oriental-art-srl · 2 years
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Vecchi barattoli da cucina in porcellana cinese bianco e blu con ideogrammi di buon augurio della Doppia Felicità - www.oriental-art.it #arteorientale #orientalart #porcellane #porcellana #porcellanacinese #porcellanecinesi #porcellanaorientale #porcellaneorientali #arredamento #interiordesign #porcellanavintage #porcellanavecchia #chineseart #chineseantiques #chinesecollectors #chineseceramics #oldchineseporcelain #oldporcelain #articolidaregalo #luxuryinteriordesign #luxuryinteriors #luxuryhomes (presso Oriental Art SRL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDpCGWICJW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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coffee by tommapson https://flic.kr/p/UpNgnm
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cecy83 · 1 year
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Jar, Jiangxi (province) c 1600, British Museum "Porcellaneous stoneware wine-jar of guan form, with ovoid body. The wine-jar has a gilt copper-bound mouthrim. The wine-jar has finely crazed turquoise glaze. There is an inscription on the shoulder."
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jessjad · 5 months
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Chapter 10
Summary: After a Halloweenparty Y/N actually didn't want to got to, her life seems to be turned around. The reason is a very stubborn Supe that seems to have her in his visier. Is it just a coincidance or more?
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Reader
Word Count: 2657
Warnings: Some language, a stubborn Ben, kidnapping
A/N: How far have these two idiots come? And now it all seems to fall apart. All mistakes are mine. Enjoy!
My Masterlist Series Masterlist
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Something was off. Y/N could feel it. Ben was stalking around the apartment and looked out of the window every few minutes, his phone in hand. They did not talk to eachother, thouh. Y/N was still hurt about his words. It had not been an easy thing to tell him about her sister and let him see the vulnerable side of herself. After all he was still a supe. One she maybe should've not trusted so much so fast.
And after she had kicked him wordlessly out of the bedroom he stayed in the living room. He also did not apologize in any way. She was lucky when Ben's gaze drifted to her for a few seconds. Y/N could feel him pulling away, the distance between them almost noticeable. The woman should be relieved, but she had never felt so alone in her bed. Huh, how fast he had carved a place into her life and her heart was unbelievable.
"What... is happening?" asked Annie with a confused look.
The blone supe had come up to do her daily shift but as soon as she stepped over the doorstep, she could feel it too. Ben did not take notice of her whatsoever and so she walked over to Y/N.
"I don't know. He's... been like that since I got up this morning."
"Okaaaayyy... and why are you not talking to eachother?"
"It's..." for a second Y/N looked down into her mug to not give her hurt feelings away. "It's complicated..."
"I bet..." Annie replied, but she could see right through her friends attitude.
"You want a coffee?" Y/N asked after she pulled herself together again.
"Sure, thanks."
As Y/N took out another mug from the shelf to pour some black gold inside of it, a second mug appeared right next to the other. The strong hand still holding on to the porcellan left no room for speculation who it was. Ben did not say a single word, but his scent infiltrated her personal space and made her puls pick up a little speed. Again, wordlessly she poured him some coffee too.
It was the first time since their little argument that Ben was so close to her again. Only millimeters between their bodys and he wanted nothing more than to touch her, kiss her drunk and fuck her hard on the kitchentable. He just wanted to show her that no matter what he said or did, that she was still his. And it took nearly everything in him to not do it. Y/N was angry and hurt and he knew it was all his fault. But that did not mean, that he was the one who needed to fix this. He had more important things to do. Especially after the phone call he got last night.
"What did Grace Mallory say to all that has happened in the last days?" Y/N turned to Annie and tried to take her attention away from Ben.
"Well... she did not like it, of course. It ruined her whole plan. And the two of you will not be able to go out and trick everyone anymore." with a little milk in her coffee, Annie took a sip of her own and smiled upon the good taste.
"I still don't get why that was so important to her." Y/N sat down and her friend followed along.
"It would've made Homelander furious, if Soldier Boy would become more likeable than him. I mean, we all know that he's only looking out for recognition. He wants to be loved by everybody. He wants to mean something to the people."
That were no news to Y/N, but it gave her an idea of what Mallory had in store. And it made sense. At one point Homelander woul've been so out of it, that he would probably made a mistake and then Ben could've stepped in and safed the day. It would not be an easy plan, but she could see the potential in it.
"What he did to Ryan was definitly not on her agenda of things that could happen. And Butcher was really furious. But he has no say over the boy anymore."
"How is he doing?" Y/N knew that he was in a critical condition and the shadow that layed over Annie's eyes did not seem promising.
"He survaved longer than the docs had expected, but he is not in a good shape. Mallory tries to get some help from Vaught, but incognito, of course. And yeah... we'll have to wait and see."
That got Y/N thinking. "Is there not a supe out there that can heal... like... anything?"
"I don't know. But once you get injected with Compound V... your body heals automatically. It's just that... Butcher will never become a supe."
And that she got that. Y/N would never want to be a supe too. Not after everything that she knew. She glanzed over to Ben for a second. He was practically immortal. Then she turned her head back to Annie. Her friend did not seem to get sick or hurt either. Must be a cool thing, to be barely untouchable. But was there not a way to make use out of this for others who needed help, like Butcher needed it right now?
"Have you... thought about going to a doctor once this is over?" the blonde woman whisppered her question, as if Soldier Boy could not hear her.
Y/N furrowed her brows. "Why should I?"
"Well, because he..." Annie pointed to the man who was now standing at the window again to look out to the street with her thump. "... is still radioactive. You should at least get that checked out."
Y/N' eyes widened in shock. "What???" now THAT was something noone had told her.
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While Victoria observed the monitors in her little secret hide out outside of New York, when Homelander, again, came to pay her a visit. She aleady knew he nearby as soon as he landed. Thanks to the cameras outside of the old factory building. It had been to long since the last time he came over to pressure her. Stealing herself inside she needed to keep her cool.
"Johnson?" she called out the man that was sitting on the table in the middle, removed from his position and sentenced to watch everything unfold. "You should better leave the room now. All of you should leave."
She turned around and the other men looked at eachother a little confused but complyed. "This could get messy and we don't want to have any innocent eyes involved..."
It did not take long after the men left the room until Homelander stepped inside.
"Hello, Victoria. Got any news you might want to report to me?"
With a formal smile Newman turned to the blonde supe and told him the same things Johnson and Harlow had told her the days before. She even showed him the pictures and videos. Unfortunatly, that was all she could tell him. Soldier Boy simply couldn't be found. Like a magician he disappeared just before anyone could find or track him. But Homelander did not like that at all.
"This is all?" one of his hands that he had crossed behind his back came forward and pointed to the screens and still pictures of his subject of anger. "It's been weeks... and you have nothing more to tell me?"
"Like I said, it's not that easy. He seems to have some kind of help, but we don't know who it is."
John huffed a little. "I'm really disappointed, Victoria. I thought you could do more for me."
"What else am I supposed to do? It's not like we can walk around on the street and call out for him."
"That might be true, but still I thought you would come up with more. See, the world needs a sense of achievement. They love me. And what would be better than me... catching Soldier Boy and finally getting rid of him. Freeing the world of a false god..."
With a triumphant gleam in his eyes he stared at a point on the wall, his mind diving in some kind of heroic endgame. Victoria on the other side needed to think fast. She had to get Homelander out of the way without revealing her ace up her sleeve.
"How is Ryan doing?"
That brought back Homelanders attention in no time. "What?"
"I mean, after what you made him do... is he feeling alright?"
Homelanders eyes turned cold and she sported that angry smile on his face that everyone knew from him. His jaw tensed and he took a few seconds before he spoke again.
"You find me Soldier Boy." he took a step forward and pointed a finger to the woman infront of him. "Or I'll find your daughter."
And with that Homelander left again. When Victoria saw how he eventually flew away she took a breath of relieve.
"Rodriguez? O'Donnell?" she called loudly and two tall men with broad shoulders stepped back into the room. "You have a job to do."
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Later that day, Annie had already taken off, Y/N came out of the bedroom. She needed to talk to Ben. The whole radioactive thing had started to worry her. And she did what every normal person did, eventhough she knew you actually should not do it. She searched online for anything she could find on the matter and it did not sound promising.
But that was not all that worried her. Just like Ben or anyone else did not tell her that he was radioactive, so did she not tell anyone that she had an DNA defect. In general the defect did not affect her and she did not notice it at all. But this new information complicated things. It made it so complicated that she really wanted to see her doctor. Only problem was that Ben probably would not let her leave.
"Ben?" she made herself known. "I need to talk to you."
"What?" he said, not really listening to Y/N and his eyes glued to the screen of his phone.
"Ben..." she tried again.
"What the fuck do you want now?"
His words sounded harsh and he still did not look at her. The sting in her heart hurt a little more, but she did not back down. This was important to her and also she didn't want to stay in her apartment anymore. It slowly began to feel like a cage. A prison in her own home and Ben was the guard. This was not how this was supposed to go.
"I need to see a doctor."
"What? No." upon hearing that Ben finally looked at her.
"This is serious, Ben. I did not know that you... were... radioactive and I need to get checked out."
"Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not whining and crying about my inprisonment with the commies and tell everyone I fucking meet about it."
Y/N huffed al little. "Don't you think that this little detail would have been something improtant I needed to know?"
"You're not going fucking anywhere."
Ben turned his body fully to the woman infront of him, his phone not that interesting anymore. He spoke out his decision like he had the right to control her every move. Now anger started to bubble up in Y/N.
"You can't be serious right now. This is not a joke, Ben. It might not effect you, but I'm only a mere human. And we have been together for some weeks now. I was defenseless at your mercy."
"Oh, c'mon. Now you're overreacting." he flung his hand at her, as if her words would mean nothing and was grabbing for his phone again.
"You said you would protect me. But the worst danger was right here in front of me." she concluded.
"Hey!" his head shot back at her and his brows furrowed. "I do protect you! You have no idea how much I protect you!"
"Then let me go see a doctor! This is important to me! I need to do something about it."
"Listen, Y/N..." he said a little calmer and took a step towards her but at the same time she did a step back.
The confusion in his eyes upon her reaction faded to hurt. But he masked it right away with stubborn indifference. Ben straighted his back and rolled his shoulders slightly. Y/N on the other hand hugged herself to feel not so lost i this situation.
"I don't know you, Ben. I don't know you at all. And you don't wanna get to know me. Which is fine. But you could at least give me the chance to live longer, while I have to be together with you. Here. In isolation."
The silence that followed was thick in the air and either didn't want to give in. Every second felt like an eternity that didn't seem to pass by. But Y/N would not stop to stand up for herself. The supe that seemed to try to bent her mind with his eyes did not say a word. But his face told it all.
Suddenly Ben's phone rang and it startled them both. He went back to the coffeetable where he had put it down and picked it up. An unknown number called him and he furrowed his brows again, this time questiongly. He pointed a finger to Y/N, telling her to wait a moment with the gesture and picked it up.
"Hello?" he grumbled into the phone and waited on a response. It did not take long and Y/N saw the change in his face. "What?"
Ben began to turn away slightly and his free hand balled into a fist. His shoulders tensed up and now even Y/N started to worry. But it also took his attention away from her. She stepped back towards the door, slowly as not to bring his attention back to her.
"Are you fucking serious?" Ben exclaimed and rushed over to the window again.
Y/N took advantage of this chance to get out of the apartment. She sprinted to the door, grabbed her back hastly and ran out into the hallway of the building. Shoes fully forgotten she ran to the stairs as she heared Ben call out for her with anger in his voices.
Once at the bottom, she decided to use the back exit, which led her into the backyard. She looked back over her shoulder as she rushed out of the house, but couldn't see Ben behind her. Not yet. It was already late and the sun had long since set. An icy wind was blowing towards her and now she realized that she should have worn shoes. Not to mention her missing jacket.
She ran along the narrow path, past smelly garbage cans, without letting up. At the end of the path she turned the corner and arrived at the next side street. Y/N looked around briefly before running to the left. She weaved past the people who came towards her and stared at her in slight amazement. But she didn't care. She just had to make it to the nearest subway station and then everything would be fine.
She looked back over her shoulder once more, but Ben still didn't seem to be following her. She looked forward again while still running, but not two seconds later she collided with a strong chest. The man who suddenly stood in her way grabbed her upper arms so that she wouldn't fall. She was about to say thank you, but then she saw the guy smiling at her in a strange way. And then someone put a black bag over her head from behind and a strong blow to her temple caused her to faint.
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A/N: Yes, you read that right. These two idiots should've really talked to each other. 🙈
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@lyarr24 @k-slla @leigh70 @deadlydivergentgirl @deans-spinster-witch
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oriental-art-srl · 2 years
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Vecchie giare barattolo in porcellana cinese bianco e blu - www.oriental-art.it #arteorientale #orientalart #porcellane #porcellana #porcellanacinese #porcellanecinesi #porcellanaorientale #porcellaneorientali #arredamento #interiordesign #antiquariato #antiquariatoorientale #antiquariatocinese #antiquariatoetnico #antichitàdalmondo #antichità #antiques #collectibles #collectables #collectors #oldchineseporcelain #oldporcelain #chinesecollectors #chineseart #chineseantiques #porcellanavintage #porcellanavecchia #porcellanaantica (presso Oriental Art SRL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDAaGIoZKu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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solovedreidue · 9 months
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Hanno messo l'albero di Natale in una piazza assolata d'inverno o quasi, preparato con la cura confusa dell'abbondanza. E una capanna, che si fa grotta per una sacra famiglia sproporzionata, bue, asinello e un Bimbo che ancora manca, una Maria magra e bionda e un Giuseppe straripante di spirito santo.
L'albero è bello, anche di giorno, con il sapore di una tavola con la tovaglia e le porcellane della festa. Apparecchiato anche lui così, l'albero.
Manca l'odore della neve, forse perchè è l'ultimo giorno di autunno, ma quel sole forte rende l'aria tiepida e i baci dolci.
Sanno ancora di castagne quei baci, di foglie secche che macerano, di terra morbida e umida. Occhi chiusi controsole, aiutano a perdersi nello stare insieme.
Si va di là, si portano via i due innamorati, dondolando nell'abbraccio armonico, in quel camminare a due che li contraddistingue da sempre. Li guardano, i due innamorati di paese, sorridono di un sorriso strano, tutti, fanno malinconia e bellezza insieme, pienezza. Qualcuno l'ho visto proprio ridere con loro, qualcuno capisce quella voglia che hanno di rendere il Natale cosa loro e ne coglie la tenerezza prendendone un poco per se.
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proth-blog · 2 years
Hallo hallo!! The porcellane gang bang is here at your service.
We're here to satisfy your curiosity and to spred the will of the King and such , but more importantly we're here to have fun!!!
Don't be afraid to ask us, we're all happy to answer.
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wildbeautifuldamned · 2 months
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solosepensi · 10 months
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Sei condannato ad essere te stesso.
La calligrafia. Il modo di camminare. Il motivo decorativo delle porcellane che scegli. Sei sempre tu che ti tradisci. Ogni cosa che fai rivela la tua mano.
Ogni cosa è un autoritratto.
Ogni cosa è un diario."
Chuck Palahniuk - Diary
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ripplefactor · 1 year
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Trompe-l’oeil plates by Este Ceramiche Porcellane, ‘manifattura dal '700′ .. The World of Interiors, March 2023 ..
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kitaychan · 2 years
You are very right actually, I also see the potential more in "Why isn't my entire living room on display?!" "Uh, well, Sir/Ma'am, because we already have a set of Georgian cutlery and porcellan on display, which are also in a better condition than yours and while we thank you for your donation, we do have more documentation about the one already displayed, though we are very thankful for all the context you provided." "But I ... but I ..." I do think the nightmare about nation's private possessions is that if the state (which in earlier times would be some sort of courtly administration) didn't write it down on a list, these people surely didn't. I don't need to keep inventory over my stuff! No one is gonna inherit that shit, why write it down? Although nations may be immensely useful in identifying the objects on old storage lists with the objects in an archive's possession itself. That is such a tedious job, every museum employee would love help with that.
Yeeees! If there's not an official register about what they owned it's hard to only take their word for it, and it would hold little seriousness, plus conservation is a pain and the nations are unlikely to care about it, look at America's storage room for example lol and one could say those are more recent artifacts than the ones you'd find in idk China's storage room.
So nah, they could donate their stuff to an archive or something but I don't think it would be specifically displayed on a museum (unless you make a nation's museum or smth like that) or it would have to be an artifact really unique, which would involve the whole process of (re) creating the narrative around said object and the nation's word for it its only like 12% of the process there...
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entropiceye · 1 year
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E' un periodo strano questo. Mi sento sempre sull'orlo del burnout. Sono successe un sacco di cose nell'ultimo periodo. Cose abbastanza ravvicinate e di entità piuttosto forte. E' come se ogni volta che io mi accinga a raccogliere i cocci rotti del mio equilibrio, tra l'altro tagliuzzandomi puntualmente le mani, arrivi qualcuno pronto a scaraventarmi addosso un'intera credenza piena di porcellane. Sono provata e stanca. Continuo a sforzarmi di reagire, di non andare a fondo, ma mi rendo conto che sta diventando davvero molto difficile e mi sento sempre più depressa. L'ultima crisi è stata circa un mese e mezzo fa. E' stata estremamente destabilizzante. Non mi ero resa conto di quanto stessi male e alla fine è stato lo stridio dei miei drastici freni d'emergenza a riportarmi alla realtà. E' stato brutto, un vero e proprio punto di rottura con me stessa. La mia fiducia verso la mia capacità di valutazione del rischio è stata fortemente minata. Da allora mi sembra di annaspare, mentre mi dimeno disperatamente per non annegare. Mi sento sempre sovraccarica. Anche le mie reazioni al malessere vanno progressivamente degenerando nella loro intensità. Ce la metto tutta per trovare, di volta in volta, delle contromisure che siano concretamente efficaci, ma non sempre ci riesco. Mi rendo conto di ripiegare la mia rabbia, la mia ansia... Su qualcos'altro. Sono molto inquieta. Così tanto che forse ho ricominciato ad alienarmi dalle mie sensazioni e dalle mie emozioni, perché non ho la forza di gestirle. E' come se il massimo che io riesca a fare in questo momento, sia sopravvivere. Lo scorrere del tempo è diventato confuso, non c'è niente che scandisce le mie giornate e mi sento vuota. Anche socializzare è faticoso. Molto più di prima. E la versione di me stanca, rassegnata ed ovattata, inizia a prevalere sempre più su quella spontanea, affettuosa ed entusiasta. Mi sento un involucro vuoto, l'ombra di me stessa. Con le forze che mi restano, improvviso movimenti maldestri, cerco di interpretare un ruolo che sia credibile, ma la verità è che non vedo nessuna luce alla fine di questo tunnel. So di aver superato il limite e non so bene come fare a tornare indietro.
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La gente si abitua sempre all'amore e alla morte. Della prima non ne ha mai abbastanza ma ne disprezza, la morte semplicemente la ignora, ma lei non ignora noi. Dettaglio da niente.
In mezzo bambini e gatti.
C'è questa donna che fa l'infermiera 24 anni ex ballerina che sogna tutto il suo futuro e ad es. si fa grandi viaggi e ogni cosa che dice del futuro e di sé sembra uscita da una scatola di bambole.
Porcellane da comò del 1920-
E io aspetto il giorno che la porcellana si rompe per dire ah vedi, che poi a lei sai che gli importa, ma per dirlo a me perché, onestamente, viviamo di meschinità e quando una persona cade noi possiamo dirci questa favola cretina: lo sapevo! che vuol dire illuderci che "noi sappiamo le cose", noi le sappiamo prima di viverle e noi sappiamo e quindi possiamo fare a meno di provare di vivere di sognare di rischiare. Siamo scarafaggi. Onesti scarafaggi.
Ma sono forse io che sogno, perché la mia vita non la so così bene come mi credo di quella degli altri. E' la natura nostra questa.
Sappiamo tutto di tutto e potremmo vivere la loro cazzo di vita meglio di loro - ci diciamo da scarafaggi qual siamo - ma la nostra cazzo di vita non la sappiamo per niente e per nulla, noi ci barcameniamo e prendiamo tranvate in faccia e ci diciamo che nessuno capisce la nostra sofferenza la nostra peculiarità la nostra unicità,
nessuno capisce quanto siamo speciali !
continuiamo a osservare gli altri e a dirci e ma che culo sfrontato che hanno - avete notato quanto gli altri hanno sempre più culo di noi? - e che noi vivremmo meglio la loro vita
Noi non sogniamo siamo fessi.
Quando mi sento così apro un libro - un romanzo, un libro d'arte - e lo sfoglio, perché l'arte parla della vita, e ci ritrovo i pezzi minuscoli di me, ma riprodotti meglio fatti cioè topos, scultura, grandeur di principi.
Me credo. Me gonfio di inutili coglionate.
E poi? Torno a fare di me un esempio cretino di persona. Questo mi contraddistingue.
Io sono così, sono un fesso che sa le cose, ed è tragico, chi sa le cose capisce la specificità sua e analizza la sua infelicità e non ne esce meglio del burino che non la capisce. E ci resto così, di sasso.
Quando sei intelligente, lo sai che sei un fesso, mica te lo puoi nascondere-
E allora penso a Curzio Malaparte, lo scrittore italiano amato da Churchill, era fortunato Curzio, poi con quel nome che sembra inventato, e io avrei potuto vivere la sua vita cento volte meglio di lui.
Invece sono un cretino.
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oriental-art-srl · 2 years
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Grandi statue in porcellana bianca di Dehua Blanc de Chine - Importazione diretta - www.oriental-art.it #arteorientale #orientalart #porcellane #porcellana #porcellanacinese #porcellanecinesi #porcellanaorientale #porcellaneorientali #arredamento #interiordesign #statueporcellana #statueporcelaine #statue #dehua #dehuaporcelain #porcellanabianca #blancdechine #rendiunicalatuacasa #homedesign #designinterior #designcasa #architetturadinterni #luxuryinteriordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #articolidaregalo #arredoalberghi #arredialbergo #noleggiopereventi (presso Oriental Art SRL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAgkPRoPr_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Vestire la casa
Tricia Guild
Mondadori, Milano 2009, 208 pagine, 24x29,5 cm., ISBN  9788837068509
euro 25,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Tricia Guild è conosciuta per l'originalità delle sue collezioni di stoffe e carte da parati e per la straordinaria capacità nell'uso del colore e delle fantasie nella decorazione di interni. La sua ispirazione nasce dai tessuti, dalle tecniche, dai motivi e dai moduli ornamentali di ogni parte del mondo e di ogni epoca storica - il broccato e il damasco dell'Estremo Oriente, la tradizione dell'illustrazione botanica e della pittura floreale, gli scozzesi, i rigati e i quadrettati del Nord Europa, i vivaci stampati etnici dell'India e dell'America centrale, le decorazioni figurate delle porcellane cinesi ed europee, le audaci fantasie astratte e geometriche della pittura contemporanea. Oggi l'interesse per la decorazione ha raggiunto un vasto pubblico. Dopo interi decenni dominati dal minimalismo, il colore è tornato prepotentemente alla ribalta tanto nei tessuti quanto nella carta da parati. Fra i maggiori designer a livello mondiale, Tricia Guild sa interpretare con maestria questa tendenza. Scegliere motivi tradizionali e reinterpretarli in chiave moderna, elaborare usi sorprendentemente contemporanei di tecniche dimenticate come la stampa a floccaggio, rivisitare motivi decorativi osservati nei molti viaggi in ogni parte del mondo, dall'Italia all'India: tutto questo fa parte del suo modo di intendere il lavoro. Il libro offre a tutti spunti e idee per valorizzare la propria casa.
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