#Pokemon Alain
atlas7seo · 6 months
Pokemon really likes difficult and/or pretty abusive parents for antagonists ish
Like Silver and Gionvani
N and Ghetsis
Lillie and Lusmine
Now Arven and Turo/Sada
If you count anime Alain and Lysandre if you squint. Like they have some sort of mentor student / parent esq relationship
And like I would love to see a dynamic where the villain just adores their child and their child just happens to be trying to foil their every plan. Feel like that'd be funny for a rival. You're just chilling on the side and this happens
"MOTHER! I won't let you use "insert legendary pokemon" to "insert evil plan""
"Aww sweetie I didn't know you cared so much about your mom!"
"Oh my! You beat my pokemon! I'm so proud of how strong you've gotten!"
"Mom I literally just blew up your evil lair."
"Don't worry, I have enough money to fix it."
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saelrum · 6 months
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I'm in a heavy nostalgia trip after rewatching Pokémon XY special episodes again..... Gods I love this mini-series.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Can we get more magical girl au plz
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Ask nicely and you shall receive!
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lavenderyulu · 1 year
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happy 1 year anniversary of Alain returning to pokemon after 8 years of nothing, getting his ass kicked and leaving immediately after
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thena0315 · 6 months
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3 out of 8 of the strongest trainers in the world were kids
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kooldewd123 · 10 months
Back in August, we had the anniversary of Ash’s famous Kalos League loss. It's a battle you see talked about time and time again. It's often held up by fans as the one big stain on XY, a disgraceful way for the writers to end Ash’s Kalos journey.
I beg to differ.
I want to offer a different perspective on this loss, because I don't really agree with most of the criticisms levied against it. I don't think it portrays Ash in a negative light, or goes against his development, or anything like that. In fact, I think it’s quite the opposite. I planned to make a post talking about why I feel the loss fits Ash’s character arc back when I started seeing posts commemorating its anniversary, but I had so much to say about Ash’s characterization in this series that it took me until now to write it all down (also i procrastinated).
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First of all, I want to address one of the most common critiques of the loss, since it leads nicely into the main point I want to make. This take essentially boils down to "XY had an Ash that was stronger than ever before. Losing goes against that." It's not a wrong reading of the series per se, but it does feel a bit… reductive to me. Yes, XY is about Ash getting stronger. But so are DP, SM, BW, and all the others. Ash becoming stronger over the course of the series is just something we can expect by default. A good Ash story needs to do something else on top of that, and XY especially needed to find an extra angle to his character since he starts the series already near the top of his game. It's actually a similar situation to DP: he came into that series fresh off his victories in the Battle Frontier, and so rather than simply coasting with a story about how strong he is, the writers brought in Paul to challenge him not just in battle, but in terms of philosophy as well.
So with all that said, what is Ash's story in XY actually about, then? Well, the comparison is often made that Ash is the "Brock" of the XY gang, and it's not an unfounded one. He's the most experienced member of the group, as well as the most well put together. The others look to him for leadership, guidance, and inspiration even more than Ash ever did for Brock. More than in any other series, XY Ash is defined by the way he interacts with his friends, and the reverse is also true for them. Let's take a detour and try to quickly run down their character arcs so you can really see what I mean:
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Serena starts the series aimless. She’s discontent with her life, wanting something more. Recognizing Ash on TV and remembering his words to "never give up" is what gives her the push to finally take the first steps of her own story. However, those first steps are all she takes. She wants to get away from her mother, but is once again adrift as soon as she meets Ash. She bounces from activity to activity for a while, only deciding to become a Performer after meeting Shauna and having the sudden realization that she doesn't have a long-term goal like Ash. Wanting to be as determined as Ash is, she finally has something to actively work for and even confronts her mother with her newfound passion. She thinks of Ash to give her strength as she starts her first Showcase, and after she messes up, she remembers his advice to "never give up" and continues onward, even incorporating a ribbon she had received from Ash into her outfit to signify her resolve. Ash is at the center of every stage of Serena's journey. Nearly everything she does can be somehow traced back to Ash in one way or another.
That's all well and good, but it's just one example, and Serena's a bit of an extreme case, anyway. For more evidence, let's look at Clemont. The first time he meets Ash, Ash gets thrown out of Prism Tower, immediately brushes himself off and challenges Clemont to a battle, fights off a group of Pokemon thieves (which is apparently a regular occurrence for him), goes after a rampaging Garchomp with his bare hands, and ends the day off by jumping off the top of the fucking Prism Tower with literally zero hesitation. Following that buck wild first impression, Clemont harbors an immense amount of both admiration and intellectual curiosity for Ash. He constantly praises Ash for his unique battle style, and wants to study it so he can become an even better Gym Leader. He begins taking cues from Ash's style as early as his confrontation with Clembot, as he has to think of unorthodox ways to outsmart the robot programmed to act like him. Following this battle, he and Ash agree to have their Gym battle once Ash has obtained his fourth badge. Ash becomes Clemont's goalpost: having seen what Ash is capable of, he wants to be a Gym Leader worthy of fighting him. And when we finally reach this battle, he proves that he has absolutely succeeded, incorporating everything he's learned from Ash and more into their climactic showdown. 
While Ash’s companions in other series generally have stories that run parallel to his, XY stands out by placing Ash right at the center of both Serena and Clemont’s personal journeys. Ash permeates XY in a deeper way than any series before or since. This might be a weird thing to say, but XY isn't really about Ash per se. It's about the idea of Ash. To Serena, Ash is the representation of all the personal qualities she desires, yet lacks. To Clemont, Ash is a new way of battling, something that can help him improve his own abilities even further. So then, what is Ash… to Ash?
I know I just set that up as a big question, but the answer’s actually fairly simple. It's pretty clear that Ash recognizes the effect he has on his friends, and so he leans into it for their benefit. He's constantly trying to improve both himself and Clemont for their eventual battle, and is incredibly encouraging towards Serena every time she takes another step towards her goal (in fact, Serena is possibly the female companion that Ash is least sassy towards, although he’s also just less sassy than usual in this series anyway). Even with his Pokemon, this trait shines through. Froakie was a trouble child for every Trainer that Sycamore had given it to before, yet it respects Ash nearly instantly after seeing him in action. Ash’s encouragement and support is what gives Goomy the strength to grow and take back its home. He acts more parental towards Noibat than any baby Pokemon he had before, but also steps back enough to let Hawlucha take the lead raising it since he sees how strongly the two of them bond.
So here in XY we have a strong, self-assured, mature Ash who takes on a leadership role among the main cast. It’s an Ash that truly feels like he’s been through years of journeys and growth. But if he starts out the series so well-developed, where can his character arc take him?
Enter Sawyer. Not long after Ash has his battle with Clemont, he’s introduced to Sawyer, a rookie Trainer who had lost to Clemont shortly before. On the surface, this doesn’t immediately seem like the makings of a particularly compelling rivalry: an experienced veteran Ash versus a novice with only a single Gym badge to his name. Ash is undeniably the superior one in this dynamic. But once the two of them begin interacting, it becomes immediately clear how much heart there is to their relationship. Ash, ever the older brother figure, sees how much potential Sawyer has and wants to watch him unlock it. Sawyer, the analytical battler, takes notes from Ash’s battles and studies him in a manner not unlike Clemont to learn how to improve himself. Sawyer’s notes pay off in a big way, as he improves at an astronomical pace, winning four more badges in the time it takes Ash to earn just one, and even reaching his eighth before Ash does. Ash and Sawyer have one last battle before Ash heads to win his eight Gym badge, but for the first time, Sawyer manages to surpass and beat Ash. Although he’s glad to have won, his victory shakes both of them. Although they don’t say it directly, they can tell that something’s wrong. Sawyer decides to follow Ash to Snowbelle City to watch him beat Wulfric, but again, Ash loses. Between these two losses, as well as his struggle to master the Bond phenomenon, Ash begins to spiral, and it’s the first time we truly see him grapple with self-doubt in this series. Sawyer looks up to Ash, yet he had failed to live up to Sawyer’s vision of him. And if he’s failed Sawyer, who else has he failed? His companions? His Pokemon? With the image of himself as a mentor and an inspiration thrown into jeopardy, he begins to act uncharacteristically, running off into the woods alone and lashing out at Serena when she tries to help him. After cooling off a bit, he helps some Spewpa trapped in a tree and is saved by Greninja when the branch breaks. One of the Spewpa is blown off a nearby cliff, and when Ash and Greninja both jump into action to save it, they perfect the Ash-Greninja form for the very first time. The entire experience causes Ash to realize that the image of himself as someone everyone could count on had been weighing down on him much more heavily than he had thought. Because of it, he had been placing too much responsibility on himself. He needed to master the Bond phenomenon to become stronger for his team. He needed to beat Wulfric to prove himself to Sawyer. But in the end, he couldn’t do it alone, and ultimately ended up caving under the pressure without even realizing it. It’s only with the help of his friends and Pokemon that he’ll be able to move forward and actually accomplish what he’s set out to do. With that in mind, he’s finally able to reach synchronicity with Greninja, beat Wulfric, and make his way to the Kalos League.
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In the semifinals, Ash finally comes face-to-face with Sawyer once again. As the two of them clash, Sawyer recognizes Ash once again. The cloud that had covered him in Snowbelle is gone, and the two of them can have a proper battle. Sawyer can truly show Ash just how far he’s come (and maybe even surpass him for real), and Ash can prove that he won’t falter again. That he really is the person everyone thinks he is. And with Ash-Greninja’s final Water Shuriken, Ash does just that. This battle, not the finals match against Alain, is the conclusion of Ash’s arc in XY. The Trainer that everyone looks up buckling under the weight of those expectations, and yet still managing to prove them right by coming out the other side stronger. I feel it can often get sadly overlooked in favor of the finals, but it’s a satisfying way to encapsulate what XY Ash is all about.
So what’s the deal with the finals, then? Why go through all of this just to have him lose in the end? Doesn’t that undermine the whole message? Well, no, actually. In a vacuum, it might seem that way, but I feel that removing it from the context surrounding it (as you often see in discourse about it) is doing it a disservice. The most important thing about the finals match is that it isn’t really Ash’s battle in the way the semifinals were. Ash’s arc is finished. This is Alain’s battle. Alain’s arc throughout the series effectively boils down to the idea that he wants to gain power in order to protect the people he cares about, first to defend Professor Sycamore’s research, and later to heal Chespie. He’s drawn to the Kalos League by the promise of many strong opponents to train himself against, Ash chief among them. This relentless drive for power, while good-intentioned, leads him to work for Lysandre, blinded to his true motivations. Alain’s victory in the Kalos League is the tipping point of his arc. He’s won the League, proving himself to be among the strongest Trainers in the entire region. And yet, at his moment of victory, when he’s achieved the strength he desired, Team Flare attacks, threatening the entire region. Key to Team Flare’s plans are Z2, whom Alain had helped capture, and the Mega Evolution energy he had helped them study. I often see people upset about Ash’s League loss trying to spin it into a story about Ash learning that winning isn’t everything, but it’s actually the opposite. Alain is the one learning that winning isn’t everything. In his quest for power, he had inadvertently brought danger to the very people he was trying to protect, with Sycamore and Chespie both being directly in Lysandre’s crosshairs.
And all of this eventually leads us to a scene where Lysandre, Alain, and Ash are on Prism Tower together. Alain is paralyzed by his emotions, distraught at what he had unwittingly brought about. Lysandre imprisons Ash and tries to force him to work for him like Alain had, but Ash refuses and breaks free using the Bond phenomenon. And for one final time, we see Ash inspiring people to be better. Seeing Ash act without hesitation, never for a second even considering forsaking his morals and working with Lysandre the way he did, Alain snaps out of his stupor and finally confronts Lysandre. Alain may be the stronger Trainer, but Ash is the better Trainer. Captured, outmatched, and weary from the League, Ash still chose to fight. Win or lose, Ash is still the best, like no one ever was.
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thirstywith · 2 months
I'm looking at you Alain ...
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// I would have liked to see them interact more, especially Iris and Alain since they barely know each other. Imagine Alain explaining to Iris that when his CHARIZARD mega evolves into CHARIZARD X he becomes a Fire/Dragon type pokemon and she freaks out all confused because the pokedex never mentioned that, mainly because if I'm not mistaken already had a scene in some pokemon black and white episode where she believes that CHARIZARD is a dragon type pokémon and Ash shows the pokedex showing that he is actually a Fire/Flying type, so i imagine her reaction would be amazing.
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moonbreeze19 · 6 months
hell or flying
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Perhaps it’s reassurance, a reminder, that human power is not yet infinite and may never be. And he can't—won't—be truly dangerous if his power is never absolute.
Alain waits, watching the sky and sea until the water is dark, far from blue, and the sky is nearly black at the top and deep orange along the horizon. 
It’s peaceful. It’s beautiful. He knows with such incredible clarity that it is not going to last.
“and when the seasons change, will you stand by me? because i’m a young man built to fall.” there are moments of quiet—maybe even peace—between the fire, gods, and world-saving. alain finds he doesn’t know what to do with them.
(on ao3 here)
for tsme week 2024!! a collection of missing scenes throughout (and a little bit after) tsme canon. this was an absolute pleasure to write - i hope you enjoy! a very happy 10th anniversary to tsme!!
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starwater54122 · 2 months
y'know in pokémon XY anime when olympia sees ash's frogadier, ash and his friends, and professor Sycamore
and she's like ''OMG ITS YOU GUYS'' and has a vision of the kalos crisis.
while its unknown whether or not anime!Kalos-region has more than 8 gyms or not and since we don't see alain's gym badges other than his Rumble badge
do you think if alain whent to challenge her
do you think she thought back to her vision and she was like "YOU. YOU'RE THAT GUY WHO WILL HAVE A ROLE IN A FUTURE CRISIS."
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solar-net · 3 months
sometimes a family is; A disheveled researcher running on only caffine, his ex-husband who tried to kill off the entire planet because it was "impure", their son who's a perfectionist and also has a hero-complex, finally their daughter who's probably the most normal but has very high anxiety to balance it out
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potahun · 6 months
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Kicking off TSME week! Act I aired exactly 10 years ago in Japan, phew...but my love for this trio is not forgotten <3 Happy 10th year to the TSME gang!!!!!
TSME WEEK 2024: Day 1 Prompt: "Anniversary"
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and-a-side-of-pokemon · 6 months
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Day 6: Memorabilia
Okay so this prompt I took fairly self-indulgently! Everytime I go on a trip or on holiday, I try to get a rubber duck from that place... so I made the trio as rubber ducks! I wish they were real so I could add them to my collection!
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saelrum · 9 days
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Might as well practice dynamic poses while my Mega-Evo Special obsession is resurfacing
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princelyprisms · 9 months
Alain!! (it's him!) ((I never posted this art of im so very sorr))
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(bonus little doodle here :D context: i was playing mc with my friends, i had him on)
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lavenderyulu · 6 months
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Day three - Break
actually todays theme is break because i need a break
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thena0315 · 9 months
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Charizard Trainers
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