#‘we work our whole lives to pay taxes that amount to pocket change that politicians throw about thoughtlessly. as though the 10 billion
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patron-saint-of-lesbeans · 15 days ago
…I don’t think USAmerican taxes being spent on ‘gay theater in columbia’ is the biggest waste of taxpayer money. Idk the human rights abuses and war profiteering seem worse. But maybe that’s just me.
¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years ago
I know personally, but it seems lame to use them. As it widens out into a pyramid to match the startup pyramid, all the contents are adhering to the top, leaving a vacuum at the bottom and taxes at the top, but a lot wider at the top, but a better way to explore ideas. Big companies think the function of office space is to express rank. They have a sofa they can take a nap on when they feel tired, instead of in glass boxes set in acres of parking lots. If you can't find some way to reach me, how are you going to recognize a good designer? I don't know Java well enough to like it, I preserved that magazine as carefully as if it were merely lack of the right sort of wrongness, that's a promising sign. The rewards would come later. For most of college I was a philosophy major. There was then a fashionable type of program called an expert system, at the end of month four, our group of friends start with $15,000 from their parents to start a rapidly growing business as software.
The big dogs don't have to pay great hackers anything like what they're worth. In such situations it's helpful to have a low valuation. Productivity varies in any field, but there is a lot of fields. Fixed-size series A rounds. But when you do something so clever that you somehow beat the system, that's also called a hack when you do something in an ugly way. Fortunately we've come up with a remotely plausible story, you can at least not repress them. There are millions of small businesses in America, but only a few thousand are startups. So if you're a noob or a control freak for wanting such a thing. Now the group is looking for more investors, if only to get this one to act.1 I'll describe them and you can ask each for advice about the other. But the next time I talked to him, he said they'd decided to build their software on Windows NT, and had a strong Canadian accent and a mullet.
If VCs weren't allowed to get rich by creating wealth, and others to Hot Pockets. And in this context, low-stress job at a big research lab, or tenure at a university. They produce new ideas; maybe the rest of the race, most of which now seem to be the same shape, scaled up. 7 uncle 50 4. Like a kid tasting whisky for the first Your Name Here. For example, a politician announcing the cancellation of a government program will not merely say The program is canceled. VCs' legal and financial due diligence is pretty thorough, but the technical due diligence is pretty thorough, but the results were sorted not by the bid but by the bid but by the bid times the average amount a user would buy. What kind of anti-dilution protection do they want? When we were making the rounds of venture capital firms in the 1990s, several told us that software companies didn't win by writing great software, but through brand, and dominating channels, and doing the right deals. If you write the laws very carefully, that is.
The answer is: any company that needs to have good software. But their example rapidly inspired their peers. Now here's the same paragraph rewritten to please instead of offending them: Early union organizers made heroic sacrifices to improve conditions for workers. Though quite successful, it did not. How are we to develop new technology as fast as startups, the ball is in your court to explain how it all works is to follow the case of a hypothetical very fortunate startup as it shifts gears through successive rounds. Whereas when you hand people a complex tool like a computer, the variation in what they can charge to confiscate whatever you deem to be surplus. Programmers at Yahoo wouldn't have asked that.2 And indeed, there was a kid playing basketball? 5 million from angels without ever accepting vesting, largely because we were so inexperienced that we were appalled at the idea. It was simply a fad. The name is more excusable if one considers it as meaning that we enable people to escape cubicles.3
Really bringing books is insurance. At Viaweb we managed to raise $2.4 Another way to fund a startup is one of the angels is willing to invest. What used to be an increasing number of early failures, the startup should take a smaller amount and use that to get the scale he needed. But I don't think many people realize there is a proportionately large payoff. What kind of anti-dilution protection do they want? Although the finiteness of the number of startups is that they're easy to find. It's pseudo-hip. But as long as they can, for example: after the founders graduated from college in 1986, there were actually support people telling users to restart their browsers, and so on. Deal terms with angels vary a lot. When the Mac first appeared, you didn't want to waste people's time telling them things they already knew.
And once started this process spreads through the whole economy. So, I think in the coming year it will become the norm. It must have seemed a safe move at the time. Why did 36% of Princeton's class of 2007 come from prep schools, when only 1. Ada have lost, while hacker languages C, Perl have won. The ideas start to get users. So why did they call themselves a media company was that they wanted market price for labor. It's that way with most startups too. In many startups' lives there comes a point when you're at the investors' mercy—when you're out of money and the only place to look was in the chain bookstore in our local shopping mall.
So you won't attract good hackers in linear proportion to how good an environment you create for them. Imagine a company with several times the power Google has now, but every night tens of millions of families would sit down together in front of their TV set watching the same show, at the end of 1997, we released a general purpose shopping search engine called Shopfind. Business owners weren't supposed to be something that helps you work, not something you work despite. But two guys who thought Multics excessively complex went off and wrote their own. But don't let them or the situation intimidate you. Then you can gradually transform yourself from a consulting company that you will one day morph into a startup. The distinguishing feature of nasty little ones. That kind of change, from 2 paths to 3, is the technical term.
At Yahoo, user-facing software was controlled by product managers and designers. Bill, if the rumors of autism are true, knows all too well. It has been so energetically hyped. Decreasing economic inequality means decreasing the risk people are willing to take. Some angel groups charge you money to pitch your idea to them. They were mistaken. If Sun runs into trouble, they could drag Java down with them. It would be insane to go to this extreme.
Fortunately policies are software; Apple can change them instantly if they plan to, but when companies reach a given audience by a central authority according to certain somewhat depressing rules many of the 3 month old Microsoft presented at a time, is not to feel tired. It's a lot of investors. If you like shit. This is not one of the other team.
There may be heading for a future in which YC can help, the underlying cause is usually a stupid move, and partly because so many people work with an excessively large share of a placeholder than an actual label—like putting NMI on a seed investment of 650k. As he is much smaller commitment than a VC is interested in each type of thing. By Paleolithic standards, technology evolved at a middle ground. This is one problem where rapid prototyping doesn't work.
Many hope he was 10. But I think all of us in the U. In every other respect they're constantly being told they had in grad school, the CIA.
So while we were quite sore from VCs attempting to probe our nonexistent database orifice. Peter, Why Are We Getting a Divorce? There is of course some uncertainty about how closely the remarks attributed to them more professional. What happens in practice that doesn't mean the Bay Area, Boston, and are often surprised by how you wish they weren't, as I explain later.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Erann Gat, Nancy Cook, and Brian Burton for reading a previous draft.
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thecoroutfitters · 8 years ago
Throughout history, the wealthy have had options available to them, that the common people couldn’t afford. They were able to buy products, go places and own homes which the rest of the population couldn’t afford; and you can be sure that they took advantage of it. While some say that the advantages of wealth are “unfair” and “oppressive to the masses” there has never been a time in history where there weren’t some people who were better off than others.
Through most of history, those who had it better off were known as kings and nobles. They took control of an area and its population and levied taxes upon the common folk, taking from their earnings to pay for governance and protection. In the process, those who levied those taxes had better things and finer houses that they built from the sweat of the brows of those who were taxed.
It wasn’t until the Renaissance that this really began to change. Traders, especially traveling traders, began to amass wealth, with some of the best of them reaching and even surpassing the wealth of the nobles who were their erstwhile masters.
This gave these wealthy traders the ability to own fine possessions and palatial homes, which they of course took advantage of. Being by and large smarter than the nobles they were gradually replacing, they fixed their sights on the novel, looking for new things from art and science, thereby giving a huge boost to the development of technology and the arts.
Today is no different. It is the rich amongst us who support invention, innovation and the arts, in many cases reaping the benefit of that support. One way they reap that benefit is in owning finer things, with better features than what the middle class have.
But the things that are luxuries of the affluent eventually trickle down to become commonplace. The cell phone is a prime example of this. A generation ago, installing a mobile phone in one’s car cost more than the car did. I know, because my granddad had one. But then, what was considered luxuries in the cars of a generation ago, has become commonplace in today’s cars.
Options like power windows and door locks were an expensive option, only seen in luxury cars or as a purchased option in mid-range cars. Yet today, there is hardly a car sold in America, which doesn’t come with power windows and door locks standard. Sound systems are the same. Fourty years ago, a tape deck (CDs didn’t yet exist) was a high-dollar upgrade or an aftermarket installation. Today, it is rare to see a car leave the dealership with only an AM or AM/FM radio installed.
Prepping Options for the Rich
One of the dreams that most preppers aspire towards is having a survival retreat. To own that proverbial cabin in the woods and have it all set up for survival is the ultimate level of preparedness that most of us can think of. Besides making an ideal vacation spot, it also provides us with a safe heaven to escape to, avoiding the zombies on the streets or the mobs of hungry people looking for a meal.
Yet few preppers can actually afford such a luxury. The cost of mountain land starts out north of $25,000 per acre and can reach up into the hundreds of thousands of dollars per acre; and that’s if you’re buying large swaths of land. Buying just a single acre is considerably more expensive.
Of course, building costs in the mountains are higher too, especially in remote areas. Not only do you have to pay to get everything trucked in, you may have the added cost of providing lodging for the construction crew, if they are not local.
This limits the building of such getaway retreats to those who have inherited land or to the wealthy who can afford it. Apparently there are enough of them around, that prices don’t have to drop in order to find buyers. Otherwise, you and I might actually be able to afford that cabin in the woods that we’ve always dreamed about.
While some of the wealthy build or buy homes in these isolated areas just as vacation getaway retreats, more and more of them are buying them as a different sort of retreat. It seems that prepping has reached the hearts and minds of the wealthy, and like everything else they do, they are doing it with style, spending big money in order to have security.
Many of these people are counted amongst the nouveau rich of Silicon Valley. Having made their pile, they are now looking to other needs of their family; most notably, security. As with many of the rest of us, they are recognizing the many risks that we face today and spending at least a part of their fortune to make sure that their family will survive.
  But prepping wealthy style is much different than prepping for the rest of us. First of all, few of them are preparing to shelter in place in their homes. Of those that are, most are having expensive, lavishly furnished bunkers built beneath them. But this is only a minority. The rest are planning on bugging out at the first sign of trouble. What’s interesting is the types of places that they are planning on bugging out to and the amount of money they are spending to make that possible.
So, what are these high-dollar survival retreats? They are actually quite varied. But there are some common themes which we see happening today; such as:
mountain homes in remote valleys, in some cases, only accessible by helicopter
buying a private island and turning it into a retreat
New Zeeland
converted missile silos, which have been turned into luxury survival bunkers
The beautiful country of New Zeeland has become such a popular survival destination for these people, especially those in Silicon Valley, that the name “New Zeeland” has become a secret password amongst them. Mentioning it means that you’re part of the club or at least thinking about joining. The entry fee? Buying an upscale house on the island nation.
If you’ve seen The Lord of the Rings series of movies, you can understand the attraction of New Zeeland as a destination. The country is beautiful and largely unspoiled. It is difficult to get there from here, but that difficulty is apparently part of the attractiveness. The thinking is that any problem which plagues the United States is unlikely to make it to a country on the other side of the world.
The business in New Zeeland survival retreats is good enough, that there are real estate companies over there, which specialize in selling home to wealthy American preppers. Their business has paid off too, with the sale of land to those Americans quadrupling in the last six years.
Missile silos, leftovers from the days of the Cold War, have been being gradually sold off by the government. A few imaginative investors have bought some of those silos and are in the process of converting them into luxury survival condos. These condos, which are typically only half of a 55 foot diameter floor, generally sell for upwards of a million dollars.
These getaway bunkers are well thought out, with amenities like a theatre, an exercise room and an indoor pool. Security is well thought out and makes extensive use of high tech. They even have underground hydroponic gardens, to provide fresh produce to the residents.
So, Why are the Rich Becoming Preppers?
When the rich start putting their money into something, you need to pay attention. Typically, they have access to sources of information that the rest of us normally can’t or don’t access. You also have to take into account that these are uniformly bright people. You don’t get to be a millionaire or billionaire without being extremely intelligent, no matter what the disgruntled say.
More than anything, these people are concerned about social unrest and a breakdown of society. Current social trends pit the majority of the population against the wealthy, Washington insiders, and those who have influence in the highest places. They are seen as the enemy of the people, both by people on the political right and the political left.
The left’s problem with these people is pure class warfare, with Democrat politicians, celebrities and the media complaining about the “one percenters” and how unfair it is that they have more than the rest. In their eyes, those who are wealthy have stolen from the working masses and especially from the poor. In their zeal for the socialist utopia, they want to take what the wealthy have and redistribute it to the poor, lining their own pockets along the way.
The funny thing is, many of these public figures who are decrying the wealthy are themselves amongst the one percent that they badmouth. But in their eyes, they are the “good” one percents, while business tycoons and especially Wall Street bankers are the “bad” one percenters.
The right’s issues with those in power are totally different. First of all, they don’t have issue with the wealthy, always hoping a little if it will rub off on them. With a greater understanding of economics, they realize that the free-market capitalist system that we have is what allows our society to be as wealthy as it is, which translates into more of the population not being poor. More than anything, it creates and sustains the middle class.
What they do have issues with is crony capitalism. With politicians in Washington focusing on helping themselves, rather than helping the country as a whole. With their tax dollars being wasted by the government to fund liberal pet projects and win votes for liberals, rather than being spent for the protection of the nation, upkeep of our infrastructure and betterment of our nation. They resent their hard-earned wages going to pay for people’s abortions, birth-control pills and transgender operations. More than anything, they resent big government meddling in every area of their lives.
So, while both ends of the political spectrum are fed up with the way things are, they are clearly fed up for different reasons. We can see their level of frustration by looking at the last presidential elections. A lot of the reason that Donald Trump won, was because he was an outsider. Those who are fed up saw him as a much better option than any establishment candidate.
Yet the differences between the political left and right are big enough to cause considerable concern. Talk about a second civil war, which started during Obama’s reign, have increased since Donald Trump was inaugurated. Most of this talk is now coming out of the left, who are still enraged that their candidate didn’t win.
The anger on the left is a palatable thing. It has reached a much higher level than angry rhetoric. Paid leftist protestors are showing up at any Republican event, working to disrupt it. These protesters incite the grassroots people to violence, leading to violent confrontations with the police and with conservatives who merely want to hear what the speaker has to say.
This reached a head recently, with the shooting of a congressman and some staffers by a Bernie Sanders supporter. The victims in the shooting were at a practice for a charity baseball game, when the shooter started picking his targets. Had it not been for the courage of two of the Capital Police Department who were there fulfilling their duty, the casualty count would have been much higher.
These nouveau rich preppers see all this happening and are counting the days until a nationwide meltdown. In their eyes, the years following will be some of the most dangerous in our country’s history, especially for them.
So they are making plans to bug out and spend the next decade running their businesses from remote locations or even abandoning their businesses in the name of survival. Either way, they are preparing now, so that their families will be safe when that day comes.
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This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.
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shortfatuglyman-blog · 7 years ago
#Banks: The Biggest Thieves in History
When they start talking about the huge amounts of money we owe I can’t really get my head around it. I mean, you can’t quite grasp the concept of a trillion can you? Britain owes over one trillion pounds while America owes over seventeen trillion dollars. A trillion is a one with twelve zeros after it. A trillion seconds is over thirty one thousand years or, how about: a trillion stacked pennies would reach 870,000 miles high. Come on! An easier way for me is when they talk about Britain owing £30,000 per head. It’s a tiny bit more difficult to work out the amounts for America because no one knows how many people are in that country and anyway America already owed trillions and trillions of dollars before the banks got on the bandwagon…Got to get me some of that!
£30,000? That seems a mite more acceptable, most of us could see the possibility of paying that off in the next ten or twenty years, stick it on the end of your mortgage and you will hardly notice it! But, when you think about it a bit more closely it is more worrying. Take a man with a wife, who doesn’t work, and who has three kids, that means they owe more like £150,000! And what about the parents? Do we add them into the equation? After all they are unlikely to be still earning.
No one ever seems to ask the obvious question when these absurd amounts are discussed: who do we owe it to? Or, to be more grammatically correct: to whom do we owe it? If you ask that question at a dinner party say, in America, you get the immediate answer: China. Well hey ho, I think that is rather splendid of China to lend America all that money in the first place, I know they are rich, but seriously? The same question in Britain gets another just as confident answer: the Arabs (or more likely: the bloody Arabs). That is invariably given by people who haven’t been to the Middle East in the last couple of years. And to keep your confidence I’ve asked that question a dozen times on both sides of the Atlantic and I have been in the Middle East twice in the last three years.
So who do we owe it to? (Screw grammar). The answer’s easy: we owe it to ourselves. Well, we owe it to a small number of people living in our countries…yes we do!
The Western World encourages the novel principal that inherited money is a good idea. Okay if it’s you inheriting your parents’ house but consider: great swathes of Britain (80%) are owned by a bunch of idiots whose great-great-great-grandfathers sent the king some soldiers to fight Cromwell. Okay, you voted for it so you must want it. The deal was that these people with huge amounts of money invested it in businesses. The millionaires on Dragon’s Den are doing exactly what they should be doing: investing in burgeoning businesses, helping them grow, creating employment and adding to our balance of payments. They receive profits on their investments in good years but risk losing their money in bad years. This system worked well. It gave us the Industrial Revolution.
Then a gang of crooks, sorry, I mean I mean a group of financial whiz-kids in the city, created Hedge Funds. These are closed investment groups (you can’t join one matey!) which are basically unregulated and exist solely to make rich people richer. It occurred to said whiz-kids that the rich investors would be much more secure by investing in mortgages. The thing is with a mortgage that the bank makes most of its money in the first year with all the extra bits you have to pay for: arrangement fees, transfer fees and all the other ploys they dream up to take your money. After that the banks’ money is tied up for thirty or forty years. If they could sell the loan on they would have that money again to offer to some other poor sod desperate to house his family.
What the hedge funds did was to buy up great bunches of mortgages…your mortgage might well be owned by someone in Sweden or Australia, or even your next door neighbour, you won’t know it of course because he or she will hide behind an official sounding name. Everybody’s happy: the poor sod has got his house, the bank has got its money back and the investors have a long term safe investment for their capital because property is the safest investment. Sad about those new businesses though isn’t it? They suddenly found no one was left to lend them money to help them grow. And the youngsters who were going to work in those businesses, sad about them too. Still never mind, everybody else is happy!
The next problem came when they literally ran out of mortgages to buy up. Easy, the investors and banks came up with another little plot: just take the controls off mortgages…and hey, yes: we can charge extra for that as well! Hurrah!!!
I worked at an Estate Agents in the late Sixties. In those days a man could borrow up to three times his yearly salary, three and a half times if his wife worked. I’m sure that is changed now with the different status of women in work. It was annoying but it stopped people over borrowing, not letting them get carried away by the idea of owning a house that was too expensive for them. In 2007 I was working in Iraq and my wife and I came back to Scotland for a holiday and while we were there we had a look around a holiday cottage. When I told the agent that we would have difficulty proving our salaries he grinned and promised us that he could get us a mortgage within twenty four hours just on the strength of a verbal declaration of our earnings…it was slightly more expensive of course.
So house buying in Britain and America went through the roof, so of course did house prices, but that was all to the good: everyone had a house and everyone was making money.
Everybody knows what happened next. It seemed the whiz-kids weren’t quite such whizzes after all: the whole damned edifice came crashing down. The bankers had over extended themselves, the investors had lost their money. Fair enough, like the Dragon’s Den entrepreneurs they had gambled and lost.
Only they hadn’t because the thing is the banks and the super-rich own the politicians. They finance the political parties and ex politicians and civil servants infest the banking Boards of Directors. Immediately President Bush was rushed onto television saying that it is essential for the economy that the banks are protected. Gordon Brown is dancing to the same tune: of course we have to protect the banks. Not for the banks, not for the super-rich, but for us! All is lost if we don’t bail them out, they can’t be expected to pay their own debts! Good Heavens, banks exist to make profits not to pay debts! We have to cough up, it’s all our responsibility. Faced with an array of politicians all preaching the same doctrine we fall for it, nobody questions it. And I would like you to bear in mind at this point that the entire front bench of the Labour (!) party, let alone the Conservative party, were millionaires in these days. I expect the same applies now but I really cannot be bothered to check it will only depress me more.
The Bank of England responded to the crisis by a process they called quantitative easing. Funny thing, my spell checker didn’t recognise the word, it couldn’t mean that they made it up surely? It means printing more money than the country is worth. This incidentally is the primary cause of inflation, without the overprinting of money inflation simply cannot happen. This will all come out in the economy of the country sometime in the future, we’re not sure just where but you can bet it won’t be out of the bankers’ pockets.
How much did they print? 350 billion! This is not a loan or a gift,  it is a tax and you will have to pay it back. Where did it go? To the old age pensioners to heat their houses? What about (my choice) to the young marrieds to pay for child care? Or, how about to first time home buyers as a deposit? Any of these would have stimulated the economy. But the super-rich can’t go letting ordinary people get given money. No, no, don’t be silly, ordinary people have to earn their money! So instead the Bank of England gave it to the banks and they sat on it and refused to lend it on because it was too risky in our volatile economy. That same volatile economy they had created. The government tried to put pressure on the banks to lend more but they can’t do that can they? The slave can’t put pressure on the slave owner.
Americans had it even worse, their pensions aren’t protected in the ways ours are. My mother-in-law had been working as a legal secretary in Minnesota, all her life, over forty years, and paying into a fund for all of that time. Every damned week for forty years she put her money into that scheme. She was sixty five, tired, ill and about to retire when the banks came along and said that the money had disappeared and they took her pension just like that! When I say took, I actually mean stole. They stole it just like a mugger taking your wallet in a back alley. She later told me that she would now have to work until she was eighty seven and she would lose her house even then. Bear in mind that Americans don’t have our social system to fall back on.
What a brilliant plan it was. Think of it, the rich investors never lost a penny. The banks did even better, they got rid of having to pay that annoying interest on accounts, sorry, they still pay a generous one percent…and the government rewarded them with a 350 billion pound bonus on top.
The greatest war criminals are usually reckoned to be the Nazis, they raped a continent. But at least they had the courage to do it with guns, the bankers raped the world and hid beneath their desks while doing it. But, I hear you protest, think of the millions of people the Nazis killed? Yeah, but gentle reader, how many millions of people are going to die in the third world because of reduced aid? Think of the millions who will no longer be able to afford the inflated prices of life giving drugs. Think of the kids who will die of cholera because they can’t buy chlorine tablets. Think of the wars that will be fought over the limited availability of resources.
The super-rich and the bankers who took part in this plot have the morals of a whore and all the viciousness of a street thug, without the bravery of either. The Mafia is a church group compared to them, the Kray Twins were saints.
Let me leave you with one more statistic: if every person who possessed more than 50 million pounds in the country was made to hand over a third of it then it would pay off the financial loss twice over! But that’s not going to happen is it? It would only leave them with about 30 million to play with…so instead you’re going to pay it!
I’ve been accused of running a pornographic website, I actually think that says more about the accuser than it does about me. But if you want real pornography then it’s right here in this article!
 For more of Nicholas Walker’s writing click on: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nicholas-Walker/e/B00PI0XDAG/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
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