#Plata O Plomo
tha-wrecka-stow · 1 month
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mf-st4rb0y · 9 months
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bigdinero · 2 years
Starting 2023 with a Money spread 💶🏁🇪🇺
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Soulfly - Plata O Plomo
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adribosch-fan · 2 years
Rosario: el feudo narco, su corrupción y sus escandalosas instituciones
Rosario: el feudo narco, su corrupción y sus escandalosas instituciones
PLATA O PLOMO Rosario es la capital del crimen, producto de una sombría trama que relaciona políticos, jueces de alta jerarquía, legisladores y policías con el poder narco. Rosario es el epicentro principal de los narcos que hunde a sus ciudadanos en la absoluta violencia e inseguridad. En un suplemento del diario La Nación, una ardua investigación de Hugo Alconada Mon y Germán de los Santos de…
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gogciety-moved · 7 months
🐱: say, 'am i pretty? yes or no?' (x2)
🐱: say, '[pay me] money to eat my ass.'
🐱: say, 'silver or lead?' (meaning to either accept a bribe or die?)
🐱: say, 'i want you' (which, important to note, george is convinced means 'i love you')
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cartelheir · 10 months
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pat at horrible people: 😍😍
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nightskied · 2 years
verse tags bc i'm tired . pt 1.
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i learned just how ruthless Pablo Escobar was.
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Known as the "King of Cocaine," Pablo Escobar was a notorious Colombian drug lord who headed the Medellín Cartel. His ruthlessness and cunning tactics contributed to his rise as one of the wealthiest and most feared criminals in history. Throughout his reign, he showed no mercy to those who stood in his way, employing brutal tactics to maintain power and instill fear.
Escobar's rise to power began in the 1970s when he started smuggling cocaine into the United States. As his operations expanded, he eliminated rival drug traffickers and built alliances with powerful criminal organizations. He was responsible for a significant portion of the world's cocaine supply, which fueled his vast fortune and enabled him to construct an empire of terror.
One of the most ruthless aspects of Escobar's rule was his use of sicarios, or hitmen. These individuals were often recruited from poor neighborhoods and were fiercely loyal to him. They were responsible for carrying out assassinations, kidnappings, and acts of violence on behalf of the cartel. It's estimated that the Medellín Cartel was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people during its existence, including police officers, judges, politicians, and innocent civilians.
To maintain control and evade law enforcement, Escobar employed a strategy known as "plata o plomo," which translates to "silver or lead." This phrase meant that officials and others in positions of power were offered a choice: accept a bribe (silver) or face the consequences, usually in the form of violence or death (lead). Many who refused his bribes were brutally murdered, serving as a chilling reminder to others of the consequences of defiance.
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One of the most significant displays of Escobar's ruthlessness occurred in the late 1980s when he waged war against the Colombian government. In an effort to avoid extradition to the United States, he unleashed a wave of terror that included bombings, assassinations, and kidnappings. The most notorious of these attacks was the bombing of Avianca Flight 203 in 1989, which killed all 107 passengers on board. The target was presidential candidate Cesar Gaviria, who was not on the flight, but the cartel showed no remorse for the loss of innocent lives.
Escobar was also known to hold lavish parties and indulge in extravagant displays of wealth. However, this opulence was built on the suffering of countless individuals who fell victim to the violence and addiction caused by his drug empire. Despite his brutal reputation, he was regarded as a Robin Hood figure by some in Colombia, as he provided housing and support for the poor in his hometown of Medellín.
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“I respectfully decline!” Episode 4 vs Episode 14
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Plata o Plomo (Silver or Lead), or Make an Offer That He Cannot Refuse
In these episodes, Yukiya, at first glance thought that he could refuse, but Wakamiya knew how to press the button in order for Yukiya to join him. Yukiya’s aim to be taken seriously beyond his bloodline coupled with protecting his family and his town Taruhi will be his ethos in the years to come to defend not only these but the whole Yamauchi as well. By that time, he’d volunteer himself. Wakamiya’s fervent wish would come true as it could be a matter of life and death (his).
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Episode 11: The Loyal Retainer
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*and X Ambassadors
Vote for your fave, reblog & share your thoughts and other faves (even outside of this list) in the tags I would love to hear it 😊😊
Check out my masterpost for the other artist polls 😊😊 thank you and have fun 😊😊
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manu444 · 8 months
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El Coquena: de origen quechua y calchaquí, y conocido por merodear en el noroeste del país. Es el guardián de los animales del cerro, en especial las vicuñas, las llamas y los guanacos. Se mantiene invisible a lo humanos la mayoría del tiempo, dejando sólo a los animales que guía que lo vean. Algunas leyendas dicen que una de sus manos es de plomo, para castigar a los cazadores imprudentes y a los malos arrieros; y la otra de lana, para acariciar a los animales. Recompensa a los cazadores medidos y a los buenos arrieros con oro y plata de su fortuna.
La Telesita: su nombre real era Telésfora Castillo, y vivía en el monte de Santiago del Estero. Le encantaba bailar, y nunca faltaba a ninguna fiesta o festival. Por eso fue tan extraño cuando, un día, no apareció en una fiesta. Cuando fueran a buscarla, encontraron su rancho quemándose con ella adentro. Los vecinos decidieron honrarla usando aquello que a ella tanto le gustaba en vida, el baile. Y, con el tiempo, la gente empezó a rezarle y pedirle favores a cambio de bailar en su honor. A sorpresa de todos, los pedidos eran concedidos siempre sin falta. A estos bailes se les empezó a llamar "La Telesiada".
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palioom · 10 months
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thank you @iamasaddie for tagging me 🖤
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counting all my finished works from this year was insane, not gonna lie. 80 works (yes, eighty!!) include my 31 kinktober pieces, as well as everything I haven't uploaded just yet. on top of that come 9 more chapters of the series i've been working on for a while now... damn.
thank you to everyone I got to know here this year, as well as everyone who's supported me in some way, i love y'all so much 🖤
my top fics (random order)
1. The Bereaved Dunes by @aurasjournal
no one knows Oberyn like Aura does, and this piece broke me
2. Plata o Plomo Studios by maryuo723
i've only discovered it this year but damn, it had me so obsessed (especially Polished Jewel and Miss (y/n Learns Some Manners)
3. The Dress Series by @janaispunk
this has me in a tight grip and honestly, no one writes Dave like Jana does, can't wait to see where it goes!!
4. Uninhibited by @ozarkthedog
Dieter fucking drugs into you??? still screaming about the idea
5. Wet Work (Or: How To Lose Your Rental Deposit In Two Easy Steps) by loversandantiheroes
i keep thinking about this occasionally and have been since i read it at the beginning of this year
there's so many more I wish I could add, honestly, but these are some of my absolute favourites!
tagging everyone who wants to do it!!
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hender-ka · 8 months
this is not plata o plomo
this is help me please
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Un día mi abuela a sus 90 años me enseñó la insubordinación. Apareció aquella tarde entre nosotros diciéndole a mi madre: “Puta… sos puta… puta”. Cuando se aburría divagaba o insultaba, buscando la reacción de cualquiera de nosotrxs. Entonces se desataba algún tipo de diálogo surrealista posmoderno entre la sordera de ella y nuestra torpe pedagogía geriátrica. A veces esto pasaba mientras queríamos escuchar alguna noticia, o alguien hablaba por teléfono, o había visitas, tratábamos de que terminara su práctica indecorosa lo más pronto posible, alcanzaba con señalar a la visita, al teléfono o a la tele para que entendiera que no era momento para jugar a ver quién puteaba más. Y este era el caso: mi padre intentaba escuchar una noticia desde la tele, pero ni él ni mi madre pudieron hacerla callar. Esto pasaba cuando la abuela tomaba plena conciencia de que debía dar por terminado su ritual, y sin embargo justo ese día no tenía ganas de comportarse de forma civilizada, entonces intensificaba su actividad, sus puteadas, y el volumen de su voz. Así que ella seguía como un tren imparable de puteadas al aire, “puta puta sos una puta” en un tono monocorde como quién está hablando de lo lindo que está el día o de qué caras que están las papas. Tomé cartas en el asunto. Me paré frente a ella, mirándola a sus ojos acuosos, insultantes, lúdicos, impúdicos, milenarios. -¿Qué? –me dice, y señala a su hija –Si es una puta… Mi madre ya no podía contener la risa, ni mi padre sus protestas académicas. Con mi mano izquierda hice la señal universal de silencio, y con la derecha hice como que me cortaba la garganta con el índice. Silencio o muerte. Plata o plomo. La vieja me sostuvo la mirada, imperturbable ante la amenaza. Mi padre calló, mi madre calló, hasta la televisión calló. Y la vieja me dice, de manera pausada, metódica, sucia como mi amenaza, pero más filosa: -La concha de tu madre.
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(foto: la mano de mi abuela, una tarde como aquella)
Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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cartelheir · 2 years
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new year new tags
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