#Pocket art scholarship
sp0o0kylights · 1 year
I once had to pose in a ton of photos for a friend's AP photography final back in high school so may I present to you:
Steve Harrington, who gave in to Robin's begging that he act as her weird art model for her senior year portfolio (the same one her teacher is encouraging her to bat out of the ballpark and enter into contests.) 
She's doing a whole thing on fashion, subcultures and sexuality using photos and collaged poetry, a project that has Steve trying on different outfits and posing in different places. 
"This might help me land a scholarship, Dingus." She hisses while she's got him bent over her bathtub, spraying parts of his hair blue with wash-out dye.
Steve, soulmate and best friend extraordinaire, goes through it all with minimal (for him) bitching, even if the goth outfit feels absolutely ridiculous, and the 'geek' photoshoot downright laughable.
He starts to have fun when she has him mimic Nancy's straight laced, all A's good girl aura, and equally has a blast with the country look (he has no idea where Robin got a miniature horse but it conned him for every piece of food he had on him and then some.) 
The final piece is the one they're struggling with, the one Robin's now (fake) dying his hair partially blue for. 
A few hours later and he's dressed up once again in a studded leather jacket, the tightest jeans he owns ringed with belts, and combat boots.
 Robin had even talked him into letting her use eyelash glue to attach a few metal studs on his face--two acting as an eyebrow piercing and one on his nose. 
The looks he drew took a minute to get used too when all was said and done, Robin dragging him around Hawkins while she tried to find the 'perfect backdrop' but he's not gonna lie. 
He kinda enjoys being punk Steve.
That is, until Robin has him posing in an alleyway and Eddie Munson comes around the corner, jaw right about falling to the floor.
Even better? 
Eddie doesn't recognize him. 
Not at first, when he siddles up to Steve, nodding to the handkerchief in Steve's back pocket and then flicking the pink triangle pin on his jacket with a finger. 
Steve owes Jonathan a bottle of his father's best alcohol for giving him enough knowledge to get through the music razing Eddie subjects him too, and Steve's all too happy to play the part of punk asshole to Munson's music-snob metalhead.
It's not until Eddies playing with his hair and Robin gives in to letting him have a quick break from the shoot that he gives up the ghost, leaning in to whisper in Eddie's ear. 
"Gotta say, Munson," Steve all but purrs."I wasn't expecting you to fall for the Harrington Charm that fast."
"What?" Eddie asks, jerking his head back to look at him with wide eyes. 
Maybe it's the outfit giving him the extra ounce of courage, but Steve likes to think more that it gives him the freedom to lean forward and brush their lips together. 
Eddie doesn't return it, but that's alright. 
Steve's played this game enough to know that it was merely a hook for a real kiss. 
"Okay." Robin says, annoyed, camera at her side. "Steve, I'm happy that you're finally exploring that repressed as fuck homosexuality we keep arguing about, I really am, but I have to get this last photo!" 
He ignores her, instead nudging Eddie's shoulders.
"Care to pose with me?" Steve asks, grinning. He can tell Eddie still isn't sure if this is a joke, that he's seconds from running, and reaches out to tug on his black handkerchief. "Get Robin her photo, and then talk about this after, Mr. S&M."
Eddie flushes scarlet, but after some reassurance (and wheelding) from Robin, finally agrees. 
(Later, he agrees to a date, which Steve also credits the outfit for.
Even if Robin demands half the credit.) 
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redheadspark · 4 months
may i have Benedict x reader from bridgerton with prompt #25
A/N - So cute for Benedict! Thanks for the request, anon!
Summary - Benedict knows how to make you smile
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Warnings - Angst and fluff rolled into one :)
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If there was one thing you loved about your life being a Bridgerton, it was how it was never boring or mundane.
It all started when you met your future husband, Benedict.  You both were attending art class at one of the most prestigious schools in the area, sitting side by side during one of the night classes and going through one of the lectures.  Benedict came from a wealthy family, prestigious family, which that had a major reputation for being well-loved and compassionate in charities and amongst other families.  You heard about his family for some time, though your family was not part of that circle since you were not well off.  In fact, you were attending the art school on a full-ride scholarship, not wanting to take it for granted and keeping your nose in your books and canvas.  But that night as Benedict plopped down next to you with his laptop out and ready to try, he looked over at you as you were handwriting your notes instead of typing it out.
He smiled, leaning over and saying in a low tone, “I like your handwriting.  It’s lovely,”
It was safe to say you are smitten with him from then on out.
You both sat together for the rest of the semester, learning about each other and becoming friends.  All of those rumors and stories that you hear about his family both seemed true and untrue.  He was kind, and humble in his upbringing and just wishing to be a better artist but not afraid to talk about his family and all of their endeavors.  He showed interest in you and what you liked about art, which pieces you liked and hated.  Although you were hesitant and wanted to keep your guard up when it came to letting in someone new in your life, Benedict snuck in always. 
Your first date was actually at the local county fair, Benedict asked you out after several months of building a friendship. It was surprising that he took you to a county fair, some of your other friends were already spewing theories about him taking you to a luxury restaurant or even on a yacht since his older brother Anthony did that with his now wife Kate. But not with Benedict, he would prefer to laugh with you and eat fried fair food and look at the street vendors.  
He made you laugh while attempting to win you a stuffed animal at the games, though you tried to warn him that they were rigged.  Benedict threw one baseball a bit too hard and almost broke the tent wall behind the plate that he was attempting to smash.  You laughed, the vendor scowling at him as Benedict took your hand and you both bolted before you were caught.  Benedict loved the sound of your laugh, he mentally would remember that moment for the rest of his life.  Throughout the night, you felt your walls coming down slowly with him and how he made you smile and giggle without you realizing what he was doing. Benedict was more down to earth than anything that night, then taking you to the local art show that was placed in the back of the fair.  
“I thought you would rather see something like this than at a fancy gallery,” He explained, you grinning from ear to ear as you both were gazing at the paintings and sketches from local painters and artist that were selling their art.  To think that he had all the money he would ever need, the reputation to be put in the pockets of people with power, but he simply wanted to be with you.
You shared your first kiss that night, his lips tasting of popcorn and soda pop.
Dating Benedict was both thrilling and intimidating at the same time. You were taken into his world, filled with wealthy relatives and charities that would sell dinner seats for thousands of dollars.  You barely had 1000 dollars to your name, let alone in your savings, but Benedict never minded it.  His own family was insanely sweet and kind to you, seeing how you made the artist in the family so happy and filled with joy.  Of course, they would tease you about his aloofness and his quirky nature, but you saw the same compassion and authenticity that was in Benedict in each of his siblings and his kind mother.  
However, you were a fish out of water with those dinners and events that you attended on Benedict’s arm.  The small talk with the fellow guests seemed forced and almost dry, Most of them were grilling you with questions about your own life, if you came from a rich family, or if you had any investments.  The pressure was a bit much at times, Benedict sensing it when you sat side by side during the dinners.  But the great thing about Benedict was that he would attempt to make you laugh during those tense moments, by any means necessary.  Comments under his breath, jokes that he knew were not great dinner conversation, his sense of humor was once again winning and making you come out of your shell a bit more.
Anthony could have sworn he saw you giggling and hiding your smile behind your napkin as Benedict whispered in your ear.  Anthony knew it then, you two were meant to be together.
Not everything was happy and positive with you two when it came to your love for one another. Because of your more humbled upbringing, your family bought of Benedict as dragging you along to use you.  It was hard to hear that from them, they all thought it was some kind of ruse and not real.  No matter how many times you defended your love for Benedict and told them constantly that you both were insanely happy together.  Even your ex was spewing hate on your relationship, which hurt a bit more since you and your ex were a bit sour together.  
But in the end, Benedict always came through by comforting you and making you feel safe.  He would constantly hug you and remind you that you were strong and adored, that you’d come so far in earning your degree and working at a gallery, fighting tooth and nail with your advantages and no leg up.  He admired you for that, and to see you feel defeated by others and their words broke his heart.  Plenty of nights were shared holding each other and talking through those bitter moments, it felt better to talk to him about it and get it off your chest than to hold it in.
And every time, Benedict would end up making you laugh and bringing you joy.  
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“I think I found mummy!”  You looked up from your spot on the loveseat, holding an important letter in your fingers as your husband waltzed into the room with your 3-year-old daughter on his back and squealing in joy.  You beamed, watching your husband act like a horse and neighing as he was galloping around the small living room and your daughter laughing her head off with her ringlets dancing behind her.  
“Look, mummy!  Daddy’s a horsey!” She shrieked as Benedict was going in circles around your loveseat, you placing the letter on the coffee table and standing up with your hands on your hips.
“Quite the handsome horse too!” You teased, Benedict, slowing down and laughing as he stood in front of you.  Your daughter, Emma Violet Bridgerton, poked her head over his shoulder and you saw the same shade of green that her father had in her eyes.  She reached out to you with grabby hands, to which you scooped her in your arms to hug her tight, breathing in her sweet scent and feeling her arms around you.
5 years of marriage was no easy feat, but it was rewarding.  You both got married in the spring, then found a decent apartment in the downtown area that was close to the gallery you were now running and Benedict sold some of his work to get some money in your pockets. He would rather make money not by his name but by his art, using an alias with his art and not giving out his true identity.  It worked in his favor, his work being sold globally and making his alias a household name.  Your net worth grew, though tedious at times, but it grew nonetheless.  
So the news that you were pregnant two years into your marriage was a surprise, but the best kind since Benedict was over the moon at the thought of being a father.  Sure, he never thought about being a father so soon, but he didn't despise the thought of it.   Yet you were the one who was afraid of parenthood, mostly because of your own experience with your parents and how they were with you.  They were harsh, far too realistic, and at times brutal.  Did you want to inflict that on your own child?
“You are not your mum and dad,” Benedict reminded you one night as you two were lying in bed, you telling him what was festering in your mind and what you were fearing.  He had one arm around your shoulders, and his other hand was resting on your lower stomach while he was staring at you lovingly, “We are gonna love this baby and make sure that there is nothing but happiness in this home.  Plus, I bet you we’ll make mistakes here and there.  Especially me, I bet you I’m gonna put the diaper on the wrong way,”
You smiled softly, “More than once?” You asked to ask sheepishly, Benedict’s smile got wide.
“Are you kidding, over a dozen times at least!” He explained, you laughing as he went on, “And I’ll be singing to our baby with my horrible singing voice, you’re gonna hate it!”
As soon as Emma Violet Bridgerton was born, Benedict was over the moon in love with her.
“We were looking for you in hopes you were wanting to come get ice cream with us!” Benedict explained to you as Emma perked up and looked at you with her father’s eyes she inherited.
“Can we, mum?” She asked with hope in her voice, you eyeing her and then her father.
“Before dinner?” You asked in a joking tone, Emma giggling glee as you tickled her sides, “The scandal of it all!  What will the neighbors say!  We must get ice cream then since I have been craving chocolate!”
“Hooray!” Emma said in victory, the there of you walking out of the living room together as a happy family.  You left the letter behind, another disappointing letter from your parents who were reprimanding you for shielding your daughter from her grandparents.  But you were having none of it, you may have before when things were still tender with them. Yet not now, not with this life that was overflowing with happiness.  
The overflowing will never end, not if Benedict had anything to do with it.
The End.
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May Prompt Session
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companionjones · 1 year
Pairing: Beck Oliver x Afab!Reader
Fandom: Victorious (Nickelodeon)
Summary: You’re poorer than the average student at Hollywood Arts. Beck Oliver takes notice.
Warnings: Cursing, Smut
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    Beck always noticed you. He noticed that whenever an extra-curricular activity required out-of-pocket spending, you opted out. He noticed you only had three t-shirts that you switched out with the same pair of jeans every day. He especially noticed those dark circles under your eyes that never seemed to go away.
    He decided to do something about it one day while everyone was finishing up their lunches and heading back to class. Beck pulled you aside. “Hey,” he started.
    Beck asked, “Do you want to hang out after school today?”
    The question wasn’t completely out of left field. You and Beck would hang out all the time. Only at his trailer, though. Beck had never been to your place.
    “Sure,” you answered him with a smile.
    He nodded. “Great. Maybe we could go to the mall or something?”
    You hesitated. “Uh...Sorry, I can’t. I’m, um, a little low on funds at the moment. Maybe some other ti--”
    Beck was quick to offer, “Don’t worry, I got you covered.”
    You shook your head. “No, Beck. I don’t want to worry about paying you back--”
    “Don’t worry about that either, okay? Just come to the mall, and have a good time.”
    You and Beck stared at each other for a moment while you bit your lip, deliberating. “Okay,” you finally replied. “Now, come on. We’re going to be late for History.”
    After school that day, Beck drove you to the mall. You guys were there for hours. Despite how long you were there for you, you only got two more t-shirts, and two more pairs of jeans. Beck had to practically beg to buy them for you, too. He didn’t mind. Any time Beck spent with you was fun, no matter what you were doing.
    You two left about an hour before the mall closed.
    “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home? It’s getting late,” Beck pointed out, concerned.
    “I know,” you shrugged, “But my house isn’t that far from here, and I like walking anyway, so...Thank you.”
    “No problem.” Beck thought that was the end of it, so he started meandering back to his car.
    “I mean it, Beck.”
    He heard that you were walking back up to him, so Beck turned around.
    You leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Thank you,” you told him again before walking off in your own direction.
    Beck didn’t feel great about what he did next. Was it considered stalking if you truly cared about the person and were just making sure they were okay? Probably. Beck followed you to a more run-down part of town. He saw you go into an old, abandoned shop with boarded up windows.
    Beck slammed his truck into park, hopped out, and ran in after you.
    He saw that you nearly jumped out of your skinned when you heard him. “Beck?! What the hell are you doing here?”
    He turned the question back onto you. “What the hell are you doing here? Y/n, is this where you live?”
    “No...” You were obviously lying.
    “Y/n!” Beck pushed.
    “Okay! I’m sorry. Yes, I live here,” you confirmed. “My parents ditched me a while back, and I didn’t want to go into the foster system, so...” You gestured around you.
    Beck took a few steps forward. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
    “Because I didn’t want you to think I was this poor, dirty kid who’s only good for anything because they got a scholarship to Hollywood Arts,” you answered, tears forming in your eyes.
    Beck took your hand. “Hey, I could never think that. You’re such a good person, Y/n...Come stay with me.” Beck didn’t know he was going to say that, but he stood by it.
    “What? No. I can’t ask you to--”
    “Then at least stay with me tonight,” begged Beck, “I can’t stand the thought of leaving you here.”
     The tears began to roll down your cheeks as you started to sob. You took the one step necessary to hug Beck.
    He gladly took you in his arms.
    So, you packed a bag and headed to Beck’s trailer for the night.
    When you got there, you stood awkwardly in the corner while Beck made the bed for you. He then started to put a couple blankets and pillows on the floor for himself.
    “Beck, I’m not going to take your bed from you,” you insisted.
    After a little bit of arguing, you and Beck settled into bed together. He turned the lights out.
    “I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me,” you pressed.
    He said these next words like they were nothing. “It’s not a problem. I’d do anything for you.”
    “Why?” you whispered.
    Beck thought a moment before responding, “Isn’t it obvious?” He was sure you could hear his heart, it was beating so loud.
    Suddenly, you were leaning in.
    Before Beck could even think, your lips were on his.
    Beck slowly moved his lips with yours. He put a hand on your cheek, and one of your hands ended up in his hair. He moaned. He found he loved it when you played with his hair.
    Things were getting more heated. Beck rolled on top of you without even realizing it.
    Then, you reached down to tug on the waist band of his shorts, and Beck was sure he felt all the blood in his body rush to his dick.
    “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.” Beck grabbed both your hands and dragged them up to where he could see them. “Are you sure about this?” he asked you.
    “Yes. Come on. I want you inside me.” You pulled Beck in for another kiss.
    He moaned at your words, and this kiss. Beck then helped you take off your own shirt before taking off his own. The two of you then kicked off your pants and underwear to get yourselves completely naked for each other.
    “Oh, fuck. You’re so wet,” Beck cursed, coating his cock in your juices. “Are you ready?”
    “Please baby.” You were gazing at him through half-lidded eyes.
    Beck almost chocked on his own spit after hearing you say that to him. He pushed inside you, moaning with you as he went. Beck had to look away from you because he swore if he was looking at you while you were making him feel that good, he would’ve cum then and there.
    Once he had sunk all the way into you, Beck started to pull out and thrust back in. This began a whole new series of moans from both you and him.
    Beck had his hands planted on either side of your head, and your head was tossed back as you moaned each time he entered you.
    Suddenly, you grabbed onto his hips. “Beck...!”
    “I know, I’m close too,” he assured you before speeding up his thrusts.
    Your moans only increased in pitch each time Beck moved, until finally, you shouted as you reached your climax.
    With you tightening around him, Beck only needed a couple more thrusts before he was cumming right along with you.
    After, Beck collapsed next to you, and the two of you caught your breaths among your tangled limbs.
    Beck turned his nose into your cheek. “Stay with me.” It was clear he meant longer than that night.
    You nodded, “Okay,” then turned to face him, only to capture his lips again.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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sandfordsmostwanted · 2 years
No I don’t care about the new Velma series, but all these Scooby Doo posts have highlighted a deficiency in every Scooby Doo prequel idea. Yes, I’ve seen some amazing ideas for BFF Daphne and Shaggy content...  ... but none for the untapped character goldmine of Freddie and Velma. 
Like just picture it. The series is set in a American private school, where Velma is a POC scholarship kid, always looking to prove herself. She’s bullied relentlessly, but keeps her head down, because she’s getting into the Ivy League, damn it, and there’s no way these assholes are stopping her. She’s a whizz at anything to do with science and math and history and geography, but arts are a bit of a weakness, and she needs one more English credit to max out her resume. Her teacher offers her the opportunity to tutor another student to get the credit. The catch is it’s Fred Jones, the Dean’s son, and no-one can possibly find out.  Velma’s initially pissed at having to spend so much time with this entitled brat. On the surface Fred Jones is everything you’d imagine him to be - a jock, a bro, loved by the ladies and part of the group that have always made Velma’s life hell. She dreads having to tutor him, until he turns up, and he’s genuinely appreciative and sweet. She doesn’t trust him; she’s been burned too many times before. But through the sessions they get to know each other better. They bond over their mutual love of engineering - Fred doesn’t have the technological vocabulary that Velma does, but he’s got an instinctive eye for when a mechanism would fail - and they both realise the other had more depths than they expected. Velma notices the bullies leave her alone now, and though she can’t thank Fred publicly, they share a few subtle smiles in the hallway.  And then the plot of the series happens - a girl gets kidnapped from their school, and Velma’s on the case. She cancels her tutoring with Fred to sneak into the school to investigate. They run into hypercapable badass Daphne Blake and her emotional support Shaggy. Velma’s had a crush on Daphne for as long as she can remember, but her nerves make her even more snarky than usual, and the two spend most of their time bickering. Velma, Daphne and Shaggy also run into Fred in the school while they’re investigating; he left some sports stuff behind and came to retrieve it. Plot plot plot, meddling kids, mystery solved. Velma thinks everything’s going back to normal, but it doesn’t. Shaggy saved her a seat at lunch, and fills her tray with stuff he thinks she’ll enjoy (”And hey, you can sneak some of this in your pockets for when you’re at the library later!”) Daphne picks her first for her team in gym class. Fred tells his shitty mates to get fucked, and sits next to Velma in every class. And best of all, they start solving local mysteries together.  As they become better friends, they learn more and more about each other. Fred tells Velma if she struggles with making eye contact with people to look at the bridge of their nose or over their shoulder, because that looks like you’re looking them in the eye without actually doing it. Velma tells Fred that “the writing swimming when you read” is called dyslexia, and types up their study notes in a easy to read font. Fred is the first friend Velma ever brings back to her tiny apartment than she shares with her parents, and he’s very appreciative of their home despite living in a straight up mansion himself. Velma learns that that mansion life isn’t all its cracked up to be. His parents work away a lot, and when they’re around, they’re shitty and waspy and make Fred feel small. Fred always texts Velma late at night telling her to stop studying and get some sleep, Velma always texts Fred to tell him to stop working out and get a snack. They’re fucking good for each other.   It’s never romantic between them - never even close. Fred takes Velma’s coming out better than her parents did (”Why would I be upset that you like girls? Liking girls is great! I do it all the time!”) Velma tries her hardest not to be jealous when Fred and Daphne start dating - she never told him about her crush, and he’s not a mind reader. Who cares if she notices there’s chemistry between her and Daphne? She’s probably misreading the social cues, like usual. Besides, school’s nearly over now, and she’ll be off to college in a matter of weeks. Leaving it all behind her, just as she planned.  Their final mystery is the biggest yet, and the only time the gang actually fear for their lives. The stress of the mystery, and the building resentment of Velma’s “I’m out of here” energy leads to a huge argument between Fred and Velma, and the gang splits four ways to try and solve this thing. Each of them face their own trial. Shaggy has to face his fear instead of running away. Daphne has to be herself without overcompensation with gadgets or gimmicks. She realises in this process that Velma is the one she’s always loved, and the two share a sincere kiss. Fred has to trust himself, and succeed by himself without the safety net of his family, his wealth or Velma. And Velma has to admit she needs her friends, and that she loves them deeply. The mystery is solved, and just like that, they’re all set to go their separate ways, this time for real.  It’s the last day of finals. Velma hasn’t heard from Fred for almost a week now; her texts go unanswered. She knows he’s taking breaking up with Daphne harder than he’s letting on, though he’s happy Velma and Daphne are happy. She finishes her final paper and hands it in, thoughts of college in her mind as she stands on the school steps where it all began.  A horn honks behind her. She turns. There’s a massive eyesore of a van parked outside. Velma didn’t even know you could get that many shades of neon green and blue, and the little orange flowers are wonky and she knows they’ve been painted by hand and with love. Daphne waves at her from the passenger’s seat, and Shaggy from the back. Fred is leaning against the Mystery Machine, twirling his keys in his hand. He’d traded the sleek, smart car his dad bought him and that he’s been driving all show for this new ride, and he asks if Velma feels like solving a mystery or two before heading off to college.  Thus begins the adventures of Mystery Incorporated.  (End credits song is “Life is a Highway” by Rascall Flatts because you know that’s white boy Freddie Jones’ favourite driving song) 
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zxmickeyzx · 1 year
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Miles has always had an interest in fashion. It was another way for him to express himself, so he took a lot of pride in his appearance. There's a reason why Ganke keeps trying to steal not only his shoes but other clothes. Miles was definitely a trendsetter when it came to looks. He also loved to help out and model for the local fashion students, and in return sometimes he got to keep original work. 
His fashion even showed up in his everyday crime fighting side. It didn't take long for the media to catch on to his fashion looks. There were media blogs that were dedicated to catching all his styles. He couldn't take all the credit for his fashion on his Spiderman side. Most of the credit went to Kenneth Kingston. They were a student at Mile’s school who got bullied at his school for being non-binary. They met while he was patrolling the city and heard them crying after getting bullied so bad at school that day. He decided to sit down with them and talk to them. Turns out they both really loved fashion, and that was the start of their friendship. As Spiderman he would always check up on them and talk to them about fashion which led to Kenneth creating some fashion pieces for his Spidersona. At school Miles slowly became friends with them, which was a bit hard since they were a senior and their schedules were vastly different but eventually they made it work. 
Miles encouraged them to apply for fashion school and even volunteered to be their model as both Spiderman and his everyday self. Kenneth eventually put two and two together and found out his identity over a model schedule mix-up. They appreciated Miles' effort in being a good friend to them and making them feel accepted. From there on Kenneth became Spiderman's personal stylist, but Miles still had a lot of say in what his suits looked like and even still made some of his own with Kenneth’s inputs. Kenneth eventually got a scholarship to his dream fashion school in the city. But they still hung out at fashion shows where Miles would model. 
Currently Miles was wearing black baggy techwear cargo pants with red outlines on the pockets and red straps with buckles that ran along the pants. He also was wearing his classic red Jordans that Ganke loved to steal. He had a black Hoodie with a red line that was on top of his arm instead of inside it. The hoodie has a long turtle neck that works as a mask. Today was supposed to be his day off where he would attend the student work fashion show with Ganke later at night, but his best friend canceled on him at the last second. He wasn't supposed to be patrolling as Spiderman til later after the fashion show so he had time to kill before the fashion. So he decided to walk around the area while listening to his music, eventually he found himself walking past an alleyway filled with art when he senses a presence behind him. 
Miles turned behind him to see Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr, and Margo with a portal behind them in civilian clothing. Currently the alley was empty so there was no worries about anyone seeing them. Miles raises his eyebrow in confusion. He didn't know they would be coming and hasn't gotten a message from HQ about any emergency backups needed for missions. 
“Hey guys, what brings you guys here?”
The Spider Gang takes a bit to respond to him, staring at his outfit and really taking it in. They don't usually see him in his element, most of the time they see him in his spiderman suit, school uniform or his jacket and jeans which he uses as a quick outfit when he is running outta time or he is rushing to get outta the house. Patitr was the first to break the silence.
“Dude! What are you wearing?!” He exclaims gesturing to his outfit.
Miles tilts his head confused with their reaction to his outfit.
“Just some streetwear. Why? Does it look bad?” Miles starts to look down on his outfit. He thought it looked okay, he even got some compliments from some people he walked by. One girl even asked where he got his hoodie from. Did he embarrass himself again? 
“No! You look great!” Pativr walks closer to Miles to get a closer look at his outfit. “You have your own spider merch? It looks sick! I want my own merch”
Miles just chuckles and shakes his head.
“What brings you guys here? Do I need to come to HQ?”
There was a pause before someone responded.
“Nah Mate, we came cause we got done with a mission early and wanted to hang out with you”  Hobie answered. “Pav’s right you look good.”
Miles got a bit shy and felt his cheeks heat up a bit from the complement.
  “Yeah! We were just a bit surprised by your outfit, we’ve never seen you wear anything like this.” Gwen adds.
“It does look really cool!” Margo says walking closer to Miles to also get a better look at his outfit.
“Thanks, I usually like wearing things like this but I'm always in a rush and never have time to put an outfit together that I am actually proud of. I’ve been getting better at it though. I guess you guys always catch me when I’m at school or in my Spider suit.” Miles grins, he is glad that it got their stamp of approval unlike his spider suit with “bleeding armpits”. 
“Were you going to anything today cause we did come by to hang out. We can leave if you're busy.” Gwen rubs their arm a bit. They did come last minute and didn't want to interrupt whatever Miles had going on. 
“Nah you guys are alright! I was just wasting time before the student fashion show my friend is gonna be in. Not sure if it's your scene but you guys can join me if you want. Ganke just canceled on me so I was going to go alone.”
There was a smile of relief that showed on Gwen’s face. 
“I’d love to join! I have yet to see a fashion show unless you count any thats been attacked!” Pativr answers first.
“I also would love to see it!” Margo says right after.
“Me too!” Gwen finally answers.
“Sure mate, I haven't been to one in awhile. I wanna see what this place has to offer in the fashion sense.” Hobie walks up to miles and wraps his arm around his shoulders. Miles felt his cheeks heating up again at the action. He is glad you can't see red easily with his skin color. 
“Great! Let's go a bit early so we can sit together!”
Miles leads the gang to where the show is being hosted. It was in the auditorium of the school Kenneth attended. Once they got to the door they saw a long line to get in. The gang except Miles look nervous that they wouldn't be able to sit together. Miles just walks past the line and goes around the corner where there didn't seem to be a line, only a person near the backdoor. The person's face lights up with recognition and opens the door for Miles and the gang which confused the gang a bit.
As soon as the door opened, they were greeted with the scene of busy fashion students and models making quick last minute edits to their designs. Most not really bothering to look at the crew. Those who did greet Miles, and Miles greeted back. 
Pavitr walks close to miles and whispers to his ear. 
“Dude! I didn't know you were so popular!”
Miles smiles.
“Nah man, I just come here often cause of my friend. I’m gonna say hi to them before we go find some seats. They designed my merch maybe they can for you too”
“Wait, they know?!” 
“Yeah, they found out a year ago” Miles says nonchalantly.
“Dude! Why haven't we meet them yet?! We met Ganke.” Pavitr says in disbelief 
  “They’re just very busy with school. Fashion students work hard man” Miles answers. 
Before Pavitr could respond again someone shouted Miles name.
“Miles! Thank god you're here man!!!”
A person with light brown curly hair wearing a gorgeous red turtleneck dress that reached to the ground with a flowy bottom. They wore gold dangling earrings and gold bangles on their wrists. They had a lanyard with their photo Id with a nonbinary flag sticker in the corner. They make their way to the group and grabbed miles a bit away from the group. 
“You're in time! I need you and Ganke to model! I know he hates it but two of our models called out.”
“Kenneth man, you know that I will, but Ganke canceled on me. But maybe one of my friends can?” Miles gestures towards the gang. 
“Oh my god! How rude of me! Are these your friends from that spider place?” Kenneth whispers the last bit. 
Gwen is the first to hop on the situation quickly. 
“Hi! I’m Gwen! This is Hobie, Pavitr, and Margo! It's so nice to meet you!” She gestures for a handshake and Kenneth takes it.
“Its nice to finally meet you guys in person!!! Im Kenneth, they/them pronouns. Im sorry to ask this last minute but can one of you guys model with Miles? The outfits are meant to be matching outfits.” 
Before any of the spider gang responds, Hobie answers.
“I was briefly a runway model.”
The spider gang was shocked that Hobie volunteered first.  
“Perfect! Jenny! We got two models!” Kenneth call out.
“Good! We can do your segment now.”
“Before we start let's get Miles' friends to the VIP seats!”
“We get VIP seats?!” Pavitr was practically jumping in the air. He was just too excited to see his first fashion show that would include his friends.
“I’ll record and send it to Peter B!” Margo smiles.
“And maybe Jess!” Gwen adds. “Miguel will probably see it too.”
Hobie seemed unbothered by that but Miles was a bit nervous because they have never seen him model before so he was a bit nervous.
“You guys are in for a treat. Miles is a great model, you see him solo, the audience loves him. Sadly its pair and last minute so it will have to be a normal walk.” 
“You ain't seen nothing, me and Miles have chemistry” Hobie grins looking down at Miles. Miles couldn't look him directly in the eye, a bit nervous about the situation. 
“I look forward to it, but enough talking, Jenny have someone take Miles' friends to the VIP. We need to get you guys ready.”
The gang went their separate ways. Kenneth started getting Miles ready. Miles has some new black cargo shorts with oversized pockets and black straps. He had an oversized short sleeved black t-shirt with gray flannel long sleeves under the shirt. He had on chunky black and white converse. It's definitely a different aesthetic that miles didn't usually wear but could get behind. Miles glanced at Hobies outfit. As usual he looked amazing. 
Hobie has on long black cross earrings. His free locks were tied up, he still had all his piercings on. Kenneth said it really added to his look. Hobie had on a smaller but still loose fitting t-shirt except it was cut short with a wide belt with his high waisted black cargo pants with also grayish straps. He had white long sleeve under shirt and wore gray combat boots.  Miles didn't realize how long he was staring at Hobie, but Hobie did and gave Miles a smirk. It caused Miles to have a mini panic. 
Hobie was really cool to Miles, and he never forgot how much Hobie helped him out during the incident before the chase, and how he helped Miles after the whole thing with spot happened. Hobie was just a good friend and Miles just really appreciated him. He didn't like like Hobie that way.
That may be a lie, but he can deny it. 
The fashion show was starting soon, Miles and Hobie only had to sub in for one part luckily. It was the matching outfits section which could be seen as couples or as best friends wearing them. Miles assumed they would be doing the best friends version. He was a bit nervous since this would be his first time subbing as a duo, when it's just him he can do different tricks to please the audience but he doesn't know what to do with Hobie on stage.
Hobie could sense Miles being nervous.
“Don't worry about a thing, you’ll be great out there. Just walk how you usually do and leave everything on the stage.” Hobie smiles. “Just do you Miles and I’ll do me”
It was a nice thing for him to say which made him a little less nervous. He just needs to keep reminding himself to leave it all on the stage. 
After what felt like eternity, it was their turn to walk on the stage. Behind the side curtains of the stage Hobie and Miles were on opposite sides. Miles on the right and Hobie on the left. Miles looks at Hobie and sees him mouthing the word breathe.  
And that's what he does. ‘Leave it all on the stage Miles. You can do this!”
The last duo returned backstage and now it was their turn. As soon as the lights hit his face he got into his groove of doing the walk and showing out Kenneth's outfit. He wasn't sure what Hobie was doing, but Miles focused on the audience. It was all good til he felt Hobie’s hand pulled him and twirled him close to him . 
Miles was startled at first. He finally took a look at Hobie who just smiled and winked at him. Miles wasn't really sure what was going on but at that moment he just fully let go. Hobie and were now waltzing the stage, switching sides and twirling each other around. Miles couldn't help but smile brightly. He was having fun dancing with Hobie.
When they get to the front of the stage Hobie takes the opportunity to dip Miles with his right hand holding Miles waist from the back and his left hand holding Miles right leg from underneath the knee.  
 Hobbies eyes look into his eyes without breaking contact. For a second it was just him and Hobie. He wanted the moment to last longer.
Hobie then brings Miles close to him, letting his right leg down and slowly taking his right hand into his left without letting go of his waist with his other hand. After a couple of seconds Hobie twirls to the left side and holds up their hands for a bow which Miles follows. 
Thinking that the moment was over Miles was about to walk down the stage back to the changing rooms, but Hobie had other plans. 
He dragged Miles and jumped off the stage and ran through and out the auditorium. Ofc Hobie wouldn't finish the actual runway. He wondered if they ruined the runway but at that moment he didn't care. It felt exhilarating. 
Hobie was laughing and smiling and Miles couldn't help but join him. After a bit Hobie stops running at an alleyway, not really knowing where he was. Miles is catching his breath for a bit and looks up at him still holding his hand. Hobie smirks.
“Fun wasn't it?”
“...Yeah it was fun” Miles answers. “But I think we should head back before Kenneth comes for us for running away with their designs.”
Hobie shrugs.
“It will be fine, we are giving them more publicity.” 
Miles shakes his head.
“You're amazing, you know that?”
“Nah, but you are though, but you're right we should head back soon”
Miles looks at their hands, and Hobie looks down as well.They both look at each other in silence for a bit.
Then Hobie lifts Miles' hand to his mouth.
“Or maybe we should stay here till the show ends?”
Miles smiles, his cheeks hurting from his smile.
“I’d like that”
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stardust-sunset · 4 months
things i loved on my second reread of the outsiders since eighth grade (mostly the curtis bros because i love them)
ponyboy is fucking hilarious
darry looks ‘just like the curtis’ dad but acts the exact opposite’
darry instantly regretted smacking ponyboy
darry likes being teased by soda
soda ‘looks like a greek god’ (greek mythology hyperfixation went off + new art refs!!)
soda thoroughly enjoys the feeling of being in love
pony is the heaviest smoker out of the curtis brothers, soda only smokes to look tuff and darry is too proud of his body to smoke
darry is 6’2’’ and his muscles are like ‘oversized baseballs’ according to pony
soda’s nickname used to be pepsicola
soda calls ponyboy honey and darry calls him baby (i swear if i get an anon saying this is anything but platonic im gonna jump off a building)
soda had a horse named mickey mouse that he had to give away
pony and soda both cried at their parents funeral but darry just stuffed his hands in his pockets and wore a ‘helpless pleading look’
the gang refers to darry as superman
darry works two jobs and makes good at both
all three curtis’ have gigantic appetites and darry cooked two chickens before the rumble because of it
soda hates when his brothers fight
darry used to be super close to his dad
when darry saw ponyboy it was (supposedly) the first time pony had seen him cry in ages
the end of chapter 6 where pony got reunited with his brothers ohmygosh that was my favorite part of the whole book
even darry wouldn’t wanna get into a fight with dally
darry would be a soc if it weren’t for the gang
darry was voted boy of the year and was on a football scholarship
darry checks all of pony boy’s math assignments to make sure he’s doing them right
darry full naming pony when he caught him smoking in bed made me laugh
pony has almost red hair (another reason why i like the musical pony over movie pony)
pony hates most people with green eyes
soda has warm brown eyes that can go from happy and cheerful to blazing with anger in a second
darry would be really good looking if it wasn’t for his cold eyes
johnny’s scar goes from his cheek to his temple and it’s really hard to look at
darry is harder on pony than his parents were out of fear that pony’s gonna throw away the same opportunities that he had before his parents died
pony is a grammar police
soda is really bad at spelling
dally’s death was actually an assisted suicide (i didn’t catch into this when i was in eighth grade)
darry doesn’t like movies
two bit and steve got kicked out a church for horsing around once (i think it was them, idk)
darry and paul used to be best friends
ponyboy felt really bad because he didn’t think he asked for darry enough when he was sick
it was kind of implied darry feels that pony favors soda and vice versa
soda and darry tickle ponyboy out of bed in the morning
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ash5monster01 · 4 months
Dead Poets Society College Headcanon’s
Was nervous as hell, more nervous than when he attended Welton. There was something more intimidating about not only a big school but a big city. It wasn’t until he joined a poetry club & made a few friends did he finally come into his own.
Much to his father’s surprise he was still able to attend an ivy league and even though the last thing Charlie wanted to be was a business man, he dove head first into it anyway. Made sure he got good grades just to prove his father wrong. That’s not to say he didn’t also lean into the partying aspect of it either. In class he was focused, outside of it he was just a kid dreaming of a free world in a beret.
Cried when he had to leave Chris. Still did his best though because he liked the idea of a big new school. That didn’t stop him from calling and writing her every chance he got. Made new friends in his law classes and by senior year he kept an engagement ring in his pocket. The day he graduated he went and got the girl.
Found he was extremely scared and wasn’t sure he could make new friends. Since majority of the boys at Welton didn’t talk to him anymore he figured he was too unlikeable. Thankfully his roommate ended up being a great guy. Cameron would help him with homework and in return he’d drag Cameron to any social events. He graduated top of his class and one of the most liked boys in school. It was very healing.
Meeks & Pitts
The minute they were both accepted they put in a request to be roommates. Meeks ended up becoming Captain of the AV club and Pitts was at the top of his engineering classes. For fun Meeks got into dancing. Pitts tried to join but failed miserably so he discovered an art club he thoroughly enjoyed. Stayed best friends through it all and graduated together.
Neil if he lived
Much to his dismay his father got his way and landed him a full ride scholarship to Harvard. It's his first time seeing Knox since the night of the play because he got sent to military school. Knox hates the way his head looks shaved, makes Neil look much more trapped.
Yet as the years pass and his hair grows back, Neil finds his father unable to stop him from performing in the plays at school. Knox makes sure all the boys know so they can travel it they want to come.
The first time Charlie ever sees Neil again is when the curtains open and he's standing on stage like he's been there all along.
Maybe he had to go to medical school after this but at least he was happy. That's all he ever needed.
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diyasgarden · 29 days
Ok so here's an idea I had for me to write about but I'm too busy so it's yours.
Patrick Zweig has always been the bane of your existence at the Mark Rebellato Tennis Academy. You had earned your place thanks to a scholarship, yet in his eyes, you didn’t belong here. He was determined to make sure you knew it. So, ever since you were a kid, he bullied you to no end, always a shadow over your shoulder.
From name-calling to destroying your equipment, he enjoyed making you, the "beggar" girl, sob over a stupid shattered racket, watch you struggle to get a new one while he could buy twenty with this month's pocket money. No one dared to call him out on his bullshit because he was the academy's tennis prodigy. As the years passed, his friends joined in to torture you. All of them, except the quiet blond boy who followed him behind like a puppy, silently watching you suffer without ever lifting a finger.
One day, you finally snap and talk back, and the bullying escalates to a physical level. He grabs you by the hair, drags you to the locker rooms with the intention to shove your head into the toilet. But just before he can do anything, you punch him in the nuts and he falls to the ground. You seize the moment to straddle him and smack him around, taking all your bottled-up anger on him. As you slap him and throw insults, you feel him growing hard beneath you. And before you know it, the anger turns into something else, and you're making out with him in the middle of the room.
The next day, he corners you, threatening to kill you if you tell anyone. But before you can even respond, his mouth is on yours. You start hooking up behind closed doors while he continues to make your life hell at the academy. You’re his plaything, and you let him do anything he wants with you because deep down you think you aren't worth a thing. One day, he discovers Art’s crush on you, and he loses it. How could anyone be interested in anyone as disgusting as you? Surely not him, right?
(Of course, they're of age when it gets kinky.)
Think of this as the trailer....ITS COMING
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anyataylorsoy · 14 days
I would love to know five facts about a hellcheer art school AU 🥰
several days later
1) I think Eddie would probably be a traditional media artist, like illustration. He would be working on his own graphic novel. Chrissy would be more into textiles and she’d tell her mother that she was going to school for fashion, but really she’s making a giant quilt of her mental health journey for the school exhibition 💕
2) Eddie would be paying for school by doing various odd jobs including posing for the art classes, playing guitar in a church’s band on Sundays, and working in a retirement home cafeteria. Chrissy volunteers at the retirement home for her scholarship program and she waits until class to tell Eddie that she noticed him: “you look much better without the hairnet.”
3) Obviously, Corroded Coffin still exist in this universe, and they play in a seedy bar with an alleyway entrance on Tuesday nights. It’s popular amongst the college kids, though, because happy hour is $2 drafts. Eddie finally gets the nerve to invite Chrissy to come see them play. She unfortunately has a panic attack in throngs of drunks and goes home. Eddie shows up to her apartment after the show with his guitar: “I believe I promised you a song.” He doesn’t even get to the chorus before Chrissy is in his arms.
4) Chrissy’s mom finds out she isn’t doing fashion design and is “wasting her life” on an art degree and stops paying for the other half of Chrissy’s tuition. Eddie gets her a job as a barback at the bar. Eventually, the bartender teaches her how to make drinks during the slow times and she gets a promotion. She demands they give Corroded Coffin the prime Friday night spot.
5) They eventually find a converted warehouse apartment and move in together in their senior year. Chrissy’s completed quilt hangs on their wall and Eddie has stacks of his comic book on the coffee table waiting to be sent off to publishers. They’re hosting Wayne for thanksgiving, nothing is going right, but they’re on the third bottle of wine and having a grand time. Wayne’s brought Eddie his grandmother’s wedding ring and it’s burning a hole in Eddie’s pocket, but he’s waiting until Christmas. …or at least the Macy’s day parade.
send more AUs, maybe?
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My Problematic Girl - Chapter 1
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Character: College!Steve Rogers x Rich!Female Reader
Prologue:  Steve has lived being nobody in this prestigious university. He just wants to graduate and get a job to get more money to pay the bills for his mother's surgery. 
But his life turned upside when a new student attended his class. His quiet and dull life became dangerous and full of surprises.
She exhaled the cigarette smoke from her lips. She still doesn’t care even though he told her he has asthma. 
She looked at Steve and said, “Bark for me.”
Steve felt humiliated, and his pride was crushed. But she held his life and secrets. He had to bury his dignity to the ground, and he murmured, 
I would appreciate any comments and feedback you can give me. 
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Pine trees, old gates, red bricks, this is the same view Steve saw every day for the past two years at Stark University he attended as an art student. 
He always remembered the moment he got a scholarship and was accepted to this prestigious university. 
It was the first time he felt alive. 
He thought when his problem with tuition had been solved, he could enjoy being a university student compared to high school. 
But it turned out to be the same. Every student here is super rich; they come to uni with their sports car, or their driver drives them to uni. 
They live differently from Steve, who has to work different types of part-time jobs to get more money and pay hospital bills for his mother. 
On the first day of class, the way rich kids look at Steve when they see him walk into the class, they know he doesn’t have the same life standards as them. 
Steve tried to be friendly with them; they were nice at first. But he realised they were using his talents to do their work. They treat him like, ‘It’s a privilege to hang out with us; you should be grateful.’
Since then, Steve decided it was better to be a loner. With only eight months left, he will graduate and no longer have to meet these people. His footsteps stop in front of the class door. 
"Did you watch the game last night?"
"You bet, and guess what? I sat with the club owner."
“Girls, my dad got us the ticket for that concert.”
That’s what Steve heard every day in his class. He couldn’t join the conversation because of his financial status. 
Steve took the headphones from his pockets and put them on his ears. No one even bothered to say Hi when he walked into the classroom. 
That’s good because if one of his classmates greets him, they want Steve to do their work. It’s better to be invisible or a wallflower. 
He went to his table, dropped the old canvas backpack, and took out the sketchbook. 
Since Steve was a kid, drawing was the only way for him to escape from reality. He forgot how his abused father, sick mother and snobby classmates were.
While drawing, Steve heard one of the female students start gossiping. One of the nice perks of being invisible, he could get a lot of gossip in this university.
“My father met the chancellor yesterday and heard a new student will join this class.”
“Before one semester to graduate? That’s unbelievable, but how?”
“I heard she’s close with Tony Stark. I guess one of his young girlfriends?”
“No, euuh.”
All the gossipers start laughing like they are better than anyone. But Steve agreed with one thing, what kind of person could attend a class last semester?
Suddenly the class door opened, and it was Prof. Abraham Erskine; before he walked into the room, he turned back and signalled, ‘Wait’. 
He put his documents on his table and looked at his students. “Guys, you have new friends. Please be nice to her, alright?” 
“Perfect.” Prof.Erskine clapped his hands once and waved his hand towards the person behind the door. “Come in.”
The rumour is true; a new student is joining the class. 
Everyone could see her arrogant attitude when she walked into the room. 
But the way she dressed from head to toe took the attention of every female student. 
One of the females who sat in front of Steve whispered to her friend, “Did she wear those shoes to class, and that watch… cost more than this class tuition.”
“Who is she? If she were in the socialite club, I would’ve known.”
“Her name is Y/N L/N; starting today, she will study with us until last semester.” Prof.Erskine looked at Y/N and said, “Please be nice and don’t make trouble in my class.” 
Everyone gasped when they heard their Professor beg this one student. 
“Shit, she’s that bit*h.”
Steve turned to one male student who immediately closed his mouth. 
“Remember that chaotic night at the H club? She kicked one of the guests to the table. She didn’t even apologise and continued her drink.”
“Ohh, I heard a drunk guy won't leave the female guest. She kinda helps the victim.”
"I remember she went to the same school as me. She kicked a teacher to the window and threw the table at him."
"She didn't get in any trouble?"
“Her father is the CEO of a Law Firm."
"Her parents gave her a penthouse, and I heard she always held amazing parties."
"That's cool. We should ask her later to hang out with us."
Steve shook his head; how fast their opinion changed when they knew she had money.  
Prof. Erskine didn’t bother with his students, who kept whispering. He told Y/N, “You could sit near the window with that boy. His name is Steve.”
Y/N nodded and went to the chair where the Professor pointed his finger. Everyone in the class stops talking and watches her whenever she walks. Their eyes are looking in Steve's direction. 
Their gaze made him nervous; today was not his lucky day. He lowered his head and continued sketching. 
Nothing happened when she sat beside him. Steve thought he had to greet and introduce himself. But it’s unnecessary because she grabs a tablet and wireless headphones and starts playing games. 
Everyone widened their eyes; the audacity of her being impolite and arrogant was on another level.
What Steve had in mind, ‘Ah, another rich kid.’
Professor Erskine didn’t even bother; he opened his laptop and set up the projector. “We will continue the study of Leonardo Da Vinci of his … … …”
Steve looked to the front,t but then he glanced at the new student. Before, she played games, and now she reads online comic books.
'Wait, did she read it from that website?'
She looked at him and caught him off guard. Steve nodded his head and looked back to the front. His face felt hot because that was embarrassing.
After the class ended, the first person who stood up after the Professor left was Y/N. A few people tried to approach her, but Y/N replied to them by saying, "Get lost."
Steve was confused; on the first day, Y/N had started to make an enemy. She could quickly join the clique if she wanted to, but it doesn’t seem like she cares.
Steve opened the message on his phone that said, “New 24 pages. Do you want to take the job?”
He immediately typed, “Yes.” It's an offer for extra money; Steve wouldn't say no. 
“Steve, I have to talk about your final project.” Professor. Erskine asked him. For their final, every student has to make an exhibition. Usually, universities will provide a warehouse for students. 
But now their curriculum has changed; the uni wants the students to find the place for their exhibition independently. 
Almost all the students have no problem with this except Steve. He couldn't even afford his rent. How can he get money to rent a place just for one day? 
That's why Prof. Erskine asked Steve about a sponsor. 
“Have you found the sponsor?" 
"Not yet, sir."
Steve gulped, he wanted to ask, but he didn't know anyone willing to give their money to sponsor an art student.
Prof. Erskine sighed. "I hope you will find a sponsor during the winter break, Steve. I know you will." He carried all his stuff and left the classroom. 
Steve sighed heavily; he wished he knew one person with money. 
Then he saw the new student, Y/N, looking at his sketchbook. He grabbed the book from her hand. 
“Ah, sorry.” He wanted to scold her, but Steve didn’t expect her to apologise. He put the sketchbook into his bag and gathered all his stuff to leave. 
Steve's body stopped when he heard that. Then he saw Y/N grabbed her wallet and took an old photo. She shows it to him. It's a small photo in black and white colour, the paper also being crumpled or folded many times. When he saw it, he noticed the woman in the photo looked like Y/N. 
“Could you draw her to be 40 years old? In this photo, she’s 25 years old. I saw your drawing. The way you do the shadow and wrinkles is nice.”
Steve doesn't know how to feel since he never got a compliment from his classmates. 
“You won’t do it for free, of course. I will pay for it. Please?”
Steve takes a good look at her face. When she talks like this, it doesn’t seem like the same person from the class. And she asked nicely, and she was willing to pay. 
“Great, I will give you the deposit first.” She took $200 hundred from her pocket and handed it to Steve's hands. 
His hands tremble because his drawing would only cost around $75. This money is enough to pay for groceries for a month. 
"Uhm, it's too much." Steve felt guilty if he took the money. He handed back the money to her. 
His act made Y/N quiet for a while; he thought she was mad at him, and she probably felt offended, but instead, she said, "No, for her, it's worth it."
When she said those words, Steve could feel the sadness in her voice. He doesn't know the meaning behind the story, but he will do his best to draw the photo. 
"I will finish this in 3 days."
"That fast?"
Her question made him curious, is she an art student? 
"Are you-?" 
Before Steve asks her, someone yells her name. He turned back and saw the chancellor of Stark University, Tony Stark. 
It's difficult to meet him, even though there are only two places to find him: the engineering lab or a nightclub. He's a famous playboy but also a genius. 
So, to make him come by to this building is fantastic. And he's here for Y/N. 
Is the rumour true that she's Tony's side chick?
"Nice to meet you, Steve. See you tomorrow."  Y/N smiled at Steve and went to Tony. 
He saw both of them walking together. Perhaps the rumour may be true. 
Steve shook his head; it was not even his business. He should go home quickly and start drawing since he got two jobs today. 
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When he gets home, he turns on his old PC, grabs his drawing tablet and opens the storyboard he received. 
Steve clicked his tongue; as a freelance artist, he can't say no to his client, but his morals get tested every time he gets a new storyboard from the client. 
His work is drawing for Hentai comics. Some people see this as disgusting, but some people will like it. And Steve works with the people who are willing to pay. He will receive any request from the website called www.readwithme.com
This is the biggest secret he kept if anyone from the university knew his work. He could get dropped out. He even kept it from his best friend, Bucky. 
He carefully picks a secret name and uses another email so no one will figure him out. His ID is VioletDust18. 
Many people have read his works and subscribed to the story. He doesn't get paid much, but it's enough to pay the bills and rent...
He already got the rough sketch and opened the reference to start drawing. Steve didn't feel aroused when he looked at the photo or storyboard.
When the clock showed 9.00 p.m, Steve finished three pages. He stopped when he felt hungry. He opened up his wallet and saw $200. Today he will order a food delivery to treat himself, and tomorrow, he will buy groceries. 
Suddenly Y/N appeared in his mind. He is grateful that she pays more than enough. But one thing that worries him is that she opens the website with Steve’s artwork. 
She seems like not an art student. She probably wouldn't notice. 
Yeah, it's better if she didn't notice, and after he's done with her request, she will ignore him.
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Thank you for reading. I hope you like it.
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I will always be grateful for those who reblog. Thank you so much.
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wishmaster · 1 year
Body Swap 72 Client 1A
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Diego was just a normal college jock going to school on a football scholarship, who was looking for a way to make extra cash, when he heard about a program that allowed you to rent your body out to anyone for a minimum of 72 hours
being impatient Diego disregarded the fine print which allowed the occupier to do whatever they wish in that period of time.
He immediately signed up unaware his life would change so much in the next few days
With $5000 in his pocket he went to the place where he'd surrender himself to the new temporary owner. As per the agreement, the renter would take control of the body while Diego would spend the next 72 hours in the renter's body. Both had free reign over the others life with the caveat that the body possessor would feel any differences between the two bodies.
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Enter Marcus , a tatoo artist by day and a sex crazed only fans performer by night. He loved shiny clothes and ink as well as piercings. But lately he wanted to see how the other half lived, wanting to spend time in a hetero male with a great body, a body maybe he could help mold. When Marcus became Diego he could feel the power and inside. a rush hit he could feel the muscles form, as if Marcus had done all the work to gain his body.
Diego had a similar experience but what he felt was the burning of his skin as every tattoo and piercing was experienced by him all at once.
Both immediately became aroused, as much as Marcus wanted to fuck his own body, Diego was straight so Marcus thought, so there was no attraction for now. Diego felt the latex become strained by Marcus monster dick, he reached down to touch it, impressed that such a small looking dude was so well endowed.
they'd go their separate ways for the next 72 hours, neither knowing what would happen till then. Diego headed to his temporary home as was part of the contract where he found a house full of leathers, latex and cameras all lined up for him to film. Marcus knew his body could not resist no matter who was in charge. He changed into another outfit. and the body seemed to take over, grabbing a pack of smokes, something Diego never touched in his old life.
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He became a leather master, rock hard, his balls begging for release as the door bell range and a parade of young men came through for the next few days as he filmed sex scene after sex scene, the usually straight guy seemed to take to gay sexy quite easily, perhaps he was bi after all.. He wondered what Marcus was up to in his body?
As Diego's time flew by he became more of a dominate alpha and he was coming to embrace and enjoy his new body and life.
Before he knew it he felt something tugging at him, you see when the time was up each party reverted to their own body, no matter were they werr, special things needed to happen. Suddenly Diego was thrusted back into his old body, he was facing a mirror, the reflection showing what was to come for him. The pain, he felt the same pain as when he became Marcus. all over his body, but why? It soon became clear.
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What the hell? He said aloud as he saw his neck and face tattooed and his ears and nose pierced. He stumbled back to reveal more changes had happened to himself.
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His ripped body was inked up and his wardrobe had been replacde by harnesses and tight leather pants. His dick rock hard and on display under the leather. He found a letter:
Dear Diego, welcome to your new life, you can thank me later, I got you off that damn scholarship and made your body more of a work of art, you now work at the Black Cycle bar downtown where when you're not tending bar or dancing naked for crowds your a cum slut for all the Leather Daddies. Your welcome, your friend Marcus, PS: Thanks for the canvas.
In away Diego now had a very similar life to Marcus, except he'd no longer be the dominant Alpha, instead he was destined to live life as a lonely Bitch Boy. Diego would be able to Thank himself during his Next Shift.
Another Satisfied Swap from us.
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idontplaytrack · 20 days
Hello hun I don’t know if you’re taking requests right now but I had an idea
Rejanis (+ Regina little sister reader)
Regina’s birthday surprise
Regina and Janis moved to New York after high school for college and as a surprise Jains secretly arranged for reader to come visit for Regina’s birthday
(Maybe a little secret texting between Janis and reader)
It’s been waiting for you
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George(+ little sister reader)
Warnings: coarse language, fluff
In which Janis surprises Regina with her biggest birthday gift of the year
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Janis had been keeping this part of the plan a secret from Regina for weeks. And it was hard to do so considering they now told each other everything, being a couple and all. But, Regina’s birthday was coming up and Janis was going to fly you into New York so you could surprise your sister for her birthday. You finally had a school break lined up soon too, so that was perfect. You have not seen them in a few months— ever since they moved out of Chicago for college while you started your junior year of high school. Janis generously paid for your flight to the city, which you fought her for, but she did not want a single cent from you.
“Hi, birthday girl.” Janis smooches her on the cheek and hugged her from behind, the artist’s cheek pressed against her upper back. “Good morning.”
“G’morning.” The blonde turned around and pecked her on the lips. “How’d you sleep?”
“I know, I went to bed really late, but it’s worth it.” Janis grins. Regina squinted at the smaller girl, “what trick do you have up your sleeve?”
“You’ll see, Reg.” Janis chuckles, “I think you’ll love it. And me.”
“I do love you.” Regina snorted, laughing.
Janis shrugged, “Well, even more.”
“Okay…” Regina lets go from the hug, “What’s for breakfast?”
“French toast.” Janis announced, “Sit down, let’s eat.”
Regina sat down opposite the brunette, grabbing a fork and stabbing it into the stack of French toast on her plate.
“Oh, by the way… I’ve to go get a couple things after breakfast.”
“Right.” Regina quirked a brow. “Where ya headed?”
“Oh, not far. Just last minute decorations and art supplies.”
“On my birthday?”
“Decorations.” Janis repeated.
“Sure.” Regina shrugged, “Don’t take too long, though. I’ll miss you.”
“Well, aren’t you sweet?” Janis teased, “Okay, eat up.”
After breakfast, Janis washed up their plates and cutlery before leaving the apartment with her phone, wallet and keys. “Drive safe, baby.”
“I will, thanks G.”
As Janis pulled up in the airport parking lot, you’d sent her a text that said you had landed. Janis brisk walked her way to the arrival hall to meet you, stopping to grab you some of your favourite gummies on the way.
Pulling your suitcase with one hand and your phone in the other, you look up from your phone and looked around. Amongst the sea of people, you spotted the brunette with orange tipped hair. You ran up to her, she met you halfway and tackled you into a hug. “Hi, you!” Janis rubs your back before pulling away, “How was the flight?”
“Not bad.” You told her, sliding your phone into your pocket. Janis slung an arm across your shoulder, helping you pull your suitcase. “Janis, I got it.”
“Let me.” Janis chuckled, shaking her head.
“Alright, alright.” You gave in. “Thanks.”
“How are you guys affording a car in NYC? And an apartment?”
“We share the apartment, we work part-time while we study— also we have scholarships. But we live in Brooklyn so rent is high, but not as high. We got lucky and found a decent place for rent that was within our budget.”
“Within?” You asked, shocked.
“Yeah. Well, we do have to be totally focused on working our shifts and keeping our grades up, but we got pretty lucky.” Janis nodded.
“I think you guys are amazing.” You said, looking out the window and watching the fall season scenery.
Janis laughs, “Just doing what we’re supposed to and trying to live the life we want.”
“Which is not easy to do.” You continued.
Janis glanced at you, “It might be awhile because of traffic. You wanna listen to some music?”
“Sure.” You shrug, she hands her phone to you so you could use her Spotify. “What song do you want?”
“Whatever you want to listen to is fine.” Janis assured.
“Even a pop song?” You joked.
“Yes, y/n. I’m not gonna burst into flames, contrary to popular opinion.”
You giggled, she lightly smacked you with the back of her hand jokingly. “How’s school going?”
“Uh.” You gulped.
Janis squints, “What’s going on?”
“There’s been this guy at school trying to get close with me. I don’t like him. I just don’t like—” You chewed on your lip.
Janis didn’t say anything. You were making things awkward and tense for yourself. “I don’t like guys.”
“Tell him no. Ignore him.”
“I did, and he’s left me alone but every time I’m near him he’s always staring at me. I feel his eyes on me so I look at his direction. He keeps looking at me still, I know he’s not doing anything but it still makes me kinda uncomfortable.”
“As corny as it sounds, tell a teacher you trust about him. Or at least the teacher of the class you’re both in.”
You took a deep breath and sighed. “I will, I just am a little worried they won’t believe me or it’s just me thinking too much.”
“Go for it no matter what, you gotta let someone know so at least they’re aware. Do what’s right for you.”
“Thanks.” You nodded firmly.
“You’ll be okay.” Janis says, “I promise. You need us, let us know.”
You shrugged, “I’ll tell my Mom too so at least she knows what’s going on. It’s been a couple weeks, I’m getting a little pissed off. I just don’t know how to tell her that I’m—”
“Babes, your sister’s gay too, it’s fine. She’s supportive.”
“Thats because she doesn’t know that I’m gay too. She might just be okay with one of her kids being gay because she wants the other one to be ‘normal’.”
“y/n, where’s that coming from?”
“From a conversation I had with her.” You laughed, “Kinda tested the waters, I dunno.”
“You’ll be just fine. Trust me. If you don’t feel safe coming out to her, don’t. Wait, finish high school and you can come live with me and Regina. We got you.”
You blinked profusely, tilting up your head to keep the tears from falling. “You know…this girl I like, she asked me out to…go bowling, and dinner. I said no, and I’ve been thinking about it since then. I regret saying no. I regret not going for it.”
“People are gonna come and go. If she’s the right one for you, she will be no matter how long it takes. Maybe it’ll be next week, next month, next year. But if she’s the one, she will find her way back to you. The universe works in mysterious ways, y/n. Breathe. You got this. Enjoy your time here right now, you’re on vacation in a city you’ve always wanted to visit.”
“I’m back~” Janis announced in a sing-songy voice. You were right behind her. “Sorry I took awhile, had to stop somewhere to get some food. And I come back bearing your gift.”
“Hi, b— oh my God.” Regina gasps, hand clamped over her mouth.
You ran up to her, giving her a tight hug, “Happy birthday, Reggie.”
“Thank you, ladybug.” She chuckles, sniffling, “Wow, holy shit.”
You laughed, “Here I am.”
“Oh, I’m so happy you’re here.” Regina kisses you on the cheek before a mutual breakaway.
“I’m so excited to be here.” You replied.
“I’ll put your suitcase away first, alright?” Janis told you, “Finish up your bagel, don’t forget about it.”
“Uh, sure, thanks.” You nodded, chuckling.
Regina handed you a bottle of cucumber lime Smartwater from the fridge. “Sit down.” She titled her head towards the couch.
“Yeah, of course.” You sat down right next to her as you took out your half eaten bagel from the bag you’d been holding onto.
“We have a but till the rest of the gang gets here. So, what’s new?”
“Um, I’m not sure what I’m gonna share isn’t gonna ruin your mood.” You admitted.
“There’s just this guy at school that keeps staring at me every chance he gets because he asked me out and I said no. He didn’t do anything, I just need to let a teacher know and let mom know—”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I am.” You replied, “I really am, I’m just a bit worried that he wouldn’t doing that. So once school starts back up, telling a teacher would be the first thing I do.”
“Good, you do that. Stand up for yourself, do what’s right for you.”
You only nodded, then just say there quietly and drank your water while she started to talk about her life here lately. It was just what you needed, it took your mind off your worry of having to come out to her. You couldn’t do it now, you were too emotional after that talk in the car with Janis and this one just now with your sister. They’ve really rubbed off on each other a lot, why are they telling you the same things? Just exactly what you needed to hear, but the same? That surprised you, even though you knew they’ve picked up some phrases and mannerisms from each other. But considering how different they were, you weren’t used to their similarities at first.
You didn’t let whatever you were worried about weigh down on you for too long. The rest of their friends got here and filled the place with cheerful chatter and laughter. Jokes and stories shared across the room, snacks one after another. No room, rather, no time for worries. Just fun and time well-spent with people you loved, and people who you loved back.
You spent the full two weeks in New York with Regina and Janis. They had time off school too so they could show you around and spend time with you. “I wish you could just stay here.”
“I wish.” You laughed, “But, until then, this has been so great. I’ve had so much fun.”
“Well, you have two days left until you have to fly back home to reality.” She joked.
“Don’t remind me.” You scoffed, eating a spoonful of vanilla Häagen-Dazs straight out the tub.
“But hey, seriously. Move here with us after high school. I know you wanna live in New York, it’s on your vision board. Been on there since you were like eight.” Regina stuck her spoon into the tub to get some ice cream for herself. Janis enters the living area, fresh out of the shower. “Hey!” Janis gasped, “Leave some for me. We don’t have a lot of it left already.”
“Yeah, well maybe we should go grocery shopping tomorrow.” Regina snickers.
Janis plops down next to you with a spoon in hand, “Yeah. We are.”
“Can we go out for dinner? I wanna go back to that place we went to last week before I fly home.” You asked.
“Of course we can, baby.”
In this moment of peacefulness, the thought crept into your head again— should you, or should you not come out to your sister?
Expelling a puff of air from your lips, you looked between Janis and Regina. And then the words just flew out of your mouth, “Regina, I’m gay.”
“Fuck yeah you are.” Regina hugged you instantly.
“I don’t know how to tell mom.” You continued, “It’s complicated. So, I’m not going to. But I am going to apply to colleges especially here, Boston and Philadelphia to see where I end up so at least I’ll be closer to you guys.”
“Whatever happens, we got your back. One call away, baby. This city’s been waiting for you, and I’m glad you’re loving it.” Regina promised, “We’re sisters. It doesn’t matter how far apart we are, I will always be with you.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Here it is! Hope you enjoyed ☺️
This fic was the request in the ask box + another I got—
‘Regina x Janis
Reader = Regina's sister
Silly goofy hang out as a trio
Reader finds a cute girl
The couple give reader advice?’
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cyberneticnightmares · 9 months
okay listen.
i like to think that william inherited the purple car from his old man. you know how it was back in the 70s. cars lasted and often got passed down from father to son (SYMBOLISM). he hated the damn thing, but it's what first caught henry's attention one day while on campus. henry drove a much newer car.
while william went to college solely on scholarships courtesy of his smarts and obscenely high GPA, henry's parents footed their son's bill because they could afford it.
"how can a couple of hippies afford to send their kid to school for art?"
"double majoring, actually. dipping my toes into business too."
william hates him for it. it's just so unfair that henry can afford to dress nice but doesn't, because he much rather walk around in comfortable overalls covered in paint. he hates him even more when henry discovers a passion for computers and makes the jump to engineering, almost as a way to compliment william's knack for robotics. william hates him because no, why would you do that, you have no idea what i would've give to be allowed to simply do performance arts. he took after his mom, after all. would've been a professional dancer if his dad had allowed it.
but then one day, because they totally hate each other or whatever, and because their final round of finals before graduation are coming up, henry proposes they skip town. they already got all the technical know-how they needed. who needs a flimsy piece of paper to tell them what they achieved over the past four years?
william takes some convincing. there's a bunch of expectations on his shoulders now. fancy degree, a good paying job, a girl to bring home and follow in his father's wretched footsteps. he can't just... drop it all and run for the hills with his not-friend, right? the not-friend who's always covering his meals and getting him nice flamboyant jackets every birthday and christmas (most of them handmade, of course, really high quality stuff).
henry tells him it's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask permission. "just give it a try, man. imagine if we do get successful. imagine we make it." but what convinces william is the fervor with which henry speaks, the way he looks at him, as if it's just them against the world and they're winning the lottery and nothing could ever go wrong so long as they're side by side.
william abandons his father's car in a lot the following week, hitching a ride out west on henry's fancy car. it's a convertible, by the way. cherry red. some of the best memories william has, after it all goes to shit, is of henry lowering the hood in the middle of the night along a long stretch of dusty, deserted highway. a bug flies into his mouth at some point because he was too busy singing along to the 8-track, but the way henry laughed at his sputtering made it all worth it.
he keeps a polaroid from that roadtrip safe in his pocket, even after everything is said and done.
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maskedemerald · 2 days
Weaving Webs CH10
Here is chapter ten of my Invisobang fic! We finally get to some Vlad. He'll be more involved in the second fic in the series so don't worry you'll see more of his scheming.
The wonderful @pricklenettle did some fantastic art that you'll see embedded through out the first half of the fic so if you haven't seen it go check out their blog now!
You can check out the fic here or on AO3!
If you like this consider dropping us both a follow!
Warnings: Body horror, manipulation, Spectra is her own content warning, Burns, Spider - for like 2 chapters then it goes away.
The Fenton parents were there when the accident happened, they saw Danny die in an act of sabotage. Now they’re just trying to go on with the strange ghost that is all that's left of Danny. While their old college friend is wondering where the subjects of his revenge are.
[First] [Previous] [Next]
Vlad had been waiting for this day for years, the day he would finally get his revenge. He couldn’t help the smug smirk on his face. Every step was planned. Nothing would go wrong. There wasn’t anything he hadn’t considered. Not like the last time. Nothing had happened. Apparently he’d acted a little too late in that fit of rage. A little too far into the portal’s production. A little bit of insidious code that would never trigger because Jack would never tidy up his prior work. This time would be different.
The reunion plan had been in progress ever since the idea of having one was even approached by some other alumni. It was the perfect opportunity. He would have Jack and Maddie in a space completely under his control. He would overshadow Jack and humiliate him for everyone to see. Then he’d see about doing away with the fool. There would be alcohol and well it wouldn’t be improbable for the man to go for a fatal car ride. Of course Vlad would be there to pick up the pieces with Maddie. The children were of little consequence. He’d take them for Maddie’s sake but well, if they fell too much on Jack’s side of the gene pool a scholarship to some far off boarding school would keep them out of his hair.
He had each step of the day planned down to the moment. He even stood by the door awaiting the arrival of the pair. However they didn’t. Jack had been so excited to come early to reconnect and yet they’d not arrived early. Vlad frustratedly threw out many mental pages of his plan that involved getting quiet time to reconnect with Maddie while sowing some seeds of descent and interest before finally offing Jack. He’d have to spend more time after the deed was done. It was fine. He could adapt.
At the reunion itself he eyed the clock as his old classmates tried to talk to him. He doubted many honestly wanted to reconnect. They were after his money. His power from said money. Or something else. Why would anyone talk to him otherwise? It wasn’t like they had before. Each hour that went by had him clenching a fist tighter and trying not to show that growing anger on his face. Hide his hand in a pocket where it couldn’t crack his wine glass. Where were they?
Jack was like an over affectionate puppy. Stupid and bad at personal space. There was no way he would have missed the reunion intentionally. He might have forgotten but that was why Vlad had specifically also invited Maddie. She wouldn’t have forgotten. Then why? Why were they not there? If they had to cancel there would be no way the polite, sweet and considerate Maddie would have not at least called to let him know.
That night once everyone had gone home he let that rage out. All that planning and effort wasted. It had to be Jack’s fault. Maybe he had been given the one basic responsibility of calling him and then forgot that. He threw his more physical plans at the fire. They caught quickly and he had to pause his rampage on the office to keep the stray papers from lighting the bookcases. He took a deep breath. Maybe there was a way to salvage this. Maddie would be so apologetic about missing the event. Jack’s downfall wouldn’t be so public but he could still tear them apart and off Jack. Revenge could still be his.
He waited till morning before picking up the phone. Until he could speak with some level of forced calm. He hoped that it would be Maddie answering. He didn’t want to deal with Jack’s loud incessant apologies for a situation he caused. Even after the wait he didn’t think he could keep his cool if he had to talk to Jack.
The phone rang, it rang for a long time before finally cutting to voicemail. He slammed it down without leaving a message. Not even getting to the beep. Definitely couldn’t handle talking to Jack.
He stewed for a while longer before trying again. Maybe they were just working in that ridiculous basement of theirs and couldn’t hear the phone. He glanced at the clock. The children might answer this time. They wouldn’t be in the basement he assumed. One of them could get Maddie. He tried to remember what he knew of them. A boy and a girl. The girl would probably be easier to deal with. She no doubt would be intelligent and cooperative. He dialed the number. It rang.
Click, “Fentonworks!” Jack’s recorded voice bellowed, “We’re either in the lab or hunting a GHOST right now! Leave a message and we’ll get back to you!”
He scowled and hung up again, wincing at the loud, obnoxious recording of Jack. The children are probably out. He can wait. He’s been waiting 20 years, a few more hours would be fine. The phone cracked in his grip.
Another phone and a few hours later when surely the family would be sitting down to eat their dinner he called again. His fingers tapped on the table. If the wood was softer he would have left small divots with the intensity. There was a small part of him that worried. Not for Jack but that once again they wouldn’t answer. It wondered if there had been another reason for why they hadn’t shown up for the reunion. As the phone rang on he couldn’t help but feel a certain dread. Had something happened? He remembered that previous, spur of the moment, fit of rage attempt. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise? If he’d already offed Jack or at least hospitalised him then there was less to do. Not as sweet as if he had been there as witness but he could still swoop in and pick up the pieces.
The phone clicked over to voicemail again.
Surely a concerned visit from a friend after they missed the reunion wouldn’t look too out of place. He hung up the phone and headed for his car. It wouldn’t do to arrive there too early after the reunion.
As Vlad drove through Amity Park the obnoxiously obvious structure that was Fentonworks started to become visible even streets away. The rooftop abomination of technology was a marker of just how close he was to getting everything he wanted. As he got closer he couldn’t help but feel something was off. The imposing aura of a ghostly presence. Cold, intimidating and clearly saying for any other ghosts to stay away. A taste of fear the closer he got.
The streets were mostly clear and nobody lingered long near the house. He pulled up and brushed off the feeling before heading for the door. The ghost was clearly trying to take control of the area but it was nothing in comparison to him. He knocked.
There was a long silence. He couldn’t help but notice the curtains were drawn in every window. He knocked again, louder. Still nothing. Maybe they were just out. He slammed a fist against the door.
“Looking for those loony scientists?” A man asked pausing on the street. He shivered and muttered. “Jeas this place gives me the right heebie jeebies.”
Vlad turned putting a false smile on his face. “Ah yes I am. You wouldn’t happen to know where they are?”
The man shrugged. “Haven’t seen them out much lately, hell I think I’ve only seen the daughter. Surprisingly quiet that lot since the accident.”
“Accident? What kind of accident?” Vlad asked, that could mean anything. He needed to know how bad things were.
“Hell if I know.” The man shrugged, he glanced uncomfortably at the house before walking off.
Vlad looked at the house, the house was the source of the aura. Had they found an actual ghost? Or had the ‘accident’ been more fatal than the man thought. His fist clenched. Fear curled in him. Something happening to Jack he was fine with if a little disappointed over missing it. If something had happened to the children he didn’t mind. However hearing nothing meant that something might have happened to Maddie and that, that scared him.
He sped off, backing up rather more haphazardly than he usually would. His mind kept running through worst case scenarios. Both of them being in the hospital because of the planned malfunction. A worse state if there had been an explosion, Jack could have made it worse easily. The whole lab having gone up in flames. Exploded with no time to escape. The house gutted in one violent explosion taking the whole family with it. All because he messed with the portal without fully planning things out. He parked just around the corner. The window left open as he transformed and phased invisibly through the roof.
The house was dark and unnaturally quiet for a house that Jack Fenton of all people lived in. It was possible that they just were not home but the state of the house threw that into doubt. Inside lay a chaotic scene, the furniture tossed about and broken. Fabric torn and wood splintered. It wasn’t the fiery explosion that he had feared. A ghost attack instead. It soothed his anxieties. He hadn’t accidentally harmed Maddie. However the lack of sign of Maddie was concerning. If the ghost had been bested she would not have left the house like this.
The living room wasn’t much better, no it was worse. Sticky ectoplasm splattered the room like the toxic green had been blasted blindly. Walls were marked with singes. The lab door had been pulled fully off its reinforced hinges. The door was almost completely replaced with ectoplasmic webbing.
He burnt it away, his nose crumpling at the ozone smell of burning ecto. He hoped he’d find nothing down there. That the pair were now at the hospital or something because Jack was injured, just Jack he hoped on the injured front.
The lab was not empty. It was lit by the toxic green light of a portal. A portal that shouldn’t have been active without being set off by his sabotage. His stomach dropped a little. No it had to have been Jack. Wiring was Jack’s job. Maddie wouldn’t have cleaned up after him, right?
The glowing figures of two ghosts were silhouetted by the portal. A figure shifting shapes between spider and a short more human figure drew his attention first. Then to the one that was more shadow than anything else, drinking in the fear and misery that clung to the air.
The emotions were thick in the air. A constant refreshing flow. His eyes fell on the dark cocoons of webs. Four of them. He would have cursed if he didn’t think he would have been heard. He couldn’t leave and risk Maddie having been in one.
He slipped over to the nearest one, he hoped that this one was Maddie. He’d rescue her and then when they were forced to flee from the ghosts attacking then he would still look like the hero while leaving Jack to his fate. He charged a little ecto energy around his hand, using the heat to cut through the threads of the cocoon.
A large weight slumped against him as it tore open. He let the energy vanish from his hand instantly. He stifled a frustrated groan at the sight of Jack’s ridiculously bright orange jumpsuit. The oaf however was not so silent as he stirred.
“Vladdie?” Jack asked with a tone of confusion in his voice.
He scowled, “Jack, please tell me Maddie isn’t here.”
“I don’t know… she got me first.”
“Of course she did.”
“What’s this? An old man playing pretend? You really think you can save them, Mr hero?” He knew that voice.
Vlad scowled. “I should have known.” Spectra. It wasn’t his first encounter with the woman. He detested her.
“Give my family back,” Jack yelled as he charged into the fight with a hastily and foolishly grabbed broken piece of metal.
Vlad scowled, he could leave the oaf to his fate. That would mean leaving Maddie. Jack however could serve as a distraction. It was really all he was good for.
“You really think you can stop me this time, weakened… broken. You’ve already failed your children once.” Spectra taunted.
He slipped to the next cocoon using Jack’s wild attacks as cover. The man didn’t stand a chance but as long as he kept them busy long enough for Vlad to find Maddie then Vlad could let Jack die without revealing his powers. He seared open the pod and there was a moment of relief at the flash of ginger hair as the occupant fell. He caught her. Her long hair cascaded over her face. That wasn’t Maddie. He huffed, at least Maddie would be grateful for the rescue of her daughter.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He heard Spectra far too close for his liking.
So much for Jack being a good distraction. A blast seared towards him and instinctively he raised a small shield. The girl was unconscious so it didn’t matter.
“Oh what’s this? The old man’s a freak!” He scowled, like she didn’t already know that.
“Shut up!” he hissed, if she said more it could become a problem.
“You know what they are right? Why would you fight for them? They’re ghost hunters. They’ll hate you. Show you no mercy. What a fool you are.” Spectra taunted in his ear, trying to feed off of the misery she had once pulled out of him.
He growled and blasted her away, her shadowy body gaining a bloody green tear in her side as she was thrown back. He wasn’t fighting for them. Maddie was all who he was interested in. She wouldn’t find out and it wouldn’t ever matter.
Two more pods, close together. 50/50 chance between Maddie and Jack’s son. A green blast seared past, Jack had found a working blaster. Predictably his aim was still terrible. He hoisted the girl over his shoulder before placing her down to break open the next pod.
Maddie stumbled from the pod, she gripped his shirt for stability. There was blood in her hair. “Madeline? Are you alright? We have to get out of here. Jack can only keep them busy so long.”
Even though he had thrown his plans out long ago this impromptu one was going reasonably close to the plan that he was making up as he went. Maddie gained her bearings quickly and found a weapon somewhere on her person to blast the spider that had Jack pinned.
“Vlad? What… never mind.” She shoved a blaster into his hand. “No time, we’ll talk later. Guard Jazz.”
She charged in because of course she would. No matter how much of a useless oaf Jack was, no matter how much of this was probably his fault, Maddie just wasn’t the type to leave someone to fight alone. He loved her but he really found that nobility frustrating right now.
Spectra hovered in front of him with a smirk. “You know she’ll always choose him. Why even stay? Why protect the child? She’s just as much him as she is her, why protect her.”
“I know your tricks.” He knew what she was trying to do.
“True but can you really fend me off with just a blaster while keeping your dirty little secret?” She lunged with claws drawn. She slashed and grabbed for the girl.
There was a sharp electrical whine, and the lights flickered on. Bright and blinding. They exploded in a screech that seemed so much more emotive than anything electronic should ever have. The final pod exploded in a gorey green mess. He winced knowing that could have been Maddie only moments ago. There was a streaking flare of light as another ghost entered the chaos. Green star-like blasts flew. A stray green blast, the origin he didn’t quite catch threw Spectra away from them. Well aimed, probably Maddie.
The third ghost shot round like a comet, the attacks indiscriminate. A rage swamped over everything else in the lab. Spectra’s currently not so little assistant screeched as blasts bit into spidery legs. It rippled and shifted, smaller and smaller. Maddie pulled Jack out of the way unfortunately. She placed a few more choice shots before it retreated through the lab portal.
“Bertrand! Get back here!” Spectra screeched.
“Who is in trouble now?” Vlad couldn’t help but taunt.
She was surrounded, it would appear her newest underling wasn’t too pleased with her for some reason. Honestly he wasn’t sure why the shifter stuck with her so long.
“Hmpf this isn’t over but I suppose the misery will only be more delicious when this whole mess falls down around you.” she waved it off like she was doing them a favour and fled through the ceiling.
“Hey! You don’t get to run from Jack Fenton like that!” The oaf bellowed as he thundered up the stairs. Only pausing for a moment. “Thanks for the save V-man, we owe you!”
Vlad scowled, Jack was not who he wanted a thank you from. Maddie stood on guard, the third ghost floating above. Of course Jack would leave the current threat to chase after one already probably long gone. Said current threat was apparently not content with fighting off its previous allies. It shot towards Maddie. She didn’t react. She wasn’t going to be fast enough to stop it. Was it her head injury?
He pushed her aside and raised the pistol ready to shoot.
“Vlad! Wait!” Maddie staggered and threw herself between them.
The ghost behind her whined and the lights flickered. It curled round her. It didn’t attack and he couldn’t help the confusion that must have been clear on his face. Was this really Maddie on good terms with a ghost?
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By Spectra, at least for now! She'll be back later for sure. Jazz still needs to get some professional revenge.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
I think Rebecca Sugar can play a guitar and piano too. Who cares if she used a ukulele? It was probably easier to use for a fast paced environment since she did reveal Steven Universe was very stressful for her. https://youtu.be/GDTD24KsdGc?si=RrQdXNLIHWrj4Fjq
Who can forget this ending for Steven Universe? She made it then sung it and it's a very sweet song. Viv wishes she had an ounce of talent Rebecca has. Maybe she's bitter cause she'll never be as talented as her. I did reveal this for you, but it was theorized that Rebecca may have gotten a scholarship to attend the school she went to since she won so many art contests in high-school. Nepo baby Viv had her school paid out of pocket.
I'd stake my entire life savings on Viv hating Rebecca because she's jealous of her, and she should be. Rebecca is hard working, kind, extremely talented, and extremely successful. She actually did pull herself up from a small town to become famous. Her show ran for five seasons and was groundbreaking in terms of queer media. She's married to a wonderful man she met at SVA and has an enduring legacy and many, many friends.
Everything Rebecca is, everything she's done, flies in the face of Vivzie's excuses that she's hobbled at every turn by the world's hatred for queer women. Rebecca got hate for being queer and identifying at the time as a woman and spun it into gold. Vivzie made a mean caricature of her critics and blew his head off; Rebecca wrote this.
They're not the same, and thank god for that.
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will byers studio art major constantly in the art building, experimenting with different mediums, staying in studio until the sun comes up and he realizes he’s been in there all night. who doodles comics of himself and his friends and their amusing drunken nights out. who rolls the worst blunt in history despite being good with his hands. who walks around with paint splatters and clay stains all over his backpack and button ups and the bottom of his docs. who collects random objects and pieces of broken furniture for his apartment.
mike wheeler english major who sticks a notebook in his back pocket and a pen behind his ear and goes to parties and stands in the corner, writing lines to poems that he vows will never see the light of day. who starts a shitty grunge band and writes songs with bad chord progressions but lyrics that make u wanna rip your teeth out. who gets crossed and recites the wasteland in-between heaving in the grass. who doesn’t own a single pair of shoes besides his best up black chucks. who wears striped t-shirts and black jackets and sunglasses at night. who always has a beat up paperback of a queer coded classic in his messenger bag and his emergency copy of howl.
el hopper education major who goes a little insane at the freedom. who leads the puke and rally mantra. who is a master at shotgunning. who shaves her head a month into freshmen year because she thinks it’s cute and she wants to take back her life and not let her past govern the way she lives now. who wants to help kids who feel the way she did in high school. who tapes every single tangible memory she has onto her wall so she is constantly surrounded by friends, even when she’s alone. who covers her bed in stuffed animals and pillows and blankets.
dustin henderson double theater and physics who says he doesn’t have time for anything besides studying and rehearsal but is the first to offer to host the pregame. who constantly forgets not to wear open toed shoes to lab and breaks his back with textbooks. who doesn’t flinch at shots and has a certain affinity for jungle juice. who won’t shut up about his second major. who gets his friends into the theater kid parties and has the most rizz imaginable with stem girls.
lucas sinclair pre-physical therapy major african american studies minor with a basketball scholarship who’s at the top of his class and a starter on the team. who’s pretentious art friends never miss a game. who won’t smoke cigarettes with the others because those things can kill you ya know. who treats every class like a runway and won’t waste a day for a fit. who somehow doesn’t need sleep. who has declared war on the dining hall food.
max mayfield who can’t on a major because she really feels like she hasn’t truly lived yet. who skates around campus and is an absolute menace to pedestrians. who flirts with guys for free drinks then brings them back to share with lucas and el. who always has a pack of cigarettes on her, but never a lighter. who prefers whiskey above anything else. who instigates fake fights with mike on walks back from house shows and ends up on his back.
the party in college!!!
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