diaswarriorcats · 6 days
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magpieclan · 11 months
Moon 0 pt 2!
TW: mentions of animal death
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Out of the two other story pieces already made for Magpieclan, I like this the best :) From now on, this'll be the style/layout of posts.
Also more lore for Magpieclan! The first page states that "tradition tells Midgestar to turn them to another group." The reason for this is that as the Followers of the Magpies, they would only accept blue, black (also gray too), and white furred cats because pelt color determined the spiritual connection they had to the magpies. It's not that they held anything against other pelt colors, as they would help and heal any in need but would politely refuse to admit them to their group, it's just that no other pelt color is able to connect w/ the magpies and gain their magpie feathers after death. Although taboo, rarely other pelt colored cats would be admitted to join the Followers of the Magpies. However, their spirits, after death, would be unable to become a magpie and forced to wander. (The magpies can't control this and the same goes for kittens borne from Followers of Magpies who have other fur colors :( sad)
The reason the magpies send the sign of the flock flying with the sparrows is to show that Magpieclan will need to adapt and change from their old traditions and beliefs if they are to thrive, succeed, and ally with the other clans.
I love the drawing of Faith and Bumble sm :( Bumble was too young to remember his mother but Faith remembers very clearly the day they lost her. However, they both grieve her loss.
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rose-warriorcatsrefs · 6 months
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duckclan · 8 months
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I'VE BEEN SO HYPED TO DRAW AND SHOW THIS PAGE SINCE THIS HAPPENED IN GAME! Everyone meet the first litter in Duckclan, Antwish's! To continue to leave Ant's AGAB a mystery, I will not state if they were the pregnant one or not, but I will say that her partner is still a Ridgeclan cat, but by the time the two finally came to terms with the fact that they could no longer continue their relationship, the one who carried the kits was already pregnant.
Also a disclaimer: Shimmer and Ant are NOT a thing! He just cares about her very much and wanted to make sure she was okay [that and on the same moon the kits were born, it was said that Shimmer was seen talking to a Ridgeclan cat, so I take that to mean Ant's now-ex partner was asking Shimmer to help take care of the kits.
Aster is the tortie, Pod is the barely seen one, and Scorch has the mask!
If you saw the version of this where one image of Shimmer is missing all his stripes no you didn't
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luahecate · 10 months
PODLIGHT i love him sm
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I actually did him a bit ago! but here u go!
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butterflyclan · 11 months
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A greyish-brown tabby she-cat with pale blue eyes. The daughter of Honeydew, Podkit is unintentionally mean a lot, but she's quick to make peace once she's realized she's hurt someone's feelings.
Pod; Long-limbed ; Small
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Lavender Field (short story)
“Are you kidding me?”
Hickorykit cringed against the high-pitched exclamation. He looked at Podkit, who was already stomping toward him with a small wrinkled snout. “You couldn’t hit a single moss-ball all day, and then you do and you hit it to our side? Are you stupid?”
Hickorykit shuffled his paws. Embarrassment, hot as greenleaf, made him fluff up his fur. “It was just a mistake, okay? Jeez!”
“You made us look like we’re going to be bad apprentices! What kind of warriors will we be if we can’t even tell where the goal is?”
“No one was watching us!” Hickorykit growled. Stars, he hoped that was true. The thought of anyone else seeing that dumb move of his made him want to hide beneath his nest in the nursery forever and ever. “Why don’t you just start a new game and show them how good you are?”
“We will,” Podkit sniffed, “without you.”
Hickorykit glared after him, but Podkit didn’t get far before his mother stepped out from where she had sat grooming herself in the shade of the elders’ den. “Come here,” she said sternly, and led him behind the den.
Podkit was in trouble! Anger burned sharply against Hickorykit’s skin, fueling his steps. He crouched low, hiding in the shadows as he crept near enough to hear.
“What have I told you?” Podkit’s mother was saying.
“I did invite him to play!” Podkit complained defiantly. “It’s not my fault he sucks!”
“Hey!” his mother snapped sharply. “Not that,” she went on more calmly, though more stern. “I told you that you have to be nice to Hickorykit at all times. No matter what, okay?”
“No buts. You know what he’s been through. How would you feel if you lost me?”
There was a pause. In it, thumping began to pound away at Hickorykit’s ears. His chest ached. His breath–was he breathing?
“Okay, mom,” Podkit gave in. Through the leaves, Hickorykit saw Podkit’s mother pull him into an embrace, paw over his back and licks upon his head. The scene blurred, but Hickorykit’s heart was twisting too painfully to feel anything dripping from his eyes. 
He turned away and ran along the barrier, pushing through it where he knew a weak point was–the warriors had complained about the bugs eating at their defense–and continued running. He couldn’t breathe, could only gasp and sob as he ran, ran, ran.
Why? Why did he have to listen? Why did Podkit’s mother have to make those stupid rules? Why did he choose to play with the other kits instead of staying in his den or going to the elders to hear a story?
For the two moons since their deaths, he had forced the thoughts of his parents buried in the back of his mind, sheltered by any distraction he could take–which mainly involved his anger at the other kits. But that reminder–coupled with seeing the lucky tom snuggle with his mother, something Hickorykit could now only dream of doing–he just couldn’t take it.
He didn’t care that he wasn’t allowed to leave the camp, if he was putting himself in danger. He didn’t stop until nature made him–a tendril catching his paw and making him collapse in a lavender field. No…no.. The smell was just like them in their vigil. But he didn’t have any energy left to leave. He was so exhausted, from running and from his heart stabbing itself through every rib every time the image of his mother or father appeared in his stupid brain. 
He curled up on his side, trying to bury himself within the flowers as if they were his mother’s body wrapping around him. He hated that she was gone. He hated that his father was gone. He hated that his last memory of them was crying on their bodies, and that this was now the closest he could get to laying with them–by curling in the same flowers that had been laid on their corpses.
Hickorykit shot up among the lavender flowers. He didn’t know when he fell asleep, but the sun had begun to dip behind the trees. 
Darktail raced forward, nuzzling Hickorykit and covering his body with rapid licks. “Where have you been? Everyone has been so worried!”
Was that why there was a patrol out at such a weird hour? Hickorykit glanced at the other two warriors behind his grandfather, Conetoe and Newtbeetle, who appeared relieved at seeing Hickorykit alive and safe. 
Darktail pulled away. His muzzle rippled now that his own relief was replaced with anger. “Why did you leave the camp? What if that badger came back? Or an enemy patrol? Did you even think about the danger you put yourself in? You almost gave me a heart attack! Thank Starclan you were okay, and I’m so glad you are, but this could have gone a lot differently! How could you even…”
Hickorykit couldn’t say anything, knew he couldn’t, so he just sat and looked at his paws as Darktail lectured him. At his adoptive father’s pause, he looked up, and was startled to see Darktail’s eyes watering. 
Darktail lunged forward again, hugging Hickorykit between his paws that held him so close to his chest that Hickorykit struggled to breathe–again. He chose to sink into Darktail’s fur instead of fighting against them, and they laid there comfortably–even if they were now both struggling with sobs.
“Do you want to meet us back at camp?” Newtbeetle asked after a while, and Hickorykit suddenly remembered that they were there. 
Darktail, seemingly, forgot them as well. He stood up, clearing his throat with an awkward cough. “Er, yes, yes, let’s go take Hickorykit to the medicine den.”
“Medicine den?” Hickorykit squeaked. Were they going to give him something gross as punishment for sneaking off?
“Is that necessary?” Newtbeetle asked, confused. 
“Yes,” Darktail told him sharply. “Could you carry him for me? My jaw’s still aching from that branch.”
“I can walk!” Hickorykit insisted. He had gone all this way, after all.
“No,” was all Darktail said in response. 
Hickorykit didn't protest further. He allowed Newtbeetle to pick him up as his thoughts carried him away. Perhaps if hadn’t been so preoccupied with those flowers, he would have heard Conetoe and Darktail speaking a few steps behind them, voices hushed to whispers.
“Is that necessary?” Conetoe asked.
“I thought he was dead,” Darktail replied. “When I couldn’t find him anywhere in the camp….I couldn’t stop thinking about my son. I thought–if he died too–....I can’t even stand the idea of it. He’s probably fine, physically at least, but until I get Gorsedaisy to check him over herself, I’m not going to calm down.”
Conetoe nodded. “That’s fair enough. More than fair….Do you really think the badger came back?”
Darktail hesitated. “No, but we can’t be too safe. Starclan, why did he run off? He knows how dangerous it is!”
“Maybe you should ask him yourself.”
“You’re safe!” Gorsedaisy exclaimed happily as Hickorykit trodded into her den. The scent of the herbs was strong, and it pulled him back to the lavender, curling lovingly around his body like a ghost of his mother. 
“Are lavenders herbs?” he asked. He had to know, it had been nagging at him throughout the walk and lecture from Cuckoostar.
Gorsedaisy tilted her head. “It can be. The smell is all over you.”
“I always felt so bad…” Hickorykit searched for words to explain. “I don’t like crying, so I didn’t think about them, and then I couldn’t stop thinking about them and I couldn’t stop crying…but now I feel really good. Did the lavender do that?”
Gorsedaisy narrowed her eyes as she tried to understand. When it clicked, she smiled softly. “A little bit. Lavender can help ease the clouds in one’s mind. But,” she added when Hickorykit opened his jaws, “I don’t think that’s what has you feeling so chipper.”
It was Hickorykit’s turn to tilt his head, one eyebrow perked. “Then what does?”
Gorsedaisy settled into her nest, paws tucked beneath her after padding the edge to tell Hickorykit to join her. He did, clambering in, and blinked curiously up at her. “I missed Dapplefire so much. I still do, of course, but when she joined the stars, I thought that I would never be the same again. I thought that the only way to stop myself from breaking was to pretend that it never happened at all–or at least make my brain think that. Every time I thought about her, I would make myself think about something else.”
That’s what I did! Hickorykit thought. He was surprised to hear someone else describe the thought process he had kept subconscious.
“I thought that pretending I didn’t have anything to grieve over would make the sorrow go away.” She met Hickorykit’s eyes after they had drifted around the den–had she been imagining her old mentor in the den they had shared for so long? “I was wrong, Hickorykit. Ignoring a broken bone won’t make it heal. In pushing away Dapplefire’s death, I pushed away the impact she made in life. I wouldn’t allow myself to think about anything to do with her, and in doing so I could have lost so many memories I made with her.”
“Good memories?” Hickorykit thought of curling beside his mother again, and then of his father holding a feather for him to chase.
“Good, bad. I thought of the laughs we shared, of the fights we had, the first time I remember seeing her, and the last. It all hurt the same, but now it all makes me smile, because I was lucky enough to know someone so brilliant so well, and now I have amazing stories to tell to those that didn’t get to know her.”
Hickorykit was silent for a long moment. Then he asked, “do you think I’ll be able to smile one day? When I think about my mom and dad?”
Gorsedaisy’s frowned. Then she smiled again. “Yes, I do. Until then, when it’s still hard, all you have to do is ask, and I’ll give you some lavender. Deal?”
Hickorykit brightened. “Deal!” 
Gorsedaisy chuckled at his eagerness. “You’re fine,” she told him after checking him over briefly. “Is there anything else you need?”
Hickorykit didn’t think that there was, but he wasn’t quite ready to leave. Gorsedaisy’s fur was warm beside him. He wasn’t ready to feel cold yet. He searched for something that could keep him there a little bit longer. “Could you tell me about Dapplefire?” he asked.
At that, Gorsedaisy’s eyes practically glowed. “I would love to.”
Darktail paced back and forth in the nursery. What was taking so long? Did he have a wound Darktail didn't notice? A sickness? And why had Hickorykit run away at all?
Darktail knew that Podkit was teasing him, and in his panic for his adoptive son, he tore the youngster a new one--which he now feels bad about--but being teased by the other kits wasn't a new thing for Hickorykit.
In fact, Hickorykit always seemed to relish in fighting with the other kits. Why? And why was his reaction different now?
Did he have a nightmare of his parents again? Those had ended more than a moon ago, and the thought of them coming back made his heart twist until it nearly broke.
A blur of white at the corner of his eye made him whip around. "Hickorykit!"
Hickorykit bounced toward him, a grin spreading from ear to ear. He was....happy?
"Darktail!" he called, even though he was now a few steps away. "I want to become a medicine cat apprentice!"
@ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555 @wills-woodland-warriors @stray-mossballs-and-buckets @umbranoxs @elementaldeityoffood
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topvapewholesale · 25 days
Hayati Twist 5000 Puffs Disposable Vape: A Vaping Revolution
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Discover the ultimate in convenience and flavour with the Hayati Twist 5000 Puffs Disposable Vape. Engineered for extended use, this device offers an impressive 5000 puffs, ensuring you enjoy consistent, rich flavour without frequent replacements. The sleek, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand, while its easy-to-use functionality makes it perfect for both new and experienced vapers. Each puff delivers smooth, satisfying vapor, allowing you to savor your favorite flavours longer.
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no1vapewholesale · 4 months
GeekVape Aegis Cerberus Tank Vape Kit: Unleashing Durability and Performance
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In the world of vaping, where innovation and technology constantly collide to create the ultimate vaping experience, GeekVape has emerged as a frontrunner with its GeekVape Aegis Cerberus Tank Vape Kit. This robust kit not only promises durability but also delivers exceptional performance, making it a standout choice for vapers of all levels. Let’s delve into what makes this kit a game-changer, especially for those who appreciate the convenience and effectiveness of disposable vapes, the smooth hit of nic salts, and the diverse flavours of e-liquids.
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vapebrothers · 5 months
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magpieclan · 10 months
Moon 3
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Don't ask why this took so long, I don't know. (but it's Limedew's first appearance lmao)
First look at the Magpie's Nest! It's a ring of trees where the clans buried Loachpaw after they searched and discovered his body :( The clan and the magpies chose to honor him.
also MIDGE KITS!!!
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I love them ❤️
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leafpoolstanblog · 6 months
Mintfur becomes a warrior.
Beechpaw is apprenticed to Swampbird.
Swallowtail and Pebblekit die.
Duskfur and Mintfur have a litter of kits; Podkit and Curlkit.
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vaptexworld · 9 months
Vaptex New Pod Kits Release -TRAVELER with high-quality vape and cheaper price
Vaptex has established itself as a prominent and highly regarded brand in the vaping industry. With its impressive capabilities and unwavering commitment to innovation, the company has earned a widespread reputation in the fiercely competitive vaping market. By consistently delivering cutting-edge products and pushing the boundaries of vaping technology, Vaptex has solidified its position as a trusted and influential player in the vaping industry. Vaptex introduced a new refillable pod kits- Traveler, which with Aerospace-Grade Metal Alloy, aims to make pod kits impenetrable.
Inspired by Suitcase, with a powerful 650mAh battery, and compatibility with the versatile Vaptex series cartridges, this pod kit is designed to meet the demands of both novices and experienced vapers. Packed with features like side refill, side airflow control, and vibrant casing, it promises a delightful and leak-resistant vaping experience.
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Key Features of Traveler
PFA, Global First Mesh Coil Tech
Purity Flow Atomizer, abbreviated as PFA Tech, stands out for its commitment to providing users with a high-quality and pure vaping experience through meticulous attention to both the design and functionality of heating elements. This innovative approach employs precision engineering to enhance the efficiency and longevity of the atomization process, delivering consistent and flavorful vapor while maintaining a long-lasting performance.
B.ai Chip, Driven by AI Tech
By utilizing AI technology, Traveler can achieve more precise temperature control and power control. This helps provide consistent vapor output and enhances user experience. Additionally, this pod kit provides sixfold protection including Overtime Protection, Short-Circuit Protection, Overcharge Protection, Output Over-Current Protection, Low Voltage Protection, and Chip over-temperature protection.
Forged in Zinc Alloy
Zinc alloy offers high strength and corrosion resistance, providing a durable casing that protects the internal electronic components from external influences. By using zinc alloy as a heat dissipation material, its excellent thermal conductivity allows for better heat dispersion and dissipation, maintaining the device's temperature within a reasonable range, and thereby enhancing safety and longevity.
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Inspired by Suitcase.
Traveler combines sleek lines with metallic hues, resulting in a stunning aesthetic. Ranging from shimmering silver to luxurious purple, add a touch of opulence and sophistication. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this high-quality pod kit captures attention and exudes a sense of refined style.
More Colors to choose from
The Vaptex Traveler is not just a vaping device, it's an experience. With a luxurious and modern sense design, it invites you into a world that is filled with fantastic and stunning aesthetics.
There are four colors to choose from: Shining Silver, Sakura Pink, Midnight Purple, and Deep Space Black. More colorful looks to meet different user's needs.
Specification of Traveler
Pod Capacity: 2ml
Battery Capacity: 650mAh
Mesh Coil: 0.8Ω
LED Indicator
Child Lock
Adjustable Airflow
Type C Charging
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In summary, The Traveler pod kit seamlessly blends contemporary aesthetics with cutting-edge vaping technology, delivering a vaping experience that is both visually appealing and exceptionally satisfying. Designed to provide a heightened level of purity and flavor in every puff, it guarantees an indulgent and flavorful vaping journey that surpasses expectations. Its extended battery life allows for prolonged vaping sessions, making it the perfect companion for those seeking uninterrupted enjoyment. Boasting a sleek and user-friendly design, the Traveler pod kit effortlessly stands out in the fiercely competitive pod system market, offering a compelling combination of style, functionality, and ease of use.
VAPTEX, a burgeoning vaping brand, was founded by a group of passionate and devoted professionals with the mission of unlocking the full potential of a vaping device to provide the best alternative solution for nicotine satisfaction and encourage people to make the change to not just high-quality vape products. Vaptex has swiftly risen to prominence under the guidance of its original team with over 12 years in the e-cigarette industry. This seasoned team brings to the table a wealth of proven technical expertise, marketing acumen, and production experience, making Vaptex a formidable player in the dynamic and evolving vaping market.
Contact Information
Website: www.vaptexworld.com
WhatsApp/ Phone: +86 17388769549
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luahecate · 2 years
Aka frostpaw’s uncle and my literal favourite background character
I dont even really have a reason, just 2 years ago i saw his name and thought “huh thats kinda funny lmao” and one time i drew him and put it in a warriors server and someone replied and told me that podlight nor his family would never have any sort of relevance to the plot
And now
Hes the uncle of a main character
Anyways sorry for that ramble lol, i just love podlight (May i request him for a drawing? Completely fine if not though ^^)
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I dont know much about him but he seems neat!
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butterflyclan · 11 months
Late Summer
"I think I'm like you," Shadowbloom announced into the empty air. Mintswirl paused in their sorting and squinted at her.
"How so?"
"You know, not a tom, not a she-cat, something... else," she finished, gesturing lamely.
"Oh. Well, do you like being called they? Like... I met Shadowbloom, they're really cool."
"Yeah. But I also like she sometimes."
"Hm. Maybe you're both a she-cat and not at the same time."
Shadowbloom paused. "....Can I do that?"
Mintswirl shrugged. "I don't see why not."
Shadowbloom mulled this over, turning the thought in their mind. "Yes," they decided, nodding with a finality. "That's me. Sometimes a she-cat, but mostly not."
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
"I think I want to retire," Sakari told Parsleystar. The leader stopped and looked up at her, her brow creasing.
"Oh. I can hold a ceremony-"
"No, I don't want one," Sakari inturupted. "I just want to retire. I don't need the Clan to fawn over me."
"It's not fawning. It's thanking you for your service, for your contribution to our community."
"What have I done that needs thanking?" Sakari scoffed. "My son, Cloud, died. I couldn't save Aspenpaw. I have done nothing to contribute."
"You've raised Skyrumble to be a strong warrior," Parsleystar pointed out. "You've hunted and fought for us. What happened with Cloud and Aspenpaw wasn't your fault. It was horrible and tragic, but it wasn't because of you. ButterflyClan will want to thank you, Sakari. I want to thank you."
Sakari let out a long breath. She looked up at the sky, and paused when she saw a kitten-shaped cloud drift across the sun. She watched it for a long time before turning back to Parsleystar. "Okay."
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"From this day forth, you shall be known as Asphodelfang. We honor your skills in both hunting and fighting, and we welcome you as a full member of ButterflyClan."
Asphodelfang's heart thrummed with pride as the crowd cheered for her. She'd done it. She'd proven her worth, and she'd been made a warrior. She was good enough.
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Kitecrash curled over Crabkit's body. He was so small, somehow so much smaller than he'd been in life. She groomed his body, steadfastly ignoring the taste of death staining her tongue, making sure his fur covered the wound that had eventually killed him. She could give him comfort in his death. That much, she could do.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
"Hey!" A voice called. A dark brown tabby sat just over the border, their tail curled around a pair of she-kits. Skyrumble padded closer, Gingerpaw at his tail. "You lot are Clan cats, right? You give shelter to cats who need it?"
"Sometimes. Are you in need of any?"
"Housefolk are cruel sometimes," the tabby said in lieu of an answer. "They'll take my daughters as soon as they're able and send them away. I'd never see them again."
Skyrumble bit back a shocked hiss. "We'll bring you all to camp," he told them. "We'll see what our leader has to say, but I think she'd agree to let you stay for a while at least. She's not one to let kits be seperated from their parents."
"I'm Gingerpaw," the apprentice greeted, crouching in front of the kits. "What's your names?"
"I'm Seed, and this is Pod," the darker of the two kits introduced. "And that's our parent, Honeydew."
"Those are wonderful names!" Gingerpaw purred. Honeydew seemed amused by his antics, and swept their daughters along.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
Tumblefern took a step forward towards the crumpled and shivering she-cat, ears twitching curiously.
"Stop!" Mintswirl hissed, their fur spiking. Tumblefern froze in her spot, turning towards Mintswirl with her eyes wide. "She has redcough," Mintswirl explained. "It's very contagious, and very deadly." The she-cat let out a pitiful mewl, followed by a coughing fit that shook her whole body. Mintswirl winced.
"We can't get close. If an outbreak starts in camp, there will be no stopping it. With all the kits... we can't risk it." Tumblefern cast a mournful look at the sick she-cat before nodding. The two Clan cats continued on their trek, hearts heavy.
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vapor4you · 9 months
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revolver kit mesh coil 4-in-1 flavor www.ternovape.com [email protected] [email protected]
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