#Pokemon Fan Game
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camioftargon · 2 days ago
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New Hex Maniac in Sprite
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revalentine2 · 1 month ago
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I (finally) finished my first playthrough of the fangame Pokemon Rejuvenation (spoilers: I liked it a lot) and felt I should commemorate that. Over that time I got quite attached to my Runerigus, Mystery, so she earns a focus in the picture, too. Also a limited palette piece.
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juli3ette · 8 months ago
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So I re-drew Garrett in my current style....
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owlhead650 · 4 months ago
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"Kiddo is built like a Siffrin."
This is a drawing of the interceptor oc Kiddo created by @moonpaw who just generally has a lot of good rejuvenation fan art. It was made for the after party of the rejuvenation art collab.
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pokemon-magnus · 1 year ago
After over a year and a half of pre-production, I am pleased to finally be able to unveil Pokémon Magnus! This fangame explores what would have happened if the last season of The Magnus Archives went... a little differently.
Look at him go! Gotta fear 'em all, Archivist!
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Now that I have a functioning proof-of-concept for soundtrack, spritework, and code, I'm fully switching gears to proper game development. I'm aiming to have a demo featuring the intro sequence and first gym(s) in the coming months!
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jadeazora · 9 months ago
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Found a new romhack to try. It's an open world, upscaled/expanded Kanto. 😁
Abused the hell outta save states and my one Great Ball to catch Suicune there 😂 I needed a water type and it was the first one I saw.
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french-teapot · 4 months ago
Found a really cool looking Pokemon fangame where you can become a gym leader and I thought I'd stream it later!
I've no idea if there's a plot or anything, but it sounds really fun.
I'll be on around 8pm Irish time!
My Twitch is here.
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luxelio-art · 11 months ago
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okay so i have a sick idea for a legends game but i cant draw too much cause busy (womp womp) so for those possibly interested more in the reblog from my main dnjgsjdghg
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nylarac · 11 months ago
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hi play pokemon infinite fusion <3
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the-ninjago-historian · 6 months ago
Pokemon x Ninjago Fakemon!!!
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What's This??? Inky actually having concept art for one of my many proposed AUs??? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?! Lol. Anyways, meet the starters for the Pokemon x Ninjago game, Pokemon Creation and Pokemon Destruction. These are the Fire and Water starters.
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And here's the grass starter! I don't have names for the grass and water pokemon yet, so suggestions are appreciated! Also since these are concept designs, they are subject to change. Hope y'all like them!
EDIT: I just found out someone else has a Fakemon with the name Sparkit.😅 So now I need a new name for that one too. Lol
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djdiamond18803 · 1 year ago
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I've been playing Pokemon Rejuvenation recently ^^;
my first playthrough was with Alain (as a boy) and I plan to do my second as Aevis (as a girl, because why not?)
So here are some sketches I did based on some personal HCs I came up after finishing the main plot. One of which is basically where our protag is going through some identity crisis after the (current) main events.
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ariartist5 · 10 months ago
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I have been playing pokemon clover 🍀 lately and I have been wondering what it would look like if Blissey had a cursed form like Unjoy. So I call her NurseSorrow.
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darkx-the-dragon-kn1ght · 18 days ago
Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 48
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Helloooo, everyone stumbling onto this post, or those returning from previous installments! I think I got this chapter out in a pretty timely fashion this time, y’know? However, that might be the last (or one of the last) times I’ll be able to do that for a while, since I think (knock on wood) I’ll be able to start up my Fire Emblem game again- not this week, exactly, but the week after, the whole bi-weekly schedule and all. Which, hey, I’m happy about, but as I said, it will mean updates will somewhat slow down again…not that I was particularly faster during the little break.
But until then, we’ll just have to make the most of the time we do have here! And that starts with summarizing what happened in the previous chapter, like always!
Xera, Cain, Radomus, and Gardevoir rush down to Reborn City’s Coral Ward to find Adrienn in front of their old, abandoned Gym. Xe is, understandably, bewildered at how much the city has changed in such a short amount of time. 
After hearing Adrienn’s account of how they went missing, Radomus explains what he believes happened: the energy of Arceus’ meteor in the ruins warped the flow of time, effectively freezing Adrienn. The only reason Xera and the others were not trapped as well was because they were protected by the Ring and Pendant.
Adrienn resolves to fix not just their Gym, but the entirety of Reborn City, wanting to restore it to the place it should be. Cain directs xem to the Grand Hall to speak with Ame, and they depart. With Adrienn’s situation resolved, Xera and the others return to Vanhanen Castle.
Back at the castle, Luna is overjoyed to be reunited with Gardevoir, and Radomus calls in a newcomer. From the front door enters…El, now acting as an obedient butler named Elias. He acts as though he does not recognize Luna, thus no longer refuting Radomus being her father; however, Luna is upset by this development and excuses herself, with a concerned Gardevoir quickly following.
Radomus requests Elias to return the Amethyst Pendant to him, which he does and is then dismissed. When asked by Radomus, Cain explains where the Pendant came from and how Anna is going to want it back- however, Radomus asks to keep the Pendant for the time being, being unable to explain his reasons for this. Ultimately, Xera and Cain have to acquiesce, which Radomus is grateful for.
With the Elias and Pendant business settled, Xera makes preparations to take on Radomus. To that end, she trades Digger the Dunsparce for Junior the Tyrogue at the Nature Center, and also catches Sylva the Flabébé and Megara the Heracross in Aventurine Woods.
With preparations made, Xera enters the Gym to start her challenge. Before she can face Radomus, she must solve several chess puzzles, with Radomus, Cain, Luna, and Gardevoir spectating; she succeeds, and arrives in the chessboard arena to battle against Radomus and Gossip Gardevoir.
After a battle of both strength and wits, Xera wins out over Radomus and earns the Millennium Badge. Luna congratulates both Gardevoir and Xera for their performances before discussing with Gardevoir where she herself will face Xera. Luna explains she is also a Leader in the Reborn League, and the darkness of the nearby Iolia Valley is a perfect setting for her Dark-types.
As if on cue from Luna’s talk of darkness, the lights in the castle go out, to everyone’s confusion. Radomus, Gardevoir, Luna, and Cain leave first, and Xera departs the arena on her own.
So, pretty beefy chapter last time- not quite to the same extent as Chapter 46, but definitely getting up there. And I’m not sure if that trend will continue in this chapter too, but given the last one ended with a highly suspicious blackout and we still don’t know why El is now a butler or why Radomus took the Amethyst Pendant for himself…just saying, there’s a lot that could happen this time. But we won’t find out how right or wrong I am by staying on the intro post, soooo…let’s start!
*CW: mentions of child death, drug mentions
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9*
Part 10*
Part 11*
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
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owlhead650 · 9 months ago
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"The Devil of Darchlight Caves"
1012 word essay below discussing Erin as a character in Rejuvenation.
I find it interesting that in v13.5 Erin's first major appearance is in her Darchlight Form, as a devil. This is different to how in V13 her first appearance featured her normal design. It could be that this form, the one said to be 'the true reflection of your soul' is how Jan wants us to see her. Erin declared herself the devil who defies Vitus, a man that sees himself as God. Conventional myth portrays the devil as a prison warden keeping sinners trapped and punished. The devil also normally hates God, despite only punishing people God wants him to. Erin is a much stronger character than the classic devil, rather than punishing those God considers evil or unworthy she accepts them. We see this when she encourages Kanon to embrace his individuality and to reject the idea that he's less than human and only exists to serve. Rather than punishing people Erin liberates them.
This aligns perfectly with how she behaves in Darchlight Caves. The first thing she does is help Florin, Flora and the Interceptor escape confinement witin the glass boxes. During the rest of this sequence of the game we see her wit and cunning as we learn more about Bladestar and decide what to do with this information. I remember in v13 I exposed Flora during that playthrough, but I didn't make the mistake of sharing information with Cassandra because Erin beforehand warns: "Analyse the information, then make a decision. Don't you ever do it the other way around." To my memory that's how it was worded.
Erin's backstory also parralels the devil. She at first obeyed Vitus and basically acted as a spy in the drama between him and Anathea. She was basically parentified and forced to help mediate an unhappy marriage between two adults who weren't mature enough to settle their differences the correct way. Vitus superficially apologised for this and said it was because she was the eldest daughter. This is somewhat similar to how the devil was once a beautiful angel that served God but later wanted to be greater than God and was cast into hell as punishment. Erin eventually reached her breaking point and defied Vitus. She fought him with her archetype powers and was eventually dragged to the basement. Vitus banished her to the unknown dimension and left her there to be forgotten, along with the twins Alice and Allen, which is fundamentally the same as how the devil was banished to hell.
I would also like to comment on how Vitus and Erin fighting with their magic powers until Erin got dragged into the basement is essentially a glorified version of a father beating his daughter, physically disciplining a child and abusing them. When you examine the incident from a grounded domestic angle, that's all it is. Really of all the atrocities Vitus commits as Indriad, his treatment of his children is really the only one I feel personally motivated to make him answer for. I was delighted when I saw his name on M2's (S)hit list.
In future versions of the game I look forward to seeing how she handles the confrontation with Vitus/Indriad, most likely taking place after the Xen raid. Although Erin is resolute and clever, Vitus is still her biological father and the memory of his abuse and power over her isn't so easily forgotten. Defying her creator won't be simple and it will definitely be frightening. The renegade route parralels the paragon route in some ways, like how both routes featured a battle against Talon on top of his tower but in two completely different contexts. I'm excited to see how the confrontation with Vitus plays out on both routes.
I'm expecting Erin to triumph in either scenario, but the overall meaning of the outcome could differ. I wonder if we'll get to see a karma beast design for her like how we saw one with Talon. Talon turned into a Flying/Poison type bird monster, I think it's rather obvious what Erin would turn into. Her personality is subtly befitting of a dark type already, and if we want to take the devil motifs to their logical extreme then she should be a Fire/Dark type that looks like it crawled out of Dante's Inferno. The Infernal Field would be perfect for this battle. It's message is:
"The souls of the damned burn on."
In a worst case scenario like a fight between Erin and the Renegade Interceptor I think this field effect would suit her karma beast transformation. Before Karma turned Talon into a monster we had a trainer battle against him in which he used a Tornados and other strong flying types. I think that Darkrai and the Dimensional Field effect would be powerful buffs that could turn a fight against Erin into an incredible ordeal for the player, even some of her current pokemon like Absol have abilities and moves that the field empowers.
Returning to my more narrative focused predictions, we must consider how Alice being possessed by Vitus will influence events on the Renegade Route. In Paragon her new "Queendom" rose and fell within a day, but that's only because her siblings quickly mobilised to deal with the situation. In the Renegade route we never saw that incident resolved and Melia was swapped with M2, distracting Erin with other challenges. She considers Kanon family and managed to free him, will she achieve the same with her sister Alice? Or will Erin fail to liberate her and instead embrace a darker interpretation of her role as the devil? Erin has a logical mind but her temper can inhibit it. Maybe on the Renegade Route despair at the devolving situation will drive her to fixate on punishing evil rather than helping the innocent.
No matter what she does in either route Erin will always be the cunning, quick witted, candid and beautiful tactician that massively improves Rejuvenation's narrative and cast of characters. If you actually read my whole essay here's some extra pictures as a thank you.
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I wouldn't mind going to hell if she's the one running it.
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I can't be the only one who looked at Flora's sprite in Darchlight Caves and saw her in a Jotaro Kujo outfit. The true reflection of Flora's soul is that she's like a jojo character I guess. Go on, punch Cassandra for ten pages. Scream ora ora.
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Florin is literally such a good boy that his soul is that of an angel. His design was a bit simple but I enjoyed doing the toga he seems to be wearing.
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My personal Interceptor oc Asopo. I want to give him as many variants as Melia has, which will take time but I'll get there. This is his darchlight form. I saw how many Darchlight forms turned people into fantasy creatures/characters from general media. I decided that making Asopo a merman would fit in with the other Darchlight forms while being a nice nod to his backstory. His hair in this form is meant to look like the black void of space with some white stars in it. He has a celtic bracelet on his arm and a badge on the cloth that looks like The Core. I gave him that yellow cloth because I didn't feel like drawing him shirtless with nipples.
I hope you liked this artwork and essay, it's probably my most proud work I've put on Tumblr.
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erusgabu · 1 year ago
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Been playing Pokemon Rejuvenation lately and got Kinda Really into it, so here's some Twitter stuff
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