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Because I love worldbuilding so much, I decided to create an Ozian Calendar and thought I'd share it.
The Ozian day is 26 hours long, there are seven days in a week, twelve weeks in a season, and four seasons in a year, leading to 336 days in a year. Each year is symmetrical, each day falling on the same day of the week without fail. The days of the week are named after seven of Lurline’s fairies who helped her construct Oz in the beginning when everything still needed moving along. The Calendar is based on the Lunar cycle.
The names of Lurline's fairies who helped her form Oz: Mona, Tuesin, Wednessa, Thur, Fridda, Saturno, and Sun.
The format for the Ozian Calendar is read DAY SEASON YEAR. Before the Wizard of Oz took over, the calendar followed the Ozma Dynasty so it would read 54 SPRING 3104 Y.O.L.O (or Year of Our Lady Ozma). After Oscar takes over the format is 54 SPRING 1 D.O. (or Dynasty of Oz)
Note: This list of holidays and their dates are not canon or comprehensive. You don’t have to use any of these or you can come up with your own. I’d love to hear about them.
HOLIDAYS under the cut
New Years Day/Winter Solstice: 1 WINTER
Vinkun Festival of Lights: 84 AUTUMN - 7 WINTER
The Festival of Lights lasts eight days and celebrates both the end of the Ozian Calendar year. Over the course of the festival, candles are slowly lit adding one each night to represent the days getting longer and hopes of a good spring. Some areas go to temples to make wishes and ask for good fortune for the New Year while other areas release paper lanterns with their wishes written inside.
Lurlinemas: 6-7 WINTER (Ozian version of Christmas)
Day of Queens: 15 WINTER
In some sections of Oz, this is the day children are given presents instead of on Lurlinemas. Schools use this day to host pageants and talent shows.
St. Amora’s Day: 43 WINTER
Amora was a matchmaker who would bring couples together and help them fall in love by using enchanted arrows. She fell in love with a mortal man, but her arrows didn’t work on him so she had to woo him the old fashioned way. She presented him with sweet smelling flowers to make his days bright and fragrant and sugared dates and honeyed nuts to give him sweetness, and though she was busy she set aside time to be with him. They fell in love, but the day they were meant to be wed, he was killed. Every anniversary, she brought flowers and sweets to his grave. She never loved again, her heart bleeding so much, her bird companions offered to share her pain. Tradition lives on in showing your sweetheart that you care about them by giving flowers and sweets and decorations of hearts and punays.
Discount Candy Day: 44 WINTER
St. Rependi’s Day: 71 WINTER
Brother to St. Amora, represents requited (or unrequited) love. This day is used to give return presents (or dish out rejections) given by admirers on St. Amora’s day
Spring Equinox: 1 SPRING
St. Platonia’s Day: 15 SPRING
A day for children to show appreciation to their parents.
Earth Day: 43 SPRING
Deemed the day to celebrate the creation of Oz. Usually spent by showing appreciation to nature which now moves by itself rather than needing help by Lurline’s fairies to move along.
Cotillion (Munchkinland): 61-63 SPRING
Traditionally for matchmaking, now used as one big debutante ball for all who have come of age in the past year. Wealthier families have balls for one child, though it’s more common to wait for Cotillion so everyone enters the season together.
Vinkun Festival of Trees: 40-43 SPRING
Gillikin Spring Festival: 40-47 SPRING
Munchkin Spring Festival: 40-46 SPRING
Vinkun Poppy Festival: 67 SPRING
Summer Solstice: 1 SUMMER
Vinkun Summer Solstice Festival: 1 - 8 SUMMER
Festival begun to hope for a good harvest in the autumn. Celebrated with bonfires, dancing, and good food. Midway point of festival a sacrifice is offered up in the bonfire. Since Great Drought the “sacrifice” is a bundle of grass and a wooden animal. Second to last day is spent fasting and at temples, final day has a huge feast. More devout households and the temples will begin the festival with eight candles and extinguish one each day to represent the days becoming shorter and to remind that the days of plenty are temporary just as the lean days are.
Music Festival (Quadling Country): 78 SUMMER
Autumn Equinox: 1 AUTUMN
Wizard Arrival Day: 2 AUTUMN
Vinkun Harvest Festival: 36-42 AUTUMN
Celebrates end of the harvest and is traditionally a way for tribes to get together to exchange goods. People clean their homes and prepare for winter during this time
St. Sowren’s Day: 43 AUTUMN
On this day, the realms of Oz would shift where the angels and fairies could not cross into Oz, but the creatures of the demon realm could, leaving them unchecked. St. Sowren was left behind before they could return to their realm and they discovered that by donning frightening masks and offering up sweets to anyone scary enough, the demons grew confused and would leave the disguised alone, suspicious of their gifts.
Gillikin custom dictates this is a day to visit family graves and shrines which they clean and leave offerings on inviting their deceased loved ones home for the evening for a party. A day of remembrance. In the last century, costumes are also worn by children to collect treats (part of their haul is shared with their family) or by adults for parties.
Ozma De-throned Day: 68 AUTUMN
New Year’s Eve: 84 AUTUMN
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Tomb of the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon - Chapter 1
Bat divider by @violetbudd
Creator support banner by @cafekitsune
Latest revision: August 18, 2024. Added "Support your creators by reblogging" banner. Revised story Description following recent developments in the story, and moved it to Masterlist. Added Chapter summary. Added ⏭️ emoji below end of chapter banner with text explaining its function as a navigational button.
Chapter summary: Ra's brings Faith Lawson to Wayne Manor, and gives Bruce sufficient information about herself and Thalassic Space, then Faith sends Bruce home via a door that appeared in the Holding Room Ra's was in, in Platonia.
Fandoms: DC Comics, Batfamily, no Batcest, Thalassic Space (OC; takes inspiration The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, and other sci-fi, fantasy and horror titles, as well as original concepts, such as the science and lore of the galaxy.)
[In order of appearance] Characters: Bruce Wayne (Batman), Faith Lawson (TBA; self-insert) J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter), Carter Hall (Hawkman), Shiera Sanders (Hawkgirl), Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), Urania (OC), Ra's al Ghul, Damian Wayne (Robin), Tim Drake (Red Robin), Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Stephanie Brown (Spoiler).
Word Count: 9700+ / 11, 682 (post-revision on July 24. Seriously.) 4092 (July 30 revision. MUCH better.)
Content warnings: Mild depiction of blood; Urania talks about the murder of Ulia and her lover, a trans boy, both who were mutilated, and Ulia's corpse was raped; Faith talks about her adoptive father's death; Faith talks about the high school knee injury that sowed anxiety and depression in her life; Faith talks about her harrowing foster care experience, in which she was given Benadryl instead of proper discipline and attention.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Saturday, February 10, 2024. 1:12 AM.
Batman meditated at the bottom of the left stairs in the great hall of Wayne Manor, the soft lights kept on during the night alight creating spots of amber in the dark. A woman with a light soprano voice groaned in pain and coughed violently behind him, from the study door, and continued to cough as she entered the great hall. She heaved and gasped for air while approaching him. ‘She has the seasonal flu.’ Batman noted. He turned his head to observe.
The young woman was ivory white, 4'6" tall, and had uncombed, mid-chest length black hair, three inches of ash blonde grown out at the top. She had a round face, a bulbous nose, hazel green eyes, dark circles, and dark, thick brows. She wore a black T-shirt and black pyjama pants with white ghosts, and light grey socks. She walked with a slight limp and carried a navy-blue duffle bag with golden letters spelling NVSS.
'I don't recognise that school. Her arms come to her upper thigh. Her biceps and forearms are about five centimetres long. She has dwarfism.' Her feet were wide, the arch of her right foot high. 'That can’t be her only injury that required operation. Her limp tells me she’s overexerted herself tonight and that she might have had a knee injury, which might have been caused by her dwarfism.'
Her chest was a C cup, she had thick thighs and 'A nice ass, I won't deny that.' There was an open cut on her right forearm. 'The item or weapon the villain used to cut the young woman activated her magic, displayed as the thin layer of white-blue light around her right hand. She stopped the attack and sent the villain away, likely to some kind of pocket dimension, giving her time to pack some belongings. But because of her disability and the villain possessing the item, she had to come along.'
'Also, this villain knows Batman's identity. They brought her here to get on my nerves. Narrows down the list by a lot. My guess is Ra's al Ghul.' Batman interacted with his gauntlet to begin an audio recording that he broadcast to the Watchtower. Martian Manhunter, Hawkman and Hawkwoman were on location, the latter two approaching the monitor.
The woman said, "Hi."
"Hello." Batman replied. He stood and climbed the steps to stand in front of the woman. "What’s your name?"
"Faith Lawson. I'm from Earth-33, and I'm twenty-four years old. September 4th, 1999, is my birthday."
Batman said, "Nice to meet you, Faith. Welcome to Earth Prime. Are you from British Columbia, Canada, by chance?"
"I am! Um, would you please help me?" From the study, a man screamed, his voice travelling with numerous wild screeches.
Batman noticed the light around the woman’s hand brighten. 'It must be managing her nausea while she needs to talk.'
The young woman said, "Oh, Platonia just acted on the last request I had, in case he cut himself with it, thinking it would give him control of Platonia. He's been brought to a Holding Room. No windows or doors, just a timeout. Time passes at half-speed in Platonia, and he's durable, so we don't need to worry about him dying."
'Not sure I believe that.' Thought Batman.
The computer of the Watchtower announced, "Welcome, Wonder Woman and Urania." Urania was a ivory white skinned woman with black, curly hair and dark brown eyes, wearing a toga and Greek sandals.
"Is she safe?" Said Urania
"She seems to be. Sounds like she has the flu, though." Hawkwoman said, walking back to Hawkman and Martian Manhunter with Wonder Woman and Urania.
"Welcome to the Watchtower, Urania of Pierian Spring. Please, tell us about your daughter." Said Martian Manhunter, as Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman and Urania stopped nearby Martian Manhunter and Hawkman.
"Sorry, one minute, Faith." Batman said the young woman, pointing to his ear.
"Oh, you're probably listening to the Watchtower, where Urania just arrived, right?"
"Yes, I am. Sorry, Watchtower. Urania, you may continue."
Urania said, "Thank you. In her previous life, 687 years ago, Faith was born as Ønske, sired by Víðarr and birthed by Skuld, and named by the Allfather, Odin. Skuld and Víðarr were too duty-bound to raise her, so Freyja and Freyr fostered her. The summer she was fourteen, Ønske saved a dragon pup from poachers on Vanaheim during a new moon, and returned the pup to its mother. The pup, Skinne, had a body of goshenite, a pink right eye, a yellow left eye, and pink and yellow stargazer lilies on her wings. Her mother, Frodig, was fluffy with pink fur and yellow eyes, and her father, Skjør, was made of white diamonds and had eyes of pink quartz."
"Frodig merged Skinne with Ønske to bestow Ønske with her Dragon Persona, the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon. That autumn, Ønske met Danu, the Fairy Queen of the Celts, after saving a coven of human fairies from Catholic witch hunters using seiðr and draconic illusions. From Danu, Ønske was given a Fairy Persona named Solas, whose firery sunrise wings turned black with dazzling white stars if Solas stood under a new moon. At fifteen, Ønske hunted with Freyja in Jotunheim for the troll-wolf beast called Blokkere, whose eyes and horns burned blue fire like the Naglfar. He was a pet of the pirate warlock Ebony Giant Elf named Bartholomew, who made himself captain of the Naglfar with his dark magic, eldest of the three sons of the Fallen Angel Nerobzal, once the Court Fool of Yahweh named Erophael. Oh, shall I tell you his story, as well? It is relevant."
"I don't see why not." Said Martian Manhunter.
"When Roman Emperor Nero committed suicide, Erophael laughed. Because it was not for joy but out of mockery for Nero's pathetic life, all life on Earth began to destroy itself. Yahweh banished Nerobzal to the Ninth Circle of Inferno, where Lucifer told Nerobzal about the white door behind Lucifer that no angel, demon or sinner had ever been able to open. Lucifer said that Nerobzal could claim whatever was beyond it, if he suceeded. There was a rather alarming situation involving the abomination living in the Perimeter of the Ninth Circle and Lilith that required the full attention of the angels, demons and Demon Hunters, who all ended up fighting each other. Nerobzal was freed by a kiss-ass demon who loved Lucifer, and Nerobzal skid on the ice towards the door. When he touched it, he knew what to do. Ulia, would you mind telling us the ritual?"
"Sure! So, the Domain of Platonia is a fortress entity inspired by the Navidson hallway from House of Leaves surrounded by the Skybox from the Team Fortress 2 ARG Project Skybox, defined as Julian Barbour’s platonia, a hypothetical entity containing every possible momentary configuration of the universe, primarily accessed via a door opening ritual inspired by the Doom II mod MyHouse.wad. Domains can also be created as a sailing ship or spaceship. I've had the idea of Platonia for about a year."
Urania said, "When you were a demigoddess, you knew about it for three years, until your death."
"MyHouse.wad reintroduced me to House of Leaves, and Platonia inspired the other two types of Magical Occupancies in Thalassic Space. Realms are moon planets created by gods, demons, demigods and demi-demons for magic people, which are Astral, Snow, Ebony and Fir Elves, Oak Dwarves, Spruce Humans, and anthropomorphic people, which include Felidae, Canidae, Lacertilia, Chiroptera and, ha ha, lemme, lemme say this a little slower so I don't get it wrong: Cyprinodontiformes,"
"That was pretty good!" Said Hawkman.
Faith laughed as she finished the sentence. "To live on with the creator. Plains are magic islands that can have shores on multiple planets at once, and are inhabited by magical creatures and humanoids, such as fairies, unicorns and Dragon Kin, namely Dragon Form people, along with dragons who do not have a humanoid form, and monsters and beasts who may have a humanoid form."
Batman hummed. "I'm with Project Skybox and MyHouse.wad. Tim went on a long rant about both of them, when they were trending."
"Oh, good, that saves me som time. In Thalassic Space, Platonia will also appear if someone does that ritual, or places their left hand on the door, knocks five times, and then opens the door. The ritual can be undone by doing the same with your right hand on the door after closing the door." Batman hummed.
"The Departed are ghouls original to Thalassic Space who serve the Four Princes of Hell. If enter Platonia without the ritual, the Departed and Umbrella Man will find you. When Platonia realised my aductor is a demon, it stopped being aggressive after he found the Nordic iron doors to my dragon tomb. Well, the Departed are surely trying to eat him, but Ra's is durable."
"Ra's al Ghul. I thought so. Not many of my villains know my identity, or would go so far as to bring a would-be victim into my home."
"Yeah, we had a wet dream where I was in his bed. He said I was perfect: a girl who looked like I do, had a creative mind, and, he assumed, powers that he could manipulate. I closed my eyes with a tired, amused hum, ya know, 'cause it was a lucid dream, and weird things happen all the time. I tried to let the episode end and take me somewhere else. But my Role was transferred to my Nero Persona, a jumpscare girl with a kuchisake-onna smile named Odeya. She had other ideas about how to end the dream. She poked her head from under the bed, told Ra's how to open a Door to Platonia, and then he woke up in front of his closet door and did the ritual."
"He could manipulate your mind, too."
"Oh, I know. If he wasn't evil, I'd be into him. I'm asexual panromantic. I don't need to explain my undying love for gender expression, but I will say that one thing I've learned from playing The Lord of the Rings Online and meeting Preston is that sometimes older men and women are pretty awesome. They can be patient, romantic and wise. Those are like, my favourite parts of a person that aren't physical. I love looking at facial features, followed by shoulders, back and hips, hoo mama!" Faith tilted her head back as she said this, and laughed. Urania and Wonder Woman giggled. "You obviously know asexuality is a spectrum, so I don't need to explain that." Batman nodded, humming. "I also have a personality disorder called Reactive Attachment Disorder."
"I’m familiar."
"My foster parents did the damage. My adoptive parents tried, but they couldn't gentle parent me for long, so my dream world version of my mom is cruel."
"What about your dad?"
"He passed in November 2021 from an aortic dissection. He was a good man. We all miss him."
"I’m sorry for your loss."
"Thank you. Anyway, we can just go in the room, I'll open the door, tell the Departed to leave with a gift of my hair and blood, and then the old man can take the door home. We'll see him again when we see him again. If he finds me in my next dream, I'll try just send him home? W-We'll see. Have Zatanna on speed-dial."
"I'll do that, Faith. Thank you." Faith nodded.
"You were saying, Urania?" Said Hawkman.
"Yes, thank you. After eight long hours, Blokkere was slain, but Ønske's left leg and lower back were brutally wounded. As Freyja held Ønske, she had a vision that urged her to leave with Ønske for Pierian Spring, in the forest on the back side of Mount Olympus. They arrived under a full moon, and Freyja begged for Ønske to live and walk again in exchange for the muse who would accept to become Ønske's mentor. My sisters and I had foreseen their arrival and Ønske's future as Faith, and agreed that I was best suited. When I healed her, I bestowed upon her the name Ulia Χαμένος (Chaménos), meaning 'lost', as tribute to the people of Thalassic Space whom she would go on to protect. I prefer to call her Ulia, as you have surely noticed."
"For four years, Ulia travelled with Freyja and Freyr or with me and my sisters around the Nine Realms and Ancient Greece. She was even invited to Paradiso, the summer of the first year, and the archangel Uriel greeted her as patron angel and bestowed Ulia her mortal name and story, which she would be reborn as. The Yule of her nineteenth year was spent on Mount Olympus, and among its guests was a elf-eared, silver dragon-skinned transgender prince with white hair and blue eyes named Argophael. He was sired by Menoetius from Opus and birthed by Danu, Fairy Queen of the Celts, but stolen as a babe by Bartholomew, which my sisters and I did not know of, nor had heard about from the Norns. Zeus revealed it was secret because Bartholomew had taken planet Bafsina of Thalassic Space hostage, but it could be freed now that Argophael can fufilled his quest to arrive at Yule. Zeus told that Argophael was Ulia's Animus and one true love, but it was an ill-fated love, as Bartholomew would now not only hunt Argophael, but Ulia."
"Argophael gifted Ulia a snowglobe depicting a galaxy containing a white-blue O-type star to the north, an asteroid belt of goshenite to the east of the star, a black hole that I knew to be Sagittarius A* to the south, and an asteroid belt of obsidian to the west of the black hole. Ulia kissed Argophael, and a yellow G-type star and a red M-type star appeared in the galaxy, colliding with the O-type star and sending a massive wave of energy into space, creating a solar system like Earth's before the G- and M-type stars merged and became the "vampire" companion of the O-type star that it had been missing. Ulia and Argophael slept together that night, and the next morning drew the first chalk-portal to Thalassic Space on a wall of Mount Olympus. They travelled for three years, sending letters frequently, and settled in the Puzzle Tower at the Carnival of Seasons of White Sun Harbour on the moon planet Realm of Tree Peoples. This is where the Ebony Elves, Oak Dwarves and Spruce Humans of Thalassic Space came from. Astral Elves came from the Lightless Realm, ruled wisely by the second son of Nerobzal, Krampus, before he was tainted by the Fool's Poem, written by Nerobzal after he escaped into Platonia."
"The Fool's Promise was the self-mutilation that those who read the poem aloud with hatred in their heart would undergo to submit themselves to him, and join Nerobzal's army of undead, dark sorcerers, and evil vampires and werewolves. Snow Elves came from the Lightful realm, ruled by the youngest son of Nerobzal, Santa Claus, until they and Santa fled with the Astral Elves for the three original planets of Thalassic Space, Yotutrnaeyl, Bafsina and Grace, after Krampus was lost to the Fool's Poem. Last of the Tree Peoples, Fir Elves came from the Realm of Album, and in the northern sea of which was the island called the Sanctuary of Gla'si where the first unicorns and pegasi of Thalassic Space were born from the womb of Epona, sired by Helios."
"Bartholomew murdered Argophael and Ulia as they were enjoying the night life of the Carnival from the balcony of my tower. It was an air assassination committed with Bartholomew’s black ebony sword aflame with the blue fire of the Naglfar. The cat anthropomorphs who maintained the Puzzle Tower and filled with the sounds of their own children and challenge tours for carnival guests found the lovers the next morning. Argophael's body had been mutilated, his face and the skin of his hands and feet removed as he died. Bartholomew raped Ulia's as she bled out, and seared her arms, legs and stomach with the fire of his sword."
"Gods, that's horrible." Said Wonder Woman.
"The cats restored their bodies and laid them in the sarcophagus in the final room of the dragon tomb Freyja and Freyr prepared, at the command of the Norns, after Ulia had recieved her Dragon Persona. The tomb was filed with draugr and traps."
Faith said, "My dragon tomb is actually a dungeon. It's Saarthal from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim."
"Hm." Said Wonder Woman, with a smile. "It sounds like you had fun creating all of this, Faith."
"Oh. It's obvous, isn't it?"
"Oh, it is, but that's not a bad thing."
Batman asked, "How long have you been working on Thalassic Space?"
"Since my dad died."
"You’re unpublished?"
"Yes. The Double Eight of Thalassic Space will be my first. It's been taking a while because of depression and other things related to being an adult on income assistance who's only been employed for a year now."
"I think it'll be a hit." Said Wonder Woman.
"Aw, thank you!"
Urania said, "The last room takes a deviation from Saarthal, however. A massive, beautiful stone bridge where friends and family left letters and gifts connects the doors to an island surrounded by water from Pierian Spring. The island hosts the sarcophagus of Ulia and Argophael, as well as the sarcophagi of ten Dragon Priests."
Faith said, "For context, usually one is enough to pose a challenge."
"To exit without retracing your steps, you have to solve one of four puzzles. That will return you to the surface of the Plain of Ulia and Argophael, in the southern waters of the Realm of Tree Peoples. And that, ladies and gentles,"
"And non-binary peoples!" Faith chimed in.
Urania laughed. "Yes, them too, is a comprehensive retelling of how Ønske Ulia Chaménos lived and died."
"Thank you for sharing the story with us, Urania. And you, Faith, for your assistance." Said Martian Manhunter.
"What can I say? Storytelling is my passion! Oh. Ha ha. Mother. Guess what I still have to tell them, after I send Ra's home?"
"What do you feel is necessary, daughter?"
"The Dream World on Paper, and how, through it, I'm the Great Little Starwriter and Playwright of the Rondo Theatre." She said at half volume, making eye contact with Batman, "I prepared too much, in four years."
"You might have. It's all solid, though."
"Thank you!"
Urania said, "Yes, Ulia. You should tell them that, too."
"OK!" Faith said, cheerfully. "Into the study we go." Faith and Batman went into the study. There was a new white door on the far wall.
Batman said, "The window is gone."
"It will come back, once we end the ritual." Faith led Batman to the door. She pressed her left palm to the door and knocked on it five times with her other hand, left hand glowing neon orange as she knocked. Two seconds passed. Five knocks sounded from the inside. Faith opened the door. Before Batman and Faith was a long stone hallway with a bend to the right.
"Platonia, do you understand me?" An upwards grumble from the walls. "Please show us where you're Holding Ra's al Ghul. Thank you." Four seconds passed. The walls moved towards the exit, then rightwards for several seconds before opening to a small room with a four-foot-tall ceiling. Ra's was crouched and slashed his sword towards eight naked humanoids with pale grey dry skin devoid of genitals, hair and eyelids. The goshenite dragon tooth, the size of a pomegranate, laid on the ground near Ra's’ feet.
"Hello, Departed." Faith said. The creatures snapped their heads towards her. They had monochrome irises and neon red pupils. "That is enough. Leave my dragon tooth at my feet and return to the Underside. You may take a little bit of my hair and blood as payment. Thank you."
Instantly, the Departed scattered, phasing through the concrete walls. Three tried to bite Ra's arms and legs while Ra’s roared and fought them off. One Departed used this commotion to take the dragon tooth, and hurried to the entrance, stopping inches in front of Faith and placing the item down. Faith's cheeks rose in a smile. She crouched on her left knee, picked up the tooth in her left hand, and cut off a bit of her hair, offering it in her left hand while gently dragging the tooth along the wound on her arm to draw blood.
Batman kept an eye on Ra's. The demon sat, bewildered and out of breath, watching Faith and the Departed. Faith said, "You may drink for three seconds and share it with your kin."
"Thzaznank yabozuz." The warped voice of the Departed said. It took Faith's hair into its right hand. It made eye contact with Faith, pausing. Batman saw a spark of ill-fated attraction in her eyes. The Departed held Faith's wrist with its left hand and bit into her wound and began to drink.
Martian Manhunter said, "I don't recognise that language."
Hawkman said, "Probably because it's from Faith's fictional galaxy."
"Once fictional, now realised." Hawkwoman said.
"Precisely so." Said Urania.
Batman muttered into his gauntlet, “It’s a letter substitution language. It said, "Thank you."."
As Batman whispered to the League, Faith said, "Ow." And hissed. Seconds passed. "You are out of time."
The Departed separated its mouth from Faith's arm and licked its thin lips. "Yabozuz tazsrte delabiciouzs."
"You taste delicious." Batman quietly translated.
"I'm glad you enjoyed. Take care, now."”" Faith bowed her head.
The Departed mirrored the gesture. "Goz'dbzyabe." It turned and scampered away and to the right, phasing through the wall.
"That was “Goodbye.", obviously." Batman said.
"That door behind you will take you home, Ra's." Said Faith. "You've been given mercy by the Domain of Platonia, and the Nero Spirits who serve the Princes of Hell. Nightmares will burden you for two weeks, then one of the ghouls who just harassed you will visit you a quarter after one o'clock in the morning and offer to take your memories and knowledge of Thalassic Space in return for peace. Pursue my power again and you'll meet more of the evil and good forces of the galaxy, and me, with practice of my powers."
"You're fucking mad, girl." Ra’s smirked. "You could make this easier for both of us if you had just laid there and let me use you."
"I don't like men who don’t know boundaries. You're hundreds of years old, so there’s no point in trying to teach you. I'll just keep sending you home with blue balls." Ra's growled, got on his feet and opened the door. "Have a good night." Faith said, in a friendly tone.
"Goodnight." Ra's said, grumpily. He entered the door and closed it behind him. Faith sighed, closed the Door to Platonia, and repeated the ritual with her right palm, emitting white-blue light, on the door and her left hand on the doorknob. Batman noted that her hand stopped glowing, idly. The window returned.
"How was that?"
"That was good. Thank you." Faith nodded. "You can take any of the guest rooms on the right side of the next floor. I'll have Damian bring some tea up for you, and I'll bring you soup and medicine in the morning."
"Thank you." Faith walked out with Batman. She grumbled in pain as she began to climb the stairs.
Martian Manhunter asked Urania, "Will you be visiting your daughter tonight, Urania?"
"No. I will visit once she has had sufficient rest," Urania made claws with her fingers, pointed together and posed as if holding a rock melon sized ball. A golden celestial globe appeared in the space her hands had made. Urania grabbed it, and offered it to Martian Manhunter, who readily accepted it. "Or if she needs me when you are unable to reach Zatanna for magic control."
"That sounds all well and good, Urania. Thank you again." Martian Manhunter offered to shake Urania's hand.
Urania accepted the gesture. "You are welcome. Goodnight, all." She said, leaving the room with Wonder Woman. "And goodnight, Ulia!"
"Goodnight, Mother!"
"Robin?" Said Batman, stopping in the hallway as Faith entered the first guest room and turned on its light.
"Yes, Father?" Robin appeared from the shadows of the upstairs floor, close to where Batman stood.
"Would you please make Faith ginger tea with honey?"
"Yeah, OK."
"Thank you." Batman followed Faith into the bedroom.

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#dc comics fanfiction#dc crossover#batfam#batfam oc#batman#bruce wayne#robin#damian wayne#ra's al ghul#j'onn j'onzz#martian manhunter#diana prince#wonder woman#carter hall#hawkman#shiera sanders#hawkgirl#thalassic space#tomb of the goshenite stargazer dragon#starwriterulia writes
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Doodle of my au wind and his pet shark
Shark name is Platonia.

Wind isn't good at giving girls names
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Body Butter Mother Daughter Sister In The Buff
For those who love Mother Daughter Sister w/ Jambu, but want no scent? Here it is! She’s In the Buff! Organic Illipe[Shorea stenoptera nut] Butter, Organic Babassu [orbignya oleifera seed] Oil, Amazonian Bacuri [platonia insignis seed] Butter, Organic Beeswax, Amazonian Mango [Mangifera Indica Seed] Butter, Organic Jojoba [Simmondsia Chinensis Seed] Oil, Organic Sacha Inchi [Plukenetia volubilis…
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Pyhä maantiede ja Agarthan legenda
Kansojen historia syntyy suurten maailmanmatkaajien ja pitkien reissujen tuloksena — historia joka alkoi kauan ennen Herodotosta tai Marco Poloa neoliittisella kaudella ja sitäkin ennen, ihmiskunnan jonain fantastisena aikana. Ehkäpä jopa alkukantaisen Kultaisen Ajan hämärissä, jääkauden tai tulvan iskiessä, ja ihmislajien kokiessa ensimmäiset katastrofinsa. Sitten tuli kansainvaellusten aika. Jos meidän on Platonia uskominen, tämän jälkeen atlantislaiset […] https://eksopolitiikka.fi/tietoisuus/pyha-maantiede-ja-agarthan-legenda/
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a few character designs for class! Im making a high fantasy tolkien-esque with no focus on elder gods or chosen heroes and instead just some college nobodies delivering a pizza 🧙♂️🍕
meet Cantaloupe (Cant-ell-oh-pee), Quince, Longan, Ackee, Manager Platonia, the Almighty Lichlord, and henchman Pickle!
#character design#original character#high fantasy#fantasy design#cantaloupe#quince#longan#ackee#platonia#lichlord#pickle#julimye oc#julimye
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Developing the 'Platonic' theme, I conjecture that the actual universe in which we find ourselves corresponds to some Platonia. We have not yet fully grasped the structure of its points, its Nows. Perhaps we never shall, but I assume that in any instant what we experience, including the appearance of motion, is a transmuted representation of a part of one such Now. This is not far removed from Plato's original idea that we mortals are like beings confined from birth to a cave, and that all we ever comprehend of the outside world and the real beings in it are the shadows they cast on the wall of our cave as they pass its entrance. I also think that Plato was right when he said that Being (one of his forms, one of my instants of time) is real, but that Becoming is an illusion. However, I go further than Plato in attributing the illusion of Becoming to something that is real – a special time-capsule structure of Nows. The illusion of Becoming has its basis in real structure in special Being.
Julian Barbour, The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics
#quote#Julian Barbour#physics#science#Plato#Platonia#time#The End of Time#Barbour#universe#reality#philosophy#Allegory of the Cave#being
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I posted the newest chapter to my Harry Potter fanfic regarding Tom Riddle and an OC called Weronika.
It's a mess and it's far from perfect but I'm proud of it.
It's a romance that slowly builds up through companionship and friendship and that deals with magic and time and war.
#harry potter#hogwarts#slytherin#tom riddle#fanfiction#harry potter fanfiction#original character#durmstrang#harry potter magic#platonia fanfiction#platonia#tom marvolo riddle#the dark lord#lord voldemort#young voldemort#tom riddle x oc#black family#ao3#rubeus hagrid#Teenager being teenager#coming of age#time travel#slytherin pride
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MrBeasts $ 1.000.000-Dilemma | Vsauce2
The platonia dilemma explained. (runtime: 10:09)
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(via https://open.spotify.com/track/2ZEcbXJgLAIpjVEtTr7xa1?si=Ohppo7iBRQS9BIK4H9GvRg)
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Masterlist - Tomb of the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon (Discontinued)
Description: Ra's al Ghul sought sex with Faith Lawson from Earth-33 and her powers after a shared wet dream, at the end of which Faith's Nero Persona, a jumpscare girl with a kuchisake-onna smile named Odeya, told Ra's how to open a Door to Platonia for Odeya's own reasons. The Domain of Platonia, a hostile liminal space entity where time passed at half-speed, located in Thalassic Space, the no longer fictional galaxy Faith had written for her novels, tried to devour Ra's, but forfeit aggression after realising he was a demon, the Nero Spirits and Umbrella Man henceforth ignoring Ra's. The Batfamily began to help Faith regain her physical strength, and the Justice League planned to help Faith hone in on her magic.
Could Faith defend herself from Ra's when they next met? Could she prevent or stop the progress of Red Storm Earth and the Invitation of Nerobzal that Ra's could initiate? And then, would she be safe?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
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Here I am thinking I’ll have me some happy, bouncy synth pop and then …
You cup your love in your hands Letting none go to waste His sweetness disappearing Left you a sour taste You swore that he would release You from your wrongs and ills Your dream of happy families Out there in the swill
His words are always sweet and they’re Burning you like third degree You’re living on apologies, Wasting your time trying to be friendly They want to love you or be enemies They don’t want to hear your history Oh, every day’s a new defeat (x3)
He sees your clothes like you’ve got Nothing on underneath He keeps it secret cause he Grew up on “We Believe” I fuel a fire with the words That I should not have said On waking nights I’m facing All my shades of red
His words are always sweet and they’re Burning you like third degree You’re living on apologies, Wasting your time trying to be friendly They want to love you or be enemies They don’t want to hear your history Oh, every day’s a new defeat (x3)
When a bastard child’s The price of showing skin And consequence evades him Don’t tell me she’s in the wrong I’ve heard enough of that song Come out of the dark and show him How he’s sinned, tear him limb from limb I will not stand idly by And watch my sister cry
They want to love you or be enemies They don’t want to hear your history Oh, every day’s a new defeat (x3) Oh Oh Oh Every day’s a new defeat
#music#listen to this#coral bones#third degree#indie pop#indie rock#srs bsns#platonia#synthpop#indie music#we all play synth
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Believe Me Chapter 3
A knock on the window startled Alfred The Cat from Damian’s lap, causing him to turn and glare at the disturbance only to see Jonathan Kent with tears running down his face and shaking.
Damian moved to open the window, letting his friend inside and guiding him to the bed to sit.
“What happened to you?”
Jon sobbed, pulling Damian into a hug he had no chance of escaping (stupid superstrength), patting him awkwardly on the back Damian looked over to Titus for help.
The great dane stood and moved from his place on the floor to jump on the bed next to Jon, leaning heavily into his side.
Damian tried again, ignoring the almost painfully tight hug he was trapped in.
“What happened, Jonathan? I can’t help you if I don’t know what happened.”
Jon sniffled, wiping his face on the sleeve of his hoodie, making Damian hide the disgust on his face before he noticed.
“I have a sister.”
Damian raised an eyebrow, he hadn’t known Lois and Clark were trying for more kids.
“I fail to see why that would make you upset. You have always wanted a little sibling so, congratulations. Is the problem that your Mom is refusing to take off work during her pregnancy?”
Jon shook his head, letting Damian go so he could sit next to him.
“Mom’s not pregnant.”
Damian looked at him strangely, now a little on edge.
“If she is not pregnant then adoption really is not that bad Jonathan. I know I complain about my brothers but I didn’t expect that you would be so against your parents adopting-”
Jonathan shot up to stand, turning to look frantically at Damian.
“That’s not it either! I have a sister, Damian!”
Damian was now thoroughly confused.
“I don’t understand, you aren’t making any sense.”
“I mean, I have a sister, Damian! I have a twin sister I never knew anything about!”
That- Didn’t seem right…
Damian highly doubted that Clark and Lois would have been able to hide the fact that they had a daughter.
“Tell me everything, start from the top so I can get an idea of what is happening.”
So Jon told his best friend everything.
How his mother had been pregnant with twins but was told that the girl was stillborn, how there was a nurse who was trafficking babies to people who couldn’t have their own, how his Mother had gotten a call from Paris, France for them to go get her.
“Your dad is letting us use your family's Private Jet to get her. We are leaving here pretty soon, but I wanted to let you know first.”
Damian nodded, moving over to his closet and pulling out his suitcase, folding clothes and placing them into the case.
“Wha-what are you doing?”
Jon moves over to him, hovering over his shoulder to peer into the luggage.
“I am packing, what does it look like?”
Jon follows him over to his drawers, looking like a lost and very confused puppy.
“Okay, I can see that but why?”
Damian scoffs, pausing his packing to turn to his friend.
“I know you are not that stupid Jonathan, why do you think I am packing? I am going with you of course.”
Jon looked shocked for some reason.
“Don’t give me that look, we have known each other for 5 years now, can read you like a book and I can tell that you are terrified to meet her. So I am coming with you.”
Damian, turned back to his suitcase, tensing up when Jon came up behind him and hugged him.
“Thanks Damian, I knew you cared. You're actually just a giant softy, huh?”
Damian looked over his shoulder, glaring at him until he let go.
“Not a word of this. Ever. Let's go, we are going to be late.”
They walked over to the window where Damian gave Jon his suitcase to hold during the flight and rode him like a skateboard to the airport.
When they had touched down and found Jon’s dad, Damian was only mildly surprised to see his own father there, packed and ready to go.
They nodded to each other and boarded, waiting for the 8 hour flight to begin.
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I wish you would write a fic where McCoy is separated from Kirk and Spock, and Kirk ends up articulating to Spock just why that's more upsetting to him than being separated from the Enterprise
a response to this [ask meme]
this is completely different than the prompt lol but this is the result...
“Captain,” Spock said as he watched Kirk pace the cage. “Doctor McCoy is a healer. They will not hurt him.”
“You don’t know that,” Kirk snapped without looking at Spock. He let out a sigh and sat down on a stone bench on the other side of the room.
“It would be illogical. They need his help.”
“They need his help now. What about later?” Kirk ran his palm over his face. “They already shot two of my men to death. Why would he be any different?”
Spock had no answer to that. The doctor meant nothing to the Grevians. He was simply a tool, and there was no guarantee he would be returned to them. There was no guarantee that the short-tempered Grevians wouldn’t find the irascible doctor threatening and uncooperative.
“I’m sorry,” Kirk said, looking up at Spock with a tense smile. Not even after so many years among them, could Spock understand why humans smiled as a way of reassurance, especially when they didn’t feel like it. It didn’t ease the heavy sensation in Spock’s abdomen even a bit.
Kirk rubbed his hands against his thighs and continued, “It’s just…” He sighed and shook his head.
“I understand, Jim.”
Kirk did not look at him.
“I shouldn’t have brought him. He wasn’t needed here.”
“After the Vians and the Platonias, I stopped including him in landing parties. When he noticed, we argued, and I yielded. I shouldn’t have.”
“Captain, Doctor McCoy…”
“I would order him to die, I would order him to sacrifice himself if the situation demanded it. You know that, he knows that. He would beg me to let him do it, and if there was no other choice I…” Jim swallowed. “But someone else taking him, taking his life. I can’t…” Kirk looked into his lap. “I… need him, Spock.”
There were no words Spock could say to make Kirk feel better. He didn’t know the outcome, he couldn’t be sure of what would happen to them or McCoy.
They needed to plan their escape.
“McCoy knows the risks of being in the service,” Spock said. “It is our situation that requires our immediate attention.”
“Spock…” Kirk fisted his uniform pants, his mouth set into a hard line. He exhaled, straightened, and said coldly, “When someone comes next, I want you to use your Vulcan techniques to get us out.”
#my writing#mckirk#i mean it's like gen/pre-slash but still written with mckirk tinted glasses#Jim Kirk#spock#star trek tos#i can't follow prompts. it never works lol#but at least i wrote something and that counts#maybe now when it's finished i can move on and work on something else
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*Lets out an Amazonian war cry as she catches the Chakram.* Gabrielle and Xena are considered the OG OTP of the 90s by many. They are some of the foundation laid for the gay canon that gave us the infamous "Blond and Brunette" stereotypes we saw a lot in earlyyears of online lesbian fanfiction. Even more so, Gabrielle was the woman who needed to be introduced as gay or came out later in the story. This trope is easily cast aside, but it also is prevalent in a lot of stories. Most UBERS utilized the established gay history of the "Xena" character to established a long lasting relationship between the two.
Now why is Gabrielle just so entrancing of a character. From the star of the Xena story she's an ingenue. A girl without much experience and somehow her wittiness and her soul get her hooked up in the adventures of the infamous "Warrior Princess". All of Xena's story is in many ways an ongoing redemption story. It is Gabrielle who at points who turns and later becomes the rock for Xena's complications.
Much of Season 1 and 2 of the series is built up on the worry of the darkness in our Princess. Gabrielle the Bard must deal with the fact that she won't kill and that Xena almost seems to happy to take to violene. I think in many ways this story really does a good job of showing the complexity of relationships as well as friendship. Xena and Gabrielle loved each other, it was canonized by both the actresses and members of the production team. The only reason we never got a full on gay relationship is the time the series was set in.
But another thing to never forget, both Xena and Gabrielle are both easily seen as lesbian, bisexual or even pan. Gabrielle loves Xena at the end of the series in a romantic and platonia manner. Xena has many lovers and romantic partners throughout her life. This is a series with complex feelings of friendship and much more. Plus we can't all forgot Joxer!
So yeah, Gabrielle is the mythical Blonde of the gay canon. It was her who created that newly gay or afraid to out herself character. Gabrielle is every person who just wants to have their voice heard, and ends up on crazy adventures because they shack up with a wandering bad ass.
Cheers to you Gabbie, we'll never forget you Queen of the Amazons!
#gay#lesbians#dykes#sapphic#queer#gay girls#gay girl#transgender#trans girl#lgbtq#GNC#gnc men#Xena#xena warrior princess#UBER#fanfic#flash warning#xwp#lucy lawless#renee o'connor#whats not to love
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