#Pont de l'Alma
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emaadsidiki · 5 months ago
Pink Haze Paris France 🌆 سنہری جامنی گلابی شام
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photos-de-france · 7 months ago
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Crue de la Seine et Pont de l'Alma, Paris, 28 janvier 1910.
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automne-fall · 5 months ago
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postcard-from-the-past · 9 months ago
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Pont de l'Alma bridge Paris during the 1910 Great Floods
French vintage postcard
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 5 months ago
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Mercedes-Benz W140, 1990. Designed under Bruno Sacco, who died last week aged 90. Sacco had said "A Mercedes-Benz must always look like a Mercedes-Benz" but he admitted that the W140 series S-class was one of his less successful designs suggesting that the car's glasshouse was 4 inches too tall. Sacco had wanted to give the car a sleeker profile but one of the many requirements for an S-class is that the cabin should have enough headroom for two 190cm (6’3”) adults to sit comfortably one behind the other. The Mecedes W140 is also infamous as the car in which Princess Diana was killed when it hit a pillar at high speed in the Pont de l'Alma underpass in Paris in August 1997.
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eopederson · 7 months ago
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Quais de Seine avec péniches et bateaux mouches, Paris, 2017.
It was truly amazing to see the triathlon competitors diving into the Seine a bit upstream from the Pont de l'Alma shown here. I hope all of them were up-to-date with vaccinations!
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thecrownnetflixuk · 1 year ago
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Goodbye to Diana, Goddess of the Hunt
Pt 1 of The Crown S6 Will Stand as the Definitive Dramatised Version of Diana & Dodi’s Final Days
Review (& gifs) by L.L @The Crown TV
Having seen Pt 1 of The Crown S6 before its official release, I can understand why Netflix decided to split the final season. The first 4 episodes are almost exclusively dedicated to the events surrounding the tragic deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed.
It's first-rate drama, but it's not always an easy watch. The series does have some lighter moments too, but it makes sense for The Crown to take a short pause before moving forward in December.
To be clear, Diana and Dodi's car crash is not portrayed in a voyeuristic way. We don't see the moment of impact; hearing it is traumatic enough. Diana's body is not shown. The show doesn't delve into what caused the accident. This is still The Crown, not CSI Paris.
Kudos to Peter Morgan and his research team who somehow scrutinised all reports of Diana and Dodi's final days and managed to turn no doubt conflicting accounts and opinions into 4 brilliantly dramatised episodes which feel like a definitive screen version.
I prefer the sharpened pace of S6 after a disjointed S5. All the cast seem more comfortable in their respective roles ... except ... Dominic West is a great actor, his grief and regret is so believable in these episodes, but for me, West's natural charm and roguishness still doesn't fit well with Charles. Perhaps Camilla would disagree!
There are no such issues with Diana. It's a difficult task playing an icon hunted by the paparazzi, but Elizabeth Debicki radiates the right emotional intelligence and effortless star quality of the princess. In fact, Debicki's empathetic and assured performance largely carries these pivotal episodes and tops her earlier impressive work in S5.
Warning - long read: more detailed spoilers ahead! GO & WATCH THE EPISODES FIRST (NOW ON NETFLIX)
Interview/images: courtesy of Netflix & Elizabeth Debicki.
The final season of The Crown begins in Paris with a bold flash forward to a dog-walker who witnesses the crash at the Pont de l'Alma tunnel. It's a jarring change of tone after S5, but effective.
From the start, we know where this story is headed. But first, it's back to Diana on her summer hols, impertinent rodents scurrying in the palace and Charles getting grumpy over the Queen not showing up for Camilla's birthday. Reassuringly, it's royal business as usual.
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^ Happy 50th, Camilla. I'm with the Queen about this pair; still not quite on board.
Enter Dodi Fayed, who could not be more different to his overbearing father. Khalid Abdalla infuses the shy son-of-a-billionaire with an engaging soulfulness which contradicts Dodi's two-timing behaviour.
Dodi starts out romancing his fiancée, Kelly Fisher (Erin Richards), but after being bullied into it by his father Mohamed Al-Fayed, Dodi pursues Princess Diana. For a while, Dodi juggles both women, before redeeming himself and confessing the truth to Diana.
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^ Diana & Dodi. This time, it's Diana herself who ends up not quite on board this ship.
BAFTA nominee Salim Daw is a force of nature as a magnificently Machiavellian Mohamed Al-Fayed. Daw's performance, along with Elizabeth Debicki's note-perfect Diana, is a standout in S6.
Those who had concerns that The Crown was too generous towards the real Al-Fayed in S5 have no such worries about S6. By episode 3, Mohamed almost crosses into arch villain territory, bribing Dodi into marrying Diana to get British citizenship and raise his social status.
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^ Mohamed Al-Fayed. Give him a cat & he'd be the perfect future Bond villain.
It's a controversial post-death chat with a 'ghost' which (nearly) absolves The Crown's Mohamed. Salim Daw is tremendously genuine during his imagined conversation with Dodi, sobbing for forgiveness. Too little, too late, but we feel his real pain about the loss of his son.
Before watching these episodes, the idea of Ghost!Dodi and Diana in the show did seem off-putting. Confession: I didn’t make it through the surrealistic film ‘Spencer’, where Diana talks to the ghost of Anne Boleyn (although Kristen Stewart seemed well cast in her role.)
Now that I've actually seen the 'ghost' scenes in The Crown, they don't feel ghoulish or disrespectful. Following the crash, both Charles (Dominic West) and Imelda Staunton’s Queen have small conversations with Diana, as though the princess is still with them.
You could take that to mean they’ve gone full royal-bats-in-the-belfry, but as a person who recently lost my dad, I talk to the dead all the time. It’s often what happens when you lose somebody you love. To see this depicted on The Crown felt honest. And human.
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^ Wassup, Betty? Just chillin', chatting w/dead Di* (*not dialogue from The Crown)
As the show wades through the aftermath of the crash, dealing with public sorrow, funerals and grief-stricken young William and Harry, it becomes heartbreaking. However, The Crown does handle heavy subject matter very well, as shown in episodes such as ‘Aberfan.��
With a golden jubilee coming up, hopefully Pt 2 of this final season will be more uplifting, and feature more scenes with Imelda Staunton as Elizabeth II. When we do see the Queen in Pt 1, her intonation is superb. There’s continuity too, with Staunton merging Claire Foy’s vulnerability and regality with Olivia Colman’s steely durability.
I'm no ardent monarchist, but now that we've said goodbye to Diana, I can't imagine that The Crown would end without paying tribute to another Queen of Hearts who reigned for over 70 years.
THE CROWN S6 PT 2:-premieres on Netflix | Thurs 14th Dec 2023
N.B: These are just my (humble) opinions at this point in time. No offence is intended. Agreement = lovely; not compulsory. Disagreement = happens; kindly coexist. Ta!
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alain-keler · 10 months ago
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© Alain Keler/MYOP
Lundi 6 mai 2024.
Pont de l'Alma. Des chinois sont venu acclamer le Président chinois Xi Ping en visite officielle en France. Certains ont des badges, certains sont souriants, ils ne sont pas bavards, certains comprennent un peu le français. Sont-ils des employés de l'ambassade ou d'autres lieux officiels, ce n'est pas aujourd'hui que j'aurais la réponse. Ils sont munis de drapeaux chinois et européens, dont certains sont très grands. J'ai toujours aimé photographier des scènes avec des drapeaux, c'est très photogénique voire cinématographique.
  Mais lorsque passe la voiture du Président, ils crient tous quelque chose de totalement incompréhensible, qu'ils répètent plusieurs fois, au moins pendant le passage de la voiture qui doit allégrement dépasser la limitation de vitesse imposée aux parisiens. Mme Hidalgo n'a qu'à lui envoyer une contravention à Pékin. Non, cela tendrait les relations entre nos deux pays qui n'ont pas l'air mauvaises, et par les temps qui courent cela vaut mieux...
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 10 months ago
Le 31 août 1997, Diana a tragiquement perdu la vie dans un accident de voiture dans le tunnel du Pont de l'Alma à Paris, alors que son chauffeur tentait d'échapper aux paparazzi qui le poursuivaient.
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La collision a également coûté la vie à son compagnon, Dodi Fayed, et à leur chauffeur, Henri Paul, qui était également responsable de la sécurité par intérim de l'Hôtel Ritz Paris.
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Trevor Rees-Jones, employé comme garde du corps par le père de Dodi, a survécu à l'accident mais a été grièvement blessé à la tête.
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Les funérailles télévisées de Diana, le 6 septembre, ont été suivies par une audience télévisée britannique qui a atteint un sommet de 32,1 millions de personnes, ce qui en fait l'un des chiffres d'audience les plus élevés jamais enregistrés au Royaume-Uni.
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atotaltaitaitale · 1 year ago
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Le Zouave at Pont de l’Alma
As I was walking along the quai and noticing that the Seine was pretty high I decided to push my walk a little farther and go pay a visit to the Zouave at Pont de l’Alma to see if his feet were wet or not.
The Zouave is an 1856 stone statue by French artist Georges Diebolt, which has been sited on the Pont de l'Alma in Paris since the 1850s. The statue is used as an informal flood marker for the level of the River Seine in Paris.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year ago
Why aren't the media calling Harry out on his silence? by u/wordscapesx
Why aren't the media calling Harry out on his silence? Why aren't the media calling Harry out on his silence?Netflix featuring Diana’s death in The Crown yet silence from Harry. But then he's accepted $$$millions from Netflix. Has no qualms about accepting Netflix money while the company he works for makes money off the death of his mother. Wonder how he lives with himself.From Daily Mail : The Crown fans were brought to tears as they watched Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed's final moments.The show recreated the fatal car crash in Paris that killed the couple in 1997 - right up until the point where their car entered the Pont de l'Alma tunnel.The harrowing scene is played out at the end of episode three of the sixth and final season of the royal drama which landed on the streaming service this morning.-----------------------------​​ post link: https://ift.tt/tpTAijn author: wordscapesx submitted: November 16, 2023 at 03:00PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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emaadsidiki · 6 months ago
Alma's Bridge, Paris, France.
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scienza-magia · 2 years ago
Oggi, 26 anni fa, moriva la principessa Diana
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Diana Spencer, 26 anni dopo. Come sarebbe la sua vita oggi se fosse ancora tra noi? Il 31 agosto del 1997, la vita della principessa più amata e riconoscibile del mondo si spegneva in un tunnel parigino. Ma se si fosse salvata, che contorni avrebbe la vita di lady D. oggi? Così come milioni di persone ricorderanno per sempre cosa stavano facendo nel momento in cui le Torri Gemelle crollavano nel 2001 o il Governo italiano annunciava il lockdown duro nel 2020, indelebile, per tanti, è rimasta la sensazione provata nell'ascoltare, alla tv o alla radio, l'annuncio della morte di una delle principesse più famose, invidiate e copiate del mondo.
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Princess Diana Era il 31 agosto del 1997: in un tunnel parigino, il Pont de l'Alma, dopo un incidente disastroso, moriva Diana Spencer, ex moglie dell'allora principe del Galles Carlo, madre di due figli e acclamatissimo personaggio pubblico e reale. La "principessa dei cuori della gente", così si era autodefinita nella famosa intervista rilasciata alla BBC nel 1995, all'epoca dello schianto fatale aveva solo 36 anni: sognava una vita piena, così si legge in una lettera datata luglio 1996 inviata al presidente della New Zealand Foundation for The Blind che andrà prossimamente all'asta, e desiderava godersi quella libertà sudata dopo il divorzio dal principe Carlo, finalizzato nel 1996 dopo anni di patimenti, litigi, reciproche ripicche e tradimenti velenosi.
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Diana durante un viaggio in Egitto nel 1992 26 anni dopo la sua morte, il mondo sembra ancora toccato dalla sua scomparsa come se gli anni non fossero mai passati. Che la si ami o la si odi (ma più la prima: sembra non esserci spazio per l'indulgenza nei confronti della rivale storica, ora regina, Camilla), Diana rimane un personaggio indimenticato, cristallizzato in quell'eterna giovinezza e bellezza strappatele dalla morte. Ma chi sarebbe oggi, Diana, se fosse ancora viva? Difficile volare così in alto, aprendo sliding doors così impegnative. Chi l'ha conosciuta sostiene che la sua vita sarebbe stata votata agli altri, proprio come nei suoi ultimi anni: si sarebbe dedicata alla beneficenza e alla filantropia, investendo buona parte della sua immagine pubblica in attività utili. E avrebbe avuto nuovi partner, giovane, bella, ricca e contesa com'era.
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Diana durante un viaggio in Egitto nel 1992 L'amante con il quale ha lasciato questa vita, Dodi Al Fayed, è stato consegnato alla memoria e ai giornali come il suo grande (nonché ultimo) amore. Non lo era, come ci hanno detto le biografie e recentemente The Crown su Netflix, fotografia romanzata ma tendenzialmente puntuale degli ultimi giorni di vita della principessa (che saranno al centro dell'ultima stagione in uscita a novembre). Al Fayed era, fatalmente, un divertimento estivo, un ripiego per dimenticare Hasnat Khan, il chirurgo pakistano di cui si era invaghita tanto da volerlo sposare in segreto. Read the full article
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famousinuniverse · 1 year ago
Diana, Princess of Wales
Diana, Princess of Wales, was a member of the British royal family. She was the first wife of Charles III and mother of Princes William and Harry. Her activism and glamour made her an international icon, and earned her enduring popularity. 
Born: July 1, 1961, Sandringham, United Kingdom
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Died: August 31, 1997, University Hospitals Pitié Salpêtrière - Charles Foix, Paris
The "Flamme de la Liberté", erected in 1987 near to the Alma bridge in Paris and transformed into a stele commemorating the Princess Diana, by her supporters, has been fully restored, embellished and heightened.
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The Flame of Liberty became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales, after her 1997 death in the tunnel beneath the Pont de l'Alma
Children: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, William, Prince of Wales
Spouse: Charles III (m. 1981–1996)
Parents: Frances Shand Kydd, John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
Siblings: Lady Sarah McCorquodale, MORE
Height: 1.78 m
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Princess Diana after Charles admitted to cheating on her, 1994
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meditationsduhautdescimes · 8 months ago
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Snapshot Exposition 1937 Paris Le pont de l'Alma vue du tourisme 11,3 x 7 cm  (B2)
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iconauta · 9 months ago
Les escaliers du pont de l’Alma (1900) Lumière
Les escaliers du pont de l'Alma ( The steps of the Alma bridge ) is view number 1172 in the Lumière Film Catalog. Shot by an unknown cameraman on 15 April 1900, it shows visitors to the 1900 Paris Exposition ascending and descending the steps of the Alma Bridge.
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