soryubear · 1 year
Nakahara Chuuya and Osamu Dazai were complete opposites.
Chuuya was the top student at Port Academy, the most prestigious school in Yokohama. Praised to be one of the brightest of his generation, his reputation exceeded far beyond just his home state. With a noble family background, national recognition, dedicated fans, a vibrant personality, and beautiful visuals, he had it all! To everyone else, everything about him seemed perfect.
And Dazai was the dangerously handsome and charming new student who had everyone blushing and kicking their feet at the mere mention of his name. He was infamous for his playboy antics, mysterious background and knack for unnecessarily provoking almost everyone in his path. He had already become a hot topic among the students during his first week at the academy.
What was the principal thinking when he assigned both of them as the heads of the student council this year?
(please read and acknowledge my efforts, im so sleep deprived)
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ao3feed-superbat · 3 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/TOY0E36 by sisyfreak 阴差阳错之下,克拉克和花花公子布鲁斯·韦恩发生了一夜情。他本以为这只是克拉克·肯特的平凡人生中的一段不太寻常的插曲,一夜情如过往云烟;但克拉克很快意识到布鲁斯给自己造成的影响绝不只有打破洁身自好的社交记录这么简单。 By a twist of fate, Clark ended up having a one-night stand with playboy Bruce Wayne. He thought it was just an unusual episode in the ordinary life of Clark Kent, a fleeting moment like clouds passing by. However, he soon realised that the impact Bruce had on him was far more severe than merely breaking his abstinent lifestyle. Words: 4030, Chapters: 1/?, Language: 中文-普通话 國語 Fandoms: Batman (Movies - Nolan), Batman - All Media Types, Superman Returns (2006), Superman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, J'onn J'onzz, Alfred Pennyworth, Amanda Waller Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Clark Kent, Bottom Clark Kent/Top Bruce Wayne, Mpreg, Kryptonian Biology (DCU), Friends to Lovers, Drama & Romance, Secret Identity, Identity Reveal read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/TOY0E36
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IYqRTXo by sisyfreak 阴差阳错之下,克拉克和花花公子布鲁斯·韦恩发生了一夜情。他本以为这只是克拉克·肯特的平凡人生中的一段不太寻常的插曲,一夜情如过往云烟;但克拉克很快意识到布鲁斯给自己造成的影响绝不只有打破洁身自好的社交记录这么简单。 By a twist of fate, Clark ended up having a one-night stand with playboy Bruce Wayne. He thought it was just an unusual episode in the ordinary life of Clark Kent, a fleeting moment like clouds passing by. However, he soon realised that the impact Bruce had on him was far more severe than merely breaking his abstinent lifestyle. Words: 4030, Chapters: 1/?, Language: 中文-普通话 國語 Fandoms: Batman (Movies - Nolan), Batman - All Media Types, Superman Returns (2006), Superman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, J'onn J'onzz, Alfred Pennyworth, Amanda Waller Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Clark Kent, Bottom Clark Kent/Top Bruce Wayne, Mpreg, Kryptonian Biology (DCU), Friends to Lovers, Drama & Romance, Secret Identity, Identity Reveal read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IYqRTXo
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char-x3 · 1 year
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よろにくです^ ^
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tednagai · 2 years
今日はヘルムート・ニュートンの命日らしい。(Helmut Newton、1920年10月31日 - 2004年1月23日)
ドイツ出身の写真家。ドイツ語名は、ヘルムート・ノイシュテッター(Helmut Neustädter)。。。とある。
ドイツ(ヴァイマル共和国)の首都ベルリン生まれ。父はユダヤ人の衣料工場主のMax Neustädter と母は同じくユダヤ系アメリカ人の Klara "Claire" Marquis 。ハインリヒ・フォン・トライチュケ・ギムナジウムとベルリンのアメリカンスクールで学び、青年時代から写真に興味を持ち イヴァとして知られていたドイツの写真家 (独: Else Ernestine Neulaender-Simon)のもとで働く。
1948年オーストラリアの女優ジューン・ブラウン(英: June Browne)と結婚。戦後、フリーのカメラマンになり、作品はPLAYBOY誌を始めとする雑誌に載るようになる。
1961年にパリに住まいを移し、カメラマンとして広範囲な仕事を開始する。ニュートンは、『ヴォーグ』を始めとするフランスの雑誌に作品を載せる。ニュートンはサディズム、マゾヒズムとフェティシズムをともなったエロチックなスタイルを確立した。1970年心臓発作に襲われるが、精力的に仕事を広げていった。1980年代の「ビッグ・ヌード」"Big Nudes" シリーズは、彼のエロチックな都市のスタイルというテーマが頂点に達した作品とされる。
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funkylily · 2 years
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《Life for Sale》— 連三島由紀夫的大眾小說也在講「死亡」這回事
「Once the world has been transformed into something meaningful, some feel they can die without regret. Others feel that they exist in a world without meaning, so what's the point of living? But where do these two sets of feelings converge? For Hanio, both paths led to the same thing: death.」
《Life For Sale(命売ります)》是三島由紀夫在1968於《週刊Playboy》連載的作品。跟一般我們所熟悉的三島作品不同,《Life For Sale》並非三島的主要文學作品,而是一部大眾文學面向的作品。這部作品的結構不如三島的其他作品精密,但勝在充滿娛樂性。在讀這本書之前,並不想像過三島的作品可以如此通俗地有趣。
《Life For Sale》充滿著大量的娛樂元素:黑色幽默、諷刺、情色、懸疑、奇幻、諜報、偵探等大雜燴到同一個故事中。讀的過程中不禁感到故事十分怪誕。不過,無論是三島的嚴肅文學,到如他本書的大眾小說,甚至是三島由紀夫的生命本身,都離不開一個主題 - 死亡。
主角Hanio 是一位在東京生活的廣告從業員,生活中規中矩,沒太多煩惱。但Hanio並沒有在這種「不俗」的生活模式中找到人生意義,他感到的就只是生命的虛無。
「To say that human life had no meaning was the easy part. But Hanio was struck all over again by the huge amount of energy required to live a life filled with so much meaninglessness.」
Hanio隨機地萌生自殺的想法,就像想起「不如今日去野餐吧」般隨意。當然最後Hanio 自殺不逐。但每日面對沒意義的生活反而更耗損他的精力。對於生命沒有眷戀的他,忽發其想地在住宅附近的告示板掛上「Life for Sale」的廣告,將自己的性命出售。因為他想將結束自己生命這件事假手於人。
[Spoiler alert]
很快地Hanio就接到第一單生意。一位老翁來買下 Hanio的生命,因為他年輕性感的前妻Ruriko 因與一位黑幫大佬出軌而離婚。他要Hanio性誘惑前妻,讓那位黑幫大佬揭發後雙雙將Hanio和前妻殺死。在任務中,Hanio 打聽到一個名叫Asia Confidential Service的國際走私犯罪集團。最後Hanio完成了任務,卻被「黑幫大佬」放過了。翌日打開報紙,卻發現一則報導Ruriko離奇死亡的報導......
「It's only the desire to live as long as possible that makes everything seem complicated and mysterious.」
只是Hanio已經失去生之慾,對世間的事物並沒有包袱。其後Hanio 繼續接下幾單工作 - 被中年女圖書館理員買下性命,為幾個外國人測試甲蟲粉催眠殺人秘方作實驗品;一個小孩買下他的性命成為他母親的「男朋友」。但小孩的母親就是一個吸血鬼,每次與伴侶上床時都會吸吮伴侶的血令自己獲得力量,而其伴侶則最後會因嚴重貧血而死;兩位來自國家A的人來到購買Hanio的性命,因為國家A駐日大使用於收藏解密暗號的翡翠頸鏈被掉包,間諜貴一個一個在行動時被殺,決定找Hanio 頂替執行任務。荒謬但好笑的是,Hanio每次都留下自己的命以領取報酬。
「Why not try leading a carefree and luxurious existence for a while in this part of town? If it turned out that he enjoyed a life that just drifted along with no purpose, he could carry on as he was. And if he decided he would prefer to die after all, he had the option of restarting the business.」
「I don't consider life valuable. My life is up for sale. I have no complaint about what happens to me. But I do take offence at being killed against my will」
「Living and worrying were one and the same thing. Perhaps this was evidence that he had got his 'life' back」
「So anyone slightly different is human trash?」
三島由紀夫在這部作品描繪了人生意義﹑虛無與死亡之間糾纏不清的關係。生活的擔憂本來就是生命的一部份,只差這刻的你能否承受。沒有意義的人生令人失去生活上任何慾望,但對世間沒有留戀卻令人自由。而選擇放棄生命與否又是另一回事。《Life For Sale》除了是一部有趣的小說外,或者也反映了六十年代日本人心靈上的某種虛空,又或者是在大城市中生活的空虛和孤獨感,同時諷刺日本社會對人生的定型和對人的獨特性的恐懼。
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sgurumiyaji · 2 years
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今日のおはジャズは「"First Place Again" Playboy」Paul Desmond '59
焼肉屋などで何かと聴く機会が多いGreensleevesやGrand Encounterのジョン・ルイスのオリジナルなどが聴けます。「You Go To My Head」なんかは時折クラシックのエチュードみたいに聴こえます。
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shipverse · 2 years
[Hidden Identity]
Come a little closer, then you'll see
Things aren't always what they seem to be.
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While Iron Man is a wonderful hero beloved by the public, Tony Stark has a notorious reputation as the playboy billionaire. Unapproved by Fury, deemed unfit to be an Avenger, Tony tells the press that the man inside the Iron Man armor (clouded in secrecy) is in fact his "bodyguard". Just like in the old comics, Tony worries that if his identity as the hero would be revealed, he'd lose everything; His team (no doubt angry at him for having lied to them all this time), that no one would accept him as a hero, his company Stark International would go under or be overtaken, losing his chance to make a change globally, as well as any chance to do good as a hero, in his armor.
Then we have Steve, buying the playboy facade and public image at face value, thereby not having much of a favorable opinion of Stark. On the other hand, he is head over heels for his witty, brave and selfless partner, Iron Man. (This only adding to Tony's fears and anxieties of his identity being revealed, surely he would be hated, by Steve.. and lose his partner).🥺
(However his actions speaking louder than words, his bonds with the team, and with Steve, may be stronger and count for much more than he thinks..)
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アイアンマンは素敵なヒーローだが、トニーは悪名高い評判ので、トニーはマスコミに 「アイアンマンのスーツを着ているのは (スタークではなく) スタークの謎のボディーガードだ 」 と嘘をついて、フューリーもトニーを認めていなかったので、"きっと僕みたいなのはチームから外されるし、嘘がバレたら怒られるし、もうヒーローとして人を助けることはできない.. アベンジャーズには秘密にしておこう......。"ってこういう「秘密の正体」的な設定やAUは大好きです🤗
Reveal sequel:
Inspired by this song (and looped while drawing): https://youtu.be/uRI0_G9RIDw
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sandcrafter · 3 years
short fanfics (⚠️nsfw. 中文. ⚠️1st one Azir/Xerath. ⚠️2nd one playboi Azir having relationships with different people, mostly women.)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
by sisyfreak 阴差阳错之下,克拉克和花花公子布鲁斯·韦恩发生了一夜情。他本以为这只是克拉克·肯特的平凡人生中的一段不太寻常的插曲,一夜情如过往云烟;但克拉克很快意识到布鲁斯给自己造成的影响绝不只有打破洁身自好的社交记录这么简单。 By a twist of fate, Clark ended up having a one-night stand with playboy Bruce Wayne. He thought it was just an unusual episode in the ordinary life of Clark Kent, a fleeting moment like clouds passing by. However, he soon realised that the impact Bruce had on him was far more severe than merely breaking his abstinent lifestyle. Words: 4030, Chapters: 1/?, Language: 中文-普通话 國語 Fandoms: Batman (Movies - Nolan), Batman - All Media Types, Superman Returns (2006), Superman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, J'onn J'onzz, Alfred Pennyworth, Amanda Waller Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Clark Kent, Bottom Clark Kent/Top Bruce Wayne, Mpreg, Kryptonian Biology (DCU), Friends to Lovers, Drama & Romance, Secret Identity, Identity Reveal via https://ift.tt/IYqRTXo
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mangher-a · 4 years
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Betul already was confused once for my triple wishlist tagging, so I’ll explain my stupid system! 
Each character has a corresponding name-tag, with the exception of Rai, for obvious reasons.
. 遊児 .  = Yūji (and google translates it to playboy, so it’s funny as shit).
. 京賢 . = KyouKen (just Kyou from Kyoutani, and Ken from Kentarou, creating that notorious nickname of his (thanks oikawa!))
. 江文 . = Ebumi
. 哲也 . = Tetsuya (I was going to go with just ‘哲’ (tetsu) but everyone else has two characters and my man is not that speshul, despite being my husband)
. 花巻 . = Hanamaki
. 宿儺 . = Sukuna
. 虎杖 . = Itadori
Each of these name-tags is set before relationships, characters affiliated, and of course verses/aus corresponding to a certain character.
Examples: Hanamaki is friends with Oikawa so he gets the . 花巻 . -tag, like this: . 花巻 . Tooru (first name basis because they are that close).
I ship Kyoutani with Yachi, so the ship tag looks like:. 京賢 . kyouyachi and since that makes Yachi affiliated with Kyoutani, her tag is: . 京賢 . Yachi
And one verse example, and since Terushima has like 100 of them, he gets to be the example boy. 
Aldrnari, my fave au, with dragon Terushi Is constructed with the . 遊児 . tag, as it’s a verse for Teru, and of then the name of the verse itself: aldrnari, which has now created the verse tag . 遊児 . aldrnari.
Then the WISHLIST tagging that confused one Betul.
Each character has their own wishlist-tag, because they all are different in personality. So there may be multiple wishlist-tags, because that scenario works for those characters, but not the others. Each wishlist-tag is connected with the name-tags of the characters.
This helps to narrow down a potential muse, in my opinion, when it comes to plotting or planning stuff! 
And no, you don’t have to learn the tags by heart, you can just use the nav on my blog.
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kisaragi-hua · 4 years
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我的一位朋友M君前些日子傳了這張版畫相片給我,建議我應該也收一張空山基的作品。 那是《Sex Matter》主題的新作抽選資訊、一張限量的數位噴墨版畫。
這是時隔不知道有多久的時間,從自己身邊的朋友提起關於這位藝術家的事情。 老實說關於空山基和消費主義這兩件事其實並沒有直接的關連,但因為最近空山先生的《Sex Matter》新作,跟這幾年非常熱門的色情藝術脫不了關係,於是,我試著想將這兩件事合在一起思考。
生在富裕時代的我們,貧窮究竟是什麼樣的世界呢? 現在當代藝術家要體驗到貧窮這件事也並不容易,反倒是生活富裕的人才能成為藝術家吧?
關於空山先生的作品自高中時期一直都有接觸過,那是秋元康領軍的AKB48大紅大紫的年代。 但也都是處於一種被動的狀態,那時候只當作是某種很厲害的素描作品在欣賞。攝影技術的發達,對於「很厲害的素描」這樣的作品對我而言,在當時是一點吸引力都沒有。 畢竟,那不是很費人的一件事嗎? 任何畫面都能被小小的鏡頭給捕捉後,素描作品鑑賞這種事情,怎麼說就是提不起興趣。
即使又過了幾年,空山先生的作品也並未在我鑑賞的名單之中,不過,稍微瞭解這個名字和其作品的風格至少在與人談話之中不會顯得那麼笨拙。 那個時期的我而言,空山先生的作品被歸類在春畫的類型,記憶中,空山先生持續畫著像是花花公子(playboy)雜誌封面風格的裸體女子,當然畫面的精彩度我想是更勝需要自主規範一些的封面照。 自覺自己內心探究的事物並沒有需要寄託在那樣的作品之上,所以頂多就是爾偶想到時就用網路搜尋近期或是過去的作品稍微看個幾眼,有時也會讀一下訪談內容。
不同年紀再重新欣賞空山基的作品,老實說有了很多不同的想法,或許藝術品真的就是這樣被存在的東西。 就只是畫面呈現的主題有些露骨讓我皺起眉頭,這跟每個人的性格有關,再來對於那種異常冰冷的不鏽鋼外觀有些排斥,當然我個人是還沒辦法接受那樣的東西掛在自己的私人空間裡。 但在探究空山先生創作的過程與影片中工作室裡的佈景內容和存在的那些事物,也許,在某些地方,我們或許也在追求相似的東西。 沒錯,追求相似的事物這件事,在自身的藝術收藏佔有絕對的地位。 吉富昭仁先生的沾水筆畫也是我很喜歡的作品之一,但格局也僅限於如此,無法製作出蘊含極大深度的事物。 某種程度上來說,我只能說吉富先生能透過藝術表達的事物也相當有限,這也不是什麼壞事,畢竟就跟前面提到的,這跟每個人的性格有關。 不過喜不喜歡,與認真去欣賞作品畢竟是兩回事,畢竟,我很享受從中得到新啟發然後再用這樣的基礎去尋找新的作品。
這當中的樂趣辨識去驗證藝術家的作品與他口中說的事情是否一致。口才好的藝術家,作品並不一定能體現他所說的那些事,那就會變成「那位藝術家曾說過這樣的話」。 作品概念複雜的藝術家裡,也有無法好好清楚表達自身理念的藝術家,只有透過經濟人在不斷的溝通與相處之後,從中去發現各種可能與關聯性,再好好的向世人介紹。
這兩年,我一直無法停止去思考消費主義下的世界和自身的關係,覺得應該好好找到解答,但世界每一天持續轉動著,沒有什麼辦法是能夠將現在給暫停然後好好去審視過去的歷史找出正確的答案。 因為一旦這麼做,那麼當得到某種答案時,世界的變化又已經否定掉結論中的某一部份,所以說這篇文章也是如此,一但寫出來也只不過是過時的東西。
《Sex Matter》
不可諱言,台灣的色情產業正以某種形式蓬勃的發展中,因為如此而引起的消費行為,對於模糊框架已經無法束縛的新觀念。 老實說,我還真有些羨慕如今年輕的孩子,一旦不受框架束縛之後,更能提早看清那些混沌的事物,然後開始思考關於自己的事情。 我在成年前的求學階段,在與那些傳統的思維搏鬥的同時,找不到解答,只能持續處在 混沌的狀態。 即使要說現在,我也能感受到不少年輕孩子眼裡所看見的事物,要比我來的透徹許多。 對於這些處在法律邊緣而誕生的色情產業,與這可觀的利益關係,又回到我對藝術三大主題的基礎上,村上先生曾說過,在藝術歷史當中,存在有三個重要的主題「宗教、死亡、色情。」
「如今我們擺脫了戰後那段漫長的歷史,進入了安定期」 讀起這段話,腦海中又想起敘利亞的事情,但在另外富裕的世界裡,確實就如同村上先生說的:「一旦社會發展進入安定期,人的思維面就開始變得狹窄,藝術也就沒什麼發展了。」
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ao3feed-cherik · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38LYBV1
by chibajun88
摄影师E x 花花公子兔男郎装C Erik是一位艺术摄影师,为钱所迫不得不接下《花花公子》封面的拍摄任务。当Erik没好气地打开摄影棚的房门时,他看到了一个完美的屁股——带着毛绒兔尾的、值得打101分的屁股。
Words: 7437, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Raven | Mystique, Emma Frost, Alex Summers
Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
Additional Tags: Playboy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38LYBV1
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hong-kong-art-man · 3 years
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Kidults Will Match Against The Traditional Art-world Elites—— Matt Chung, A  Successful Art Dealer For Kidults(傑斗) In Hong Kong   
I pray there can be a term called ‘old-dult’, referring to the senior who are young at heart. I will sign up for this group. The prevalent description of a young person nowadays is ‘kidult’. A kidult is a young man or woman who lavishes on things meant for kids such as toys and electronic games. Some call them ‘eternal boys’. One of the extreme cases of kidult mentality is Michael Jackson. He stated openly that he did not want to grow up and owned a gorgeous collection of toy cars and a super amusement park called ‘Neverland Ranch’. This kidult died young.
There are 4 reasons why we have more and more kidults. The life expectancy for the world moved from 60 to 80 years. We have more people with younger mentality. There are also more and more rich people or people with ‘rich dads’. They can make costly purchases of ‘toys’. Modern society is characterized by individualism which is the prioritization of one’s own tastes and cultures. They do not see the need of identifying with the mature mentality. Finally, the toys, figures and art pieces of kidults mostly have speculative value. The result changed the beginning.
I got a young friend Matt Chung(筆華棋)who was born in 1988. He finished Form 2 of St. Joseph’s College and flew to Boston to complete his education up to Boston University. He then returned to Hong Kong and became a great reporter, editor and writer. Every writer has trouble adoring another writer and Matt is my exception. His famous books include La Dolce Vitasoy 賺錢買維他奶 and Playboy文. The stories successfully delineated the grossly depraved and despicable kidults who had rich dads. Matt said, “Money can buy a big car but money can’t make dream come true if your dream had nothing to do with money.” I commended him, “You are the teacher of your own soul. I can see the good route planning in your life. Classy is also my impression about you. You are considerate, intelligent and talented. You have a kind of self-control and self-mockery that your tomcat friends don’t have!” He laughed, “I still have art dreams and that might dilute my sin of chasing money.”
I asked, “You have shifted your focus from writing to art dealing. Why?” Matt laughed again, “As said, I am not a saint for letting good income out of my bed. Perhaps I am a kidult and do have ‘toy projects’ to make me awake. In particular, I buy and sell art pieces. Making a living as a writer is an impossible job.” I lamented, “Someone said this: being a writer is always you versus a blank sheet of paper(or a blank screen). Honestly, I sometimes don’t like this job as it is too stressful in competing with myself over deadlines. For such a tough career, what you can finally result in may be blank too.”
Matt concurred, “Writing is like swimming in a cage and you do not know where you can land on the shores. For contemporary art dealing, we have a definite market in which there are already ready  young sellers and buyers and the job is to get them connected after me giving activity and advice to them. Writing may be just an expression but visual arts can be a possession with an investment value.”
I asked, “Are your customers mainly kidults?” Matt replied, “A lot of them are. They like trendy and cool Japanese and western contemporary art which includes figures and toys.” I was meddlesome, “Half the time, kidults bought art pieces for peer recognition, prestige and value enhancement?” He said, “It is inevitable. Improving for real taste and personal style is a process for the young. My art customers are around 25 to 45. They love contemporary art, usually of the artists who are famous overseas. Those arts are preferably with cartoons or portraits. Idols are such as Yoshitomo Nara( 奈良美智) from Japan, Banksy(班克斯) from Britain and Daniel Arsham from America.”
Matt remembered, “In 2019, I held an art exhibition for Futura from USA, the respectable man in the world of kidults, in Hong Kong. This managed to attract rapper Pharrell Williams, artist Takashi Murakami(村上隆) from Japan and hot Chinese star Shawn Yue(余文樂). I did not expect the exhibition to become an international event.”
I pursued, “What is the budget of kidult art lovers?” Matt kept his fingers crossed, “Some are below HK$100,000. Some are raising their budget to over HK$100,000 and some believe price is a silver bullet to ensure effective investment results.”
I joked, “Do you use honey instead of vinegar to attract flies?” Matt said, “The usual art marketing is quite traditional: exhibitions and cocktail parties. For kidults, I use more adventurous online marketing which makes it easier than ever to tailor my marketing messaging to different social media demographics. My Instagram account has to build up followers. I also need to do crossovers between products and art, such as an exhibition of Edgar Plans in the shop of ‘the WAREHOUSE optic’. For new ways, I need to roll with the punches.”
Life as an adult in the messy and conflicting modern world can be very tough. Revisiting the toyish childhood times is surely great escapism. The kidult market is on the rise in Hong Kong and will be a huge social phenomenon. The traditional art-world elites may no longer be able to define how art should be managed and which artists would be celebrated. The power of money of the ‘young rich’ is dismantling the old game. Emerging artists can leapfrog the entire gallery/ museum/ publication system. Mamma Mia!
Matt Chung Art Auction  Acknowledgement – 型生會  https://youtu.be/R0bF29FOKSk
Matt Chung’s program on his new book  Acknowledgement - memehongkong https://youtu.be/U-J70EP94W8
Edgar Plans Interview  Acknowledgement-Edgar Plans  https://youtu.be/h8b0j8kSW20
Artist Futura’s interview  Acknowledgement – Ning Chong  https://youtu.be/SJixPtaX224
Rapper Pharrell Williams MV  Acknowledgement – Pharrell Williams  https://youtu.be/ZbZSe6N_BXs
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Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Sense8 (TV) Fusion, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Circus Performer Clint Barton, Modern Soldier Bucky Barnes, Police Officer Steve Rogers, Dancer Natasha Romanov, Political Activist Wanda Maximoff, Medical Doctor Bruce Banner, Surfer Thor, Everyone Watches Dog Cops, Tony Is Still A Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist, 中文翻译 | Translation in Chinese Summary:
超感猎杀+复联AU 克林特可没想到,与身处世界各地的七人拥有精神连接,居然会演变成被外国政府追捕,但好在至少能让他提前追最新一集《狗狗警探》。
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