#Pneumatic Shaft
rewindingmachine · 2 years
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arvindrubberindia · 5 months
Ensure efficient handling with air expandable shaft solutions tailored to your industrial needs. Our precision-engineered shafts provide reliable and seamless performance, allowing for smooth material handling and processing.
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error-notifs · 6 months
a 'third leg'
meat stick
squirming meat
'his leaping salmon'
'the crown to his jewels'
Fleshy cigar
Pork Whistle
an utterly destroyed tube of flesh
purple pneumatic drill
an interesting specimen
beige sledgehammer
meaty windmill
shrinky dink
Anal Artillery
Vagina miner.
cum sword
taco warmer.
vomit rod.
mutton dagger
a squirming shaft
womb broom
taco tickling toy
fully erect rod
clam hammer
Gash. Mallet.
Did you know that world-renowned writer Stephen King once got hit by a car? Just something to consider
deformed tube that was left of his manhood
His big, thick sludge pump
Ravine wrecker
Thrill drill
all that was left was a bit of raw soaked meat
His Old Man Drizzle
Ooze injector
Her slime filled lollipop
Musky man candy
His piss pump
his cure for her pestulince
"Their joy knob"
His slit slamming freight train
Blood sausage.
Gut stick.
Bone horn.
the pulsating slug salter
his jumping jingler
his shiny gold coin
Her squinty blow-pop.
his nope rope
magical girl wand
throbbing jazz café
gaping cavern
her wishing well
her animal trap
Crotch cannon
Look at my fucking art or so help me god @magical-art-blog
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Could you imagine being Chell? Getting through a particularly brutal test, and finally getting the sweet release of the elevator? Stepping inside, listening as that familiar pneumatic "Whoosh" signified your descent further into Aperture, only for the Elevator to stop suddenly somewhere in the shaft. Looking around, trying to find some way out, only to realize that you're trapped in this glass and metal tube.
Could you imagine slumping against the wall, letting your sweaty back make contact with the cool, curved steel? Slowly letting yourself slide down until you're sitting criss-cross on the metal floor, waiting for whatever problem is causing this to get fixed so you can get back to what you're good at.
Could you imagine starting to sweat almost imperceptibly, your skin feeling just slightly too hot for how cool the air is. Your clothes clinging tightly to you, making you feel as if you're swimming in your own perspiration, growing more and more sticky and uncomfortable until you couldn't take it anymore. You grabbing your tank top, pulling it up over your head, and tossing it to the side before unhooking your bra and doing the same. Kicking off your Long-Falls and shimmying out of your jumpsuit until you're left there in just those purple Aperture Science panties, before pulling even those off.
Could you imagine sitting there amongst your discarded clothes, the only things you can call your own in this facility, and just feeling the cool air on your skin. Looking at your own nude form splayed out before you: deeply tanned skin glistening with sweat, strong muscles rippling with every movement. Feeling the breeze between your legs, poking at your overheated core.
Could you imagine letting your hands slowly drift from your sides where you'd left them, absentmindedly letting one drift up to your chest, the other drape itself between your spread legs. Almost on autopilot starting to run your fingers along your folds, tracing an outline along your moistening center as the other hand rests itself on your breast. Rubbing your thumb against your nipple, massaging the sensitive tissue beneath it.
Could you imagine slipping a finger inside yourself absentmindedly, and gasping at how easily it slips in all the way to the last knuckle. How you're so wet that you could reach your g-spot with your pinky finger if you wanted. Letting a second finger inside you, then a third. Feeling your cunt stretch around them but you don't care because you need a release. Starting to fuck yourself on your own fingers, hitting those sensitive spots in a way that only you can. Your other hand dropping down to the sensitive nub begging for attention as you pick up the pace. Your back arching as the pleasure builds up, your skin crawling with goosebumps as the cold air meets your warm, wet cunt. Your mind going blank as the euphoria of orgasm overtakes you, flooding your entire body with pleasure.
Could you imagine coming to your wits sometime later, not knowing how much time had passed between your climax and now. Sitting up, observing the mess that you've made all over yourself and your clothes. Hooking your panties around your legs before your heart almost stops when she laughs. A low, almost genuine giggle from the cold, robotic overlord. She's been watching this whole time, hasn't she? Did she plan this?
Could you imagine dressing, knowing her eyes are on you. Pulling on your shirt, jumpsuit, boots. Is this revenge for all those times you'd outsmarted her? Or are you enough of a braindead slut that you did that all on your own, and she'd just watched for fun? As the elevator starts moving again, and you can feel her eyes on your back, you know one thing for certain: somehow, some way, she'll find a way to use this against you.
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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When Kelly Johnson was designing the A-12/YF-12 /MD-12 SR-71 he didn’t want the weight to be added for a starter on the airplane. He said the more it weighs the more fuel it will need. It was decided that two V-8 engines would be able to do the job. To start the Blackbird the fastest airplane in the world wasn’t exciting enough on top of that it sounded like the Indianapolis 500 getting the SR-71 ready to fly!
For this purpose alone, two of either above-mentioned Nailhead V8s were fused via a common transmission and drive shaft to work in tandem, then placed inside a metal housing mounted on four wheels with a trailer hitch and dubbed the AG330 "start cart." The resulting Chimera was attached directly to the Blackbird's two engines. Using the combined drive shaft, the two V8s spun the turbines to the point they could sustain compression by themselves. Nailhead V8s served as impromptu starter motors for the SR-71 and its cousins, the A-12 Archangel and the YF-12 fighter, until at least 1970, when the bulk of them were replaced with Chevy 454 V8s.
These were also phased out when a new, quieter pneumatic system was implemented to do the same job as the start cart at most airbases on U.S. soil the Blackbird and company operated from. Some remained for longer at auxiliary bases abroad, including a handful with the original Buick Nailheads, until the Blackbird and all its variants were retired in 1998. autoevolution.com/news/buick-wil…
Click here to listen to more information m.youtube.com/watch?embeds_r…
@Habubrats71 via X
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I'm thinking about some kind of fortification, maybe built by dwarves?
In particular, I'm wondering how a magma furnace would work. Most real furnaces burn some kind of fuel, and they can control the heat input by controlling the fuel or air inputs. But a magma furnace can't do this!
Instead, I'm imagining some kind of mammoth heat engine. Drill into a magma reservoir as a heat source, and dig two vent shafts to the outside air. Using the chimney effect, we can funnel a column of hot, sulfurous air towards the surface. If we control how much air goes through the chimney, we have rough control over the heat flux. Then you can stick your metal in the flow of hot air to heat it. (We could also use this air flow for other kinds of work, like a pneumatic power system.)
Does the physics work? I'm way too lazy to check, but I suspect it doesn't.
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noor-kazem · 2 years
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سبق هوائي واضح عبر الأرض ،عالق في مدار الألم الخلقي، استخلاصه يدور الجاذبية ،يتم سحبه وحده على عمود تلقائي وعرضة للامتصاص المغناطيس بالالتزامات التعاقدية. سوء الإدارة المشوشة يشتبك مع منكري الخطيئة، التناقض مع الأصوات المختارة التي تملي الشفقة، على الذات المنعزلة تتشكل العلاقات .
A clear pneumatic race across the earth, stuck in the orbit of congenital pain, extracted by gravity spins, pulled alone on an automatic shaft and liable to magnet suck by contractual obligations. Confused mismanagement clashes with sin-deniers, inconsistency with chosen voices dictates pity, the lonely self forges relationships.
Doğuştan gelen ağrının yörüngesine saplanmış, yerçekimi dönüşleriyle çıkarılan, otomatik bir şaft üzerinde tek başına çekilen ve sözleşmeden doğan yükümlülükler nedeniyle mıknatıs emmeye yatkın, dünya çapında net bir pnömatik yarış. Karışık kötü yönetim günahı inkar edenlerle çatışır, seçilmiş seslerdeki tutarsızlık acımayı emreder, yalnız benlik ilişkiler kurar.
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I saw your tags on the arrow post and I would very much like to learn about the eye surgery thing but from your words bc I feel like I’ll learn in a more fun way than from googling it would u mind sharing?
Absolutely I will share thank you for asking this is one of the funniest things I've ever experienced in this particular class actually, which is really saying something because this was a class on archaic and classical Greece taught by a millennial, so you already know it’s wild as hell.
For a little bit of context, Phil loses his eye between 355 and 354. Up until that point, it’s been about 150 years of near constant tension, save for the 20 odd years between the end of the Persian War and the start of the Peloponnesian War (which is really just two wars strung together by a joke of a detente—I can tell you more about it another time). Athens lost the Pelop war, Sparta won, Sparta starts a hegemony, Lysander of Sparta installs oligarchies, Sparta Does Not Like That, Thebes comes in and starts their own hegemony, Macedon Does Not Like That, and Phil goes on a campaign to conquer Greece, and he’s got a preeeetty strong claim.
So there’s a whole lot of fighting. As you might figure, war comes with injuries, and if warriors wanted to live they had to figure out how to fix themselves before the infections got them. At this point in time, they're using missile weapons. Not like, actual modern style rocket missiles—I'm talking stones and arrows. One of these arrows found its way into Phil's eye, and this happened around 355–354, so like, ten years before Macedon's rise to real power in the Greek world, during Phil’s campaign around Greece.
There was this guy called Diocles who was a surgeon in Phil’s army, and surgeons didn’t actually do the surgeries themselves (sometimes they did but I can’t point out specific statistics, it’s not my field and I never went looking) but most of the time they would just hold the patient’s head and shoulders and direct assistants in the surgery. I can’t remember the actual reason for this and I could also have some facts mixed up, so don’t quote me on that specific bit.
Anyways, Phil had an arrow in his eye. Diocles had a spoon (pictured below). Phil was probably drugged up with unmixed wine and some other fancy plants used to get high because their version of anesthetics was alcomahol and weed (or alcohol and weed adjacent). Fast acting pain relief and all, except it doesn’t relieve pain it just inhibits like, all your pain receptors so you don’t feel anything until a day later and then you’re cussing out your surgeon.
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^that’s the spoon, it was meant for removing arrows. The hole in the middle is where you’d stick the shaft of the arrow through, so you’d press the back of the spoon against the wound, and then lever the arrow out. It sounds a little impractical and there’s not a whole lot of information but from what it looks like you can infer pretty well how it’s supposed to work.
Diocles removed the arrow from Phil’s eye with that spoon, and along with the arrow, he removed Phil’s eye. There’s some mention about an eyestalk in some text somewhere, I’d have to double check in my copy of Arrian, but I won’t go into that because it’s irrelevant and kinda gory.
So now, there’s about fifteen of us in this class, and, keep in mind that we’re all or mostly in our early twenties, which means we have verbal filters made of single ply toilet paper, and our professor is this millennial guy who regularly dresses like Charlie Swan from Twilight. Flannel and all. Truly one of my favourite professors.
We’re all so morbidly curious about ancient surgery, so we derail the class into a nice long discussion about known surgical methods and hypothetical surgical methods. Someone picks up on the fact that quite a few tools looked like modified cutlery (see: the spoon of Diocles). Someone else suggests unconventional methods of surgery, like a pneumatic contraption for bloodletting. A third person suggests combining the two into a straw, and then proceeds to detail how Diocles might have used a straw to yank Phil’s eyeball out.
My professor hears this, acknowledges this, and in true millennial new dad fashion goes, “Oh, like a boba!”
And I lost it. I told my entire family that story and received varying degrees of approval.
And that’s it! @androgynyispunkashell I’m sorry for taking so long to answer but I hope this was funny and (at least somewhat) informative!
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cdlhunter · 2 years
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This 1912 C-T electric truck is a heavy-duty four-wheel drive Model A 10 that was produced by the Commercial Truck Company of Philadelphia. All 22 of these trucks were originally open-air with a simple folding top. However, at some point the Charles Wacker Company built and installed the more modern closed cab on 20. Red oak was used for the construction of the cab and it matches the rest of the vehicle. The truck bed however is two sections of 1/4″ thick steel plate over 2″ thick red oak, and it is secured by over 500 bolts–this kind of incredible over-building is likely a large contributor to so many surviving 100+ years later. The yellow area below the bed is the battery compartment, and while pneumatic tires were available, solid rubber items were specced from new here. The steering and throttle are both combined on the single vertical shaft seen here. The spokes can be seen, but the rims for both wheels are missing. The top wheel was for steering, and the lower wheel controlled the throttle which handled both forward and reverse. Turning it clockwise accelerated the truck forward, an opposite movement slowed or reversed the truck–a foot brake was also provided. Each wheel is backed by one 85-volt, 10-amp General Electric motor. The each produced 16 HP when new, and give the truck true four wheel drive. In the battery compartment, nine trays were used to hold a 500 pound, five-foot-long lead-acid battery pack that produced 10 volts. Today five modern 12-volt batteries can replace the 45 originals for full power, but according to the seller just one 12-volt will suffice to move it. Interestingly, the seller says each truck could operate for 22 hours (unladen) on a single charge. A full recharge took two hours, battery units could be swapped (technology the Curtis Publishing Company employed), and ten years of service was possible before needing to rebuild the batteries. #ev #electrictruck #electrictrucks #electric #batterypowered #cdljob #cdljobs #cdlhunter #ayearago #throwback🔙 #100yearsago #rustytruck #rustytrucks #throwbackpic #yearsago #thosewerethedays #throwbacks #thursdaythrowback #throwback #workingtruck #workingtrucks #history #vintage (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClbAUEIuhvC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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captainnotamurderer · 2 years
Comfortable Desk Chairs and Their Types
Desk chairs are the most ideal choice if you have any desire to keep a legitimate stance and backing your lower body and back while sitting for extended periods of time. These ergonomically planned chairs are utilized in workplaces, instructive establishments as well as homes where people day to day endured six to eight click here to learn more hours sitting and working. In the event that the desk chairs are not comfortable, alongside the health, work efficiency additionally endures.
Taking into account the high requests and needs of desk chairs, they are accessible in a huge assortment of plans, styles and materials to meet individual settings and necessities. You can choose your preferred best chair contingent upon its features and cost.
Larger part of desk chairs have casters at the base, which offers it chance to slide along the floor without harming it. Furthermore, the majority of the desk chairs have backrests and cushioned seats to pad the back.
Types of Desk Chairs
There are various types of desk chairs. The most popular among them are turn and bowing desk chairs.
Turn Desk Chairs
Turn desk chairs are very popular among masses nowadays. Accessible in a lot of assortments and lively tones, they can pivot about an upward hub. The most amazing aspect of these chairs is that they are very comfortable to sit and work in. Turn desk chairs give pneumatic seat rise change, seat profundity adjustment, worked in lumbar help and back level.
A customary plan for turn desk chairs is a barrel shaped shaft that can give genuinely necessary pad as far as unreservedly moving inside a help structure. It has been seen that a washer or nut regularly holds the bar of these chairs set up. Turn desk chairs likewise arrive in a ball plan that has a capacity to spin, inside a help structure.
Stooping Desk Chairs
For more assortment, you can likewise go for stooping desk chairs. They are obviously suited for sitting in a position, with thighs dropped to an upward point of around 60 degrees. The stance of a person in these desk chairs isn't indistinguishable as bowing on the floor. On the off chance that you are experiencing any sort of disease and spinal section wounds then you can alleviation by sitting on them.
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Comprehensive Guide to Power Presses, Riveting, and Shearing Machines for Industrial Applications
In industries like metalworking, automotive, and construction, machines that can efficiently cut, press, and assemble metal components are indispensable. Among the most common and crucial types of machinery are power presses, riveting machines, and shearing machines. Each serves a distinct purpose, helping manufacturers achieve precision, durability, and consistency in their products. In this article, we'll take a closer look at these machines, explore their variations, and discuss their industrial applications.
Power Press
A Power Press is a mechanical tool used for bending, cutting, punching, and pressing metal sheets. It uses high pressure to shape metal into specific forms. Power presses are highly efficient and can be used in a range of industries, from automotive manufacturing to metal fabrication.
Cross Shaft Power Press
The Cross Shaft Power Press features a cross shaft design, which helps distribute the pressing force more evenly. This design is ideal for heavy-duty applications where high force is needed for deep drawing, blanking, or punching operations. It is commonly used in large-scale metal stamping and forming industries.
Pneumatic Power Press
A Pneumatic Power Press operates using compressed air to generate the pressing force. These presses are highly versatile and are particularly useful in environments that require fast, repeatable pressing operations. They also allow for better control over the force applied, making them suitable for delicate tasks.
Pneumatic Type Power Press
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOohrqxPLloThis variation of the pneumatic press is built for operations where precise control over the air pressure and force is crucial. Pneumatic Type Power Presses are frequently used in the electronics and light metal industries, where materials can be easily damaged if the force is too strong.
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H Power Press
An H Power Press has a solid, robust "H" frame structure, providing exceptional stability during operations. This makes it ideal for applications that require high-force pressing, such as forging and stamping thicker materials. Its design ensures a uniform distribution of pressure, reducing the likelihood of damage to the material.
H Type Power Press
Similar to the H Power Press, the H Type Power Press is specifically designed for operations that demand heavy-duty, consistent performance. The H-frame allows for greater control and precision in high-force operations, making it a favorite in industries like automotive and aerospace manufacturing.
C Power Press
A C Power Press has a "C" shaped frame, allowing easy access to the work area. This design is typically used for lighter pressing operations, where high precision is necessary but the material doesn't require as much force. C Power Presses are used for punching, forming, and bending tasks.
C Type Power Press
The C Type Power Press offers many of the same benefits as its H-type counterpart, but with a more compact, accessible design. Its open frame makes it easy to load and unload materials, which is especially useful in small to medium-sized manufacturing operations.
Press Brake
A Press Brake is a machine used for bending sheet metal. It applies force to the sheet metal between a punch and die, forming the metal into a desired shape. Press brakes are essential for creating bends in metal sheets used in construction, automotive, and appliance manufacturing.
CNC Press Brakes
CNC Press Brakes utilize computer numerical control (CNC) to automate the bending process. These machines are programmed to ensure consistent, precise bends, making them ideal for large-scale production runs. Automation not only improves efficiency but also reduces the risk of human error.
CNC Press Brake
A CNC Press Brake is similar to a CNC Press Brakes machine but often used for more specific or custom bending applications. These machines are widely used in the automotive and aerospace industries, where precision is paramount. The use of CNC technology allows for complex bends and shapes to be produced with minimal setup time.
Hydraulic Press Brake Machine
A Hydraulic Press Brake Machine uses hydraulic fluid to generate the pressing force. This type of press brake is ideal for bending thick, heavy-duty metal sheets and is commonly used in industries like shipbuilding and construction. Hydraulic press brakes offer smooth operation and can handle a wide range of materials.
Mechanical Press Brakes
A Mechanical Press Brake uses a mechanical system to exert force on the sheet metal. While they are faster than hydraulic press brakes, they are typically used for lighter tasks. They offer less flexibility in terms of force application but are still valuable in industries requiring rapid, repetitive bending tasks.
Riveting Machines
A Riveting Machine is used to permanently join two or more pieces of metal by inserting and deforming a rivet. These machines are essential in industries like aviation, shipbuilding, and construction, where secure, durable joints are needed. There are various types of riveting machines, including pneumatic, hydraulic, and manual models.
Pedestal Type Riveting Machine
A Pedestal Type Riveting Machine is mounted on a pedestal, offering stability and ease of operation for high-volume riveting tasks. This type of machine is commonly used in industries like automotive manufacturing, where the assembly of large components requires consistent riveting.
Riveting Machine Manufacturer
When selecting a Riveting Machine Manufacturer, it’s important to consider the reputation of the manufacturer, the type of riveting machine you need, and the after-sales support offered. Top manufacturers provide high-quality machines that can withstand the demands of large-scale production.
Bench Type Riveting Machine
The Bench Type Riveting Machine is designed for smaller, more precise riveting tasks. It is compact and ideal for applications such as electronics manufacturing or small metal assembly tasks. Despite its size, it provides the same level of precision and strength as larger models.
Shearing Machines
A Shearing Machine is used for cutting metal sheets. It works by applying a high-pressure tool to a metal sheet, cutting it along a straight line. These machines are essential for cutting materials to size before they undergo further processing in bending or forming operations.
Hydraulic Shearing Machine
A Hydraulic Shearing Machine uses hydraulic power to exert the cutting force. These machines are highly efficient and capable of cutting through thicker materials than mechanical shears. They are used in industries that require heavy-duty metal cutting, such as shipbuilding and heavy machinery manufacturing.
Mechanical Shearing Machine
A Mechanical Shearing Machine operates using mechanical systems and is typically used for lighter cutting tasks. They offer fast cutting speeds and are ideal for applications where thinner materials are processed at high volumes.
Mechanical Over Crank Shearing Machine
The Mechanical Over Crank Shearing Machine features an over-crank design, offering greater cutting precision and power. These machines are typically used in large-scale metal cutting operations, such as in sheet metal fabrication.
Under Crank Mechanical Shearing Machine
The Under Crank Mechanical Shearing Machine is designed for precise cutting of medium to thick metal sheets. Its under-crank design allows for smoother operation and consistent results in high-volume applications.
Mechanical Under Crank Shearing Machine
This variation of the Under Crank Mechanical Shearing Machine is built for durability and precision. It's used in industries like automotive and appliance manufacturing, where consistent, high-quality cutting is required.
Hydraulic Hand Pipe Bending Machine
The Hydraulic Hand Pipe Bending Machine is a portable tool used for bending pipes. It offers flexibility and power, allowing operators to bend pipes on-site with minimal setup. This machine is ideal for construction and plumbing tasks that require quick, accurate bends.
Motorised Pipe Bending Machine
A Motorised Pipe Bending Machine automates the bending process, making it faster and more precise than manual methods. These machines are used in industries where a large number of pipes need to be bent accurately and consistently.
Cutting Machines
Cutting machines, such as the Angel Cutter, Rod Cutter, and Bhaiya Cutter, are used for slicing through various materials. These machines are vital for ensuring that metal components are the correct size before they are further processed. Each cutter is designed for a specific material or application, ensuring precision in every cut.
In the ever-evolving world of industrial manufacturing, power presses, riveting machines, and shearing machines continue to play a critical role. Whether you’re working with sheet metal, pipes, or small components, the right machine can enhance efficiency, precision, and productivity. Understanding the different types of machines and their applications will help you make informed decisions and choose the best equipment for your manufacturing needs.
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bechemindia · 8 days
High Performance Grease for Effective Lubrication of Forging Press
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ncorrect lubricant selection and inconsistent lubrication can reduce bearing life and lead to performance issues, including:
Slow movement of the ram resulting in improper component accuracy
Wear of the phosphor bronze bush bearings used in connecting rod, brake and clutch
Excessive lubricant consumption due to frequent pumping
Grease leakage from bearings resulting in fire hazard incidents
Entry of forging dust and scale particles inside the bearings accelerating wear
Sudden increase in operating temperatures of the bearing
Chocking of distributors used in centralized lubrication system
The application requires special lubrication requirements. BECHEM provides best in class, special greases for forging presses with the following advantages:
Longer life span of bearings as a result excellent wear protection with BECHEM’s range of greases. Customers have experienced bearing life of over five years with BECHEM Premium
Resists bearing pitting: The special greases for the application create a high-pressure resistant film a result of the special additive package in the formulation.
Strong adhesive property of the grease due to special tackiness improvers ensure a consistent lubrication film in the contact zone of eccentric shafts and phosphor bronze bearings
Proven thickener and base oil combination for effective sealing of bearings to prevent external contamination.
Prevent choking: Uniform and homogeneous structure of grease ensures no choking or clogging of distributors and tubing even if the machine is not in use for few days.
Reduces grease leakage to ensure cleaner workplace as well as eliminate incidents of fire hazard.
The below case study illustrates how customized lubrication solutions for the hot forging press enhanced production efficiency at a renowned automotive component manufacturing brand. Customer: A leading automotive components manufacturer in the world supplying a wide range of automotive components (such as distributor, gibs, connecting rod, brake and clutch journal etc), catering to both domestic and international markets.
The customer was using an extreme pressure grease of a popular brand “X” which was applied through pneumatic lubrication pump. The ‘On’ time for the pump was set 50 seconds.
For more Details: 
visit us: https://www.bechemindia.com
Contact us: 80 66900 875  /  80 66900 801
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zhongchengblades · 9 days
How Can You Properly Maintain Your Plastic Mixer Machine?
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Before testing the plastic mixer machine, carefully check whether the connected power supply meets the requirements of the machine. All components are fully installed, and according to the circuit diagram, there are no errors in the circuits connected during installation. Each lubrication point should be filled with the designated lubricating oil and the rust proof oil should be wiped off all parts of the machine.
The mixer should start from no-load start-up, then undergo load testing, and check whether the pneumatic parts are normal and whether the discharge door is properly opened and closed. After trial operation, it will be put into production for use.
After using the machine, if it is not used for a short period of time, the inner wall of the pot and the stirring blade should be carefully wiped clean. When not in use for a long time, rust proof oil should be applied.
Requirements for each lubrication point:
The main shaft of the mixer is lubricated with No. 2 sodium based grease (GB492-65) and refilled once a day.
Full machine maintenance should be carried out every six months, including replacing seals and checking the condition of electrical circuits and components.
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Did you know two Buick Nailhead V8 engines were used to start the SR-71 Mach 3+ plane because the Blackbird didn’t have a starter?
The Blackbird
The SR-71, unofficially known as the “Blackbird,” was a long-range, Mach 3+, strategic reconnaissance aircraft developed from the Lockheed A-12 and YF-12A aircraft.
The first flight of an SR-71 took place on Dec. 22, 1964, and the first SR-71 to enter service was delivered to the 4200th (later 9th) Strategic Reconnaissance Wing at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., in January 1966.
The Blackbird was in a different category from anything that had come before. “Everything had to be invented. Everything,” Skunk Works legendary aircraft designer Kelly Johnson recalled in an interesting article appeared on Lockheed Martin website.
Cool Video Explains how SR-71 Blackbird’s J58 Turbo-Ramjet Engine Works
The speed of the SR-71 exceeded 2,000 mph. Other planes of the era could, in theory, approximate that speed but only in short, after-burner-driven bursts. The Blackbird maintained a record-setting speed for hours at a time. At such velocity, friction with the atmosphere generates temperatures that would melt the conventional airframe.
Two Buick Nailhead V8 engines to start the SR-71 Mach 3+ plane
When Kelly Johnson was designing the A-12/YF-12 /M-21 and SR-71 he didn’t want the weight to be added for a starter on the airplane. He said the more it weights the more fuel it will need. It was decided that two Buick Nailhead V8 engines would be able to do the job.
Did you know two Buick Nailhead V8 engines were used to start the SR-71 Mach 3+ plane because the Blackbird didn’t have a starter?
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SR-71 Blackbird AG330 start cart
Not only starting the Blackbird, the fastest airplane in the world, was exciting, but also sounded like the Indianapolis 500 was getting the SR-71 ready to fly thanks to the two V8 engines as you can hear in the following video.
According to Autoevolution, for this purpose alone, two of either above-mentioned Nailhead V8s were fused together via a common transmission and drive shaft to work in tandem, then placed inside a metal housing mounted on four wheels with a trailer hitch and dubbed the AG330 “start cart.” The resulting Chimera was attached directly to the Blackbird’s two engines. Using the combined drive shaft, the two V8s spun the turbines to the point they could sustain compression by themselves. Nailhead V8s served as impromptu starter motors for the SR-71 and its cousins, the A-12 Archangel and the YF-12 fighter, until at least 1970, when the bulk of them were replaced with Chevy 454 V8s.
Did you know two Buick Nailhead V8 engines were used to start the SR-71 Mach 3+ plane because the Blackbird didn’t have a starter?
Phased out
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These were also phased out when a new, quieter pneumatic system was implemented to do the same job as the start cart at most airbases on US soil the Blackbird and company operated from. Some remained for longer at auxiliary bases abroad, including a handful with the original Buick Nailheads, until the Blackbird and all its variants was retired in 1999.
@Habubrats71 via X
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industrynewsupdates · 16 days
The Future of Industrial Valves Procurement Intelligence: Trends to Watch
The industrial valves category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2023 to 2030. The growth in the category is mainly driven by the rising usage of valves in power, oil & gas, metalworking, and chemical industries. To keep up with the growing demand, valve producers must lower fabrication costs while keeping up with the industry’s trends and innovation. Innovations such as control valves, smart valves, automatic valves, and valves with integrated electronics are expected to drive the category demand.
Automatic valves encompassing electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, solenoid, and digital mechanisms are increasingly favored by manufacturing facilities seeking unmanned operations with precise flow control. The primary benefit associated with automatic valves lies in their advanced preventive maintenance capability, effectively reducing the frequency of operational disruptions compared to traditional valves.
The industrial Internet of Things consists of smart valves that have actuators mounted with digital valve positioners that can detect leaks and regulate flow rates. The positioner acts as an interpreter between the control system and the control valve assembly. The positioner receives signals from the control system and adjusts the air to the actuator. Further, the actuator moves the valve to the appropriate position. The positioner can also send feedback received from the valve stem or shaft.
The future of industrial valve manufacturing is anticipated to focus on eco-friendly practices and energy efficiency. Valve suppliers can contribute to the reduction of carbon footprint by designing it with low energy consumption and improved leak detection capabilities. Sustainable processes such as waste reduction and recycling will also contribute to the industry’s greener future.
Order your copy of the Industrial Valves Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
The production of industrial valves involves the manufacturing of valve bodies, stem, and seat. These parts are produced by the casting method. Some manufacturers also use the forged method, which involves cutting & forging, trimming, sandblasting, machining, and surface treatment. Raw material, labor, machinery, land, utility, transportation, and others are some of the key cost components in the production of industrial valves. Raw materials such as cast iron, ductile iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, and others are used to manufacture valves. In 2021, the global price of cast iron was between USD 0.06 – USD 0.07/lb. In 2021, the prices of both raw materials (iron ore and steel) increased due to which valve manufacturers had to hike prices to keep up with the rising production and distribution costs.
Italy, Spain, and India are the hubs of valve manufacturing. In 2023, the prices of industrial valves in China were between USD 20 – 1000 per piece. In June 2023, the prices of valves in the U.S. amounted to USD 22,161 per ton. In 2021, China, Germany, and the U.S. were the top valves exporting countries.
Suppliers of raw materials and components may have some bargaining power, especially if they provide specialized materials or components. However, the industry often has multiple suppliers, reducing dependency on any one supplier. Additionally, backward integration is possible for some valve manufacturers, reducing supplier power.
In terms of industrial valve manufacturing, the hybrid model is a popular engagement model in the category, combining in-house and full-service outsourcing. Some suppliers opt for a partial outsourcing model. Companies outsource operations such as raw material procurement, and transportation services. Companies employ an in-house team for a complete manufacturing line from designing valves, assembly lines, and quality testing which can be beneficial for the company. Developing a strong relationship with suppliers of raw materials and evaluating suppliers with experience and expertise in valve manufacturing, range of products offered, compliance with certifications, and industry standards such as ISO, API 600, and others, customization capabilities, after-sales support, and service are the best sourcing practices in the category.
Industrial Valves Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Industrial Valves Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 5.7% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing growth Outlook: 5% - 6% (annual)
• Pricing Models: Product-based pricing, Competition based pricing
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, range of products, customization offer, experience and expertise in valve manufacturing, geographical presence, and compliance
• Supplier selection criteria: Product range offered, product customization offered, quality, time taken to manufacture, delivery option, technology used, safety and environmental compliance, location and presence of supplier, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Industrial Motor Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Industrial Pumps Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Key companies profiled
• BEL Valves
• PetroValve
• Flowserve
• KITZ Corporation
• Velan
• Bray International
• Pentair
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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mearvindkumar-blog · 17 days
Exploring the Best Power Press Machines Available in Iran for 2024
Mankoo Presses offers a range of power press machines suitable for various industrial applications in Iran. Here are some of the best power press machines available from Mankoo Presses for 2024. Also, if you are looking for the best power machine suppliers from India who can supply power press machines India to Iran, USA, UK, UAE, Mexico, Egypt or other middle east countries, you may reach Mankoo Presses.
1. Cross Shaft Power Press
Description: The cross shaft power press is a single-point suspension, non-inclinable single-action press with a steel plate fabricated to specification. It features a pneumatically operated combined single disc friction clutch and brake.
Applications: Suitable for metal forming, punching, and bending operations.
2. H Frame Power Press
Description: The H frame power press is constructed with two pillars and a bed at the center for hydraulic or mechanical load enforcement. It is designed for heavy-duty metal cutting and curving applications that require a large load.
Applications: Ideal for wide-ranging metal working processes in various industries.
3. C Frame Power Press
Description: The C frame power press is used in heavy industrial applications that require high loads to cut, bend, push, and form sheet metals into various shapes and sizes. It comes with different models and features to meet the bending, cutting, and squeezing needs of many industries.
Applications: Versatile for a wide range of metal working processes.
4. Knuckle Joint Power Press
Description: The knuckle joint power press utilizes a unique mechanism that combines the advantages of both mechanical and hydraulic presses. It offers precise control over the pressing force and stroke.
Applications: Suitable for intricate metal forming, stamping, and assembly operations.
5. Double Crank Power Press
Description: The double crank power press features two crankshafts that provide a more stable and balanced motion compared to single-crank designs. It offers high speed and precision for high-volume production.
Applications: Commonly used in the automotive and electronics industries for stamping and assembly processes.
6. Plunger Guided Link Motion Power Press
Description: This type of power press uses a guided link mechanism to convert rotary motion into linear motion. It provides a smooth and consistent pressing force throughout the stroke.
Applications: Ideal for applications requiring high precision and repeatability, such as fine blanking and coining.
Mankoo Presses provides a variety of power press machines in Iran that cater to different industrial needs in Iran. With options ranging from cross shaft to H frame, C frame, knuckle joint, double crank, and plunger guided link motion presses, manufacturers can choose machines that align with their production requirements and efficiency goals for 2024. These machines are designed to enhance productivity and ensure high-quality output in various manufacturing processes.
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