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thesilkbug · 1 year
Rooftops and Polaroids
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Character: Peter Parker (I had TASM! Peter in mind but can be read for any)
Summary : After a lot of convincing in your boyfriend’s part, you finally accept to model for him, little did you know that the photos he took end up leaving him speechless.
Warnings : None, just you blinding peter with your beauty.
Word count : 377 word.
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“C’mon Baby, Just a couple of shots !”
You were standing awkwardly for your boyfriend peter, who was currently on his knees practically begging you for a photo shoot, or at least, that’s what he called it, arguing that the sunset’s light is doing wonders to your beauty.
Well, you were really flattered that he thought so, but you still hesitated nonetheless.
“I don’t know peter, I look like I’ve just been kidnapped by Spider-man!”
You guys were hanging out on a random empty rooftop of an apartment complex, since you Boyfriend thought it was a good idea to swing you around the city as Spider-Man, claiming the day was boring enough when the only crime in town was a random guy robbing a young lady’s purse.
And it was a good idea really, the city looked dazzling from above, but it eventually became too much for you, and you landed on the rooftop to catch your breath and grab some snacks while chatting about your respective day.
“I prefer “saved” by Spider-Man, and you look gorgeous babe, just chill for me yeah ?”
He says, winking at you before taking out his camera and positioning himself to take the best shot.
You let out a small sigh, while smiling at his persistence, and try to think of a pose that will make you look good.
You decide to lean casually against the half-wall, hands in your pockets while directing your vision away from the camera, it’s the safest pose you know, and so you go with it.
He hums in response, and proceeds to take shots of you, smile never fading from his handsome features.
Although, he easily notices your stiffness, and begin searching for ways to calm you down in what feels to be an awkward moment for you.
“I might have you model for me sometimes, I’m sure the Spider-Man pictures I take have nothing on your beauty”
That causes you to laugh out loud, and peter swore the picture he just took wouldn’t look half as stunning as the view he’s witnessing.
You face him again, and throw him a wink while flipping your hair back for show.
“Only if I can take pictures of you too, handsome”
He smirks, holding his thumbs up.
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Heyy !
Here’s a little drabble I made for you guys, it’s the first one I posted here so I really hope you guys liked it! Please tell me what you think in the comments so I can work on it more !
And If you have ideas and requests please don’t hesitate to send them !
Thanks for reading and have a nice day ♡
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kreeative-error · 6 months
okay im rlly doing this
im rlly gonna come out tomorrow
in less than 12 hours i will be out to my dad
im so scared
ik he'll accept me but. im SCARED dude.
i dont normally do this but i would love it if anyone with the time could gimme a little "u got this!" - it doesnt have to be elaborate but if u can be bothered even a little heart emoji would help
doubt this'll reach many people in the time im asleep, if any but we try.
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tymniemniej · 11 months
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thevagabondexpress · 1 year
okay, so, uh . . . readers, people who are not readers but have opinions, anyone who wants to weigh in really, how do you feel about first person in fanfic and would you trust me with it? asking because i've been kinda gravitating in that direction lately.
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Chapter 3 is up! Please leave kudos and comments!
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auduux · 7 months
Fanfic Discussion
So i'm writing this atla/tlok fic, and the human and spirit realm are slowly merging because of Vaatu. He knocked the realms off balance and now humans can enter the spirit realm again and spirits can enter the human realm again. How, exactly, he knocked the realms off-balance I haven't figured out yet. (This is 500/600 years in the future from tlok)
The avatar line is dead, there will no longer be any more avatars, and Raava has to fight Vaatu alone again. But, the harmonic convergence was also knocked off-balance, so it doesn't happen anymore. The portals are in the same place, however.
Benders can learn any amount of bending but with each new type learned, even a little, they go insane and feral. Benders who know all four types are just wild animals. They also start to look corrupted, like the spirits corrupted by Vaatu. The corruption increases with each type of bending. Even benders of one element have visible, albeit small, corruption.
Non-benders are rare, both because they don't entirely exist, anyone can learn bending, and because they're constantly being slaughtered. Being a non-bender is a matter of choice here.
The earth kingdom/republic was destroyed by quadrubenders (benders who know all elements)and the northern water tribe. Earth benders are still very much alive though, their homeland is just gone and abandoned.
Both the northern water tribes and southern water tribes military and capitals were destroyed. Ironically, by each other, but now they're in hiding. Hiding from quadrubenders specifically. They isolated themselves from everyone and returned to their primitive roots. They don't converse between tribes either, it's considered taboo.
The fire nation isn't evil evil again but their morals and ethics are questionable. They made it illegal to learn more than one type of bending and will kill anyone who has. They also don't trade, work, or talk with anyone who has learned more then one type of bending, even if said person had become a leader/president of someone they were allied. They cut all ties no matter how large and important they were. It's a part of why their economy is struggling.
The republic is still alive, somehow, and doing extremely well. It's the only place non-benders and benders live in peace. Even benders with more than one bending type live there. the chief of police is a non-bender, who is one of the main characters. Their equipment has been heavily modified and improved over the years to accommodate non-benders and benders with two or possibly three bending types. Very rarely do people with three types stay sane enough to work in the police force, however.
(Bonus because I really think this is funny: Vaatu has a spirit accomplice who may or may not want to be fucked by Vaatu) (Bonus #2: The second mc is a criminal who the first mc let out just to help him "save the world", and he is very much not sane.)
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Chapter 46 is up and ready for your eager eyes.  Please, enjoy, and I do hope you leave a comment!  
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0utreblanc · 1 year
when you have to reply to comments on your fic
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Recently I added a review feature on my website, so for anyone that has bought the PDF and binged this series, I’d be eternally grateful if you could leave it a quick (spoiler free) review so others can see what you think of the full fic!
Little pockets of feedback like this really go such a long way for us writers 🥰
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If you guys read Puss in Boots and the Bounty Hunter’s Secret, please leave a comment so I could reply them, please?
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m4nym03 · 2 years
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The two pirates looked at the smug Marine, the crying baby standing between the two pirates and the marine, and then at each other.
"Is... that ours?" Sanji pointed at the small bundle, the Marine looking even more pleased with himself.
"Yes!" He said, the two exchanging glances.
"It has green hair, I get to name it." Zoro said, idly slashing at the Marine as he looked down at it.
"Listen here, Marimo. One, its hair is more of a brass colour. Two, it has my eyebrows so I get to name it." Sanji kicked the Marine off the cliff and into the sunset as he also looked down at the bundle.
"Should we ask the Marine? It was the surrogate." Zoro blinked twice.
"No, he's a bad influence." Sanji said, very slowly and carefully picking up the child. "What's its gender?"
"Who's to say, really." Zoro shrugged, taking a drink of sake. "The Marine didn't tell us."
"I hate agreeing with you, but you've got a point." Sanji nodded, the baby falling asleep immediately. "What about Andronika and Andronikos? Andy, for short. It can choose its favourite when it's older."
"I hate when you say smart things. It means I have to agree with you." Zoro rolled his eyes. "Come on, Captain's waiting."
"Whatever, Marimo." Sanji rolled his eyes in turn, moving to kick Zoro head.
He blocked it with a sword before walking beside him, exchanging lighthearted insults.
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jims-crap · 2 years
One Morning
A short story about acceptence.
Fantasy m/w short story about finding people even when you are enemies.
Furs littered the cold floor - big and small, thick and coarse at times. She slid out of bed tentatively, scared of freezing. Noting her naked form she took a gigantic pelt off the bad and wrapped it around her shoulders, clenching the ends in her fists.
Only source of light in the room were several candles on the work table, on the other side of the massive tent (it was more of a primitive house at this point with how large and complex it seemed compared to her own tent back at camp). The small light was enough to eliminate the papers on the table, but was doing precious little to light her immediate surroundings close to the bed.
His form, softly outlined by candlelight, was unmistakable. She couldn't tell what time it was for the life of her, but if he was working it was late enough, she reasoned.
Her mind immediately went to all the things she was supposed to do and what she put aside for the night she spent here. She cringed, unsatisfied with herself, reminding herself that if she took a day off the world won't fall apart and, frankly, if it did screw all of her colleagues and to hell with them.
She took a couple of steps towards the desk and immediately he caught the sound. With fluid motion he turns around towards her and she kept walking to the small smile on his face. She reached him, tucking herself, confinded to the fur cocoon, into his chest standing between his legs.
She felt as if she could say something, maybe good morning, or, maybe (and she could feel her mind doing the usual thing fucking useless piece of shit), say thanks and flee to her own camp. But then she remembered his hands on her form, his eyes and his words and sounds he made in the darkness of the night and she made an effort to remind herself that it meant things. Big, important things she shouldn't doubt, otherwise it would just be rude. So she stays there enjoying his warmth and the feeling of his arms slowly embracing her fur covered body.
Though her feet were becoming quite chilly, despite the thick layers of furs and carpets on the floor, and she desperately wished to be back in bed. Or at least for socks. Like reading her mind, his hands moved from her back to go under her bottom and pick her up to sit in his lap. She ought to find it all a bit childish, the way he picked her up and tucked her head under his chin. But he was gentle and warm, and everything outside the tent was difficult and heartbreaking, so she allowed herself the rich comfort of another person holding her close.
She could see nothing before her, except the expanse of his neck and clavicles over the fur she was wrapped in. It made her feel full and like all of the world was contained right here, in this poorly lit space between them.
She wanted to say something and yet was scared to break the spell. So, perching her cold feet on his leg, she just raised her head, only to find him already looking down at her. One of his arms securely holding her back, the other one traveled from her legs to her face to brush short strands of hair out of her eyes. She could see he, too, was hesitant to break that fog of comfort that settled over them. She decided to be brave.
"What time is it?" she says hoarsely, barely above whisper.
His palm hugs her face when he answers.
"Still early. Just past six. It is barely sunrise. You should go back to bed for a little while."
She can't help a little pout.
"Then why are you up? And working at that?"
"Morning person. Sun gets up and I with it." He says, chasing the crease between her brows away.
She feels determined when she takes his hand in hers.
"Come back to bed with me then. Today sun has no command over you. I do."
His eyes crease on the edges as he chuckles oh so warmly.
"As you wish" is all he says before standing up a little awkwardly from his chair, struggling to keep her and her cover in his arms. She can't help the yelp-turned-squeak that escapes her, while she holds on to his neck for dear life.
"You'll be the death of me" she rolls her eyes at him.
"Not today, dearest. Let's hope not tomorrow also" he says, reaching the bed and depositing her gently onto it. "But we will not speak of it now. Not while you are naked in my bed."
She can feel the blush on her cheeks as she sits up and the fur around her falls a little, exposing her shoulders to the chili autumn air. She watches him go around the bed and take off his shirt, before he joins her side.
They have at least a couple of hours.
He wakes up with the sun, as always. He cannot see it in the tent, but the feeling is unmistakable. He barely slept through the night, though it was no one's fault but his. And hers. She's still here, hair everywhere in short spiky halo on the pillow. Fashion of her people, he muses. If she was ever to become truly his, he'd convinced her to grow them out before he put his family braid around her forehead and then teach her how to do the same for him.
He cannot stop marveling at how she, so soft and warm now, can be the same woman he knows outside this tent. With harsh fire in her eyes, more pride than is natural and nothing but insult and sarcasm on her lips. And yet.
And yet last night she was all gentle touches and soft breaths of pleasure, sparkling eyes when she made him moan. Even now he could see a soft curve of her naked form, a little breast not covered by her soft arm, as she sleeps on her side facing him. He thinks, in this moment, that he will move anything, stop whatever it is he can, so that she can just look at him with all this softness and vulnerability as she did last night. Even before he took her to bed. Or she took him? Details are a little fuzzy now.
He can't say he lusted or longed for her after all the times they've met. He was aware of her, of course. Respected her even. She was smart and cracked inappropriate jokes in meetings, always getting a scolding look from her Queen. She was fascinating, this woman. He didn't know what she brought to the table, but it must be something important and valuable, if her cruel Queen deemed her necessary in the negotiations.
He thinks, for a second, that maybe all of this is a ploy, or a ruse to make him weak somehow. But then he remembers her fear and despair when she snuck into his tent, remembers how lost she looked and how scared when she came to speak to him under the cover of the stars. How desperate that first kiss she gifted him felt. That he didn't expect. But when a woman offers him something... Well, who is he to say no to someone like her. To that burning hellfire contained within soft human flesh.
Or so he thought at the at the beginning anyways. How could a right hand of the cold and brutal Queen of Erdals be this gentle and soft lover - and in his bed nonetheless! - he could not fathom.
A lesser man, he decided, would have her captured and thrown to the feet of her Queen to show what a rat she had in her flock.
But he wasn't less in anything, her moans, or her head still on her shoulders for that matter, proved that much at least.
So, he decides, getting out of bed and dressing himself, he will see whatever it is that's going on to the end. Not bitter, he hopes- she was quite nice in bed after all.
He reviews reports, when he hears her awakening. He only turns towards her when it's clear she's moving to him and not running for the hills.
When his sight lands on her form, wrapped in a giant white rhino fur, naked feet peering out, he is simply enamored by the sheer softness - such contrast with how she was 3 days ago in a meeting, by the Gods - he slowly looks up to find her eyes. And what a sight it is. If his ego was just slightly less secure it would soar to the moon.
Her face all soft, no usual pressure lines present, indicating how unused she is to have that expression, eyes big and open, completely vulnerable, leaving herself to his mercy.
It takes just seconds for him to make a decision to want to see those eyes again and again. And as well just in mere seconds he can see her eyes become guarded and the hellfire returning.
And then she walks towards him and tucks herself to him and Gods she's soft and warm and everything he could fight for, given the chance.
She orders him to bed with her and, well, he's not going to start saying no now. He takes off his shirt and lays next to her sitting form. She watches him from above, eyes raking his chest for what it's worth.
She then turns towards him lying parallel and revealing the naked legs and shoulders from under the fur.
The moment it is all over for her he sees it in her eyes. Brows scrunched up and woe stricken lips.
"I wish it could be like this." She reaches up to stroke his chick. "I wish to stay here with you and maybe find out what could be."
Taking her waist in his hand he scoots her closer, pressing her to himself and then taking her face into his hands, he just asks "But?"
"But I am still sworn to my Queen. And I believe an oath-breaker is not who you could see by your side. I came for an important reason still. We should maybe talk about it."
"Or", he pulls at the fur revealing her body, watching her shiver a little "We can both admit that us talking won't change the outcome of this stand-off. Your Queen will not listen, and we will not bow to her demands." He puts his arms around her, caressing her curves and subtle lines.
"So, I can keep you warm for a couple of hours and in a week, if we are both alive and well and willing I will come for you."
Her breathing hitches and she looks pained and tired. But after a moment she's completely free of her fur and straddling his hips and kissing him like there is no tomorrow.
Her soft waist and stomach feel heavenly in his arms. Fingers finding her breasts, touching, pressing. Her soft arms in his hair, on his shoulders, unfastening his trousers all in a rush to feel alive.
It's more emotional, more sensual than last night, filled with soft breathy moans as she rides him, ass grazing the fabric still on his legs.
In a week he'll make her his. Prise be damned, he decides.
In a week exactly he's in the castle of the late Queen, sword still covered in blood, even though the last fight ended four days ago. He couldn't bring himself to clean it. Something wasn't right and he knew that he used his sword for the last time. Maybe he should have listened to what his visitor had to say all those days ago. Maybe he could've stopped what came to pass.
Well, what done is done and he is still just one man and not a god.
He finds her on the battlement of the castle right above the gates. Her form no longer soft and inviting. There is a word - "TRAITOR" - across the chest he now longed for, empty cold eyes looking at the sky from the cross she's strapped to.
Maybe he should have listened.
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riverageleis · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Characters: Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Cameron Mitchell (Stargate), Vala Mal Doran, Jack O'Neill, Original Characters, Sam Carter (Stargate), Teal'c (Stargate), Hank Landry (Stargate), Replicarter, Claire Ballard Jackson, Skaara (Stargate), Sha're's mom Additional Tags: Mostly Gen, Daniel and Vala are together, But they're mostly like BFFs, Daniel Jackson Whump, Violence, But it's mostly symbolic, In which Daniel trips balls, indigenous psychedelic ritual, Rite of Passage, Personality regression, Prequel Summary:
SG-1 finds itself on a planet rich in naquadah. The village closest to the stargate is a small forest tribe. They welcome the explorers with open arms. In exchange for minding naquadah, they offer medicines and tools to make their lives easier. To show the village leaders they are trustworthy, one of them is required to go through a rite of passage involving a psychedelic trip. Daniel is the one who is chosen. Daniel is tired of being chosen, but he resolves to do this one last thing.
Prequel to Break In. Can also be read as a stand-alone. Break In is not a necessary read for this one.
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Simon brainrot = Simon angst
Please leave kudos and comments and enjoy reading!
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auduux · 7 months
Chapter one preview! Please leave comments if you like it!
“Smokescreen?” Inferno asked, entering the break room.
“Yeah?” The smaller man asked, sitting on the floor playing monopoly with Ultra Magnus, Tarn, and Mudflap. It was a common sight, though Mudflap being without Skids wasn’t. He didn’t question it though, accepting the brief peace.
“You mentioned another space station near here a while ago, but I thought we were supposed to be isolated?” He asked, sitting down beside them, on the opposite side of Tarn. He still stayed a distance from the Decepticon in case he decided he wanted to blow his head off.
“We are, for the most part. They’re not close close but Astrotrain could take us there in only two light years.” Smokescreen shrugged, watching as Mudflap lunged at Tarn after the Decepticon got his hands on one of their railroads. It didn’t do much, given they were about nine times smaller, but they still flailed and cursed when they grabbed him by the waist and shook him a few times before putting him back down. The shaking worked in shutting him up, but it also made him wonky, spinning around the room without any footing.
“Are they affiliated with this station?” Inferno questioned, still unfamiliar with how the stations worked, how many there were, and which ones were ‘affiliated’ with the station. In common writing, which ones shared a first name.
“They are! That’s where our medic and mechanic are! They come here sometimes, but not often. It’s called Alytra 2/B Alpha, their AI is a Decepticon named Sevens Apollo. You can guess where his name came from.”  Smokescreen answered, always excited to share common knowledge with him. They seemed extra giddy to talk about the station in particular, but Inferno didn’t question it.
“Our Medic is Knock Out, He’s a Decepticon, pretty keen in disassembly. He works with Charlie sometimes, she’s over there too, she’s our mechanic actually. She always comes with Ricochet in case he decides to punch another hole in Red Alert…hopefully not again.” Smokescreen continued, rambling as he usually did. He was used to Smokescreens info vomiting by now, he found it cute. It was an interesting quirk, just like how he talks a mile a minute when he’s nervous and sings when he’s working or bored. He had picked up on cleaning as a pastime when they weren’t fighting someone or calming Red Alert after they start panicking randomly. He’d gotten good at it; Inferno never saw Red Alert dirty anymore.
“Who’s Ricochet?” Inferno asked, noticing the gleam in his eyes as he talked about the person in particular. He was interested in hearing what it meant, and how close they were for Smokescreen to talk about them with such a fond look.
“He was a Decepticon but switched over before the war ended. He has a short temper but he’s nice once you get past it. He’ll look at you like he wants to smash your head in too but it’s just his resting face, he wouldn’t do that. To you, at least. He does it a lot to the people he fights. Gruesome thing to watch. Anyway, Red Alert is terrified of him, so he won’t do anything while he’s here, but he’ll probably alert you each time he senses something, so watch out for that. You haven’t felt it yet, but he can enter your mind, pretty much, read your thoughts, memories, see from your eyes. It feels weird. He’ll be able to talk to you like that one on one, through your mind, so you won’t miss it. If you have a sleep schedule, I would throw it out the window. It’s getting ruined. Utterly. But he’ll let you in wherever you want without a fight at least.” Smokescreen rambled, disregarding the game of Monopoly entirely and ignoring Tarn and Mudflap as they continued to argue over which railroads were whose. Magnus had moved further away, preferring to be isolated from conversations he wasn’t a part of.
“And how much sleep do you think I’ll get with Red in my head?” Inferno asked in a sigh, mentally preparing already. Ricochet he assumed was admiration. What there was to admire, however, he wasn’t sure. From the description he was given the ‘bot didn’t seem like someone he would want to hang around.
“I got about four, five hours when he was in my head, but I’m a light sleeper. It might be different with you. He hasn’t known you as long, just don’t spook him.” The Autobot said, an apologetic smile on his face. Red Alert was aware Smokescreen couldn’t do what he was doing before, which would make him lose his job if anyone figured out actually, and would go to Inferno instead. They were over paranoid but not stupid. Inferno sighed in response, standing. He decided that was as much info he could take for the day. He would probably ask Smokescreen again later.
“That’s enough for today, I’ll be in the control room if you need me. If I can get in.” Inferno chuckled, the last part supposed to be funny, though he was sure Red Alert wouldn’t take it too well. He never did, but really could he blame him?
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