#Platinum protein
onexnutrition · 10 months
Gold Whey Protein: A Muscle-Building Powerhouse for Fitness Enthusiasts
What’s in the Gold Whey Protein? A Peek into Its Pure Goodness As a premium health supplement with premium ultra-filtered whey protein concentrate, Gold Whey Protein steals the show. With an amazing 25 grams of easily digested Whey per serving and low fat and cholesterol content, this nutritional powerhouse is essential for promoting muscle growth and helping quick recovery after intense…
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aibigbois · 3 months
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That one there, that's Kyle Steele. He is one of the most clueless bodybuilders you will ever meet. I sat next to him in Nutrition class last year. He asked me how to spell "carb".
And that one? That's Greg Gains. He's totally loaded because his dad invented Protein Bars. Greg Gains knows everybody's workout routines. He knows everything about everyone's fitness regimes. That's why his biceps are so big. They're full of secrets.
And the epitome of strength takes a human form in Gino George. Don't be fooled, because he may seem like your typical self-centered, back-stabbing, muscle-headed, roided monster. But in reality, he is so much more than that. He's the queen of the gym. The star. Those other two are just his little spotters.
Gino George. How do I even begin to explain Gino George?
Gino George is flawless. He has two Gucci gym bags and a platinum dumbbell set. I hear his abs are insured for $1 million. I hear he does fitness commercials. In Japan. His favorite movie is "Pumping Iron". One time, he met Arnold Schwarzenegger on a plane. And he told him he was huge.
One time, he punched me in the face.
It was awesome.
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Anytime | Kensei Muguruma x Reader |
author's note: this hurt a little bit to write lmao and i apologize in advance if it hurts you too
pairing: kensei muguruma x fem!reader
warnings: reader and kensei are divorced, a little bit of angst and jealousy
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"I'm on my way."
It rings in your head, over and over, as you sit on the side of the road and wait for your ex-husband to come save you. Stomach a pit and each and every nerve wired and frayed, tears nearly brim in your eyes at the anticipation of his arrival. Being stuck on the side of a road you're sure hasn't seen a single driver on it in at least a week is one thing, and it's another when you've got three flats and an ex-husband with a hefty I told you so locked and loaded.
Your divorce with Kensei was finalized over two years ago, but the sad fact remains that he's the most important person in your life, and vice versa— which is why you informed him of this last-minute road trip, only to be warned against it.
"I don't think your car can handle that trip. Put it off until I can make sure everything is functioning properly."
And like a fool, you neglected to take it seriously and off you went to the festival. Perhaps it's why you had as great of a time as you did— karma was evidently waiting with a dish best served cold.
Your heart jumps at the sight of a black Silverado truck pulling up. He hates that damn truck, much preferring his fuel-efficient Elantra, but you've left him with no choice today. You're so distraught you can't even take much time to appreciate those long legs of his as he steps out of the truck; sometimes you wonder how you could be divorced from the most handsome man you've ever known.
Dressed in jeans with the platinum chain you'd gotten him many moons ago attached, boots and a black button down shirt, your gut tells you he was busy when you called. Looking so fine… He was on a date, wasn't he?
It burns.
With a resounding sigh, you meet him in the halfway distance between your cars. Kensei's never been particularly talkative and mouthy unless angry, and though there's certainly some simmering beneath the surface, he's calmer than you initially expected. He passes you a bottle of water and a protein bar before going to inspect the damage, subsequently sighing and rubbing his temples with his long fingers. "I'm amazed that your luck is so shit that you only got three flats so your goddamn insurance wouldn't cover it."
"I'm still trying to figure out how I only got three."
"Divine intervention." Kensei mutters bitterly and starts to roll up his sleeves past the delicious forearms that once would hold you up against the inferno that is the rest of his body at night. "When's the last time you even got these rotated, let alone changed?"
"I don't even know what having them rotated means."
Kensei sucks in a sharp, irritated breath and steels himself; it'll do no good to get upset this early into the project. He just… Wishes you fucking listened to him. About anything, at this point. "New rule. Get it done every time you get an oil change." And thank God your car is one that will bug the hell out of you about your service interval— he doesn't want to consider what your oil and other fluids would be like otherwise.
"Okay." You mumble and crack open the water, taking a long pull from the cold drink. It's refreshing and perfect, pulling your spirits up just a tad as you start to feel a little bit better physically.
"Eat that protein bar." Your ex-husband demands, heading for the bed of his truck and lowering the tailgate. He's got everything he needs for the swap— including time. "I know you, you little shit. You're running on a refresher from six hours ago and had a hearty helping of hopes and dreams to eat, didn't you?"
You scowl as you chew the protein bar. It's terrible, like every protein bar you've ever tried, but at least he got one that doesn't make you want to vomit. "I didn't call you here so you could lay into me about my eating habits."
Kensei's brown eyes cut to you as he lowers a tire to the ground. "You rather me go off about the rest of the shit you got yourself into now, then? 'Cause I was saving it for later."
Rolling your eyes, you look away from the man you married six years ago. He huffs and resumes himself, setting up a workstation and prepping your car to start swapping the new tires on. You find a spot nearby him, settling down onto the lawn chair you took to the festival as he begins cracking off lugnuts. Sparing a glance your way, Kensei feels a bit of a tug at his heart despite his rage. You may be his ex-wife, but you've never been bad to him a day in his life. "How long did you sit here before you called me?"
"About two hours." You sigh, finishing the water after forcing the protein bar down. "I tried to get my insurance to help me. They wanted to charge even more because it's a Sunday and I just don't have the money for all that. I considered just camping out for a night and having them come out tomorrow, but…"
Kensei shakes his head. He was waiting for your call or text announcing you were back home; that plan would never fly as long as he's in your life. "We gotta get you a new insurance policy, babe. You're done paying for one that would leave a woman stranded like that."
"Yes sir."
Silence settles in for a while as you watch Kensei work. A light bead of sweat trickles from his temple to his neck, and then he tosses his tools down to carefully slip the buttons open and take off his shirt. If it's somehow possible, his biceps are bigger than they used to be. Leaving himself in a white tank top, he tosses the shirt your way. "Keep that clean for me, yeah?"
"Mhm." You slip into the oversized shirt, his handsome smelling cologne flooding your senses. He's not slick at all; it's chilly out in this wasteland, and rather than simply ask if you're cold, he'd rather ensure you won't be.
His unstoppable air of authority wraps you up, even now.
"Were you busy?" Tumbles out of your mouth after the beat of silence lasts too long. He's finished one tire already and it's really hit you how much you relied on him during your marriage.
It's no wonder he didn't fight to salvage it.
"No." He lies through his teeth and it's easy. Just a little too easy.
It's no wonder you served him divorce papers.
Huffing softly, your brow draws together. "Yeah, right. You got dressed all nice just to come bail me out? Bullshit. I'm smarter than you give me credit for, Ken."
"And yet, you went on this trip without getting your car checked out." Kensei snaps right back, irritation creeping up and warming his neck and ears. "If you didn't wanna wait for me, fine! Why not take it to Abarai's place?" He's got a point— You've known Renji for years now, and he'd always make time for a friend, his business needs be damned. He'd have it done in a day, easy.
Still, the embarrassment of being scolded like this lights your temper. "I told you, Ken, this trip was not planned. I had a friend up north mention the festival and we decided to go to it and meet up."
"Even if I accept that answer, which I don't, there's no reason for you to let your car get this bad! I don't even wanna look under the hood! Why do I always have to take care of your shit for you?? Time and time again, you fuck up and then you call me to bail you out!"
Your eyes widen with a series of blinks. He doesn't sound pissed as much as he's simply… Tired. Upset. Kensei being angry or frustrated is not foreign to you— on his surface, it's the only emotion he knows. But as his wife, you saw the softer side of his feelings. He does get sad, he does cry and he does have bad days like anyone else. And as you take in his tirade… The realization hits that those glimpses of his belly showing were almost entirely gone by the time of your separation.
That marriage was already doomed by the time you attempted to save it. Serving the papers to him wasn't supposed to do anything but show his true colors— he'd fight for you, or he'd give up. And Kensei chose the latter.
"Ken." You murmur carefully. "What were you doing when I called you?"
Kensei throws the tools down, rubbing his hands over his face. "I was on a date."
You'd rather have been left on the road to die than hear him say those words to you. The sinking feeling in your stomach threatens to send that protein bar back up just at the thought of him sitting at a restaurant with another woman, treating her in the same ways he'd treated you way back when. Kensei dating isn't unusual, per se. He's a single man, attractive and still quite young…
But he's yours.
"And you came for me?"
Kensei's hands drop to his lap. "For better or worse, babe: that's the promise I made you."
"The wedding vows don't particularly mean shit after the divorce." Tears of shock and hurt fill your eyes, though you refuse to blink and let them fall. He will not make you cry again, ever, but… The turn of your head to look away from him sure does accidentally force them out.
Kensei drops his head— he hates it when you cry, and hates himself for being the reason. He should've just lied again, brushed it off and moved onto the next flat. It wouldn't have worked though; the guilt he shoulders when he lies to you eats him alive, and it triples due to the look on your face when he does lie. You know he's not telling the truth, every time he tries it.
"I don't know why you think I'm the type of man to leave any woman stranded, much less you. You're the exception to every rule I have, always have been."
Your lip wobbles. It's true, you've always been the one to break Kensei's rules. He said he didn't date coworkers. But he dated you. He said he wasn't after a serious relationship. He married you. He said you shouldn't see each other after the divorce. Yet, he was calling and asking how you were doing not even a week later.
He's always loved you.
It's quiet for a while, and eventually Kensei gets back to the entire reason he's here. Clouds are rolling in, and he'll be damned if he gets caught in the middle of a rainstorm right now. His chest cavity feels empty and he wants nothing more than to crawl into his bed and sleep these horrible feelings away.
"Why?" You ask after a while, your few tears mostly faded now.
Stop, stop, stop! Stop asking questions, stop crying over your ex-husband moving on!!
"Why what?" Kensei mutters as he torques the lugnuts on the second tire.
You sigh to yourself, a beat of silence taking over again. Kensei's amber eyes flick over to you, snuggled into his shirt and avoiding his gaze as you curl into your chair. You're at war with yourself, that mental battle clear as day on what he can see of your face. His heartstrings tug, and next thing he knows he's wiping his hands and kneeling in front of you, cupping your cheek in his hand so you'll look at him.
His thumb swipes away a small tear. "Babe. Talk to me. You're not gonna feel better otherwise."
Your chest heaves at his touch, at his sincere eyes and warmth that keeps you so in love with him even now as a shudder wracks your entire body. "You keep your promises to me. You're always there when I need you. But why didn't you fight for our marriage?"
Kensei's silver brows raise before knitting together. "You wanted to leave. I wouldn't force you to stay if you weren't happy."
"I wanted you to care! I wanted my husband to tell me he still loved me and that we could work it out, but you didn't! You let me leave without so much as asking why!"
Kensei withdraws his hand. "Of course I cared! Does this—" He gestures back to your car. "Look like I don't care?? You had my whole heart in your palm, and you broke it! But I still come for you! All I want is for you to be safe and happy, and if it's not with me, so be it! You matter more to me than I ever have!"
"I've never wanted anybody else." Your eyes burn with fresh tears. You've never so much as entertained another guy for a potential date, let alone go out with someone after the divorce. There's nothing but your love for Kensei stopping you, but foolishly you hoped he would do the same; how unrealistic and unfair of you.
How many dates has he been on with this woman? Has he kissed her yet? The entire idea makes you want to scream and cry and cuss an innocent woman out for banging your husband. Ex or not, he's still so much of your heart that to lose him would ruin you.
"Then why divorce me?" He murmurs, standing and stepping back. The clouds are darkening, and he feels a hefty drop on his shoulder. "Why put me through a divorce if you wanted to stay together?!"
Anger boils inside your stomach, blood churning at an incredible pace as you rocket out of the lawn chair and fill the space he's created between you. "Why not fight?! If you love me as much as you keep saying, why didn't you fucking try?!"
"I already told you!" Kensei yells right back. "You wanted to go! So I let you go, because it's what you fucking said you wanted! You ended our marriage over a goddamn test, like the six years we spent together were some kinda fucking joke to you. You can't accuse me of not caring when you ended a four year marriage over petty shit!"
"I gave you a choice, Ken! I served the papers, but you signed them." You poke his chest harshly as two raindrops bounce against your forehead.
"I'm not having this argument with you; the shit's been said and done with for almost three years." Kensei turns his back to you as the rain starts a steady fall to swap out the last tire and get the hell away from you.
"Is she pretty?" It's beyond petty, so stupid and childish but you've got to know. If he likes this woman, or God forbid loves her, you'll never call him again. You'll die cold and alone before even considering reaching out to him, as an ex-wife to an ex-husband should.
Kensei stops in his tracks. "Yeah."
"Do you love her?"
Kensei looks up at the sky, the gray clouds swirling as the rain descends. He closes his eyes and breathes deeply, and it's the same as always every time he's left to gaze at the back of his eyelids— you and him on the night of your wedding, laying together in bed and giggling like teenagers at the prospect of your happy life together starting.
He turns, white tank top half soaked as he comes back to you and holds your face like porcelain. This beautiful face drives me crazy… "Nobody's ever gonna be able to be you."
You whimper and a fresh set of tears mixes in with the rain as Kensei leans down and kisses you, his passion so pent up that he's picking you up and pressing you to his truck before you can make heads or tails of anything. His shirt is swiftly bunched into your hand as the surprise subsides and the gratification fills you to the brim, your lips and tongue sliding with Kensei's in a messy reunification. Too long, it's been too long since you had this, since you felt his warmth on you and reveled in it.
His silver hair is silky between your fingers and he groans as you massage his scalp with your nails. He's always been a bit like a cat in that sense. Your legs around him and his arms around you tighten as you urge your bodies closer, leaving no room for even Jesus now. The rain pours around you, leaving you drenched by the time you've got no choice but to pull back, lest you die making out with your ex-husband.
All in all, not the worst way to go.
Kensei kisses your cheek gently, his lips lingering as he maneuvers to open the door to the passenger seat and shield you from the onslaught of rain. Peppering small kisses while he wipes the rain from your face, he turns the truck on and sets the heater up to keep you from getting sick.
He strips himself of his tank top once he's left you safely in the truck, tossing it in the truck bed before running to finish up the last tire change with this lucky break in the rain. Your fingers come to touch your tingling, smiling lips and you close your eyes as the space of Kensei's truck encompasses you.
By the time Kensei's back, his tools and your old tires all loaded up, you're beyond sleepy. Scooping you into his arms, your husband walks slowly and kisses your temple as he carries you to your car. "C'mon. Time to go home."
You steal a kiss off his lips, and by the time you're back in town, you weigh every option as you sit at a red light behind Kensei. Taking the next turn leads you home, but going straight will bring you right to Kensei's apartment building.
The light turns green.
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nighthoundsworld · 6 months
WE BACK ! told you I wouldn’t be consistent. Anyway Part 2 ! Of my Head canons that are 1000% true for the Next Avengers and with everyone either getting on Spring Break or getting off of it. Today’s topic will be about ✨Morning routines✨
Even though James usually acts like his Mother. His hard work and dedication is from his father. He’s an early bird like him. He takes his morning routines very seriously as he’s always the first one up. Nothing like A mere 100 handstand pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull ups and an easy 13 mile run to start the morning
But nothing beats his breakfast protein shake he makes from scratch that always leaves the others wondering just how he functions in the morning
Whenever Torunn wakes up she never forgets to pray to Odin and her Father. She prays that The all father is watching over her and her family and that when the time is ready she has secured her place in Valhalla. Once she’s done praying Torunn always presses a kiss to her fingers before placing those fingers on the framed picture of her Father and smiling
Torunn’s usually second in the kitchen behind Pym. And thanks to him he’s categorized everyone’s meal plans in separate sections. Torunn’s favorite breakfast always being Honey Nut Cheerios
If it wasn’t for James Pym would easily be the first one up. He only looses to James by 30 minutes as his alarm is set to 6:00 am while James naturally wakes up at 5:30. Pym wakes up at the same time every day on the hour and immediately the first thing he does is play an entire game of speed chess that takes a grand total of 1 minute and 30 seconds against the automated robot he designed. Whoever wins he tally’s up and not to brag but he has a current streak of 180-0. Pym is sully out the door in 10 minutes but not before he glances at the portrait of his parents hung up in his wall
He may not be able to beat James in first one up but Pym’s always the first one in the kitchen as he gets straight to work making his listed meal depending on what day it is
Monday-Bacon and Eggs
Weekends-try James Protein Shakes
He always cleans up before the others get there but trust him before they do it looks like a cooking show was being hosted beforehand
Out of everyone Azari has what people would call the most normal schedule. He wakes up at a fair time and the most he’ll do is splash some water on his face to wake himself up. Always smiling at the two separate pictures of his parents before he begins to start his day
Now even though he’s the most normal in waking up his kitchen skills need the most work as he for some reason refuses to use a glass to drink his morning beverage. Weather it be Orange Juice or Milk everyone immediately groans his name when they see him drink from the carton or jug. Added with Pym’s “and at least put a shirt on” as he has a knack for not putting ok a shirt until 11. We get it, you have fancy tattoos that light up, cool. At least he has the decency to make his own batch of waffles in the morning and he’s not scared of sharing
We’re lucky if Francis even wakes up in a single digit time span. He’s the master at hitting snooze before the alarm even has time to go off. And usually when he does get up he just rolls out of bed and lands on the floor before taking another 15 minutes of shut eye
Every single day Francis is the last one to make it in the Kitchen and every single day he asks the same question whilst he scratches his Platinum Blonde hair “Hey what’s there to eat !” As I’m pretty sure you can guess his sanctioned eating area is usually empty
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chryza · 2 months
would a beta fish be a good starter fish? how big does the bowl need to be? should i just get one at petsmart or is there a better plan? how often do i need to clean the bowl? should i get a second bowl to swap between when its time to clean or will shifting from one bowl to another be a problem for the fish? how often do i feed the beta?
Yes! Betta fish are fantastic starter fish for someone looking to get into aquariums, but I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that fish are "easy" pets. To really take good care of your fish, it's a significant investment and requires consistent time investment. For me, setting up a tank from scratch usually costs between $75-$150.
The biggest thing to note is that bowls are insufficient for a betta (Or really any fish). If you're thinking about getting a fish, you should invest in a good tank with a filter, and additionally purchase a heater (Bettas are tropical! They like water between 75-85 degrees).
Aquarists bitch and fight with each other about the minimum requirement for betta fish, I've seen everything from 2.5-10 gallons be listed as "the minimum". 5 gallons is what you should shoot for imo because it's easier to keep your nitrogen cycle going (which you can research if you don't know already!). I have a 3 gallon tank I keep because my room is small and I'm experienced enough to be able to monitor my water quality.
Speaking of, you'll also want to buy a water testing kit that tests for the Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite levels in your tank. Starting a tank for a fish is a big responsibility that requires kickstarting the bacterial cycle that breaks down waste and keeps the water safe for the fish. Typically, a tank will require a 25%-50% water change every week to two weeks so you can keep your fish in the water while you change it (testing the water will let you know how often your tank needs changing). You don't want to dump out all the water because it will kill the necessary bacteria colonies!
Finally, as for feeding, I recommend feeding twice a day. I loved to spoil my betta with frozen food, but dried food or pellets work just as well, though my favorite betta food is the Betta Dial-a-Treat that has different protein options.
EDIT: About where to buy fish. Personally I prefer petco over petsmart because petco tends to stock better options for the morphs I like (Koi, platinums, dumbos) but if you only have petsmart that's fine. However, don't feel limited by that! See if you have a local fish/pet store to shop at instead. When I got more experienced in the hobby, I began importing fish directly from Thailand and Indonesia to get what I wanted!
Fish are a lot more work than people realize! But if you give your betta fish an ideal habitat, you'll see their personalities blossom and they'll show you their intelligence and understanding in ways that are amazing for creatures so small! That's why bettas are my favorite--every single one is its own individual with preferred tastes and habits. It's a really rewarding hobby imo.
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heycarrots · 1 year
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My entire life, I thought I had straight hair.
You might ask, how do you NOT know your hair is wavy? Doesn’t it wave naturally?
It does, but only if allowed the opportunity and the encouragement to take its natural shape.
Growing up, if you were a girl, you got up early before school, showered, and then gave yourself an EXHAUSTING salon-level blowout every single morning. If you didn’t, if you let it *gasp* NOT be flat and shiny, you were considered dirty, unkempt, not feminine enough. The only exceptions being the CURLY folks, the female identifying goddesses who could NEVER ever be mistaken for straight-haired girls because their hair slingshots back into shape the moment any moisture hits it.
Over the years, I laid on more damage that society demanded, or so I believed. I bleached it to match my Marilyn aesthetic at the time. Platinum blonde, ramrod straight and then, ironically, hot rolled into submission to create the look of artificial pin curls.
All that bleach and all that heat, of course, destroyed the strength of my hair. It was brittle and, while it looked beautiful from the outside observer, I was losing a battle with it.
Growing up in South FL, the heat and humidity were my constant source of struggle. No matter what I did, how much I ironed my hair silky straight, it would fluff up like a chia pet within 15 minutes of going outside.
Looking at other girls around me who did not share this same struggle, I felt defeated. Why can’t my hair just lay flat? I mean, it LOOKS straight in the morning, I’ve always been able to shock it straight since childhood . . . What’s happening to my hair?
Well, motherhood happened. I was too tired to continue my battle with the blow dryer and flat iron every day, so I said fuck it, and just started letting it air dry.
At this point, my strands had been beaten down to the point where they were like, yeah . . . we’re not gonna lie flat and be cooperative, but we also don’t have the proteins and care required to spring back to life. So I got what could best be described as slightly bent frizz. I was very close to accepting this as just my lot in life when someone said, look at all that frizz! It looks like your hair is trying to curl.
My initial response was . . . No way! It’s definitely straight! It’s always been straight. I’ve worked really hard to assure it’s straight because, for me, the alternative was unattainable.
This kind soul turned me onto the curly hair method and assured me that If I put in the work to undo the damage I’d done to it over the course of my entire life, I would see significant change.
The day I finally accepted this was when schools shut down in Japan and I lost my job during the pandemic. I no longer had a reason to conform.
So, over the course of the next few months, I implemented the changes she had suggested and my hair improved dramatically! I won’t say it was always pretty . . . It was super awkward at first and I had to endure cold silent judgement when out and about in ULTRA conservative rural Japan, where any texture in your hair is equated with moral decay (not even exaggerating . . . try going to an onsen with a visible tattoo).
But now . . . my hair is thriving. As soon as water hits it in the shower, it clumps up and beings to curl. I haven’t straightened my hair myself in years.
If you’re thinking this sounds a bit like a metaphor, that’s because it is. Yes, this IS also the truth about my hair journey.
But just like my hair, I went through my entire life assuming I was straight. I’m married. I was married previously. I’ve had some very good relationships with men. I’ve had some REALLY bad relationships with men, but my relationships with my female friends have always felt a bit desperate, a showering of affection I tried to mentally attribute to my being on the spectrum.
Events in my life have recently caused some serious reflection . . . on female friendships I’ve had over the years that felt entirely one-sided, a longing for something deeper that just wasn’t reflected back at me. At a certain point, after losing my dearest friend to cancer in my early 20s, I shut down female friendships. They were too painful for me and I never understood why.
I am not straight. Never have been. I’m bisexual. This doesn’t change my relationship with my husband, any more than the fact that I appreciate most men would cause me to dart off after the nearest alternative. However, accepting this about myself has unlocked a sea of understanding about my past, about my role in those failed friendships, the expectations I was unknowingly placing on these girls which, because they were hidden, even from myself, they were destined to fall short of.
Over the course of the last month, I’ve been reeling with this paradigm shifting revelation and one thing I’ve come to understand is that I’m not my own type. I’m not drawn to girls who look like me (or at least look like I DID, with the pinup makeup and exhausting beauty routine). There’s nothing WRONG with that, but I’m not attracted to it because it holds no mystery for me. I know how hard they are working. I know the art and the artifice. Because I never looked at a woman as beautiful as Max and had FEELINGS, I assumed I had to be straight. If one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen makes me think *meh*, then I guess I must not be attracted to women.
But then, there are those women who simply do not give a fuck. Not a single one. And yet, they glow. They know no shame and have always known who they are and fight for the world as it should be, not as it is. And look at that! It appears I do have a type, after all. I guess you could say they are the Madis of this world, the Mirandas of this world.
To those women, thank you. I intend to approach life brackets emptied. Unredacted.
Love is love.
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merv606 · 7 months
A thought for Puritianverse: Naive newlywed Daniel is shocked when his Alpha husband puts his mouth and tongue on his rosebud. Drinks him up. But Terry simply says that “an Omega’s slick is protein, healthy, and good for for their Alpha, and little one, don’t you want your new husband to spend as many years with you as he can?” Not to mention: an Omega’s pussy-juice tastes delicious to their Alpha, and Daniel’s especially so. Terry can’t get enough of the taste, catered for him, it seems. And doesn’t that pretty cunt look even lovelier when throbbing and wet? Like a little red cherry topped with thick cream.
To be fair, Daniel didn’t have many friends outside of the few older, extremely pious omegas, and they made it seem like relations with your alpha were not only a duty that was most unpleasant, but also something you must simply endure.
One flat out told Daniel they hated the nights their alpha would visit to insist on their husbandly rights and that the only good thing about being with pup was it meant those visits wouldn’t happen for another nine months. Other said they would Just lie there and do their duty, calling it a necessary evil, and that for Daniel’s sake, they hoped his, “alpha will be quick and you will not have to endure it for long.”
So when the day comes he is both excited, wanting nothing more than to be married, and full of dread. Although he wants pups, wants many, the how of it worries him.
The ceremony is lovely though, and Daniel is surprised that all the things he had shyly asked for were there - down to the last detail.
The alpha had left the planning up to his assistant, Margaret, but had insisted on Daniel’s input, as it was, “your day, sweetheart,” more-so than Terry’s, as it was the wedding night the alpha was looking Forward to.
Margaret was a lovely woman who had a beautiful wedding planned. Daniel could not find one thing he did not love, and when he had asked exactly what is was he could have, she had looked at him stating, “anything you want.”
“I have no dowry,” he responded, and she had looked at him over the rim of the glasses, asking if that was ever a problem.
He was already in his new clothes, bought and paid for by the alpha.
The promise ring, pure platinum, with Terry Silver (A) etched on it, sits, worn on a thin finger ever since finding out he was to be Terry Silver’s omega, upon reaching mating age.
His ma was there, at the ceremony, and Mr. Miyagi, who Terry said Daniel would still be able to see after their marriage. His ma would even be able to come help with their first pup, and the many others that Terry had already told him he planned to bless Daniel with.
While excited for pups, he dreaded about what needed to be done to achieve them: receiving his alpha.
The day passes, too quickly, for Daniel knows what looms on the horizon once everyone has gone and all that remains is his duty to his new husband.
Their wedding night and marital bed.
He is dressed in night shirt, down to his knees, which while the proper length for him, the sheerness of the fabric is not.
He is lead into the room, where he is left, but it’s not for long.
His husband, resplendent in red robes, comes in moments after.
“I …. I am ready,” Daniel says, nearly blurting it out, but he’s stiff as a board.
“Well,” Terry laughs, taken aback, so much so he stops half way in the room, “not like that.”
Daniel looks to the floor, and a gentle hand under his chin is lifting his head moments later so he is looking directly at the alpha.
“And what is it, exactly, that you are you ready for my little one?”
“To do my duty sir, as your omega,” blushing as he explains, even though he still doesn’t know exactly what that means.
“Your duty,” Terry muses.
“Yes sir,” Daniel answers, mistaking it for a question, “upon our marital bed:”
“Ahhh those duties,” Terry winks, playing along. “Well, It won’t be pleasant for anyone if you don’t relax.”
“I …. I don’t think it’s supposed to be alpha.”
There is a large spread laid on a table by the bed, fruits and nuts, cream and honey, wine and spirits covering it.
Terry takes a sip of his drink.
“I don’t think there is any pleasure in it, but it must be done. It is necessary for pups, somehow,” he scrunches his nose, thoughtful.
“Yes, somehow,” Terry agrees, trying not to laugh. It would be more funny, if the little omega were not so clearly terrified.
He sits on the bed, but the little omega remains rooted where he stands. Terry does not bid him over though, not yet.
“So I shall do my duty.” Daniel finishes; resolved to his fate. That this is something he must do to be a good mate for his alpha and be blessed with a pup. As the older ones told him, if he is lucky it takes tonight and he will have at minimum, nine months freedom from his alpha requesting his husbandly rights.
The glass stops midway to his mouth.
“Well, that certainly puts me in the mood.” Terry mutters.
First thing is first. Terry will find Daniel younger omega friends, instead of the ones feeding him this nonsense.
Second thing, the little omega needs to relax. He looks like he might faint at any moment. Like Terry is going to ravage him raw, which, although that will undoubtedly happen, the little omega does not realize this will be a good thing.
“Mood?” Daniel asks.
“I’ll explain later.”
He hands Daniel a glass.
“I … spirits are not proper,” he balks, delicately sniffing the drink.
“Drink,” Terry commands. “It will help.”
Still, Daniel hesitates, and Terry knows how to deal with his little pious one already.
He tsks. “Already not obeying your alpha …”
Daniel takes a big gulp, not expecting the burn, and he coughs, his face red, his alpha rubbing his back, patting it gently.
“Something else perhaps. I think something more mild in taste …. sweeter maybe.” Although he’s talking more to himself than Daniel.
He surveys the table from where he sits on the bed. “I do not think any of these will be to your liking. I have a proclivity toward harder spirits.”
He stands, going to the door, he opens it, and one of the handmaidens who readied Daniel for his husband appears.
Instructions are whispered and she bows, “of course, my Lord.”
Terry stands, arms crossed, watching his little treasure.
There is a knock at the door and he takes the tray, laid down with several glass decanters, and she bows before closing the door, shooting a smile at Daniel first.
Patting the bed, the omega sits, taking the wine stem between long fingers. He’s more cautious now, taking a small sip.
“You like this one?”
It tastes of strawberries on a summer day, and instead of answering he drinks this down, trying for every last drop, although Terry is quick to refill it.
That is downed too, and already his head feels light, his shoulders loose. He thinks he can feel his blood. It’s all very pleasant.
Terry regards him. “Well save the next one for a little bit later, I think.”
Terry dares to sit now, next to Daniel on their bed.
He shivers when his side touches the alpha’s.
“Are you cold?”
The fire is roaring, his little omega was not to be cold or uncomfortable in any way, even his night shirt is the finest fabric, the softest fabric for the softest skin.
Nothing was too good for his mate, and the omega who will bear his line.
Daniel shakes his head. He’s nervous but his omega parts are also acting funny, a slight tingling which happens whenever Lord Silver is close. Not realizing yet it’s arousal or that Terry can scent that it is.
“You need not be frightened, little one. Not of me. I shall never cause you harm, not by my hand. I should cut it off first.”
Wide brown eyes stare at him, as Terry takes his hand kissing it, each individual finger.
“I’ve had my eye on you for quite some time. You know that don’t you.”
“I do.” He had been presented to Terry years prior, upon first presenting as an omega.
Even if his ma had wanted to keep it a secret, the news had travelled to Lord Silver’s court.
It was well known that Lord Silver had been looking for a suitable omega for years, but given the rarity of male omegas, and the fact that he leaned towards males, it had been illusive.
Although Daniel would not be of age for several years, Terry had made him his betrothed then and there.
Property of the alpha.
All Daniel cared about was that his ma and Mr. Miyagi would be taken care of.
There had been dates, after the announcement, that Lord Silver had found the omega who would bear his line, but they were heavily chaperoned.
“I will be a worthy alpha, I promise you that. I shall provide for you and our pups, but you have to be a good omega for me.”
“Of course sir!” he says, absolutely indigent at the implication he would be anything else. “I had top marks in all my omega lessons …” They were required once he knew he was to be the mate of a Lord.
He puts up a hand and Daniel falls silent.
Oh he’s going to have his hands full, Terry thinks.
He chose well; his omega is nothing short of perfect.
“What do you think will happen tonight?”
Daniel looks at his lap.
Terry tips his face up once again with a gentle but firm hand under his chin.
“Look at your alpha when he talks to you,” but here’s no real heat or admonishment there.
“I’m …. I’m not quite sure alpha sir, I …”
Terry forgot how these pious ones were.
“You know nothing of how an alpha actually loves their omega do you?”
He bites his lip.
“Of what those duties on the marital bed you speak of are?”
“If this displeases you, I am sorry, but it’s not proper for an omega …”
“Hardly,” Terry says. While he was expecting some naivety, Daniel seemed to be exceptionally so.
“I know am to lie on this bed sir, and open my legs to receive you.”
Terry’s turn to cough on his drink, and Daniel to hit his back.
“Do you know what that means - to receive me?”
He shakes his head.
“Just that I won’t like it but it’s necessary for pups … so I shall endeavour to do my duty.”
He sips his drink, a smile upon his lips this time.
“Perhaps I shall show you first. How wrong that assumption is.”
Daniel does, in fact, end up on their bed, his legs open wide, with his alpha settled between them.
The night shirt is still on but it’s pushed up to his waist, exposing him to his alpha.
A finger tracing along the little slit on perfect display for his husband.
“Do you know who what this is?” He asks, careful not to touch as he reaches the top of the omega’s precious mound.
“My rosebud, sir. “
It’s been a while since Terry has heard such an archaic term, but at least the boy knows that much, although Terry doubts he knows what it’s for or what it does.
He has to admit though the term is quite fitting for the omega’s cute little clit.
“Have you even touched your rosebud? Late at night, alone in your bed?”
“Of course not,” he says, scandalized at the very notion he would do such a thing! “No proper omega would sir … tis a sin … only your husband is allowed to touch your special omega place.”
Terry can work with that.
Well then ….. gentle fingers spread his seam, opening those folds to the tiny little hole within that it hides.
Fingers gently press the hood back, exposing the little rosebud for what it is: tiny, pink, and perfect, not unlike the omega’s hole just below it.
He lets the hood cover it again. The alpha starts with one finger, gently rubbing up and down the sides.
Small circles to start, the lightest pressure, which causes the little omega to gasp, responsive to his alpha’s touch.
The little omega cries out, trying to close his legs, not that they’re allowed to be closed for long.
His special parts are tingling in an alarming way. He knows anything that feels this good is a sin. There is no way it isn’t.
The alpha opens them back up, finger dipping in to collect the copious slick already gathering, using it to rubs over the sensitive little nub now, the little omega whimpering.
“Does it feel good?”
“It … it throbs alpha… deep inside.”
“I’ll make that feel better.”
Drawing back, he uses his middle finger to gently tap and the little omega arches up, panting.
Back to up and down his seam, pad of his thumb rubbing up and down the omega’s now engorged clit, emerging itself from under the protective hood.
Terry leans down, and Daniel wonders what he’s doing and then …..
His husband’s mouth is on his rosebud, and his tongue is gently flicking over it, licking at lapping at it.
His cunt aches in fierce need. But this can’t be proper, his alpha’s mouth on him in such a way.
“No, alpha .. sir ….”
“No?” Terry says, sitting back on his heels, observing the little omega. The flushed skin, wet cunt, tiny pink pearl poking out, the blush high on his chest, the brown nipples, stiff against the sheer fabric, made hard with arousal. Terry will get his mouth on those next. When he’s inside the little omega.
“I ….” He starts, unsure of how to explain it, that although it was the best thing he’s ever felt, there is no way that one small (sinful) lick alone has not condemned him to hell.
“I thought you said your alpha was allowed.”
“Not for their husband to put their mouth …” he can’t even finish it, it’s too scandalous to even think of such a think let alone speak it out loud.
“Your husband isn’t Supposed to what? Not put their mouth on their omega’s pretty little Pearl?” Terry asks, having fun now.
The little omega’s face burns at his husband’s crude words, now that he knows what they mean.
“You belong to me do you not?”
“Of course, sir.”
“So does this - your rosebud - not belong to me as well? To do with as I please?”
“But an omega is only supposed to receive their husband, sir. I thought ….”
You also thought it would unpleasant he thinks and that is the exact opposite of unpleasant. Shamefully, he wishes his husband would do it again. Just thinking of it makes him squeeze himself inside.
“How do you know this is not how you receive me?”
“But … that can’t be how a blessing is placed inside,” he says. Can it? He thinks.
“No,” Terry agrees, “but it pleases me, and that is your job is it not? To satisfy your alpha.”
“Of course.”
“To do as your alpha wishes and commands?”
“Of course.”
“Good then. So open your legs and let me eat that pretty pussy some more. Until I’ve had my fill.”
Terry wraps a hand around his ankles, pushing his legs back and out so he’s completely open and exposed to the alpha’s hungry gaze. What a delectable and tasty sight, a perfect morsel to feast upon, and Terry is thankfully famished.
“But…. You will have me receive you, won’t you? A blessing is needed, sir,” Daniel says, and so very wanted, he thinks.
“Of course, you will never be neglected in that regard, believe me, and I will give you pups, many in fact, but letting your alpha touch you here,” he flicks the aroused clit with his fingers, “taste you here,” a quick kitten kiss to the encouraged rosebud, “also helps your body do what it needs to receive your alpha, baby.”
“How?” He asks shakily.
Terry swipes a finger gathering the slick, bringing it to his mouth, groaning at the taste.
“You see how wet having your rosebud touched and tasted makes you?”
He blushes. The way the alpha is saying it, he knows it must be dirty.
“Is that …. is that a good thing? Being wet for you?”
“A very, very good thing, sweetheart.” Terry’s cock is rock hard and wants inside, baldy, but his mouth waters to be on the little omega, addicted already after such a small taste. He needs to have him proper, feel his mate come against his mouth, to drink it down.
More slick is gathered and tasted, the alpha savouring it like a fine wine. He plans to dine himself full until satiated.
“It’s how we’ll get a blessings inside you.”
Daniel notices then, a bulge in the alpha’s pants that, while it was there earlier and visible, it had not been so pronounced.
His legs fall open, and Terry dives back in, eating out the little omega who squirms and moans from his husband’s passion.
“You taste so good.”
Daniel is sure he’s making the wet noises sound more obscene.
His husband pleasures him, a large hand splaying out on his tummy.
Chest heaving, Daniel looks at the ceiling, clutching the end of his nightshirt, the other fisting his husband’s hair, and it’s probably a tad too tight but the alpha moans and Daniel can feel the vibrations against his omegan hole.
His hips are wanton things, not under his control as he pushes his cunt into the alpha’s face, which only seems to sper the husband on more.
Lapping at the slick, blowing on the little bud before taking it into his mouth, sucking.
His thighs close around the alpha’s head, as he comes, thighs shaking, screaming his release. There is no way everyone in the household did not hear that.
He doesn’t stop - lapping at the never ending slick. Tongue flicking against the sensitive omegan clit, thick fingers keeping the hood back, so he can lick over the nub, erect from arousal, over and over, the omega squirming and trembling.
A finger breeches him, shallow, as the alpha is aware of the precious maidenhead just inside. It won’t last the night but it will be his cock that has that honor.
His thumb rubs at the red little rosebud, wet from slick and Terry’s saliva, clearly pulsing and throbbing, while two fingers carefully fuck into the omega’s virgin hole.
This time, his thighs shake, minute first then more pronouced, and he’s whining, that feeling from moments earlier, mounting again, but sharper and more violent. Before it rolled over him but now it crashes, violent and force, and the wetness practically explodes out of him.
“That’s it come for your alpha. Cover me,” he growls, and a small bit more squirts out at the roughness of the alpha’s voice. His feels his omega place clench and quiver, himself shaking from the intensity.
Terry is licking his hand clean, and Daniel thinks he blacks out, coming to upon hearing the alpha say.
“You see. Nothing unpleasant.”
There’s a ringing in his ears.
The alpha stands naked now, although he is careful for the little omega not to see his cock, hard and straining for release inside his mate’s virgin body.
The wine, the orgasms, it will all help as his alpha gathers the abundant slick, coating his cock before placing it at his entrance.
He takes one last look at the omega’s undefiled cunt.
As good as it looks now, tiny and oh so tight, Terry can’t wait to see what it looks like when he’s done.
It may be perfect now but when the alpha is done it will be a masterpiece, fucked open and leaking his seed.
“Relax for me now.”
The cock breeches him, and his eyes widen.
“This is how you receive your husband,” Terry says, voice tight as he takes the omega’s purity, the gift saved and freely offered to him.
Slight resistance but with only a few inches to go, Terry snaps his hips and his walls are forced open up by the rest of his husband’s cock pushing all the way inside.
Little mewls and whimpers, Terry reaching up to rub at those tormenting little nubs as the omega adjusts to his husband inside him in such a way.
The little omega likes that, pussy clenching tight around Terry as he rubs at the omega’s hard nipples; small but sensitive little things that they are turning out to be, much to Terry’s delight. His little mate is going to scream once he gets his mouth on them.
He can’t wait for them to soften and plump up for their pups.
“This is how I put a pup inside you,” Terry groans as he starts to move, withdrawing few inches before pushing back in, more rocking inside than real thrusting.
A thumb back on his rosebud, to distract from the discomfort of being filled for the first time.
“Fill your cunt, your womb,” he places a hand on Daniel’s belly, bulging from his cock, “with my seed.”
Daniel’s eyes roll back, the feeling more intense now that he has something inside him, something to come around, walls bearing down on the cock as he comes, squeezing the orgasm out of the alpha.
He comes and comes and comes around the cock deep inside, it feels like he doesn’t stop, milking the seed out and into his womb where it belongs.
“That’s it …. Squeeze me nice and tight.”
Terry’s balls draw up, hips rutting in as deep as they can, as he fills the omega with another load.
Not sure how many he pumps inside, when he finally feels done, only then does he pull out and he was right. Taking in the absolutely debauched omega, he is a masterpiece - painted with love by Terry’s hand.
They lie there, Terry’s hand resting on his omega mound.
“That was your first seeding.”
First of many Terry thinks.
Terry plans to give him a few days for his body to recover. He will be sore. That is to be expected no matter how gentle Terry was or how ready his body was to accept his husband and his seed - and it was ready, but a few days reprieve from Daniel fulfilling his duties in this manner will allow Terry to introduce the little omega to other husbandly rights he will be claiming that Daniel will be expected to perform. Terry will have his mouth, of course, and at some point his ass.
“While I desire a blessing sir I hope it is not for a little while.”
“Why?” The alpha is genuinely surprised at this. The little omega had been elated when Terry told him that he planned to not only bless him as many times as possible but as soon as possible.
“So I can receive you like that many times,” he sighs.
Terry’s turn to be the one with no knowledge to which the little omega speaks.
“Receiving an alpha is only for being given a blessing sir.”
Terry lies there, shocked expression on his face.
If the little omega thinks Terry is going to be deprived of him in any way for nine months … be deprived of watching his body grow and change as the babe grows inside him especially ….
Well, they’ll cross that bridge when they get there he thinks.
Given Daniel’s naivety, it won’t be something he has to deal with for awhile.
If the little omega is not already with child from that session - it won’t be long before he is, and Terry doubts Daniel will know when that actually happens.
Until then his little mate will happily spread for Terry in hopes of both more pleasure such as what he just experienced and, of course, a pup.
Many pups. He will be bred good and often. He takes to it so well du knows he will take to Pregnancy just as well if not better.
It’s what he was made for.
For now he can feel his cock stirring again, and, as long as the little omega is high on his orgasms, Terry rolls Daniel to his knees, mounting him like that.
Now is as good a time as any to show him the proper breeding position.
He’ll be in it enough, after all.
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ripplestitchskein · 4 months
@solarpunk-0possum asked for a guide on solar yarn dyeing and I wrote this up because I’m a nutcase. It’s long but hopefully informative.
Its actually really easy and there’s cool things you can do with it. Chemknits on YouTube has some fun projects too, their channel is the ultimate dye channel imo. But I’m going to give you a crash course here because I like doing that.
Let’s start with fiber.
For acid dyes it needs to be a protein based fiber, it can be a blend, so wool and nylon for example but depending on the fiber it may look slightly different. I almost exclusively use Wool2Dye4 platinum sock for my yarn base which is 75% super wash merino wool and 25% nylon but for more environmentally friendly dyeing, as super washing isn’t great, you can go non super wash wool or other natural protein based fiber. Paradise Fibers and KnitPicks also have white yarn bases. There are other companies but most won’t let you buy single skeins as they are geared toward commercial dyers. I buy in bulk cause I do a lot of dyeing.
If you get a non super wash wool yarn it can felt but this process minimizes that risk significantly. Handling it a lot, stirring or squeezing and temp changes are what cause wool to felt. I also dye 100% wool top and roving in many varieties with this same method. This technique is great for that because your felting risk is super low since you aren’t stirring or changing temps until you rinse and even then the temp change is a lot less and your fiber stays together.
If you do a fiber like silk it is going to react a lot differently so you want to play around to get the hue you want. Silk is notoriously tricky but gorgeous.
Plant based fibers need a different totally different dye and mordant though, I’ll get into that later but if you have a hemp, linen, bamboo or viscose or something you can still do this. Even synthetic fibers like white acrylic or nylon can be dyed just needs a different dye and I can’t speak to the efficacy of solar as I’ve never dyed them but nylon blend works so I don’t see why not.
Now to the dyes.
Acid reactive dyes are dyes that react and bind to fiber once acid is introduced to the party. I use white vinegar or citric acid. You can buy acid dyes from companies like Jacquard or Dharma Trading, there are several companies but these are my personal favs. Jacquard has a red, blue and yellow set that is great to start with as you mix your own colors using basic color wheel principles.
You don’t have to buy special dye though!!
You can dye with Kool Aid or Easter egg dyeing pellets or food coloring (gel or liquid), cake sprays, bath bomb colors etc. It just won’t be as color and light fast. But if you are just playing around it’s super fun and safe and I have skeins that kept their colors for years no issue. Also using those food based dyes can be done with children where I wouldn’t with acid dyes.
For acid dyes you want to use equipment that won’t ever touch food again, so you need specific jars and spoons and such that are just for dyeing. I have dedicated dyeing equipment (stock pot, crock pot, tongs, spoons, etc) but I purchased all of it at thrift shops for super cheap.
I also use a N95 mask or respirator whenever I open my dye powder jars to not breath in particulates. I also wear glasses or safety goggles. I wear a mask for ANY powder even Kool Aid. It’s just good PPE. I am bad about wearing gloves though….I should be better. Wear gloves.
For this project as far as equipment all you need are glass mason jars. I used 2quart so the yarn could move freely but 1quart or smaller will work too you just might need to put in less yarn. You also need plastic or paper cups to mix dye in if you are mixing. If you are using an acid dye or even a Kool Aid you need gloves, and a mask.
I do recommend a scale but it is not necessary, 1 tsp of acid dye is usually = 1 gram but check the manufacturer documentation. If you are using food coloring or Kool Aid you don’t need special dedicated stuff at all.
You will also need an acid like white vinegar or citric acid. Kool Aid, and PAS easter pellets or other powdered drink mixes usually have an acid in them so you can use them as is but I always add a little extra acid for better color adhesion.
For plant based fibers you need a fiber reactive dye and a mordant like soda ash or alum . Procion has a Pro MX line. You can also dye with natural materials like indigo, madder, onion skins, marigold, avocado etc. Some people recommend soaking or boiling your fiber in your chosen mordant but tbh I’ve done it just throwing everything in the jar and had good results so 🤷‍♀️. You can get soda ash and alum on Amazon or other sources like Dharma Trading. For plant based dyeing you just put the leaves or roots depending on the material in the jar with everything. Natural dyeing takes A LOT longer than acid or fiber reactive dyes for solar dyeing but it’s still fun and MUCH better for environment.
For synthetic fibers like acrylic you have to use something like Rit. I don’t do this very often (or at all really) and have never solar dyed acrylic as I just buy acrylic yarn in the color I want when I use it, but I assume it would work the same? I cannot guarantee it though. I’ve also seen people use acrylic paint mixed with water to dye yarn, it just changes the texture slightly so your mileage may vary with synthetics. I don’t recommend using them though. You can get 100% wool, linen, bamboo etc at craft stores pretty easily now a days.
So now that you have your dye and your fiber let’s get dyeing!
Prepping the Fiber
Weigh your yarn. You can use a kitchen scale. This will help you figure out how much dye to use to get the shade you want. This calculator for acid dyes is great for figuring out how much dye stock solution you need. For Kool Aid or Food Coloring it’s just vibes based for me but someone has probably figured out the amounts. We’ll get there.
To prevent tangling I recommend tying your yarn off in the skein at regular intervals. You can see my purple yarn ties in the pic below. I also use reusable zip ties. If you buy yarn the skeins usually come pre-tied but I skein up my own yarn so yeah. I also will put a zip tie or large piece of yarn at either end to keep it orderly. You can also just put entire cakes wound up from a ball winder, or an entire skein from the store in the jar too though, you’ll get different effects from the natural resist of it being wound up but it’s super fun to see what happens.
Soak your yarn, if you want more color variation you can do it dry, that’s often how tonals and semi solids are dyed as the dye binds or “strikes” to the fiber at different rates so feel free to experiment. You can also presoak your yarn in an acid and water mixture for different effects as well. It’s all about experimentation! Even your dye can do things differently depending on if the dye “breaks”, that’s where different pigments make up the dye and will strike at different temps, the Purple Pop I used in this example is a dye that will break into blues and reds or different purples if I do different things with the heat. For natural you can soak in your mordant like alum or soda ash. You probably want to get more detailed instructions on amounts though, I just look it up when I do it as I never remember and it takes me forever to gather enough plant material so it’s only a once or twice a year thing.
In this example I soaked my yarn in plain water for about 30 minutes before I added any dye as I was going for a solid.
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While your yarn is soaking you can mix your dyes!
Mixing Dye:
If you are using acid dyes you can add your dye powder directly to the water you are dying in until it looks like you want. I dip pieces of paper towel into it to get an idea of what it looks like color wise, or what I do for greater precision with different color saturations and to not waste dye is mix a dye stock solution.
It sounds scarier than it is. A dye stock solution is suspending the dye molecules in water to make a concentration of dye. My dye stocks are 1 part to 100 for a 1% solution. So for Dharma dyes I mix 1 gram (1 part) to 100ml hot water (100 parts). Once I have my dye stock mixed I can use that to determine how many milliliters of dye I want to introduce to my yarn. The calculator I linked can tell you how much for the depth of shade you want but for an example if I want a mid saturation at 2% for a 50g skein I would use 100ml of dye stock. If I want a much lighter shade at .5% I would only use 25ml. If I want just the regular color at 1% I use whatever the fiber weighs in ml, so 50ml for a 50g skein. The skeins above are 2% of Sour Apple and Purple Pop except for the lighter green which was .5% of Sour Apple. If I wanted pastels I usually do like .025%.
The calculation is Weight of Fiber x Depth of Shade for a 1% dye stock solution. You can make stronger dye stocks like 2 grams per 100ml for a 2% but I find just using 1% much easier cause math is annoying but the calculator will let you do that too.
For Kool Aid or Food Coloring just mix your color in water and dip in pieces of paper towel until it’s approximately the shade you want. It’s not 100 accurate as paper towel is different than your fiber but is pretty close, or at least gives you an idea if you have a deep shade or a pastel shade. If it’s too dark add more water, too light add more dye.
For natural dye you can’t really determine what shade you’ll get as plants have too many variables, there are some general guidelines for most common dye materials that can give you an idea though and generally less material is lighter and more material is darker.
The Full Process:
Weigh your yarn if you are trying to get a more precise depth of shade. Then you can use the calculations above to determine how much dye. If you are just playing you can skip this. If you bought skeins they usually tell you if it’s 100g or 25g etc so no need to weigh.
I filled my jars with plain water and put the yarn in (make sure it’s loose, I made the mistake with my first batch last weekend of accidentally leaving it twisted in the skein and it formed a resist, I just overdyed and still got some pretty skeins so nothing lost but if you want white spots or different depts of shade throughout feel free to add some resist by leaving it skeined or tying off sections like tie dye!).
When filling your jars remember we need room at the top to add dye and acid so just fill until the yarn moves freely, you can always top it off after. Can you tell I’ve made this mistake?
I let it soak for about 30 minutes while I prepared my dye stock.
Once my dye was mixed and my yarn had soaked I determined how much dye I wanted to use. Then just add the dye into the jar. I let my yarn sit in the dye without acid for another 30 minutes. I put the lid on and shook it up to make sure it penetrated all the yarn. Again, if you want different effects you can add the acid in now, don’t mix it, etc but for a solid you want as even coverage as possible.
Then I added the acid. I used 1/4 cup acid cause that’s what I always use for some reason but you can add just 1 or 2 tablespoons. I used white vinegar. I usually use a citric acid mix with water but I ran out. It doesn’t matter the vinegar smell fades.
I put my lid on, gave it a good mix and I was done. Now for the sun part.
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What makes the dye bond to fiber is a proportion of acid, heat and time. With kettle dyeing in a pot on the stove or similar you introduce heat rapidly but in this case it’s not so much about the temp as it is the UV and time. You don’t have to put your jars in direct sunlight outside, a sun facing window is fine too. Your jars do need to be clear though.
I put mine outside. You can still solar dye if it’s overcast or even if it’s kinda cold it just might take more time.
Then just leave it! You’ll know it’s done when the water is clear, the yarn can make it appear like it’s not clear but pool it at the top of the jar to check on it.
This is called exhausting the dye, all the dye molecules have found a friend in the fiber and adhered to it. Some dyes do not exhaust completely, either because there is too much dye for the weight of fiber and all the molecules have already found their friend, or because of the dye itself. The Purple Pop is really bad about exhausting. If it’s been several days and you aren’t seeing a change it may be done, in that case just take your yarn out but add another skein in with some more acid, no need to waste it, you’ll get a lighter shade. I usually have a yarn mop for collecting non-exhausted dye. I just throw it in and see what happens, sometimes with many different colors.
The length of time you leave it out depends on a lot of factors, natural plant based dyes can take months, these acid based dyes took two days in Central FL but honestly the greens were exhausted in like 18 hours and the purple I didn’t see any change so I just took it out and put another skein in, its cooking now. I usually give my acid or Kool Aid dye projects no more than a week cause I’m impatient and always have had good results. Plant based I’ll leave for months.
After you remove your yarn you can dump the water. If I dump it outside I add a little baking soda to neutralize the acid, or just let it sit for awhile. I don’t like to dump it near water sources like wells or any food based gardens but have used it to water flowers and stuff. If using Kool Aid or food coloring you can do whatever. I’ve also reused my water for another dye if it’s totally clear or if I don’t care if there’s a bit leftover.
Then wash and rinse your yarn! I use Kookabura Wool Wash but you can use anything like Dawn dish soap. You may have a bit of bleeding depending on the color or none at all, just rinse and repeat until the water runs clear. If it’s a lot of bleeding and you are washing and rinsing and it just won’t run clear you can steam set it by wrapping it in plastic wrap while still wet and microwaving it or steaming it in a steamer basket like you would a vegetable. If you microwave just don’t burn your yarn! I do like 30 second intervals in the microwave until it’s hot to the touch but I rarely have to do this.
For non super wash wool or wool top/rocing that will felt you need to do this gently. Don’t run water directly on the fiber, handle it as little as possible, don’t introduce extreme temperature changes etc. The temp is less of a concern for solar though, that mostly applies to kettle where you go from hot to cold.
Then hang to dry! If you tied off your skein it should be tangle free, but you may need to shake or comb it a bit to get rid of curly bits. I use a dedicated salad spinner to really get it dry first then hang and it’s usually totally dry in a few hours.
And that’s it! Hope this helped, sorry it’s so long.
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Best LV CC
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There’s a lot of Louis content out there, but I’ve found that it’s not as easy to find as some other luxury brand CC. Hopefully this list is helpful!
To be updated periodically. More listicles coming soon. There is too much available at Platinum Luxe Sims, so I’m not including their CC in this list. GO HERE to check out all of their luxury CC.
Ever Spring Collaboration Elastic-Waist Long Dress Shirt Crop Top Pleated Skirt Set Scarf & Shirt & Short Dress TWICE - Alcohol-Free Outfit Printed Puff sleeve Dress Ribbon Printed mini Dress Knit Top & Skirt
BAGS & Jewelry (CAS)
Petite Malle Bag Nike x LV Earrings and Necklace
Short-sleeved Basic T-shirt & Belt & Chain Slim Fit Pants Trainer Sneakers
Designer Romper + Matching Shoes Designer Boys Outfit
Protein Shaker & Protein Powder Designer Art Designer Art to Objects Designer Art to Food LV Pink Glow Sign LV Purse Collection Petite Malle Bag
Build Mode
Y2K Bed Y2K Wallpaper
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onexnutrition · 1 year
5 Reasons Why You Should Try Onex Nutrition.
How Onex Nutrition Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals. Our Onex Nutrition specializes in providing high-quality, science-based nutritional supplements. Our products are designed to help people reach their fitness goals, improve their overall health, and live a healthier lifestyle. If you’re considering trying Onex Nutrition, here are five reasons why you should: Our products are made with…
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earthstellar · 1 year
my friend accidentally dyed her hair a colour that I have named "Rodimus Orange"
so here's a pro-tip from my punk days:
if you fuck up bleaching your hair and it turns orange and/or brassy, go get a light to medium cool tone permanent grey dye (without lightener/hydrogen peroxide)
the cool grey has the same purple undertones as most toner for blonde hair does, and it helps even out any orangey patches + tints the orangy hair a more even colour without darkening it all that much
now, this won't work in every single case, but it's a very good solution and way better than walking around with fucked up hair
the reason this orange result usually happens is when you grab a box dye that has too strong of a lightener; if you have dark brown hair and wanna go platinum blonde, for example, it might be better to get a darker blonde or even lighter brown shade with a less intense lightener (think 20 vol versus 40 vol) and then gradually lighten your hair so you don't fry it and end up going Full Rodimus
I hope this mid-90s punk knowledge will help someone out there <3
bonus: you can also do the punk thing of putting egg white in your hair as a protein conditioner and sealer if you like the post-grey dye results (as long as you aren't vegan, anyway)
honestly I think the Rodimus Orange looks good but hey, if you need to fix it, hopefully that's useful lol :')
(and if you just wanna commit to the Rodimus look, you can go Hot Rod style and slap some magenta dye on there, leaving some orange showing through for a cool multicolour warm vibe or magenta with orange/yellow highlights!)
the moral of the story: grey dye makes for good toner in some cases, and sometimes you just gotta commit to the Cybertronian speedster look
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kimkhimhant · 1 year
What are some of your personal headcanons about Kim and Chay?
oh man i've got so many ! where to start lol
starting with one dear to my heart, kimchay are both neurodivergent - kim is autistic and chay has adhd! also, kim is a picky eater, and particularly sensitive to textures, so he resorts to protein shakes for meals more often than he should.
little spoon kim! he loves being the little spoon, and he loves feeling taken care of, even tho he doesn't really know how to react to it, and he probably kind of runs away from/rejects it at first. Additionally, he's so touch starved that physical affection probably both terrifies him and delights him. after he gets more used to it, he becomes really clingy (chay loves it so much)
they both kind of have a lot to learn about healthy relationship post-canon. Chay i think is someone who takes it upon himself to care for everyone's emotional and physical needs (although porsche took care of him financially growing up, we still see chay in a care-taker role with him. he puts everyone else's needs above his own (so does porsche obviously)) so he kind of has to learn how to not over-extend himself and how to let kim care for him too?
and kim has so much to learn, obviously. he has no mental concept of normal and healthy. to him, loving someone is killing for them or dying for them. he doesn't understand the mundane things, and there's probably a lot of trial and error in the early part of their relationship once they reconcile.
one of the first gifts kim gives to chay post-canon is a custom-made necklace that looks like a guitar-pick, but is probably made out of platinum or something similarly ridiculously expensive. Chay internally freaks out a little every time kim spends lots of money on him – he has a hard time accepting kim spending so much money on things they don't need.
one of chay's first gifts to kim is a cat.
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icingsweet · 1 year
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wc: angelo's online date and esme's daughter's father.
CAT, 28, GMT;  SHE/THEY. | if you’re hearing CODE MISTAKE by CORPSE x BMTH playing, you have to know RYDER SYDNEY (THEY/HE/ANY; NON-BINARY) is near by! the 33 year old FORMER PROFESSIONAL BARE KNUCKLE BOXER NOW PERSONAL TRAINER has been in denver ON AND OFF FOR 33 YEARS. they’re known to be quite TOUGH, but being DRIVEN seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble NICO TORTORELLA. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those PROTEIN BAR WRAPPERS, SCARED KNUCKLES, SILVER RINGS, YELLING AT SPORTS CHANNELS, BROKEN SKATEBOARDS, and CHIPPED BLACK NAIL POLISH vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around MONTBELLO DISTRICT long enough!
TW FOR DEATH, DRINK DRIVING, AND CAR CRASH MENTIONS which are brief and tagged accordingly when they start and end.
NAME: ryder sydney.
NIKNAMES: the ghost (formally)
AGE: thirty-three. 
BIRTHDAY: 14th july.
GENDER AND PRONOUNS: non-binary, they/he/any (they/he was used by my nico’s partner in a recent interview so i’m under the assumption that’s the ones nico uses the most but they also said any pronouns are welcome!) 
SEXUALITY: pansexual and polysexual.
OCCUPATION: professional bare-knuckle boxer (formally), personal trainer.
an older brother (deceased)
kyo’s unofficial coach / friend. 
angelo’s online date. 
esme's daughter's father (recently back in contact with).
former boxing rivalry.
gym friends.
HAIR COLOUR: brown, sometimes dyed platinum.
HEIGHT: 6 foot 1.
TATTOOS: literally too many to mention.
SCARS: many from fighting including but not limited to knuckles, eyebrows, and bottom lip.
OTHER: also has deformed ears from hematoma auris (cauliflower ear) due to repeated trauma to that area. 
Ryder Sydney comes from a long line of established fighters, from bare-knuckle boxers to more recently mixed martial artists there’s not one generation that hasn’t been involved somehow. That being said, the relationship with the majority of his family is nonexistent. His family, particularly his father and uncles, only acted as relentless coaches. All the siblings were trained at a young age to keep their renowned family name relevant in the industry. In their household praise was rare as there was always something to improve on and “punishments” were harsh which Ryder, always the most rebellious one, was the brunt of. If there’s one thing that runs in their family and it’s violence and impulsiveness so it’s no surprise that he’s carried those traits from a young age too. 
TW FOR DEATH, DRINK DRIVING, AND CAR CRASH MENTIONS: Despite everything that has happened in Ryder’s life, the thing that impacts them the most is the night that one of their older brothers died. The person they were the closest to. They remember everything so vividly from him coming to pick them up in his new car, to speeding through the roads outside of the city, and the sudden loud stop and that’s when their memory stops. Little did Ryder know that their brother had been drinking and little did they know that only one person was going to make it out. Ryder has a million and one conflicting feelings about what happened (which also inspired his stage name) but still to this day they’ll never be a passenger in any car. END OF TWS.
As he got older he wanted to separate himself from the Sydney name so he adopted a stage name “The Ghost” and that’s what he fought with for his entire bare-knuckle boxing career from street fighting all the way to bare-knuckle boxing championships. He was good at it too. Earning him several titles. But it all came at a heavy price. Through the years Ryder suffered multiple injuries, from broken bones to repeated concussions that forced them to reluctantly retire. Always being one to try and hide their injuries it was a challenge to have to face them and come to terms that their body couldn’t withstand the gruelling training and matches no more. 
Came out as non-binary and pansexual after he retired.
Ryder’s still trying to find his place now he’s not competing. 
While coming across as quiet and grumpy, most people will be lucky to get a sentence out of him, Ryder’s not aggressive unless prompted which is in stark contrast to how he looks and his history in boxing. While he prefers to spend time by himself but that doesn’t negate the fact that those close to them get his light-hearted and mischievous side.
Is known to skateboard down a road in the pitch black of night for the adrenaline rush. 
Due to their upbringing, they’ve always had an insatiable hunger to be better than they were yesterday. It has driven them to perform bigger stunt stunts and take up bigger fights than the last. Even as a child Ryder would think they could make impossible jumps on their skateboard, and while some of them he made, more often than not he’d end up with scrapes and having to push themselves home on a skateboard with a broken ankle. This is still evident in how even today if Ryder doesn’t feel as though they’re progressing regularly they’d feel disgustingly stagnant and restless and will do anything to feel as though they’re not.
template credit @ lupusaustralis
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drforambhuta · 7 months
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Targeted Therapy:
Precision or targeted therapies encompass medications engineered to disrupt specific molecules implicated in the progression of cancer. In contrast to conventional chemotherapy's broad impact on fast-dividing cells, precision therapies selectively target cancer cells while preserving healthy tissue integrity. These drugs aim at various molecular pathways involved in cancer development, including signaling cascades, angiogenesis, and DNA repair mechanisms.
An illustrative example of precision therapy is the application of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) in treating specific cancer types like non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). TKIs hinder the activity of particular tyrosine kinases, crucial enzymes in cancer-promoting cell signaling pathways. By obstructing these kinases, TKIs effectively inhibit tumor growth and extend patient survival.
Likewise, monoclonal antibodies represent another form of precision therapy, binding to specific proteins on cancer cell surfaces, initiating immune-mediated tumor destruction. These antibodies can also be combined with cytotoxic agents or radioactive isotopes to heighten their anti-cancer properties.
Personalized Chemotherapy:
While precision therapies are central to personalized medicine, tailored chemotherapy remains vital in cancer treatment. Tailored chemotherapy involves customizing traditional cytotoxic drugs to suit the unique characteristics of each patient's tumor. This may involve adjusting drug doses, combining different agents, or selecting chemotherapy regimens based on tumor biology and patient-specific factors.
One approach to tailored chemotherapy utilizes predictive biomarkers to identify patients likely to respond positively to specific chemotherapy drugs. For example, certain mutations in the BRCA genes are associated with increased sensitivity to platinum-based chemotherapy in breast and ovarian cancers. By identifying these biomarkers, oncologists can identify patients who will benefit most from a particular chemotherapy regimen while minimizing potential toxicity for others.
Furthermore, progress in pharmacogenomics, which explores how genetic variations affect drug response, has provided insights into individual differences in drug metabolism and toxicity. By analyzing patients' genetic profiles, oncologists can predict their likelihood of experiencing adverse effects or poor response to chemotherapy drugs, enabling personalized dose adjustments and treatment optimization.
Early cancer detection and management is important for an improved success rate in cancer treatment. You can undergo regular health checkups to get diagnosed for cancer at an early-stage. There are many good hospitals in Mumbai that offer health checkup packages for cancer screening, such as a full body health checkup at Saifee Hospital Mumbai, which is one of the best hospitals in the country.
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gloamingdawn · 2 years
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November 20 - Day 1 Instinct / Neglect
Ashraniel had been a handful since the day he’d come into her life; the first child born in the city at the turn of Silvermoon’s new year, something Meryn had taken the liberty of confirming with every hospital and clinic behind the Shepherd’s Gate. The noblewoman witch she’d been working for had deemed it auspicious. It annoyed her that it probably was, greater forces than her had an awful hard time leaving her family alone, and Lyn had warded his room and their small cabin as best as she could against the outside looking in — whether friend or foe.
He was three this year, and full of the mischief that grew off of the terrible twos. Sunny blonde hair fell in soft waves to his shoulders, but she could see where the red undertones had started to fill in from the platinum he’d been born with. Part of her hoped desperately he’d keep that flaxen color, maybe time would be kind and he would. It felt inevitable as the freckles that had started to appear on the swells of his cheeks, the bridge of his nose and the rounds of his shoulders that in time he’d be as ginger as she was.
Summer had always been their most idyllic time. Ash toddled full speed into the kitchen in his pull on shorts, carrying a small foraging pail and shovel, a gift from his uncles, and proclaimed at a volume well beyond their ‘inside voice’ lessons, “Mommaaaaa I want to go to the BEACH!”
This was not unusual; he’d loved the sea and the sand as much as she had since he had been old enough to really appreciate it. Lyn sighed and nodded, “Alright, you can be out there until it’s time for lunch, okay? Will you find me four shells?” They had been working on counting, and it was something to keep him occupied while she cooked.
Ash counted on his fingers until he got to five, then backed off back to four and nodded, “Four. Okay!”
His excitement was palpable as she propped open the cabin door and walked with him out onto the porch that descended directly into the sand and then the surf a few yards beyond, “Remember Ash, stay where I can see you from the windows, and if the waves can touch your feet…?”
“I am too close!” He nodded emphatically before taking off down the shallow slope, bucket and shovel bobbling in his hands.
Some would call this gentle supervision neglect, but their small spit of coastline was safe enough and it let him have some independence — similar to the kind she’d had growing up deep in the woods, able to go on grand adventures without either of her parents around to keep an eye.
She was only about halfway through the mornay sauce for his ‘macaroni cheese’ when a toddler shriek erupted from outside; he wasn’t old enough yet to be able to split the difference in tone between ‘extreme fun’ and ‘being murdered’ and in a flash she was out the door, conjured spear in her runescarred hands. By the time she’d made it to where he’d plopped down in the sand, the crying had started, and Ash managed through pitiful sobs, “Momma it bit me.”
A blue strand crab sat frozen in the bottom of the bucket, both claws out in defense and ready to pinch again.
Lyn sighed and dismissed her spear, heart rate settling. There was a lesson here for him, too, she knew. He held up his arms and she scooped him up, letting him sniffle into her shoulder as she gathered up the bucket holding the fair caught, decently sized crab and a couple shells, “I’ll take a look once we’re inside and we can put some ice on where it’s hurting. After we’re done with lunch we can go back out and I’ll help you find more shells, okay?”
It was enough for now, and he’d be able to settle a little while she re-made the sauce and steamed his catch. He was still picky and only wanted the cheese and noodles, but she was looking forward to having a little extra protein with hers.
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cavewomania · 2 years
Danganronpa 1 Ship Names List
Inspired by ship names of old, these are ship names I made for Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc that aren't portmanteaus of their names. Some were created by others but most were made by myself. These were made for fun, not for war, and most are rather stupid, please enjoy.
Asahina Aoi x Celestia Ludenberg: Hold the Salt Enoshima Junko: Fashion Forward Fujisaki Chihiro: Water Damage Fukawa Toko: Tampons Need Apply Hagakure Yasuhiro: Tides of Fortune Ikusaba Mukuro: Cutting Knife Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Dress Code Jill: Busty and the Brash Kirigiri Kyoko: Donut and Coffee Kuwata Leon: Beachballs Maizono Sayaka: Picture Perfect Naegi Makoto: Seaweed Ogami Sakura: Beauty and the Beast Owada Mondo: Butter Spread Togami Byakuya: Sea of Green Yamada Hifumi: Sweet n' Salty
Celestia Ludenberg x Enoshima Junko: Jingūbashi Meetup Fujisaki Chihiro: Deep Blue Fukawa Toko: Fahrenheit 451 Hagakure Yasuhiro: Yasuhiro Party Ikusaba Mukuro: Cut-Throat Methods Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Orderly Fashion Jill: Blackjack Kirigiri Kyoko: Poker Face Kuwata Leon: Tounge Tied Maizono Sayaka: Platinum Album Naegi Makoto: Royal Flush Ogami Sakura: Cherry Pits Owada Mondo: Drag Party Togami Byakuya: Money Maam Yamada Hifumi: Beauhemian
Enoshima Junko x Fujisaki Chihiro: Digital Edition Fukawa Toko: Gal's Alphabet Hagakure Yasuhiro: Doomsday Predictions Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Modeling Careers Jill: Criminal Minds Kirigiri Kyoko: Luckster's Roommates Kuwata Leon: Childish Dreams Maizono Sayaka: Bubblegum Pop Naegi Makoto: Ultimate Despairs Ogami Sakura: Ouroboros Owada Mondo: Tough Love Togami Byakuya: Glass Ceilings Yamada Hifumi: Alpha and the Omega
Fujisaki Chihiro x Fukawa Toko: Shrinking Violets Hagakure Yasuhiro: Telescope Duo Ikusaba Mukuro: Landmines Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Line by Line Jill: Dust Bunnies Kirigiri Kyoko: Access Codes Kuwata Leon: Cyberpunk Maizono Sayaka: Vocaloid Naegi Makoto: Bug Tester Ogami Sakura: Iron Hearts Owada Mondo: Man's Promise Togami Byakuya: Bitcoin Yamada Hifumi: Inside the Screen
Fukawa Toko x Hagakure Yasuhiro: Fortune Smeller Ikusaba Mukuro: Memwar Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Admiration Party Jill: ...?! Kirigiri Kyoko: Mystery Novel Kuwata Leon: Sports Journal Maizono Sayaka: Poetry Stars Naegi Makoto: Papercut Ogami Sakura: Writers Block Owada Mondo: Smoke n' Mirrors Togami Byakuya: Stinking Rich Yamada Hifumi: Fantasy Party
Hagakure Yasuhiro x Ikusaba Mukuro: Battle Plan Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Odds and Evens Jill: Organ Donor Kirigiri Kyoko: Fog Cutter Kuwata Leon: Weather Forcast Maizono Sayaka: Starry-Eyed Naegi Makoto: Lucky Charms Ogami Sakura: Ogre and the Idiot Owada Mondo: Biker's Instinct Togami Byakuya: Fortune 500 Yamada Hifumi: Just Deserts
Ikusaba Mukuro x Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Historical Accuracy Jill: Hungry Like a Wolf Kirigiri Kyoko: Secret Service Kuwata Leon: Strike Out Maizono Sayaka: Pop Grenade Naegi Makoto: Herbivore Party Ogami Sakura: Martial Law Owada Mondo: Built Like a Tank Togami Byakuya: Bounty Hunters Yamada Hifumi: Commission Work
Ishimaru Kiyotaka x Jill: School Scissors Kirigiri Kyoko: Lavender Detergent Kuwata Leon: Batting Average Maizono Sayaka: Radiowave Standards Naegi Makoto: Honesty is King Ogami Sakura: Protein Bars Owada Mondo: Motormouths Togami Byakuya: Suit Up Yamada Hifumi: Dork Party
Jill x Kirigiri Kyoko: Splitting Hairs Kuwata Leon: Punk Goes the Weasel Maizono Sayaka: Tounge Twister Naegi Makoto: Lucky Buns Ogami Sakura: Not for Hire Owada Mondo: Bike Jam Togami Byakuya: Two for One Deal Yamada Hifumi: Danganronpa Fans
Kuwata Leon x Maizono Sayaka: Disco Ball Naegi Makoto: Lucky Strike Ogami Sakura: Strongarms Owada Mondo: Pancake Batter Togami Byakuya: Dyed Blond Yamada Hifumi: First Second and Third
Maizono Sayaka x Naegi Makoto: Shooting Star Ogami Sakura: Power Ballad Owada Mondo: Stereo Speakers Togami Byakuya: Golden Voice Yamada Hifumi: Waltz
Naegi Makoto x Ogami Sakura: Pushing Our Limits Owada Mondo: Bears, Seriously? Togami Byakuya: Jackpot Yamada Hifumi: Antennas n' Arrows
Ogami Sakura x Owada Mondo: Honorable Delinquent Togami Byakuya: Rich n' Richer Yamada Hifumi: Calligrapher's Punch
Owada Mondo x Togami Byakuya: Beyond Words Yamada Hifumi: Hot Potato
Togami Byakuya x Yamada Hifumi: Copyright Infringement
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