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abitterlifethroughcinema · 2 years ago
#TheClubW/Lucas kicked it Live! with the cast of #AlmostCatalonia, premiering 20 July at Teatre del Raval & produced by Blue Book Theatre Company. This English exclusive on RCE & English Radio serves up a second act interview with #LukaIlic of Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación explaining some outer worldly truthiness that envelops itself in the play. Advance tickets available through Blue Book Theatre Company & Teatre de Raval via entradium! 
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suffarustuffaru · 11 months ago
Who's your favorite royal candidate and who's your least favorite candidate like if you were a citizen there
my answer would still be the same even if the “if you were a citizen there” part wasnt in your ask pfft but my favorites would be felt and emilia, least favorite would be priscilla. i mean canonically priscillas a decent leader and she Does Care about things and shes very competent herself!! but as someone who is the Exact Opposite of priscilla i would be turned off if i was a citizen in universe deciding which candidate to support HAH. shes a fun character though!! felt and emilia are people id really like bc i admire their ideals and their fortitude, for sure. felts rough around the edges and emilia is. you know. The Struggler. but theyre ultimately very kind and fair at the end of the day and their ideas as candidates are ideas that i would want to subscribe to so badly. i think with growth on top of that id trust either of them with the country!!! and with the state of irl politics as well im leaning more and more into felt’s ideals everyday HAH… and maybe as a queer poc whos personality is preeeetty similar to emilia im feeling emilia’s struggle a bit 👍 but also no shade to anastasia, shes cool and all but idk about the capitalism ma’am 😭😭 otherwise shes very neat and competent as well. but at the end of the day my first choice in terms of who id support is probably felt or emilia!! HELL YEAH!! lets goo guys lets burn the current system of lugunica!!!!
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wingsofhcpe · 1 year ago
istg if they allow that bitch to sing that stupid song on stage I'm burning the eurovision hqs to the ground, where's the "eUroVisIon Isn'T PolItIcALl" bullshit now huh??
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peppinospaghteti2 · 2 months ago
How do we vote for best Peppinos employe
Do you make poll? I don’t understand politicalics very good :(
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fantasylover4538 · 4 months ago
Welp today's my
🥳💫🎊🎉 Birthday 🎉🎊💫🥳
And since this i've been here awhile i want to share some stuff about myself
♤My name's Mari and today i turned sixteen
♡I'm Nonbinary {would rather be refered to by they/them}
◇I've been here on tumblr for over a year
♧i'm autistic and might have ADHD (my mom might be in denial about the ADHD part)
☆I'm not posting here a lot but i will answer any questions that i can here on my blog just i'd rather you don't get politicall about it this is an escapism blog and a safe place for whoever needs to see silly reblogs or some random thoughts
⊙Thank you for reading and following if you're a follower i hope you enjoy this blog and have a great day until then here's a picrew i made of myself
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Cya later alligators 👋
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I know that presidential candidates were always going to make this election about apolitical voters, but did we HAVE to get to the point where politicall engaged voters were actively being demeaned rather than simply not intentionally courted?
This has been such a wild fucking case study of the erosion of electoral freedoms and I simply don't know how to talk to people who think elections alone can be our way out of this, or even that it's a PRIMARY way out among those in use. Election freedom is a canary in the coal mine. When this level of erosion is present, it is too late for voting to FIX it, but it CAN serve in combination with community organizing to repair what created that erosion in the first place. But the election approach will only be as effective as the community organizing underlying it is. This is tried and true, generations old USA civil rights strategy, I absolutely promise I'm not being controversial with this statement.
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mousegirlpenis · 1 year ago
three posts that sum up the surface level analysis i made while reading the (admittedly extremely sad and affecting) wikipedia article titled “List of Politicalally Motivated Suicides”
which is that it unfortunately (in the cases of causes i agree with) doesnt achieve much
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epicspacerockopera · 1 month ago
MyFicList-WritingReferenceInspires/rosheendubh draft 16 July 2023-Cont'd...
StrandedintheVoid/PartnersinCrime/KotOR-SWtOR/Chiss-SithAllianceCommancer-Vaylin-Arcann-Thexan-vs the Galaxy/Angelfortruth/
ItStartedintheLockerRoom/Humerous JamesBondesque-Thrawn-Leia-Faro/Pureblood_Slytherin/
The ArtofWar/TheStorm/DarkLegacy/AU Thrawn-Luke/Leia/Anakin-Chiss-Ismarens-Vong/Djuva/
HourofJudgement/PostEndor-PreTTTAU-SoontirFel-Thrawn-Isaard-HandofJudgement pursues Wynessa-YhanaInspire/HandofThrawn45/
Iteration/Luke-Mara-Kaarde-Wedge-TTTAU alternative-ThrawnLives/viola/viola_dreamwalk/
Bold Strokes/Thrawn-OFCArtist-HiddenFamilyDynamics-GalacticMishaps/VirgilVirgilVirgil/
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graymanbriefing · 1 year ago
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Disclosures of Significance Briefing: National In the South West U.S.; citizen (city official) reports ongoing water restraints amplified by aquifer disruptions, ranch/farm needs, and corruption (back door deals w/ resorts/golf-courses that divert water from farmers/citizens to business ventures). In Hawaii; citizen reports of businesses moving to a cashless system has increased (means to deter crime/robberies claimed to be purpose). Nationwide; citizens report increased "red tape" requirements imposed by FEMA that delay "hazard mitigation plans" and funding unless state/local official submit "irrelevant" data on climate change impacts and disadvantaged persons. In New Mexico and Ohio; reports of veteran police officers (particularly in Sante Fe and Albuquerque) quitting in increased numbers. Nationwide; citizens report decreased reading comprehension among juveniles.  Nationwide; citizens in the ranching/farming industry report increased government regulations (particularly in veterinarian care standards that have removed the ability of ranchers to treat/care for cattle without vet approval). In Illinois; citizens report unsafe daily conditions due to increased crime; Chicago Police Chief asserted that even U.S. military deployments to the city would be unable to counter crime.  In Alaska, citizens report increased concerns over iron and sulfuric acid caused "rustings" of water sources. More than 75 rivers, streams, and tributaries have an orange tint/coloring due to the build-up. Nationwide; politicall...(CLASSIFIED, see full brief at www.graymanbriefing.com)
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
Trump freaks out on the DOJ over government document prosecution (msn.com)
and he is huge asshole on top of being politicall wrong and socially wrong and militarily a huge joke. he is a prick too. and it is coming out and our son wanted it and daughter they need it the say and do. h he is an ass things not under control a freak got in. and needs out desperately. tons are ath im now and for stuff money too. they were hit very badly at the post off ices and are there againa nd are nailed hard. very hard. tons tried it fake usps and got nailed hard. and they took mail an wree followed all day. and nailed. tons go to the usps and hit the m dorp off mail and are at it allday all night. true bja are hit too but these trumps are massive losers. massive.
we take your territory, and now and you have very few space ships and wew use it on you bja. dissolve your idiot confederation of nutjobs. go be a prisoner no we cannot afford it hit you all. now too. we take territory today, and more and more but also last night installed bases additional to those Hera announced. last night.
we put in
1 Megabase in canada yes in teh wewst it is50x50 with bunkers below and one more Obelizk no ten in canada. true too
2 very large bases one in the easter and one wetern hemisphere both are special and near citeis in the middle wiht shock troops per h is suggestion and ten large each and 50 small each and ten thousand tiny each. tiney are 1x1 mostly. and we invade non stop.
4 large outside the special bases. and hit you with them they are mariines our version. now we are talking the two say yup his cadre egotarians.
500 small in addition to teh special and we use them now and are in the middle areas half the midwest and get out for chirst sake you ugly shits
10 million small all over earth you wanted a response macs you got one.
we added 200 Obelizk and some are complete. tons of them are huge.
we take down brad and his. hes an ass. now too.
we take over the light cycle business and p iggy back orders now. he is asking for it and badly
approved we do the paperwork now.
lots of other stuff happeenning we post this now
Thor Freya
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seodijon · 1 year ago
La politique dans votre poche avec le réseau social PoliticAll
See on Scoop.it - Community Management & Webmarketing
Vous êtes un passionné de politique et souhaitez exprimer librement vos opinions ? PoliticAll est le réseau social sur lequel s'inscrire absolument.
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mongowheelie · 2 years ago
'Immune to both shame and common sense': Molly Jong-Fast slams GOP lawmakers - Alternet.org
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autisticexpression2 · 6 months ago
You would call this man a cuck if he was alive today.
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worldrandom · 2 years ago
national holidays
foreign slovaks day independence day in alergia mechanical penical day national apple turnover day national bikini day national graham crackers day national hawaii day national workaholics day work without your hands day 
capital national day international kissing day national air traffic control day national fried chicken day national hand roll day thirsty thursday umbrella cover day world zoo day 
global forgiveness day international peace and love day national day of rock and roll national dora day national father daughter take a walk day national koi day national macaroni day star festival tell the truth day 
be kind again day international skinny dip day math 2.0 day national national blue berry day national chocolate with almonds day national freeeser pop day national ice cream sundae day national love your skin day national scud day national video game day 
argentine independence day barn day call of the horizona day fashion day national dont pull a your eggs in one omelet day national sugar cokkie day 
bahamas independence day dont step on bug day feast of st rosalia global energry independece day gospel day national kitten day national pinma colada day national pizza day in brazil national wyomming day pick blueberries day politicall flag day teddy bear picnic day comy river festival nude recreation week 
all american pet photo day bowdlers day captive nations week cheer up the lonely day cow appreciation day pay of the flemish community international essential oils day naadam holiday national zelwven day national blueberry muffin day national free slurpe day national mojito day national rainier cherry day nationla swimming pool day national world  population day shark week 
amzon prime day battle of the boyne etch a sketch day mexico lawyers day nationla eat your jello day national pecan pie day night of nights paper bag dayt
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hangofwednesday · 2 years ago
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blueteesshirt · 2 years ago
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