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once-in-a-blue-moon2021 ¡ 2 months ago
The Paramavaiṣṇava At Stake: Unwinding Piramal, "Thy Name is Controversy!"
Posted on 16th November, 2024 (GMT 17:45 hrs) A few months ago, we enlisted all the major “controversies” surrounding the debatable corporate persona of Mr. Ajay Piramal, the alleged adverse possessor of the DHFL. Ajay Piramal in the Ring of Fire of Controversies Let us recapitulate the central points discussed in the above article along with our much earlier bio-note about Mr. Piramal…
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debaprasad ¡ 4 months ago
The Modani “Saga”: The Failed State of India
The Modani “Saga”: The Failed State of India
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correctsuccess ¡ 4 years ago
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Good Riddance To The Black Eye He Gave Financial Services Bernie Madoff died at 82 years previous, a dozen years after his scandal rocked the monetary providers ... world. Dennis Van Tine/MediaPunch/MediaPunch/IPx Bernie Madoff died at present at age 82, over a dozen years after he was arrested by federal authorities in what can be uncovered as the biggest Ponzi scheme in historical past. Whereas the primary victims... #Bernie_Madoff #David_Bahnsen #Madoff #ponzi_scheme #Rob_Clarfeld
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cdntrustee ¡ 7 years ago
PONZI PLAN CROOK: CANADIAN PONZI SYSTEM INDIVIDUAL THAT SPOILED LIVES PUNISHED TO 7 YEARS FOR ENORMOUS PONZI SYSTEM Brimley http://www.irasmithinc.com Do you have excessive debt as a result of having been scammed or for other factor? Get In Touch With Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for your cost-free examination today. We recognize the discomfort way too much debt reasons and also we could remove it for you via our debt negotiation procedure. ---------------------------------------- CLICK ON THIS LINK: http://www.irasmithinc.com ---------------------------------------- Even more Information concerning ponzi plan offenders: Ponzi plan - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme. Whereas Ponzi systems will normally cause criminal costs after they are found by the authorities, apart from pump as well as discard systems financial bubbles do not generally entail illegal task, or perhaps breach of contract for any kind of individual. Regulations are just damaged if a person is bolstering the bubble by ... Bernard Madoff - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Madoff Bernard Madoff - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Madoff The appeal was the reaction to a criminal issue submitted 2 days previously, which specified that over the previous 20 years, Madoff had actually defrauded his customers of practically $65 billion in the biggest Ponzi plan in background. Madoff urged he was only in charge of the fraudulence. ... Rather, he begged guilty to all fees. Lawbreaker charge? 150 years jail time as well as ... Criminal condition? Butner Federal ... Criminal offenderFee Listing of Ponzi plans - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ponzi_schemes. Listing of Ponzi plans. This is a checklist of Ponzi systems, deceitful financial investment procedures that pay out returns to capitalists from cash paid in by succeeding financiers, instead compared to from any type of real earnings gained. ? 19th century ¡? 10 Of The Biggest Ponzi Schemes In History|TheRichest. https://www.theri. Ponzi system - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme. Whereas Ponzi plans will generally result in criminal costs after they are found by the authorities, various other compared to pump and also discard plans financial bubbles do not commonly entail illegal task, or also negative belief on the component of any type of individual. Listing of Ponzi systems ¡? Matrix system. FOR MORE DETAILS: http://www.irasmithinc.com. Do not forget to have a look at our YouTube Channel:. --------------------------------------------. --------------------------------------------. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutFfY_AVgSn9a0j2RJLH5w? VISIT THIS SITE: http://www.irasmithinc.com. ----------------------------------------. Listing of Ponzi plans - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ponzi_schemes. In the 3rd and also the largest Philippine Ponzi rip-off (entailing $150 million as well as $250 million), criminal costs, based upon fit submitted by 21,000 plaintiffs were submitted in June 2008, with the Department of Justice, versus Performance Investments Products Corp (PIPC) police officers as well as incorporators for offense of the Securities ... Looked online for:. https://www.facebook.com/vaughanbankr ... https://twitter.com/toomuchdebt. https://www.linkedin.com/in/irasmithinc/. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutF ... https://plus.google.com/u/0/+IraSmith ... GET IN TOUCH WITH United States:. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzjJbxpcFtQ. Individuals that enjoyed this video clip:. Searches connected to ponzi plan wrongdoers. listing of ponzi plans. charles ponzi. renowned ponzi systems. listing of ponzi plan firms in india. are ponzi plans prohibited. bernie madoff docudrama. pyramid plan. bernard madoff. -------------------------------------------. #listofponzischemes. #charlesponzi. #famousponzischemes. #listofponzischemecompaniesinindia. #areponzischemesillegal. #berniemadoffdocumentary. #pyramidscheme. #bernardmadoff. -------------------------------------------. SEE OUR SITE: http://www.irasmithinc.com. and also click the web link listed below to register for our network and also obtain educated when we include brand-new web content:. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutFfY_AVgSn9a0j2RJLH5w? Charles Ponzi - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ponzi. Charles Ponzi was an Italian trickster and also disadvantage musician in the U.S. and also Canada. Birthed and also increased in Italy, he ended up being understood in the very early 1920s as a trickster in North America for his economic system. He guaranteed customers a 50% revenue within 45 days, ... Criminal chargeCost Crook charge? 3 years in Canada 1908-- 19 ... Nationality? ------------------------------------------. http://www.irasmithinc.com ----------------------------------------.
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macgurn-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Is Bitcoin a scam?
After weeks of diligent research I have concluded that currently all cryptocurrencies are pure bullshit. Every single one that I've looked at so far anyways, and there are several hundreds.
How do we know you ask? Just look at the non-effort to increase transaction volume. In the entertainment world, content is king. In the world of currencies, transaction volume is king. Transaction volume is precisely the reason the US dollar is king. If serious businesses aren't selling actual goods and services for Bitcoin then there's really no point to it. It fits the textbook definition of a Ponzi Scheme: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme
If Bitcoin was serious about becoming a viable transaction currency, they would remove price volatility from the equation and spend most of their effort incentivising businesses to accept it as a form of payment. No serious business wants to be paid with money that could lose half it's value overnight. A point that Warren Buffet also made when asked about cryptos.
Here's a video that demonstrates the enormous waste involved with maintaining the Bitcoin hype: https://youtu.be/2Jqf_wZKFCc
The reason they often build these blockchain mining bases near power plants in freezing climates is because the cooling is a huge expense.
Listen to the world's leading security expert explain some basic security issues with crypto: https://youtu.be/syI9X_uKvUA
Besides these remarkable security flaws, there's a myth being hyped about blockchains being decentralized systems. The fact that none of them are decentralized and that all of them are actually maintained and controled by system administrators leads to even more doubts about how secure they are, not to mention the shadow this debunked myth casts on their credibility.
Note that McAfee owns a Bitcoin mining facility and has found numerous security issues that are inherent in all blockchain software. Despite these vulnerabilities McAfee supports the Bitcoin hype because of his steak in the scheme.
Paul Krugman said Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme that will stay afloat until somebody looks down and sees there's no floor beneath them.
Don't get me wrong, the US dollar is also a scam, mainly due to the fact that The Fed prints money (quantitative easing) to raise inflation, a subtle type of tax for the privilege of following the almighty dollar. Plus there's the periodic bank bailouts we pay for.
It won't be an easy task to invent a self-stabilizing cryptocurrency that competes with fiat currencies, but it is possible.
One idea is to invent an encryption program that turns smart-phones in to blockchain nodes, which would theoretically make big hubs obsolete. Then a simple algorithm would equalize the value of the currency after every exchange so there wouldn't be any speculation. Profits from exchanges could be used to incentivise businesses to join, and also for advertisement and software maintenance.
There are crypto-coins pegged to the US dollar but I can't vouch for any of them because there is virtually no transaction volume, and of course exchange volume doesn't count.
Cryto-futures are being offered as a way to guarantee retailers that their crypto-revenues don't lose value, but as we saw during the bank bailouts, futures are essentially insurance contracts that in the event the cryptocurrency bubble pops, the insurance companies are free to declare bancruptcy. Best case scenario: the Fed steps in and buys the insurance companies in which case your crypto money is actually US currency which defeats the whole purpose of cryptocurrency in the first place.
I strongly suspect that the reason Satoshi Nakamoto haven't revealed themselves is because when the shit hits the fan, they don't want to be seen holding the smoking gun.
Eventually the current cryptocurrency bubble will pop, and the next generation of digital currencies will emerge. I predict that many years from now a solid digital currency will be the norm for the vast majority of transactions. In the mean time, we're stuck with the buck!
#satoshinakamoto #ethereum #dontpanic #gambling #winning #trust #cryptocurrency #crypto #bitcoin #forex #motivation #money #luxury #stocks #stocktrading #stocktrader #millions #billionaire #dreambig #laptoplife #nodaysoff #millionaire #traderslifestyle #hardwork #hardworkpays #luxurylifestyle #eth #genetics #science
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myfreedomisnotfree ¡ 8 years ago
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Anul acesta o sa ne vina nota de plata pentru indiferenta fata de votul din 2016. Pretul va fi mare si ca sa ne facem o idee de ceea ce ne asteapta trebuie sa ne intoarcem in 1990, cind s-a savirsit marea restauratie PCR sub conducerea lui Ion Iliescu. In vara anului 1990, FSN a profitat de legitimitatea oferita de victoria zdrobitoare in alegeri pentru a organiza citeva saptamini mai tirziu mineriada, o operatiune de o violenta extrema care urmarea eliminarea rezistentei civice care lua amploare in Romania. Dincolo de divizarea iremediabila a societatii in taberele pro si anti FSN (PSD) care se pastreaza si astazi, mineriada a avut un impact catastrofal asupra imaginii Romaniei in lume si a sters beneficiile aduse de eroismul demonstrat de romani in Revolutia din Decembrie 1989, care ne transformase in favoritii Europei.
Dupa mineriada, cele trei puteri esentiale ale statului de drept (parlament, guvern si justitie) au ramas ferm in miinile lui Iona Iliescu si FSN. A urmat o lunga perioada de faradelege, in care coruptia generalizata a distrus economia de stat si a permis jefuirea populatiei prin diverse scheme gen Caritas, care a falimentat in 1994 inghitind aproape o treime din economiile romanilor si culminind cu falimentul Bancorex in 1999 si a FNI in 2000 care au adus Romania in pragul falimentului. Aflat pe marginea prapastiei si lipsit de traditionalul spijin sovietic, PSD este silit sa se indrepte spre occident pentru bani. Atit Uniunea Europeana cit si SUA cer in schimbul finantarii garantii ferme ca Romania va incepe o serie de reforme in justitie care sileste guvernul sa infiinteze PNA (Parchetul Național Anticoruptie) in 2002 care devine mai tirziu DNA. 
Lupta anticoruptie din Romania nu este doar o preocupare a romanilor ci si a guvernelor cu interese in Romania. Pentru tarile prietene coruptia este un factor de ingrijorare, pentru tari ostile noua coruptia este benefica pentru ca de la coruptie la tradare nu este decit un pas. Este motivul pentru care SRI a devenit un actor important al luptei impotriva coruptiei alaturi de DNA. Marile progrese facute in lupta impotriva coruptiei de catre DNA sub conducerea lui Daniel Morar si Laura Codruta-Kovesi, care au transformat DNA intr-un exemplu invidiat de vecinii nostri, au fost un factor determinant in revenirea Romaniei in rindul tarilor privite cu simpatie de familia UE. Din pacate anchilozarea clasei politice si apatia civica a transformat nefiresc DNA in singurul factor de reforma politica si tinta principala a atacurilor politicienilor corupti si a televiziunilor aservite acestora. Revolutia #Colectiv din 2015, a fost confiscata la fel ca cea din 1989 tot de cei contestati in strada. Victoria zdrobitoare in alegerile din 2016, prin care s-a produs mica restauratie a PSD sub conducerea lui Liviu Dragnea, ameninta sa fie urmata de o justitiada, o miscare de eliminarea a rezistentei opuse de justitie de aceasta data. Daca Justitiada din 2017 reuseste in aplauzele romanilor de bine, la fel ca si Mineriada din 1990,  impactul national si international va fi enorm. Romania va deveni din nou o tara in care statul de drept este o caricatura si o prezenta non-grata la masa democratiilor occidentale. Diferenta majora este ca in 1990 Rusia lui Gorbaciov era in plin proces de contractie, in vreme ce in 2017 Rusia lui Putin este in plin proces de restaurare a Rusiei imperiale. PSD poate conta pe sprijinul Rusiei in subminarea statului de drept din Romania. Justitiada nu mai este o speculatie teoretica, a inceput deja, "dezvalurile" lui Sebastian Ghita la RomaniaTV si denuntarea de catre avocatul poporului a legii 90/2001 care nu permite condamnatilor penali sa ocupe functia de ministru sint doar primele salve. Octavian P. Jurma Timisoara, 11 Ianuarie 2017 ********************************* REFERINTE:
ROMÂNIA FURATĂ. Bancorex, un faliment prin grija statului http://m.digi24.ro/special/campanii-digi24/romania-furata/romania-furata-bancorex-un-faliment-prin-grija-statului-213119 Ancheta "Financiarul" - FNI: Schema unui jaf protejat de stathttp://jurnalul.ro/bani-afaceri/economia/ancheta-financiarul-fni-schema-unui-jaf-protejat-de-stat-125744.html Caritas (Ponzi scheme) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caritas_(Ponzi_scheme)
Cine a Înfiinţat DNA. Cum a devenit Direcţia Naţională Anticorupţie spaima politicienilor corupţi http://adevarul.ro/news/eveniment/cine-infiintat-dna-devenit-directia-nationala-anticoruptie-spaima-politicienilorcorupti-1_54c62c8c448e03c0fdf9ae4c/index.html
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f3news ¡ 5 years ago
200 Logo Ko #Dhoka Dene Wali #Ponzi_Scheme Hua #Arrest (#Mira Road)
200 Logo Ko #Dhoka Dene Wali #Ponzi_Scheme Hua #Arrest (#Mira Road)
200 Logo Ko Dhoka Dene Wali Ponzi Scheme Hua Arrest (Mira Road)
Naya Nagar police ne 2 director aur 6 log ko 200 logo ko Ponzi scheme mein Dhoka dene ke aarop mein arrest kiya
Police ke mutabik accused Gold Express naam ka business run karte hai us mein voh logo se Paisa lete the aur 48-60% return dene ka promise karte hai (Poonam Sagar area)
Director (Accused) Names 1)Majid Saliya 2)Amin Malpara
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justroguedefiance-blog ¡ 7 years ago
#Australia is currently holding an inquiry into the big #banks, and the evidence is not "healthy" for the banking sector generally.
JRD 22/05/18
But..., you knew that, right? With not just Australia's economy riding wholly upon #corruption, these inquiries rarely get to the root problems, problems of economic #laws which are most-always the initial cause for individuals to adopt a corrupt, that-is an illegal approach to their jobs, and to how they choose to make money. The world's dominant "dictator" on economics, on economic laws, and thus, on how people made money, in daily jobs, in any venture, and in scams and outright overt criminal ways, like robbing banks, or people on the street, is the British elite. Centred, of course, in the global dictator of the Bank of England (banksters of Stingland, as I prefer calling "daddies" outfit!) But, it's now never just one outfit, bank or even nation which plays the controlling hand/hands in the big global ball-game. They're all into it, by hook or by crook, by invitation, by blackmail, by bribery, by war, or by complicit agreement. And, of course, once passed a certain size, level of wealth, etc, they have power enough to also own #media........., [jumps out of 4x4 hut, starts engine to recharge lappie battery ..... dies of cancer from diesel pollution 8( ] .........media like Murdochs, etc, et al, enough to control the public "narrative" on issues about personal, state, and global economics.
So.....? THE BIGGEST Issues, are never made "conversation topics" publicly.
And even privately now. More so since a lot of our "devices" we have powered-up 24/7 in the home, car and other places, are also "listening", if not also videoing what we do when within their reach. The enforcement of having to self-sensor is passed "critical" levels and is one of the most deadly aspects of modern peep's lives today. And, they're so aware of the need to, many are too afraid to even think outside of the square, as-it-were. For a dangerously growing number of people in modern societies, putting one's mind into a trance, is their safest option, to simply get through each day according to some program they, or some puppet master in their cult, has set. That is not being a human at all. Being a Human is where thinking, like, actual uninhibited thinking, has no censoring barriers such as being "politically-correct" etc. Thinking about issues not of immediate concern to one's own moment and series of moments each day. Such as the rectitude and not, of bigger, "political" and beneath them, "economic" issues, which might or might not "make headlines" again, in some usually very controlled medium like the mainstream news outlets, papers, TV internet etc. Australia's mainstream big two (three) political parties and their sycophantic smaller ones, tried hard to avoid us having this latest banking inquiry, saying the usual crap that "it's not needed", etc. And we all smirked and felt a little more despondent about the denialist politicians once the inquiry was brought to be, and did find major levels of corruption almost as standard practice in the big banks, and other financial institutions, such as in one, at least, insurance corporation. So, once more, but this time, from their own "class", we have hard cold evidence incriminating our whole upper class of financiers and their bribe-taking politicians. We wait....., to see if any criminal charges are laid against the several players, and, perhaps most importantly, against all the executives of those incriminated organizations, such that they do, "do time" in jail (or beneath the guillotine!) However, as said, these, all of - not just Australia's - "economics" which in itself is a contradictory word to employ, when every informed one of us, if asked, would say that "the system" of finance and banking and government costing and spending, taxation and all other affairs grouped under an umbrella called "economics", are not at all "economic" but, they are, for the most part, completely uneconomic. In that..., they do not make life "economic", that-is "efficient", for anywhere near "everyone", nor for anywhere near some lucky majority. So? Where does the corruption begin, and get most traction in our nation, and on this shrinking planet? Well...., as I posit "All war is media!" it follows that some, perhaps major part of the blame and of the cause, must - assuming "All war is media!" is true - go to the biggest media outlets who control the whole (mainstream) public, and often private narrative/narratives, on "economics", and thus, on which corrupt elements, institutions, traditions, corporations and systems etc, dominate. Many Aussies know well how Rupert Murdoch and his huge media juggernaut controls too much, perhaps all of what laws are made in our federal and states, and territories' parliaments. So "media" has some questions to answer! A few years back, we actually got that to happen, with something like a #Royal_Commission into one industry or other having too much influence on our governments and parliaments, and Rupert himself was called to "...answer zee questions, old man!" I forget the outcome. But like most inquiries calling the elite to answer, the committees are and were "toothless", so Rupie and wee Jimmy were not pilloried, nor guillotined - that time. Throughout the western world (mainly) these days, "systems" are breaking down. And I suggest, that most of the west's systems of - not as much "government", but of bureaucracy are breaking down, and we're only able to keep plodding along in either our daily work and shop and funtimes etc., by dent of the media keeping the bullshit flowing into our ever-softened heads, so stopping any significant-enough number from hitting the streets and #PROTESTING for the actual, deeper, and proper corrections to be began.
All the BREAKING news stories, whether about some single or multiple shooting, anywhere they get a report from, some event, but string of events, a news corporation's editorship determines needs pushing, as often to fill us with more trivial shit-of-distraction, and to fill the gaps between their sponsor's commercials, up to major disasters like #Israel itself #Palestine #GAZA #IDF #WarCriminals, still only cause minor ripples in the places which carry-on profiting most, and at everyone else's, like some 99.999% of humanity's, expense.
#Stock_markets! Perhaps the prime case!
Therefore, it's a little, and a lot, "refreshing"...., to see this type of REALPOlitik Article make it thru' the Google censorship filters and onto my social media thread! What will come of such TRUTH-TALKING? How many a #Royal_Commission will be brought to #INVESTIGATE the hard-cold-truths Lee Camp and this "foreign agent" media - CREDIBLE MEDIA - outlet +RT America talks so honestly about, about how #STOCK_MARKETS are the world's biggest #PONZI_SCHEMES ? Like Mad Max, "............ we wait ............." JUST ROGUE DEFIANCE .... of the Forests ....
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investwithtab-blog ¡ 7 years ago
You be the judge. Was it Ponzi?
Two of USI-Tech promoters, Clifford Thomas and Michael Rivera, get caught up in allegations of running a Ponzi Scheme through the company.
A Ponzi Scheme is “a fraudulent investment operation where the operator generates returns for older investors through revenue paid by new investors, rather than from legitimate business activities or profit of financial trading.”1
They are also accused about lying about contracting a $70 million dollar contract with BitFury, BityFury CIO Alex Petrov says there is no contract. 2
In a response to allegations, USI-Tech has issued a statement to it’s members:
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USI-Tech also issues a minimum withdrawal order in the amount of 100 Euros which is $118.49.
So in my case, I only invested $120, I could probably pull my packs.
But the interesting thing to me is, there is a lot of back and forth online about it. Surely some people have gained quite a bit with it. But on the other end, people are calling the whole thing a fraud, and a lot of “I told you so”.
I am not totally sure what to think. Are these affiliates gone wild? Will they be arrested for securities fraud? Is USI-Tech a real mining company or is it all a front? I have too many questions, and not enough answers at the moment. So for now, I will keep my packs where they are and see how this plays out.
But I will turn my investments elsewhere for now. Have to go to plan B.
1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme
2) http://behindmlm.com/companies/usi-tech-lied-about-70-million-dollar-bitfury-contract/
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debaprasad ¡ 5 months ago
Have the RBI and IBBI Lost Their Accountability? An RTI to the CAG, India
Have the RBI and IBBI Lost Their Accountability? An RTI to the CAG, India
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debaprasad ¡ 6 months ago
Reporting A Possible Phishing from Mumbai, Maharashtra, by Using Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay’s Aadhaar No.
Reporting A Possible Phishing from Mumbai, Maharashtra, by Using Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay’s Aadhaar No.
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debaprasad ¡ 6 months ago
Requesting for raising the issue of financial abuse of DHFL victims by the BJP: A Letter to the Leader of the Opposition
Requesting for raising the issue of financial abuse of DHFL victims by the BJP: A Letter to the Leader of the Opposition
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debaprasad ¡ 6 months ago
“Public Comments” on the Sic(k) IBC (2016) to the IBBI
“Public Comments” on the Sic(k) IBC (2016) to the IBBI
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debaprasad ¡ 7 months ago
Who are the Money-Mongers in India: Hindutvavadins or Muslims?
Who are the Money-Mongers in India: Hindutvavadins or Muslims?
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debaprasad ¡ 7 months ago
SOS Intimation regarding Infringement of Business-Related Human Rights of Indian Citizens in the DHFL Scam: A Letter to the OHCHR (UN)
SOS Intimation regarding Infringement of Business-Related Human Rights of Indian Citizens in the DHFL Scam: A Letter to the OHCHR (UN)
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debaprasad ¡ 7 months ago
The New Criminal Laws in India: Old Wine in a New Bottle?
The New Criminal Laws in India: Old Wine in a New Bottle?
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