soon as I got a waft of the flower dust in my face,” he shrugged before nodding his head over to your herbalist station, “Water was still in it.”
Smiling, you leant up with your elbows behind your back, looking at the man who was priorly all consumed with feral lust. He looked accusingly at the pale flower in the small pot beside your naturopathic remedial herbs, eyes narrowed and lip snarling. 
“It's the last time I'm buying you a fucking plant,” he muttered, turning to meet his eyes with yours, “Without checking with you first, of course,” he reached down with his right hand, smiling as you accepted his hand, “I want to buy you all the plants you could ever want,” he aided you to rise to your feet, guiding your hands to lace behind his neck. 
“Thank you, love,” you smiled at him, prompting his eyes to crease with his own joy at the return of your name for him. 
“Anything for my north star,” he pressed a gentle kiss atop your head, “My guiding light,” his lips trailed down to brush against the apple of your cheek, “My pretty map spiriting me home to hold you in my arms again,” he snaked his forearms around your waist, his smiling lips collecting yours beneath his. 
Parting your lips, he angled his head to the side and pressed several waves of passionate caresses against your mouth. He sucked in a sharp breath through his nose, dipping his knees to elevate you within the air, his smile widening at the small squeak of surprise you released from your mouth to his. 
He placed you onto the floor again, chasing your retreating lips as you arched your back to press your exposed chest against his. The warmth of your skin spread from your body onto his, the heat radiating from his body engulfing your own with a warm infusion of radiant bliss. 
“You absolute sappy romantic,” you teased him as you broke from the kiss shared with him, “Didn't know you had all that in you. You must really like me.”
Scoffing back his laughter at your taunt, he squeezed your body against his. You laughed at his playful expression, leaning up to press a small kiss against his whiskered chin. 
“Alright. Fuck you, you brat,” he laughed, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous grin, “I was gonna let you top me, use me to get your own release from me, but now- ohhhh, now,” he shuddered a sinister whisper down at you, “Now you're gonna get it.”
“I'm absolutely shaking,” you taunted him further, your teeth nipping at his jaw, “Shaking, quivering and cowering.”
“Not now, you're not,” he growled at you, lifting you within his arms and hooking your knees over his hips once more, “But you fucking will be when I'm done with you.”
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dendrahrah · 2 years
[ ouch!! | accepting. ]
@voltagedoubler: 🚑 for kofu at surgingchef
The sun is setting low over the hills by the time Dendra thunders towards the Porto Marinada marketplace at breakneck speed, legs pumping as she leaves an actual dust cloud in her wake. Predictably, she doesn't look well--there are tears in the knees of her tracksuit, and her sleeves are rolled up, showing various bruises on her forearms. However, upon catching a glimpse of Kofu at the port's edge, Dendra skids to a halt, a tired smile on her sweaty expression as she takes in a gasp of precious air.
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"Hola, Mr. Kofu...!" the instructor wheezes, planting hands on her knees and swaying a little in the spring breeze. "Wow, what a day--class went late and then the cab missed my spot and so I had to run--like really run--all the way here for this week's grocery shopping! Whew! Kofu, please tell me the market isn't closed yet I literally sprinted across the desert to get here and maybe even hitched a ride on an...energetic Iron Treads along the way. Are they still open? Are there any...deals...tonight?"
Dendra's talking at a million words a minute but slowly running out of steam, swaying dangerously in front of the Gym Leader again. Her empty water bottle bangs hollowly against her thigh, telling a story all in itself. Despite all of her remaining spirit, the battle instructor is badly dehydrated and totally gassed.
"Gotta...get to the market, I'll be seeing you...!" Dendra mumbles, nearly falling over as she tries to lurch past Kofu towards the colorful shopping tents.
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https-sourlimes · 1 day
to the life you claimed insignificant ! . . .
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featuring — jiaoqiu x gn!reader
synopsis: meeting your lover up again at the xianzhou luofu under a blue moon after his treacherous assignment succeeded. (the same day he has a dialogue with the merlin's claw)
consists of: 1k2+ of my word vomit. angst but with comfort eventually. MAJOR 2.5 QUEST SPOILERS (sfl and come back when you're done playing ^^). insert crying reader, my desperation during the coping stage. really, really encouraging and giving jiaoqiu a lot of love that he deserves.
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when the alchemy commission receives cases of injuries after the false wardance's success, you are quick to arrive at the luofu that same evening, omitting all proper welcoming methods made for a guest and travelling all the way from the xianzhou yaoqing on a starskiff as soon as the news reaches your ear.
your heels clicking on the cobblestone floor rapidly, wandering across a cheerful, unsuspecting town in a pre-wardance bustling atmosphere with a burden in your chest.
stopping by the entrance of the working area, you encounter lingsha, who seems to be waiting for you in the first place.
"ah... i reckon that you are the guest general feixiao informed us about; she said you will be visiting–"
"jiaoqiu, the doctor. i'm his lover," lingsha is taken aback by the urgency in your voice as you compose yourself. "my apologies, miss, please lead the way."
"i understand your emotional state right now, please don't feel bothered, follow me."
there is no room for pleasantries, and lingsha seems to understand it as she says nothing more on the long walk from the port to the elixir research terrace. the thing you perceive about this place is that in contrast to the healer's market of the commission, it is silent; you can only hear the calm sound of waves crashing over white sand, buildings' dim lights and a few locals scattered around, all under the bright moonlight.
jiaoqiu stands out there again, this time no moze nor feixiao anywhere near, just him under the bright blue moon, inert and pensive. the calm breeze reaching his ears, he flutters them, his left hand resting on the railing. he tries picturing the scene of the glittering sky above those bubbling waves, mind travelling back to all that happened, only to grieve himself at the painful moment when he sat leaning against the wall, felt like being torn apart, eyes blurring, words incoherent. he could've done better than that, but his sacrifice has already done for the best.
it was a big loss, indeed. jiaoqiu cannot cry. his condition right now (for the sake of his eyes) does not allow him to. he swallows the choke stubbornly slinking in his chest that urges his tears to run while distracting the mind to something else, but when he thinks of you, he cannot help himself.
he avoids the ill feeling in his heart at the fact that he will never be able to see your pretty appearance ever again, set aside how your pouts and the faces you make surely appeal to him. he surrenders to the idea of watching you in his infirmary daily, concentrating on your work with the alchemy, even making his way to scare you off then pamper you with kisses later as to make up for it.
it's agonizing... he feels useless; his life is entirely upside down now perhaps all he can do is nothing other than sit still and be a burden to you, to the merlin's claw, and to moze most of the time. in the worst case, retiring from being a doctor.
he steps back, surprise written across his face as he recognises that voice. that warm, honeyed voice that he longed to hear, but then if only his eyes were clear, he could sprint towards you and shove you up for a good breath-taking hug. yet he cannot. he smiles sadly and pictures the sight of you urgently running towards him in his mind by the clicking sound of your shoes on the stairs, your soft panting and the whispers you breathe. finally, he can feel you again, by your undeniable soft herb scent, his hand in your hair as you sink desperately in his embrace, your face buried in his shoulder.
"thank my lucky stars... you are safe," jiaoqiu hears that crack in your voice when you say it; he sighs in relief. after all that happened, you're still his, and even loving him so kindly like this.
"[name], is it really you?" he chuckles, heart warm. "travelling a long way here just to look for me?"
"of course!" you exclaim, voice angry. "who would have thought you'll screw yourself up this bad, huh??"
jiaoqiu will tease you for the cuteness he found in that sulky remark but he quickly falters when he senses warmth and dampness on his shoulder as you begin to shudder slightly.
"darling, are you..."
he halts. his grip around you tightens, heart twists. the injured foxian then lets out a sigh, his soothing manner on your back tender and reassuring.
"don't cry. you'll wound me badly for it," he coos. "there, there. i got you. it's okay, i got you."
you pull away, your hands resting on his face, your thumb gently brushing against his left eye, the amber colour opaque.
"my poor boy..." he heard you, jiaoqiu wishes he could see your face right now; he wouldn't want to forget it ever, his palms reach you in return, wiping away the tears that stained your cheeks.
and when you pull him in for a clumsy, desperate and affectionate kiss, your wet cheeks brush against his, jiaoqiu mind's rest assured, he needs you, needs your love more than anything he could risk his life for. you are always enough for him.
against all odds, jiaoqiu returns to the xianzhou yaoqing, it takes you quite an amount of time to make him feel used to the new circumstance and encourage him to continue his career as a healer with the support of the love of his life. everybody is surprised.
well, he can still make prescriptions based on your description and the picture in his mind of the condition the patient is in, no? the cooking is done by you with his instructions, and you're doing the best you can for him, motivated by chaste love and care.
you find yourself engaging in most cooking sessions with him. without his eyes, jiaoqiu only relies on you to do the cutting and separating herbs and ingredients in portions, and you also never forget to help him get used to the feeling of cooking with a "blindfold" on as he insists.
"woah, slow down, jiaoqiu. here, let me help,"
jiaoqiu smiles fondly as he nudges affectionately against your scented hair, your grip firm on both his hands as you guide him to cut the veggies. you scoff.
"attention, please. don't sniff on my hair like that."
you shake your head slightly with a sigh, knowing too well that this cooking session will end with a clingy jiaoqiu greedily requesting more of your kisses, probably leaving the kitchen and the meal he wants to cook undone. no matter how extraordinary he is as a healer, he is just your baby...
that is a scenario on the bright side. and, admittedly, this new life at times can be disheartening and demanding, there are countless times you have to hold his face with adoration, eyes pleading, your kisses on his cheeks are tender, clearing up his thought of the insignificant role he plays, convincing him into believing that he is your noteworthy, and perhaps... making him feel loved and cared for is your top priority – you were never an unimportant individual, my love. i love you.
nevertheless, you'll have to get used to new adjustments made specifically for your lover and pursue the cure that general feixiao promised him on that destined day. things are well settled, at least by now. and may the journey your future holds be calm and peaceful with the ones that you love most, jiaoqiu.
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© 2024 https-sourlimes. all rights reserved. (banner source: jiaoqiu official illustrations from pom pom's official weibo.)
ending notes: please visit my big sister q (@/akutasoda) for her jiaoqiu fic – hold my hand, lean on me – where she ate and left no crumbs splendidly with the adjustments that you can possibly make for the pink fox after the 2.5 quest! (my ending probably sucks but it's a happy one for my own sake...) and shoutout to @/synqiri for proofreading this little piece!!!
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thesfromhms · 1 month
Hear me out
Payneland first kiss
But it's a reunion kiss
They get separated while on a case
Charles almost gets into trouble and realizes how much he needs Edwin by his side
Edwin almost hurts himself due to Charles not being there to protect him
So imagine this
The 2 finally find a mirror after so long
Walk through it
See each other
And practically sprint into one another's arms
They hug each other tightly, desperate to feel something (Since it's canon that thwy can othet feel each other and othet ghosts)
Charles pulls away, cups Edwins cheeks, and pulls him into a kiss
Edwin is surprised at first, but eases up and confusingly places his hands on Charles' shoulder
This wasn't his first kiss, Monty had taken that previlage, but this felt different
Cat King commented on how the 2nd kiss is the best kiss, and his was technically Edwins 2nd kiss. So mayhaps it's that?
Or maybe it's because it's his best mate, and not some damn crow that's kissing him
Or maybe it's because it's one of the only sensations he has felt for a while
Or maybe, just maybe, it's because it's Charles doing it
Whatever reason, this kiss with Charles feels different.
They haven't really discussed anything about the confession in Hell, or anything remotely romantic here in London. Only on that rooftop in Port Townsend. Where Charles had reassured him that nothing has changed between them
But what about now? I mean, their lips were finally together. This is what Edwin wanted
But he still needs to hear Charles say it
Edwin pulls away and stares into Charles' eyes
"Say it."
"Say the thing"
"What thing, mate?"
"Say the thing that reassures me that that.." He wildly gestures the kiss "Was real. That you didn't do that out of desperation to feel something"
Charles pauses and realizes what his beat mate is saying. He wasn't sure how to say it, but, that kiss wasn't out of desperation
It was out of realization
The realization that he wanted Edwin to be his partner in every sense of the word. The realization that he wanted to be there for Edwin, and Edwin to be there for him. Tge realization that they're stuck together for eternity, as long as they don't go to the afterlife. Which luckily... They won't
Charles grabs Edwins cheeks and pulls him into another kiss. Edwin kisses back. It's finally happening. Right?
"I love you, Edwin Payne"
"I love you in every sense of the phrase"
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kentopedia · 1 year
my girl dad dazai post but now i’m thinking abt pm boss dazai as a dad …
he knows the mafia is no place for a child, but then you get pregnant, and he realizes just how badly he does wants to be a dad (even if he thinks he’ll bad at it)
he swears to himself he’ll protect her from all the bad things in the world, but it’s not just him … she’s got everyone in the port mafia wrapped around her little finger. so dazai feels a little better, knowing he’s got a handful of the most powerful ability users looking out for her <3
and she can get away with anythinggg. there is a lot of “just don’t tell your mom” happening (from dazai & everyone else). she loves that everyone has a special ability, but chuuya’s is her favorite bc he can float anything ! and she is dazai’s child so don’t doubt she is a menace !! if chuuya won’t fly her in the air, she’ll start tearing up bc she knowssss it makes him feel bad >:)
dazai has a lot going on with the port mafia, but nothing is more important than you and his daughter. he puts everything aside for the two of you !! the most devoted husband and father
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dazai stops, mid sentence, looking up at the sound of the door slamming shut, little footsteps sprinting across the room. he’s in the meeting room with the execs, discussing the foreseeable future of the mafia.
“daddy! daddy!” she shouts, running with something waving wildly in her hand. you’re two steps behind, her but she’s far too quick, too excited about her newest creation to stop. “look what i made!”
and though dazai is in the middle of an important meeting, his entire body language changes, and he’s turning towards the little girl, a big smile on his face. “what did you make today, cutie?” he asks, picking her up to pull into his lap.
“mommy showed me how to paint!” she shoves the canvas into his hand, a proud grin on her face as dazai brushes away her tangled hair. “look! it’s all of us!” she says, but her l’s still sound a little like w’s, and dazai can’t help but marvel at the fact that this sweet little girl has been raised by him.
she points to herself, a stick figure with an odd-shaped head, and nothing more than two lines of dark hair. “that’s me! and there’s you and mommy!” there’s a heart painted between your heads, and it makes dazai melt, the fact that even your daughter can see all the love you have for each other.
he wants to kiss you so badly, overwhelmed by affection for the two most important people in his life.
but then his little girl is pointing to a chaotic block of red and black, painted in splatters in the corner of the canvas. “and there’s uncle chuuya!”
dazai stares at it, blinks, then bursts into a fit of laughter that has his stomach aching. there’s a little hat on top of the mess of paint, and it sends dazai into another spiral.
“let me see that!” chuuya says, grumbling as he snatches the canvas out of dazai’s hand.
“what?” your daughter asks, frowning as she pokes her dad in the face, trying to get him to stop his laughter. “is it bad, uncle chuu?”
and chuuya, who previously had a grumpy expression, softens, not wanting to break the poor girl’s heart. “no, it’s real good,” he promises, even if he’s a bit offended by the portrayal, when she made her own family look so sweet. “it looks just like me!”
dazai chokes, but finally stops laughing to himself when you flick the back of his head.
“yay!” your daughter says, throwing her arms up high, grinning at chuuya’s praise. she’s so adorable that dazai has half a mind to squeeze her tight and never let her go. “see, mommy i told you they’d like it!”
you sigh, and take her from dazai’s arms. “you were supposed to show them after the meeting.” she’s still making grabby hands at her dad as you hold her, a pout forming while she squirms in your arms, trying to escape. “sorry, ‘samu. i know you’re busy today.”
dazai leans up, standing halfway out of his chair to kiss the frown off your face. “don’t apologize, darling.” he caresses your cheek softly, before looking back at his daughter, who just wants to be nosy and listen in to the adult conversations. “i always have time for my two favorite girls.”
you smile, softening as dazai ruffles his daughter’s hair.
“i want to stay here with you!” the little girl says, and dazai laughs, closing up her fists with his palm gently as she tries to climb onto him.
“i’ll be done in just a little bit, sweetie. then, how about we have a tea party? i’ll go get you some ice cream too! but you have to listen to your mom until then, okay?”
“i’ll listen, i promise!” she squeals in excitement, and then sobers, leaning back into your arms with a serious expression. “can you bring a special guest again? maybe akutagawa this time? he hasn’t been to a tea party yet!”
dazai’s lip twitches, but he doesn’t let the smile break free. still, the mere thought of akutagawa pouring tea for his daughter is enough to have him complying with her wishes. “sure, honey. i think i can arrange that.”
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stuffeddeer · 9 months
beast!dazai is our silly guy but he’s sadder :( i’d like to barge in his office while he’s working to put hairclips in his hair so he will be slightly less sad :)
The large and heavy doors leading to the boss’s office slowly creaked open. Dazai looked up with a harsh glare, about to tell off whoever just entered without knocking.
“Osamu!” You sprinted across the long office, hands clutching a small bag to your chest as your feet thudded against the long, regal carpet decorating his floor.
His glare fell, a smile taking its place as he stood up from his desk, widely spreading his arms out. “Hey— “
All of the air in his lungs is forced out as you run right into him, his arms wrapping around your frame as you both fell to the floor. Giggles emerged from your lips that brought a serene smile to the Port Mafia Boss's face, still holding you to him as you both lie on the ground.
"Okay, okay — get up! I come bearing gifts!"
Dazai chuckles at your words, arms falling lax around your frame so you can squirm out of his hold and stand up. "Gifts, hm?" He follows suit, moving to sit back on his desk chair. 
"Well, not gifts, really. I lied! ..Maybe. Sit down, though,"
"I'm already seated— "
"and get to work!" You set your bag on the corner of his desk, waiting for him to fall back into his paperwork and strategizing.
A sigh pulls from his chest, shoulders slumping as he decides to follow your orders. He'd love to focus all of his attention on you, asking about your day and why you're here so early, what you've had to eat and if anyone was mean on your way up (absolutely not, not after that one guy... what was his name? No one's heard from him since) — but Dazai knew that once you were set on something, there was little he could do to change your mind. You clearly had an agenda with your visit, something nestled into your small bag you didn't want to tell him about just yet.
Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long to find out.
Small, plastic butterfly clips. Three of them, in differing pastel colors, were clipped into his dark hair. He paused only for a moment before remembering your words and focusing on his work. Next were chunky pink barrettes, followed by a bunny clip resting on the side of his head. You brought out small bows of various patterns and colors, either tied into his hair or clipped in along with the rest.
A few more butterfly clips spilled out of your bag and Dazai could no longer contain the giggle he'd been trying to swallow since you started. "Is this your gift to me? Decorating my hair?"
You pinned a flower clip onto his coat with a playful grin.
"Ah, my mistake. Decorating me."
You nodded and pulled a few colorful paperclips from your bag as well, setting them on his desk. "You work so hard... I just wanted to add some color to your day," you shrug sheepishly. "I was gonna bring some of my cute pens, too, but I thought those might go unused. It's one thing to get all dolled up in private, but I thought you might not want reports written in purple ink."
Dazai knows you put a lot of thought into this, even if you're playing it off like it's no big deal. You wanted to make him happy without going too overboard — something small that wouldn't impede on his work.
His hands grabbed your waist and, in one sudden movement, he stood up and brought you into a hug. No words were shared, just a small moment of affection that would definitely help him get through the day so he could finally come home to you.
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chuuyrr · 1 year
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=͟͟͞♡ CW(s): f! reader, enemies to lovers, angst/comfort, flirting, kissing, profanities, accidental confessions, and reader is an ability user and from the armed detective agency
=͟͟͞♡ SYNOPSIS: in which nakahara chuuya of the port mafia falls in love with the enemy
inspired by: i can see you and foolish one by taylor swift !
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you can see everything.
you can see even the smallest or finest of details. may it be kept hidden in the dark or light. from simple lies that one utters, tinest changes in body languages and behavior that a person exhibits, you can see through people from their movement alone.
however, there was one in particular that you can see crystalline clear as the horizon, more than you should. nakahara chuuya.
he was rather simple, just like every other target you had, as you can see him waiting for you.
you were on an assignment, and it was once again simple. you only needed to stall for as long as dazai and the others required to infiltrate the enemy.
"i can see you down the hall waiting for me," you say as you approach him. you grin and tilt your head, "how sweet of you."
"yeah, i have been waiting for you, just like you said, baby," chuuya mockingly scoffs and grins before lunging for you.
exactly like you stated. he was easy, and your eyes can see anything. the port mafia executive looks surprised as you deftly avoid his jabs and hooks. chuuya keeps attacking, using his gravity manipulation abilities to make himself lighter and faster, even kicking you.
but, you can see him clearly.
you merely keep dodging, smoothly sliding left and right and jumping up and down. chuuya's honestly both impressed and perplexed. how were you avoiding all of his attacks as if you were expecting them? you were on par even with his gravity manipulation.
"how in the fuck?" chuuya raises his brow as he tries an uppercut in the hopes of knocking you off, but you simply evade it again, jumping aside and doing a quick flip to keep a safe distance.
"what's your ability, huh?" he scoffs as he looks at you. you couldn't just counter all of his assaults and blow like nothing without any special ability. that would be surreal.
"i can see you." you say, pointing at your eyes with a rather mischievous smile and giggle.
"you.. can see me..?" chuuya's eyes narrow as he struggles to comprehend your response.
"mhm, and i can also see you have a knife on you," you remark with a smile, waving the blade that chuuya carries on him as you twirl it with your fingers as if it were nothing.
chuuya was more astonished than ever before. only one man had been able to steal his knife. his ex-partner, the only person who should be aware of his movements, but here you are. in less than a minute, chuuya feesl as if you have known him your entire life.
"anyway, i need to borrow this and i gotta run. my job here is done, so bye!" you wink before sprinting into the other hall, surprising the port mafia executive.
"what the fuck?! get back here!" chuuya yells, chasing after you only to find you missing.
you had already vanished down the corridor, nowhere to be found with his knife, leaving no trace behind, and that was the beginning of everything.
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the port mafia executive has been a shambles since the fateful contact be had with you, the member of the armed detective agency that claims to see him.
with your antics and sharp, quick-witted movements, you remind him so much of his ex-partner, as well as an old member of the port mafia who died years ago, given your ability to render surprise attacks useless, such as a sniper attack, an explosion, and numerous other moves.
you were definitely a piece of work, which is why you have gained the attention of the port mafia, in addition to chuuya himself.
mori particularly requests that you be paired with him anytime an alliance between the mafia and the detective agency is needed since then. It was an unusual pairing, but even dazai understands why.
those eyes of yours were truly amazing, allowing you to see everything so clearly and with such deadly accuracy that you are capable of reacting to a situation so quickly and utilizing weaponry to the fullest.
chuuya could bet a thousand dollars that if you had been at the port mafia, you would have been a dangerous assassin to contend with.
your aim, stealth, and ability to analyze, anticipate, and react were impressive, and your abilities surprisingly work hand-in-hand with his martial arts and gravity manipulation abilities as well.
but here's the thing, you were the enemy, and you were as annoying as dazai, or so chuuya tries to convince himself in order to avoid thinking about you.
"nakahara!" you exclaim to the redhead, darting to his side to avoid a hail of gunshots aimed at you and him with a knife that happened to be his weapon, which you have never returned to him since.
chuuya scoffs to himself before snapping back to reality. for a split second, his eyes widened as he watched you effortlessly and masterfully dodge and deflect bullets being sniped at you and him like nothing else, swinging the knife as your eyes perfectly located each bullet.
this was definitely chuuya's first time. how could he have allowed his attention wander from the situation at hand for even a second?
chuuya grabs you and uses his gravity manipulation ability to make the two of you lighter, allowing you to move faster past your pursuers, both those encircling you and him, as well as the snipers in the area.
your eyes widen in amazement as he abruptly tugs you to him, and your eyes fail you to act quickly enough to stop him.
chuuya's body pressed against yours, your face on his chest, his arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you tight against him as he used his ability to wipe out the area clean.
you couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat as gravity knocked them all down with a flurry of its red energy enveloping you both, and that's when you realized it wasn't just chuuya who was becoming preoccupied.
"you okay?" chuuua says as you blink and look up at him, who is still looking down at you with his arm around your waist and your body pressed against his.
as you look into his gray eyes, your pupils dilate. you were seeing more than you should have been. the gentleness of his stare and voice at this precise moment, as well as his protective body language and grip, were sufficient to provide you with all the answers.
a smile tugs on your lips as you tilt your head towards him and wink, "ever so sweet of you, nakahara.."
before he clicks his tongue in irritation and releases you from his grip, a faint pink tint dusts his cheeks.
"w-watch your mouth, damn it," chuuya says as he brushes by your shoulder on his way to both of your destination.
"hey, now! i only called you sweet! no need to be such a sourpuss, nakahara!" you laugh, but you're also astonished and perplexed that you just made him react like that.
"shut up and get moving!" chuuya yells, refusing to look back at you as you began to trail after him, not wanting you to see his face right now.
"what if i don't want to? what are you going to do?" you question, your smile widening as you now catch up and pass him.
"i will make you shut up," chuuya scoffs, glaring even harder before turning away from you.
"but how? are you gonna kiss me?" you continue to giggle while maintaining your smile, a small blush developing over your cheeks as you jest to upset him, "you can't even land a hit on me, nakaha—"
chuuya abruptly cuts you off, clenching his teeth and raising his voice, "yeah, i will fucking kiss you myself to shut your pretty damn face up. that's fucking what!"
you mutter out in disbelief, "w-what?"
"you fucking heard me! i will fucking kiss you to shut you up!" chuuya repeats, leading you to zip your mouth shut because you didn't see this coming.
chuuya keeps his voice raised and intense, "you see me? well, i can see you too, sweetheart!"
you didn't even notice he was now clutching your collar and forcing you up against a tree, his face inches from yours in the midst of the earlier field of unconscious pursuers and wreckage.
"and you know what else? you are so fucking distracting too!" chuuya concludes, his nose almost touching yours at this point, "so distracting that i can't even get you the hell out of my damn mind, nor stop myself from staring at you every time because you always look at me with those damn eyes of yours!"
the atmosphere abruptly fell silent, and only your breaths, crickets, and a gentle breeze could be heard beneath the moonlight.
chuuya's stern expression softened into a look of surprise, followed by a slew of other wordless feelings as he realized your two-way proximity and the way your cheeks were burning crimson right now.
"w-what are you.. s-stop looking at me like that, damn it!" chuuya stammers out, his cheeks now mirroring yours in color. his eyes show vulnerability as well as the same softness that you can perceive so plainly.
"well, damn it too. i like you too," you say, a sheepish giggle exiting your lips and a smile on your face as you continue to look at him, lips slightly apart.
the moment you uttered those words, the tables turned.
you knew it was wrong, and you were certain chuuya knew it as well. you didn't need dazai to scold you two or three times over the danger of falling for the enemy, let alone the port mafia executive, who also happens to be an ex-partner from back in the day.
but you couldn't keep the truth from flowing out any longer, not after what you'd been feeling and seeing since you lay eyes on chuuya.
chuuya looks at you with surprise, blinking profusely as he releases your collar and steps back away from you, his face as crimson as yours, overwhelmed by the realization that you, too, are feeling the same way.
his expression, though, wavers. chuuya takes a deep yet sharp breath as he looks away from you, fingers fumbling, and you can see him so clearly, and this time you can see the trouble in those ocean eyes of his, the way his heart and mind were at odds.
"just why do you have to be with the enemy, [name]?" chuuya rubs his face, exhaling sharply, frustrated and distressed.
you hung your head and closed your eyes, not denying it. he was correct. it was just as dazai had predicted. even if such ties were necessary, neither of your organizations would be friends. at the end of the day, chuuya was your enemy, and you were his as well.
"you're not an exception, [name]. don't act like you don't see the way you look at that stupid slug. you're a member of the armed detective agency, and the hat rack is from the port mafia. why did it have to be him out of all the people?" you recall dazai's words, and the stern but concerned look he gave you.
your coworker was right.
you shrug your head and shoulders, and walk up to chuuya with a shaky sigh. chuuya can see your eyes were glassy with tears, but you scoff, glancing away and mustering a smile, "yeah, i can see that, nakahara."
chuuya swallows the knot in his throat as his gloved hand gently reaches out to grab your chin and force you to look at him, but you pull away before he can even touch you, and sorrow fills his heart with agony.
"let's keep it professional and finish up what we came here for, nakahara," the port mafia executive frowns at how serious and frigid your voice gets without the warmth and light joking style in your typical tone.
"oh, and, nakahara?" you ask, tilting your head up at him for a split second before walking away to finish your assignment with him.
you toss him his knife, which chuuya quickly catches in his gloved hand despite his heart and head being flooded with a slew of emotions as a result of this revelation and suddenness.
"i don't need it anymore."
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you have no idea what to call your current situation.
and you find yourself staring at the office ceiling while the voices in your head reiterate the same words over and over as a painful and bitter reminder.
nakahara chuuya was from the port mafia;
you were from the armed detective agency.
you silently wonder if catching feelings caused you to make a mistake because you obviously did not see all of this coming to you when you should have because you can see everything after all, but in any case, it wasn't your eyes to fault, but rather your heart.
you stand up from your seat, shake your head, and grab your belongings. it was late in the evening, but your mind had been so preoccupied all day that remaining late didn't even help you finish your reports.
you pile the unfinished paperwork on your desk and lock the door with a duplicate key before eventually exiting the building as everyone had gone home already, and right now, you were thinking of opening a bottle or two from your fridge to wash away your unpleasant thoughts.
however, as you walk to your apartment and unlock the door with your key, a hand grabs your shoulder, startling you and prompting you to use your ability.
you swiftly but forcefully drag the hand on your shoulder forward and thrust your elbow behind you with exact accuracy, ready to defend yourself further.
your eyes widen immediately. you recognize the voice and turn your head behind you, performing three consecutive kicks in the blink of an eye, only to see chuuya muttering curses under his breath while massaging the areas where you swiftly yet relentlessly attacked him.
"nakahara?" you raise a brow, "what the fuck?!"
"what the fuck?" chuuya repeats with a huff of annoyance and frustration.
"how did you even find out where i live?!" you question intesely.
chuuya scoffs, as he straightens his posture, "i obviously followed you home! and just so you know, you were the one that attacked me first!"
"it was self-defense, idiot!" you narrow your eyes and argue back, pointing an accusatory finger at him, "and you fucking grabbed me!"
"okay, okay! damn. i see your point. now shut up for second will ya?" as you witness how soft-spoken the usually heated tone of the port mafia executive is right now, your eyes immediately fill with astonishment.
"as if i will after everything. actually, what the fuck do you even want?" you shake your head and scoff at him as you cross your arms, "and don't you dare tell me it's another detective agency and port mafia team up, because i am done dealing with you and your fucking organization, and i don't get paid enough for—"
chuuya immediately catches you off surprise like the previous time you didn't react swiftly as you begin to rant with your voice raising word for word.
he shoves you inside your apartment, locking the door behind him before you can make a scene, causing you to stagger backwards.
and before you could respond further, chuuya yanks you by the collar and practically slams his lips against yours, making you shut up just like he said he would, despite the fact that it was a couple of months late.
you couldn't help but feel a peculiar mix of comfort and anticipation at the proximity between you two. the warmth of chuuya's lips against yours and the scent of his cologne engulfed you.
you slowly close your eyes, losing yourself in the warmth and comfort of the kiss even more as his hands trace your cheek and hold you by the hip instead of your collar.
chuuya draws you inexorably closer to him, pressing his forehead against yours, your lips still slightly separated from the intense and passionate kiss and you pull back just enough to lift your face and look at him, speechless.
"i love you," chuuya says feverishly, "and i don't give a fuck whether you're with the detective agency or not at this point. what does it matter? i want you, sweetheart, and i can see myself becoming addicted to no one else but you."
he holds your face in his gloved hands delicately yet eagerly, a glint of hope in his eyes, his pulse racing as he waits for your response.
your heart skips a beat at the confession, and you can't help but smile as you witness the depth and sincerity of chuuya's feelings.
"i can say the same, chuuya. i can see you being with me too, and being my secret mission, that is," you say in addition, a surge of eagerness and excitement filling your voice, calling him by his first name for the first time, bringing a grin to his face.
chuuya softly chuckles as he holds you by the waist and draws you in for another kiss and throws his coat on the floor, prompting you to wrap your arms around his neck.
"i can see you making me want you even more," you giggle softly in between the kiss.
"what can i say? i really do want you," chuuya says quietly, his warm breath tickling your lips as he leans in for another kiss, "and i can see you just as clearly as you can see me, pretty."
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i can see you allows the user to accurately analyze, predict, and react to oncoming attacks, brushing them off or avoiding them even from a dead angle. it also enables the user to move with pinpoint accuracy because this skill raises the user's kinetic vision to its maximum.
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=͟͟͞♡˖ ° niki says ! ༉‧₊˚.
for some reason, this was way better in my head "( – ⌓ – ) either way, i hope you enjoyed reading this nonetheless and thank you so much for reading until the very end !! also hoping for no typos because i finished rewriting this at like 1am.
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through-a-blackhole · 5 months
Summary: All Natsu knew when he met her for the first time was that Lucy was the weirdo with golden hair, golden keys, and golden smile.
The first time Natsu Dragneel meets her, the first thought that enters his mind is the fact that she is the weirdest girl he has ever met,
He sees some guy with puny flames pretend to be a mage from Fairy Tail, even going as far as to use Natsu's identity as the Salamander, and immediately his world is turned upside down.
There is a blonde girl who thanks him and Natsu is confused. He broke the spell, the girl explains, and he doesn't care. Igneel isn't in this town and all Natsu wants to do is go back to the guild, fish with Happy, or start a brawl with Gray. But then the weird girl tells him that she'll treat them to a nice meal and Natsu never says no to food so this time it's him who's thankful.
The weird blonde girl becomes the nice blonde girl and Natsu is hooked. Yeah, she's nice but she's so loud. She's vain and loud and talks so much but then she mentions being a mage and wanting to join Fairy Tail.
And the first thing that enters his mind is there is no way on Earthland that this princess will ever fit in with his guild. One look at her and Natsu knows she's royalty; she has probably never even seen struggle her whole life.
For the first time in all his life, Natsu has never been proved wrong multiple times in such a short period.
The blonde girl, Lucy, can fight. She causes a wreckage that ruins the entire port of Hargeon and before he knows it, he's taking her hand and bringing her to his guild.
"Come with me," he says but what she really does is enter his heart.
They become teammates, and then best friends, and he wonders when he ever had this much fun in life.
Lucy is a wonder and she surprises him day by day. She yells and kicks him out of her apartment, but then he knows she secretly loves having them over when she doubles her groceries and never leaves her window unlocked. She gets mad when he sleeps in her bed yet he notices the spare pillow on her bed cover.
So Natsu keeps these little discoveries to himself and treasures Lucy like how she treasures her spirits. And slowly, she infiltrates not just his mind but also his heart.
It is impossible to not think about her, Natsu decides. The more he gets to know Lucy, the more he wants to keep her to himself.
Natsu has never been this exhilarated before. Love, he thinks, is silly.
He learns of her departure and hightails it to her home, and she's shocked that they came to get her. He feels the fear leave his body when she tells him that she just wanted to say goodbye one last time, and she walks back with them to Fairy Tail.
The estate and the garden (which they all mistook as a village) serve as a reminder of how Lucy Heartfilia grew up with wealth and power, and the way she sighs at a high-paying job reminds him that she left all of it for him.
His heart jumps. She left her comfortable life the moment he told her to come with him on an adventure. And Natsu gives her adventures as he promised. But new adventures come with new scars. Soon, her skin is peppered with small streaks of scars, new and old, and his heart feels heavier whenever he sees them.
She jumps off a tower blindly just because she knows he will catch her. And he does.
His body is crushed under rubble and Lucy is getting beaten right before his very eyes, and he begs her to run, but she stays because it's more fun when we're together, she says.
She is beaten black and blue against Sabertooth, unconscious and bleeding, and she has the thought to apologize how she didn't win first place for Fairy Tail.
Her body starts merging with the infinity clock and Natsu's blood is frozen in fear but she finds the courage to laugh. I'm a Fairy Tail wizard. It's almost a reminder to him. And then the entire ship explodes and he sprints across the entire field just to catch her and he does.
She turns invisible and the entire guild forgets her, but Natsu remembers her with his heart and not just his brain, so he says her name out of habit and love more than memory, and she is visible again.
It is the time for viewing cherry blossoms and playing games with his guild and he can't even enjoy it when the person he wants to be with most is stuck at home with a cold. So he uproots the biggest, brightest tree he can find, sails it down a river, and hopes that Lucy won't feel left out.
He doesn't know when or how it starts, but soon it's not just his mind and heart that's full of Lucy. His home is littered with memories of them: their first job together, rubble from the fight where he asked her to run away with him, Lucy's maid outfit, the fake Salamnder signature.
She's golden, he thinks. Everything about her is bright and precious and he must protect her. This nice weirdo who bought him a meal and rewrote his entire life to save him.
Natsu Dragneel is in love with Lucy Heartfilia, he decides. And he doesn't know what to do, so he tells her honestly.
"We'll always be together from now on." I'll always be with you. You'll never be alone again. I'm in love with you.
Thank you for reading this short story! :') I missed writing, kinda rusty but I hope you liked it! I love Nalu so tell me if there are any prompts you'd like me to do <3
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user-zvs · 6 months
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'watching from a distance'
pt.2 here
IN WHICH, Dazai decides to stalk and approach you for your allies on the PM or in this case fuck the answers out of you.
TW: stalking, rough handling, dom!dazai, slapping, biting, pet names, anal sex, fingering, cheating?.
A/n: I didn't finish bsd so forgive me😔
It was extremely cold and late at night but you adored the scenery of the streets at night, especially after drinking.
The usual street you walked on was under maintenence, which meant you had to travel the long way. You turned up the street and into an alleyway while on your phone, looking at the GPS.
About ten minutes into your walk you kept hearing heavy steps ascending behind you, but when you turned nothing was there.y You started to walk faster when you saw a shadow in the blacked out corner where the trash was.
Your breath hitched as you heard the figure say something, you stopped in your tracks. The pounding of your heart got louder as you figured out what he said as you turned around.
"I got her."
That was your que to sprint towards your house that was just up ahead, you stumbled up the front steps and fumbled to unlock the door. Once you got inside you gasped as you felt a force push open the door, it was the man who you've been avoiding for awhile.
"What do you want from me Dazai?!" Your wavering voice cried out. He slammed the door causing you to flinch on the ground, he glared at you as he locked to door and took off his jacket.
"Anwsers. Where did your boyfriend go?" He questioned as he crouched to your level, you rolled your eyes at him. He turned watched as you stumbled out of fear towards your knife that fell, you grabbed it but Dazai kicked the knife out of your hand.
"Fucking ugh-" you cursed as you held your hand in pain. Dazai crouched again and asked you the same question, you spat in his face before grinning.
"I'm not tellin' you sh-" you growled. Dazai grabbed your face before picking you up over his shoulder.
He slammed your upper body onto the bed, causing you to yelp at the harsh treatment, He stood over you. The brown haired male flipped you over onto your stomach and pulled off your pants .
"Now darling, where is he?" He interrogated before rubbing your ass cheek.
"Up your as- ugh~" you moaned, Dazai harshly slapped your ass before spreading your legs with one foot. He leaned over you, chest pressed against your back as he breathed down your neck before talking.
"Don't worry I've got all night sweetheart, so work with me, hm? Just like old times." He smirked before kissing your neck, his hips grinded against your ass as he did so.
"We fucked even after you left the port for anwsers~" you moaned loudly as Dazai bit down hard, you wiggled out of his grasp and crawled onto the bed. Dazai loomed above you before sucking and biting on your neck, hand roaming your body.
His free hand slipped into your underwear to feel how wet you were, rubbing your clit. You arched your back as he quickened his pace, making you groan. He stuck his fingers in and out of your gaping hole, you hold his hair as he drags his hands along your walls. "Dazai~"The curling of his fingers causing you to whimper his name
"Sorry for this dear, I'll buy you new ones~" he huffed, he tore your underwear off in one go. The fabric leaving a burning feeling on your reddened skin. Dazai unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, you watched him lower them as you unbuttoned your shirt.
"Hands. Now." He demands, you complied by giving them to him. He took the thin belt and tied your hands to the head board before kissing your neck and licking at your sweet spot.
"What the fuck! ugh fuck~" you threw your head back at the feeling of Dazai biting roughly and thrusting into you at the same time. His pace was slow but his kisses were rough, each stroke was agony as you waited for him to go faster.
"I'll only go faster if you tell me what I want to hear. What did he tell you before he left?" He whispers in your ear as he stops entirely, You groaned as he looked down at you grinning. "Chuuya said you'd look for him." You breathed.
"Good girl, when did you last meet?" He questioned, his pace quickened as you closed your eyes. You acknowledged the fact Dazai didn't have to do this, he just wanted to fuck you like old times.
"Ngh~ never- Dazai~" the feeling of his cock bullying its way through the walls of your pussy left you speechless. His cologne engulfed your sense of smell as he sucked on your neck more, you clenched around him.
"Lie again, I dare you." He said in a low tone, it sent shivers down your spine making you arch. He pulled out and untied your hands causing you to scowl at him, his face was serious as he flipped you over aggressively.
"What th-ugh~" you yelped as he sleps your ass harshly, he grabbed a fistful of hair before aligning his hard cock at your hole. You gulped at the fact you knew he was getting mad, he was harsh as he thrushes his hips forward.
"Good girls get treated nicely~" he groans. His hips thrusting into your ass, the room being filled with claps and moans. You tried to wave your have to slow him down but instead he let go of your hair and yanked your hand instead .
"Sl-slow down~"
"No, Take your punishment then I will." He remarks, your eyes roll back as he let go of your hand and shoved your head into the pillow. Dazai's hands harsh grip your hips and slap your ass leaving marks, his pace wasn't going to slow down.
Your face was buried into the pillows with each thrust, you couldn't stop making noises. "D-Dazai fuck~ slow down!" You whimper loudly. He ignored you as he felt you clenched more around him, signaling you were going to cum.
"That's it, hm? Good girl~" You came around his cock as you screamed his name. Dazai pulled out as the string of cum followed his stiff length, he picked you up and placed you on the floor.
You were on your knees as he sat on the bed, bringing his pants a little lower. His hand stroked it a few times before looking down at you. You crawled closer as he motioned his hand.
"You gonna tell me where he is?" He huffed. Thinking it'd be funny, you shook your head no as he grabbed your jaw and sqeezed it open. Dazai thrust his hips forward, You gagged on his dick before bobbing your head on his dick.
He threw his head back and moaned, you grabbed his balls and massage them as you greedily shoved his dick in his mouth. Tears rolled down your face as you forcefully choked on his dick, mouth full of him.
"Hurry up or chuuya will be back soon." He groaned.
You rolled your eyes, so he knew Chuuya would be coming here for a visit tonight. You heard Dazai loudly moan as he shor ropes into your throat, you swallowed it gracefully as he pulled away.
"SO you knew? Then why do all of this?" You scoffed. He lazily smiled before running a hand through his sweaty hair, thinking of what to say.
"I just wanted to feel you again, is that so bad?" He lightly chuckled. You hugged him as you sat on his lap, feeling his hands snake around you. "Who're you texting?" You questioned as you layer your head on his shoulder.
"Just opening a message that's all."
Little did you know he was texting Chuuya on his cellphone. Something along the lines of:
Dazai: just fucked your girlfriend, hurry here for round two
Chuuya: on my way.
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fanaticsnail · 11 months
Dancando Lambada
Hello everyone! This is my first time writing for Shanks, at the request of @commanderfreethatdust.
I set up a playlist and listened to so much bachata music it was insane. I hope you enjoy reading this one!
My Masterlist is here, just in case you want to see any of my other work!
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Crawling to the shore, the weight of your completely soaked formal garment collecting sand around the hemline. You coughed slightly before springing to your feet and shaking the water from your body with large, exaggerated actions. You searched the beach for your companions, finally making eye contact with the man who scurried to shore beside you.
“Where is she?” you questioned him, helping him to his feet. He spluttered out a rough cough to rid his lungs of seawater as you clasped his arm in aid.
“I-,” he began, panting slightly, “I lost her.”
“You lost her?” you said, flittering your eyes to the other members of the vessel, “you lost your sister?”
“I did,” he confirmed, standing alert as he turned to search the beach. You saw a small bundle of heaped material above the flailing arms of the aforementioned woman as she struggled to keep afloat under the weight of her oversized garment. Without hesitation, you assertively made your way back into the water to aid her in her struggles.
You swam to meet with her as she clasped your arms and held on for dear life.
“I got you, love. I got you,” you reassured her, holding her to you as you slowly rode the tide into the beach. She began to sob as she attempted to make her way to the shore.
“It’s ruined, all of it,” she wailed slightly.
“Honey,” you said, drawing her attention to you as you felt the sand finally beneath your feet, “it was just the ceremony. The reception will still be beautiful.”
She sniffed as she began to collect the layers of her large white skirts as she made it to shore. She met the eyes of her brother before she sprinted to the best of her abilities before him.
“Really, Albert?!” she shrieked at him in rage, “you had to test out the barrel of a cannon before I could recite my vows?!”
“I didn’t know it was loaded!” he yelled back in fear, running to flee from the wrath of his sister.
“You ruined everything!” she again reiterated, picking up a small rock and throwing it at him. You groaned and brought your hand to rest on your brow before noticing a large ship sailing to make port in the docks ahead.
“Lilian, look ahead,” you attempted to gain the agitated bride’s attention to bring it to the ship.
“The captain can’t perform the ceremony on dry land, Albert. He doesn’t have that authority,” she continued to berate her brother.
“Lilian,” you said a little louder this time.
“And you sunk his ship, you stupid git,” she continued yelling.
“Lilian!” you bellowed over, finally bringing her attention to you.
“What?” she boomed, fixating her rage onto you now.
“There’s a ship approaching,” you began as you brought your hands into a soothing motion, palms facing the ground as one would make small themselves in front of a charging beast.
“What does that have to do with anything?” she said, finally exchanging her anger for a whimpering sadness.
“The ship is likely to have a captain,” you said, approaching the bride, “and you need one of those to marry you and Remy.”
At his mention, the bride turned to look at her betrothed who had softening features adorned as he looked to her with pure adoration.
“Now,” you began, bringing her eyes to you once more, “go and get yourself and your beau cleaned up. Leave the captain to me and meet me on the dock.”
The sails swelled in the breeze at it carried the fine ship into a fresh port. Shanks and his troop of carefree crew began to cheer merrily at the thought of receiving fresh supplies from a new town.
“Looks to be trouble ahead, Captain,” Beckman informed the captain as he walked past him to begin hoisting the sail.
“Trouble?” Shanks said, retrieving his brass spyglass from within his large, dark cape. He lifted the object to make out the form of a sinking ship as the people aboard fled to the shore. He quirked his head slightly, furrowing his brows at the sight that lay before him.
“Marines?” Beckman called over his shoulder as he continued to make light work of the rigging, “Sailors?”
“A leisure vessel, I think,” Shanks said, placing his spy glass back from within his cloak and turning to his first mate, “and I think it was performing a wedding.”
“A wedding?” Beckman questioned, turning to face Shanks after completing an expertly tied knot, “how do you mean?”
“Look,” Shanks said, leaping down from the place next to the navigator, “you see?”
Beckman squinted his eyes to make out the form of a woman in a white dress as she stomped up the sand dunes with several other women in tow.
“Making port now, Captain,” called Yassop from the deck as he threw a lasso to the pillar of the ramp, successfully attaching the ship to the dock.
Once settled against the solid foundations of the dock and extending the ramp; Shanks witnessed a woman dressed in incredibly damp clothes aid the ship’s docking ramp to extend fully to the floor before placing a bare foot against the wood.
“Which one amongst you be the Captain of this vessel?” you asked them, prompting the entirety of the crew to bring their complete attention to you.
Your hair was soaked, lying flat against your head, as the weight of your once fine gown hung from your body; hugging every single piece of your skin firmly. You paid the material no mind, although it became slightly transparent from the seawater you unwillingly swam in moments ago.
“That would be me, my lady,” a red-headed man said, stepping forward.
You looked over him. His face almost had a playful gleam adorning it. He had a light scruff on his chin, a three-clawed scar atop his left eye and a dark cloak wrapped asymmetrically from his torso as it completely covered his left arm.
“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Captain,” you smirked slightly, bowing ever so slightly to him, “please excuse my forwardness, I’m on a tight schedule and there is food about to spoil.”
“Food?” a large man wearing goggles called in glee, prompting you to bring your attention to him, “what food?”
“Salted pork, roasted vegetables, wheels of cheese by the dozen,” you relayed to him while waving your right hand dismissively before snapping your head back to the captain, “but again, I am on a tight schedule.”
“Oh?” the Captain said in a slight teasing tone, “and may I be privy to what would bring such haste upon a fine lady as yourself this day?”
You sighed in slight annoyance before shaking off any apprehension.
“My oldest friend is - was - getting married, you see,” you said to the captain before gesturing further out to the shore, “she has just descended the dunes to fix her attire.”
The captain of the vessel laughed wholeheartedly at your explanation, prompting his crew to also chuckle at the situation.
“And what would you have me do?” he laughed, “I’m no tailor. I have no idea how to fix a salt-soaked wedding dress.”
You snickered at his comment, tucking a damp strand of hair behind your ear and looking to your feet slightly before returning your gaze to the amused Captain before you.
“Well, sir,” you began, biting your lip slightly before fully allowing yourself to explain further, “we are in need of a ship and its Captain.”
His brows twitched slightly in confusion as he slightly shook his head.
“For what reason?” he asked you, placing his right arm on the railing as he began to descend onto the dock below.
“Well, we lost our ship, as you can plainly see,” you gestured to the completely sunken ship off the shore of the coast, “and our church had been ransacked by pirates a few months prior; forcing our priest to flee to his home monastery for funds to create a new one.”
The captain descended to fall before your being. You immediately felt small as his taller persona towered over your form, his cape falling to cascade over his left leg slightly.
“And you want to use my ship to what,” he paused before looking back to his crew, “throw a party?”
He and his crew laughed at the notion, prompting you to join them slightly.
“No, sir,” you directed him, “as I said. We have no trained leader or lawman among us presently. We have a captain, but his ship is now claimed by the sea.”
The red-head turned his gaze back towards your own, his laughter dying but his smile remained.
“I understand,” he said to you with a small smirk, “you need someone with jurisdiction of the waters to officiate the ceremony.”
“Yes,” you felt the words breathily leave your lips, “we need you, Captain.”
His smirk upturned further into a warm smile as he fully grasped your words of desire.
“And my ship, I presume?” he questioned, fully stepping onto the wooden dock to join with you in level ground.
“Aye, sir,” you said with a small nod, prompting him to breathe a laugh through his nose at your confirmation.
“And what shall we have as payment, my lady,” he teased slightly, his eyes playfully squinting full of absolute delight at your humility.
You stepped forward, unafraid of his taunt and proceeded to bring your body within an intimate proximity. You angled your chin up to be within inches of his scuffed jaw, as you looked up at him through your eyelashes.
This caught the captain slightly off guard, not fully processing the motion you had set in place.
You could taste the salt on his skin as you brought your lips inch by inch closer to his own before quirking your head to the side.
“Rum, dinner, and a good time,” you whispered your breath against his lips in a sultry tone, smiling as you felt him lean in slightly at your administrations. You held his unadulterated attention as you kept your proximity for a few moments before the Captain pulled away and looked to his crew.
“You hear that, lads?” the captain asked, “we’re in for a free feed!”
They all cheered in unison as they celebrated the knowledge of an abundance of food to be presented before them. He smiled and turned his face back toward your own and held an intensity in his gaze.
“By all means,” he smiled at you, “bring the love-birds aboard and I will marry them to one another.”
You smiled and breathed a sigh of relief at his generosity.
“Thank you, sir,” you bowed in a small curtsey, presenting your skirts outwardly to the best of your ability. The dampness of your gown made this particular gesture slightly more difficult than originally anticipated, but you extended your formality never the less.
“I feel like I should be thanking you, my lady,” he smiled, “and offering my sincerest apologies for the amount of good food and rum my crew is going to claim from you.”
You giggled at his remark.
“If I may be excused, Captain,” you asked with a slight uneasiness in your face, “I need to change out of my clothes. It’s awfully cold out here and I feel incredibly exposed before your wonderful crew.”
At that, the Captain drew his eyes over your form. He started at your partially dried but still incredibly damp hair before flittering down to your collar bone and holding his gaze there; using his peripherals to search pupilless over your form to take in how exposed your body was in the sea air before finding your gaze once more. You played a knowing smirk upon your features, noticing him searching over your figure with a small hint of desire.
“You’re excused, Miss,” he said, gesturing before the dock.
You felt his eyes fixate against your retreating form, relishing slightly at the attention of the attractive individual as you allowed a hidden smile to toy at your lips.
The second ceremony went ahead without a hitch. No cannon fire to sink your vessel at the hands of your close friend’s idiot brother.
The attractive Captain officiated the union between the two lovers and his crew cheered whole-heartedly as he expressed the union to be consummated within a covenant-sealing kiss.
You allowed a ululation to escape from between your lips, holding your right hand up to the side of your mouth to emphasise your joy as the young couple brought their lips together to seal the promise they made with one another. You smiled in glee as Remy dipped Lilian down to deepen their kiss, relishing at the love they found with one another.
At last, the festivities began. You offered your arm to the red-headed Captain to escort him from the deck of his boat to the shore off the horizon as the sun began to set its rays behind you.
You smiled as you witnessed the Captain and his crew gazed almost lovingly at the banquet laid before them, jaws going slack as they spied the sheer amount of food that was available to them.
Several large, canvas marquees were erected along the coastal shore; wooden, felt tipped torches aligning the pathway to their entrances.
Food stretched the left-most wall of the tent as it sat atop extended rectangular tables. The variety ranged from cold, cured meats and several varieties of cheeses to a suckling pig on a spit adjacent to a fattened lamb as they rotated over a freshly dug fire pit. Several variety of flattened breads, rounded loaves and lentils lay in woven baskets; the exotic scents lingering in the air. The indulgent sweets: chocolates, caramels, sweet honeys and moulded crisp sugar pillars adorned the table extended to the end of the room.
“Your payment as promised, Captain,” you gestured to the room before you, “take what you desire and please-,” you added, bringing your gaze slightly at his parted lips.
He turned his eyes to pull from the food to rest on your almost suggestive gaze.
“Please?” he whispered in question, looking through his half-hooded eyes at you. You smiled at him before looking again upwards to bring your eyes to his own.
“Stay for the party,” you demanded, rather than posed as a question to the cloaked captain in front of you.
“As you command, my lady,” he said with his eyes revealing his heavily utilised smile lines as he brought an absolutely honest smile to his lips.
You turned on your way after releasing him from his arm linked within your own, bouncing slightly as you ran to join in the lively dancing that was taking place against the warm coastal sand.
Approaching Albert as he rested wallowing atop the trunk of a fallen tree, you extended your hand out to him which he wordlessly took as his boyish grin returned to its spot atop his lips. You beamed at him as you began to pull him within the ring of dancers.
You arched your legs, placing one of Alberts own between them as you both swayed to the music. You cascaded your hands to the air as he embraced your lower and upper back and swayed your hips to the fast-paced, rhythmic music. Following his lead, you span your body to the music, allowing your now smaller skirt to swirl upwards to almost reveal your undergarments. He reached both of his hands to clasp your own and twirled you within them in a cross-hatched movement; embracing you as he held your hips against his own with his interlocking arms.
You both gleefully laughed as you danced together, as you both would often choose one another as dance partners in events such as these due to your prior mutual history.  He dipped you backwards and rotated you over his leg before snapping you back up. You pressed your forehead against his own and shimmied your shoulders while continuing to fan your skirt out in the sway of your hips.
As the song came to an end, you cheered again to the minstrels for their musical illumination. You laughed at Remy the groom, as he began to feel the effects of slight over consumption of alcohol and fell his back against the sand in exhaustion; prompting Lilian to do the same with her own gleeful laughter.
You squeezed the hand of Albert in thanks for the dance before wordlessly approaching the awaiting Captain as his gaze continued to focus on your approaching form.
“Captain,” you nodded to him in acknowledgement. He smirked at you, nodding his head to recognize your approach.
You began to make your way past him before halting your step and taking a small step backwards to fall before him once more.
“Were you,” you paused momentarily before continuing your sentence, raising your brows in question, “watching me?”
“I was watching you, yes,” he confirmed, nodding with a smile as he held his gaze to the ground to avoid your investigative eyes. You stepped again towards him, bringing your proximity closer to his own. He trailed his eyes to your bare feet and exposed legs before looking to your short, pleated skirt upon your hips.
“Why were you watching me?” you asked with a hint of coy, battering your eyelashes at him. He chuckled at your question, acknowledging he was absolutely caught-out in his desire for you.
“I-,” he began, his words being caught within his throat and halting his words.
You extended your hand to fall below his chin and bring his gaze up to your face.
“You-?” you trailed off to lead him in to further explain himself. He sighed with a warm smile in response, leaning ever to slightly into your hand. As he held no further explanation, you allowed a hint of assertive boldness to come over you.
“Would you care to join me for a dance?” you asked him, eyes flittering between his two orbs as you held a knowing smile on your lips. He chuckled slightly at your invitation before immediately recoiling from your touch.
“I don’t have all the right parts for a dance like that, I’m afraid,” he laughed, bringing his sights from you as he looked at the newly married couple as they circled each other in dance once rising again from the dunes; arms embracing one another as they spun rapidly together. They wove their arms in and out as their hips swayed with gyrating movements as they arched their backs and extended their legs.
“Oh?” you asked him, eyes unashamedly raking over his whole body before settling back on his face, “and what parts might that be?”
At that comment, he bellowed out a large and unrestrained laugh at your question.
“I’m intact if that’s what you’re asking,” he said, removing his dark cape from its placement on his right shoulder blade, “it’s just an arm.”
Your eyes widened at the sudden revelation of his absent limb, your sights holding to that place for a moment before meeting your eyes to his once more.
“So all the important ones are still there, then,” you shrugged with a slight jesting tone, prompting him to laugh further at your comment. Silence fell between you both again as you absentmindedly linked your left arm within his right and rest your head on his shoulder while you witnessed the couple continue to dance together.
“You’re self-conscious about it, then?” you asked, leaning your head back to have your eyes meet with his face as he continued to focus on the couple. He had a small, almost sorrowful expression fall to his face for an incredibly almost invisible moment before he smiled again.
“Not in the slightest,” he said, bringing his gaze to rest on the sand below his sandals. You hummed at his comment. You then pulled yourself away from its place huddled against his side and stood firmly in front of him.
“So it’s me then?” you asked with a quirk of your brow. He snapped his gaze up to you at that comment and open and closed his mouth as if to speak.
“I’ll find you someone to dance with,” you nodded before turning to look to the crowd before you as you began listing them.
“There’s Ariana; she’s incredible. Best bachata dancer in the east blue, I swear to you,” you said before turning to another woman among them, “or there’s Yasmita. She would seriously, and I might add shamelessly,” you said, while bringing your hand up to shield your mouth from the crowd before bringing it down again, “mould her body against yours and listen to your every direction.”
You laughed at your own comment before turning to gesture to another member of the crowd; “or there’s Zoe-,”
“-No,” you heard the Captain utter with an authoritative tone, bringing his right hand to your cheek and pulling your gaze to meet with his as they searched your eyes. His prior playfulness all but disappeared from his face as he held your cheek, caressing it as he stared at you with longing. Your eyes flittered between his two, searching for any unspoken reason he would not want to dance.
“Then,” you paused slightly as you inhaled a slightly shaken breath, “you just don’t like dancing?”
He smiled at you slightly, his eyes again returning its former playful glint to them.
“Oh, I like dancing,” he assured you with a nod, bringing your face closer towards his. You smiled at him, knitting your brows together in incessant confusion.
“I just can’t dance like that,” he chuckled, nodding his head to the couples as they swayed their hips together as they held their bodies pressed together in almost intimate juxtaposition.
“Oh,” you breathed out, quirking your head to the side as you comprehended what the red-headed captain confessed to you. You paused for a moment, the Captain releasing your cheek from his hold.
“Come with me,” you said, bringing your left hand to join with his and interlaced your fingers together as you made to lead him down to the shore; away from any undesired attention.
“And where are you taking me?” he laughed at you, following in step behind you.
“To somewhere secluded so you don’t make a complete ass of yourself,” you called over your shoulder, “I’m going to teach you to dance.”
Once arriving at a partially lit area still in ear shot of the drumbeat and up-tempo melody, you brought your hips flush with the red-head Captain. You noticed an immediate blush rise itself to his cheeks as he laughed at himself at the rise of his embarrassment.
“Oh, get a hold of yourself,” you playfully reprimanded, “now, put your hand here.”
“This is the stance,” you whispered to him, closing your eyes. He gasped out a small laugh as his own eyes closed.
You took his hand and hooked it below your left arm, using your right hand to direct the placement of his two middle fingers against your spine. You pressed your forehead against his as the two of you bent your legs.
You laced your legs over his right leg and wrapped your right arm around the nape of his neck and intertwined your left fingers into his crimson locks. You felt him take in a sharp inhale of breath through his nose as he felt the entirety of your body pressed flush against his own. You rose a wide smirk to your face at this action, prompting you to massage your left hand fingers against his skull.
“Wonderful,” he commented with praise before adding, “now what do we do?”
You giggled at his question before you began to sway your hips to the music in a very basic movement.
“Now, Captain,” you gasped out, continuing to embrace him closely, “you feel the music.”
He hummed in response as you felt the movement of his hips to the rhythm. He began very rigidly, almost awkward in his movements before relaxing into it as he fully embraced the music.
You held each other closely and began walking together, moving your hips in different directions as he pressed his hand against your spine. You rolled your torso against him before shimmying your shoulders slightly and continuing to rotate your hips against his right leg as he did with your own. He began to pant slightly at the rapidity of your movements and also the arising sensation building within him.
“And, how do I-,” he began, pausing his sway and holding you to him. You opened your eyes as your face flushed with how intensely he was staring at you.
“-How do I twirl you?” he whispered into your lips as he arched his chin up slightly. You gasped out a small laugh.
“Do you sword fight, Captain?” you asked him.
“Alright, Shanks,” you laughed before reiterating your point, “do you swordfight?”
“Shanks,” he said in a breathy sigh, “call me Shanks.”
“I have been known to engage in swordplay, yes,” he confirmed with a light laugh.
“Alright then, Shanks,” you said, “think of me as a sword; an extension of your body, if it please you.”
He hummed at the notion, as he continued to hold you closely.
“It does please me to think of you extended on my body,” he said before he could halt the words, immediately freezing at his unwilling confession.
You released a melodical laugh before unlacing your fingers from his hair and giving him a light tap on the chest in chastisement. He joined you in laughter before again bringing you back into him.
“As you were to flourish your arm to disarm an opponent,” you said again, bringing your arms to wrap around his neck, “tap me using your fingers to tell me which way you want me. Seriously now, give it a go.”
He inhaled slightly as he attempted to maneuver you in a spin, only to get caught slightly between his knees and topple you over; following your body in the process as you both fell to the ground with a thump. As soon as you fell over, a loud laugh escaped your lips as you gleefully fell into the body of the captain beside you. He laughed as loudly as you did before using his right elbow to lean himself upward to hover his face over your own.
He searched your face for any sort of apprehension as to his proximity, to which your eyes brimmed with no such trepidation. He carefully brought his right hand to your hair as he remained reclined on his singular elbow and wove his fingers into your locks as a sigh escaped his lips.
“Thank you,” he expressed in gratitude.
“What for, Shanks?” you asked him in response.
“For everything,” he uttered to you, “for welcoming my crew ashore with promises of a good time. For rum, for food. For everything.”
You giggled in response, rising on your elbows to bring yourself closer to his adoring face.
“And have you had a good time?” you asked him with an air of sultry flirtation.
“I will have if you let me kiss you,” he said, desire expressed in his low tone as his eyes flittered between the two of your own. Your eyes trailed down to fall on his lightly stubbled chin as you reached your hand up and stroked his rough cheek.
Music resonated in the distance, echoes of the gleeful laughter of his crew and the lively movements of twizzled lambada soared through the air as you closed the distance between you.
You gasped into his mouth as you felt the hunger from his kiss. The desire he had for you earlier in the afternoon toppling over as you engaged in dance together; finally reaching the crescendo of the pinnacle of flirtation within each other’s arms.
You pulled him into you, feeling the whole weight of the red-headed captain as he had no arm to catch himself on. You paid the feeling no mind as you circled your arms over his shoulders and held him against you, hungrily pressing your lips firmly against his. He moaned against your lips as he attempted to maneuver himself to not completely suffocate you beneath him. You hooked your legs over his own and thrust your hips into his, rotating him beneath you, with you straddled over his hips. He groaned at this and placed his hand against your left thigh as he rose his torso up to continue to seek out your lips with his own.
His lips were chapped slightly, tasting of rum and salt from the open sea. He seemingly expertly hoisted himself into a seating position, trailing his hand firmly upwards to the small of your back as he continued to lay rampant kisses into you. You brought your hands to his chest and pushed him back slightly, breaking the kiss but maintaining your former closeness.
“We should return to your crew, Captain,” you breathily mentioned, “they must be wondering where I have taken you by now.”
“I wouldn’t worry, love,” he said bringing his right hand to hook some stray hair behind your ear, “they would have absolutely no intention of coming to seek me out right now.”
“And why might that be?” you asked him in a teasing tone. He laughed lightly before gesturing to you.
“Have you seen what you look like?” he exclaimed while raking his eyes over your body and pausing as he fixated on your chest, “especially at how transparent your dress was earlier,” he growled with a hungry smile.
You again slapped his chest before unlacing your legs from between his own and rising to your feet.
“Come on, Captain,” you said, extending your hand out towards him, “I want to see the bride and groom off.”
He accepted your hand as you leant backwards to hoist him to his feet.
“And then well see where the night takes us,” you suggested, bringing his arm to wrap around your shoulders, in turn lacing yours around his red sash-covered waist.
He pressed his lips to your hairline before whispering against it, a groan exiting his lips absolutely dripping with unrestrained desire: “Promises, promises.”
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winxanity-ii · 20 days
⌜I Love, Robot | Chapter 03 Chapter 03 | Engage Protocol⌟
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The weight of the day's work hung heavy on your mind as you made your way home through the dimly lit streets of Jackson Star. Your fingers were sore from another day of cracking codes, navigating the shadows of the colony's network, but today had been different. Today, you stumbled upon a series of emails from Weyland-Yutani's upper officials. The contents were infuriating: thousands of contracts for colonies on Jackson Star were being forcibly extended.
"Damn those slimy, bastards," you muttered under your breath, your stomach twisting with the thought of Rain being one of those trapped by the company's greed.
You hoped she wasn't among the unfortunate souls shackled to this hellhole for longer. But deep down, you knew she likely was.
Just as you rounded a corner, a commotion up ahead pulled you from your thoughts. A group of children huddled around something—or someone—on the ground. They shouted insults, voices filled with mockery and disdain, their taunts echoing off the metal walls.
"Synthetic freak!" "Wey-Yu trash!"
Pushing through the crowd, you saw the target of their cruel taunts convulsing on the ground: it was Andy.
Without thinking, you sprinted forward. Your heart clenched as you shouted at the kids to back off. "Aye! Stop! Leave him alone, now!" your voice cut through the din like a sharp knife. The kids scattered, startled by your sudden appearance and the fierce anger in your eyes.
Just as you reached Andy, Rain burst out of a nearby building, her face pale with panic. "Andy! Oh gods, Andy!" She dropped to her knees. Andy's body twitched erratically, a thin line of foam trickling from his lips, his eyes rolled back and unseeing.
Rain cradled his head in her lap, her hands frantically searching for her reboot key.
"Rain, you have to turn him on his side. Quick!"
Rain, her hands trembling, tried to follow your instructions, but her movements were frantic. Without hesitation, you knelt beside her, your own panic rising.
"I can't find it—I can't find the reboot key! Fuck!"
"Shit, shit, shit," you muttered under your breath, helping Rain turn Andy onto his side to prevent any further damage. Your hands moved on autopilot, reaching down to your shoe. You pulled a small reboot key from a hidden hollow in the sole and thrust it into Rain's hand. "Here," you said, gently guiding Andy's head to the side to prepare him for the reboot.
The kids' slurs echoed in your mind, and anger simmered beneath your calm exterior. You knew this kind of prejudice existed, but seeing it directed at Andy—a being you'd come to see as more than just a machine—ignited a fire within you.
Rain's hands trembled as she inserted the drive into the small port on Andy's neck and twisted it. The change was immediate. Andy's body tensed, his convulsions stopping abruptly.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, your hand instinctively clenching around Andy's twitching one. Then, his eyes fluttered open, the familiar soft glow returning as his systems rebooted.
"Y/N," he said, blinking up at you. "Why did the scarecrow get an award? Because he was outstanding in his field."
A shaky laugh escaped Rain's lips, and you couldn't help but chuckle too, relief flooding through you both. You exchanged a look with Rain, and she smiled weakly, brushing the hair from her face.
"Andy, your jokes are terrible," she muttered affectionately.
Together, the three of you stood, Andy's arm draped over your shoulders as the three of you made your way toward the living area. Rain brushed dirt from his clothes, her touch gentle but firm. "What are you doing home so early, anyway?"
You shrugged, trying to keep your tone light. "It was a slow day," you replied. The lie felt bitter on your tongue, but your mind was still on the emails you'd seen earlier. "Have you checked on the status of your contract yet?"
Rain's expression shifted, a shadow passing over her face. "Yeah," she admitted quietly, the weight of the truth settling between you. "They extended it. Not that I expected anything different. Weyland never sticks to their promises."
A silence fell over you both, thick with frustration and unspoken worry. You nudged her gently, offering a small smile. "How about I buy you a treat before your shift starts? A little something to lift your spirits?"
Rain returned your smile with a grateful nod. "I'd like that."
The three of you made your way back towards the colony and just as you neared your building, you spotted a familiar figure leaning against the wall. Tyler, Rain's ex-boyfriend, straightened up when he saw you approach.
"Hey, Y/N. Long time no see," he said grinning slightly.
Rain perked up at the sight of him, a small smile touching her lips.
You had mixed feelings about Tyler. He wasn't a bad guy, just... complicated. He and Rain had gotten together not long after her parents died, and for a while, he had been a source of comfort for her. But the relationship had ended quickly and simply, a clean break.
Maybe it was Rain's unwavering loyalty to Andy that Tyler couldn't quite get past, or maybe it was something else. Either way, you had never been particularly close to him, nor had any real reason to dislike him.
You narrowed your eyes at Tyler, not bothering to hide your annoyance. "What do you want, Tyler?"
Tyler managed a small smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes. "Well, hello to you too, Y/N." When you didn't respond, he sighed, his demeanor turning serious. "Listen, Rain, Y/N... I need to talk to you both. It's important."
A sense of unease crept up your spine, your instincts screaming that something was off. "What's going on, Tyler?"
He glanced around nervously, his gaze flickering to the shadows as if expecting to be overheard. When he met your eyes again, there was a pleading desperation in his expression. "Can we talk somewhere private? All three of us... it's about something big."
You exchanged a glance with Rain, her eyes silently begging you to agree. Despite the knot of worry tightening in your stomach, you found yourself nodding. "Alright, let's talk."
Tyler led you three to a dusty, outdated hauler parked at the edge of the colony—a Corbelan IV, by the looks of it. As you climbed aboard, the familiar scent of oil and dust filled your nostrils, bringing back memories of long nights spent tinkering with machinery and patching up broken tech.
"Andy!" Tyler shouted behind you three as you climbed up the machinery. "Got a new joke for me?"
"Why was the street sweeper fired?" Andy immediately asked, his voice taking on that familiar, overly sincere tone that always preceded one of his jokes.
"Because he swept dirt," Andy replied, the punchline delivered with such seriousness that it took a moment for the joke to land.
You couldn't help the small groan that escaped your lips, while Rain rolled her eyes with a playful smile. "Please don't encourage him," you muttered under your breath, though you couldn't quite hide the fondness in your voice.
Despite everything, Andy's attempts at humor had a way of lightening the mood, even in the darkest of times.
At the top of the hauler, a small head of brunette hair poked out; it was Tyler's sister, Kay.
The girl stepped forward, her expression softening as she looked at Rain. "Come inside, Rain. We're down here," she said gently. There was a certain urgency in her voice, though she tried to mask it with warmth. "It's been so long since we've all been together like this."
Rain hesitated, her eyes flicking between you, Andy.
You knew this was hard for her—these people had once been her closest friends, practically family. But things had changed since then, and you could see the conflict written all over her face. The tension between wanting to reconnect with them and the reality of the dangerous situation they were proposing.
Seeing her reluctance, Kay reached out and took Rain's hand. "Please, Rain. I've missed you," she said, her voice laced with genuine emotion. "And... so has my brother."
Rain's resolve wavered as she looked over her shoulder at Tyler, who stood by, his eyes silently pleading with her. It was clear that he was banking on their shared history, on the connection they'd once had, to sway her.
You shifted uneasily in front of Andy, watching the exchange with a growing sense of dread. The thought of Rain getting involved in something so risky made your stomach churn. But Rain, ever the one to see the good in people, gave Kay's hand a squeeze and nodded. "Alright," she agreed softly, "let's talk inside."
You followed them into the cramped, dimly lit interior of the hauler, your nerves on edge. The space was cluttered with old tech, discarded equipment, and makeshift seating.
It was clear that this wasn't just a casual gathering—they had been planning something big, something that would require all of their combined skills and resources.
Inside, the rest of Tyler's small group of friends waited: Bjorn, Kay and Tyler's cousin, whose cocky smirk set your teeth on edge; and Navarro, Bjorn's adopted sister, who was quietly checking the contents of a backpack.
You recognized them from the times Rain had still been dating Tyler. They'd been a tight-knit group, often seen together at colony gatherings or in the mess hall.
You knew who they were, had even spoken a bit more to Navarro after finding out about her pilot skills. She had a quiet strength about her, a no-nonsense attitude that you could respect. Conversations with her were always direct, focused on ships and flying techniques, and you appreciated that mutual understanding, that unspoken recognition of each other's abilities.
But out of all of them, Bjorn was the worst. Not just because of his constant, unwelcome attempts to flirt with you or the way he seemed to think every conversation was an opportunity to win you over with his cocky grin and irritating charm.
No, it was more than that. It was his blatant hatred and dislike for synthetics that really got under your skin. He made no effort to hide his disdain for Andy, his sneers and snide remarks always simmering with contempt whenever he talked about "scrap metal" or "Wey-Yu trash."
You could never figure out why. His hatred seemed personal, like it was rooted in something deeper than the usual wariness people felt towards synthetics. It was as if Bjorn had some buried grudge, something that made him despise Andy and others like him with a passion that was almost disturbing.
You had thought about asking him once, trying to understand where this deep-seated animosity came from, but you decided against it. There was no point in digging into whatever bitterness lay in Bjorn's past, especially when it meant more hostility towards Andy.
Bjorn's attitude was a constant reminder of the prejudice that lingered on Jackson Star, a colony already weighed down by so many injustices. The way he treated Andy infuriated you, igniting a protective fire inside you that you tried to keep in check. Because to you, Andy was more than just a synthetic. He was family.
Navarro was the first to greet Rain as she entered, her usual aloof demeanor softened by a genuine smile. "It's good you came, Rain," she said, pulling Rain into a brief, awkward hug. "We've all missed you around here."
Bjorn, leaning against the far wall with his usual smug grin, added, "I heard about your father. It hurts me." His tone was casual, almost dismissive, as if discussing something far less significant. It made your blood boil—how could he be so flippant about something that had torn Rain apart?
But Rain, ever composed, simply nodded, though you could see the pain flicker in her eyes. "Thanks, Bjorn," she replied quietly, her voice tight with emotion.
As you stepped into the cramped, dimly lit interior of the hauler, Navarro's eyes brightened when she saw you, and she immediately walked over. "Hey! Did you hear about the new gravity dampeners they're testing on the Pleroma class ships?" she asked, a hint of excitement growing in her voice. "Supposedly, they've reduced the spin drift by thirty percent. Imagine what we could do with those on a hauler like this!"
Before you could answer, Bjorn sauntered over with that familiar grin plastered on his face. "Y/N~" he purred, drawing out your name, "you've been a stranger lately. Why haven't you come around more often?" His tone was light, teasing, but you could hear the underlying note of something else—interest, maybe even desire.
You gave him a blunt response, keeping your expression neutral. "Because Rain and Tyler aren't together anymore, and I have no reason to."
A brief, awkward silence settled over the room as your words hung in the air. Bjorn chuckled, clearly unfazed by your bluntness, and leaned casually against the wall next to you. "Well," he said, his grin never faltering, tone dripping with false charm, "we could always fix that by hooking up, don't you think?"
You felt a surge of irritation rise within you, ready to curse him out or tell him exactly what you thought of his suggestion. But before you could say anything, Andy, who had been standing quietly beside you, suddenly spoke up. "Why did the pirate bring a hook to the party? Because he thought it was a 'hook'-up event!"
The joke was terrible, but it broke the tension, pulling a few chuckles from Navarro and even Tyler. Bjorn's scowl deepened, and he pushed away from the wall, moving back across the room, clearly irritated. You couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction seeing him knocked off his game.
Tyler, sensing the need to steer things back on track, stepped forward with a more serious expression. "Alright, enough messing around," he said, his voice steady and focused. "Rain, Y/N… there's something you need to see." He glanced between the two of you, making sure he had your attention. "This isn't just a reckless idea—we've found something, something that could change everything."
You narrowed your eyes at him, wary of where this was headed. "Show us," you said, keeping your voice steady.
Tyler led you deeper into the hauler, toward a small screen embedded in the wall. He pressed a few buttons, and the screen flickered to life, displaying a map of the surrounding space. A blip on the screen indicated a large object drifting in orbit.
"Last night," Tyler began, "we were loading the last Tesotek when the freighter intercepted a signal from this." He pointed to the blip on the screen. "It's a Weyland-Yutani ship, discarded and abandoned, just drifting above us. It's due to crash into the planet's rings in about 36 hours."
You scoffed, already suspecting where this was going. "An abandoned Weyland ship?" you guessed, your voice dripping with skepticism. "What use is an old, worn hunk of metal?"
Tyler's expression remained serious as he continued, "The manifest for the station shows it has multiple cryostasis chambers. If we can salvage them before the ship crashes, we could use them to make the long journey to Yvaga III."
"Oh, don't write it off too soon, Y/N. Who knows, that scrap, piece of junk might come in handy." Bjorn smirked at you before his gazed flickered to Andy with a mocking glint in his eyes. "No different than him, I suppose," he sneered.
Your temper flared instantly. "What's your fucking point, Bjorn?" you snapped, cutting through the tension with your impatience. You were done with the games, done with the veiled insults.
Tyler stepped in, trying to steer the conversation back on track. "Why sit here and wait for travel permits that we'll never get? The freighter can get us to Yvaga, but it takes nine years to reach the planet, and we'd have to sleep in cryosleep."
Rain frowned, her expression filled with doubt. "And you think this derelict ship might have functional cryosleep chambers?"
Kay nodded, her hand resting protectively on her belly. "The hyperlink shows that the ship still has capsules left. We could use them to get to Yvaga, to start over somewhere better."
You crossed your arms, skepticism etched deep into your face. "So, you want to empty a Weyland-Yutani ship of heavily banned equipment? Do you realize how insane that sounds?"
"Of course we do," Bjorn laughed, his eyes gleaming with a manic excitement. "So, will you help us?"
Rain, her tone cautious, asked, "What do you need us for?"
Tyler turned his focus to Andy. "Andy. We need Andy. He's synthetic and can interface with MU-TH-UR 9000—the ship's onboard computer system. He can get us in and out without any fuss."
Rain's concern was immediate. "But what if you get caught? If Weyland finds out, you'll never get a travel permit."
Bjorn scoffed, impatience clear in his voice. "Look, Rain, you two don't have to go, alright? We just need to borrow Andy."
Rain's protective instinct flared. "My brother isn't going up there alone," she declared, standing firm beside Andy.
"He's not your brother," Bjorn shot back dismissively, a sneer in his voice. "He's a defective Wey-Yu scrap your father found in the dump. Wake up, love."
That was the last straw. You stepped forward, fully done with Bjorn's shit, your voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "Shut your fucking mouth, Bjorn," you snapped. "You don't get to talk about Andy like that. I'm sick of your damn attitude. For a bastard that needs help, you sure run your mouth a lot."
You grabbed Andy's hand, feeling a surge of protectiveness, and nudged Rain toward the door. It was clear you were ready to leave.
Tyler sighed, turning to his cousin. "Bjorn, c'mon..."
Bjorn raised his hands in mock surrender, a condescending grin on his face. "What? I didn't say anything..."
"Wait, Rain!" Tyler reached out, gently grabbing Rain's arm to stop her. "My cousin may be a fool, but he's right about one thing."
Rain turned to look at Tyler, her expression conflicted but still listening. You could see her loyalty pulling her in different directions, her resolve weakening under the weight of what Tyler was saying.
Tyler pressed on, his voice filled with urgency. "You have to wake up, Rain. The company gives us nothing, and you know it. We have to take it."
You could feel Rain's hesitation, the tension in her shoulders as she considered Tyler’s words. Her past with him and the others still held sway, the memories of better times, of a time when things weren’t so complicated.
"Rain," Tyler said softly, his voice almost breaking, "I just don't want to end up like our parents. Do you?"
His words hung heavy in the air, the weight of them pressing down on everyone in the room. Rain's eyes dropped to the floor, her breath shaky. You saw the pain of loss and fear reflected in her eyes—the fear of a future that might hold nothing but more suffering.
"Is your plan as simple as you make it sound?" Rain finally asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Tyler nodded earnestly. "You won't even have to get out of Corbelan. I promise. Just help us get Andy onboard, and he can handle the rest. What do you say?"
The room fell silent as Rain weighed her options. You stayed close to her, your hand still wrapped around Andy's, ready to back her up no matter what she decided. You knew this was a pivotal moment, one that would set the course for all of you, and you could only hope that whatever choice she made would be the right one.
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A bitter taste of anxiety filled your mouth as the cargo ship beneath you began to rumble, the vibration resonating through your bones. The hauler Corbelan IV shuddered as it powered up, the engine's growl echoing in the confined space. The sound was a constant, thrumming reminder of the risks ahead, of the dangerous path Rain had chosen.
Navarro sat at the controls, her fingers deftly gliding over the panel, flipping switches and pressing buttons with practiced precision as she fired up the systems. Her expression was one of intense focus, eyes glued to the readouts and screens that flashed with data. "I'm firing her up. Batteries are online," she called out, a mixture of concentration and excitement in her voice.
To her left, Kay was curled up with her head leaning against the wall, her eyes half-closed, a hand resting protectively on her belly.
Tyler was seated next to Rain by the window, his gaze fixed outside at the expanse of space, a slight furrow in his brow, adding onto the tension on his face.
Your seat was beside Andy, who sat quietly, his face a serene mask despite the chaos around him. "Dee, you know you can back out of this anytime, right?" you whispered, searching his synthetic eyes for any sign of doubt or hesitation. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to."
Andy turned his head slightly to face you, his expression neutral yet somehow comforting. "My directive is clear: to do what's best for Rain," he replied calmly. "If this mission helps ensure her safety, then I am willing to proceed."
You nodded, trying to hide the concern gnawing at your insides. "Just... be careful," you said softly, knowing it might be pointless but needing to say it anyway.
Your heart heavy with worry but also filled with a strange sense of pride. Andy wasn't just a machine to you—he was family. And like any family member, he was stepping up to help in a time of need, even if it meant facing unknown dangers.
From the corner of your eye, you caught Bjorn standing cockily, his straps keeping him upright as the ship tilted slightly. He pulled out a cigarette, a grin plastered on his face as he lit it up, the flame from the lighter stretching unnaturally high in the low-pressure cabin. The sight made your stomach churn—Bjorn always did have a way of ignoring common sense.
"For fuck's sake, put that shit out, Bjorn," you snapped, your tone sharp. "We're in a sealed environment, dumbass."
Bjorn just smirked, taking a slow drag before putting the cigarette out on the metal wall. "Relax, Y/N," he drawled. "Just trying to take the edge off."
Navarro's voice cut through the tension, clear and commanding. "Hydro, please. Comm panel," she called out, glancing back to check if everyone was secured.
"Ground spoilers," someone called out.
"Activated," Navarro confirmed, her hands moving over the controls with practiced ease as the ship prepared for takeoff.
The ship's cabin was filled with the sounds of various systems coming online, a mix of beeping, whirring, and the occasional hiss of steam or hydraulic fluid. "Now comes the pressure," Navarro noted, focusing on the controls as she maneuvered the ship.
The ship shuddered again, and you felt the engines roar to life beneath you, thrusting you back into your seat. Your breath caught in your throat as the hauler broke free from the artificial gravity of Jackson Star and launched into the black void of space.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Andy asks, his voice steady, cutting through the growing noise.
You nod, gripping the armrest tighter. "Yeah," you reply, though you're not entirely sure. "Yeah, I'm fine, Dee."
The minutes ticked by like hours as the ship continued to climb, the view outside the window shifting from the dark, soot-filled skies of the colony to the endless expanse of the cosmos. The stars outside the window seemed to shimmer and shift as you broke through the upper atmosphere.
You see Rain's eyes widen as the first glimpse of stars becomes visible, a glimmer of hope in her gaze.
"Take a good look at the view," Bjorn chimed in. "Because we will never come back."
Tyler leaned closer to Rain, concern evident on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly.
Rain nodded, though her eyes betrayed a flicker of doubt. "I'm fine," she replied, more to convince herself than anyone else.
Bjorn laughed as he looked at everyone's serious faces, a harsh, mocking sound. "Now, isn't this a good idea?"
The distant sun casted a warm, golden glow across the metal of the hauler, its light diffusing gently as it mingled with the faint glimmers of distant galaxies.
Rain's eyes were glued to the viewport, her face illuminated by the distant glow of the sun. "Is that...?"
"Yes," Tyler confirmed, following her gaze. "That's our sun."
You watched as a soft smile spread across Rain's face, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and longing. "Yvaga had to have the most beautiful sunsets," she murmured. "I have seen them... in dreams. I look forward to seeing them with you."
Tyler nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. "Cryosleep is said to feel like a drunken night. So when we wake up at Yvaga tomorrow, it will be with a hangover."
Navarro's voice came through again, this time softer, more reverent. "There she is," she whispered, her gaze focused on the distant object looming ahead. "Our destination."
You leaned forward, peering out the window as the silhouette of the derelict spacecraft came into view. It was massive, a sprawling structure drifting silently through space. "That's not a ship," you muttered, more to yourself than anyone else.
Bjorn, still standing, scoffed. "No, it's not," he agreed. "Looks like a scrapped space station."
"Seems that it's divided into two parts—Romulus and Remus." Navarro corrected, adjusting the trajectory slightly to match the station's roll. "Huh, wonder what's in there."
Your heart pounded as the realization sank in. This wasn't just an abandoned ship. This was something far more complex, something that might be filled with more than just the cryostasis chambers you needed. A part of you wondered what else Weyland-Yutani might have left behind, and the thought sent a shiver down your spine.
Navarro's hands flew over the controls, adjusting their course to avoid the oncoming debris. "Everyone hold on," she ordered, her voice steady but strained. "This is gonna be a bumpy ride."
You glanced at Andy, his expression calm and focused, and felt a small flicker of reassurance. He was ready, and so were you. Whatever came next, you would face it together.
The cargo ship thrummed beneath you as it adjusted its course, the tension in the cabin thick enough to cut with a knife. You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. When you opened them again, the station loomed closer, a dark silhouette against the stars, and you knew there was no turning back now.
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***lololo, i just can't get this lil fic out of my head. by the pace i'm going, i'll end up writing the whole damn movie out 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ anywho hope i didnt bore you all, tried to make it different instead of just plastering y/n into the story with no changes, lolol, i even trie to add a lil synthetic prejudice 💀 oohh can't wait to get to the part wheree we learn about bjorns hate for synthetics
Tag List: @dreamsarenicer
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bettyfrommars · 10 months
out on the highway
older!Eddie x reader
this is a mid-2000's little blurb where Eddie is in his late 30's/early 40's and ends up in Oregon for whatever reason. maybe this is even drifter!eddie. there are so many isolated gas stations and mechanic garages where I am, I think about this every time I am on the road.
wc: 770
It was a dark and foggy November night when you pulled over to the first gas station for 50 miles on your long trek to the Pacific Northwest. Only a sliver of a moon in the sky and very few visible stars, most of them obscured by bully clouds. 
The two pumps under a metal awning were well-lit, as were the modest mechanic garage and mini mart connected to it, but the rest of the surrounding land was nothing but agriculture fields with no other sign of human life to be found.  
Perhaps you’d watched too many horror movies and episodes of Forensic Files, but this place gave you the creeps bad enough to make you wonder if it might be better to chance your luck and see how far you could get on fumes.  
You opened your door a crack, enough to stick the toe of your foot out, and a song from the newest Arcade Fire album Funeral blared from your speakers, just before you turned the ignition off.  You were about to get out and pump your own gas, because that was what you were used to—but then there stood a person, mere feet away, and you sank back, ready to slam your door, feeling suddenly threatened.  
The person in question was a man in light blue coveralls, with the added warmth of a leather jacket and black, fingerless gloves.  He had dark, wavy hair, just long enough to tuck behind his ears with two silver hoop piercings in one lobe, and there was some type of tattoo design peeking out of his collar on his throat.  His eyes were dark brown and kind, and you couldn’t help but notice the thin scar that pulled down the skin of one eye and made it droop slightly.
It took you an extra second to realize he had a cat with him.  The orange and brown calico teenager was perched on his shoulder and he steadied it with one hand to keep the feline secure while the tail swished behind.  The hand that held the cat was slashed in white scars, decorated in chunky, silver rings, and the fingernails had chipped black polish on them.  
He stopped abruptly, not wanting to scare you, not when that eastern side of the state had too many similarities to the scene of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  
“Sorry, hi, I’m Eddie,” he opened the palm of his free hand and spread his fingers out in a bit of a Spock greeting to let you know he was safe.  “And this is Yvette,” he added, gesturing to the calico cat that he gently lowered to the ground.  You both watched her sprint off to the garage and through a tiny door that had been cut in the sheet metal.
“Regular or super?” He asked, clicking the pump handle off the port before you could get out and do it yourself.
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind—-” you were about to step down to do it yourself.
But then he chuckled softly, realization dawning.  “You can’t pump your own gas in Oregon,” he let you know in a patient voice, avoiding your eyes.  “I have to do it.  It’s the law," and at that last bit, he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Oh, of course,” you gave a ‘silly me’ laugh and crawled back in behind the wheel to shut the door before rolling the window down.  You gave him 20 bucks, and then you watched him from the side mirror as he stood there making sure you got what you paid for.  He was humming a song; one you couldn't place.  
“So,” you spoke up, sticking your head out of the window.  “How long have you lived here?”
He worked his jaw as he checked the rolling numbers on the gas tank, tucking a hair that escaped to his cheek, still never looking directly at you.  “I’ve been here a while,” he said, vaguely.
You stared at your steering wheel for a bit, until you heard the pump click to let him know your tank was full.  
“Thank you,” you said out the window.  He cleared his throat and said a gentle, “you’re welcome”, as he twirled your gas cap closed and snapped the shield into place.  You watched him head back into the garage, with several cats circling his feet.    
You spent the next several miles on the desolate road wondering about Eddie, why he looked so familiar, and how he’d ended up in such a po-dunk town.  You wondered about him until you were sleepy and had to pull over at a roadside motel to get some rest.  
You weren’t very far from the gas station, and you wondered if he would still be there in the morning. 
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pennyellee · 1 year
CHAPTER I - absquatulate
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pairings: mafia leader!yoongi x f!reader genre: mafia!au, yandere au, historical au
summary: Their interlocking gaze served as a butterfly effect on his heart, stirring it to the core. She, in turn, only dreams to find a way to escape. But perchance, over time she might forcefully learn to love the man who has taken so much from her.
Thus unfolds a twisted tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of life and death. The music reverberated through the dimly-lit streets. Tears of sorrow, weeping symphony - reflects the hurt, the scars that linger deep within and the wounds that never healed. Lacrimosa.
chapter warnings: minors dni 18+ | mafia au, dark!yoongi, mafia!yoongi, yandere, kidnapping, mentions of God, graphic violence, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behaviour, angst, betrayal, mentions of death
word count: 2,11K
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
absquatulate (v.) to leave without saying goodbye
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October 1938
Her feet ached, the shoes she wore were mercilessly biting into her skin, and the clothes clung uncomfortably to her body. She couldn’t slow down though. Y/N was determined to push herself a little further to cross the borders of Luen’s territory in north side of Korea. She didn't exactly know what would happen next, nor did she care at this point. The vision of freedom kept her sane. Little did she know, fate had a different plan in store for her.
Tears of happiness streamed down her cheeks as she finally found herself beyond the imaginary border. She made it to South part of Korea — the port city Incheon, next, a ferry to Jeju Island. Y/N was moving down the coastline for days, and she feels more than happy to be nearing her final destination.
The moment of joy was short-lived as the sound of barking dogs and distant screams echoed behind her. Wiping her tears quickly, she looked around the area in a rush. A small old building caught her eye, serving as a warehouse of some sort. It was her only option. Casting one last glance behind her, she made a split-second decision and hurried towards the building.
Inside the building, the air was even colder than outside. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to warm up.
Suddenly, a loud thump reverberated through the air, freezing her in place. Instead of moving away from the source of the sound and seeking safety, an inexplicable force drew her closer. Y/N took small steps closer and closer to the voices that grew louder with each passing second. So far, she had guided her steps wisely. This next step, however, would prove to be a grave mistake. With just a slight twist of events, her fate would be forever altered by one hundred and eighty degrees. If only her curiosity and naivety haven’t gotten the best of her, her path could have been entirely different. Or would it?
One movement, one glance, one flutter of butterfly wings and her fate was sealed. Time stood still as she found herself gazing fearfully into his dark eyes. Y/N hadn't even noticed the red-tinged blood staining his white shirt or the loaded gun clutched tightly in his hand. She simply stared, paralysed by fear. It felt like an eternity to her, but it had only been seconds since she hadn't been careful before tripping over the empty wooden boxes revealing to everyone in the room that there was an uninvited guest.
She could hear the man standing nearby reloading his gun. Snapping out of her daze, she turned and fled, as if she had never stopped running. The cool night air lashed against her face as she sprinted with all her might, making her way towards the harbour. There were no more voices heard behind her. Y/N cautiously looked around, finding no trace of anyone following her, allowing herself to have a flicker of hope.
A shadowy figure appeared from behind a corner, blocking her path. It was one of the soldiers, armed and dangerous. Her heart raced as she searched for a way out. ‘This cannot be,’ she thought. The soldier was quick to close the distance between them, the command was loud and clear. “Bring back alive.”
The poor soul, who had only yearned for freedom, remained oblivious to the fact that her life was not in immediate danger. In the heat of the moment, she collected her courage and pushed the soldier forcefully against the wall with all her might. It took him a moment to collect himself as he had hit his head pretty hard. Y/N did not hesitate though. Her eyes spotted a rock earlier which was now in her possession — brought it up and smashed it against his head. Only after she realised what has just happened. She knew he might be dead and for this very sin, she will have to pay. But there was no time for regrets now. She took off running again.
Had she managed to escape? That remained to be seen. Hungry, thirsty, and chilled to the bone, she stepped onto the small ferry, placing one foot on its creaking board. Y/N paid for the journey with the golden hairpin that held her dark locks together. As the wind danced in her hair and frost began to paint her face, a kind-hearted passenger offered her a blanket, which she gratefully wrapped around herself while she watched the disappearing land, full of lights. In the distance, she thought she caught a glimpse of a figure dressed in black on the pier. Paying little attention to it, she unknowingly continued down a treacherous path.
Not far away, a man leaned against a car whose engine had only recently gone cold, asking.
“Shall we follow her sajangnim?”
“There is no need for that,” the man’s words hung in the air. As if he knew exactly that fate would lead her back to him.
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She reached the other shore shortly before dawn. Though hazy memories guided her, she vaguely recalled the path she was meant to take. The last time she was on this island, she was barely fourteen years old. Yet, her feet seemed to instinctively remember the way.
She stood before the gate of a grand mansion, comparable in size to the one she had grown up in. Slowly, she opened it and slipped inside. There were no soldiers to be seen guarding the mansion.‘Strange,’ she thought to herself.
Slowly she walked to the door and grasped the large metal knocker in her hands, rapped it three times. The door swung open, revealing a middle-aged woman holding a small boy in her arms.
“Y/N?” the short-haired lady addressed her.
“I know I shouldn't be here, Daiyu, but I have nowhere to go right now,” she said with tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat. Daiyu opened the door more and let her younger cousin in. Placing the little boy in a wooden chair, Daiyu prepared tea, mindful of the chilly temperatures outside.
“What happened Y/N? Does Uncle know you're here?” She asked when she finally sat down next to her. There was a pleasant warmth inside that radiated from the lit fireplace.
“No, no one knows I’m gone” she admitted.
“That's not good at all Y/N, do you want to end up with a bullet in your head?!”
“I’d rather that than take my freedom by marrying that brute”
“You know damn well you won't get it,” she told her younger cousin. She knew what she was going through, but she couldn't help her.
“Auntie told me to come here once—” her voice faded away when she realised the sorrow within her. “—Maybe if Chan-yeol...” She didn't even have time to finish before the sound of a slamming door reverberated through the room, shaking Y/N to her core.
“What in God’s name is she doing here!” The voice echoed, filled with anger and disbelief once he saw her sitting in his kitchen. Y/N turned to face the source of the voice, her cousin's husband towering over her, his eyes blazing with fury. “Chan-yeol...my mother sent her here. She needs help,” Daiyu attempted to explain and pleaded for Y/N’s safety, but Chan-yeol’s response was cold and hostile.
“Our help? Amazing, now they’re going to kill us too!” he bellowed, his face turning a bright shade of red. Treason wasn’t tolerated among the Wang clan. By running away Y/N knew very well that she cannot come back if she doesn’t want to die.
Y/N began to realize the gravity of her situation, but she knew that it was too late. “They won’t kill you, just please get me to the west. I’ll help myself from there, Chan-yeol please,” she pleaded, falling to her knees in front of him. Y/N was not ready to die.
Chan-yeol’s expression softened for a moment, but it quickly turned to one of anger and frustration. “Daiyu, come with me,” he ordered, his voice cold and hard. Daiyu looked at Y/N with a mixture of sympathy and regret before following her husband out of the room. Y/N was left alone, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty. She knew that her fate was now in the hands of her cousin’s husband, and she could only hope that he would have mercy on her.
Her feet carried her front and back while she was listening to muffled screams and thuds from behind the closed door. Suddenly, everything went silent, and a tearful Daiyu came out of the door. “Don’t worry Y/N, everything will be as it should be,” she said, her words laced with a bittersweet comfort.
Overwhelmed with relief, Y/N believed she would finally be free. Daiyu poured the tea she had set the water on earlier. She smiled at her through her tears and watched her drink it. The poor girl had no idea what was yet to come. Slowly, her eyes closed, and she fell into dreamland as Daiyu sat beside her and cried.
“You knew this will happen sooner or later, Daiyu. We cannot disobey him.” Chan-yeol said as he picked Y/N up in his arms and carried her away from his wife’s sight.
“This was your mother’s wish. Honour it.”
Never in her worst dreams would Daiyu have thought she would sacrifice her blood to protect the clan she despised with the same amount as Y/N.
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The crackling of wood in the blazing fireplace brought Y/N back to consciousness. Slowly, she widened her teary eyes and looked around the room, which was unfamiliar to her. Tall windows, obscured by long curtains that prevented her from looking out, darkened the entire room. The only source of light was the blazing fireplace and an oil lamp set on the bedside table. She sat her body down on the bed.
Y/N was no longer clad in her bright red qipao dress, but she was wearing a nightgown that wasn't hers. Nothing in this room belonged to her. She grasped the oil lamp in her hands and, with a small gasp, took her first steps toward the large door on the other side of the room.
Everything was sort of strange, the house looked Korean with some touches of Western furniture. For a moment she thought Chan-yeol had made it, and she was somewhere in a far-off land in a safe house.
She pushed the door open and carefully slipped out. Y/N found herself in a hall that was darker than night. The walls were littered with black and white framed photos and several doors. The petite Chinese woman walked slowly down the hallway, shining her light on the paintings. She didn't recognise most of the people, family portraits from generation to generation, until she came to the last one.
It was him, with his dark eyes and the long scar across, her own filled with fear. The lamp fell from her hands and her feet carried her unknowingly where. She rammed full force into several doors and wandered until she found the exit. Y/N looked around the area in every direction but there was no escape route anywhere. Abruptly, she turned back to face where she came from. She had an uneasy feeling inside her. As if someone was watching her. But she didn’t see anyone anywhere.
It was only the cold drops of rain falling on her shoulders which made her look up, revealing the reason for her inner unease. She saw him standing up there like a king, a God, looking directly into her eyes. His hands rested on the wooden balcony railing, smiling. The smile concealed darkness within. Her eyes rolled back, and she collapsed to the ground.
“No more fleeing away, my little butterfly,” his voice echoed in the air, and a feeling of satisfaction settled across his body.
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“Everything is going according to the plan, kkangpae. She came here” Said the man, holding the phone to his ear. His wife looking at him with tears.
“I understand,” said Chan-yeol, ending the call, and locking eyes with his wife. “Don’t cry Dayiu, you know this is the best for her.” He sighed.
“That is very easy for you to say, it’s not your life that is about to change.” She collected herself, ready to leave the room. “You managed,” said he.
“But you weren’t the head of syndicate Chan-yeol—” she began. “You know, I made my peace within this marriage, but I’m sure she won’t take it laying down.” Chan-yeol pursed his lips in annoyance.
“I wish I could know my mother’s reasoning for this ordeal, but it’s too late for that.” Said Daiyu, finalising her words and leaving the room at once.
to be continued
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author’s note: AAAAAAA! The first chapter is here. This is just a little beginning and I promise that a lot more is going to come and be unveiled ♥ Excuse any ridiculous mistake I made, I just recently got back to writing and it's not beta read. If you want to be added to the taglist, don't be shy and lemme know. Dm's and asks are always open ♥ I'll try to adjust everything and you prolly will get second chapter soonish too.
I'm also not expert on chinese, korean and japanese culture, but I tried to research everything realistic I wanted to add to the story. Nonetheless, take it as a fiction.
Don't be a silent reader, comment, re-blog, heart, asks are more than welcome ♥
let's be friends chummers ♥
lots of love, 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖞𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊
taglist: @chaoticpuff17 @honsoolgloss @jingerbreadoutofstock @moocow778 @janura26 @dinosolecito @yoongislatinagff @xyahrinx @ruhmoojeonjunkook-blog @hi12345567 @nochuel @deltamoon666 @bbkissme99 @darkuni63 @nansasa @sazsazsaz @missmin @strxwbloody @royallyjjk @jaiuneamesolitaiire @shadowyjellyfishfest
©pennyellee. please do not repost
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jintaka-hane · 3 months
Our Lucky Night!
Kid and Killer x ... Fans?
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Summary: Kid and Killer are famous. As they run into a bunch of hyped-up cheerleaders, they believe it's their lucky night. Words: 700 Tags: @fanaticsnail
Night falls over the small coastal town.
The Kid's pirates, satisfied after a successful day at the port, leisurely make their way back to the ship, strolling through the picturesque streets.
A short distance ahead, Kid and Killer chat animatedly, followed closely by Wire and Heat, who take in the sight of nocturnal bars coming to life, their signs flickering on, inviting anyone in search of fun and company.
A thrilled, high-pitched squeal echoes from the street nearby, startling them, who look around in surprise.
“OMG look at theeeem!!!!!” 
The shrieks are followed by a chorus of feminine shouts of excitement, applause, and nervous laughter. 
"They’ve put up the new ones!!”
"Girls, come see them!"
The pirates continue down the street, confused, not quite understanding what’s causing such a commotion. Kid tries to address his crewmates, raising his voice to be heard above the clamor, when a sudden cry cuts him off.
They exchange perplexed glances for a second, then break into a synchronized sprint down the street, eager to discover where the shouts are coming from.
Their four heads peer around the corner to spot a throng of about twenty women clustered at a bar's entrance, jostling each other to catch sight of the two new bounty posters pinned to the facade (likely just to appease the law).
"Why they gotta be so ripped and hot?"
"The higher the bounty, the hotter they are."
The girls stand on tiptoe with enthusiasm, leaning on one another for support as they strain to see the photos more clearly.
"Think they'd ever drop by this town?"
"I could think of a couple of jobs if I joined their crew."
Unconsciously, the pirates begin to mimic the girls, pushing each other competitively to gain a closer look and listen more intently.
"Those scars are mad sexy..."
Wire shakes his shoulders to free himself from Heat's tightly gripping fingers.
"Damn, the redhead is SO fucking hot, I can't even..."
They fix their eyes on the captain's face, just in time to witness how his cheeks flush involuntarily, turning several shades redder than their usual tone.
“Look at him... look at that badass face... look at that wild red hair."
"I wonder if he's also a redhead down there…"
Wire bursts into hearty, uncontrollable laughter.
"Hey, Cap'n, looks like you've got yourself a fan club," he says, delivering a friendly slap on Kid's back, further unsettling him and causing his cheeks to blaze even brighter.
The girls, still clustered at the bar door, continue their lively conversation.
"Think I can rip off the poster and take it with me?" 
"You have no cure, you're addicted to redheads."
"Oh, he would be MY cure."
Kid chuckles.
His initial timidity begins to dissipate as he starts to process the increasingly naughty conversation.
"I've heard he's missing an arm."
"Yeah? Well, if he had me, he wouldn't need it..."
"... guys," Kid says, watching as the group of spirited girls continues to heap praise upon him, "... maybe we can stay on land a little while longer..."
“I wanna call him sir!”
“I want to change him, I want to make him worse!”
Kid smiles with a lopsided, mischievous grin, and Killer shakes his head and clicks his tongue beneath his mask, “be careful what you wish for, girls…”
The cheeky laughter echoes across the harbor, drawing Kid along with it. He laughs openly and shamelessly, hands on hips and chest puffed out, clearly pleased with himself and the admiration he seems to be receiving from the women.
"And look at the other one, ain't he a hottie?"
"The first mate?"
All the Kid Pirates turn towards Killer, their attention now fully on him. With arms crossed in a serious and stoic demeanor, he stays silent, secretly more grateful than ever for wearing the mask to hide his blush from the others.
"Oh, how I love men with long hair."
"I wanna brush his hair."
"I want to sit on his face!"
"... lucky bastard," Heat mutters, his gaze hypnotically fixed on the group of girls.
Kid throws an arm over Killer's shoulders in camaraderie, giving him a friendly shake. “Well, Kil,” he says with a large, cheeky grin, “looks like it's our lucky night!”
"Ladies, how about we head inside for a drink?" suggests one of the women, the others nodding eagerly.
Watching the girls disappear into the bar, Kid rolls his shoulders, straightens his back, and lifts his head high.
"Don't wait up for us, boys!" He calls out before striding purposefully toward the tavern, radiating self-assurance.
Killer follows close behind, his steps measured and hesitant, and as they reach the bounty posters, he casts a quick glance at them.
"Kid, wait," he says dryly, grabbing Kid's shoulder to halt him.
"Huh?" Kid spins around, a broad grin still plastered across his face.
Killer gestures toward the bounty board, and the captain steps closer to inspect it, his eyes landing on the two freshly posted wanted posters...
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"Killer..." he says, clenching his jaw so tightly it could almost crack, "not a FUCKING word of this to the others..."
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lanitalay · 8 months
At sea 
Rhysand x reader
a/n: Hi my loves!!!! I wrote this to break the ice after winter break. It will likely have one or two more parts. Wanted to write some Rhysand fluff after destroying his character in Before I say goodnight lol.
word count: 1k
warnings: none
Summary: reader returns home after months at sea.
Part 2
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Salt coated the railings you clung to while walking down the stairs to the main deck. The summer sun had dried up the water that had crashed against the ship all night long. Now small crystals blanket every surface on board. You make it down the wonky steps, map rolled and tucked under your arm. It had been a rough passage last night, the shaking had kept most of the crew on board hugging buckets, unable to control the bile. It was the most dangerous part of the voyage, the captain had to watch out for jagged rocks that were mostly covered by water or mist, towering waves and fog overhead that prevented the guiding stars to be visible. 
It would be a matter of days now. If you squinted you could swear the shoreline of Velaris was on the horizon. This time it had been an entire season. The trek had started the day after the last of the snow melted and you would be back just shy of the summer solstice. You had never been gone this long from your home. The salt air was starting to stink, you yearned for green fields and pine scented breezes. 
You had collected more samples than ever before. The botany in the foreign lands you visited was truly magnificent and different to what you were accustomed to in the Night Court. In your private quarter you had managed to fit around one thousand dried samples of leaves, roots, flowers and a few insects along with some living plants, placed carefully near the port hole and a plethora of seeds. Your favorite treasure was an exceptional plant that you had meticulously looked after because the bright violet color of the flowers reminded you of a pair of matching eyes back home. Rhysand. You tried not to think of him. You really really did. But in the flowers you saw his eyes. In the stars you saw his smile. In dark waters you saw his fury. In the sea shanties you heard his drunken laugh. A sigh escapes your frowning mouth. 
He might have married or mated by the time you return. Not that anything romantic existed outside of your wildest dreams. But he was your friend. You had known him since the head researcher of the priestesses had sent for a field researcher, since she did not feel ready to be outside of the sacred library walls. You had been recruited because your father was a renowned explorer and you had grown up by his side. Every shore in Prythian and the Continent was familiar to your family. Every shore unknown called your name. 
Rhysand was the one who brought you to the library the first time. He had wanted to be present and even gave you a tour himself of the massive sanctuary. Since then, each time you return he flies you to the library and you tell him an abridged version of what you saw on your travels. Sometimes you think that he holds you a little tighter than the last time he saw you and you stop yourself before even thinking that there is a glint in his eyes that indicates something more than polite interest. 
The days pass slowly. Eventually, the familiar cliff sides and hilly landscape come into view. Relief floods your chest. You would be staying a while this time. Cataloging all of the new materials would take at least until the end of summer. Flapping sounds from above and you look up expecting to see the mast ripped but instead a gliding shadow figure high above. An inevitable smile forms on your face. 
It feels like docking the boat took forever. But once all the ropes are tied and the masts lowered, the bridge gets lowered and you all but leap to the wooden platform and to the young High Lord that’s waiting for you. Sprinting you pounce on him, wrapping your arms around his neck and relishing the feeling of being on solid ground. “Welcome home, explorer” his smooth voice soothes your racing heart. Seconds pass before you let go and look at him. He’s beaming, his hair has gotten longer since you’d gone,  his face is clean shaven and he smells of home. You open your mouth to speak but his smile- his smile is making it impossible for you to concentrate on anything other than his mouth. So you stall. Your hands ruffle his hair in the way you knew would annoy him and he laughs. 
“I’m so glad to be back” you finally say. 
Flying to the House of Wind was routine at this point in your career. You would land and immediately go debrief with your head researcher. But today Rhys had asked you if you were hungry. The grumble in your stomach told him you were. So now you were eating a lovely lunch prepared by the house. It felt decadent to eat anything other than fish and potatoes. You moan as you bite and the High Lord in front of you chuckles. 
“What else did you find?” 
“Besides the plants there were incredible creatures there. Some had fur and some had scales. I drew them in my books” you point towards the bag you had brought with you most precious items. He reaches for it and begins to flip through the pages of your findings. 
“This is fascinating” he breathes. 
“What about you? Is there anything new in the Court?” You notice his jaw clench for a fraction of a second.  “Is something wrong?” 
He shakes his head and closes the book “there are whispers of war”. Your blood drains from your face. “What do you mean?” 
His face is now the face of a High Lord, relaying important information to a court member “Hybern has been making some advances, Prythian is too fragmented to stand a chance”. The war that had put the wall between the human realm and the seven courts had ended not one hundred years ago. Villages were still recovering. The Courts were still shifting in new power dynamics. 
“What can I do?” You were no warrior. The amount of times you’d trained with the Inner Circle you could count on one hand and it had always been to appease Cassian. Rhys looks away “nothing, we are trying our best to unify and organize our armies”. Something akin to a thorn nestles itself in your heart “and how are you going to do that?” 
He swallows and looks straight through your eyes “I’m marrying the Princess of Autumn”. 
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spookyquill · 9 months
The Thorns In My Throat Are For You
Description: a Hanahaki Disease AU, Reader is in love with Dazai and has been for a long while. They were in the port mafia but they left with Dazai
Word Count: 2263
Part 1
Next Part
TW: Character Death, blood, mentions of sickness, coughing up stomach contents, head over the toilet
Everything was at a standstill. Oda’s body fell to the floor just as Dazai reached him. It took another minute for your body to react, sprinting to Oda and occupying his other side. 
Dazai gasps at the blood on his hands. “I can’t believe you. You’re such an idiot.” He says, tears welling up as he speaks, but they remain brimming along his eyelids.
You’re quick to apply pressure to the wound on Oda. A gasp threatens to escape your mouth as you feel the deep wound and the blow flowing effortlessly past your efforts. Regardless, you keep your hand planted there. “Why would you go off on your own like this? Why didn’t you wait for backup?”
Oda grunts, raising one hand to rest atop yours, and another hand to Dazai’s, who rests his hand on Oda’s cheeks. “There’s something I need to tell you both.”
“Not like this!” Dazai yells out.
“Wait to tell us after we get you a medic.” You say with a softer tone, not having the heart to yell. You also know that what you said was a lie. Oda was slipping away, and there was nothing that anyone could do for him.
“Quit it both of you!” Oda looks at Dazai. “Remember how you told me that you committed yourself to violence and bloodshed in hopes of finding a reason to exist?” He then turns to you, not giving Dazai a chance to reply. You see the pain in his eyes. “And how about when you told me that you thought you found your purpose in life by serving the mafia, even though you hate their tactics?!”
“Who cares about that now?” Your lips wobble.
“Neither of you will find what you’re looking for.” You and Dazai let out soft gasps in shock. “You’re both smart enough to know that. It doesn’t matter what side you’re on. Nothing in this world will be able to fill the nothingness inside you. Try as you might, but that darkness will always be there.”
A few breaths is all that passes your lips for a moment.
“Tell us what we should do.” Dazai’s voice gives away his grief.
Oda grabs a hold of both yours and Dazai’s in one grip. “Protect people. If both sides are the same, then become good people. Protect the vulnerable. Help some orphans along the way. I know that the concept of good and evil doesn't mean much to you, but at least it’ll make your worlds a little more beautiful.”
A sob breaks from your mouth, tears cascading down your face. You can't control them, and by the looks of it, Dazai’s about to break his composure too.
“You can’t know that.” He says, voice deep as he tries in vain to hold back his tears. 
Oda scoffs. “Of course I can. Because I know my friends better than they do.” He looks at you. “I know what they hide from each other.” 
You stare, wide eyed. He’s known. You don’t know how long but he knows your crush on Dazai, there’s no other explanation for that expression of his. You turn your gaze to Dazai, who continues to stare at Oda as he begins to take his final breath.
That night, when you left the mansion, you both agreed to follow Oda’s advice. You left with the memory of Oda, and his last words carving their way into your heads as a promise. You didn’t return to mafia headquarters. Avoided all territory that the mafia had laid claim to. Coats and accessories were left with Oda as a final goodbye to Mori.
Weeks went pass in a blur. The two of you stayed in an underground facility, designed to house though without a home. Truthfully you could afford a house, but you didn't want to leave any paper trail behind for Mori to pick up and hunt you down from. You picked up community chores for some change every now and then, to blend in with the community and to pave your way to fulfilling Oda’s wish.
One day, as you were coming back from completing a task, you began to cough. It was normal for people to cough, especially considering the air underground wasn’t the best, but what came out of the cough is what surprised you. 
“What?” You stare at the petal in your hand. It’s small, a baby petal that didn't get to continue its growth. It came out of your mouth.
Questions flood your brain but you push them back, pocketing the petal out of sight.
When you enter your home, you see Dazai adorning a soft smile. 
“Hey. You seem happy. What’s the reason?”
Dazai hums. “Oh, I had a chat with someone today. I asked him if there are any job offers out there that can have us help people. He suggested a detective agency in Yokohama. It sounds like a nice place. And to top it off, they have a skilled business permit, which means free use of our abilities!”
You let out a breath of relief. “That’s great!”
“Though there is a slight problem with that.”
You tense up again.
“We have to remain undercover for another 2 years in order to clear our records. But he said he’d put a good word in for us.”
“Oh. I mean, at least it's something to look forward to!” You try to lighten up the mood. Walking up to the kitchen table, you take out the money you earned for the day. “We can do it, it’s not like we’ve been doing it for a few months anyway. What's another couple years for a clean slate?”
Dazai smiles. Your heart flutters at the sight. 
“That’s the spirit!” He walks to the door. “I’m going to take a stroll. Don’t stay up for me.” And with that, he's gone.
You take out the petal from your pocket, examining it further. 
“Why now?”
You’re sitting at your desk, typing when Dazai approaches you. “What do you say we have a celebratory dinner for our acceptance into the agency? Just you and me.”
Your heart stammers, but you mask it with a playful smirk. “Dazai, are you asking me out on a date?”
Dazai chuckles. “Of course not!” Ouch. “I just want to celebrate the start of a new chapter in our lives!”
With a nod, you stand and follow him out the door. He ends up taking you to a small restaurant. Nothing too fancy.
As you gaze at the menu, wondering what to eat, you can't help but to flick your eyes up at Dazai, taking in his mesmerising features being lit up perfectly by the dim lighting of the restaurant. Unsurprisingly, he notices.
“Is there something on my face?” He questions.
You look up at him properly, a confused expression plastered on your face for a brief moment before it's replaced by a smile. “No. I’m just taking in how much you’ve changed in the years. You look more happy, natural, like you belong here.” You put down the menu. “I don’t know how to explain it. You’re… shining.”
Dazai stares blankly in silence, processing your words. He then barks out a laugh. “What flirtatious words!”
You didn't even intend them to come out that way, now you’re fighting a blush from forming on your cheeks. 
“I didn’t think I had changed that much.” He leans forward, elbows resting on the table and his face propped up by his hands. “Well I think you’ve changed as well. You’re not following any orders now, you aren’t a duckling who willingly follows its mother. You are paving your own path now, making your own choices.” His voice dips a bit lower. “You are becoming your own person, not the one people want you to be.”
Out of everything he could’ve possibly said, you weren’t expecting that. 
“You really think I changed that drastically?” You ask.
Dazai nods. “Back then, you followed me like a lost puppy. If Chuuya hadn’t taken up the mantle, I would’ve started calling you my dog.” You scoff at that. “You obeyed without question, a simple pawn in everyone else's game. Honestly, I didn’t think you would survive long on your own with me. I thought you would’ve continued listening to me without question. But you didn’t. You took initiative. You picked up a sword and started fighting your own battles. You became independent in such a short amount of time I was beginning to think you had been kidnapped and replaced by a doppelganger. But being in the agency, I’ve come to realise that you’ve grown up. You stepped up to the role you needed to take without any guidance. And for that, I’m proud of you.”
Tears shined against your eyes, and you were certain that Dazai could see them, but you fought them from sliding down your cheeks. You were speechless, trying to form any word of a sentence in your mind, but nothing came to. Your mouth was opening and closing like a fish.
Thankfully you weren’t left in embarrassing silence for long as the waiter came by to take your order. The two of you ordered your food and drinks before going back to silence. Although it still felt a bit tense for you, it was comfortable.
Dazai soon struck up conversation, discussing the details of his exam and his opinions of the agency’s members, going on an annoying tangent on Kunikida. 
When the food and drinks arrived, you dug in, enjoying the freshly prepared meal that wasn’t cheap nor was it expensive. It was a nice change from the food you endured the past couple of years. It was refreshing.
You were nearing the end of your meal before you started choking. You cough violently, covering your mouth quickly so as to not spit everywhere on the table. Dazai looked at you with concern. You wanted to assure him you were fine, but your stomach came to interrupt. 
Abruptly, you stood up and bolted for the bathroom, hand firmly clasped over your mouth. 
You slammed open the door, dashing into the nearest stall, barely being able to lock it before turning around and spilling the contents of your stomach into the toilet. You hover your head over the toilet for a few agonising minutes, gagging over the toilet with the occasional violent cough. Finally, you feel something in your throat give away and splutter into the bowl.
Having the time to breathe, you open your eyes, catching sight of the contents in the bowl. You’re accustomed to gross sights and things that make you question your sanity, but you weren't accustomed to the sight of the pristine petal laying gently on top of it all. 
It looked to be a bloomed petal, snowy white scattered with droplets of blood. It was beautiful yet dangerous. 
“What the hell is wrong with me?”
A frantic knock at the door sounds from the bathroom door before you hear it open. 
“Ma’am? Are you okay?” A female server asks. 
Without thinking twice, you flush the toilet. “I’m okay!” You stand up on shaky legs, using the sleeves of your shirt to wipe your mouth. You notice a swipe of blood appearing on the fabric and you quickly scrub at it, trying desperately to make it disappear.
“Are you sure? Your friend said you rushed off without warning. Are you feeling sick? I can call an ambulance-”
You open the door. “No need to be that dramatic. I’m fine, just a wave of nausea.”
The server looks at you with worry. “Has our food been cooked incorrectly? I am terribly sorry, I’ll inform the manager and give your meal for free-”
You rest your hand on the stressed servers’ shoulder, calming her. “No need to stress. I was feeling a bit nauseous before arriving, so I don’t believe it to be your food, I think I may have tried to force myself to eat too much.” It’s so natural to lie, yet it feels wrong to do so. But you don’t want anyone to worry about you.
The server nods timidly. “Well your friend is waiting outside the bathroom for you. He seems quite concerned for your health.”
“Thank you.” You bow slightly to her before taking your exit.
“(Y/n)! Are you okay?!” Dazai bombards you almost immediately, getting close to you yet also giving you some space. 
You sigh, a hand on your stomach as you fight the feeling of post-nausea. “I’m fine. I think I just tried eating too much.”
“You sure it wasn’t the restaurant's food?”
You shake your head. “I’m sure it wasn’t their fault. I’m not blaming them, their food was delicious, I think it’s just been simmering up all day. I might head off for the night, try to sleep it off.”
A few moments of silence pass. You can practically hear the gears in Dazai’s head turning, trying to decipher whether you're telling the truth. After what felt like ages, he relinquishes. 
“Okay then. Let’s get you home. I’ll tell Fukuzawa tomorrow morning that you aren’t feeling well. I’ll have him give you a couple sick days to recover.” He moves to your side, offering support and guiding you out of the restaurant where he calls a cab. 
You can’t focus for the rest of the night, you don't even notice when Dazai tucks you into bed and leaves you alone in your dorm. All you can think about is the white petal decorated with twinkles of fresh blood.
“What’s happening to me?”
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